U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-4900-114 .. DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE OF CHIEF OF WAS141N6TO?4, THE NAVAL D.C, NAVY OPERATIONS 20390 w IN RCPLY RCFCR TO OPNAVINST 4900.114 OP-631K 23 OCT 1975 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 4900.114 From: Chief of Naval Operations Subj : U. S. Defense representatives in foreign countries Encl: (1) DOD Directive 5105.47 of 15 July 1975 1. Purpose. To transmit enclosure information, as appropriate. (1) for compliance and 2. Implementation. Addressees will issue supplementary directives, as needed in order that all activities concerned will uniformly comply with enclosure (1). e,i- By direction Distribution SNDL A2A (Independent Offices) A4A (Chief of Naval Material) A5 (Bureaus) OP’S 09, 009, 90, 92, 96, 094, 942, 943, 096, 980, 099, 008, 01, 10, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 60, 61, and 63 copy to: SNDL Al (Immediate Office of the Secretary) A6 (Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps) C5 (Military Assistance Advisory Groups) C5A (Military Assistance Advisory Groups) (For which Navy is Executive Agent) C5B (Navy Section, Military Assistance Advisory Groups) C5C (Defense Representative Office) C5D (Mutual Defense Assistance Office) C5F (Military Liaison Office) C6 (Military Groups) C8 (Diplomatic Duty Missions) @JTIO% >%4 e g a ‘“a %.& Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Ave. Phila. , PA 19120 !$O T ‘z ; ., +?’ %6. ,976 OPNAVllWT4900.114 23 oct 1975 II JiiLy15, 1975 NUMBER 5105.47 - ASD(ISA) Department SUBJECT 1. of Defense Directive U.S. Defense Representativein Foreign Countries PURPOSE This Directive provides Defense Representative order to elements improve the in-country, country Il. defense Terms (USDR) of in interface the U.S. establ Reference foreign for the countries U.S. in between noncombat DOD Ambassador, and the host ishment. POLICY A. The Conwnander geographic designate will be be authority c. The do to position D. in the USDR The of will USDR. In command jurisdictions, the will designate the DOD position responsibility will or will occupied to permanent He will to assigned position of normally, that addition normally be responsibilities designated governmental should general delegate to not USDR is to of for and the primary responsibilities duty assignment. staffs or as established USDR shall functional military responsibility designated officials not senior organi­ the for coordination interpreted country. The position ing responsibilities duty be but the international will the by assume his administrative so the to so. country. Officers zations E. do be in assigned so. assigned as Command not covered by subsection A., above, of Staff will designate the position USDR responsibility or will delegate necessarily, officer the USDR to For countries Joint Chiefs be assigned Unified overlapping of Staff assigned authority B. the security assistance responsibility DOD position in each country which assigned instances of Joint Chiefs to of or the U.S. only of the USDR. and host not alter administration. exist­ ENCLOSURE (1) OPNAVINST 4900.114 23 oct 1975 F. Exceptions to this stances’ in a specific by the Secretary of be made only when circum­ require and only when approved wil’ country Defense. pOliC)f RELATIONSHIPS A. Nothing in this Directive should i. The military Authorities 2. The authority of the Miiitary ty of DOD agencies to exercise and policy control; and control tion of their various elements. 3. The normal direct access of the MAAG/MiSSION/MILGP chiefs military, and other officials. chain to the be construed of command commanders of of to the National combatant change: Command forces. Departments or the authori­ technical, substantive, over internal administra­ the to military host attaches government, and 4. Command relationships, responsibilities, of the U.S. military elements as provided directives or detract from their special with appropriate officials. 5. Relationships and responsibii ities between the Military Service attaches and the Chiefs of their Services and Secretaries of their Military Departments. 6. The attache’s role Chief of Mission. 7. The position representatives Secretary of as adviser of to the individuals specifically of the Secretary of Defense Representative and functions in appropriate relationships Ambassador or designated Defense, e.g. in Europe. as , B. For those matters pertaining to his USDR responsibilities, reporting channels for the USDR will be through the appointing authority and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense. Reporting channeis for all other matters will remain unchanged. c. When D. the Defense Attache is designated the USDR, his responsibilities, and reporting channels attache title, However, for the discharge through DiA are unchanged. his USDR responsibilities, he will report through the ~ppointing authority and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense. The appointing to be inciuded ENcmY.JRE (1) authority as a part my of provide routine of the a letter of evaluation fitness/effectiveness/ -. $$%FW9”O”1’4 aiL15,75 5105.47 efficiency in the Iv, USDR reports role. and pertaining E. Nothing in this normal ’reporting organizations. F. Nothing in this Directive shall agency heads’ necessary direct to fulfill assigned responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES A. Directive channels shall be and direct performance to ck ange to parent be construed to intervene access to the U.S. Atiassador and functions. The USDR will: 1. Act as the focal point for coordination of general concerning noncombat DOD elements in the country, include information on mission, location, structure, and strength of these elements. 2. Provide advice and information the Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Comnand of in-country B. construed access to to the data to Ambassador. the Secretary of Defense, the and the Commander of the Unified DOD activities, as appropriate. 4. Have authority over all DOD personnel in cases of emergency wherein U.S. national interest or DOD interest are involved and the urgency of the situation precludes referral up the chain of conunand to the appointing authority. 5. Take local initiative noncombat DCD eiements, host government defense 6. Act as the DOD Coordinating Authority to eliminate redundant administrative and support functions. As the Coordinating Authority, he has the authority to require consultation among all noncombat DOD elements involved but does not have the authority to compel agreement. In the event the Coordinating Authority is unable to obtain essential agreement, he shall refer the matter,through his appointing authority. 7. Perform representational responsibilities to the government defense establishment,and to the U.S. Atiassador, that are not otherwise assigned. The USDR will DOD elements the position in AND AUTHORITY 3. Inform .- exclusively to improve the interface the U.S. Ambassador, establishment. not exercise mission-tasking in-country that do not normally he occupies as a primary duty between and the authority report assignment. host over through 3 ENCLOSURE (1)