Page 1 BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA Monday, January 12, 2015, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER We hereby acknowledge that we are on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the agenda be adopted. 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 4.1 University of Victoria 2015 Distinguished Education Alumni Award Superintendent Hyer will introduce Anne Tenning, Principal of District Aboriginal Programs, and the recipient of the University of Victoria 2015 Distinguished Education Alumni Award. The award is presented to an individual who demonstrates distinguished service in education. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the minutes of the regular and inaugural meetings held on December 12, 2014 be approved. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on December 12, 2014: • Received a staffing report for both teaching and CUPE staff; • Received information on a legal matter; • Approved a property matter; • Approved a personnel contract. Page 2 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action a City of Penticton 1 A letter from the City of Penticton extending an invitation for representation from the school district to participate on the City's 2014-2016 committees, in particular, for the Heritage and Museum Committee (term of reference attached for this committee). The City is also seeking membership at large for other committees and the terms of reference for all committees can be found at (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Trustee _________ will represent the school district on the City of Penticton Heritage and Museum Committee. 8.2 Correspondence to the Board of Education a 2014-12-19 From Artstarts Letter from Artstarts enclosing a cheque in the amount of $8,110 from the Artists in Education program 8.3 Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a BCSTA to Minister of Education President Teresa Rezansoff, BCSTA, to Minister of Education regarding concerns with government's decision on funding adult upgraders b SD27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) to Ministers of Education and Finance Requesting that the excluded and exempt staff compensation freeze be withdrawn c SD73 (Kamloops/Thompson) to Ministers of Education and Finance Requesting that the excluded and exempt staff compensation freeze be withdrawn to permit boards of education across BC to return the wage balance to the people dependent upon to lead the education system d SD85 (Vancouver Island North) to Minister of Education Expressing their board's concern with the current governance structure of BCPSEA e SD78 (Fraser-Cascade) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding the excluded and exempt staff compensation freeze 5 Page 3 f SD47 (Powell River) to Ministers of Education and Finance Requesting that both ministers advocate for an appropriate level of compensation for its management and administrative staff and asking that funding guidelines allow boards the flexibility and freedom in decision-making as to how the compensation will be distributed g SD73 (Kamloops/Thompson) to Public Sector Employers' Council In response to the Minister's letter regarding the negative effects of the school district management compensation freeze and urging government to reconsider this policy and find a way to justly compensate the people responsible for the smooth operation of schools, districts, and administration h SD52 (Prince Rupert) to Minister of Education Requesting that the 20% of the September strike savings remain in school districts i SD52 (Prince Rupert) to Minister of Education Expressing support for the five recommendations for the K-12 Education Sector and one recommendation for community literacy work which were put forth by the Select Standing Committee of Finance and Government Services j SD82 (Coast Mountains) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding the management and exempt staff compensation freeze k Fraser Valley Branch of BCSTA to Board of Directors of BCSTA Regarding the selection of deputy chairs and readers for the BCSTA AGM l SD62 (Greater Victoria) to Ministry of Finance Requesting that the Minister of Finance heed the recommendations for the First Report of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services and increase the funding to K-12 education in the 2015 budget 8.4 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a 2014-12-12 to City of Penticton Extending congratulations to mayor and council on being elected during the recent local government elections b 2014-12-12 to District of Summerland Extending congratulations to mayor and council on being elected during the recent local government elections Page 4 c 2014-12-12 to Board of Regional District of OkanaganSimilkameen Extending congratulations to chair and directors on being elected during the recent local government elections 9. 10. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 Field Trips 6 The superintendent of schools will review the attached listing of field trip requests. (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for May 6 to 9, 2015 for 50 KVR Middle School grade 8 band students to travel to Edmonton, Alberta, for a spring band tour be approved in principle. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for March 14 to 25, 2015 for approximately 50 students from Penticton Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary, and Summerland Secondary Schools to travel to Rome, Florence, the Riviera, and Paris to experience and learn about those countries and cultures be given final approval. 10.2 Enrolment 7 The superintendent of schools will report on enrolment as of December 31, 2014. (Attachment) 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 11.1 Financial Report 8 The secretary-treasurer will review the financial report to November 30, 2014 provided in the agenda package. (Attachment) 11.2 Policy No. 130 - Board Standing Committees With the approval of Policy No. 120 - Board of Education Committees and Liaisons to now include board standing committees, Policy No. 130 - Board Standing Committees should be deleted. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Policy No. 130 - Board Standing Committees be deleted. 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1 Committee/Representative/Trustee Liaison Appointments Chair Van Alphen will present committee and representative appointments as well as trustee school liaisons for the period January 2015 to December 2015. (Attachment) 10 Page 5 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the committee/representative appointments and trustee school liaisons for the period January 2015 to December 2015 be confirmed. 12.2 City of Penticton Electrical Rates 11 There has been ongoing concern over the past few years of the cost of electrical rates charged to the school district. We have been notified through the newspapers that there are three proposed options for electrical rate increases in 2015. The school district has received no response to previous comments made to the City regarding previous rate increases. Would the Board like to set up a meeting with Mayor and Council to discuss these electrical rates? (Attachment) 12.3 Committees of the Whole Calendar 12 Approval is requested for the proposed committee of the whole meeting dates to June 30, 2015. (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the committee of the whole meeting dates to June 30, 2015 be approved as presented. 13. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting The deadline for the BCSTA to receive motions for the February 20/21, 2015 is January 16, 2015. Nominations are currently open for a byelection of an officer to the BCSTA Board of Directors to be elected at the same provincial council meeting. 13.2 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting 13 At the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting held on December 6, discussion was held regarding developing a vision statement for the branch. In preparation for the February meeting, boards are being requested to respond to the attached questions by January 31, 2015. (Attachment) 13.3 BCPSEA AGM21 The 21st Annual General Meeting of the British Columbia Public School Employers' Association is scheduled for January 30, 2015 at the Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond. 13.4 14. Trustee Comments INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the attached listing. (Attachment) 16 Page 6 14.2 Date of Next Meeting • February 2, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, School Board Office 15. QUESTION PERIOD 16. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned. Page 1 Page 2 2015 – 2016 Terms of Reference Heritage and Museum Committee 1. The Committee shall consist of NINE (9) voting members appointed by City Council for a term ending December 31, 2016. • • • • • • • • One (1) Shatford Centre and Okanagan School of the Arts representative One (1) Leir House representative One (1) Penticton Library representative One (1) Okanagan College representative One (1) School District 67 representative One (1) SS Sicamous Society representative One (1) Penticton Indian Band representative Two (2) at-large members of the Community on the basis of their knowledge or an interest in arts and culture that could include, but is not limited to: o Aboriginal groups o Students and youth o Educators, teachers, professors – currently employed or otherwise o Archivist o Conservationist o Business community 2. The Committee Members shall appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair at the first meeting of each year. 3. Role of Council Representatives: • • • 4. One (1) Representative Non-Voting Member Liaison to City Council A majority of appointed voting members shall constitute a quorum. 5. The Penticton Museum & Archives Curator/Manager or designate, shall attend committee meetings to provide operational support to the Committee. 6. The Corporate Administration Department shall arrange for secretarial services to the Committee. Page 3 7. The Committee shall meet on a regular basis but not less than four (4) times per year. 8. The Committee’s mandate is to make recommendations to the Council on all matters referred to the Committee, including: • • • • • • • • • • • The Committee undertakes to promote the interests of the Penticton Museum & Archives, SS Sicamous Society, Shatford Centre and Okanagan School of the Arts, Leir House and other educational and knowledge-based sectors desiring support, such as the Penticton Library, Okanagan College and School District 67. The Committee will provide leadership and/or support to the Penticton Museum & Archives, SS Sicamous Marine Museum, the Shatford Centre, Leir House and other educational and knowledge-based sectors desiring leadership and input with respect to: o Planning and design of exhibits o Programs and events o Partnership and collaborative undertakings o Promotions o Long-range planning The Committee will use the City’s Heritage Strategy as its basis for advising City Council and its boards, agencies, commissions, committees or staff, developers and citizens when reasonable and objective advice and guidance on heritage issues as needed. The Committee will respect the existing governance and direction provided to the Penticton Library, Okanagan College and School District 67 and Penticton Indian Band, and will tap into their collective insight and expertise to better inform the community’s heritage and knowledge resources. The Committee, for each initiative it proposes to execute, research, develop and propose funding source options for consideration, including, but not limited to, corporate sponsorship, community partnerships, grants, awards and municipal funding. Review all requests for assistance from community groups and organizations and recommend appropriate actions to Council; Recommend actions which promote increased collaboration and communication between heritage and knowledge groups; The Committee undertakes to research, develop and propose a heritage/cultural tourism initiative or event in line with the City’s vision and for consideration by the City’s Tourism Committee. The Committee analyze current capacity, existing utilization, market demand and projected needs of City-owned heritage and knowledge amenities in accordance with asset management plans for the City of Penticton, and make recommendations on achieving net neutrality on City operating budgets. Although not a design or planning committee (and will not be asked to make decisions around urban design or urban planning), the Committee will advise on guidelines and developments that pertain to or affect priority items on the heritage list; Recommend actions, education and marketing initiatives which promote increased public awareness and participation in community heritage resources and knowledge; Page 4 • • 9. Establish sub-committees as deemed necessary to research, develop and propose initiatives to the Committee concerning heritage and knowledge-based activities. The committee will not participate in operational matters respecting the City of Penticton. Disqualification from Office If an advisory committee member is continuously absent from committee meetings for a period of four (4) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings, unless the absence is because of illness or with the leave of the committee members, the office of the member is deemed to be vacant and the person who held the office is disqualified from holding office on any advisory committee of the City of Penticton for a period of one year. 10. Should a Closed meeting be held by the Committee, members must keep in confidence, any information considered in any part of said meeting until such time as the information is released to the public as lawfully authorized or required. Should the municipality suffer loss or damage due to contravention of confidentiality, the municipality may recover damages from the person(s) for the loss or damage. • Closed Meeting – no meeting or part thereof shall be closed to the public except in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter. 11. The Mayor will sign all correspondence initiated by the Committee on behalf of the City of Penticton. 