BAA [English as a Second Language 10 Advanced] Framework District Name: Okanagan Skaha District Number: School District #67 Developed by: Jasmine Hunter Date Developed: June 14, 2004 School Name: Penticton Secondary School Principal’s Name: Peter J. Corcoran Board/Authority Approval Date: Board/Authority Signature: Course Name: English as a Second Language Grade Level of Course: Grade 10 Advanced Number of Course Credits: 4 credits Number of Hours of Instruction: 120 hours Prerequisite(s): ESL student as identified by the school Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: Staff should be familiar with Ministry of Education ESL policy and standards, second language/culture and secondary school curriculum Computer Lab, interactive computer software, Television, VCR, DVD, Listening center, Tape recorder, CD player Course Synopsis: English as a Second Language is a program available to students whose primary language is not English. They may require language assistance in order to develop their individual potential within the B. C. School system. This course has been developed to provide an opportunity for students in the English as a Second Language (ESL) population to: Receive assistance with subject work Improve and develop acade3mic vocabulary Receive remedial help in the areas of speaking, reading and writing English where an ESL student has weaknesses Help develop social Be tested periodically to determine gains in learning English Have the Annual Instructional Plan administered This course is divided into the following components: BAA English as a Second Language 10 Advanced Framework Assessment Component: Fifty percent (50%) of the student’s grade will be based upon participation throughout the course. Since eighty percent of success is just showing up, perfect or near-perfect attendance is expected. This portion of the grade will reflect participating ESL students who build marks up to 50% of their final mark if they attend every day. Fifty percent (50%) of the student’s grade will be based on the completion of the Daily Planner, LRC Daily Log, tidiness of the locker and binders and preparedness for class. Entries in the planner and log must be complete with the name, date, record of day’s activities, evaluation of day’s activities, and notes for future work. Use of appropriate vocabulary is expected. Type of Assessment Formative (50%) Summative (50%) Category Details Weighting (%) Practical Application (Classroom Participation) Record Keeping Working in ESL classroom 50 -Daily planner, LRC (Log/Assignments and Tests from subject areas) 50 Total 100% PERFORMANCE INDICATORS -subject teacher/teacher assistant anecdotal input -participation in ESL class/overall performance as per Levels 2 or 3 -assignment/test completion in ESL class -Daily Planner/LRC Log completion PERSONAL COMMUNICATION -speaking in class/performance according to levels ¾(standards) -reading aloud in class/performance according to Levels 2 or 3 -Daily Planner/LRC Daily Log assessment -performance on writing assignments/tests according to Levels 2 or 3 OTHER -assessments on interim/report card dates -staff referral for entry to course -thoroughness of record keeping Learning Resources: Textbooks by subject (too many to list here- e.g. Socials, English novels, Math books, etc…) Direction and guidance from ESL teacher/resource person- Mrs. Jasmine Hunter Video: Shared Pair Reading BAA English as a Second Language 10 Advanced Framework English as a Second Language: Standards, Ministry of British Columbia: The Ministry of Education, 2001 The course is divided into the following components: Organizational Skills Participation Curriculum-Assignment/ Testing Support Study Skills/Strategies Cooperative Learning Rationale This course was developed to provide support to the many ESL students who attend Penticton Secondary School. ESL students need assistance with academic work in the classroom as well as remedial support in the written and spoken work. ESL students also need assistance with fostering social relationships with the other student populations in the school. The ESL course provides students with opportunity to learn lifelong strategies also assist t their learning. Organizational Structure: Unit/Topic Title Time Unit 1 Organizational Skills 20 hours Unit 2 Direct Curricular (Subject) Support 80 hours Unit 3 Learning Styles and Study Skills /Strategies 10 hours Unit 4 Cooperative Learning 10 hours Total Hours 120 hours Unit /Topic/Module Descriptions: Unit1: Organizational Skills Time: 20 hours Students will become familiar with the organizational skills necessary for success at school and the management system used in the Learning Resource Centre. Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes It is expected that students will: recognize the need ad have perfect/near-perfect attendance as 80% of success is “just showing up” maintain appropriate record-keeping tools –Daily planner or Agenda-to accurately record homework form each class with specific details-LRC BAA English as a Second Language 10 Advanced Framework daily Log- to set goals for the ESL block in the LRC and evaluate their progress daily. recognize the need to keep and have tidy binders and neat lockers demonstrate appropriate work readiness for and time management in the ESL class. Unit 2: Direct Subject Support Time: 80 hours It is expected that students will: consistently bring any current subject work to class develop and improve academic vocabulary by subject for success in that subject\improve, gradually, their writing abilities to Level 3 and perhaps Level 4( from ESL Standards) in: -meaning: developing ideas, communicating information, use of detail, use of sources -style: variety, impact and clarity of language -form: connecting and transitions words, sequence and organization, introductions and conclusions, paragraphs, test features and graphics, awareness of genre -convention: capitals, punctuation, spelling, word choice (diction), grammar, sentence structure Acquire proficient reading skills in English to Level 3 and perhaps Level 4 (from ESL Standards) in: -strategies: phonics, predict and confirm meaning, letter and word recognition, print conventions, word skills, comprehension strategies -comprehension: retelling, predicting, main ideas and details, drawing inferences, organizing information, knowledge of genres -response and analysis: connecting to other information, articulating and supporting personal opinions, evaluation Improve, at a steady rate, oral language skills to level 3 and perhaps Level 4 (from ESL Standards) in: -content: word choice and use, definitions, categorizations and associations -form: grammar, sentence structure, intonation, pronunciation, fluency -use: functions of language, social conventions Unit 3: Learning Styles and Study Skills/Strategies Time: 10 hours Students will become familiar with their own learning style and recognize that everyone has their own learning style. They will learn to “tap into that” style with appropriate study skills and strategies suited to their own learning style. Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes-Learning Styles Exploration It is expected that students will: Recognize their own unique learning style and that everyone has their own learning style Determine and investigate, with assistance, how best to approach their learning style Develop the ability to work independently as well as in a group BAA English as a Second Language 10 Advanced Framework Learn to become comfortable with advocating for oneself with subject and contact teachers, teacher assistants, counsellors, principals when necessary regarding their learning style Gather information about the various sty skills and learning strategies available Utilize these same skills and strategies in regular classrooms as well as the ESL classroom Distinguish the difference between being assisted as a student and being “enabled” as a student and not expect anyone to do their work for them Unit 4: Cooperative Learning Time: 10 hours Students will participate in cooperative learning both in the regular classroom and in the ESL classroom. Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes- Cooperative Learning Investigation It is expected that students will: Facilitate positive personal relationships and cooperative learning for themselves Demonstrate appropriate behaviour both in the classroom and outside of the classroom Observe the “Shared Paired Reading” method from the video of the same name Partake in the employment of the appropriate” Shared Paired Reading” material Recognize the need to read at their reading level and choose their reading material Recognize and analyze their won progress rate Instructional Component: Direct instruction Indirect instruction Interactive instruction Modeling Brainstorming Group work Videotape Independent instruction BAA English as a Second Language 10 Advanced Framework