J ournal of Gerontolo$t : P SYCHO LOGICAL 1996. Vol. 5lB. No. l. P30-P42 SCI ENC ES CoprriEht 1996 b' The Cerontological Socieh*of America Generaland SpecificSpeedMediation of Adult Age Differencesin Memory Timothy A. Salthouse School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology. The proposal that age-related differences in some measures of speed of performance ma! not be independent of the age-related differences in other measures of speed of performance has been associated with considerable controiersy. Because converging evi.dence can often resolve this tlpe of controversy, correlation-based procedures are proposed-to distinguish general(or common) and speciftc (or unique) age-related influences on measures ofspeeded pirfurmance. Resuksfrom three earlier studies andfrom a new stud! suggest thal a Inrge proportian ofthe age-related vapiance in a wide range of speed measures is shared and is not distinct. Furthermore, the common or general speedfactor appeors to play an important role in the mediation of age-related dffirences in memory. relationsbetweenage and measuresof epiNEGATIVE -r-\ sodic memoryperformanceare well documented(e.g., Craik & Jennings, 1992;Hultsch & Dixon, 1990;Kausler, 1994; Salthouse,l99l), as are negativerelationsbetween age and various measures of processing speed (e.g., Salthouse,1985;Cerella, 1990). However, recentresearch has revealed that the two sets of age relations are not independentbecausestatisticalcontrol of the presumably simpler speedmeasuresleadsto a largereductionin the agerelated variance in measuresof memory. This phenomenoncan be illustratedwith datafrom a study recentlyreportedby Salthouse(1993a)in which 305 adults from a wide rangeof agesattemptedto remembertwo lists of l2 words each, and also performed two speededpaper-andpencil perceptualcomparisontasksinvolving pairsof letters or pairs of line patterns. All measureswere converted to zscores, and then the two paper-and-pencilperceptual speed measures were averaged to form a composite perceptual speed measure, and the recall accuracy scores on the two lists were averagedto form a compositememory measure. The age-related variance in the recall memory score was .162, but it was reduced nearly 84Vo, to.026, after the perceptualcomparison speedmeasurewas controlled. This same pattern of attenuatedage-relatedeffects after control of speed has been observed in a variety of other memory measuresin a number of studies in my laboratory (e.g., Salthouse,1994b, 1994c, 1995; Salthouse& Babcock, l99l; Salthouse,Fristoe,& Rhee, in press),and in studiesfrom otherresearchers (e.g., Bors & Forrin, in press; Hultsch, Hertzog, & Dixon, 1990; Park et al., 1994). Furthermore, the results have been consistent across experimenter-pacedand subject-pacedmemory tasks, across tasks involving verbal and spatial information and across different typesofexperimentalprocedures(e.g., free recall, pairedassociates). Because the perceptual comparison tasks used in these studies are very simple, I have hypothesizedthat the speed influence occurs becausethe paper-and-pencil speed measures index a fairly general processing speed factor that decreaseswith increased age. The perceptual speed meaP30 sures are therefore assumedto reflect the speedwith which many operations,including thosedirectly relevantto memory functioning, can be carried out. An implication of this assumptionis that a large amount of the age-relatedvariance across many different speed measures will be shared. A major purpose of the current study is to investigate this implication by examining the fit of a structural equation model with a single latent speedconstructrelatedto all of the individual speedmeasuresand with relationsfrom ageto the latent speedconstruct and to each individual speedmeasure (cf., Kliegl & Mayr, 1992; McArdle & Prescott, 1992; Salthouse, 1994a).The hypothesisof a general speedfactor would be supportedif there is a good fit of the datato a model in which the latent speedconstructhas strong relations to the individual speedmeasures,but those measureshave only weak direct relations from age. The speed measuresexamined in the current study were designed to involve different types of information (i.e., alphanumeric,verbal, and spatial),different modesof stimulus presentation(i.e., computer-administeredvisual displays, printed, and auditory), and different modes of response(i.e., manual reactiontime, written, and vocal). In addition to measureshypothesizedto representgeneral processing speed, measuresdesignedto reflect the speed of specific memory-relevant processes such as search, rehearsal, association,reorganization, and retrieval were also included. If those measuresare more directly related to the functioning of memory than other speed measures, they might be expectedto have strong relations to the measuresof memory, but possibly weak relations to the hypothesized general factor. Two analyseswere also conductedto examine the degree of independenceof age-relatedinfluences on measureshypothesizedto reflect the speedof specific processes.A total of nine derived measuresthat could be postulated to represent the time for specific cognitive operations were investigated. For example, a measure of substitution time was derived from the difference between the average of lettersymbol and symbol-letter reaction time and the average of letter-letter and symbol-symbol reaction time. That is, in the AGE, SPEED.ANDMEMORY first two tasks the choice decision required determining the correspondencebetweenletters and symbols, whereasin the latter two tasksthe decisionwas basedon physical identity, and hencethe difference betweenthe two variables could be interpretedas a measureof the time to associateor substitute letters and symbols. Other specific speedmeasureswere the intercept and slope of the regressionequation relating reaction time to set size in a memory search task, the time to reorganize information in memory, the time to name two syllables,interferencein color naming, facilitation in color naming, and the additional time required to count backwards by small (3) or large (7) numbers. One analytical procedurewith thesemeasuresconsistedof comparingthe age-relatedvariancein the presumablyspecific derived score before and after statistical control of the variancein the hypothesizedgeneralspeedfactor. Resultsofthis procedure should indicate the extent to which age-related influences on the measuresassumedto reflect specific processesare independentof more generalage-relatedeffects. The second analytical procedure was designed to determine the degreeto which the age-relatedinfluenceson the more complex measure,with the greaterprocessingrequirement, were independentof the age-relatedinfluenceson the simpler measure.For example, the analyseswere used to determine the degree to which the age-relatedinfluences in the averageof the letter-symbol and symbol-letter reaction time measureswere independentof those in the average of the letter-letterand symbol-symbolreactiontime measures. The rationalefor this procedurewas discussedby Salthouse and Coon (1994), and it can be viewed as a means of examining selectiveage-relatedeffects without the limitations associatedwith differencescoremeasures. Finally, the relationsof the speedmeasuresto measuresof memory were examinedin a structuralequationmodel and in a series of hierarchical regression analyses. The primary measuresof memory consisted of the number of items recalledfrom free recall tasksinvolving l0 unrelatedwords. In addition, accuracyvaluesin a letter memory task and in a memory search task with interpolated activity between the memory set and the probe also servedas secondarymeasures of memory. It was anticipated that earlier results would be replicated, such that there would be considerablereduction of the age-related variance in the memory measuresafter control of the measuresof speed.Of particular interest was whether the reduction in age-related variance would be greater with speedmeasuresassumedto representprocesses relevant to memory functioning. Finally, in order to determine whether the relations to speedmight be greater when the memory stimuli are presentedat a more rapid rate, three different rates of stimulus presentationwere used in the free recall memory task. METHoD Subjects. - Participants in this study consisted,of 172 adults between 18 and 93 years of age. (Data from 6 additional participants were omitted from the analysesbecauseof missingvalueson severalof the measures.)Demographic characteristicsofthe participants, divided into three age groups for easeof description, are summarizedin Table P3l 1. Notice that most participants rated their health betr.r'een good (3) and excellent(l), and that the averageparricipanr had attendedaboutone yearofcollege. Amount ofeducation was negatively related to age, but at least one measureof verbal ability, synonym vocabulary score, was positively relatedto age. Procedure.- All participantsperformedthe tasksin the following order: number matching, pattern matching, pattern comparison, letter comparison, word copying. word retrieval, vocabulary, Stroop color-word. naming speed. counting backwards, sequential associates, free recall. memorysearch,reactiontime, and serialmemory. Detailsof the tasks are describedbelow. The criterion task was afree recall memory task involving two l0-word lists eachat stimuluspresentationratesof .5 . I . or 2 secper word. After a practicetrial involving eight words presentedat a 3-sec rate, the lists were presentedon a computermonitor at ratesof 2 sec, I sec, .5 sec. .5 sec. I sec, and 2 sec. At the end of the list the participanr*'as allowed I min to write as many words as he or she could rememberin any order. All lists consistedof tuo-srllable words betweenfive and sevenlettersin lengthfrom Cluster8 (high in all dimensions)of the Toglia and Barrig ( 1978) norrns.In addition, all words had a frequencl oi ar least20 per million according to the Thorndike tl9.l-lr r*ord frequency count. The primary measuresof pertbrmancewere the numbersof items recalledat eachof the rhrec-presentation rates. Several of the speed tasks were designedlo asressthe speed of processespresumed to be directl\ rele\ant to memoryfunctioning.One was a modifiedSrernbergmemory search task involving letter stimuli in a ranc'd mapping condition.Two blocksof 48 trials eachwere presenlc-d. with 6 positive trials and 6 negative trials each lor ser-sizesI through 4. The experimental trials were precc-dc'dby a practiceblock of 8 trials, containing l trial ar eachcombination of set-sizeand decision type. During rhe Inrenal between the presentationof the memory set and the drsplayof the probe stimulus a seriesof five randomll selecreddigits (from 0 to 9) was presented.The researchpartlclpanrwas instructedto pressthe "Z" key if the digit uas trtd and to pressthe "1" key if the digit was even. and ro do rhis fbr each of the interpolateddigits. The requiremenl1p ptrtorm Table l. DemographicCharacteristics ofResearchParticipants (n : l12l l8-39 Mean n Age VoFemale Education Health Vocabulary Synonym Antonym *p < .ol. 69 28.r 63.8 13.9 1.9 4.0 3.'7 SD 40-59 Mean 60-93 SD Mean 5.7 & 'to.4 8.2 '71.9 2.1 0.'7 39 48.0 64.1 13.6 2.2 2.O 0.9 2.7 2.'7 4.8 4.2 2.4 3.0 6.5 SD 13.0 2.7 Age r - 10. 2.3 0.9 :.1. 6.0 .1 6 -1-1 -11 l{. l0 P32 SALTHOUSE five odd/even classification responsesduring the interval betweenthe memory set items and the probe was designedto maximize the involvement of secondarymemory in the task. The reaction time and accuracyto the probe stimulus at each memory set size were the primary measuresof performance, although the slope and the intercept of the function relating reaction time to the number of items in the memory set were also computed. A measureof rehearsalor articulation speedwas obtained from the naming speedtask.ln this task two lists of l0 one"yllable or three-syllablewords were to be read as quickly as possible.The lists were printed on a sheetof paper, and the examinertimed the responseswith a stop watch. A1l of the words were from Cluster 8 of the Toglia and Battig (1978) norms and were arrangedin lists of l0 one-syllableand l0 three-syllable words. The measureof performance was the average time required to name one-syllable and threesyllablewords (i.e., the total time divided by l0), which can be hypothesized to serve as an index of articulation or rehearsalrate. The time required to reorganize information in memory was determined from a serial recall task involving four letters (Salthouse& Coon, 1993). Each trial in the task consistedof the presentationof a list of four letters, and at the end of the sequencean instructionindicatedwhetherthe letters were to be recalled (by typing the letters) in the original order or in alphabeticorder. Two blocks of l6 trials eachwere presented,with eight trials in eachblock requiring recall in the original order and eight trials requiringrecall in alphabeticorder. The trials within a block were randomly intermixed such that the researchparticipant did not know about the order of recall until the presentationof the recall instructionat the end of the list. A practiceblock of six trials preceded the experimental trials. The primary measure of performancein this task was the difference in the recall time for correctlyrecalledsequences in the two conditions,which can be postulatedto reflect the time neededto carry out the relevant (re-ordering or transformation) processing. The number of trials with correct recall was also used as another measureof memory elfectiveness. Aword copying task required participants to copy a list of words as rapidly as possible.Two lists of 24 words each were presented,and 30 sec were allowed for the participant to copy as many of the words as possible. The primary measureof performance in this task was the mean time to copy a singleword. ln the word retrieval task the research participants read lists of words and wrote simple associatesto those words as quickly as possible. Each target word was preceded by a common associateand had the first two letters followed by blank lines indicating missing letters. The word pairs were selectedfrom the middle-strengthassociatesprovided in the appendixofNelson and Schreiber(1992). The target words were the same as those used in the word copying task, and thus at least some of the words may have been primed from the previous task. The mean time per item in the task can be hypothesized to reflect the time needed to gain access to familiar material and write several letters of a word. The sequential associates task involved the examiner reading a target word and the researchparticipant producing four successiveassociates.The examinerrecordedthe words and also the total time required to generatethe four words. A total of ten different target or stimulus words were used, all of which were two-syllable words of high meaningfulness (i.e., ratings5.27 to 5.98, mean : 5.49, from Clusters4 and 5 in Toglia & Battig, 1978).Five of the words were high (5.14 to 6.10, mean : 5.76) and five were in pleasantness (2.38 to2.87, mean : 2.63) according low in pleasantness to the Toglia and Battig (1978) norns. (Associationtimes were very similar, and highly correlated,r : .83, for the high- and low-pleasantness words, and thus the data were collapsedacrossthis variable.) The measureof performance was the time to generatefour successiveassociates,which can be hypothesizedto reflectinternalassociationtime. The principal criteria used to select other speed tasks were: (a) minimal influenceof knowledge;(b) involvement of a variety of responsemodes, stimuli, and processing requirements;but (c) with little apparentdirect relevanceto memory. Four of the nonmemory speed tasks were computer-administeredreaction time tasks. In all casesthe two-alternativechoice responsewas to a pair of stimuli displayedin two vertically positionedboxesin the middle of the screen. ln the letter-Ietter task and the symbol-symbol taskthe stimuli were pairsof lettersor pairsof symbols,and "/" the decision was basedon physical identity, with the "2" pressed key to be if the stimuli were the same and the key to be pressedif the stimuli were different. ln the lettersymbol and symbol-letter tasks the stimuli were lettersymbol or symbol-letterpairs and the decisionwas basedon associationalequivalenceaccording to a code table presented at the top of the screen. lf the two stimuli matched according to the code table then the " l" key was to be "Z" key was to pressed,and if they did not match then the be pressed.Each task involved a practiceblock of l8 trials and two experimentalblocks of 45 trials each. The tasks were presentedin the order of letter-letter,symbol-symbol, letter-symbol,symbol-letter,and then the sametasksagain in the reverse order. The measureof performance was the medianreactiontime in millisecondsfor the two blocks in a given task. Averageaccuracywas greaterthan94Voin each task and was not analyzed further. Four tasks were based on paper-and-pencilprocedures. The letter comparison and pattern comparison tasks were identical to those used in earlier studies (e.g., Salthouse, I 993b, 1994b),and involved the researchparticipant writing "D" "S" between pairs of letters or or the letter the letter pairs of line patterns according to whether they were the same or different. Thirty seconds were allowed for each page, and there were two pageswith each task. The number matching and pattern matching tasks consistedof a page of rows with a target stimulus on the left and four stimuli to the right, one of which was identical to the target. The stimuli were two-digit numbers in the number matching task, and simple patterns composed of geometric figures in the pattern matching task. In both cases the researchparticipant was to indicate stimuli that matched the target by marking them with a circle or a slash.The measure ofperformance in all four paper-and-pencilperceptualspeed tasks was the number of items answeredcorrectly minus the number of items answeredincorrectlv in 30 sec. In order to AGE, SPEED,AND MEMORY maintain comparability with the other measures,the scores were divided into 30 to yield measuresin units of seconds per item. Two different vocal tasks were used to assessprocessing speed. One was based on the Stroop color word task and involved neutral (Xs), congruent(ink color matchesthe color word), and incongruent (ink color is incompatible with the color word) stimuli. Each condition consistedof four pages, with 20 items on each page. The conditions were presented in two counterbalanced sequencesat neutral, congruent, incongruent,incongruent,congruent,and neutral.The measureof performancewas the mean time to name the colors in the fourpagesofeach condition. Researchparticipantswere instructed to correct errors when they occurred, but because the correction time contributed to the total naming time, errors were not analyzed separately. The final speed task required the participants to count backwards from a designatednumber by either I s, 3s, or 7s. Four trials, each with a different starting number, were presentedin each count back condition (i.e., by ls, 3s, or 7s), and the responseswere timed until five successive numbers had been produced. The examiner monitored the accuracy of the responses, correcting errors when they occurred, and recorded the time to produce the five responses.The mean of thesetimes acrossthe four trials in each condition served as the performancemeasure. The vocabularytestconsistedof l0 five-alternativemultiple choicesynonymvocabularyitemsand l0 five-alternative multiple choice antonym vocabularyitems. The items were selected from published practice tests for the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and were of moderate to high levels of difficulty in samplesof collegestudents.Performanceon the vocabularytestsconsistedof the numberof items answered correctly in each section of the test. RESULTS Memory Measures Descriptive statistics for the memory measuresiue presented in Table 2, and means in each of three age groups expressedin standardizedunits are illustrated in the upper left panel of Figure l. The recall scoreshad a maximum of 10, and the maximum value for the serial memory measure was 8. Becausemany participants in the reordered (alphabetic) serial memory condition had scores of zero, this measure was not used as an index of memory in later analyses. The estimated reliability was computed by determining the partial correlation between the two scores for each variable after controlling for age, and then boosting that correlation by the Spearman-Brown formula. This yields estimates of the reliability of the combined score that are independentof the age-relatedeffects on the variable. The reliability of a composite recall measureaggregatedacross the three presentationrates was .68. It is apparentin Table 2 that all memory measureshave significant negative relations with age. Quadratic age trends were also examined by entering the age-squaredterm after the age term in a multiple regressionequation. Interactions of age with gender, health, and education on the composite P33 Table 2. Descriptive Characteristicsof Memory Measures Variable Recall - 0.5 sec Recall - 1.0 sec Recall- 2.0 sec Memory search Serial memory original order Serial memory reordered Mean SD Estimated Reliability Age r .52 4.46 88.5 0.99 1.09 l .35 10.5 .51 .68 -.48* -.42+ _.43* -.26* 5.40 1.80 .74 -.25* 3.91 2.49 .89 -.25* 3.O2 3.s6 .) I * p< . o l . recall measureand the three other memory measureswere also examinedin multiple regressionanalyses.None of the quadraticage terms were significant, nor were any of the interactions of age with gender, health, or education significant. A factor analysis(exploratorywith promax rotation) was conductedon the threerecall measuresat different presentation times and the nonrecallmemory measures.Two factors emergedin this analysis, with the first factor having high loadingson the recall measuresand the secondfactor having high loadings on the nonrecall (i.e., memory search and serialmemory accuracy)measures.The correlationbetween factors was .33, and the age correlationswere -.53 for the first factor and -.29 for the second factor. The recall measureswith the three different presentationtimes loaded on the samefactor and had similar correlationswith age, and thus they appearto reflectsimilar processes despitedifferent absolutelevels of performance.Many of the later analyses usedthe compositerecall measure(averageacrossall three rates) to assessmemory becauseit is one of the simplest measures,is most comparableto othermeasuresof memory, and had the highestreliability of the recall measures. SpeedMeasures Descriptivestatisticsfor the speedmeasuresarecontained in Table 3, and meanstandardizedscoresin eachofthree age groupsareillustratedin the lower left, upperright, and lower right panelsof Figure 1. (Becausemany participantswere unable to perform the reordered serial memory task and the counting backwards by 7 task correctly, the measuresfrom these tasks were deleted from subsequentanalyses.)Estimated reliabilities, computed as describedabove, were generally high for the speedmeasures,with many of them above .9. Also reported in Table 3 are correlations of the speed measureswith age and with the composite recall memory measure.All correlations were significantly different from 0 except for the correlation of age with the count back 3 measure.The quadratic age trends (age-squaredterm) were significant with the pattern comparison (increment in R2 : .05l), letter comparison(incrementin R2 : .063), number matching(incrementin R' : .028), patternmatching(increment in R2 : .030), color neutral(incrementin R' : .056), color congruent(incrementin R' : .069), and color incongruent (incrementin R' : .059) measures.In all cases,the significant quadratic effect occurred becausethe age trend P34 SALTHOUSE Memory Paper-and-Pencil Speed Pdem +Compadgqr Rrcdl-.5 - R€cCl-l .a N|'nb€rl/ffi*ng R*dF2 ""t"" E o o.2 8 o t'it o.2 7 Acc, llemqv L FSercfi - *i;.\ t-cer_$4p*on Pd6gM.dring -..t lUod-Cop)rirg bte.MflDrYAcc. Word Rolrbvrl -.ts.- -t'2 !-'r 'N. 4. VocalSpeed IJ. RT : l{am. 1 s\dlaue $S RT tt rrr. O Sftt.U" - - a - - E o o.2 8 o Fit Ui RT ""o".. Color Ndtrd SL RT Color ComDrliuc ....o.,.. /, . 2 libmow Seacfi RT Odq lrrcornpcliH. -..>..- Se;rsrlid L-etterMernry RT Assoc. Co|.|rnBad( 1 - 4.2 Oown Brd( 3 2 o g ) 4 0 5 0 q } 7 0 s ) Age Ghronological Figure l. Mean levels of performance, expressedin standarddeviation units, acrossthree age groups. acceleratedin the oldestages.Age x healthinteractions,in the direction of larger age relationsamong individuals with low levels of self-reportedhealth, were significant for the patterncomparison, letter comparison, memory searchreaction time, serialmemory original time, and the count backwards by ls and by 3s measures.No interactionsof age x gender nor age X education were significant on any of the speedmeasures. Inspection of Table 3 reveals that the magnitude of the relation to memory was similar for most of the speedmeasures. It is noteworthy that the relations to the composite memory measurewere not appreciably higher for measures hypothesizedto reflect processesthat might be particularly relevant to memory (i.e., word retrieval, memory search, serial memory, sequential associates)than for other speed measures. Multiple regressionequations were used to compute the variance each variable shared with both age and recall memory. First the R'for age alone was computed, and then the increment in R2 for age after control of the speed variable. Next, the latter value was subtracted from the former, and divided by the former. When the product of thesecomputationsis multiplied by 100 the result conespondsto the percentageof the age-relatedvariance(i.e., R' ) in the memory variable that is shared with the speed variable.As an example,the age-relatedvariancein the composite memory measurein the total sample was .289, and the increment in R2 associated with age after control of the pattem comparison measure was .084. Because (.289 y 00:7O.9Vo,it . 0 8 4 ) 1 . 2 8:9 . 7 0 9 ,a n d . T 0 9 m u l t i p l i e d b 1 can be inferred that the age-relatedvariancein the composite memory measurewould be reducedby 70.9Voif the variance in the pattern comparison measurewere held constant. Values in the last column of Table 3 indicate that most of the speed variables shared at least moderate amounts of variance with the age and memory variables. Once again, however, it is important to note that the values are not especially high for the measuresassumedto reflect processes closely related to memory functioning. In fact, the measures of word retrieval time and sequential associatestime had relatively low estimates of shared variance with age and memory. AGE, SPEED,ANDMEMORY P35 Table 3. Descriptive Characteristicsfor SpeedMeasures .sD Variable Pattern Comparison Letter Comparison Number Matching Pattem Matching Word Copying Word Retrieval Letter-Letter RT Symbol-Symbol RT I€tter-Symbol RT Symbol-lrtter RT Memory Search RT Serial Memory Orig. RT Name - One Syllable Name - Three Syllables Color - Neutral Color - Congruent Color - Incongruent Sequential Associates Count Back - I Count Back - 3 2.24 3.91 1.29 2.48 2.22 3.10 0.87 0.98 2.01 2.09 1.76 t . ' 7| 3 . 7| 5.20 ll.6'7 to.47 2t.16 17.68 5.59 16.47 Estimated Reliability 0.95 1.95 0.39 1.33 0.58 I .39 0.43 0.57 o.g 0.70 0.65 0.93 o.94 1.25 3.99 4.09 7.5l 9.85 2.19 9.14 .7'7 .56 .89 .8t .94 .81 .tJ .82 .88 .94 .91 .93 .17 .87 .93 .91 .93 .96 .68 .85 Correlations Age .54* .62+ .55* .50* .39* .25* .57* .53+ .69* .'72t .62* .56* .53x .46+ .51* .65* .21+ .l 8 * .06 Memory VoYanance Shared With Age and Memory '70.9 _.598 -.48* - . 5 1* -.56* -.51* _.49+ - . 51 * -.58* -.54* -.40* -.394 _.40* -.34* -.30+ -.36+ -.31* 83.0 62.6 62.6 5 8 .I 38.4 65.7 65.l 87.5 88.2 61.2 72-3 49.5 42.9 47.4 38.8 75.8 18.3 19.7 6.9 *p < .ol General - SpecificAnalyses Structural equation analyses were the primary method used to derive estimates of the general and specific agerelatedinfluenceson the observedspeedmeasures.An initial exploratory factor analysison the 20 speedmeasureslisted in Table 3 revealed four factors with eigen values greater than one. However, the pattern of loadings of the variableson the factors was not easily interpretable, and the correlations among factors were moderatelyhigh (i.e., .37 to .58). A confirmatory factor analysiswas next conductedwith factors correspondingto paper-and-pencil(i.e., the first six variablesin Table 3), reactiontime (i.e., the secondsix variables in Table 3), and vocal (i.e., the last eight variablesin Table 3) tasks. Although this model provided a moderatefit to the ; NFI = .90; d a t a ( i . e . ,X ' [ N : l 7 2 , d f : l 4 l ) : 3 9 2 . 5 7 N CFI : .92), the correlations between the factors were extremely high (i.e., .77 between paper-and-penciland reactiontime, .79 betweenreactiontime and vocal, and .97 between paper-and-pencil and vocal), suggesting that any method-basedfactors that might exist were not very distinct. On the basis of these preliminary analyses, the initial model consisted of a single general speed factor and two memory factors (corresponding to the recall and nonrecall tasks). This measurementmodel provided a moderate fit to the data after allowing correlated residuals between vari(i.e., X' lN : 172, df = ablessharingthe sameassessment : : .85; CFI : .87). The first 2641 723.07; NNFI structural model addedage to the analysis, with a direct path to the speedfactor and indirect paths, through speed, to the memory factors.The fit of this model was adequate(i.e., X' lN : r12, df : 2891: 800.46;NNFI : .85;CFI : .86). Direct paths from age to all the observed speed variables were then examined, and the pathswith coefficientsdifferent from zero by two standarderrors retained. Six variableshad significantcoefficients,and the fit of the resulting model, portrayedin Figure 2, was somewhatbetter (i.e., X'[N : 1 7 2 , d f : 2 8 3 1 : 1 4 6 . 2 7 ;N N F I : . 8 6 ; C F I : . 8 8 ) . Attempts to improve the fit of the model by adding direct paths from age to the memory factors, and to the observed memory variables, did not result in significant improvements in fit, or in any path coefficients that differed from zero by more than two standarderrors. Becauseall relations from age were examined,it can be concludedthat although the fit of the model was not particularly impressive, it is unlikely that age has more relations to the variables than those already representedin the model. The first point to note about Figure 2 is that most of the age-relatedinfluenceson the individual speedvariablescan be modeled as being mediatedthrough a generalor common speedfactor. That is, the direct paths from age to the speed variables are both few in number and small in magnitude. Estimates of the general (mediated) age-related influences on the variablescan be obtained from the product of the path coefficientsfrom ageto the generalspeedfactor and from the generalspeedfactor to the variable. Theseestimates,as well as the estimates of the specific (direct) age-relatedeffects, and the total age-related effects in the form of the age correlation,are listed in Table 4. According to path analysis logic, the correlation between age and the variable can be partitioned into direct (specific) and indirect (general) components. In other words, if these are the only factors operating in this situation, then the sum of the general and specific age-relatedeffects for a given variable should equal the total age-related effects on that variable. The correspondencesbetweenthe correlations and the sum ofthe generaland specific coefficients in Table 4 are P36 SALTHOUSE .? .74 Memory1 Fcoll-.5 Reall-l tuall-2 Age ----z----> Sneed ( -*\ .6 \ a07 \ -.12 \ 110 \ patcrcm,,, .w LcrCom /,/ .U, NumMlt /'/ 'n PatMat ,/ ,76 wRoPv ./' .28) '61 WF.t ..t .51 LLrr // '8 ./ .67 ,11) SSFT LqRr /" 'v .8) SLRT //' .Sg MSEhRT .rt '71 SM-Or a" '73 ,z 'm Nlml '35) Namg // ct{ \ o]^...\ . t l .m) I d -'23 \ / 'n //' '@ S.qANc // cnE"tl ," ut'nt" 3 .,,\ su-occ '6 /// // M"toryz .83 's 'g -rs \. fA"is ,./ .u Figure 2. Resultsof structuralequation model analysiswith speedand memory measures.The memory variables are listed in Table 2 and the speed variables in Table 3. Lines to the sp€edvariables representpaths from Age or from the General Speed factor, and lines to the memory variables representpaths from the Memory factors. All coefficients are standardized. not exact, but they are close enough to suggest that the general and specific estimates from this analysis may be reasonableapproximationsto the true values. A similar analysis was carried out when the first (unrotated) principal component from a principal components analysis was used as the estimateof the general speedfactor [seeJensen(1980)and Ree & Earles(1991)for the rationale underlyingthis method of estimatinga generalfactorl. The standardized regression coefficients in a simultaneous regressionequation with the first principal componentand age as predictors of the speedvariable were then used to derive estimatesof the general and specific age-relatedinfluences. That is, the specific effect was the regression coefficient from age (when it was significantly, at p I .05, different from zero), and the general effect was the product of the regressioncoefficient from the first principal componentand the correlation coefficient (i.e., .69) between age and the first principal component. These estimatesderived from the principal componentsanalysisare listed in the fifth and sixth columnsof Table 4. Although the values of the estimatesdiffer according to how the general speed factor is derived, it is clear that for most of the variablesa very large proportion of the total agerelated variance was mediated through the general speed factor. The generalspeedeffect was larger than the observed age effect on severalmeasures(e.g., word retrieval, counting backwards by ls, and counting backwards by 3s), suggesting that other factors may have been operating to counteract the general influence. Factors operating to increasethe size of the age effects may have been operating when the estimatesof the specific effects are the samesign as those for the general effects (e.g., the symbol-letter RT measurein the principal componentsanalysis). The inference that a considerable amount of the agerelated variance on the speed measureswas shared is also confirmed by analyses of quasi-partial correlation coefficients (Salthouse, 1994a). Unlike traditional correlations, which reflect the proportion of the total variance that is shared between two variables, quasi-partial correlations reflectthe proportionofage-relatedvariancein two variables that is shared.The median quasi-partialcorrelationamong the 19 speed variables (excluding the count back by 3s measurewhich had very little age-relatedvariancethat could be partitioned)was .79, with a rangefrom .45 to .99. It can therefore be inferred that, on the average, approximately (i.e., .79' ) of the age-relatedvariancein pairs of speed 62%;o variableswas shared. Derived Measures In addition to the directly observedspeed measures,a numberof derived measurescan be createdto representthe duration of potentially more specific processes.These derived measuresaredescribedin Table 5 along with summary statisticsfor the measures.Each measureis obtainedeither from subtraction or from a linear regressionequation, and they can be interpreted as representingthe time needed to: (a) searchthe code table and substituteitems;(b) searchand retrievean item from memory; (c) reorderitems in memory; (d) articulate(and possibly rehearse)verbal material; (e) suppress incongruent or incompatible information; (f) benefit from congruent or compatible information; or (g) carry out easy and difficult mental manipulations. Many of the derived measureshave moderate reliability, and somealso have moderatecorrelationswith the composite memory measure.However, the correlations are not higher for the measurespresumedto be most relevant for memory functioning than for the other measures.To illustrate, the two derivedmeasuresfor which the correlationswith the composite memory variable are highest are substitutionand interference, which are not obviously related to memory. Furthermore, the interceptof the memory searchfunction has higher relations to age and to the composite memory variable than does the slope parameter,despite a general assumptionthat the intercept reflects primarily perceptual and motor processeswhereas the slope reflects processesassociatedwith searchthroughinformationin memory. The independence of the age relations in the derived measureswas examined with two analytical procedures. In AGE. SPEED.AND MEMORY P37 Table 4. Estimatesof General and Specific Age-Related Influences on SpeedMeasures Variable .54 .62 .55 .50 .39 .25 .57 .53 .69 .72 -62 .56 .53 .46 .51 .54 .65 .21 .18 .06 Pattern Comparison Letter Comparison Number Matching Pattern Matching Word Copying Word Retrieval Letter-Letter RT Symbol-Symbol RT Letter-Symbol RT Symbol-Letter RT Memory Search RT Serial Memory Orig. Name - One Syllable Name - Three Syllables Color - Neutral Color - Congruent Color - lncongruent SequentialAssociates Count Back - I Count Back - 3 PCA Estimates SEM Estimates Total Age Effect Correlation General Specific .62 .63 .61 .59 -.06 0 0 -.07 .4t _ 1 ) .39 .52 .52 .63 .& .57 .56 .54 .51 -.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.23 -.28 .)f .52 .64 .35 .42 .34 General Specific .5'7 .51 .59 .55 .49 .50 .40 .45 .46 .42 .40 .46 .52 .53 0 0 0 0 0 1A .tI 0 -zJ .29 .22 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.26 .)l{ .50 .55 .48 .60 ^ 1 --)lt Note: Specific effects identified when p < .05 Table 5. Descriptive Characteristicsof Derived SpeedMeasures Variable Substitution Time (I-etter-Symbol + Symbol-Letter RT) - (Letter-ktter RT + Symbol-Symbol RT) Memory Search Slope (Slope of regressionof memory search RT on number of memory set items) Memory Search lntercept (lntercept of regressionof memory search RT on number of memory set items) Memory Reorganization Time (n : 148) (Time to recall letters in alphabetic order minus time to recall letters in original order) Articulation Time (Time to read 3-syllable words minus time to read l-syllable words) Stroop Interference Time (Time to name incongruent colors minus time to name neutral colors) Stroop Facilitation Time (Time to name neutralcolors minus time to name congruent colors) Easy Count Back (Time to count backwards by 3 minus time to count backwards by l) Difficult Count Back (n : 161) (Time to count backwards by 7 minus time to count backwards by l) *p < .01 Mean SD Estimated Reliability Conelations Age Memory VoYaiance Shared With Age and Memory -.50* .90 3.1'7 1.04 0.06 0.12 02 .o2 1.60 o.'72 .524 -.39* 47.'7 1.36 1.08 .23* -.34* r8 . 0 1.49 o.'73 .10 -.t4 4.5 9.50 4 . 7| .60* -.49+ 1.20 1.89 r0.88 8.29 23.53 t7.63 .39 -.09 .79 .03 -.01 -.10 1a* -.17 0 6't.8 0 2.8 0 I P38 SALTHOUSE the first method, the variance in the estimate of the general speedfactor was controlled before examining the age-related variance in the derived measure. The estimates of agerelated variance before and after control of the variance in the general speedfactor (basedon the first principal component) are summarized in the second and third columns of Table 6. It can be seen that for most variables there was a considerablereduction of the age-relatedeffects in the presumably specific measuresafter control of the general speed factor. The derived measuresfrom the counting backwards tasksare notableexceptionsbecausewith thesemeasuresthe age-relatedeffects actually increased when an estimate of the general factor was controlled. The secondanalyticalmethodconsistedof controllingthe variancein the simpler measure(e.g., choice reactiontime with the same stimuli, intercept of the memory search function) when analyzing the age-related variance in the complex measures(e.g., choice reactiontime with stimuli associatedaccording to a code table, slope of the memory searchfunction). The estimatesofthe age-relatedvariancein the complex measurebefore and after control of the simple measure are presented in the fourth and fifth columns of Table 6. Notice that there was a decreasein the age-related variancefor most measures,althoughsignificantuniqueagerelated variance remained for the substitution, interference, and facilitation measures.It can also be seenthat statistical control of the intercept variable resultedin an increaseof the age relations for the slope measure.A similar outcome was alsofound by Salthouseand Earles(1995), and it is probably a consequenceof a suppressorrelation in which age is positively relatedto the intercept(r : .54), but the intercept is negativelyrelatedto the slope(r -- -.45). The major implication of the analysessummarizedin Table 6 is that many of the age-relatedinfluences on measurespresumedto reflectspecifictypesofprocessingare not independentof the age-relatedinfluenceson other measures of speededperformance. Some unique age-related effects are evident in the substitution and interferencemeasures,but even thoseeffects are only a fraction the size of the total agerelated effects on the original variables. SpeedMediation of Age Dffirences in Memory The structural model portrayed in Figure 2 does not contain any direct paths from age to either the memory factors or the memory variables. The implication is that all of the age-relatedvariance in thesemeasuresof memory was mediated through age-related effects in the general speed factor. Another set of analyses was conducted to explore this implication further. For this purposethe first principal component from the principal componentsanalysis was used as the estimate of the general speedfactor, and the composite recall memory measure, expressedin standard score units, was used as the primary memory measure.Relations among thesemeasuresand age are illustrated in Figure 3. Note that there were moderate relations between age and speed, between age and memory, and betweenspeedand memory, but a very weak relation between age and memory after control of speed. An additional analysis revealed that the age x speedinteraction