copyright leel bytheAmerienPsy""*'bt'rf#11*lirtffi Psychologyand Aging t991. Vol. 6. No. 3. 426-433 Age and ExperienceEffectson the Interpretation of OrthographicDrawingsof Three-DimensionalObjects Timothy A. Salthouse School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology Adults of differentagesand experiencelevelsattemptedto recognizewire-framedrawingsof 3-dimensionalobjectsoriginally displayedin orthographic views. Although only slight age relations wereevidenton a measureofdecision accuracyin the criterion task, increasedagewasassociated with poorer performanceon severaltaskshypothesizedto assesscomponentprocesses.Furthermore,therewasno significantalterationin anyofthe performancemeasuresby statisticallycontrolling for amount o[relevant experience,and there wasno evidencethat peopleofdifferent ages,or different levelsof experience,relied on differcnt abilities to perform the criterion task. These resultsseem to imply that experienceneither mediatesnor moderatesage-relatedinfluenceson certain measuresof relativelybasiccognitiveprocesses. In severalrecentprojects,my colleaguesand I (e.g.,Salthouse, Babcock,Skovronek,Mitchell, & Palmon, 1990;Salthouse& Mitchell, 1990)found that age-relatedinfluenceson me:rsures of spatial visualizationability were largelyindependentof the amount of experiencethe researchparticipants had received with relevantactivities.This wastrue in comparisonsrestricted to practicingarchitectsin the Salthouseet al. study and when the researchparticipantswere categorizedwith respectto the amountofexperiencethey reportedwith activitiespresumedto requirespatialabilitiesin the Salthouseand Mitchell study.The apparentimplication of theseresultsis that experienceneither mediatesnor moderatesage-relateddiferencesin certain measuresof spatial ability. However,a potential limitation of the earlier studies is that the measuresof spatial ability were not deliberatelyselectedto be similar to any particular occupational or leisureactivity.Instead, the measureswere basedon conventionalpsychometrictestsor computer-controlledvariantsofthose tests.The primary purposeofthe presentproject was to examine interrelationsof age and experienceon measuresofspatial ability derivedfrom speciallycreatedtaskspostulated to be very similar to activitiesperformedby many engineers. The criterion task in this projectconsistedofthe recognition of three-dimensionalobjectsportrayedinitially assetsof three orthographicdrawingsand, subsequently, assingle,wire-frame drawings(seethe top panel of Figure I for an illustration). A strong argumentcan be made that the interpretation of these kinds of technical drawingsof three-dimensionalobjectsis a critical skill for many engineersbecausetechnicaldrawingsare This researchwas supportedby National Institute on Aging Grant AG06858.The enormousassistanceofJennifer Shawin all phasesof this project is gratefullyacknowledged,as are the advice and suggestions of WalterRodriguezand the assistanceof MichaelCox and Shane McWhorter in the preparationof materialsand computer programs. Correspondence concerningthis article shouldbeaddressedto Timothy A. Salthouse,SchoolofPsychology,GeorgiaInstitute ofTechnology,Atlanta, Georgia30332. necessaryfor the transition from the designto the construction ofnearly all objects.Moreover,accuracyin both producingand interpreting drawingsis extremelyimportant in the engineering professionbecausethe drawingsfrequently function as a legal document specifyingexactly what is to be constructed, and a failure of either representationor interpretation could result in time-consumingdelaysor possiblyevenexpensivelitigation. Although engineersmay not be requiredto producedrawings at all stagesof their careers,graphicalcomprehensionis likely to be important throughout one'sprofessionallife. Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer,Hill, and Loving (1969,p. 7) haveevenasserted that an engineerdeficient in the ability to understand technicaldrawingsis "professionallyilliterate."A further indication of the importanceof technicaldrawingsin engineering is evident in the fact that nearly all engineeringcurricula includeat leastone courseon mechanicaldrawingor engineering graphicsand that items relatedto the interpretationof technical drawingsare often included in examsfor the professional certification or licensingofengineers.Theseconsiderationsall suggestthat the interpretationoftechnical drawingsis an activity with considerablerelevanceto the practicingengineer. The most widely usedmethod of representingthree-dimensional objectsis the orthographic projection systemin which the object is portrayed by two-dimensionalviews of the top, front, and right surfacesofthe object.The strategyoften recommended in textbooks (e9., Gieseckeet al., 1969; Hoelscher, Springer, & Dobrovolny, 1968; Luzadder, 1968; Rodriguez, 1990), and preferred by instructors of engineeringgraphics courses(Salthouse& Rodriguez, 1990), for determining the three-dimensional object representedby the three orthographicviewsis to project eachsurfaceonto an outline box and then to mentally cut out the extraneousregions.For example, applicationofthis strategyto the setoforthographic drawings in the top left panel of Figure I would involve folding the top view down and back along its front horizontal axis into the picture planeand folding the right view back alongits left vertical axis into the picture plane.This shouldresult in a three-di- 426 427 AGE AND EXPERIENCEEFFECTS Orthographic Screen1 l Scresn2 r []E Perspective Screen 2 affil\ Recognition-after-Rotation Scr6€n1 t; '?# Scre€n2 U] Screen 3 Assemble Scre€n 2 [lt l r-1 L_l D S FigureI . Illustration of displaysin successive screensof trials in the four experimentaltasks.(The labels ofthe screennumber werenot presentedin the actual tasks,and the lettersD and S in the bottom ofthe screenswere replacedby the words diferent and,same in the actual tasksas remindersofthe response assignment.S = starting viewing point; F: final viewing point) mensional representationresemblingthe object portrayed in Screen2. Analysis of this recommendedstrategysuggeststhat it involvesat leastthree distinct components.The fint is deciding how an object or surfacewould look when viewed from a different perspective;the secondis preservingthe altered perspective ofone surfacewhile transforminganotherobjectorsurface;and the third is the coordination and assemblyof the information from the different perspectivesinto a coherentthree-dimensional object. The tasks createdto assessthese hypothesized componentsare illustrated in the bottom panel of Figure l. The task labeledperspectivewasdesignedto evaluatethe ability to recognizean object after it had been rotated or spatially transformeda specifiedamount. The first displayon a trial in this task illustrated the object that was to be rotated and also contained a display of the starting (S) and final (F) viewing poins of the object. Instructions indicated that the respondent should imagine that the obj€ct wasviewed from the position on the circle marked S and that he or she then walked around to the point marked fl The task wasto decide,with a same-different response,whether the object representedin the seconddisplay correspondedto how the object in the initial display would appear ifviewed from the new perspective. The task labeledrecognition-after-rotationinvolved three successivedisplays. The first and third displays were of a single orthographic view ofan object, which the respondentwas to judge aseither the same-differentwith respectto one another. The secondscreenin the trial containeda wire-frameview of a diff€rentobjectand a referencecircle indicatingthe S and the F perspectivesfor viewing the object. The respondentwas instructed to try to rotate the object on the screen such that it would appearthe sameas if it wereviewedfrom PositionF on the referencecircle. As much time and rotation manipulations as neededwere allowed for this rotation process.Note that this task really involvestwo distinct activities-the primary requirement of making a same-differentjudgmentto the orthographic drawing in the third display, and the interpolated activity of rotating the different wire-frame object in the seconddisplay. The task labeledassembleinvolvedtwo displaysand required a same-different decision regarding whether the orthographic views in the fint screenand the three-dimensional drawing in the secondscreencould r€pr€sentthe same object. Familiar symbols on the facesof a cube were usedas the stimulus material in thistaskto emphasizethe integrationorassemblycomponent, rather than the ability to deal with potentially novel spatial materials. Two independent studies were conducted with different groups of participants. Only collegestudentsparticipated in the first study becauseits primary goal was to examine the relations betweenthe experimental measuresand measuresof per- ( t I j I t e c I I otl a fr tl I rd 428 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE formance on standardized tests of three potentially relevant cognitive abilities. The second study involved adults of different ages and experience levels to investigate the interrelations of age and experience on the performance of the experimental tasks. Because the experimental tasks were identical in both studies, the general method is described first. Method All participants performed the four tasks illustrated in Figure I in the following order: (a)orthographic,(b) perspective,(c) recognitionafter-rotation,and (d) assemble.Each ofthe taskswas presentedon a microcomputer,with the first screendisplayedfor 4.5 s,and the second (or third in the recognition-after-rotationtask)screendisplayedfor an unlimited time to allow the subjectto respond.Responses weredepressionsofthe "slash"(/) key on the keyboardforsameand ofthe Zkey for different.Rotationofthe wire-frameobject in the secondscreenofthe