Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Total No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 494 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure 108 11000-13001 Dean-ALP, BASK, Comm., & PA 5.1 Dean, Am. Lang., BASK, Comm. & Prfm. Arts - VV 109 11000-55320 Americana Language Program 7.1 Americana Language To ensure that ALP office is fully Reduction in students' time spent Programs Clerk II staffed. ALP has classes Monday- waiting in line for information, Friday from 7:45 am - 9:45 pm; testing, etc. Saturday from 8 am - 5:30 pm; Sunday from 8 am - 1:30 pm. Develop and retain a quality workforce. Standard Strategies Each classified staff member Ensure that all division classified staff Increase attendance for staff to continue in-service attend a minimum of two have the opportunity to attend intraining. workshops on work skills or service training. personal enrichment. More timely service, offer more placement testing dates, more efficient department coverage. Hire one full-time Clerk II who would work a flex schedule to ensure that office is fully staffed during peak hours, which include evenings and Saturdays. Quality and quantity of equipment. Maintain current standard. Continue to update lab equipment. 25 deaf adults will receive educational and support services that will enhance their literacy skills and their employability. 25 deaf adults will be recruited and will acquire sufficient literacy skills to transition into the Center for Students with Disabilities transitional educational program. Hire a Popular Educator Lead Facilitator at $24,000.00 to conduct outreach and recruitment and to provide educational services for the deaf. Department needs at least one full-time clerk to handle placement testing, registration, mid-terms and finals, and routine office duties, and to deal with the public. It is extremely difficult to cover hours of operation with only parttime staff. 6.1 110 12132-73243 ALP Tech Fee 111 11000-52128 Com. Ed. Program (CEP)- 8.1 VV Americana Language Continue providing most up-toPrograms - Tech Fee date computer lab equipment as Account possible. Community Education Program Community Deaf Services To provide educational support services for low literacy deaf adults who are unable to access other college programs or other educational programs in the community. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 CEP has lost over $220,000 in Carl Perkins monies and has lost its ability to provide any services for the deaf and there Page 1 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure Standard Strategies are essentially no other programs that provide educational services for low literacy deaf adults. 112 11000-52128 Com. Ed. Program (CEP)- 8.1 VV Community Education Programs Community Service Enhancement This effort will result in an increase in external funding for CEP to provide adult education services for educationally and economically disadvantaged adults that the community requests and the college is unable to provide. Increase CEP's funding to serve an additional 100 economically and academically disadvantaged students who live in colonias and other poor areas. CEP's budget will increase by a minimum of $100,000 that will provide services to an additional 100 annually. Hire a program assistant at $24,000 to assist program manager in preparing grant reports, develop databases, database grant information, input information into database, etc. CEP existing programs are funded almost in their entirety by grants. Grant research, procurement and reporting is done by the program manager. Manager is understaffed and unable to procure additional funds with existing staff. CEP has lost $220,000 in Carl Perkins funds in the past few years. 113 11000-55205 Dance-VV 2.1 Dance Increase enrollment for the Dance Number of students enrolling for Program. Dance courses to increase at least 10. Increase enrollment for the Develop and carry out Dance Program. recruitment procedures in local high schools. 114 11000-55185 English-VV 5.1 Developmental Education Train part-time BASK Writing and Reading Instructors to be more effective. All instructors attend workshops on teaching and share material. Increase the number of training workshops for the discipline. Discuss techniques for better teaching and how Reading and Writing disciplines can be linked. 115 11000-55195 Drama-VV 2.1 Drama To enhance the Drama Program by focusing on the Bilingual Theatre options. Giving the students an opportunity to act and perform in both Spanish and English productions. Drama courses will be compared by the number of performances and number of participants in the performance with the addition of other languages from Spring 2003 to Spring 2004. Additionally, sections will be offered in Spring. To offer theater in Spanish and Teatro Chicano courses in Spring 2004. 116 11000-52119 El Conquistador-VV 6.1 El Conquistador The equipment will allow the Adding the needed equipment will MACO lab to gear up for the increase our technological capability expected growth arising from the and enrollments will improve as we Once Field of Study has been implemented enrollments will be Dell 8200 series (customized) $3,450 Microtek 9600XL Scanner OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 2 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure Standard Strategies state mandated creation of the Journalism Field of Study. publicize the state mandate. compared. $1,050 Sony MVC-FD95 D-Mavica $ 800 Sony VPL-CX2 LCD Projector $2,500 Satellite Pro 4500/1000Mhz $2,500 Epson Stylus 3000-C203011B $ 995 Total $11,295.00 117 11000-55185 English-VV 2.1 English - VV Providing DSL hookups and cable set up for instructors who teach on-line courses will allow faculty to access information and students from their homes, thus enhancing quality of teaching and making it possible for instructors to communicate with their students more frequently and effectively. Perhaps more faculty will become interested in teaching on-line courses if we make it more practical and accessible to them. By having more faculty teaching online/hybrid courses, we would have more classroom space available and could have more students enroll at EPCC with more course offerings. Compare number of instructors presently teaching on-line courses with the number of new instructors teaching on-line courses at the end of the new fiscal year. Also, look at the number of faculty being trained to teach on-line courses and completing the training. Increase the number of online courses, both in writing and literature, by at least 20% in the English discipline, and have at least one fourth of our faculty teaching on-line or hybrid courses. Have all English faculty trained on teaching on-line. -Make WEB CT training/teaching on-line training more accessible to instructors. Perhaps have more offerings (times, days, locations, and length of training) for instructors. Possibly have training sessions in lieu of division/discipline meetings, or offer other incentives. -Offering a faculty development workshop on on-line teaching. Current English instructors who teach on-line could present and persuade the rest of the faculty, thus if we make it more accessible for instructors, with DSL hookups and cable set up, more faculty will be persuaded. 118 11000-52143 Faculty Travel-VV 7.1 Faculty Travel - VV Travel funds will be used for faculty attending and/or presenting at conferences directly related to their discipline. The total travel funds used during 2003-2004 academic year will be reviewed to assure the funds were utilized in related instructional conventions. To ensure all faculty have the opportunity to attend conferences related to their field. Upon the return from such as trip, the faculty member will be required to make a presentation at a division meeting on the conference he/she attended. 119 11000-55190 Foreign Language VV 1.1 Foreign Language Increase retention within the German discipline. Number of students retained and increase by one percent. Compare enrollments at the end of 2005. Identify at-risk students and provide tutoring and teacher mentoring. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 3 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure Standard Strategies Develop a series of faculty workshops related to instruction. 120 11000-52122 Forensic Travel - TM 2.1 Forensic (Speech) To continue the EPCC Increase enrollment through active Intercollegiate Forensics Program competition and hosting of to provide academic competition tournaments. for the students. Enrollment will be increased due to the competitions. Identify student compositions to travel for competition. Eight students x eight tournaments for 2003-2004. Increase travel pool to an additional $10,000.00 for airfare since driving to tournaments is no longer approved. Increase supply pool to an additional $3,000.00 for when EPCC hosts tournaments. 121 12223-73243 Instituto Mexico 2.1 Instituto Mexico Increase enrollment in Instituto Mexico courses in Juarez. Higher enrollment and more course offerings. 10% increase annually. Publicize in Juarez newspapers and other marketing venues. 122 12177-73243 ALP Language Campus 2.1 Language Camps Increase delivery of specialized English and Foreign Language courses within the community. Higher enrollment and more course offerings. 10% increase annually. Marketing, billboards, PTA presentations. 123 11000-55255 Language Lab (VV/ B building) 6.1 Language Lab - VV To purchase two LaserJet 1200N Network Printers for the language Lab. At present, there are 9 computers for one printer which is approximately 7 years old and 3 computers that are not hookedup to any printer. The quality of printing service offered Language lab will improve to students who use the language lab once the 2 printers are purchased. will greatly be improved with new network printers. 124 11000-55170 Mass Communication VV 2.1 Mass Communication Attract high school graduates to communication program, to fully prepare EPCC students regardless of major, for transfer to 4 year schools, and take advantage of local media internship opportunities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase number of students who enroll. We will compare 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 numbers to the average number of students in these classes over the previous five year. Enrollments will increase as the recruitment continues in the 5 year span. 11/21/2003 To purchase printers through EPCC vendors: Amherst quote: 2 printers @ $600 each = $1,200.00. Mackie 1604 VLZ Channel stereo mixer $1,800 Denon DN M-200R Microdisk Studio Recorder $ 800 3 Portable Microdisk Recorders (Sony or Denon) $4,500 3 Electro Voice Professional Unidirectional Mics $3,600 Syntrillium Digital Editing Software Page 4 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure Standard Strategies $1,000 Mac G4 with 23" Cinema screen $4,000 $15,700.00 125 126 11000-55422 Media Production - VV 11000-55200 Music - VV 6.1 7.1 Media Production Music To purchase equipment that will allow the Media Production labs to become "state of the art." Therefore, making the Media Production program more appealing for recruitment purposes. It is estimated that we could increase enrollment substantially by purchasing needed equipment. Enrollments are expected to expand considerably once the equipment is in place. With an expanded lab we will also objectively expand the technological capabilities. 3 ea. JVC portable DV cameras $ 12,000.00 2 ea. Audio work stations (Computers) $ 8,000.00 2 ea. Teleprompters $10,000.00 Total: $30,000.00 Actual replacement and installation of MIDI Lab will be To replace obsolete equipment Acquire needed materials from that is approximately 10 years old new equipment/software for MIDI improved until the obsolete qualified vendors: and install needed software in the Lab. equipment is updated. EMU Proteus 2000 Sound Advanced MIDI Lab. Module (18 @ $510 = $9180) Digital Edge Soundforge 6.0 Software (2 @ $1815 = $3630) Maudio Reason Software (2 @ $1300.00 = $2600.00) 127 73243-12219 ALP Prepa Chamizal 2.1 Prepa Chamizal 128 11000-55265 Speech - VV 6.1 Speech - VV Increase enrollment in Prepa Chamizal courses in Juarez. Higher enrollment and more course offerings. To improve the quality of speech Comparisons to prior presentations instruction by providing students can be made. Comparisons to with the type of presentation previous semester enrollments to equipment they will be using in indicate increase in enrollment and everyday speaking situations as use of evaluation would be made. well as providing means to fulfill the highest level of the cognitive domain which is selfassessment/evaluation. Enhanced enrollment would also rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 10% increase annually. Publicize in Juarez newspapers and other marketing venues. 2% improvement in Presentation equipment: student evaluation (grades). TV/VCR $ 600.00 Camcorder Tripod $ 80.00 Camcorder $ 700.00 LCD/Infocus machine (mounted) $3,500.00 11/21/2003 Page 5 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Measure Standard be achieved because classes would be scheduled all day long in the room dedicated for the equipment. Strategies 70 X 70 Screen $ 300.00 Lap-top with PowerPoint $2,900.00 Storage Cabinet(s) for securing equipment $1,500.00 Total Cost: $9,580.00 129 130 11000-52129 Special Projects for Perf Arts-VV 12208-73243 Americana Testing 8.1 6.1 Special Projects Performing Arts Testing Fee The EPCC Spring Arts Festival showcases the many artistic talents of EPCC students, faculty, and staff through a variety of activities including music recitals, film presentations, literary readings, drama productions, and art exhibits. Along with this, accomplished artists, musicians and writers are invited to share their work with our community. This festival, already in its 18th year, has provided EPCC with a wonderful opportunity to showcase the many talents of its faculty and students, thus helping to establish EPCC as a strong representative of the El Paso Art Community. Compare number of attendees at the Spring Arts Festival 2002 (all activities added together) to the number of attendees in 2003. Continue with ACT placement testing on computers. Update test annually. Do away with pencil/paper test. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase attendance at the Spring Arts Festival from 14,000 (attendees in the Spring Arts Festival 2002) to 15,000 in 2003. Focus on two specific areas: a. Work to acquire talented performers that our students can relate to and are interested in. Continue to invite top-quality artists and performers who can present "cutting-edge voices that appeal to students." b. Advertise the Festival in greater quantity and quality to insure that students and the community are aware of the events. Send press releases to all major news outlets in the city as well as schedule interviews with television and radio stations. Use computer testing only. Determine cut scores for each ESL level; test the scores, implement computer testing. 11/21/2003 Page 6 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 14 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 94 11000-55180 Art - VV 1.1 Art/Computers, Projectors Incorporate state-of-the-art technology in classroom instruction for Art Appreciation classes. Increase in classroom technology in Art Appreciation classes. 95 11000-55180 Art - VV 1.1 Art/Skeleton Replace skeleton for drawing classes. Study of anatomy requires knowledge Life drawing classes need skeleton to draw from as of human skeletal system. well as one drawing I courses. To buy a new skeleton (real not plastic) to replace ours that was stolen. 96 11000-55430 Kinesiology-VV 1.1 Kinesiology/Equipme Purchase state-of-the-art training nt for Gym equipment to be used in conditioning and weight training classes. Increase technology and equipment in All students (100%) in both classes so that all students have conditioning and weight access at some time. training classes will use state-of-the-art equipment simultaneously. Purchase at least 30 new pieces of equipment during 2003-2004 school year, for example elliptical trainers, stationary bicycles. 97 11000-55430 Kinesiology-VV 1.1 Kinesiology 98 11000-55325 Architecture VV 1.1 Architecture/Compute Incorporate state-of-the-art rs technology by improving and developing presentations for classroom instruction in all aspects of curriculum preparation, student evaluations, and utilization of one line internet services of the web and EPCC. 99 11000-55325 Architecture VV 1.1 Architecture/Projector Incorporate state-of-the-art s technology in classroom instruction for Architectural History, Architectural Provide money for travel/training Provide opportunities for two faculty for Kinesiology faculty in areas to travel each semester for training. of Stability training, Spinning, Tae-Bo. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 100% of all Art Appreciation classes will be using state-of-the-art technology during 20032004. Three projectors and three laptops computers will be purchased by the discipline, and all art teachers who teach Art Appreciation will be trained to use powerpoint presentations. Four full-time faculty would be trained during 2003-2004 year. Provide travel/training money for 2003-2004. Improve instructor's preparation ability for classroom presentations. Assisting and assessing student ideas and offering design revisions. Increase in student retention, increase student admissions and improved preparation comparable to state of Texas 4 or 6 year professional architecture universities. 100% of all Architectural Curriculum will be using state-of-the-art architecture technology by all instructors. Better assisting architecture students who are skilled in the usage of the AutoCAD. Currently, the instructors are not able to view student project work during reviews because of anticipated CPU, slow speed, memory and too small of a monitor. One new high speed computer (CPU) with CD rom, CD burner, DVD burner, latest version of Windows, intelliEye Microsoft mouse, natural keyboard pro by Microsoft, and a 17" flat screen monitor. Connection to the internet for office A1718. Increase in classroom instruction and graphic projection technology in the Architectural Curriculum. Increase in Student Retention and increased 100% of all Architectural Curriculum will be using state-of-the-art technology, and by all of our 2 projectors and 2 laptop computers, and a new screen in classroom A1518 will be purchased by the discipline, and 11/21/2003 Page 7 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 14 Objective Measure Technology, Architectural Aesthetics and our Introduction to Architecture classes. Standard Strategies Student Admissions, and enrollment. instructors. all Architecture instructors who teach in the entire discipline will be trained and/or upgraded in the use of powerpoint presentations. 100 11000-55330 Biology-VV 1.1 Biology/Cardiovascul To improve the cardiovascular ar Laboratory laboratory unit. Increase the availability of materials and equipment in the laboratory setting. Cardiovascular slides, pipettes and electronic balances are necessary for a "hands on" functional cardiovascular laboratory for the 2003-2004 academic year. Purchase one FX Series electronic balance = $795 Purchase four pipettes = $175 x 4 = $700 Purchase iron Deficiency Anemia slides $48.40 Purchase Lymphocytic Leukemia slides = $60 Purchase Eosinophilia = $65.60 101 11000-55330 Biology-VV 1.1 Biology/Microscopes Increase the number of state-ofthe-art microscopes in the laboratory. Increase the number of microscopes available to students in the laboratory setting. A minimum of two students per microscope in class of 32 students requires a total of 16 microscopes during the 2003-2004 academic year. Purchase six new Olympus microscopes with micrometer disc and eyepiece pointer for a total of 16 Olympus microscopes. Two students per 16 Olympus microscopes = 16 x 2 = 32. Therefore, 32 students will have access to state-of-theart microscopes in one lab setting. 102 11000-55330 Biology-VV 1.1 Biology/Skeleton Increase the number of skeletons, skulls and bones that students can work with in the laboratory. Students will have access to new skeletons, skulls and bones to work with in the laboratory for the 20032004 academic year. Purchase one human skeleton (real bone) at $3,500 Purchase one human skeleton (plastic) = $794 Purchase two human skulls (real bone) = $925 x 2 = $1,850 Purchase three human skulls (white, plastic) = $154 x 3 = $462 Purchase three human skulls (colors, plastic) = $274 x 3 = $822 Purchase two fetal skulls (real bone) 400 x 2 = $800 Purchase one disarticulated To replace broken and worn out skeletons, skulls and bones. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 8 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 14 Objective Measure Standard Strategies skeleton (plastic) = $737 Purchase flexible shoulder ligament model = $258 103 11000-55350 Physics-VV 1.1 Physics/Graphing Calculators 104 11000-55335 Chemistry-VV 1.1 105 11000-55365 Advertising Graphics-VV 1.1 106 11000-55345 Math-VV 107 11000-55340 Geology-VV Improve student retention in all Physics classes by allowing each student access to a graphing calculator. Increase in number of students successfully completing Physics classes. Number of students currently enrolled in Physics classes at VV. Purchase of graphing calculators for check-out to students enrolled in Physics classes who do not have one. (TI-89 specifically) Chemistry/Computers To upgrade the technology in the , Projectors Chemistry department, and to provide students with the tools for a better understanding of Chemistry concepts. Also, improve the lab safety equipment. These two objectives will make us comply with area mission. Increase in Chemistry students' retention due to increase in classroom technology, provide students with hands-on experience with molecular models and safer science facilities. 100% of all Chemistry classes would use technology in the classroom. The discipline would purchase 3 lap-tops, 3 LCD projectors, cart for laptop, 32 molecular model sets, and an eye wash station (installation included). Advertising Graphics Increase student enrollment in & Design/Computers computer generated Art Classes. Acquire a bigger lab to accommodate 20 students. Open enrollment to any student that would want to audit these classes. Acquire 10 more Mac's & a Lab twice the present square footage of a generic classroom. 1.1 Math/Computer, Projector Implementing technology in the regular math classrooms and math lab. Comparison of student learning success rate and retention rate between 2002- 2003 and 2003- 2004 in math classes. Student success rate (passing for the next level rate) and retention rate will increase by 10% in 20032004 for math classes. A faculty mentoring system will be implemented Fall 2003 that will focus on implementing technology in mathematics teaching; also, a workshop of using technology in the classroom for math faculty will be scheduled during 2003-2004. 1.1 Geology/Computers, Training Incorporate technology into Geology classes by purchasing equipment used in computer presentations and internet class projects. Increase use of technology in all Geology classes. All Geology classes at VV Purchase projector, monitor, will use state-of-the-art computer cart, and necessary technology by Spring 2004. software; train all instructors. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 9 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communication and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 168 11000-13005 Dean, Arts, BASK, Comm & SS 5.1 Full-time Employees Attend One Workshop Each of the three full-time employees in the Division office will attend at least one workshop or training session to improve some skill. Nothing has been required for continuous improvement and no workshops have been required. One workshop per year. Attend a workshop. 169 11000-55206 Dance-TM 1.1 Dance Improve Student Retention none none Recruit in the Public Schools. 170 11000-55306 Economics-TM 2.1 On-line Course in Philosophy To offer an on-line course in Philosophy, namely, the course Introduction to Phil 1301. The offered course set-up and installed in Distance Learning Program. The course appearing in on- Working on a proposal to line schedule of courses. achieve course offering of this on-line courses. 171 11000-55196 Drama-TM 2.1 Drama Purchase a dressing/storage room Obtain a storage room for productions none to be place behind the stage to be and students use. used for productions. none 172 11000-55186 English-TM 2.1 Obtain a Classroom for English Students To designate a classroom just for English composition classes (ENGL 1301/1302) with 30 personal computers in the room. Obtain a classroom specifically for English students and have 30 PCs for students. none 30 PCs X 1,300 = 39,000 173 11000-55201 Music-TM 1.1 Music Increase Enrollment. Discipline is working on this. Thirty students. Actively recruit in public school. 174 11000-55296 Political Science - TM 1.1 Increase Completion Rates Increase completion rates in all Government classes. Of all students on certified roster, there will be an increase of 2% who receive passing grades (A,B,C, or D) and an equivalent who receive a nonpassing grade (F,W). To be determined after the final processing of incomplete grades and discounting students who are administratively withdrawn and who never attended. -Select new text -Revise curriculum -Enhance instructor/student communication skills -Review/revise delivery of instruction 175 11000-55281 Psychology-TM 2.1 Psychology To offer a variety of courses in a variety of delivery modes to students. The number of sections of Psychology Fall - 6 on-line courses which are on-line & distance learning. 1 Video Conference (Psychology, Human Relation & Human Sexuality) Work on increasing the number of sections offered to students in a variety of delivery modes. 175 11000-55281 Psychology-TM Other Psychology To offer a variety of courses in a variety of delivery modes to students. The number of sections of Psychology Fall - 6 on-line courses which are on-line & distance learning. 1 Video Conference (Psychology, Human Relation & Human Sexuality) Work on increasing the number of sections offered to students in a variety of delivery modes. 176 11000-55301 Sociology TM 2.1 Increase enrollment Offered a variety of sociology classes at times/periods conducive to Increase Enrollment OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase enrollment by 5% 1. Enhance introductory each class period. Eventual students 11/21/2003 Page 10 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communication and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Measure Standard Strategies different student populations. goal is 90% fill rate in each class. Communication skills 2. Revise/update curriculum and syllabi 3. Provide relevant information 177 11000-55275 ESAL-TM 1.1 Increasing ESOL Student Retention Rates To increase retention rate of students from ESAL Level 1 to ESAL Level 2. The students will be tracked to determine how many are retained. Increase by 3% from previous three-year average. Identify students who, at midsemester, have a class average of 79% or below in ESAL 0301. Set up a conference with those students, and develop a plan of action to include the following: tutoring in the ESAL and Language Labs, CAI, faculty mentoring, formation of student study groups, and referral to CSD for tutoring if appropriate. 178 11000-55271 ESL-TM 1.1 Increasing ESOL Student Retention Rates To increase retention rate of students from ESOL Level 1 to ESOL Level 2. The students will be tracked to determine how many are retained. Increase by 3% from previous three-year average. Identify students who, at midsemester, have a class average of 79% or below in any of the following courses: ESOL 0301 and ESOL 0302. Set up a conference with those students, and develop a plan of action to include the following: tutoring in the ESOL and Tutoring Labs, CAI, faculty mentoring, formation of student study groups, and referral to CSD for tutoring if appropriate. 179 11000-55261 Reading-TM 6.1 Incorporating To assess students' attitudes Technology about using the Internet before Assignments into and after the assignment. READ/RESL Classes A pre- and post- questionnaire will be developed to determine if the assignments had an impact on students' attitudes about using computers. Also, students' increase in knowledge of the Internet will be measured by the assignments that they turn in. Students' attitudes about using the Internet to access information will improve significantly based on a pre- and postquestionnaire. An attitudinal questionnaire will be developed for each level of RESL and READ courses. Also, Internet assignments will be developed for all classes and shared with part-time instructors. 