September 13, 2003 Vice-President, Research & Development Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................... 2 Group Presentations ................................................................... 4 Full Notes from Group Work Easels........................................... 11 Participants ................................................................................ 19 Coordination............................................................................... 20 2 Executive Summary During the summer of 2003, a survey was distributed to all counselors of the El Paso Community College District to obtain specific information and perceptions of counselors and staff district-wide about departmental challenges, strengths on which to build, and needed initiatives. Subsequent to the return of the internal survey, results were compiled and distributed. A full-day session for district-wide counseling personnel was planned for early in the fall 2003 semester, and was held on Saturday, September 13, 2003, and facilitated by the EPCC Institutional and Community Planning Office. Trained volunteer facilitators who work at El Paso Community College and employed by other departments worked throughout the day with counselors and staff from each of the College’s five campuses to address: • • • • • • • Departmental and institutional strengths Challenges Objectives for each campus District-wide objectives Implementation strategies The appropriate role of counselor coordinators at each campus Assistance needed to better perform work In keeping with a theme of continuous improvement, personnel contributed their perspectives on what they felt they could contribute individually and as team members to the departmental environment. At this session, counselors and staff for each of the five El Paso Community College campuses district-wide addressed six major topics with identification of specific issues, the development of objectives to address issues, and specific implementation strategies. This brief details the issues identified by each of the campuses, district-wide issues, as well as establishes common strategies. Common themes identified during the session are contained in this brief, along with implementation strategies by campus, as well as information for implementation district-wide. Common discussion themes included: • • • Physical facility space needs at the campuses more conducive to the work performed with students Needed upgrades of computer equipment A desire for improved communication in the department and empowerment for participatory decision-making 3 • • • • • • Support from the College district for the role of counselors within the organization of the College Recognition of a large workload for counselors based rapid enrollment growth and the existing student population Some general uncertainty about the role of counselors in view of new academic advisors joining the department and need for clarity of roles and responsibilities A strong desire to continuously improve and be of excellent service to students Distinct needs based on the individual campuses and common needs and strengths that are shared district-wide A recognition of many talented, experienced personnel within the department, and a desire to work collaboratively, while still best serving the needs at each specific worksite Discussion questions were provided in advance to participants, and included the following: 1. The top five Strengths of the participants’ campus Counseling center 2. The top five areas in need of improvement at participants’ campus Counseling center 3. The top five measurable objectives participants would like to see at their individual campuses 4. The top five measurable objectives participants would like to see the Counseling Department meet district-wide in 2003-2004 5. What each team member can do individually to strengthen the campus-based counseling team 6. Five things the Counseling Coordinator can do at the campus level to foster improvement Specific objectives for the 2003-2004 were developed at the session, as well as strategies to carry out the objectives. This summary details the discussion and question responses as well as the outcomes as facilitated at the September 13, 2003 session. 