U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-3400-10f — OF DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 2000 NAVY WASHINGTON, OF THE NAVAL NAVY OPERATIONS PENTAGON D.C. 20350-2000 IN REPLY OPNAVINST N86D 22 MAY* Chief TO 34OO.1OF INSTRUCTION From: REFER 34 OO.1OF of Naval Operations Sub-j: CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL (CBR) DEFENSE REQUIREMENTS SUPPORTING OPERATIONAL FLEET READINESS Ref: (a) Quadrennial Defense Review of May 97 Threat and Response, Office (b) Proliferation: Secretary of Defense, Nov 97 (NOTAL) (c) Public Law 103-160 (d) Joint service Agreement of Jul 94 (NOTAL) (e) JCS Joint Vision 2010, Jun 96 (NOTAL) of the To assign Navy responsibility for establishing 1. PuxQQse. mission requirements and implementing policy governing Chemical, and Radiological (CBR) defense capabilities in Biological, association with the Department of Defense (DoD) This instruction has been Counterproliferation (CP) Initiative. substantially revised and should be reviewed in its entirety. 2. cellatl~ . OPNAVINST s3400.loE (NOTAL) . The end of the Cold War has reduced the threat of 3. ~. global nuclear conflict, but there is a growing threat from the aggressive proliferation of chemical and biological weapons. As in part, by reference (a), these weapons of mass addressed, destruction (wMD) present a grave and urgent challenge to the For rogue nations, United States, our allies and troops abroad. in winning WMD are a ticket to power, stature and confidence Reference (b) details this new danger and discusses regional war. important strategies on how to prevent, deter, and if necessary, Reducing this serious risk is a national respond to the threat. priority and necessitated enactment of reference (c) to ensure top level DoD oversight and appropriate Joint Service participation as of outlined in reference (d) . Within this context, the Secretary Defense has directed that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Operational Commanders in Chief and Military Departments and their Uniformed Services give greater emphasis to CP requirements and essential OPNAVINST 34OO.1OF 22 MAY7ggg capabilities. In response to and support of these needs, this directive articulates U.S. Navy CBR Defense policy and establishes functional responsibilities to ensure the highest level of fleet readiness and warfighting sustainability in a CBR environment. 4. lntroductioa At least 20 countries, some hostile to the United States, haveaor are in the process of developing WMD. Some terrorist groups and several countries designated as “State Sponsors of Terrorism” have also shown an interest in pursuing a CBR capability. Others are strongly engaged in the sale or transfer of associated CBR technology. These weapons are considered “asymmetric threats,” since adversaries will seek an advantage over the U.S. by using unconventional approaches to circumvent or undermine our strengths while exploiting our vulnerabilities. Unstable regimes, shifting power balances and terrorism are prominent characteristics of the landscape today. In Joint Vision 2010, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff states that wider access to advanced technology, including WMD, will increase the number of actors with sufficient military power to upset existing regional power balances. b. The potential for catastrophic use of WMD is greater than it has been in many decades. Aimed at responding to the overwhelming power and superiority of the military infrastructure of the U.S., either domestically or abroad, WMD could seriously disrupt the execution and tempo of military operations. As an example, contamination of logistics nodes, ports or other choke points created during deployment and, force projection could delay the initiation of military campaigns, increase the exposure and vulnerability of troops and threaten the success of military operations . It is imperative that U.S. forces are prepared to operate effectively in WMD-contaminated environments while they are simultaneously able to detect and identify threat agents, treat casualties and remediate contaminated areas. The equipment, tactics and procedures that enable a force to operate in a WMD environment are collectively known as Passive Defense and represent one of the seven major thrusts under DoD’s CP Initiative. Enactment of reference (c) has changed the way DoD manages c. and executes CBR Defense initiatives. Most notably, the Services are required to consolidate all CBR Defense Research, Development, Test, Evaluation and Acquisition (RDTE&A) funding into a single DoD Program Objective Memorandum (POM) . In addition, the Army, as DoD Executive Agent (EA) for CBR Defense, is directed to coordinate and integrate Services’ RDTE&A efforts. Reference (d) established a formal process and provides a mechanism to