180 11000-55261 Reading-TM 6.1 Incorporating Technology Assignments into To incorporate Internet A pre- and post- questionnaire will be Students' attitudes about An attitudinal questionnaire will assignments into all RESL and developed to determine if the using the Internet to access be developed for each level of READ classes. assignments had an impact on information will improve RESL and READ courses. Also, rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 11 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communication and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Objective Measure READ/RESL Classes Standard Strategies significantly based on a Internet assignments will be students' attitudes about using computers. Also, students' increase in pre- and post-questionnaire. developed for all classes and shared with part-time instructors. knowledge of the Internet will be measured by the assignments that they turn in. 182 11000-55191 Foreign Language-TM 1.1 Language Lab Improve student retention by increasing student resources in the language lab. Acquire more computer software as well as audio visual material. More material by the beginning of Fall 2003. Visit web sites and contact publishing companies about material available. 183 11000-55181 Art - TM 1.1 Art IMPROVE STUDENT RETENTION. Acquire a CD projector. A small increase in retention. Recruit in the public schools. 230 11000-52403 Phi Theta Kappa 1.1 Phi Theta Kappa To increase Phi Theta Kappa membership during academic year. Increases Phi Theta Kappa membership. Increase by 2%. Recruitment/membership drive workshops. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 12 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective 7.1 Staff Development Opportunities Increase the number of staff development opportunities. No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 19 Measure Standard Strategies 72 11000-13007 Dean Arts, BASK, Occ Ed, & SS 73 11000-55317 Developmental Education- 1.1 RG Retention Survey of Successful BASK Students in Future Remedial Classes To determine whether successful Use a survey instrument to address BASK students are continuing this issue. their college careers and determine how many students in the next level of remediation completed a BASK course along with percentages to enrollment in those courses. 74 11000-55317 Developmental Education- 1.1 RG BASK Passing Standards To maintain good retention and Number of students enrolled at census 80% completion with passing rates in the BASK course date and the corresponding grade at either grade of CR or NC taught at the Rio Grande Campus. the end of the semester. (These are the students who finish the semester.) 70% passing of the students completing the semester. 75 11000-55317 Developmental Education- 7.1 RG Full-Time Lab To provide a full-time lab Assistant for CAI Lab assistant to work in the CAI/PLATO Lab at Rio Grande. Hiring of new full-time lab assistant. 76 11000-55217 Computer Information RG 1.1 Increase Graduates Increase student graduation rate for the CIS Program. Number of students graduating and/or Increase by 10% from previous FY Year. attaining a certificate. Identify and interview students who lack 12 hours for graduation. Identify students who need less than six hours to successfully attain certification. 77 11000-55248 Office Information Systems - RG 2.1 Increase Enrollment To increase enrollment for the POCT discipline. Increase in number of students enrolling. Increase all courses to a maximum of 14 from the current number of 7-10. Speak to area high school classes and to ESL classes on campus. Distribute flyers when speaking and place in new student orientation packets. 78 11000-55272 ESL -RG 8.1 To Incorporate ESOL Writing and Computer Technology Information To write 5 modules which incorporate computer technology with ESOL 0309 or 0311 (Writing Focus V and VI). To make the ESOL computer technology materials available to all ESOL instructors teaching in the ESOL computer classroom. To increase the number of instructors Instructors will be able to see a sample of appropriate materials that incorporate ESOL writing and computer technology 11/21/2003 -Modules will be written by Rogelio Chavira. -Modules will be distributed to all instructors. -Sign-up sheets will be Page 13 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of staff development opportunities increases from 2 to 3. Increase the number of staff development opportunities by one. Allow staff time during the work day to attend staff development opportunities in the college. Half of the staff attends in Fall, other half attends in Spring. 50% of successful BASK students continuing college career. 30% of student in ENGL 0310, Math 0300, and READ 0308 completed the corresponding BASK course. Develop a survey instrument that would completed by the students at the beginning of each semester after census date and see if the standard is met. One full-time Academic Resource Specialist and one full-time lab assistant. Referrals to tutoring when warranted. Adequate communication between students, instructors, and tutors. Using the PLATO software to its fullest potential. Advertisement and hiring of a full-time lab assistant. Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 19 Measure Standard Strategies These modules will be sample using the materials and the number of lessons that ESOL instructors can students utilizing the classroom by use as a model or for actual 20%. classroom instruction when using the ESOL computer classroom. information. Modules will be ready for use and distribution by March 31, 2003. A sign-in sheet will be placed in the classroom to track the number of students and instructors using the classroom. distributed. -During the staff development week, further discussion will be held. -Full-time instructors will meet for future planning needs. 79 11000-55426 POCT 2.1 Increase Student Enrollment Increase student enrollment for Increase enrollment in each of the the program over the next 2 fiscal semesters during the next 2 fiscal years. years. Enroll 10 additional students over the next fiscal year. Increase recruitment outreach by attending at least 6 job fairs and/or speaking in classrooms at the high school level and ESL classrooms at the college level. 80 11000-55262 Reading-RG 1.1 Exit Exam Accountability Access exit exam accountability. The number of students completing exit level at each level will be compared with the previous semester and with the appropriate level. The standard will be the percentage of students successfully completing the exit level at each level. The Reading Discipline will discuss and decide what is a positive and realistic goal to achieve in terms of numbers of students exiting reading levels successfully. 81 11000-55187 English-RG 1.1 Adding a Part-Time Add one part-time tutor to the Tutor to the Writing Writing Center to bring the Center at Rio Grande number of tutors to 4. We will have a new space and increased usage once we have higher enrollment. Current three tutors are maxed out. Add one tutor. Reach a total of 4 tutors Advertise, interview, and hire next Fall to work 41 weeks new tutor for next year. a year for 19 hours a week. 1.1 Literary Community A literary community that will have a We will develop and then offer Creative Writing I (ENGL 2307) visible presence at the RG campus that will enhance student life beyond during the Fall Semester and Creative Writing II (ENGL 2308) the classroom, and that will attract during the Spring Semester. We more students to the RG campus. intend to build a creative community centered at Rio Grande campus in part by adding these classes and in our further efforts to improve the Chrysalis Literary Magazine. We will also undertake other related activities, such as utilizing local writing rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 82 11000-55187 English-RG Finish developing and offer the two new creative writing classes. Set up two campus readings, two area high school readings. Expand the membership of the Nonprofit Literary Society by 5-10 and offer writing workshops. Increase the membership of the Sage Literary Alliance by 5-10 and increase its viability 11/21/2003 Publicity, promotional activities and presentations, announcements in classes and at meetings, distribution of the new issue of the Chrysalis literary magazine. Page 14 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 19 Measure talent to visit these classes and do readings for the campus as a whole and for area high schools, offering other support activities such as writer's workshops, and sponsoring the RG chapter of the Nonprofit Literary Society as well as the citywide Sage Literary Alliance. Standard Strategies citywide with publicity and activities. 83 11000-55307 Economics-RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 3% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' average. Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. 84 11000-55297 Political Science - RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 2% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' average. Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. 85 11000-55292 History-RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 2% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' average. Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. 86 11000-55287 Philosophy-RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 2% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' average. Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. 87 11000-55282 Psychology-RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 4% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' average. Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. 88 11000-55302 Sociology -RG 1.1 Increasing Student Retention Increase Student Retention. Measure number of students completing courses in the discipline. Increase of 3% of students completing courses in the discipline based on the previous five semesters' 11/21/2003 Use of appropriate teaching/mentoring methods. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Page 15 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 19 Measure Standard Strategies average. 89 11000-55276 ESAL -RG 1.1 Creating Language Modules for ESAL Students Increase number of language modules for ESL students using ESAL computers. 90 11000-55267 Speech-RG 6.1 Use of Power Point in Speech Courses Continue to implement the use of PowerPoint capability has just been PowerPoint in the Public received. Speaking courses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of language modules. Seven language modules will be created and installed on ESAL computers for ESL students. The coordinator, along with instructors and work-study students, will create and install five language modules on ESALcomputers. 75% of instructors will use FT instructor will mentor PT PowerPoint in the instructors. classroom. 11/21/2003 Page 16 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Associate Vice President, Instructional Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 229 11000-51009 Tenure Committee 1.1 Tenure Committee Recommend the granting of tenure to eligible faculty in adherence to Tenure Review and Recommendations Procedure. Recommend the granting of tenure to eligible faculty based on the number of candidates each year. Number of eligible faculty determined by Personnel Services. College Procedure 1.08.01 Tenure Review and Recommendations. 232 11000-55175 Critical Thinking-TM 1.1 Critical Thinking To implement Critical Thinking skills into teaching strategies. Increase faculty participation. Increase by 2%. -Recruit faculty to participate in Critical Thinking workshops -Integrate Critical Thinking into other programs such as Honors Program 233 11000-52116 Service Learning 1.1 Service Learning Increase Service Learning participation of faculty and students. Increase faculty participation. Increase by 5%. Recruit faculty through workshops, class presentations and printed materials. 234 11000-52109 Honors Program 1.1 Honors Program To increase Honors faculty/students participation during academic year. Increase Honors Program membership. Increase by 2%. Recruitment/membership drive workshops. 245 11000-52152 State Leadership 1.1 State Leadership To provide statewide professional The creation, implementation, and development for the staff of evaluation of professional Texas' community and technical development activities. college. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan All Texas community and technical college districts will have access to the project's training deliverables by August, 2004. 11/21/2003 Have delivered training or contracted for delivery at 35 colleges. Page 17 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Coordinator, Curriculum Development Office Plan No. 237 Budget Acct No Area 11000-52137 Curriculum Office EPCC Goal Plan Title 1.1 Curriculum Office No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Objective Measure Increase retention, graduation, and completer rates. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Standard % of all degree and certificate seeking 80% students enrolled in the Fall return in the Spring, college wide. Strategies Improve WECM Programs by doing DACUMs for programs that have not done a DACUM within five years; Develop new WECM programs and courses for both WECM and academic areas; Revise outdated courses; Create new Crosswalks; Promote the Core Curriculum and the new Fields of Study; coordinate efforts with UTEP and NMSU to increase transferability. 11/21/2003 Page 18 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Coordinator, Faculty Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 246 11000-52117 Faculty Development 5.1 Faculty Development To provide varied opportunities for professional and personal growth of EPCC faculty via seminars, retreats, workshops, college-wide activities, and focused programs dealing with critical thinking, mentoring, new faculty orientation, etc. The implementation of the activity/program, or the continuation of an existing activity. Participation with positive feedback and adjustments based on evaluation of activity. -Advertise programs to faculty -Involve faculty in the development and revision of each program/activity 247 11000-52114 Mini Grant Instruction 5.1 Mini Grants/Faculty Development Number of mini grants approved and completed. All approved projects are completed within stated timelines. -Advertise the Mini Grant Program to faculty. -Assist faculty in developing mini grants. To provide funding for faculty projects: classroom, community and with students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 19 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. 243 Budget Acct No Area 11000-52115 Instructional Media Centers EPCC Goal 6.1 Plan Title CIT-Ceiling Air Conditioning System for the TM Lecture Forum Master Control Room Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Measure To install an air conditioning Reduce equipment downtime to zero. ceiling unit in the Transmountain Lecture Forum control room. Standard Strategies Eliminate equipment malfunction due to equipment overheating. Solicit institutional funds in order to comply with manufacturers operational equipment specifications, in order to continue to comply with Lecture Forum usage requests. Reduce equipment downtime to zero. Eliminate equipment malfunction due to equipment overheating. Solicit institutional funds in order to comply with manufacturers operational equipment specifications, in order to continue the production of professional video programs. Reduce equipment downtime to zero. Eliminate equipment malfunction due to equipment overheating. Solicit institutional funds in order to comply with manufacturers operational equipment specifications, in order to continue the production of professional video programs. The equipment in the control room is estimated at over $200,000. The intensive heat generated by the equipment is in danger of damaging the equipment beyond repair. Equipment replacement would turn into an astronomical cost for the College-district. 244 11000-52136 Cablecast 6.1 CIT- Ceiling Air Conditioning System for the Master Control Room at the TV Studio To install an air conditioning ceiling unit in the TV studio located at VV C401. The equipment in the TV studio is estimated at over $300,000. The intensive heat is in danger of damaging the production equipment. Equipment replacement due to overheating would turn into an astronomical cost to the Collegedistrict. 244 11000-52136 Cablecast 7.1 CIT- Ceiling Air Conditioning System for the Master Control Room at the TV Studio To install an air conditioning ceiling unit in the TV studio located at VV C401. The equipment in the TV studio is estimated at over $300,000. The intensive heat is in danger of damaging the production equipment. Equipment replacement due to overheating would turn into an rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 11/21/2003 Page 20 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Objective Measure Standard Strategies astronomical cost to the Collegedistrict. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 21 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Director, Distance Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 238 11000-52112 Instructional Support Services 7.1 Instructional Support Improve communications Services between the ISS staff and supported staff members. Meetings are regularly held. 85% of scheduled meetings held during the year. Regularly scheduled information; planning and objective(s) setting meetings with all supported areas. 239 11000-52135 Instructional TV 1.1 Instructional Television Improve communication with faculty and students. Improved communication. 5% increase from baseline at the end of the reporting period. Provide information one week prior to educational events. 240 11000-51005 Faculty Resource Center 5.1 Faculty Resource Center Each staff member will be able to Each workshop taught by each staff teach every workshop offered by member. the Faculty Resource Center. Each staff member will conduct at least one section of every developed workshop on the Faculty Resource Center Course Inventory during the Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 semesters. Each staff member will use currently available resources to develop the skills necessary to lead the workshops. 241 11000-52113 Distance Education / Online 1.1 Distance Education/Online Increase student satisfaction in Distance Education programs. Increase student satisfaction in Distance Education classes. 5% increase in student satisfaction from previous semester. Improve faculty training and provide enhanced student services. 242 11000-52101 Academic Computing Services 7.1 Academic Computing Services Improve user satisfaction. User satisfaction. 5% increase in user satisfaction after training. Lab assistants will complete MS Office XP training courses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 22 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Director, Library Technical Services Plan No. 235 Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal 11000-52144 Library Technical Services 7.1 Plan Title Library Technical Services No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Objective Measure Restore user services to libraries and Library Technical Services (LTS) promptly when problems arise. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Users call LTS within 30 minutes of any database or PC problem. Standard Two hour problem resolution. 11/21/2003 Strategies Implementation strategy: -Write and distribute procedure -Train staff to better diagnose problems -Publish lessons learned Page 23 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. 22 Budget Acct No Area 24318-73251 CP Special PopWIT/Equity & Opp. EPCC Goal 2.1 Plan Title Women in Technology No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Increase the number of female students enrolling in nontraditional technical/vocational fields of study. Total enrollment for 2001-2002 fiscal year. Standard 1% increase. Strategies Establish annual WIT Recruitment fairs focusing on transitioning students directly into academic/occupational education. Develop referral directory to assist WIT Recruitment. Recruit Area High School Senior females directly into program with admission application workshops. 22 24318-73251 CP Special PopWIT/Equity & Opp. 8.1 Women in Technology Increase the number of female students enrolling in nontraditional technical/vocational fields of study. Total enrollment for 2001-2002 fiscal year. 1% increase. Establish annual WIT Recruitment fairs focusing on transitioning students directly into academic/occupational education. Develop referral directory to assist WIT Recruitment. Recruit Area High School Senior females directly into program with admission application workshops. 23 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Power Pack Courses Offer Power Pack or minim ester courses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of students enrolled in courses. Starting Fall 2003. 11/21/2003 Identify potential students, staff, outside agencies for skills upgrade while earning certificate or associate's degree. ITSW 1310 Presentation Media Software and IMED 1325 Web Page Design I designated Power Pack. POFI 2301 Word Processing and POFI 1341 Computer Applications II minim esterblock scheduled. POFT 1127 Keyboarding and POFT 2203 Speed and Accuracy Page 24 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies block-scheduled. 24 11000-55246 POCT 5.1 Evaluation of Students in Co-op Course Evaluate students while in the co- Number of employers responding to op course (POCT 2380). evaluation. 25 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Advertisement Prepare and distribute flyers for advertisement. Number of students enrolled in POCT Target EPCC Population. courses and other prospective students Fall 2003 & Spring 2004 already on campus. 26 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Recruiting Former Students Recruit former students from El Paso Community College (EPCC) staff. Determine number of returning students who are EPCC employees. Meet Classified Staff to set up meetings for prospective classes. Fall 2003 & Spring 2004 Identify staff members who are employed full-and part-time at EPCC. Host an event inviting all support staff to upgrade their skills and earn their certificate/AAS degree. Evaluate credits and mentor until graduation. Event could take place during Administrative Professionals Week. Support from the administrative team will be required. 27 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Marketing Strategies Prepare marketing strategies based on campus location. Number of potential students by high school locations and businesses. Visit High Schools in the VV area. Fall 2003 & Spring 2004 Identify high schools and businesses in the Valle Verde area. Prepare flyers for distribution. 28 11000-55246 POCT 1.1 Increase MOUS Certification for Students MOUS Certification for students. Number of students passing MOUS Certification. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan On-going evaluation of student's progress whenever class offered. (Spring offering) Evaluation of students enrolled in the co-op course would be evaluated through Training Plan, Mid Term, and Final Reports. Technical skills and soft skills will be evaluated. Identify target group population: English, History, Political Science, etc. Flyers distributed by instructors/lab staff. Place ad in school paper and in official publication. Gather student information. Identify students upon Fall 2003 & Spring 2004 completing POFI 1341 (Word, Expert); POFI 1349 (Excel, Core); POFI 2301 (Word, Core); POFTS 1319 (Access, Core); ITSW 1310 (Presentation Software Graphics) MOUS 11/21/2003 Page 25 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Certifications. 29 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Increase MOUS Certification for Faculty Increase MOUS Certification for faculty. Number of faculty passing MOUS Certification. Increase MOUS Certification by one faculty in Fall 2003 and by one in Spring 2004. 30 11000-55246 POCT 2.1 Increase Community Awareness Increase community awareness. Place ads) in newspaper and identify the number of businesses responding. Dependent on budget place Advertise in the El Paso Times at least one AD in El Paso on "Re-inventing your Skills. Times newspaper. 31 11000-55246 POCT 1.1 Increase Student Graduation Rate Increase student graduation rate for the Professional Office Computer Technology (POCT) discipline. Number of students graduating in the certificate's) and associate's degree program in the fall and spring semesters. Co-op student information and other POCT classes. Identify students who are 12 hours or less away from graduation. This process should take place at the beginning of the spring semester. 32 11000-55380 Criminal Justice - VV 2.1 Development of Off- Develop off-campus sites to Campus Sites provide courses for in-service officers. Enroll students at off-site locations to increase educational levels of officers in the field. Pilot Spring 2003 for implementation in Fall 2003. Enroll students at Rogelio Sanchez, Sheriff's Office, and El Paso Police Department to facilitate education in field. 33 11000-55380 Criminal Justice - VV 1.1 Development of Field Develop field of study. of Study Establish educational requirements of FOS begins Fall 2003. current and future faculty for teaching in the field of study and WECM. Review educational levels of current and future faculty to meet field of study requirements. 34 11000-55380 Criminal Justice - VV 2.1 Develop Guidelines for Competition Promote program through local area independent school districts (ISD) and student competition to strengthen articulation agreements. Faculty to develop skills' competition to promote Criminal Justice programs with local ISDs. 35 11000-55380 Criminal Justice - VV 2.1 Promotion of Field of Study and Articulation Agreements Promote field of study and articulation agreements/programs between the Sheriff's Academy (SO), El Paso Community College (EPCC), and the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). Criminal Justice discipline to coCompletion realized Fall develop field of study and articulation 2003. agreements/programs with UTEP and the various law enforcement agencies. Competition realized Spring 2004. Note: In addition to the SO, other agencies will be added as agreements are made. Faculty must be committed to attending workshops and taking the MOUS Certification Exams for Microsoft Suite. Meet with local ISD instructors and develop guidelines for competition with articulated high schools and Criminal Justice program. Meet with UTEP officials (Dean of Liberal Arts, Criminal Justice faculty to develop guidelines for accomplishing field of study and articulation agreements between the educational and law enforcement agencies. Will entail several meetings to establish guidelines. Review syllabi in Criminal OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 26 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Justice (EPCC & UTEP). Determine cohort groups. 36 11000-55435 Education -VV 2.1 Increase Enrollment in Education Increase enrollment in the EDUC Number of Education 1300 students 1300 and TECA courses. and Education Majors. 37 11000-55435 Education -VV 1.1 Increase Retention Rate of Students Increase retention rate of students Retention rate of EDUC students over Maintain retention rate of Provide discipline advising to in Education. previous since inception of program. Education majors and Education majors. increase enrollment of students over a 3-year period from Baseline year. 38 11000-55435 Education -VV 1.1 Increase Retention Rate in Education Increase retention rate of students Measure retention rate over a threein Education. year period, from baseline year. 39 11000-55435 Education -VV 5.1 Hire One FT Faculty Member At least one full-time faculty member to this discipline by Fall 2003. Hire one FT qualified faculty member. Yes, full-time instructor was hired. 