School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, November 10, 2014, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Members Present Bruce Johnson, Chair Tracy St. Claire, Vice Chair Linda Beaven, Trustee Shelley Clarke, Trustee Walter Huebert, Trustee Ginny Manning, Trustee Linda Van Alphen, Trustee Also Present Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer Daniel Francisco, Director of Information Technology Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant _____________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Johnson called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we were on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2015-41 MOTION Beaven/Manning That the agenda with the addition of 13.5 be adopted. CARRIED 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1. Epilepsy Awareness Squad Caitie Shaw and Dan Nixon, two students from Summerland Secondary, created The Epilepsy Awareness Squad, connecting individuals living with epilepsy from all over the world using social media platforms. An overview of this initiative was provided and included information regarding their attendance at a fair in Abbotsford, an epilepsy conference in San Francisco, and Caitie being selected as one of six Canadian flown to Toronto for We Day. Caitie is a finalist for a World Summit Youth Award and may receive School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 a flight to Brazil. Last week, the two students presented on epilepsy awareness at Disneyland and later this month will speak at and run a workshop at a TEDx event. The two have now begun a “cyberlove” site to post positive messages to friends or relatives. Additional information can be found at,, or through Facebook. Following a number of questions, Caitie and Dan were thanked for their presentation and for what they are doing towards empowering youth. 3.2. A Ted Talk: Using SmartLearning in Grade 1 and for Professional Development Paul Kopf, a Grade 1 teacher from Wiltse Elementary and a SmartLearning demonstration teacher for the district, described how he uses SmartLearning in his Grade 1 class. He also outlined an inquiry process he facilitated last year and will facilitate again this year on the growth for each teacher to become a "demo" teacher. He will be presenting at the BCSSA conference with Susan Close and is one of a team of five presenting to superintendents and education representatives from school districts. Appreciation was extended to Mr. Kopf for his presentation and for being a teacher leader for the district. 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2015-42 MOTION Huebert/St. Claire That the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 6 and the special board of education meeting of October 27, 2014 be approved. CARRIED 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Notice of Motion At the October 6, 2014 Board of Education meeting, Trustee Beaven gave notice of the following motion to be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board of Education: “That a portion of the money returned to the Board as a result of the current labour dispute be set aside in a special fund for the specific use of classroom teachers to facilitate classroom innovation and enrichment." During discussion, it was noted that funds are currently available in other budgets for schools to access for initiatives and that this information should be conveyed through administrators to teachers. 2015-43 MOTION Beaven/St. Claire That $30,000 of the money returned to the Board as a result of the current labour dispute be set aside in a special fund for the specific use of classroom teachers to facilitate classroom innovation and enrichment, removing any funding barriers. CARRIED Trustee Van Alphen requested that her negative vote be recorded. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 7. Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS Chair Johnson reviewed the following items which were discussed at the closed meeting held on October 6, 2014: 8. Page 3 Received correspondence; Directed a response to the letter received regarding pro-d days; Received a report from the finance and management committee; Received a report on teaching, excluded, and support staff changes; Received an update to teaching bargaining; Directed that the superintendent send a memo to teaching staff as reviewed; Received information related to management staff; Received information on a legal item; Received information on BCPSEA meetings; Approved that a letter be sent to players involved with negotiations; Discussed a motion to be presented to the BCSTA Provincial Council meeting and approved a direction for the BCSTA Provincial Council representative to take when discussing this resolution. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1. Correspondence Requiring Action a. 2014-09-30 First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition Request for boards to adopt and implement strong school board policies to support students with diverse gender identities and expressions 2015-44 8.2. MOTION St. Claire/Clarke That the request from the BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition be referred to the policy committee for review. CARRIED Correspondence TO the Board a. 2014-10-08 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Follow-up to BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting of October 3 and 4, 2014 b. 2014-10-20 Response from Minister of Education Response to the invitation to the Minister of Education to visit the district c. 2014-10-10 Ministry of Education Regarding a Provincial K-12 Homestay Guidelines Working Group to draft recommended best-practice guidelines for K-12 homestay providers d. 2014-10-09 Ombudsperson Annual report to Board of Education “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) e. 8.3. Page 4 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 2014-10-29 Ministry of Education Regarding the Service Delivery Project report and the beginning of Phase 2 of the Service Delivery Project Correspondence COPIED to the Board of Education Copies of the letters to the Board listed below are available in the trustee reading file: a. 2014-10-16 SD23 (Central Okanagan) to Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Regarding the budget 2015 consultation b. 2014-10-17 SD42 (Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows) to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Regarding the budget 2015 consultations c. 2014-10-17 SD38 (Richmond) to Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Regarding making education as the first priority for the budget d. 2014-10-07 SD46 (Sunshine Coast) to Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Regarding input for the 2015-16 provincial budget e. 2014-10-06 SD71 (Comox Valley) to Minister of Education Regarding labour strike savings/sustainable funding f. 2014-10-20 SD83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap) to Ministers of Education and Finance Regarding compensation freeze for management and executive staff g. 2014-10-30 SD41 (Burnaby) to Chell and White Regarding appreciation for bargaining h. 2014-10-14 BCSTA to Ministers of Education and Finance President of BCSTA to Ministers of Education and Finance regarding payment for September 19 i. 2014-10-22 SD43 (Coquitlam) to Minister of Education Regarding teachers' pay for September 19th j. 2014-10-15 SD23 (Central Okanagan) to the Minister of Education Regarding inappropriate use of BCED Plan in politically-orientated messaging k. 2014-10-27 SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) to Minister of Finance Requesting a progress update on Recommendations 24 to 40 from the Report on the Budget 2014 Consultations from Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services l. 2014-10-29 SD73 (Kamloops Thompson) Regarding excluded and exempt staff compensation freeze “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 8.4. Page 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 m. 2014-10-21 SD83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap) to Minister of Education Requesting extra costs of paying teachers in their district on the same basis as other districts n. 2014-10-30 SD19 (Revelstoke) to Ministers of Education and Finance Supporting BCSTA's position that government should fully and equitably fund the eight days of teacher work in September Correspondence FROM the Board a. 2014-10-10 Invitation to Minister of Education An invitation for the Minister of Education to visit the district b. 2014-10-08 Coalition of Child Care Advocates Endorsement by the Board of Education for the Community Plan for a Public System of Integrated Early Care and Learning c. 2014-10-08 to Public Sector Employers' Council Secretariat A letter to PSECS regarding the Public Sector Executive Compensation Report d. 2014-10-10 to University of Victoria Confirmation that the Board of Education approved the request for Princess Margaret Secondary School to participate in the 2014-15 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey e. 2014-10-31 to CUPE regarding Policy No. 580 - Whistleblower Protection Letter of appreciation to CUPE regarding comments provided to Policy No. 580 Whistleblower Protection and providing an explanation to CUPE why the policy committee did not recommend any of the comments 2015-45 MOTION Manning/St. Claire That the correspondence be received. CARRIED 9. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9.1. Education Committee Trustee Beaven reported on the education committee visitation to Summerland Middle School on November 4, 2014. Trustees viewed classes in session, attended a Remembrance Day performance by the drama students, viewed how confident leadership students were during their tours, and learned about random acts of kindness initiatives. Teachers also spoke about the change of culture when teachers use a common language. 2015-46 MOTION Beaven/St. Claire That the report of the education committee be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 9.2. Page 6 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 Policy Committee Trustee reported on the policy committee meeting held on October 27, 2014: a. Draft Policy No. 580 – Whistleblower Protection It was noted that comments from the stakeholders had been taken back to the policy committee. 2015-47 b. MOTION Clarke/Beaven That draft Policy No. 580 – Whistleblower Protection be approved by the Board of Education. CARRIED Policy No. 