U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-1500-72e DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS 2000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000 OPNAVINST 1500.72E N3/N5 17 May 2001 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1500.72E From: To: Chief of Naval Operations All Ships and Stations (less Marine Corps field addressees not having Navy personnel attached) Subj: NAVY FEDERAL EXECUTIVE FELLOWSHIP AND SECRETARY OF DEFENSE CORPORATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS Ref: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) CJCSI 1800.01 of 1 Mar 96 MILPERSMAN Article 1520-010 DoD Directive 1322.23 of 2 Sep 95 (NOTAL) DoD Directive 1322.6 of 24 Feb 97 (NOTAL) DoD Directive 1322.10 of 31 Aug 90 (NOTAL) Encl: (1) Sample Application (2) Sample Curriculum Vitae 1. Purpose. To provide information, policy and procedural guidance for the Navy Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF) and Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellowship Programs (SDCFP). This instruction has been extensively revised and should be reviewed in its entirety. 2. Cancellation. 3. Background OPNAVINST 1500.72D. a. FEF. The Navy FEF program was established in 1971 for the purpose of providing the opportunity for officers to gain an improved understanding of the formulation and conduct of foreign policy and the intricacies of decision making processes at the highest levels of government. These officers will be subsequently available for some of the Navy’s most demanding and challenging billets in the areas of strategic planning and politico-military affairs. To support this program, the Navy has accepted invitations to provide Fellows on an annual basis to the following universities and institutions which currently comprise the FEF program: (1) The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (Washington, DC) (2) The Atlantic Council of the United States (Washington, DC) OPNAVINST 1500.72E 17 May 2001 (3) Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology and Policy (Boston, MA) (4) The Brookings Institution (Washington, DC) (5) The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (Washington, DC) (6) The Council on Foreign Relations (New York, NY) (7) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Security Studies Program (Cambridge, MA) (8) The U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Institute (Washington, DC) (9) The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs Fellowship (Washington, DC) (10) Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Cambridge, MA) (11) Harvard University National Security Fellows Program (Cambridge, MA) (12) Harvard University Olin Institute for Strategic Studies (Cambridge, MA) (13) The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace (Palo Alto, CA) (14) The RAND Corporation (Santa Monica, CA) (15) Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Medford, MA) (16) Oxford University Hudson Fellowship (Oxford, England) b. SDCFP. The SDCFP Program was established in 1995 to foster innovation in the Services and the Department of Defense by providing future senior officers with first hand experience in the strategic management practices of innovative American 2 OPNAVINST 1500.72E 17 May 2001 corporations. Each year, the Office of the Secretary of Defense chooses corporations to host Fellows. Officers participating in this program will utilize their experiences in the Revolution in Business Affairs (RBA) to improve innovation in the Navy in a subsequent shore tour. 4. Fellowship Descriptions. Assignments to the FEF program will be for 1 year, usually commencing each August. Assignments for the SDCFP will be for 1 year commencing each summer including a one-month indoctrination in July. Navy Fellow are expected to pursue an academic/intellectual analysis during the year, and write at least one serious analytical thesis paper on their topic. In accordance with references (a) through (d), successful completion of FEF or SDCFP is considered the equivalent of attendance at an intermediate or senior Service College, depending on the institution attended and the rank of the Navy Fellow. However, Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) credit is not awarded for Fellowships. FEF participants do receive a subspecialty code commensurate with their experience. A short description of each Fellowship follows: a. FEF (1) The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. A non-partisan, non-profit, publicly-supported research and educational institution that provides a select group of scholars, public officials, business leaders, journalists and others a free and open forum to debate vital issues of public policy. Fellows pursue independent research projects and participate in Institute studies, conferences, and seminars on a wide range of issues. Requirements: O4-O6; advanced degree and/or experience relating to either National Security Affairs, Strategic Planning or Navy Program Planning preferred. (2) The Atlantic Council of the United States. A non­ profit, educational organization that maintains close working relations with comparable organizations in other countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Fellowship program allows senior level officers from U.S. Government departments and agencies, the private sector, organized labor, 3 OPNAVINST 1500.72E 17 May 2001 the media and the university community the opportunity to expand their understanding of international affairs through individual study and research and participation in the Council's various study groups. Fellows are exposed to a wide range of political, economic, security and information problems and the means of dealing with them. Requirements: O4-O6. (3) Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology and Policy. The Institute focuses on conflict-prone societies that confront periods of crisis. Its work concerns domestic and international problems facing decision-makers in the former Soviet Union, its former allies, and surrogates. The Institute is research- and publication­ oriented in the areas of security in the U.S. and the West, and the structure, personnel and policy trends within the former Soviet Union. The Institute has established and developed a sophisticated, automated information system on the former Soviet Union that constitutes the largest unclassified database of its type in the West. The Institute's many contacts in Russia provide unique insights into policy making and policy trends. Fellows at the Institute enhance the program by adding a naval and global perspective gained through their operational and doctrinal backgrounds. Requirements: 04-06; National Security education/experience concentrated in Russian-East European studies, and Joint Staff experience preferred. (4) The Brookings Institution. The Brookings Institution is a private non-partisan, non-profit organization devoted to research, education and publication in economics, government, foreign policy and the social sciences. Its principal purpose is to bring knowledge to bear on the present and emerging public policy problems. The Brookings FEF program is designed to afford an opportunity for independent study and research for senior men and women from the executive branch of Federal, State and Local government for the purpose of increasing their knowledge, proficiency and skill, and to permit government executives to make research contributions to public policy issues. The Navy Fellow is generally associated with the Defense Policy Group and 4