COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO College Council Meeting Summary

College Council Meeting Summary
College Council meetings are open to all members of the campus community
Meeting of November 7, 2007
Members Present: Jeremy Ball, Mike Claire, Tom Diskin, Susan Estes, Fauzi Hamadeh,
Jennifer Hughes, Matt Kaidor, Daniel Keller, Bev Madden, Kathy McEachron, Olena
Mykhaylichenko, Roger Nishimoto, Eileen O’Brien, Annie Theodos, Andreas Wolf
Members Absent: Amber Bruce
Review Meeting Agenda:
Removed item 5, Book Rental Program. This item will be presented at the 12/5 meeting.
Student Employment Services: Eileen O’Brien, director of the Career Development Center,
provided an overview of the services offered by the center, including: the internship
program; CSM JobLinks, a web-based job posting program; general and program specific
job fairs; and career classes.
Accreditation Visit: Mike Claire gave a summary of the accreditation exit meeting which
included comments about the self study, commendations and preliminary
recommendations. The recommendations focus on planning, evaluation and assessment;
SLOs; distance education; research; sustainability of infrastructure; and the governance
structure. The final recommendations will be sent to the college in January. Our next steps
will be to begin implementation of the recommendations.
Parking Permits for ASB Leaders: Jennifer Hughes reported that, according to Harry Joel,
issuing permits to student leaders is not a violation of district policy. Furthermore, after
checking with student leaders at the other two colleges and CSM Security, the issuing of
permits would not be problematic. Following further discussion, Council agreed to issue six
permits with the following provisions: they would be valid through the end of the Spring 08
semester, at which time, Council would review the policy; the permits would be speciallydesignated placards to differentiate from faculty and staff permits but allow the students to
park in any staff lot on campus and the District Office; and students who are issued the
placards must still purchase a student parking permit.
Facilities Update
Mike Claire outlined current and upcoming renovation projects including: the renovation of
Building 16 which is scheduled to reopen in time for the beginning of Spring 08; renovation
of the lobbies of 14 and 16 into collaborative spaces; and the shutdown of Buildings 14, 2
and 4 beginning in Spring 08 for renovations. Smart classrooms will be in all of these
renovated buildings. He also provided an update on the design-build process, reporting that
one firm, McCarthy LPA, Kwan Henmi, submitted a proposal, the same firm that constructed
the Science Building. McCarthy presented its designs for two new buildings earlier this week
at an all-college meeting. The design boards will be on view in the Gallery Room through the
end of the month. Mike will send an email to the campus community with information about
viewing the designs and the PowerPoint presentation and a survey instrument for providing
feedback. He reminded Council that it is the official oversight committee for facilities
Designated Smoking Area Policy: Jennifer reported that she met with the Student Senate
about student concerns regarding the designated smoking area policy, and subsequently,
the Senate gave approval to the committee to continue moving forward to implement the
policy. Currently, Diane Martinez is working on logistical matters to get the sites ready for
Spring 2008. Signage is also being addressed. A new classified representative has been
named, to replace the previous staff member who resigned. There will be a follow up report
to Council at the December meeting.
Member of student government will be attending the General Assembly for the California
Community Colleges.
Submitted by V. Anderson