4 Group Presentations *Group I – VV/MdP Topic 1: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Strengths – VV/MdP Excellent Personnel Dedicated Counselors & Staff Diversity of Knowledge & Skills Diversity of Ideas Resilient Remain Productive under Pressure & Tough Times Very Student Oriented We Empower the Students Very Spiritual Topic 1: Needs Improvement-VV/MdP ¾ Lack of appropriate facilities and privacy (MdP/VV ESOL Center) ¾ Need for focused leadership and communication between coordinator(s) and all ¾ Need for updated computer technology ¾ Need for image improving activities and recognition by the College of our importance & contributions ¾ Need for involvement in decision making of registration process ¾ Need better communication with faculty & administration ¾ Planning with student services departments ¾ Need for Counselor Campus Coordinators at all campus Topic 1: Solutions/Strategies-VV/MdP ¾ Allocate space or convert into offices/Better use of facilities ¾ Leadership training for supervisors and directors and bi-weekly staff meetings and continued planning sessions ¾ New computers & merging of student record’s screens ¾ Initiate a new Public Relation program for Counseling district-wide and celebrate national counseling week Also, establish a Counseling website and newsletter ¾ Initiate planning process with student services component ¾ Resurface counseling meetings with Deans, Faculty and Program Coordinators ¾ Counselor Coordinators at all campuses to better represent needs 5 (Group I continued VV/MdP) Topic 2: Measurable Objectives – District-Wide ¾ Increase counselor/student ratio within this year Lobby, faculty, administration, board ¾ Form Governing Committee i.e. All student services Letter to Tim Nugent requesting the creation of governing committee ¾ Promote our Counselor faculty status Increased involvement in faculty committees & faculty development ¾ Promote Public Relations program Form a District-wide Committee ¾ Reinstate the 25/15 work schedule Same as Campus – beginning Fall, ‘03 ¾ Specific allocations for Career Center’s staff and funding Develop proposal and grant writing ¾ Establish clear job boundaries for counselors and advisors Implement training program immediately with full participation of counseling staff Topic 2: Measurable Objectives – VV/MdP ¾ Revise and update the 25/15 work schedule year round Beginning Fall, ‘03 ¾ Bi-weekly staff meetings including counseling and career staff Begin Fall, ‘03 ¾ Start the FUN (Fun for Unity Network) program for VV & MdP Set-up committee & begin this Fall ¾ Redesign counseling facilities Create committee to evaluate service delivery and needs ¾ Advisors need appropriate work space and computers Redesign counseling facilities to accommodate incoming advisors and provide appropriate equipment ¾ Campus coordinators to include MdP and Northwest Topic 3: What are you going to do to strengthen your campus based Counseling Team? VV/MdP ¾ Support efforts of the Counseling Coordination ¾ Take everyone’s suggestion seriously ¾ I will continue to work with faculty to do activities that help students succeed in College ¾ Commit myself to see the last student that comes in by 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. ¾ To commit to provide the best professional counseling services individually ¾ Take responsibility for my own work and service to my students 6 (Group I continued VV/MdP) ¾ I commit myself to GEAR-Up Program for the next 2 years ¾ Commit myself to support the efforts of others ¾ Commit to my professional development to best serve students Strategy: “Just Do It” Topic 3: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Tasks of Coordinator -VV/MdP Coverage of Counseling & Career Staff Balance of counselors & staff needs with departmental needs Coordinate all work schedules & activities of counselors and staff Cooperation and support from everyone A counselor’s and staff advocate Promote and support professional activities Inclusion in important meetings (Registration, Planning, Leadership Team, etc.) Keep counselors and staff informed about changes planned and implementation in advance Identify and clear goals and objectives for implementation by semester Promote counselors status of Faculty Create/promote unity and harmony amongst of counseling staff and career staff Have FUN! Hire academic advisors with minimal Bachelor’s Degree *Group II – VV/MdP Topic 1: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Student Oriented Experienced Staff and Support Staff Dedicated Counselors and Staff Access to Services Innovative Staff Very Diversified Hardworking Staff Topic 1: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Strengths – VV/MdP Needs Improvement – VV/MdP Communication with admin. and other department Lack of Leadership Advocacy of Admin. Shared Governance Program Technology – computers/furniture/facilities Accountability Staff – more counselors Revisit Coordinator’s Position at MdP Staff/Faculty Development Activities 7 (Group II continued VV/MdP) Topic 1: Strategies – VV/MdP ¾ Schedule frequent meetings to discuss sensitive issues – set tone for freedom of discussion ¾ Schedule workshops and information sessions ¾ Increase budget, staff, and training ¾ Retain experience counselors to serve currently enrolled students