CopyriShr 1996 by the Ameti€n Rrahological Aswiatim, Inc. 0012-1649/96t$3.00 hychology Dewl@mental 1996. Vol. 32. No. 2.254-262 Are EastAsianVersusAmerican Differencesin Arithmetical Ability a RecentPhenomenon? Timothy A. Salthouse David C. Geary GeoryiaInstitute of Technology Universityof Missouri-Columbia Liu Fan Guo-PengChen China Central Institute for EducationalSciences EastChina Normal Universitv Youngerand older American and Chineseadults wereadministeredarithmetic, perceptualspeed, and spatial orientation tests. For the perceptual speed and spatial orientation tests, the younger adults showedsubstantial performance advantagesover the older adults in both the United States and China. For the arithmetic tests,the youngerChineseadults outperformedthe older Chinese adults,but the groupsofyounger and olderAmerican adults had comparablearithmeticalabilities. Cross-nationalcomparisonsindicatedthat the youngerChineseadults outperformedthe younger American adults on the arithmetic tests,but not on the perceptualspeedand spatial orientation tests.The performanceof the olderAmericanand olderChineseadultswascomparablefor all of the that the advantageofChinese adults over American ability measures.The overallpattern suggests adultsin complexarithmetic might be a relativelyrecentphenomenon. The first systematiccross-nationalstudy of mathematical abilitieswasconductedin 1964(Hu#n, 1967).The resultsof this study showedthat American adolescentswere among the most poorly educatedstudentsin mathematicsin the industrializedworld. In the ensuing30 years,this basicfinding hasbeen replicatedmany timesand hasbeenshownto be true for nearly all mathematical domains,from arithmeticto complexmathematics (Crosswhite,Dossey,Swafford,McKnight, & Cooney, 1985;Lapointe,Mead,& Askew,1992). Differencesbetween the mathematicaldevel@mentof American children and children from other nations are often times most extreme when comparisonsare made betweenthe United Statesand East Asian nations(i.e., China, Korea,Taiwan,& Japan;e.g.,Stevenson,Chen,& Lee, 1993;Stevenson et al., 1990).tThe consistencyof academicachievementdifferencesbetweenchildren from the United Statesand children from East Asian nations has led some scientiststo argue that these diferences stem Universityof MissouriDavidC. Geary,Departmentof Psychology, GeoryiaInstiColumbia;Timothy A. Salthouse,Schoolof Psychology, tute ofTechnology;Guo-PengChen, Department o[Psychology,East China Normal University,Shanghai,China; Liu Fan, Department of Psychology, China Central Institute lor EducationalSciences,Beijing, China. The researchwassupportedby Grant I R01-HD2793I from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Developmentand Grant ACr06826from the National Institute on Aging. We thank MelissaMoon and Ravindran Sabapathylor their assistancewith data collectionand collation, Zhitang Liu for his assistance with the translations,and Mark Ashcraft,Donald Kausler',and Robert Sieglerfor commentson earlierdraftsof this article. to David Correspondence concerningthis article shouldbe addressed 2l0 McAlesterHall, Universityof C. Geary,Departmentof Psychology, Missouri.Columbia.Missouri652l l. largelyfrom a differencein the generalintelligenceofAsian and Americanindividuals(e.g.,Lynn, 1982;Rushton,1992\. In this study,we presentevidencethat the advantageofEast Asian individuals over their American peers in arithmetical abilitiesprobably did not exist 60 yearsago,and that the more recent East Asian advantagein arithmetic, and perhapsother mathematicaldomains, likely reflectssecular changeswithin the United Statesrather than an EastAsian advantagein intelligence.The hypothesisthat the advantageofEast Asian individuals over their American peersin arithmetic is a relatively recent phenomenonis basedon two lines of research:crossgenerationalchangesin the arithmetical develqment of American children and differencesin the arithmetical abilities of youngerand olderAmerican adults. One dimensionthat distinguishesthe arithmetical develqment of American children from their EastAsian cohortsis the sqhiv tication ofthe strategiesusedin problem solving(Fuson& Kwon, 1992a:Gary, Fan,& Bow-Thomas,I 992). For the solvingof simple arithmetic problems,suchas8 + 7, whenan answercannotbe remembered,American children tend to count mentally or on theirfi ngen( Gearyet al., I 992;Siegler,I 987). Childrenfrom East Asian nations,in contrast,typically usea form of decomposition, in which the digits are decomposedinto smaller setswhich, in turn, are added together(Fuson & Kwon, 1992a;Geary et al., the 1992). Forinstance,to solve8 + 7, thechild might decompose 7 into a 2 arrda 5, and then retrievethe answersto 8 + 2, and l0 * 5. The useofdecompositionappeanto be dependenton a basic undentandingofsets,and,assuch,shouldprobablybe considered a conceptuallymore sophisticatedproblem-solvingapproachthan counting (Fuson & Kwon, 1992a).EastAsian children not only 254 t The mathematicalachievementofchildren from China, Korea,Taiwan, and Japanis generallycomparable( Lapointe et al., 1992;Stevensonetal..1993). CULTURE AND ARITHMETIC use develcpmentallyadvanced problem-solving approachesin comparisonwith their contemporary American peers,they also memorizethe basicarithmetic facts(e.g.,the addition and subtractiontables)at a much youngerage(e.g.,Gearyet al., 1992). In fact,recentstudiessuggestthat only about halfofcontemporary North American collegestudentsappearto know all of the basic addition and subtractionfacts(Geary,Frensch,& Wiley, 1993; Geary& Wiley,l99l;LeRwe, Sadesky, & Bisanz,in press). Cross-nationaldifferencesin the frequencywith which decompositionis usedas a problem-solvingstrategyare related, in part, to differencesin the structure of AsianJanguageand Englishnumberwords( Fuson& Kwon, 1992a).In Asianlanguages,words for teen valuesare statedten one, ten two, ten three,and so on, which facilitatesthe child's conceptualunderstandingofthe base-10structureofthe numbersystemas well as strategydevelopment(Fuson & Kwon, 1992b;Geary, 1994; Geary,Bow-Thomas, Fan,& Siegler,1993;Miller, Smith,Zhu, &Zhang, 1995;Miller & Stigler,1987;Miura, Okamoto,Kim, Steere,& Fayol,1993).This doesnot appearto be the whole story,however.2 Descriptivestudiesof the arithmetical development of American children who receivedtheir elementaryschooleducationin the 1930sindicatethat theyfrequentlyused decompositionasa problem-solvingstrategyand had typically masteredthe basic arithmetic facts by the end of third grade (Gesell& Ilg, 1946;Ilg & Ames,l95l ). In this respect, the arithmeticaldevelopmentof American children 60 yearsagowas very similar to developmentalsequencesfound in contemporary EastAsian children and greatlyexceededthat of contemporary American children. The cross-generational changesin thearithmeticaldevelqment of Americanchildren suggestthat the advantageof contemporaryEastAsian children over their American peersin arithmetic reflectsdecreasedarithmetical abilitiesin Americanchildrenand not an exceptionalfacility with arithmeticin EastAsianchildren. In keepingwith the argumentofa cross-generational decline in the basicarithmeticalabilitiesof Americansis the findingof cohort effectsfor performanceon written arithmetic tests(i.e., teststhat definethe Numerical Facility factor; Schaie,1983, 1989).Basically,adultswho receivedtheir elementaryschool educationin the I 940sor later perform more poorly on testsof arithmetical ability than adults who receivedtheir elementary schooleducationin the I 920sand I 930s( Schaie,I 993). Moreover,the basicarithmetical skills of American adults has continued to decline for thosewho receivedtheir primary education afterthe 1940s(Schaie,1983). Results from several,though not all (Salthouse& Coon, l 994), cognitiveagingstudiescould alsobe interpretedas support for the argument that arithmetic abilities have declined within the United States(Allen, Ashcraft, & Weber,1992; Geary& Wiley, 199I ; Gearyet al., 1993). Fbr instance,Geary et al. contrastedgroupsofyounger (i.e., collegestudents)and older(M: 72 years)adultson the strategies,and speedofexecuting the underlyingprocesses, usedto solvesimple (e.g.,8 4) and complex(e.g.,96 - 7) subtractionproblems.The older adults not only knew more facts,on average,than the younger adults,they alsoexecutedat leastone basicprocess,trading or borrowing,much more quickly ( asin 13 - 6) . The resultsof the Gearyet al. ( 1993) studyand severalothercognitivearithmetic studiesof youngerand older adults (e.g., Allen et al., 1992;' 255 Geary & Wiley, 1991) standin sharpcontrastto standardfindings in the cognitiveagingliterature. In nearly all other cognitive domains,youngeradults outperform older adults on psychometricability tests,aswell ason tasksthat assess more basic processes,such as speed of processingor working memory (Salthouse,1991,1992,1994).The contrastbetweenthe relative performanceof youngerand olderAmericanadultsin arithmetic in comparisonwith other ability domains (e.g., spatial ability;e.g.,Salthouse & Mitchell, l 990) providesa potentially useful background for contrasting age-relatedperformance differenceson ability measuresacrossthe United Statesand EastAsian nations. If the relativelywell-developed arithmetical abilities of older American adults in comparisonwith youngerAmerican adults reflect a seculartrend within the United States,with declining generations,then the standardfinding abilitiesacrosssuccessive of youngeradultsoutperformingolderadultson cognitivemeasuresshouldbe found for arithmeticin other nations.In this case,an advantageofyoungeradultsoverolderadultsshouldbe found for arithmetic testsas well as for testsof other cognitive abilities. In the United States,a contrastingpattern of older adultsdoing at leastas well as youngeroneson arithmetic tests but lesswell in other domainsshouldbe found. On the other hand, if the strong arithmeticalabilities of older American adultsreflecttheresultsof cumulativeexperience with arithmetic, then the arithmeticalabilitiesof youngerand olderadults shouldbe comparablein othernationsaswell. In this case,the pattern of youngeradults outperforming older adults in cognitive domainsotherthan arithmetic,in combinationwith older adultsperformingat leastaswell in arithmetic,shouldbe found cross-nationally. We assessed thesepossibilitiesby administeringa batteryof psychometric ability teststo groupsofyoungerand olderadults in mainlandChina and the United States.Specifically, we administeredmeasuresof numericalfacility,perceptualspeed, and spatialorientation.By administeringteststhat spanthree ability domains,we were able to determine if well as across domains,and whetherdifferentpatternsemergedfor the numerical facility,in comparisonwith the perceptualspeedand spatial orientation,measures.Stevensonand his colleagues( Stevenson et al., I 985) found no spatialability differencesfor fi rst- or fi fthgradeAmericanand Chinese(i.e., Taiwan)children.For the perceptualspeedtests,the scoresofthe American and Chinese fifth graderswere comparable,but the American first graders outperformedtheir same-age Chinesepeers.The overallpattern suggestedno systematicdifferencesin the overall intelligence ofChinese,Japanese,and American children, eventhough the Chineseand Japanesechildren substantiallyoutperformedthe American children on a mathematicsachievementtest.By administering perceptualspeedand spatial orientation tests,as well as arithmetic tests,we could attempt to replicatethe Stevensonet al. finding for adults and test the hypothesisthat the 2 Presumably,differencesin the structureof numberwordsin English and Asian languageswould result in national differencesin the initial acquisitionof number and arithmetic concepts,but they should not result in national differencesonce basicarithmetic has beenmastered (Ackerman.1988). cEARY sALTHousE, CHEN, AND EAN 256 advantageof East Asian individuals over Americans in basic mathematics stems from an East Asian advantagein intelligence(e.g.,Lynn, 1982). If Chineseadultsare more intelligent than American adults, then both the youngerand the older Chineseadults shouldoutperform their same-ageAmerican peers on all, or nearlyall, of the ability measures. Method differencein physical health. In keepingwith this position wasthe findingthat reported health statuswasnot significantly correlated with performanceon any of the ability testsin any of the samples(ps > .05). The two correlations that approachedconventional significancelevels (ps < .10 and > .05) werefound for the samplesof younger(r - .33, betweenhealth statusand performanceon the Card Rotations Test) and older ( r = .30, betweenhealth status and performance on the Identical Pictures Test) Chinese adults. In both cases,the worse the reported health, the better the performance on the ability test. Participants Ability Measures The participantswere66 younger(42 female,24male) and 44 older ( 36 female,8 male;agerange: 57 to 85 years)adults from the United States,and 40 younger(20 female,20 male) and 40 older (20 female, 20 male;agerange= 60 to 77 years)adultsfrom China. The 66 younger American adults were recruited from an undergraduate psychology courseat the Universityof Missouri-Columbia and receivedpartial coursecredit for participatingin the experiment.The older American adultswerefrom Atlanta, Georgia,and wererecruitedthrough a senior citizensgroup,which receiveda donationin their namefor their participation. In China, the youngeradultswererecruitedfrom undergraduatecourses( primarily in the socialsciences)at EastChina Normal University,Shanghai,China, and the older adults were recruited through advertisemenls or referralfrom Shanghai,China. Both the youngerand older Chineseadults were paid a small fee for participating in the experiment. Beforebeing administeredthe psychometrictests,describedbeloq all participantswereaskedto provideinformation on gender,age,years ofeducation, and to report their health statuson a | (excellent)to 5 (bad) Likert-type scale.Descriptivestatisticsfor age,education,and reported health are presentedin Table l. A 2 (nation) x 2 (cohort: youngervs. older) analysisofvariance (ANOVA) revealednonsignificant nation,cohort, and Nation x Cohort effectsfor yearsofeducation (ps > . l0). Forage,significantnation,-F(I, I 86) : 42.17,p <.00 l, and Nation X Cohort,lf(l' 186) = 28.02,p <.0001, effectswerefound. Post hoc comparisons(Tirkey's honestlysignificantdifference;HSD) indicatedno significantmeanagedifferencefor the youngergroups(p > .05), but the olderAmericanadultsweresignificantlyolderthan their Chinesepeen(p < .05). For reportedhealthstatus,significantnation, F( I , I 7 I ) : 143.77, p < .001,andcohort,F( l, l'l l\ = 19.48,p < .001,effectswerefound,but the Nation x Cohort interactionwasnot significant,F( I, l7 I ) = 3.'17, p > .05.Overall,youngeradultsreportedb€tterhealththan olderadults, althoughthe mean differenceswere not large(0.2 in the U.S. sample and 0.7 in the Chinesesample), and the American adultsreportedbetter healththan the Chineseadults.The national differencein reported health status might be due to the tendencyof Americansto endorse extremescores( I in this case)on Likert{ype scalesmore frequently than do Asians(Chen, Lee, & Stevenson,1995), ratherthan an actual All participants were administered a battery of psychometric tests that spannedthe Numerical Facility, PerceptualSpeed,and Spatial Orientation ability facton (Ekstrom, French, & Harman, 1976). Both forms for each test were administered, and the total score for each test wasthe sum of both forms. Numerical facility. Four arithmetic testswere usedto representthe numericalfacility construct.Two