U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-4900-176a I I t3&ib.tio. authorizedto U.S. Govmmmrd agenciesonly. IW is to prcvc.t @dmiml or opcratiormtinfwmmion imm mucmmticdismd. nadou uodcr lb. Inlcmtiorml fkbm~c Pmgmm or by odur means.Ilk pmlcctirm npplicsm p.bticati.xu rq.ircd soldy for offkint .% ond to IA.% contining vnhe,blc kcbnicat or OWrmionrd i. fomtion, ‘t3is dctcnnhuioo was made 0.23 Amil 1%37.Ollur requests for tik documentwill ix >ferrcd to U5WMSA.”AITN MOFHMA.5DA.TI. 5900rJELvOIR ROAD, stfti I 20, FORT rJELtiooL VA 22 fPS@5578, ‘ JTA 7S-74 ‘ OPNAVINST JOIN7TABLE OFALLOWANCE No. 75-74 OPNAVINST 4900. 176A DEPARTMENTS 1. m Pmtl. Pm2. PM3, Awmmrx. DC, 30 December 1998 WASHINGTON, I GENERAL., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQtJtPMW .................. km”tofht hyltm ..... k-c.t.f tic Naqlt,m ..... k-.1. ftic Air F.xclEm .. LIST OF EQUIPMSIW FtlRNtSHED Section 1. Authorization This table is in accordottce with AR l-75/OPNAVINST 4900.31 G/AFR 400A5 and AR 310 series. Together with documents listed in pamgmpb 3, it is the !whority for the designated State Department officicds to requisition and issue, in accordance with pertinent StzUe Department or Department of the .%ny directives, all items of equipment listed herein unless otherwise indicated. 2. Application � OF THE ARMY, THE NAVY, AND THE AIR FORCE SECURITY ASSISTANCE SECllON 4900.176A a Items of equipment listed herein are authorized for the operation of Security Assistance OffIce, Bulgaria. The mission of this unit is to administer U.S. military assistance 10 Bulgaria including dIc intcmittionti sales and lcgistics pmgmm ond residurd aspects of the gmnt oid military assistance progmm to foster host country military com@ence and further U.S. national policies and interests. b. Prcmmement, issue, substitution and retention of items of equipment mtthoriz.ed bemin will k accomplished itt accordance with AR I–75/OPNAVINST 4900.31 G/AFR 40&t5 and the provisions of Joint State/Defense M . . . . . OFFICE, BULGARIA ... .. ... ... ... BY . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . HOST GOVERNM13V7’. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . Pago 1 3 3 3 3 3 1. GENERAL CA 7’27, subjecc Transfer of uSMILGP and Support Functions to the Embassy, Administmtive c. Allowances listed in section 11herein are not duplicated by authorizations listed in paragraph 3. d. Trophies and articles of bistoricrd nature are not listed in thk table, but may be retnhed until umerviceable. e. When an LCC–A preferred item is authorized in the JTA and a suitable substitute is onhand, such items ttormnlly will be retained until not economically repairable, j Items of equipment authorized herein, except commercial non-type classified items, are the latest adopted type LtI’dCleS. priorities of issue of substitute items prod. ing avtilabllity of later models, or in lieu thereof until exhausted, ase estnblisbed and authorized by current supply directives. g. ‘k listing of an item or set, kit, or outfit in thk table provides authority for acquisition of applicable repair pans, accessories, speciof tools, and components dmreof which are shown in applicable rmtnmfs, listings and btdletins, commenstmwe with the assigned responsibilities for mnintenmtce mtd dte density of the authorized items. . TM table supersedes J7A 75-74 /OPNAVINSl 49MI,176 dated 15 Cmtotw 1997. I I JTA 7S-74/OPNAVlNST 4900.176A h. Issues made by it military departmem against zmthorizations and allowances contained in this JTA will be chargeable to the appropriate milimy functions appropriations. i. Issues made by Department of State against mtboriztttions and allowances contained in this JTA will be chargeable to the U.S. Security Assistance Augmentation Offtce. Btdgarh operating funds, j. [terns contained in this JTA are authorized only to tie extent that these same. or compomble, items are not furnished by the Department of State or Ihe host govemmem. k. Unless otherwise restricted by orders or regulations, the allowances listed herein may be decreased or deleted m the request and discretion of the commander, The use of authorizations esmblished herein is a command function: the commander is not required to request to the full extent of authorization allowances. The retention of authorized items and the enforcement of supply economy also are command functions to be exercised by the commander of U.S. Secutily Assistance Orgmtization. Bulgaria, authorized equipment by this table. 