40 11000-55210 Accounting - VV 7.1 Recruit Students in Accounting Start a student organization in which accounting students can better understand the business world and principles of free enterprise while design outreach programs that help individuals in the community. Currently, there is no student business Start the SIFE (Students in Recruit students and work with Free Enterprise) student organization. After this plan, there the SIFE organization. program here at the should be one. community college. Include writing of charter and recruitment of initial members. Plan to increase enrollment from previous years. 41 11000-55417 Social Work Program-VV 1.1 Increase Student Graduation Rate for the Social Work Program Increase student graduation rate for the Social Work Program. Number of Social Work students graduating. 45 11000-55390 Draft/Design Tech - VV Increase Student Enrollment in Drafting & Design Technology Increase student enrollment in the Increase of students in each regular Drafting & Design Technology semester and summer session. program over the next two years. 2.1 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase enrollment of students from onset of program. Recruit high school students, employees at the ISD's in the El Paso County area. Maintain retention rate of Provide discipline advising to Education majors and Education majors. increase enrollment by students over a 3-year period from Baseline year. Open the position internally and externally for qualified faculty to apply. Increase enrollment from previous 3-year average. Implement student mentoring system, i.e., assign faculty mentor to each student in the program. An increase of students over the base by the end of Spring, 2004. An increase of students over the 20032004 numbers by the end Improve communication with local high schools. 11/21/2003 Target specific high schools for recruitment presentations. Page 27 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies of Spring, 2005. Provide a scholarship opportunity to the winter of the annual VICA-SKILLS USA drafting contest winner. Conduct a periodic open house, at least once per semester, and showcase our facilities and program to local high schools. 7.1 46 11000-55405 Fire Technology 47 11000-41009 Fire Recruit Training -VV 7.1 Accreditation of Fire Obtain accreditation for the Fire Technology A.A.S. Technology A.A.S. degree from Degree the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress. Obtain accreditation from IFSAC. IFSAC accreditation standards. Facilities for Build (1) a storage building and Firefighter parking garage to house Fire Certification Training Technology's fire equipment and two fire apparatus and (2) a classroom capable of seating 32 students that would be utilized for Firefighter Certification training. The parking garage could be located in the west parking lot (Hawkins side) of the ATC and the classroom and storage buildings in the area between buildings 1 and 2. Facilities to conduct Firefighter Certification training. Texas Commission on Fire Develop plans with the Protection Standards. Maintenance Department and the director of the Apprenticeship Program. -all equipment replaced -6 VCR Station -1 Video Relay Station -List of missing tapes ordered -Lab assist. Scheduled for day, night & weekend schedules SLNG Lab equipment in place for Spring, 2004 semester. Student survey of satisfaction Spring, 2004. -Attend an IFSAC accreditation workshop -Apply for IFSAC membership -Complete a program self-study -Host a site-visit for IFSAC accreditation evaluators Students in the apprenticeship program can build the buildings if the materials are provided. 48 11000-55424 Sign Lang/Interpreter-VV 6.1 SLNG Lab Maintenance 6.1 Stabilize the SLNG Dept. lab facility, equipment and staff to support the instructional needs of the existing courses and student requests. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 -Pursue all avenues to repair and replace as appropriate any existing equipment that is broken. -Replace non-repairable and outdated VCR/Camera Page 28 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies equipment. -Purchase and install the ability to utilize CD Rom based materials. -Replace missing/damaged videotapes. -Provide for 6 working VCR practice stations. -Provide for computer relay interpreting calls to be demonstrated. -Provide SLNG Lab Assistant for access for Day, Night, and Weekend students. 49 11000-55424 Sign Lang/Interpreter-VV 2.1 SLNG High School Articulation Plan 2.1 Increase seat count/enrollment by articulating credit with high school programs offering ASL course work. none Number of plans in effect (2). -Strategic planning with dean to identify potential courses and programs. -Identify personnel involved at Burgess H.S.; Eastwood H.S. -Revisit the Eastwood plan and update as needed. -Develop and information piece for high school students who are junior/seniors. -Complete articulation plans with Burgess High School if appropriate. 50 11000-55424 Sign Lang/Interpreter-VV 2.1 SLNG Fill Rate Management 2.1 Maximize enrollment by increasing sections to 85% fill rate average. 1-completed survey student by Spring, 2004. 2-classes offered off cycle for Fall 2004 & Spring 2005. Increase fill rate for Fall 2004 and Spring 2005. -Strategic planning with dean to develop most efficient scheduling. -Offer 3 to 1 ratio of beginning to advanced classes. -Survey students to determine future scheduling needs. -Recruit new students to fill entry level classes. -Offer entry level courses off cycle; and or at other campuses as feeder courses to develop second year program as Page 29 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies appropriate based on need/interest. -Complete articulation plans with Burgess High School. 52 11000-55215 Comp Information - VV 6.1 Implement SAM & TOM Testing Services To provide access for students to Web-based applications that train, test, and evaluate their skills in the Microsoft Office Suite of products. There is a sufficient way to The number of instructors and students who will be utilizing the new measure future usage. We expect a large number of system. faculty and students to utilize the new system once it is implemented. Software will be installed throughout the district. Faculty will be trained to implement and utilize the system for a variety of services. 53 11000-55370 Automotive Tech - VV 1.1 Provide Night Classes Needed by Students Completing their Degree Plan Provide night classes for second year students. Students in the 2 year degree plan need 12 automotive classes to graduate. Second year night classes have not been offered for the past 4 years. Students will register for night classes when they are scheduled. The second year of the Automotive Technology degree plan lists three automotive classes in the Fall and three in the Spring semesters. Only one second year automotive class will be offered at night each semester. The student will be required to attend three consecutive years to complete the second year courses at night. 54 11000-55370 Automotive Tech - VV 1.1 Provide Night Revise courses to more accurately Courses have not been updated for 5 Classes Needed by provide training in the current years. A DACUM will be conducted Students Completing and future technology. during Spring 2003. their Degree Plan Advisory Committee will The results of the DACUM will approve courses by Spring be used to analyze and revise 2004. current courses. 55 11000-55370 Automotive Tech - VV 2.1 Provide Night Classes Needed by Students Completing their Degree Plan High School Marketing is not sufficient. The Video could be used by the Recruitment office while visiting High School Students. Video will be developed by The script will be written and Spring 2004. the Video will be developed. 56 11000-55215 Comp Information - VV 7.1 Create CISC District- To create a district-wide uniform Wide Mission CISC mission statement to Statement continue our commitment for a consistent quality program. The completed document. One comprehensive mission statement for the entire CISC discipline. Develop a Video Tape showcasing the automotive program, to be used for marketing. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Night students will graduate with an AAS Degree in Automotive Technology. 11/21/2003 During CISC discipline meetings, ideas will be requested by a sub-committee to begin the development of the document. In subsequent meetings, changes and revisions will be made until a comprehensive document is created. Page 30 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 57 11000-55215 Comp Information - VV 5.1 CISCO Networking Training 58 11000-55375 Child Development - VV 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase enrollment in the Child in Child Development Program. Development Program Number of Child Development majors. Increase enrollment from previous 3-year average. Recruit high school students and employees of early childhood facilities. 59 11000-55375 Child Development - VV 1.1 Improve Retention, Graduation, and Completion Rates Improve retention, graduation, and completion rates. Retention rate of Child Development students over previous three years. Maintain retention rate of Child Development students and increase rate. Faculty will continue academic advising of Child Development students. 60 11000-55230 Business AdministrationVV 8.1 Advertisement for Business Management Increase community awareness. Number of businesses responding to ad. Number of advertisements. Advertise in the El Paso Times, and Twin Plant News. Continue to update faculty web pages regarding program information. 61 11000-55230 Business AdministrationVV 2.1 CE Courses Identify courses and offer courses Number of students enrolled in as concurrent courses. concurrent courses. Compare student enrollment by semester. 62 11000-55230 Business AdministrationVV 2.1 Course Offerings Offer Power Pack, mini-mester or Number of students enrolled in on-line courses. courses. Number of courses offered Continue to evaluate and by semester. identify courses that may attract students to enrolling in them. 63 11000-55230 Business AdministrationVV 1.1 Evaluation by Employers Evaluate students while in the work experience course. 64 11000-55230 Business AdministrationVV 2.1 Partnerships 65 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 8.1 Advertisement for International Trade Increase CIS enrollment by increasing the number of Local Academies under the EPCC CISCO Training Umbrella, thus ensuring course articulation and dual credit with the local academies into the EPCC CIS Degree Programs. Increase CIS graduates from previous 3 year average. Number of employers responding to evaluation. CISCO Certificate of Completion and AAS Microcomputer ApplicationsTelecommunications and Networking. Open communications with High Schools in the Lower Valley and private schools. Contact CE coordinator and provide information for courses to be advertised in the CE schedule. Evaluations are used to ensure we are meeting the standards of business and industry. Students enrolled in the work experience course would be evaluated. Partner with businesses and offer Number of students enrolled in Business/Management courses. courses on-site. Number of committed partnerships. Identify organizations who may be interested in offering courses on-site. Increase community awareness. Number of advertisements. Advertise in the El Paso Time, and Twin Plan News. Continue to update faculty web pages regarding program information. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of businesses responding to ad. 11/21/2003 Page 31 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 47 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 66 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 2.1 CE Courses Identify courses and offer courses Number of students enrolled in as concurrent courses. concurrent courses. Compare student enrollment by semester. 67 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 2.1 Course Offerings Offer Power Pack, mini-mester or Number of students enrolled in on-line courses. courses. Number of courses offered Continue to evaluate and by semester. identify courses that may attract students to enrolling in them. 68 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 1.1 Evaluation by Employers Evaluate students while in the work experience course. Number of employers responding to evaluation. Evaluations are used to ensure we are meeting the standards of business and industry. Students enrolled in the work experience course would be evaluated. 69 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 1.1 Graduates Increase student graduation rate for International Trade program. Number of students graduating in the certificate & Associate Degree program in the Fall & Spring semesters. Monitoring growth of graduates. Identify students who are 12 hours or less away from graduation. This process should take place at the beginning of the Fall semester. 70 11000-55251 International Trade and Business-VV 2.1 Partnership Partner with businesses and offer Number of students enrolled in courses on-site. Business/Management courses. Number of committed partnership. International Businesses who may be interested in offering courses on-site. 71 11000-55421 Legal Assistance 2.1 Enrollment Increase enrollment in the Legal Assistant Program. Increase enrollment from previous 3 years average. Actively Recruit high school students and employees in the Legal profession without degrees. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of Legal Assistant majors at EPCC. 11/21/2003 Contact CE coordinator and provide information for courses to be advertised in the CE schedule. Page 32 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 14 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 93 11000-55300 Sociology -VV 1.1 Development of a Pool for P-T Instructors Incorporate technology into Geology classes by purchasing equipment used in computer presentations and internet class projects. Increase use of technology in all Geology classes. All Geology classes at VV Purchase projector, monitor, will use state-of-the-art computer cart, and necessary technology by Spring 2004. software; train all instructors. 184 11000-55277 ESAL Speech-VV 2.1 VV ESL Recruiter A faculty in Reading could be given release time to work in conjunction with the office of Recruitment to recruit High School ESL students. To base ourselves on number of students (ESL). Then, to see how many more students are enrolled after the recruiters role/presentation. -Identify population. -Set up appointments for presentations. -Go with office of Recruitment to give these presentations at the local high schools. 185 11000-55290 History-VV 1.1 Increase Effectiveness in Teaching Increase Effectiveness in Teaching U.S. History Courses. Existence of U.S. History maps in classrooms. none Purchase of 1 set of U.S. History maps approximately $800.00. 186 11000-55300 Sociology -VV 5.1 A Pool for Part-time Instructors Develop a pool of part-time instructors to ensure all class sections offered by the college have an available and prepared instructor. Stronger pool of qualified Number of applicants to Personnel and/or to Coordinator's e-mail address PT instructors. book. Recruit new instructors via electronic flyers and/or presentations to graduate student groups at UTEP and NMSU. 187 11000-55300 Sociology -VV 5.1 Develop a Pool for Develop a pool of part-time Part-Time Instructors instructors that reflects the social and cultural diversity of the community we serve. Percentage of minority instructors in the part-time faculty pool. Stronger pool of qualified PT instructors. Identify and use advocacy groups to recruit new faculty members. 188 11000-55280 Psychology-VV 1.1 Mind Psi ClubRenewal Interest will continue and perhaps grow, and club will maintain minimum qualifications for EPCC student club recognition. To have elected officials and new/revised club constitution by end of Summer '03, and to continue to recruit and retain interested students (on-going) beginning Spring 03 and working through Fall 03 and beyond each semester. Recruiting via flyers and word of mouth, soliciting student input as to how to define Mind Psi (e.g., activities, fund raising) and work with students to brainstorm effective recreating, retention, ensure club success. 189 11000-55270 ESOL-VV 1.1 ESL Literary Competition Is renew student, faculty, and staff interest in Mind Psi (Valle Verde Psychology Club). Club had been officially recognized, but lost EPCC recognition. However, initial efforts suggest that there is much interest in reviving the club, and in having its members make a positive contribution to EPCC and VV Campus. To add an ESL category to the Students will enter essays for English Literary Contest. To be competition. called the ESL literary Competition. rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Students will be motivated. We will cooperate with the English Discipline and get together for the awards ceremony to award prizes of 11/21/2003 Page 33 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 14 Objective Measure Standard Strategies $100, $60, and $30. 190 11000-55277 ESAL Speech-VV 5.1 VV ESAL Library/Resource Center for Part-Time Faculty 191 11000-55305 Economics-VV 8.1 191 11000-55305 Economics-VV 191 Create a library/resource center for part-time ESAL instructors at Valle Verde. # of part-time ESAL instructors checking out books or duplicating material from library/resource center. 70% of part-time ESAL instructors will check out books or duplicate materials from library/resource center during academic year. Books and teaching materials will be set up in Room #B226; it will be available to instructors beginning Fall 2003; instructors will have access during the hours that the ESAL Lab is open. Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Economics Instructors from the present number of 7 to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. 5.1 Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Economics Instructors from the present number of 7 to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. 11000-55305 Economics-VV 1.1 Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Economics Instructors from the present number of 7 to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. 192 11000-55295 Political Science - VV 8.1 Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Government Instructors from the present number to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. 192 11000-55295 Political Science - VV 1.1 Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Government Instructors from the present number to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. 192 11000-55295 Political Science - VV 5.1 Recruit High Quality Recruit and retain a high quality P-T Teaching Faculty part-time teaching faculty. Increase the number of part-time Government Instructors from the present number to at least in classroom skills. 10 Instructors in one year. Recruit from Business, Government, and Universities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 34 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. 131 Budget Acct No Area 11000-55148 Respiratory Care-RG EPCC Goal 8.1 Plan Title Purchase a Sink for Respiratory Care Laboratory No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies To provide effective teaching of infection control practices in the Respiratory Care laboratory, RG B301, a sink is required in the lab to evaluate psychomotor skills. Sink is installed. To increase enrollment in advanced program. Increase enrollment. Increase 5% enrollment in credit program by January 2004. Complete and have approved an affiliation form with Light House for the Blind, El Paso in order to provide eyeglass services for their patients. Expected to start Fall 2003. Director for LHB contacted Jose M. Baca to request possibility of affiliation. LHB director is working on a grant which will provide funding for the project. 132 11000-55132 Emergency Medical Services-RG 2.1 Increase Enrollment 133 11000-55144 Ophthalmic Tech-RG 8.1 OPTS Public Service OPTS Public Service Augmentation Augmentation. Sink is installed in lab by January 2004. Incorporate additional lab work in RSPT 1429, Fundamentals I, during unit on infection control. Submit request for installation of sink. Attend orientation sessions for paramedics seeking A.A.S., Nursing, and Fire Technology options. No projected expenses for EPCC/OPTS. Monies accepted will allow OPTS to procure more supplies. 134 11000-55130 Diagnostic Med. Sonography-RG 5.1 Laptop with Media Projector Provide instructors with state of the art instructional equipment. 135 11000-55130 Diagnostic Med. Sonography-RG 6.1 Ultrasound Machine with Doppler Capability An ultrasound machine with Purchase of new ultrasound machine. doppler capabilities will be use to instruct students with up to date equipment in the EPCC lab. New equipment is in place -Purchase new ultrasound by September 2003. machine with doppler capabilities. -Conduct in service by provider for faculty and students. 136 11000-55130 Diagnostic Med. Sonography-RG 1.1 Hire One Full-Time Faculty Hire an additional full-time Hire a full-time faculty by January DMSO faculty member on tenure 2004. track. There are two full-time faculty in the DMSO program. 1. Request funding and approval of position. 2. Recruit applicants. 3. Hire 137 11000-55130 Diagnostic Med. Sonography-RG 6.1 Linear Ultrasound Transducer Transducer is used in classroom for instruction and patient assignment by January 2004. Submit budget request for approval. Purchase of new multimedia equipment. A linear ultrasound transducer in Purchase of transducer. the EPCC ultrasound lab will introduce students to small parts as well as black and white vascular studies. rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Computer projection and computers available in DMSO lab by January 2004. 11/21/2003 Purchase laptop and computer projector. Page 35 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 138 11000-55140 Pharmacy Tech-RG 1.1 Maintain High Quality of Student Graduates Maintain high quality of student graduates. Pass rate on certification exam. 90% or better pass rate on National Certification Exam. 1. Identify student weaknesses 2. Define critical objectives that are required to be mastered by students prior to clinical rotation (PHRA 1261, 2260) 3. Revise syllabi to include critical objectives and successful completions for areas of high priority 4. Add typing component to PHRA 1301 139 11000-55140 Pharmacy Tech-RG 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase Enrollment in the Pharmacy Technology Program. Enrollment in core PHRA courses each Fall. 50% increase each Fall. 1. Begin online courses in PHRA 1170, 1209, 1301 2. Begin open enrollment Fall 2002 3. Withdraw from Specialized Admissions (ie. HOBET) 140 11000-55005 Nursing-RG 1.1 Increase Student Success on NCLEXRN Exam Increase student success on NCLEX-RN exam. Number of students passing NCLEXRN on first attempt. Annual pass rate of 85% or 1. Review exams for better. incorporation on NCLEX-test plan and make revisions as necessary. 2. Revise tests using item analysis (each theory course). 3. Administer ERI assessment tests to students at the end of each course. 4. Review student performance on ERI assessment tests and make revisions to course packets/instruction as necessary. 5. Provide studens with information regarding NCLEX review at the completion of the nursing program. 141 11000-55005 Nursing-RG 1.1 Ensure Retention in AND Nursing Students Ensure that the course to course retention rate of students enrolled in core ADN nursing courses meets the following measure and standard. % of students enrolled in a course that 80% retention by May progress to the subsequent course on 2004. the degree plan in the next semester/mini-mester. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 1. Establish and implement a plan for faculty follow-up on students who fail exams. 2. Implement CE course on Overview of Dosage Page 36 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Calculations for Fundamental students piror to the start of Fundamentals. 3. Implement CE course on Testing for Fundamental students prior to the start of Fundamentals. 4. Continue mentoring program for new faculty. 5. Review course/packet evaluations and make revisions as necessary. 142 11000-55005 Nursing-RG 1.1 Maintain Student Success on NCLEXLVN Exam Maintain student success on NCLEX-LVN exam. Number of students passing NCLEXLVN on first attempt. 143 11000-55005 Nursing-RG 1.1 Maintain High Quality of Student Graduates Ensure that the course to course retention rate of students enrolled in core VN nursing courses meets the following measure and standard. % of students enrolled in a course that 80% retention. progress to the subsequent course on the degree plan in the next semester/mini-mester. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Annual pass rate of 95% or 1. Review exams for better. incorporation of NCLEX-test plan and make revisions as necessary. 2. Revise tests using item analysis (each theory course). 3. Administer ERI assessment tests to students at the end of each course. 4. Review student performance on ERI assessment tests and make revisions to course packets/instruction as necessary. 5. Provide students with information regarding NCLEX review at the completion of the nursing program. 11/21/2003 1. Establish and implement a plan for faculty follow-up on students who fail exams. 2. Implement CE course on Overview of Dosage Calculations for Fundamental students prior to the start of fundamentals level courses. 3. Implement CE course on Testing for Fundamental students prior to the start of Page 37 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies fundamentals level courses. 4. Continue mentoring program for new faculty. 5. Review course/packet evaluations and make revisions as necessary. 144 11000-55002 Dietetic Technology-RG 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase Dietetic Technology program enrollment. Increase the number of students enrolled in the program (2) Present career information to elementary, middle and high school students. Increase enrollment by 5% 1. Market program benefits from previous three year within the College, the average. community, and health and food related organizations. Offer CEU programs for Diet Tech's and/or RD's. 2. Visit public schools and/or participate in career day activities in order to expose the children to an alternate health profession. Participate in health fairs. 3. Contact local health and food related organizations about encouraging employees to pursue an associate degree and receive credit for their work experience. Seek articulation with NMSU and UTEP in order to sell the program as a step beyond the associate degree. 145 11000-55125 Dental Assisting-RG 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase enrollment. Enrolment each semester. Increase of 10% in comparing enrollment from Fall to Fall. 1. Develop a innovative and effective system for recruitment of students. 2. Increase advertising via media presentations, flyers, career fairs, and Internet. 3. Increase awareness at the Academy of Science and Technology and develop further articulation agreements. 146 11000-55141 Dental Hygiene-RG 8.1 Enhance the College's Image in Enhance Dental Hygiene programs image in the Survey of dental community and students. Satisfaction of 80% or higher. 1. Increase individual instruction. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 38 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective the Community community. Measure Standard Strategies 2. Utilize counselors to present motivational and time management seminars. 3. Provide academic reviews in a timely manner. 147 11000-55150 Community Health Advocacy RG 7.1 Laptop and LCD Projector To familiarize class with making Number of student presentation using computer generated presentations computer technology. in class to allow students to make powerpoint presentations in the classroom. Each CHA student will make at least one PowerPoint presentation in the classroom each semester. To allow students to become more familiar with a laptop computer for class and community presentations for health education. 147 11000-55150 Community Health Advocacy RG 8.1 Laptop and LCD Projector To familiarize class with making Number of student presentation using computer generated presentations computer technology. in class to allow students to make powerpoint presentations in the classroom. Each CHA student will make at least one PowerPoint presentation in the classroom each semester. To allow students to become more familiar with a laptop computer for class and community presentations for health education. 