Copt'right 199J bt The GcftililobRieil J ournal of Geront olo gy : PSYCHO LOG IC AL SCI ENC ES 1 9 9 3 .V o l . 4 8 . N o . 5 . P 2 4 5 P 2 5 5 Sodtn ol Aneriut Influenceof Task-Specific Processing Speed on Age Differencesin Memory Timothy A. Salthouseand Vickv E. Coon School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology. Two studies were conducted to investigate the aspect(s) of processing involved in the hypothesized speed mediation of adult age differences in memory. Both studies involved a serial memory task in which information was to be recalled either in the original order of presentation, or in a reordered sequence. Results from both studies indicated that taskspecificprocessing durations were slower among older adults thon among loung adults, but that the attenuation of the age-related variance in memory was nearly as great after statistical control of a task-independent speed measure as after conlrol of nsk-specffic speed measures. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a substantial proportion of the adult age-related differences in memory is associated with a decrease with increased age in the speed of executing many cognitive processes,and not simply the speedof one or two specific processes. 'JHE goal of the studiesdescribedin this report was to r investigatehow processingspeedcontributesto the relationsbetweenageand memory. The relationsof interest havebeendocumented.andsomeinitial evidencerelevantto this issuehasbeenprovided,with datafrom earlierresearch (Salthouse,1983, in press).The memory tasksin the previous studieswere free recall of two lists of, l2 unrelated nounspresented auditorilyat a rateof -2 seconds/word, and paired associatcrecall <lf six pairs of unrelatednouns also presentedat -2 secondsiword.The speedmeasureswere derived from three paper-and-penciltests of perceptual speed;digit symbol substitution,letter comparison,and patterncomparison.The averageof the z-scoresin the three testsservedasa compositeindex of the speedwith which the individualcould executeelementaryoperations. The results of these earlier studies are summarizedin Table I . Notice that in the first study there was a large attenuationof the age-relatedvariancein the memory measureswhen the varianceassociated with the processingspeed measurewas statisticallycontrolled(i.e., 87o/oattenuation with free recall, from an R' for age of . 162-.O2l , and 857o attenuationwith paired associates,from an R2 for age of .162-.024). An extreme-groupsdesignwas usedin the secondstudy, which resultedin largerage-relatedeffectsthan thosein the first studybecauseof the omissionof the varianceassociated with the intermediateages. [The memory data were not reported in the Salthouse(1993) article, but most of the subjectsfrom the second study in that project performed thesetasksaftercompletingthe tasksreportedin the article.l The speedand memory taskswere identical to those of the first study, but also includedwere measuresof associational fluencythat might be expectedto be importantin the performanceof many memory tasksif effectivenessof elaborative encoding is related to the number of relevant associations that can be producedin a limited time. The measureswere from tasks requiring the generationof as many words as possible,beginningwith one of two stems(pro- and sub-)or ending with one of two terminations(-ay and -ow), and the averageof the z-scoresin the two tasksservedasthe measure fl uency. of associational It is apparentin the bottom panelof Table l that the major findingsof the first studywerereplicated,as therewas9l7o attenuationof the age-relatedvariancein free recall performance and 88o/oattenuationof the age-relatedvariance in paired associatesperformanceafter control of the same compositespeedmeasure.However, it was surprisingthat the attenuationof the age-relatedvariancein memory was smalleraftercontrolof the presumablymore specificfluency measurethan after control of the more generalspeedmeaattenuationwith fiee recall perforsure;that is, only 44.5o/o performanceand 37.l%oattenuationwith pairedassociates mance. Taken together,the resultsof theseearlier studies suggestthat processingspeed,as indexedby variousperceptual comparisontasks, is involved in the mediationof age differencesin memory, and that the speedinfluenceappears to be fairly general,in that it doesnot seemto be restrictedto measurespostulatedto reflect memory-relevantprocesses. The existenceof significant residual age-relatedvariance even when the variation in speedis controlledindicatesthat other factorsalsocontributeto the agedifferencesevidentin thesetasks.Nevertheless,the discoverythat influencesindependentof speedare associatedwith <157o of the total agerelatedvariancefor free recall and pairedassociatemeasures of memory suggeststhat someaspectof speedplays a major role in the relationsbetweenage and memory. The purposeof the currentproject was to conducta more detailed examination of the relation between speed and memory with a simplertask in which it might be possibleto identify the mechanismsresponsiblefor the apparentspeed mediation of age-relateddifferencesin memory. The researchstrategyconsistedof three distinct stepsor phases. The first step was to determine the amount of age-related variancein the criterion measureof memory before and after controlling the variance in an index of processingspeed derivedfrom independenttasks.The goal of theseanalyses P245 P246 SALTHOUSE AND COON Tablel. Regression Results FromPrevious Studies Free Recall Cum. R2 Equation Incr. R2 F fbr [ n c r .R r PairedAssociates Cum. R2 lncr. R2 S a l t h o u s (ei n p r e s s ) - ( N : 3 0 5 . a g e 1 9 - 8 4 , m e a na g e : - 5 1 ) I Age .162 .162 58.67E .t62 .162 2 Speed Age S a l t h o u s (e1 9 9 3 )3 Age .225 .246 .225 .02'l 90.07+ lJ.53i' .211 .238 .214 .024 F fitr' I n c r .R l 58.65* 84.57+ 9.53i. ( N = 7 1 , a g e l 9 2 6 . N - 69. age57 {19) .546 .546 173.25+ .596 .596 212.071' zl Speed Age .51t3 .518 .567 .049 110.92+ 1 6 .| 2 + 5 Fluency Age .297 .600 1 0 6 .l - 5 i ' l0t3.,1tiN' 6 Spced Flucncy Age .51{i .5lU llJ4.43* .-536 .01{t 6.37't' .60 | .06-5 23.32N' .297 .303 .540 .540 l 9 ' 7 . 1 6 + .609 .069 2 5 . 1 7 * .247 .247 93.2I .r. digit stimuli and alphabetical order with letterstimuli). Of particularinterestis the conditionin which reorderingof the stimuli is required becausethe necessityof simultaneous processingand storagesatisfiesthe criterion of a working memory task, and working memory has beenimplicatedas an importantfactor in the age differencesin many cognitive tasks (Salthouse,1990). Becausethe amountof required processingis greater with reordered sequences,the age differencemight be expectedto be larger in that condition relative to recall in the original order if some of the agerelateddeficit is attributableto less efficient processingon the part of older adults(Babcock& Salthouse,1990;Gick, C r a i k , & M o r r i s , 1 9 8 8 ;M o n i s , G i c k , & C r a i k , 1 9 8 8 ; S a l t h o u s e1. 9 9 0 :S t i n e& W i n s f i e l d .1 9 8 7 ) . . 6 2 2 . 3 7 5 1 4 1. 7 3 r , .5.{0 .5,+0 2 0 3 . 3 U i . .541 .003 1.42 .623 .0U0 30.06i C u n r . = c u m u l a t i v eI:n c r . : i n c r e m c n t . , r p< . 0 5 . was to obtain an estimateof the magnitudeof the overall speedinfluenceon the age-memoryrelations,in a manner analogous to that describedabove. The secondstep in the researchstrategyconsistedof identifyingnreasures of task-specific processing speeds,and thenexaminingthe relationsof thesemeasures to the criterion memorymeasure,and determiningthe extentto which theage-related variancein thememorymeasurewasreduced afier controlling the variance in the task-specificspeed measures.The rationalefor these analyseswas that the mechanismsby which speedinfluencedrelationsbetween age and memory might be betterunderstoodby examining thedurationof variouscomponents presumedto be involved in a given memory task. That is, in order lbr processing speedto influenceperfbrmanceit must af'tectquantitativetlr qualitativeaspectsof processing.and informationaboutthe durationof particularprocessingcomponentsmay indicate which aspectsof processingare affected in what manner. Also includedin this phasearecomparisons of the influence of the task-specificprocessingspeedmeasuresbefbre and after controlling the variancein the speedmeasuresderived from independent tasks.Thesecomparisons areexpectedto be informativeaboutthe extentto which the influenceof the task-specificspeedmeasuresis unique, and distinct fiom that associatedwith the speedmeasuresobtainedfrom independenttasks. The third step in the researchstrategyinvolved using the task-specificspeed measuresas the criterion or predicted variable,and age and the speedmeasuresfrom independent tasksas the predictorvariables.Of interestin theseanalyses was the amount of unique age-relatedvariancein the taskspecificprocessingspeedmeasures,as inferredby the residual age-relatedvarianceafter control of the variation in the speedmeasuresderivedfrom independenttasks. Two studiesare reported,both involving a serialmemory task in which (immediate)recall is eitherin the original order of presentation,or in a different order (numericalorder with SI"AV I Individualdigits or letterswere presented at a fixed rate, but subjectswere encouragedto respond(by typing on a keyboard)both rapidly and accurately,and the interval betweeneachsuccessive keystrokein recallwas monitored to obtainmeasures of the durationof task-relevant processing. Becausethe instructionabout the order in which the itemswereto be recalledwasnotpresented until afterthe last item in the sequence,the time requiredto conduct the processingassociatedwith reorderingthe items c<luldbe estimatedfrom the dif'ference in recalltime betweenoriginal and reorderedsequences. A baselineestimateof entry time when therewas no memoryrequirementwas also obtained by monitoringthe time requiredto copy the itemswhenthey were displayedsimultaneously on the screen.In rlrder to obtain measuresof a more generalprocessingspeed,all research participants also perfbrmed two computeradministered versionsof the Dieit SymbolSubstitution Test ( S a l t h o u s e1.9 9 2 ) . METHOD Subjects.- Characteristicsof the 38 young and 38 old adults who participatedin this study are summarizedin Table 2. Procedure. - All subjectsperfbrmed the tasks in the samefixed order:Digit Symbol, Digit Digit, Copy Digits, Copy Letters,Memory Digits, and Memory Letters.Each task was precededby a set of practicetrials, l8 eachin the Digit Symboland Digit Digit tasks,and 6 eachin the other tasks.The setof digit stimuliincludedthedigitsfrom I to 9, andthe letterstimuliconsisted of the first nineconsonanrs in thealphabet.(Vowelswereexcludedto avoidtheoccurence of easilyremembered words.) Measuresof task-independent processingspeedwere obtained fiom computer-administered versions of the Digit Symbol Substitutionand Digit Digit tasks (Salthouse, 1992).Thesetasksconsistedof the presentation of eithera digit anda symbol(Digit Symbol)or two digits(Digit Digit) that the subjectwas to classifyas matchingor not matching accordingto physicalidentity (Digit Digit), or accordingto a codetablepresentedat the top of the display(Digit Symbol). Becauseaccuracyaveraged)94o/a for young and old adults P24l TASK-SPECIFICPROCESSINGSPEED in both tasks(cf. Table 2), the medianresponsetime across 90 trials, l0 repetitionsof eachdigit, servedas the primary performancemeasurein eachtask. All items for a given trial were presentedsimultaneously on the computer screenin the copy tasks, and were to be typed on the keyboard either in the original (left-to-right) order of presentationor in a different order (alphabeticfor letters,numericfor digits). The instructionaboutthe orderof entry(i.e., the word "Original" or the word "Reordered") was displayedsimultaneously,and timing fbr the first keystrokestartedwhen the items were displayed. The items in the Memory tasks were presentedsequentially for I secondeach, with the prior item removed on presentationof eachsuccessiveitem. The task was to recall the itemseitherin the order in which they were presented,or in a different order (alphabeticor numeric sequence).The instruction about the order in which the items were to be recalledwas displayedimmediatelyafter the last item in the sequence,and timing of the keystrokeentry startedat that moment. Each combination of task (copy, memory), stimuli (letters,digits), order (original, reordered),and number of items(3, 5, or 7) was represented by eight trials. The trial typeswere blockedaccordingto task and stimulustype, but the number of items presentedand the order of recall were randomly mixed within blocks. All variablesexcept age were manipulatedwithin subjects. RESULTS ANDDISCUSSIoN Figure I displaysthe percentage ofcorrectly recalledtrials in eachmemorycondition.An Age x Stimuli x Number x Order analysisof variance(ANOVA) was conductedon the data summarizedin the Iigure. All main effects in this a n a l y s i sw e r es i g n i f i c a n(tp < . 