J ournal of Geronrolog : PSYCH OLOCIC AL SCI ENC ES 1995. Vol. 508. No. 6, P297-P306 Copyright 1995 br The Gerontological Stiety ofAmerica Aging,Inhibition,WorkingMemory,andSpeed Timothy A. Salthouseand ElizabethJ. Meinz School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology. An implication of the hypothesis that failures of inhibition contrtbute to adult age dffirences in working memory (Hasher & Zacks, 1988) is that statistical control of measures of inhibition should reduce the oge-rclated effects on working memory. This implication was tested in a study in which interference rneasuresfromthree variants of a Stroop task semed as the measures of inhibition. Although the age-related variance in measures of working mimory was substantially reduced after control of the interference ,neasures, the degree of attenuation was at leasl as large when speed measures from other tasks were controlled. Furthermore, additional analyses revealed that speed measures from tasks requiring oral, written, and keypress responses shared large proportions of their age-relnted variance, It wcs sugges(cd lhai sge-relobd inSuentes on sper!flr prDDessEr, smh as inhibilion, cannotbe accurately cssesse,l unless the contrtbufions of more general age-related influences are taken into consideralion THERE has recentlybeenconsiderableinterestin inhibir tion as a factor that might contribute to adult agerelated effects on cognition. For example, Hasher and Zacks (1988) suggestedthat age differences in working memory functioning originate becauseof reduced inhibition abilities. According to theseauthors, either irrelevant material gets into working memory and lowers its functional capacity, or off-track material within working memory is not inhibited and distraction occurs during processing. Because working memory is postulated to play a critical role in many cognitive tasks, a mechanismsuch as this has the potential to explain the age-relatedeffects in a wide varietyof cognitivemeasures. An implicationof the Hasherand Zacksview is that if one could control the individual differencevariationin a measure of inhibition, then the age-relatedeffectson working memory, and on othermeasuresofcognition, shouldbe considerably reduced.(SeeSalthouse,1992a,for a discussionofthe rationale underlying the application of statistical control methodsin researchon aging and cognition.) Although the statistical proceduresfor controlling the variance in one variable when examining the relation between two other variables are fairly straightforward, the challenge in the applicationof theseproceduresin the current context is in identifying adequatemeasuresof the inhibition construct. Severalrequirementscan be identifiedfor suchmeasures. One is that the measureshould be reliable, becauseif a measurehas little systematicvariancethen it is unrealisticto expect much of the total variance in the measureto be shared with other measures.The measureshould also be valid in order to have confidence that it actually reflects the target construct- in this caseinhibition, rather than some other construct. This often must be determinedfrom the pattern of correlations with other measureshypothesizedto reflect the same construct becausethere is currently no external criterion againstwhich one can validatemeasuresof the inhibition construct. Both reliability and validity benefit if the constructis assessed with multiple measures.Not only is the reliability greaterdue to aggregation(Rushton, Brainerd, & Pressley, 1983), but the validity is often higher because constructvariancecan be emphasizedby cancellingout the specific variance associatedwith the particular methods, materials,and measures. Severalalternativemethods have been used to measure inhibition, but nearly all are indirect, and the reliability of someof the measurescan be questionedbecausethe effects are often quite small (e.g., measuresof negative priming sometimesusedas an index of inhibition often averageonly 10-15 msec). The potentially low reliability may have contributedto the lack of strong correlationsamong measurespresumedto assessinhibition in earlier studies(e.g., Hartman& Hasher, I 99 I ; Stolzfus,Hasher,Zacks,Ulivi, & Goldstein,1993). Inhibition is assessedin this study with three variantsof the Stroop interferencetask. The dominant interpretationof interferencein this task is that the slower responseto name the color of a targetword when the identity of the word is in conflict with the color occursbecausethe word information is activatedautomaticallyand the researchparticipantneeds to inhibit the irrelevant(word) informationwhen attempting to namethe color (e.g., Cohn, Dustman,& Bradford, 1984; Dulaney& Rogers, 1994;Macleod, l99l). Ir may therefore be possibleto use the amount of interferencein the task as an index of the effectivenessof inhibition, with larger interferenceinterpretedas a reflectionof decreasedinhibition. If this interpretationof the interferencemeasureis correct, and if older adultshave reducedinhibitory abilities relative to younger adults, then the amount of interference in the Stroop task would be expected to increase with increased age. In fact, there are numerous reports of greater interferencewith increasedage in Stroop tasks(Cohn et al., 1984; Comalli, Wapner, & Werner, 1962;Daigneault,Braun, & Whitaker, 1992; Dulaney & Rogers, 1994;Hartley, 1993; Hartman& Hasher,l99l;Houx, Jolles,& Vreeling, 1993; Panek,Rush,& Slade,1984). However, several issues need to be considered before these results can be accepted as indicating an age-related decreasein inhibitory ability. First, greaterinterferencewith increased age could originate either because of reduced inhibition and equal strength of automatic