BIDS – March 19, 2015 BID NAME AWARD TO AMOUNT REFERENCE Transportation Camera System See Attached Bid Award Summary for specific companies 247 Security Inc. BA- (C) Transportation GPS System GPS North America See Attached Bid Award Summary for specific amounts $105,874.27 Athletic Supplies Spring 2014-15 $30,843.10 BA- (B) BA- (D) Bid Ratification Summary Athletic Supplies Spring 2014-2015 Bid Opening: Thursday, February 19, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Bidder BSN Sports DJB Specialties Kelly's Sports Longstreth Sporting Goods Sportsman's Total Bid Amount Ratification Amount $33,546.72 $16,771.20 $34,487.67 $14,532.89 $33,963.10 $10,497.72 $6,217.60 $9,399.45 $743.86 $3,984.56 $30,843.19 Recommend bid ratification to the above companies in the amounts listed above based on the lowest responsible bid of specified items. Steve Skrocki Director of Business Administration 3/10/15 Bid Award Summary Transportation Camera System Bid Opening: Monday, February 9, 2015 - 2:30 p.m. March 19, 2015 Board Meeting 247 Security Inc. Hardware Installation/Labor Total W/O Zonar With Zonar Option A 4 Chan. Option B 6 Chan. Interface Cable Interface Cable $168,767.00 $177,031.00 $155,660.20 $163,739.30 $30,275.00 $30,275.00 $46,200.00 $46,200.00 $199,042.00 $207,306.00 Link Communications Hardware Installation/Labor Total Wolfington Body Co. Without AVL $191,703.69 $21,625.00 With AVL $269,308.15 $21,625.00 $213,328.69 $290,933.15 $201,860.20 $209,939.30 Fortress Mobile With SD Card With 500GB HDD $199,657.00 $227,337.00 $40,655.00 $40,655.00 $240,312.00 $267,992.00 AngelTrax Hardware Installation/Labor Installation Monitor Total $255,185.84 $43,250.00 $450.00 $298,885.84 Recommend bid award to 247 Security Inc. based on the lowest responsible bid of specified items. Purchase will be made through capital reserve funds. Please note the following: - 247 Security Inc. submitted a proposal for a 4 and 6 channel option. The number of channels determines the amount of cameras that can be active per vehicle. The administration recommends the 4 channel (camera) option to meet the District's needs. - Wolfington Body Co. submitted a proposal with and without Zonar interface cables. These cables would be used to connect to a Zonar GPS system. The administration is recommending a non-Zonar GPS system through GPS North America. - Link Communications submitted a proposal with and with AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) which is a GPS system . The cost to award the cameras to 247 Security for $199,042 and the GPS system to GPS North America for $64,458.07 ($263,500.07 combined) is less than the cost of Link Communications AVL proposal of $290,933.15. Steve Skrocki Director of Business Administration 3/10/15 Bid Award Summary Transportation GPS System Bid Opening: Monday, February 9, 2015 - 3:30 p.m. March 19, 2015 Board Meeting Sprint Optional Sensors GPS Unit/Hardware Installation Database Set Up/Testing Licensing Activation Fee Admin Charges Total Monthly Recurring First Year Total Recurring First Year Total Cost $74,563.00 $10,378.27 Zonar GPS North America McMahon Associates $4,725.00 $32,870.00 $27,000.00 $5,600.00 $15,000.00 $3,451.35 $2,600.00 Eagle Wireless Network $42,895.35 $42,385.00 $51,483.07 $12,975.00 $65,394.00 Included $84,941.27 $85,280.35 $64,458.07 $91,246.35 $65,394.00 $4,281.75 $3,804.27 $3,451.35 $5,181.35 $6,556.70 $51,381.00 $45,651.24 $41,416.20 $62,176.20 $78,680.40 $136,322.27 $130,931.59 $105,874.27 $153,422.55 $144,074.40 Recommend bid award to GPS North America based on the lowest responsible bid of specified items. Initial purchase of equipment and installation will be made through capital reserve funds. Monthly recurring costs will be expensed through the general fund and budgeted for annually. The District has the option to lock in the monthly recurring charge for a fixed length of time and will do so for a three year period with GPS North America. Steve Skrocki Director of Business Administration 3/10/15