Joumal oJ Gercntology: PSYCHOLOGICAL |997. Vol.528. No.5-P216 P228 Copyright 1997 by The Cerontolo!:ical Societ! ofAmerica SCIENC'S ControlledandAutomatrcFormsof Memory andAttention:ProcessPurity andthe Uniqueness of Age-RelatedInfluences Timothy A. Salthouse,'Jeffrey P.Toth,rHolly E. Hancock,rand John L. Woodard' 'School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology. 'Department of Neurology, Emory University. Estimates of controlled and automatic processes hypothesized to underlie performance in a memory task and in an attention task were derived for 115 participants from 18 to 78 years of age using the process-dissociation procedure. Participants also performed speed and neuropsychological tests that were suspected to he negatively rclated to age. Process estimates showed good reliabilfu (from .76 to .98), and the qualintive distinction between processes t'as supported by the overall pattern of conelations an ong measures. However, only estimated automatic processes exhibited unique variance, as they were either weakly related or unrelated both to performance on the other tests and to each other. Estimates of the control processes, in contrast, shared considerable variance with measures from other tests, and there were no unique, or independent, age-related effects on these measures. The results highlight the need to distinguish between process purity and the uniqueness of age-related influences in accounting for age differe nc es in cognition. l\ fOST measuresof cognitive performancecan be asIVlsumed to reflect a mixture of several theoretical processes.This is a potentialproblem ifone is interestedin assessingthe relationsamong measures,or betweencognitive measures and other variables, because the observed relations could be attributable to only some of the processesor to all of them. For example, if Measure I is determined by theoretical processesA and B, then any relation between MeasuresI and2 could be due to processA, to processB, or to both processes.Identifying the specific process(es)responsible for the relation is important, particularly if processesA and B are thought to be differentially affected by variablesof interest,suchas age. In comparingrelationsamong is also important to be sensitive to the issuesof sample size and reliability. Sample size needs to be considered becausethe precision of an estimated relation (i.e., the narrowness of the confidence interval) is inversely related to the size of the sample. Reliability also cannot be neglected becauseif the reliability of a measureis low, then there is little systematic varianie in that measure available to be associated with other measures.This is of particular concern with difference scores (such as priming measures)becausethe reliability of such scoresis often lower than that of either of the constituentscores(e.g.,Cohen & Cohen, 1983,p. 69). A primary goal in this project was to examine theoretical process estimates from two different tasks to determine their relations with each other, with chronological age, and with a variety of other cognitive measures.The relations among processestimatesare interesting becauseif some of the estimates are assumed to reflect a similar theoretical construct, then one should expect a positive correlation between them. In contrast, little or no correlation would be P2t6 expectedbetweentheoreticalestimatesif they were postulated to reflect different constructs. Relations with individual difference variables such as age are interesting becauseif it is assumedthat most of the relations with age are attributable to one particular process(e.g., A and not B), then relations would be expectedbetween age and estimatesof processA, but little or no relation would be expected between age and estimatesof process B. Finally, relations of the process estimates with other measuresof performance are relevant to the issue of the distinctiveness of the hypothesizedconstructs.That is, if two processestimates reflect the same theoretical construct, they should have a similar pattern of relations with other measures;but if they reflects different constructs,they should exhibit different patternsof relations with other measures. When the sample consistsof a wide range of ages,and several different measuresare available from each participant, it is also possible to investigatethe uniquenessof age-relatedinfluences.That is, many cognitive measures have been found to be sensitive to age-relatedeffects, but it is usually unclear whether these effects are independentof one another.This issue can be important becauseeven if a measure was thought to provide a pure estimate of a specific theoretical process, the interpretation of the agerelated effects on that measurewould be quite different depending on whether those effects were unique or were shared with other measures.For example, discovering that most of the age-related variance in process A was shared with other cognitive measureswould be consistentwith the view that age-relatedeffects on processA were simply one manifestation of a more general shared or common factor contributing to the age-related influences on many measures.If this were the case, then at least with respect to PROCESSPURITY AND UNIQUENESS OF AGE EFFECTS P21l age-relatedinfluences,there might be nothing special or For both conditions the primary dependentmeasurewas the unique about a theoretically pure process estimate if very probability of respondingwith previouslypresentedwords. little of its age-relatedinfluence was independentof the The rationale underlying these two conditions is that age-relatedinfluenceson other measures. memory performance reflects the contributions of both conNote that the issue here concernsthe uniquenessor indesciouslycontrolled recollectionand more automatic.involpendenceof age-relatedinfluenceson various measures,and untary effects of memory. Automatic mnemonic processes not the purity or validity of the theoretical processesthe are hypothesizedto increasethe probability of responding measuresare postulatedto assess.That is, examining agewith old words in both the Inclusion and Exclusion condirelated effects on a measurein the context of age-relatedeftions, whereasrecollection is hypothesizedto increaseor fects on other measuresis informative as to the uniqueness decreasethis probability dependingon test instructions.By of age-relatedinfluences,but it is not necessarilyrelevantto castingtheseconditionsinto equations(essentiallr.a theory the issueof what the measureactuallyrepresents. of performance),one can combine performancein the two When a variety of measuresis availablefrom individuals conditionsand therebyderive separateestimatesof the conspanninga wide age range,mediationalrelationshipsamong trolled and automatic processes.Formally, the probability the measurescan also be investigatedto determinewhich of using old words in the Inclusion condition is equal to the measures,or theoreticalprocesses,are plausiblemediators probability of recollection(C) plus the probabilir\ rhar rhe of the age relations on other measures.In the present study old responseswill automaticallycome to mind rA r u,hen the California VerbalLearningTest (CVLD was usedas the recollectionis unsuccessful (l-C). Thus,p(oldllnclusion)= primary criterion task for these analyses,with the goal of C + A(l-C). For the conrrasr.old determining the extent to which different measuresmight words should only be used when they come to mind automediateage-relatedeffectson this task. In the past, statistimatically(A) in the absenceof recollection( l-Cr. hecause cally controlling measuresof processingspeed has been successfulrecollectionwould act to excludeprer iouslr pre- A( l{t. Combining found to reduce the age-relatedvariance on a wide range of sentedwords.Thus,p(oldlExclusion) cognitive tasks (e.g., Salthouse,1996); hence, speedmeathese equations,mnemonic control (recollectionris estisureswill be examinedtogetherwith estimatespostulatedto mated as the differencebetweenperformancein thc' Inclureflect pure measuresof different theoreticalprocesses.In sion and Exclusionconditions(C = Inclusion-Erclusion). addition,the relative attenuationof the age-relatedvariance Given an estimateof C, one can algebraicallvderire an esin the theoreticalprocessestimatesand in the speedmeatimate of automaticmnemonic processes[e.g . A = Exclusureswas examinedbeforeand after statisticalcontrol of the s i o n/ ( l - C ) 1 . other type of measure.The reasoningwas that the more funThe theory and assumptionsunderlying the processdamentalmeasuresshould producethe greatestattenuation dissociationprocedurehave been discussedextensivelyin of the age-relatedeffects in the other measures. the literature(seeJacoby,l99l; Jacobyet al., 1993:Jacoby, To obtain estimatesof theoretical processesin both a Begg, & Toth, in press;Reingold & Toth, 1966:Toth, Reinmemory and an attentiontask, we usedthe process-dissoci- gold, & Jacoby, 1994, 1995b); we refer the interested ation procedure(Jacoby, l99l; Jacoby,Toth, & Yonelinas, readerto thesesources.We should note, however.the cen1993),a generalanalytic techniquedesignedto separatethe tral assumption underlying the above equations; namely contribution of controlled and automatic processesto task that controlled and automaticprocessesmake independent performance.A stem-completiontask similar to that used contributionsto performance.Support for this assumption by Jacoby et al. (1993) was used to assessthe contribution comesfrom experimentsshowing invariancein one paramof these processesto memory performance. Participants eter (e.g.,A) acrosslevels of a variable assumedto selecwere presentedwith a list of words under incidentalencodtively affect the processesindexed by the other parameter ing instructionsand later were presentedwith a seriesof (C). To date, variablesproducing this pattern in stem- or word-stems(e.g., tru _ _) correspondingto the previously fragment-cuedrecall include age (Jacoby,Jennings,& Hay, presented(old) words as well as unstudied (new) words. 1996),divided attention(Jacobyet al., 1993),and levels-ofAccompanying each test stem was a responseinstruction processing(Toth et al.,1994). The conversepattern(invari(OLD or NEW), which indicated to participanrswhether ancein C acrosschangein A) has also been shown (Hay & they were to include or exclude previously presented Jacoby,1996). words. For the Inclusion (OLD) condition, participants In the present study we used the equations described were to complete each stem with a previously presented above to estimatecontrolled and automaticmnemonic proword or, if they could not remember a studied word, to cessesfor each researchparticipant.To assessreliability of complete the stem with the first word that came to mind. theseestimates,each participantstudiedand was testedon The Inclusion condition is similar to a traditional cued retwo different setsof (intermixed) words. A novel aspectof call task, but with instructionsto guesswhen recollection the present study concerned the testing conditions under fails. In the Exclusion (NEW) condition, the participants which mnemonic estimateswere obtained.A potential were to complete each stem with a word that had not been problem with the inclusion/exclusioninstructionsis their presentedbefore; that is, they were to generatenovel comcomplexity (Graf & Komatsu, 1994). To ensure parricipletions for the stems.As in the Inclusion condition, if the pants' understandingof instructions, most previous proindividual could not remembera previouslypresentedword cess-dissociation studieshave used highly trained examin(and thus did not know what word to avoid). he or she was ers in a one-on-onetestingsession;however,this strateer ir to complete the stem with the first word that came to mind. labor intensive and limits the conditions under which rhe P218 ETAL. SALTHOUSE procedure can be employed. As part of a larger effort to increasethe generallty of the procedure (see Hay & Jacoby, 1996;Jacoby,Jennings,& Hay, 1996),we automatedall aspectsof the experimenton computer (i.e., stimuluspresentation, instructions,and responsecollection) and had the testadministeredby relatively naive examiners. To estimate controlled and automatic processesin the attentional domain, we used a spatial S-R compatibility task modeled after Toth et al. (1995a).In this task, lefr (<) or light-pointing (>) arrows were presentedin the middle, left, or right portion of a computer screen,and participants were instructed to make left- and right-handed responsesthat correspondedto the arrow's direction (e.g., a right-handed responseto the presentationof '>'). Previous work has shown that, analogousto Stroop interference,participants are unable to avoid processingof the irrelevantdimension (the arrow's spatial location) as shown by faster reaction times (RTs) when the arrow's direction and spatiallocation are congruent(e.g.,a right-pointing arrow on the right side of the screen)as comparedwith when they are incongruent (e.g.,a righrpointing arrow on the left side of the screen). Toth et al. (1995a)hypothesizedthat performancein this task could be describedas reflecting two independentinfluences,controlledprocessingof stimulusform (i.e.,arrow direction)and automaticprocessingof spatiallocation.Similar to the strategyusedfor cued-recall,they developedequations for performanceon congruent and incongruenttrials that were usedto derive separateestimatesof spatial(S) and form (F) processing.Specifically,they hypothesizedthat the probability of a correct responseon congruent trials is equal to the probability that spatial processingdirects responding, plus the probability of respondingon the basisof form when spatial location does not direct responding;that is, p(correctlcongruent)= S + F(l-S). Correct respondingon incongruent trials, in contrast,should only occur when responding is based on form and not spatial location; thus p(correctlincongruent) = F(l-S). Subtracting the proportion correct on incongruent trials from that on congruent trials provides an estimate of spatial processing(S = congruent-incongruent). Given S, an estimateof form processingcan be derived algebraically[F = incongruentl(l-S)1. As with cued-recall,the central assumptionunderlying the equations for this attention task is that spatial and form processesmake independent contributions to performance. Toth et al. (1995a) found supportfor this assumptionwith the discovery that a manipulation of the proportion of congruent trials influencedspatial,but not form, processingestimates (seealso Lindsay & Jacoby, 1994).Additional evidence for the validity of the estimateswas provided by showing that form, but not spatial, estimatesaccurately predicted observed performance on arrows presented at fixation (neutral trials) where spatial processingis minimal. Note that, unlike most attention tasks in which RT is the primary dependentmeasure,Toth et al. (1995a)used a deadline procedure to obtain proportional data appropriate for use with the process-dissociation equations.That is, they required participants to respondwithin 500 ms after stimuluspresentation to allow assessmentof the accuracy of performance. In the presentstudy we did not useresponsedeadlinesbecauseof the well-established relations between age and speed of process- ing (e.g.,Salthouse,1996).Instead,we usedan RT version of the task and usedpost hoc deadlinesto analyzethe probability ofa correctresponseat successivetime intervals.This strategy allowed us to examine both RT and accuracy as a function of ageand to reconstructthe time-courseof both observedbehavior (i.e., performanceon congruent,incongruent,and neutral trials) and processestimates(S and F). Reliability of the process estimateswas assessedby administeringthree separate blocks of lfi) trials, eachblock containingall trial types. In order to examine the age relations on the estimatesof controlledand automaticprocessingin the contextof agerelations on other variables, all participants performed several additional cognitive tasks that were hypothesizedto be related to age in varying degrees.Severalcomputer-administered and paper-and-pencilspeedtasks were used to assess highly age-sensitiveperceptualspeedabilities,and two fluency tasks were used to assessperformancein situations whereboth speedand word knowledgemight be relevant.A spatial test of line orientationwas administeredbecauseit was assumedto reflectright hemispherefunctioning,which has been hypothesizedto decline with increasingage; the Trail Making Testwas administeredbecauseit is sometimes postulatedto be sensitiveto frontal lobe functioning,which has also been hypothesizedto decline with age. Finally, an episodicmemory task was administeredto provide an agesensitivemeasureof verbal memory that could function as a