U.S. DOD Form dod-navsup-1371 FLEET COSAL FEEDBACK REPORT (4441) Please Print or Type all information FROM NAVSEALOGSUPENGACT SER NO. APL/AEL NO. APL DATE TECHNICAL MANUAL NUMBER PAGE REF./CIRCUIT SYMBOL NO. NSN PART NO. AND FSCM NAMEPLATE DATA (For Material Handling Equipment include USN No.) TO COMMANDING OFFICER NAVSEA LOGISTICS SUPPORT ENGINEERING ACTIVITY (Code 70) P.O. BOX 2060 MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055-0795 FULLY DESCRIBE THE TECHNICAL PROBLEM, BE SPECIFIC, INCLUDE PART NUMBERS AND FSCMS, RSNS/CSNS, NSNS, AND ITEM NAME: When practical attach copies of any amplifying document, i.e, copies of Tech. manual pages, drawings, schematics, MRC cards, etc. (Attach continuation sheet if needed). SUBMITTED BY: NAME, RATE, WORK CENTER TEL NO. REVIEWED BY: WORK CENTER SUPERVISIOR REVIEWED BY: SUPPLY SUPPORT CENTER SUPERVISOR DATE ORIGINATORS SERIAL/TRANSMITTAL NO. REVIEWING ACTIVITY RESPONSE NAME NAVSUP FORM 1371 (REV. 7-86) CODE S/N 0108-LF- 501-3712 TEL NO. (Over) SEE SPCCINST 4441.170 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION CONCERNING USE OF THIS FORM DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO: A. Request a change in allowance for repair parts or equipage­ use ACR Form (NAVSUP 1220-2). B. Report equipment configuration changes - use CCR Form (OPNAV 4790/CK). CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS FORM SHOULD BE USED: A. B. C. To add an NSN or Part Number to an APL. Part Number in technical manual does not agree with APL. APL is incorrect, missing information (i.e., Characteristics Data, Technical Manual Number, etc.). Incorrect Part/Item listed on APL/AEL. Non-allowed part required for PMS or allowed quantity insufficient for PMS (submission of a FCFBR must be accompanied by a copy of the MRC card). Suspected error in code assignments (e.g., SMR Codes, NOTE Code, etc.). D. E. F. SUGGESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. NAVSUP FORM 1371 (REV. 7-86) Submit ONLY the original FCFBR to NAVSEALOGSUPENGACT. Additional copies should be retained by the originator and supply officer. Before submitting a FCFBR requesting the addition of an NSN or part, check your AELs to determine if the part is included on board as equipage. Consolidate requests on one report whenever possible. Example - if multiple NSNs are involved on the same APL, submit one report listing the NSNs. Use your own judgement here. Include originators telephone number. This will aid the evaluator if requests for additional information are needed. (Reverse)