148 11000-55150 Community Health Advocacy RG 2.1 Place Graduate in Employment Evaluate student employer Surveys are completed and results demand to determine the need for tallied. program expansion. Survey is distributed to students and to employers by end of Fall semester. 1. 2. 3. 4. 149 11000-55143 Health Information Technology 5.1 Provide Adequate Provide adequate resources for Resources for Health student learning activities; seek Information Students continuing accreditation via CAAHEP and AHIMA. Number of computers in Health Technology lab with specialized software; apply for continuing accreditation. Provide specialized software to students to enhance their learning experiences and to meet accreditation agency expectations; meet requirements for continuing accreditation. Purchase additional specialized Health Information Technology software (3500 approved for software). Fee from accreditation agency for analysis of "Report of Current Status"/Self Study is $1,500. 150 21092-73219 HCOP 5.1 Recruitment of 50 To recruit 50 middle school Middle School students into an HCOP summer Students into an camp. HCOP Summer Camp Attendance at HCOP Summer camp. 50 students accept admission with a 90% or higher completion rate. 1. Through brochures, flyers, posters, folders, meetings with counselors and networking, health programs at EPCC are marketed. 2. 50 students are given an 8week seminar in English, Math, Med Term, Science, and field trips to receive stipends and college preparation. 3. 50 middle school students OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Survey students Survey employers Evaluate results Costs-postage, printing Page 39 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies will receive stipends. Recruitment is through high school presentation on paper ads, TV, videos, health fairs, career fairs, and HCOP application. 151 21092-73219 HCOP 1.1 Improve Graduation in HCOP 152 21092-73219 HCOP 2.1 Identify and Increase To identify and enroll a minimum Percent of HCOP students entering Enrollment in HCOP of 70% of HCOP students in the health programs at EPCC. 2 year health occupations programs. To improve the graduation and Graduation and transfer rates by transfer rate of disadvantaged demographic status. students from the college's health occupations programs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 5% increase in graduation; 1. Through statistics, the rate of 1% increase in transfer rate. minorities in health professions is low, hence, HCOP is promoting the health care professions to attract minorities. 2. HCOP sends out special forms to teachers to check on the progress of HCOP students who need tutoring are asked to come in for free tutoring. 3. Every year, in May, prospective students are given financial aid seminars, and helped to fill out scholarships at the HCOP office. 4. HCOP students are encouraged to attend EPCC. 5. HCOP students are taken to Galveston to tour UTMB and its services. 70% of HCOP students enroll at EPCC in health programs for 2003-2005. 11/21/2003 1. Recruitment is through H.S. presentation, paper ads, TV ads, videos, health fairs, career fairs, and fill in the HCOP application. 2. Through statistics, the rate of minorities in health professions is low, hence, HCOP is promoting the health care professions to attract minorities. 3. Through brochures, flyers, posters, folders, meetings with counselors and networking, health programs at EPCC are marketed. Page 40 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 4. HCOP sends out special forms to teachers to check on the progress of HCOP students who need tutoring are asked to come in for free tutoring. 5. 50 students are given an 8week seminar in English, Math, Med Term, Science, and field trips to receive stipends and college preparation. 6. HCOP students are encouraged to attend EPCC.HCOP students are taken to Galveston to tour UTMB and its services. 153 21092-73219 HCOP 5.1 Promotion of To promote minority students minorities, especially into nursing and allied health, men, in Nursing especially men. 1.Create a focus group from prospective nursing and allied health students, community members, and health facilities to assess the needs for a male labor workforce, identify barriers, and design interventions to meet the goal of increasing male workforce in nursing. 2. Kick off a major campaign of marketing and exposure of nursing and allied Health for the community and workforce in general. 3. Visit all schools to promote male nursing and allied health positions. 4. Provide a list of pros and cons (if they exist) for this goal. Through these activities, exposure to nursing and allied health to male students is achieved. 1. Invitation to form the focus groups. 2. Marketing materials and hiring recruiters. 153 21092-73219 HCOP 8.1 Promotion of To promote minority students minorities, especially into nursing and allied health, men, in Nursing especially men. 1.Create a focus group from prospective nursing and allied health students, community members, and health facilities to assess the needs for a male labor workforce, identify barriers, and design interventions to meet the goal of increasing male workforce in nursing. 2. Kick off a major campaign of Through these activities, exposure to nursing and allied health to male students is achieved. 1. Invitation to form the focus groups. 2. Marketing materials and hiring recruiters. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 41 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies marketing and exposure of nursing and allied Health for the community and workforce in general. 3. Visit all schools to promote male nursing and allied health positions. 4. Provide a list of pros and cons (if they exist) for this goal. 154 11000-13008 CD/Health/Math/Science 6.1 Computer Laboratory Operate the new Health and Number of students utilizing the new for Health and Science Computer Laboratory in laboratory. Science the completion of the new Health and Science Laboratory Building. Computer lab is operational during Fall 2003. -Hire staff -Develop operational schedule 155 11000-13008 CD/Health/Math/Science 5.1 Border Health Clinic Implement a multidisciplinary patient care clinic with the completion of the new Health and Science Laboratory Building. Clinic is operational during Fall 2003. At least two additional disciplines have scheduled clinics during the Fall semester 2003. At least four disciplines have scheduled clinics during the Spring semester 2004. -Determine specialty clinics to be conducted -Develop flyers -Order supplies -Recruit patients from students, staff, and area residents -Hire staff 156 11000-55115 Health Profess & Related Sci-RG 6.1 Evaluate Online Courses Evaluate the online course option Success in finding appropriate for Medical Law/Ethics, resource materials to be used. Interpretation of Lab Test, and Alternative Medicine. Completion of the course development by Health Occupations instructors. Evaluation and development of approved curriculum for implementation Fall 2004. 157 11000-55142 Medical Laboratory-RG 1.1 Microscope Replacement Replace five aging and nonfunctioning microscopes. Microscopes in lab for January 2004 classes. Purchase 5 microscopes to replace 5 microscopes currently functioning at minimum capacity. 158 11000-55147 Surgical Tech-RG 1.1 Increase Level of Instructional Resources and Materials Increase the level of instructional Operational budget is increased. resources and materials to meet the program needs due to increased enrollment in Summer 2004. 10% increase in operational budget. Acquire additional monies to increase instructional resources. 159 11000-55118 Radiation Therapy RG 7.1 Laptop and LCD Projector Provide instructor(s) with state of Purchase equipment. the art instructional equipment to provide efficient teaching instructions. Laptop and LCD projector Purchase laptop and LCD available for program for projector. January 2004. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of patients seen by students/faculty in the clinics. Number of disciplines participating in the clinic activities. Purchase microscopes. 11/21/2003 Page 42 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 159 11000-55118 Radiation Therapy RG 8.1 Laptop and LCD Projector Provide instructor(s) with state of Purchase equipment. the art instructional equipment to provide efficient teaching instructions. Laptop and LCD projector Purchase laptop and LCD available for program for projector. January 2004. 159 11000-55118 Radiation Therapy RG 6.1 Laptop and LCD Projector Provide instructor(s) with state of Purchase equipment. the art instructional equipment to provide efficient teaching instructions. Laptop and LCD projector Purchase laptop and LCD available for program for projector. January 2004. 160 11000-55347 Math-RG 6.1 Finalize the Math Lab at Rio Grande Develop, finalize the math lab at RG to be implemented when classroom building is completed. Specialized room assigned for math lab. Math lab is staffed and has Develop plan for furniture, a schedule comparable to equipment, staffing, and other campuses. schedule for services for implementation in 2003-2004. 160 11000-55347 Math-RG 1.1 Finalize the Math Lab at Rio Grande Develop, finalize the math lab at RG to be implemented when classroom building is completed. Specialized room assigned for math lab. Math lab is staffed and has Develop plan for furniture, a schedule comparable to equipment, staffing, and other campuses. schedule for services for implementation in 2003-2004. 161 11000-55135 Medical Assisting TechRG 1.1 Increase Retention, Increase graduation, retention, Graduation, and and certification rates Passing Rate on National CMA Exam Increase retention Start 24 students each semester (12 in MDCA 1417 and 12 in MDCA 1421), additionally have 12 graduates with certification and 12 with degrees every semester. Encourage all program graduates to sit for National CMA exam. Increase enrollment by 5% each year 90-100% of graduates pass certification. Successfully complete self-study and site visit for re-accreditation Increase passing rate on National CMA Exam Keep maximum class size at current enrollment of 12 students per class for all MDCA classes. Network computer lab to two printers and the internet so students can maximize learning. Offer CE review course for licensure. 162 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG 1.1 Coordinators of PTAP will travel to CAPTE Coordinators of PTAP will travel Self study preparation will start during Summer 2004 continuing in to CAPTE sponsored reFY 2004-2005. accreditation training at CSM (Feb 2004) or National conference (June 2004) in FY 2003-2004. Self Study report will be due sometime in 2005. Attendance at 3 day course prior to CSM or National and continued attendance at CSM or National. 163 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG 1.1 Assist Faculty in Updating their Skills Assist faculty in updating their instructional, clinical and administrative skills. On-going revisions of courses are done each semester, based on the "Normative Model of PTA education". 11/21/2003 Attendance at state, local or national workshops that address the specific area of need of the faculty. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Faculty will adjust the content of their assigned courses bases on current "state of clinical practice", or "teaching" and the Normative Model of PTA education. Page 43 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title 164 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG 6.1 Purchase Equipment for New Lab 165 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG 8.1 166 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG 167 11000-55145 Physical Therapist Assistant-RG No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 42 Objective Measure Purchase equipment for new lab space that we need for teaching. Standard Strategies Purchase of equipment (see attached critical needs list). Use in lab/new PT clinic linked to specific PTHA courses. Submit Banner requisitions. Establish a PT Clinic Establish a PT clinic within the within the College college that provides PT services to faculty, staff, students and the local neighborhood. Establish a PT clinic at the RG Campus in the new RG building. Appointment based PT services will be offered to students, faculty, staff, and physical/therapist referrals. Develop marketing tools to inform the potential client. Purchase patient information brochures on common diagnosis's with PT services. 1.1 Master Students in Specific Clinical Skills Each student will demonstrate mastery of specific clinical skills prior to enrollment in a clinical course. Increase competency of students clinical skills through mentoring sessions. 90% of mastery on skills check off sheets. Hire additional part-time faculty for mentoring and clinical skills check-off days. 1.1 Improve State Licensing Exam Improve state licensing exam first State reported first time pass rate. time pass rate. 90% Hire additional full time instructors and part time instructors. Continue to offer mentoring in courses which have a laboratory component, by part-time faculty. Hire an additional full time faculty member to improve the continuity of curriculum flow from one semester to the next. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 44 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 236 11000-51010 Publications 2.1 Publications To become the central point of printing (will allow us to make sure publications standards are followed and will give District best pricing). Will compare last year's printing versus new year's printing using the commodity report and our printing logs. Would like to capture 7085% of in-house printing; with the rest of printing being completed in-house, i.e., ISC's individual departmental copiers. 1. Provide more information District-wide about our services through workshops, e-mails and brochures. 2. Careful record-keeping of our orders and cross-referencing them to the records kept by Purchasing. 3. Departmental, area, a nod constituency meeting presentations. 4. More effective customer service through the addition of an additional staff member to handle customer service inquiries and better tracking of orders. 236 11000-51010 Publications 8.1 Publications To become the central point of printing (will allow us to make sure publications standards are followed and will give District best pricing). Will compare last year's printing versus new year's printing using the commodity report and our printing logs. Would like to capture 7085% of in-house printing; with the rest of printing being completed in-house, i.e., ISC's individual departmental copiers. 1. Provide more information District-wide about our services through workshops, e-mails and brochures. 2. Careful record-keeping of our orders and cross-referencing them to the records kept by Purchasing. 3. Departmental, area, a nod constituency meeting presentations. 4. More effective customer service through the addition of an additional staff member to handle customer service inquiries and better tracking of orders. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 45 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instruction Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Plan Title Objective Measure 42 11000-52123 Library - VV 7.1 Closed Circuit Television Security System for the Valle Verde Library Ensure the safety and security of the Valle Verde Library patrons, staff and dwindling library resources and materials. 43 11000-52123 Library - VV 7.1 VV Library Five Year Plan Create a V.V. Library Five Year Plan. 44 11000-52123 Library - VV 7.1 Weeding of the Valle Weed the Valle Verde Library Verde Library circulating collection. Collection Standard Strategies Completion date: October, Purchase and install the Closed Installation and use of the Closed Circuit Television Security Circuit Television Security System to 2003. System. provide a safer and more secure library environment. Reduction in the number of complaints and police The total cost of installing the reports generated by the library and Closed Circuit Television library patrons due to theft of personal Security System is $13,990. If a property, theft of library materials, student, patron or staff member is harassment of patrons by other assaulted, then EPCC's total cost patrons, verbal abuse of staff, could be ten times or more than inappropriate behavior (making out the initial cost of the system. Our on the floor), beer bottles, needles, patrons include little children, pornographic drawings on furniture, teenagers, young adults, adults semen on furniture, etc. and if one is ever abducted, molested or sexually assaulted, EPCC could be liable for damages. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Creation of the VV Library five year plan. Completion date: December, 2003. Create a V.V. Library Five Year Plan that will document the goals and priorities for 20032008. It will be a strategic and operational plan. This document will be an everchanging and action-oriented plan that will serve as the resource that will communicate and guide the direction of library over the next five years. Reduce material that is older than 10 years to approximately 77%. Run a report based on same criteria used for 10/18/02 report "Age of EPCC Campus Library Collections." Completion date: December, 2003. During the Summer and Fall of 2003, primary responsibility for weeding the collection is held by the Division Liaison librarians with the involvement of relevant Division faculty in the specific subject areas. The following general criteria are considered when discarding materials: obsolescence, superseded editions with no historical value, Page 46 of 137 11/21/2003 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instruction Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies poor physical condition, insufficient use or basic value, changing curricular needs. 91 11000-52125 Library - RG 1.1 Update Library Collection Provide adequate budget to upgrade Rio Grande Library Collection holdings. Current collection records indicate 82% of collection publication dates are over 10 years. Increase purchase of new materials to reach ultimate goal of 75% of collection with publication dates no more than 6 years. Weed out of date materials. Purchase appropriate materials to update collection. At an average cost of $82.25/item library could purchase 573 new items for the library collection. 91 11000-52125 Library - RG 2.1 Update Library Collection Provide adequate budget to upgrade Rio Grande Library Collection holdings. Current collection records indicate 82% of collection publication dates are over 10 years. Increase purchase of new materials to reach ultimate goal of 75% of collection with publication dates no more than 6 years. Weed out of date materials. Purchase appropriate materials to update collection. At an average cost of $82.25/item library could purchase 573 new items for the library collection. 91 11000-52125 Library - RG 8.1 Update Library Collection Provide adequate budget to upgrade Rio Grande Library Collection holdings. Current collection records indicate 82% of collection publication dates are over 10 years. Increase purchase of new materials to reach ultimate goal of 75% of collection with publication dates no more than 6 years. Weed out of date materials. Purchase appropriate materials to update collection. At an average cost of $82.25/item library could purchase 573 new items for the library collection. 92 11000-52125 Library - RG 2.1 Online Databases Maintain online database service at current level. Number of databases available to all students, both on and off campus. TexShare funding could be eliminated or reduced by state legislature beginning July 1, 2003. EPCC Libraries would need to increase spending to provide current level of instructional support. Increase funding to provide same level of academic support through online database availability. 92 11000-52125 Library - RG 8.1 Online Databases Maintain online database service at current level. Number of databases available to all students, both on and off campus. TexShare funding could be eliminated or reduced by state legislature beginning July 1, 2003. EPCC Libraries would need to increase spending to provide current level of instructional support. Increase funding to provide same level of academic support through online database availability. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 47 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instruction Plan No. 92 Budget Acct No Area 11000-52125 Library - RG EPCC Goal Plan Title 1.1 Online Databases No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Objective Measure Maintain online database service at current level. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of databases available to all students, both on and off campus. Standard TexShare funding could be eliminated or reduced by state legislature beginning July 1, 2003. EPCC Libraries would need to increase spending to provide current level of instructional support. 11/21/2003 Strategies Increase funding to provide same level of academic support through online database availability. Page 48 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Mission Del Paso Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 193 11000-13010 CD/Dean Inst Prog - MdP 1.1 Provide Funding to MDP disciplines Additional increase in funding is needed. Provide financial support to any discipline at MDP to ensure success in meeting its goals if current funding is inadequate. During the year when the Funds will be used from this supply budget is depleted account to address needs. the Dean's office will assist with funds to meet discipline goals. 194 11000-55319 Developmental Education- 1.1 MdP BASK To increase retention students enrolled in Reading, English, & Math class - should have access to the PLATO instructional system. Assign students enrolled in BASK reading to PLATO instructional program. Success will be measured by an increase in the number of students who pass the Reading section of TASP. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Students who complete PLATO will be tracked to determine if reading section in TASP was passed. Page 49 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 206 11000-13009 CD/Dean Inst Prog - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement To create partnerships with the Number of partnerships. Canutillo Independent School District and the City of El Paso to better serve the citizens of this region. Increase by 3% from Meet with appropriate personnel previous year's enrollment. to identify partnership possibilities. 207 11000-55213 Accounting - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 208 11000-55184 Art - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 209 11000-55333 Biology - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 210 11000-55800 Borderlands 2.1 Program Enhancement To continue to enhance student publication. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from College personnel will work previous year's enrollment. with the students in producing this publication. College support will be sought to 11/21/2003 Page 50 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies continue the publication on 40# vellum paper. The student publication printed materials will continue to be enhanced using 40# vellum paper. 211 24324-73251 Carl Perkins 6.1 Program Enhancement To maintain technology in classrooms at the Northwest Campus needed to support the programs being offered. To maintain the level of technology needed in Occupational Programs. Increase by 5% from Enhance technology to support previous year's enrollment. the Occupational Programs. 212 11000-55218 Computer Information NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 213 11000-55222 Court Reporting - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 214 11000-55318 Developmental Education - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 51 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 215 11000-55308 Economics - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 216 11000-55438 Education -NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 217 11000-55188 English - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 218 11000-55274 ESL - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 52 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies retention in this program. 219 11000-55298 Political Science - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 220 11000-55293 History - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 221 11000-55348 MATH - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2002-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 222 11000-55204 Music - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% previous year's enrollment. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Campus personnel will participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in Page 53 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 223 11000-52126 Library - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement To implement a new library Inventory all items in objectives and facility providing quality services strategies to ensure compliance. and resources to the NW students and community in order to establish an attractive and conducive environment for research and study at NW campus. Increase by 5% from Facilities: work closely with all previous year's enrollment. departments involved (architect construction, vendors, etc.) Collections: input from faculty. Staffing/Budgeting: seek parity and equity in funding. Moving/Installation: procedures/training in place. 224 11000-55288 Philosophy - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 225 11000-55283 Psychology - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 226 11000-55263 Reading - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this 11/21/2003 Page 54 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 24 Objective Measure Standard Strategies discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 227 11000-55303 Sociology -NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 228 11000-55268 Speech - NW 2.1 Program Enhancement Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use Enrollment Figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 2003-2004 and compare those figures to the previous year. Increase by 5% from Campus personnel will previous year's enrollment. participate in recruitment activities such as Career Days, High School visits and serve as speakers for classes to promote college offerings in this discipline. Faculty within this discipline will advise students in their classes in order to improve retention in this program. 231 11000-52100 AVP, Instructional Services 1.1 Associate Vice Increase instructional services for Increase instructional services. President, faculty, staff and students of Instructional Services EPCC district. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 5% increase. 11/21/2003 -Faculty development activities -Technology training sessions for faculty and staff -Distance Education Programs -ACS Lab Services -TV Production Services Page 55 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 195 11000-13012 Faculty Travel - TM 7.1 Faculty Travel Provide resources for faculty Provide faculty development and development and skills training opportunities for at least five enhancement for division faculty. faculty. Five or more faculty development activities funded. -Solicit interest -Identify needs -Provide administrative support 196 11000-55436 Education -TM 1.1 Equipment Laptop & LCD Projector for PowerPoint Presentations for all students. Access to labtop and LCD projector for all TM and FB EDUC 1300 fulltime and part-time faculty and students for PowerPoint trainings and presentations. Available at the beginning of Summer Session 1, 2004. For PowerPoint presentation by students otherwise must send students to computer lab to complete project. Objective in EDUC classes: Students must make a PowerPoint presentation. 196 11000-55436 Education -TM 6.1 Equipment Laptop & LCD Projector for PowerPoint Presentations for all students. Access to labtop and LCD projector for all TM and FB EDUC 1300 fulltime and part-time faculty and students for PowerPoint trainings and presentations. Available at the beginning of Summer Session 1, 2004. For PowerPoint presentation by students otherwise must send students to computer lab to complete project. Objective in EDUC classes: Students must make a PowerPoint presentation. 