STUDENT SERVICES E P C C D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T S E R V I C E S N E W S L E T T E R May 2015 Vol 1. Issue 1. BEHIND THE SCENES WITH GRADUATION JUST AROUND THE CORNER, THE STUDENTS AREN'T THE ONLY ONES GETTING READY FOR A GREAT EVENT. E very year, El Paso Community College looks forward to making our student body’s continuing journey a memorable one, but with each event, careful planning is needed. In preparation of this year’s 2015 Spring Commencement, you’ll find the Office of the Vice President of Student Services hard at work planning, coordinating, and reviewing ) every detail behind the scenes. To make sure our Division of Student Services participating volunteers stay organized, the departments are separated into three teams: registration, coordination, and safety. The registration team, coordinated by Recruitment and School Relations and Admissions & Registration... Continue on Page Five ABOUT US THE DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES AT EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS INVOLVED IN ALL ASPECTS OF STUDENT’S LIFE. A dmissions and Registration: The Admissions and Regis- schools to earn both high school and college credit for qualifying trar Department is responsible for the acceptance of stu- dual credit courses. dents into the College for both Academic and Continuing Financial Aid: pursue their college education by helping them and Education programs and the creation and maintenance of their families meet educational expenses that they are not able to student academic records from admission through graduation and/ meet through their own resources. or student transfer-out. Police: The EPCC Police Department pledges to enhance the quality Athletics: EPCC is a member of the Western Junior College Athletic of life on campus by working cooperatively with the campus com- Conference (WJCAC) and competes at the Division I level in Region V munity – within the framework of the United States Constitution – to of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). enforce the law, to preserve the peace, to reduce fear, and to pro- Career Services: The Career Services Department promotes aware- vide an environment conducive to higher education. ness of career options, world of work and lifelong career manage- Office of Recruitment and School Relations: Recruitment and ment. SchoolRelations facilitates enrollment by promoting EPCC programs Center for Students with Disabilities: The Center for Students with through presentations, workshops and fairs. Disabilities (CSD) provides students, regardless of disability, if oth- Student Leadership and Campus Life: Student Leadership and Cam- erwise qualified, an equal opportunity to complete their education- pus Life is provides services at the College to promote leadership al goal through the provision of accommodations based upon their opportunities and enhance the quality of life experiences for stu- individual disability. dents. College Readiness: College Readiness, works in collaboration, with Testing Services: Testing Services provides assessment testing in the school districts, the university and the community college will reading, writing, and mathematics for all new students enrolling at identify barriers that interfere with students' transition from high EPCC and also administer an English language placement test. school to college. Texas Completes: Texas Completes offers a unique opportunity in a Dual Credit/Early College High School: The Dual Credit Office over- large system, it has knitted together a network of colleges and dis- sees the program which allows high school students attending ap- tricts that can help turn the tide on the achievement gap. proved public school districts, charter schools and state-supported Contact Info on Page Six CAREER SERVICES IS HERE! TO HELP YOU! T he mission of Career Services is to assist students in making connections between their academic experience and their career paths. Ca- reer Services provides guidance, information, resources, and programs to help individuals clarify career goals, establish career plans, develop job-search skills, and make successful career transitions. The Career Services staff consists of experienced career staff who are knowledgeable on a wide range of major and career options, job search strategies, employment trends and transfer information. Whether you are an entering student, a student who is going to transfer, an alum, a El Paso Community College Career Services Team faculty member or an employer, the Career Services De- to support you at every step along your way. Success is said to be where prepa- partment is eager to help you achieve your goals. ration and opportunity meet. Start planning now and make Career Services a No matter what assistance you need, our staff is ready preparation resource on your journey to success. JOB SEARCH: HOW TO WRITE A POWERFUL RESUME If you’re looking for a job, you need a resume. Your resume is your But, I don’t have any sizzle. Oh, yes you do! calling card, your advertisement, your brochure, your flyer. It’s a Sizzle is all about matching their needs with your abilities – your one-page handout that shows what a great catch you are. It’s your accomplishments. Show the hiring managers that you have what chance to toot your own horn. they want. Make their mouths water – and they just might pick up What should I do with this resume? the phone and ask you to come in for a job interview. Mail it. Email it. Post it online. Ask friends to give it to their manag- KEEP RESUME SIMPLE ers. Hand it out at job fairs. Give it to employment agencies. The • Keep sentences brief, under 12 words idea is to get it into the hands of as many hiring managers as you • Bold or CAPITALIZE important headlines so they stand out can. If a hiring manager likes what she sees, you could get a call • Single space within sections asking you to come in for a job interview • Double space between sections I’ve never written a resume before. Is it difficult? • Use bullets (∙) at the beginning of a list Writing your resume should be easy. You’ve already done all the • Pour on the sizzle – give important details heavy thinking. All that’s left to do is type it up. • Don’t exaggerate you’ll have to back up every claim during your Do hiring managers read all of the resumes they receive? job interview No. They only read the ones that pass a ten-second glance. • Include “keywords” – the names of important tools, duties, skills, Ten-second glance? abilities, and systems for your job Some hiring managers receive hundreds of resumes a week, a few • Use standard size 8.5” by 11” white paper receive thousands. When a resume comes across their desk, they • Keep at least a one-inch margin on all four sides of the page give it a quick, ten-second glance. If it’s easy to read and pops with • Avoid fancy type such as outline, script, or other difficult-to-read sizzle – they’ll read it. If it’s too long, too wordy, too cluttered, or styles has no sizzle – they toss it. What do you mean by “sizzle”? “Sizzle” is the sight, sound, and a smell of a good steak cooking on the grill. It makes your mouth water, it says, “grab a plate and reach for theA-1 sauce.” In business, “sizzle” is all about accomplishments. Accomplishments show that you are the kind of person who can learn the job quickly and get things done. It says, “Hey boss – you should talk to this one.” Page 2 A Dual Credit Cathedral High School Seniors with Brother Nick Gonzalez DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ARE RECOGNIZED AND REWARDED FOR THEIR EFFORTS. A round this time of year, we are happy to celebrate and rec- GPA in all college courses upon the fall semester prior to graduation. ognize our very deserving dual credit graduating seniors. The Dual Credit Certificate is earned upon completing five hours or These seniors have worked hard during their time in high less of college credit, and the Dual Credit Cord is awarded to stu- school to graduate with college credit. dents that have completed a minimum of six hours of college credit. Many of these seniors have been awarded with a Dual Credit cer- We are excited and extremely proud of all the students who have tificate, cord, or both. This year the Dual Credit/ Early College High earned a certificate, cord or both. Once again, congratulations on School Department is happy to announce that 485 students received behalf of El Paso Community College and the Dual Credit/ Early Col- a Dual Credit certificate, and 1,347 received both the cord and cer- lege High School Department. We commend all your efforts and tificate, having a total of 1,832 students who will be recognized with wish you the best as you continue your pursuit of higher education. Dual Credit Honors upon their high school graduation. We also encourage all students who are currently in the Dual Credit The Dual Credit cord and certificate recognitions each require that Program, and those that are looking to be in the future, to strive for the student be a graduating senior and maintain a (minimum) 2.0 this recognition and beyond. MIGHTY MONEY MINUTE: LOAN REPAYMENT YOU GRADUATED, NOW WHAT? AI f you’re about to graduate, or if you’re thinking about tak- Because different people have different financial situations, there ing some time off school, it is crucial to keep your finan- is a wide range of repayment plan options. Wanting the lowest pay- cial aid office in the loop. They can provide you with some ment possible, at least at first? There are income-based plans for information about loans through Exit Counseling. The Exit you! You’ll pay a little more in total, but you’ll start with an afforda- Counseling online program is tailored to inform you about subsi- ble payment amount. If, on the other hand, the idea of paying in- dized and unsubsidized loans, interests and payments. terest eats at you, and if you are willing and able to make higher After graduation, you enter a “grace period” in which no payments payments right away, you can pay less overall by using the standard are due and the interest in the loans you borrowed won’t kick in plan. If none of the plans look affordable, there are still more op- until after six months; though, it is important to find out when your tions available, such as a deferment or forbearance. You can contact grace period ends, and when your first loan payment is due. If you’re your loan servicer to learn more. unsure about how many loans you have, then check out the National Source: Texas Student Loan Default Prevention Pilot Program Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). NSLDS can help you get a complete detailed list of your federal student loans. Page 3 JOB FAIR 2015 CAREER SERVICES JOB FAIR OPENS ITS DOORS TO ALL STUDENTS & EL PASO COMMUNITY. E ach May, if