and replace with advisors outside projects ¾ Meet with faculty of programs that change most/often Topic 2: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Improve moral Work closer with other departments – to include workshops Improve career/transfer services More tenure track counselors – comply with S.A.C. student ratio Communication with faculty Counseling Coordinator at MdP Topic 2: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Measurable Objectives in Counseling – VV/MdP Measurable Objectives – District-Wide Assign counselors equitably among all counselors Increase tenure track counselors – comply with S.A.C. student ratio Improve moral- counselor image Prioritize faculty development for counselors Counseling Coordinator for each campus Develop a plan to change reporting “Line” Develop user-friendly web site Topic 3: What we can do to strengthen Counseling Team? – VV/MdP ¾ Adhere to assigned schedule ¾ Communicate openly with peers ¾ Support coordinator on issues with other departments Topic 3: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Tasks of Coordinator – VV/MdP Monitor working assignments of all staff Promote Staff Development Advocate for Department Schedule regular, frequent meetings to discuss issues Revisit student-intake process to improve services Hire Advisors with minimal “Bachelors Degree” 8 *Group III - RG Topic 1: Strengths – RG Campus ¾ Leadership within our own right and leadership encouraging open communication and leading us into positive work ethics ¾ Cohesiveness – to include and promote teamwork ¾ Academic advising and program expertise and treating students with respect ¾ Support staff ¾ Tolerant of each others differences and respect as professional individuals Topic 1: Needs Improvement – RG ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Reduce wait time for students Lack of full-time professional staff Insufficient operating budget Lack of feedback from discipline coordinators (to be included in decision making) ¾ To honor counselor judgment on student advising and blaming counselor for other’s mistakes Topic 2: Measurable Objectives – District-Wide ¾ Counseling promotion & recognition - video/audio/electronic media/monthly newsletter (to improve student retention and improve overall Counseling image) ¾ Uniformity & consistency in the advising process thru ongoing training ¾ Upgrade of computer technology and programs ¾ Participation in the decision making process (e.g. registration, testing, etc.) ¾ Active Career Center Interactive/proactive Well equipped Staff & funding Needs promotion Topic 2: Measurable Objectives – RG ¾ Recognize performance with incentives (ex. counselor of month) ¾ Reduce student complaints ¾ Continue to have interdepartmental staff of community speakers as part of our meetings to enhance personal growth ¾ Maintain the most updated information so that students can be accurately informed ¾ Have access to Banner (additional) ¾ Other electronic tools to promote programs, i.e. Health, Workshops, Marketing Strategies 9 (Group III continued RG) Topic 3: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Counseling Team Individual Contributions - RG Sandra: Robert: Dolores: Jesse: Elvia: Veronica: Martha: Blanca: Maria: Topic 3: People Skills Technology Skills Sense of Humor, Spiritual, Good Listener Pride & Dedication, Old & Good Working Ethics Task Oriented, Org. Skills Conscious of Group, Strong Work Ethics Opinionated, Ask the Questions all Thinking About Go-gether, Task Oriented, Diligent Worker Caretaker, Giver, Hardworker Tasks of Coordinator - RG ¾ Staff Meetings (plan, schedule, coordinate) ¾ Maintain regular counseling duties ¾ Demonstrate Leadership ability (accountability, dependable, professionalism) ¾ Proficient in current college policies and procedures (administrative org. & cultural – to be able to solve everyday issues ¾ Possession of good organizational skills ¾ Mediate and/or resolve student, faculty, and staff complaints *Group IV – TM/NW/FB Topic 1: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Strengths-TM/NW/FB Outstanding Coordinator Teamwork We Believe in What We Do Student Friendly Close Proximity to other Student Service Areas Topic 1: Needs Improvement – TM/NW/FB ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Need more space Need more copiers Computers need upgrading Academic Program updates by departments Evaluation (transcript) turnaround time needs to improve Course histories be generated where official transcripts are generated ¾ Training on retention strategies 10 (Group IV continuedTM/NW/FB) Topic 2: District-Wide Measurable Objectives 03-04 – TM/NW/FB ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Advocacy for our department Complete full automation process In service training for all