criterionmeasurein someof the analvses. Mersoo Participants Of the 124 adultsexamined,completedata were obtained from l15 between18 and 78 yearsof age.Participantswere recruitedfrom appealsto groups and acquaintances.The primary criteria for inclusion in the study were that the individual had to be in reasonablygood health, had to have completed at least I I years of education,and was not currently a student.Descriptivecharacteristicsof the sampleare sununarized in Table l. [Nine participantswere excludedbecauseof incompletedata.Two participantsin the stem completion task skipped 25%oor more of the trials, apparently becausethey kept the ENTER key depressedduring the presentationof the test items.The datafrom anotherindividual were lost because the computerwas inadvertentlytumed off in the middle of the stem completion task. Six participantsin the arrow task used a reversedstimulus-responsemapping (i.e., they consistently made left-handedresponsesto right-pointing arrows,and vice versa), and hence their data were deletedfrom the analyses. Three other participantshad missing data but were kept in the overall sample.One had missing data on the digit symbol RT test, and that value was replaced with an estimatepredicted from the individual's age and scoreon the digit-digit RT test. One individual each had missing data on the CVLT recognition measureand the Judgmentof Line OrientationTest, and in both casesthe mean of the age group was usedas the estimate for the missing value.l Procedure To maximize convenience for the participants and to facilitate recruiting, most of the testing was conducted in the PROCESSPURITYAND UNIQUENESSOF AGE EFFECTS P2t9 Table l. Descriptive Characteristicsof ResearchParticipants and Summary Measuresof performance Age Group N Age VaFemale Education Health (l = excellent,5 - poor) Satisfaction Rating Limitations Cardiovascular surgery (7o) Blood pressuremedications(7o) Head injury (7o) Neurological treatment (7o) Vocabulary (no. correct out of l0) Synonym Antonym CVLT (no. of items correct) List A Trial I Trial2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 List B Immediate free recall Immediatecued recall Delayed free recall Delayedcued recall Recognition(no. correct) Arrow Neutral RT CongruentRT lncongruentRT Form estimate @ 500 ms Spaceestimate @ 5fi) ms Stem completion p(oldlinclusion) p(oldlexclusion) p(passlold-incl) p(passlold-excl) p(passlnew-incl ) p(passlnew-excl) Controlledestimate Automatic estimate Reactiontime (ms) DDRT DSRT Paper-and-pencilspeed(no. items/sec) SD Copy I SD Copy 2 XO comparison I XO comparison 2 Letter comparison I Letter comparison 2 Pattem comparison I Pattern comparison 2 Fluency (no. items in 60 sec) VF-C VF-F VF-L VF-animals VF-furniture VF-vegetables Judgment of Line Orientation Trail Making (no. seconds) Trail A Trail B l 8-39 40-59 60-78 Age Conelation 40 29.0(4.8) 57.5 l s . 5( l . 7 ) 38 4 9 . 1( 5 . 1 ) 50.0 ts.2(2.s) 69.2(5.1) 51.4 l s.3(2.6) -rt 2.4(O.s) 2.2(O.8) 1.4(0.6) 0 s . 0( 2 2 . 1 ) s . 0( 2 2 . t ) 2 . s( 1 s . 8 ) 2.2(O.8) 2.3(0.e) l.s (0.8) 0 15.8(37.0) 2.6(16.2) s.3(22.6) 1. 8 ( 1 . 0 ) l 3 . s( 3 4 . 7 ) 43.2(s0.2) 2.7(t6.4) 8.1(27.'7) _.19 -.06 .18 .26* .41* -.07 .il 5.s(2.9) 4.9(2.9) 6 . 3( 2 ; 7 ) 5 . 2( 3 . t ) 8 . 1( 2 . 2 ) 6.6(3.2) .40* .24* 7. 9 ( 1 . 9 ) to.s (2.4) t.3 (2.6) t2.s(2.4) 12.8(2.7\ 7.0(2.4) l 1 . 9( 2 . 8 ) t2.s(2.4) 12.2(2.8) 12.6(2.6) t 4 . 9( t . 2 ) 6.6( 1.6) e.6(2.3) to.4(2.s) l 1 . 3( 2 . 3 ) fi.1 (2.3) 6.s ( r .e) r 0 . 6( 2 . 8 ) l r . 8( 2 . 5 ) 1 0 . 8( 2 . 8 ) t 2 . 0( 2 . s ) r4.0(l.7) 6 . 2( 2 . t ) 8.2(2.6) 9.4(2.7) t0.t (2.1) 1 0 . 7( 2 . 8 ) 6 . 4( 1 . 8 ) 8.4(3.3) 9.7(3.0) e.0(3.2) 9.6(2.8) t3.2(2.t) -.35* -.38* -.344 _.40* _.40* -.t] -.45* _.41* -.44* -.43* -.41* 434(64) 434(79) 47t ('74) .688(.259) .136(.122) 4ee(61) 49s(64) 55l (74) .403(.26e) .221(.t20) 600( l 42) 565( l 23) 66t (147) . l 83 (.236) .24s(.143) .59* .52* .62* -.644 .33* .543(.094) .234(.r81) .088(.093) .r0e(.092) .22t (.t92) .098(.099) .309(.l 94) .299(.l 83) .480(.096) .236(.l s3) .085(.089) .t2o (.124) .2w (.174) .r0l (.124) .24s(.188) .284(.l 50) .464(.1l3) . 2 5 5( . 1 r 3 ) . 1 0 8( .r 1 4 ) .ll4(.138) .232(.226) . 1 0 3( . 1 5 9 ) .239(.184) .277(.123) -.30* -.M .o7 .o2 .03 .01 6 6 5( r 0 l ) 1 4 2 8( 1 8 6 ) 744 (95) 1693(280) 92O(22s) 20'16(4s6) l.6e(0.3s) 1 . 7 0( 0 . 3 1 ) | . r8 (0.24) 1.22(O.24) 0.38(0.08) 0.33(0.08) 0.64(0.l4) 0.58(0.12) t.s9 (o.32) 1.62(0.29) 1 . 0 3( 0 . 3 1 ) l.0e(0.32) 0.33(0.09) 0.3r(0.08) 0 . 5 6( 0 . 1 1 ) 0.s4(0.09) l .3l (0.31 ) t.3'7(0.26) 0.87(0.16) 0.90(0.20) 0.27(0.09) o.23(O.t2) 0.46(0.r0) 0.44(0.10) 16.2(4;7) 14.9(4.2) 1 5 . 0( 4 . r ) 20.6(5.1) 12.e(2.8) 13.8(3.3) 12.7(1.7) 14.9(4.9) 13.7(4.6) (3.3) 1,3.4 18.8(s.7) 12.3(3.4) 14.0(3.9) 12.o(2.2) 14.8(s.2) 14.6(4.7) l3.s (4.9) r7.1(4.6) 11 . 8( 3 . 3 ) r4.0(3.3) r2.1(2.3) 21.0(4.6) s3.6(20.3) 26.2(7.e) 66.1(21.3\ 32.9(10.s) 87.2(36.6\ 2.0(0.8) 2 . r( r . 0 ) -. l+ -.0'7 . 5 8* .65* -.4'7* -.49* -.46* -.52* -.41* -.5 1* _.47* -.l5 -.07 _.26* -. l4 .03 -.l3 . 5 3* .46+ Notes:CVLI = Califomia Verballrarning Test;RT = reactiontime; DDRT = digirdigit reactiontime; DSRT = digit-symbolreactiontime; VF = verbalfluency *p < .05. P220 SALTHOUSE ETAL. participants' homes. The testing sessionwas precededby a short description of the tasks, and written informed consent was then obtained.The sessionlasted between 1.5 and 2 hours, depending on the individual's pace and desire for breaks. All participants received the tests in the following order: background questionnaire, SD copy, XO comparison, letter comparison, pattern comparison, synonym and antonym vocabulary, digit-digit RT, digit-symbol RT, arrow RT, stem completion, CVIjI, letter and category verbal fluency, Judgment of Line Orientation, delayed portion CVLT, and Trail Making Test PartsA and B. The background questionnaire contained a variety of questions about health status and education(Table l). Speed tests. - The letter comparison and pattern comparison testswere identical to those used in earlier studies (e.g., Salthouse,1996). These paper-and-penciltests consist of pairs of 3, 6, or 9 letters (letter comparison)or line segments(pattern comparison),with one-half of the pairs differing in one element. The task for the participant was to decide whether the two membersof the pairs were the same or different, and to write the letter S (for same) or D (for different) between the members of the pairs as quickly as possible.Two separateadministrationsof each test were presentedwith 30 secondsallowed in each administration. For easeof comparisonwith other variables, the scores were converted to the number of items completed per second. Two simpler paper-apd-penciltests were designed to assesspresumedcomponentsof the comparisontests.In the XO comparisontest the items consistedof pairs of letters that were either both X, both O, or an X and an O. As in the other comparison tests, the participant was instructed to classify the pairs as sameor different as quickly as possible by writing the letter S or the letter D between the two members of the pair. This test was assumedto require a very elementary type of comparison, of a single element, relative to the letter comparison and pattem comparison tests, which containedmultiple elements.The SD copy test consistedof columns of blank lines adjacent to columns of the letters S and D intermixed. The task for the participant was to copy the indicated letter as rapidly as possible on the blank line. This test was assumedto involve some of the same sensory and motor requirements of the comparison tasks but without any requirement for comparison. Each of these tests was administered twice with 30 seconds allowed for each administration. The scores in each test were the number of items completed per second. The digirdigit and digit-symbol RT taskshave beenused in numerousrecentstudies(e.9., Salthouse,1996)and consist of a choice RT responseto a pair of items presentedin the middle of the computer screen. In the digit-digit task the items were digits, and in the digit-symbol task the top item was a digit and the bottom item was a symbol. In both versions a code table was presentedat the top of the screen, but in the digit-digit version it merely consistedof identical digits, whereas in the digirsymbol version it contained pairs of digits and symbols. The task for the participant was to decide, as rapidly