196 11000-55436 Education -TM 5.1 Equipment Laptop & LCD Projector for PowerPoint Presentations for all students. Access to labtop and LCD projector for all TM and FB EDUC 1300 fulltime and part-time faculty and students for PowerPoint trainings and presentations. Available at the beginning of Summer Session 1, 2004. For PowerPoint presentation by students otherwise must send students to computer lab to complete project. Objective in EDUC classes: Students must make a PowerPoint presentation. 197 11000-55396 Electronics-TM 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase Enrollment. Increase in the number of new students. 6 students. Advertising Recruit Employers Minimal Release Time 198 11000-55341 Geology-TM 1.1 Transmountain Geology Computer Lab To increase quality of Geology instruction and student interest by upgrading existing Geology computer facilities. Student surveys. Current survey results. Purchase 4 new basic iMac computers to replace 20 year old Macs. iMacs are necessary to run unique software already owned that is only compatible with the Mac OS. New computers will replace machines that have reached the end of their useful lifetimes as well as allow the addition of tutorial films and the running of new software that will not work on the older machines. The computers required (iMac OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 56 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Measure Standard Strategies 600/SN/256/40/CD/LL) cost approximately $850 each (shipping included). The Maconly software currently owned includes a Geologic history of El Paso as well as tutorials on minerals, rocks, fossils, earthquakes, glaciers, and many more. 199 11000-55416 Heat/Vent/AC-TM 5.1 Develop a Quality Workforce Attract develop and retain a quality workforce. To aid students in troubleshooting and 7:1 Ratio per student per equipment. wiring special circuits and to give more students time on trainers. 1. Heat Pump Trainer Supplier: Broadhead & Garret Part#: 12574636 2. Control Board Trainer Part#: CAT12590384 Part#: 9215A Contact: Jan Karchella, Customer Representative 1-800529-7351 Ext. 1473 200 11000-55331 Biology-TM 7.1 Store Flammable Chemicals Provide safe storage space for flammable chemicals. Safe storage of flammable chemicals. Storage in flammables cabinet. Installation of a vented flammables cabinet. 201 11000-55346 Math-TM 1.1 Improve Improve student results in Developmental Math developmental math courses. Courses Since the developmental math courses are often a stumbling block for the student-and some students drop out of college because they are not successful-a better understanding of the material being taught should help with the EPCC retention effort. This will be difficult to measure, since students are allowed to transfer from campus to campus. If possible, I would like to try some pre and post testing of students-which could be expanded to other campuses if successful. Students will have a better understanding of the material (and instructors will have a better understanding of how to teach the material)-This cannot be done overnight, nor at just one campus, but it can be started. Possibly start some pre-and post testing. Definitely start screening students to see if they are placed in the correct classes. (Hopefully Banner will be doing this soon). Look at the placement testing, and try to decide if it corresponds to the proper course levels. And finally, have a faculty workshop to expose the math faculty at TM to methods of critical thinking, and how to get the students to think critically. It would also be nice to have some training for the math tutors-but, that costs money. 202 11000-52124 Library - TM 7.1 Each TM Library employee will attend at 11/21/2003 Convene TM Library employees during Spring 2003 and develop Page 57 of 137 TM Library Strategic To develop TM Library strategic Compare number of Library staff Plan plan to identify needs and attending workshops. Compare rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 243 Instruction Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Objective Measure Standard Strategies priorities for 1-Staff training, and collection against ACRL standard 2-Collection development. with college's of similar size. least one workshop. Collection will be at the ACRL minimum level. strategic plan that identifies staff training needs and collection weaknesses. 203 11000-55414 Culinary Arts-TM 8.1 Recipe Database Student recipes need to be Complete, indexed database of indexed, organized and formatted. student recipes. To be completed by November 2003. Purchase a culinary software set to enter, store and standardize the presentation of the recipes. 204 12205-73243 Culinary Arts 8.1 Cookbook Produce a well written and useful Finished text. cookbook that the students will test, train and use as a fundraiser. Book should be finished by May at 2004. Use of digital camera as well as current computer equipment will be used, along with PDA's to help develop the book. 205 11000-55400 Fashion Tech-TM 2.1 Design Competition Enrollment was very high this year, nearing capacity. We will work to keep enrollment strong. Keep enrollment to at least In order to keep enrollment high, 80% of capacity. the Fashion Technology program will work with area high schools, especially the Fashion Design program at EPISD Center for Career and Technology Education. The EPCC Fashion Technology program will develop and sponsor an apparel design competition which allows high school students to participate. We will also meet with high school students several times throughout the year, inviting students to join our design competition and working with high school teachers to encourage participation. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan How many students participate in competition and how many high school enroll in the Fashion Technology program. 11/21/2003 Page 58 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Associate Vice President, Employee Relations Plan No. 20 Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal 11000-11107 AVP Employee Relations 5.1 & Development Plan Title Sick Leave Pool Program Refinement of Implementation No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Objective Measure To refine the processing and communication during the application, approval, and benefit award between the employee, the supervisor, the Employee Benefits Office, the Payroll Office, and the Employee Relations Department, coordinated by the Employee Relations Department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan The facilitation of communication between all parties, with the Employee Relations Department taking the lead role. Standard More effective communication and the facilitation of the benefit award. 11/21/2003 Strategies 1. Draft procedures to assure inter-departmental coordination between offices and between the Employee Relations Department and supervisors. 2. Coordinate with Personnel Services to identify employees eligible for the program. 3. Provide information and promote the benefit through employee associations. 4. Work with employees to determine eligibility and assist in the process. Page 59 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 15 Measure Standard Strategies 2 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 6.1 Desktop Publishing Specialist To bring the Internal College To implement timely changes of Directory up to date and integrate employee's status and location in the photos to keep employees online internal photo directory. informed of where employees are located and what they are doing. New By facilitating the ongoing process of reporting an employee's entrance into the College or move within the College and directing the employee to have a picture taken, the information in the directory will be current and accurate. 2 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 5.1 Desktop Publishing Specialist To bring the Internal College To implement timely changes of Directory up to date and integrate employee's status and location in the photos to keep employees online internal photo directory. informed of where employees are located and what they are doing. New By facilitating the ongoing process of reporting an employee's entrance into the College or move within the College and directing the employee to have a picture taken, the information in the directory will be current and accurate. 2 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 7.1 Desktop Publishing Specialist To bring the Internal College To implement timely changes of Directory up to date and integrate employee's status and location in the photos to keep employees online internal photo directory. informed of where employees are located and what they are doing. New By facilitating the ongoing process of reporting an employee's entrance into the College or move within the College and directing the employee to have a picture taken, the information in the directory will be current and accurate. 2 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Desktop Publishing Specialist To bring the Internal College To implement timely changes of Directory up to date and integrate employee's status and location in the photos to keep employees online internal photo directory. informed of where employees are located and what they are doing. New By facilitating the ongoing process of reporting an employee's entrance into the College or move within the College and directing the employee to have a picture taken, the information in the directory will be current and accurate. 6 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Marketing and External Affairs Contribute to the District's efforts Increase the proportion of the target Percentage of increase. to increase enrollment. audience that is aware of EPCC and understands the strengths and benefits rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Support promoting the campuses individually and particularly the struggling Page 60 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 15 Objective Measure Standard Strategies occupational programs so EPCC may remain competitive with other career and occupational learning institutions. of attending EPCC. Implement a much more aggressive promotional and marketing campaign through advertising, radio, TV, print, electronic media, web page development, billboards, and creating relations with media entities and community organizations. 6 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 7.1 Marketing and External Affairs Contribute to the District's efforts Increase the proportion of the target Percentage of increase. to increase enrollment. audience that is aware of EPCC and understands the strengths and benefits of attending EPCC. Support promoting the campuses individually and particularly the struggling occupational programs so EPCC may remain competitive with other career and occupational learning institutions. Implement a much more aggressive promotional and marketing campaign through advertising, radio, TV, print, electronic media, web page development, billboards, and creating relations with media entities and community organizations. 6 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 2.1 Marketing and External Affairs Contribute to the District's efforts Increase the proportion of the target Percentage of increase. to increase enrollment. audience that is aware of EPCC and understands the strengths and benefits of attending EPCC. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Support promoting the campuses individually and particularly the struggling occupational programs so EPCC may remain competitive with other career and occupational learning institutions. Implement a much more Page 61 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 15 Objective Measure Standard Strategies aggressive promotional and marketing campaign through advertising, radio, TV, print, electronic media, web page development, billboards, and creating relations with media entities and community organizations. 14 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Special Events Coordinator To refine the process for renting space and services to the community for the Conference Center at the Administrative Service Center in order to serve as a resource for the community and a community relations person from the College, always striving to create a strong, positive image. 18 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Webmaster 18 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 6.1 18 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 19 11000-14001 AVP Marketing The College Procedure, Section: V. Facilities, Board Policy: 5.02.01 Use of Conference Centers at Administrative Services Center. Learn more about time lines for set-ups, media needs and whatever is necessary to better identify the needs of the requestor, and provide information to the requestor regarding what is available and the necessary charges to best serve the District and community. Create a new interactive Web site Increase external web traffic. to attract and aid the community, new students, current students, staff and faculty to El Paso Community College programs and services. Online hits per month. By creating and establishing new online services will help the students, community and employees by giving them access to online programs, information and classes. Webmaster Create a new interactive Web site Increase external web traffic. to attract and aid the community, new students, current students, staff and faculty to El Paso Community College programs and services. Online hits per month. By creating and establishing new online services will help the students, community and employees by giving them access to online programs, information and classes. 2.1 Webmaster Create a new interactive Web site Increase external web traffic. to attract and aid the community, new students, current students, staff and faculty to El Paso Community College programs and services. Online hits per month. By creating and establishing new online services will help the students, community and employees by giving them access to online programs, information and classes. 6.1 Webmaster Create an informational portal Increase our Intranet web traffic. that can only be accessed through Online hits per month. The development of the new Intranet will help in the growth OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Frequency of returning businesses to use our facilities, based on Conference Center Facilities Request Forms. 11/21/2003 Page 62 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 15 Objective Measure Standard the EPCC Network to establish an online community for EPCC employees. An example of the Intranet online feature will be the online employee picture directory. Strategies and information distribution for all employees of El Paso Community College. 19 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Webmaster Create an informational portal Increase our Intranet web traffic. that can only be accessed through the EPCC Network to establish an online community for EPCC employees. An example of the Intranet online feature will be the online employee picture directory. Online hits per month. The development of the new Intranet will help in the growth and information distribution for all employees of El Paso Community College. 21 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Coordinator, Marketing & External Affairs Increase significantly the exposure of our programs and achievements in the local media including radio, TV and newspapers. not-applicable I will work closer with CSA, PSA. Faculty Assoc. and department deans to remind them about the importance of letting us know about their events at least three weeks before they happen. The media needs our press releases in their newsroom two weeks in advance. Monitor the local media including radio, TV and newspapers to check results. I also need to re-establish my contacts, which I have been doing, with the assignment editors at all five local TV stations. They are changed often and I need to address my future press releases directly to them. I also need to work closer with the El Paso Times since they also change education reporters and editors often. 51 11000-14001 AVP Marketing 8.1 Marketing & External Affairs Create a strong, positive market image as the college in the community. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase the proportion of the community that feels favorably about EPCC. Surveys 11/21/2003 Promote the successes of students, faculty and staff through all means of media. Page 63 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Director, Foundation and Diversity Plan No. 3 3 4 Budget Acct No Area 11000-52500 Diversity Programs 11000-52500 Diversity Programs 11000-52500 Diversity Programs EPCC Goal Plan Title 7.1 Diversity Program 8.1 1.1 Diversity Program Diversity Program No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard To continue to provide workshops/training by which college students, employees and the community can interact and become aware of the many facets of diversity. Increase participation by Identification of listings of 5% more than last year. community contacts, college employees, and students that attend or participate in the activities/training. To continue to provide workshops/training by which college students, employees and the community can interact and become aware of the many facets of diversity. Increase participation by Identification of listings of 5% more than last year. community contacts, college employees, and students that attend or participate in the activities/training. To provide a vehicle of understanding, interaction and a greater awareness of diversity through workshops/training for EPCC students, employees and the community. Identification of the number of past participants, attendees, speakers, vendors, etc. as compared to previous year. Strategies Identification of students for the Diversity Leadership training sessions through faculty/staff referrals. Hispanic Heritage Month (support of others). Identification of students for the Diversity Leadership training sessions through faculty/staff referrals. Hispanic Heritage Month (support of others). Increase the number of participants by 100. Identification of students and other participants for the training/other cultural activities through faculty staff/community referrals. Development of working committees (such as Hispanic Heritage Committee). 4 11000-52500 Diversity Programs 8.1 Diversity Program To provide a vehicle of understanding, interaction and a greater awareness of diversity through workshops/training for EPCC students, employees and the community. Identification of the number of past participants, attendees, speakers, vendors, etc. as compared to previous year. Increase the number of participants by 100. Identification of students and other participants for the training/other cultural activities through faculty staff/community referrals. Development of working committees (such as Hispanic Heritage Committee). 5 11000-11103 Foundation 1.1 Campaign 500 To increase the awareness and visibility of the El Paso Community College Foundation to the College and the El Paso Community by raising donations for scholarships. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Continuation of identifying potential donors, the number of donors contacted, and the amount raised by the end of the fiscal year. The standard will be the comparison of the listings, the amounts raised in the previous years. 11/21/2003 Donors lists will be contacted, new donors listings will be developed and alumni listings will continue to be developed and contacted via software system. Page 64 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 7 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 7.1 360-Degree Performance Appraisal Training Development and implementation of a 360-degree measurement and performance appraisal system for all full-time administrative, professional, and classified staff. Target population: Train 100% of staff in the process by August 31, 2003. 8 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 5.1 "Who Moved My Cheese" Facilitation of "Who Moved My Cheese" at the Annual Staff Retreat. Administer program evaluation survey 62 EPCC employees. to staff participants to obtain feedback to determine if program objectives were met. 1. Coordination and collaboration with staff retreat facilitation team. 2. Finalize staff retreat agenda. 3. Meet with staff retreat facilitation team to develop interactive program plan. 4. Meet with staff retreat facilitation team to select participants. 5. Meet with staff retreat participants to orient and answer questions concerning retreat. 9 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 7.1 EPCC Centralized Training Tracking System Development and implementation of a centralized training tracking system for EPCC. Identification of the tracking systems One Centralized Training currently used by various departments. Tracking System. 1. Create a centralized training tracking team composed of key department heads to brainstorm on how to best create and implement this tracking system. 2. Coordinate with Information Technology department to develop or utilize Banner to track campus-wide training. 3. Have department heads input training data into the system on a monthly basis. 10 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 5.1 "Connections" and "Advanced "Connections" and "Advanced Connections": Implementation Identify the number of staff who attended the first part of Connections. -Prepare training schedule of employees who did not attend OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 100% of staff. 100% of full-time staffClassified, Professional, 11/21/2003 1. Coordination and input from the 360-degree performance appraisal team. 2. Coordination and interface with Information Technology department. 3. Conduct "trains-the-trainer" workshops. Three trainers assist in the implementation. 4. Development and announcement of rollout training schedule. Page 65 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Connections" Training and training sessions for the balance of staff personnel who have not attended the initial presentations. Invite participants who have attended the first part to attend the "Advanced Connections" version. Standard Strategies and Administrative Staff. first part of Connections. -Send out announcements and invitations to promote and register staff personnel. -Conduct the three, two-hour training sessions. -Prepare training schedule for Advanced Connections. -Send out announcements and invitations to promote and register staff personnel. -Conduct the three, two-hour sessions. 11 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 5.1 New Hire Employee Orientation New Hire - quarterly orientation. Identification of May and August 2003 new hires. Expected new hires by Aug. 2003 -Coordinate with orientation presenters. -Develop schedule and program. -Invite and send out notices to new hires of new hire orientation. 12 11000-52149 Human Resources Development 5.1 EPCC Toastmaster International Club Create and organize an EPCC Toastmasters Club that will develop and grow the public speaking potential of faculty, staff and employees. (3 x 50 = 150) 150 speaking and leadership contributions from club participants by August, 2004. 30 EPCC Employees -Meet with local Toastmasters Leadership to obtain program information on how to start a club. -Develop and present mini workshops to interested employees on the benefits of professional public speaking, platform, and presentation skills. -Register and submit club members to Toastmaster International. -Meet weekly to develop club members. 16 11000-42801 International Programs 2.1 Increase Enrollment Increase enrollment of International Students by 10%. Number of students enrolled. Will be set by the number of new participants. Increase marketing with funding source. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 66 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Director, International Education Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 15 11000-42801 International Programs 8.1 Marketing of CASS Program Disseminate the quality of CASS Programs to other institutions. Number of presentations during the year. (5) Standard will be determined by the number of presentations set during the year. Contact other institutions within the U.S. and outside the U.S. 17 11000-42801 International Programs 8.1 International Education Program Purchase 6 computers in order to do the following: -To enhance the services offered by EPCC to the CASS program in order to provide opportunities for the CASS students to learn to research using the internet and be able to communicate with their home countries while they are at EPCC. Increase availability of access to information in rural health area through technology. Percentage of students using the new technology. 85% Purchase of six computers for the CASS Program. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 67 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President Director, Public Relations Plan No. 13 Budget Acct No Area 11000-11101 Public Relations EPCC Goal 8.1 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Plan Title Media Objective Measure To enhance college image with media and college employee conference/workshop. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Attendees survey. Standard Increase understanding of working media/college employee comprehension. 11/21/2003 Strategies Conduct workshop/conference with news directors/college administration and staff/students. Page 68 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 33 President President Plan No. 1 1 Budget Acct No Area 11000-11000 President's Office 11000-11000 President's Office EPCC Goal Plan Title 8.1 EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project 2.1 EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure Continue the EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project to garner internal and external support and bring the contributions to make scholarships available to students interested in pursuing a career in the arts. Promote awareness of the many different pathways to success and excellence available through higher education by motivating our students and local youth in our community to participate in different Collegesponsored arts events/activities. Plan and organize events/activities, increase scholarship fund donations, and award scholarships to students as part of the EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project. Continue the EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project to garner internal and external support and bring the contributions to make scholarships available to students interested in pursuing a career in the arts. Promote awareness of the many different pathways to success and excellence available through higher education by motivating our students and local youth in our community to participate in different Collegesponsored arts events/activities. Plan and organize events/activities, increase scholarship fund donations, and award scholarships to students as part of the EPCC "Salutes the Arts" Project. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Standard Number of donations received and scholarships awarded. Strategies Meet with external community leaders/VIPs to promote the College and the arts project, garner support, and bring in donations. Meet with educational leaders from area school districts to garner their support and their student's participation in various art project activities throughout the fiscal year. Number of donations received and scholarships awarded. Meet with external community leaders/VIPs to promote the College and the arts project, garner support, and bring in donations. Meet with educational leaders from area school districts to garner their support and their student's participation in various art project activities throughout the fiscal year. 11/21/2003 Page 69 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 258 24301-73251 Carl Perkins Administration-General 7.1 Carl Perkins AdministrationGeneral All externally funded projects of one year or more should use the EPCC Effectiveness Planning Process. Currently, some grants provide the requested Effectiveness Planning document and some do not, at least not timely. 