U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-5000-34b DE PA RTMENTOF OF FICEOF 1000 NAVY WASHINGTON, THE THE NAVY SECRETARY PENTAGON D. C.2035O-1OOO SECNAVINST 5000.34B USN (ASP) 13 August 1998 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 5000.34B From: To: Secretary All Ships Subj : OVERSIGHT OF COMPARTMENTED PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DON) of the Navy and Stations AND SENSITIVE ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE Encl : and Membership (1) Senior Review Board Jurisdiction and Membership. (2) Special Programs Review Group Jurisdiction Review Board Jurisdiction and Membership (3) Special Activities Ref: (a) DoD Directive 0-5205.7, Special Access Program (SAP) Policy, 13 Jan 97 (NOTAL) s5460.3B, Control of Special Access Programs Within the (b) SECNAVINST Department of the Navy (U), 30 Aug 91 (NOTAL) Activities, 25 Apr 88 (c) DoD Directive 5240.1, DoD Intelligence (NOTAL ) (d) SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities Within the Department of the Navy, 26 Aug 88 (NOTAL) 22 May 97 (NOTAL) (e) DoD Directive 5240.2, DoD Counterintelligence, 3850.2B, Department of the Navy Counterintelligence, (f) SECNAVINST 24 Feb 91 (NOTAL) (g) DoD Directive S521O.36, Provision of DoD Sensitive Support to DoD Components and Other Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government (U), 10 Jun 86 (NOTAL) (h) DoD Directive 5525.5, DoD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials, 15 Jan 1986 (NOTAL) 5820.7B, Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement (i) SECNAVINST Officials, 28 Mar 88 5520.3B, Criminal and Security Investigations and (j) SECNAVINST Related Activities Within the Department of the Navy, 4 Jan 93 s381O.5A, Management of Foreign Intelligence, (k) SECNAVINST Counterintelligence and Investigative Activities within the Department of the Navy (U), 22 Apr 85 (NOTAL) (1) SECNAVINST 3820.2D, Investigative and Counterintelligence Collection and Retention Guidelines Pertaining to the Department of the Navy, 20 Aug 80 for Use of Emergency and (m) SECNAVINST 7042.12A, Guidelines Extraordinary Expense Funding for Intelligence and Investigative Purposes, 13 Nov 86 (NOTAL) (n) SECNAVINST 7042.7H, Guidelines for Use of Official Representation Funds, 5 Dec 90 (NOTAL) (o) CJCSI 2420.OIA, United States Freedom of Navigation Program and Sensitive Area Reporting, 18 Dec 95 (NOTAL) (p) CJCSM 3500.03, Joint Training Manual for the Armed Forces of the United States, 01 Jun 96 (NOTAL) (q) CJCSI 3250.01, Policy Guidance for Sensitive Airborne and Maritime Surface Reconnaissance Operations, 06 May 94 (NOTAL) Subject, 23 NOV 95 (NOTAL) (r) CJCSI 3250.02, Classified for Approving Operational (s) CJCSI 3710.01, Delegation of Authority Support to Drug Law Enforcement Agencies and Counterdrug–Related Deployment of DOD Personnel, 28 May 93 (NOTAL) SECNAVINST 5000.34B 13 4U6 1998 (t) SECNAVINST (U) 1. 5730.13, Congressional Notification of Intelligence Matters Having Significant Operational or Acquisition Consequences, 29 Sep 95 (IJOTAL) of the Navy Internal Audit, 11 Ott 91 SECNAVINST 751O.7E, Department Purpose a. To assign the Under Secretary of the Navy responsibility for the oversight of compartmented activities within the DON. (UNSECNAV) authority and programs and sensitive b. To establish policy and assign responsibility for the oversight compartmented programs and sensitive activities within the DON. of c. To establish a Senior Review Board (SRB), Special Programs Review Review Board (SARB) to assist the Under Group (SPRG) and Sensitive Activities Secretary of the Navy with oversight functions as appropriate. This instruction is a complete revision which should be read in its entirety. UNSECNAV Memorandum dated 15 January 1993(U) (Subject: Cancellation. 2. Oversight of Compartmented Activities in the DON (NOTAL)); SECNAVINST 5000.34A. Scope and Applicability. This instruction governs all sensitive 3. control of the activities which are under the jurisdiction and operational and activities and their personnel, DON . It applies to all components supporting contractors and consultants. 4. Background a. References (a) and (b) authorize the establishment or continuation of Special Access Programs (SAPS) only when absolutely necessary to protect the nation’s most sensitive and critical information or when required by statute. Establishment of SAPS shall be consistent with law, treaty, policy and regulation, and be based on a determination that the threat and/or Reference (a) further requires DON vulnerability warrant enhanced protection. to establish mechanisms to ensure adequate management, administration and oversight of DON SAPS. b. Reference (c) requires that all intelligence activities shall be carried out in strict conformity with the U.S. Constitution, applicable laws, It further requires Executive Order 12333, and other relevant DoD Directives. all DoD intelligence component employees to report all intelligence activities that may violate a U.S. law, Executive Order, presidential Directive, or applicable DoD policy to the Inspector General or General Counsel responsible Reference (d) implements for the DoD intelligence component involved. Additional guidance on counterintelligence is reference (c) within DON. provided at references (e) and (f) . c. References (g) through (n) describe additional activities which including support for come under the purview of this instruction, counterintelligence programs, counterterrorism training and operations, support to civilian law enforcement agencies. 