was not significant in the prediction of the Table 6. Age-related Variance in Derived SpeedMeasures Derived Measure Construct Substitution Time Memory Search Slope Memory Search Intercept Memory Reorganization Time (n : 148) Articulation Time Stroop Interference Time Stroop Facilitation Time Easy Count Back Difficult Count Back (n = 16l) Comolex Measure R2 Age R2 for Age After General .421* .000 .291* .M2* .005 .012 .504* .000 .291* . l4l * .097* .054* .01I .361* .008 .001 .n2 .010 .o24* -026 .128* .150+ .2to* .419* .2904 .004 .01I .001 .066* .010* .005 .000 .120* .m0 .005 R2 Age R2 for Age After Simple * p< . o l . composite memory variable, and thus there is no evidence that the speed-memoryrelation varied as a function of age. Statistical control results with other measuresof memory and speedare summarizedin Table 7. It is apparentthat the pattern was very similar for the composite recall measure, and a composite of accuracy scores in the memory search and serial letter (original order) memory tasks. In all cases the largest reduction of age-relatedvariance occurred with control of the general speed factor. The reduction of agerelated variance was nearly as large with the perceptual speed composites, but there was much less reduction after control of the speedmeasuresthat might be hypothesizedto reflect memory-relevant processes. DIScUSSIoN The methods used in this study to estimate the general speed factor are based on somewhat different assumptions and on different types of variance. For example, in the structural equation method and in the principal components analysis the total variance in the variables was analyzed, whereas in the quasi-partial analyses only the age-related variance was examined. However, all three methods are basedon the lack of independence amongvariables.That is, each method is basedon the premise that if the measuresare independentthen they should be uncorrelated, but if they have moderateto large positive intercorrelationsthen they are consistentwith the existenceof a common, or general,factor. The resultsof the three analytical methodsare consistentin indicating that many speed variables have a considerable amount of common or sharedage-relatedvariance. It therefore seems meaningful to refer to a general speed factor becausethe variables are not independent,and the existence of a general factor is a parsimoniousway to account for this lack of independence.It should be emphasized,however, that the inference of a general factor does not imply that the agetrendson the measuresneedbe identical. That is, the age relations on different measuresare not necessarilyof equivalent magnitude becausethe variables can differ with respect to their loadings on the general factor, and because some variables could also have direct (or specific) relations from age that serve to moderate the age-relatedeffects mediated AGE, SPEED,ANDMEMORY A P39 B 3 2.5 2 R2= ,48O 1.5 1 ta.t a t a . . !. l J . - a a , a a t a a a a . a 20 30 .O 50 60 70 80 ChronologicalAge t c \ a a a - a a a a \ a a a a - . a a - 0 Speed D t . a a a a a - .. ^2 R-= .289 a a a a a a 9 a a a a a a a a a o b E o = a o a a a a aaaa aaa a a aa a a a 3 2.5 2 a'a 1.5 1 !.^. 0.5 R2=.014 a t ' tat r . ( a . r o 'l o a oo ' .1. : ....1 i-.' 1: -.' . . € b 4.5 o -1 E o -1.5 . .l'i, i!...:"i;t1T - 3 r - l t . . a " t t a ; t rooo o a t . a -2 -2.5 a 3 ChronologicalAge 20 30 ,+0 50 60 70 80 90 ChronologicalAge Figure 3. Relations between age, the principal components analysis estimateof the general speedfactor, and the composite recall memory measure. Both speedand memory are scaled in standardizedunits wilh a mean of0 and a standarddeviation of l. Table 7. Age-relatedVariance in Memory Before and After Control of Speed Measures of Memory Other Memory' Age Alone Age After Control of: General SpeedFactor PerceptualSpeed I (Letter Comparison and Pattem Comparison) PerceptualSpeed2 (Number Matching and Pattern Matching) Word Retrieval Sequential Associates Memory Search Slope Memory Reorganization Timeb Articulation Time .289* .016 .035* .005 .084+ .178* .236* .290* .192* .276* .o2l .067* .059x .091* .035 .087* "Based on accuracy in Letter Memory (original order) and Memory Searchtasks. bn : 148. *p <'ol. throughthe generalfactor. To illustrate,relativelysmall age effects were apparenton the word retrieval measure,perhaps becausethat measurehad a positive relation with the measures of word knowledge which tended to be greater with increasedage (also see Salthouse, 1993b, for a similar finding). Becausethe inference that for many speedvariables most of the age-relatedvariance can be assumedto be mediated through a generalspeedfactor is rather surprising, data from three earlier projects in my laboratory were also analyzedby these methods. One data set (described in Earles & Salthouse, 1995) is based on three separatestudies and consists of data on two reaction time and four paper-andpencil speedmeasuresfrom each of744 adults. The second data set consistsof data on I I paper-and-pencilspeedmeasuresfrom eachof 305 adults(Salthouse,I 993a).Data in the third data set consist of two reaction time, four paper-andpencil, and l0 vocal speedmeasuresfrom eachof242 adults (Salthouse& Meinz, 1995). Estimates of the general and specific age-related influences derived from the structural equation and principal componentsanalysismethodsare listed in Table 8. Note that P40 SALTHOUSE Table 8. Analyses of Data from Other Studies Variable Total Age Effect Correlation SEM Estimates General PCA Estimates Specific General Specific 0 .10 0 0 0 0 _.49 -.51 _.49 -.51 _.47 -.48 -.08 .10 0 0 0 -. l0 -.il -. l0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .13 .20 _.40 -.40 -.45 -.43 _.44 -.49 _.49 -.43 -.44 -.43 -.50 -.19 -.10 0 0 0 0 .08 -.10 -.1I .19 .28 .12 .13 .18 .t4 0 0 -.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.05 -.06 .38 .26 .22 .26 Earles & Salthouse(1995J. N : 744 Pattern Comparison lrtter Comparison Boxes Digit Copy Digit Digit RT Digit Symbol RT -.56 -.41 Pattem Comparison Letter Comparison Digit Symbol Horizontal Marking Vertical Marking Letter Copy Number Copy ktter Completion Number Completion l,etter Transformation Number Transformation -.59 -.51 -.51 -.38 -.40 -.49 -.41 -.53 -.55 -.58 -.51 ^a /a -.46 -.50 -.58 -.48 -.47 -.55 Salthouse(1993a),N : 305 -.48 _.47 -.51 _.40 -.43 -.51 -.53 -.53 -.51 -.38 -.44 -.23 Salthouse& Meinz (19951,N : 242 Pattem Comparison Letter Comparison Digit Digit RT Digit Symbol RT Symbol Copy Digit Copy Reading Speed Color - Compatible Color * Neutral Color - Incompatible Position - Compatible Position - Neutral Position - Incompatible Number - Compatible Number - Neutral Number - Incompatible .63 .56 .59 .63 .48 .45 .2'l .48 .50 .57 .49 .45 .44 .55 .48 .48 .45 .31 .40 .45 .34 .39 .44 .51 .50 .51 .54 .53 .51 . )/ .56 .56 .J+ .JJ .38 .42 .41 .55 .54 .53 .50 .58 .60 .58 .57 .61 .60 1A 0 0 _)1 0 0 0 -.09 -.15 -.t4 0 -.14 t a Nores.Fitsof thesinglespeedfactorstructuralequationmodelwere:Earles& Salthouse ( 1995):y, IN : 744,df : I I ] : 30.61;NNFI : .9g;CFI : .99; : 4, d 5 f1 : 2 3 3 . 