100% of Carl Perkins projects first; then all other externally funded projects will develop EPCC Effectiveness Plans on the same timeline as institutional budget heads. Externally funded Budget Heads will be included in the training workshops provided to other budget heads. At least one "special" workshop for externally funded budget heads will be conducted by the Office of Planning in coordination with the Office of Grants Management. In addition, oneon-one information and advisement will be provided by the Office of Grants Management. 259 11000-32200 Supported Programs Management 7.1 Grants Management Planned Growth Increase external funding awards and renewals to EPCC. Increase external funding. Annual aggregate total of awards and renewals will be increased by 10% by August 31, 2004. -Grants management will increase staff time spent on researching potential funding sources, with a resultant increase in the number of grant alerts issues, with a special emphasis on potential corporate and private foundation sources. -On a bi-weekly basis, provide the College President, VicePresidents, and Deans a listing of summaries of potential funding sources available, and request these recipients to return this listing indicating whether any should be pursued and the faculty or staff assigned to work with Grants Management on application development. -Provide four 2-hour grants workshops during the year, which will be directed at EPCC faculty and staff; and which will promote interest in grants and generally cover availability of external funding the EPCC OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 70 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies policies and procedures governing the grants process, and the role and availability services of EPCC's Office of Grants Management. (This is an increase of two over the present level of these workshops). 260 11000-32200 Supported Programs Management 261 11000-32200 Supported Programs Management 7.1 Grants Management Planned Growth 7.1 Grants Management Planned Growth Develop a comprehensive EPCC external funding priority plan. A priority plan for the development of Grant awards received by EPCC in 2003-2004 will external funding will be established. be more in line with an established external funding priorities plan which is consistent with the College's mission and vision for current and future development; and which plan is approved by the President and the Vice Presidents (awards are presently too opportunistic, rather than as a result of planning). Increase the number of EPCC Increase in the number of offices, staff, and faculty across offices/disciplines involved in grant all disciplines and services who development and funding. are involved in the grants process, and significantly increase their capabilities to rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The number of EPCC offices/disciplines receiving external funding support will have increased by 25% by August 31, 2004. 11/21/2003 -Based on identification of funding needs priorities established by the College President, Vice-Presidents, and Deans, by December 31, 2003, the Office of Grants Management will develop an "EPCC External Funding Priorities Plan" for approval of the President and the Vice Presidents; which plan will then be used to better focus efforts to identify and apply for external funding. -Upon approval of the plan, the Office of Grants Management will focus its efforts according to the priorities established within the plan. -The Office of Grants Management will submit to the President and Administrative Team members quarterly reports describing the degree to which efforts and results have achieved the plan's goals during the reporting period (year-to-date). -The Office of Grants Management will conduct a minimum of two intensive grantsmanship courses (1 to 2 full days) for EPCC faculty and staff: which courses will cover Page 71 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard locate appropriate funding sources and acquire grant funding. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Strategies funding sources, application/proposal development (needs, objectives, methodologies, budget development, and evaluation systems), general grant standards (EPCC, OMB, state, and local), management of grant programs (personnel, accounting, facilities, and property management), and reporting. -The Office of Grants Management will refine its funding search and grants alert system to: a) reach a greater number of faculty and staff, b) acquire greater input from EPCC faculty and staff on areas of funding needs, and c) focus funding searches and application efforts on identified EPCC priorities. -The Office of Grants Management will research and develop a grant-specific "fact book" that will include current general and specific data and information that can be readily used by EPCC staff and faculty in development of grants (needs statements, goals and objectives, methodologies selections, and baselines for grant evaluation components. -To make the grants process generally more visible, the Office of Grants Management will publish a quarterly newspaper that will cover EPCC grant activities (awards, 11/21/2003 Page 72 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies renewals, notable accomplishments, etc.) potential funding opportunities, and information useful to staff and faculty involved in the grant process (internal management procedures and changes, training and workshop agenda and schedules, and other matters of interest.) 262 11000-32200 Supported Programs Management 7.1 Grants Management Planned Growth Increase accuracy and reduce the Standards for review and turnaround time required to complete of grant expenditure and budget administrative actions required to actions will be established. support management of active grants. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Accounting and budget actions needed to support EPCC's active grants will be completed more timely and corrective actions will be significantly reduced. 11/21/2003 -Banner policies, procedures, and delegations will be jointly reviewed by the Office of Grants Management and Budget/Accounting to ascertain the most efficient processing system that will permit faster Banner entries and fewer incidents of errors, while remaining consistent with the established system of checks and balances. -As required, staff of Grants Management will receive formal Banner training needed to implement an enhanced grant processing system in Banner. Page 73 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure 251 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 7.1 Facilitate Effectiveness Planning Process 252 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 7.1 Operational Planning Train College budget heads and Training & Support, administrators in the El Paso District Wide Community College District in operational planning techniques to facilitate continuous improvement (Effectiveness Plans). Facilitate College-wide operational planning for continuous improvement via Effectiveness Planning Process. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 rpt0304IEPlan Annual planning process in February/March of fiscal year for coming fiscal year completed successfully. Standard Completion of Effectiveness plans by all College areas as part of annual planning process, with measurable objectives, standards, and viable strategies for each Area. Number of training sessions held with Meet with 100% of all College Areas and at least College Areas and Budget Heads. 95% of all College budget heads to hold Planning training sessions. This is a 10 percent increase in direct assistance to individual budget heads from last fiscal year. 11/21/2003 Strategies -Meet with each College Area prior to formal planning period to discuss process, deadlines and concerns. -Provide an updated planning guide for fiscal year to each budget head and planning forms with clear instructions. -Develop examples of specific potential objectives, measures and standards that can be used by Areas. -Provide extensive training in operational planning and objective writing to a core group of planning facilitators that can assist in each Area during planning period. -Vice Presidential areas, the President's area, and budget heads assigned to these administrators to be visited by Planning Director and staff. -Individual meetings with budget heads in each Areas to provide technical assistance in writing objectives, measures and standards will be held. -Develop extensive Objective Writing and Assessment training Syllabi. -Train a core group of Planning Facilitators in each College Area to serve as contact points for Effectiveness Planning. Work on extensive skills development in writing objectives, measuring outcomes, and reporting Use of Results. -Hold Effectiveness Planning Page 74 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Standard Strategies meetings with each Instructional Dean and Instructional Coordinators reporting to each Dean. 253 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 7.1 Strategic Plan Update-Streamline Process Formalize and streamline annual review of District-wide strategic planning goals and update of College's Strategic Plan in cooperation with the Vice President of Research and Development and the President's office. Review and revision, as necessary, of District-wide strategic goals by College administrators. -Formal annual process in place for strategic plan review/revisions. -Completed/Updated Strategic Plan in place, with any necessary additional strategic goals adopted by College administration and inserted into strategic plan by end of fiscal year. -Better understanding of Strategic Plan and its use by College administrators. -Initiate annual review of District-wide Strategic Goals by College administrators, in cooperation with the President's office. -Meet the President and Cabinet to review current Strategic, District-wide goals. -Train & Facilitate all College administrators in use of strategic goals/importance of strategic plan at a work session hosted by President and Cabinet. -Coordinate discussion and adoption of strategic goals by the President and Cabinet. -Revise strategic plan goals and make available via print, Website, planning guide, posters, etc. for College-wide awareness and operational planning action by budget heads. - 254 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 7.1 Site Improvement Planning Assessment/Use of Results Report Prepare a Site Improvement Plan Assessment/Use of Results Report to exemplify accountability and effective use of College funds. Submission of Site Improvement Plans Assessment/Use of Results report for prior fiscal years to College upper administration. 100% of Site Improvement Plans (formerly Unit Improvement Plans) accounted for in report, with use of outcomes and benefits to College reported. -Identify all plans previously funded under Unit Improvement Planning Process and under newly named Site Improvement Process. -Identify all types of purchases made with College funds. -Provide Assessment instrument to all who have received funds under this process. -Prepare Assessment/Use of Results report for College upper administration for accountability Page 75 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Standard Strategies and identification of recurring College needs. 255 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 8.1 Community Planning Provide quality Initiatives community/strategic planning sessions and training in support of EPCC's mission with: College constituency groups, other educational organizations, community-based groups to broaden student and support organization base of College. Sessions held with positive feedback and evaluations from participants with tangible outcomes as a result of sessions. At least 3 community planning sessions per fiscal year, with written report/outcomes provided. -Work with educational organizations and community groups to provide technical assistance and support for planning initiatives. -Train others in facilitation techniques and planning strategies. -Promote EPCC programs in support of community initiatives. -Train and involve College personnel where appropriate to showcase expertise and talent of EPCC staff. -Draft reports and provide assistance in strategic planning efforts. -Provide technical assistance and facilitation support for the development of a strategic plan for the Lower Valley (Mission Valley in cooperation with Mission Train Association & Senator Shapleigh's office. 256 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning 7.1 Assessment of College Operational Objectives Assessment Report prepared and distributed to all College administrators and budget heads. Self-assessments and Use of Results prepared by at least 100% of all Districtwide administrators and budget heads. -Actively facilitate Assessment process for use by College decision-makers. -Continue training and technical assistance to administrators and budget heads in Assessment reporting. -Provide use of specific examples and information tools as needed to assist in Assessment process. -Prepare Assessment Report and disseminate to all College decision-makers. Page 76 of 137 Provide annual Assessment reporting of College-wide operational planning objectives (Effectiveness Plans) in cooperation with all College budget heads to facilitate accountability and decisionmaking efforts. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. 257 Budget Acct No Area 11000-33010 Institutional & Community Planning EPCC Goal Plan Title 7.1 Instructional Administrator Training on Data Needs/Usage No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Provide training for College Instructional Administrators on types and uses of data for Planning to assist in decisionmaking and assessment. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 rpt0304IEPlan Completed training session on types of data needed for effective planning and measurable objectives. Standard Meet with 100% of all College Instructional Deans to hold training session and follow-up survey in cooperation with Vice President for Research and Development and Director of Research. 11/21/2003 Strategies -Work with Vice President of Research & Development and Research Director, as well as Institutional Effectiveness Director to plan Data Needs and Use Training for all Instructional Deans. -Prepare to discuss content and data analysis issues. -Identify most commonly needed data sets. -Identify longitudinal data needed. -Identify areas where comparative data will be needed on ongoing basis. -Follow-up with survey to finalize data needs and achieve concensus. Page 77 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional Effectiveness Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 263 11000-34000 Institutional Effectiveness 7.1 Administrative Review Develop and implement an Administrative Review Process. Preparation of an Administrative Review Report. Annually by February 1. Develop a College procedure for the process. 264 11000-34000 Institutional Effectiveness 7.1 Tracking Standing Committee Recommendations Develop and implement a mechanism for regularly informing the President of the recommendations of College committees. Submission of reports. At least one report during each Fall, Spring and Summer semester. Periodically contact committees chairs for information to be placed into a database. 265 11000-34000 Institutional Effectiveness 7.1 Evaluating the Develop and implement a process Preparation of a report. Quality of for evaluating Instructional Instructional Services Services. Annually by March 1. Work with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Services to develop a process for evaluating the services. 266 11000-34000 Institutional Effectiveness 7.1 Evaluating the Quality of Student Services Develop and implement a process Preparation of a report. for evaluating Student Services. Annually by March 1. Work with the Vice President of Student Services to develop a process for evaluating the services. 267 11000-34000 Institutional Effectiveness 7.1 Evaluating the Quality of Auxiliary Services Develop and implement a process Preparation of a report. for evaluating Auxiliary Services. Annually by March 1. Work with the Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services to develop a process for evaluating the services. 377 11000-42511 Drivers Education Drivers Education Replace three (3) Drivers Education Vehicles. Vehicles with high mileage need replacement. 6.1 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Equipment replacement for safety and Acquire three new training Standard periodic equipment instructional effectiveness. vehicles. replacement. 11/21/2003 Page 78 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional Research Plan No. 409 Budget Acct No Area 11000-34002 Institutional Research EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Title Complete Testing of CBM Reports No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Objective Measure Complete Testing of CBM Reports including modifications to meet new legislative requirements. All reports run from the Reports Menu. Standard Accurate reports delivered on time. Strategies Coordinate with SCT, Texas Connection and College offices. Test the CBM report generation process. Validate the CBM reports. 410 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Prepare Reports to Federal/State Agencies Coordinate, organize and prepare Prepare reports. reports to Federal and State agencies. Reports prepared on schedule and with 100% accuracy. Identify data sources, extract information, and generate reports after verifying accuracy. Prepared IPEDS reports. Prepared LBB reports. 411 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Ensure Faculty Evaluations are Conducted Ensure Faculty Evaluations are conducted and create on-line courses. Faculty Evaluations Reports. Reports prepared before the end of each long semester. Coordinate process with credit and non-credit administrators. 412 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Coordinate with all Counseling Departments Obtain results of counseling performance. Produce data. Analysis conducted each semester. Coordinate with all counseling departments. Produce, conduct, analyze new student orientation, counselor performance and career planning surveys. 413 11000-34002 Institutional Research 1.1 Coordinate with Instructional Deans Facilitate CB 116 collection of student outcome data. CB116 data provided to THECB. Accurate data provided on time annually. Coordinate with instructional deans. Coordinate with Office of Co-op Education and Job Placement. 414 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Coordinate with Grants Management Office Provide data required to facilitate Data is available. grant proposals. Data produced as needed on time. Coordinate with Grants Management Office. 415 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Report Information on Program Review Organize and report information on program review. Implement program review for continuing education programs. Update data annually. Coordinate with Institutional Effectiveness committees and Institutional Effectiveness Office. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Program Review Information. 11/21/2003 Develop data reports. Page 79 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 416 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Promote the Effectiveness of College Units Promote the effectiveness of all College Units - Unit Review. Provide data for unit review. Update data annually. Provide performance data to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Institutional Effectiveness committees. 417 11000-34002 Institutional Research 8.1 Disseminate Information to the Community Disseminate Information to the community. Update Fact Book/EPCC Today. Update annually. Revise the College Fact Book and publish it in print and electronically. Revise, print and disseminate Pocket Stats. 418 11000-34002 Institutional Research 1.1 Provide Population Data for CBM Reports Provide special population data for CBM reports and College community. Produce Data. Collect data from 70% of students each semester. Coordinate with instructional disciplines. Conduct and analyze Student Survey. 419 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Coordinate with College Offices Develop and analyze surveys for Produce survey results. College community, and integrate data into college databases. 420 11000-34002 Institutional Research 8.1 Disseminate Enrollment Information Disseminate Enrollment Information. 421 11000-34002 Institutional Research 8.1 Develop Ad-hoc Data Develop ad-hoc data reports for Reports for the the college community and College Community external businesses/schools/agencies. Reports developed. Accurate reports delivered on time. Coordinate with Information Coordinating Council. 422 11000-34002 Institutional Research 1.1 Create Program Create program extracts from Extracts from Banner Banner for student tracking. Build current semester file. Update each term. Coordinate with LONESTAR Group. Produce results on time. Coordinate with College offices. Update data each semester Develop, revise and update College enrollment trends and projections posted on College website. after each 12th class day of reports on the College's website. long term. Update enrollment by the 12th class and present as unofficial; at the end of each semester replace with official manner. Update active cohort files. Coordinate with Information Technology. 423 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Process Drop, Process Drop, Graduate and Graduate and Leavers Leavers surveys. Surveys OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Conduct and analyze survey. Conduct Drop survey each Coordinate with college offices. semester. Analyze results. 11/21/2003 Page 80 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Conduct Graduate and Leavers survey annually. 424 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Process Employee Evaluation Surveys Process employee surveys. Conduct and analyze survey. Conduct surveys annually. Distribute survey forms to employees. Analyze results. 425 11000-34002 Institutional Research 7.1 Coordinate with Develop applications for College College Departments departments for data collection relating to Institutional Research functions. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Develop the applications. Applications run correctly and developed on time. 11/21/2003 Coordinate with College departments. Page 81 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Research and Development Vice President, Research and Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 38 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Objective Measure Standard Strategies By February 1, 2004. Coordinate the design and composition of the Administrative Office Review Process. Facilitate the preparation and Preparation and submission of submission of EPCC Response to response document. SACS recommendations. Within 5 (five) months of the visit. Coordinate with all College areas. Staff will attend approved staff development activities. One per year. Staff/supervisor will identify training needs. 248 11000-12004 VP Research & Development 7.1 Administrative Office Effectiveness Review Implement and report on Administrative Office Effectiveness Review. 249 11000-12004 VP Research & Development 7.1 SACS Recommendations 250 11000-12004 VP Research & Development 5.1 Staff Development Activities OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Preparation of Report on Administration Office Effectiveness. Attendance at development activity. 11/21/2003 Page 82 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 299 11000-72001 Mail Services 6.1 Mail Equipment Upgrade technology of mail metering and accounting equipment. Replace 2 each metering with technology to network metering and accounting data. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment with charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment. 300 11000-72010 Shipping & Receiving 6.1 Mail Equipment Upgrade technology of mail metering and accounting equipment. Replace 2 each metering machines with technology to network metering and accounting data. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment with charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment. 301 11000-72003 Instr Svc Ctr. - VV 6.1 Up-Grade Copy Equipment Upgrade technology of copy Replace 2 each analog copier for machines and network equipment. copiers with digital technology and network capability at VV ISC. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment using charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment upon receipt. 302 11000-72004 Instr Svc Ctr. - TM 6.1 Up-Grade Copier Equipment Upgrade technology of copy Replace 2 each analog copier for machines and network equipment. copiers with digital technology and network capability at TM ISC. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment using charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment upon receipt. 303 11000-72005 Instr Svc Ctr. - RG 6.1 Up-Grade Copier Equipment Replace 2 each analog copiers for Upgrade technology of copy machines and network equipment. copier with digital technology and network capability at RG ISC. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment using charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment upon receipt. 304 11000-72006 Instr Svc Ctr. - NW 6.1 Up-Grade Copier Equipment Upgrade technology of copy Replace 1 each analog copier for machines and network equipment. copier with digital technology and network capability. 100% replacement of equipment. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment using charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 83 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Objective Measure Standard Strategies prompt delivery. Install equipment upon receipt. 305 11000-72007 Instr Svc Ctr. - MdP 6.1 Up-Grade Copy Equipment Upgrade technology of copy Replace 1 each analog copier for machines and network equipment. copier with digital technology and network capability at MdP ISC. 306 11000-72002 Property Control 8.1 Operation District Warehouse Storage Obtain an Industrial Warehouse Racking System. 100% replacement of equipment. Provide state of the art Provide Accessibility, safety, accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness warehousing storage capabilities by FY 2003-04. on College District warehousing storage. Identify equipment to be replaced. Submit Requisition. Purchase equipment using charge back funds. Monitor delivery schedule to ensure prompt delivery. Install equipment upon receipt. Obtain financial resources to procure and set up district industrial warehousing capabilities to serve the College district needs. Provide District low-costsavings warehouse state of the art storage facility. 307 11000-72002 Property Control 7.1 Physical Inventory of Implementation and completion Grant Funded of District physical inventory of Equipment grant funded equipment Compliance Circular A-110 OMB. Complete District grant funded inventory/Fall 2003. Audit compliance (OMB) Circular A-110 Property Management Standards for Assistance Agreements. Develop plan of action, deadlines and procurement of financial resources to capture record and account for District Grant Funded Equipment. Implement physical inventory and update Master File Database. 307 11000-72002 Property Control 8.1 Physical Inventory of Implementation and completion Grant Funded of District physical inventory of Equipment grant funded equipment Compliance Circular A-110 OMB. Complete District grant funded inventory/Fall 2003. Audit compliance (OMB) Circular A-110 Property Management Standards for Assistance Agreements. Develop plan of action, deadlines and procurement of financial resources to capture record and account for District Grant Funded Equipment. Implement physical inventory and update Master File Database. 308 11000-72002 Property Control 7.1 Post-implementation of GASB 34-35 Complete implementation of Depreciation-accounting of real and personal property into the fixed asset accounting module. Audit compliance and report generation. Develop plan of action and deadlines to capture and record all depreciation data related to infrastructure, buildings, furniture and equipment. 11/21/2003 Page 84 of 137 Post-Implementation/assessment and completion of GASB 34-35 into the fixed asset accounting reporting requirements. Data assessment and report generating OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 13 Objective Measure Standard Strategies from fixed asset module. Improve financial reporting. 