recognition-after-rotationtask was carried out by depressionsof the left and right arrow keyson the keyboard. The stimulusmaterialsusedin the taskswereorthographicand wireframedrawingsof relativelysimplethree-dimensionalobjects.Approximately I 50 pairs of similar objectswere identified, and complete(orthographic and wire-frame) sets of drawings were created for each memberof the pair. Selectionof the drawingseventuallyincluded in the experimentaltaskswasbasedon severalsuccessive pilot testsand accompanyingitem analyses.Pairs ofsimilar objectswere neededso that the correspondingdrawingsfor the other memberofa given pair could be usedasthe incorrect or asthe differentalternative(for 5ogoof the trials) in the orthographic,perspective,and recognition-after-rotation tasks.The different alternatives(alsoon 50%ofthe trials) in the assembletask were createdby altering the orientation of one of the lettersfrom a correct set of drawings. Eachtaskwasprecededby a briefdescription ofthe instructionsand the examiner'soffer to answerany questionsleft unclearby the instructions. The participant then performed a set of five practice trials as many times asdesired(with feedbackon accuracyafter eachset)until he or she felt comfortableabout the nature ofthe task. A total of30 different experimentaltrials were presented,with accuracyfeedback provided after eachresponse.The accuracyfeedbackconsistedof the wordscorrector incorrectfor the same-differentdecisions.Additional feedbacklor the rotation componentin the recognition-after-rotation taskconsistedofa displayofthe referencecircle with portrayalofthe S, desired f, and actual F viewing positions. The averageaccuracy achievedacrossthe 30 experimentaltrials wasalsodisplayedaftereach task. Immediatelybeforethe first task, eachparticipant answereda setof questionsabout his or her recentexperiencewith severalactivitiesand rated his or her ability with eachactivity.The experienceinformation wasreportedin termsofthe averagenumber ofhours per month spent performingthe activity during the last 6 months,and the ability ratings wereon a 5-point scaleranging froml (high relativeto the averageadult) to 5 (low relativeto the averageadult).The activities included in the questionnaireare listed in Tablel, along with the meansand standard deviationsof the responsesin the two samples.Severalactivities assumedto be unrelatedto proficiencywith spatial taskswere included to allow generalresponsetendenciesto be differentiatedfrom reports of specificexperienceand abilities. After completing the experimental tasks, the participants were askedto rate how familiar the tasksand stimulus materialsappeared. Ratingswere madeon a 5-point rating scaleranging froml (veryunfamiliar) to 5 (veryfamilia). markers of spatial visualization, inductive reasoning, and percaptual speed abilities. The purpose of these additional measures was to allow a determination of the factorJoading pattern ofthe n€w measures by reference to established abilities. Method Subjects. Participants in the study were I 2 I collegeundergraduates, 82 women and 39 men, with a mean ageof 20.0 years.(No significant genderdifferenceswereevident in any ofthe experimentalmeasures, and consequentlythis classificationvariablewas ignored in all subsequent analyses)Compensationfor participation in the 2-hr session consistedofcredit toward a courserequirement. Procedure. Before performing the experimental tasks, the participantsin Study I wereadministeredsix paper-and-penciltests.The six tests,and their respectivetime limits, wereasfollows:paper-folding(3 min), surfacedevelopment(6 min), lettersets(7 min), seriescompletion (5 min), numbercomparison(l .5 min), and finding As (2 min). All tests werefrom the EducationalTestingServiceKit of CognitiveReference Tests(Ekstrom, French,Harman, & Dermen, 1976),exceptthe series completion test, that was from the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Shipley,1986).Eachtest wasadministeredaccordingto the published guidelines,and performancewas rcpresentedby the number of items answeredcorrectly. Resultsand Discussion Means and correlationsamong the experimentalmeasures aresummarizedin Table2. Threepointsshouldbe notedabout the values in this table. The fint is that the mean levelsof performanceare near the middle of the effectiveperformance range(i.e.,chanceis 507owith a two-alternative,same-different decision),indicating that most scoreswereprobablynot limited by floor or ceiling restrictions. The second point is that although the estimatedreliabilitiesare not as high as one might hope,they arenevertheless acceptablefor the presentpurposes. And third, althoughall the correlationsbetweentheexperimental measureswere positive,none of them was very large,This suggeststhat the measureswere not all assessingexactly the sam€construct. Table 3 contains the resultsof the factor analysiswith varimax rotation conductedon the data from the six paper-andpencil psychometric tasks and from the four experim€ntal tasks.Three factorshad eigenvaluesgreaterthan 1.0and were retained in the final factor solution. The loading patterns for thesefactorssuggestthat the first factor correspondsto spatial visualizationability and that the third factor reflectsperceptual speed.The secondfactorcan probablybe interpretedasreflecting reasoning,but it is more complex than the other factors becausethe reasoningtestsload nearlyequallyon all three factors. The most interestingaspectof the resultsin Table3 is that the experimentalmeasuresload exclusivelyon the first 2 factors, with measures from the orthographic and perspective tasks loading on the SpatialVisualizationfactor and measuresfrom the recognition-after-rotationand assembletasks loading on the mixed factor,which probablyconsistsmainly of Reasoning. It can therefore be inferred that the experimental measuresare assessing abilitiesrelatedto spatialvisualizationand inductive Study I reasoning,but independentof perceptualspe€d. Participants in theinitial studyperformedtheexperimental Meansand standarddeviationsof the responses to the experitasksjustdescribed andsixpaper-and-pencil testsoftenusedas enc€and self-ratedability questionsaresummarizedin Tablel. 429 AGE AND EXPERIENCEEFFECTS Table I Means and Standard Deviations of Experience-Ability QuestionnaireResponses Ability rating Study I Activity Reading books, magazines,or newspapers Managing or supervisingother people Developingand implementinglong-term plans Considering how an object or building would look from a differcnt viewing position Producing or interpreting technical drawings (e.g.,blueprints)or 3dimensional objects Using computer-assisteddesign or computerassistedmanufacturing computer programs Recent experience Study 2 Study I Study 2 M SD M SD SD 2.t 2.5 2.4 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.8 2.4 2.3 0.9 1.0 1.0 39.4 t7.9 13.0 35.0 33.2 18.2 47.O 42.9 18.2 54.9 63.4 29.7 2.6 l.l 2.4 t.2 7.0 15.7 Il.l 24.0 2.6 l.l 2.6 1.3 t0.2 22.2 15.4 36.3 2.8 l.l 3.3 t.4 7.1 l8.E ll.l 34.1 M SD Note. For ability ratings,I = high and 5 = low.Recentexperiencewasmeasuredin termsof the averagenumberof hoursper month that werespenl performing the activity in the last 6 months. Thesedatawerealsosubjectedto a factoranalysiswith varimax rotation to identify meaningfulconstellationsof responses. Resultsof the factor analysisare summarizedin Table4. The factor analysis yielded five factors with eigenvalues greaterthan 1.0.The loading patternssuggestthat the factors represent Subjective Ability With Relevant Activities, Subjective Ability With Other Activities, Experience With Relevant Activities, ExperienceWith Other Activities, and Experience With Computer-Assisted Design-Computer-Assisted Manufacturing(CAD-CAM) Activities.The bottom portion of Table 4 contains the correlationsbetweeneachofthese factorsand the experimentalmeasures.The most noteworthyaspectof the correlations is that only the negativerelations between the factor representingself-ratedability with relevant spatial activities and performance in the orthographic and penpective tasks were significantlydifferent from zero.This indicatesthat people who rate their abilities as higher than average(i.e., lower numbers on the rating scale)perform somewhatbetter in these tasksthan peoplewho rate their abilities lower. The averagerating to the postexperimentalquestion concerning the familiarity of the tasksand stimulus materialswas 2.3.The familiarity rating wasnot significantlycorrelatedwith Study 2 Table 2 Correlation Matrix-for Study I (N = 121) Variable l. 2. 3. 4. 5, Age ORTHO PERS REC.ROT ASSEM M SD 20.0 L6 -.01 .60 -.10 .50* .78 72.5 l 1.8 75.3 t4.6 any of the factors from the experience-ability questionnaire responses, but it waspositivelycorrelatedwith eachofthe experimental measures.The correlationswerelow (i.e.,the rangewas .13 to .27), however,and only that (r = .27) with the measureof accuracyin the orthographic task was significantly(p < .01) greater than zero. The resultsof this initial study wereencouragingin at least four respects.First, the experimentaltasksseemedto be understood by all participants and yielded measureswith averages near the middle of the measurementscaleand with acceptable levelsof reliability.Second,the variousmeasureswerenot simply alternative reflections of the same construct becausethe correlationsbetweenthem werenot very high, and they did not all load on the samefactor.Third, the factor analysisrevealed that the measureswere related to Spatial Visualization and Inductive Reasoningabilities, but not to PerceptualSpeedability And fourth, the experience-abilityresponses could be grouped into meaningful clusters reflecting Experience or Subjective Ability with RelevantActivities or with Other Activities. In light ofthese satisfactoryresultsfrom the initial study,I decidedto proceedwith the major investigationof the relationsof Ageand Experienceon thesemeasures. .l I .25* .29* .79 87.1 13.2 -.02 .16 .20 .25' .60 83.6 9.0 Note. Boldfacednumbers indicate estimated reliabilities computed by boosting the odd-even correlation by the Spearman-Brownformula. ORTHO = accuracyin the orthographictask; PERS= accuracy in the perspectivetask;REC-ROT: accuracyin the rccognition-afterrotation task; ASSEM : accuracyin the assembletask. t p <.01. As mentioned in the introduction, the primary goal of this researchwasto examinethe effectsofexperienceasa potential mediatoror moderatorofperformanceontaskspresumedto be relevant to the occupational activities of engineers.The researchparticipants in this study therefore ranged from 2 I to 80 yearsof age,and attempts were made to solicit the participation of individuals with widely varying levelsof experienceinterpreting technicaldrawingsof three-dimensionalobjects. Method Subjects.Specialeffortsweremadeto recruit participantslikely to with thegeneration havehadexperience andinterpretation oftechnicaldrawings ofthree-dimensional objects,in additionto participants with littleor no experience of thistype.Theseeffortsincludednumer- I I 430 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE Table 3 Factor Analysis for Study 1: Experimennl and PsychometricMeasures Measure I I I Factor I (Spatial Visualization) Paper folding Surfacedevelopment .736 .8t2 .150 .152 lrtter sets Seriescompletion . 3 1I .27| .449 .562 .054 -.089 -.183 .295 .782 . 75 7 .132 .t62 .148 .1 9 8 .786 .628 3.388 |.542 Finding As Number comparison Orthographic Penpective Recognition-Rotation Assemble Eigenvalue ous letters and phone calls to local engineeringcompanies;CADCAM organizations;faculty membersin mechanical,civil, and aerospaceengineeringdepartments;and letterssent to 1,800graduatesof the GeorgiaInstitute of Technologywith degreesin mechanicalengineering.The final sampleconsistedofl32 men between2l and 80 years of age. (Only men were included in the final sample because women made up a very small proportion of the relevantpopulation, and consequentlynot enoughwomen volunteeredto allow meaningful analysesofpossible gender,Gender X Age, or Gender X Experience Factor 3 (Perceptual Speed) Factor 2 (Reasoning) h2 .573 . 71 6 .37| .442 .436 .584 .654 .612 .638 .421 1.021 effects) Although most participants had engineeringbackgrounds, level of experiencewas evaluatedby responsesto the experienceability questionnaireand wasnot basedon occupationalclassification. The meanlevelofhealth, asratedby the participantson a 5-pointscale, ranging from (l ) excellentto (5) poor , was| .40, with an agecorrelation of .25. The mean number of yearsof educationwas 16.2,with an age correlationof . 12.Compensationfor the approximatelyI .5-hr session was$10. Procedure, All participantscompletedthe experience-abilityques- Table 4 (Study l) Factor Analysis of Experience-Ability Responses Variable I Self-ratedability Reading Managing Planning Perspective Technicaldrawing CAD-CAM Hours per month Reading Managing Planning Perspective Technical drawing CAD-CAM Eigenvalue Factor I (Relevant Subjective Ability) .149 .169 .038 .760 .803 .655 Factor 2 (Other Subjective Ability) .628 .792 .775 . 1 74 .093 .108 -.t21 .362 -.010 -.196 .014 .286 2.497 - . 1I I .05 -.38* -.30r -.18 -.1I -.02 .03 -.01 .06 .05 -.081 .036 .094 -.t34 t.770 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor5 (Relevant (Other (cAD-cAM Experience) Experience) Experience) -.t21 .155 .1 5 5 -.077 -.164 .057 -.103 .109 -.3r9 -.020 .018 -.206 .034 .344 -.041 .822 .836 .260 1.450 .795 .067 .789 -.001 -.023 .030 1.229 h2 .468 ;137 .728 .633 .692 .537 -.116 -.627 .106 -.020 .072 .74t t.otz .673 .698 .642 .7t7 ;tt4 .7t 8 Correlations Age ORTHO PERS REC-ROT ASSEM .08 .16 .20 .06 -.05 .05 .02 .t4 .00 .05 .04 .06 .02 -.07 -.00 Note. ORTHO = accuracyin the orthographic task; PERS = accuracyin the perspectivetask; RECROT : accuracyin the recognition-after-rotationtask; ASSEM = accuracyin the assembletask; CADmanufacturing. CAM = computer-assisted designor computer-assisted t p<.01. AGE AND EXPERIENCEEFFECTS 431 ence-ability questionnaireare summarizedin Table3 and the results of the varimax rotation factor analysis perfiormed on these data are summarized in Table 6. The factor pattern in Table 6 is generallysimilar to that from Study l, with the excep tion that the CAD-CAM experiencemeasurenow loadson the RelevantExperiencefactor instead of combining with the managing experiencemeasureto form a separate,fifth factor. Correlations of these factors with age and the experimental measuresare displayedin the bottom of Table 6. Only two correlations were significantly different from zerq and both Results and Discussion were negative. That is, increased age was associated with The correlation matrix illustrating the correlationsbetween smaller amountsof relevantexperience,and higher ratings of the ageof the researchparticipant and the experimentalmearelevantability (i.e.,lower scoreson the scale)were associated suresis presentedin Table5. As in Study1,the reliabilitiesof the with a higher levelof performanceon the orthographictask. measuresare in the moderaterange,and the correlationsbeThe absenceofsignificant correlationsbetweenthe Relevant tween measuresare low to moderate.However, the greater Experiencefactor and any of the experimentalmeasuresraises rangeofparticipant agesin Study2 resultedin significantnegaconcerns that the experiential variation may have been too tive correlationsbetweenageand the recognition-after-rotation small to haverevealedthe expectedmain effectsof experience. and assemblemeasures.Perhapsbecauseof lower reliabilities, To explore this possibility,the researchparticipants were dithe agecorrelationswith the orthographicand perspectivemeavided into quartileson the basisoftheir scoreson the Relevant sureswere not significantlydifferent from zero,although they Experiencefactor,and then the absoluteamount ofexperience were in the samedirection as the correlationswith the other contrastedfor the 33 individuals in the top 25Voand for the 32 measures.Controlling amount of education or self-reported individuals in the bottom 25Vo.Thepeoplein the bottom 257o health statushad relativelylittle effecton the agerelations,as reported an averageof only 4.7 total hr per month devoted to the agecorrelationsafter partialing educationwere-. 17,-. 18, the three relevantactivities(i.e.,consideringhow an object or -.41, and - .26, for the orthographic,perspective,recognitionbuilding would look from a differentviewing position,producafter-rotation,and assembletasks,respectively;and thoseafter ing or interpretingtechnicaldrawingsof three-dimensionalobpartialinghealthstatuswere-.12, -.1 5, -.35, and-.27,respec- jects, and using CAD-CAM programs),compared with an tively. averageof 120.5total hr per month for peoplein the top 25vo. Although the instructionsin eachtask emphasizedaccuracy, Assumingthesereportsare valid, therefore,the individuals in and not speed,of the decisions,the time participantstook to the lowest25Voof the scoreson the RelevantExperiencefactor make decisionsin eachtask wasalsoanalyzed.Thesedecision were spendingan averageofa little overone halfofa working times averaged between2.05 and 3.15s acrossthe four tasks, day per month using relevantspatialabilities,whereasthosein and all weresignificantly(p < .01) correlatedwith chronologithe highest25Vowercspendingan averageof about l5 working cal age(i.e.,the correlationsrangedfrom .32 to .48). Angular daysper month using theseabilities.Despitethesesubstantial task error in the rotation phaseofthe recognition-after-rotation differencesin amount of experience,the two groups did not wasalsoanalyzedand wasfoundto correlate(.34,p <.01) with differ significantlyin any of the experimentalmeasures.These chronologicalageofthe researchparticipant.Theseresultsindiresultsmake it unlikely that the relationsbetweenexperience catethat, in eachtask,increasedagewasassociatedwith signifiand performanceon the experimentaltaskswereattenuatedby cantly slowerdecisions,in addition to somewhatlessaccurate a restrictedrangeofrelevantexperience. decisions. The responsesto the postexperimentalquestionconcerning Means and standarddeviationsof responsesto the experithe familiarity of the tasksand materialsare also informative about the validity of the experienceratings.The mean rating was2.3 (,SD: 1.1),and it wassignificantly(p <.01) correlated with the RelevantExperiencefactor (r: .26)and with performTable 5 ancein the orthographic(r: .3 I ) and perspective(r: .29)tasks. Correlation Matix for Study 2 (N = 132) Thesepatternsindicate that peoplerating the tasksand mateVariable I rials as more familiar report more experiencewith presumably relevantactivities,and alsoperform betteron two ofthe experi-.t6 -.39* -.26* -.16 l. Age .40* .33* .26* mental tasks,than peoplerating the tasksand materialsas less 2. ORTHO .63 .66 .29* .34? familiar. The only other significantcorrelationswith the famil3. PERS .81 .39* iarity ratingswerewith ageI : -.24\ andthe RelevantSubjec4. REC-ROT .79 5. ASSEM tive Ability factor (r = -.25). Older participants,and thoserat't9.6 79.9 78.7 M 46.4 71.8 ing their abilities with relevantactivitiesto be lower than averl 1.5 13.0 15.6 12.0 14.5 SD age(i.e.,higher valueson the rating scale),thereforerated the Note. Boldfacednumbers indicate estimated reliabilities computed tasksandmaterialslower in familiarity than did youngerparticby boosting the odd-even correlation by the Spearman-Brown foripantsor participantswith averageor high ratingsof their own mula. ORTHO = accuracyin the orthographictask; PERS: accuracy ability on relevanlactivities. in the perspectivetask; REC-ROT = accuracyin the recognition-afterTwo setsof multiple regressionanalyseswere conductedon rotation task; ASSEM = accuracyin the assembletask. * p < .01. the experimentalmeasureswith ageand the RelevantExperi- tionnaire, performed the four experimental tasks,and answeredthe postexperimentalquestionconcerningthe familiarity ofthe tasksand stimulus materials.In addition, approximately5 min at the end of the sessionrryasdevoted to the performance of two computer-controlled versionsofa digit-symbolsubstitution task. Resultsfrom thesetasks arenot describedherebecauseofplans to report them in the contextof a largerstudyexplicitly concernedwith agedifferencesin digit-symbol substitution performance. 432 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE Table 6 Factor Analysis of Experimce-Abiliry Responses(Study 2) Variable Self-ratedability Reading Managing Planning Perspective Technicaldrawing CAD-CAM Houn per month Reading Managing Planning Perspective Technicaldrawing CAD-CAM Eigenvalue Factor I (Relevant Experience) Factor 2 (Relevant Subjective Ability) Factor 3 (Other Subjective Ability) .104 .244 -.016 -.018 -. 128 -.318 -.009 .303 .067 .855 .90r .522 .6t7 .441 .89r .138 .044 -.151 - . 1 9r -.449 .042 -.098 .014 .291 .429 .547 .801 .759 .830 .481 -.058 .270 .512 .638 .848 .7'79 2.749 .233 -.t54 -.002 -.229 -.169 .009 2.146 -.t20 -.053 -.45'l .282 -.057 .088 1.575 .684 . 7t 5 .190 .218 .025 * . 1 II 1.000 .540 .61I .507 .587 . 75 l .62E -.08 .0'l .04 -.10 .08 .t2 .10 .03 -.14 -.09 Factor 4 (Other Experience) h' Correlations Age ORTHO PERS REC-ROT ASSEM -.29r .06 .ll -.01 .18 .07 _.29r -.21 -.l0 Note. ORTHO = accuracyin the orthographic task; PERS = accuracyin the perspectivetask; RECROT = accuracyin the recognition-after-rotationtask; ASSEM = accuracyin the assembletask; CADCAM = computer-assisted designor computer-assisted manufacturing. t p <.01. ence factor as predictors.The first analyseswere intended to determinethe extentto which the age-related effectsmight have been mediated,or possiblyobscured,by age-relatedvariations in experience.Theseanalysesthereforeexaminedthe influence ofage after partialing the varianceassociatedwith experience. The resultsrevealedthat the ageeffectswerevery similar before and after control of the RelevantExperiencefactor. To illustrate, the squaredmultiple correlationsfor agebeforeand after enteringthe RelevantExperiencefactor in the regressionequation were as follows:orthographic,R2 : .026 beforeand .023 after; perspective,R2: .026beforeand .018after; recognitionafter-rotation, R2: .l5l beforeand.166after;andassemble, R2 = .069beforeand.048 after.Becausethe attenuationofthe age relationsafter control ofa variablereflectingamount ofexperiencewasvery small, it can apparentlybe inferred that most of thoserelationsare not mediatedby experientialvariations. The secondsetofregressionanalysesconsistedofexamining interactionsofage and the RelevantExperiencefactor to determine whetherexperiencemight moderatethe agerelationson the experimentalmeasures.Theseanalysesthereforeinvolved enteringthe Age X RelevantExperiencecross-productinteraction terms after both the ageand RelevantExperienceterms in the multiple regressionequations.None of the interactions weresignificant-that is, F(l, 128)<2.28, p <.l0-with anyof the experimentalmeasures,implying that the agerelationswere also not moderatedby amount of experience. A final setof multiple regressionanalyseswascarried out to examine the possibility that the manner in which proficiency wasachievedin the criterion orthographictask varied according to the individual's age or amount of relevantexperience. Three multiple regressionequations were therefore created to predict performanceon the orthographic task: the first with only the measuresfrom the perspective,recognition-after-rotation, and assembletasksas predictors;the secondwith the experimental n{easuresplus ageand interactionsofage and the experimental measuresas predictors;and the third with the experimental measuresplus the Relevant Experiencefactor scoresand interactionsof those scoreswith the experimental measuresas predictors. The R2 valuesincreasedacrossthe three equationswith valuesof .210,.238,and .252,respectively. However,only the perspectivemeasurewasa significant(p < .01) predictorof orthographic performance,and none of the Age x Experimental Measuresor RelevantExperienceX Experimental Measures interactionswere significant.The absenceofsignificant interactionsindicatesthat there is no evidencethat peopleofdifferent ages,or with differentamountsof experience,rely on different combinationsof componentabilitiesto achievea givenlevel ofproficiency on the criterion taskofrecognizingthree-dimensionalobjectsin wire-frameviewsfrom orthographicdrawings. General Discussion The major purposeof the researchreported in this article was to investigatethe interrelationsofage and experienceon taskscreatedto resemblean activity performedby many engi- 433 AGE AND EXPERIENCE EFFECTS neers-interpretation of two-dimensional drawings of threedimensional objects. Results from the first study established that the tasks yielded suitable measuresof performance in terms of averagesin the middle of the performance scale,reasonablereliability, and