U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-1710-9 OEPARTM EN TO OF FICEOF FTHE NAVY THE SECRETARY 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON. D.C. 20350.1000 SECNAVINST 1710.9 ASN (M&RA) FSF \ 10 February 1999 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 1710.9 From: Secretary of the Navy Subj : SCHOOL-AGE CARE (SAC) PROGRAM Encl : (1) DOD Instruction 6060.3 of 19 Dec 96 1. Purpose. To implement enclosure (I) which prescribes policies, procedures and assigns responsibilities for operation of School-Age Care (SAC) Programs. This Instruction applies to all military SAC 2. Applicability. programs within the Department of the Navy. 3. Responsibilities a. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (ASN (M&RA)) is the principal staff assistant to the Secretary of the Navy for SAC programs and for coordinating matters related to SAC programs and activities. b. Within their respective Military Services, the Commander, Navy Personnel Command, and the Marine Corps Deputy Chief of Staff (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) shall: Serve as the focal point to perform coordination and information functions for all SAC policies and procedures. (1) (2) Keep the ASN (M&RA) apprised of issues and proposals which could influence the policy objectives of operating requirements set forth in enclosure (1) (3) Ensure SAC programs are operated in accordance with enclosure (1) Action . Within their respective Military Services, the 4. — Commander, Naval Personnel Command, and the Marine Corps Deputy Chief of Staff (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) will implement enclosure (1) and provide training programs that SECNAVINST 1710.9 10 FEB 1999 stress stewardship and customer orientation to ensure, as a minimum, that commanders and SAC Program Managers fully understand their requirements for quality SAC programs. 5. Report . Symbol DD-P&R(A) 1954(1710) is assigned to the reporting requirement contained in paragraph 5.2.4 of enclosure (1) and iS approved in accordance with SECNAVINST 5214.2B. CAROLYN H. BECRAFT V Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) Distribution: SNDL Al (Immediate Office of the Secretary ASN(I&E) , AAUSN only) A3 (CNO) (Nl, N15, N4 only) AS (NPC) (NPC-65 only) (100 copies) A6 (cMc) (MR) copy to: SNDL B1 21A 23 24 (ASN(M&RA)), (Secretary of Defense) (ASD(FMP), only) (Fleet Commanders in Chief) (Force Commanders) (Type Commanders) SNDL Part 2 (Shore Activities of the U.S. Navy) (less Al, A3, A5, A6, Bl, and V) Department of Defense ; � ,’ u @ .— INSTRUCTION SECNAVINST1710.9 10 FSB 1999 December19, 1996 NUMBER I ASD(FMP) I I SUBJECT: School-Age Care (SAC) Program Refekices:(a)DoD Dnctive 1342,17, ~!amily Policy,” December 30, 1988 DoD Inmruction 6060.2, “Child Development Prqgamsj” January 19, 1993 DoD Directive 4001.1, “InstaUalion Management\” September 4, 1986 (d) DoD 5025.1-~ “DoD Directives System Procedures,” August 1994, authorized by DoD Dwctive 5025.1, June 24, 1994 (e) through (n), see enclosure 1 I :; I A. I WIU!QSi This Instruction: lo I I 1. Implements policies, and ax.igms responsibilities and procedures for operation of SAC programs for eligible minor children of DoD military and civilian personnel, in accordance with ;ef&nces (a) through(n). 2. Reauires Militarv Denarhnents and Defense Artencies to ensure that sJ1DoD installations develop p;licies under %ck children residing on or ~ a DoD facility or installation can be left done to care for themselves, otherwise known as a “home alone” policy or “self-care.” (See definition 19 of enclosure 2.) 3. Authorizes publication of tie “DoD SAC Employee Training Modules,” DD Form 2693, “’Certificate;to Operate SAC Progfarr@ and DD Form 2646, “Armtssl “Surnrrraryof SAC Program RepO&” conaistegt with reference:(d). applies to: This Instruction 1. The OffIce of the Secretary of Defense, the Mititary Dep*’ents, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as “tire DoD Components”). ‘fle term “Military Services: as used hereiq refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marirse Corps, and the Coast Guard when it is operating as a Service of the Navy, and when it is operating as a Service of the Department of Transportation (DoT) by agreement with the DoT. 1- � I 2. SAC prognurts sponsored or operated by or for the Department of Defense for military and DoD civilian personnel and located on a military installation or property under 10 U.S.C. Snclosure (1) 6060.3 I 113 note (reference (e)), under the jurisdiction of any DoD Component or located in donated space in a facility such as a local public school. Terms used in this lnskuction arc deticted in enclosure 2. It is DoD policy that: 1. The purpose of SAC progmms offered by the DoD Components is to assist DoD military and civilian personnel in balancing the competing demands of family life and accomplishment of the DoD mission and to improve the economic viability of the family unit. SAC is not considered an entitlement. 2. On military installations and in other DoD Component facilities, the DoD Components shall provide SAC programs, or alternatives, to military members and DoD civilian personnel. SAC programs shall provide safe, supervise~ healthy, accountable, and age-appropriate environments for children in grades kindergarten through 6, ages 5 through 12, that meets documented community needs and are based on reasomble and affordable fees for services charged to eligible parents. — a. The primasy sponsors of DoD SAC programs are youth programs (W) and child development services (CDS) programs. The DoD Components are encouraged to provide resource and referrsd (R&R) services to refer eligible patrons to programs in the civilian community when SAC space is limited on the DoD installation or when the majon~ of parents live off the installation and it is unreasomble for them to use SAC progmms on tire installations. b. Programs should complemen~ rather than duplicate, the school day. Emphr+k should be placed on SAC programs that meet community needs, reinforce family vrdues, and empbasii the unique value of each child through individual and group activities that promote the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of children. c. The installation corrtmander shall provide a SAC program that regardless of physical location: (1)Enhances orreinforces academic skills, recreational lifelong skills, avocations, and interests to promote individual achievement for each child. (2) Fosters resilient and self-sti]cient families and enhances military readiness by providing semices that reduce work-life con.fikts. (3) Emphasizes the unique value of each child by providing appropriate guidance, promodng positive attitudes, and enhancing or reinforcing self-worth. 2 ,0