U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-5300-8b Advance Copy DEPARTMENT iii” OFFICE OF THE WASHINGTON, . OF CHIEF THE OF NAVAL DC 20350-2000 NAVY OPERATIONS IN REPLY OPNAVINST Pers-OOH [w /, o \ REF’ER To 5300.8B APR23 1997 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 5300.8B From: To: Chief of Naval Operations All Ships and Stations (less Marine Navy personnel attached) Subj : COORDINATION (a) ReS: (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Encl: (1) (2) (3) AND CONTROL Corps field addressees not having OF PE3SO!4}!ELSURVE’fS 93, ?4anagemenr and Control of Directive 8910.1 of 11 ;un Information Requirem.encs ~IIOT.%) DoD Inscrucrion 1100.13 of 21 Nov 96, Surveys of DOD Personnel (NOTAL) Information SECNAVINST 5214.29, ~eparz~,enc of che :davy (CO:) (Reporzs) Ma~~genent Proqram ‘NOTfiL) Requirements SZCNAVINST 3900.39B, Proreczion ~f Human SuD?eccs ‘Javv (DoN) Freedom of SECNAVINST 5720.425 Deparznenc or the . . Information Act (FOX?.) ?rc;zar, v Acz (PA) SECNAVINST 5211.50, ;epar:n.s~.c of the :Jai-y?ZL’7=CI ?rogrdiv DoD Sur*7ey Approval Procedures for Requescinq ;ersonnel Sample Cover Letter for a Sample Survey Endorsement Lezcer; to Survey Approval Request; Sampie Letter Author~zlng Access Survey Respondents ‘ata OPNAV 5214/10 (Rev. 9-81), Report AnalYsis To delineate policy and procedures for thetmanagement and Purpose. 1. of references control of Navy military and civilian surveys, In ampl+flcatlon revised and should This instruction has been substantially (a), (b), and (c)= be read in its entirety. 2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 5300.8A. To ensure that Navy personnel surveys provide maxim~ benefits 3. Objective. at the lowest possible cost and with the to the widest number of Navy users tempo (OPTEMPO) of the fleet. least disruption to the operational This instruction applies to all surveys of Department of 4. Applicability. the Navy (DoN) military members and their families and Navy clvlllan under authority of the Marine Corps surveys are administered personnel. Surveys which include active duty or Commandant, United States Marine Corps. of Defense (DoD) components are approved civilian members of other Department Federal government throucn Headquarters Se~vices (reference (a) ) .and members of the . Washington contractors, surveys of retirees’ dependents, goverrm.enc generai public require Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval. of active duty . . surveys of retirees, and spouses and dependents Likewise, that do not relate to existing federal programs for m+lltary personnel families or the need for new military family programs also require OMB approval. llullllmllllllllBlllllllllmlllllllllllllull * 05 77 L DO L 1 0 OL O* OPNAVINST 23 5300.8B APflIw Navy personnel surveys are a valuable means of collecting Background. 5. information from Navy military and civilian personnel about various aspects of They provide data which enable Navy naval service and civilian employment. Coordination and control of surveys is managers to make informed decisions. the impact of survey required in order to maintain quality control, minimize management of administration on Navy OPTEMPO, and provide for the life-cycle Navy surveys. Survey results often a. Quality control review mechanisms are essential. influence policy decisions affecting members’ welfare and the allocation of results, Poorly designed surveys may produce meaningless Navy resources. They can also influence which can impact policy decisions inappropriately. to cooperate in future surveys, thereby depriving members ‘ willingness This directive establishes review headquarters of important information. mechanisms to ensure that only technically sound surveys are supported and approved. a significant b. Regulation is required because surveys represent at the expense of other manpower expenditure and sometimes are accomplished of effort, ensures the Further, regulation avoids duplication efforts. cost-effective application of survey data, and enables wide access to Navy long-range programmatic Finaily, regulation emphasizes survey information. efforts over repetitive, one-time surveys. 6. Definitions data collection, a. A “survey” or “personnel survey” is a systematic or self-administered questionnaires, using personal or telephonic interviews, as individuals or representatives of from a sample of 10 or more persons The questionnaires or interview protocols contain identical agencies. and related demographic, questions that elicit attitudes, opinions, behavior, social and economic data to be used for statistical compilations for research Surveys may be conducted via mail, group and/or policy assessment purposes. telephone inquiries, or computer (e.g., e-mail, or individual interviews, bulletin boards, interactive programs, voice-mail) . (1) “Attitude,” “opinion,” “belief,” and “fact-finding” surveYs are personnel surveys that request self-reported information relevant to specific These surveys typically organizational missions, policies? or procedures. address such topics as organizational/command climate, job satisfaction, career development, diversity issues~ health issues, program needs assessment, Also included in this category for purposes of this and program evaluation. instruction are vocational interest inventories. surveys that inquire task” surveys are personnel (2) “Occupational job-related tasks within a specified officer, about discrete, technical, These types of surveys address such factors enlisted or civilian community. The amount of training, skill frequency and importance. as task duration, level, or experience required to perform job-related tasks are also often found on these surveys. surveys are personnel surveys that collect (3) “Recurring” information from individuals on a continuing basis at specified intervals 2 or OPNAVINST 23 milestones completion throughout definition effort . 