Copyright Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1982. Vol. I I l. No. 2, 176-207 1982 by thc Amcrican Psychological Assaiation, Inc. 0096-3445 /82 I llO2-01 76$00.75 Skilled Performance:Effectsof Adult Age and Experienceon ElementaryProcesses Timothy A. Salthouseand BenjaminL. Somberg University of Missouri-Columbia SUMMARY Despite a general neglect in contemporary research of the role of practice on the performance of simple components of skill, considerable evidence indicates that experience leads to substantial improvement in detection, discrimination, ani speeded classification. One goal of the present research was to identify the mechanisms responsible for practice-related improvement in such elementary tasks. A second goal was to determine whether there are adult age differencesin the magnitude of practicerelated improvement on simple perceptual and cognitive skills or in the mechanisms used to achieve that improvement. Eight young adults (ages 19 to 27 years) and 8 older adults (ages 62 to 73 years) performed four simple tasks for 5l experimental sessions.On several sessionsthe subjectsreceivedqualitatively or quantitatively different stimuli to determine the mechanisms responsible for improvement. A concurrent reaction-time task was also performed at three different periods to assessthe level of residual capacity after various amounts of practice. The results were interpreted as suggesting that improvement is due to shifts in the type of information being processed,in the identity or sequenceof processingoperations, and in the attention requirements of the task. A model incorporating these mechanisms is proposed and its application to the data is discussed. Age differencespersistedon nearly every performance measure throughout all levels of practice. Moreover, there was little evidence that young and old subjects were qualitatively different in the manner in which they performed the tasks. It is suggested that the major difference between young and old adults on simple perceptual and cognitive tasks is the rate of processing nearly all types of information. of Skill generallyrefersto the possession expertisein somefairly complex,temporally interrelatedbehavior.For example,a skilled typist or pianist has a well coordinatedsequenceof manual keystrokes;the development of that coordinationis probably the major part of skill acquisitionin thesedomains, becausethe keystrokesthemselves are extremelysimplein isolation.However, in other areasof skill it is possiblethat performance of each individual component changeswith increasingexpertise.Perhaps do not occurin the substantialimprovements quality of a simplekeystroke,but other perceptualor motoric aspectsof skill might improveindependent of the overallcoordinated integrationof the components. Considerthe caseof drivine an automo- bile. Driving involvesa complexcoordinated sequence of perceptualand motor activities, and the skilled driver almost certainly possessesa more efficient integration and coordinationof theseactivitiesthan the novice driver.The expertis probablybetter able to turn the steeringwheelwhile applyingpressure to the brake or accelerator,to engage the clutch with his or her foot while manually shifting gears,to soundthe horn while applyingpressureto the brakes,and so on. One could also ask. however,if the more elementaryaspectsof driving also exhibit differencesas a function of experience.For example,doesthe skilleddriver havea faster reactiontime to movethe foot from the acceleratorto the brake? Is there a quicker perceptionof objects seen in the rearview 176 r77 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG mirror? And is there more rapid apprehension of both speedand mileageinformation from a singleglanceat the speedometer? In the current project several discrete taskswere combinedinto a complexgame, and the effectsof extensivepractice(50 hr.) on performanceof each game component were examined.The tasks were similar to many of thosecurrently investigatedin cognitive psychology,but weremodifiedslightly to makethe gamecontextrealistic.The following specificissueswerestudied:(a) Does experiencelead to improvementsin very elementaryprocesses suchas signaldetection, reactiontime, and visualdiscrimination?(b) If performancedoes improve, what is responsiblefor the improvement? (c) Are thereadult agedifferencesin the magnitude or nature of the improvements? also 1969).The morerecentevidenceon this topic is also generally consistentwith the conclusionthat practice greatly facilitates perceptualperformance.For example,practice-related improvementshave been reported in such tasks as visual acuity (e.g., Johnson & Leibowitz, 1979; McKee & Westheimer, 1978), pitch discrimination (e.9., Averbach, l97l1. Hartman, 1954; Heller & Averbach, 1972), auditory sequenceidentification(e.9.,Gengel& Hirsh, 1970;Neisser& Hirst, 1974;Nickerson& Freeman,1974),visual letter identification (e.g.,Carr, Lehmkuhle,Kottas,Astor-Stetson,& Arnold, 1976),visualsignaldetection (e.g.,Colquhoun& Edwards,1970;Taylor, 1964),auditory signal detection(e.g., Kerkhof, van der Schaaf, & Korving, 1980), speechdiscrimination(e.g.,Samuel,1977), dichotic listening(Ostry, Moray, & Marks, 1976;Underwood,1974),visual backward Improvementin Simple Tasks (e.9.,Schiller,1965; maskingsusceptibility A generalassumptionimplicit in much of Ward & Ross, 1977), auditory backward the literatureon skilled performanceis that maskingsusceptibility(e.g., Loeb & Holdsimpletasksare immune to practiceeffects ing, 1975), and absolutejudgments(e.9., and are relatively pure assessments of ca- Eriksen,1958;Fulgosi& Bartolovic,l97l; pacity. As Ream (1922) long ago argued, Weber, Green, & Luce. 1977\. Some indication of the potential magnihowever,the logic might well be reversed: tude of thesepracticeeffectsis availablein The effect of practice is very important in considering a comparisonof the performanceof expejust what the test measures. If the ability required in rienced and naive subjectsin a study by test is the fundamental rather than accessory,learning Nickersonand Freeman(1974).Naive subwill play a very small part and there will be very little improvement with practice. . jects in this studywerefound to be relatively . No improvement would indicate that a basic. . capacity is being investigated. accurate at identifying sequencesof four (p.308) tones when the tones were presentedat a Although one might suspect, on the basis rate of 5 per sec,but a highly practicedsubof the relative neglect of practice variables ject was found to be capableof performing in many experimental studies, that practice with comparablehigh accuracy when the or experience has little or no effect on per- tones were presentedat a rate of 500 per ceptual performance, the evidence to the sec-100 times faster than the rate for the contrary is overwhelming. As long ago as naive subjects! A reasonableconclusionfrom thesestud1953, Gibson was able to locate 2l I exper"rule of thumb imental studies concerned with the effects iesis that the psychophysical judgments, of practice on perceptual many that underordinary experimentalconditions of which clearly indicated that performance the effectsof practice are limited to a few did improve with practice (Gibson, 1953,see minutesduring Ithe subject's]first acquaintancewith his task" (Swets& Sewall,1963, p. 120) is grossly misleading.Neisser and This research was supported by National Institute on Hirst (1974) seemto have statedthe case Aging Grant AG 00694 0lAl awarded to the senior more accuratelyby suggestingthat "results author. obtainedwith naive subjectscannot safely Requests for reprints should be sent to T. Salthouse, be generalized to sophisticated ones" Department of Psychology, University of Missouri, Co(p. 3e8). lumbia, Missouri 6521l. Ttc hlcrature conoern of preorcc on motor tas tco$rr and consistent-Sr mcnts haYcbccn docume Int tn complexitl.from6 Provins.1958:Ream. lt ball balancing(e.g..Sr.if turning (e.g..Provins.l9 (c.9.. Brvan & Hartcr. I Fruchter.I 96O).tracking & Mote. 1956)and rtt & Longman,1965:Lcon 19ff). Moreover.virtua pcrimcntshavedemonst trmc is greatlyreduccdas trcc.and in many of thc becnreportedrhar the inir conditions exhibitthegrca with practice.As a conso ferential improvementI manv of the phenomcna I damentalcharacteristic mance are altered at lq and possibly qualitative practice.For example,ma thc magnitudeof the phc tcnsivepracticc have bcc stimulus-responsc compa Brebner.1973;Fitts & * ard & Newman,1965) fractory period tasks (c.g Stclmach.l97l). and Sr tasks (e.g., Reisberg,Br l9t0: Shor. Hatch, Huds Shaffer. 1972; g116sp.1 becn rcported that subjcc rial to a parallel mode of ccssingwith prolongedpr rad. 1962; Corcoran. 196 & Treisman,196l: Gril 1970;Mowbray & Rhoad 1963,1974: Neisser,Noyk Shurtleff & Marsetta. l9( perimentssuggestthat altl the functionrelatingreacti of stimulus information with practice,it is still gn indicatingthartrue parallc in effect (e.g., Briggs & I rows& Murdock.1969:D boi. l97l: Kristofferrcn 1972c, I 977: Kristofferso tofferson. 1973: Nickers SKILLED PERFORMANCE 178 The literature concernedwith the effects 1979;Ross, 1970;Seibel,1963;Yonas & of practiceon motor tasks is also quite ex- Pittenger, 19'13). tensiveand consistent.SubstantialimproveThe important point to be noted from mentshavebeendocumentedin tasksrans- theseresultsis that extensivepracticedoes ing in complexityfrom finger tapping (e.J., havesubstantialeffectson a varietyof motor Provins,1958;Ream, 1922;Wells, 1908), tasks,just as it was demonstratedto influball balancing(e.9.,Swift, 1903),and crank enceperceptualtasks.Motivated repetition turning (e.g.,Provins,1956),to telegraphy of a task may not lead to a qualitativelydif(e.g.,Bryan & Harter, 1897;Fleishman& ferenttype of performing,but it surelyleads Fruchter,1960),tracking(e.g.,Archer,Kent, to a quantitativelymore efficientand effec& Mote, 1956) and typing (e.g., Conrad tive modeof performancefor many percep& Longman, 1965; Leonard & Carpenter, tual and motor tasks.The implicit assump1964). Moreover,virtually all relevant ex- tion in many earlier studies that basic perimentshave demonstratedthat response performancecapacitieswerebeingmeasured time is greatlyreducedasa functionof prac- under conditionsof very limited practiceis tice, and in many of the studiesit has also thereforealmost certainly incorrect. beenreportedthat the initially mostdifticult From the perspectiveof ecologicalvalidconditionsexhibitthe greatestimprovements ity, the investigationof practiced perforwith practice.As a consequence of this dif- mancewould seemto be necessaryif one's ferential improvement across conditions, resultsare to havemuch practicalrelevance. many of the phenomenathought to be fun- Most daily activities are performed with damental characteristicsof human perfor- many (perhapsthousands)of hoursof pracmance are altered at least quantitatively, tice, and without adequatedata it is imposand possibly qualitatively, with extensive sible to know whetherthe findingsobtained practice.For example,markedreductionsin from studieswith only a few minutesof practhe magnitudeof the phenomenonwith ex- tice are even addressingthe same types of tensivepracticehave beendemonstratedin phenomenaas thoseencounteredin normal stimulus-response compatibility tasks (e.g., (i.e.,nonlaboratory) situations. Brebner,1973;Fitts & Seeger,1953;Leonard & Newman, 1965), psychologicalrefractory period tasks (e.g., Gottsdanker& ll/hat Improves? Stelmach, l97 l), and Stroop interference One possiblereasonfor the reluctanceto tasks (e.g., Reisberg,Baron, & Kemler, acceptthe existenceof substantialpractice 1980;Shor, Hatch, Hudson,Landrigan,& effectsin very elementarytasksmight be an Shaffer, 1972; Stroop, 1935). It has also inability to specifyhow performancecould beenreportedthat subjectsshift from a se- be improving in a simple task. What is it rial to a parallel mode of information pro- that could be learnedin a signal detection cessingwith prolongedpractice (e.g., Con- task,for example,that leadsto dramaticimrad, 19621'Corcoran, 1967; Davis, Moray, provementsin performance?To state that & Treisman,l96l; Grill, l97l; Marcel, the individuals,or the processes usedby the 1970;Mowbray & Rhoades,1959;Neisser, individuals,becomemore proficientor effi1963,1974; Neisser,Novick, & Lazar, 1963: cient is merelyto describethe phenomenon; Shurtleff& Marsetta,1968),but other ex- an explanationrequiressomespecificmechperimentssuggestthat althoughthe slopeof anism that is altered as a function of expethe function relating reactiontime to amount rience and that is responsiblefor the inof stimulus information is much reduced creasedefficiencyor proficiency.Moreover, with practice,it is still greaterthan zero- sincethe concernhere is with practice exindicatingthat true parallelprocessing is not tending over many sessions,such transient in effect(e.g.,Briggs & Blaha, 1969;Bur- factorsas generaltask unfamiliarity and sitrows& Murdock,1969;Dumas,1972:Gra- uation anxiety are probably relatively unboi, 197l; Kristofferson , 1972a, 1972b, important. 