3. Related authorizationa AFAS 504 Food Services. AFAS 538 Security Police Activities, Organizational Small Arms Equipment, Military Dogs, Associated Equipment. Confrontation Management. Air Base Ground Defense Correction and Detention Equipment. AFAS 752 Aircraft Maintenance. AFAS 760 Aircraft Engine and Accessory Tools and Equipment. - 4. Regulation and other related publication AR 1-75/ OPNAVfNST 49CKI.31G/ AFR 403-45 Administrative and Logistici Oversezt Security Assistance Support of Orgmiza- AR ~5–31J The Army Integrated Printing program. AR 5%1 Management Acquisition and Use of Administrative Use Motor Vehicles. AR 71–32 Force Development and Documentation Consolidated Policies. lions, Publishing and AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards and Automobile and Aircraft Plates. AR 31CL49 The Army Authorization System (TAADS). CTA &100 Army Medical Durable Items. AR 3504 Integrated (ITAM). CTA 5G900 ClotMng and Individual Equipment. AR 385–32 Protective Clotilng md Equipment. CTA 50-909 Field and Gm-risen Furnishings and F.quipment. AR 420-90 Fire md Emergency Services. CTA 5&970 ExpendablMlu’able Items (Except Medical, Ckiss V. Repair Parts and Heraldic Items). AR 70&84 Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing. AR 71(L2 Supply Level. AR 72$50 Requisitioning, Receipt and Issue System. AR 735-5 Policies and Procedures Accountability. AR 735–1 I Accounting for Lost, Damaged and Destroyed Property. NAVFAC P-930 Nnvy Family Housing Manual. NAVFACINST 11010.74 Collateral Equipmem Required to Initinily Outfit Military Construction, Navy and Mi]imry Construction, Naval Reserve Proiects. NAVSO P–100a Navy Comptroller Department Expendable/ AFAS 006 Orgmtizatiomd and Administrative menl. AFAS 014 Training Devices, AFAS 016 Specird Purpose Equipment. AFAS 403 GenemJ Purpose Tools. AFAS 410 Morale, Welfare, Recreation and Physical Training. Clothing Equip and Personal AFAS 41 I Chapel. Chaplnin Facility nnd Religious Education Facility. AFAS 414 Quarters Furnishings. AFAS 454 LibmrieslService 2 Center. � Training Policy Documenls Area Management Below the Wholesale Mmtml. for Property � JTA 75-7410 PNAVINST � I NAVSUP P410t3 Matmgement List-Navy. tion and Maintenance I I I � of. OPNAVfNST 111OI.28B Leming Family Countries. OPNAVfNST 11101.32A provision of Furnishings Bachelor Housing. SECNAVfNST 5231.1 B Life Cycle Mmmgemettt (LCM) Policy md Approval Requirements for lnformzuion System (IS) Projects. Housing in Foreign AFMAN 67-lvlpt 3amnd38 USAF SUf@y Manual. IX3D 45C0.3&R Mmmgement, Acquisition Motor Vehicles. DOD 5W0.2<-I Cmdog of Audio Vkwtl Productions, Army Productions, Volume 1. Restrictions Equipment. on Procurement AF137-111 Receiving, Distributing, Requisitioning and Wwehousing Publications and Forms. Management of Govemmem Possession of the Air Force. for Filing properly in and Use of Cmdog of Audio Vkuzd Productions, DOD 5W0.2-C-2 Navy nnd Marine Corps Productions. Volume 2, for Family cmd SECNAVINST 10463. IA AFI2>111 ODD 5W0.2<-3 Cmidog of Audio Vku~l Productions, Air Force and Miscellaneous DOO Productions, Volume 3. ODD 5W0.2-C-4 Cmdog of Audio Vkunl Productions. DOD Productions Clemed for Public Release, Volume 4. DA Pam 25-30 ConsolidatedIndex of.%’rny Pttblicmimts md Blink Fornls, DA Pam 25-32 Foreign Military Safes public~tions Guide. SB 700-20 Army AdoptediOtber Items Selected for Authorizcttion/List of Repormble Items. AFt36-2903 Dress and Appmmnce of Air Fome Personnel. Section Il. EQUIPMENT Patt /. Department Line I X4220 I � of the Army Items. Required Nomenclature TRUCK, CARRYALL COMMERCIALLY OF AR 71-13. I i Nwtl Supply Systems Commmtd Mmunf, Volume 1. OPNAWNST Fl~g, General zmd Installation Com11101.19C mmder Quarters; Mamtgemenl. Opem- I i NAVSUP 1611.1 4900.176A 1 1/4 TO 1 1/’2TON, 4X4 AVAfLABLE ITEMS NOT REQUIRfNG ASSIGNMENT Audroriwd 1 OF LIN IAW PARA 2-44 ANO 245 AC/HEAT PUMP 2 2 COMPUTER, ~ ~ PHONE. CELLULAR I I PRINTER, TEMPEST 2 2 TRANSFORMER, 220 V TO I IO V 4 4 TAPE PLAYER, AUDIO CASSETTE 1 1 TEMPEST Part 2. Department of the Navy Items. None. Part 3. DepaHment of the Air Force Items. None. APPENDIX. Equipment as Furniehed by Host Government. None. JTA 76-74/OPNAVINST 4900.176A By Order of the Secretaries of Lhe Army, Ihe Niwy, and the Air Force: Oficitd: DENNIS J. REfMER General, Uniled StaIes Army Chief of .%ff JOEL B. HUDSON Administrative Assiwnr [o Ihe Secreta~ of the Army I Oflicid: 1. L. JOHNSON Admiral, United S(ares NoIy Chief ofNaval Operations A.N. LANGSTON Rear Admira/, Unired S/ales NaIy Directoc Navy Sraff I Official: 4 WfLLIAM P. HALLfN IA General, USAF DCS/Logistics �