as possible, whether the pair of items presented was the same or different, either according to physical identity (digit digit) or according to correspondence in the code table (digit symbol). Same responses were indicated by pressing the / key, different responsesby pressingthe Zkey. A practice block of 18 trials preceded the test blocks of 27 trials each in both the digirdigit and digit-symbol versions of the task. Average accuracy was greater than 95Vo in both of the tasks and was not significantly correlated with RT; performance in each task is therefore summarized in terms of the median RT in milliseconds(ms). Vocabulary tests. - The vocabulary tests were identical to those used in several earlier studies (e.g., Salthouse, 1993), and consistedof l0 five-altemativemultiple-choice synonym items and l0 five-alternativemultiple-choice antonym items. Five minutes were allowed for the completion of the two parts of this test. The scoreswere the numbers of words answeredcorrectly in each part of the test. Anow Task. - Stimuli in the arrow task consistedof right- (>) and left- (<) pointing arrows presentedalong the medial-horizontalaxis of the computer screen in one of three locations:left, right, or center.Trial-type (congruent, incongruent,neutral) was defined by the relationship between the location and direction of each arrow: For congruent trials, the direction and location of the arrow denoted the same response(e.9., a left arrow on the left side of screen);for incongruenttrials, direction and location denoted oppositeresponses(e.9.,a left arrow on the right side of screen);and for neutral trials, the arrow was presentedin the center of the screen and had no apparent spatial displacement(relative to the fixation point). In each of three blocks participantsrespondedto 100 consecutivetrials consisting of 40 congruent, 40 incongruent, and 20 neutral trials. Trial types occurredrandomly within each set of l0 trials so that, although trial type could not be predicted from trial to trial, the proportion of trial types was consistent throughouttesting. Participants were instructed to sit a comfortable distance from the computer screen. At a distance of 50 cm, each arrow subtendeda visual angle of approximately l.l" square and, for congruent and incongruent trials, appeared approximately 8" to the left and right of fixation. Prior to testing, participants read instructions and were shown visual examples of the arrows and trial types. Instructions stressedboth speed and accuracy.The test began immediately after a practice block of 50 trials. Each trial began with a fixation point (asterisk) presentedin the center of the screenfor 250 ms. Immediately upon its removal, an arrow was presentedfor approximately 90 ms. Participantsrespondedby pressing the Z key for left-pointing arrows and the / key for right-pointing arrows. Responsetiming began at arrow onset and continued until a response was made. After a responsewas detected, the screen was cleared and remained blank for I second, at which time the fixation point for the next trial was presented. Stem completion task. - Critical stimuli in the stemcompletion task consisted of 120 five-letter words, mostly nouns, ranging in frequency from I to 200 (Kucera & Fran- PROCESSPURITY AND UNIQUENESS OF AGE EFFECTS cis, 1967). The words were divided into three sets (1-3), and each set was further divided into two subsets(A and B) of 20 words each (mean frequencyof the six subsetsfrom 28.8 to 31.9). Two of the sets(1 and 2) were used as studied words. Stemscorrespondingto all of the critical words were presentedat test under either inclusion (subsetslA, 2A, and 3.A)or exclusion(lB,2P , and 38) instrucrions. As is common in individual difference research,all participants received the same items for a given condition to avoid confoundingexperimentaltreatmentwith the characteristicsof participants.However, the presentationorder of items at study, and within conditions at test, was randomized for each participant. In addition to the 120 critical words, therewere 16 buffer words (8 primacy,8 recency),2 of which were usedas examplesin the test instructions(see below). Word stemswere createdby replacingthe last two lettersin each word with two underscores.The word stems were unique within the set of critical words, and each had at leasttwo completions. All aspectsof the task were presentedon computersand were self-paced.Study instructions informed participants that a list of words would be presentedthat they were to rate for pleasantness on a scaleof I to 5 ( I = most unpleasant and 5 = most pleasant).They were told that their ratings should be basedon the meaning of the words, but that we were interested in their first impression, so they should make their ratings quickly. No mention was made of the subsequentmemory test. Study words remained on the screenuntil the participant respondedby pressing one of the number keys (from I to 5) on the keyboard. Once an appropriatekey was pressed,the next word was automatically presentedafter a blank-screendelay of I second. Test instructionswere presentedimmediately following study.Participantswere informed that their memory would be testedfor words presentedin the pleasantness-rating task using word-stems["the first three lettersof five-letterwords followed by two dashes(e.g., pea_ _)"1. They were also told that, in addition to word stems,the messageOLD or NEW would appearaboveeach stem,and that they were to responddifferently dependingon this message: If themessage is OLD yourjob is to completethestemwith a word presentedin the pleasantness task; that is, try to completethestemwith an old word.If themessage is NEW yourjob is to completethe stemwith a wordthatwasNOT presented in the pleasantness task;that is, try to comeup with a new word. Regardless (OLD or of the message NEW), if you cannotremembera word from the pleasantnesstaskthatfits into the stem,thenjust completethe stem with the first live-letterword thatcomesto mind.All of the stemscanbe completedwith morethanoneword so try to comeup with a completionfor all of them.However,do not usepluralsor propernouns.Also,ifthe message tellsyou to give a NEW word,but all you canthink of is ONE completion that you are SUREis old, thenit is okay to passthat stemby enteringxx. Participantsmade their responsesby typing in two letters, which appearedon the screen under the stem's two underscores,and then pressing the ENTER key. Following test instructions,the computerled participants through four practice test trials. The first two used stems P22l correspondingto the last two buffer words in the study list; the last two practice trials used new stems.The first and third practicetrials were Inclusion (OLD) trials, the second and fourth were Exclusion (NEW) trials. For each practice trial, the computer representedthe appropriate instructions and provided feedback concerning the participant's responses.For example,if a participantrespondedwith a plural word, the computer informed him or her of the error and presentedthe test stem again until an appropriate response was provided.Following practice,the participantwas given the option of beginning the actual test or repeating the practice phase. No feedback was provided during the test proper. Test stemswere presentedin the centerof the screen,in large lower-caseletters,and in white againsta black background. The Inclusion (OLD) and Exclusion (NEW) cues were bright green and bright red, respectively.They appeared500 ms prior to the presentationof the test stem and were positionedin the center of the screenjust above the stem.Stemsand responsecuesremainedon the screenuntil participantsresponded;if l5 secondselapsedwithout a response,the computerbeepedand the message"Pleaseenter a response"appearedbelow the stem.Once a responsewas entered,the responsecue for the next trial (OLD or NEW) appearedimmediately. Other tests. - The CVLT (Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, & Ober, 1987) was administeredaccordingto the instructions in the manual.There are two lists of 16 words each in this test, with fbur words from each list in each of four categories (i.e., spices,fruits, clothing, tools). The procedure involves the presentationof five immediatefree recall trials with List A, one immediatefree recall trial with List B, recall of List A, and cued (by category)recall of List A. After a 