U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-5800-8 @ o DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE OF CHIEF OF THE NAVAL NAVY OPERATIONS 2000 NAVY I=EN7AG0N WASHINGTON. o.C. 20 S!50.2000 IN REP,” REFER TO OPNAVINST 5800.8 N09BE 26 NOVEK8EN1998 ———. — OPNAV INSTRUCTION MOO. & From: To: Chief of Naval Operations All Divisions of OPNAV Subj: ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Ref: (a) Administrative Dispute Law 104-320 (b) SECNAVINST 5800.13 Encl: (1) Request for Consideration for Alternative Resolution (2) Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement Resolution Act of 1996, Public Dispute To implement the provisions of references (a] 1. Puruose. and (b) and provide guidance to Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) managers and employees contemplating alternative action to deal with employment disputes. 2. Policy. It is Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) policy to: a. Use Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as an optional method to resolve disputes for employees who have expressed dissatisfaction over a matter concerning their employment. b. Ensure that, if ADR is used, it is voluntarily into by all parties involved in the dispute. entered c. Ensure that the rights of all parties accorded by governing regulation and statutes will be fully protected including the right of parties to revert back to the applicable dispute resolution process if the issue(s) is/are not resolved thr&gh ADR. d. Ensure that agreements legal, binding and enforceable, will the impact the agreements when resulting from the ADR process are and will take into consideration have on other employees. e. Provide official duty time to the parties they are participating in the ADR process. f. The parties to the dispute will own representation during the process. bear The provisions 3. ADDliCabilitV and ScoDe. aPplY to all OPNAV employees. to the dispute any cost of this for their instruction OPNAVINST 5800.8 98 24 NOV 4. Objectives. The use of ADR should: Create a nonadversarial process a. can resolve disputes themselves. b. Allow to facilitate c. 5. Reduce for the intervention open communications litigation and whereby involved parties of an impartial third party and remedies for resolution. improve relationships. Definitions a. ADR Proqram. A voluntary procedure that parties agree to use, in lieu of formal adjudication, to resolve issues in Selected techniques could include mediation, controversy. neutral expert fact-finding, or any combination thereof. The primary responsibility for the program rests with the Command Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer (N09BE). b. ADR Board. A group comprieed of the EEO Officer (N09B); Command Deputy, EEO Officer (N09BE); the Assistant for Civilian Personnel and SES Policy (N09BD); and the Activity Dispute Resolution Specialist (the designated qualified individual within the OPNAV staff). c. Mediation. A process where an impartial third-party assiste the disputants in finding a mutually acceptable solution to their dispute. The mediator has no power to impose a settlement but serves as a facilitator to help the parties come to agreement. Mediation is confidential and voluntary. It is usually informal, non-adversarial and binding only when the parties reduce the resolution to writing. Decisions reached through the mediation process will not be precedent-setting. Nor will the process be used when the facts are in dispute or the issues are technical. d. A process where an Neutral Exo ert Fact-findinq. impartial fact-finder with subject matter expertise investigates of the dispute and submits a report of and evaluates the facts findings. The fact-finder is authorized to mediate disputee after an investigation if the disputant and the ADR Board agree. This technique is best used where basic facts are in dispute or there are technical issues. 6. Responsibilities a. Program ADR Board in OPNAV: is responsible for administering 2 the ADR (1) Screening all cases for feasibility of using ADR, determining the appropriate techniques and ensuring qualified mediators or neutral expert fact-findere are appointed; pertinent b. (2) Evaluating and redesigning factors, as appropriate. Participants (1) are responsible Complying with the program based on for: the provisions of this instruction; and (2) Participating in the proceee in the settlement efforts. cooperating c. Mediators andfor Neutral in good Fact-findere faith and are responsible for: (1) Assieting the parties in reaching satisfactory resolution of a dispute; and (2) Ensuring 7. Criteria they for Usina a mutually are unbiaeed. ADR The ADR Program will be applicable to matters which would be s~iject to the OPNAV Administrative Grievance Procedure or the EEO Complaints Procedure. b. The ADR Board will determine which caees are applicable for the ADR process and the techniques to be used in each caee (e.g., mediation, neutral expert fact-finding, etc.) . Criteria considered include: I (1) The dispute involves factual or other unprecedential appear unlikely to resolve issuee; iseue (2) Traditional processee ehort of litigation; (3) The parties good want (4) The parties wish working relationships; potential or to settle the dispute to maintain, establish (5) Importance of the issue is minor cost and disruption if traditional 3 the quickly; or restore compared to processee are used; OPNAVINST 5800.8 24 NOV 98 (6) A neutral party complexities of the case. c. Generally, ADR ehall is more likely not be used to understand when: (1) A definitive and precedential resolution and ADR processing is not likely to be accepted; who will 8. (2) The matter in dispute significantly are not parties to the proceeding; or (3) A full public record not provide that record. the is important is reguired affecte persons and the proceeding Procedures The ADR Program may be initiated any time during the disp%e resolution procese (e.g., before a grievance is filed, at the counseling stage in an EEO matter, etc.) . b. Employees, supervisors/managers, Employee Relatione Division staff and EEO staff may reguest a case be reviewed by the ADR Board for inclusion in the AOR proceee by Submitting a Requeet for Conei&eration for Alternative Dispute Resolution Requests will be forwarded to the ADR Board (enclosure (l)). via N09B, for review/action. c. The ADR Board will review designate an ADR technique. the reguest and, if approved, d. If both parties agree to participate in ADR they will be reguested to sign an ADR Agreement (enclosure (2)). Refusal by any party to the dispute to sign the Agreement will result in withdrawal of approval to use the ADR process. e. When ADR is elected, the Board and administrative arrangements. will make all logistical traditional processing of f. When ADR ie initiated, The process will stop to give dispute immediately stops. It is important the parties time to attempt resolution. that the clock is still ticking ae far as initiating the process; i.e., 45 calendar days, 20 calendar days, etc. parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the initially procese will resume (i.e., counseling). the to note informal If the selected Procedures will be informal and confidential, except that 9. final producte such as reports or settlements may be disclosed to those having a need to know. 4