0 5 ) :A g e , F ( 1 , 7 4 ) : I l . 1 5 , M S " - 1 6 . 6 2 ;S t i m u l i ,F ( | , 1 4 ) : 2 5 2 . 4 2 ,M S " - 3 . 0 9 ; Number, F(2,148) : 703.05, MS, : 2.62: and Order, F(|,14) : 31.30, MS, : 5.03. Only two interactions involvingage were significant(p < .05): Age x Number, F(2,148) : 8.29, MS, : 2.62: and Age x Number x S t i m u l i ,F ( 2 , 1 4 8 ): 5 . 4 1, M S , : I . 7 8 .I t i s n o t e w o r t htyh a t the Age x Orderinteractionwas not significant,F(1 ,14) : 1 . 8 0 ,M S " : 5 . 0 3 ,p > . 1 5 , i n d i c a t i n gt h a tt h e o v e r a l la g e differenceswere not significantlylargerwhen the processing demands were increasedby requiring that the items be recalled in a different order from that in which they were presented. The significantthree-wayinteractionwas decomposedby conductingAge x Stimuli ANOVAs on the datawith each numberof items.The Stimuluseffectwas significantin each analysis(i.e., Fs > 10.2),but neitherthe Age main effect nor the Ace x Stimulusinteractionwas sisnificantin the T"bl" r. B".kg.""t Srudy2 Study I Young old Young old N 3rJ 38 3ri 38 %,Males 5-5.3 44.1 44.7 44.7 A g e ( r a n g e )2 0 . 2 ( 1 8 - 2 36) 9 . 7 ( 5 t l - 8 0 )2 0 . 1( 1 8 - 2 5 )6 8 . 4 ( 5 5 - 7 8 ) Education (sD) 1 4 . 2( 1. 4 ) l s . 2( 2 . 8 ) 1 3 . 9( 1 . 6 ) l s . O( 2 . 6 ) H e a l t(hS D ) | . 7 ( . 9 , (.8) 1.7 (.U) 1.7 (.7) DigitSymbol Accuracy (sD) 9 5 2 ( 3 . 3 ) 9 4 . 5( 9 . - s ) 9 6 . 2( 2 . 2 ) 9 s . 4( 3 . 2 \ T i m e ( S D )1 . 1 2 6 ( 2 1 5 )l . t t 4 - 5 ( 3 6 3 )I , l 1 1 6 ( 2 2 6 I) . u 9 l ( 4 4 . s ) DigitDigit Accuracy (sD) 9 6 . 6( 2 . 2 ) 9 t t . 4( | . 7 ) 9 1. 4 ( Z . O ) 9 8 . 0( 2 . 7 ) Time(SD/ 523(61) 767(213) 551(tt6) 768(202) Norc. Education ref'ersto number of years of litrmal educationcompleted,and Healthref'ersto sell'-ratingof healthon a 5-point scalewith I : excellentand 5 - poor. Digit Symbol and Digit Digit accuracyvaluesare percentagecorrectresponses,and time valuesare in msec. Letters Digits 100 Youno - Orioinal o o o0 + Youno- Re€rdered -aOld -Odginal o7s Old - Re0rdered (t 75 G L F .* (J 5O 50 o o, (d 5 zs o 25 o (L 5 7 Numberof ltems 5 7 Numberof ltems Figure l. Mean percentage c o r r e c ta c r o s so r i g i n a l a n d r e o r d e r e ds e q u e n c e s f o r 3 , 5 , a n d T i t e m s f o r y o u n g a n d o l d a d u l t s , S t u d yl . P248 SALTHOUSEAND COON databasedon 3 items, and only the main effect of Age was significantwith 5 items,F(l,74) : 8.31, MS. : 5.00. Both the main effectof Age, F( I ,'/4) : 22.56,MS": 3.06, and the Age x Stimuli interaction,F(\,14) : 8.86, MS" : 1.22, weresignificantwith 7-itemsequences. Inspectionof Figure I revealsthat this latter interactionis attributableto a largeragedifferencewith digits thanwith letters,but the low level of performancewith lettersraisesthe possibility that the interactionis an artifactof a measurementfloor with the letter stimuli. A detailedexaminationwas also conductedof processing times obtainedduring the performanceof the task. Very few subjectswere accurateon many trials involving 7 items, and thus the analyseswere restrictedto 5-item sequences.The analyseswere further limited to subjectswith at least one correcttrial in both the original and the reorderedsequence with eachtype of material, in order to ensurecompletedata from eachsubject.This resultedin subsamplesof 29 young adultsand 25 older adults.The agesof the subjectsin the subsamplewere similar to thosein the entire sample(i.e., young 20. I vs 20.2, and old 68.6 vs 69.7), alrhoughboth age groups in the subsamplehad somewhat faster Digit Symbol scoresthanthe total sample.That is, the meanswere 1,079 msec in the subsamplevs 1,126 msec in the total samplefor young adults, and 1,792 msec in the subsample vs 1,845msecin the total samplefor older adults. The meansacrosssubjectsof the mediantime per item in correctmemory trials and correct copy trials for each serial positionaredisplayedin Figure2. SeparateAge x Order x Serial PositionANOVAs conductedon the copy and memory data with digit and letter stimuli revealedthat all main effectsand interactionswere significant(p < .05), exceptfor the Order effect in the Digit Copy condition. The data in Figure 2 indicatethat the first entry is ratherslow, and that the remaining items are enteredquite rapidly except when the items must be reorderedfrom memory, and particularly with letterstimuli. Both young and old adultswere somewhat slowerin the recallof the third item, possiblybecause the items were initially reordered in two-item groups. (Resultsfrom a similar analysisbasedon the datafrom l6 Digits Letters MEMORYTIME MEMORY TIME o I o tr -> (D E tr o o c o oa o IE c .g &-' sux) 2@O i@o o Young - Original + Young - Re-Ordered -O- Old - Original Digits Eooo COPYTIME 7m Letters -F Old - ReOrdored COPYTIME -O- E (t) 20m 1()oo 1 2 3 4 SerialPosition s o 1 2 3 4 SerialPosition Figure 2. Median responsetime in 5-item copy and memory trials with original and reorderedsequences fbr young and old actults,Stu6y I TASK-SPECIFICPROCESSING SPEED young subjectswith at leastone correct trial on the 7-item lists in every condition were consistentwith this interpretation becausethere were two peaks in the recall times of 7letterlists, one at the third item and anotherat the fifth item.) The slower entry on the third item is largely restrictedto memoryprocessing,becauseit is not pronouncedin the copy task. Perhapsthe most importantpoint to be noted from the data in Figure 2 is that, although the older adults were generallyslower than the young adults, the overall pattern appearsvery similarin the two groups. The median entry times in the copy and memory tasks with original and reorderedrecall were usedas predictorsof recall accuracywith 5-item lists. (Data from 3-item and 7item lists were not includedto avoid measurementceilings and floors.) An additionalpredictor was a compositemeaprocessingspeedcreatedby aversure of task-independent aging the z-scoresfor the time measuresfrom the Digit Symboland Digit Digit tasks,which hasa correlationof .71 with each other. The resultsof the hierarchicalregression analysesfor the 54 subjectswith completedata are summarized in Table 3. Regressionanalysesincludingthe taskspecific speedmeasureswere designedsuch that the times for the simplestor most fundamentalprocesses were entered first, followed by times representingmore complex processes.That is, the entry time in the copying condition precededthe entry time in the memory condition in the prediction of both original and reorderedrecall accuracy, and the entry time in original recall precededthe entry time in reordered recall in the prediction of reordered recall accuracy. Analyses were also conductedwith component durations derived by subtractingone time from another (e.g., entrytime with recallin originalorderwas subtracted from entry time in reorderedrecall to yield a measureof reorderingtime). However, the resultsof thoseanalysesare not reported becausethese difference score measureshad low reliability and exhibited very weak relations to the criterion memory performancemeasures. Five major points should be noted about the results in Table 3. First, there is no significantage-relatedvariancein the accuracyof recalling 5 items in their original order of (Equationl). Second,thereis significantagepresentation related variance in the accuracy of recalling items in a different order (Equation5), and it is still significantafter recall accuracyin the original order is controlled(Equation 7). Third, both the age-relatedvariance(Equation6) and the influence of recall in the original order (Equation 8) are reducedwhen the task-independentspeedmeasureis controlled. In fact, examinationof Equations6 and 8 reveals that there was no residualage-relatedvariancein the measureof reorderedrecall after eliminatingthe variationin the task-independent speedmeasure. The fourth point to note from Table 3 is that significant relationswere evidentbetweenthe task-specificspeedmeasuresand memory performance(Equations3, 9, and l0). Furthermore, the age-relatedvariance in reorderedrecall was substantiallyreducedafter controlling the variation in these task-specificmeasures(Equations9 and l0). However, the fifth point to be noted is that the reduction in the age-relatedvariancewas greater,and the relationsbetween memory and the task-specificspeedmeasuresweaker, after P249 the task-independent speedmeasurewas controlled (Equat i o n sl 1 a n d l 2 ) . The relation of age on the task-specificprocessingdurations before and after control of the task-independent speed index was also examined in regressionanalyses,with the resultssummarizedin Table 4. Only in recall time for letters in their original order (Equation6 with letterstimuli) was the age-relatedvariancesignificantlygreaterthan zero after the task-independentspeedindex was controlled. Even in this case,however, the degreeof attenuationafter control of the varianceassociatedwith the task-independentspeedmea- Table3. Prediction of Performance With 5-ltemMemory Lists(N : 54),StudyI Equation Original I Digits Letters Cum. Incr. F for R2 R2 lncr. R2 Cum. Incr. F fbr R2 R2 Incr. R2 Age .019 .019 2 Speed Age .052 .064 3 CopyTime-O .096 .096 5.42* MemTime-O .l l5 . 0 1 9 t . t 2 Age . l 1 7 .002 .06 4 Speed CopyTime-O MemTime-O Age Reordered 5 Age 1.03 .052 2.82 .0t2 .69 .052 .052 2.tt4 .053 .0-s3 2.86 .056 .003 . l8 .099 .099 5.47* .099 .000 .00 .099 .000 .03 .052 .096 .l 16 .123 .052 2.89 .044 2.46 .020 I .16 .007 .39 .053 .099 .099 .099 .124 .053 2.titt .046 2.5| .000 .00 .000 .01 .124 7.39* .t94 .t94 12.494 6 Speed Age .150 .150 9.05* . 1 5 2 .002 .08 .221 .227 15.05* .230 .003 .21 7 Original Age .100 .197 .100 6.32* .091 6. 17+ .t85 .185 13.66x . 3 0 9 . t 2 4 9 . tl * 8 Speed Original Age . 1 5 0 . 1 5 0 9 . 5 1 + . 2 2 7 . 2 2 7 1 7 |. 3 * . 2 0 5 .055 3.44 . 3 3 6 . 1 0 9 t i .1 9 + .209 .004 .25 .33'7 .001 .l r 9 CopyTime-R . 183 . 1 8 3 I l . 7 l * MemTime-R .205 .022 t.42 Age .219 . 0 1 4 .89 .113 .113 I 1.84* .178 .005 .34 .268 .090 6.09* l0 MemTime-O .250 .250 t6.74+ M e m T i m e - R . 2 5 2 .002 .09 Age .253 .001 .09 .148 .148 9.46* .148 .000 .00 .218 .070 4.46* ll Speed CopyTime-R MemTime-R Age .150 .199 .214 .219 . 150 9.44* .o49 3.01 .015 .99 .005 .30 .227 .256 .2't4 .28| .22'7 15.48* .029 1.98 .Oltt t.2l .007 .50 12 Speed MemTime-O MemTime-R Age .150 .254 .255 .255 .150 9.90* .104 6.83* .001 .06 .000 .01 .227 .248 .258 .258 .227 15.00* .021 1.35 .010 .66 .000 .01 Note. Cum. : cumulative;lncr. : increment;CopyTime-O : median entry time in copy condition with original sequence;CopyTime-R : medianentry timp in copy conditionwith reorderedsequence;MemTime-O : medianentry time in memory condition with original sequence;MemTime-R : median entry time in memory condition with reordered sequence. *p < .05. P250 SALTHOUSEANDCOON Table4. Prediction of Recall(or Entry)TimeMeasures With 5-ltemListsfromAge andSpeed (N : 54),SrudyI Digits Cum. R2 Equation Copy-Original I Age 2 Speed Age Copy-Reordered 3 Age 4 Speed Age Mernory-0riginal -5 Agc 6 Speed Age Speed A8e Letters F lbr lncr. R2 Cum R2 Incr. R2 F fbr lncr. R2 .409 .409 36.06* .446 .446 4 1 . 8 8 * .554 .-554 .554 63.28* .000 .00 .465 .490 .465 16.52+ .025 2.46 .2U9 . 2 8 9 2 1. 1 4 * .254 .254 .487 .503 .487 49.99* .016 1.68 .340 .340 .340 26.28* .000 .00 MprHon .421 .421 37.86+ .422 .422 37.119* 164 .419 .464 45.441. .01-5 | .43 . 3 1| . 3 tI .422 .l I I Subjects.- Characteristics of the subjectsamples,38 adultsin eachof two agegroups,aresummarized in Table2. None of theseindividualshad participated in Study I . Menrory-Reordered 7 Age .200 tt Incr R2 The present study therefore included manipulationsof stimuluspresentationtime to determinethe relationbetween a measureof encodingtime and recall accuracy.The stimulus durationrequiredto achievea specifiedlevel of accuracy was then usedas the rneasureof the individual'sstimulus encodingtime. In most other respectsthe study was similar to Study l. That is, the numberof subjectswas the same, they were recruited in the same manner, and the Digit Symbol and Digit Digit taskswere again usedto provide an index of task-independent processingspeed.However,becauseof the time neededto examinethe effect of variations in stimuluspresentation time, only the memorytaskwith the 5-itemlettersequences was administered. .215 .775 .200 | 3.001, .275 19.35+ .000 .01 17.73+ 2l .46r, 9.70* .214 .2t4 l4.lz+ .lt{l .2| tt t2.29+ I.96 .luu .030 C u m . : c u m u l a t i v c ;I n c r . : r n c r e m e n t . 'ip < .05. s u r e w a s c o n s i d e r a b l(ei . e . , l 4 o / o , f i o m a n R ' o f . 4 2 2 t o .I I l ) . To summarize,the resultsof this studv reolicatedthe linding of substantialsharedvarian." urnnngage, perceptual comparisonspeed,and memory perfbrmance.In addition, the resultsindicatedthat althoughsome of the task-specific speedmeasureswere significantlyrelatedto the measuresof memory perfbrmance,only a small proportionof thoserelations was independentof a presumablymore generalspeed indexderivedf'romseparate tasks.Moreover,nearlyall of the age-relatedvariancein the task-specificspeedmeasureswas sharedwith the task-independent speedmeasure. Study 2 Kliegl and colleagues haverecentlyprovidedconvincing evidencethat input processingtime is an importantfactor in the age diff'erencesin serial recall by the finding that older adults need more time to achievethe same level of recall performanceas young adults (Kliegl, Smith, & Baltes, 1989;Thompson & Kliegl, 1991).Furthermore,Thompson and Kliegl (1991)cite an unpublishedstudy by Kliegl and Lindenbergeras having found that the "age diff'erencesin recall accuracywere completelyaccountedfor by rndividual differencesin criterion-referenced encodins times" (o. 5 4 4 ) .W h a ti s n o tc l e a rl r o m t h eK l i e g ls t u d i e s l w s h e t h etrh e influenceof input processingtime is independentof a more general,or task-independent, processing speed,andwhether a similar relationbetweenencodingtime and recall performanceexistsamonguntrainedsubjects(i.e., research participantsin the Kliegl studiesreceivedextensivetrainingwith the method-of-locimnemonicstrategy). Procedure.- The taskswere perfbrrnedin the fbllowing orderby all subjects:Digit Syrnbol,Digit Digit, and Memi ory Letters.The Digit Symbol and Digit Digit taskswere identicalto thoseof Study I . Mean levelsof accuracywere )95o/oin both tasksand both agegroups(cf. Table 2), and thus mediantime per response servedas the primarydependentvariablein thesetasks. The memory task dif-fbredfrom that in Study I by using only 5-letterstimulussequences and by rcplacingthe fixed stimulus duration of I second/itemwith a duration that variedacrosstrial blocks.A difl'erentrangeof presentation times was used for young and old adults, becausepilot research revealedthatthe olderadultswereseldomsuccessful with presentation durationsof 100 msec.Young adults therefbrereceiveddurationsof 100, 200, 400, 800, and I ,600msec/item,whereasolderadultsreceiveddurationsof 200, 400, 800, 1,600,and 3,200 msec/irem.Blocksof l6 trials each were presentedfiom the slowest to the f'astest durations,and then againin the reverseorder suchthat each presentation durationwas represented by 32 trials.All trials in a given block had the samepresentation time, but on a randomlyselectedhalf of the trials within each block the letterswereto be recalledin theoriginalorder,andon half of the trialsthey were to be recalledin alphabeticorder. Rp,sulrsANDDISCUSSToN The meanpercentageof 5-lettertrials recalledcorrectlyas a functionof stimuluspresentation durationis displayedin Figure 3. An Age x Order X Duration ANOVA was conductedon the accuracyfor trials with presentationdurationscommonto both agegroups(i.e., 200, 400, 800, and 1,600 msec).All threemain effectswere significant(p < . 0 5 ) ;A g e ,F ( 1 , 1 4 ): 4 6 . 1 8 ,M S " : 5 7 . 7 1 O ; rderF , (I,14) : 21.'17,MS" - 7.59;and Duration,F(3,222) : 146.73, MS" : 6.03, but noneof the interactions involvingage was s i g n i f i c a n(ti . e . , a l l F < 1 . 3 ) . Two methods were used to derive estimatesof each individual'sinput processing time or task-specific encoding duration. One method was basedon the fact that the means summarizedin Figure 3 could be accurately(i.e., all R' TASK-SPECIFICPROCESSINGSPEED Youno - Orioinal --' - R6ordqed - ra- -. Old - Original Old - Reords€d --€--. o o 6 0 (J o 6 c o 4 0 o o & 1m 'X,"""n,iilon o",,ff-t'l$ 32m Figure 3. Mean percentagecorrcct fbr original and reorderedS_letter sequencesas a function of presentationdurationfor ytrungand old adults. S t u d y2 . >.99) describedby negativeexponentialfunctionsof the fbrm: P r o p o r t i oC n o r r e c t: C * ( l - e x p ( - ( t i m e * A ) * B ) ) . The C parameterin this equationcorresponds to the asymptotic levelof accuracy,theA parameter to the time at which accuracybeginsto increase,and the B parameterto the rate of increasein accuracywith additionaltime. Analysesbased on the group meansrevealedthat relativeto older adults, young adultshad smallerA parameters (i.e., .086 and .065 for originaland reorderedrecallfbr young adults,and .100 and . l5l for originaland reorderedrecallfor older adults), larger 8 parameters(i.e., 1.19 and 5.28 for original and reorderedrecall fbr young adults, and 3.63 and 4.73 for originaland reorderedrecallfor older adults),and largerC parameters(i.e., .7ll and .689 fbr original and reordered recall for young adults, and .520 and .428 for the correspondingvaluesfbr older adults).Becausethe asymptotic level of accuracywas only .428 with reorderedrecall in the older group, the time correspondingto an accuracyof .25 (i.e., correctrecallof 25o/o ofthe lists)servedas the measure of encodingtime. (SeeAppendix,Note I .) The timesbased on the equationsfrom the group meanswere 142 msec for original recall in young adults, 150msecfbr reorderedrecall in youngadults,28 I msecfor originalrecallin olderadults, and 337 msecfor reorderedrecall in older adults. Becausethe goal was to derive encodingtime estimates from eachsubject,attemptswere madeto fit negativeexponential functionsto the original and reorderedrecall data of eachsubject.Data of somesubjectscould not be fit because of small or unsystematicaccuracy variations, and time estimatescould not be derived in five additional cases becausethe accuracyasymptoteswere lessthanthe criterion valueof .25. Age x Order ANOVAs wereconductedon the parameters,and on the estimatedencoding times correspondingto an accuracyof.25, for the 32 youngadultsand 27 older adults with relevant data. No effects were significant in the analysesof theA, B, or R2parameters,and only the Age effect was significant(p < .05) on the C parameter, P25r F(1,57) = 22.83, MS. : .037. All three effecrs were significant(p < .05) in the analysisof estimatedencoding t i m e :A g e , F ( 1 , 5 7 ) : 1 0 . 3 3 ,M S " - . 1 3 3 ;O r d e r ,F ( I , 5 7 ) : 13.52,andAge x Order,F(l ,57) : 9.69, MS, : .O4t. Means of the estimatedtimes were 169 msec for young adultswith recall in the original order, 195 msecfor young adults with recall in alphabeticorder, 355 msec for older adults with recall in the original order, and 512 msec for older adultswith recall in alphabeticorder. The second method used to estimateeach individual's task-specificencodingtime was basedon linear regression equationsrelating log presentationtime to accuracyacross thethreeshortestdurations(i.e., 100,200. and400 msecfor young adults,and 200, 400, and 800 msecfor older adults). These equations were then used to predict the duration requiredto recall 25o/ootithe lists correctly. Data from five subjects,one young and four old, are omitted from these analysesbecausethe encodingduration estimateswere not meaningfuldue to correctrecall of 125o/oof the lists across all threeof the shortestpresentationdurations.Meansof the correlationsrepresentingthe goodness-of-fitof the regression equationswere .92 and.90 for original and reordered trials,respectively, for the 37 youngadults,and .8 I and .80 for the two typesof trials for the 34 older adults.An Age x Order ANOVA on the correlationsrevealedthat only the A g e e f f b c tw a ss i g n i f i c a n F t ,( I , 6 9 ) : 7 . 3 2 ,M S . : . 0 5 1, p < .05, indicatingthatthe relationsbetweenstimuluspresentation time and accuracywere somewhatlessprecisefbr the older adults.The predicteddurationscorrespondin g to 25o/o accuracyaveraged139msecfbr recallin the originalorder and 160 msecfbr recall in alphabeticorder for the 37 young adults,and 412msecand 626 msec,respectively, fbr the 34 olderadults.Only the Age maineffectwas significantin the A g e x O r d e r A N O V A , F ( 1 , 6 9 ) : 2 4 . 0 3 ,M S , : . 4 2 . Although the patternof meanssuggeststhat an interaction might be present,the Age x Order interactionwas not significant,ic'(1,69)< 1.0. Correlationscomputedbetweenthe predictedtimes correspondingto correctrecallof 25o/oof the trials derivedfrom the two methods were very high, with r : .95 for the estimatesin the original order condition and r : .86 for estimatesin the reorderedcondition. Becauseestimateswere available for more subjects when the linear regression methodwas used(i.e., 7l comparedwith 59), subsequent analyseswere basedon the encodingtimes derivedfrom the linear regressionprocedure.It should be noted, however, that the high conelationsbetweenthe two setsof estimates suggestthat very similar resultswould have been obtained with encoding times derived from negative exponential functions. Figure 4 displays the mean of the median recall times (averagedacrosstrials with 1,600and 800 msecpresentation durations)by serial position. (Thesepresentationdurations were selectedbecausethey were the largestdurationscommon to both agegroups.)An Age x Order x Serialposition ANOVA revealedthatall main effectsandinteractionsexcept for the three-wayinteractionweresignificant(F's > 3.9, p < .05). Inspectionof Figure 4 revealsthat the patternis very similar to the top right panel of Figure 2, in that the older adultswere always slower than the young adults, and recall P252 SALTHOUSEAND COON 8000 Youm - Odoinel Table5. Prediction of Performance With s-ltemMemoryI_ists From 1,600and800MsecPresentation DurationTrials ( N : 7 l ) . S r u d v2 +-- ao a g Yourc- --- RFordered a-- 7000 Old -gdSinal Old - Reordsed --a-- 6(no o .E F o a so@ Original I 5 0 m a e Incr. R2 F for lncr. R2 3ooo Age .279 .279 26.72* 2 Speed Age .t67 .280 .t67 .lt3 15.75* 10.69* 3 EncodingTime Age . 3 0I .4t2 .301 .lll 34.84E I2.88* 4 MemTime-O Age .326 .365 .326 .039 34.88* 4.25* 5 Speed EncodingTime Age .t67 .376 .415 .t6t .209 .039 19.102* 24.02* 4.42* 6 Speed MemTime-O Age .167 .326 .373 .167 .159 .047 17.828 17.06* 4.99* Speed EncodingTime MemTime-O Age .t67 .376 .432 .453 .167 .209 .056 .02t 20.124 25.3I * 6.67* c .q E Cum. Equation 20@ 1 2 s serial losition Figure 4. Median responsetime in 5-letter memory trials with original for young and old adults, Study 2. and reorderedsequences time for reorderedsequenceswas slower than recall in the original sequence,particularlyin the third serialposition. Table 5 containsresultsof the analysesparallelingthose reportedin Table 3 for recall with presentationdurationsof 800 and 1,600msec,which most closelycorrespondto the l-sec presentation durationusedin Study l. Severalpoints shouldbe notedabouttheentriesin this table.First,the agerelatedeffects in letter recall were much larger in this study than in the previous study, both for recall in the original o r d e r ( i . e . , R ' f o r a g e o f . 2 7 9 v s . 0 5 2 ) a n d f o r r e c a l li n a l p h a b e t i co r d e r ( i . e . , R 2 f o r a g e o f . 3 8 1 v s . 1 9 4 ) . T h e reasonsfor the larger age relations in this study compared with thosein Study I are not obviousbecausethe procedure was generallysimilar and the samplesappearcomparablein most respects(seeTable 2). The fact that more trials were administeredin the relevantconditionsin this study compared with the previous one (i.e., 32 vs 8) may have contributedto the differenceacrossstudies,eitherbecauseof differential practice effects or increasedreliability of the memory measure.(See Appendix, Note 2.) Second, although control of the compositeperceptualspeedmeasure substantiallyreducedthe age-relatedvariance(i.e., percentage attenuationsof 597oand,737ofor original and reordered recall, respectively), the residual age-related variance (Equations2 and 9) was significantly > 0. This indicates that, unlike Study l, control of the task-independent speed index is not sufficientto accountfor all of the significantagerelated variance in immediate recall in this study. Third, significantage-relatedvarianceremains in the measureof reorderedrecall after the measureof recall in the original order is controlled (Equation l0), but not after the taskindependentspeedmeasureis also controlled(Equation I l). Both of these findings are consistentwith the results of Study l. Another important finding to note from Table 5 is that statisticalcontrol of the task-specific(i.e., Encoding Time and Recall Time; Equations3, 4, 12, and 13) speedmeasuresresulted in substantialattenuationof the age-related variancein memory performance.That is, the percentage attenuation of the age-relatedvariance was 6O.2Voand '1 Reordered E 2.58* Age . 3 8| .38| 42.46* 9 Speed Age .307 .403 .307 .l0l 34.964 10.88* l0 Original Age .5t2 . 5 9| .5t2 .079 8 5 .1 2 * 13.21* ll Speed Original Age .307 .594 .609 .30'7 .287 .015 52.57* 49.t4* 2.4' 7 t2 EncodingTime Age .590 .661 .590 .011 120.52* t5.88* I3 MemTime-O MemTime-R Age .37s . 4t 8 -+t-) .375 .043 .055 41.65* 5.49* 7.08* l4 Speed EncodingTime Age .307 .644 .67| .30'7 .33'7 .027 62.61* 68.62+ 5.66* l5 Speed MemTime-O MemTime-R Age .307 .410 .431 .473 .307 .103 .02t .o42 38.49* 12.89* 2.68 5.27* l6 Speed EncodingTime MemTime-O MemTime-R Age .307 .644 .657 .658 .678 .307 .337 .013 .001 .020 61.93* 6'7.87* 2.64 .2'r 3.96 Nole. Cum. : cumulative; Incr. : increment; Encoding Time : predicted stimulus presentation time required to achieve 25Eo accuracy; MemTime-O : median entry time in memory condition with original sequence;MemTime-R : median entry time in memory condition with reordered sequence. *p < .05. 86.07o after control of the encoding time and recall time speedmeasuresfor recall in the original order, and 19.87o and85.6Vo, respectively,after control of thesemeasuresfor P253 TASK.SP ECIFIC PROCESSINGSPEED recall in alphabeticorder. The residualage-relatedvariance was significantly greaterthan zero, indicating that factors independentof both thesespeedmeasurescontributedto the age-relateddifferences in memory performance. In this respect,the current resultsdiffer from those of Kliegl and Lindenberger,as reportedin Thompsonand Kliegl (1991). Another noteworthyresult from Table 5 is that the relations betweenthe task-specificspeedmeasuresand memory were smaller after control of the composite task-independent s p e e dm e a s u r (ei . e . , E q u a t i o n3s v s 5 , 4 v s 6 , l 2 v s 1 4 ,a n d l3 vs l5). This suggests that only a portionof the variance sharedbetween memory and the task-specificspeedmeasureswas distinct from the presumablymore general,taskindependentspeedmeasure. A final setof regressionanalyseswere similar to thoseof Table 4 in that they examinedthe extent to which the agerelatedvariancein the task-specificspeedmeasurescould be accounted for by the task-independentspeed measure. Resultsof theseanalysesare presentedin Table 6. Notice that only with recall time for reorderedrecall (Equation8) was therenot significantresidualage-relatedvariancein the task-specificmeasuresafter control of the presumablymore generalmeasuresof perceptualspeed.However, it should also be noted that each of the task-specificspeedmeasures had considerableage-relatedvariancein common with the perceptual speed measure because control of the taskindependent speed measure resulted in attenuationsof 39.2o/o,,86.5o/o,ancl94.4o/o,respectively,for the measuresof original encodingtime, reorderedencoding time, originalrecalltime, and reorderedrecalltime. Times Table6. Prediction of Task-Specific Processing (N : 7l), Study2 FromAgeandSpeed Cum p2 Equation In c r R2 F fbr lncr. R2 EncodingTime Measure Original I 2 Reordered 3 4 .166 .166 13.74* Speed Age .06tt .t69 .068 .l0t 5.58* 8.29* Age .237 237 2 1. 4 1 + Speed Age .204 .256 204 052 18.64* 4 . 74 * Age .443 .443 54.17+ Speed Age .462 .462 .060 65.12't' tl.'10* A8e .33u .437 .456 . 33 8 + 35.23 .437 . 0l 9 -54.6-5* 2.45i' Recall Time Measure Original 5 6 Reordered 7 tJ Speed Age .) ll *p < .05 General Processing Speed General Discussion The primaryquestionof interestin this projectwas, how does a slower processingspeed contribute to age-related differencesin memory'?The researchstrategyconsistedof trying to measurethe durationsof componentspostulatedto be involvedin a particularmemorytask,andthenexamining how thesetask-specificspeedmeasureswere relatedto age and to performancein the memorytask, and how both setsof relationswere influencedby speedmeasuresderived from independenttasks. Figure 5 illustratesa frameworkwithin which the present researchcan be interpreted.A major purposeof the studies reportedhereinwas to examinethe plausibilityof eachof the relationsrepresentedin this figure. Three measuresof task-specificprocessingspeed were examinedin thesestudies.The speedof initial registration and encodingof the items was representedby the stimulus presentationduration neededto correctly recall a specified percentage of lists,the speedofaccessingor retrievingitems from memory was representedby the additional time required to enter items from memory comparedwith entering t h e m f r o m t h e d i s p l a y( i . e . , E q u a t i o n s3 , 4 , 9 , a n d l l i n Table 3), and the speedof reorderingthe items was representedby the additional time to enter items in a different order relative to entering them in the original order (i.e., Equationsl0 and I 2 in Table 3 , and EquationsI 3 and 15 in Table 4). The measuresof a presumably more general processingspeedwere derived from independenttasks re- Memory Performance Task-Specific Processing Speed Figure 5. lllustration of hypothesizedrelations among age, memory performance,and generaland specilicmeasuresof processingspeed. quiringdecisionsaboutthe physicalidentityor associational equivalenceof a pair of items. Previousresearch(e.g., Salthouse,1992)hassuggestedthat memoryfactorscontribute very little to the age-relatedvariationin thesetasks,and that performanceon the taskscan be interpretedas primarily reflectingthe speedwith which relativelysimple perceptual and cognitiveoperationscan be executed. Although path analytic or structural equation methods were not used in this project becauseof the small sample sizes, results from the curent studiesnonethelessallow a number of inferencesto be drawn concerningthe relations in Figure5. First, considerthe pathslinking age represented to memory performanceeither directly (Path I ) or indirectly by means of a reduction in general, or task-independent, processingspeed (Paths 2 and 5). (Note that a direct influencein this contextmerely meansthat it is independentof P254 SALTHOUSE AND COON the other variables being considered, and not that it is unmediatedby any factor.) The substantialreductionin the age-relatedvariance in memory after the variation in the index of general processingspeedwas controlled implies that Paths2 and 5 are involved in the relationsbetweenage and memory. However, the discoverythat significantresidual age-relatedvarianceremainedin Study 2 after control of the index of generalspeedsuggeststhat Path I sometimes contributes to the age-memory relations. Both of these pathways can be viewed as representingunexplainedinfluences,becausethe mechanismsby which increasedage, or a slower speed of performing perceptualcomparison tasks, contributesto lower levels of memory performance cannotyet be specified. Second, similar types of comparisonswith the taskspecificspeedmeasuressuggestthat Paths3 and 6 in Figure 5 arealso involvedin the relationsbetweenageand memory. That is, becausethe age-relatedvariance in memory was reducedwhen the task-specificspeedmeasureswere controlled, it can be inferredthat someof the agedifferencesin memory are mediatedthrough reductionsin the speedof memory-specificprocessing.The causalmechanismslinking these task-specificspeedmeasuresto memory performancemay be relatedto impairedquality of encoding,or to a greaterloss of information.That is, the degreeof elaboration of encodedinformationmight be less,or the proportion of displaced or decayed information greater, when more time is requiredto encode,access,or process(i.e., reorder) to-be-recalledinformation. And third, informationabout the relationsbetweenthe general and specific measuresof speed is available from results of regressionequations predicting specific speed from age and the generalspeedmeasure(Tables4 and 6), and predicting memory perfbrmancefiom age, the general speedindex, and the specificspeedmeasures(Tables3 and 5). The formerequationsarerelevantto the pathslabeled2, 3, and4 because the strengthof the indirectinfluenceof age on the specific speed measures(Paths 2 and 4) can be ihferred to be proportionalto the degreeto which the agerelatedvariancein the task-specificspeedmeasuresis attenuatedafter control of the more generalspeedmeasure.The resultsin Tables4 and 6 indicatethat much of the relation betweenage and the task-specificspeedmeasuresis mediatedthroughgeneralspeed(via Paths2 and 4), althoughthe existenceof significantindependentage-relatedvariancein some measuresindicatesthat Path 3 can also contributeto the relation. Sequentialexaminationof the influence of the general speedindex, the task-specificspeedmeasures,and age on the measuresof memory performanceis informative about the Pathslabeledl, 5, and 6 in Figure5. Althoughthereis some variation acrossthe task-specificspeedmeasures,it appearsthat all of the paths illustrated in Figure 5 can contributeto the relationsbetweenageand memory. That is, the age-relatedvariancein memory performanceis reduced when either the generalor the specific speedmeasuresare controlled, and, at least in some cases, there is still a significant relation between memory performanceand the specificspeedmeasureeven afterthe generalspeedmeasure was controlled. Analyses with the general speedmeasure enteredin the prediction equation after the specific speed measureswere not reportedin Tables 3 and 5, but results from these analyseswere consistent with the preceding interpretation.That is, in at least severalcombinationsof predictorsand criterion memory measures,the influenceof the generalspeedmeasurewas still significantafter removing the varianceassociated with the speci{icspeedmeasures. This occurredafteralteringthe orderof entry of the variables in Equations1l and 12 with letterstimuliin Table 3, and in E q u a t i o n5s , 1 4 , 1 5 ,a n d l 6 i n T a b l e5 . To summarize.the resultsof thesestudiesconfirm earlier findingsofa large influenceofprocessingspeedon adult age differencesin memory. Earlier researchis also extendedby revealingthat increasedage is associatedwith slower processingof severalcomponentshypothesizedto be involved in the performanceof theseparticularmemory tasks.However, it is important to note that the task-independentand task-specificmeasuresof speedhave substantialage-related variancein common, and thus they are not independent. Indeed,the patternof resultsis consistentwith the interpretation that the age differencesin the specificspeedmeasures, includingthe encodingtime measurebasedon procedures similarto thoseusedby Kliegl andcolleagues (Kliegl et al., 1 9 8 9 ; T h o m p s o&n K l i e g l , l 9 9 l ) , a r ep a r t i a l l yc a u s e db y a moregeneralage-related slowing. Althoughthesestudiesfocusedon encodingtime, memory retrieval or accesstime, and processingor reordering time, it seemsreasonable to expectsimilarresultswith other measures of relevantprocessing durations.For example,the reports that young and old adults differ in both memory performance and in subvocal rehearsal rate (Salthouse, 1980)or articulationrate (Kynette, Kemper, Norman, & Cheung,1990)couldbe viewedas additionalmanif'estations of the interrelations of age, a relativelygeneralprocessing speed,and memoryexaminedin thesestudies.Moreover, the current perspectiveleads to the expectationthat if the durationsofcomponentssuchasassociation, elaboration, or organizationcould be assessed, then they would also be relatedto age and to more generalmeasuresof processing speed, as well as to memory. The causesof age-related differencesin the postulatedgeneralprocessingspeedhave not yet been determined,and the exact manner by which slowerprocessingreducesmemory effectivenessstill cannot be specified.Nevertheless, the resultsof thesestudiessuggest that at least some of the age-relatedimpairments in memory are attributableto declineswith age in the speedof relevantprocessing,and that the speedof memory-specific processingis closely related to the speed with which the individual can perform other relatively simple tasks. AcKNowLEDcMENTS This researchwas supportedby a grant from the National Instituteon Aging (R37-AG06ll26). We thank Philip Allen, Nelson Cowan, Robert Kail, and Reinhold Kliegl for helpful commentson an earlier versionof the manuscript. Addresscorrespondence to Dr. Timothy A. Salthouse,School of Psychology, Georgia Instituteof Technology,Atlanta, GA 30332-0170. REFERENcES Babcock,R. L., & Salthouse,T. A. ( I 990). 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Reliabilityof the criterion memory measurecould not bc determinedin Study I, but the estimatesin Study 2 derivedby boosting the correlationbetweenaccuracyin the 800 and I,600 msec conditions by the Spearman-Brownformula were .83 fbr recall in the orisinal order and .8ll for reorderedrecall.