20-minutedelay occupiedby other activities,there was a delayedfree recall test of List A, a delayedcued recall of List A, and a delayedrecognitiontest for items from List A. Two different types of verbal fluency tests were administered. In the letter fluency tests the participants were allowed I minute each to say as many words as possiblethat began with the lettersC, F, and L, with the constraintthat none of the words should be proper nouns. In the category fluency test they were allowed I minute each to say as many words as possiblethat were membersof the animals, fumiture, or vegetablescategories.The score in each test was the number of different words produced that were in the appropriatecategory. The Judgment of Line Orientation Test (Benton, Hamsher,Varney,& Spreen,1983) was administeredaccording to the published instructions except that only the odd-numbered items were presented.This test consists of a display of line segments in different orientations with the participant instructed to select the lines of matching orientations from a semicircle of numbered lines. The score is the number of test lines matched correctly. This abbreviated form has been demonstrated to have acceptable reliability and validity (Woodard et al., 1997). The Trail Making Test (Reitan, 1992) was also administered according to the published instructions. This test consistsof two versions,A and B, and in both versionsthe test P222 SALTHOUSE ETAL. form consistsof ahaphazardly arrangedset of 25 circles on a piece ofpaper that are to be connectedas rapidly as possible. In the A version of the test the circles containthe numbers from I to 25, and the circles are to be connectedin numerical sequence,but in the B version the circles contain alternating letters and numbers; thus, the participant has to connect the I circle with the A circle, the A circle to the 2 circle, the 2 circle to the B circle, etc. Becauseerrors were very infrequent, the measure of performance in these tests is the time in secondsto completethe sequence. Rpsulrs CVLT analyses.- There are many possible measures that can be derived in the CVLT, but most have similar relations to age (Table l) and are not independentof one another. A principal componentsanalysiswas thereforeconducted to identify a parsimoniousset of variablesfor later analyses.Two componentswere identifiedwith eigenvalues greater than l, the first accounting for 68.3c/oof the variance, and the secondaccounting for 9.8%oof the variance. All of the variablesexcept List B recall had moderateto high loadings(between.62 and .92) on the first component, and List B recall was the only variable with a high loading (>.5) on the secondcomponent.Further analysesrevealed that the sum of the scoresacrossthe first five trials in List A was correlated.96 with the first principal componentscore and only .15 with the second component score, whereas List B recall was correlated.74 with the secondcomponent score and only .49 with the first component score. These two variables were therefore used to summarize CVLT performancein all subsequentanalyses. Arrow analyseJ.- Two separatesets of measureswere obtained in the arrow task. One set consistedof the median reaction times (RT) on neutral trials (arrows in the middle of the screen),congruenttrials (e.g.,left-pointingarrow on the left side of the screen),and incongruenttrials (e.g., leftpointing arrow on the right side of the screen). Means of these medians for each age group are presentedin Table l, where it can be seen that RTs in each condition increased with age. Hierarchical regression analyseswere conducted to determine whether there was a significant influence of age on congruent or incongruent RT after control of neutraltrial RT. In neither case was the residual age-relatedvariance significantly different from zero (i.e., incongruent,AR2 = .005; congruent,AR' = .002), indicating that there was no relation between age and either measures of interference (i.e., incongruentrelativeto neutral)or facilitation(i.e.,congruent relative to neutral) after overall speedwas taken into consideration. The secondset of measuresfrom the arrow task was estimates of the probabilities of spatial- and form-based responding. The initial step in these analysesconsistedof partitioning the data according to responsetime, and then computing the cumulative probability of a responsein the neutral, congruent, and incongruent conditions for each 100-ms interval from 200 to 1000 ms. The results of these computations are displayed in Figure l. Notice that, as expected, the probabilities increase with greater time, and o o c o o. 0.9 Young 0.8 an o.7 o 0.6 E E 0.5 o.4 j ! Neutral + g -o G' .o I IL Conoruent --%-. Incongruent "'u"' 0.3 o.2 0.1 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001,000 Middle o 0.9 o 0.8 o o 0.7 G 0.6 o 0.5 Neutral := o.4 Conoruent --:a-- at, c CL .a.""'o""'.El F" -o (t, 0.3 .ct o o.2 o- 0.'l Incongruent "'u"' 200 300 400 s00 600 700 800 9001,000 o o c 0.9 ord o o. o 0.8 G 0.6 o a 0.5 0.4 Neutral I 0.3 Conoruent - -.4 -. o.2 lncongruent o -o I o- . 8 " o.7 0.1 0- 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001,000 ReactionTime(ms) Figure l. Probability of a responsein the neutral, congruent, and incongruent conditions in the arrow task as a function of age group (young l8 to 39, middle = 40 to 59, and old = 60 to 78) and post hoc resoonse deadline. PROCESS PURITYAND UNIOUENESS OF AGE EFFECTS there are pronounced age differences such that the functions are shifted to the right with increasing age. It can also be seen that the functions for the neutral and congruent conditions were very similar, but that the functions for the incongruent conditions were shifted to the right relative to the other two conditions. The data summarized in Figure I were used to compute estimatesof the probability of spatial (S) and form (F) processingat each successiveresponsetime interval from the equationspresentedearlier.The resulting estimatesare illustratedin Figure 2. Notice that F increasedmonotonically over time, and that there is a rise followed by a decreasein S. There is a large decrease(i.e., shift of the functions toward longer times) with age in F, but an increasewith age in S, particularly in the range between500 to 700 ms. Becausethe 500 ms values appearto representthe middle of the range for all age groups,those values were used in the subsequentanalyses.(Similar patternsof relationsto other variableswere apparentwith estimatesderived from deadlines ranging from 400 to 800 ms). As in the data reported by Toth et al. (1995a), the theoreticaldistinction between the two processestimateswas supportedby their relations with observed performance on neutral (center-arrow) trials that provide a relatively pure measureof form processing: Correlation coefficients predicting neutral-trial performance at 500 ms were .96 for F and -. l0 for S. To assessreliability, estimatesof spatial and form processingat the 500-ms deadlinewere computedfor each of the three blocks of trials. Using the formula n(avg. r)/ (l+([n-l]avg. r)), the resultingreliability estimateswere .98 for F (the controlledparameter),and .83 for S (the automatic parameter).Estimatescomputed separatelyfbr each age group were: F, )oung = .96, middle = .96, and old = .97; S, young= .80,middle= .7J, andold = .84. Both parameters from the arrow task had moderate to strong correlationswith age. The correlation with F was ," . E F ..a o'7 Young - Fom -----l-- 0.6 Middls- Fm ----a--- o t E g o o- ou Old - Fom ..o . Y@ng - Spa€ 0.4 l/ilddle^-Spae ---r'-\--- 0.3 Old - Space ' . . . . o .. 