ofthese,the Addition Testand Addition and Subtraction Correction, were from the Educational Testing tests( Ekstromet al., I 976) ' and Service( ETS) kit of factor-referenced the other two tests,SimpleSubtractionand ComplexSubtraction'were usedbasedon a previouscognitiveagingstudy( i.e.,Gearyet al.' I 993). Eachform of the Addition Testallows2 min to solveasmany complex addition problems(e.g., 19 + 8 + 27) as possible.Addition and Subtraction Correction requiresparticipantsto indicate whetherthe pre-sentedanswerfor addition ( e.g., | | + 23 34 C | ) or subtraction( e.g.' : 35 l0 20 C I) problemsis correct(C) or incorrect(l). Eachform ofAddition and SubtractionCorrectionallows2 min. For eachform of the Simple Subtraction(e.g.,8 - 4) and ComplexSubtraction(e.g.'78 - 9) tests,participantswereallowed I min to solveas many problems aspossible. Each form ofthe Addition Testconsistsof60 vertically placedthreeaddendproblems.Forty-eightoftheseconsistofdoubledigit addends( e.g.' 12+ 42 + 53), oneproblemconsistsofthree singledigitaddends(i.e., 8 + 3 + 7), and the rcmaining problems consistof a mix of single-and doubledigit addends( e.g., 19 + 8 + 27) . Addition and SubtractionCorrection consistsof a mixture of 60 horizontally pres€nteddoubledigit addendsor doubledigit minuendsand subtrahends,asillustratedabora.The Simple Subtraction test consistsof 72 singledigit minuendsand subtraansu,en(e.g.,5 - 2). The items for the Simple hendswith nonnegative Subtractiontest include the 36 problemsdefined by the combination of the integprsI to 9 (excludingtie problems,e.9.,I - I ); eachproblemis presentedtwice. The Complex Subtraaion test consistsof 56 problems (e.9.,57 - 3);28 with doubledigitminuendsand singledigitsubtrahends (e.9., 9)' 35 oftheseproblemsrequirea borrowor trade Perceptualspeed. Two testsfrom the ETS battery were usedto representthe perceptualspeedconstruct: the Number ComparisonTest and the IdenticalPicturesTest( Ekstromet al., 1976). For eachform of Table I DescriptiveSlatisticsfor the U.S.and ChineseSamples United Stales Variable Age Yearsofeducation Health status M 20.1 14.0 1.5 SD 3.'7 0.6 0.5 M 72.'7 14.7 l.'7 Older Younger Older Younger SD M SD 5.7 t9.4 14.3 2.4 t.2 0.8 0.6 z-) o.'7 Note. Health statuswasratedon a | (excellent)to 5 (bail Likert-typescale. M 65.6 14.4 3.1 SD 4.3 2.5 0.6 CULTURE AND ARITHMETIC both tests,participantswereallowedL5 min to solveasmany problems as possible.For the Number ComparisonTest,pairs of digit strings, ranging from 3 to 13 digits, are presented.The task is to indicate whetherthe digit stringsdiffer.The IdenticalPicturesTestrequiresparticipants to indicatewhich of five alternativepictures is identical to a comparisonpicture. Spatial orientation. Three testswere usedto representthe spatial orientationconstruct:the Card RotationsTestand the CubeComparisonsTest,both from the ETS battery,aswell asthe Mental RotationTest ( Ekstromet al., I 976;Vandenberg & Kuse,I 978). For eachform of all threetests,participantswereallowed3 min to solveasmany problems aspossible.The Card RotationsTestrequiresthe rotation offigures in two-dimensionalspace,whereasthe Mental Rotation Testrequiresthe rotation offigures in three-dimensionalspace.The CubeComparisons Testrequiresthe rotationofdrawingsofcubes,someofwhich needto berotatedin two-dimensionalspace,othersin three-dimensional space. Procedure Translation. For all measures.the test stimuli wereidenticalin the Englishand Chineseversions.To ensurecomparability,an experienced translatorfirst translatedthe Englishinstructionsinto Chinese.The Chineseversionwasthen back-translatedinto Englishby anotherexperiencedtranslatorwho wasnot familiarwith the Englishinstructions. Discrepanciesbetweenthe original Englishinstructionsand the backtranslatedinstructionswere then discussedbetweenDavid C. Geary and the two translators, which resultedin a secondChineseversionof the instructions.To ensurethat theseinstructionswereclear.we then administered the Chineseversionsof all ability measures to two individualswho werenot familiarwith eitherthe Englishor Chineseversionsofthe tests.Both individualsindicatedthat the instrucrionswere readilyunderstandable. Administration. All ability measureswereadministered,either individuallyor in smallgroups,understandardinstructionsfor both the U.S. andChinesesamples.All participantswerefirst administeredthe numerical facilitytests,followedin turn by the perceptualspeedandspatialorientationmeasures. Theentiretestingsession lastedabout50 min. Results For easeof presentation, the resultsare discussedin three generalsections.In the first, the factor structure ofthe psychometric battery is assessed for the American and Chinesesamples.National and cohort ( i.e.,youngervs.older) differenceson the ability testsare describedin the secondsection,and issues concerningdifferencesin the intelligenceof the samplesand sampleselectivityareaddressed in the final section. Factor Structure The factorstructureof the ability testswasassessed by means of a confirmatoryfactor analysis(Jiireskog,1969), usingthe CALIS programavailablethroughSAS(SAS Institute,1990). For eachsample,partial covariancematriceswereobtainedby partialing the linear,quadratic,and cubic