WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK 2001 - INSIGHTS Assessing Today's Supplies to Fuel Tomorrow's Growth Dr. Fatih Birol Head, Economic Analysis Division International Energy Agency / OECD World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights World Energy Outlook Series • World Energy Outlook 1998 • World Energy Outlook 1999 Insights Looking at Energy Subsidies: Getting the Prices Right • World Energy Outlook – 2000 • World Energy Outlook – 2001 Insights Assessing Today’s Supplies to Fuel Tomorrow’s Growth • World Energy Outlook – 2002 (forthcoming) • World Energy Outlook – 2003 Insights Global Energy Investment Outlook (planned) World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Why this study? • growing concerns over energy security, resource availability, supply costs and investments Objectives • identify and analyse factors behind medium/longterm energy supply trends • cost drivers at global and regional levels backbone of the study • ‘fuel-neutral’- no recommendation for fuel mix • no new set of projections World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Outline of the Study Executive Summary I. Background to the Study II. Oil III. Gas IV. Coal V. Renewables VI. Nuclear Fuels VII. Beyond 2020 World Energy Outlook 2001 Increase in Total World Energy Production Insights 5,000 Mtoe 4,000 3,000 OECD Non-OECD 2,000 1,000 0 1980-2000 2000-2020 Between now and 2020, nearly all increase in world energy production will come from outside the OECD World Energy Outlook 2001 Global Oil Supply Outlook Insights Main Findings (1) • Conventional reserves adequate to meet demand to 2020 and beyond • More oil will be extracted from existing reservoirs, and more oil will be found • Price stability and security of supply will depend on timely and massive investment World Energy Outlook 2001 Global Oil Supply Outlook Main Findings (2) Insights • Investment and costs will depend on sources of supply upstream technology government policies and industry developments • Much of the long-term supply growth will come from the Middle East and the FSU • Unconventional oil could play an increasingly important role World Energy Outlook 2001 USGS Resource Estimates Insights 4,000 2000 billion barrels 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1991 1984 1994 1987 940 730 1,500 960 1,000 500 720 0 1.1.81 1.1.85 1.1.90 1.1.93 1.1.96 effective assessment date Cumulative production Reserves growth Remaining reserves Undiscovered recoverable resources Year of Publication Remaining reserves assessments in billion barrels: 1,100 IHS Energy; 1,078 OPEC; 1,051 WEC Insights Longer Term Scenarios for Different Resource Estimates 70 Billion Barrels per Year World Energy Outlook 2001 (high) 2047 60 (mean) 2037 50 (low) 2026 40 2 % demand growth Decline: R/P = 10 30 20 10 0 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 History Low (2,248) 2025 2050 Mean (3,003) 2075 2100 2125 High (3,896) Year of peak production varies with resource estimate and decline rate assumption Insights Impact of Decline Rate on Investment 120 100 mb/d World Energy Outlook 2001 80 Cumulative new production required 60 Natural production decline Global production 40 20 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Decline rate assumption 5%; demand growth 2% Ö around 60 mb/d of additional production capacity World Energy Outlook 2001 Oil Total Supply Costs Insights Major Middle East Producers Russia Canada Unconventional Oil International Majors Gas-To-Liquids outlook Gas-To-Liquids 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 $/boe Major Middle East oil producers have a supply cost advantage World Energy Outlook 2001 OPEC Annual Oil Revenues Insights 700 600 $ billion 500 400 300 200 100 0 1997 Low price 2010 Reference scenario 2020 High price High prices reduce demand, increase non-OPEC and unconventional oil production and lower OPEC annual revenues The 20 Largest Oil Producing Companies World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights 50 45 40 35 Others 41% mb/d 30 25 97% 20 15 59% 10 5 ? Companies Owned by OPEC Countries 3% 0 1972 2000 2020 The majority of the Top 20 oil production is now operated by companies owned by OPEC countries. World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Growing Oil Import Dependence in Asia 1975 1999 2010 OECD Pacific 92 90 92 China 0 28 61 India 58 62 85 (%) In all key Asian regions, reliance on imported oil, in particular from the Middle East, will increase significantly. World Energy Outlook 2001 Global Gas Supply Outlook Insights • Gas markets poised for rapid growth • Resources are abundant.. • ..but getting the gas to market could involve rising costs • Costs will depend on distance to market upstream and transport technology government policies • New supply chains will promote market integration World Energy Outlook 2001 Proven Gas Reserves Insights 56.7 7.7 6.4 58.5 11.6 14.9 8.2 World total: 164 tcm at 1 January 2001 Ultimate remaining resources (including proven reserves) are an estimated 453 - 527 tcm World Energy Outlook 2001 Gas Transport Costs Insights Distances between reserves and markets Labour, rights-of-way and siting costs Pipeline Costs Stronger steels HP technology Deepwater pipe-laying LNG Costs Larger trains High-efficiency turbines de-bottlenecking Transport costs likely to rise in many cases as supply chains lengthen Insights Europe: Increase in Natural Gas Transportation 3,500 Trillion Cubic Meters - km World Energy Outlook 2001 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2000 2020 Gas transportation distance will increase and security will become more important. World Energy Outlook 2001 A Global Gas Market? Insights Potential New Gas Supply Chains Europe North America FSU Latin America Asia/Pacific Africa Pipeline Middle East LNG Expanding pipeline networks and new LNG projects will promote regional & global gas market integration