5. may and Policy a. Activities covered by this instruction shall be conducted in strict and policies. accordance with all governing laws, statutes, orders, directives Maintaining oversight of compartmented programs and sensitive activities is 2 SECNAVINST 5000.34B 13 N.J619/ld essential to achieving this objective. shall special and sensitive activities with this instruction. Therefore, be provided all SAPS, oversight intelligence, in accordance b. In accordance with 10 U.S.C. S 5013, the Secretary of the Navy is responsible for, inter alia, the effective supervision and control of all matters related t=mp=mented programs and sensitive activities within DON. In accordance with 10 U.S.C. SS 5013(f) and 5015(b), and by delegation from the Secretary, final authority for all activities within the purview of this instruction lies solely with the Under Secretary of the Navy, except where In the absence of expressly redelegate by the Under Secretary of the Navy. the Under Secretary, the responsibilities assigned to him herein shall be by the exercised by the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), or as redelegate SECNAV . c. Oversight encompasses more than a review for compliance with U.S. Meaningful oversight includes a broad policy, directive and regulation. review of compartmented program and sensitive activity goals, objectives, resources. law and This instruction is not intended to alter or impose duplicate d. reporting and advance coordination for operational matters which already occurs for support to civilian law enforcement as set forth in reference (i) .­ reconnaissance operations or counterdrug or for sensitive military activities, support pursuant to references (o) through (s) . lmy intelligence matter having significant operational or acquisition cons~quences for DON shall, at the direction of the Under Secretary of the Navy, be reported to Congress in accordance with reference (t) . does not constitute authority for any DON component f. This instruction programs, or person to initiate, conduct or support compartmented intelligence, sensitive or special activities without requisite prior approval by an appropriate official. 6. Definitions a. including Civilian agency. of one of the (1) the United States (other than the U.S. Coast Guard) ; (2) a State thereof) ti agency (or political the Department subdivision (3) a Commonwealth, Territory of the United States. following thereof) or Possession jurisdictions: of Defense, of the United (or political but States; subdivision An officer or employee of a b. Civilian Law Enforcement Official. civilian agency with responsibility for enforcement of the laws within the jurisdiction of that agency. Compartmented Program. A program established to protect and control c. sensitive intelligence access to particularly sensitive information, *, and special access programs. sources and methods; operational planning; Access to such programs is limited to individuals with a specific need for such information and who are therefore given specific security accesses and indoctrination for that purpose. 3 SECNAVINST 5000.34B 13 AU6 1998 d. Information gathered and activities conducted to Counterintelligence. other intelligence activities, sabotage conducted protect against espionage, persons, or terrorist for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations, activities, but not including personnel, physical, document or communications security programs. e. Measures used Cover. operations from identification to protect funding, personnel, with clandestine activities. plans or The collection, production and dissemination f. Intelligence Activities. of foreign intelligence and counterintelligence by DON intelligence components activity may be a sensitive authorized by reference (c) . An intelligence activity. 9. Intelligence Within Components. the DON, refers to: (1) the Office of the Director of Naval Intelligence the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) ; (2) the Office (3) Director, (4) Marine Marine Corps (5) the Naval (6) Marine of Naval (7) intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Support within Intelligence; Corps Security (CNO(N2)) Group Activity Staff (CI); (MCIA); Command; Battalion; and counterintelligence elements of the U.S. Marine Corps; (8) the counterintelligence Investigative Service; (9) Naval and Marine Corps elements Reserve (10) other DON organizations, intelligence activities. of the Naval Intelligence staffs and offices Criminal Programs; when and engaged in Activities in support of h. Non-Intelligence Sensitive Activity. national security or foreign policy objectives of the United States which may involve: the potential for public embarrassment or controversy; physical risks to DON property or personnel; or some type of adverse military or diplomatic These activities may include support to reaction to the proposed activity. civilian law enforcement as specified in reference (i) . i. Questionable Activity. tiy conduct that may applicable law, treaty, regulation or policy. constitute a violation of Sensitive Activity. Any activity requiring special protection from ]. compromise or threaten the DON. Any disclosure which could embarrass, activity which, if not properly executed or administered, could raise issues or of unlawful conduct, government ethics, or unusual danger to DON personnel property. k. Special Access Program (SAP) . Any pKogram imposing need–to-know or access controls beyond those normally required for Confidential, Secret or Top Such a program includes but is not limited to a special Secret information. clearance, more stringent adjudication or investigation requirements; special 4