12. For certainty, the rules and procedures of Procedure Bylaw 2004-23 and all amendments thereto shall be observed as far as may be applicable. Page 5 Page 6 FIELD TRIP REQUESTS School Board Meeting – January 12, 2015 1.0 LEVEL 1 – (LOW RISK DAY TRIPS APPROVED AT SCHOOL LEVEL) 2.0 LEVEL 2 - LOW RISK (UP TO 2 NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL 3.0 LEVEL 3 – MED/HIGH RISK (2+ NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY SUPERINTENDENT 4.0 LEVEL 4 - TRIPS REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE / PROCEED WITH PLANNING: 4.1 May 6 – May 9, 2015; KVR Middle; 50 grade 8 band students to travel to Edmonton, AB, for a spring band tour; Stan Sabourin plus parent chaperones. Out-of Province travel. Board approval in principle required prior to proceeding with planning. FINAL APPROVAL: 4.2 March 14 – 25, 2015; Penticton Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary and Summerland Secondary; approximately 50 students to travel to Rome, Florence, the Riviera and Paris to experience and learn about those countries and cultures. Lance Zablotney plus chaperones. International travel. Board approved in principle February 3, 2014. Final Board approval requested. Don MacIntyre January 12, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO-DOIC-Data\2014-2015\10000 - 19999 Curriculum\Field Trips\11150-20 fieldtrip 2015-01-15.docx Page 7 20200-03 OPR: SECTR School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Enrollment - December 19, 2014 SCHOOL HS K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ungraded TOTAL Headcount Headcount SEC. PENTICTON SECONDARY 314 ELEM. 300 304 0 1233 PRINCESS MARGARET SEC. 115 138 140 122 0 515 SEC SUMMERLAND SECONDARY 104 107 105 100 0 416 2337 9 18 69 77 0 173 CONNECTed DL 9-12, Sr. Alt & CE MID. 315 Summary SKAHA LAKE MIDDLE KVR MIDDLE MCNICOLL PARK MIDDLE SUMMERLAND MIDDLE CONNECTed DL 6-8 & Jr. Alt CARMI COLUMBIA GIANT'S HEAD KALEDEN NARAMATA PARKWAY QUEEN'S PARK TROUT CREEK UPLANDS WEST BENCH WILTSE CONNECTed DL K-5 TTL 1 2 1 1 22 38 61 21 10 43 34 29 62 16 39 4 24 34 67 15 6 32 37 26 53 15 42 1 25 43 56 14 11 56 32 26 34 14 46 3 31 43 56 15 13 35 36 34 47 11 51 1 26 40 58 19 15 48 28 41 41 17 44 4 17 41 53 14 15 32 30 44 28 22 49 1 8 379 352 360 373 381 346 3 113 136 116 128 131 168 64 76 54 101 3 105 5 109 4 361 432 194 315 12 145 239 351 101 70 246 197 200 265 97 272 15 417 430 466 542 578 614 603 0 5849 MIDDLE 1314 ELEM 2198 5849 TOTAL FTE STUDENTS (including offshore/fee paying students) ConnectED DL included above FRENCH IMMERSION KVR Middle School - Fr Imm Summerland Middle - Fr. Imm Penticton Sec. - Fr Imm SSS - Fr. Imm TOTAL French Imm INCLUDED 89 30 ABOVE 82 30 99 28 82 27 63 19 42 19 45 10 66 270 88 232 75 665 1/8/2015 3:39 PM Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Committee and Liaison Appointments to December 2015 Standing Committees Chair Education Committee of the Whole Business Committee of the Whole Bruce Johnson Bill Bidlake Other Committees/Appointments BCSTA Provincial Council BCPSEA Representative Council Aboriginal Education Planning Council BC Winter Games 2016 Liaison Communities for Kids Curriculum Development Advisory Committee Community Foundation of the South Okanagan DPAC Representative Okanagan Labour Relations Council Okanagan School of the Arts Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Penticton RCMP Community Advisory Committee Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation Pro-d Committee Pro-d Funding Committee Summerland Advisory Planning Committee Summerland Chamber of Commerce Summerland Child and Youth Committee Summerland Recreation Committee Shelley Clarke, Barb Sheppard (alternate) (elected positions) Ginny Manning, Julie Planiden (alternate) (elected positions) Linda Van Alphen (until signing) and Shelley Clarke Bruce Johnson Shelley Clarke Ginny Manning Barb Sheppard Julie Planiden Ginny Manning Shelley Clarke Bruce Johnson, Barb Sheppard Ginny Manning Bruce Johnson Bill Bidlake Bill Bidlake Linda Van Alphen Julie Planiden Linda Van Alphen Julie Planiden Trustees Schools Bill Bidlake Shelley Clarke Bruce Johnson Ginny Manning Julie Planiden Barb Sheppard Linda Van Alphen Carmi Elementary, Wiltse Elementary, KVR Middle Columbia Elementary, Queen’s Park Elementary, Princess Margaret Secondary ConnectEd, Skaha Lake Middle, Penticton Secondary Kaleden Elementary, Naramata Elementary, West Bench Elementary Giant’s Head Elementary, Summerland Middle Parkway Elementary, Uplands Elementary, McNicoll Park Middle Trout Creek, Summerland Secondary January 8, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO‐ST‐Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100‐00999 Administration\00310 Board of Education Committees\00310‐20 Committees Appointments 2015.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 11 Page 12 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Board of Education and Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates to June 30, 2015 Board of Education Meetings January 12, 2015 February 2, 2015 March 9, 2015 April 13, 2015 May 11, 2015 June 8, 2015 Business Committee of the Whole Meetings January 27, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. February 24, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. March 31, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. April 28, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. May 26, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Education Committee of the Whole Meetings January 28, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. February 10, 2015; 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Education School Visitation to West Bench Elementary February 25, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. April 1, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. April 7, 2015; 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Education School Visitation to McNicoll Park Middle School April 29, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. May 27, 2015; 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Note: These regular committee of the whole meeting dates are scheduled for once a month two weeks prior to the Board of Education meetings. January 6, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO‐ST‐Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100‐00999 Administration\00310 Board of Education Committees\00310‐20 Committees Meeting Dates 2015.