
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)



Monday, June 8, 2015, 6:30 P.M.


425 Jermyn Avenue

MEMBERS PRESENT Linda Van Alphen, Chair

Bill Bidlake, Trustee

Shelley Clarke, Trustee

Bruce Johnson, Trustee

Ginny Manning, Trustee

Julie Planiden, Trustee

Barb Sheppard, Trustee

ALSO PRESENT Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools

Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent

Pam Butters, Director of Instruction

Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities

Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction

Maureen Maywood, Director of Finance

Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant





Chair Van Alphen called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we were on the territory of the Okanagan First People.


2015-147 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the agenda be adopted with the addition of moving 8.2.a. to 8.1.b.



3.1 Community Recognition

The Board of Education recognized and thanked Pat Hurd, who represented the Kiwanis

Club of Penticton, for their annual $2,000 donation to the district’s science fair, and Steve

Brown of Peach City Runners & Adventure Sports, for their support to schools in response to the school “marathon” events by setting up the start line and finishers’ chute, providing sound system, and finding prizes for school celebrations.

Also recognized but not present were Cory Eaton and Jasel Peters of Cobs Bakery for

“Working Together for Student Success”



School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015 their donation of bread to local schools every week. For the past four years, the schools received bread to help run the Maggie Fit breakfast program, support families in need in the schools, and provide supplemental food in the LC room and Special Ed room.

Student Support Services

Director of Instruction Pamela Butters presented to the Board an overview of the process for designation and allocation of services to meet the needs of both typical students and those with special needs. Ms. Butters reviewed all services provided to students, explained supplemental funding, core funding, and Ministry designation, and reported on the FTE number and duties of itinerants employed by the school district. In response to a question, it was noted that $8.1 million is spent for these services, of which $5.4 million is supplemental funding.

Ms. Butters was thanked for her professionalism and dedication to the district over the past 24 years as she will be leaving at the end of this school year.




2015-148 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 11, 2015 be approved.



6.1 Policy No. 540 – Employee Travel


Director of Finance Maywood advised that at the last Board of Education meeting, Policy

No. 540 – Employee Travel was approved in principle for circulation to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. To date, three suggestions have been received to modify this draft policy and only one has been included in the draft policy. Due to the significant input received, it was recommended that the policy be returned to the business committee for further review.

2015-149 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That Policy No. 540 – Employee Travel be referred back to the Business



2015-16 Annual Budget Bylaw

It was noted that the first two readings of the 2015-16 annual budget bylaw were read at the May 11, 2015 board of education meeting.

2015-150 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2015-16 in the total amount of $62,621,814 be read a third time, passed and adopted this 8th day of June, 2015.


“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

Chair Van Alphen reviewed the following items which were discussed at the closed meetings held on May 11, 2015:

Received a presentation related to the Okanagan Labour Relations Council;

Received information related to a meeting;

Approved two motions related to the 2015-16 budget;

Reviewed a staffing report for both teaching and CUPE support staff; and

Reviewed a trustee information package.


8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action a. 2015-06-01 City of Penticton

A letter from Mayor Jakubeit, City of Penticton, requesting a letter of support for the city's proposal to put forth a bid to host either the 2018 or 2019 55+ Games

Director of Facilities advised he had spoken with BC Games and they advised use of all facilities is not required for the 55+ Games, only those that were requested in the letter (PSS track and tennis courts). Superintendent Hyer had spoken to principals and use of the track and tennis courts does not seem to be a problem at the start of the school year. It was noted that these Games could not be disruptive to the school.

2015-151 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education:

• Supports the City of Penticton's bid to host the 2018 or 2019

55+ BC Games (September 11 to 15, 2018; September 10 to

14, 2019);

• Confirms that the facilities will be reserved for the use of the

2018 or 2019 55+ BC Games;

• Agrees that the facility meets the requirements as described in the 55+ BC Games Sport Facility Requirement and

Evaluation Form; and

• Understands that the 55+ BC Games must come at no cost to the Board and that the Games must not affect any educational programs for students.


