U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-3800-9 DEPARTMENT Office Washington, SECNAV INSTRUCTION From: Secretary All Ships and Stations Subj: Armed of the Navy Forces Medical DC (a) 397-78 Encl: (1) DOD 28 July 1883 Intelligence (3)Identify anddesignate tworepresentatives to theInderdepartmental Advisory Panel. Center Staff AFMIC consistent withmission require- (4) Intelligence Users Guide (Confidential) Directive 3800.9 OP-083 20350 (AFMIC) Ref: SECNAVINST NAVY (2)ProgramandbudgetAFMIC Navymanpower andcostinNavyandGeneral Defense Intelligence Programsubmissions. 3800.9 To: OF THE of the Secretary 6420.1 ments. (U), DDM-2600- (NOTAL) of 9 December 1982 Navyresponsibilities underen1. Purpose. To outline closure (1)whichestablishes theArmed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC)andtodefine theNavyprocedures forrequesting AFMIC services. c. The Commandant of the Marine Corps shall coordinatewithCNO toensure thatthemedical intelligence requirements oftheMarineCorpsaremet. (1)Commanding Generals/Commanding Officers of requiring medical intelligence shall submitrequests viathechainofcommand toCommandantoftheMarineCorps(INT)withinformationcopies toCMC (MED),CNO OPS-009and093,andto Commander,NavalMedical Command (MED41). Marine Corps Activities (Non-FMF) On 1 October1982,theU.S Army 2. Establishment Medical Intelligence andInformation AgencywasredesigOfficers of (2)Commanding Generals/Commatiing natedAFMIC,a tri-service organization. Enclosure (1) Marine Corps Fleet Marine Force Commands shall submit requires theDepartment oftheNavytoformalize its requests formedical intelligence through established insupport relationship withAFMIC. telligence channels totheappropriate Unified andSpecified Command. ofAFMIC istoprovide sole re3. Mission. The mission sponsibility within theDOD fortheproduction ofred. Commanding Officers. Navycommandsshall subquired medical scientific andtechnical intelligence mitrequests forintelligence support viatheappropriate (S&TI)andgeneral medical intelligence (GMI). chain ofcommand andwithassistance fromthesupportingintelligence activity having access toreference (a). The 4. Action address is:Director, Armed Forces Medical Intelligence a. The Secretary of the Navy (ASN (M&RA))shall Center, FortDetrick, MD 21701.BothNavyandMarine exercise programoversight on theNavyresponsibilities in Corpscommandsareauthorized direct liaison with connection withAFMIC. AFMIC forassessment andreceipt ofavailable medical intelligence, especially during e mergency s ituations. b. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) shall (1) Develop andpromulgate a manpowerauthorizationforNavybillet requirements atAFMIC consistent withconcept ofoperations asdefined by theInterdepartmentalAdvisory Panel. CHAPMAN B.COX Assistant Secretary oftheNavy (ManpowerandReserve Affairs) Distribution: SNDL Part I and II MARCORPS CODES H AND OP-09B15C Washington, Stocked DC 20350 (200) at: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Philadelphia, Avenue PA 19120 (500) I Ill SECNAVINST 28 Ju1 1983 3800,9 December 9, 1982 NUMBEI16420.1 Department of Defense Directive ‘SD(M) SUBJECT: Armed Forces Medical IntelligenceCenter Reference: (a) DoD Directive 5105.21, “Defense Intelligence Agency,” May 19, 1977 (b) DoD Directive 5000.11, “Data Elements and Data Code StandardizationProgram,” December 7, 1964 A. PURPOSE This Directive under reference (a) establishes the Armed Forces Medical IntelligenceCenter (AFMIC) and the InterdepartmentalAdvisory Panel, and assigns responsibilities. B. APPLICABILITY This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Unified and Specified Commands, and the Defense Agencies (hereafter referred to as “DoD Components”). The term “Military Services,” as used herein refers to the Army, Navy, Air Force> and Marine CorpS- C. DEFINITION Administrative Support. Includes budgeting, funding, fiscal reports, manpower control and utilization, personnel administration, security administration,spacej facilities, supplies, and other administrativeprovisions and services, and related mobilization planning. D. ORGANIZATIONAND MANAGEMENT 1. The AFMIC shall be a joint agency of the Military Departments, subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, and under the management of the Secretary of the Army as Executive Agent who will exercise this authority through the Assist­ ant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and The Surgeon General of the Army. 2. The AFMIC shall consist of a Director; Deputy Director; Tech­ nical Assistant to the Director; and a staff of professional, technical, administrative, and clerical personnel. Enclosure (1) The Director shall be a military officer in the grade of O-6, nominated 3. by the Medical Services of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; selected by the Interdepartmental Advisory Panel; and approved by the Executive Agent. 4. The Technical Assistant to the Director intelligence production and life sciences. shall be a civilian trained in The Interdepartmental Advisory Panel shall be composed of representatives 5. of the following DoD Components and offices: E. a. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs). b. The Surgeons General of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. c. Assistant Chiefs of Staff for Intelligence of the Army and Air Force. d. Office of Naval Intelligence. e. Defense Intelligence Agency. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Assistant representative member Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) shall of the Interdepartment Advisory Panel. 2. The Director, technical supervision Advisory Panel. Defense Intelligence Agency , shall have intelligence and shall designate the chair of the Interdepartmental 3. The Secretary of the designate a Army shall: a. Determine and provide adequate administrative support for the operation of the AFMIC within the limits of resources available to the Department of the Army for such purpose. b. Exercise authority within the command structure of the Department of the Army, with special management requirements prescribed in subsections E.4. ,5., and 6., below. c. Program and budget, through Army and DoD general defense intelligence program (GDIP) channels, the operation and maintenance and investment funds , and civilian spaces for the AFMIC. 4. The Secretaries a. quirements of the Military Departments, or designees, Assign appropriate staffing consistent with the AFMIC representation. to ensure adequate interdepartmental shall: mission re- b. Program and budget their military manpower spaces and costs in individual Military Service and GDIP submissions. 2 - Dec 9, 82 6420.1 5. The Director, Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center, shall: . Have sole responsibility within the Department of Defense for the producti~n of required medical scientific and technical intelligence (S&TI) and general medical intelligence (GMI). b. Provide timely medical intelligence (1) DoD Components. (2) National-1evel (3) Other federal agencies, as required. intelligence production . Organize and execute all medical Exploita~ion Program (FMEP). d. support to the following: Exploit aspects of the DoD Foreign Materiel foreign medical materiel obtained in support of DoD FM.EP. e. Plan, coordinate, and provide intelligence with DoD S&TI production policies and procedures. f. Prepare medical intelligence submission to the DoD GDIP. J3” Manage the medical the DoD S&TI data base. intelligence in debriefing personnel Maintain coordination direction for data base and the medical portion of in medical on matters j“ Sponsor medical intelligence training units and individual mobilization designees. k, studies in accordance under DIA technical h. Provide quick response capability other government agencies, as required. i. Assist ligence. agencies. intelligence for DoD and related to medical for selected intel­ reserve military and liaison with members of the intelligence community on matters involving medical intelligence. 1. Provide the medical intelligence advisor to the Military Services. m. Comply with medical intelligence collection management and produc­ tion tasking policies and procedures established by DIA and the Executive Agent. n. Provide coordinated collection requirements for medical intelligence, in accordance with DoD Directive 5000.11 (reference (b)), for the DoD intel­ ligence community. o. Administer contracts funded outside the GDIP when there is a tech­ nical or administrative advantage in so doing. 3