you ever find yourself around the Valle Verde Cafeteria Annex, you may notice a roomful of people dressed in business attire mingling among rows of tables topped with banners displaying the names of local employers. This bustling event you’re witnessing is the annual Job Fair. For the past seven years, Career Services has hosted a Job Fair, welcoming students and employers from throughout Y the El Paso community. “We’re a community college, and we want our students the community to take advantage of that,” said Carla Cardoza, Director of Career Services. With each passing year, the Job Fair has continued to expand by drawing in an increasing number of employers, and adding additional resources for students. This year, there was a combined effort from Career Services and faculty to prepare students for the fair. These efforts included working closely with students on their resumés, dress-to-impress attire tips, and other programs involving the faculty. More than 25 employers from around the area participated in this year’s job fair. Some were new to the event and some were not. First year participant Lisa Wise, Sales and Marketing Director of Butterfield Trail Golf EPCC students and the communtity of El Paso gather together for the Job Fair. Club said, “there was a lot of activity, there were a lot of students that were interested. Everyone seemed to be engaged.”This summer, Career Services plans to launch several smaller job fairs, each with its own specific theme WELCOME TO CAREER SERVICES @EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHERYLANNE TANYA or focus. These will take place throughout the district, starting with Transmountain and Northwest Campus. Keep an eye out for more details! KRIS DAISY CAREER SERVICES SPECIALIST CAREER SERVICES SPECIALIST CAREER SERVICES SPECIALIST CAREER SERVICES ASSISTANT "I have over 5 years of progressive expe- "I was born and raised in El Paso. I enjoy "I’m a big thrill seeker and love making "Colorado native. Been living in EL rience in career counseling, training and watching football, basketball and base- people laugh. In my free time I enjoy Paso for almost ten years. I'm fond administration. I enjoy reading, going ball. I also enjoy playing basketball and designing and photography." of baking, writing and rainy days. " to the beach in Ventura, California and working, but I LOVE running" spending time with my family. I find op- -Kriss Cullen -Daisy Hernandez -Tanya Rico portunities in things that other people never give a chance!" -Cherylanne M. Hunter Page 4 BEHIND THE SCENES (CONTINUED) combine their efforts to create a stress free registration process for this task by making sure the appropriate security and emergency our graduates. service measures have been taken. This includes a designated area The coordination team made up by Financial Aid, Career Services, to handle any medical emergencies that may arise as well as all traf- Center for Students with Disabilities and Student Leadership & Cam- fic and crowd control for the commencement ceremony. pus Life (Student Ambassadors), provide our graduating students As graduation day approaches, The Office of the Vice President of with direction on what they can expect during their event. Finan- Student Services would like to take this opportunity to congratulate cial Aid volunteers are the Student Marshals who lead the gradu- all the graduating students on their success. Enjoy your day gradu- ates from the Memorial Gym to the Don Haskins Center. All staff ates, you deserve it! provides leadership and support to our graduates throughout the “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things commencement. that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow- Last but not least is our safety team. The safety team organized by lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your EPCC’s Police Department is assigned to ensure the safety of our sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain graduates and their guests. Alongside UTEP’s PD, they accomplish YOUR NEUTRAL THIRD PARTY DID YOU KNOW THAT EPCC HAS A STUDENT OMBUDSPERSON? W hat is a Student Ombudsperson? The Ombudsperson is: A Ombudsperson is a neutral third party who assists • A neutral third party who assists students in clarifying and assess- students in clarifying and assessing various options to ing various options to address their concerns. address their concerns. The Student Ombudsperson is available to • Provide information on how to file a complaint, appeal or griev- help students resolve problems, or conflicts regarding college poli- ance. cies, procedures, and decisions. The Ombudsperson provides an in- • Provide a safe place to ask questions. formal, neutral and confidential place for students to express their • Assist with the college bureaucracy. concerns. Students work with the Ombudsperson to identify steps •Explain relevant policies and procedures. that may be taken to achieve a timely and fair solution to a problem. • Answer questions. Is the Ombudsperson a student advocate? • Mediate. No. The Student Ombudsperson is neutral third party who assists The Ombudsperson cannot: individuals and groups in the resolution of concerns or conflicts • Accept formal grievances. confidentially and informally. • Advocate for any individual or group. When should you visit the Ombudsperson: • Take sides or determine the outcomes of a case. • You would