agetrends from performanceon the ability tests.A three-factor*Numerical Facility, PerceptualSpeed,and SpatialOrientation-model wasthen fitted to the covariancematrices.For theseanalyses,the indicators for each factor were identical to those describedin the Method section(e.g.,the PerceptualSpeedfactor was defined by the Number Comparison Test and the Identical Pictures Test).The factorswereallowedto correlate,and all nondefining factor loadingswere fixed at 0. The adequacyof such models 257 canbe assessed by meansof a goodness-of-fit index (GFI), with valuesgreaterthan .90 typically consideredacceptable( Bentler &Bonett,1980). For the initial models, the GFI values were .88 and .89 (actually.899) for the U.S.and Chinesesamples,respectively. The estimation of two correlated residuals(i.e., allowing the unique variancefor two setsofability teststo correlate)for the U.S.sampleand onecorrelatedresidualfor the Chinesesample yieldedacceptableGFI valuesfor both the U.S. (GFI : .91) and Chinese(GFI : .92) samples.rThe factor patternswere highly similar acrossthe two samples,with a coefficientof congruence(Gorsuch,1983) of .99 for the NumericalFacilityfactor, and .95 and .96, respectively,for the PerceptualSpeedand Spatial Orientation factors. Thus, with very slight modifications, the expectedthree-factorstructureofthe ability testswas confirmedfor both the U.S.and Chinesesamples. Ab i I it y Tbst Perfor manc e Mean ability test scoresacrossnation and cohort are shown in Thble2. To facilitatethe discussion ofthe results,we present the analysesseparatelyfor each of the ability constructs.For eachof the respectivesetsof ability tests,national and cohort differenceswere initially assessed by meansof a multivariate analysisof variance(MANOVA). SignificantMANOVAswere followedup by 2 ( nation) X 2 (cohort)ANOVAs;simplemeans werecontrastedby meansof the HSD procedure. Numerical facility. The MANOVA for the four arithmetic testsrevealed significant nation,F(4, 178): 30.65,p < .001;cohort, F(4, 178): 45.67,p < .001;and Nation X Cohort,F(4, 178) - 18.98,p < .001,effects.The ANOVAsrevealed that the nation,cohort,and Nation X Cohorteffectsweresignificant(ps < .05) for the SimpleSubtraction,ComplexSubtraction,and Addition and SubtractionCorrection tests.For the Addition Test,the Nation X Cohort interactionwassignificant(p < .001), but the main effectsfor nationandcohortwerenot (ps > .20).0 For the Addition test,comparisonsof simplemeansindicated that the older Americanadults and the youngerChineseadults had comparablemeanscores(p > .05), which weresignificantly higherthan the meanscoresfor the youngerAmerican adults and the olderChineseadults(ps < .05). The meanscoreof the youngerAmericanadultswas,in turn, significantlyhigherthan that of 'In the U.S.sample,the correlatedresidualswerebetweenthe Identical PicturesTestand the Card RotationsTest(.42) and betweenthe Addition Testand the Mental RotationTest(-.43). For the Chinese sample,the correlatedresidualwasbetweenAddition and Subtraction Correctionandthe NumberComparisonTest(.42). Tablesof the standardized factor loadings,factor correlations,and correlatedresiduals are availablefrom David C. Geary on request. 4 A MANOVA confirmedthat therewereno genderdifferencesor Cohort X Genderinteractionsfor the numericalfacility testsfor eitherthe U.S.or Chinesesamples(ps > . l0 ). For the perceptualspeedand spatial orientation tests.there were no Gender X Cohort interactionsin eithersample(ps > .10). For the Chinesesample,the only significant (p < .05) genderdifference,which favored men, was for the Mental Rotation Test.For the U.S. sample,men outperformedwomen on the Mental RotationTest and the Cube ComparisonsTest (ps <.05), whereaswomen outperformedmen on the Number ComparisonTest (p<.ol). 258 CHEN, AND FAN GEARY SALTHOUSE, Thble2 Mean Ability kst ScoresAcrossGroup and Nation United States China Younger Test Numerical Facility Addition Simplesubtraction Complex subtraction Addition/subtraction PerceptualSpeed Number comparison Identicalpictures SpatialOrientation Card rotations Cubecomparisons Mental rotation test M Younger M SD SD M SD M ,sD 36.7 I 18.3 3 5 .l 67.1 8.7 r9.0 9.s t5.2 45.6 99.l 3s.8 56.9 t4.4 22.7 lo.7 t4.2 46.6 134.2 58.6 99.4 9. t r 3.3 tO.1 t4.8 33.t 96.2 36.9 57.9 16.l 3t.6 17.3 24.8 54.I 73.4 9.1 12.7 41.3 40.9 r1.6 7.5 55.4 63.3 r2.l l r.E 38.4 46.6 17.4 12.6 l r5-9 16.8 15.3 25.5 9.7 9.6 59.8 4.6 4.1 29.8 5.4 6.4 94.7 13.7 13.9 27.9 8.7 9.9 58.3 3.6 3.3 42.1 6.2 5.1 the olderChines€adults(p < .05). For the SimpleSubraction test and Mdition and Subtraction Correction, the youngerChinese adultsoutperformedall othergroups(ps < .05). The performance of the older American and older Chinesegroupswzrscomparable (ps > .05) but was significantly lorrcr than that of the youngsr American adults (ps < .05). For the Complex Subtraction test, the performanceofthe two oldergroupsand the group ofyounger Americanadultswascomparable(ps > .05) but wassignificantly lourcrthan that of the youngerChineseadults(ps < .05). Finally, partialing agein the comparisonof the two oldergroupsto adjust for the significantagedifferencedid not alter the resultsfor any of the arithmetic tests. In all, the youngerChineseadults