Monday, April 13, 2015, 6:30 P.M.
425 Jermyn Avenue
MEMBERS PRESENT Linda Van Alphen, Chair
Bill Bidlake, Trustee
Shelley Clarke, Trustee
Bruce Johnson, Trustee
Ginny Manning, Trustee
Julie Planiden, Trustee
Barb Sheppard, Trustee
ALSO PRESENT Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools
Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer
Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent
Pam Butters, Director of Instruction
Daniel Francisco, Director of Information Technology
Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities
Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction
Maureen Maywood, Director of Finance
Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant
Chair Van Alphen called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we were on the territory of the Okanagan First People. As well, Ms. Van Alphen advised the Aboriginal Education
Enhancement Agreement, which ties into the culture of the aboriginal people, was signed earlier today and thanked the many people who are committed to making education successful for the district's aboriginal students.
2015-120 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the agenda with the addition of correspondence to 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 be adopted.
3.1. Code 67 – A Distributed Learning Course
ConnectEd Principal Todd Manuel and Trevor Knowlton, a teacher at Summerland
Secondary School, spoke about the opportunities students have to experience both online and Open Source learning, stressing that more and more free courses are available
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2015 on line. An overview of Code 67, a course designed to give students access to the world of coding, was highlighted as well. Mr. Knowlton spoke about the many partnerships available to SD67 students including space balloons and a new Ardusat satellite project.
More information is available through
2015-121 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 9, 2015 be approved.
Chair Van Alphen reviewed the following items which were discussed at the closed meeting held on March 9, 2015:
Reviewed correspondence;
Received an excluded staffing update regarding the appointments of the director of instruction – student services; district principal - student services; and temporary vice principal at KVR Middle School;
Received information on student suspensions;
Received a staffing report for teaching and CUPE staff;
Directed staff to investigate the cost of updating the facility study;
Received information related to the Okanagan Labour Relations Council.
2015-122 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the Board of Education make public the 2015-16 Budget Guiding Principles and Objectives.
8.1. Correspondence Requiring Action
8.2. Correspondence to the Board of Education a. 2015-03-13 Minister of Education
A letter from the Minister of Education acknowledging receipt of the Board's letter b. of March 13, 2015
2015-03-13 Minister of Finance
A letter from the Minister of Finance acknowledging receipt of the Board's letter c. of March 13, 2015
BCSTA Advocacy Update
An advocacy update from BCSTA related to the Special Committee on Local
Elections Expense Limits
“Working Together for Student Success”
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2015-03-19 Community Foundation of South Okanagan | Similkameen
A letter from the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan | Similkameen advising that the Foundation no longer requires nor can accommodate due to confidentiality a school board liaison on their board e. f. g.
Agenda for BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch AGM
The agenda for the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting to be held on
April 17, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver
2015-04-07 Summerland Secondary Parent Advisory Committee
A letter from the Summerland Secondary School Parent Advisory Committee regarding the placement of the final grade 6 late French immersion class
Letter from Parent
A letter from a parent, Jane Campardo, expressing concerns for the process involved in the placement of the final grade 6 late French immersion class and raising points to be considered during the placement of this class and the impact it will have on the Summerland community
8.3. Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. 2015-02-02 SD78 (Fraser-Cascade) to President BCSTA
A letter to BCSTA President Theresa Rezansoff expressing concern regarding b. the short timeline for consultation on the BCSTA / Ministry of Education Cogovernance Relationship Memorandum of Understanding
2015-02-02 SD57 (Prince George) to the Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education requesting the immediate rescinding of the
December 4, 2014 announcement that funding will no longer be provided to c. d. boards of education for tuition-free upgrading for graduated adults
2015-02-15 SD57 (Prince George) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education regarding the co-governance relationship and lack of consultation on the discontinuation of funds to support tuition-free upgrading for graduated adults
2015-03-03 SD71 (Comox Valley) to Ministers of Education and Finance
A letter to the Ministers of Education and Finance regarding administrative budget savings and requesting the data or matrix that the Ministry of Finance and/or Ministry of Education used to determine that SD71 has the capacity to make an administrative savings reduction to cover its share of the provincial e. budget reductions
2015-03-05 SD57 (Prince George) to Premier and Ministers of Education and Finance
A letter to the Premier and Ministers of Education and Finance requesting that the recent decision asking boards of education to cut administration budgets over the next two years be rescinded
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2015-03-05 SD63 (Saanich) to the Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education listing the shared service initiatives which are g. already in place in their district and providing significant administrative savings
2015-03-05 SD72 (Campbell River) Open Letter to Community h.
An open letter to the community regarding the recent provincial budget and effect on SD72 schools
2015-03-05 SD69 (Qualicum) to Premier and Minister of Finance
A letter to the Premier and Minister of Finance urging government to reconsider the requirement for boards of education to reduce administrative budgets in the i. amount of $54 million over two years from their operating budgets and asking that any cost savings that are achieved be retained by each school district to help address student needs and rising fixed costs
2015-03-06 SD62 (Sooke) to Minister of Education j. k. l. m. n. o.
A letter to the Minister of Education regarding the lack of funding for adult graduated students taking academic upgrading courses
2015-03-06 SD19 (Revelstoke) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education regarding the recent provincial budget announcement and calling on government to demonstrate a commitment to public education by allocating funding that reflects increased expenses related to conditions outside of boards’ control
2015-03-13 SD23 (Central Okanagan) to Ministers of Education and Finance
A letter to the Ministers of Education and Finance expressing disappointment regarding the recent provincial budget announcement and the Administration
Reduction Target
2015-03-20 SD73 (Kamloops/Thompson) to Minister of Finance
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting a lifting of the excluded and exempt staff management compensation freeze
2015-03-23 SD46 (Sunshine Coast) to Minister of Finance
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting removal of the requirement from the provincial budget that administrative savings of $54 million over two years be found in the budgets of the sixty school districts in the province
2015-03-23 SD46 (Sunshine Coast) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education regarding the requirement of administrative savings of $54 million announced in the provincial budget
2015-03-23 Vancouver Island School Trustees' Association to Premier
A letter to Premier Clark expressing disappointment in her characterizing valued employees as "low hanging fruit"
“Working Together for Student Success”
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Page 5 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2015
2015-03-23 SD33 (Chilliwack) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education requesting that the Ministry immediately withdraw the compensation freeze and provide the necessary funding to boards for management and exempt staff compensation
2015-03-25 SD28 (Quesnel) to Ministers of Education and Finance
A letter to the Ministers of Education and Finance requesting that the government lift the freeze on exempt staff compensation and provide adequate funding to cover these costs
2015-03-27 SD40 (New Westminister) to Ministers of Education and Finance
A letter to the Ministers of Education and Finance requesting that they withdraw the compensation freeze and allow boards of education across the province to properly compensate excluded and exempt staff
2015-03-31 SD68 to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education expressing disappointment with the latest cost savings expected by boards of education for the 2015-16 school year
2015-03-31 SD19 (Revelstoke) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education listing shared service initiatives which are already in place and providing significant administrative savings in their district
2015-04-01 BCSTA to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Education regarding the intent and operationalization of the Co-governance Relationship Memorandum of Understanding
2015-04-02 BCSTA to Minister of Finance
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting a meeting with the Minister of
Finance and Minister of Education to discuss the implications of the recently announced provincial budget on school districts
2015-04-02 SD44 (West Vancouver) to Minister of Finance
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting that government lift the compensation freeze for excluded staff
2015-03-31 SD46 (Sunshine Coast) to Minister of Education
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting the removal of the excluded staff compensation freeze
2015-03-10 SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) to Ministers of Finance and
A letter to the Ministers of Finance and Education regarding the exempt staff wage freeze asking that the freeze be lifted and fully funded by government
2015-03-10 SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) to Minister of Finance
A letter to the Minister of Finance requesting a progress update on recommendations 22 to 36 from the Report on the Budget 2015 Consultations from the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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2015-04-10 Public Sector Employers' Council to SD73
A letter from the Public Sector Employers' Council to School District No. 73
(Kamloops/Thompson) in response to their district's letter requesting that the compensation freeze be lifted for excluded and exempt management staff
8.4. Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a. 2015-03-11 Letter to Summerland Advisory Planning Committee
A letter to the Summerland Advisory Planning Committee advising the Board of
Education will withdraw representation on the Summerland Advisory Planning b.
Committee, effective April 1, 2015
2015-03-12 Letters Regarding Public Budget Meeting
Letters to RDOS, Summerland Chamber of Economic Development & Tourism,
City of Penticton, District of Summerland, and Penticton & Wine Country
Chamber of Commerce advising the public meeting date has been changed to
April 23, 2015, 6:30 p.m., at the IMC Building
9. c. d. e. f. g.
2015-03-12 Letters Regarding Public Budget Meeting Date Change
Letters to CUPE, DPAC, OSPVPA, OSTU, and parent advisory councils (PAC's) advising that the date of the public budget meeting has been changed to
Thursday, April 23, 2015, 6:30 p.m., at the IMC Building
2015-03-12 Letter to MLAs Ashton and Larson
A letter to MLAs Ashton and Larson, copied to Ministers of Education and
Finance, Premier, President of BCSTA, and all school districts regarding funding shortfalls, required administrative cuts of $29 million, and the reference to "lowhanging fruit"
2015-03-13 to Haven Hill Care Centre
A letter to Haven Hill Care Centre designating McNicoll Park Middle School as the school to be used for the relocation of residents should it become necessary to evacuate their facility
2015-04-09 Letter to Summerland Secondary School PAC
A letter of response to the Summerland Secondary School PAC regarding the decision on the location of the fourth division of late French immersion
2015-04-09 Mayor of Summerland
A letter thanking the mayor, council, and staff for attending an initial joint meeting with the Board
9.1. Education Committee
Trustee Johnson reported that at the education committee meeting held on April 1, the committee heard presentations on the Behaviour Intervention Service; Health Promoting
Schools Coordinator Initiative; and Graduated Adults (see minutes on the district website). As well, on April 7, the education committee visited McNicoll Park Middle
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School where the principal provided an extensive tour of the school and programs available for students.
9.2. Business Committee
Trustee Bidlake reported on the business committee meeting held on March 31, 2015 at which a presentation and request was made by the Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation. The following action item was on the agenda (complete minutes are available on the district website:
10. a. BCSTA Request for Input
2015-123 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the Board of Education respond to the BCSTA requesting there be some form of an online survey as well as presentation and discussion at the BCSTA AGM related to Bill 11.
Aboriginal Leadership Initiative
This year the BCSSA developed a pilot initiative to provide an opportunity for school and district level aboriginal leaders to explore the challenges and rewards of becoming a senior leader in K to 12. It is also an opportunity to increase aboriginal presence in senior leadership roles, providing positive role models for the aboriginal youth in the community. The cohort consists of 12 aboriginal educators, who must be nominated by the superintendent. Ms. Hyer announced that District Principal Anne Tenning was selected as one of the 12 to participate in the program.
Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) Program
A picture of Kevin McCall, who participated in the Princess Margaret Secondary
Apprenticeship and ACE IT programs, was circulated with the agenda package. The photo shows Kevin receiving a cheque for $1,000 from his employer. The SSA scholarship is awarded by the Ministry of Education to students who graduate, have a C+ or higher average on grade 12 courses, and completes 900 hours of apprenticeship work-based training within six months after his/her graduation date.
K to 12 Innovation Forum
On April 10, the chair of the Board, three business leaders, and the superintendent attended the Ministry of Education’s Regional K to 12 Innovation Forum. All nine districts from this region were represented. The purpose of the forum was to discuss possible opportunities for getting schools into the community and the community into schools.
With the introduction of a new graduation program, building on a culture of innovation with community is a focus for the Ministry of Education. The three forum questions that were posed to the business community were circulated.
World Cafe – District Celebration, May 13, tentatively 3:30 p.m.
Over the past two years, the district has been working on an initiative titled “Beyond
Inclusion”, working to lay the philosophical groundwork for RTI. It focuses on building instructional capacity to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. The final session of this initiative will be May 13 and at the end of the day, the school teams will
“Working Together for Student Success”
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 8 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2015 share the work they have done in their schools with other school teams. As such, this event will be combined with the District Celebration event of May 27.
Science Fair
The Central Okanagan Regional Science Fair was held this past weekend and had 80 students with 60 projects participating from SD23, SD67, and some local private schools.
Six students, of whom five are from SD67, were selected to move on to the Canada-Wide
Science Fair being held during the week of May 10 to 17, 2015 in Fredericton, New
Brunswick. Congratulations were extended to:
Charley Smith (Penticton Secondary) – Wood and Water: Fuels of the Future
Grant Mansiere (Summerland Secondary) – Being Fair Isn’t Fair
Jacqueline Mansiere (Summerland Middle) – An Eye for Colour
Emily Mosely (KVR Middle) – Watt-A-Waste
Koen Buckingham (Summerland Middle) – Would You Kiss your Dog?