5300.8B APR 1997 change of station, after such as annually, upon promotion, The survey instrument must remain unchanged of training, etc. the Report Control Symbol (RCS) expiration date to retain its survey as “recurring, “ otherwise it would be viewed as a separate are defined as face-to-face discussions with “Interviews” (4) information that may be used individuals or groups to obtain seif-reported draw conclusions or arrive at generalizations about groups of individuals. to with a A “pretest” or “pilot :e.sc” is a test of survey procedures b. to determine their draft of items of the data co llec:ion instrument appropriateness . A pretest is conducted with a small number of people Re~~i~ions of the planned procedures and data (usually from 10 to 50). Several on the findings of the pretest. collection instrument are based pretests may be required. A Report Control .symbcl (RCS) is the number assigned to a survey afzer c. RCS numbers have it has been reviewed and apprc-:ed for administration. for longer than three associated expiration dates ara are never authorized (D) of Part II, of an RCS is outlined in paragraph years . Revalidation enclosure (l), reference (c) . d. A “survey sponsor” is any Navy agency that may benefit from or has a Sponsors may not necessarily fund direct interest in the survey zesults. Funding for survey content. survey projects but they are always responsible the cost of survey design, development~ execution when applicable, includes, (including postage and telephone costs), analysis and reporting. that designs, develops, A “performing activity” is the organization e. Navy research and reports on an approved Navy personnel survey. analyzes, and Navy evaluation contractors selected headquarters offices, organizations, Depending on the distribution of are examples of performing activities. functions and tasks of a specific survey, there may be more than one activities, In such cases, one of the performing performing activity. will be tasked with the lead responsibility to normally a Navy laboratory, coordinate the survey. or contractor tasked by a f. An “executing activity” is the organization Navy sponsor to coordinate the assembly, printing, mailing, data collection, and data base construction for an approved Navy personnel survey when The development and/or analyses are to be performed by another activity. performing activity may also serve as the executing activity. A “survey 9“ the participants. 7. recipient” is a command or organization whose members are Exclusions a. Excluded from all provisions of this instruction are Navy Occupational Importance Task Analysis Program (NOTAP; NAVMAC) surveys, Navy Training in Echelon 4 or lower Surveys (TIS; NAVMAC), and surveys conducted by commands the command (e.g., command managed equal when executed entirely within (a) and (b) require all Navy opportunity (CMEO) surveys) . However, references 3 — OPNAVINST 5300.8B 23/WfM197 Also excluded from all commands to assess the cost/benefit of their surveys. focus groups and interviews for the purpose provisions of this instruction are or for clarification of of development and pretest of survey questionnaires survey results. Career development surveys and program b. longer exempted from survey approval. 8. evaluation surveys are no Responsibilities The Chief a. of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) (1) Serve as resource sponsor (NSRC) (described in subparagraph 8c). (Pers-OOH) for the Navy Survey will: Resource conducted of all personnel (2) Provide control and coordination within the Navy by ensuring that Navy activities: conduct (a) Wherever possible, new personnel surveys. rather than analyze existing (b) Use recurring personnel surveys employ one-time survey efforts. data Center surveys bases rather than to the maximum extent possible (c) Include items that have been successfully employed in past both to improve questionnaire surveys with Navy populations, if possible, validity and to enable the analysis of trends affecting specific areas of concern. information for (d) Include standard items, such as demographic and necessary to allow gender, race/ethnic status, paygrade, etc., if relevant comparative data analysis between surveys. every survey (e) Review 3 years. the requirement to conduct (3) Coordinate and process all requests projects sponsored by another government recurring personnel surveys for Navy members to assist department or agency. in (4) Approve or disapprove requests to conduct personnel surveys within the Navy under reference (a) ; obtain Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) RCSS for approved surveys; and execute the responsibilities of surveys control manager under references (a) and (c) . Survey recipients will ensure that only authorized surveys are b. Upon discovery of an unauthorized survey, addressees completed while on-duty. action will be will notify CHNAVPERS (Pers-OOH) . A decision of appropriate made on a case-by-case basis. (1) Naval personnel will be neither encouraged responding to surveys addressed to them as individuals nor discouraged while off-duty. (2) Replies to personnel surveys that involve disclosure of Replies classified information are prohibited under any circumstances. 4 from to