U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-3502-2c DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE OF CHIEF 2000 NAVY WASHINGTON, OF THE NAVAL NAVY OPERATIONS PENTAGON D.C. 20350-2000 IN REPLY OPNAVINST N879 24 JUly OPNAV INSTRUCTION REFER TO 3502.2C 1998 3502.2C From: Chief of Naval Subj : UNDERSEA Ref: (a) OPNAVINST (b) OPNAVINST (C) OPNAVINST (d) OPNAVINST Encl : (1) Undersea Operations WARFARE TRAINING COMMITTEE 1540.51B (NOTAL) 1540.53 (NOTAL) 5000.50A (NOTAL) 1500. 69A (NOTAL) Warfare Training Committee (UWTC) Charter 1. Purpose. To provide guidance and procedures for the Undersea Warfare Training Committee which assesses submarine and Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) training requirements and participate in the planning and management of associated training programs. 2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 3502.2B and OPNAVINST 1500.70. (A Close coordination is required between the 3. Background. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), type commanders, fleet users, training agents, development and acquisition activities, and others to successfully plan, program, maintain, and budget for submarine and IUSS training and training systems This coordination is to satisfy fleet readiness requirements. best accomplished through a standing committee of knowledgeable representatives who actively participate in the development and assessment of training requirements and training systems. 4. =“ requirements Applicable to all submarine except nuclear propulsion. and IUSS training 5. -“ Undersea warfare training issues will be identified; training requirements will be developed and assessed; and training policy recommendations will be made per this directive and references (a) through (d) . (R OPNAVINST 3502.2C 24 JU1 1998 R) Responsibilities for implementing the 6. Responsibilities. of this instruction are delineated in policies and procedures enclosure (1) . ./ Mld r M. I. FAG By direc i n R) Distribution: AIJIN SNDL A5 21A 24G 24H 26K 28Kl FF5 FJA1O FKAIB FKAIC FKAIG FKA8 F FKPIE FKP4E FKR6A FT 1 FT38 FT46 FT49 FT54 FT85 FT95 Nl, N7, N869, (PEOSUB) (PMS350, PMS401, PMS450) (CHNAVPERS) (FLEET COMMANDERS IN CHIEF) (SUBMARINE FORCE COMMANDERS) (FLEET TRAINING COMMAND AND DETACHMENT) (UNDERSEA SURVEILLANCE) (SUBMARINE GROUP AND SQUADRON LANT) (COMSUBGRU TWO, only) (COMNAVSAFECEN) (CODE 232) (NAVMAC) (NODAC, only) (COMSPAWARSYSCOM) (PD-18, PMW173, PMW176) (COMNAVFACENGCOM) (COMNAVSEASYSCOM) (SEA92L, PMS392, PMS425) (DIRSSP) (SP-11) (NAVUNSEAWARCENDIV NEWPORT RI, KEYPORT WA, only) (NAVSURFWARCEN CARDEROCKDIV, only) (NAVAIRWARCENTRASYSDIV) (CNET) (NAVSUBTRACENPAC) (FLEASWTRACEN) (NAVGMSCOL) (NAVSUBSCOL) (TRITRAFAC) (SUBTRAFAC) N871, N872, N874, N879, N889 2 OPNAVINST 3502.2C 24 JUL 19,1 UNDERSEA 1. Title. WARFARE TRAINING The Undersea Warfare COMMITTEE Training (UWTC) CHARTER Committee and readiness 2. Objectives . To improve the performance submarine and IUSS forces through effective communication and maintenance coordination in the planning, management, undersea training requirements. 3. Functions. The major functions of the UWTC (R (UWTC) . of the and of are: (A (R To function as an advisor to the Chief of Naval a. (N87) by Operations (CNO) Director, Submarine Warfare Division making critical assessments of undersea training requirements and programs, recommending training policy and management decisions, and developing undersea training goals and objectives. b. To provide a forum for the effective exchange of undersea training management information which promotes cohesive planning, consistent training methodology and timely identification and resolution of training problems. To provide a formal management structure and systematic c. approach to the conduct of all submarine Fleet Project Teams (FPTs) . To ensure that Submarine On Board Training (OBT) d. requirements are identified and integrated into training system development . e. To provide a medium which fosters progress and allows members to relate applications of state of the art technology to media selection and resolution submarine training/trainer design, of existing deficiencies. f. To identify and staff To perform periodic 9by reference (a) . major fleet training reviews issues. of training as required A wide range of new and existing undersea training 4. =“ requirements and programs which are assigned by the CNO Director appropriate by Submarine Warfare Division (N87), or considered the UWTC in accomplishing its objectives. Enclosure (1) (R -. OPNAVINST 35U2.ZC 24 JU1 1S,8 R) 5. The UWTC will consist of the following members: Membership. Chief of Naval 0peration(N879) (Chair) *Chief of Naval Operation (N73) Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander, Undersea Surveillance (CUS) Commander Submarine Group Two (COMSUBGRU TWO) Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) Naval Submarine School (NAVSUBSCOL) Naval Submarine Training Center Pacific (NAVSUBTRACENPAC) Naval Submarine Training Facility, Norfolk (SUBTRAFAC) Naval Submarine Training Center Detachment (NAVSUBTRACENPAC DET), San Diego TRIDENT Training Facility, Bangor (TRITRAFAC BANGOR) TRIDENT Training Facility, Kings Bay (TRITRAFAC KINGS BAY) Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (COMNAVSEASYSCOM) (SEA 92Ll) (Co-chairperson) Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (COMSPAWARSYSCOM) *Program Executive Officer Submarines (PEOSUB) *Director, Strategic Systems Programs (DIRSSP) *Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAVAIRWARCENTRASYSDIV) *Naval Surface Warfare Center (NAVSURFWARCEN) *Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NAVUNSEAWARCEN) *Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) *Associate Member CNO (N879) will designate representatives R) 6. Responsibilities. The designated UWTC to chair respective UWTC meetings. Chairperson will schedule meetings, propose meeting agendas, review inputs from UWTC members forward tasks for implementation, The CNO will for action, and coordinate administration. Meetings will be conducted determine the venue for each meeting. via the most economical method to meet the meeting objectives and may use video teleconferencing, or formal meeting. R) a. The UWTC Chairperson responsibilities: R) (1) Provide has the following direction timely and guidance (2) Provide executory (3) Assign action items to members. numbered for each meeting. general to the committee. resolution of training issues. R) sequentially Enclosure (1) 2 Action items will be