1972c,1977;Kristofferson,Groen, & KrisThere appear to be at least three broad tofferson, 1973; Nickerson, 1966: Prinz, categoriesinto which speculations about the t79 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG natureof improvementin simpletasksmight the information is subjected,or in the sebe grouped.For the purposeof description quenceof theseprocesses or operations.For theseclassesof explanationwill be consid- example,it might be argued that someineredasthoughthey weremutually exclusive, formation-processing stagescould be omitbut it is likely that two or more mechanisms ted after extensivepractice,or that separate typically contribute to practice-relatedim- operationscould be performed in parallel, provementsin many tasks. rather than serially,after sufficientamounts The first class of explanationmaintains of experience. The distinguishingcharacterthat improvementresultsbecauseof a change istic of this classof explanationis that exin the type of information being processed. perienceis assumedto producea shift in the The qualitativeshift in the natureof the in- nature of the processing,regardlessof the formationmay be a consequence of (a) more rate of processingor type of information efficient figure-ground separationof rele- being processed. vant from irrelevant information; (b) perAn exampleof an interpretationbasedon ceptual tuning or sensitizationto specific a changein the type of processingcarried stimulus features;(c) perceptualcategori- out is Neisser's(e.g., 1967)explanationof zation based on the experiencehistory or his visual searchresults.In severalstudies physical characteristicsof the stimuli; (d) Neisserand his colleaguesfound that after perceptual coding into higher-order units moderateexperiencesubjectscould search analogousto words or phrasesrather than for the presenceof any of l0 targetsas rapsingle letters; or (e) a shift from one mo- idly as for a singletarget.The interpretation dality of input to another,as when a typist suggested by Neisserwas that after practice shifts from monitoring visual to monitoring the featureanalyzersrelevantfor all targets kinestheticinformation.Specificalternatives could be examinedin parallel, rather than within this classthus differ in the meansby serially as was necessaryat early stagesof which a changein the type of information practice. A third classof explanationis comprised occurs,but they can be groupedtogetheron the basis of a common assumptionthat a of thoseinterpretationssuggestingthat exprimary factor responsiblefor experience- periencewith a task reducesthe attention relatedimprovementis a qualitativeshift in requirementsof that task. Initially, the task the type of informationbeing processed. demands might exceed the available reA specificexampleof a shift in the nature sourcesof attention or consciousness. but of information being processedcomesfrom with practicesomeof the processes required an analysisof Morse codelearningdata re- for the task may become"automatic" and ported by Shepard(1963). By examining occur without necessityof deliberateconpreviouslyreporteddata on Morse Codelet- sciouscontrol or attention. The automatic ter confusionsat differentstagesof practice, processes may be faster or less susceptible Shepardwas able to identify a trend for er- to distraction than processesunder attenrors early in practice based on reflection tional control, or they may simply allow (e.g.,dash-dot-dotsubstitutedfor dot-dot- more of the attentionalresourcesto be condash) and complementation(e.g., dash- centratedon the most difficult operationsin dash-dotsubstitutedfor dot-dot-dash),and the is alsopossiblethat the allocation for errorslate in practicebasedon the num- policies by which attention or conscious ber of elements(e.g.,dot-dot-dot-dashsub- monitoring is directed toward specificprostituted for dot-dot-dash). An implication cessesbecomemore efficientwith practice, of this finding is that experienceled to the suchthat only the mostimportantoperations developmentof a systemof codingand clas- receiveattentionafter moderateamountsof sifying signalsthat resultedin a changein experience. In either case,it is assumedthat the nature of the informationbeing usedat residualresourcesof attentionor consciousdifferent levelsof experience. nessbecomemoreplentiful as a consequence A secondclass of explanationcontends of experiencewith a task, and that this inthat experienceleadsto a changein either creasein resourcessomehowleads to imthe specificprocesses or operationsto which provedtask performance. Rcscarchon thc relati ctssing resourccsand p reccnt: thc relcvant stu in thc Discussionscctio this type are already-pop warrantedcommentin as the following sclccri The amount of attentioo n pcnds on how praaiccd rher proccss has bccn pracriccd thc and thcrc is spcculation rhar h rcquire no attcntion at all. (A Hos do 1ou train sorncoc propcr act|ons. cvcn rh6s 16 ; orcnraln an!onc trho pcrforn all actrons bccomc autometc.{ srblc rcsponscslo anv situlttd lhs rar. a minimum of attct trrnc of dangcr. thc appropn:tc aut,xnatrcalll.( Norman, 1976 Obviouslr'. quite com; rmprovement could be g binations of different m rt mighr even bc argucd one crplanatorl mecha bccausc a changc in on tlpc of information bei almosr inevitably lead t< mcchanisms(e.9.. the n formation is proccsscd). sophisticarcdhybrid mod recanth' propced b1' Sct I l9?n: Shiffrin & Schn argued that consistentcr1 lcads to a change in thc r formcd (a shift from "co "automatic dctection" ). in the amount of procc quircd to pcrform the t matic detection is presum demands on short-term r capacit.t-.However, thcsc mentioned that man!' mo predicting a given scr o sequently thcy offer guiri among alternative modcl A proper evaluatroo of nrdcb t6ts: ( a ) Can tbc nrodcl pfcdrr . It rn diffcring paradigms rcsults from a singlc rrs of I Fcts. a s.n6 in rhrch rocr of t r anablcs arc maniprletcd' t Shl o l-a) SKILLED PERFORMANCE Researchon the relationshipbetweenprocessingresourcesand practice is relatively recent: the relevant studiesare mentioned in the Discussionsection.Interpretationsof this type are alreadypopularenoughto have warrantedcommentin textbooks,however, as the following selectionsindicate: The amount of attention required by a processdepends on how practiced that processis. The more a processhas beenpracticedthe lessattention it requires, and there is speculationthat highly practicedprocesses requireno attentionat all. (Anderson,1980,p. 30) How do you train someoneso they will perform the proper actions,even when in panic? The solution is to overtrainanyonewho performsdangeroustasks.Make all actions becomeautomated.Practice the set of posto any situationover and over again.In sibleresponses this way, a minimum of attentionis required,and in get performed time of danger,the appropriatesequences automatically.(Norman, 1976,p. 66) Obviously,quite complexmodelsof skill improvementcould be postulatedwith combinationsof different mechanisms.In fact, it might evenbe argued that pure casesof one explanatory mechanismseldom exist, becausea changein one mechanism(e.g., type of information being processed)will almost inevitably lead to a changein other (e.g.,the mannerin which inmechanisms formation is processed).An example of a sophisticated hybrid modelof this type is one recentlyproposedby Schneiderand Shiffrin (1977; Shiffrin & Schneider,1977). They with a task arguedthat consistentexperience leadsto a changein the way the task is performed (a shift from "controlled search"to "automatic detection"), and to a reduction in the amount of processingresourcesrequired to perform the task-that is, automatic detectionis presumedto occurwithout demandson short-termmemory (attention) capacity.However,thesesameauthorsalso mentionedthat many modelsare capableof predicting a given set of results, and consequentlythey offer guidelinesfor deciding among alternativemodels: A proper evaluation of models should incorporate two tests:(a) Can the model predict a wide variety of results in differing paradigms. . . ? (b) Can the model predict results from a single series of studies on the same sub.;ects.a seriesin which most of the commonly examined variablesare manipulated? (Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977, p t't7) 180 The presentstudy, in which the samesubjects performed four different tasks for an extendedperiodof time, wasdesignedto satisfy the Shiffrin and Schneiderguidelinesin allowingan evaluationof alternativemodels of skill improvement. Adult Age Dffirences in Improvement Over the past two or three decades,many experimentalstudieshave been reportedin which agedifferencesin perceptualand cognitive performancehave been investigated, and most have shared two characteristics: (a) They have demonstratedthat older adultsperformlessaccuratelyor lessrapidly than young adults on some perceptualor motor task. (b) The experimentalsituations have involved inexperiencedsubjects performing for a very limited period of time. The invariable combination of these two led Murrell (1973) to suggest characteristics the following: What has been overlooked is that this kind of investigation is confounded by a practice effect and the results, if they have any applicability at all, can be applied only to unpractised or inexperienced subjects. (p. 93) Even more explicit in an earlier sourse, Murrell (1965) stated, Anyone reading the results of the laboratory experiments could be forgiven for imagining that any person who achieves the age of fifty will have become a slow, forgetful, half-blind, half-deaf, palsied character of little use in industry. In fact, many older men and women hold down jobs with complete satisfaction to their employer. This does not mean that the experimental findings are fallacious. The apparent anomaly seems to derive from the use in the laboratory of subjects who are naive in the practice of the particular faculty which is 49) being tested. $. Clearly, Murrell is calling for research into the effectsof practice on agedifferences in perceptual-motorperformance.The implicationis that many of the age differences reported in experimentalstudiesmight be causedby suchfactorsastask unfamiliarity, low motivation,high anxiety, or the use of suboptimal performancestrategies,all of which could be eliminatedwith experience. Unfortunately, very little researchhas addressedthis issue,and much of what does existhaseitherusedonly minimal(e.g.,less (e.g.,Bothan I hr.) amountsof experience l8l TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG twinick & Shock, 1952: Botwinick & periencewith a task and age differencesin Thompson,1967; Grant, Storandt, & Bo- performanceon that task is important for twinick, 1978; Hoyer, Labouvie, & Baltes, both practical and theoreticalreasons.The 1973:Thomas,Fozard, & Waugh, 1977), practical significancederivesfrom the need workersof dif- to determinewhetherperformancein shortor hascomparedexperienced ferent ages,resulting in the possiblecon- term testingsituationsis an accuratereflecfoundingof important selectionfactorswith tion of what can be expectedafter an indithe age comparison(e.g., Murrell & Ed- vidual hasmasteredthe fundamentalsof the wards, 1963; Murrell & Forsaith, 1960; task. Testsdesignedto measurean individMurrell & Humphries, 1978; Murrell, ual's maximum capabilitiesmay be completely invalid if moderate amounts of Powesland,& Forsaith, 1962). Three studies with approximately 5-10 practice result in substantial changes in hrs. of practice reported equivalent effects performance.The theoretical importance of practicein young and old subjectswith concernsthe issueof what is responsiblefor a tachistoscopicperceptiontask (Hertzog, the observedage differencesin short-term Williams, & Walsh, 1976), a typing task situations. If experiential factors such as (Leonard& Newman, 1965),and a mem- lack of relevantrecentpracticeare responory-scanningreaction-time task (Madden sible for the initial age differences,then & Nebes, 1980). Poon, Fozard, Vierck, moderateamountsof practicemight lead to Dailey, Cerella, and Zeller (Note I ) pro- the elimination of those age differences. vided subjectswith the opportunity for ap- However,if physiologicalor biologicalfacproximately2 hr. of practicein a choicere- tors are involved,then it would be unlikely action-time task and observed that old that any amountof practicewould result in subjectsimprovedmore (i.e., reducedtheir the disappearance of age differencesin perreactiontimesby a greateramount)than did formance. youngsubjects.Despitethe greaterimprovementby the old subjects,however,the young Current Study subjectsin this study still respondednearly previously(i.e., The threeissuesdiscussed twice asfast asthe old subjectsin the second (final) session. Jordanand Rabbitt (1977) Doesperformanceimproveon simpletasks? also reporteda trend for greater practice- What is responsiblefor the improvement? relatedreactiontime changesin older than Are there adult age differencesin the type in young adults,but the statisticalanalyses or magnitude of improvement?)servedas weresomewhatconfusing,and it is not clear the primary goalsof the presentstudy.There whether the interaction of Age X Practice were two phasesin the project. In the first was significant.A similar task, but with a phase,50 young adults and 24 older adults much more dramatic outcome, was em- performedthe "SpaceTrek" game(consistployedby Murrell (1970).This experiment ing of signal detection,memory-scanning usedonly three subjects,two teenagersand reaction time, visual discrimination, and tasks)for a singlesesa 57-year-oldwoman, but each performed temporal-anticipation for many hours,in over 12,000trials. The sion to determine the normative levels of resultof major interestin the Murrell study performancefor the two age groups.In the was that the reactiontime of the older sub- secondphase,8 young adults and 8 older ject, althoughinitially greater than that of adults performedthe SpaceTrek game for over a periodof 2either younger subject,eventuallyreached 5l experimentalsessions the level of, and indeed became indistin- 5 mo. guishablefrom, the reaction times of the The effectsof practicecould be examined youngersubjects.As intriguing asthis result by comparingperformanceat variouslevels may be, it is important not to overlookthe of experiencewith the tasks. The mechafor any improvementthat fact that the major conclusionis basedon nismsresponsible the performanceof one 57-year-oldwoman! might occur were investigatedwith the use The relationshipbetweenamount of ex- of severaltransfer conditions,and the peri- odrc tntroduction of a trmc task. One transfi c h a n g i n gr h c q u a l i t a r i v uli uscd in rhe rask- lr the performance imprr the developmentof a sti anism. then the trant should become progrc r+ith increased expcric transfer condition cons ther the spatial sizeor tl of the stimuli. The assu if performance impror.r creasein availableprocc one should be better abl under these demanding practice than earll in r a t r o n a l eg u i d e d t h c i n current task. with react ondarl task now scninl c D F.gz.rt Srrmulus rlcm3 usod u , { rubrdl rccrrtd :.5 r:crns end anoftrr ruh€ !:cas , SKILLED PERFORMANCE odic introductionof a concurrentreactiontime task. One transfer condition involved changingthe qualitativenature of the stimuli usedin the task. It was assumedthat if the performanceimprovementwas due to the development of a stimulus-specific mechanism, then the transfer to new stimuli should becomeprogressivelymore difficult with increasedexperience.A quantitative transfer condition consistedof reducineeither the spatialsizeor the temporaldura-tion of the stimuli. The assumptionherewasthat if performanceimprovesbecauseof an increasein availableprocessing resources, then oneshouldbe better ableto performthe task under thesedemandingconditionslater in practice than early in practice. A similar rationale guided the inclusion of the concurrent task, with reactiontime in the secondary task now servingas the measureof t82 "spare capacity." Possiblechangesin the processes usedin carrying out the task were investigatedby examining specific dependent variables within each task (e.g., the slopeof the function relating reactiontime to set size in the memory-scanningtask). Becauseadults in two different age groups served as subjects,the magnitude of im_ provementand the mechanismsresponsible for improvementcould be directly compared in the two age groups. Method Apparatus A PDP I l/03 laboratory computer was used to pre_ sent stimuli on a Hewlett-Packard l3l lA Display and record responsesfrom two l0-key telephone keyboards. Koss PRO 4AA headphonesand a Hunter Model 3205 voice-activatedrelay were used to present auditory stim_ uli and register vocal responses. Subjects ': A n A H ! . i : "2" z i zi i '3 ' f ;gure I . Stimulus items used in the memory-scanning :rsk (.{ given subject received one subset, e.g-, A, as :\brtr\e ltems and another subset, e.g., B, as negative : : c r n s). Young participants were recruited from the universitv community, and older participants from senior citizen groups and referral from previous participants. All subjects reported themselves to be in reasonably good health. Further characteristics, including the Wlchster Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Vocabulary and Digit Symbol raw scores,are presented later, in Table l. Experimental Tasks Signal detection. In this task the subiect viewed a display screen with a randomly varying pattern of 60 dots for 250 msec. The target, which appeared in approximately 507oof the observation intervals, consistid of a configuration of 5 of the 60 dots subtending a visual a n g l eo f a p p r o x i m a t e l y . 