World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Global Coal Supply Outlook • Coal remains the largest energy source for power generation • Vast and widely dispersed coal reserves contribute to energy price stability and energy security • Productivity improvements and competition keep coal supply costs stable • Environmental concerns pose the greatest challenge to future coal supply • Sustained investment in CCT are crucial to future of coal World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Proven Coal Reserves Middle East Africa Latin America South Asia East Asia China Transition Economies OECD Pacific OECD North America OECD Europe 0 50 100 150 200 billion tonnes 1999 Reserves 250 300 1978 Reserves Strong proved coal reserve growth closely correlates with strong coal production growth, which has occurred in regions with competitive commercial coal industries World Energy Outlook 2001 Global Coal Productivity Insights 4.5 1000 tonnes/miner/year 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 80 85 90 92 94 95 96 97 98 99 Advanced technology and economies of scale have reduced supply costs through improved mining productivity World Energy Outlook 2001 Coal Productivity Insights 1000 tonnes/miner/year 12 10 8 6 4 2 Commercial Subsidised China India Germany Poland Russia United Kingdom South Africa Colombia Canada United States Australia 0 Developing Advanced mining technology and management in key coal producing countries will ensure future productivity growth World Energy Outlook 2001 Coal Prices Insights • Less dependent on long-term contracts • Rapid evolution of steam-coal spot market • More flexible pricing mechanisms • Sustained price increases unlikely → diverse availability of competitivelypriced coal relative ease of market entry/exit for producers Impact of Environmental Policies World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights 1 000 900 gCO2/kWh 800 700 600 500 400 300 Conventional Supercritical Ultrasupercritical PFBC IGCC CCGT Future investments in coal supply hinge upon improvement of environmental performance World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Global Renewable Energy Supply Outlook • Resources are plentiful but present economic potential is limited • Environmental protection and security of supply are the largest benefits • Substantial cost reductions will be required • Economics could improve if benefits are reflected in costs • Government support will be necessary World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights OECD Renewable Electricity Generation 2020 1999 3% 10% 2% 1%0% 8% 1% 13% 75% 87% 1 921 TWh 1 471 TWh Hydro Bioenergy Geothermal Wind Solar, Other Most renewable energy is hydro, but the shares of wind, bioenergy and solar will increase World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Renewable Electricity Cost Assessment Current Cost Bioenergy Wind onshore Wind offshore Solar PV Solar Thermal Geothermal Hydro Cost Reductions by 2020 High 10%-15% Relatively low 15%-25% High 20%- 30% Very high 30%-50% Very high 30%+ High 10% Relatively low (higher 10% for mini-hydro) The cost of renewables will continue to fall but the rate and timing are uncertain Generating Costs World Energy Outlook 2001 OECD Europe Insights 2 1 0 2000 2010 Fossil fuels Onshore high wind Offshore high wind Offshore low wind 2020 Onshore low wind Wind may compete with fossil fuels within the next decade but intermittence and site availability could limit development World Energy Outlook 2001 PV Generating Costs Insights 70 cents/kWh 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Capacity factor (%) Current cost 50% Reduction 30% Reduction 70% Reduction PV is capital intensive and large cost reductions are necessary for it to become competitive World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Uranium Supply Outlook • Abundant reserves • No security of supply concern • Key factors affecting supply Demand for nuclear fuel Secondary supplies of uranium Future production in FSU countries • Government policies are key World Energy Outlook 2001 Beyond 2020 Insights • Technology advances will affect choice & cost of future energy systems • Key long-term supply uncertainties: oil - recovery rates & unconventional oil gas - transport costs & hydrates coal - combustion technologies (demand) renewables & nuclear - costs and environmental impact/policies • Hydrogen & carbon capture could revolutionise energy supply WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK 2001 - INSIGHTS Main Conclusions World Energy Outlook 2001 Fuelling Tomorrow’s World Insights • Proven energy reserves can meet demand to 2020 and well beyond • The principal uncertainty in the energy supply outlook is cost technology will lower costs but rising demand will have to be met by more distant reserves government policies matter too • Prices will also influence timing and amount of investment World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights Massive Investment will be Needed • Acquiring capital for the expansion of energy infrastructure is a major challenge • Non-OECD countries will need the bulk of investment • The lowering of market barriers will stimulate investment • Increased FDI and partnerships reduce investment risk and cost of capital World Energy Outlook 2001 Insights International Trade and Supply Security • Trade in fossil fuels will grow faster than demand • Oil - gas trade from Middle East and FSU to US, Europe and Asia will rise supply chains will lengthen security of international sea-lanes and pipelines will become more important • Geopolitical implications World Energy Outlook 2001 Role of Government Insights Regulatory & market frameworks Research & development Environmental policies & measures Energy security policies & measures ENERGY SUPPLY International trade rules Consumer-producer dialogue Government policies will shape the energy-supply landscape