U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-1752-4 &# - /o+ //22/?? .&d I DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Oflice of the Secretary 1000 Navy Pentagon W@@tOn DC 20350-1000 8ECNAV INSTRUCTION 1752.4 From To: Subj: Secretary of tfse Navy and Stations AU Ships SEXUAL ASSAULT (a)42US. Cede 10605-10607 (b)DOD Instruction 10302of 23 Dec 94(NOTAL) (c) SECNAVINSTSSOO.IIA (d) Manual ror Courts-Martiaf, United stnte$ 199s (e) NAVMEOCOM2NST 6310.3 @fsurfement ofAffegcd or Snspccted i Sem+d AsamJt and Rape Cases) (NOTAL) I Enck pmvirfing those services snd rdief. Refenmcei (b) and (c) implement refer-em! (a) in the Department of Defense (DoD) mrdDON and provide fnrthcz guidance for misting victims and wimesses of Cliure. Prevention AND RESPONSE Refi (1) Crime Victim% Bifl of Rights (2)Sexual Assault fsmident Dats Collection Repcirt Explanation (3) Sexual Assault Data for USFWSMC I 1.. Purpuse. To is-me poficy and provide guidsnce fur the estabfishrnentof a sexusl assanft preventing/tictim assistance pmgsanr within Use Dqortnscnt of the Navy (DON), incfuding devefnpment and nmintcnsorceof a DON sexual assstdt repnrdng systens msddatsbsefos dstson all soch offenses against peracmawho am ovcs 18 years of age and not married m &ii alleged perpeoatnss. b. This insouctinn oddrcsses the ~itic needs of vicrims of sexual assaults and refsted issuer by defining sexual ssssnk esrsblishing pmccdurss tn protect the victim’s priva~ cstshlishing a sexual SasmdtVicdn-1 ~m. ~ .mistsnce pmgrsq developing a dstsbssc to track certain sexuel as?ault tmn@ and implementing a ‘sexual asssuft pmventinn pmgmm for sc.mice memb$rs. 3. Policy a, Sexual asmoft is a uiminsd act that is absolutely incompatible with the DONS core vsfues, high standmds of prnfessionsfisns, and pczsnnal discipline. Commanders SIISUtake appmprimaaction under U.S. laws mrdregufqions ii SUcases of sexusl -L The terns “sexual .assult.” for the purpose of this instmctinn, includes rape, indecent SSSSUILforcible sodomy, assault vriti intent tn commit rape, sod sssanlt witi intent m commit sndomy ac defmcd in rcferesrcc (d). b. It is the EON s&4 to elimiitc sexusl ssssult insidenta lhsl impact EON personnel and family members, us thst are pqretmted by DON persnmel.. .To rash 2. Background I I I I SECNAVYST 1752.4 Pers-d61F 2 July 1996 a. Reference (a) established the crime victim’s biff of rigbta, cnclosnre (l), and directed thst agencies engaged in rhc detection, invesdgstioo, or -utiOn of time identify victims of crime and inform them of* following avsilsbiity nf emagency medical and sdal ticeq any available resrionion or nthes relict public and @’ste pmgmms anifstrle m provide cnmrsefing, Ueannem. and other support tn @ victim; and rc-sprsible for sssisamcc in contesting pwns this goal, the DON will eatsblish a stsodsnlzed snd effective scxusf asssult prevention and victim sssi.%sncepmgrsrn at h command level; wiu meet mandatedreputing requiremintc without unduly cnmpmmising victim ccmfidentislity or ssfety, or genemting fear of reprisal; and will pmida txlucmion to Navy and Marine Cosps memters and theii fsnsiliea on socially responsible standardsof behavior and from’s that contribute to victimizstbn. c. Sexnsl s.ssauftsagainst chifdrcn and rhuse that ocrur witiln a marital Astionship shsdl be SECNAVINST 17S2.4 2 July 1996 reported under the DONS Family Advocacy with pcstiicular emphasis on proper street lighting, isnotime”ded to, imddoe~”ot, Create ?my entitlement, cause ofactio”, enhanced barracks safety and bme security, and the ordefe”se i“ responsible ttse of alcohol on board Navymd Marine favor of any person arising out of a failure to accord Corps instcdlations. This environment also requires toavictim diligent efforts by commanders to provide protection themsistmtce outlined in this instmction. No limitations are hereby placed on the lawful prerogatives of the DON or its officials. for victims from alleged perpetrators mrd a commmtd climate that encourages the reporting of sexual ttssaults without fear of reprisal. m Chief of Naval Oper,lionslCommandant Marine Corps shall: (7) Maximize cooperation between law enforcement and victim advocttte personnel. oflhe b. Director. Naval Criminal [nvesti~ative Servjce (I) Esutblish an Integrated Database (1DE) IO cttpture andtrackrepotied incidents ofsexualassadl (?4CIS) mtd Director. Marine Corm Criminal Investigation Division (CID) have key roles in against persons who are over the age of I g who we management of sexual assault cases and shall: not married 10 their alleged perpetrattm, and tomtck subsequent investigative andlor legal actions as detined in enclosure(2), Thisdatabase will provide policy makers., deve[opem of tmining, ttnd other key Ieademhip personnel with reliable statistical information toquantify and categorize incidents, as well mstowutlyzetheeffectivenessof policies, training, ttnd the command climate with I relatitrn to the identification andprevemion a.ssmtlts. (1) Provide technical guidance and training for mililwys ecurityforcesrmd DON civilian law enforcement personnel involved in prevention of, and response to, sexual assmdt. In order tokeeprevictim izmion to n minimum. appropriate training in understanding sexual assault victims.’ needs and concerns shall bean essential component of this ofsextml guidance and [raining. (2) Provide training in the sensitive handling of (2) Establish policy and procedures by which thesexualmsault sexual assault victims Basic Training course investigative courses. Basic Training course incident in fotmmiott contained in appendix A to enclosure (2) will be collected, repotted, mtdemered into the DON IOB. I I safest possible environment for all service members. d. llisinslmclion I I (6) Ensure installation commanders provide the Program. R) and Navy and Marine Corps policies regarding the handling of sexual msault victims. Ensure all (3) Provide an annual repon to SECNAV by 31 Jmtuaty forthepreceding tiscalyear, using the format in enclosure (3). (4) Develop and conduct a sexual assault awareness nnd prevention program at bothj””ior in both the Special Agent and in-service trim i“al include inthe Special Agent a review of Federal statures criminal investigators are included in the in-service training. (3) Ensure that Naval Criminal Investigative Service Resident Agencies (NCISRAS) and Marine Corps Criminal Investigmion Division and senior levels, and at kcycarccr progression points (o fftcer and enlisted) for all service members. Oftices (Cl DOS) provide necessa~ in fomutt ion to theappropriate command dmacollection coordinator to allow accurate completion of sexual Training will be commensurate with a membefs seniority and Ievel of command responsibilityls uperv ision. (5) Establish n sexual assault victim assistance program that maximizes coordination of local resources, provides victim advocates, and minimizes re-victimizat ion. 2 SECNAVINST 1752.4 2 July 1996 awuftimidentmpnsm. Infonnadonahmddbe provided to the extent that it wiU not compromise theinveatigatinn. (4) Ensure that NCISRAs and Marine Corps CIDOS have special investigators avaifable 24 hours a day tn respond immediately m reposted inciden~ of sexual a.saulL c. Tfse Judge Admcate General of the Navy ahalf: provide advice, instruction, grddance, and assistance regarding the legal aspects of the Sexual b. Rapnrs Cono’nl Symbnl OPNAV 1752-1, Sexual AaaaufIIncident Data CoUection Repmt is assigned m NAVPERS 1752/1 and is referred m in Pamgmph 4a(2), and is approved for 3 years fmm the date of this insoucsinn. c. Symbol DD-P&R(A) 1952(1752) is assigned tn the reporting mquiremem contained in paragsaph 4a(3) and is apprnved for 3 years fmm the date of this insouctinn. BERNARD ROSTRER Aasiasam Seuetary of the Navy, d. Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery @@rower and Reserve Affairs) shalk (1)Provide technical guidance and smiting for appmptite medical peranmel tn addmaa the medical, medic~legal, and psychological aspects of assisting sexual aaaauftvictims, including training in the sensitive handfing of sexual assault victims rn minimize mvicdmization and further oauma m h? victim. (2)fim adherence b reference “(e). which provides pmcedurcs for the sensitive handling, cam, evacuation, and medico-legal dncunrentationof tie victim of an affegesf sexual asaaulL 5. Form and Reperk a. NAVPERS 1752/1 (l-96), Sexual krdt Incident ~ta Collection Rwrt, S/N 0106-bF-02&2SWl, is available August 19% fmm the Naval InvantnryContmI Point using requisitioning procedures cnntained in CD-ROM NAVSUP PUB 6C0 (NL.L), Navy Stnck List of Publications and Forma. D~tribution: SNDL Parta 1 and 2 and MARCORPS Cndes PCN 71000000000 71000000100 BUPERS(Pera461F) (.50 cnpies) SECNAV/OPNAVDlreetives Control Office Washington NavyYardBuilding 200 901M Street SE Washington DC 20374-5074 (20copies) Order from: Naval Inventory Cnntrnl Point Cog “P’ Materisd 700 Robbina Avenue Philadelphia PA 19111-5098 Stncked: 300copies SECNAVINST JuL CRIME A crime victim VICTIM’S BILL has the following OF 1752.4 z~ RIGHTS rights: 1. The right the victim’s to be treated with fairness dignity and privacy. 2. The right offender. to be reasonably 3. The to be notified 4. The right to be present at all public court proceedings that related to the offense, unless the court. determines testimony by the victim would be materially affected if the victim heard other testimony at ’trial. 5. The right the case. to confer 6. The to receive 7. The right to be provided sentencing, imprisonment, right right with protected of court from respect for the accused proceedings. the attorney available and with for the Government in restitution. information about the conviction, and release of the bffender. � Enclosure (1)