4 oa n d m o v i n g a t a r a t e - o fa b o u t 6" per sec in a consistent direction across the screen. The direction of target movement varied randomly across trials. Presenceor absenceof the target was indicated by the subject pressing a key on the right (for yes) or the left (for no) keyboard. Accuracy feedback was presented after each response. Memory scanning. In this task the subject inspected a list of one to four stimulus items (varied randomlv across trials), and then rapidly classified a probe ite; with respect to whether it was in the earlier memory list. Forty stimulus irems were constructed from a 5 i 7 matrix subtending a visual angle of approximately 2.3" x 3.2". The symbols had approximately the saml average number of matrix elements and overall com_ plexity as letters and digits, but all of the symbols were unfamiliar and did not have readily available verbal labels. The set of 40 stimulus items was divided into four lO-item subsets, as indicated in Figure l. For a given subject, one of the subsets served as the population of possible positive items, and another served as the pop- 183 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG ulation of possible negative iterns. With the exception of the transfer conditions, only members of the positive subset ever appeared in the list of l-4 memory items. The assignment of subsets as positive or negative was balanced across subjects within each age group. The probe stimulus, which was randomly selected from the memory list or the negative subset, was classified by a key press on the right (for yes) or on the left (for no) keyboard. Information about the accuracy and speed (on an analog scale) of the response was displayed immediately after the response. The visual-discrimination Visual discrimination. task consisted of two visual arrays: squares and diamonds for one half of the subjects (Figure 2a), Xs and *s for the other half of the subjects (Figure 2b), with each array having a .5 probability of containing a target e l e m e n t . O n e o f t h e a r r a y s h a d f o u r 2 . l o s q u a r e s( o r Xs) positioned at the corners of an imaginary 27o rectangle, with a .6o diagonal (or for the Xs, horizontal or vertical) line in one corner of one of the squares (or o Xs) as the target element. The other array had four 2. I diamonds (+s) positioned in the middles of the sides of the imaginary 27" rectangle, with a .6" vertical or horizontal (for the *s, diagonal) line in one corner of one of the diamonds (*s) as the target element. The two arrays were presented either in immediate successionfor 400 msec each, in which case full attention could be devoted to each array, or simultaneously for 400 msec, in which case attention had to be divided between the two arrays. Simultaneous and successive displays were randomly intermixed within trial blocks. Two independent responseswere required in this task, one indicating the presence or absenceof a target element in the square (x) arrays, and another indicating the presenceor absenceof a target element in the diamond (+) arrays. Responsesconsisted of keypresseson the left responsepanel for one array and keypresseson the right responsepanel for the other array. Separate feedback for each response was presented after both responses had been registered. No poststimulus mask was presented, and thus there was some iconic persistence that allowed information extraction to continue after the termination of the display. The luminance of each array was the same in the successiveand simultaneous displays, however, and with no delay interval between successivedisplays the duration of the persistenceshould have been equivalent in the two-display conditions. In this task the subject was Temporal prediction. required to anticipate the intersection point of two trajectories. One trajectory was primarily horizontal from left to right with a speed that varied randomly between 22.5" and 45.0o per sec across trials. The other trajectory was vertical from bottom to top with a constant speed, either 60o or 150'per sec, but had a variable starting location along the horizontal axis. The subject had control over the time of initiating the vertical trajectory with the goal of trying to make the two trajectories intersect one another at the same point in time. When this occurred a visual explosion was displayed on the screen and a crash sound was presentedthrough the earphones. A key on the right response panel was used to initiate the vertical trajectory. The experimental tasks were embedded in the context of a game called Space Trek, with the signal detection "radar watch," the memory scanning task identified as a "UFO classification," the visual discrimination task as a "weapons scan," and the temporal prediction task as a "photon torpedo." The probability of a signal task as a in each of the first three tasks was .5. and thus, on the average, 507o of the radar watches were followed by a UFO classification. 507oof the UFO classifications were followed by a weapons scan, and finally, 507o of the weapons scans were followed by a photon torpedo. Note that although the tasks were embedded in a game context, they were discrete and independent activities with sequencing determined without reference to the subject's performance. Alternate versions of the /asks. Both qualitative and quantitative versions of the basic tasks were created that were similar in format to the original tasks but differed in an important respect. The qualitative versions of the tasks involved different stimulus items in the signal detection (radar watch), memory scanning (UFO classi fication), and visual discrimination (weapons scan) tasks. The alternative stimuli in the signal-detection and memory-scanning tasks were similar in structure, but different in identity, to those used in the standard versions of the tasks. For example, subjects receiving Sub- A T o n o n o O X + X -r + B X T + X Figure 2. Stimulus arrays in simultaneous-presentatlon condition in the visual-discrimination task. (One half of the subjects received the arrays in A, and one half received those in B.) *:rr .{ rrd I r thc parrn -r!-srooro! talt nor c thcrr pi.ra Thc elrcrnern :flarnruoo test coarrsfcd of prnusll eupcd br rhc r rgcsrnll!. or rrcc r:6e. dctl rn o{ thc tast for rhar sub tccrcd rgmerncd as crthcr ret dagonal lmcs rn ooc €lnrral rar no qualrtatrvell drfrcrca prcdtctton { photon torpdo I Quantirarrrcll difrcrcar r crcared br rcducing thc rrrl rn rhc srgnaldctcctroo ( frm ( fran {) ruaidrcnmrnatioo br rcduong thc srzc of rhc pr -ll' ro I l' r 1.6') rn tbc l qulnttlattUc ranettoo r13 It p<edrCfroo tasl. Tlx nrrrron -rannrng rrrl r<.tnmcnl transfcr r€tltoo u ..<d as thc psnn ;tnrxrrlr -frlnr rcr- and uicc rrre_ [ i r xrcar€d Subccr A ar tbc 1 ..d S{b'rcr B as rhc pogqletr c 'rd.rd rcralrl. mr rGcarr -e:rl J polrnc rtcans and S J r||rtnr rlami F,v-cdyrt Thc crpcnm !r ::. rerr-tcrm ph.ra. 50 I r* :l rad I rlts 6lo ro '9 rc ,r-bl'rt r rdl:. rcs.on qt "etrr ::rel'* epgrorrmetclr J rgtr:nnortlr l5 rrru:ldc ll 3 rcrnponl-grr ;r:n-o,ucir E-! ii,!a i yoong t rF 1 4rr :l :o I rcen I edultr g !rc(r 6rr rod rn 5O rdd '-!I c-l rltchtd I tor.el of i lfr) rrmor.r. 4pr:n-or:crr @\ tj ruoeJ-drrcrrm n anr l< :cagcll-pedrrr :r ut' :f :bc sbFrs ra q criara .trrlra of fbc tStt dr-{r"il adr:a rrrrrm !* Et cr&[ r-a-n lhc lro r rrt|crr :ffcf rilurfrerrn3 I .! r: i t r{raoad rs plq Gn *i{ o{ tneb rn tbc L.q'tu.-l rttt *bgils tror 'rrru 6rrrr: of t! }{ r.ct {r-i{rrn€lr drfca !' rd rrr.h rhc rnrrr d -!FG* r,aru o{ lha rra 6 la rd 4 la drtnoI g{:r-a:d rr bcfct ed el s= I i. rd 6. Scrsu aa lJ uC a6 Ob S<n r ltr$t* t.|tt r|' 1!6 g '<tr t Fcrt f}G cablr rr tL upl tq -n< lrrr rr r.t lru:trcd .-r tlc r:rlre rrr Fs.qrdl l Or: :r:d Hoci trr -darrs SKILLED PERFORMANCE sets A and B as the positive and negative sets in the memory-scanning task now received Subsets C and D in their place. The alternative stimuli in the visual-discrimination task consistedof Xs and *s in the locations previously occupied by the squares and diamonds, respectively,or vice versa, depending on the standard version of the task for that subject. The targets to be detected remained as either vertical or horizontal lines or diagonal lines in one segment of one of the items. There was no qualitatively different version of the temporalprediction (photon torpedo) task. Quantitatively different versions of the tasks were created by reducing the stimulus duration by one half in the signal-detection (from 250 to 125 msec) and visual-discrimination (from 400 to 200 msec) tasks. and by reducing the size of the probe stimulus (from 2.3o X 3.2" to 1.2" X 1.6') in the memory-scanning task. No quantitative variation was introduced in the temooralprediction task. The memory-scanning task also involved a reversed assignmenttransfer version in which the stimulus items previously used as the positive set were switched to the negative set, and vice versa. For example, a subject who had received Subset A as the population of positive items and Subset B as the population of negative items in the standard version, now received Subset B for the population of positive items and Subset A for the population of negative items. Procedure. The experiment had two distinct phases. In the short-term phase, 50 young (ages l8 to 23 years) and 24 old (ages 60 to 79 years) adults participated in a single one-block session consisting of 100 signal-detection trials, approximately 50 memory-scanning trials, approximately 25 visual-discrimination trials, and approximately I 2.5 temporal-prediction trials. In the longterm phase, S young (ages 19 to 27 years) and 8 old (ages 62 to 73 years) adults participated in the first oneblock session and in 50 additional two-block sessions that each involved a total of 200 signal-detection trials, approximately 100 memory-scanning trials, approximately 50 visual-discrimination trials, and approximately 25 temporal-prediction trials. In both phases, one half of the subjects in each age group received one standard version of the tasks and one half received a different standard version. No performance differences were evident across the two versions. A l0-min demonstration segment illustrating how each of the four tasks was to be performed was presented prior to the experimental block of trials in the first session. Long-term subjects were presented with quantitatively different versions of the tasks on Sessions 8 and 34, with qualitatively different versions on Sessions I I and 37, and with the reversed stimulus-resoonse assignment version of the memory-scanning tas-kon Sessions l4 and 40. In addition, a vocal reaction-time task was performed before and after the primary tasks on Sessions4, 5, and 6, Sessions24, 25, and 26, and Sessions 44, 45, and 46. On Sessions5. 25, and 45 the vocal reaction-time task was also performed concurrent with the primary tasks. The signals in the vocal reaction-time task were auditory tones presented at random intervals l-10 sec apart, and the response was the word "pip" said as quickly as possible.Sixty tones constituted a trial block. One trial block was administered before and after the 184 primary tasks, and six trial blocks were administered in the concurrent condition. The concurrent vocal reaction-time task started 2 min after the beginning of the primary tasks, and ended several minutes before the completion of the primary tasks. This procedure, and the instructions to the subjects to concentrate most on the primary task, were designedto encourage treatment of the vocal reaction-time task as the secondary, rather than primary, task in the dual-task situation. The long-term subjects participated for I hr. per session, with most subjects performing one sessionon each of 5 days during the week. Four weeks after the completion of Session50 the subjects participated in a final follow-up sessionto determine the amount of forgetting during a l-mo. period without intervening practice. As a check of motivational effects on performance, on Session 48 the long-term subjects were offered a monetary bonus of $.10 for every millisecond they were faster than their previous fastest time in the memoryscanning task, provided that they committed fewer than I 09o errors. Results The principal measuresof performance for the four tasks were the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve,a measurecloselyrelatedto percentage correct derived from signal-detection theory(Green& Swets,1964)for the signaldetectiontask, the reactiontime in milliseconds and the percentageof incorrect responsesin the memory-scanningtask, the percentageof correct decisionsin the successiveand simultaneousconditionsin the visual-discrimination task, and the percentage of "hits" (intersectionsof the vertical and horizontaltrajectories)in the temporalpredictiontask. Becausetherewereso few trials per block in the temporal-predictiontask (an average of 12.5),and so many variationsin target speed(horizontaltrajectory) and launchposition (vertical trajectory), performanceon this task was analyzedby collapsingdata acrossSessions 2 through l6 and acrossSessions36 through 50. This precludeddetailed examinationof specificpracticeor transfer effectsand thereforeis not discussedexcept to mentionthat youngadultsweremore successfulin all conditionsthan older adults. SessionI Analyses The initial analysesfocusedon examining agedifferencesin the SessionI data for the short-term and long-term subjectsand determiningthe representativeness of the long- r85 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG signal-detectionperforterm subjectswith respectto the larger sam- 4. It is clear that for both young dramatically increased mance to relevant plesof short-termsubjects.Data and old subjects.An analysisof variance lheseissuesare presentedin Table I' three levelsof pracTable I indicatesthat the two age groups conductedon the data at and 42-45)' re(Sessions 2-5,22-25, tice in both the short-termand long-term sam14) : 2g'3'' F(1, age, significant vealed performance plesdifferedsignificantlyon all F(2, 28\: practice, -"utut"t exceptthe percentageof errorsin MS":9s1,5, p < .00i, a n d A g eX < . 0 0 1 , task' In all casesthe 8 1 . 4 5 ,M S " : 2 5 . 0 , P the memory-sCanning : 25'0, MS": 12.66, 28) F(2, Practice, older subjects performed at a lower level to appears interaction The effects. p < .001, than (either slower or with less accuracy), ^be a ceiling to at leastpartially attributable the youngersubjects'In contrastto the age limiting performanceimprovementin effect slight were differences sample the diffirencJs, young subjects,as they reacheda p:' the The long-termyoungsubjects to nonexistent. much earlier than the plateau formance scores had significantlyhigher vocabulary wereminimal, differences Sex subjeits. older memory-scanthe in and error percentages malesin each three the nins task than did the short-termyoungsub- ason Sesiions 42-45 Positions worst) (from to best ranked young group iecis,but no otherdifferencesin either and Posubjects, young the 6 in and 1, 3,or old sampleswere significant. subjects. old in the 7 5. and 3. sitions memthe of Becausemany of the analyses An analysisof varianceconductedon the ory-scanningdata involvecomparisonsas a criterionmeasureof functionof the numberof itemsin the mem- nonpa.a-etric response (Hodos, 1970) revealedno bias perientage ory set, Figure 3 was preparedto illustrate Age X Practice or practice, age, iignificant the relationshipbetweenmemory-scannlng indi51.047o, was grand mean performanceand set size.Analysesof vari- efects. The yes than no more make to tendency a ance revealedthat the effects of age F(1, cating responses. a n d , S " : 3 2 0 , 9 9 5 . 