loading patternson Spatial Visualization and Inductive Reasoningfactors.The first study also demto questionsaboutexperienceand abilonstratedthat responses ity on specific activities could be grouped into meaningful clusters.Participants in the secondstudy wereselectedto representa wide rangeof agesand levelsof experiencewith presumably relevant activities. The major finding of Study 2 was that the age relations on the experimental measureswere neither mediatednor moderatedby variationsin relevantexperience. That is, the age-relatedinfluences were not substantially attenuatedafter partialing out the varianceassociatedwith relevant experience,and there were no significant interactionsof age and experienceon any ofthe experimentalmeasures. Becausethree of the experimental tasks were designedto assesscomponentshypothesizedto be important in the criterion orthographictask,analyseswerealsoconductedto investigate the possibility that the composition of performance changedwith ageor experience.Theseanalysescan be viewed as an extensionof the molar equivalence-molecular decompositionstrategyusedby Charness(l 98 I ) and Salthouse(l 984). The primary expectation,ifincreasesin ageor experienceare associatedwith changesin the relativeimportanceof the molecular componentsof a molar task, is that significantinteractions shouldbe evidentbetweenthe componentpredictorsand either age or experience.None of the interactionswere statistically significant, and thus there is no evidencein these data that people of different ages,or with different amounts of experience,relied on different combinationsof abilities to perform the orthographictask. The resultsof this project are consistentwith those of two earlier projects (Salthouseet al., 1990; Salthouse& Mitchell, 1990) in suggestingthat the relations betweenadult age and performanceon severalmeasuresof spatialvisualizationability arelargelyindependentoftheamountofexperiencethe individuals have receivedwith relevantactivities.As in the previous reports,this absenceof a mediatingor moderatinginfluenceof experiencedoesnot appearto be attributableto a limited range ofexperiencebecauseconsiderablevariation wasevidentin the number ofhours reported to be devotedto relevantactivities. Moreover,unlike the previousstudies,the experimentaltasks in the presentproject were speciallydesignedto resemblea common occupationalactivity of engineerswho comprised a substantialproportion ofthe currentsampleofresearchparticipants.It is, ofcourse,true that noneofthe participantsactually hadexperiencewith the specifictasksinvestigatedin thesestudies, and wire-frame representationsof three-dimensionalobjects are probably lesscommon than axonometric(three-surface)or solid-modelrepresentations.The current procedures and materialsneverthelessseemreasonablebecauseperformance on the criterion orthographic task loaded on a Spatial Visualizationfactor in StudyI and was positivelycorrelatedin ability in presumablyrelevant StudiesI and 2 with self-assessed activities and with ratings of the familiarity of the tasks and materials. It is important to be explicit about what the resultsof this project, and thoseofthe earlier projects,seemto imply about the joint effectsofage and experienceon cognitive functioning. Becausethe age relations were generally independent of the amount of experience the research participants had received with presumably relevant activities, these findings provide no support for the idea that the age-relateddeclines in at least certain measuresof cognitive functioning are attributable to disuseor lack ofexperience. Ifthe disuseinterpretation were valid, one would have expected the age relations to be greatly attenuated,and perhapseveneliminated, after the experiential variations werecontrolled. That this did not occur in any ofthe studiesthereforesuggeststhatthe disuseinterpretationis probably insufficient to account for the observeddifferencesin these measures. However, neither the present results, nor the results of the previousstudies,are necessarilyinformativeabout the relation betweenageand either generalcognitivefunctioning or levelof competencein one'soccupationalactivities.All of the studies concernedwith spatial visualizationabilities havefocusedon relativelybasiccognitiveprocessesand havedeliberatelyminimized the contribution of knowledgefactorson cognitive functioning. Becauseproficiency in many activities probably deof pendsasmuch or more on knowledgeason the effectiveness increase processes, is likely to knowledge and because basic with experienceand with age,the resultsof thesestudiesmay not be generalizableto more complex measuresof cognitive functioning. Examinationof the interrelationsofage and experience on more complex aspectsof cognition should therefore be an important goal for future research. References N. (1981).Agingand skilledproblemsolving.Journalof Charness, General,I 10, 2l-38. 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