BAA Housing and Interior Design Framework

BAA Housing and Interior Design Framework
District Name: Okanagan Skaha
District Number: SD # 67
Teacher’s Applying: Dana Kocsis and Patrick Whiteley
School Applying: Princess Margaret Secondary School
Principal’s Name: Don McIntyre
Developed by: Burnaby School District
Burnaby South Secondary School
Course Code: YHID
Date Developed: October 20th, 2004
School Name: Burnaby South Secondary School
Board/Authority Approval Date:
February 8, 2010
Board/Authority Signature:
Course Name:
Housing and Interior Design 11
Grade Level of Course: Grade 11
Number of Course Credits: 4
Number of Hours of Instruction: 120 hours
Prerequisite(s): None
Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: Computers with AutoCAD Software including
3D software, Textiles Classroom with sewing machines and tables.
Course Synopsis:
This introductory course looks at how human beings occupy space. It will briefly
introduce the fundamental factors that create an aesthetic and functional residential living
space. The course begins with housing trends, including a variety of past and present
architectural styles and house construction options. Students will learn basic manual and
AutoCAD drafting skills, while creating both 2D and 3D floor plans & elevations. Next,
the course will focus on the elements and principles of design and the basic design
process. A variety of design & furniture styles, finishing techniques, wall, window and
flooring options will be presented, along with the materials, tools and technology used in
today’s world of Interior Design After exploring potential career options related to the
field of Interior Design, the course will conclude with students creating an original, to
scale, final project which incorporates both housing and interior design aspects of this
This course has been developed to support and encourage the growing interest into the
career of Interior Design. The intent of this course is to offer students an introduction to
the many aspects of interior design while examining the skills required to be an Interior
Designer. This course allows students to combine creativity, design, art, and computer
skills while creating a scale model of their final project.
Organizational Structure:
Unit 1
Unit 2
Fundamentals of Housing
Unit 3
Elements and Principles of Design
Unit 4
Architectural Design of Homes
Unit 5
Unit 6
Career Options
Unit 7
Major Project
Unit/Topic/Module Descriptions:
Unit 1: Introduction
5 Hours
Curriculum Organizer – Equipment Use and Safety Rules
It is expected the students will:
 Successfully pass a safety test for all the different machines that will be used in the course
 Understand the safety rules of each different work area of the course (wood shop, computer lab,
textiles lab)
Curriculum Organizer – Understand the Value of Housing
It is expected the students will:
 Determine the difference between housing wants and housing needs
 Understand that families change and so do housing requirements (young family homes, senior housing)
 Realize that purchasing a house is the largest financial decision in a persons life
 Understand how to budget to make a home purchase a reality
Curriculum Organizer – Understand the Design Process and Preferences
It is expected the students will:
 Indentify the design process
 Create a list of housing preferences
 Understand how to create an original design
Unit 2: Fundamentals of Housing
Time: 20 hours
This unit is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of housing and allows them to see how basic
needs verses want drive the designs of our homes. The learning material format for this unit will be a
combination of demonstration lectures, field trips and guest speakers from the community.
Students will learn the history of design and house trends. This unit is designed to take students through
modern history of building and design so that they may see where many of our designs today come from
and where they might be going in the future.
Curriculum Organizers – Factors and Influences of Housing Decisions
It is expected the students will:
 Understand influences on our housing designs
 Identify how media and fashion trends influence our housing designs
 Recognize that many factors influence your housing decisions
Curriculum Organizers – History of Modern Post War Housing
It is expected the students will:
 understand where our housing styles came from
 study current housing trends
Curriculum Organizers – Current Trends and the Future of Housing
It is expected the students will:
 Space plan a modern home
 Look at the recent trends towards eco-friendly housing
 Understand Housing responsibilities and be able to find valuable housing resources
 Understand how family needs (special needs) influence house designs
Curriculum Organizers – Renting verses Purchasing Homes
It is expected the students will:
 List the steps required to purchase or rent a home
 Indentify the process, costs and effects of moving
 Understand how to organize financing of homes
Unit 3: Elements and Principles of Design
Time: 25 hours
In this unit, students will study all the elements of design that make homes appealing not only for practical
purposes but for artistic design and appeal. Students will not only look at today’s trends and designs but
look at what took place in home designs in the past. By exploring today’s culture and fashions, students
will be able to understand where our housing designs are going to and what will influence them in the
Curriculum Organizers – Treatments
It is expected the students will:
 Create there own Colour Schemes and Fabric Swatches for a room design
 Understand Wall Treatments, Wall styles, wall coverings, and Flooring styles for rooms
Curriculum Organizers – Lighting
It is expected the students will:
 Show How Lighting influences a rooms
 Determine the types of lighting for each area of a home
Curriculum Organizers – Furniture and Appliances
It is expected the students will:
 Identify the different types of Furniture styles (modern, antique, New England)
 Understand the different types of Finishing Materials used in home design
 Compare the quality and price of different appliances
Unit 4: Architectural Design of Homes
Time: 25 hours
Students will get started learning the different views of drafting: Orthographic, Oblique, Perspective, and
Cavalier views. The drafting component of this course will look at Orthographic sketches and view, the
user interface of AutoCAD, designing a floor plan, creating elevations and perspective views of a room,
and plotting to scale a paper space design. The learning material format for this unit will be a combination
of demonstration lectures and individual based tutorials.
