Mustang Multi-Sport Academy

Mustang Multi-Sport Academy
District Name: Okanagan Skaha
District Number: #67
Developed by: John Buckley
Date Developed: March 1, 2004
School Name: Princess Margaret Secondary School
Principal’s Name: Mr. Bruce Johnson
Board/Authority Approval Date:
Board/Authority Signature:
Course Name: Multi Sport Academy
Grade Level of Course: 9/10 or 11/12
Number of Course Credits: 4
Number of Hours of Instruction: 120 hours
Prerequisite(s): Course Application Form and Letter, Selection Process
Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required:
Special Training: Volleyball, Basketball, Fitness, Sport Training
Facilities: Gymnasium, Weight Room
Equipment Required: Sport Specific Training Equipment, Fitness Equipment
Course Synopsis: This course has been developed to offer elite athletes a multi-sport training program. The
academy experience will develop sport specific skills, fitness, training knowledge, nutrition and personal portfolio
creation. Students will be exposed to Level 1 Coaching Theory Certification and sports-aid athletic taping courses.
School sports and community sports program participation is strongly recommended to applicants. Optional
coaching practical experiences to younger age athletics is possible.
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
Rationale: This course is offered to meet the needs of high achieving student athletics. Students with the desire
and skills required to perform at high levels of competition in more than one sport. The academy will help students
develop skills, fitness, knowledge and contacts for elite performance. The focus of the academy is to develop wellrounded athletes capable of multi-sport performance before specializing in a single sport.
Organizational Structure:
Unit 1
30 hours
Unit 2
30 hours
Unit 3
20 hours
Unit 4
Coaching Level 1/Sports-Aid Taping
20 hours
Unit 5
Personal Profiles
20 hours
Total Hours
120 hours
Unit/Topic/Module Descriptions:
Unit 1: Volleyball
Students will be exposed to high level skill development in individual, partner and group drills. Elite
strategies and concepts will be introduced in offensive and defensive systems. Rule knowledge and game
preparation will be a focus. The use of video skill and movement analysis will be used.
Curriculum Organizers
Social and Cultural Issues:
It is expected students will:
 impact school climate and younger athletes through academy experience and community.
It is expected students will:
 apply the creative process (i.e. perceptions, exploration, experimentation, production and evaluation) to
skill training and personal profiles.
It is expected students will:
 identify skill strengths/weaknesses through video analysis
 determine personal progress and performance levels
 analyze changes in skill/fitness levels.
It is expected students will:
 use video technology to monitor skill improvement
 use video/digital technology to create personal profiles
 use computers to create personal performance portfolios.
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
Unit 2:Basketball
Students will be introduced to higher level skill drills, strategies and concepts in the sport of basketball.
Elite offensive and defensive systems will be covered. Rule knowledge and game preparation will be a unit
focus. The use of video to analyze skills and court movement techniques will be implemented.
Curriculum Organizer
Social and Cultural Issues:
It is expected students will:
 impact school climate and younger athletes mentored in the academy experience and community.
It is expected students will:
 apply the creative process (i.e. perceptions, exploration, experimentation, production and evaluation)
skill training and personal profiles.
It is expected students will:
 identify skill strengths/weaknesses through video analysis
 determine personal progress and performance levels
 analyze changes in skill/fitness levels.
It is expected students will:
 use video technology to monitor skill improvement
 use video/digital technology to create personal profiles
 use computers to create personal performance portfolios.
Unit 3: Fitness & Nutrition
Students will be exposed to high level information and training programs specifically designed for athlete
development. General fitness and individual routines will be developed, monitored and maintained.
Nutrition and water hydration topics will be covered to allow students increased knowledge and awareness
to proper eating habits for high performance demands.
Curriculum Organizers
It is expected students will:
 create personal eating plans
 monitor eating/hydration habits in a journal
 research current trends
It is expected students will:
 identify personal fitness and nutrition practices
 analyse the importance of proper nutrition and hydration
 discuss proper preparation prior to performance
It is expected students will:
 research recent information re: nutrition/hydration
 apply video footage to maximize efficient technique
 record progress on computer programs
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
Unit 4:Coaching – Level 1 Certification
Sports Aid Athletic Taping Course
Students will be required to complete NCCP Level One Coaching Certification (Theory). Students will
also be required to successfully complete the Sports Aid Athletic Taping Course.
Curriculum Organizers
Social and Cultural Issues:
It is expected students will:
 understand the importance of understanding sport from the coaching and training perspectives
 value volunteering to assist the development of younger athletes in a sport
It is expected students will:
 create practice outlines for skill development
 develop a season training schedule for one sport
 assess athletic injuries and treatment
It is expected students will:
 analyse sport development in pre-season and post-season
 identify coaching skills, characteristics and qualities
 evaluate different athletics injuries
 monitor injury rehabilitation
It is expected students will:
 use video to analyze coaching styles and techniques
 use technology to better understand athletic injuries
Unit 5: Personal Profiles
In this final unit students will reflect on their development and profile to plan their future. Students will
create personal profiles using video images of skill development in practice and game performance. Goal
setting, elite team program opportunities and post secondary contacts will be developed.
Curriculum Organizers
Social and Cultural Issues:
It is expected students will:
 demonstrate personal gaol setting in program and future development
 assess their individual development in program within the school and community
It is expected students will:
 create detailed written personal profile
 state individual short and long term goals
 gather information regarding future opportunities
It is expected students will:
 analyse their personal strengths and weaknesses
 evaluate their individual development and performances
 assess their future growth and opportunities in sport programs
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
It is expected students will:
 develop video records of practice situation sport specific skills and competition performances
 create a video for post secondary contacts
 use video and technology for skill assessment
Instructional Component:
Direct instruction
Indirect instruction
Interactive instruction
Independent instruction
Practical Creativity
Group work
Analysis of performance videos
Skill Training Videos
Biomechanics evaluation
Sport America – Video Series
Going Ballistic – Video
Jumping into Plyometrics – Video
Personal Profiles – Computer
Assignments – Computer
Record Profile – Computer
Video Analysis – Video Camera
Video Profile – Video Camera
Community Facilities
School District Facilities
Assessment Component:
 Participation – 40% (Affective Domain)
 Skill/Skill Improvement - 30% (Psychomotor Domain)
 Knowledge/Tests/Projects – 30% (Cognitive Domain)
Learning Resources:
Accelerate – Sports Performance Certification
NCCP Level 1 Theory/Technical Program
BC Sports Aid Program
High Performance Sports (Text)
Jumping into Plyometrics (Text)
Strength Ball Training (Text)
Sports Nutrition Guidebook (Text)
Endurance Sports Nutrition (Text)
Wellness Workbook (Text)
High Performance Cycling (Text)
Sports Stretch
Additional Information:
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework