U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-8070-1b -..—— *AR 743-32 *OPNAVINST 8070.1 B *AFR 1364 *MC() 4030J5B” ARMY REGULATION No. 740-32 OPNAV I~STRUCTION I DEPAR1’MENl’S OF THE ARMY, THE NAVY. AND THE AIR FORCE No. 8070.111 AKR FORCE,REWJL~TIO~ ATO.136-4 MARINE Corn% ORDER No. 4030.25B WASHINGTON, DC, 6 Jum 1975 I STORAGE AND SUPPLY ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBILITIES FOR TECHNICAL DANGEROUS MATERIALS ESCORT OF Thi8 publicat ion has been revi8ed to direct compliance With public law8pertaining to dangerous herein. All refer ence8 to “cla88 A poi80n8° and “incapacitating agentd ’ term “chemical agent? Local 8upplemen. have been deleted and are replaced with the militarg i8 prohibited, except upon approval of the Deputg tation of thi8 regulation within the US Arrw Chief of Staff for Logi8tic8 (HQDA (DALO-SMS)). article8 de8cribed Paragrnph Purpose 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy _-___ --------------------------------------------------------------:---- 2 Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------Shipments requirirw teclmlcal escort~-----------------------------------------ltesponsiMHties--------------------------------------------------------------­ Coor(linatIu~ illstru('tiolls------------------------------------------------------ 3 4 G 6 b 1. Purpose. This regulation delineates the responsibilities of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps. and the Air Force wit h re.gnrd to the opcrat ion:ll tethnical, materiel and administ rn~ive aspects of technical escort of shipments of the dangerous materials named in paragraph 2. 2. Policy. The Military Services will comply with all laws find regulations of’ the Congress, Federal and civil regulating boclies governing the movement of chemical agents, etiological and radioactive materials, and biological defense research materials. 3. Definitions. For the purpose of this regulation, the following definitions apply: a. ?’echnicd escort. Individuals technically quxlified and properly equil)ped to accompany designated nmterial requiring a high degree of safety and/or securit~+ during shipment. b. Chemical agent. A chemical substance which is intended for use in military operations to kill, *This regulation TAGO 4117A-June supersedes 580-476”-76 AR 740-32/OPNAVINST seritiusly injure, or incapacitate man through its chemical properties. Excluded from considerate ions are riot control agents, chemical herbicides, s]noli~ b and flame. c. fVer ue ayent. A lethal toxic chemical agent which is absorbed into the body by breathing, by ingestion or through the skin and affects the nerv­ ous and respiratory systems and various body f(lnctions. d. Riot control agent. A chemical that prodliccs temporary irritating or disabling effects wIw]l i I) contact with the eyes or when inhaled. Micro-org:~­ e. Biologid research material nisms which are used for research and which call.se disease in man, plants, or animals, or cause t lle deterioration of materiel. f. l?tio70gicaZ materia7. The cause of any of tl)e diseases listed in title 42, paragraph 72.25, ‘iPUlJ­ lic Health” Code of Federal Regulation, or of any diswwes which may later be prescribed by the 51ur­ 8070.1A/AFR 13&4/MCO 4030.25A, 8 August 1972. 1 AR 740-32/OPNAVINST ~{)011 GCINra], ~;s Pllblk 8070.111/AFR J ~(,illtll 13tkt/MCO ,SU1’VkC. In Iddi ­ tion, the term “et iological mat erial” includes any biological material designated by the Secretary of .lgriclllturc under the terms of the agreement be­ twmn the Sccrct aries of Agriclllt urc and Defense concerning the sl]ipmcnt of IJotrntially dangerous biological research nloteri:ll. q. Dunqerous material. lfatcrial listed in title 49, l)aragraph 172.5, Code of ~edcral Regll]ations (R. M. Graziano’s Tariff 23 or succeedin: isucs tlmreof). lL. L’utlioactit’emaferi/17s. Any material orcom­ binttion of m:derials tl]ot s[)ontanemls]y emit radiation, grncrally nlplm or betu particles, often acconlpaniwl I)y (;al)ln)a R:I)s floln the nuclei of an unstable isotope and IIav]ng a specific activity of greater t]~an 0.002 microcnries per gram back­ ground radiation. All radioactive materials which require Ikpartmrmt, of Transportfitiorr waiver or special permit for sllipmrnt. i. Z?ltratl/eate?’, sl~;pJtz?~~t,s..iny nloverocnt of ap­ plicable munitions occurring within a thwrt m- after initial delivery by ,irmy kchnical escort person­ nel to tlw designate(l theater entry point. Technhd Courier. A rlearcd collrier who is q~lalified to provide scicnt ific information concern­ ing the nature of the material being transported, m]d who can give technical ndvice <asto procedures to he followed concerl~illg sc~~~ility,saf[~ty oraczi­ dcnts (Air Forcc only). requiring technical escorts. a. 4. Shipments Tcchn ical escorts arc rcqlli red to :Icconlpany ship­ ments of cl]cmical agents wllrn tile shipments ex­ ceed, in volume, the space occupied by 100 pounds of water ( I.(I cubic feet or 11.9 gallons). Further, technical escorts arc alwnys rcqu ircd for shipment of — (1) All chemical rrgents, regar(lless of quan­ tit y, when shippe(l by milit ary aircraft. (2) Nerve agents and nerve agents under de­ velopment, regardless of quantity, except for sepa­ rfitc shipmcmt of one gas identification set or lab­ oratory sample packaged in accordance with j. paragraph 173.331, R. 3L Grnziano’s Tariff 25 or succeeding issues thereof. (3) Al] biological rwrfirch or etiological material (cxccpt diagnostic specinlens and etio­ ]ogica] material with 500 mi]]i]item or less in the primary containers, provided the total quantity in any onc vehicle, aircraft, or other conveyance does not cxcecd 3 gallons). The shipping agency will 2 4030.25B provide effrrt i ve drcont aminants for materials that are resistant to calcium hypochlorite, 5 per­ cent phenol, or 5 percent sodium hydroxide. (4) All radioactive materials which require a w~i ver or special permit for shipment, under provisions of service regulations governil~g radio­ active and fissile materials other than weapons. (5) Other dangerous material as determined by the responsible service. b. The criteria in a above do not preclude the use of technical escorts when an evaluation by the commanding officer of the shippi]lg installation or t mnsportal ion agency of inllcrent factors of plIb­ lic relations> security, economics and clcgrcw of huzard involved indicates SUCIIescort would be in tlw I)est interest of the Government. r. The criteria in a above will only be used for general glidance. For the hazard classification of specific mat erials refer to the “Code of Federal Regulations,” titles 42 or 49, or to the latest issue of R. 1[. Graz.iano’s Tariff. d. The criteria in a above do not preclude the use of a technical courier when an evaluation by the shipping authority of inherent factor%of pub­ lic relat ions, security, economics, and degree of hazard involved clearly indicates that technical escort is not, required, but a technically competent courier would be in the best interest of the C~ovcrn­ rnent (Air Force only). a. Technical ewort service. 5. Responsibilities. (1) The Arnly is rcsponsibk to provide 1ecll ­ nical escort for— (a) All shipments of chemical agents anfl dnngerolw material in Army custody within CONUS and to and from a specified point of entry or exit within a theater of operations as designatc(l by the theater commander. (b) Shipments, when requested, of chen~i­ cd agents and dangerous material in custody of o~llcr Services within CONUS and to and from a speciticd point of entry or exit within a theater of operations as designated by the theater commander. (c) Shipments, when requested, of other dangerous material within CONUS and to and from a specified point of entry or exit within a theater of operations as designated by the therrtcr commander. (2) The Services are responsible for— (a) Providing technical escort for intra­ theater shipments necesary to support their own TACO 467A ­ “ AR 740-32/OPNAVINST L mission. Commensurate with its capabilities, the technical escort when Army may perform requested by the other Services. (b) Providing technical escort for danger­ ous material as required by paragraph 46. the disposition of agents (c) Controlling and articles for which they are accountable re­ gardless of the location of the agents or articles unless provisions of section V, part II, paragraph 15, “Joint Interservice Logistics Support Agree­ mefit for .Ammunitions” (applies to CONUS only ) apply. (d) Taking whatever measures possible wit hin their capability to neutralize, prevent, or limit possible injury or damage when they become aware of an accident/incident to a shipment under technical escort pending assumption of control by the responsible Service. (e) Funding for tcc]mical escort functions which they will provide in accordance with re­ sponsibilities established herein. In the event of an accident/incident, the Service requiring the tech­ nical escort services will reimburse, upon request, the costs incurred by other !%rvice (s) over and above normal operating expenses in rendering essential assistance. u (~) Reimbursing the Army, upon request, for services requested in (1) (b), (1) (c), or (a) above, to cover cost of travel, pcr diem of tech­ nical escorts, special equipment and supplies re­ quired and other expenses incident to the services requested. (g) Establishing appropriate guidance to installation level for safety and security of ship­ ment vehicles during scheduled or unscheduled en route stops. (h) Notifying the Army for technical escort publications, ment, and training devices. (3) Air Force responsibilities of requirements tools and equip­ nre: (a) AFLC coordinates command require­ ments for technical escort publications, tools, cquiprnent, and training devices with appropriate commands and agencies. (b) AFLC coordinates Army technical es­ cort support for Air Force chipping requirements within CONUS for war reserve, non-war reserve, or other dangerous material or agents as provided for in this regulation. TAGO 407A 8070.lB/AFR 1364~C0 4030.25B (4) Consignors using technical escort services are responsible for — (a) Thoroughly inspecting transport equipment used in the transportation of dangeroue materials prior to loading. (b) Loading all shipments to include block­ ing and bracing. (c) Certifying that all shipments are pack­ aged and labeled in accordance with applicable civil or military regulations and are properly blocked and bracccl, or providing a waiver. (d) Specifying agent, radioactive wvwte material, munition or hazard, safety practices, emergency handling procedures, packing or pack­ aging and security aspects of the cargo, and other pertinent data, nnd briefing escort personnel, as applicable. (e) Providing, when available, d%ontanli­ nant requested by the responsible ‘1’cchnicrd Escort activity suitably packaged nud in necessary amounts for the shipment, This permits escort personnel, in the event of an incident/accident, to take all possible rncasurcs within existing capa­ bilities to neutralize agent, prevent, or limit pos­ sible damage to nmtcricl or injury to personnel pending assumption of control by the responsible Service. nrca clearances for over­ (~) Obtaining flight and landing as appropriate. h’otifying the appropriate area commanders within time periods specified in paragraph 6 of all shipments under technical escort to or through their geographical areas of responsibility for the purpose of provid­ ingassistance inthec~cntof an a~ident/illcidcnt. (g) Providing s!afety and security after removal from secure storage of material to be shipped and prior to nnd during loading for shipment. (h) Providing tllc escort commmnder writ­ ten listings of tel~phonc numbrrs of the installa­ tions to call for assistnncc. (5) Consignees receiving sllip”ments technical escort are responsible for— under (a) Inspect ing transport equipment nnd cargo prior to movement to the unloading point to insure safe unloading. (b) Unloading shipments. (c) Providing safety and security for m~­ terial during unloading and movement to secure storage, or until assumption of these responsibili­ 3 AR 740-32/OPNAVINST 8070.lB/A17R 136+MC0 ties by a tcclmicnl escort team for further movement. (d) Arranging, wllcn necessary, for mess­ ing, billeting and return transportation of escort personnel. b. Tec?( n7’cul ewort tcai)linq. (1) Army is responsible for conlmon tylw in­ dividual training of personnel for technical escort operrrt ions. (2) ‘1’Im %rvices are rcs~~onsib]e for r,,s~Nlc­ tive unit training programs. (:]) ArrC provi(lcs initial and we,lr,e),t fornlrrl trainiug as providrd for in .4FR 50-9. lfrrjor commands arc responsible to establish I]nit training progranls as required. Int ratheater techn­ ical escort technical unit training is reqllircd only wi[llill organizrrtiol~s rxprcssly assigned this rc ­ sponsibi]ity by n]:ljor ccnnmands (.lir I;orre only). c. Z’ec?l n.ical .wpp o IV. Army is responsib]c for-­ (1) The development of rrnd contil]lling vali(l­ ity of teclmical rwort tecbllical plll)lirations covering procedll res au<l associut ed t001s :]]]d cqllipment for Wrrr Reserve ma ferirl al~d ag~lits w]lich will be acrompnniml IW technical escorts ‘l%e dllring will shipmwlt. be coorclinate(l All sutIII tecl]uical pub]icrrtions with i lIc o(her .Scrvices. Tllc conduct of research, explor:, [ory and engineering devclopme]lt of special tools and equiplnent nnd triii]ling dcviccs to meet tile specific needs of technical rscolt for ite]ns delineated in pnragrrrph 4C ( 1) t]]rollgh ( 5). ill SUC1lproglalus will be coolxlinatc(l wit]l the ot]lrr Seryiccs. tw?lllicfl? C$corf. (1. [ntr’r7tArdcr (1) The .~ir Force re?ponsibi]ity for illt ra­ tlw~ter technical escort is fllrther assigned m follows : (2) (o) IIItlafll(:lt~r tCcl~JliCill esc>rt su])lwrt n[ission :Issigllmcll[s ale Infitters of ron,rr,arl~l dis. crctiun. I1{J\\-r\rr, I’.\{’.kF nlLd l’S.\IrE will rn:{illtaill su~lcirrlt IIull)lxIrs tIl\d(}.lxw of qlullitl(,(l pt’l”so!lnel to rn{wt rrtissio]l r(~{lllir.(lllellts. IJnits re­ sl~onslb]c identified xlical for m:~iutaining this capability are i]l the C31CIC. ir~tratheater tech­ (b) lTS.kFJ? provides of Air Force escort for sllil)l]lcllts in support missions witlli]l l~;l~(-ol[ a]ld 31E.kI~S.k. (~:) l’.~(’.l[~ provides illtrat]lea~er tec]l­ for sllip]l]er]ts in support of .4ir Force n)issions in PAC(JJI. rlical 4 escort 1030.25B rcsl)onsibility for illtratllcater (2) Army tcchnicrrl escort is assigned as follows: - (a) USAREUR provides intrat]matcr twh- IIical escort for shipments in support of Arnly l’(’[lllir[~l]l(~rltswithin F,UCOM. (h) L’S Arrl]y Support Co]lunal)(l. II:l\v:\ii l)ro\ides il]tratbeatcr technical escort for shil)­ ments ill support of Army requirements within l’.icoM. 6. Coordinating instructions. a. Tile Services \Yill f[lrnisb irlfol,rn:ltio]l to t]le ~~oll~m:lnding offi. .Irsenal, ,~T’~N : CO, ~Ts -\rrl\Y c[’r, ~(lgc}vood Technical I?scort vent cr, Edgewood Arsenal, 11 I ) 21010, for planned nlovements (exempt report, lmra 7--2?~..lR :KK-I J ) inrludillg­ (1) Project name, designation, and secl[rity clilssitication of shipnmut (s). (2) Quantity and type of shiprucnt(s). (3) origin and destination and :Inticil)atc(l sllil)pirlg date (s) of sl]ipmcnt (s). 7). Scl\ive Consignors will-— (1) Submit the following in fornlat ion to tl~e ( ‘olilmarld illg ofliccr, Iklgcwood Arsmml, A’I’TS: (’0, US .Irn)y Tcrh]lical Escort Center, I?(lgc’­ lvofr(l .irscll:ll, NII) 21010, to ~~~rile :1 nlilli]llll!l~ (It’ 7 days before tile desired shipl~ing date for (’ONTU”S shipments nnd n n]illinlunl of 60 days fur si~l“Pnleuts to rrrld fronl olltsi(]e co>’~ls. ]I;l))(J 1.­ requests sI10111(Ibe n]adc I)v nlost expmlit ions :ency Ineans followrd I)y contirnmtion ill ~~rititlg, .111 req~msts will f~lruish tl~c planned mode of sl)ilP IImnt and cstil]lated duration of mission and will. to extent data arc a}-ailablr, inclllde the follo\\­ ing information : (u) Por aycnts or m7/nitr40n.s. 1. Itellls and quantity to be sllil~lxxl including: (a) .~gcllt, if Ol)plit’al,lc. ail,l ql[:llltily al)d tyl~t~of dccontanlillant bein: provided. (b) Sl,i~,l,i,,g di,,,cr,sio,ls (l,l,;~(],. }rid[ll, aIId ]Icig]]t). (c) lVcigl,l. Type of coll(:lillrr. (e) Sectlrity classification of sl,il)l,lcnt and any special security requirements. (d) ,?. Pitokup point and (lest inat ion (J f sl]ipl]wul. 3. ~Tame of individual]) tit]e (s), a]ld telephone numtwrs to contact at pickup l)oint :Iiltl destination. TAGO 467A -