308 11000-72002 Property Control 8.1 Post-implementation of GASB 34-35 Post-Implementation/assessment and completion of GASB 34-35 into the fixed asset accounting reporting requirements. Complete implementation of Depreciation-accounting of real and personal property into the fixed asset accounting module. Audit compliance and report generation. Develop plan of action and deadlines to capture and record all depreciation data related to infrastructure, buildings, furniture and equipment. Data assessment and report generating from fixed asset module. Improve financial reporting. 333 11000-72000 AVP Auxiliary Services 7.1 Auxiliary Services Survey Develop a standard Auxiliary Services operations evaluation survey. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Completion of survey by Survey is distributed and completed Spring 2004. by students/staff, and evaluated to improve Auxiliary Services operations. 11/21/2003 -Utilize existing survey instruments and consolidate into one uniform document. -Distribute to staff and students for completion. -Compile responses per department. -Meet with each department head to discuss results of surveys. Page 85 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Associate Vice President, Budget and Financial Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 334 11000-73000 AVP Budget & Finance 7.1 Completion of Banner Operational Procedures To ensure that all BANNER Procedures are completed for all facets of the BANNER Finance Module. Procedures are completed. Each operation is able to refer to a procedure manual for information and training by August 30, 2004. Banner Finance Functional Area Team members will review the compiled procedures, suggest any changes and submit the finalized procedures to the respective area. 335 11000-73214 Non-Mandatory Transfer - Plant 7.1 Transfer to Unexpended Plant Fund Reinstate Prior Year Budget for Plant Maintenance and Renovation of Projects. Budget is reinstated to its prior year level. Maintenance and Renovation of facilities will continue. Renovation projects are identified and prioritized to provide a better and safer environment for students and staff. 336 11000-73215 Non-Mandatory Tran Ren Rep 7.1 Transfer to Renewal and Replacement Fund Reinstate Prior Year Budget for Plant Renewal & Replacement. Budget is reinstated to its prior year level. Renewal and replacement Renewal and Replacement of facilities continue at the projects are identified to provide prior year level. updated and safer facilities. 336 11000-73215 Non-Mandatory Tran Ren Rep 8.1 Transfer to Renewal and Replacement Fund Reinstate Prior Year Budget for Plant Renewal & Replacement. Budget is reinstated to its prior year level. Renewal and replacement Renewal and Replacement of facilities continue at the projects are identified to provide prior year level. updated and safer facilities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 86 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Comptroller Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies 309 11000-73206 Accounting Services 7.1 Accounting Service Increase is related to postage for The budget has been increased to New Money Request mailing IRS Form 1098T, cover additional costs incurred by envelopes to mail 45,000 Form Accounting Services. 1098T's, and toner cartridges and paper for District Wide printers primarily supporting student registration. The Accounting Services supplies budget is increased to cover actual costs. An increase in the budget is the only alternative to cover costs passed on as a result of an IRS reporting requirement. 310 11000-73206 Accounting Services 7.1 Bank Reconciliation Banner Feature Implement the Banner Bank Reconciliation System. Bank reconciliation will identify the checks outstanding as opposed to performing this review manually. The Banner feature of automated reconciliation system is implemented. After implementation, the system will generate a list of checks outstanding to facilitate the reconciliation process by January 2004. Test reconciliation module, load prior checks outstanding, coordinate with bank for feed of checks cleared and begin testing. 311 11000-73200 Comptroller 7.1 Banking Services User Manual Develop Banking Services User Manual. Consolidate in one manual all the banking process to review, transfer, direct deposit funds of the college. Banking Services manual is completed. Produce a single manual that describes, instructs, and explains the various steps to support the banking functions by August 31, 2004. Identify various banking processes. Document and organize information into a single manual. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 87 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Athletics Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard 276 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative Other Electronic Message Centers Raise $150,000 from external sources for the purchase of three (3) electronic message board centers for the total institutions use (not strictly for Athletics). By the Spring 2004 semester are three Purchase and use of three (3) electronic message (3) electronic message centers are to centers. be in place and operating at TM, NWC, and VV. 277 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative 1.1 Achieve a minimum of 75% placement of student-athletes into four (4) year academic institution upon their departure or graduation from EPCC. At the end of our student-athletes' eligibility period rosters of each sport will be evaluated to determine the percentages. Placement of Student Athletes into Four (4) Year Academic Institutions 75% placement of student athletes into four (4) year institution. Strategies $150,000 will be raised from external sources and electronic message center purchased. Approach and secure finding from local vendors-Major League Baseball. Director of Athletics, all coaches and staff will continue to stress, implement and place as our top priority, continued eligibility and placement of our studentathletes. Coaches and staff meet with student-athlete monthly. Offer them computer services at the Athletic Office. Offer tutoring when requested. 278 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative 7.1 Athletics Advisory Committee Development, organization and recommend an Athletics Advisory Committee. Presently no such committee exists but needs to be completed to satisfy all SAC's requirements. Completion, final approval, and operation of the Committee by December 31, 2003. Director of Athletics will develop and identify membersrecommend Athletics Advisory Committee through the chain of command-final approval by the EPCC President. 279 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative 1.1 Higher Graduation Rate Insure that EPCC Athletics continue to achieve and maintain a higher graduation rate than the general, full time student body. At the end of each EPCC academic year (Sept. 1 - Aug. 31) rosters of each sport will be evaluated in cooperation with the EPCC office of Institutional Research to determine these figures. EPCC Athletics expects a minimum of 5.0%. Continue to place top priority upon continued eligibility, meaningful academic progress and, if applicable, graduation. 280 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative 7.1 Men's and Women's Faculty Athletic Representatives (FAR's) Establishment of Men's and Women's Faculty Association Representative for the Athletic Department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Presently no such positions as Faculty Completion and final approval by December 31, Association Representative exists. Appointment of two (2) Faculty 2003. Association Representatives, one for the male athletes and one for the rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Obtain average graduation rate of general student body and EPCC student-athletes. Director of Athletics will recommend a Men's and Women's Faculty Association Representative through the appropriate chain of commandPage 88 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Athletics Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard female athletes. Athletic Representative to represent the Athletic Department. 281 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative 7.1 282 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative Other EPCC Athletics Budget Reduction Athletics Policy and Procedures Manual Strategies Final approval by the EPCC President. Development, organization and completion of an Athletics Policies and Procedures Manual. Presently no such manual exists but needs to be completed to satisfy all SACS requirements. Completion and final approval by December 31, 2003. Director of Athletics and staff will develop and ensure that this Policy and Procedure Manual will be completed to meet SACS guidelines. Continue to remain within the EPCC Athletic Department annual approved budget and continue to reduce the impact on the EPCC Auxiliary Services Budget by a minimum of 5% each year. The Annual Budget will be evaluated 5% reduction/dependence and audited at year's end to determine on Auxiliary Fund. if the Department of Athletics remained within its annual budget and by how much the impact has been reduced on the Auxiliary Fund. Monitor all income, expenditure and purchases throughout the academic year to insure fiscal responsibility. Year end figures/audit will give us our bottom line and our level of success. Receiving athletic support through vendor donations. 283 32006-73246 Baseball Other EPCC Athletics Budget Reduction Continue to remain within the EPCC Athletic Department annual approved budget and continue to reduce the impact on the EPCC Auxiliary Services Budget by a minimum of 5% each year. The Annual Budget will be evaluated 5% reduction/dependence and audited at year's end to determine on Auxiliary Fund. if the Department of Athletics remained within its annual budget and by how much the impact has been reduced on the Auxiliary Fund. Monitor all income, expenditure and purchases throughout the academic year to insure fiscal responsibility. Year end figures/audit will give us our bottom line and our level of success. Receiving athletic support through vendor donations. 284 32007-73246 Softball Other EPCC Athletics Budget Reduction Continue to remain within the EPCC Athletic Department annual approved budget and continue to reduce the impact on the EPCC Auxiliary Services Budget by a minimum of 5% each year. The Annual Budget will be evaluated 5% reduction/dependence and audited at year's end to determine on Auxiliary Fund. if the Department of Athletics remained within its annual budget and by how much the impact has been reduced on the Auxiliary Fund. Monitor all income, expenditure and purchases throughout the academic year to insure fiscal responsibility. Year end figures/audit will give us our bottom line and our level of success. Receiving athletic support through vendor donations. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 89 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Athletics Plan No. 285 Budget Acct No Area 32011-73246 Cross Country EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Plan Title Other EPCC Athletics Budget Reduction Objective Measure Continue to remain within the EPCC Athletic Department annual approved budget and continue to reduce the impact on the EPCC Auxiliary Services Budget by a minimum of 5% each year. Standard The Annual Budget will be evaluated 5% reduction/dependence and audited at year's end to determine on Auxiliary Fund. if the Department of Athletics remained within its annual budget and by how much the impact has been reduced on the Auxiliary Fund. Strategies Monitor all income, expenditure and purchases throughout the academic year to insure fiscal responsibility. Year end figures/audit will give us our bottom line and our level of success. Receiving athletic support through vendor donations. 286 32018-73246 Kikks Other EPCC Athletics Budget Reduction Continue to remain within the EPCC Athletic Department annual approved budget and continue to reduce the impact on the EPCC Auxiliary Services Budget by a minimum of 5% each year. The Annual Budget will be evaluated 5% reduction/dependence and audited at year's end to determine on Auxiliary Fund. if the Department of Athletics remained within its annual budget and by how much the impact has been reduced on the Auxiliary Fund. Monitor all income, expenditure and purchases throughout the academic year to insure fiscal responsibility. Year end figures/audit will give us our bottom line and our level of success. Receiving athletic support through vendor donations. 287 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative Other Student-Athlete Academic Standards With regards to student-athletes, At the end of each semester GPA's of maintain higher academic our student-athletes will be evaluated standards than that required by to determine these figures. the NJCAA and achieve a level of minimum of 85% success rate according to EPCC's "Athlete's Scholarship Policy". 85% success rate according to EPCC's "Athletes Scholarship Policy". Enforcement of the EPCC Department of Athletics to monitor student-athletes in the Fall and Spring and enforce the "Athlete Scholarship Policy". 288 32003-73246 Intercollegiate AthleticsAdministrative Other Student-Athlete Recruitment Recruit quality, student-athletes Opening day Rosters of each sport and assure that a minimum of will be evaluated to determine local 70% of our student-athletes come verses out-of-state percentages. from the El Paso County Community College District (local area as defined by EPCC). 70% local (as defined by EPCC) student-athletes. Director of Athletics will insure that EPCC coaches are recruiting and signing local student-athletes. 289 32004-73246 Baseball Camps 8.1 Stage sport camps to attract area youth to our campus and expose local youth to EPCC and EPCC Athletics. Camp Accounts OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Coaches set dates for camp. Camp flyers are mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to camps. Increase enrollment as Flyers will be developed and follows: distributed locally to attract Baseball Camps - 10% youth to the various camps. Softball Camps - 10% Cross Country Camps - 10 attendees 11/21/2003 Page 90 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Athletics Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies KIKKS Camps - 10 attendees 290 32005-73246 Softball Camps 8.1 Camp Accounts Stage sport camps to attract area youth to our campus and expose local youth to EPCC and EPCC Athletics. Coaches set dates for camp. Camp flyers are mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to camps. Increase enrollment as Flyers will be developed and follows: distributed locally to attract Baseball Camps - 10% youth to the various camps. Softball Camps - 10% Cross Country Camps - 10 attendees KIKKS Camps - 10 attendees 291 32016-73246 Cross Country Camps 8.1 Camp Accounts Stage sport camps to attract area youth to our campus and expose local youth to EPCC and EPCC Athletics. Coaches set dates for camps. Camp flyers are mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to camps. Flyers will be developed and Increase enrollment as distributed locally to attract follows: youth to the various camps. Baseball Camps - 10% Softball Camps - 10% Cross Country Camps - 10 attendees KIKKS Camps - 10 attendees 292 32017-73246 Kikks Camps 8.1 Camp Accounts Stage sport camps to attract area youth to our campus and expose local youth to EPCC and EPCC athletics. Coaches set dates for camp. Camp flyers are mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to camps. Increase enrollment as Flyers will be developed and follows: distributed locally to attract Baseball Camps - 10% youth to the various camps. Softball Camps - 10% Cross Country Camps - 10 attendees KIKKS Camps - 10 attendees 293 32006-73246 Baseball Other Lights at Baseball and Softball Fields Secure funding (approximately $150,000) from external sources for the purchase and placement of lights at both the Baseball and Softball fields. At present no lighting exists at both the Baseball and Softball field. Completion, placement and operation of lights by February 1, 2004. Director of Athletics will spearhead the effort to secure the required $150,000 from external sources and possibly from Major League Baseball. 294 32008-73246 Athletic Marketing Other Fundraising Accounts Increase outside fundraising dollars to augment the Annual rollover Athletic Budgets. All Fundraising Accounts will be audited at the end of the fiscal year to determined the amount of funds raised under each account. Increase annual fundraising in 2003-2004 are as follows: Athletic Fundraising - 10% Baseball Fundraising - 10% Softball Fundraising - 10% Cross Country Involvement with local individuals, vendors, and businesses to increase Fundraising dollars in each specified area. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 91 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Athletics Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 23 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Fundraising - 10% KIKKS Fundraising - 10% 295 32019-73246 Baseball Fundraising Other Fundraising Accounts Increase outside fundraising dollars to augment the Annual rollover Athletic Budgets. All Fundraising Accounts will be audited at the end of the fiscal year to determined the amount of funds raided under each account. Increase annual fundraising in 2003-2004 are as follows: Athletic Fundraising - 10% Baseball Fundraising - 10% Softball Fundraising - 10% Cross Country Fundraising - 10% KIKKS Fundraising - 10% Involvement with local individuals, vendors, and businesses to increase Fundraising dollars in each specified area. 296 32013-73246 Softball Fundraising Other Fundraising Accounts Increase outside fundraising dollars to augment the Annual rollover Athletic Budgets. All Fundraising Accounts will be audited at the end of the fiscal year to determined the amount of funds raised under each account. Increase annual fundraising in 2003-2004 are as follows: Athletic Fundraising - 10% Baseball Fundraising - 10% Softball Fundraising - 10% Cross Country Fundraising - 10% KIKKS Fundraising - 10% Involvement with local individuals, vendors, and businesses to increase Fundraising dollars in each specified area. 297 32014-73246 Cross Country Fundraising Other Fundraising Accounts Increase outside fundraising dollars to augment the Annual rollover Athletic Budgets. All Fundraising Accounts will be audited at the end of the fiscal year to determined the amount of funds raised under each account. Increase annual fundraising in 2003-2004 are as follows: Athletic Fundraising - 10% Baseball Fundraising - 10% Softball Fundraising - 10% Cross Country Fundraising - 10% KIKKS Fundraising - 10% Involvement with local individuals, vendors, and businesses to increase Fundraising dollars in each specified area. 298 32015-73246 Kikks Fundraising Other Fundraising Accounts Increase outside fundraising dollars to augment the Annual rollover Athletic Budgets. All Fundraising Accounts will be audited at the end of the fiscal year to determine the amount of funds raised under each account. Increase annual fundraising in 2003-2004 are as follows: Athletic Fundraising - 10% Baseball Fundraising - 10% Softball Fundraising - 10% Cross Country Fundraising - 10% KIKKS Fundraising - 10% Involvement with local individuals, vendors, and businesses to increase Fundraising dollars in each specified area. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 92 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Budget Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies 312 11000-73100 Budget Office 7.1 Hire Full-Time Employee Hire a full-time employee to help Full-time employee is hired and prepare various budget and trained. expenditure reports and provide research and analysis. After the employee Interview qualified candidates completes the initial and provide proper training. training and hands-on experience, we anticipate a faster turnaround in generating various laborintensive reports and budget processes during fiscal year 2003-04. 312 11000-73100 Budget Office 6.1 Hire Full-Time Employee Hire a full-time employee to help Full-time employee is hired and prepare various budget and trained. expenditure reports and provide research and analysis. After the employee Interview qualified candidates completes the initial and provide proper training. training and hands-on experience, we anticipate a faster turnaround in generating various laborintensive reports and budget processes during fiscal year 2003-04. 313 11000-73100 Budget Office 7.1 Implementation of Position Control Module Implementation of Position Control Module: Budget Form 2 is acccurate and fully automated. Fully implemented in two years. Budget Office and Personnel Services will establish objectives, tasks and timelines to implement the Position Control Module. Budget Form 2 is acccurate and fully Fully implemented in two Budget Office and Personnel Position Control is a component of Budget Development that allows you to define position classifications and apply them to your budget. This component is fully integrated with the Banner2000 Finance System. It enhances budgeting capabilities and ensures consistency by supporting the full range of functions necessary for position administration, including: -budget preparation and monitoring -position control and staffing -position classification -account distribution 313 11000-73100 Budget Office 6.1 Implementation of Implementation of Position OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 93 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Budget Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Plan Title Position Control Module Objective Measure Control Module: automated. Standard years. Position Control is a component of Budget Development that allows you to define position classifications and apply them to your budget. This component is fully integrated with the Banner2000 Finance System. It enhances budgeting capabilities and ensures consistency by supporting the full range of functions necessary for position administration, including: -budget preparation and monitoring -position control and staffing -position classification -account distribution Strategies Services will establish objectives, tasks and timelines to implement the Position Control Module. 314 11000-73100 Budget Office 7.1 Increase in Supply Budget Increase in supply budget is Current supply budget is not adequate We will attain this goal by necessary to accommodate high the end of the fiscal year. from current needs. volume of printing, duplicating the Budget Books externally, and increase in cost of general supplies. Utilize supplies more efficiently. We will e-mail more reports when possible. 314 11000-73100 Budget Office 6.1 Increase in Supply Budget Increase in supply budget is Current supply budget is not adequate We will attain this goal by necessary to accommodate high the end of the fiscal year. from current needs. volume of printing, duplicating the Budget Books externally, and increase in cost of general supplies. Utilize supplies more efficiently. We will e-mail more reports when possible. 315 11000-73100 Budget Office 6.1 Increase in Overtime Budget Need increase in overtime due to volume of work and shorter deadlines. Current overtime is not adequate from We will attain this goal by current needs. the end of the fiscal year. Eliminate some reports and reduce the frequency of some reports. 315 11000-73100 Budget Office 7.1 Increase in Overtime Budget Need increase in overtime due to volume of work and shorter deadlines. Current overtime is not adequate from We will attain this goal by the end of the fiscal year. current needs. Eliminate some reports and reduce the frequency of some reports. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 94 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Personnel Services Plan No. 332 Budget Acct No Area 11000-74000 Personnel Services EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Title Employment Verification Reporting No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Objective Measure To reduce the response time in providing non-telephonic verification of employment on current and prior employees. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan By August 31, 2004, time from receipt to dispatch of employment verifications will be reduced by 10%. Standard By August 31, 2004, nontelephonic employment verifications will be completed in 50.4 hours of the receipt of the request. 11/21/2003 Strategies Workflow will be assessed within Systems and Records and where appropriate and deemed effective, workload will be processed either in a different flow process or work will be divided among existing employees in a more efficient and effective manner. Page 95 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Physical Plant Plan No. 316 Budget Acct No Area 11000-76000 Maintenance NonPersonnel EPCC Goal 7.1 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Plan Title Physical Plant Reorganization Objective Measure To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Services to better encompass the whole department. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Services to better encompass the whole department. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Page 96 of 137 Standard The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Construction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. 317 11000-76001 Facilities 7.1 Physical Plant Reorganization To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Construction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. 318 11000-76002 Facilities Construction 7.1 Physical Plant Reorganization To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Construction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Strategies Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies Services to better encompass the whole department. 319 11000-76003 Maintenance Personnel 7.1 Physical Plant Reorganization To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Services to better encompass the whole department. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Services to better encompass the whole department. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by Fall 2003. -Seek approval of plans by Administration and Board of Trustees. -Combine budgets 1100076000, 11000-76001, and 11000-76006 and budgets 11000-76002, 11000-76003, and 11000-76007 (payroll budgets) under one account to The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Construction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective and efficient for the department. 320 11000-76006 Ground Maintenance Personnel 7.1 Physical Plant Reorganization To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Contraction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. 321 11000-76007 Ground Maintenance Non- 7.1 Personnel Physical Plant Reorganization To reorganize and rename the Physical Plant. The Physical Plant has been operating as two separate units; Facilities and Construction and Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 97 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies be titled Facilities Services. -Change the department name from Physical Plant to Facilities Services to better encompass the whole department. 322 323 11000-76000 Maintenance NonPersonnel 11000-76000 Maintenance NonPersonnel 7.1 7.1 Physical Plant Software Physical Plant Tools and Equipment To consolidate the work order system and preventative maintenance systems to provide better, more efficient service to all college personnel. Purchase and installation of software. To purchase new tools and equipment for the Physical Plant employees. Purchase new tools and equipment for 3 months from approval. Physical Plant employees. 100% transition. The Physical Plant currently uses an out-dated system of tracking all work orders. The purchase of this software will enhance the operations of the Physical Plant and insure a more efficient operation. College personnel will be able to place and track work orders on-line. The Physical Plant employees are currently using old, outdated tools and equipment or their own personal tools because of a lack of adequate tools. 