Academic Programs Consistency of Policy & information to students (Handbook for Counselors) ¾ Consistency in Counseling procedures Topic 2: Measurable Objectives 03-04 – TM/NW/FB ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ More space – allocation of resources Better computers/newer models (more efficient/allocation of funds) Full-time Counselor Fort Bliss (allocation of funds) Update training on Academic Process – registration/admissions/financial aid/graduation/articulation ¾ In-service training for specialized programs – allocation of funds through Staff Development Topic 3: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ What are we going to do to strengthen our Counseling Team at TM/NW/FB? Openness Continue and enhance our friendliness Professional accountability Group meetings with TM, NWC, FB Increase dialogue with other departments Topic 3: Tasks of Coordinator – TM/NW/FB ¾ Advocate for our campus with Empowerment ¾ Team Building Unity Communication Harmonious working relationships with staff Fairness and consistency ¾ Provide opportunities for Professional Growth ¾ Define roles: advisor and counselor ¾ Provide Team Reinforcement Support 11 *Notes from Easel Pad Sheets* GROUP I – Topic 1 (VV/MdP) Strengths- VV/MdP 1. Excellent Personnel 2. Dedicated Counselors & Staff 3. Diversity of Knowledge and Skills 4. Diversity of Ideas 5. Loyalty to EPCC 6. Willingness to Share Information 7. Cooperation (come together) 8. Resilient 9. Very student oriented 10. Enthusiastic STAFF 11. Remain productive under pressure & tough times 12. Hardworking & Service Oriented 13. We empower the students 14. Very openly spiritual Needs Improvement-VV/MdP 1. Lack of appropriate facilities and privacy (MdP & VV-ESOL) Allocate space or convert into offices/better use of facilities 2. Need for focused leadership and communication between coordinators & all Leadership training for supervisors & directors and bi-weekly staff meetings & continued planning sessions 3. Need for updated computer technology New computers and merging of student record’s screens 4. Need for image improving activities and recognition by the College of our importance & contributions Initiate a new P.R. program for Counseling District-wide and celebrate national counseling week, also establish counseling website & newsletter 5. Need for involvement in decision making of registration process Initiate planning process with student service’s component 6. Need better communication with faculty and administration Resurface counseling meetings with Deans & faculty & program coordinators 7. Need for staff training in counseling skills to keep current in the specific fields 8. Need better communication and planning with Student Services Departments 9. Continued planning sessions with student representation 10. Lack of recognition by College of our importance and contributions 11. Lack of personnel (Need more counselors & career staff) 12. Need to HAVE FUN 12 (Group I continued VV/MdP) Topic 2 Measurable Objectives-VV/MdP 1. Increase Counselor/Student Ratio within this year Lobby, faculty, administration, board 2. Form Governing Committee i.e. All student services issues Letter to T. Nugent requesting the creation of governing committee 3. Promote our counselor faculty status Increased involvement in Faculty committees & Faculty Development 4. Promote P.R. Program Form a District-Wide Committee 5. Reinstate the 25/15 work schedule Same as Campus 6. Specific allocations for Career Center’s staff and funding Develop proposal and grant writing 7. Establish clear job boundaries of Counselors & Advisors Implement training program immediately with full participation of counseling staff Measurable Objectives – VV/MdP 1. Revise & update the 25/15 work schedule year-round beginning Fall, 03. 2. Bi-weekly staff meetings including counseling & career staff. Begin Fall, 03. 3. Start the FUN (Fun for Unity Network) program for VV & MDP set-up committee and begin this Fall 4. Redesign Counseling facilities Create committee to evaluate service delivery & needs 5. Advisors need appropriate work space & computers Redesign counseling facilities to accommodate incoming advisors & provide appropriate equipment Topic 3 What are you going to do to strengthen your campus based Counseling Team? - VV/MdP 1. Support efforts of the Counseling Coordination 2. Take everyone’s suggestion seriously 3. I will continue to work with faculty to do activities that help students succeed in College 4. Commit myself to see the last student that comes in by 5:00 p.m. 13 (Group I continued VV/MdP) 5. To commit to provide the best professional counseling services individually 6. Take responsibility for my own work and service to my students 7. I commit myself to Gear Up Program for the next 2 years 8. Commit myself to support the efforts of others 9. Commit to my professional development to best serve students Strategy “JUST DO IT” TASKS of Coordinator – VV/MdP 1. Coverage of Counseling & Career Centers Coordination and support from everyone 2. A counselor’s & staff advocate Promote and support professional activities 3. Balance of counselor & staff needs with departmental needs 4. Inclusion in important meetings (Registration, Planning Leadership Team, etc.) 5. Coordinate all work schedules & activities of counselors & staff 6. Keep counselors & staff informed about changes planned & implementation in advance 7. Identify & clear goals & objectives for implementation by semester 8. Promote counselors status of Faculty 9. Have FUN! 10. Create/promote unity & harmony amongst of counseling staff & career staff 11. Hire Academic Advisors with minimal Bachelor Degree GROUP II – Topic 1 (VV/MdP) Strengths – VV/MdP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Student Oriented Experienced Staff Dedicated Counselors & Staff Access to Services Innovative Staff Very Diversified Hardworking 14 (Group II continued VV/MdP) Needs Improvement – VV/MdP 1. Communication with Admin. & other Dept. 2. Lack of Leadership/Direction 3. Advocacy from Admin. 4. Shared Governance 5. Technology –computers-facilities-furniture 6. Accountability 7. Staffing – more Counselors 8. Revisit Coordinator’s position at MdP 9. Staff/Faculty Development Activities 10. Exchange of information among student services department Topic 2 Measurable Objectives- VV/MdP 1. Assign Counselors equitably among all campuses 2. Comply with S.A.C. Student Ratio & Increase tenure track counselors 3. Improve morale/counselor image 4. Prioritize Faculty Development for counselors 5. Counseling coord. at each campus 6. Develop a plan to change reporting “Line” to Instructional Area 7. Develop user-friendly web page 8. Work closer with other departments – to include workshops 9. Improve career/transfer services 10. Communication with Faculty Topic 3 What are you going to do to strengthen your campus based Counseling Team? – VV/MdP 1. Adhere to assigned schedule 2. Communicate openly with peers 3. Support Coord. on issues with other departments FOCUSED 15 (Group II continued VV/MdP) Tasks your Counselor Coord/Director can do to support your dept. – VV/MdP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Monitor working assignments of all staff Promote Staff Development Advocate for Department Schedule regular, frequent meetings to discuss issues Revisit student-intake process to improve services Hire Advisors with minimal Bachelors Degree Strategies – VV/MdP 1. Schedule frequent meetings to discuss sensitive issues. Set tone for Freedom of Discussion 2. Schedule workshops & information sessions 3. Increase Budget, Staffing, Training 4. Retain experience to better serve/consist currently enrolled student & replace with advisors for outside projects 5. Meet with faculty of programs that change most/often GROUP III – Topic 1 (RG) Strengths - RG 1. Leadership a. Open communication b. Work ethics 2. Cohesiveness 3. Academic Advising a. Treating students with respect & dignity 4. Support staff (R & L) & career services 5. Tolerance & respect for each other 6. Leader-within our rights 7. Teamwork 8. Helpful guidance Needs Improvement - RG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reduce wait time for students Lack of full-time professional staff Insufficient operating budget Lack of feedback from Discipline Coord. To honor counselor judgment on student advising Blaming counselor for other’s mistakes 16 (Group III continued RG) Topic 2 Measurable Objectives – District -Wide 1. Counseling promotion & recognition (video/audio/electronic media/college newspaper/monthly newsletter to improve student retention) 2. Uniformity & consistency in the advising process thru ongoing training 3. Upgrade of computer technology and programs 4. Participate in the decision making process e.g. registration testing, etc. Measurable Objectives – RG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recognize performance with incentive - counseling of the month Reduce student complaints (advising, waiting time) Maintain the most updated information Have better access to Banner & other electronic tools An active career center a. interactive/proactive b. well equipped c. staff & funding d. needs promotion Topic 3 Counseling Team Individual Contributions - RG ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Sandra: People Skills Robert: Technology skills (good handyman) Veronica: Concern for people Dolores: Sense of humor, spirituality, good listener Jesse: Pride & dedication, old good working ethics Elvia: Task oriented, org. skills Veronica: Conscious of the group, strong