U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-3880-6 . —. –— ,,. O $m.i . . 23?y 4 . DEPARTMENT “ .. ( ~-,, >$ I(-F or * OF CHIEF WASHINGTON r ‘:& THF THE or tJ\VAL DC 20350 NAVY OpERATION:S 2000 IN “ REPLY RFr FR “c> OPNAVINST 3880.6 0P-092T \ d ~PNAV INSTRUCTION 3880.6 From: Chief of Naval Operatior~s Subj: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE LIAISOIJ OFFICER (STILO) PROGRAM AND INTELLIGEJ~CE SUPPORT FOR THE NATJAT, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST & EVALUATION, AND ACQUISITION COMMUNITIES Ref: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) OPNAVINST 381101B (NOTAL) NAVINTCOMINST 5440.1 (NOTAL) OPNAVINST c3882.2 (NOTAL) OPNAVINST S3820e16D (NoTAL) DODINST 5000.42 (NOTAL) OPNAVINST 5000.42C (NOTAL) NAVINTCOMINST 3890.lB (NOTAL) NIC 2600A-001-87, Apr 87 (NOTAL) OPNAVINST S7030.3C (NOTAL! SECNAVINST 3811.1 (NOTAL) Purpose. To define objectives of the Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Liaison Officer (STILO) Program and to outline the responsibilities of the Naval Systems Commands, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Centers, anti laboratory STILO’S. 1. 2. Background and Definitions a. Formalized procedures are required to effect intelligence supportt liaison, and coordination among the RP’T&: and intelligence communities. b. The Commander, Naval Intelligence Command (COMNAVINTCOM) directs and coordinates intelligence collectl~~:,, production, and dissemination to satisfy Department of l~avy Intelligence information requirements. The cost and complexity of design~ research~ c. development, test, evaluation~ procurement~ installation~ maintenance and modification of modern weapon systems require accurate and timely scientific and technical (S&T) and threat intelligence support throughout the life cycle of those systems. (1) S&T intelligence is that intelligence concerning foreign activities in basic and applied scientific and technical research and development, including engineering and production techniques, new technology, and weapon systems capabilities and characteristics. 0579LD0548360 . A . . - . --- — (~) Thre:lt-. illtelligerlceis the result of analysis and ~Jt-f)jf(=t military characteristics of io[~’ign and taCt_ics in light of their potential or gene’rc~l U.S. niss.ionsf systernst 01 ions doctrine specific capabilities, impact on Ldc tics. ~engthen d. ‘i’he STILO Program was established in 1970 to :’t the interface and flow of intelligence between the intel liger~ce c(lmm~lnit.y and Naval Material Command activities. The fl~:~~~:;kablisl~mer]t of the Naval Material Command notwitllstandillg, primary STILO objectives remain to channel and expedite intelligence flow from the intelligence community to acquisition and RDT&E organizations and to provide the intelligence community with an experienced intelligence point of contact for intelligence ~~rofessional as tl]e primary nl~tters at those organizations. 3. Scope. Timely availability of pertinent S&T and threat ~l]t.e~ligenceare required throughout the acquisition and RDT&E Communities development, 4 � to support acquisition the weapor~ and weapon-related and testing process. sj’stems Respunslbilities a. Overall policy direction and coordination responsibility for the Navy STIL(.)program is assumed Director of [Javal Intelligence (DN1) (OP-92). by tile b. The Assistant to the DNI for Technology (OP-092’~) fulfills tl]epolicy direction responsibilit’i for tl]eDIJI. (“ . s’J’ILO funding and billet management responsibilitiess remain with tl~eparent activities. 1 The Commanding Officer, Naval Technical Intelligence t;ent~~ (NAVTEC1iINTCEN), fulfills the cc~ordinati(>l] t]lc N~V’1’[’Cl]]lJqU~lJ Specliicallyf responsibility for the DNI. (PJTIC-O(jC) will: l’ec~~nical llirectOK (1) Coordinate ir~tellige]lce support to, anfl t.t]eS’.!’ i!J(J})luqrd17 t-(fl ma])ltdin sharin(; wit.l~lr~, information optimum ir] acquisition and (2) !Javy acquisition coILmunity. ti)e Intelligellce suppolt to tl]t’ lJaV~ eifect.lve RDT&E comr[~ullities. Serve as the primary and point l(DT&E activities 2 of contact between the an~i tt]c irltclli(jel)ce — . (4) Conduct S’i’ILO conferences, ds~urt’ efi~ective program management dvailable to S’111,0’S. intcllige]lce and (5) Coordinate with acquisition com7Lun i ties. ST ILQS to obtain technical assist. dr~ce for ki~e i[ltelligence community (at least currency” annually) of to and RD’I’LE and engineering wl-ien required. e. The l{aval Systems Commands, RI)T&E Centers, and Laboratories shall designate ST ILO’S and provide essential resources and facilities. The STILO function should be established at the staff level with direct access to tl~e The commander/technical director for i~]telliyence matters. designated STILO shall be aware of planned and ongoing command projects, be alert to applicable intelligence already establish requirements for that wl]ich is not available, dvai.lable; and be aggressive in the pursuit of both. and as described by the threat support Specificallyr responsibilities identified in reference (a), the STILO shall: (1) Keep the commanding officer informed of threat on the ir]telligence command’s (2) requirements projects. (3) acquisition intelligence tecl]nical adequate and mission Maintain pertaining technological and assigned a current file to activity developri]ents projects. of intelligence acquisition and Ensure Navy weapon systems development programs cor~sider and use currer~t threat appropriate to their programs. (4) Review development intelligence proposed technical and test input. plans for approaches, appropriate S&T and which impact RDT&E and proposed and (5) Coordinate the submission of requests fGr threat support, Intelligence Production/Collect ion Requiremeilts (I PRs/I~:Rs) and Statemerlts of Intel ligel]ce Interest (s11s) . produced efforts, required (6) Consistent witl] restrictions on use of contractor threat assessmer~ts in development and acquisition assist command program/project managers in identifying contractor ir~tellicjence support. 3 OPNAVTNST 3880.6 Pllp ‘ O 1!!99 (7) Prior to execution of any contract DD 254 shows a “yes” in block n(j) for Sensitive Compartrnented coordinate with the IJaval Ir~telligcncc Information (SCI), {NIAC-74) to assure Alli (-~r:lat.ior] Venter compliar~ce wit-l] contra<:ting procedures defined in reference (b). whicl] (8) i;~telligence L1.fl(:[’l. establish Coordinate command requirements for special billets al)d cleararlces wit]] tile Special Sec~lrit7 Provide expertise and assistal]ce wt)erl reql~ir~d to related compartrnented prOgK~iOS. sensitive intelligence- (9) Assist NAVTECHINTCEN in obtaining tecl]nical expertise when requested by tl]e intelligence cor~munity. (10) Maintain comlflan~is, point of liaison witl] RDT&E Centerst Laboratories; contact with the intelligence the STILO’S of and act as community. (ii) Coordinate tile command’s involvem(’n~ T!iat:elid exploitation, including the submission command/activity requirements for exploitation. pertains. other the primary ill f~r~’i~~n of Reference (c) col:unand/activity ~~(~int o~ (12) Act- as tl]e primary contact for the Foreign Military Intelligence Co] lc’ct ion Anh.jvit-.ies defined in reference (d) . (F0R14KA) Program, required (13) Serve intelligence as the and activity’s tl]reat taski[]g sup~~ott. authority for- as tl)e sole command/activity authority for (14) Serve the !Javal Intelligence community for including coordinating funding to intelligence/threat support, support such tasking when NAVIIJTCOM requires SUC1l funding. tasking Navy RI)T&E activities, 5. Procedures. ——shall reques~intelligence supportl conduct liaison with other intelligence follows: througl] their STILU’S effective coordination, allfl orgal]izations a$ for mandatory threat assessment ~upport a. Requests development programs required by references Navy weapons (e), and (f) will be forwarded to COMNAVINTCOM (NIC-10)~ copy to the Assistant to the DNI for Technology (oP-092T)~ NAVTECHINTCE!J . to (a), witl~ and