7 ' P< . 0 0 1 , 8 6 ) : 8 0 . 9 8M the display durasetsize,F(3, 258): 44.66,MS": 13,071'3, ihe effectsof reducing msecon Sessions 125 to p < .001,but not sample(F <-1), weresig- tion from 250 msec averagingthe by analyzed were 34 nificant in the reaction-timedata. The set 8 and and l0 and 6,7,9, on Sessions performances s i z e ,F ( 3 , 2 5 8 ) : 5 5 . 2 9 ,M S " : 4 1 ' 5 , P < serveas to 36 and : 33,35, 32, Sessions on 4'7n' 25t) F(3, .001, Age X Set Size, transcomparing then < .01,andSamPleX SetSize, control measuresand MS.: 4t.5,p -8.18, analysis in an performance control versus MS": 41.5'p < .ool, ef- fer F(3; 258): in the transfersesfects were significant with the error per- of variance.Performance in the control than worse slightly was sions qualitative (Although the centage data. l4) : 3'36' (.858 F(1, .835), vs. trendJare unequivocal,one shouldnot place sessions did not effect this but p <.05, MS.:6.'7, rnuch confidencein the quantitative relapractlce' or age with significantly interact because tionshipsbetweenage and set size duration thus seemsto of the small number of trials per subject Halving the display effects early equivalent producE roughly and the extremelyhigh error rates.) (Session in practice, 34) (session late and 8) Takentogether,the resultsof Table I and practice The adults. old young and with and Figure 3 indicatethat the long-termsubjects analysis this significant in are generallysimilar in initial performance effect wai also M 1 4 ) 2 3 ' 4 7 , S": F ( 1 , ( . 7 8 5 vs..905), to laiger samplesfrom their respectiveage improvement an indicating p < .001, 100.2, g.orrpi, and that substantialage differences 6-10 and 32-36. ire evidentin eachof the experimentalmea- betweenSessions the target configchanging of effects The suresexamined. 37 were analyzed 1 and I urationon Sessions bv averaqingperformanceson Sessions9, Long-Term AnalYses 35, 36, 38, rO. tZ. unali and on Sessions and then measures' control as serve to 39 and under areas mean The Signaldetection. perforcontrol versus the ROC curve for young and old subjects comparing transfer Neither variance' of analysis in-an *un"" are displayedin Figure acrossthe 5l sessions = r : c > i i E = ! > : > i i< 1l ^ q :2 ;l I ? c . s J€, SKILLED PERFORMANCE : * * = d q : E t r -92Ejj > F E g.E = \oN qj -; OO -,j cj € h : i €n ni :a r;d € -:-: 6 - .od; R 3 g fr 6 E E ; a . =8 5 . 5E * * qq r € n o 'la q* C ^ i f \ O * h - € r - o * 6 - \ O o N € O N dr 6i o q - q q N r n@ d al\o d - rF-!f oo r\o € n \or \o6 * r nn € n- f n \O- 6 N \ o - 6 N h - € N € ) - rN ooi € o\€ nd g3 r \or -iE; r r a r i d ; € o i n6 r d € o\o + d $ *o\ oi € O€ -'d; € 6 n 6 O\- o € OV r 6 0 6id; N \ nt a io6t : = F b E o >gs t N al 6i O O o r o .+ s \O N o h *6 \ 0* 60'= =gE \ O d € € r\o 6 N O q bo.x 6 0 O d 6 - Or r\o + 6i \o o -.j o * I r * *9 r * O o *'-i * 3 5 6 i : o r 6 6 -.,i H q ,a be q q) a a0 q F q $\o oid O\ al * m € -; b0 6 SEF E n I" a - i F V € Ns ' , t r r @ ? ! o c >';* E b ; ,.5f,;s; ,.5>ai=a l- 83> = ao ; = aE o 5> EAir h o o c) a) *$ * -YE o7 a , ; d > t > \s "s T \ € € d+ O E i i l ; 9 F : A J E 6 * 187 L. SOMBERG TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN the transfereffectnor any of its interactions with age or practice were significant' Apparentl-y,youngand old subjects,both.early lnd tat!'in prictice, can transfer their detection abilities equally well to a noveltarget in the same display context' Performance irnp.ou"awith piaciice('825 vs' '910),F(1, e 14\ : 26.02,MS": 44.4,P < '001,between 9-13 and 35-39' Sessions of introducing a concurrent effects The vocal reaction-timetask on Sessions5, 25, and 45 were analyzedby averagingperfor3, 4,6, and7, on Sessions manceson Sessions 43, 44, andon Sessions 27, and 23,24,26, 46',and47 to serveas control measuresand th"n "o*puring concurrent versus control inan analysisof variance'Sigoerformance nal-detectionperformancewas slightly-imoairedwith a concurrenttask('862vs' '845)' Figure 4.Mean signal-de,*'t" *'t""ance for young , S , : 6 . 5 ,P 1 ' 0 1 , b u t anf old subjects a-sa function of practice' (ROC = ref ( t , t + ) : 1 1 . 3 7M the interactionswith practiceand age were ceiver operating characteristic') Performing a simulta.neous not significant' -reaction-time task therefore hinders vocal The final manipulationexaminedwith the but the magnitudeof impairnerformance, 'ment data was the effect of a lis about the same at three levels of sisnal-detection the 50th and 5lst sesbetween d"luy ^-o. practicefor both young and old adults' riont- Conttol performancewas determined on Sessions49 ty the averagaperformance with the decontrasted tlis-was and una SO (Session5l) in an anallayedperformance The delay effect was sigurit " n i nof c avariance. nt ( . 9 3 1v s . . 9 1 3 ) 'f ( 1 , l 4 ) : 6 ' ! 3 . ' US.: 4.1,p <.05, but the interactionwith u!""*ut nof. lmposing a a-1vktinterval be1200 sessionsof the signal-cle' tween successive uJ n o tection task thus seemsto have approxtU = matelythe sameslight impairmenteffecton q, 1000 E t l i young and old adults. both Uimorl scanning' All data subjectedto 'R Young were 800 analysisin the memory-scanning.task o abnormatly with trials remove to first edited t short (lessthan 100 msec)or long (greater than 1,500msec)reactiontimes' The mean reaction times and percentagesof correct e o responsesfor the young and old. subjects ul are displayedin Figure u"-tt the 51 sessions ',0s ns 42-45the threemalesin each 5. On Sessio srouD ranked, from fastestto slowest,Poiitlons l, 4, and 7 for the young subjects' and Posiiions3, 5, and 8 for the old subjects' Setsize In an attempt to examine the tYPe of function Figure 3. Reaction times and error rates as a search processused in memory scaming' set sizes for young and old shortoi't"rnoty-..unning reactiontimeswerecomputedseparatelyfor term and long-term subjects, Session l' % wI sho( I.'m F 6 sioil'hrm loio lt.n :.: .\ v - . t ' k t ^-'* gr l;vrc ! ,r."n ,."o*..,r- --_<?!.x)n-saanntnt lask for rqr i-lrrrn of pracricc. F)slttve and negativc tri: F rgure 6 illustrates thcsc of practice.An analy.sisr a srgni6cantinteraction Tlp.. fl:]. 42) = 43.21 ffi1. rndicating a shallo :rrc than for positivetria rtcm l. Figurc 6 suggcsts ferences are primaril;- < rponscs for positive one-it end rhcn the onc-item tri thc Sct Sizc x Trial T1p txr thc remaining data fn through four was not sigr I _r4.,|/S.=5il.8.p>. 14 mscc'irem). This pau gests rhat the scarch pn crhaustive scarch condl tremell rapid compansr ortc-rlem pcitive s€t. (SG addirional discussionof tl srzc phenomenon.) It is horever. that in neithcr rere thc tnplc intcraoro practicc significant. l*'ha ttrc ecarch proccss. tbcrc dd nrt diffcr as a funcl rub_rccragc. Frgurc ? portrar-s rcacl ntc as a function of sct d lqrot and old sublcrs. rsrr conduoed oo thc r88 SKILLED PERFORMANCE 3 5 7 9 11 j 3r517192123?527293r 333537394143154719 Sessron Figure 5. Mean reaction times and accuracy in the memory-scanning task for young and old subjects as a function of practice. error-ratevariables.All main effectsand interactionsweresignificantwith the reactiontime variable:age, F'(1, 14) :46.92, MS. : 41,894.3,p < .001; set size,F(3, 42): 15.21,MS": 997.4,p< .001;practice,F(2, 28) : 37.Ur,MS.: 10,009.0, p < .001;Age X Set Size,F(3, 42) : I1.64, MS" : 997.4 p < .001;Age X Practice, F(2,28): 22.35, MSe: 10,009.0, p < .001;Set SizeX Practice, F(6, 84) : 12.19,MS" : 511.2,p < .001;and Age X Set Size X Practice,F(6, 84):8.24, MS": 511.2,p : .001.The effectscan be seenin Figure 7. Older subjects and larger set sizesproducedthe longestreactiontimes,but theseeffectsbecamesmaller with practice. Separate analysesat each stage of practice revealedthat age, F'(1, 14) > 19.7,and set size,F(3, 42)> 58.7, effects were highly significant throughout practice,but that their interaction became w e a k e rF: ( 3 , 4 2 ) : I l l 0 , 5 . 2 0 ,a n d 3 . 0 1a t Sessions2-5, 22-25, and 42-45, respectively. Slopesof the set-size- reaction-time functionson Sessions42-45 were27 and 33 msec/item for young and old subjects,respectively,with all set sizes,and 14 and 15 msec/item,respectively, for only set sizesof 2, 3, and 4. With the error variable,significant effectswereobtainedfor age,.F(1,14) = 7.26,MS": 215.6,p < .05;setsize,.F(3, 42):21.9t, MS": 15.1,p < .001;practice, F(2, 28): 14.55,MS.: 74.9,p < .001; Age X Set Size, F(3, 42\: 4.70, MS": positiveand negativetrials for eachset size. Figure6 illustratesthesedata at threelevels of practice.An analysisof variancerevealed a significantinteractionof Set Size X Trial Type,F(3, 42) : 43.21,MS,: 453.3,p < .001, indicatinga shallowerslopefor negative than for positivetrials (31 vs. 49 msec/ item). Figure 6 suggeststhat the slopedifferencesare primarily due to the fast responses for positiveone-itemtrials, however, andwhenthe one-itemtrials wereeliminated the Set Size X Trial Type interactionbased on the remainingdata from set sizesof two throughfour wasnot significant,F(2,28) : 1 . 3 4M , S . : 5 l 1 . 8 , p> . 1 0( s l o p e:s 2 2 a n d 24 msecfitem). This pattern of resultssugf '--l FH |toil'h I geststhat the searchprocesswas a serial, / exhaustivesearch conductedafter an extremely rapid comparisonof the previous 7m U one-itempositiveset.(SeeClifton, 1973,for : additionaldiscussionof the fast one-itemset ; m -' F' /_--* I size phenomenon.)It is important to note, . E s however,that in neither of these analyses d9 werethe triple interactionsinvolvingage or "/ practicesignificant.Whateverthe nature of the searchprocess,therefore,it apparently did not differ as a function of practice or subjectage. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 a r 2 3 a Figure 7 portraysreactiontime and error Sotsi:6 Sgbire S€tsite rate as a functionof set sizeand practicefor Figure Mean memory-scanning reaction times for \oung and old subjects.Separateanalyses positive 6. and negative trials as a function of set size, age, uere conductedon the reaction-timeand and practice. I ) : i r LI t s e h t- s. )f , )r tt NqrY. e--i L--{ | ,lI /'r- l "'7 /-i | /--: '/l'"f 189 SOMBERG TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. 15.1,p < .01;and Set SizeX Practice,F(6, 84) : 4.95,MS.: 10.4,p < .001'.Reaction time wasfasterbut error rate washigherfor vounq subiects relative to older subjects, trad.e^ittur iugg"iting that a speed-accuracy off waifartially responsiblefor the age differencesin reaction time. With the other effects,however,both reaction time and er- o ror rate increased,and thus a speed-accu- Uo racv trade-offcontaminationis unlikely' The effects of reducing the size of the tr 8 and o probestimulusby onehalf on Sessions peraverage the using by analyzed *"t" 34 formanceson each set of four adjacentses.iont tO,7,9,and l0 and 32,33,35,and 36) as control measures'and then companng transfer versuscontrol performancein an analysisof variance.These data are illustrated in Figure 8. The size reduction had : a significanimaineffect,F(1, 14) 50'96' MS": 24,796.9,P < '001, and an interacSetsizo tion with age, F(1, 14):9'1', MS": vari- Fisure 8. Mean memory-scanning reaction times.and J.Ot on the reaction-time 24,'796.9,p : l8'65' eiior rates in control and reduced stimulus conditions 14) F(1, abie. Sizi reduction, rinl, ""a bars indicate performance in the control MS.: 64.5,p < .001, and the interactio-n iSorio relers condition. Early referc to Sessions6-10 and late of Age x Sei Size X Size Reduction,F(3' to Sessions 32-36.) 4D: 4.41,MS": 21.9,p < .u: weresignidcantwith the error variable'The practice greater overall reaction time (612 vs' a]-5 main effect was significanton the reaction: ilsec), but the absenceof an interactionwith time variable, F(1, 14) : 20"72, MS. that the slopesof the funcp < .001,asreactiontime changed t"t tir" suggests 16,508.7, size to reaction time were set 6-10 tion relating from 580'to 508 msecfrom Sessions The Age X Size Reduction inaffectedl not to Sessions32-36. indicates that the older subjects The main effectof sizereductionindicates teraction greater increasein reactiontime with a that the smaller probe stimulus leads to had than the young subjects stimuli the red'uced (196 vs. 79 msec). The effectsof changingto new stimulus items on SessionsI I and 37 were analyzeo B [ B bv using the averageperformanceson sesrio* g,io, 12,and-Ii and 35, 36, 38, and :g us contiol measuresand then comparing --""tt' transfer versus control performancein- an - "'tanalysisof variance.These data are rllus,""'ti"t.ia in Figure 9. The stimulus-change maniputatioriwassignificant-with both-the t r e a c t i o n - t i m eF, ( 1 , l 4 ) : l 3 ' 8 8 ' M S " :: F(l' la) a 6244.5,p< .01,and error-rate, aswas variables' p < '01, '3, 47 13.61,'MS": interaction: Size itt" Sfi-utut ChangeX Set r"u"tion time,F(3,42) : 6.38,MS.: 642'6' = Fisure 7. Mean memory-scanning reaction times.and , . .Of, error rate,F(3,42) 12'89'MS": '11.2. old erior rates as a function of set size for young and p < .001. The Stimulus ChangeX d gdze subjects at three levels of practice' Yeng -:^g - :(g - {--.t- .i-' ": n'lh-th Oi t a : rr- j ,- . gt9r. I - "'- / - .,/ ^ t a 7 - 0 . ._ _ f :gre 9. Mcan mcmory-scear "::J{ rat6 In control and ncr {r -:rs and bars indicatc pcrforn :.:r:n farl.t.refcrs lo Scssroo \dsrorls -15- 39. ) Practice interaction was r crror-rate variable. F( l. ' - l 1 . . 1p. < . 0 5 . i n d i c a t i n rclative to old stimuli. ha rn practice than carll'- Al rant effects involving th factor were evident only. rariable: Stimulus Chal Agc. r(1. 42) = 4.58. M: and Stimulus Changc x R l . l a ) = 5 . 2 8 .M S . = though rather complex, I tcractions is consistent r tron that a spccd-accu rcsponsiblc for thc reaoi results. Reaction-timc proved betwecn Scssions { i I I vs. {63 mscc).F( l. t 9-r-6{.p<.O1. Tlrc eristencc of an in rr.?c sugg6ts rhar shiftin rrrmulus itcms affecrs rhc :rxr rclatrng reaction tirnc $c dopcs serc J9 and : rFclrrclr. for normal r ncans An anallsis condr {rE-rtcm rt-sizc dara al SKILLED PERFORMANCE 190 nificant effect of stimulus change (390 vs. 4 0 7 m s e c )F, ( 1 , 1 4 ) : 5 . 8 3 , M S . : 7 3 2 . 9 , p < .05.Neither the interactionwith agenor with practicewassignificantin this analysis. The effectsof reversingthe setsof positive and negativeitems on Sessions14 and 40 wereanalyzedby averagingperformanceon 12,13,15,and 16,andon Sessions Sessions E o. 40o o 38, 39, 41, and 42 to serveas controlmeaU U' U E_ soo sures,and then comparing transfer versus o control performancein an analysisof variE tr ance.Thesedata are illustratedin Figure 10. The reversalmanipulation was significant E 70o with both the reaction-time,F(1, 14): cc 23.37,MS":20,826.2,p <.001, anderrorrate, F(1, l4):55.62, MS.:28.5, p < .001. was the ReversalX Set Size interaction:reaction time, F(3, 42): o u 14.88,MS" : 801.5,p <.001; error rate, F(3,42) : 4.41,MS.: 30.8,p < .01.Other significanteffectsinvolvingthe reversalmaFigure 9. Mean memory-scanning reaction times and error rates in control and new stimulus conditions. (Solid nipulation on the reaction-time variable lines and bars indicate performance in the control conwere ReversalX Age, F'(1, 14) : 6.43, dition. Early refers to Sessions 9- I 3 and late refers to X MS.:20,826.2, p <.05, and Reversal S e s s i o n s3 5 - 3 9 . ) Practice,F(1, l4) : 5.13, MS.: 4,942.3, p < .05. No other reversalinteractionswere Practiceinteractionwas significantwith the significantwith the error-rate variable. In error-ratevariable,.F(1, 14) : 5.39, MS. all casesthe direction of the error-ratedif: 31.4,p <.05, indicatingthat newstimuli, ferenceswas the sameas that for the reacrelativeto old stimuli. had more errors late tion-time differences.The main effect of in practicethan early. All remainingsignif- practicewas not significantin the contrast icant effectsinvolving the stimulus-change betweenSessions12-16 andSessions 38-42. factor were evidentonly with the error-rate althougha reaction-timetrend wasapparent variable: Stimulus ChangeX Set Size X (519 msecon Sessions 12-16,498 msecon Age, F(3, 42) : 4.59,MS. : 11.2,p < .01, Sessions38-42). and Stimulus ChangeX PracticeX Age, As can be seenin Figure 10, the interF ( 1 , 1 4 ): 5 . 2 8 , M S " : 3 1 . 4 p , < . 0 5 .A l - actionswith age and practice were due to though rather complex,neither of thesein- greater reversaleffectsin old comparedto teractionsis consistentwith an interpreta- young subjectsand late comparedto early tion that a speed-accuracytrade-off is practice.The set size interaction indicates responsiblefor the reaction-timepattern of that the slopeof the reaction-time-set-size results. Reaction-time performance im- functionwasgreaterin reversedthan in norprovedbetweenSessions9-14 and 35-39 mal conditions(59 vs. 40 msec/item).The ( 5 1 I v s . 4 6 3m s e c ) , F ( 1l 4, ) : 1 6 . 6 9 , M 5 " : reversalmanipulationwasalsosignificantin 9376.4, p < .01. an analysisconductedonly on the one-item The existenceof an interaction with set set sizes(389 vs. 436 msec),f'(1, 14): p < .01,however size suggeststhat shifting to a new set of 10.39, none MS.: 3,528.9, stimulusitems affectsthe slopeof the func- of the interactionswas significant. tion relatingreactiontime to setsize.Indeed, The effects of introducing a concurrent the slopeswere 39 and 52 msec/item, re- vocal reaction-timetask on Sessions5, 25, spectively,for normal and new stimulus and 45 were analyzedby averagingperforitems. An analysisconductedon only the manceson Sessions 3, 4,6, and7, on Sessions 43,44, one-itemset-sizedata also revealeda sis- 23,24,26, and 27, and on Sessions q E 800 TIMOTHY A' SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG I9I 'x-, 46, and 47 to serveas control measuresand then comparing concurrent versus control Tlj performancein an analysis-of.varianc": Loncurrent-controlmanipulationwassignificant with the reaction-timevariable (491 2 v s . 4 7 6 m s e c ) ,F ( 1 , 1 4 ) : 9 . 9 5 , M S . : tr 2,297.3,p <.01, but no interactionswith age,praciice,or setsizeweresignificant'.No effectsor interactions c6ncurrent-condition ,"e error-ratevariable' the with weresignificant E ,09 On Session48 a monetary incentivewas offeredto determinewhether reaction-time performancecould be improvedwithout saciin"ing accuracy.The averageperformance Figure 11.Mean memory-scanning 46 ind 47 servedas the control erior rates in control and speedincentive conditions' on Ses-sions measure.and the incentiveeffect was ana- (Solidlinesandbarsindicateperformancein the control lyzed in an analysisof variance'Data from condition.) Sessions49 and 50 were not included because of the possibility that the incentive but error rate worsened (inmanipulation would result in a change in creased), the incentiveconditions.The subsequentperformance. This procedure creased),under was significant with both .""m"d justihed in light of the very small incentive factor time, F(1, 14): 69'5'' reaction variables: practiceeffectsobservedduring this part of < MS":1,020.6, P .001; error rate,,F(1, ihe experiment(cf. Figure 5). Figure 1l il: 40'3,P < '001' The inMS": 2'7 .27 14\ (de, lustratis that reaction time improved 14) : 4.61,MSg: F(1, teractionswith age, = 1020.6,p <.05, and set size, F(3, 42) : sig5.38,M^t" 266.6,p <'Ol, were also nificant with the reaction-timevariable' Becauseof the oppositetrend with the reaction-timeand error-rate variables,the preciseeffect of providing a moneta.ryincentivefor improvid performanceis difficult to evaluate.Reaction time decreased(435 vs. 392 msec),but error rate increased(6Vo vs. l2Vo), and without knowing the exact u o form of the time-accuracyexchangefunco tion it is impossibleto determineif the two E i: trends were completelycompensatory.The remainingeffectssuggestthat older subjects wereableto reducetheir reactiontimesmore than young subjects(55 vs' 31 msec),and that ihe set-size-reaction-timeslope was shallowerin the incentivecondition (25 vs' 35 msec/item). e 2 0 Y The eiTectof a l-mo. delay betweenthe 12 U f was analyzedby con50th and 5lst sessions 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 49 performanceon Sessions average trasting Setsize (Sesperformance and 50 with the delayed Figure 10. Mean memory-scanning reaction times and sion 5l) in an analysisof variance.Neither erior rates in control and reversed assignment condithe delayeffectnor any interactionswith the tions. (Solid lines and bars indicate performance in the delay factor were significantwith either the control condition. Early refers to Sessions l2-16 and reaciion-timeor error-rate variable.In this late refers to Sessions 38-42.) I E o t 2 t ot"t"'t"' 2 \ r Jt i F . - r , \. s . . . ' .-ta . , '- :i : \ a t t ' - . " a i . . t:' _ j ! . - l r g...'1.. r^ '- i i : tr 1 -.-/r'i'.I 3 - * - r ' , \.." t l , ' . -t* " "'J Frgure 12. Mean visualdrcn e-cssivcand simultancous co subJccts as a function of prr particular analysis. hor outcome may bc some cause of grossly unequr the loung subjectsand I rncreasedtheir reaction delar'. but one older s reaction time bv over r tributing to extremc val 5l dara. In view of rh trend (13 of 16 subpc rndicated in Figurc 5. i defer a conclusion on sl rncreascsover a l-mo. t l'i suaI d iscriminat iot of correct stimulus dis succcssiveand simulul the \oung and old subya rons arc displal'cd in F .lccts on Scssions 42-4j to sorsr. Pcitions l. 1.5 subpcrs. and Positions oid sub.pcts. {n anall'sis of r.arianc tbc dara ar thrce leyels o : i. ::-:5. and {2-,15) ead attcntron t succcssirr '.roorrs -dirrdcd ) as fact cfocrs rere signifcant t{ 06. -r/S. = l7{.J. p < li,= ll60..VS.=55. SKILLED PERFORMANCE 192 tention,l'(1, 14) : 135.19, MS": 6.8,p < .001-but none of the interactionswasiiei'Pl 9 A nificant. This pattern of results,in conjuni',1 5 tion with the trendsillustratedin Figuie 12, Young suggeststhat the divided-attentiondeficit was approximatelythe samefor young and old subjects,anddid not changeasa funttion of experiencewith the task. A more detailed analysisexaminedperformancein the simultaneouscondition as a function of the presenceor absenceof a R.,' siglal in each array. The four trial types differedsignificantly:signal,Array l-signal, Array 2: 66.8Vo; signal,Array l-no signal, Array 2 : 74.l%oi no signal,Array l-signal, Array 2:7O.OVo;no signal,Array l-no signal, Array 2:83.4Vo; F(3, 42):9.74, MS.:25,466.0,p <.001. However, thisefS€ssions fect did not interactwith either ageor pracFigure 12. Mean visual-discrimination accuracv in suctice. cessiveand simultaneous condilions for young and old The effectsof reducingthe durationof the subjects as a function of practice. stimulus arrays from 400 to 200 msec on Sessions8 and 34 were analyzedby averparticular analysis,however,the statistical aging performances on Sessions6, 7,9, and, outcomemay be somewhatmisleadingbe- 10, and on 32,33, 35, and 36 to serveas causeof grosslyunequalvariances.Sevin of controlmeasuresand then comparing transthe youngsubjectsand six of the old subiects fer versuscontrolperformancein an inalysis increasedtheir reactiontimesoverthe l'-mo. of variance.The duration reduction led to delay, but one older subject increasedhis a decrease in discriminationaccuracy(76.gvo reactiontime by over 400 msec,thus con- vs. 70.07o), F(1, 14) : 30.79,MS.: 49.4, tributing to extremevariancein the Session p < .001, but no interactionswith the du5l data. In view of the consistencvof the ration factor were significant.performance (13 of 16 subjects),and the pattern was better on Sessions Jreld 32-36 than on Sesindicatedin Figure 5, it is perhapsbest to sions6-10 (76.5Vovs. 7O.3Vo), F(1, 14): defer a conclusionon whetherreactiontime 14.09,MS": 83.9,p < .Ol. The absence of increasesover a l-mo. delay. interactionswith age and practice suggests Visual discrimination. The percentages that variationsof subjectage or amount of of correct stimulus discriminationsin ihe experiencedo not affectthe susceptibility to successive and simultaneousconditionsfor performance impairments with shortened the youngand old subjectsacrossthe 5l ses- stimulusdisplays.The lack of an interaction sionsare displayedin Figure 12. Male sub- with the attention(successive-simultaneous) jects on Sessions42-45 ranked. from best factor indicatesthat the magnitudeof the to rvorst,Positions| , 2.5, and7 for the young divided-attentioneffect was essentiallv unsubjects,and Positions3, 4, and 8 for the changedwhen the display duration *as ,eold subjects. ducedby 507o. An analysisof variancewasconductedon The effectsof changingthe type of stimthe data at three levelsof practice(Sessions ulus arrays on Sessionsll and 37 *ere an2-5, 22-25, and 42-45) with age, practice, alyzed by averaging performances on Sesand attention(successive-focused vs. simul- sions9, 10,12, and 13 and on 35, 36, 3g, taneous-divided)as factors.All three main and 39 to serveascontrolmeasuresand then effects were significant-age, lc(I, 14) : comparing transfer versus control perfor66.06,MS": 274.3,p< .001;practice,F(2, mancein an analysisof variance.The stim28) : I1.60,MS.: 55.2,p < .001;and at- ulus-changefactor was not significant, but l'\, o 7 0 , 3 5' 9. 1 3 t s r . 1 9 2 ,2 3 2 5 2 2 1 9 J lr r 39 4J 43 45 47 49 5l 193 L' SOMBERG TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN ywng wr?, Accuracy (percentagescorrect) changing stimulus Arrays on r.lisuar_Discrimination Late (Session 37) Early (SessionI l) Group Young old M Normal 86.8 6l.7 't4.2 New 87.2 59.1 2.6 '13.r l.I New Normal Difference 93.5 65.0 't9.3 Difference O 3 8 5 .I 64.3 8.4 .'7 1A 4.6 1 E I 6 400 l- E 300i : agesof six trial blocks each on Sessions5' the interactionswith practice,F(l' l-4) 23, and 45. The means of these data are 6.22,MS,: l6'0' P <'05, andAge X Pracillustratedin Figure 13. The age effect was ti"",'r(t'-t+\ : l/i.25,MS": 16'o'P < 'ol' but noi signifrcant(F < 1.0) in the analysis, :676'04' *"t" tignin"ant. Theseeffectscan be seen 14) F(1, ""on"urtentfactor, ln" -is":568.1, i" f"ttE 2. Note that the detrimentaleffect p < .001'and its interactions more is display of changing the stimulus : 58'23,MS': 568'l' r(1,'14) pronouni"Jlate in practice,and that young *iitt un" 28) : 24'34' MS:.^ F(2, . .OO'f , , Piactice iubiectsexhibit this trend to a greaterextent '292.8.p < .001, and Age X Practice''lu(z' itruiiofa"t subjects'The practicemain effect 28) = j.00, MS.:292.8. p <.05 w.e.r:e^stcwas significait (73.9Vovs' 76'9Vo)'F\l' (483 vs' nin"unt. Reactiontime was slower tij : 6.el , MS" : 51.1,p <. '05, indicating perwas 356 msec)when the primary task improvementbetween Sessions9-13 ano was difference This formed concurrently. Sessions35-39. subyoung than subjects for older The effects of introducing a concurrent n.Lut", (164 vs. 89 msec),increased--practlce iects 25' 5' Sessions on task uocai reaction-time i;;J"d to reducethe difference(160 to I 17 unJ +s were analyzedby averaging-perforSessions5, 25, and 45' re' 3,4,6, and7' on Sesstons io f OZmsecfor manceson Sessions the th:,-t-"and 43' 44' spectively), i{,2q,26, and 27, andon Sessions for older subjectsthan greater was duction 46, and47 to serveas control measuresand (from 212 to 152to 128 i"in"t"e ,u6j""tt itt"n "o-puring concurrent versus control 108 to 84 to from -r"t foiotaei subjects, oerformancein an analysisof variance'Neisubjects)' 77 msecfor Young itr"t ttt" main effect of the concurrent task The absenteof a significantmain ellEct or practice' age, with nor any interactions quite unwere of age in a reaction-timetask is attention (successive-simultaneous) subof light in particularlv ;;;?LJ, ,the mea---No sisnificant. other in observed diiferences .ignincant delay effectwas stantial performance-with 5l Session of the contiast 49 and iii" uu".ug" performanceon Sessions the involving 50, nor were any rnteractions factor significant. delay -o iln rrr"nt-task. Performanceon the a vocal as the concurrenttask wasrepresented reactiontime, in msec,to the auditory sttmulus.Trials with latencieslessthan 100msec or ntJ"t than 1,000msecwereeditedfrom The remainingtrials were,anthe-analysis. alvzedin an analysisof varianceat three levelsof practicewith control measuresconof the averageof two blocksof trials ritti"g"on (solid Sessions+, 5, and 6' Sessions2.4' Fipure 13.Mean vocalreactiontimes in control "u"tt for young conditions (dotted lines) lne "on"urrent 46' unO iin?.i and 44,45' 25,and26,andSessions una ota tuUj""ts at three levelsof practice' concurrentmeasuresconsistedof the aver500 F E 45 Session 25 Sesson 45 -< \ \-\ ,*, , _ Ssron Figure 14. Concurrent vca.l ual subjects at three lcvcls o sures with these samc of the data from indivk sizable individual dif young subjects. Figun differences with the nx the concurrent conditk Jects at three levels of two young subjects r tended to reduce their increasedpracticc. tha quite slow and exhibitc reaction time with add that three subjects w speedand direction of < The concurrent- contn quite different, as thc fa jects had averagevaluc msecon Sessions5. 25. *hereas the slowestthr 95. 87. and 85 mscc. n Discus For clarity' of prescnt: tron \r'as organized in t tasks. In the prescnt sc tron is in terms of thc tl s-ooc€min the pro;ect. Improvement in Simplc .