work ethics Martha: Opinionated, asks the questions, we are all thinking about! Blanca: Go-gether, task oriented, diligent worker Maria: Caretaker, giving, sensitive, hardworker Maggie: Creative, hardworker, dependable, self starter, sufficient, motivated ¾ Eva: “La Mama”, nurturing, creative, hardworking best cook 17 (Group III continued RG) Tasks your Counselor Coord/Director can do to support your dept. – RG 1. Planning staff meetings 2. Maintain regular counselor duties 3. Demonstrate lead abilities a. Accountability b. Strong work ethics c. Professionalism d. Accessibility 4. Proficient in current college policies and procedures, administrative org. & culture, to be able to resolve problems day today issues 5. Possession of good organizational skills 6. Ability to resolve/mediate GROUP IV – Topic 1 (TM/NW/FB) Strengths – TM/NW/FB ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Always somebody available to see students Teamwork Open communication Outstanding coordinator Open door policy Current with technology Unity We believe in what we do Student friendly Close proximity to other student services Continue to provide best services to students Strong communication between counselors Needs Improvement – TM/NW/FB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Evaluation process needs to improve Turnaround time Registrar should generate unofficial transcripts Need more space Computers need upgrade NW needs a copier-all three campuses need copiers! Academic program updates by depts. Still a paper driven system Training in retention 18 (Group IV continued M/NW/FB) Topic 2 Measurable Objectives 03-04 – District -Wide ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Advocacy for our department Complete full automation process In-service training for all Academic Programs Consistency of policy and information to students Consistency in Counseling process Outlook Calendar More space Better computers Enhance Articulation with NMSU & UTEP Mentoring surrounding schools Increase classroom presentations Full-time counselor at FB In-Service training for Specialized Programs Update training on Academic Process Topic 3 What are we going to do to strengthen your campus based Counseling Team at TM/NW/FB? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Openness Continue & enhance our friendliness Professional accountability Group meetings with FB, NW, TM Increase dialogue with other depts. Tasks your Counselor Coord/Director can do to support your dept. – TM/NW/FB ¾ Team Building Unity ¾ Communication ¾ Provide “t” reinforcement & support ¾ Fairness and consistency ¾ Harmonious working relationships with staff ¾ Provide opportunities for prof. growth ¾ Advocate for our campus with empowerment Define roles: advisor and counselor 19 Participants Mission del Paso Campus ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Rene Chavez Pat Duran Raquel Gamez Lolo Mercado Northwest Campus ¾ Ramy Martinez ¾ Dub Satterfield ¾ Becky Villa Rio Grande Campus ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Blanca Campa Veronica Cena Margarita Deras Veronica Fulton Maria Guerrero Sandra Lujan-Gutierrez Jesse Lascano Elvia Lerma Marta Olivares Robert Pandy Eva Rangel Dolores Robles Transmountain Campus ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Dick Adauto Chester Alford Irma Bricker Mari Leon Guerrero Ramon Jimenez Dolores Loya Carolyn Pufal Celina Uranga Ruben Villalobos Valle Verde Campus ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Jaime Aragon Sara Arellano Raul Arizpe Carlos Armendariz Carmen Castillo-Attar Jose Baltazar Russ Beasley Christina Camacho Irma Craver-Castillo Lorena Chavez Carmen Garcia Irene Gurany-Garcia Laura Gonzalez Tere Macias Lolo Mercado Sandra Ramirez Bill Robnett Abel Uranga 20 Coordination El Paso Community College’s Office of Institutional and Community Planning facilitated the Counseling Department planning session on September 13, 2003. We would like to thank the following individuals who lent their talents, patience, and hard work to make the Counseling Charrette a success. Overall Coordination Dr. Ann Lemke Director, Counseling Valle Verde Campus Alice Vejil Planning Facilitator Institutional & Community Planning Valle Verde Campus Raul Arizpe Counselor Coordinator Counseling Department Valle Verde Campus Dolores Gross Director, Institutional & Community Planning Valle Verde Campus Veronica Cena Counselor Coordinator Rio Grande Campus Ruben Villalobos Counselor Coordinator Transmountain Campus Facilitators Debbie Aguilera, Information Technology Luis Chaparro, Technical Library Services Frances Moreno, Student Financial Services Alice Vejil, Institutional & Community Planning Logistics and Support Materials Sandra Mejia, Administrative Assistant Maribel Rivas, Clerk 21