School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, December 8, 2014, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue MEMBERS PRESENT Linda Van Alphen, Chair Ginny Manning, Vice Chair Bill Bidlake, Trustee Shelley Clarke, Trustee Bruce Johnson, Chair Julie Planiden, Trustee Barb Sheppard, Trustee ALSO PRESENT Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent Pam Butters, Director of Instruction Daniel Francisco, Director of Information Technology Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction Maureen Maywood, Director of Finance Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant _____________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Van Alphen called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we were on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2015-62 MOTION Johnson/Planiden That the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1. Schools on Board – An ArcticNet Outreach Program Vice Principal Jennifer Wingham informed trustees that students from across Canada were invited to participate in a unique opportunity, investigating Arctic climate change with international scientists in real-time scientific studies on board the CCGS Amundsen. Jaxon Stel, a Grade 12 student from Penticton Secondary, was the successful student School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 from this district, and one of 12 students from across Canada, in being selected to partake in the two-week expedition. Jaxon shared the highlights of his "life" on board a research vessel and provided an overview of what he learned about climate change. Jaxon will present at the science fair in March and is available to present at other classes as requested. Following a number of questions, Jaxon was thanked for his presentation and for the scientific work and questions he posed during the expedition. 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2015-63 MOTION Clarke/Manning That the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 10, 2014 be approved. CARRIED 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS Chair Van Alphen reviewed the following items which were discussed at the closed meeting held on November 10, 2014: 8. Received correspondence and directed that a letter be sent to teaching staff; Received a report on teaching, excluded, and support staff changes; Received information on a personnel matter; Received information and approved clerical time on a one-time basis; Received a report from the BCPSEA Symposium; Received a report from the Okanagan Labour Relations Council; Discussed the draft memorandum of understanding between BCSTA and the Ministry of Education; and Discussed a personnel contract. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1. Correspondence Requiring Action a. 2014-12-08 Letter from a Parent A letter from a parent, Jo Ann Parliament, requesting that the Board consider initiating a policy stating that players within middle and secondary schools in School District No. 67 must use change rooms to change into and out of their uniforms and that no changing of uniforms is to be allowed in public areas whether they are at home or during away games. Following discussion on the advantage of creating a separate policy; the responsibilities of parents; this is already covered in the district’s code of conduct policy; and the possibility of discussing this topic with principals, the subsequent motion was made. "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2015-64 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. Page 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 MOTION Sheppard/Planiden That the Board of Education requests that the superintendent ask coaches to remind students to change in and out of clothing in the changerooms. CARRIED Correspondence to the Board of Education a. 2014-12-08 BCTF Brief to Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Enclosing the BCTF brief b. 2014-12-08 City of Penticton Official Community Plan Public Hearing for Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 2014-48, seeking input Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. 2014-11-13 SD68 (Nanaimo Ladysmith) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding the Teacher Education Fund b. 2014-11-17 SD91 (Nechako Lakes) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding management and excluded staff compensation freeze c. 2014-11-17 SD20 (Kootenay-Columbia) to Minister of Education Regarding the Ministry of Education reclaiming all strike savings from September 2014 d. 2014-11-06 SD70 (Alberni) to Minister of Finance Regarding findings and recommendations of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services e. 2014-11-06 SD47 (Powell River) Open Letter to the Community Regarding BC Ferries agreement to extend its free student fare program to include children and youth travelling to the Lower Mainland while students in SD47 are charged half price f. 2014-11-05 SD43 (Coquitlam) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding management and exempt staff compensation g. 2014-10-27 SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) to Minister of Finance Requesting a progress update on Recommendations 24 to 40 from the Report on the Budget 2014 Consultations from the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Correspondence on Behalf of the Board a. 2014-11-18 to Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure A letter requesting crosswalk installations at SD67 rural schools "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) b. Page 4 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 2014-11-14 to Minister of Education A letter requesting permission to underspend targeted aboriginal funding for the 2013-14 fiscal year 2015-65 MOTION Clarke/Manning That the correspondence be received. CARRIED 9. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 10. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1. Superintendent's Report of Achievement The superintendent advised that the School Act requires the superintendent to prepare a public report to the Board of Education on the progress of improving student achievement from the previous school year. The report is intended to ensure transparency and accountability for each school district in terms of its responsibility for improving student achievement. It was noted that some of the information is based on data for June 2013 as some data was not collated this past June due to the job action. Superintendent Hyer reported that Grade 3 district reading results are 19% higher than the baseline level established in 2009 and the percentage of students who are fully meeting or exceeding expectations in reading has improved each year over the past five years. Trend data indicates that the majority of Grade 8 students (92%) are meeting expectations on the Reading Performance Standards Rubric, the percentage of students who are minimally meeting expectations has declined from 57% to 32%, and the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations has steadily improved from 32% to 60%. As well, the Grade 4 and 7 FSA writing results indicate a positive trend in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding in writing and that these results are above the provincial averages. Ms. Hyer added that there are still too many students who are minimally meeting or not meeting expectations. Given that current research indicates that student achievement in reading by the end of Grade 3 is the best predictor of later academic success, continuing to focus on and provide intervention in reading to improve results is important. With respect to the six-year completion rates, the completion rates for all female, male, aboriginal, and special needs populations are consistently at or above the provincial averages and the completion rate for aboriginal learners has continued to improve over the past five years. It was noted that while the six-year completion rates are above the provincial average, there are still 16% of SD67 students not graduating with a Dogwood Certificate. Ms. Hyer reviewed the district's efforts at identifying students who are at risk of not completing their programs, the work towards implementing a school-wide Response to Intervention framework to provide support and/or service to students and families, and the efforts over the past three years to explore ways to infuse the existing curriculum with aboriginal perspective and enhance all students' knowledge of the traditional culture and lands. The report also highlights Early Learning, work with the Literacy Now South Okanagan-Similkameen, and the expectation that schools and the Ministry of Children "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 and Family Development officials identify all children in care and focus on their achievement. As well, the report highlights the initiatives that support the attainment of the district goals, participation in other Ministry initiatives including skills training, ERASE Bullying training, Social and Emotional Learning and educational transformation. Ms. Hyer added the Board of Education, district staff, helping teachers, teacher leaders and support staff have put forth a tremendous amount of energy to improve the life chances of students and acknowledged the staff, parents, and Board for their collective commitment to enhancing student achievement in SD67. The complete report is available on the district website. 2015-66 MOTION Clarke/Bidlake That the Superintendent's Report of Student Achievement be approved by the Board of Education. CARRIED 10.2. Enrolment The superintendent of schools reported that enrolment as of November 30 shows 5,873 student, a slight decline from October. 10.3. Field Trips The director of instruction reviewed the listing of field trip requests included in the agenda package, one of which had been approved pursuant to district policy. 2015-67 MOTION Manning/Planiden That the field trip request for February 5 to 11, 2015, for 44 French Immersion students from KVR Middle and Summerland Middle to travel to Quebec City for the annual winter carnival be given final approval. CARRIED 10.4. Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 Superintendent Hyer advised that Summerland Secondary has been selected randomly as one of 95 schools in BC to represent Canada in the Programme for International Student Assessment 2015. Canada has participated in PISA since it began in 2000. This is the sixth cycle of PISA survey, which will be conducted from April 20 to May 29, 2015, and will have science as a primary assessment domain. 10.5. Al Appleton Award-Winner Grant Mansiere For information only, trustees were informed that a Grade 8 Summerland Secondary School student, Grant Mansiere, won this year's Al Appleton award for his contribution to occupational health and safety, according to the article in WorkSafe, December 2014 issue. In addition, his study earned him a series of awards, including the Actuarial Foundation of Canada honours prize, the Award for Excellence in Astronomy, along with the top junior excellence prize at the national science fair and first place at regional and local fairs. 10.6. School Concerts Appreciation was extended to staff for their efforts in preparing students for a wide variety of school concerts. The list is available on the district website. "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 10.7. 11. Page 6 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 Class Size Report Assistant Superintendent Burgoyne reviewed details on the school class size report noting that although the average class size in kindergarten is below the provincial average for the past 10 years, it is higher than in previous years. The average class size in grades 1 to 3 increased this year although it is below the provincial average. The intermediate average class size is below the provincial average and the grades 8 to 12 are close to the provincial average. Mr. Burgoyne noted there are 14 classes greater than 30, there are 2,000 less students in the district than 15 years ago, and the district will continue to decline before leveling off in secondary grades. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 11.1. Trustee Elections To complete the final obligation regarding the trustee election, the secretary-treasurer reviewed the trustee election results, normally reviewed prior to the swearing in ceremonies. Ms. Roller Routley advised that Trustee Manning was acclaimed in the rural area and Trustees Planiden and Van Alphen were acclaimed in the Summerland area. In the Penticton area, the results were as follows: Trustee Bidlake, 4,224 votes; Trustee Johnson, 4,072; Trustee Sheppard, 3,870; and Trustee Clarke, 3,381. 11.2. Policy No. 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaisons Secretary-Treasurer Roller Routley advised that at the last Board of Education meeting, Policy No. 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaison was approved in principle and circulated to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. To date, no suggestions have been received to modify this policy and the policy is therefore recommended for adoption. 2015-68 11.3. Policy No. 310 – District Code of Conduct At the last Board of Education meeting, Policy No. 310 – District Code of Conduct was approved in principle and circulated to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. To date, no suggestions have been received to modify this policy and the policy is therefore recommended for adoption. 2015-69 11.4. MOTION Clarke/Manning That the Policy 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaisons be approved by the Board of Education. CARRIED MOTION Planiden/Manning That Policy No. 310 – District Code of Conduct be approved by the Board of Education. CARRIED Policy No. 325 – Managing a Student with Medical Alert/Anaphylaxis At the last Board of Education meeting, Policy No. 325 – Managing a Student with Medical Alert/Anaphylaxis was approved in principle and circulated to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. Ms. Roller Routley advised that to date, no suggestions "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 7 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 have been received to modify this policy and the policy is therefore recommended for adoption. 2015-70 MOTION Johnson/Clarke That Policy No. 325 – Managing a Student with Alert/Anaphylaxis be approved by the Board of Education. Medical CARRIED 11.5. Banking Resolution A resolution related to signing authority as contained in the Bank of Montreal Certificate and Authorization form circulated with the agenda package was requested. SecretaryTreasurer Roller Routley reviewed that under the revised Policy No. 600, the official signing officers of the Board shall be the chair, superintendent, and secretary-treasurer with banking and financial documents requiring two signatures. Electronic signatures for the chair and secretary-treasurer are used and if over a certain amount, are countersigned and checked by another person. A listing of cheques written will be provided in the future. In response to a trustee question, rates offered to the district were offered to parent advisory councils and this was communicated to PACs. 2015-71 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1. Local Elections Trustees suggested that letters of congratulations be sent to mayors, councils, and RDOS directors on their recent election. 2015-72 12.2. MOTION Sheppard/Clarke That letters of congratulations be sent by the Board of Education to mayors, councils, and RDOS directors on their recent election. CARRIED Meeting with MLA The superintendent advised that MLA Dan Ashton has requested a meeting with the newly elected Board of Education. Trustees agreed to a meeting in the new year. 2015-73 13. MOTION Sheppard/Planiden That the Board of Education authorize signing authority as contained in the Bank of Montreal Certificate and Authorization resolution as attached. CARRIED MOTION Sheppard/Johnson That the secretary-treasurer be directed to arrange a meeting with MLA Ashton. CARRIED REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1. BCSTA Trustee Academy Trustees were reminded to submit reports of their attendance at the BCSTA Trustee Academy held in Vancouver on December 4 to 6, 2014. Trustees provided comments on "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 the academy, including comments on the mentoring program, the large number of new trustees, interesting workshops, co-governance, and the keynote speaker, the Right Honourable Joe Clark. It was suggested that the Board should revisit the district’s mission and values statement and, if wanted, a strategic plan. 13.2. BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting Chair Van Alphen provided information related to the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting held on December 5, 2014 in Vancouver including being introduced to approximately 65 new trustees in the branch, discussing the financial statements, mission and value statements, and moving onto a vision statement. 13.3. Trustee Comments Trustees provided comments related to district activities including follow-up on the letter sent to the OSTU, the family life program, and the funding set aside for teachers at the last meeting as well as comments on the upcoming school concerts and a brief update on the recent aboriginal education council meeting. 2015-74 14. MOTION Johnson/Manning That the Board of Education direct the district staff to review and update the report on family life from last year with any current information and bring forward to the March board meeting. CARRIED INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1. BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting It was noted that the deadline for submitting emergent motions to the February meeting of the BCSTA Provincial Council is January 16, 2015. The Provincial Council meeting will be held on February 20/21, 2015 in Vancouver and Trustee Clarke will attend. 14.2. BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting The BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting will be held on February 27/28, 2015 at the Village Green Hotel in Vernon. 14.3. BCPSEA New Trustee Orientation In order to assist new trustees, BCPSEA has organized an orientation session specifically designed for newly elected trustees on Thursday, January 29, 2015 (the day prior to the AGM) in Vancouver. Details were provided on the letter circulated with the agenda package. 2015-75 14.4. MOTION Clarke/Sheppard That the following trustees will attend the BCPSEA New Trustee Orientation: Newly elected trustees who are not in conflict and BCPSEA reps. CARRIED BCPSEA AGM21 The 21st Annual General Meeting of the British Columbia Public School Employers' Association is scheduled for January 30, 2015 at the Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond. Details, program information and registration details will follow in the coming "Working Together for Student Success" School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 8, 2014 weeks. The deadline for submitting special and ordinary resolutions for consideration at the AGM is December 11, 2014 and Trustee Manning will attend. 14.5. Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the agenda package. 14.6. Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations were extended to the students from Naramata Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. 14.7. Date of Next Meeting January 12, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, School Board Office 15. QUESTION PERIOD Questions/comments from the media were related to home schooling, student and school codes of conduct, and reaction to one polling station for the entire city of Penticton. 16. ADJOURNMENT 2015-76 MOTION Clarke/Manning That the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m. CARRIED ______________________________ Linda Van Alphen, Chairperson ___________________________________ Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer December 18, 2014 Ref: of Education_Dec8_2014/eSCRIBE Documents/Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Education_Dec8_2014 - English.docx "Working Together for Student Success"