BM-1 1/15/2015 17792 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of School Directors Action Meeting January 15, 2015 The One Thousand thirty-first meeting of the Board of School Directors of the North Penn School District was held on Thursday, January 15, 2015. The following members were present: Vincent Sherpinsky Joseph Sullivan Frank O'Donnell John Schilling Timothy Kerr Josephine Charnock Carolyn Murphy Cory Brown Suzan Leonard Also present were the following persons: Curtis R. Dietrich Diane Holben Deborah McKay Stephen Skrocki, Board Secretary Jack Dooley, Esquire Cheryl McCue Tom Schneider Betty Santoro Christine Liberaski The meeting was called to order by Vincent Sherpinsky at 7:30 p.m. Vincent Sherpinsky reminded those in attendance that the meeting was being videotaped by the school district for the community cable channel. Vincent Sherpinsky requested that members of the audience wishing to address the board should come to the microphone, state their name and address, sign the audience of citizens log book, and limit their questions and comments to permit time for all those who wished to speak to the board. Executive Session – Vincent Sherpinsky The Board met in Executive Session tonight from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. to discuss matters of personnel, potential litigation, and negotiations. During the Audience of Citizens no one spoke to the Board BM-2 1/15/2015 17793 Proclamations were awarded to the NPHS Boys and Girls Water Polo teams as well as Teacher, Debra Buckner, for her recognition as Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Inc. Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Josephine Charnock, to approve the minutes from the December 11th, 2014, Action Meeting, as well as the minutes from the January 6, 2015, Work Session, as circulated. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Committee reports were presented as follows: Safe Schools – Carolyn Murphy The Safe Schools Committee met on January 5th, 2015- Items discussed included the presentation provided by Central York School District regarding an active shooter drill; and the exterior door survey of all NPSD buildings regarding improving security. The next meeting will be held on March 3, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. Personnel – Timothy Kerr The Personnel Committee met on January 6, 2015, to discuss matters of personnel, negotiations, and potential litigation. Support Services – John Schilling The Support Services Committee has not met since the last Board Meeting. The next meeting will be held on January 26, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. Education/Community/Policy – Suzan Leonard The ECP Committee met on January 12th. Items discussed included the new board policy regarding Home Education; an update from the Curriculum Department; PA Core Standards and new PSSA assessment items; review of a student overnight trip to Germany; and high school activities. The next meeting will be held on February 9, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. Finance – Walter W. Brown, III The Finance Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. The next meeting will be held on January 26, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. BM-3 1/15/2015 17794 North Penn Educational Foundations – Carolyn Murphy The Foundation reported that while they did not meet since the last Board meeting they are working on the April fundraising event to be held at the Hatfield Auto Museum on April 18th. The Foundation received many donations over the holiday season and NPHS Technology Education Teacher, Mike Boyer, had $1000 donated in his honor from a former student and his parents. Several grants were also implemented over the past month and February is being termed Foundation February to get all of our schools involved in fundraising for the month. North Montco Technical Career Center – Timothy Kerr/Suzan Leonard/Frank O'Donnell The NMTCC met on December 15th, 2014, and discussed refinancing of bonds (on the agenda tonight). Montgomery County Intermediate Unit – Carolyn Murphy The MCIU met on November 19th at the Norristown site and approved the 2015-16 operating budget that has been sent to the local school districts for action; it was reported that 3 classrooms opened this school year in W. Pottsgrove, Souderton, and NMTCC; Dr. George reported that the MCIU completed a federal grant application to operate the Head Start Program for Montgomery County; MCIU Mentor Coach, Stephanie Schwab convened 38 instructional coaches representing 11 school districts in Montgomery County. The next meeting will be held on January 28, 2015. Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the North Montco Technical Career Center Bond Refunding Resolution with Exhibit A & B, per Item # BA-4 (A-H), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 17798 (A-H). —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by Frank O'Donnell, to approve the Administrative Services Budget of the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2016 in the amount of $1,099,735 with no contribution from North Penn School District. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Carolyn Murphy, to approve the Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development Services Budget of the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2016 in the amount of $2,288,080, with a contribution from North Penn School District, in the amount of $10,003. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— BM-4 1/15/2015 17795 Motion made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the Legislative Services and Grant Development Budget of the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2016 in the amount of $287,415, with a contribution from North Penn School District, in the amount of $14,179. —This motion was carried …eight (8) ayes and one (1) nay—opposed Frank O'Donnell Motion made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by Suzan Leonard, to approve the Technology and Information Services Budget of the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2016 in the amount of $4,730,410, with a contribution from North Penn School District, in the amount of $185,067. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Presentation by Mr. John Frey, Director, of Public Financial Management, Inc. Motion made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the Resolution presented by bond counsel for the issuance of non-electoral debt in the amount of $9,995,000 for the purpose of providing funds for (1) the costs of planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping additions and improvements to Hatfield Elementary School, (2) the costs of planning, designing, acquiring, construction, furnishing and equipping additions and improvements to other buildings and facilities of the School District, and (3) the costs of issuing and, if applicable, insuring the bonds, per Item # BA-5 (A-X), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 17799 (A-X). —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Frank O'Donnell, to approve ratification per Act 164 of Deputy Tax Collectors to collect and settle taxes during any incapacitation of the elected Tax Collector, per Item # BA-6, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17800. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Vincent Sherpinsky, to approve the Employment Agreement dated January 15, 2015, with Diane M. Holben, Ed.D. and extension of her term as Assistant District Superintendent to June 30, 2018. A Copy of the Employment Agreement is on file in the office of the Superintendent. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the 2015 Committee Assignments, per Item #BA-7, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17801. —This motion was carried …eight (8) ayes and one (1) nay—opposed Joseph Sullivan Motion made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the Mediator’s proposal dated December 26, 2014, regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the North Penn Board of School Directors and the North Penn Education Association. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— BM-5 1/15/2015 17796 Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Walter W. Brown, III, to approve acceptance of the following gifts to the district: SCHOOL/BUILDING Inglewood Elementary School Inglewood Elementary School DONOR Mr. Rudolph Faustner 1200 Skunk Road, Bath, PA 18014 Mr. Peter Hobbs 700 Troxel Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 GIFT Donation to the Shirley Hoffman Perrone Fund AMOUNT $100.00 Yamaha Baby Grand Piano $19,000 Motion made by Suzan Leonard, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve Personnel, per Item # BA-8 (A-J), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 17802 A-J; North Penn School District Substitute List 2014-15, per Item # BA-9 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 17803 A-B; Extra Duty Assignments, per Item #02-15, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 17804; —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve $5500.00 of supplemental compensation to William Bartle for the completion of Athletic Director responsibilities above and beyond the teacher contract day for the time period of January 10, 2015 through June 30, 2015. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by Josephine Charnock, seconded by Walter W. Brown, III, to approve student travel, per Item #BA-10, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17805. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by John Schilling, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve Contracts per Item # BA-11 (A-B) copies, of which are on file in the Office of Business Administration., affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17806 . —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve Alternative Placements per Item # BA-12, copies of which are on file in the Office of Special Education, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17807. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— The treasurer’s report for the month of January2015 was reviewed by Stephen Skrocki, Director of Business Administration, and ordered filed for audit. Said treasurer’s report is affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes. See pages 17808 A- J. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— BM-6 1/15/2015 17797 Motion made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve disbursements to be sanctioned for the month of December 2014 in the amount of $18,289,800.70 and disbursements to be approved for the month of January 2015, in the amount of $1,162,352.61, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17809 (A-II) . —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— Motion made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by John Schilling, to approve the Resolution authorizing Proposed Preliminary Budget Display and Advertising, per Item # BA-13, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 17810. —This motion was carried unanimously nine (9) ayes— There being no further business to come before the board, the same was adjourned upon motion by John Schilling, seconded by Vincent Sherpinsky, and unanimously carried at 8:30 pm. SUSAN KRAUSE, ASST. SECRETARY VINCENT SHERPINSKY, BOARD PRESIDENT