like to speak to someone confidentially and informally • Take part in any formal grievance process, hearing or judicial pro- about a situation. cess. • You have a problem, concern or conflict involving the College and • Offer legal advice. need someone to listen because you don’t know where to go to Do I have to make an appointment? solve it. • No walk-ins are always welcome. However, by making an appoint- • Need help and would like to mediate a dispute. ment you are assured that the Ombudsperson will be available to • You have not been able to resolve a pending issue. assist you with your issue and the time frame will conform to your • Health issues impacting enrollment. schedule. Issues handled by the Ombudsperson: The Student Ombudsperson is Daniel Vasquez, whose office is locat- • Student conflict with Faculty or Staff. ed inside the Office of the Vice President of Student Services, which • Student conflict with Processes or Department(s). is located in the Enrollment Services Center Bldg., Room E-104 on • Student to Student conflict. the Valle Verde Campus. • Health Issues impacting enrollment. Page 5 JOB TIPS (FOR THE JOB SEEKER) Be Prepared. Have a voice mail system in place and sign-up for a agents and some websites and apps specialize in sending announce- professional sounding email address. Consider getting a separate ments. email account to use for your job search, so you can stay organized. Time Savers. Strapped for time? Consider getting professional help Put your cell phone number on your resume so you can follow up in writing or editing your resume. a timely manner. References Ready. Have a list of three references including name, Be More Than Prepared. Always have an up-to-date resume ready to job title, company, phone number and email address ready to give to send - even if you are not currently looking for work. You never know interviewers. Print a copy of your reference list and bring it with you when an opportunity that is too good to pass up might come along. If to interviews. Here's how to create a list of references. you're not on LinkedIn yet, create a LinkedIn Profile and start making Use Your Network. Be cognizant of the fact that many, if not most, connections who can help you job search. job openings aren't advertised. Tell everyone you know that you are Don't Wait. If you are laid-off, file for unemployment benefits right looking for work. Ask if they can help. away. You will most likely be able to file online or by phone. Waiting Get Social. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter can be could delay your benefits check. a good way to get job listings before they are listed elsewhere. Plus, Get Help. Utilize free or inexpensive services that provide career you can promote your candidacy using the social media tools that counseling and job search assistance such as college career offices, are readily available for free for job seekers and companies are in- state Department of Labor offices or your local public library. Many creasingly using social media for recruiting. Here's how to get start- libraries provide workshops, programs, classes, computers and ed with social networking. printers you can use, and other resources to help you with your job Don't Stop. Don't limit your job searching to the top sites. Check the search. Here's more on getting job search help at the library. smaller niche sites that focus on a particular geographic location or Create Your Own Templates. Have copies of your resume and cover career field and you will find plenty of job listings. Networking works, letter ready to edit. That way you can change the content to match too. Tap into your network of contacts to see who might be able to the requirements of the job you're applying for, but, the contact in- help you with job leads or a referral. formation and your opening and closing paragraphs won't need to Source: be changed. Microsoft Word users can download free templates for resumes, cover letters and email messages which can be personalized for your own correspondence. Review Samples. It's always a good idea to look at sample letters and resumes to get ideas for your own job search materials. Take a look at our collection of resume, cv, and letter samples. Use Job Search Engines. Search the job search engines. Use the job search engine sites to search the major job boards, company sites, associations, and other sites with job postings for you - fast. You will be able to search all the jobs posted online in one step. Use Advance Search options to find jobs that are the closest match. Jobs by Email. Let the jobs come to you. Use job alerts to sign up and receive job listings by email. All the major job sites have search THE DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES CONTACT INFO: Admissions and Registration: College Readiness: Office of Recruitment and School Relations: Phone: (915) 831-2579 Phone: (915) 831-6652 Phone: (915) 831-2575 Athletics: Dual Credit/Early College High School: Student Leadership and Campus Life: Phone: (915) 831-2579 Phone: (915) 831-2404 Phone: (915) 831-2712 Career Services: Financial Aid: Testing Services: Phone: (915) 831-2636 Phone: (915) 831-2565 Phone: (915) 831-7836 Center for Students with Disabilities: Police: Texas Completes: Phone: (915) 831-2426 Phone: (915) 831-2200 Phone: (915) 831-7836 Page 6 The El Paso County Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.