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Recognition of Student|Success Student School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students|groups for these outstanding examples of success SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 S DECEMBER 15 Madame Haddow’s Division 6-5 CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS performed A Charlie Brown Christmas ri to audiences including Grade 6 aand 7 English Track and Grade 7 and 8 French Fre Immersion students. Bravo to the young actors who have become me strong speakers and readers of French ch in n only 3 short months. Thank you to o Madame da Haddow for her work on thiss terrific ific production. What is Success? W “Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.” Author: Evan Esar DECEMBER SUCCESS 2014 S UMMERLAND MIDDLE Success Stories for the Board of Education at Me Meet Meeting Januaryy 12, 20 2015 015 Page 17 Continued... S UMMERLAND MIDDLE Bannermania On Friday, December 12, SMS students participated in the annual Bannermania event. Each division presented their banner after the performance of creative and entertaining productions. This longstanding tradition is integral to their pro-active work around building inclusion and community. Special thanks to Ms. Steves for coordinating this event. Page 18 SU M M E R L A N D M I D Continued... DLE Gym Opening December 1, the staff re-opened the gym for a special assembly. The new paint and colours caught many staff and students by surprise (including Ms. Arcuri). Following a few recognitions, Mr. Lemire ran the finale of Survivor, and the SMS Survivor Champions were crowned. Thanks to Mr. Lemire for the energy and creativity throughout the Survivor challenge! Survivor Finals PARKWAY ELEMENTARY • Parkway’s Breakfast Club was excellent! Thank you to Shelene for all of her hard work! • The new after school gym club for grade 4 and 5’s met on Thursday and had a super third session! Thank you Mrs. Silvius! Page 19 PARKWAY ELEMENTARY Continued... • Thank you to the paper and juice recycling teams, they did another super job! • Cheerleading practice went very well. Everyone is very organized and looking and sounding great! Thanks Ms. Cook! • Parkway’s Choir performed at Canadian Tire and they really sounded great!! Thank you Ms. Cole! • The School Multicultural Club met for a very positive meeting . • The Senior readers from the Concorde were with Parkway staff and students once again on Thursday afternoon but this time they brought Santa and Mrs. Claus with them and presents for all of the children and staff. What a special treat! • The Christmas concert was a huge success and the students sure sounded great! Thank you to everyone for coming out to the concert!!! A special thank you to Ms. Cole and the rest of the staff for all of the work and time that was put into the concert. It certainly paid off with a great show! COLUMBIA ELEMENTARY The last day before the holidays is Columbia’s annual PAC Pancake Breakfast. Many wonderful, helpful, hard-working parents came bright and early and turn the gym into Penticton’s finest pancake house! Feeding a whole school of hungry children takes thousands of pancakes. The older students help out their little buddies with cutting and pouring duties, all while the parent volunteers keep the yummy pancakes coming. The parent group ends the pancake day with special pancakes, berries, whipped cream for the staff. It really is a wonderful tradition at Columbia School. Page 20 COLUMBIA ELEMENTARY Continued... KALEDEN ELEMENTARY T he students at Kaleden Elementary spent the first three weeks of December focusing on the themes of “Taking Care of Each Other”, “Doing Your Best for a Better World” and “The Spirit of Giving”. With these themes in mind, the school came together once again to collect and donate items to “Kaleden Cares” food donation initiative. B eing a school of 100 students, the school set a goal each week to try to donate 100 food items. They kept track of the growing food donations and tally in their foyer and watched the donations grow. Each week the students reached and surpassed their goal feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. The Kaleden School students clearly took their caring December themes to heart!