Indian Lane PTG Volunteer Opportunities 2015-2016

Indian Lane PTG
Volunteer Opportunities
Help us and you’ll help your child succeed IN school!
Please check the areas below where you would like to get involved. The Committee Chairperson will
contact you as the event approaches with additional information. Please feel free to participate in as
many events as you wish.
Send completed form attention: PTG VOLUNTEER FORM.
Art Department
Art Show
Bingo Night
Birthday Bash
Board Games Club
Broadcast Club
Field Day
Grandparents Day
Holiday Extravaganza
Indian Lane Ink
Kindergarten Social
Market Day
Math Flash: Tools for
Mid-winter Festival
Movie Nights
Run the Lane 5K
Run/Walk and /Fun Run
Service Projects
Welcome Wagon
Yearbook Committee
Classroom helper, hallway displays
Pre-show preparations, water ice servers, hallway displays
Schedules and assists school-related assemblies
Baked goods table, dinner sales, set-up/clean-up
Set up/clean up cupcakes and juice for monthly birthdays in the
cafeteria at 3:00 pm
After school club supervision, assisting students
Assisting students once a week in the morning, videotaping
school events, burning DVDs
Assist school staff with lunch duty and playground supervision
Set-up/clean-up, operating stations, obtaining equipment,
serving water ice
Set-up/clean-up, sign-in table, operating elevator, hallway
Set-up/ clean-up, assist smaller children with shopping,
check-out, assist gingerbread house decoration, help serve
continental breakfast, Pre-build gingerbread houses
Set-up/clean-up, providing baked goods, fruit trays, etc.
Finding trivia, editing, scanning pictures, photography
Help plan and assist at the social, set-up/clean-up
Assists librarian and students, assists with book fairs
Distribute frozen food orders once a month
Assists teacher/students by running math flash card drills
Food sales ,plan games, monitor games, set-up clean-up
Set-up/clean-up, snack bar attendants
Find sponsors, donations, check in, water stations, publicity,
set up/clean up all benefits NK Smiles
MLK Day - Day of Service, Food and Clothing Drives
Acclimate new families to the school
Photography, help to coordinate, plan and organize the
PTG Talent & Service
Grades child(ren) will be attending in September: __ K-AM
__ K-PM
Our family would love to share its talents! Please call us for the following:
Services we wish to provide for PTG events:
 carpentry services
 electrical services
 paint
 hall/restaurant
 food service/cater
 DJ
 cut out items at home
 take pictures
 videotape school/classroom events
 artist
 internet safety
 landscaping
 musician
 baking
 burn DVDs at home
 sew
 graphic artist
 tutor
 other______________________________________________________________
Equipment We Can Loan to the School:
 moon bounce
 water slide
Additional information:
 carnival equipment
 tents