\ strong conclusion I *rlts rs that performarrc ilodcratc crperiencc on gtnal detcction. reactk SKILLED PERFORMANCE 194 discrimination.The range of performance improvementwas artificially limited by the measurementscale in the signal-detection and visual-discriminationtasks, but the changeswith practiceare indisputablein all o three tasks. It is also noteworthythat the 3 performance improvement was relatively E stableover a l-mo. retentioninterval. The conclusion that performance imtr proveson simpletasksis really not very sur\ \ prising in light of the literature reviewed \ earlier, but it has not yet been widely acceptedby researchers. For example,actoroing to Ream's(1922) criterion of capacity, noneof thesetaskswould be appropriateto serveas a measureof an individual's fun_ Figure 14. Concurrent vocal reaction times for individ_ damentalability, becauseeachhas beendeual subjects at three levels of practice. monstrated to exhibit sizable practice-related improvements. Nevertheless. tasks sureswith these same subjects.Inspection similar to these,either in laboratoryor paof the data from individualsubiectsrivealed per-and-pencilforms, are frequentlyusedto sizable individual differences among the assessan individual's ability or capacity. young subjects.Figure l4 illustrates these Suchassessments may still be usefulfor reidifferenceswith the mean reactiontimes in ative judgments,but they do not appearto the concurrentconditionfor individual sub- be meaningful in any absolutesenie, and jects at three levelsof practice.Notice that shouldno longerbe interpretedas reflections two young subjects were quite fast and of the fundamentallimits of human perfortended to reducetheir reaction times with mance. increasedpractice,that three subiectswere From the skill perspective,the demonquite slowand exhibitedat leastone slower strationthat improvementoccursin elemenreactiontime with additional practice,and tary tasksis important, becauseit indicates that three subjects were intermediate in that the development of skill doesnot merely speedand directionof changewith practice. involve the integration or coordinationof The concurrent- controlmeasures werealso fixedand staticperceptualor motor abilities. quite different,as the fastesttwo youngsub_ The discoverythat even such very simple jects had averagevaluesof 133,AZ.anOOS activities as detectingthe presenceor ibmsecon Sessions 5. 25, and 45, respectively, senceof a signal or making a rapid binary whereasthe slowestthreesubjectr-uu"rug"d classification decision improve with in95,87, and 85 msec,respectively. creasedexperiencesuggeststhat skill acquisition cannot be consideredsolely in terms of the timing or coordinationof the Discussion components.The relative contributionsof For clarity of presentationthe Resultssec- improvementsin the componentsversusimtion was organizedin terms of the specific provementin the integrationor coordination tasks-In the presentsection,the orginiza- of the components cannotbe assessed at this tion is in terms of the three major isiuesof time, but the importanceof changesin the concernin the project. elementaryprocesses involvedin the acquisition of a complexskill shouldno longer be in doubt. Improvement in Simple Tasks ,rr.a Young :>>" S \5 500 F =?< 25 Session 45 5 2 5 4 5 Session A strong conclusionfrom the presentre_ sults is that performancedoesimprovewith Nature of Improvement moderateexperienceon simpletaiks suchas In the introduction,threebroad classesof signal detection,reaction time, and visual explanation for practice-related improve- I95 BENJAMIN L' SOMBERG TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND mentinsimpletaskswereoutlined.Herew e a n d t hi1d99d' u s p e r fthe e c t tsubiective r a n s f e r mexperience ighthavebeen ;,;"* i"'utt' task is of considerthe relevanc";?;;";;"t sum.- of"u lutg"t in the sisnal-ditection of the to each classof explanation,and al-so pattern the moving."but r"*"tffig ':* "".1:"":_:ro, "u"t In marizesomeof tr," ot^rrlr""ui[n"" ""bjgctis-never clearly denned. ;;;; betposition. been have ::. i"iiirni,,t111"^ryre, it might rather The first categoryof possiblemechanisms ter to have varied the rate of motion tr,e in ;h;;ge during attributed i,,'prou"."ni;;; dots of arrangement ;;";1h" spatial type of information #i";p;:*t* I.t,l"; qualitativetransfer sessions' the "'iil"-Gificant something that spectiveanalysls ,ugg"Jtr' Stimulus ChangeX Set i"t[ like this occursin ,tl"rign"i-J",""r-o" with reaction time in the Si;^L;;""ti* because subjects ,"p"o.T"i'riu,-il; _n:q-ii task indicates that the -memory memory-scanning learn what to look f"'j" 't'" Ai'ni"V' 111tt9* n"* rti.uri in scanning had a ""J-"i"ra i"r* with reports are to b" b"#;;; of gt""t"i-tf""t with largei set sizes-than of tvpe that improvemento".u., in part b.""uur" the in shift distinction. ildl ;;;t;Lr- Sin"t-u a more precise rig";;-;;;J; would be expectedto had informationprocessed Early in practicethe subjictsapparently for stimuli preceded result same the fr-oIi ;;;t;" diffiiultydistinguishing signatetbments as for those preitem memory-set by one "f"t background noir" "r'Jill,i*:'#';;i; "ia"J uv two,.three, or four memory-set i"tti some nonthey were able to p"*#;ih"'ngr." Aoit G,,'t, thit finding suggeststhat involved form of a consistentl'*""f"g gt[up of probablv w-a=s ;;a;;;;;"hanisir in the werethey ableto i*p';;;h;i.ilrror-un"". presented were ;#;""; *]l:tt The principal manipu^lationdesigned.t"o investigateapossible,.t, interpretation)' A was also eviformation t"ing pro-""r.". *". in6'gualila- il-i;;.an,alteinative effect tri?nt ttitulus-change unfamiliir "onaitiiilin**r,i"t transfer tive sizes'however'and in prai- deit with one-itemiet normal stimuli werepresentedat two points coding systemsdevelopedfor the tice. The reasoningwas that if performance J'i,,,ti might be r"sponiible' The interaction improvemen, *u, du? ;;;fu;lrr-rp^""iii only with the eror nei wittr pract-icewas evident mechanisms,then the introduction direction was as in p"t- toi-tut" variable' but the late in pracstimuli should lead to a decrement effect a"u"r- pr"drci"a, *ith a greater formance. For example, if subjectg. than earlv' ---intioaucing ior'coaing ttre tice ;;;-;-tGi"ri,"a'^t'vtilm new stimuli in the visual-dissysternii this. siimuli, one would not expect oroduceda larger reduction tisk unfamiliar stimuli werl' "tit"i;;iion 'untu:ttt: on Session be beneficialif new, in-"""utu"v on Session37 than howqualified employed' somewhat' is ^ -.":-:-", ii.-!il;;a*e exhibThe amount or transfer to qualitatively subjects young th" onlv tasts. rr"nr'- ever,because (see different stimuli "";i;J;;;";, Table 2)' The greater ited sucha trend signal-detectiJn the in is nevertheless fer was near perfect practice it"p"ii*""1 later in tTl;: contrary to lntask, it resultedin slight progressive suggests' it important in that ani'it with a task ment in the memory-scanningtask, eip-erience more that a.laiger l-uiiion' but early impaiiment generalizsmall a to and led t"auced flexibilitv I tne vlsuar-ur!erru''4-'-'- i""[t-h structure impairmenttut" ;il;;iruui-dir"rirnin^ti;n formal the since uUifitv.M-oreover, only the and task. same' the in oi tt " tutt remained changed was The absenceof a performancechange arrays tli*utut tle of ;;,*" t5ii" the signal-detectioi i"rt -"V U-"au" ffrle 2a to Figure2b' or vice peculiarnaturerli"rii-rf.i,rchange.inthiG;a.iln a stimulus'uui u".ru), it can be inferredihat of the dve configuration iask. The spatial dotscompriringt#r'igili-*i.'uil"r"o, thetarget*u, ,tiri';"i;;a'r" i**r "f u'"oisistentlymovingg;;;;;-fd",.uguin*.u,ixnrr- 'p*i"rilii domly varving bffi;;;;'" i;rk _ffift;bd'f"r',hh targetdetectors *;;iti probab^ly the relevantdimensionwas ratherthan the static spatialconfigurffi; experispecificpt""" developedthroughchange' stimulus the bv disrupted ;;; *uJ cannotbe defiiit" "",tt"^"flnut process but it mav be time' at this ;ilil;'tfl"d discrimfigure-ground, a irvpJ,nrrir"athat beconcould targets The involved' i'iutionis complex a in * figur"t embedded ;;; background,and learnin from ground could plal lmprovementachievedr this task. A numberof other rcs transferprocedures in vis ory-scanningtasks simi ones,although in no cas manipulationexamined level of practice. Ross ( (1971)shiftedthe casc( lowercase)of the chara set after a period of pra ported some impairmc traineditems.Neitherstr trol conditionin which co servedas set members.r nitude of the transfer ca The apparentimplicatio the practice-relatedimpn partially attributablero tive to the physicalform In striking contrastto boi studies,Kristofferso (1979) reportedthat rn perfect to new sets of t thoseitemshad not previo ativeor distractoritems,r ming,and Vyas(1979)fo fer whenonly the negativ One characteristic thar n for this discrepancyis rh negativeor distractor r transfer in the Kristoffcn perimentsand the samc I Rabbitt et al. experimen were relatively small ( iitems),it is possiblethar diatedon the basisof eirlx ative-s€tmembership. Thi supportedin the findingrh ncre simultaneously intrc rtiveand negativesctsin t rmcntand in the Maddcnr crpcriment,a substantia, iormanceoccurred. Another sourceof cvid rn thc t\pe of informatio $xn6 from an experimcn inn andSchneider (1977. :!rs srudl. groupsof items ptrrcd together.although srrtrre sct and sometirn SKILLED PERFORMANCE background,and learningto extract figures from ground could play a major role in the improvementachievedwith experienceon this task. A numberof other researchers haveused transferprocedures in visual-search or memory-scanningtasks similar to the present ones,although in no casewas the transfer manipulation examined at more than one level of practice. Ross (1970) and Graboi (1971) shiftedthe case(from uppercase to lowercase)of the charactersin the search set after a period of practice, and both rcported some impairment relative to the traineditems.Neither study includeda control conditionin which completelynewitems servedas set members,and thus the magnitude of the transfer cannot be evaluated. The apparentimplication, however,is that the practice-relatedimprovementis at least partially attributable to mechanismssensitive to the physicalform of the stimulus. In striking contrastto the Rossand Graboi studies,Kristofferson(1977) and Prinz (1979) reported that transfer was nearly perfect to new sets of target items when thoseitemshad not previouslyservedasnegativeor distractoritems,and Rabbitt, Cumming,and Vyas (1979)found perfecttransflerwhen only the negativeset was changed. One characteristicthat may be responsible for this discrepancyis the use of the same negativeor distractor set in training and transfer in the Kristoffersonand Prinz experimentsand the same positiveset in the Rabbitt et al. experiment.Becausethe sets were relatively small (i.e., either 4 or 8 items), it is possiblethat transfer was mediatedon the basisof either positive-or negative-setmembership.This interpretationis supportedin the findingthat whennewitems weresimultaneously introducedin both positive and negativesetsin the presentexperimentand in the Maddenand Nebes(1980) experiment,a substantialdecrementin performanceoccurred. Another sourceof evidencefor a change in the type of information being processed comesfrom an experimentreportedby Shiffrin and Schneider(1977,Experiment3). In this study,groupsof itemswere consistently pairedtogether,althoughsometimesas the positiveset and sometimesas the negative t96 set. Performancewith two or four items within the same group eventually became indistinguishable,suggestingthat a single categoricalrepresentationwas being used late in practice. Salthouse(1977) reached a similar conclusionwith different material (nonsense dot patterns),althoughmuch less practicewasrequiredto establishthe generic or categoricalrepresentationin this case. Under the interpretationthat a singlecategorical representationmay have been establishedafter practice,the reductionin the slope of the set-size-reaction-time function might be attributed to a shift in the mixture of processingmodes from examination of separateitem representationsto examination of a single categoricalrepresentation. Introducingnew stimuli might eliminatethe effectiveness of the categoricalrepresentation and causeprocessing to revertto specific examination of each item representation, thus accountingfor the significantStimulus ChangeX Set Size interaction. The evidencein support of practice-related improvementarising from a changein the type of informationbeingprocessed may be summarizedas follows. First. it is consistent with introspectivereports from the signal-detectionand visual-discrimination tasks.Second,introducingnew stimuli disruptedperformancein the memory-scanning and visual-discriminationtasks, and the amount of disruption was greater late in practicethan early. Third, the slopeof the set-size-reaction-time functionreducedwith practice as would be expectedif subjects were shifting to the useof a singlecategorical representationfrom multiple-item representations. A secondclassof explanationfor practicerelatedimprovementmaintainsthat a change in the identity or sequenceof someprocessing operationsmay be contributing to increasedperformance.There is no suggestion of a fundamentalchangein the manner in which the task is performedat different levels of practice in the signal-detectiontask, as the only availableindex of such a shift, the response criterion usedin making signal decisions,did not exhibit practice-related differences.The visual-discriminationtask also providesno indicationof a shift in the way the task is performed with different t9'l L' SOMBERG TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN At all stagesof pracamountsof experience. tice, accuracyis poorerwhen thJtwo arrays are presentedsimultaneorrrty,.uttt"r than po"r* *tr* successively,uno u""iffi"iJ targets contain arrays simultaneous both alsobeenreportedbv shiffrin and Schneider (1nl ' Experimenti t and 2) and Logan transfer itglS',Experiment l)' In eachcase' performance a in resulted stimuli io familiai it"p"itt"""t when the new assignmentof con- 'dnl',i:o";:n"il:ffiij:i"f:"liT#,tx? ofthearrays th";;h"; oneorneithei '"'+i3 j,lir?"rl;" withsetsize,suggesting increased airr"ptio'n with the memory-scanning linkage process sl'opeof thi that ihe stimulus-response task is more compli;;.-il; function decreased wasmodifiedwithpractice' set-size-reaction-time So-" investigators(e'g'' Neisser' 196'l) than with practice,but it;"r';l*";;greater zero,andtherelationshipbetween.fuctionshaveinterpretedthepractice-relal:9^1"9,'* slopeof the set-size-reactron-trme ;nO n"gutiu"iiials remainedcon- tion in the i;; ;";il" a reflectionof a shift from serial as i;;li"; stant across sesslons.A serial, exhaustive is only one inio havebeen io parallel processing'This searchprocesstherefore-seems however' change' slope the of teriretationemployedat all stagesLf practice. a invoke might interpretations other on the other hand,introducingnew stim- and representashift from multiple to unitary uli led to an increasein the slopeof the setiions (explainedpreviously)or an increase be may ""iittit il;tit", size-reaction-time ln- in the reiourcesavailablefor item compara reflectionof a changein the processes ison (see the-following)' For these reasons volved in connectingstimuli to responses. the siope.reductionswith practice cannot t"1" "ti""a"i, Not only did newrtifriii;;; n"""ttutity be considereddefinitiveevidence but they alsohad to f" "onn""ted to ttre api " rrririin the-modeof processingwithin propriate responses.rr pr"gti"g'a i"t ltt" tuttt, althoughthey are certainly consischangein the manner-ii wtrich stimuli ar! -- with that interpretation. the tent *ith ."rpJ.,.;;, ih;;;;rsing associated if spatially parailel processingis develarsignm"ni customary stimulus-response^ the op"a iittt piuiti"", one would .expect. shouldresultin substantialp".for-un"" i-siand ainerence between the successive pairment. However,sincethe same stimuli visual-discrimthe .uttun"out conditionsin are involved,any performun"""hung" "ould i""ii"" i"tt to be reduced or eliminated' stimului of not be attributed to disruption This did not occur; performancewith sucencodingper se.fn" ,"."it', of the stimululcessivearray.swas consistentlybetter than reversalmanipulation-."u""r"d that changitt"l *iitt simultaneousarrays' Neisser's ing the assignmentof stimuli to responsEs parallel iiSLZl distinctionbetweenspatially impairedp"rforman"-",unJ tn"t tt " "horrii may be processes parallel )"a "p*"1i"nally of impairment was greater,latein practi;; the only that imporiunthere,is he suggested than early in practicJ.Furthermor",."u".J experience' with latter are d::l:l"d interactedwith set size,causinggreatereif e c t s w i t h l a r g e r s e t s i z e s . A p o s s i b l e . i m p l i Tino support.of s u m m a r i z e , t h e m a j o rimprovepositiveevii-rtli pi""ti"" i"a dence 9t3:ti::-Tt:ied cation of thesefr"dil;;; the -"J U"ind utt.ibulubl" to a changein to a short-circuitingof someof th" pro""rrli operations processing of identity or sequence involved in selecting the appropriate reth" t"u"ttu1 manipulationin the "o-"tho. iie sponsefor a given.