activation or P297 P298 SALTHOUSEANDMEINZ becauseof equal inhibition and increased strength of automatic activation.That is, insteadof older adultshaving less effective inhibition processes,their greaterinterferencemay occur becauseof more potent or effective automatic activation such that the irrelevant word information is activated more strongly in older adults than in young adults. One way in which thesepossibilitiesmight be distinguishedis by also measuringfacilitation, or the benefit of compatible word and color information relative to a neutral condition. Facilitation should reveal any benefits of automatic activation, and thus if older adults have more automatic activation than young adults, then they should have more interference and also more facilitation. However, if the greater interference with increasedage is primarily due to decreasedinhibition, then the amount of facilitation should not systematicallydiffer as a function of age. Second,it is important to considerthe manner in which the inhibition measuresare derived. Interference and facilitation are typically assessedby difference scores,with the former defined as the time in the incompatible condition minusthe time in the neutralcondition, and the latterdefined as the time in the neutral condition minus the time in the compatiblecondition. Differencescoreshavebeencriticized becausethe reliability is often low and becausethey have a high correlationwith the baseline(neutral)score.The question of reliability can be examinedby administeringrepeated trials in eachcondition to allow the reliability of the difference scoresto be computed. However, Cohen and Cohen (1983, p. alg suggestthat a bettermethodof taking performanceon one task(neutral)into considerationwhen examining performanceon a secondtask (incompatible)is to partial variancein the original scorefirst. It is thereforedesirableto use both the differencescoreand the partialling methodsin assessingrelationsbetweenage and interference. Third, it is also possible that what are presumedto be measuresof specificprocessessuch as inhibition may actually reflect the contribution of a more general or common influence (cf., Salthouse& Coon, 1994). This possibility can be examined by partialling out the effects of other measuresto determine whether the age-relatedeffects are independentof one another. Measuresfrom severaldifferent tasks should be included in these types of analysesto determine if there are effects of a more general factor. Finally, it is desirableto have multiple measuresof the relevanttheoreticalconstructs.This is importantnot only to increase reliability and validity for the reasons mentioned earlierbut also becauseMacleod (1991) hasnotedthat little researchhas examined correlations of the interferencemeasuresin different versions of the task. To summarize, the major goal of this study was to examine age-related effects in measures of inhibition and to determine the extent to which inhibition may contribute to the age-relateddifferences in working memory. The working memory construct was assessedwith two tasks, the reading-spantask and the computation-spantask. Both have beenusedin severalpreviousstudies(e.g., Salthouse,1991, 1992b. 1992c:.Salthouse& Babcock. l99l: Salthouse& Coon, 1994; Salthouse,Mitchell, Skovronek, & Babcock, 1989;Salthouse& Skovronek,1992)andhavebeenfound to yield reliable measures,which have moderatepositive rela- tions with one another and with several measuresof cognitive performance and moderate negative relations with age. Interferenceand facilitation were assessedwith three parallel Stroop tasks similar to those used by other researchers (e.g., see Macleod, 1991, for citations), but specifically designedto be structurallyparallel (seeFigure l). Subjects were always instructedto namethe color, the quantity, or the position of target items, and the stimulus items consistedof either a neutral string of Xs, a compatible word or number string, or an incompatibleword or number string. Finally, additional tests of processing speed were administered to examine the relation of these measuresto the purportedly specific measuresof interferenceand facilitation. Mersoo Research participants. - Characteristics of the 242 adults who participated in the study are summarizedin Table l. The participants were recruited from newspaper advertisementsand community organizations.It can be seenthat the averagelevel of educationwas quite high and that most participantsreportedthemselvesto be in good to excellent health. Tasks.- The different versionsof the Stroop tasks (see Figure l) were designed to have a similar format. The stimulusmaterialsin eachconsistedof a pagecontainingtwo columns of l0 stimuli each. The alphanumericcharacters were 5 mm high, exceptin the positiontask wherethey were 3 mm high. The rectanglessurroundingthe stimuli were l7 x 30 mm, exceptin the positiontask wherethey were l7 x 37 mm. Researchparticipants were instructed to name the colors (i.e., red, blue, green, yellow) of the items in the color version,to namethe quantity (i.e., one, two, three,or four) of the items in the number version, and to name the positions (i.e., above, below, right, left) relative to the internal line in the position version. In all casesthe oral responseswere to be made as quickly as possibleand were timed with a stopwatch to a resolution of 0.1 sec. The participantswere instructedto correct their errors, but be- of Research Participants Characteristics Tablel. Demographic 50s 60s 70-89 Number 45 32 43 3'7 56 29 9o Female 40.0 68.8 62.8 6'7.6 58.9 51.7 Age Mean 23.4 35.2 3.1 M.4 2.8 53.7 2.8 65.1 3.1 74.9 4.5 t5.2 2.6 15.5 2.O 16.3 t.6 r5.2 2.4 14.2 2.O 1.6 o.7 2.O l.l 1.8 0.9 1.9 0.9 2.1 0.9 sD Education Mean sD Health Mean sD 3.3 15.1 1.8 l9 0.8 Nore: Education refers to the number of years of formal education completed,and healthis a self-ratingon a scalerangingfrom I for Excellent to 5 for Poor. Becausetherewere very few individualsin the two oldestage groups,they have beencombinedin the interestof space. AGING AND INHIBITION Compatible Neutral IncomDatible Say Color Say Quantity Say Position @ E fll r @ @ @ @ E I ! D Blue Red Green yeltow lr E E I BELow I l-|;l | )oooo( | trt t-Fi E Ft-r Figure l. Illustrationofstimulus materialsin the compatible,neutral,and incompatibleconditionsin the color, number, and position versionsof the Stroop task. cause very few errors were uncorrected, the errors were reflected in longer response times and were not analyzed separately. A reading speedtask consistedof a page containing 20 randomly arranged words from the set of four colors, four positions, and four numbers. As in the Stroop tasks, the researchparticipantwas instructedto name (read)the items as quickly as possible, and timing was performed with a stopwatch. The tasks were individually administeredto all research participantsin the following order: reading speed, color, number, position, position, number, color, and reading speed.A singlepagewas usedin eachadministrationof the reading speedconditions, but six pageswere presentedin each administrationof the other conditions in the order neutral, compatible, incompatible,incompatible,compatible, and neutral. Four different arrangementsof l0 target stimuli were preparedfor each Stroop version, and each arrangementwas presentedonce in each condition. For purposesof reliability assessment, the times for the first two administrationsof eachcondition were averasedand correlated with the averagetimes for the last t*o id.inirtrations of eachcondition. The working memory tasks were administered on computers according to the procedures described in Salthouse andCoon (1994). Briefly, the readingspantask involved the presentationof a series of sentences,with each sentence accompaniedby a question with three alternatives. The task for the researchparticipant was to select the correct answer to the question and remember the last word in the sentence. Both the selectionof the correct alternative and the recall of the target words were entered by keyboard responses.The individual's readingspanwas the largestnumberof items in which he or she was correct on both processing(answering the questions) and storage (recalling the words) in at least P299 two of three trials. The computation span was very similar but involved the presentationof a seriei of arithmeiic prob_ lems, with eachproblem accompaniedby threealternatives. As in the reading span task, the research participant was instructed to select the correct answer to tlie problem and rememberthe last item in the problem. Both the selection of the correct alternative and the recall ofthe tareet disits were communicated by keyboard responses.Th! indlvidual's computation span was the largest number of items in which he or she was correct in both the arithmetic problem and the recall of the last digit in at least two of three trials. The readingspanand computationspantaskswere eachadminis_ teredtwice, in immediatesuccession,to allow reliability to be determined. The other tasksdesignedto assessprocessingspeedhave also been describedin previous reports (e.g., Saithouse& Coon, 1994).The letter comparisonand patierncomparison tasks required the researchparticipants to make rapi-a ;udg_ mentsabout whethera pair of letter strings (letter compari_ son) or line patterns (pattern comparison) were the same or different. Stimuli in this task consistedof two columns of items, and responsesconsistedof writing the letter S (for -between same) or D (for different) on the line the iwo members of the pair. Two computer-administeredspeed taskswere the digit digit and digit symbol tests.Thesetasks were describedby Salthouseand Coon (1994) as follows: Thedigitsymboltestinvolvedthepresentation of a codetable containing digitspairedwith symbolsand probesof a digit pairedwith a symbol.Thesubjectwasinstructed to decideas rapidlyaspossible whetherthedigit andsymbolwereassoci_ atedaccording to thecodetable.If thedigit andsymbolwere associatedin the code table then the slashkey was to be pressed, andifthey werenorpairedin thecodetible thenthe Z key wasto be pressed. The digit digit versionof the task was identicalexceptthat the symbolswere replacedwith digits,and thusthe yes-nodecisionwas basedon physical identityratherthanassociational equivalence. In bothtasks subjectswereinstructedto respondasrapidlyandaccurately (p. l 175). aspossible Each of these four tasks (i.e., letter comparison, pattem comparison,digit digit, and digit symbol) was administered twice, in immediate succession,to allow reliabilitv to be computed. Resulrs Descriptive characteristicsof the dependentmeasuresare presentedin Table 2. Reliability was estimatedby boosting the correlation between the score on the first administration (averageof two trials for the Stroop tasks) and on the second administration by the Spearman-Brownformula. It is apparent that most measureshave good reliability, and even the interference difference score measures have reliabilities greater than .62. As expected, most of the measures had moderately large linear relations with age. Age relations in the Stroop measuresfrom the three tasks are displayed in Figure 2. It is apparentin Figure 2 that the quadraticrelations reportedfor a few measuresin Table 2 are attributable to larger-than-linear slowing among the oldest participants. P300 SALTHOUSE AND MEINZ Table 2. Means, StandardDeviations,EstimatedReliabilities, and Age Trends for Primary Dependent Variables Incompatlblo --o-Ncutral Proportion of Variance Variable Est. Rel. Age Aget .009 .004 Letter Comparison Pattern Comparison 9.54 2.69 16.53 4.01 .77 .87 .3t0* .401* Digit Digit RT Digit Symbol RT 739 1 5 1I .93 .97 .353* .009 .400+ .003 2.50 1.37 4.06 2.1'7 .78 .83 .035+ .001 .018 .000 Reading Span Computation Span Reading Speed Colors ColorsColors Colors Colors - Neutral Compatible Incompatible Interference Facilitation 163 415 8.25 1.65 .81 .073* .000 11.23 2.44 9.63 2.23 19.01 4.82 '7.'78 3.25 1.60 1.60 .89 .84 .253* .227* .323* .217* .010 .O34* .010 .002 .005 .020 .009 .005 .Ot2 .oo2 .001 .026* .013 .O23* .007 .0r l .9r .12 .57 Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers - Neutral Compatible Incompatible Interference Facilitation 9.82 9.'79 12.32 2.50 0.03 2.21 2.66 2.'72 1.49 t.t4 .92 .62 .41 .229* .304+ .234+ .031x . I 33* Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions- Neutral Compatible Incompatible Interference Facilitation 14.05 10.82 t] .53 3.48 3.23 3.30 2.94 4.82 2.34 1.98 .94 .94 .95 .70 .75 -202x .235* .193* .o73+ .001 .vJ ol N.)1.,.l€tter Comparisonand PatternComparisonmeasuresare the number of correctminus the numberof incorrectresponses in 30 sec,and Digit Digit RT and Digit Symbol RT are times in msec. Reading Span and Computation Span measuresrepresentthe largest sequencein which both processingand recall were correct on at leasttwo of three trials. All remaining measuresare in sec, with the observed measurescorresponding to the time required to complete the page of 20 items, and the difference score measures(interference and facilitation) representingdifferencesbetweenobservedtimes. */, < .01. Inspectionof Table 2 reveals that there were relatively small age-relatedeffectson working memory in this sample. Correlationsbetweenage and the reading spanand computation spanmeasureswere -. l9 and -. 13, respectively,compared to values of -.37 and -.26, respectively,in another study(Salthouse,in press)with very similar procedures.The difference in the two samples is largely attributable to the older adults in this study performing better than the older adultsin the other study, which may be relatedto a slightly greater averageamount of education for the older adults in this study. Main effects, and interactionswith age, of education, health status, and gender for the measuresin Table 2 were examinedin a seriesof regressionanalyses.Main effectsof education were significant on many measures(i.e., letter comparison, pattern comparison, reading span, computation span, readingspeed,color-neutral,color-compatible,numbers-neutral,numbers-compatible,numbers-incompatible, positions-neutral, positions-compatible,positions-incompatible, and positions-interference), but there was a significant interactionof age and educationonly on the positionsfacilitation measure.Health main effects were significant on numerousvariables(i.e., readingspeed,color-neutral,color- Compatlblc ....4..'. l5 Number 8 2 0 I 9 r s E c 1 (U 0 o Position t5 0 ' 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 ChronologicalAge Figure 2. Mean time by age decade in the three conditions of the color, number, and position versions of the Stroop task. Bars adjacent to the data points representone standarderror. compatible, numbers-neutral, numbers-compatible, n u m b e r s - i n c o m p a t i b l e ,p o s i t i o n s - n e u t r a l , p o s i t i o n s compatible, and positions-incompatible), but none of the interactions with age were significant. Females had significantly higher scores(longer times) on the digit digit, digit symbol, color-interference, numbers-incompatible, positions-neutral, positions-compatible, and positionsinterferencemeasures,but there were no significant interactions of age and gender. Consistent with earlier researchon the Stroop phenomenon (e.g., Macleod, l99l), readingwords (8.25 sec)was faster then naming colors (11.23 sec), naming quantities (9.82 sec), or naming positions(14.05 sec). The finding of smaller facilitation than interference in each task is also consistentwith earlier research(Macleod, 1991) on these types of tasks. Although the facilitation effects were small, AGING AND INHIBITION t\y *er" significantly greater than zero in the color (r : 15.53)and position(t : 25.31)tasks,but not in the number task (r : 0.48). Moreover, the patternwas consistentacross individuals because88.OVoof the participantshad positive facilitation scoresfor the color task, 5l .iEo for the number task, and 97.9Vofor the position task. These results, in combinationwith the moderatereliabilities, suggestthat at least the facilitation measuresfrom the color and position tasks were not at a measurementfloor. Age effects were small to nonexistent on the facilitation measuresexcept for the number task, suggestingthat age_ relatedeffects on interferencemeasureare not attributablJto strongerautomaticactivationwith increasedage. The signi_ ficant age effects on the number facilitation -Lorur" appear due to a shift from positive (benefiQto negative(costf with increasedage, and thus suggestthat, if anything, there may be a decreasewith increasedage in the strengthof automatit activation in this task. Regardlessof how that particular result is interpreted,however, the lack of an age-related increasein facilitation implies that the greaterinGrference with age cannot be attributed to an increasein automatic activation. Correlations were computed among the difference scores, both before and after correction for attenuationby dividing the correlation by the squareroot of the product of reliabili_ ties.Thesecorrelations,with the disattenuated correlationsin parentheses, were .38 (.57) for the color and numberinterferencemeasures,.52 (.13) for the color and position interfer_ encemeasures,.28 (.42) for the numberandpositioninterfer_ encemeasures,. I 6 (.3 I ) for the color and numberfacilitation measures,.45 (.69) for the color and position facilitation measures,and . 14 (.24) for the numberand positionfacilita_ tion measures.It is apparentthat the interferenceand facilitation measuresfrom the color and position tasks have moderate correlations with one another, particularly after adjustment for reliability, but that the measuresfrom the number task have smaller relations with other measures. Although this pattem raisesquestionsabout the extent to which the measuresall reflect a common construct, a compositeinterferencemeasurewas neverthelessformed by averaging z-scoresfor measuresfrom all three tasks. However, resultsare also reportedfor each individual measureto allow the generalizability of the resultsto be examined. A composite working memory measurewas also created by averagingthe z-scoresfor the reading span and computation span measures.The correlation between the two measureswas .57, and .7 | after correction for attenuationdue to unreliability. Composite speed measureswere also created from the other speed tasks by averaging z-scores from the similar tasks. The correlations were .67 (.82 after conection for unreliability) between the letter comparison and pattern comparisonmeasures,and .84 (.88 after correctionfor unreliability) betweenthe digit digit and digit symbol measures. Results of the statistical control analyseson the agerelated influenceson working memory aie summarized"in Table 3 (see Appendix, Note l). All regressionanalyses except the first were performed hierarchically, with the increment in R, determinedfor each successivevariable. The relevant contrastsfor the current purposesare between the initial age-relatedvariance (Equation l) and the incre- P30t ment in variance associatedwith age after control of one or more other variables. Notice that there was large attenuation of the age-related effects in working .".iry when the measuresof inhibition were controlled, both those from the differencescoresmeasures(Equations,2,4, and 10, but not the difference score from the number task, Equation 7) and thosefrom the sequentialpartialling procedure(Equations 3, 5, 8, and I l). However, the attenuationwas at leastas large when the measuresfrom the neutral condition ,e." "oi_ trolled (Equations6, 9, and l2), andwhen speedmeasures from separatetaskswere controlled(Equations13, 14, and l5). Theseresultsindicate that the phenomenonof attenu_ ated age-relatedvariance in working memory is not simply attributableto inhibition. Speed, or whatever it is ttrai ii commonto all thesemeasures,appearsto be more important than inhibition as a factor contributing to the adult age differences in working memory. Becauseof the unusuallysmall relation betweenage and working memory in this sample,anothersamplewas created with more typical relationsbetweenage and working mem_ ory. This was achievedby eliminatingdatafrom participants (n : 9) above the median age (50) with working memory compositescoresin the top lOVoof the overall distribution, and data from participants(n : 9) below the median age with working memory compositescoresin the bottom l0% of the distribution. The age-relatedvariance (R,) in the compositeworking memory measurein this sampleof 224 adultswas .104, which is more in line with the valuesfrom other studiesthan the .033 value in the complete sample. However, the samepatternof reductionof aqe-relatedvariancein working memory after control of the ipeed variables was apparent in this more typical sample. That is, the residual age-relatedvariance in the composite working memory measure was .035 after control of the color_ interferencemeasure, .099 after control of the numberinterferencemeasure, .050 after control of the positioninterferencemeasure, .06 I after control of the reading speed measure,.016 after control of the perceptualspeedcomposite measure, and .018 after control of the reaction iime composite speed measure. The reduction of g4.6%oafter control of the perceptualspeedcompositeis similar to that reportedin other studies(Salthouse,1991, 1992c;Salthouse & Babcock, l99l). For example,a recentstudy (Salthouse, in press)with the samemeasuresand a similar samplehad a decreasein the age-relatedvariance in the composite workrng memory measure of 78Vo (from .l4l to .031) after control ofthe perceptualspeedcomposite,and a decreaseof 797o(from.l4l to .029) after control of the reaction time speedcomposite(seeAppendix, Note 2). Relations Among M easures The next set of analysesexamined the interrelations of the speedmeasures.The initial analysis determined the effects of statisticalcontrol of the speedmeasureson the relations betweenage and the naming measures.The resultsof these analyses,in terms of the proportion of age-relatedvariance remaining after control of specified measures,are presented in Table 4.It can be seenthat there was sisnificantresidual age-relatedvariance in severalmeasures,birt in all casesthe residual was only a small fraction of the total age-related P302 SALTHOUSEANDMEINZ Table 3. Age-Related Variance in Working Memory MeasuresBefore and After Control of Other Variables Composite Measure Reading Span Computation Span Controlled Variable R2 Eq. I Age 033 .033* .035 .035+ .018 .018 F4.2 Int. (Composite) Age .091 .096 .091* .005 .079 .086 .079* .007 .065 .066 .065* .001 Age .104 .129 .129 .104* .025* .000 .062 .095 .096 .062* .033* .001 .104 .t14 .ll8 .104* .010 .004 Eq.4 C-Int. Age .091 .093 .091* .002 .085 .089 .095+ .004 .059 .060 .059+ .001 Eq. 5 CN CI Age .067 .12 .12 .067* .045* .0u) .038 .091 .o92 .038* .053+ .001 .070 .091 .093 .070* .021 .002 Eq. 6 CN Age .061 .071 .067* .004 .038 .M9 .038* .01I .070 .070 .070* .000 Eq.1 N-lnt. Age .004 .034 .004 .030+ .001 .036 .001 .035* .007 .021 .007 .014 Eq. 8 NN NI Age .o9'7 .099 .100 .o9'7* .002 .001 .063 .063 .069 .063* .000 .006 .091 .095 .096 * .091 .004 .001 Eq. 9 NN Age .o91 .098 .097* .001 .063 .069 .063* .006 .091 .091 .091* .000 Eq. l0 P-lnt. Age .ll3 .t22 .ll3* .009 .lll .122 .lll+ .01I .069 .o73 .069* .0(M Eq. ll PN PI Age .095 .145 .145 .095* .050+ .000 .054 .120 .t25 .054* .066* .005 .098 . tt ] .ll8 .098* .019 .001 Eq. 12 PN Age .095 .09'7 .095* .002 .054 .063 .054+ .009 .098 .098 .098* .000 Eq. 13 Reading Speed Age .047 .063 .o47* .016 .03t .052 .031* .o2l .044 .050 .044x .006 Eq. 14 PerceptualSpeed Age .091 .o92 .091* .001 .082 .082 .082* .000 .062 .064 .062* .002 Eq. 15 RT-Speed Age .058 .059 .058* .001 .05r .054 .051* .003 040 040 .040* .000 Eq. 3 N (Composite) I (Composite) Incr. R2 R2 Incr. R2 R2 Incr. R2 Note: lnt. refersto the interferencedifferencescores,CN, NN, and PN refer to the color, number,and positionneutralscores,respectively,and CI, NI, and Pl ref'erto the color, number, and position incompatiblescores,respectively. * n ( . 0 1 f o r I n c r e m e n itn R 2 . AGING AND INHIBITION Table 4. Age-Related Variance in Naming MeasuresBefore and After Control of Other Variables P303 Digit Digit RT Digit Symbol RT Criterion Variable Color Incompatible Compatible Interference Facilitation Alone Neutral RdSpd PSpd Letter Comparison ---€---. RTSpd Pattern Comparison ---€---. .323* .227* .21'7* .010 .038* .01I .085* .021 .201* .092* . 1 6 lx .013 .037* .Ot4 .033* .002 .046* .041* .028* .000 Number Incompatible Compatible Interference Facilitation .234* .304* .031* .133* .009* .018x x .031 .098* .108* .144* .o27* .102* .007 .030* .002 .076+ .006 .038* Position Incompatible Compatible Interference Facilitation .193* .235* .o73* .001 .001 .019x .007 .o42+ .097+ .106* .o47* .000 .006 .01l .001 .000 -o02 .021* .001 .001 MEAN .165 .o32 .o92 .018 .019 ReadingSpeed o o (,) ' . . 4 . Color - Neutral ---- 6 Number - Neutral N -->-. Position - Neutral - - ! - .n2 .04'l* Nrre.'Rdspd is ReadingSpeed,PSpdis the PerceptualSpeedcomposite (lettercomparisonand patterncomparison),and RTSpd is the reactiontime speedcomposite(Digit Digit RT and Digit Symbol RT). */l < .ol. effects.For example,the residualage-relatedvariancein the color-interferencemeasurewas only 39Voof the initial agerelated variance after control of the color-neutral measure, and was only l5.2Voof the initial varianceaftercontrol of the composite perceptual speed measure. It therefore appears that most of the age-relatedvariance in these measuresis sharedwith the other measures.The readingspeedmeasure is somewhatof an exceptionbecauseit sharesrelativelylittle variancewith the othernamingmeasures. Speedmeasuresfrom different tasks were converted to zscores,and plottedby agedecadein Figure 3. Similar trends are evident for all measures,exceptfor a slightly shallower agerelation for the reading speedmeasure.This discrepancy is also apparentin the proportionsofage-relatedvariancein Table 2 becausethe value for the readingspeedmeasurewas only .073, comparedto valuesof .202 or greaterfor the other measures. The similar age functions apparentin Figure 3 raises the possibility that one or more common factorsmight contribute to the age-relatedinfluencesin the speedmeasures.This was examined by determining the proportion of the agerelated variance shared between pairs of speed measures. These proportions, which are presentedin Table 5, were calculated by computing the R' for age in the criterion measure, next computing the increment in R2 for age after removing the variance in the controlled measure, and then subtracting the latter from the former and dividing by the former. To illustrate, the total age-relatedvariance in the color-incompatiblemeasurewas .323, and the incrementin variance in that measureassociatedwith age after control of the color-neutral measurewas .038. The ratio of (.323.038)l .323 : .882, which correspondsto the entry in the 6th row and 8th column in Table 5. 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 ChronologicalAge Figure 3. Means by age decade for speed scores expressed in standard deviation units from the entire sample. Note that the measureshave been reflected such that higher z-scorescorrespond to faster performance. The pairs in the table are not symmetric becausethe agerelated variance in the two measuresis not identical. To illustrate,the age-relatedvariancein the color-neutralmeasure is .253, and the estimateof the proportionof this agerelated variance that was sharedwith the color-incompatible measureis .984. However, the proportionof the age-related variance(.323) in the color-incompatiblemeasurethat was sharedwith the color-neutralmeasurewas .882 (seeAppendix, Note 3). The meanof all entriesin Table 5 is .863, which indicates that there is considerablecommonality among the agerelatedvariancein thesemeasures.Substantialcommonality also exists in the age-relatedinfluences on the derived measures.This is evident in the proportion of age-related variance in the interference difference score measuresthat was sharedwith the other speedmeasures.The proportions shared with the respective neutral measureswere .608 (Color), 1.00 (Number), and .904 (Position), the proportions shared with the reading speed measure were .258 (Color), .129 (Number),and .356 (Position),thoseshared with the perceptualspeedcompositewere .848 (Color), .935 (Number), and .986 (Position), and the proportionsshared with the reactiontime speedcompositewere .871 (Color), .935 (Number), and .986 (Position). As in the other analyses, therefore, the reading speedmeasureappearsto have a relatively small proportion of age-relatedvariancein common with the other speedmeasures. It is also possibleto compute the geometricmean of the two proportions of sharedage-relatedvariance for a pair of measures,and then take the squareroot ofthat value to yield a type of correlation termed the quasi-partial correlation (Salthouse,1994).The quasi-partialcorrelationis analogous to a correlation coefficient but, instead of representing the proportion oftotal variance that is shared, it representsonly the proportion of age-related variance that is shared. The quasi-partial correlation for the variance proportions in Table 5 are presentedin Table 6. The mean of the entries in this table is .886, and the medianis .877. SALTHOUSEANDMEINZ P304 Table 5. Proportionof SharedAge-RelatedVariancein SpeedMeasures Criterion Variable l0 Controlled Variable lt t2 T4 I23- DDRT DSRT LetCom 4 PatCom RdSpd 5 6 C N 7-CC 8-CI 9-NN IO-NC ll-Nl 12 PN I3 - PC 1 . 1- P l x .9n3 .5.58 .652 .266 .5-s0 .473 .694 .5U4 .669 .6'74 .5u6 .567 .5U6 .933 X .683 .780 .265 .5tt0 .513 .135 .625 .125 .685 .608 .6| 8 .630 .629 .83-5 x .910 .287 .648 .590 .145 .617 .687 .645 .529 .606 .529 .579 .776 .7-s8 x .262 .606 .581 .69tt .628 . 7| 8 .658 -586 .633 .561 .9'73 .986 .932 .999 x .9'73 .945 .986 .904 .76'7 .986 .999 .973 .959 .735 .846 .767 .8'77 .514 X .905 .9t14 .893 .949 .870 .826 .838 .119 .705 .828 .167 .907 .595 .952 X .941 .930 .996 .881 .824 .969 .121 .749 .864 .12t .833 .378 .882 .762 x .8ll .876 .861 .755 .71'7 .777 .830 .939 .852 .943 .620 .939 .926 .974 x .996 .969 .904 .943 .U9l .751 .885 .697 .885 .526 .859 .885 .908 .94t x .905 .816 .901 .789 .906 .9'70 .803 .951 .s38 .906 .rJ68 991 .962 .996 X .91-5 .910 . 9t 5 .901 .970 .757 .960 .559 .941 .886 .980 .960 .990 .9'75 x .9'15 .985 .796 .919 .762 .936 .549 .tatz .951 .945 .932 .991 .91l .919 X .864 .911 .995 .788 .959 .491 .922 .8I 9 .999 .964 .995 .984 .995 .959 X .ttol .901 .757 .892 .450 .Ul8 .778 .891 .832 .873 .846 .189 .821 .769 Mean .603 .645 .640 .619 .952 .tt29 .848 .713 .902 .827 .895 .9ll .873 .907 .863 Notr,. DDRT - Digit Digit reactiontime: DSRT Digit Symbol reactiontimel LetCom - Letter Comparison:PatCom = PatternComparison;RdSpo : ReadingSpeed.The remainingvariablesare fiom Strooptaskswith the lirst letterdesignatingthe Stroopversion(Color, Number, or Position)and the second letterdesignatingthe condition (Neutral, Compatible,or lncompatible). Table 6. Quasi-PartialCorrelations Variable Variable I 2345- DDRT DSRT LetCom PatCom RdSpd 6-CN 7-CC 8*CI 9-NN IO-NC ll-Nt I2 - PN I3-PC I4-PI X .9'78 .1'7| .784 .1t2 .'797 .-t59 .850 .836 .843 .883 .853 .821 .858 X .868 .883 .718 .837 .807 .892 .875 .896 .904 .876 .86'7 .889 X .9ll .7l9 .838 .820 .856 .871 .833 .848 .'196 .824 .804 X .115 .854 .853 .873 .8'77 .892 .890 .867 .8"71 .857 X .841 .867 .784 .866 .798 .854 .863 .856 .833 X .963 .965 .951 .950 .942 .940 .925 .919 An exploratoryfactor analysiswas next conductedon the matrix of quasi-partialcorrelations.The first factor in this analysiswas associatedwith 89.57oof variance,and inclusion of a second factor accounted for only an additional 3.1Voof the variance.Communality estimatesfor the measures,indicating the proportion of varianceaccountedfor by the single factor, ranged from .744 (for reading speed)to .976 (for numbers-interference). Furthermore,communality values for the interference measureswere all greater than .91, indicatingthat a very high proportionof the variancein thesemeasureswas sharedwith the common factor. DISCUSSIoN The results of this study provide some support for the inhibition construct as measuredfrom similar tasks because moderate correlations were found among several of the interference measures after adjusting for unreliability. At first impression, the results also appear to provide support X .921 .962 .967 .934 .925 .982 .877 X .943 .944 .961 .929 .925 .938 X .984 .983 .965 .969 .962 X .974 .949 .9' 73 .940 X .912 .953 .9'75 X .9'73 .994 X .953 for the mediation of the age-related effects on working memory throughdecreasedinhibition becausecontrol of the inhibition measuresresultedin a substantialreductionin the age-relatedvariance in working memory. However, the interference measures were not independent of the speed with which many tasks,even sepilrateand distinct tasks,can be performed. That is, although age-relatedeffects in the working memory measureswere reducedwhen the variance in the inhibition measureswas controlled, at least as much reduction was evident when other speed measures were controlled. The first major conclusionof this study is that, contraryto some interpretations, interference scores from Stroop tasks are not simply measuresof inhibition because they share most of their age-related variance with other measuresof processing speed, even those derived from quite different types of tasks. The interference measuresmay be a better reflection of inhibition in samples in which there is little AGING AND INHIBITION variation in speed,but the results of this study indicate that they have relatively little unique age-relatedLffects. As an example, 84.8Voof the age-relatedvariance in the interference difference score in the color task was shared with the paper-and-pencilperceptual speedcomposite measure, and 87.l%owas sharedwith the reaction time compositespeed measure. The residual amounts of age-relatedvariance are still significantly greater than zero, and thus it can be inferred that there are distinct age-relatedinfluences on the interference measuresthat are not shared with other speed measures.However, it is important to note that the residual age-related variance is a relatively