0.1 -=R:= AD 300 ,lO0 50o mO 7OO 800 900 1,000 Deadline (ms) Figure 2. Estimated proportion of trials based on form or spatial location as a function of age group (young = 18 to 39, middle = 40 to 59, and old = 60 to 78) and post hoc responsedeadline. P223 -.64, indicating that increasedage was associatedwith a lower probability of making a form response prior to the 500-ms deadline. The same pattern was evident at the 400and 600-ms deadlines as the age correlations with these estimates were -.58 and -.53, respectively.The correlation betweenage and S at the 500-msdeadlinewas .33, indicating that increasedage was associatedwith a higher probability of making a responsebased on the spatial location of the arrow. A similar relation (r = .44\ was evident at the 600-ms deadline, but the relation was reversed at 400 ms with the correlationbetweenage and S being -.28. This reversal reflects the different time coursesof the spatial estimatesfor the three age groups apparentin Figure 2. The resultsjust describedsuggestthat the relative influenceand time-courseof form and spatialprocessesis qualitatively similar in the three age groups. More quantitative comparisons,however, are complicatedby the increasing responsetimes as a function of age.To determinewhether aging had any process-specificeffects on form and spatial processing,we performed another analysis in which the functions summarized in Figure 2 were adjusted on the basis of RTs to neutral (center-arrow) trials. For this analysis we computed an RT for each participant at the point where he or she was making 5OVocorTectneutral-trial responses.This RT was then usedas the individual's post hoc deadlinefor assessingprobability corect on congruentand incongruenttrials. Theseprobabilities,in tum, were usedto compute relative RT estimatesof F and S for each participant using the same equationsdescribedabove. With this method of computing estimates,the correlation between age and F was substantiallyreduced(.05), but the relation between age and S remained well above zero (.27). This pattern suggeststhat age differences in controlled (form) processing,but not in automatic (spatial) processing,are eliminated when overall responsespeedis taken into consideration(seealso Spieler,Balota, & Faust, 1996). Stgm completion analyses.- Two observedprobabilities were of particular interest in the stem-completion task; the probability of responding with an old item and the probability of not producing a response(i.e., "passing").Age relations for each of these measuresare summarized in Table 1. Notice that there was a significantnegativeage relation (r = -.30) for the proportion of old items produced in the Inclusion condition, but there was no significant age relation (r = -.04) for the proportionof old responsesin the Exclusion condition. There were also no significant relations between age and the probability of passing in any of the conditions. Estimates of mnemonic control and automaticity were computed from the formulas described earlier. The means of these estimatesfor the three age groups are presentedin Table l. Although the mean for the controlled processing estimate was almost 237olower in the oldest age group than in the youngest, the age correlation was only -. 14. This weak age relation was surprising in light of previous studies (e.g., Jacoby et al., 1996), and therefore possible reasons for the lack of a stronger age relation were explored. Becausevocabulary was positively correlated both with age (r = .34) and with the controlled parameter (r = .32), it is I I I P224 SALTHOUSE ETAL. possible that the current sample was biased in favor of high-functioning older adults. Indeed, after controlling for the level of vocabulary, the correlation between age and the estimateof controlled processingchangedfrom -.14 (n.s.) to -.27 (p < .01). Although this finding is interesring,without additional information it is not possible to determine whether the apparent discrepancy between the present study and earlier studies is attributable to our use of a more select sample of older adults. To assessreliability, controlled and automatic processing parameterswere computed for each of the two sets of items presentedin the stem task. Correlations were calculated between the two sets of parameters, and these correlations were boosted by the Spearman-Brown formula to estimate reliability of the averagesacrossthe two blocks. The resulting reliability estimateswere .76 for the controlled parameter and .82 for the automatic parameter. Estimates computed separatelyfor the three age groups were: Controlled, young - .84, middle =.67, and old = .76; Automatic, young = .88, middle = .87, and old = .66. (r = .09). Furthermore, correlations between the controlled estimate in one task and the automatic estimate in the other task were low and not significantly different from zero (i.e., r = -.16 and r = -.ll). This patternof resultssuggeststhat there is some corrunonality in the two measures of controlled processing,but little overlap in what is being assessedin the two measuresof automaticprocessing. The relatively large negative correlation (r = -.71) between controlled and automatic estimates in the stem task was surprising, especially given the assumption that these two processesmake independent contributions to performance (see also Curran & Hintzman, 1995). However, it is important to emphasizethat although the existenceof this relation indicates that the two parametersare not independent at the level of individuals, it does not necessarily indicate that the two processeswere not independentwithin a given individual. That is, only if correlations could be computed within an individual would their magnitudes be relevant to claims about the independenceof the two processes(see Cowan, 1996;Jacobyet al., 1997).Severalpossibleexplanations of the negative correlation were explored, but none proved viable. For example, the correlation might have been atkibutable to the relation of each parameter with a third variable such as vocabulary,but statisticalcontrol of vocabulary had little effect on the correlation (i.e., changing from r = -.71 to r = -.68). Moreover, the correlation between the probability of completing the stemswith old items in the Exclusion and Inclusion conditionswas very low (r = -.06), and thus it does not appear that the participants simply ignored the instructions and merely tried to recall as many old words as possibleregardlessof the condition. As expected, the correlations with other measureswere hieher for the controlled estimates than for the automatic Correlational analyses. - Table 2 contains the correlation matrix for all of the major variables in the study including age. Values along the diagonal in parenthesesare estimatesof the reliability of the variable. If there are separate constructs representing controlled and automatic processes,the two measuresof the same construct should be moderately conelated with one another but either weakly or not correlated with measures of the other construct. Inspection of Table 2 reveals that there was a small positive correlation (r = .26) between the controlled estimates from the stem and arrow tasks, but little or no correlationbetweenthe two automaticprocessingestimates Table 2. Correlations of Maior Variables r I I I Age 2 Stem-controlled 3 Stem-automatic 4 Arrow-controlled (F) 5 Arrow-automatic (S) 6 Vocabulary 7 DDRT 8 DSRT 9 SD copy l0 XO comparison I | [rtter comparison 12 Pattem comparison 13 ktter fluency 14 Category fluency l5 JudgmentofLine Orientation l6 Trails A 17 Trail B t8 cvLn-5 19CVLIB Mean SD 2 3 4 5 6'7 I 9 l0 n t2 X -.t4 (;76) - . u - ; 7 1 (.82) -.64 .26 -.11 (.98) . 3 3 - . 1 6 .09 -.17 (.83) .34 .32 -.33 -.07 .10 (.87) .58 -.22 .03 -.51 .0'7 .06 x .65 -.24 .07 -.56 .01 .14 .72 X -.4"1 .20 - . 1 8 . M . 0 1 -.10 -.51 -.s2 (.9s) -.49 .27 -.12 .53 -.03 -.00 -.52 -.58 .63 (.e2) -.52 .22 -.04 .53 -.21 .02 -.46 -.49 .31 .43 (.72) -.54 .30 - . 1 9 . 5 3 - . 1 3 -.02 -.50 -.55 .43 .47 .s2 (.74\ -.14 .26 - . 1 8 . 3 4 . 0 0 .32 -.35 -.29 .29 .37 .21 .31 -.18 .22 - . 1 5 . 3 0 . 1 2 .31 -.33 -.31 .28 .26 .23 .24 - . 1 3 . 1 9 -.14 .41 -.10 .21 -.t9 -.16 -.02 .10 .25 .25 .53 -.24 .04 -.53 .13 .12 .44 .6t -.53 -.55 -.36 -.48 .46 -.25 .06 -.54 .17 -.00 .49 .55 -.27 -.44 -.45 -.48 -.43 .31 -.13 .41 -.08 .16 -.39 -.50 .34 .38 .33 .42 -.17 .1'7 - . 1 4 . 2 1 - . 1 1 .w -.20 -.21 .16 . 1 9 . l t .22 48.6 0.27 0.29 0.43 0.20 6.0'1 773 1124 1.55 1.02 0.31 0.54 t 7. 3 0 . 1 9 0 . 1 50 . 3 30 . 1 4 2.90 184 417 0.33 0.2'70.09 0.r2 13 t4 15 (.85) .49 (.66) .16 .09 x -.32 -.20 -.19 -.29 -.1'7 -.36 .46 .N .01 .32 .23 -.08 14.6 15.0 12.3 4.0 3.1 2.1 16 X .50 -.38 -.13 26.5 9.3 t7 18 19 x -.43 (.96) -.24 .49 X 68.7 49.8 6.6 3 0 . 1 1 1 . 1 2.0 Notes: Correlations with an absolute value greater than .24 are significantly (p < .01) different from zero. Values in parenthesesalong the diagonal are estimatesof reliability. No estimate of reliability was available for the variables with an X in the diagonal. DDRT = digit-digit reaction time; CVLT = California Verbal Learnine Test. PROCESSPURITY AND UNIQUENESS OF AGE EFFECTS estimates.For example,the correlationswith the total number of items recalledacrossthe first five tnals of the CVLT were.3l and.4l for the stem and arrow controlledestimates,but only -. 13 and -.08 for the stem and arrow automatic estimates.It should be noted that this different pattern of relationsis not an artifact of low reliability, because the reliability estimatesfor the theoreticallyderived parameterswere all between.76 and .98. Commonfactor analyses.- Many performancemeasures have moderaterelations with age,and thereforeit is useful to examine the independence,or uniqueness,of the age-related influenceson eachof the measures. One way to assessthis is by a single common factor analysis(e.g., Kliegl & Mayr, 1992;Salthouse,1994).This procedureconsistsofdetermining what sharedage-relatedinfluencescontribute to the agerelated effects on each measure,and then identifying the measureswith unique (additional) age-relatedinfluences. The following stepswere carriedout in our implementation o[ the singlecommonfactorprocedure.First.measures expressedin units of time (i.e.,digit-digit and digirsymbol RT and Trail Making PartsA and B) were converted to reciprocals such that higher scoresrepresentedbetter performance. Second,all measureswere postulatedto be related to the common factor, and the common factor was postulatedto be relatedto age. Measureswith no significantloading on the common factor had their measure-commonpaths deleted tiom the model, and the remaining measure-commonand age-commonpath coefficients were freely estimated.These parameterswere then fixed to the estimatedvalues when determiningwhetherany of the measureshad significantdirect or independentrelationswith age.(Note that overall fit statistics are not particularlyinformative in this type of analysis becausethe focushereis exclusivelyon the age-relatedinlluenceson the variables,and patternsof relationsamong variablesare ignored.) The results of this analytical procedureare summarized in Figure 3. The arrows indicatethe relationsthat were significantly different from zero, and the numbersconespond to standardizedregression coefficients. The moderate to strongloadingsof most measureson the common factor indicate that the measuressharesubstantialamountsof variance with one another,and the strong negativerelation between age and the common factor indicatesthat increasing age is associatedwith lower levels of what the measures have in common. Of particularinterestare the relationsinvolving the estimatesof controlled and automaticprocessing. Notice that the two control estimatesboth loaded on the common factor but had no independent age-relatedeffects, indicating that all of the age-relatedinfluences on these measureswere sharedwith other measures.In contrast, the automatic estimate from the stem task did not have a significant loading on the common factor, and the automatic estimatefrom the arrow task had a small but negative loading. This pattern suggeststhat the automaticestimates are measuring something that is distinct from that being measured by the other variables. However, because the two automatic estimates were not correlated with each other (i.e., r = .09), they are apparently not measuring the sametypeof automaticprocessing. AGE "7e P225 - coMMoN ----* .36 Anow - Controlled ----> .78 Anow -AutomEtlc -> -.21 DDRT ----> .80 DSRT ----> .83 SamrDlff ----.> .64 XO Comp. --> .zg Lettercomp. ---> .65 Pattemcomp. ----D .70 LetterFluency ----> .48 CategoryFluency ----D .98 JOLO ----D .27 TnllsA ----D .67 Tralls B ----* .73 CVLTA1€ ----> .59 cvLT 81 ----D .29 Stem- Controlled Stem - Automadc .21 ---:D Figure 3. Resultsof the single common factor analysisindicatingdirect and indirect age-relatedinfluenceson the cognitive variables.DDRT = digit-digit reaction time; DSRT = digit-symbol reaction time; JOLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; CVLT = California Verbal Learnine Test. The letter fluency variable had a unique age-related effect in the opposite direction of the age-common relation. This may be attributable to the fact that letter fluency is positively related to level of vocabulary,which is greater with increasedage in this sample(seebelow). Mediational analyses.- Table 3 contains the results of the prediction of CVLT performance from the speed measures and the estimatesof controlled processing.Entries in the first row correspondto the proportion of variance associated with age and the standardizedregressioncoefficient for age when it was the only predictor in the regressionequation. Subsequentrows contain corresponding values obtained from hierarchical regressionanalyseswhere the variables in the first column were controlled before examining the age re- P226 SALTHOUSE ETAL. lations on the CVLT measure.It can be seenthat there was a very large reduction of the age-relatedvariance after control of the speedvariables.To illustrate, the reduction was 78Vo after control of the perceptual speed composite (i.e., letter comparison and pattem comparison), and 9lvo after control of the digifsymbol reactiontime measure.In contrast,the reduction was only l87o after control of the controlled recolfection parameterfrom the stem completion task, and 75Vo after control of the form parameterfrom the arrow task. Finally, Table 4 containsthe resultsof regressionanalyses predicting the age-related variance in the speed variablesand the controlled-processing parametersafter control of the other variables.Notice that there was a large asymmetry with the controlled (recollection) parameterfrom the stem task because statistical control of that parameter reducedthe age-relatedvariancein the perceptualspeedcomposite by only llvo (from .376 to .333), but control of rhe perceptualspeed composite reduced the age-relatedvariance in the recollection parameterby 78Vo(from .018 to .004). A similar asymmetry was apparentwith the digitsymbol reactiontime measure;age-relatedvariancein that measureafter statisticalcontrol of the recollectionparameter was reducedby only 8Vo(from .424 1o.390),but control of digirsymbol reaction time reducedage-relatedvariance in estimatedrecollectionby 94Vo(from .0l 8 to .001). There was less asymmetry in reductionsof age-related variance with the controlled (form) parameter from the arrow task, perhapsbecauseit is closely related to speed. To illustrate,control of the perceptualspeedcompositereduced the age-related variance in the fbrm parameter by TlVa (from.416 to .119),whereascontrol of the fbrm parameter reduced the age-related variance in the perceptual speedcompositeby 78Vo(from .316 to.084). Control of the digit-symbol RT measurereducedthe age-relatedvariance in the form parameterby 67Vo(from .416 to .136), while control of the form parameterreduced the age-relatedvariance in the digit-symbol RT measureby 66Vo(from .424 to .144). Results from several other multiple regressionanalyses are also of interest. For example, although the age-related variance in the digit-symbol RT measure was reduced by SlVo after control of the digit-digit RT measure,the residual age-relatedvariance was still significantly greater than zero (i.e.,AR' = .082).Statisticalcontrol of the SD copy measure reduced the age-relatedvariance in the XO comparison measureby 92Vo(i.e., AR' = .089, n.s.), and statisticalcontrol of the XO comparison measure reduced, but did not eliminate, the age-relatedvariance in the letter comparison (i.e., lSVo reduction, AR' = .096) and pattern comparison (i.e.,21Voreduction,M' = .145) measures. Statisticalcontrol of the Trails A measurereducedthe age-relatedvariance in the Trails B measureby 75Vo,but the residual age-related variance(i.e.,M' = .055) was still significantlygreaterthan zero. Finally, statistical control of the vocabulary measure increasedthe magnitude of the age relations on the two fluency measures,as the correlation with age changedfrom -.14 (nonsignificant) to -.28 (p <.01) with the letterfluency measure,and it changedfrom -. l8 (nonsignificant)to -.32 (p < .01) for the categoryfluencymeasure. DrscussroN The presentstudy producedfour new findings of primary interest.First, processestimatesderived from the process- Table 3. Predictionof Age-RelatedVariance in CVLT I-5 Performance o/o Reduction Age alone Age afier: LCIPC composite SD XO SD, XO SD, XO, LC/PC composite DDRT DSRT Stem-controlled LCIPC composite,stem-controlled DSRT, stem-controlled Arrow-controlled(Form) LC/PC composite,arrow-controlled (Form) DSRI anow-controlled (Form) I .l8t* .040 .093* .074+ .063* .021 .061* .011 .149 .045 . 