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaisons During discussion, it was noted that the draft policy had not been forwarded to stakeholder groups for input. Following discussion on the importance of receiving input on this draft policy, MOTION Clarke/Manning That Policy No. 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaisons as amended be approved by the Board of Education. 2015-48 MOTION St. Claire/Beaven That Policy No. 120 – Board of Education Committees and Liaisons be circulated to stakeholder groups as per district policy. CARRIED c. Deletion of Policy No. 120 (dated November 8, 1999) and Policy No. 130 This item was referred to the next board of education meeting. d. Policy No. 310 – District Code of Conduct 2015-49 Clarke/Huebert That Policy No. 310 – District Code of Conduct be approved in principle and circulated to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. CARRIED e. Policy No. 325 – Managing a Student with Medical Alert/Anaphylaxis Conditions 2015-50 MOTION Clarke/Huebert That Policy No. 325 – Managing a Student with Medical Alert/Anaphylaxis Conditions be approved in principle and circulated to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. CARRIED 2015-51 MOTION Clarke/Manning That the report of the policy committee be received. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 10. Page 7 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1. Field Trips Director of Instruction MacIntyre reviewed the listing of field trip requests circulated with the agenda package. 2015-52 MOTION Manning/Van Alphen That the field trip request for April 18 to 26, 2015 for 36 band students from Summerland Secondary School to travel to New Brunswick to perform for several elementary schools and visit a variety of educational sites be approved in principle. CARRIED 2015-53 MOTION Huebert/Beaven That the field trip request for May 13 to 16, 2015, for 49 grade 8 band students from Skaha Lake Middle School to travel to Edmonton, Alberta for a spring band tour be approved in principle. CARRIED 10.2. Enrolment The superintendent of schools reported on enrolment as of October 31, 2014, noting there are 5,932 students in the district and that final funding will be determined by full time equivalency of students. Currently, there are ten students less than the projected enrolment for this school year. 10.3. Research Proposal The superintendent advised that Naryn Searcy, a teacher at Princess Margaret Secondary, is seeking permission to invite students in her English 10 and 12 First Peoples classes to participate in a study to investigate the following questions: 1. What happens when I incorporate experiential learning prevalent in Indigenous pedagogy and perspective into a competitive, hierarchical, and individualized Western framework? 2. Will participation in experiential learning activities prevalent in Indigenous pedagogy improve student engagement and performance on reading and writing language arts tasks? 3. Will students see experiential learning activities prevalent in Indigenous pedagogy as equally essential and valuable as traditionally expected reading and writing language arts activities? 4. Will they see their use of time equally well spent in both types of learning situations? Trustees requested that the results of the report be shared with the Board. 2015-54 MOTION Beaven/Van Alphen “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 That Naryn Searcy be granted permission to conduct her research project in her English 10 and 12 First Peoples classes as part of her Master Degree requirements. CARRIED 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 11.1. Trustee Election The secretary-treasurer reviewed information related to the trustee election to be held on November 15, 2014, noting that Julie Planiden and Linda Van Alphen were acclaimed in the Summerland area and Ginny Manning was acclaimed in the rural area. An election will be held in the Penticton area with candidates being Bill Bidlake, Shelley Clarke, Theresa Hebert, Bruce Johnson, Keith MacIntyre, and Barb Sheppard. The inaugural meeting will be held on December 1 at 7:00 p.m., and trustee orientation sessions have been scheduled for November 25 and 27, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., and all-day on Saturday, November 29. As well, a BCSTA trustee academy will be held on December 4 through to December 6 in Vancouver. Beginning in December, the Board will be moving to paperless meetings and board agendas will be shown on the overhead screen at every meeting. 11.2. Policy No. 315 – Physical Restraint and Seclusion At the last meeting, Policy No. 315 – Physical Restraint and Seclusion was approved in principle and circulated to partner groups until November 7 for any suggestions for changes. Secretary-Treasurer Roller Routley advised that to date no suggestions had been received to modify this policy. Since then, one suggestion had been received to remove the word "serious" from the draft policy. 