outperformedtheir American peerssubstantiallyon all four arithmetic tests.The advantageofthe youngerChineseadults overthe youngerAmerican adultswasabout I standarddeviationfor the Addition Testand the Simple Subtractiontest, and more than 2 standarddeviations for the Complex Subtractionand the Addition and Subtraction Correctiontests.In contrast,for threeofthe four arithmetic tests,there was no significantnational differencefor the oldergroups.The one testthat did showa significantdifference acrossthe older groups,that is, the Addition Test,favoredthe Americanparticipants.In fact, for the Addition Test,the mean performanceofthe olderAmericanadultswascomparablewith that of the youngerChineseadults, and about 0.75 standard deviationsabovethe meanof the youngerAmericanadults. Another way to highlight and summarizethe overallpattern is by meansofstandardscores.Here,for eachofthe four arithmetic tests,the overallmeanwassetat 0 and the standarddeviation at l. The resultingz scoreswerethen summedto create an overall performancescore for the numerical facility construct. On the basisofthe cognitiveagingliterature,this procedure might be expectedto yield mean scoresabovethe overall meanfor the youngergroups,and scoresbelowthe overallmean for the older groups.Indeed,the left sectionofFigure I shows exactly this pattern for the Chineseparticipants; that is, the meanperformanceof the youngerChineseadults is abovethe overallmean,whereasthe meanperformanceof the older Chineseadults is below the overall mean. In contrast, the mean performanceof both the youngerAmerican adults and the older American adultsis belowthe overallmean. Perceptualspeed. For the perceptual speedtests,the initid MANOVA revealeda nonsignificant main effect for nation, F(2,l8l) < l, p > .25, but significant cohort,F(2, l8l): 102.23,p < .00l, and Nation X Cohort, F( 2, I 8 I ) : 16.39,p < .001, effects.The ANOVAsconfirmedthat the advantageof the youngeradults over the older adults wassignificant for both the Number ComparisonTestand the IdenticalPicturesTest(ps < .00l ). Comparisonsof simple meansindicatedthat theseagerelateddiferencesweresignificantin both the U.S.and Chinese samples(ps < .05). The Nation X Cohort interactionwasnot significantfor the Number ComparisonTest,F( I , I 84) : | .21, p > .25, but wassignificantfor the ldentical PicturesTest,.F( I, interaction,the 182) : 21.13,p < .001.With this cross-over youngerAmerican adults outperformedtheir Chinesepeen (p < .05), whereasthe older Chineseadults outperformedtheir American peers(p < .05). However,partialing agefrom performanceon the Identical PicturesTesteliminated the advantage of the olderChineseadultsoverthe olderAmericanadults,F( I, 7 8 \ : r . 1 3p, > . 2 5 . The overall pattern is summarizedin the middle sectionof Figure l. In keepingwith the expectedcognitive-agingpattern, it can be seenthat for both the U.S. and Chinesesamples,the mean for the youngeradultsis abovethe overallmean,whereas the meanfor the olderadultsis belowthe overallmean. Spatial orientation. For the spatialtests,the MANOVA revealeda nonsignificantmain effectfor nation,F( 3, I 84 ) : 2.29, p > .05,and a nonsignificantNation X Cohort interaction,f( 3, 184) : 1.74,, > . I 0. The main effectfor cohort wassignificant, howeveqf(3, 184) : 48.98,p < .001.For both the American and Chinesesamples,the advantageof the youngeradults over the older adults was significantfor all three spatialtests(ps < .05). The overallpattern is summarizedin the right sectionof Figure I and, again,showsthat for both the U.S. and Chinese samples,the mean for the youngeradults is abovethe overall mean, and the mean for the older adults is below the overall mean. 259 CULTURE AND ARITHMETIC m r Legend Young€rgroup Oldergroup o o o C) CJ) E (5 E I I c (U a U.S. Chlna NumetlcalFadllty U.S. China PerccpludSpeed U.S. China SpatialOrienlrdon Figure I . Standardscoresacrosscohort and nation for the numericalfacility,perceptualspeed,and spatial orientationabilitydomains. ment that there were no systematicability differencesacross the Chineseand American samples.The significantNation X Eventhough the pattern ofresults shownin Figure I is conAbility X Cohorteffect,,F(2, 185) = 20.05,p <.0001, indicated sistentwith the position that there has beena relativelyrecent a selectiveage-relateddifferenceacrossthe Chineseand Amerideclinein the arithmetical abilities of Americans,two related can samplesfor at leastone of the ability domains. issuesneed to be addressedbefore such an argument can be Follow-up ANOVAs within each ability domain indicated madewith any certainty.The first concernswhetherthe advanthat the main effect for nation was not significant for any of tageofthe youngerChineseadults overthe youngerAmerican the ability domains:numericalfacility,f'( l, 186)< l, p > .50; adults in arithmetic could be attributable to differencesin the perceptualspeed,F( l, 186): 1.97,p> .15;and spatialorienintelligenceof the Chineseand American samples,and the sectation,F( I, I 86) : 1.76, p > .l 5. The Nation X Cohort effect ond concernswhetherthe youngerChineseadults are simply a wasnot significantfor the perceptualspeed,F( l, 186) = 2.98, more highly selectedgroup than the