0 18 .04-s 71.9 48.6 I -59. 65.2 88.4 66.3 90.6 l 7. 7 '15.1 90.1 75.1 -.253 -.344 -.313 -.297 -.t91 -.304 -. 169 -.391 -.270 -.t17 -.2'76 .0t8 .0(X 90.1 97.8 - . 18 7 -.098 Note: The LC/PC composite is the averageof the z-scoresfrom the le! ter comparisonand patterncomparisonmeasures.DDRT = digit-digit reaction time; DSRT = digit-symbol reactiontime. Table 4. Prediction of Ase-Related Variance in Speedand Contr6lledEstimates Arrow LC/PC Comparison R' Age alone Age after: LCIPC comparison DSRT Stem Arrow .018 - . 13 6 .004 .001 .082 .03s .o02 .055 .416* -.645 .ll9* . 13 6 x .378* -.435 -.486 -.621 DSRT R' .376x *.614 .088* .333E .084* -.389 -.583 -.378 .424* .b) I .130* .456 .390* .144+ .630 .496 Notes: LCIPC comparison is averageof the z-scoresfrom the letter comparison and pattern comparison measures.DSRT = digit-symbol reaction time *p < .01. PROCESS PURITY AND UNIQUENESS OF AGE EFFECTS dissociation procedure in both a memory (Jacoby et al., 1993)and an attention(Toth et al., 1995a)task were found to be reliable, and therefore useful for individual difference research involving correlations. Second, both controlled processingestimateswere related to many other measures, but the automatic processing estimates were largely unrelated to these measuresand to each other. Third, although the qualitative distinction between controlled and automatic processeswas supportedby the patternsof relationsamong variables,we found little evidencefor a unique age-related influenceon the estimatesof controlledprocessing.Finally, there was a high degree of overlap of age-relatedvariance in the controlled processingestimatesand the measuresof simple processingspeed.We briefly addresseach of these issuesin the following paragraphs. Reliability: - One goal of the presentstudy was to examine the reliability of estimatesderived from the processdissociationprocedure.Assessingreliability is the first step toward more comprehensivecomparisons of different performancemeasures,and is also a prerequisitefor interpreting relations of the measuresto individual difference variablessuch as age. Previousresearchwith the processdissociationprocedurehas shown that both aging (Jacoby et al., 1997)and brain injury (Toth, in press)may affecr estimates of mnemonic control, but have no effect on estimates of the automatic processesinvolved in memory. However,in the absenceof infbrmation about the reliability of those is conceivable that automatic estimates have weaker relations to variables such as age becausethey are less reliable than are estimatesof controlled processing.The discovery in this study that both types of process estimates from a memory paradigm and an attention paradigm had moderateto high reliability (i.e., from .76 to .98) makes this artifact-basedinterpretationof the different pattems of relations for controlled and automatic processingestimatesunlikely. Distinctiveness of process estimates.- A second major finding of the study was that the estimatesof controlled processing were related to many other measuresof performance, while the estimatesof automatic processinghad weak to nonexistentrelations with these other measures. This pattern is consistentwith the view that the controlled measuresreflect deliberate strategic processesthat are involved in many cognitive tasks, whereas the automatic measuresreflectprocessesthat are more task-specific(Neumann, 1984).The lack of a significantrelationshipbetween the estimates of automatic processing in the memory and attentiontasks(i.e., r = .09) is also compatiblewith the idea that the nature of automaticity varies according to the particular task under investigation. The closer correspondenceof the controlled than of the automatic measuresto other cognitive variableswas also apparent in the results of the single common factor analysis. That is, Figure 3 illustrates that the controlled measureshad moderate to high loadings on the factor representingwhat was common to the other measures,but there were either weak (and negative)or nonexistentloadings of the measures of automatic processingon the common factor. This pattem P227 is important becausethe fact that the automatic measures share little variance with other measuresis consistent with the view that they reflect a qualitatively different type of processingthan that involved in the other measures. Uniquenessof age-related influences.- The perspective that cognitive performance is determined by qualitatively different processesis supported by the evidence just mentioned regarding the different pattems of relations to other variables for the estimatesof controlled and automatic processing. However, there was no evidence in the current study that the age-relatedinfluences on the controlled measures were unique, in the sensethat they were independent of the age-relatedinfluenceson other cognitive measures. Previous researchhas revealed that a broad range of cognitive variableshas negativerelations to age, but that few of theserelationsare independentof one another(e.g.,Lindenberger& Baltes, 1994; Salthouse,1994).A similar outcome was evident in this study becausevariables representing verbal memory, verbal fluency, trail making, and several measuresof speed were found to share large proportions of their age-relatedvariance.Moreover, as in previous studies.when the variableswere examinedto determine which of them had unique age-relatedinfluencesafter taking into accountthe relation betweenage and what the variableshave in common, the independentage-relatedinfluenceswere found to be few in numberand small in magnitude.The new linding in this study is that the estimatesof controlledprocessingmay also sharethe sameset of causal influencesas many other cognitive measuresbecausethere is no independentage-relatedinfluenceon those measures in the common factor analysis. Patterns of mediation - As one would expect when many measuresshare large proportions of age-relatedvariance,mediationalrelationscan be postulatedbetweenpairs of measures.However, an interestingimplication from the single common factor perspectiveis that measureswith the strongestloadings on the common factor should have the greatest impact as potential mediators of the age relations on other measures.Examination of Figure 3 and Tables 3 and 4 revealsthat this was generallythe case,as the speed measurestended to have the highest loadings on the common factor and were also the measureswhich, when statistically controlled, led to the greatestattenuation of the agerelatedvariancein other measures.An interestingquestion for which we do not yet have an answer is whether this pattern is merely a statistical consequenceof the differential loadings on the comrnon factor, or whether the measures with the highest loadings are somehow more central or fundamental to the common factor. Conclusion. - Many contemporary measuresof cognitive performance involve a mixture of theoretically distinct processes.It is therefore important to disentanglethose processesand to identify their separatecontributions to relations between other variables such as age. Results from this study demonstrate that reliable measures of theoretically distinct processescan be obtained from two very different cognitive tasks, and that these estimateshave different pat- P228 SALTHOUSE ETAL. terns of relations to age and other cognitive measures. However, in addition to trying to obtain process-puremeasures,it is also important to consider the extent to which the age-relatedinfluences on different measuresare unique and independent from the age-related influences on other measures.That is, many measureshave been found to exhibit age-relateddifferences, but they may not all have unique causes.Another finding in the presentstudy was that measuresof controlled processingfrom both a memory task and from an attention task sharedall of their age-relatedinfluenceswith a variety of other cognitive measures,suggesting that they may simply be additional manifestations of a broader and more fundamental Dhenomenon. AcxNowr-socvgNrs This researchwas supportedby National Institute on Aging Grant R37 AG-06826 to Timothy A. Salthouse.We would like to thank Amy Cosby and Renee Stein for assistancein the recruitins and testins of research participants. 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