Curriculum Organizers – Computer Literacy
It is expected the students will:
 create new project/tutorial file directories
 save/copy project/tutorial files into the appropriate directory:
o Work in progress
o Work to be marked
o Marked projects
 submit completed projects electronically via the school network
Curriculum Organizers – Drafting Process
It is expected the students will:
 demonstrate the steps required to create a 2D Drawing using AutoCAD and Revit
 demonstrate the steps required to properly design a floor plan from a sketch
 create a floor plan with layers and properly identifying an electrical plan, furniture layout, walls, doors,
windows and closets, appliances, cabinets and counters
 understand the steps in creating a good plan and layout of a house, office building, and mall retail
space etc
 create a plotted drawing
 successfully complete a full set of drawings that are to scale
 understand the commands and short cuts of AutoCAD from it user interface
 create a visual living space using 2 point perspective
 create a final visual perspective of a drawing using Revit software
 create a Landscape design of there homes
 understand the different types of Exterior designs and finishes
Unit 5: Construction
Time: 20 hours
Students will learn the basic techniques and methods of constructing a home. Students will learn all the
steps in building a home, starting from foundation and ending with the interior finishing. Students will be
given the opportunity to see actual homes being built and will study models of homes in various stages.
Curriculum Organizers – Building Codes
It is expected the students will:
 understand how the B.C. building code works
 review the building codes of the Canadian home construction manuals
 identify the different types of building materials required to build a home and how they effect the
environment and costs
 be able to use the building codes to understand the current trends in housing designs
Curriculum Organizers – Lighting and Electrical
It is expected the students will:
 layout a room for all its electrical needs
 Determine the power requirements for a home
 Know what all the different electrical symbols mean in creating an electrical plan for a home
Curriculum Organizers – Framing and Foundations
It is expected the students will:
 Understand the different types of foundations and roof styles
 Understand the different types of building materials for the modern home
 Understand where homes can be safely built and what are the min engineering standards for safety
 Know how to create a model of a home or room in a home of there own design using wood.
 Recognize how building climates in Canada can influence framing and foundations of homes
 Understand the different types of window and door styles
Unit 6: Career Options
Time: 5 hours
Students will learn through lectures, guest speakers and field trips about many different career paths
available to them in the areas of Interior design and housing.
Curriculum Organizers – Careers in Design
It is expected the students will:
 Be able to identify a number of careers related to this course
 See opportunities in both commercial and residential interior design
Unit 7: Major Project
Time: 20 hours
Students will create a scaled model of a home or retail space using the skills they have acquired in the
course to complete an assigned 20 hour project. This project will encompass all of the drafting and design
techniques presented in the course as well as basic house construction techniques. Students will be
required to create a final Career portfolio PowerPoint presentation showing the breakdown of the final
project, summary of what they have learned, and assignments completed in the course, and a future outlook
of themselves in pursuit of a career in the interior design field.
Curriculum Organizers - Personal Management
It is expected the students will:
 prepare a schedule of their project outlining the following information:
o a journal (one entry for each week in the class)
o A timeline of the work required to complete each section by the end of the week
 maintain a self evaluation log book to:
o document and mark the actual project progress
o mark and monitor their time management
o record important dates and project deadlines
 Complete a self evaluation for the completed project and assignments reflecting on their work habits,
level of difficulty, creativity, and level of completion.
Curriculum Organizers – Computer Literacy
It is expected the students will:
 create a new final project file directory
 save/copy the final project in the appropriate directory when necessary:
o Work in progress
o Work to be marked
o Marked projects
 submit completed final project electronically via the school network
Instructional Component:
 Direct instruction
 Indirect instruction
 Interactive instruction
 Computer based tutorials
 DVD based instructional tutorials
 Student based networking
 Problem solving
 Self evaluation and reflection on tutorials/project
Assessment Components:
 50 % of the grade will be based on the completion and quality of the assigned projects.
 20 % of the grade will be based on the completion of the daily log book and the completion of self
evaluation reports.
 30% of the grade will be based on the final project. This encompasses the quality and quantity of the
final project. It also includes: the completed model and drawing schedule for the project; and a
completed PowerPoint presentation for the student career portfolio
Performance Methods
 Weekly logbook
 Self evaluation
 Scaled model of home or part of home
 Cadd Drawings of student plans
 Final project submission
 Individual assignments
Personal Communication
 Student/Instructor
 Peer dialogue
 Self evaluation
Learning Resources:
 Computer Based tutorials
 DVD based tutorials
 AutoCAD Revit 2005 Software Computer Program
 AutoCAD online help
 Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop CS4
 Book: British Columbia Building Code of Canada 2008 updated version
 Book: Time-Saver Standards for Building Types by Joseph DeChiara and John Hancock Callender
1973 edition
 Field trip to CATO (post secondary design institute)
 Book: Manuelli, Sara (2006)Design for shopping : New Retail Interiors
 Foam / Core board, fine tipped felt pens, glue, scissors, pencil crayons, plywood, Popsicle sticks, hot
glue guns, and spruce wood.
Additional Information: