Joumal of Expcrimmtal Rychology: Humil Pereption and Ferfomme 19E3,Vol. 9, No. 4, 607-621 Copyright 1983by the Amerien Psychologi€l Asiation, lnc. Analysis of a PerceptualSkill Timothy A. Salthouseand Kenneth Prill University of Missouri-Columbia Four experimentswereconductedwith a trajectory-intersection(videogame)task to identify the information-processingmechanismsresponsiblefor performance differencesassociatedwith initial ability and practice. We concludedthat proficiency differencesassociatedwith initial ability are largely attributable to differencesin the revisionofprocessingoperationsand, to a lesserextent,to differences in the effectiveness of some component operations.Practice-relatedproficiency differences were less associatedwith component revision differences, and there was no evidencethat the performance improvement causedby practice was acof individual components. companiedby an increasein the effectiveness The purposeof the presentstudy is to examine the,natureof skill on a relatively simple perceptualtask. Both the performanceof elementary component operations and the pattern of component execution are examined in subjectsdiffering in level of performancein their first encounterwith the task, and in comparisonsbeforeand after practice on the task. to determine whether the same processingcharacteristicsare associatedwith each type of performanceproficiency. ExperimentalTask and ProcessModel A fairly novel experimentaltask-judging the temporal intersection of two trajectories-served asthe activity in which skill differences were examined. A target moved along a left-to-right trajectory at a variable speedand angle,and the subjectwirsto control the initiation time of the vertical trajectory of a projectile with the goal of making the projectile and target trajectoriesintersect in spaceat the samepoint in time. This task is somewhatsimilar to an automobile driver attempting to judge the gap (target)between cars that is sufficient to allow one to merge into the flow of traffic. It also resemblesthe activity of judging the future position of a ball (target)in order to catch, kick, or deflect it, and the activity of leadinga moving target in attempting to shoot it. Becauseof the Requestsfor reprints should be sent to Timothy A. Universityof MisSalthouse,Departmentof Psychology, souri.Columbia.Missouri6521l. mode ofpresentation(i.e.,on a video screen), the current task is probably most similar to certain video arcade games, and indeed this resemblancewas maximized with sound effectsand an exotictask name("Photon Phantasy") to capitalizeon the interestsofcollege studentsin such amusements. The first step in the current investigation consistedof the development of an initial model of how the trajectory-intersection task is performed in order to provide a basis for deriving hypothesesabout the factors contributing to superior performance. Several other studieshave used a similar task (e.9., Gerhard, 1959; Gottsdanker & Edwards, 1957;Runeson,1975),but the major finding, that performance was better with increased time to observethe trajectories,wasnot very helpful in characterizing the specific processesinvolved in the task., The current model,generatedfrom intuitive speculations, is expressedin the flow chart of Figure l.t The initial component in the model involvesdetermining the position of an imaginary line extendingabovethe launching ap paratus where the target is vulnerable for intersection (the vertical vulnerability area; VVA). The second component consists of estimating the time that the target will arrive in the VVA above the launching apparatus I The componentsin this diagram,aswith most such abstract organizational charts, refer to functionally, but not necessarilyphysically, distinct processes,and the sequential arrangement portrayed suggestsa typical, but not necessarilythe only, sequenceofcomponents. 607 608 TIMCIHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL Modelof Processesin TrajectoryIntersectionTask Determinelaunchpositionand verlicalvulnerabilityarea (WA) Sample target angle and velocity and compute estimated time of arrival (ETA) to VVA Computecriticaltarget position(CTP)in WA (lntersectionol horizontaltargettrajectory with verlicallaunchtrajectory) Computelaunchlag time (LLT)between launchoositionand CTP ls ETA > (LLT + FeactionTime)? Figure I.Initial modelFffthe major componentsinvolved in the task of initiating a vertical trajectory to intercepta target moving in a horizontal trajectory. (the estimatedtime of arrival; ETA). We assumedthat both the velocityor speedand the angle or direction of the target are used to maketheseETAsbecauseboth variablescontribute to the actual time. Next, on the basis of information about the initial position and angle of the trajectory the subject is postulated to determine the location in the VVA at which the target will intersectthe launch trajectory (the critical target posilion;CTP). Another component involves estimatingthe time required by the launched projectile to traversethe distancefrom the launching position to the CTP (the launch lag time; LlJl). The final component in the model is a decisionphasein which the subjectevaluates whetherthe ETA of the target is equal to the sum of the LLT and one'sown reaction time to push the fire button. If the two times match, the subjectpressesthe button, and if the arrival time exceedsthe sum of the LLT and reaction time, the subject waits. Two strategiesare possibleif the subject reaches the decisionstagewith ETA lessthan the sum of the LLT and reaction time: The subject could simply withhold the response,or the fire button could be pressedin what is recognizedas a probabl-vfutile effort. Althoughwe do not claim that this model accuratelyand completelydescribeshow subjects actually perform the trajectory-intersection task, it doeshave heuristic value in suggestingseveralpossibilitiesfor the nature of skill differencesin this task. For example, becausethe accuracyof the final decisionis dependenton the accuracy of each of the prior components,skilled individualsmight perform better than unskilled ones simply becausethey are more effective or efficient in the performanceof one or more of the components.This hypothesisis exploredin Experimentsl, 3, and 4 by assessing discrimination accuracy of vertical trajectories (Component A), left-to-right trajectories (ComponentC), ETAs (ComponentB), and LLTs (ComponentD). Another possible re:$on for proficiency is that individualsof differingskill differences levels might use alternative sequencesof components.As an example,although the flow chart-ofFigure I indicatesthat subjects merely wait (i.e., cycle back only to the decision component), if the arrival time is greater than the sum of LLT and reaction time, it is conceivablethat somesubjectsuse thiSadditionaltime to revisetheir initial trajectory and time estimatesby cycling back to earlier componentsin the sequence.This hypothesisis explored by examining task performance (hit percentage)as a function ofthe time the targetpath wasdisplayedprior to the launch location.Ifsubjectsdo not revise their initial estimates,the function relating hit percentageto path observationtime should be relatively flat becausethe time beyond that neededfor the initial estimate is merely spent waiting. On the other hand, if subjectsdo revisetheir estimatesby cycling back to earlier components,the accuracyof their estimatesis likely to improve with more opportunities for revision.This would result in hit percentageincreasingas a function of path observationtime. An interesting question, therefore, is whether the performance difference across individualsof rarv ficiencyis evidenrl or the initial ter,cl function relating hi servailontime. A C skilled subjecr ino greater path obnerr: cate a different pat ponentsbetweenski .;ects.An interceprdr suggestthat the skill attributabte to differ reuslons, and com nlsmswould haveto lor the performanr skilled and unskilled Categm Although skiil bre on specificactivity .a tually distinct €te8pl trfied (cf. Nobte. liTt mediatedskill or erg comparisonsare berr parable)individuals b amountsof exffieno rty. However,even at periencethere are oftr terencesin task profici caregoryof skill can b rhe tevelof initial atili parisonsare between IgTmtlg near the lop r rnDutronand thoseir near the bottom of ilr tlon aftercomparablea on the task.A third nr ent skill levelsmighr br respectto demographi rarn segmentsof tlre I young children or old Known to be deficient groups (e.g., young ad perceptual,cognitirc. a. pectedto be relerranl ro task of interest,and thu pect task-proficiencr. dif to thesedemographicct r he examinationof : egoriesof individuet < comparison of the infi mechanismsassociated PERCEPTUAL SKILL individuals of varying levels of overall proficiency is evident in the rate ofgain (slope) or the initial level (x-axis intercept) of the function relating hit percentageto path observationtime. A slopedifference,with only skilled subjectsincreasingin accuracy with greaterpath observationtime, would implicate a different pattern of processingcomponentsbetweenskilled and lessskilled subjects.An interceptdifference,however,would suggestthat the skill variationsare not simply attributable to different amounts of estimate revisions, and consequently,other mechanismswould haveto be postulatedto account for the performance differences between skilled and unskilled individuals. Categoriesof Skill 609 skill. Just as it rnay be unlikely that a given categoryofskill can be explainedby a single information-processingmechanism, so also might it be unreasonableto expect that all skill categoriescould be explained by the samecombination of mechanisms. Two of the three skill categoriesdescribed here were investigatedin the following manner: Experiments l, 2, and 3 contrastedindividuals in the upper and lower quartiles of the testedpopulation; and Experiment 4 investigatedthe effectsoffairly extensivepractice in a sample of young adults. An additional experiment, which was conducted to examine the performanceof young and old adultsat moderatelevelsof experience,is also briefly discussed.Experimentsl, 2, and 3 are described together becausethey were formally similar and differedonly in the specific analytical tests administered after the standard trajectory-intersectiontask. The tests were designedeither to assessthe effectivenessof component operation or to explore the between-taskgenerality of the observed skill differences.The various tests were designedto be assimilar aspossibleto the standard trajectory-intersectiontask with the minimum number of modificationsnecessary for carrying out the relevant manipulation. Although skill broadly refersto proficiency on a specificactivity, at least three conceptually distinct categoriesof skill can be identified (cf. Noble, 1978).The first is practicemediatedskill or expertisein which the skill comparisonsare betweenthe same(or comparable)individuals before and after varying amounts of experienceperforming the activity. However,even at the same level of experiencethere are often large individual differencesin task proficiencyand thus another categoryofskill can be establishedbasedon the level of initial ability. Here the skill comExperiments1,2, and 3 parisons are betweenthose individuals perMethod forming near the top of the population distribution and those individuals performing Subiects near the bottom of the population distribubetween the ages tion after comparableamounts of experience A total of96 college undergraduates participated in a 17 and 30 (32 in each experiment) on the task. A third manner in which differ- of single 45-min. session. ent skill levelsmight be distinguishedis with respectto demographiccharacteristics.Certain segmentsof the population (e.g.,very Apparatus young children or older adults) might be Stimuli were displayed on a Hewlett.Packard Model known to be deficient to other population l3l lA Display Monitor controlled by a PDP I l/03 labwere groups (e.g.,young adults) in a variety of oratory computer. Two l0-key telephone keyboards the computer to register responses. perceptual,cognitive,and motor abilitiessus- also connected to pectedto be relevant to performanceon the task of interest,and thus one might also ex- Procedure pect task-proficiencydifferencesto be related The standardtrajectory-intersectiontask involvedthe (a 1.0" X 2.0" rhombus)movingin a linearpath target characteristics. demographic to these to right acrossthe screen.On different trials, from left The examination of severaldifferent catthe initial position of the target varied from bottom to egories of individual differencesallows a top alongthe left verticalaxisofthe screen,the trajectory comparison of the information-processing anglevariedfrom - I 3.0oto 34.0" relativeto horizontal' mechanismsassociatedwith each type of and the trajectory speedvaried from 22.5" to 45.0" per 610 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL sec. The position of the launching apparatus along the bottom horizontal axis of the screen also varied from trial to trial, but the speed of the projectile remained constant at 60" per sec.Across trials, the time from the initiation ofthe left-to-righttrajectoryto the VVA ranged from 220to 1,090msec,and the LLT to reachthe critical target position ranged from 0 to 420 msec.2Different sound effectswere associatedwith the target motion' the projectile motion, and the eiplosion createdby the simultaneousinters€ctionof targetand projectile. Five blocks of the trajectory-intersectiontask, each consistingof 50 trials, were administered as the first task to subjectsin Experimentsl, 2, and 3. Subsequenttasks differed acrossthe three experiments,but were presented in the same counterbalanced order for all subjects. In Experiment l, yes/notestsof vertical trajectory left-toright trajectory and LLT were administered along with a modified (blanked trajectory) trajectory-intersection task.Subjectsin Experiment2 receiveda choicereaction tim€ task and three modified trajectory-intersection tasks (constant target, moving launch, and detonation). Method-of-adjustmentprocedureswere used in Experiment 3 to nssessac\curacyof left-to-right and verticaltrajectory alignment, and precision of target- and projectile-time estimation. Vertical-trajectory discrimination (yes/no procedure). Trials in this task consistedofa displayofthe launching apparatus and the projectile at various distances above the launch site. On half of the randomly selectedtrials the projectile was directly above the launch site (i.e., verticallyaligned),and on the other half of the trials the projectilewasdisplayed.6o to the left or right of vertical alignment.The subjectwas instructedto pressa key on vertically the right keyboard when the projectile was "yes") and to alignedwith the launchingapparatus(i.e., pressa key on the left keyboard when the projectile and "no"). Two launchapparatuswereout ofalignment (i.e', with a rangeof trial blocks,each consistingof 50 trials projectileJaunchsite distances,were administered. Left-to-right-tmjectory discrimination (WS/no proce' 'lhe display in this task consistedof a 500-msec dure). presentation of the first zoqoof lhe target trajectory a 500-msecblank period, and finally a 500-msecpresentation of a singledot directly abovethe launching ap' paratus.On half of the randomly selectedtrials the dot wasan extrapolationofthe targettrajectory and on the other halfofthe trials the dot wasdisplacedl.2o above or below the true intersectionpoint. The subject was the instructed to pressa key on the right keyboard when "yes")' dot was aligned with the initial trajectory (i.e.' and to pressa key on the left keyboard when the dot and "no"). Two initial trajectory wereout of alignment(i.e., trial blocks,eachconsistingof 50 trials with a rangeof trajectory-dot distances,were administered. LLT discrimination (yes/no procedure). In the standard trajectory-intersection task an auditory signal was presentedfor the entire duration that the projectile rras in motion on the display.The presenttask capitalized on the correlationbetweensoundduration and projectile distance by presenting, for 500 msec, a display of the projectile displacedabovethe launch site by a randomly varied distance,followed immediately by a sound. On a randomlyselectedhalfofthe trials, the duration ofthe sound correspondedto the time it would havetaken the projectileto traversethat distance,and on the other half ofthe trials the sound duration was approximately 125 msec too long or too short for the distance displayed. The subject was instructed to press a key on the right keyboard when the sound duration and projectile distance matched, and to press a key on the left keyboard when they did not match. Two trial blocks' each consisting of 50 trials with a range of launch-projectile dis tances,were administeted. tasks. All four of the tasksusMethod-of-adjustment ing the method of adjustment followed the samegeneral procedure. First, the stimulus configuration was dilplayed and the subject could either increase or decrease the value of the relevant parameter.The stimulus could then be displayed and the prior steps repeated as frequently as desired,and finatly a decisionwasregistered. The '7" and *9" keys on the riSht keyboard decreased and increasedthe parameter value, respectively,and the "8" key causedthe alteredstimulus configurationto be displayed.Any key on the left keyboard resulted in the registration of that parameter setting and initiated the subsequenttrial. Each task involved 30 trials with a range of (where relevant) heighs, angles, and speedsof the target,and horizontal positionsofthe launch apparatus. Be"ausethe four tasks were designedto assessthe efficiency ofthe componentsproposedin Figure l, they were termed the VVA, ETA, CTB and LLT tests. In the VVA test, the stimulus configurationwas the launching apparatus and a single dot, which was to be adusted in the horizontal dimension to be in alignment with the launchingapparatus.In the CTP test, the stimulus configuration was 150 msec of th€ targot trajectory and-a single dot, which was to be adjusted in the vertical dimensionto b€ in alignmenl with the initial trajeclory. The ETA and LLT testsinvolved adjustmentsof the time delaybetweentwo stimulus events.The fint stimulus event in the ETA test was the initial 150 msec of the targpt trajectory, and the secondevent was a vertical line displaced across trials at rious distances to the right of the trajectory. In the LLT test, the first stimulus eventwasthe displayofthe launchingapparatusand the secondevent was a horizontal line displaced acrosstrials at various distancesabove the launch site. In both tests the subject adjusted the duration betu€en the offset of the first stimulus evgnt and the onrt ofthe secondevent to correspond to the time required by the target (ETA test) or the projectile (LLT test) to traversethe indicated distance. Choicereaclion time. A choicereaction time task was administered to determine whether performance on such an elementary task would be correlated with performance on the more complicated trajectory-intersection activity. Either an X or an O wasdisplayedafter a fixation stimulusconsistingof four dots at the cornersof a 1.2" Y^ 1.8" rectangle.Subjectswere instructedto pressthe left key for X and the right key for O. A minimum of 75 triats, the first 25 of which were practice, composed a trial block. The mean reaction time for the last 50 trials with an accuracyof 9O%or greaterservedasthe primary dependentvariable. 2 This combinationof times resultedin sometrials in which it wasphysically impossible to achievea trajectory intersection without pressing the fire button before the app€aftrnceof the target. Blankcd tralercn . trajectory_inrcrro !11d zt / msiec(approxinf was displayed.Thc rarl and the subjecr stil ri ro mtersectthe target h on an exfadatim bcr rne target r4iectory q blocks of 50 trials ;ch constant targa. Th rraJectory_int€rsectiootr verslon except that thc r not change from trial ro and the horizontal pcit vaned randomly acrq I angle remained conir ::.d . per sec,and 0", rtr tu jlu! each rrcre prc twovmglaunch. Tirdl was that the launchi4 | ten acrossthe screen,al I movrng from Ieft to rLt moment of actiratim L tra;ectory wasverticd fr; apparatusat the tirr d taunctungapparatusah task Involved longcr arcr the_standardtash bur el' marned unchanged.h,o were presented. . Detonalion. This,rr d Jecrory-lnteNectionus& ir ttne on the screeningced o rrne was describedas a mir ated at the exact momcnr d rhe standard task, $c ddol becausethe entire WA br the button press.Tr|o trid presented. Ra . The high_and low.r unguishedon the basi! centagefor Btocks2_5 dard trajectory-inter$ btock of trials was cq the data were not en l top quartile of the diJ each experiment serlt group, and thosein lhe srrtutedthe low_ability for thehig rr::n?ces J3.9Vo for Exffimenr 2: InenJ and37.6%for I l9r Jhelow-abilitygroup fn_Telt t, t9.O%fq zU.5To lbr Exffimenr abthtydifferences were each experimenl:Erp 1 PERCEPTUAL SKILL i t Blanked trajecto42 This task was similar to the stan_ dard trajectory-intersection task except that only the first 217 m*c (approximately 20%) of the target trajectory was displayed.The target continued on its original patir and the subject still attempted to launch the projectile to intersect the target, but the judgments had to bebased on an extrapolation becauseonly the initial portion of the target trajectory was actually displayed. Two trial blocks of 50 trials each were presented. Constant target. The constant-target version of the trajectory-intersection task was identical to the standarc version except that the speedand angle ofthe target did not change from trial to trial. The height of the target and the horizontal position of the launching apparatus varied randomly across trials, but the target speed and angle remained constant at intermediate values (i.e.. 33.8' per sec,and 0o, respectively).3 Two trial blocks of 50 trials each were presented. Moving launch. The distinguishingfeatureof this task was that the launching apparatus moved from right to left acrossthe screen,at I 5o per sec,while the target was moving from left to right. Launching occurred at the moment of activation by the key press,and thus the trajectory wasvertical from the position ofthe launching apparatus at the time of the key press. Because the launching apparatus always began at the far right, this task involved longer averagepath observationtimes than the standard task, but all other aspectsof the task remained unchanged. Two trial blocks of 50 trials each were presented. Detonation. This task differed from the standard trajectory-intersectiontask in havinga continuous vertical line on the screeninsteadofa launchingapparatus.The line was describedas a mine field that was to be detonated at the exact moment the target intersectedit. Unlike the standard task, the detonation task contains no LLT becausethe entire VVA is simultaneouslyacti ted with the button press.Two trial blocksof 50 trials eachwere presented. Results The high- and low-ability groupswere dis_ tinguishedon the basisofthe averagehit percentagefor Blocks 2-5 (200tnals) ofthe standard trajectory-intersectiontask. (The first block of trials was consideredpractice and the data were not analyzed.)Subjectsin the top quartile of the distribution of scoresin each experiment served as the high-ability group, and thosein the bottom quartile constituted the low-ability group. The mean hit percentagesfor the high-ability groups were 33,9Vofor Experiment l, 34.9Vofor Experiment 2, and 37.6Vofor Experiment 3; means for the low-ability groups were 19.4Vo for Experiment l, l9.0%ofor Experiment 2. and 2O.5Vofor Experiment 3. As expected,the ability differenceswere highly significant in each experiment: Experiment l, t(14): 6ll 12.39,p< .001;Experiment2, t(14): 10.55, p <.001; Experiment 3, (14) : 12.82, p < .001. The high-ability groups were predominantly male (8 out of 8 in ExperimentsI and 3, 6 out of 8 in Experiment 2), whereasthe low-ability groups were predominantly female (7 out of 8 in Experiments I and 2, 6 out of8 in Experiment3). The reportednumbersof minutes per weekspentplaying video gamesoverthe last6 months were68.1 versus 24.1,t(14) = 2.66,p < .05,for the high_and low-ability groups in Experiment l, respectively;67.8versus39.0,t(14): l.l9 (ns),for the comparablegroupsin Experiment ?; and 133.0versus6.8, t(14) : 2.73,p < .05, for the comparablegroups in Experiment 3. lt is not clear whether the video game experience was a cause,or merely another consequence,of what are termed initial ability differences.For the purposes of this projecl, however,initial ability can be operationally defined as level of performanceon the first encounter with the current experimental task. Performanceon the vertical-trajectory leftto-right-trajectory and LLT discrimination taskswas expressedas percentagecorrect in the yes/no decision. These data were analyzed with 2 X 3 (Ability X Task Difficulty) analysesof variance(nNovns).The task-difficulty variablewascreatedby dividing a relevant distancedimension into equal thirds. In both the vertical-trajectorydiscrimination and LLT discrimination tasks the distance wasthat betweenthe launch site and the projectile position. The distancein the horizontal-trajectory-discrimination task was that betweenthe end ofthe initial trajectory and the dot whose alignment was to be judged. In all cases,we assumedthat the shorter the relevantdistance,the easierthe task. The aNove on the data from the verticaltrajectory-discrimination task revealed a nonsignificanteffectof ability (F < 1.0),but a significant difficulty effect, F(2, 28\: I13.06,MS": 29.20,p < .0001,and a sig- 3The target is not stationary in this task, but the speed and direction of targetmotion remainedconstantacross trials insteadofvarying from trial to trial as in the standard task. 612 TIMOTHY A. SALIHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL nificant Ability X Difficulty interaction, F(2, 28): 4.35,MS.: 29.20,p < .05.Bonferroni t testsat eachlevel of difrculty indicatedthat the high-ability subjectswere more accurate than the low-ability subjectsonly at the easiest difficulty level: At the easylevel (84.67o v s . 7 7 . l T o()1, 4 ) : 2 . 1 8 , p< . 0 1 ; a t t h em o d t(14) : -1.20 eratelevel (67.5Vovs. 7l.U%o), (ns); and at the difficult level (52.37o vs. t(14) : -.05 (ns). 52.4vo), eNovn on the left-to-right-trajectoryThe discrimination data indicated significant effectsof ability,F(1, l4) : 6.95,MS":70.21, p < .05; difficulty,F(2,28) : 25.02,MS, = 73.45,p < .0001;and Ability x Diftculty, F(2,28) : 3.74,MS, : 73.45,P < .05' Bonferroni t tests at each level of difficulty revealedthat ability differencesweresignificant only at the easiestlevel of difficulty: at the (14) : 3.06, easylevel (88.49ovs. 75.3Vo), p<.01; at the moderatelevel (66.97ovs. t(14): 2.07 (ns);and at the difficult 58.07o), t(14) : -.67 (ns). level(62.8Vovs. 65.6Vo), No effectswere significant in the eNovn on the data from the LLT discrimination task:ability,F(1, 14) : 1.48,MS" = 253.23, p > .20; difficulty,F(2,28) : 2'91,MS. = 147.86,p > .05; and Ability x Difficulty, F(2, 28): 1.2r,MS" : 147.86, P>'30. The overall mean level of performancewas 65.17o. Performance on the method-of-adjustment taskswasexpressedin terms of the constant error (mean error of adjustment) and the variable error (standarddeviation ofthe adjustments)for each of three levelsof task difficulty (close,middle, or far distancesof the relevantparameter). The eNova on the constant error for the ETA task revealedthat the high-ability subjects produced significantly longer time intervals,and greaterelrors, than the low-ability subjects-236 msec vs. 57 msec, F(1, < .01-but l4) : 19.30,MS" : 35,438.74,P neither the task diftculty nor Ability x Difficulty Effects approached significance (p > .10). Only the task-difficulty effect was significant (p < .05) with the variable error measure(close : 130 msec, middle : 169 m s e c ,f a r : 1 8 0 m s e c ) ,F ( 2 , l 4 ) : 6 . 3 3 , MS":l'118.72'P<.01' There was a significant ability difference on the constant error measurefor the LI-T task with the high-ability subjectsproducing longertime intervals,but smallererrors,than the low-ability subjects(-97 msec vs. -293 msec),f'(1, 14) : 11.82,MS.: 38,916.74, p < .005. The task-difficulty effect was also significant(close: -153 msec, middle: -208 msec, far : -223 msec),F(2,28) = p < .01,but not the 5.84,MS": 3735.97, Ability x Difficulty interaction (F < 1.0).No effectsweresignificantin the analysisof variable error (all ps > .10). The analysesof the measuresfrom the CTP task indicated that only the difficulty effectfor the constanterror measurewas significant (close = .30o, middle : 0o, far = -'41"), F(2,28): 8.66,MS, : 41.00,P < .005. The main effectof ability and the Ability x Difficulty interaction did not approach significancewith either constant or variable error (ps > .30), and the difficulty effectwith the variable error measurealso fell far short of significance(p > .30). The difficulty effect was significant in the vvA task for both constant error (close = .17o,middle= .32o,far: .40"),F(2,28): 31.61,MS" = l l8, p < .0001,and variable error (close: .16o, middle : .24", fat: .28"\,F(2, 28): l2.l l, MS" : .84,p < .0005. Neither the main effect of ability nor the Ability x Difficulty interaction was significant for either variable (ps > .20). Although the high-ability group had slightly fasterchoicereaction time (394 msecat 957o accuracyvs.427 msecat 949oaccuracy),this difference was not statistically significant, t(14): l-26,P> -20. Performanceon each modified trajectoryintersection task was initially assessedwith a Group (hieh-ability vs. low-ability) x Task (standardvs. modified) lNovn on overall hit percentage.The task manipulation in this analysisis contaminatedwith order and practice effectsbecausethe standard task was always presentedearlier and for more trials than the modified task, but the interaction term indicates whether the ability differences are significantly altered with the modified task. The Group X Task interaction was significant for the blanked-trajectory.F(1, l4) : 6.72,MS.: 22.16,p < .05,and detonation, F(1, 14): 8.33,MS": 39.03,P < .05,tasks, but not for the constant-target, F(1, 14)= 2.33,MS. = launch,F(t, lCj = .20, tasks. The constant_u tasks both led to ir rugn_and low_abili percentagesin the !t.4% for the higbr ror the low_abilitys .01. Mean hit per launch task were 3 subjects and 27.6% Jects,,(14) = 4.06. performance on and detonation rert tne.standardtask, f subjects. Hit 1 ?9rrlg l6.t%o and 10.3%.n and low-ability grou Jecrorytask, (t4) = mancein the detona lor the high_abilirvsr tow-ability subjoas , ro summarize th pearsthat the subjec tne standard trajecro arso somewhatmone perrormrng subjecs about the alignrneafc tglnght trajectories , difficulty is not roo g cedure is used. Ttrerr rable differencesin tt lnatlng the time roqu or target to traversea thouglt high_abitirysr ouce longer time in& subJects. There is a trq Jects to have faster rer ablllty subjects.buL p smattsamplesizeand/r this differencefailed r nlncance. The abilitv to be rather task specif srons of the trajectory to much smailer,and ir rcant, ability ditrerence . As noted earlier, rrial .lectory-intersectienrd ot the taryet trajectofv I fs:n9n ofthe taunchiq lnal. thesevaluesntre PERCEPTUAL SKILL 6t3 14): 2.3t, MS,:9.05, p > .10,or moving- of time (by dividing distance by speed),and launch,F(1, 14) = 1.46,MS" = 20.58,p > hit percentagewas then examined as a func.20. tasks. tion of target path observation time. Six The constant-targetand moving-launch groupings of path observation times were tasksboih led to improved performancefor formed on the basis of roughly comparable high- and low-ability subjects.The mean hit intervalswith a minimum of 15trials in each percentagesin the constant-target task were category.The mean hit percentagesfor each 4l.4%ofor the high-ability subjectsand,28.8%oobservation time grouping are displayed in for the low-abilitysubjects,t(14) : 4.65,p < Figure 2.4 .01. Mean hit percentagesin the movingWe conducted 2 X 6 (Initial Ability X launch task were 39.6Vofor the high-ability Time) ANovAs on the data from each expersubjects and 27.6Vofor the low-ability sub- iment summaized in Figure 2. The same jects,(t+; : 4.06,p < .01. pattern of results emerged with each set of Performance on the blanked-trajectory data as all effectswere statistically significant: and detonation taskswas reducedrelative to ability, F(1, 14) > 58.2;MS" < 143.4,p < the standardtask, particularly for the high- .0001;time, F(5, 70\ > 17.6,M,S"< 130.0, ability subjects.Hit percentageaveragedonly p <..0001;Ability X Time, F'(5,70) > 2.7, l6.lVo and l0.3%o,respectively,for the high- M S " < 1 3 0 . 0 , p < . 0 5 . and low-ability groups with the blanked-traThe patternsportrayedin Figure 2, in conjectory task, (14) : 2.16,p < .O5.Perfor- junction with the significantAbility X Time mancein the detonationtask averaged22.3Eo interactions, indicate that the high-ability for the high-ability subjectsand 19.l7ofor the subjectsincreasedtheir hit percentagewith low-abilitysubjects,t(14\ : .73, ns. additional path observation time, whereas To summarize the results thus far, it ap- the low-ability subjectseither did not, or did pearsthat the subjectswho perform well on so to a much lower extent. On the basis of the standardtrajectory-intersectiontask are the argument presentedearler, this finding also somewhatmore proficient than poorer can be interpreted as indicating that only the performing subjects at making judgments high-ability subjectswere revisingtheir judgabout the alignment of both vertical and left- ments by recycling through the component to-right trajectories, at least when the task sequencein the time betweenthe initial esdifficulty is not too great and a yes/no pro- timate and the arrival of the target at the cedure is used. There is no hint of compa- launch position. The functions of Figure 2 rable differencesin the accuracyof discrim- are remarkable,not only with respectto how inating the time required for the projectile clearly this trend is representedbut also in or target to traversea specifieddistance,al- the degree to which the three independent though high-ability subjectstended to pro- experimentsyielded very similar results. duce longer time intervals than low-ability Further confirmation of the hypothesis subjects.There is a trend for high-ability sub- that high-ability subjectsdiffer from low-abiljects to have faster reaction times than low- ity subjectsin engagingin more extensive ability subjects,but, perhapsbecauseof the updatingof the decisionestimatesis available small samplesizeand/or the largevariability, from the data of the two modified trajectorythis differencefailed to reach statistical sig- intersectiontasksin which ability differences nificance. The ability differencesalso seem were significantly reduced. First consider the to be rather task specificastwo modified ver- blanked-trajectorytask in which the target sions of the trajectory-intersectiontask led to much smaller,and in one case,nonsignifa We conducted two additional analyseswith (a) path icant, ability differences. observation times corrected for variations in LLT due As noted earlier,trials in the standardtra- to targets at varying heights and (b) averagemiss disjectory-intersectiontask varied in the speed tances substituted for hit percentages.The direction of misses shifted from too late to too early with inofthe target trajectory and in the horizontal the creasedpath observation time, but otherwise the results position ofthe launchingapparatus.For each ofthese analyses werenearly identical to thosepreviously trial, thesevalueswere converted into units described. TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL 6r4 'l /'ExP Exg.3 .t--o 'it:4 2 t7/*'r.-Ex1 rol 25"k ttt -= r -.1''rF o @ CD .U c o f 4 0 o o o) (E -c o o @ o (D (L Exp.3 20r 30 y<Exp. 1 6 (L Exp.2 Bottom25"/. <350 413 539 Path ObservationTime (msec) task as a function oftime to observe Figure 2. Percentageofhits in the standardtrajectory-intersection j. (tni aott.O lines are the data from subjectsin the top 2, and l, the targettrajectory ln nxpeiiments quartiles of the quartiles of the sample, and the sotd fnes are the data from subjectsin the bottom samples.) was also completely path is visible for only the first 217 msec of path continuation time resultsare consisthese of Both eliminated. sublethe ihe total trajectory. Blanking out that a major facquent firget trajectory should eliminate the tent with the interpretation differencesin ability the for opportunity for revisionsbeyond the initial tor responsible decifrequent more is the task standard the eitimate, and consequently,the performance subhigh-ability among the differences between high- and low-ability sion updating jects. s,rouDsshould be reduced or eliminated if The detonation version of the trajectoryirucir of the superiority of high-ability subtask provides another opportuintersection jects -of is due to their more frequent rwisiolt the correspondence examining for nity this examined We co-ponent estimates' differencesand the monotonimplication by analyzing the data lop tfe betweenability functions relating hit perincreasing blanked-trajeitory task in terms of the six ically time' The relevant path observation to centage goupings of path observation(continualion) 