Amendment Duly moved and seconded

That the motion be amended to say:

• That the Board of Education supports the City of Penticton's bid to host the 2018 or 2019 55+ BC Games (September 11 to 15, 2018; September 10 to 14, 2019);

• Confirms that the track and the tennis courts be reserved for the use of the 2018 or 2019 55+ BC Games;

“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 4 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

• Understands that the 55+ BC Games must come at no cost to the Board and that the Games must not affect any educational programs for students.




8.3 b. 2015-05-20 Summerland Heritage Advisory Commission

A letter from the Summerland Heritage Advisory Commission to the Board to seek resolution regarding a proposed track and field complex in Summerland

It was noted that the documents attached to the letter were not made by the school district and belonged to the District of Summerland. It was further noted that Option 8, referenced in the letter, was one of 18 options discussed at the time and that the district had sent a letter in January 2012 indicating the district had no intentions of building a track.

2015-152 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education send a letter to the Summerland

Heritage Advisory Commission clarifying the Board's decision regarding a proposed track and field complex in Summerland.


Correspondence to the Board of Education a. 2015-05-14 Response from the Premier's Office

A letter of response from the Premier's Office related to the Board's letter regarding Bill 11

Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. As per correspondence dated June 8, 2015

8.4 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a. As per correspondence dated June 8, 2015


9.1 Business Committee

Trustee Bidlake reported on the business committee meeting held on May 26, 2015. The following action items were on the agenda (complete minutes are available on the district website): a. 2015-16 Annual Facilities Grant Expenditure Plan b. South Okanagan Genealogical Society

2015-153 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That a letter be written to the South Okanagan Genealogical

Society advising the district does not have space for the society

“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) c.

Page 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015 and suggesting they contact the Shatford Centre or the City of

Penticton with their request.


Wild Horse Population at West Bench Elementary d.

2015-154 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That a letter be written to the Chief of the Penticton Indian Band explaining safety concerns for students and staff caused by the wild horses near West Bench Elementary and requesting their assistance in protecting the welfare of the children who live in the area.


Trustee Indemnity Rates

2015-155 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That, pursuant to Policy No. 150 – Trustee Financial Matters, trustee indemnities shall be increased in September 2015 by the

Consumer Price Index for British Columbia for the previous 12month period of 1.10%.


Trustee Johnson requested that his negative vote be recorded. e. f.

Policy No. 280 – Recycling and Waste Reduction

2015-156 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That Policy No. 280 – Recycling and Waste Reduction was reviewed with no changes.


Policy No. 750 – School Closure

2015-157 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That Policy No. 750 – School Closure with the amendments noted be approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups for any suggestions for changes.

Amendment Duly moved and seconded

That the circulation period be extended to the end of October


CARRIED g. Policy No. 760 – Disposal of Property

2015-158 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That Policy No. 760 – Disposal of Land or Improvements be approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups until the end of October 2015 for any suggestions for changes.


“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 6

Curriculum Development Advisory Committee

Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

Trustee Manning reported on the curriculum development advisory committee held on

May 21, 2015: a. Princess Margaret Secondary School b.

2015-159 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Adventure Tourism 12 as a four credit course.


2015-160 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Female Fitness 12 as a four credit course.


Penticton Secondary School c.

2015-161 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Digital Photography 12 as a four credit course.


2015-162 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Creative Writing 11 as a four credit course.


2015-163 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Creative Writing 12 as a four credit course.


Summerland Secondary School

2015-164 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as Board/Authority Authorized courses:

• Workplace Training 10A as a two credit course;

• Workplace Training 10B as a two credit course; and

• Workplace Training 10C as a two credit course.


“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 7 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

2015-165 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education approves for use in School District

No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) as a Board/Authority Authorized course: Career/Life Transition 12 as a two credit course.



Aboriginal Grad Luncheons – Over the past two weeks, secondary schools have hosted their

Aboriginal Graduation Luncheons, recognizing the accomplishments of the district’s aboriginal students. This year there are a total of 65 graduates, which reflects the outstanding work that the

Aboriginal Education Team and school staffs are doing.