-r?i-,rtur,'und^*tren greater task' Progressively memory-scanning customary urro"rutiln--oi- rii-rri and repractice in later Iititptlon of peiformance sponses*u. ,"u"rr"J'in"- "rig*"i ""i" """*'J uv reassigningresponsesto stimuli Soiri ur"a. sequenceof proc"sr-i i;6i" was al-io .G"in"t tn"t theionnection process nesativetransferis apparentlyutro inuotu"al of the slopes Shallower practice' with teied sin-cereversing famitiar stimuli .""*, conalso are function set-size-reaction-time have had a larger disruptingeffectthan in-to serial from shift ;iri;;i,with,a, possible troducing comptetelynew stimuli tcr. Eigu r e s g a n d l 0 ) . p a r y l l e l p' r o c third e s maio-r s t n class g ' of explanationfor itt" the stimu-i"u"rr"a Resultssimilar to thesewhen postulateda nuJ" pru"ii""-r"tuted improvement lus-responseurrign"*ini-i, reduction in the procc quired for the task wirh experience. One means I pretation was investigatc ject involved the quanti ditions in which the dur stimulus was reduced b, processing resources incr then the same activitv sl in less time or with liss tice than early in practi one would expect a bric in the signal-detection a nation tasks to caus€ m in practice (Session8) th (Session34). A similar a the size reduction in thc task. The extra resourcc pensate for the smaller s more available late in pr The results of the stim nipulation were surprisin perlormancewas impairc amount of impairment r level of practice. The Ro interaction was not signi thus suggestingthat 26 s did not change the subjo with the more demanding A second manipulatio the processing-resources volved the presentationof reaction-timetask at threr The instructionsand prc subjects to treat the vocal as secondary, and to atl their maximum level of p primary (Space Trek) ms completely successful: st reductionswere evident ir tion and memory-scannin these effects were apparcn levelsof practice,as nonc r 'r as significant. The results of the conc tron-time task were consi duced processing require :ron. Reaction time was lnman' task was perfon end the amount of incrcas r rrh more experience.Onc o: rhese results is that altt rcnr-rask effect (i.e.. cor SKILLED PERFORMANCE 198 reduction in the processingresourcesre- time minus control reactiOntime at a siven quired for the task with greateramountsof level.ofpractice)became smallerwith iracexperience.One meansby which this inter- tice (from 160to 102msec),it was stilfsubpretationwasinvestigatedin the currentpro- stantial after over 40 sessions of practice. ject involvedthe quantitativetransfer ion- Furthermore, every subject exhibiled this ditions in which the duration or size of the phenomenon,as the concurrent-task effects stimulus was reducedby 50Vo.If available on Session45 rangedfrom 63 to 195 msec processingresourcesincreasewith practice, acrosssubjects. In view of the negatively then the sameactivity shouldbe pelformed acceleratingfunction relating practice to in lesstime or with lesseffort later in prac- amount of reaction-timeincrease(between tice than early in practice.In other wbrds, Sessions 5 and25 the effectreduced43 msec, one would expect a briefer target duration but betweenSessions25 and,45 it onlv rein the signal-detectionand visual-discrimi- duced 15 msec), one might speculate that nation tasks to causemore difficultv earlv many hundredsof sessions would be necesin practice(Session8) than later in practic! sary to eliminatethe effect completely. (Session34). A similar argumentappliesto Another sourceof data relevantto the rethe size reduction in the memory-Jcannino sourcechangeinterpretationis available in task. The extra resour""r ."qui-rJO;-;;: the set-sizecomparisonsin the memorypensatefor the smallersize are presumably scanningtask.If it is assumed that eachadmore availablelate in practicethan early. ditional item in the memory set requiresatThe resultsof the stimulusreductionma- tentionalcapacityor resources, and that the nipulation were surprisingin that although amount of these resourcesincreases with performancewas impaired in eachtask, tle practice,one would expect the slopeof the amount of impairment did not vary with set-size-reaction-time functions to become level of practice.The ReductionX piactice flatter with increasedpractice. In the liminteractionwas not significantin any task, iting caseofcapacityequalto or greater than thus suggestingthat 26 sessions of piactice demands,the slope should equal zero. As did not changethe subjects'ability to cope indicatedin Figures 6 and 7, the slopes of with the more demandingreducedstimulus. the set-size-reaction-time function do deA secondmanipulationusedto.examine creasewith experience,but they are still the processing-resources interpretation in- about 30 msec/item ( l5 msec/item for set volvedthe presentationof a concurrentvocal sizesof 2 to 4l on Sessions 42-45. reaction-timetask at threepointsin practice. A final set of dhta relevant to the proThe.instructionsand proceduresencouraged cessing-resources interpretationof practicesubjectsto treat the vocalreaction-timetisk relatedimprovementis availablein the sucas secondary,and to attempt to maintain cessive-simultaneous comparisonsfrom the their maximum level of performanceon the visual-discrimination task. If there are trulv primary (SpaceTrek) tasks.They were not more attentionalresourcesavailable late in completely successful;slight performance practice,one might expectperformance acreductionswere evidentin the signal-detec- curacy in the stimultaneous-array condition tion and memory-scanning tasks.However, to becomemore similar to that in the suctheseeffectswereapparentlythe sameat all cessivearray conditionsas more attentional levelsof practice,as noneof the interactions capacitybecomesavailable.This did not ocwas significant. cur, as evidencedby the lack of an interThe resultsof the concurrentvocal reac- actionbetweenattentionconditionand praction-time task were consistentwith the re- tice. duced processingrequirementsinterpretaSeveral other researchershave investition. Reaction time was greater when the gated changesin available resourceswith primary task was performed concurrently, experienceon a task, but with greatly varyand the amountof increasebecamesmaller ing methods.Shiffrin and Schneider(1977, with moreexperience. One interestingaspect Experiment I ) reducedstimulus durations of theseresultsis that althoughthe concur- from 200 to 120 msec after 1,500trials of rent-task effect (i.e., concurrent reaction practice and reported sizable performance 199 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG impairments,similar to those found here. other finding is consistentwith the current The stimulusreductiononly occurredonce, resultthat the magnitudeof the concurrentand thus possiblechangesin susceptibility task effect diminisheswith practice. The evidencewith respectto the reduced with practiceon the originalconditionscould interpretation of pracgenattention-demands did subjects not be examined,although is somewhatmixed. practice improvement tice-related massed further with improve erally The reducedinterferencein the concurrent under thesereducedconditions. sessions Schneiderand Shiffrin (1977:.Shiffrin & task is clearly consistentwith this view, and Schneider,1977) also reported severalex- is not easily explainableby other interpreperiments,and discussedmany others, in tations. On the other hand, the shallower function which the slopesof the set-size-reaction- slopeof the set-size-reaction-time time (or detection-accuracy)functions be- is explainableby other mechanisms,and came very shallowwith practice.As noted practice did not lead to smaller effects of earlier, this finding has many interpreta- reducedstimulussizeor duration,or to elimdiftions,but Shiffrin and Schneiderarguedthat ination of the successive-simultaneous task. it signifiesthe operationof automatic, re- ferencein the visual-discrimination Takentogether,the current findingsalong processes. source-independent with the other results previouslyreviewed numthe manipulated Theseauthorsalso ber of elementsper display (frame size in indicate that an answerto the questionof their terminology), and found that with what is responsiblefor improvementwith practice,performancebecamelargely inde- practicein simple skills must take into acpendentof the number of display elements. countat leastthreesourcesof change.There Shiffrin (1975) earliersummarizedthe re- is evidenceof changesin the type of stimulus sults of a number of experimentsin which information being used,the identity or sediscriminationperformancewas the samein quenceof processingoperations,and in the successiveand simultaneouspresentations. amountof processingresourcesrequired.In Thesefindings are quite different from the the followingparagraphswe briefly describe results,in which a compositemodelof skill improvementthat presentvisual-discrimination possible target loca- incorporateseachof thesemechanisms,and performancewith 32 remained discusshow it can accountfor the current (simultaneous condition) tions consistentlybelowthat with l6 possibletar- results. The modelis illustratedin Figure 15. Inicondition).Stimuli get locations(successive (top panel) it is assumedthat protially in the currentstudycontainedmoreelements (i.e.,had larger frame sizes),and werephys- cessingbetweenphysicalstimulusand overt ically larger than those used in the earlier responseoccurs in a sequenceof concepstudies,but it is not clear whether,or why, tually independentprocessingstages,each for a differenttype of processing thesevariablesmight be responsiblefor the responsible (Salthouse, l98l; Sternberg,1969, 1975)' different results. Logan (1978, 1979) used a concurrent- All stagesare presumedto requireattention task procedurein which subjectsperformed (Logan, 1978) and occupytime, although both a memory task and a reaction-time the durationsof the variousstagesmay overtask. The influenceof the memory task on lap (Eriksen & Schultz, 1979;McClelland, reaction-timeperformancewas significantly 19'19).It is also assumedthat the encoded smallerwith practicein two relevantexper- stimulus early in practice contains a relaiments(1978,Experimentl; 1979,Experi- tively large number of stimulus compoment I ), and slopesof the set-size-reaction- nents-many that are relevantbut alsomany time functions in control and concurrent that are irrelevant. It is assumedthat after moderatepractice conditionsbecamemore similar' There was with the sameassignmentof stimuli to reno significantchangein the slope measure (bottom panel),the irrelevantstimsponses present experin the with a concurrenttask iment, perhapsbecausethe subjectshad al- ulus componentsare ignored and perhaps of practicebe- more usefulcomponentsadded,that the enready receivedfour sessions but Logan's codedrepresentationbecomesdirectly confore the first concurrentsession, ," [D']t' E.codrnq f" .-. ' *,"-l Lc,' _l I i : tmC- Figure 15. Model for improrcrnr panel indicates performancc scq and bottom panel indicatcs scqr jects. C', C2, etc., are comp(n presentedstimulus, S, is thc cm memory representation of thc r decision category, and R, is rhc of the response.) nectedto a decisioncatcg some processingoperat practice),and that thc cl mandingof attentionaln In the caseof the pres and visual-discriminat sumedthat most of thc i tributableto a changeir encodedinformation. In subjectshavedifficulty k vant stimulus compone tion and extra line, respa ence of similar but irrc elements(random motio mond or X/* arrays, n later sessionsthe enco readily. However, at lc: stimulusencodingappea dependent, sincereducin SKILLED PERFORMANCE d It d i- rr n d rf c d )f n )'e IS :n )e It d 1t i)rt 2)h rg ). )n lh rd, :d aly ce enps nn- 200 stimulushad approximatelythe sameeffect early, when resourceswere scarce,as late, when processingresourceswere plentiful. It seemslikely that this is a consequence of the reduceddurationsfalling in the data-limited rather than resource-limited segmentsof the performance-resource functions (Norman & Bobrow,1975).We suspectthat thereare probably also changesin the sequenceof processingoperations,and possibly in the attentiondemandsof encoding,but we have no evidencefor this in thesetasksat the present time. Improvementin the memory-scanning task is assumedto resultfrom changesin all three major mechanisms.Stimulus encodingbecomesmore efficientby using only the minimal number of componentsrelevant for stimulusidentification,and perhapsby shifting from establishinga representation of the specificstimulusto activatingthe appropriate decisioncategory.Becausethe product of the encodingprocessis assumedto becomemore directly connectedto the appropriate response, there is alsoa changein the sequenceand identity of processingstages. Figure I 5. Model for improvement of simple skills. (Top We suggestthat the changeis more like a panel indicates performance sequencefor naive subjects, bypassing of certain operations,(e.g., deand bottom panel indicates sequencefor practiced subjects. C', C:, etc., are components or features of the tailed comparisonand decision)rather than presentedstimulus, S; is the encoded stimulus, Mi is the parallel processing,but we know of no evimemory representation of the stimulus, positive is the dence yet availableto distinguishbetween decision category, and Ri is the internal representation thesealternatives.The attentionalresources of the response.) neededfor the task decreaseas variousoperations are eliminated and the encoding nectedto a decisioncategory(thus bypassing processbecomesmore automatic,although some processingoperationsused early in it is likely that some components,such as practice),and that the entire task is lessde- the processof initiating a response, continue to requireattentionthroughoutat leastmodmandingof attentionalresources. In the caseof the presentsignal-detection erate levelsof experience. and visual-discriminationtasks it is preThe current experimentalfindingsare exsumedthat most of the improvementis at- plained as follows. First, the reducedslope tributable to a changein the nature of the of the set-size-reaction-time function with encodedinformation. In the early sessions practice is assumedto result from the desubjectshave difficulty identifying the rele- velopmentof expandedencoding(from item vant stimulus components(consistentmo- representation to categoricalor decisionaction and extra line, respectively)in the pres- tivation),and from the bypassingof the comence of similar but irrelevant background parisonand decisionstages.Very fast posielements(random