9 0 . N N F I : . 9 2 ; C F I : . 9 5 ; S a t t h o u s e & M e i n z ( t 9 Salthouse(1993a):1r[N:305 9 [5N) :: 2 4 2 , d f : 1 0 4 ]= 4 6 4 . 0 5 ; N N F I :.89; y2 CFI= .91. for every variable a large proportion of the age-related effects can be inferred to be general, rather than specific. Results of the quasi-partial correlations are also consistent with this inferenceas the medians(andranges)were .83 (.70 to .94) in the Earlesand Salthouse(1995) data, .86 (.69 to .99) in the Salthouse( 1993a)data,and .36 (.66 to .99) in the Salthouseand Meinz (1995) data. There is also little evidencein the current analysesthat the derived measuresare distinct from the general factor. Measures based on difference scores or linear regression slopes are often postulated to reflect specific cognitive processesbecauseother processesare presumedto be eliminatedor subtractedout when the derived score is computed. However, the results in Table 7 indicate that a large proportion of the age-related variance in the difference score measuresis shared with the inferred general speed factor. Furthermore, much, but not all, of the age-relatedvariance in the more complex measures is shared with that in the simpler measures. These results have important implications for research focusing on measureshypothesizedto reflect the duration of specific cognitive processessuch as rehearsal, access of information in memory, and inhibition of irrelevant information. That is, while measuressuchas thesemay representthe hypothesized processesin a sample of age-homogeneous adults (althoughconverging evidencefrom other experimental procedureswould clearly be desirable), the results ofthe current analysessuggestthat large proportions of the agerelated variance in these types of measuresare shared with other measuresof speededperformance. Efforts to obtain precise measures of specific cognitive processes should therefore proceed with the recognition that those measures AGE. SPEED.ANDMEMORY may have little or no unique age-related variance. At the very least, researchersinterestedin investigating age-related influences on measurespostulated to reflect the duration of specific cognitive processeswould be well advised to use analytical methodsto establishthat the age-relatedeffects on those measuresare independentof the age-relatedeffects on other measuresof processingspeed.Without such evidence, a very plausible interpretation of the age-relatedeffects on the purportedly specific measures is that they are merely another manifestation of the negative relations between age and a general speedfactor. The correlation-basedmethods describedabove appearto have several advantagesover the method of examining systematic relations (i.e., Brinley plots) for investigatingthe existenceof a general speed factor (e.g., Cerella, 1994; Myerson, Wagstaff, & Hale, 1994;Salthouse,1992). First, the variablescan be in different units (e.g., reactiontime, number correct in a timed test) and need not be expressedin the same measurementscale, as is required when performanceof older adults is plotted as a function of performance of young adults. Second,these methodsyield quantitative estimatesof the relative contribution of general and specific influences,rather than all-or-none claims regardingthe existenceof a generalspeedfactor. Unproductiveargumentsabout whether all of the age differences can be attributed to a generalspeedfactor can thereforebe replacedwith objective indicatorsof the relative influenceof different types of determinants, in the form of estimatesof the proportions of agerelated variance. And third, the relation of the inferred general factor to other aspectsof cognition can be examinedwith correlation-basedprocedures.This last property is important becausespeedper se, is often of limited interest, and instead is primarily interesting with respectto its causesand consequences,and particularly its relations to variablesreflecting memory and other aspectsof cognitive functioning. In this regard, the report by Salthouse(1993a) that the slope of the systematic relation function for individual researchparticipants was not very highly related to measuresof cognitive functioning raises serious questions about the meaning of measuresderived from systematicrelation functions. The results of this study replicate findings of several earlier studiesindicating that speedmeasuressharedconsiderablevariancewith ageand with measuresof memory. One new finding in the current study is that the greatestreduction in age-relatedvariance occurred with control of the general speed factor. There was also a strong reduction of agerelated variance with the perceptualspeedmeasures,which had high loadings on the generalfactor. However, there was only a weak reduction of the age-related variance with measuresthat could be hypothesizedto reflect the duration of processes specific to memory. The results of this study thereforehelp in clarifying the nature of the speedmediation of adult age differences in memory. That is, the mediation doesnot appearto occur simply becauseof a reduction in the speedof memory-specificprocesses,but insteadseemsto be a reflection of age-relateddifferences in a very broad speed factor that is most clearly indicated by measuresof how quickly many elementary cognitive operations can be executed. Future researchshould be directed at investigating the causesof the age-related differences in this general speed P41 factor and at explicating the mechanismsby which the rate at which cognitive operations are executed affects the quality of the products of cognitive processing. AcKNowLEDGMENTS This researchwas supportedby NIA Grant AGR37 06826. I would like to thank Stephen Camp, Nate Fristoe, Brian Judd, George Manning, Betsy Meinz, Soo Rhee, Dwana Starks, and Jocelyn Thomas for assistancein recruiting participants and collection of data, and the valuable suggestions of two anonymous reviewers. Address correspondenceto Dr. Timothy A. Salthouse, School of Psychology, Georgia Instituteof Technology,Atlanta GA 30332-107O. REFERENcES Bors, D.A., & Fonin, B. (ln press).Age, speedof informationprocessing' recall, and fluid intelligence.Intelligence. rate. [n J.E. Birren & Cerella,J. ( I 990). Aging and information-processing K.W. Schaie (Eds.), Handbook of the psychoktgt of aging (3rd ed.) (pp.2Ol-221). San Diego: Academic Press. Cerella, J. (1994). Generalizedslowing in Brinley plots Journal ofGerontology: Psychological Sciences,49, P65-P'7l. Craik, F.l.M.. & Jennings,J.M . (1992).Humanmemory' In F.LM. Craik & T.A. Salthouse(Eds.), H andbook of aging and cognit ion (pp. 5 I - I I 0). Hillsdale,NJ: LawrenceErlbaumAssociates. Earles,J.L., & Salthouse,T.A. (1995). Interrelationsof age, health, and speed. Journal of Gerontoktgy: Psychological Sciences, 508, P33-P41. Hultsch, D.F., & Dixon, R.A. (1990). Leaming and memory in aging. In J.E. Binen & K.W. Schaie (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of aging (3rd ed.) 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