U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-5061-16 Army Regulation 672-16 SECNAVINST 5061.16 AFI 36-2840(1) Decorations, Awards, and Honors Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award Headquarters Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Alr Force, Washington, DC 15 May 1998 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARYof CHANGE Army Regulation 672-16 SECNAVINST 5061.16 AFI 36-2840(1) Headquarters Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Alr Force, Washington, DC 15 May 1998 Decorations, Zachary and Elizabeth Acing, of the Army 1998 and Honors Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award of he Navy, and the Alr force: RODNEY JOHN H. DALTON Secrerary ot m Navy M. WALKER Swrerary Awards, By Order of the SScretanes &$b”7.L+&&_ ROBERT 15 June Effective hst$lnt R9serw A. COLEMAN Setretaq of 7!e Air Force (Man-, A h%m Ins fadamrs & Ewrronmerrr) izz..’ziii?i? EIEiNARD ROSTKER ALwmsfrr Secreruy of the Navy (Manpvar History. This prlntlng of tic .*Y Depmmcnt publishes rcguiauon. J ICX Summary. This gudancc exrblisncs :hc Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Dls[mgu!shcd Civilian Humanitanan Award, [t prescribes the eligibility requirements and tie nomrrrat­ mg and seiccrion cri~eria for the Jward. and prowdcs tbe responsibilirics and procedures Recornmendwon Cornrrut­ of the Selection and Reserve Affam) 1711s guldancc conmms management conmoi provisions In ~ccordancc wl[h AR i 1-2 uid DircctIve 36-28. It Impiemcms .AF Policy does nol contmn checklists for assessing marmgcment conuols. Altemalvc management control rewcws are used 10 accomplish assessment of management controls. Compliance with this guidance is mandatory. Supptementatlon. This guidance Suggested and exception authority. Proponent The proponent of this grndance is tie AssIsI­ ant Secrctaq of the Army for Manpower and Reseme Affairs. The aurhonties in this regu­ kmon arc retained by tie Secretary of *C .%-my and may not bc delegated. arc invtted [o send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) direcdy to tie Assistant Secretary of the .-y (Manpower and Reserve Affairs). .A~: SAMR-CPP-MP. zoo Slowdl Strce(. ,Mexandrra. VA 22332-0300. ,-411other users WIII subrmt their comments and suggcs(ed Army management cOtltSffltS (Listed Chapter I lrttroductlon, control by paragraph page and page Authority Background Descnptton � Rccommendimon in dre Selec­ Cotrumttcc. Dlstributlon. Army To be distrrbutcd Initial Army users m accordance witi Number I IDN) 095552. Distribuuon intended for command levels C. D. md E for the Active Army. the .%-my .Nauorral Guard. and the U.S. AITIY Rcser:e. Navy: SNDL PUTS I utd 2. Air Force: F ~Compiiancc wi[h {his publica­ tion IS mandmo~ Marine I \lARCORPS Corps: 7100000WX PC?( orsd “1000000100 Crrteria 3-1. page 1 Eligibility 3-2. page 1 Period of service 3-3. page Awarding 34. page 1 � � � � Chapter 2 Background The DA Com­ Chapter 3 Criteda and Ellgiblllty for the ZachaW and Elizabeth Fisher Dlstlngulshed Chdllan Humartltarian Award, page / .umOer) � � management. or on [heir process. / Purpose 1-1. prrge 1 1-2. page 1 References Explanation of abbreviations [--$. page Responsibilities Improvements. CommHtee uon be supplemented. This guidance applies to tic Army. the Navy, the Air Force. and the \fa­ rine Corps. by mcmorarxlum form. mitlec Marmgemcnt Officer concurs esmblishmcnt of the \lult]-Departrnent WIII not tcc. Appllcablllty. lmprovcmcms own agency and terms � 1-3. page 1 I � 1 and Descrlptlon, paqe Chapter 4 Nominating Responslbllltles, page 1 Presentation, I Procedures, Nominating responsibilities 4-1. page Norninatlon procedures +2. page 2 Award presentation 4-3. page ? 2-1, page 1 2-2. page 1 2-3. page 1 � and Award J � � � � AR 672-16/SECNAVINST 5061. 16/AFl 36-2840(1) UNCLASSIFIED � 15 May 1998 I —. .- Contenttiontlnued Appendix A. References. ptig? -1 Glossaq Index AR 672-16/SECNAVINST 5061 .16/AFl 36-2840(1) � 15 May 1998