oversee the Joint and Chemical (NBC) Defense Program. Nuclear, Biological In this regard, the Navy functions as an equal partner to fully integrate 2 OPNAVINST 22 the Joint program fleet CBR Defense and provide needs. requisite focus 34OO.1OF MAYW98 to expedite priority 5. ~ a. . The national policy with respect to WMD, is to prevent further proliferation and to reduce to the greatest extent possible the current inventory consistent with the national interest. The national goal with respect to chemical and biological warfare is a complete and verifiable world-wide ban on the development, production and stockpiling of chemical and biological weapons. Until such a ban is achieved, however, and is consistent with existing treaties and international law, U.S. policy is to deter the use of chemical, toxin and biological weapons against U.S., allied and coalition forces by maintaining the capabilities to deny an enemy significant military advantage from their use. Deterrent capabilities shall include the ability to survive an initial attack and continue military operations in a contaminated environment. b. Navy Policy . Consistent with national policy and strategy, the Navy shall maintain those CBR Defense capabilities required to support deterrence and enhance conventional warfighting through defensive means. The goal is to ensure that the use or threat of use of chemical or biological weapons or radiological contamination against a naval force will be a non-decisive factor in the outcome of any operation. The Navy shall implement its CBR Defense responsibilities in the spirit of reference (c) and within the framework delineated in reference (d) . 6. Discussion a. Joint Vision 2010 reference (e) calls for U.S. forces to have full spectrum dominance in any future conflict. Critical to achieving this dominance is the concept of full dimensional protection. It is envisioned that new sensors and information dissemination systems will be employed to detect chemical and biological attacks at ranges greater than those possible today, and to provide warning to specific units that may be affected. Enhanced deception and camouflage measures, increased individual and collective protection and a joint restoration capability against the effects are key elements of full dimensional protection. Reference (a) indicates that U.S. forces will use a full array of active and passive measures to establish multiple layers of protection against WMD in order to maintain freedom of action during deployment, maneuver and engagement. 3 . OPNAVINST 34OO.1OF 22M/iYm!la b. Concerning the use of passive defense measures in response to paramilitary, covert and terrorist threats, three primary tenets for CBR Defense are germane: contamination avoidance, protection and decontamination. The preferred tactic is to avoid becoming contaminated by destroying the delivery system or maneuvering around the affected area whenever practical. Units must provide sufficient protection (individual and/or collective) to remain mission capable. Units must also be prepared to fight “dirty” (i.e., operate with some degree of contamination) for as long as possible before commencing decontamination procedures. Prudence dictates the need for operational commanders to assess risk to mission capability from the use or threatened use of CBR weapons. ,, 7. licablllt~d Sco~ . This instruction applies to all Navy activities afloat and the Navy shore base establishment for operations in a high threat or potentially contaminated environment . Sustainment of mission capability shall be accomplished through the development and employment of defensive methods and equipment utilizing the following elements: a. Operational Intelligence b. Operational Doctrine, Tactics and Training Detection, c. Identification, Warning, Monitoring (Contamination Avoidance) d. Individual Protective e. Collective Protection f. Contamination 9. Casualty Reportinq and ­ Equipment Control/Decontamination Handling, Procedures Medical Treatment Capabilities and Prophylaxis 8. a. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Resources, Warfare Requirements and Assessments) (OPNAV N8) shall require that applicable resource sponsors identify and develop CBR Defense requirements and ensure these requirements are addressed during the Joint Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Defense Program Objective Memorandum (POM) process. In addition, OPNAV N8 shall ensure applicable warfare sponsor Navy Operations and Maintenance funding is in place to support capabilities being developed and procured by the OSD-funded program. OPNAV N8 shall designate the Director, Surface Warfare Division (OPNAV N86) as the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Executive Agent (EA) for CBR Defense. As EA, OPNAV N86 shall act as the organizational focus for other 4