youngerAmericanadults. p > .05,or spatialorientation,F( I, I 86) : 1.19,p > .25,scores, Intelligence. If the advantageofthe youngerChineseadults but washighly significantfor the numericalfacility scores,F( l, overtheir same-age American peersfor the arithmetic testswas I 86) : 20.05,p < .0001. For numericalfacility, the overallperrelatedto an EastAsian advantagein intelligence,then both the formance of the youngerand older American g.roupsdid not youngerand olderChineseadultsshouldhaveshownan advan(p > differ .05), but the youngerChineseadults outperformed tageovertheir same-age American peerson all, or nearlyall, of the olderChineseadults(p < .05). The overallpatternconfirms the ability measures.This wasclearly not the case.Except for a selectiveage-relatedperformancedifferenceacrossthe Chithe finding of youngerChineseadults outperforming younger nese and American samplesfor the numerical facility tests. American adults on the arithmetic tests,comparisonsfor the Moreover,as noted earlier,the pattern of no overall national remainingability tests,aswell as for the groupsof older adults, differencein ability test scoresacrossthe three domainsis conrevealedeither no national differencesor a slight American adsistentwith the view that the EastAsian and American samples vantage,in keepingwith the findingsofStevensonet al. ( 1985) usedin this study werecomparablein terms of overalllevelsof for comparisonsof Chineseand American children. intelligence. Nevertheless, to further assess the possibilityofability differSampleselectivity. The issueof sampleselectivityis particencesacrossour Chineseand American samples,we analyzed ularly important for the youngersamples,becausecontempothe overallpatternof performanceon the psychometrictestsby rary Chineseuniversitiesare more selective,on average,than meansof a mixed-designANOVA. Here, the z scoresfor the are contemporaryunivenities in the United States;this is less threeability domains( i.e.,the meanof the z scoresfor the indiofan issuefor our older samplesgiventhat collegeattendance vidual testsin eachdomain) servedasa within-subjectsvariable (ability), and nation and cohort servedas between-subjects wasrelativelyunusualin both countriesearlierin this century. Evenif the youngersamplesare comparablein terms of general variables.With this analysis,there were two crucial tests:the abilities, it is possiblethat the largeadvantageofthe younger Nation X Ability interactionandthe Nation X Ability X Cohort interaction. The finding of a nonsignificantNation X Ability Chineseadultsoverthe youngerAmerican adultsin arithmetic interaction,,F'(2,185)< l, p>.50, is consistent with the arguwas somehowrelated to the selectioncriteria (e.g., types of I ntelligence and Selectivily , I 260 GEARY SALTHOUSE,CHEN, AND FAN 0.8 0.6 I o o o.4 b () o.2 CA E(! 0 E 4.2 g cn 4.4 {.6 {.8 U.S. China NumericalFadlity U.S. China PerceptualSpeed U.S. China Spatial Orientation Figure 2. Within-nation standardscorecomparisonsof the relativeperformanceof the youngerand older groupsfor the numericalfacility,perceptualspeed,and spatialorientationability domains. I I tests)associatedwith admissionto the two respectiveuniversities.5We haveno wayof directly testingthis possibility. However,within-nation comparisonsof the relative advanrage ofyoungeradultsoverolderadultsacrossthe threeability domains allow usto indirectly testthis possibility.Becausethe performance ofthe groupsofolderChineseandolderAmericanadultswascomparableacrossall three ability domains,and becausethesegroups werecomparablein terms of mean levelsof education,their performancecan providea benchmarkagainstwhich the relativeperformance of their same-nationyoungerpe€rscan be assessed. If the youngerChinesesamplewereselectedsuchthat they had unusuallyhigh arithmeticalabilities,then the youngerChineseadults should showa largeradvantageover the older Chineseadults on the arithmetic tests,relative to the perceptualspeedand spatial orientationtests.Ifthe samplesare roughlyequivalent,then the relative advantageof the youngeradults over same-nationolder adultsshouldbe similar acrossthe Chineseand American samples and acrossthe three ability domains.In keepingwith the central hypothesisofthis study,the only exceptionshouldbe for the comparisonofthe numerical facility scoresfor the groupsofyounger and olderAmericans. Figure 2 showsthe within-nation standardscorecomparisons acrossthe youngerand oldergroupsfor the numerical facility, perceptualspeed,and spatialorientation constructs.Scoresabovethe mean of 0 indicate an advantageof younger adults over older adultsin termsof standarddeviationunits.For the Chinesesamples,the advantageofthe youngeradults overthe older adultswas highly similar acrossall three ability domains and rangedfrom 0.52 to 0.60 standarddeviations.Similarly,the advanrage of the youngerAmerican adultsoverthe olderAmerican adultswas0.55 and 0.50 standarddeviationsfor the perceptualspeedand spatial orientationscores,respectively. The only comparisonthat doesnot fit with the overallpattem is the relativelycomparablenumerical facility scoresofthe youngerand olderAmerican adults(the mean difference was 0.07 standard deviations). The overall pattern seemsto be consistentwith the view that the greaterselectivityof Chineseuniversitiesin comparisonwith American universitieshas not resultedin unusuallyhigh arithmetical abilities in our sample ofyounger Chineseadults.6Ifanything, the overallpattem is consistentwith the view that the arithmetical abilities of the younger American adults is unusuallylow. This is not to saythat the sampleswe havecomparedin this study are representativeof the general populationsof the United Statesand China; they almost certainly are not. The point is that when we contrastgroupsof comparably,and relativelywell, educatedyoungerand older Chinese and American adults,the "value," in terms of fosteringthe acquisition of basicarithmetic skills, of educationin the United States appearsto havechangedoverthe pas 60 yean. Discussion By providing a comparisonof the psychometricabilities of youngerand older American and Chineseadults, the present study provided a unique perspectiveon cross-nationaldifferencesin basic mathematicalabilities, and it suggeststhat the often cited advantageof EastAsian individualsoverindividuals in the United Statesin mathematics(e.9., Stevensonet al., 1990;Stevenson et al., 1993) might not haveexisted,at leastfor arithmetic, 60 yearsago.The two most important outcomesof 5 Studentsat the Universityof Missouri-Columbia are a relatively selectgroup. Of all of the studentstaking the American CollegeTest (ACT), their meanACT scoreof 25 is at the 83rd percentilenationally. 6 Any differencesin the selectivityofthe two universitieswould likely be most evidentfor complexmathematics,not the basicskills assessed in this study. 261 CULTURE AND ARITHMETIC the study that support this claim are (a) the pattern ofage-related ability differenceswithin the U.S. and Chinesesamples and (b) the comparisonsof the abilities of same-agegroups acrossthe U.S.and Chinesesamples. For the former, the same age-relatedperformancepatterns were found in both the U.S. and Chinesesamplesfor the perceptualspeedand spatialorientationmeasures.Consistentwith expectationsderivedfrom cognitiveaging research(e.g., Salthouse,1994),for both the U.S.andChinesesamples, the younger adults showedconsistentand substantialperformanceadvantagesovertheir oldersame-nationpeers.Moreover,the magnitudeofthe performanceadvantageofthe youngeradultsover the olderadultsfiorthe perceptualspeedand spatialorientation measureswasessentiallythe samefor the Chineseand Americansamples.Forthe numericalfacility measures,this samepattern wasevidentin the Chinesesamplebut not in the U.S.sample. For the U.S. sample,the older adults showedhigher mean scoresthan the youngeradults for one numerical facility test, therewas no meandifferencefor anothertest,and the younger group outperformedthe older group for the two remaining numericalfacility tests.In comparisonwith their performanceon the perceptualspeedand spatial orientation tests,the performanceof the youngerAmericanson the arithmetic testswas ratherpoor. The cross-nationalcomparisonsof the younger and older groupsalso showeddifferent patternswith the numerical facility, in relation to the perceptualspeedand spatialorientation, measures.In keepingwith othercross-nationalstudiesof mathet al., I 993), the youngerChiematicalabilities( e.g.,Stevenson neseadultshad a consistentand substantialadvantageovertheir same-ageAmerican peersin arithmetic. However,it cannot be arguedthat the advantageofthe youngerChineseadults over the youngerAmerican adults in arithmetic is due to a Chinese facility with arithmetic, becauseno such national difference wasevidentfor the older groups.In fact, with the exceptionof the Addition Test,which showedan American advantage,the performance of the older American and the older Chinese adultswascomparable. Nor is it likely that the advantageof the youngerChinese adults over their American peersin arithmetic was due to a difference,favoringthe Asian adults, in the intelligenceofthe two samples.With the exceptionof the performanceof the two youngergroupson the numericalfacility tests,the psychometric performanceof the Chineseand American adults wascomparable. This pattern is consistentwith studiesof EastAsian and et al., 1985) and arguesagainst Americanchildren( Stevenson the position that the advantageof East Asian individuals over Americansin mathematicsis largelydue to an EastAsian advantagein intelligence(e.g.,Lynn, 1982).Finally,althoughit cannotbe statedwith completecertainty,giventhat the pattern of age-relatedperformancedifferencesin the Chinesesample was highly similar acrossthe numerical facility, perceptual speed,and spatialorientation domains,it doesnot appearthat theseresultsare due to a selectiveand unusually high level of arithmeticalabilitiesin the youngerChineseadults. Indeed,whencomparedagainstthe advantagethat the younger adults haveovertheir same-nationpeerson the perceptual speedand spatialorientationmeasuresand the advantageofthe youngerChineseadultsoverthe olderChineseadultson the nu- merical facility tests,the finding of comparablearithmetic skills of the youngerand older American adultsappearsto be due to poorly developedarithmetic skills in the youngerAmericans. 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