small fraction of the amount of age-relatedvariance obtained before taking the other speed measuresinto consideration. Furthermore, the attenuation of the age-related effects in working memory after control of the interferencemeasuresis no greater than that after control of the other speedmeasures. The second major conclusion of this study is that the measuresof speed from the naming tasks, the speed of making comparisonson paper-and-penciltasks, and the speed in reaction time tasks appear to share common agerelatedinfluences.The primary evidencein supportof this conclusion are the high valuesof sharedage-relatedvariance in Tables 5 and 6, and the high commonalities for the measuresin a single-factorsolution in the factor analysisof the quasi-partialcorrelations. We want to emphasizethat despitethe high proportionof _ sharedage-relatedvariance,not all ofthe ase-relatedeffects in these measuresare common, or sharel with the other measures.Although this is consistentwith the existenceof specificage-relatedinfluences,the exact contributionof the specific effects cannot be accurately estimated until the effects associatedwith the common influenceare first controlled. It is therefore important that both common and uniqueage-relatedinfluencesbe consideredin assessingany specific contributionsthat might exist. Moreover, at least with mostof the measuresin this study, the relativecontribution of the common influence upp"-u.rto be substantially larger than that associatedwith the specific age-related influences. One measurewith a somewhat different pattern than the others was the speed of reading words. Although the estimated reliability of the reading speedmeasurewas adequate (i.e., .81), it hadmuch smallerrelationswith asethanmostof the other speedmeasures(Table 2, Figure 3i and it shared relatively little age-relatedvariance with the other measures (Tables 4 and 5). Smaller age relations for reading speed measuresthan for other naming measureshave also been reportedby otherresearchers (e.g., Cohn et al., 1984;Comalli et al., 1962;Houx et al., 1993),andmay be relatedto the extensiveexperiencemost people have had reading words. Finally, the implicationof theseresultsfor theoriesbased on constructssuch as inhibition warrantssome discussion. Becausethis study only focused on interference measures from Stroop tasks, it is quite possiblethat alternativemeasures from other types of tasks would provide stronger supportfor the hypothesizedmediational role of inhibition in adult age differences in cognition. Of particular interest would be measuresreflecting different aspectsof the inhibition construct, such as restricting accessof irrelevant infor- P305 mation into working memory and suppressingprocessing unrelated to the task goal. Regardlessof the speiific measures that are used, however, the results of this study indicate that it is important to evaluate the extent to which the age-relatedeffects in those measuresare independentof the age-related effects in other measures, such as those presumed to reflect how quickly simple processing operations can be carriedout. To summarize, although significant relations have been reported between age and measureshypothesizedto reflect inhibition efficiency, and betweenthosemeasuresand measuresreflecting the functioning of working memory, it does not appear that inhibition mediates the age-related differencesin working memory. At least as assessedby Stroop interferencetasks, the age-relatedinfluenceson measuresof inhibition are not independentof the age-relatedinfluences on other measuresof processing speed. Furthermore, these other measures account for as much or more of the agerelated variance in measuresof working memory than do ihe purportedlyspecificmeasuresof inhibition. Until measures of inhibition are identified with larger independentagerelatedinfluences,therefore,it may be moreparsimoniousto interpret age-related differences in working memory and other aspects of cognition in terms of the construct of processingspeed. AcKNowLEDcMENTS This researchwas supportedby NIA Grant R37 96826. 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The reductions in age-relatedvariance were relatively small (i.e., from .033 to .029 for the composite measure,from .035 to .032 for the reading span measure,and from .018 to .015 for the computation span measure),and thus the education variable was ignored in subsequentanalyses. 2. Similar results are also evident in a recent study by Park et al. (1994). In their study, 288 adults between20 and 87 yearsof age performed a battery of tests including a Stroop Color-Word Test, the letter comparison and pattern comparison perceptual speed tests, and the computation spanand reading span working memory tests. The age-relatedvariance in the composite working-memory measurewas .128. and it increasedto.l3l after control ofthe inhibition difference score measure. but decreasedto .009 after control of the perceptual speedcomposite measure. 3. Similar estimatesof sharedage-relatedvariance were derived from the data from 80 adults aged2l to 90 years reported by Cohn et al. (1984). Values computed from the correlation matrix contained in that article indicate that93.5Voofthe age-relatedvariance in the color-incompatible measure was shared with the colorneutralmeasure,and that 77.37oof the age-relatedvariancein the color-neutral measure was shared with the color-incompatible measure.The estimatesfrom the Park et al. (1994) study were also similar as 9l.5Vo of the age-related variance in the colorincompatible measurewas shared with the color-neutral measure, and 83 .37oof the age-relatedvariance in the color-neutral measure was sharedwith that in the color-incomDatiblemeasure.