4. An n'uove' Figure in illustrated are data ability two for the Iime. Vfe"n hit percentages was signifeffect time the revealedthat only gxoupsare displayedin Figure 3. AnnNovn : : 143'55, MS, P< 5'3t, 70) F(5, i-ndicited a small but significant effect -of icant, relationcomplex (other The < 1.0). : Fs .001 = l:l'63' 4.62, MS: ability, f'(1, 14) percentageand path oqs"Tp < .05, but nonsignificant effectsof time, ship between hit to explain, but it is difficult F(5, 70): 2.32,MS. = 78.41,Pl, .0-5,-3nd vation time is ofthe trajectoryversion this that :1.26, noteworthy MS": fime x AbilitY, F'(5, 70) the elimination in resulted task intersection 78.41,p > .25. and the linear difference ability the both of indicates 3 2 and A comparison of Figures percentage and path obhii that not only was the ability difference re- trend between subjects' high-ability for time duced but the trend for high-ability subjects servation and movingconstant-target the Because to improve hit percentage with increased Figure 3. hrccnrl traJectoryin Exg Note that al$orrsh samepath for rhe r Iaunch versionsof tt task allow normal u tory information. I posedherewould lea ability differencesrx same manner as ob 40g, fo * o ct) g 5 aoc I l0- I't4tre4.FerccntaXro rn trpennrnt l. tTh 615 PERCEPTUAL SKILL o I o C') (! JU o Y o (L20 Toozs'k P Bottom25% <350 413 539 664 >850 789 Path Obseruation Time (msec) ofhits in the blanked-trajectorytask as a function ofcontinuation time ofthe target Figure 3. Percentage trajectory in Experiment l. (The labelsrefer to the top and bottom quartiles ofthe sampleof subjects. Note that although the target trajectory was only visible for the first 217 msec, it continued along the samepath for the times indicated.) launch versionsof the trajectory-intersection task allow normal updating of target-trajectory information, the interpretation proposedherewould leadto the expectationthat ability differenceswould be exhibited in the same manner as observedin the standard versionof the task. As noted earlier,this was indeed the case,and thus the results from thesetasks are also consistentwith the suggestionthat at leastpart ofthe ability differencesare attributable to more frequent revision of decisionestimates. o t 3 0 (! 5zo dt r 10 <350 413 539 664 789 PathObseruation Time(msec) Figure 4. Percentageofhits in the detonationtask as a function oftime to observethe target trajectory in Experiment2. (The labelsrefer to the top and bottom quartiles ofthe sampleofsubjects.) 616 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL Table I Summary of ComponenbEfectivenessTbsts Task difficulty Exp. Exp. Ability l&3' 4 Component VVA Yes/No Adjustment constant error Variableerror ETA Adjustment Constant error Variableerror CTP Yes/No Adjustment Constanterror Variableerror Yes/No Adjustment constant error Variableerror x x x x X x " X A x x X X X x x x x Nore.An X indicatesthat the effectulasstatisticallysignificant (p < .05); a dashindicatesthat the information was not applicable.VVA = vertical vulnerability area; ETA = estimatedtime of arrival; CTP : critical target positionl LLT = launch lag time. " Theseeffectswere significantonly at the easiestlevel of difficulty. Discussion The main purpose of ExPeriments l, 2, and 3 wasto identify someof the factorscorrelated with performance differences observedin a haphazardsampleof individuals. As it turned out, the subjectswith extreme scoresalso differed in sex distribution and self-reportedexperienceplaying potentially related video games.These results indicate that the three skill categoriesidentified in the introduction are frequently not mutually exclusive becausethe present experimentsattempted to investigateskill as initial ability, but the individuals in the extreme ability groups also differed on experienceand demographic(i.e.,proportion of males)dimensions.Although thesedifferencesmake it difficult to determine why the individuals differed in proficiency, the major focus of Experiments l, 2, and 3 was to identify processingfactors responsiblefor the existing ability differences,and this goal is not compromised by the characteristics of the samples. The results of Experiments l, 2, and 3 present an intriguing, but still incomplete, picture of the nature of skill as initial ability on the trajectory-intersectiontask. With respect to the model illustrated in Figure l, there is evidencethat the skilled subjectsmay be more effective than the unskilled subjects at performing some of the component operations. It can be seen in Table l, which summarizesthe major results from the tests of component effectiveness,that'an ability effect was obtained in each of the components investigated.Perhaps more remarkable, however,is the small number of significant ability effectsrelativeto the number of significanttask-difficultyeffects.Sevenof the I I measureswere found to be sensitiveto the difficulty level of the task, and all of these results were replicated in Experiment 4. Therefore, these seven measures have face validity in that performance was inversely related to task difficulty. Howeveq only three ofthese yielded significant ability effects,and then only at the easiestdiftculty level for the WA and CTP components. It is interestingto note that the high-ability subjects produced significantly longer time estimatesthan low-ability subjectsin both the LLT and ETA tests. Unfortunately, without further data one can only speculateas to whetherthe longer subjectivetime estimates are a cause,or an effect,of the performance differenceswith.which they are correlated.It is also noteworthy that both high- and lowability subjectsapparently had illusory perceptions of the trajectory velocities as the left-to-right velocity was consistently underestimated (positive constant errors), and the vertical velocity was overestimated(negative constanterrors). Runeson(1975) reported a similar misperceptionof velocity,but we have no satisfactoryexplanation for this illusion, or the fact that it apparently reversesfrom vertical to horizontal orientations. Perhapsthe strongest conclusion possible at the present time is that the skilled subjects appear to executethe componentsin a different manner than the lessskilled subjects. This inference is derived from the functions portrayedin Figures2 and 3, which are con- srstentwith rb f ability sutlanr cy nenlc u'ith dt target traina!.{ Jeds mcrcll.q,I tra)€d ia hr: I femtoheq loop- fu& hrgb{filitv diu w|rbrbQbct tbe decid<n caitr morc prccbe wirh r Exg The purpoce of I v.estigatethe proces trce-related skill oo uon task. Some relc rrom eight yount aoutts who perform section tasks for 5Or the context of a larX romberg, l9g2). Ua the time requirernen in the project, an aw per task per session testsof componentef out. However,comrr on the first and la* iA of 288 interveningtri age(1.e.,your8 = 31 practice (i.e., earlv = effects,and a significr vatlon Time interacti< navlng steeperslom Practice X path Obs tlon wassignificantfor subjects,with the dirc( tndlcatrngthat the sb Iatinghit percenr4gp o{ was steeperwith incrq Although the age aa were rnteresting the at ponent effectiveness al tbct of practice(i.e.. 3. rormatlvenessof the rc perimenlattemptodro I or practtceby providiq tnals (i.e., 1,800vs. 2d of component effecdu tered after practice to someof the expeced g 6r7 PERCEPTUAL SKILL sistent with the interpretation that the highability subjects cycle through prior components with additional time to observe the target trajectory whereasthe low-ability subjects merelywait. In terms of the model portrayed in Figure l, the low-ability subjects seem to be accuratelycharacterizedby the loop on the decisioncomponent,whereasthe high-ability subjects are better represented with a loop to earlier componentssuch that the decisionestimatesbecomeprogressively more precisewith additional time. Experiment 4 ment was attributable to more accuratespatial and temporal discriminations. A modified matched-groupsdesign was used to capitalize on the availability of data from the pool of subjectsin Experiments I and 3. A majority of femaleswere usedas subjectsto minimize the amount of preexperimental practicewith related tasks. Method Subjects Eight young adults with a mean age of 22.6 years (sevenfemalesand one male) participatedin five l-hour sessionsover a period of 2 weeks.Each received $20 for participating. The purpose of Experiment 4 was to investigatethe processescontributing to practice-related skill on the trajectory-intersec- Apparatus tion task. Some relevant data were available The apparatuswas identical to that of the preceding from eight young adults and eight older experiments. adults who performed two trajectory-intersectiontasksfor 50 experimentalsessionsin Procedure the context of a larger project (Salthouse& Ten 50-trial blocks of the standard trajectory-interSomberg, 1982). Unfortunately, becauseof sectiontask wereadministered on SessionsI through 4. the time requirementsof the other activities The first and last five trial blocks in the experiment were in the project, an averageofonly 12.5trials identical, but the remaining 35 trial blocks (i.e.. 5 on per task per sessionwas presentedand no SessionI and l0 eachon Sessions2,3, and 4) had randomly selectedvaluesof target speed,target target testsof componenteffectiveness werecarried height,and launch location. On Session5, angle, the subjects out. However,comparisonsof performance receivedfi ve trajectory-intersection trial blocks followed on the first and last 188trials (with an average by method-of-adjustmenttestsof horizontal (CTp) and of 288 interveningtrials) revealedsignificant vertical (VVA) trajectory alignment, horizontal (ETA) age(i.e., young : 3l.2%o,old = 18.3%)and and vertical (LLT) trajectory timing, and forced-choice testsof horizontal vertical trajectory alignment. practice(i.e., early : 22.9vo,late: 26.7Vo\ The instructionsand encouragedsubjectsto attempt to effects,and a significant Age X path Obser- improve their performanceas much as possibleduring vation Time interaction with young subjects the practiceperiods.As an additional incentive.the inhaving steeperslopesthan old subjects. The dividual exhibiting the geatest improvement from the Practice X Path Observation Time interac- first to the fifth sessionreceiveda $20 bonus. tion wassignificantfor young but not for old Results subjects,with the direction of the interaction indicating that the 'slopeof the function reThe mean percentageof hits in the trajeclating hit percentageof path observationtime tory-intersectiontask increased from 26.lTo was steeperwith increasedpractice. in Blocks2-5 of SessionI to 36.6Vo in Blocks Although the age and practice differences 2-5 of Session5, t(7) : 3.38,p < .05. The wereinteresting,the absenceof testsof com_ significanteffectofpractice indicatesthat the ponent effectiveness and the rather small ef_ provisionof 1,800trials betweenthe first and fect of practice(i.e.,3.BVo\ weakenedthe in- secondtestingsessions did indeedleadto subformativenessof the results.The current ex- stantial performanceimprovements. periment attempted to produce greatereffects Figure 5 illustrates hit percentageas a of practiceby providing many more practice function of path observationtime for earlv trials (i.e., 1,800vs. 288). In addition, tests (Sessionl) and late (Session phases 5) of of component effectivenesswere adminis- practice.An eNova indicated that the practered after practice to determine whether tice,F(1, 7) : 38.0t,MS" : 84.43,p< .0005, someof the expectedperformanceimprove- and time f'(5, 35) : 53.76,MS" : 99.99, TIMCNHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL 618 I and 3 contained p < .0001, effectswere significant, but the and both Experiments 'Practice mean hit percentThe subjects. pools 32 of X Time interaction was not, F(5, fro1- lhj two subjects control 8 the of iges 35\: 2.16,MS": 84.43,P > .05'Thesesta26'l%o,ex' both pievious experimentswere tisiical trends, in conjunction with the patpresent the of mean the as same tern portrayed in Figure 5, indicate that the ictly the l ' Session on subjects lineai relationshipbetweenpath observation e*perimental The results of the ANovAsconducted on time and hit percentagewas evident at both can of componenteffectiveness stagesofpractice, and that the additional ex- thejmeasures signifno were There perienceled to an increasein hit percentage be easilysummarized. practice (p > .09) or Practice.X but with only a slight (nonsignificant)steep- icant (p > .14) effects.There is abperTask-Difficulty ening of the path observationtime/hit that the subjects,with tto euidence solutely centagefunction. substantially higher practice and additional of effects the of To make comparisons any more accurale were performance the cur- final practiceon componenteffectiveness, than subdiscriminations relevant ient subjectswere contrasted with subjects at making but performance initial jects comparable of and from Experiment I and Experiment 3 Taskpractice' of amount matchedon the basisof overallhit percentage without the same significant(p < '0-l) for were effects difficulty a allowed This l. Session for Blocks 2-5 of error (p > ' 16) and variable Cfp ttt" but direct examination of the effectsof practice all (p > .87) measures' error constant ETA subbecausethe on componenteffectiveness received jects from the earlier experiments Discussion the componenttestsimmediatelyafter Blocks from subjects the whereas 1, Session of 2-5 The two major findingsof this experiment the current experiment received 40 addithat practice-relatedskill developswtthare comthe tional blocks (2,000 trials) before increasesin the effectiveponent tests. The matching was quite close out concomitant temporal components'or and spatial of t."uu." only 8 subjectshad to be matched ness (n = ! o c o o o (L " - <350 413 539 664 789 >850 Time(msec) PathObservation task as a function oftime to observe Figure S.Percentageofhits in the standardtrajectory-intersection phase of practice.) the to refer lati ia +-liriy the target trajectory m e*p".ir""it dramatic dr4l nent operarq. I in the find; I componcd t{ Practrca ca..r { rn ored hd { rs. -i66tl lLd tqcad c -{ rqIE tr=-f=l.r rft-hbx Crener An intriguing sp the results of this : formation-pro(6su contributing to \er sociatedwith ahen of skill. For eramp encesfound to acco ationsassociatcdrrr to be the sameas rh ability or age-relarc One exampleof ferenceis wident rr tential differencs ir nents responsiblc f processing oryratto and method-of-ad1u assessthe accurac\ ( tial discriminations components in the task. Somerather sli were found to be ess ity level,but the sam any differencesas a The present tess provide information and not the efficienc nents, and therefore of the time, rather rl component decisio larger and more con If the limitation r+e however,one might formance difference section task to be n time to observethe t the component oprri of Figures2 and 5 in genceratherthan con path observation tirn PERCEPTUAL SKILL t $ ':ll dramatic changesin the cycling of component operations.The first result is apparent in the finding that none of the measuresof componenteffectiveness exhibitedsignificant practice effects,despite sizeabledifferences in overall level of performance (i.e., 26.lVo vs. 36.6%).The secondresultis an inference bard on the similar slopesof the functions relating hit percentageto path observation time in Figure 5, and the absenceof a significant Practice X Time interaction. 619 pretation has no support at the presenttirne. It also proved impossible to devise a test to assessthe effectivenessor efficiency of the decisioncomponent in the model of Figure l, and this component is arguably the most important in the sequence.Despitetheselimitations, it is still surprisingthat component effectiveness contributeslittle to the skill variations, particularly those that are practicemediated. Salthouseand Somberg (1982) havesummarizedthe resultsof many studies, and added further results of their own. documenting the effectsof practice on elemenGeneral Discussion tary aspectsof skill, and yet the experienceAn intriguing speculationsuggestedfrom based improvement in performance on the the results of this study is that different in- trajectory-intersectiontask did not seem to formation-processingmechanisms may be be accompaniedby increasedaccuracyin the contributing to variations in proficiency as- relevantcomponents. sociatedwith alternative conceptualizations One possiblereasonfor the lack of differof skill. For example, the pattern of differ- encesin component effectivenessis that inencesfound to accountfor performancevari- dividualsat differentskill levelsuseddifferent ations associatedwith practicedo not appear componentsto perform the task. This sugto be the sameas thoseaccountingfor initial gestioncannot be definitely ruled out; howability or age-relatedperformancevariations. ever, it is difficult to imagine how the task One example of this configurational dif- could be performed without componentsof ferenceis evident in the analysisof the po- the type outlined in Figure l. To estimatethe tential differencesin the individual compo- intersection point of two trajectories, both nents responsiblefor carrying out specific the spatial and temporal aspectsof eachtraprocessing operations. Both forced-choice jectory must be determined and the inforand method-of-adjustmenttestswere usedto mation from the two trajectoriesmust be inassessthe accuracyof the temporal and spa- tegratedin some manner. The components tial discriminations postulated to be basic in Figure I thereforeappearto provide a neccomponents in the trajectory-intersection essaryand sufficient set to perform the tratask. Somerather slight accuracydifferences jectory-intenectiontask,althoughalternative were found to be associatedwith initial abil- levelsof specificationor detail might be more ity level,but the sametestsfailed to indicate appropriatefor somepurposes.For example, any differencesas a function ofpractice. it could be argued that velocity and distance The present tests were designedonly to areestimatedinsteadof time in the trajectory provide information about the effectiveness estimates(e.g.,Lappin, Bell, Harm & Kottas, and not the efficiencyof individual compo- 1975;Rosenbaum,1975),in which casedifnents, and therefore it is possiblethat tests ferent setsof componenttestsmight be more of the time, rather than the accuracy,of the appropriate than those that were used. It is component decisions would have vielded clearly necessaryto obtain considerablymore larger and more consistentskill differences. evidenceon a variety of suspectedcompoIf the limitation were primarily temporal, nents before dismissingthe contribution of however, one might have expected the per- improved component efficiency to overall formance differencesin the trajectory-inter- task proficiency,and the present results, alsection task to be reduced with additional though reasonablycleaq can only be considtime to observethe trajectory and complete ered suggestiveat the presenttime. the component operations.In fact, the data A difference in the order of the compoof Figures2 and 5 indicate a trend of diver- nents within the processingsequencedoes genceratherthan convergencewith increased appear to contribute to the skill variations path obcervationtime, and thus this inter- associatedwith initial ability level and, to a 620 TIMCIHY A. SALTHOUSE AND KENNETH PRILL lesserextent,with practiceand adult age.The skilled subjectsexhibited a steeperfunction relating hit percentageto path observation time, and this was interpreted as an indication of more frequent revisionsof the component estimates with additional viewing time. The less skilled subjects,particularly those defined in terms of initial abilitv. had much flatter hit-percentage/path-obiervation-time functions, suggestinglittle or no revision of the componentestimateswith increasedtime to observethe targetpath. These differencescan be interpreted as evidence that the skilled subjectsexecutedthe components repetitively (e.g., nncnE-ABcDEABcDE. .), whereasthe unskilled subiects completed the entire sequenceonly once (e.9.,ABcDE-E-E-E.. .). It would obviously be desirableto obtain more direct evidencefor the hypothesisthat skill differencesare related to the manner of component execution, but all procedures that were consideredhad severelimitations. For example, it might seem that eye-movement analyseswould prove relevant to this issue,but it is difficult to predict which type of scan pattern would be associatedwith a given componentsequencebecausemuch of the information processingcould be carried out in the absenceof overt eye movements. A closer examination of Figures 2 and 5 revealsthat there are actually two distinct segmentsof the function relating hit percentageto path observationtime, and that the interpretation previously proposed applies best to the segmentfrom 539 to over 850 msec.The first segment,from under 350 to 539 msec,appearsto increasefor subjects at all skill levelsand may be determinedmore by factors such as speed of component or sequencecompletion. The data of Figure 5 also suggestthat the two segmentsare differentially affectedby practice as only the segment from 539 to over 850 msec appearsto exhibit substantial changeswith additional experience. Another result of theoretical significance in the current experimentsis the demonstration that the sequencewith which elementary componentsareexecuted(i.e.,nncor-ABcDE vs. ABCDE-E. . .) may be a more im. portant determinant of overall skill than the level of performanceon each separatecomponent.Fleishman(1966)and his colleagues have demonstratedthat the particular abilities contributing to performance change acrossstagesof practice and the current resultsare clearlyconsistentwith the suggestion that skill variations are due in part to the relianceon different mechanisms.It has also been argued by many theorists that overall performance may be more dependent on strategies(i.e., sequencesof component operation) than on basicabilities or component proficiency(e.g.,Allport, 1980; Bartlett, 1972: Edwards,1979;Glaser,1980;Lansman,l98l; Pellegrino& Glaser,1979;Sternberg,1978; Welford, 1958,1976).In providingevidence that certain skill variationsmay be associated with differencesin the sequenceof component execution,the presentstudy adds substance to the argument that at least some perceptual skill differences are qualitative rather than merely quantitative. 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