Marathon Celebrations – Both Uplands Elementary and Giant’s Head Elementary have held their celebrations. Middle schools will be celebrating the completion of their marathons over the next couple of weeks, McNicoll Park Middle and KVR Middle schools at KVR on June 16, 9:30 and

10:00 a.m.; and Skaha Lake Middle School on June 15 at 9:30 a.m.


Pursuant to Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control, the financial report to May 31, 2015, included with the agenda package, was reviewed by Director of Finance Maureen Maywood. Under revenues,

$51,392,746 is expected from Ministry of Education funding with a total income of $56,533,367.

Total operating expenses at year-end is expected to be $53,490,683 with a significant surplus of approximately $2.5 million, of which $1.2 million are restricted funds for areas such as aboriginal education and learning resources, and school budget surplus. The majority of the surplus is due to the slow start of the year on account of job action.


12.1 Field Trips

Director of Instruction MacIntyre reviewed the single field trip request included in the agenda package.

2015-166 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the field trip request for February 3 to 9, 2016, for approximately 50

French immersion students from KVR Middle and Summerland Middle

Schools to travel on a cultural excursion to Quebec City to see the

Winter Carnival, museums, and historical sites be approved in principle.


12.2 2015-16 Annual Facility Grant Bylaw

Director of Finance Maywood advised the district has received notification from the

Ministry of Education of Annual Facility Grant (AFG) funding in the amount of $1,095,666 for the capital portion of the grant. This funding is intended to fund maintenance and repairs of capital infrastructure in the school district.

“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That, in accordance with Section 68(4) of the School Act , the Board of

Education of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) unanimously agrees to give all three readings of the 2015-16 Capital Bylaw 126867

Annual Facilities Grant at this meeting.


2015-168 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2015-16 Capital

Bylaw 126867 Annual Facilities Grant in the amount of $1,095,666 be read a first time this 8th day of June, 2015.


2015-169 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2015-16 Capital

Bylaw 126867 Annual Facilities Grant in the amount of $1,095,666 be read a second time this 8th day of June, 2015.


2015-170 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2015-16 Capital

Bylaw 126867 Annual Facilities Grant in the amount of $1,095,666 be read a third time, passed and adopted this 8th day of June, 2015.


12.3 BC's Framework for Enhancing Student Learning


The BCSTA has requested input from boards regarding BC's Framework for Enhancing

Student Learning. Chair Van Alphen advised the comments provided during the Board's working session were attached to the agenda package.

2015-171 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the Board of Education submit a response as attached to BCSTA's request for input regarding BC's Framework for Enhancing Student




13.1 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting

The BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting will be held on September 25/26,

2015, hosted by SD53 (Okanagan-Similkameen).

13.2 Trustee Comments

Trustees provided comments related to their various district activities over the last month.

“Working Together for Student Success”

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha)


Page 9

14.1 Recognition of Student Success



Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 8, 2015

School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the agenda package.

14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork

Congratulations were extended to the students from Princess Margaret Secondary

School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office.

14.3 Year-end Activities/Performances/Celebrations

A listing of year-end activities, performances, and celebrations was attached to the agenda package.

14.4 Long Service Recognition and Retirement Dinner

The Long Service Recognition and Retirement Dinner will be held on June 11, 2015 at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. This dinner is by invitation only and will recognize 73 employees for their long service to the district as well as honour 18 employees who are retiring from the district.

14.5 Date of Next Meeting

September 14, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at the

School Board Office, or at the call of the chair


Questions/comments from the audience were related to good governance; salary increases for trustees; a meeting with parents and trustees related to Bill 11; clarification on the annual facilities projects; questions regarding the proposed employee travel policy; unused surplus and restricted funds; the percentage of grads compared to aboriginals graduating; and the letter from the

Summerland Heritage Advisory Commission.


2015-172 MOTION Duly moved and seconded

That the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m.



Linda Van Alphen, Chairperson


Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer

August 13, 2015

Ref: of Education_Jun8_2015/eSCRIBE Documents/Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Education_Jun8_2015 - English.docx

“Working Together for Student Success”
