BAA Learning Strategies 10, 11, 12

BAA Learning Strategies 10, 11, 12
District Name : Okanagan Skaha
District Number : 67
Developed by : Learning Assistance Department, Penticton Secondary
Date Developed : May 5, 2009
School Name: Penticton Secondary
Principal’s Name : Bill Bidlake
Board/Authority Approval Date :
Board/Authority Signature :
Course Name : YLS 12 BA - Learning Strategies 10, 11, 12
Grade Level of Course: 10, 11, 12
Number of Course Credits: 2 or 4
Number of Hours of instruction: 60 or 120
Students with learning difficulties, designated special needs, or identified learning disabilities
Students having extensive difficulty learning course content
Students who need adaptations or modifications to their course work
Students who have been recommended through the School Based Team, Learning Centre and/or
Course Synopsis:
This course has been designed to help meet the academic and emotional needs of students with
learning difficulties, chronic health issues, physical disabilities, and identified learning disabilities.
It provides direct instruction in the effective learning skills and strategies that are needed to
become independent, successful learners. It has been developed to provide an opportunity for
students to :
· Receive instruction in strategies to assist general learning in the regular classroom
· Receive assistance utilizing these strategies while doing subject work from regular classrooms
· Receive instruction in organizational/time management strategies
· Receive instruction in study skills strategies
· Receive instruction for remediation of academic areas of concern (Ex. Reading, writing, math)
· Receive the extra time required to finish tests from regular classrooms
· Prepare for the writing of provincial examinations
· Receive counseling in developing skills that enable them to deal effectively with staff and peers
· Receive counseling on how to effectively solve problems or conflicts
· Develop the skills needed to be effective self-advocates
The primary focus for students taking this course at the grade 10 level will be on more intense
instruction in various organizational and study skill techniques. They will be more closely
monitored for binder organization, planner use, and homework completion. Grade 11 and 12
students will be expected show more independence in their use of these skills, as well as starting
to focus more on personal goal setting. They will be expected to show more effective selfadvocacy skills and more independence in accessing any adaptations that they may qualify for on
government exams.
The course is divided into the following components:
 Organizational skills
 Social / Emotional skills
 Learning and Study Skills
 Assignment and testing support
Learning Resources
Video and audio tapes related to subject curriculum
Daily Planner
Inspirations, Kurzweil, Dragon, and other software
Adapted and modified novels, plays and related materials
Ministry website
Organization Skills 20%
It is expected that the student will :
 Consistently use an agenda
 Independently keep track of all assigned work
 Maintain organized binders
 Take responsibility for missed assignments
 Make effective use of class time to complete homework, study, and seek help when
 Study for tests at home
 Complete homework assignments
 Effectively manage their time to ensure they have adequate time to complete
 Use visual organizers to organize notes, study sheets, etc.
 Learn & implement effective study strategies
 Learn how to effectively obtain information from a text
Social / Emotional Skills 20%
It is expected that the student will develop skills in the areas of :
 Exhibiting behaviours that demonstrate accountability
 Self-advocacy
 Independently using problem-solving strategies
 Self-monitoring and managing emotional responses
 Seeking help/guidance from support staff when needed
 Personal goal setting
 Planning for post-secondary transition
 Resolving conflict constructively
 Showing respect and empathy for others
 Demonstrating appropriate classroom behaviour
 Working effectively with peers
 Showing accountability and taking ownership of their own behaviour
 Seeking help and utilizing problem solving skills
Learning and Study Skills 20%
It is expected that the student will :
 Seek help from subject teachers
 Make and use effective study guides
 Effectively use reference materials (library, dictionary, internet, etc.)
 Effectively use text features such as index, table of contents, glossary, bold text, review
sections, etc.
 Explore and utilize a variety of note-taking techniques
 Make use of appropriate technology
 Use effective test taking strategies
 Learn how physical factors such as nutrition, sleep habits, exercise affect memory and
 Demonstrate a commitment to personal goals
Assignment & Testing Support 40%
 Students will receive support and individual instruction on assignments from other
 Students will receive adaptations to course content in accordance with their I.E.P.
The student will be exposed to a variety of learning experiences which promote application and
transfer of learning strategies and study skills to other courses, independent learning and goal
setting. The application of these learning strategies will be determined by individual needs.
Evaluation : Student evaluation is based on the student meeting the learning outcomes. It is
done on an on-going basis and includes student and teacher assessment of :
 In-class use of organizational and learning strategies
 Performance in other subject areas
 Self-monitoring of progress
 Self-advocacy
Assessment methods could include :
 Teacher observation
 Student reports
 Subject teacher reports
 Student conferences
 Progress checks : binders, assignments, classroom marks
 Checklists
 Exams, tests, quizzes
 Rating scales
 Written assignments