2015-55 11.3. MOTION Clarke/Huebert That Policy No. 315 – Physical Restraint and Seclusion be referred back to the policy committee for further review. CARRIED Policy No. 600 - Fiscal Control At the last meeting, Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control was approved in principle and circulated to partner groups until November 7 for any suggestions for changes. Secretary-Treasurer Roller Routley advised that to date no suggestions have been received to modify this policy and the policy was therefore recommended for adoption as attached. 2015-56 MOTION Huebert/St. Claire That Policy No. 600 – Fiscal Control be approved as presented. CARRIED 11.4. Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) The secretary-treasurer reviewed the Statement of Financial Information report for the year ending June 30, 2014, noting that the report included all staff who received more than $75,000 per year and all businesses which were paid more than $25,000 per year. The superintendent and assistant superintendent received contractual payouts related to vacation which increased their salaries and payment of moving expenses increased the “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 total expenses of the secretary-treasurer. There were no excluded staff severances or payouts in the report. 2015-57 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1. Request for Letter of Support Due to concerns about student safety and speeding vehicles, RDOS Director Karla Kozakevich has requested that a letter from the Board of Education be sent to the Minister of Transportation and copied to local MLA's asking for a crosswalk and improved signage at Naramata, Kaleden, and West Bench Elementary schools. 2015-58 13. MOTION St. Claire/Van Alphen That the Statement of Financial Information report for the year ended June 30, 2014 be received by the Board of Education. CARRIED MOTION Manning/St. Claire That a letter be sent to the Minister of Transportation and copied to local MLA's and RDOS Directors asking for a crosswalk and improved signage at Naramata, Kaleden, and West Bench Elementary schools. CARRIED REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1. BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting Trustee Huebert reported on the BCSTA Provincial Council meeting held on October 24 and 25, 2014 in Vancouver. A BCSTA Provincial Council Disposition of Motions report was circulated to trustees. It was noted that Director of Accountability Dean Goodman from the Ministry of Education outlined the K-12 accountability framework and that Stephen Hansen, Executive Director, BCSTA, will be retiring at the end of the year. Trustee Huebert also noted that the BCSTA Provincial Council passed a motion urging the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, and BCPSEA to immediately remove the compensation freeze on principals, vice principals, and exempt staff; authorize salary and benefit increases to principals, vice principals, and exempt staff at least consistent with the increases provided to other employees in the K-12 education sector over the last number of years; and fully fund the costs of providing these salary and benefit improvements. 13.2. BCSTA Trustee Academy The BCSTA 2014 Trustee Academy will take place December 4 to 6, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. 13.3. BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting There will be a BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting at the December Academy to hold a "by-election" for the position of Branch Education Representative/Chair and Branch Resolution Committee Chair. The term for these positions will be from December 2014 to April 2015. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 14. Page 10 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 10, 2014 13.4. Trustee Comments Trustees Huebert, Beaven, and St. Claire commented on items covered during their term as a school trustee and expressed appreciation to all staff for their efforts towards education. 13.5. BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting Information has been received from the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch that if districts have resolutions for the BCSTA AGM that boards would like to be branch motions, they must be submitted to the branch resolutions committee by December 1. INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1. Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the agenda package. 14.2. Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations were extended to the students from Queen's Park Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. 14.3. Date of Next Meetings December 1, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Inaugural Board of Education Meeting, School Board Office December 8, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, School Board Office 15. QUESTION PERIOD There were no media or questions/comments from the audience. 16. ADJOURNMENT 2015-59 MOTION Huebert/Beaven That the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED ________________________________ Bruce Johnson, Chairperson ___________________________________ Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer November 25, 2014 Ref: http://esc01-00-0/Board of Education_Nov10_2014/eSCRIBE Documents/Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Education_Nov10_2014 - English.docx “Working Together for Student Success”