2014-15 One-time Projects
The secretary-treasurer updated the Board on the status of one time projects totalling nearly $1 million and which included the rewiring of Giant’s Head Elementary; purchase of two panel vans for the IT department; purchase of one large truck for the maintenance department; replacement of 23 stoves and 63 sewing machines for home economic departments; purchase of a wheelchair accessible mini bus for the transportation of students; pending purchase of new furniture for IMC; and construction of a storage area and fire and safety upgrade at IMC, hopefully to be finished prior to June 30. As well, the movement of the Summerland Secondary weight room from a portable to the school and replacement of some school shop equipment at the three secondary and four middle schools should be finished prior to June. Also underway is an upgrade to Citrix hardware and software that allows access of student and employee files at home as well as upgrade of PA systems at four schools. The district is presently looking at vendors and quotes for the SharePoint project and the records scanning project is still ongoing.
12.1. Request from Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd.
The secretary-treasurer reviewed a request from Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd. for a 1% increase for 2015 that would apply to mileage and hourly rates, retroactively to January
2015 for mileage rates only. Ms. Roller Routley noted that charges to schools would be very difficult to calculate and charge back to schools any increase for past field trips and therefore any rate increase would become effective September 2015.
2015-124 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That a 1% increase requested by Berry & Smith Trucking Ltd. be factored into the 2015-16 annual budget and that Berry & Smith Trucking
Ltd. be informed that the request will not be retroactive to January 1,
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12.2. Field Trips
Director of Instruction MacIntyre reviewed a listing of field trip requests included in the agenda package, four of which had been approved pursuant to district policy.
2015-125 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the field trip request for April 23 to 26, 2015 for approximately 50 secondary band and choir students to travel to Calgary, Alberta, to perform at various venues and attend a live performance be given final approval.
2015-126 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the field trip request for May 13 to 16, 2015 for 49 grade 8 band students from Skaha Lake Middle School to travel to Edmonton, Alberta, for a spring band tour be given final approval.
12.3. Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation
Further to their presentation at the business committee meeting, trustees discussed a request received from the Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship
Foundation for clerical time to support the work of the Foundation for the 2015-16 school year. This would be in addition to the 200 hours provided during the 2014-15 school year.
2015-127 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the school district will provide the Penticton Secondary School
Bursary and Scholarship Foundation with 200 hours of clerical time for the 2015-16 school year.
AMENDMENT Duly moved and seconded
That the motio n be amended to read “up to 150 hours”.
12.4. Graduated Adult Fees
The superintendent advised that she and ConnectEd Principal Todd Manuel attended a meeting at Okanagan College related to continuing education for graduated adults. As of
May, the Ministry will no longer fund tuition fees for graduated adults.
2015-128 Duly moved and seconded
That SD67 charge a tuition fee of $550 per course for graduated adults.
13.1. BCSTA Annual General Meeting
The BCSTA Annual General Meeting will be held in Vancouver, April 16 to 19, 2015.
Motions to be discussed and voted upon at the AGM were circulated with the agenda package.
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13.2. BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2015
The annual general meeting of the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch will be held on
April 17, 2015, 8:00 a.m., at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver.
13.3. Trustee Comments
Trustees provided comments related to district activities including congratulations to those who braved the shave and raised a considerable amount of money during the fundraiser for Kaylee Kozari; and the signing of the aboriginal education enhancement agreement and cultural program provided during the event. Trustees also commented on the upcoming Cultural Bridges program on April 23; a fundraiser for Tanzania which netted over $6,000; and attendance at a Citizenship Ceremony on March 10. Chair Van
Alphen mentioned an epilepsy awareness event and the good work done by Daniel Nixon and Caitie Shaw, two students from Summerland Secondary School.
14.1. Recognition of Student Success
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the agenda package.
14.2. Recognition of Student Artwork
Congratulations were extended to the students from Columbia Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office.
14.3. Date of Next Meeting
April 23, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Public and DPAC Budget Meeting, at IMC Building
May 11, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at the School
Board Office
Questions/comments from the audience included clarification on: the cost of the decision to update the facilities report; which trustees voted against the Berry & Smith request; and how many graduated adults are currently enrolled in ConnectEd.
2015-129 MOTION Duly moved and seconded
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Linda Van Alphen, Chairperson
Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer
April 22, 2015
Ref: of Education_Apr13_2015/eSCRIBE Documents/Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Education_Apr13_2015 - English.docx
“Working Together for Student Success”