U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-3300-2a DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000 SECNAVINST 3300.2A N34 21 March 2001 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 3300.2A From: To: Secretary of the Navy All Ships and Stations Subj: DON ANTITERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION (AT/FP) PROGRAM Ref: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Encl: (1) DOD Directive 2000.12 of 13 Apr 99 1. OPNAVINST 1000.24B (NOTAL) MCO 3460.1A DOD Directive 4500.54 of 1 May 91 (NOTAL) SECNAVINST 5520.3B DOD Directive 5100.3 of 15 Nov 99 (NOTAL) SECNAVINST 3300.3 SECNAVINST 3820.2D SECNAVINST 3820.3D (NOTAL) Purpose. To implement enclosure (1) by: a. Establishing Department of the Navy (DON) policies and procedures; b. Assigning responsibilities; c. Providing guidance and information to reduce the vulnerability of DON military and civilian personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and ships to terrorist acts. d. This constitutes a major revision and should be reviewed in its entirety. 2. Cancellation. 3. Scope SECNAVINST 3300.2. a. This instruction applies to all DON personnel, both Military Service members and DON civilian work force, the family SECNAVINST 3300.2A 21 MAR 2001 members (dependents) of DON personnel; and commands, and complements existing DoD and DON physical security directives. AT/FP responsibilities for defense contractors are contained in paragraph 5.2.5 of enclosure (1). AT/FP responsibilities for DON elements and personnel under security-responsibility of the Department of State are contained in paragraph 2.2 of enclosure (1). b. Policy and guidance on the conduct of Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their families, if seized by terrorists, are contained in references (a) and (b). 4. Policies a. Commanders should give special emphasis to reducing the vulnerability of personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and ships under DON cognizance to terrorist acts. The DON AT/FP Program should be an “all-encompassing program” using an integrated systems approach that promotes excellence and sustainability. b. AT/FP is the commander’s responsibility. Commanders must balance AT/FP considerations with mission accomplishment imperatives. c. All Service members, DON civilians, and DON family members (dependents), as applicable, shall comply with theater, country, and special clearance requirements as specified in reference (c). d. Local commanders will inform DON personnel who are permanently or temporarily assigned to their installations, including non-DON tenants, of the command’s antiterrorism program, the local terrorist threat and personal protective and travel security measures that can reduce personal vulnerability. e. Liaison with federal, state, local, and foreign agencies will be followed per the guidelines outlined in reference (d). 5. Action. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), as appropriate, shall implement the provisions of enclosure (1), including: a. Developing AT/FP Programs, to include Reserve components and support them with adequate programming, planning, and funding. Ensuring that existing physical security, base 2 SECNAVINST 3300.2A 21 MAR 2001 defense, and law enforcement programs address terrorism as a potential threat to DON elements and personnel. b. Supporting the geographic and functional Commanders in Chief (CINCs) per references (e) and (f) to ensure that resources are adequately programmed in the DON budgets to implement the CINCs’ AT/FP Programs. c. Incorporating AT/FP into DON doctrine ensuring that the doctrine is compatible with Joint doctrine. d. Instituting AT/FP training programs per reference (f). e. Identifying and designating incumbents of high-risk billets and spouses requiring AT resident training. Providing AT resident training to those personnel assigned to high-risk billets and others, as applicable. f. Ensuring that DON personnel and their family members (dependents) comply with reference (f); and that those scheduled for permanent change of station to foreign countries receive applicable or required training per reference (c). g. Providing prompt dissemination of information on terrorist threats, including specific warning of threats against DoD elements and personnel per references (g) and (h) and the “No Double Standard” policy. h. In coordination with the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Commanders of Combatant Commands, addressing AT/FP considerations in recommending tour lengths and determining whether restrictions should be placed on accompanying family members (dependents) for personnel assigned to overseas activities. i. Ensuring that AT/FP technology and security requirements are incorporated into all new contracts, where applicable. j. Establishing Military Construction programming policies to ensure that AT/FP protective features for facilities and installations are included in the planning, design, and execution of military and minor construction projects. k. Ensuring that DON installations and activities are assessed per reference (h). Ensuring that installations develop, maintain, and implement AT/FP plans and programs that 3 SECNAVINST 3300.2A 21 MAR 2001 incorporate measures in concert with DON, CINC, and DoD standards. l. Identifying the resources programmed to implement and maintain the AT/FP program for DON components as part of the planning, programming, and budgeting system (PPBS) process. m. Ensuring that the DON has the capability to collect, receive, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate all relevant data on terrorist activities, trends, and indicators of imminent attack. Robert B. Pirie Acting Distribution: SNDL Parts 1 and 2 MARCORPS PCN 71000000000 and 71000000100 4