U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-5400-42 - O DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF WASHINGTON. OF THE OF NAVAL DC 20350 NAVY OPERATIONS 2000 IN w / OPNAVINST OP-04E 3 October REPLY REFER 10 5400.42 1988 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5400.42 From: Chief of Naval Operations Subj: ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE TO DEFENSE-IMPACTED COMMUNITIES Encl: (1) DOD Directive 5410.12 of 22 Dec 87 Purpose. TO transmit the policy guidance of enclosure (1) for compliance and information, as appropriate and to renumber the instruction following current Standard Subject Identification Codes. 1. 2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 5450.187. The Secretary of Defense chairs an interagency Economic A ]ustment Committee (EAC) established by Presidential Executive Order 12049 to assist defense-impacted communities. The Department of Defense has provided p?licy guidance, assigned organizational responsibilities~ and promulgated procedures for carrying out an economic adjustment program t-o minimize the economic impact on communities from changes in Defense programs. 3“*“ 4. Policy. Chief of Naval Operations policy is to actively support the interagency EAC in providing appropriate adjustment assistance, at a level commensurate with the need, to Defense impacted communities. 5. Responsibilities. The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Logistics (OP-04) 1s the designated policy focal point.for the Navy’s execution of the Defense Economic Adjustment Program, consistent with the policies outlined in enclosure (l). Additionally, other elements within the Chief of Naval Operations will be called upon for appropriate implementation. Addressees will issue supplementary directives, as needed, so that all activities concerned can comply with enclosure~ (l). — Distribution: (See page 2) DeputyChiefof Naval (l~erations (Logistics) 0579LD0542120 OPNAVINST 5400.42 — ;i!!~r!!!%tion: SNDL A2A A5 21A FD1 FE1 FF1 FF5 FG1 FKA1 FKN1 FS1 FT1 FT2 (Department of the Na’J;’St.aif Offices) (Bureaus) (Fleet Commanders in Chief) (COMNAVOCEANCOM ) (COMNAVSECGRU) (COMNAVDIST WASHINGTON DC) (NAvsAFEcEN) (COMNAvTELcOM ) (SYS(I’EMSCOMMANDS! (FACENGCOMDIV) (COMNAVINTCOM) (cNET) (CNATRA) copy to: SNDL Al A6 FL1 OPS 04, 44, (Immediate Office of the Secretary) (ASSTSECNAV sL, only (CMC ) (COMNAVDAC) (Code 813, only) (35) 441, 04E (25) Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFOWCEN 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099 copies) (100 2 — o (/;;$ . ,-1 w +.-. - Department of Defense DIRECTIVE ./, “ -=.-” ~PNAvlN~T ~40042 . 3 OCT 1988 December 22, 1987 NUMBER 5410.12 ASD(FM&P) SUBJECT : Economic Adjustment Assistance to Defense-Impacted Communities References: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) A. DoD Directive 5410.12, subject as above, April 21, 1973 (hereby canceled) Executive Order 12049, March 7, 1978; Presidential communica­ tions to the Secretary of Defense and heads of other Federal Agencies, March 4, 1970; April 16, 1973; and July 12, 1976 Presidential communication to the U.S. Congress on Defense Growth Impacts, August 28, 1981 DoD Directive 1400.20, “DoD Program for Stability of Civilian Employment,” June 16, 1981 Federal Property Management Regulations (current edition) DoD Instruction 3030.2, “Community Planning and Impact Assistance,” May 24, 1983 REISSUANCE AND PURPOSE This Directive: 1. Reissues and updates reference (a). 2. Establishes policy and guidance; assigns organizational responsibilities; and provides procedures for carrying out an Economic Adjustment Program to minimize economic impacts on communities, resulting from changes in Defense programs. B. APPLICABILITY This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military Departments, the Organization of Joint Chiefs of Staff (OJCS), the Unified and Specified Commands, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (IG, D~D), the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), the Defense Agencies, and DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as “DoD Components”). ‘I’he term “Military Services,” as used herein, refers to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. c. DEFINITIONS The terms used in this Directive are defined in enclosure 1. D. POLICY Executive Order 12049 and Presidential memoranda (reference (b)) to the Secretary of Defense and Heads of other Agencies directed the Secret.lry of Defense to chair an interagency Economic Adjustment Committee (EAC) to assist Defense­ impacted ..ocmmnities. ln consonance with this objective, DoD Components shall develop implernen~inginstructions that are consistent with the following policies: Enclosure (1) 1. General. DoD decisions and actions can have a significant economic impact on individual communities. Concern for such Defense economic impacts shall be reflected as follows: a. When it is known or anticipated that a DoD action will seriously affect the economy of a community, every practical consideration shall be given implementing the action in a manner that will minimize the local economic impact . b. When a serious economic impact from a Defense action is unavoidable, the Department of Defense shall take the leadership responsibility for bringing the resources of the Federal Government (the Department of Defense and other Federal Departments and Agencies) together to alleviate the problem. c. DoD Components shall provide maximum advance information and support to State and local governments in order that they can plan for necessary adjustments in local public services and facilities, manpower trainin~ programs, and local economic development activities. 2. Resource Assistance a. Community economic adjustment assistance shall be directed toward helping impacted communities to help themselves, using the combined resources of the Federal, State, and local governments and the private sector to support local initiatives. In the special case of communities affected by new or expanded major DoD installations, the President’s letter of August 28, 1981 (reference (c)) indicates that local and State resources and normal Federal domestic agency assistance should be used to provide public facilities and services supporting military bases whenever possible. Special Federal assistance shall only be warranted in those unusual circumstances when a sudden population influx and the resulting demand for public services from a major military base could overwhelm State-local fiscal capacities and impede achievement of critical national security objectives. b. A community economic adjustment program shall specify the following: (1) Identify a responsible community leadership group with which an EAC team, the State, and the private sector can work effectively. (2) Identify uniform economic impact information and provide an analysis that shall include: (a) Realistic community expectations on the likely regional impact; and (b) An assessment of community requirements for Federal ei:onomic adjustment resources before and during the Defense rt’.~l i~nrnent action. (3) Formulate an economic development strategy that will )Ielp to diversify the local economy and reduce dependence on Dcfense­ eldLed activities. (4) Identify, and assign responsibility fcr, specif c development actions needed to offset the Defense impact. 2