motion and square/dia- tive responseswith one-item set sizes are mond or Xf 'l arrays,respectively),but in producedbecauseof a temporaryactivation later sessionsthe encoding occurs quite of the encodingsequencefor the just prereadily. However, at least some aspect of senteditem. The fact that the slopesare stimulusencodingappearsto be resourcein- greater than zero could be accountedfor dependent, sincereducingthe durationofthe eitherby a mixture of processing modeswith llt "-"="'""'] f**'"] 201 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG Despiteits speculative character and without the comparisonstage,or by a processing? we suggestthat the mixture of trials with and without the acti and incompleteness, modelillustratedin Figure 15 is a reasonable vatedencodingsequence. Followingthe argumentpresentedearlier, reflection of what is currently known about the constantperformanceimpairment early the nature of improvementin simple skills. a conandlate in practicewith a reductionof probe In that respect,therefore,it represents stimulus size suggeststhat some aspectof temporary answerto the questionof what the encodingprocessmay be resourcein- improvesin simpleperceptualand cognitive dependentand data limited. Introductionof tasks. new stimuli forcesone to engagein the slow serial comparisonprocess,althoughthere is Adult Age Dffirences in Improvement probablysomebenefitof prior experiencein Before consideringthe issue of age difthe selectivityof encodingand in the connection of decision category to response. ferencesin the rate or type of improvement, Reversingthe assignmentof stimuli to re- it is important to establishthat the current sponsesadds the negative interferenceof samplesof long-termsubjectsare adequately previouslyacquired"automatic" encodings representativeof their respectivepopulaand thus resultsin poorerperformancethan tions. The data in Table I and Figure 3 completelynew stimuli. As long as someof clearly demonstratethat this is the case; the familiar stimuli are retained in their nearly all sample differences are much we would ex- smaller than the correspondingage differoriginal responseassignments, pect the automaticencodingto be usedand ences.It shouldbe noted,however,that the to producebettertransferthan that obtained experimentalpopulationsin both agegroups with all new stimuli (cf. Kristofferson,1977; are considerablyaboveaveragefor the psychometricmeasures.For example,convertPrinz, 1979:Rabbitt et al., 1979). This model is offeredonly as a tentative ing the raw scoreson the Digit Symbol and meansof identifyingthe major mechanisms Vocabularyteststo WAIS scaledscoresrethat seemto be involvedin the improvements vealsthat the young subjects'mean scores found in very simpletasks.In many respects rangedfrom l3 to 16,whereasthe older subthe presentmodel is a compositeof views jects' mean scoresranged from 16 to 17. by other theorists(e.g., LaBerge, Thesescaledscoreshavea meanof 10.0and expressed 1973,1975; Logan,1979;Prinz, 1977,1979; a standarddeviationof 3.0 in the general Rabbitt et al., 1979:Schneider& Shiffrin, population,and thus the presentsubjectsare The cur- clearly in the upper rangeof the population 1977;Shiffrin & Schneider,1977). rent formulationdiffers from any one of the with respectto psychometricmeasuresof earlier perspectives,however,in explicitly intelligence. The remainderof this sectioncan be oracknowledgingthe existenceof severalconceptually independent mechanisms,each ganizedin terms of three basicconclusions: contributing to practice-relatedimprove- (a) that improvementin performanceis evment on a variety of simple tasks. Major ident in both agegroupsand is perhapseven issuesconcerningthe relative contribution greaterin older subjectsthan in young suband time courseof each mechanismin spe- jects; (b) that sizable age differencesstill cific tasksneedto be resolved.Thereare also remain despiteconsiderableimprovements; detailedquestionsconcerningthe postulated and (c) that there is little evidencethat the mechanismsthat cannot yet be answered. way subjectsperformor improvein the tasks For example,exactly what is the nature of differs betweenyoung and old subjects. Figures 4, 5, and 12 indicate that subthe final (asymptotic)encodingin eachtask? increasesin performanceoccurred stantial Is that encodingunaffectedby the context in which the stimulus appears?What op- in eachtask. Moreover,Age X Practiceinerationsare ignoredor bypassedafter prac- teractionswere significantin the signal-detasks,indicattice? How doesan operationbecomeinde- tectionand memory-scanning in the improvement greater absolute ing what the pendentof attention?Exactly are differencesbetweenautomaticand attentive older subjects.The interaction may be ar- tifactual in the signaldc a measurementceiling u improvementin the ;-ou trend in the memory-sc data seemsunequivoca measure,the first few ses eral hundred trials) por picture of the magnitud encesevidentat later st It is interestingto not ments were equally ret groups over a period of interval causeda sligh radation with the signa possiblyan increasein n action time, but no ag significantwith any dep Taken together,thes cate that the acquisit simple perceptualand r long periodsis not impa age. Older subjectsap least as much as young retain what they have k interval just as well. The presentresults a with respectto the poss practicemight lead to tt differencesin performa siveimprovementsin th differencosremain in nc performance. One might questio groupsof subjectsmain motivation acrossall s some individual differe of enthusiasmexhibitcd thesedid not seemcorrc Moreover, all subject soundsof joy or frustr in the temporalpredict task, suggestingthat hr persistedat least in thir An experimentalcho that the older subjects to perform at their ol memory-scanningtask Session48 with the offc tivesto reducereaction wereableto reducethci than young subjects(5 increasingtheir error ra SKILLED PERFORMANCE tifactual in the signal-detection task because a measurementceiling was limiting further improvementin the young subjects,but the trend in the memory-scanning reaction-time data seemsunequivocal.At least with this measure,the first few sessions (involvingseveral hundred trials) portray an unrealistic picture of the magnitudeof the age differencesevidentat later stagesof practice. It is interestingto note that the improvements were equally retained by both age groupsover a period of I mo. The inactive interval causeda slight performancedegradation with the signal-detectiontask and possiblyan increasein memory-scanning reaction time, but no age interactionswere significantwith any dependentmeasures. Taken together,these two findings indicate that the acquisitionand retention of simple perceptualand cognitive skills over long periodsis not impaired with increased age. Older subjectsappear to improve at least as much as young subjects,and they retain what they have learnedover a l-mo. intervaljust as well. The presentresults are lessencouraging with respectto the possibilitythat extensive practicemight lead to the eliminationof age differencesin performance.Despiteimpressiveimprovementsin the older subjects,age differencosremain in nearly all measuresof performance. One might question whether the two groupsof subjectsmaintainedtheir levelsof motivation acrossall sessions.There were some individual differencesin the amount of enthusiasmexhibitedlate in practice,but thesedid not seemcorrelatedwith adult age. Moreover, all subjects continued to emit soundsof joy or frustration when engaged in the temporalprediction(photontorpedo) task, suggestingthat high levelsof interest persistedat least in this task. An experimentalcheckon the possibility that the older subjectswere lessmotivated to perform at their optimum level in the memory-scanningtask was carried out on Session48 with the offer of monetaryincentivesto reducereactiontime. Older subjects wereable to reducetheir reactiontimes more than young subjects(55 vs. 31 msec)while increasingtheir error rate by aboutthe same 202 amount (57o vs. 67o). This result, in conjunction with the patternof highermemoryscanningaccuracy throughout the experiment (seeFigure 5), suggeststhat the older subjectswere operatingwith a greater relative emphasison accuracythan were the young subjects.The magnitudeof the age differencesin reaction time are therefore probablyslightly exaggerated, but it is very unlikely that the accuracydifferencecould be responsible for more than about 25 msec of the total 135-msecreaction-timedifferencesbetweenyoung and old subjects. . The evidenceconcerningpossibleage differencesin the mechanismsusedto perform or improvein the tasksis somewhatdifficult to evaluatebecauseof differencesin the absolutelevelsof performance.There were no significantage interactionsin the signal-detectiontask. and thus there is no indication of differentapproaches to this task. Only an interaction of Age X Stimulus ChangeX Practice was significant in the visual-discrimination task. This might reflect the inability of the older subjectsto developthe special stimulus encoding that apparently contributedto the superiorperformanceof the young subjects,or it might be that the older subjectswere so closeto a floor level in their performance that the stimuluschangeeffect could not be detected. Severalage interactionswere significant in the memory-scanningtask, Age X Set Size,Age X SizeReduction,and Age X Reversal),but thesemay simply reflect a tendencyfor all effectsto be more pronounced in the older subjects.The two age groups appearedquite similar with respectto the serial,exhaustivenature of the searchprocess,and the qualitativesusceptibilityto various manipulations. The Age X Set SizeX Practiceinteraction was also significant, indicating that the slopesof the set-size-reaction-time functions becamemore similar with practice.Indeed, on Sessions42-45 the slopesfor set sizesof 2 to 4 were nearly identical for the two groups. Dependingupon one's interpretation of the set-sizeeffect,this result could indicate that older subjects(a) developcategorical (b) switch from serial to representations, 203 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND BENJAMIN L. SOMBERG parallel processing,or (c) increase the amount of residual resourcesto a greater absoluteextent than young subjects.Whatever the mechanism,the current data suggestthat the two age groupsbecomealmost equally efficient at its use late in practice, despitepronounceddifferencesin mostother performancemeasures. A sizableagedifferencewasevidentin the changewith practiceof the concurrentvocal reaction-timeincrease,but this finding is alsorather complicated.At face value,Figure l3 appearsto suggestthat older subjects reducetheir secondary-taskreaction times more, and by implicationhave a greaterincreasein the amount of their residualprocessingresourcesfrom the primary task, than do young subjects.However,the slow reactiontimes of the young subjectsrelative to the old subjects,and the striking individual differencesevidentin Figure 14, suggest that one or more artifacts may be operating in this task. The voice-activatedrelay may be triggeredat slightly different times after the initiation of vocalizationin someof the young subjects,or the attitude toward the task may be different acrosssubjectsin the young group. In any case,thesecharacteristics should make one cautious about attaching too much importanceto the quantitative age differences,or lack thereof, observedin Figure 13. Practicewith a primary task may lead to a greaterincreasein residualprocessing capacityin oldersubjects than in young subjects,but the presentresultsshouldnot yet be consideredstrongevidencefor this hypothesis. We suggestthat our results,and most results on age differencesin perceptual-cognitive performance,can be explainedby assuming that older adults go through essentiallythe same processingoperations as youngadults,but merelyat a slowerrate. Relativeto young subjects,older subjectsin the currentstudyimprovedasmuch and also retainedthat improvementover a l-mo. interval;there was alsolittle evidenceof qualitative differencesbetweenthe two groups in the way the performanceimprovement was achieved.The same model of performanceimprovementthereforeseemsto apply to both young and old adults. As far as could be determined. the performance of young and old adults was qualitatively very similar, and onll' differed in the absolute levels that were achieved. This indicates that the cause of the age differencesis probably that there is no evidenceof differenr approachesto the task, and that it is unlikcll' to be experientially based, because the differences persist over long periods of expcrience. (The lack of experience could. however. have led to irreversiblechangessuch thar no amount of later experience would compensate for the deficits. This version of thc experiential interpretation cannot be rulcd out by the present results). A fundamenral physiological change in the nervous s!.stem therefore seems to be responsible for these performance differences. It appearsthat the immediate behavioral consequenceof the age-relared physiological change is a slower rate of processing nearly all types of information. It is not yet clear how such a modification in overall processing rate might have occurred. but it is possible that such a change could be relatively independent of the specific mechanisms used to perform or improvc in a task. For example, consider a contrast bctween an old, obsolete, slow computer. and a modern, state-of-the-art, fast computer. The two machines might operatc on the same types of infornration and even use th€ same programs requiring approximatell' the same proportion of central processing capacity, and yet the output would be produced much more quickly on the faster computer than on the slower one. Such a rate-changemechanism in the human organism could therefore lead to dramatic changesin the efficiency of most, and perhaps all, types of information processing. There are two important exceptionsto the pattern of age differences in all performance measuresin the present study. One is the absence of age differences in the vocal reaction-time task (see Figure l3). As mentioned earlier, the unusual distribution of reaction times in the ;-oung sample makes this result suspect. However. there are other reports of little or no age difference with vocal, as opposed to manual. reaction times (e.g., Nebes, 1978: E therefore the use of e lead to real excePtion slowing interPretation this issue must await fr The second excePtlc older subjects Performr curately than Young sut slopeof the set-size-re on Sessions42-45. Par of two through four. preted as signifYing tha cess,by which the Pro ated against the men longer time dePenden To elaborate, considcr earlier in which a slc contrasted with a fast. r types of information P computer should requr equivalent ProcessingI However, if a new Pt a hardware stimulus , duced into both svs times for that Particul longer be exPectedto I systems.In a sense. thr now handled bl the r have become indePen processing rate. Somr this may be resPonsi adult age differenccs processesthat might , to reffect the general d It would be desrra dence for the proccss of age differenccs rat by virtue of eliminatr natives. 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