324 11000-76003 Maintenance Personnel 7.1 Physical Plant Personnel To hire the necessary personnel to adequately run Physical Plant in order to provide service to College District personnel. Hiring of necessary personnel. 3 months after approval. The Physical Plant has been responsible for a large amount of extra square footage with the addition of campuses and additions to the college district without the addition staff within the past thirteen years. An additional Campus Maintenance Technician is needed along with two additional Maintenance Worker Iis for moving, furniture assembly, etc. -Purchase and install the necessary software. -Train all Physical Plant employees on the use of the software. -Provide instructions for college personnel on how to input and track their work orders. -Purchase new tools and equipment. -Create a tool and equipment inventory with a tracking system. -Assign tools and equipment to appropriate personnel. -Advertise for necessary personnel -Interview for necessary positions -Hire necessary personnel Another Maintenance Worker II would be utilized for small roofing projects, saving the college money in having to pay an outside contractor. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 98 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies A Buyer/Expeditor would be hired to purchase necessary materials for all Physical Plant personnel, thus saving money from having higher-paid personnel leave their jobs to purchase materials. 325 11000-76005 Custodial Other Custodial Reorganization To provide in-house janitorial services at a cost saving to the College. The College is paying approximately $1,000,000 for outside janitorial service that is, at best, less than adequate. Customer satisfaction rate is very low and the College is paying high price increases for paper products. Replace current contract service within three months from approval. Providing in-house janitorial service will improve cleaning, be more cost effective, and allow more control of janitorial staff with an increase in their scope of duties. Many duties will be able to be done in-house rather than having to contract out to an outside vendor. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 -Cancel the current janitorial contract with ABM Janitorial. -Hire in-house janitorial staff who will not only perform janitorial services, but also small maintenance projects (i.e., changing light bulbs). -Will have better control of these employees since they will be employed by the College. -Will enable better supervision, scheduling, and placement of personnel. Page 99 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Director, Purchasing Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard 330 11000-77000 Purchasing/Contract Mgmnt 7.1 District Wide Purchases To maximize cost savings on all district wide purchases. Meet and exceed current fiscal year YTD cost savings. 331 11000-77002 Insurance - Property 7.1 Increase in College Property Values To ensure adequate coverage for college wide property and casualty through an increase in budget allocation of 35%, this increase is the result of increases in premiums and deductibles attributed to a nationwide crisis of the insurance industry, initiated by the events of 9/11 and an increases to College property values of 30 million dollars incurred in the past three years. 100% coverage of Maintain levels for automobiles, property, student medical malpractice, property/casualty. educators liability and general liability insurance coverage college-wide. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Strategies Increase of 7% in cost 1. Review of all commodities to savings amount for current determine target areas for cost fiscal year. savings. 2. Process competitive solicitations and pursue better pricing on high dollar commodities. 3. Seek additional cost savings through additional negotiations with purchasing cooperatives. 4. Work with Buyers and staff and maximize focus on cost savings initiatives. 11/21/2003 -Conduct annual bid of insurance and seek rate guarantees through multi-year contract awards. -Utilize purchasing resources to seek the best available plans in the market, to include insurance expert assistance. -With upper management assistance, develop a procedure to seek proactive improvements in the area of risk management and minimize losses of college property. -Work closely with insurance agent to conduct review and manage insurance coverage areas eligible for claims cost containment. Page 100 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Resource Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Plan Title Objective Measure 326 11000-72008 Safety Office 7.1 Fire Warden Program To expand and maintain an effective Fire Warden Program, District Wide. 327 11000-72008 Safety Office 7.1 Fire Warden Program To train Fire Warden volunteers Maintain attendance roster of number to effectively and efficiency carry of volunteers enrolled in the designed out their duties and training program. responsibilities. Increase the number of existing Fire Wardens by 25%. Standard Strategies 25% increase in number of Recruitment campaign at each Fire Wardens at each campus to obtain volunteers for campus and College sites the Fire Warden Program. in the first six months. Maintain a master roster of active Fire Wardens in reference to their location, equipment, transfers, tenure, and training. 100% of new Fire Wardens trained and exhibiting knowledge and ability to carry out duties and responsibilities. To develop training materials for Fire Warden training program, including course objectives. To train volunteers District Wide in their roles and the use of portable fire extinguishers. To provide each volunteer with certificate of achievement and necessary equipment, including space diagrams of their assigned areas, to carry out their duties. 328 11000-72008 Safety Office 7.1 Safety Literature To provide and disseminate Safety materials to College employees and students in order to maintain a District Wide safe environment. Compare previous worker's compensation claims and reported accidents in the previous year to the present time. Periodic review at six month interval. Reduction in accidents and claims over this period. Conduct training sessions and emphasize safety in the workplace through making training aids, posting safety information, or materials to instill positive safety attitudes for College employees and students, District Wide. Uncontrolled amounts of waste are generated. Amount of hazardous waste generated is uncontrollable. Distribute and post emergency guidelines in case of disasters. 329 11000-72009 Hazardous Waste Disposal 7.1 Hazardous Waste Disposal To fund hazardous chemical waste collection, removal, and disposal. Hazardous materials are picked up two to three times per year. City licenses to allow chemicals to be on the different College sites. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Amount varies as number of courses in Chemistry/Biology are added or deleted. 11/21/2003 Page 101 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 76 Resource Management Vice President, Resource Management Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 268 11000-12001 VP Resource Mgmnt 7.1 Orion Project Work with UTEP and EPISD on the Orion Project to continue to pursue the high speed bandwidth connectivity. The Orion Project represents a unique opportunity for our community to deliver distance learning classes, provide teacher mentoring and recruitment programs, share library resources, and gain access to Internet 2. Increased high speed Continue meetings to discuss connectivity in the El Paso options and continue to explore community will enable funding possibilities. increased educational attainment, address growing teacher shortages, facilitate professional and paraprofessional development, and promote workforce integration. 269 11000-71002 Memberships/Dues 7.1 Renewal of Institutional Memberships Renew and subscribe to institutional memberships that help the college keep abreast of information on trends, changes, and opportunities in education. Faculty, administration, staff, and board members are able to take advantage of lower conference and seminar rates because of institutional memberships. none Monitor cost/benefit of institutional memberships. 270 11000-11105 AIMS Project 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Ensure that BANNER functional area teams are meeting regularly and progressing. Numbers of meetings held. 80% of milestone met. Attend and facilitate team meetings. 271 11000-75000 AVP Info Technology & Sys 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Improve services of the Information Technology Department staff. Train current staff in the effective utilization of the current software tools. Train two employees in SQL and ProCobol. Select two employees for training so they can train other Information Technology employees. 272 11000-75002 Information Center 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Improve services of the Information Center. Train current staff in the effective utilization of the current software tools for reporting needs. Train two employees for the effective use of the reporting software. Select two employees for training so they can train other Information Center employees. 273 11000-75100 Telecommunications 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Improve services the Train current staff in the effective Telecommunications Department utilization of the current equipment. staff. Train two employees for the effective utilization of the equipment. Select two employees for training so they can train other Telecommunications employees. 274 11000-75300 Records Management 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Improve quality service produced Improve turnaround and quality of reproduced items. by records management. Purchase new reproducer unit. Replace outdated equipment with new producer. 275 11000-75400 Information Technology Systems 6.1 SAN (Storage Area Network) Project Replace departmental copier with Reduce monthly maintenance cost for Will be used as network Digital Printer/Copier. copies. printer with enhanced copier capabilities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 A trade agreement with a lease in place for a new copier. Page 102 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Admissions Plan No. 344 Budget Acct No Area 24309-73251 Admissions EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Objective Measure Guidance/Vocational Increase quality intake and Intake guidance service occupational/technical students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Fund one FT classified staff or guidance/vocational intake. Standard 20% of student service hours increased. 11/21/2003 Strategies Hire one full-time classified staff employee for project year. Page 103 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Co-op Education & Job Placement Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure 345 11000-64002 Cooperative Educ/Job Placement 7.1 Equitable Services Assure that all EPCC campus one One person campus office will have Available throughout person staff Job Placement and the same information available which EPCC Co-op Education Offices have are posted at the central VV Office. available the same job vacancies, co-op/intern opportunities and summer job announcements as are available at the central VV Office. 346 11000-64002 Cooperative Educ/Job Placement 8.1 Become Visible on EPCC's Website Become visible on EPCC's website. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Standard Plan will be implemented in May of 2003. Be tested by September 15 Job Placement and Co-op Education and available by October services, special events, special announcements (job vacancies and co- 1, 2003. op education positions) will be available on EPCC's website. 11/21/2003 Strategies One person office staff will review the information available in the central office when they deliver their monthly timesheets. The director will monitor the progress. One staff member will be trained to announce services and to delete/update site. A back-up staff will also be available. Page 104 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies 347 11000-65000 Counseling - PT Summer 1.1 New Student Orientation Continue to enhance New Student Orientation. Number of students serve Counseling will use Number of student served by NSO will increase by 5% over the last year. will be 5% above baseline. Administrative Service Center to pilot Valle Verde New Student Orientation. 348 11000-65000 Counseling - PT Summer 1.1 Dual Credit Counseling to provide support DUAL Enrollment team. Counseling will support a minimum of 80% of requested activities. This will result in a minimum of 10% more activities above baseline. Counselor assigned will continue to work with Dual Credit Team. 349 24305-73251 Counseling/Career Center - RG 1.1 Counseling/Career Center - RG Provide quality student services. A minimum of 15 in-class presentations will be made to Developmental Education classes each semester. none Increase student retention by being aware of Career Center Services for interest assessment, career exploration and college planning. Student referrals and direct service contracts will increase by 10% over last year's district career center contact. Improve student educational planning through assistance of positive and productive career exploration services. Consultant training from the Discover Corporation will be provided for Career Center staff to better utilize and assist student use of career exploration with discover software. Provide Career Center staff development for use of the update Discover Software. A career presentation will be made at 80% of all New Student Orientations provided. Student retention will be improved by increasing student awareness of career decisionmaking as foundation of educational planning. One district-wide career fair will be planned and conducted annually. 350 24307-73251 Counseling/Career Center 1.1 Counseling/Career Center Provide quality student services. A minimum of 15 in-class presentations will be made to Developmental Education classes each semester. Promote and provide district student contact with area professionals for career information and employment opportunities. none Increase student retention by being aware of Career Center Services for interest assessment, career exploration and college planning. Student referrals and direct service OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 105 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies Improve student educational planning through assistance of positive and productive career exploration services. contacts will increase by 10% over last year's district career center contact. Consultant training from the Discover Corporation will be provided for Career Center staff to better utilize and assist student use of career exploration with Discover software. Provide Career Center staff development for use of the update Discover Software. Student retention will be improved by increasing student awareness of career decisionmaking as foundation of educational planning. A Career presentation will be made to 80% of all New Orientations provided. One district-wide career fair will be planned and conducted annually. Promote and provide district student contact with area professionals or career information and employment opportunities. 351 24308-73251 Guidance/Military Transaction 1.1 Guidance/Military Transaction Provide quality student services. A minimum of 15 in-class will be made to Developmental Education classes each semester. none Student referrals and direct service contracts will increase by 10% over last year's district career center contact. Improve student educational planning through assistance of positive and productive career exploration services. Consultant training from the Discover Corporation will be provided for Career Center staff to better utilize and assist student use of career exploration with Discover software. Provide Career Center staff development for use of the update Discover Software. Student retention will be improved by increasing student awareness of career decisionmaking as foundation of educational planning. A Career presentation will be made to 80% of all New Student Orientations provided. One district-wide career fair will be OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Increase student retention by being aware of Career Center Services for interest assessment, career exploration and college planning. 11/21/2003 Page 106 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies planned and conducted annually. Promote and provide district student contact with area professionals for career information and employment opportunities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 107 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Police Department Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Objective Measure 342 11000-61001 Police Department 7.1 Classroom Emergency Awareness Training 343 11000-61001 Police Department 7.1 Increase Police Add one additional officer to the Staffing at MDP and staffing tables at both the Northwest Campuses Northwest and Mission del Paso Campuses. Increase formal Classroom Emergency Awareness presentations to staff and faculty by 25%. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Standard Strategies Two additional presentations. 10 presentations. Proactive advertisement of program to the faculty by GroupWise, faculty newsletter, and any other means available. Addition of two officers to staffing. Increase staffing to a total of six officers at both Campuses. Demonstrate need for additional staffing based on increased enrollment at both campuses and emphasize safety concerns for both the students and our officers with current situation. 11/21/2003 Page 108 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Measure Standard Strategies 355 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 Customize Recruitment Packets of EPCC Programs/Majors Establish a comprehensive profile Production of program/major specific of customized recruitment recruitment packets. packets for EPCC programs/majors through handouts. Compile at least 10% or thirteen (13) EPCC program/major specific packets. -Obtain degree information from Counseling. -Specify program information on each discipline. -Update information on yearly basis to correlate with catalog. -Obtain respective Dean approval field of study. -Place information on web. 355 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 Customize Recruitment Packets of EPCC Programs/Majors Establish a comprehensive profile Production of program/major specific of customized recruitment recruitment packets. packets for EPCC programs/majors through handouts. Compile at least 10% or thirteen (13) EPCC program/major specific packets. -Obtain degree information from Counseling. -Specify program information on each discipline. -Update information on yearly basis to correlate with catalog. -Obtain respective Dean approval field of study. -Place information on web. 356 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 Dual Credit Web Access/Manual Standardize Dual Credit forms to include information on Web for easy access. Initiate and maintain dual credit forms All dual credit on web to include Dual Credit manual. information, i.e., requirements, forms and manual to be put on web. -Composition of High School contact Dual Credit manual. -Coordination of EPCC areas participating in Dual Credit for manual input. -Formatting of Dual Credit Forms to include standardizing. -Making Dual Credit accessible through EPCC Web. 356 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 Dual Credit Web Access/Manual Standardize Dual Credit forms to include information on Web for easy access. Initiate and maintain dual credit forms All dual credit on web to include Dual Credit manual. information, i.e., requirements, forms and manual to be put on web. -Composition of High School contact Dual Credit manual. -Coordination of EPCC areas participating in Dual Credit for manual input. -Formatting of Dual Credit Forms to include standardizing. -Making Dual Credit accessible through EPCC Web. 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 Coordinate invitational in-service EPCC High School Establish EPCC in-service days workshops for high school Administrator/Teache with school districts and invite administrators and staff. r In-Service for training. rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 357 One school from each of the twelve regional districts will participate. 11/21/2003 -Approach high school administration before In-service schedules are finalized. Page 109 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Measure Standard Strategies -Coordinate a mutually productive day for both institutions. -Coordinate EPCC presentations @ workshops. -Conduct presentations. -Conduct campus tours. -Demonstrate to high school teachers why EPCC is "The Best Place to Start." 357 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 EPCC High School Establish EPCC in-service days Administrator/Teache with school districts and invite r In-Service for training. Coordinate invitational in-service workshops for high school administrators and staff. One school from each of the twelve regional districts will participate. -Approach high school administration before In-service schedules are finalized. -Coordinate a mutually productive day for both institutions. -Coordinate EPCC presentations @ workshops. -Conduct presentations. -Conduct campus tours. -Demonstrate to high school teachers why EPCC is "The Best Place to Start." 358 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 EPCC Recruitment Enhance video library of current Video Library Project EPCC programs. Production of videos for recruitment presentations. Minimum of ten (10) videos featuring EPCC programs and resources. -Contact high school administrators for permission to approach student body. -Obtain clearance to utilize "Channel One" mode of delivery in each classroom to feature EPCC resources in general, Dual Credit Program and specific programs of study. -Coordinate with EPCC program deans for approval of threeminute video program presentations. 358 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 EPCC Recruitment Enhance video library of current Video Library Project EPCC programs. Production of videos for recruitment presentations. Minimum of ten (10) videos featuring EPCC programs and resources. -Contact high school administrators for permission to approach student body. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 110 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Measure Standard Strategies -Obtain clearance to utilize "Channel One" mode of delivery in each classroom to feature EPCC resources in general, Dual Credit Program and specific programs of study. -Coordinate with EPCC program deans for approval of threeminute video program presentations. 359 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 ESL Evening Outreach Initiative Conduct retention/recruitment Will coordinate/execute presentations presentations to all ESL evening to at least twenty of the ESAL classes. programs to provide information available on Student Services that otherwise may be lacking. Will present at half of all ESL classes. Presentations will be scheduled at one half of ESAL classes at each of EPCC campuses. -Meet with Dean on structuring of presentations. -Contact Instructional Coordinators to schedule classroom presentations. -Prepare "ESL Evening Outreach" packets. -Strategize delivery at each of the EPCC campuses. 359 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 ESL Evening Outreach Initiative Conduct retention/recruitment Will coordinate/execute presentations presentations to all ESL evening to at least twenty of the ESAL classes. programs to provide information available on Student Services that otherwise may be lacking. Will present at half of all ESL classes. Presentations will be scheduled at one half of ESAL classes at each of EPCC campuses. -Meet with Dean on structuring of presentations. -Contact Instructional Coordinators to schedule classroom presentations. -Prepare "ESL Evening Outreach" packets. -Strategize delivery at each of the EPCC campuses. 360 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 Expand Dual Credit Expand Dual Credit Programs to each and every one of the regional high schools with emphasis on rural underserved areas. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Implement program at all EPISD high 100% full implementation schools to include Franklin HS and all of dual credit at all rural high schools in the region. rural schools to include Tornillo and Sierra Blanca. 11/21/2003 -Negotiate Interlocal agreement with regional school superintendents. -Contact and set-up meetings with administrators @ schools. -Conduct Dual Credit workshop for administrators and interested teachers. -Conduct individual classroom presentations to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Page 111 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Measure Standard Strategies -Conduct student/parent application orientation workshops. -Coordinate on-site Testing & Distance Education equipment inspections. -Coordinate on-site Testing and advising sessions. -Complete enrollment and registration process. -Coordinate on-site New Student Orientation sessions. 360 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 Expand Dual Credit Expand Dual Credit Programs to each and every one of the regional high schools with emphasis on rural underserved areas. Implement program at all EPISD high 100% full implementation schools to include Franklin HS and all of dual credit at all rural high schools in the region. rural schools to include Tornillo and Sierra Blanca. 361 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 High School Graduating Senior Workshops Expansion of graduating "Senior Day @ EPCC" workshops. Introduce at least 1,000 high school seniors to a full-day event at EPCC. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan At least have one school from each of the twelve regional districts participate. 11/21/2003 -Negotiate Interlocal agreement with regional school superintendents. -Contact and set-up meetings with administrators @ schools. -Conduct Dual Credit workshop for administrators and interested teachers. -Conduct individual classroom presentations to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. -Conduct student/parent application orientation workshops. -Coordinate on-site Testing & Distance Education equipment inspections. -Coordinate on-site Testing and advising sessions. -Complete enrollment and registration process. -Coordinate on-site New Student Orientation sessions. -Coordinate graduating high school senior visit to respective EPCC campuses. -Conduct tours of EPCC campuses. Page 112 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Measure Standard Strategies -Coordinate informative presentations of programs and services offered by EPCC. -Expose high school seniors to the many facets of EPCC. -Conduct admission application workshops. -Schedule for Testing. -Conduct Financial Aid Workshops. 361 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 High School Graduating Senior Workshops 362 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 High School Senior Conduct early enrollment Early Enrollment registration for high school Registration Initiative seniors. Expansion of graduating "Senior Day @ EPCC" workshops. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Introduce at least 1,000 high school seniors to a full-day event at EPCC. At least have one school from each of the twelve regional districts participate. -Coordinate graduating high school senior visit to respective EPCC campuses. -Conduct tours of EPCC campuses. -Coordinate informative presentations of programs and services offered by EPCC. -Expose high school seniors to the many facets of EPCC. -Conduct admission application workshops. -Schedule for Testing. -Conduct Financial Aid Workshops. Pilot at least two (2) school districts within the twelve regional districts. The successful pilot results for early registration could bring at least two thousand (2,000) additional students for enrollment. -Initiate enrollment process for "early" registration of high school seniors. -Coordinate with high schools for web registration. -Process necessary paperwork for registration. -Coordinate meeting with high school counselors for early enrollment registration. -Conduct early registration workshops on site OR -Conduct early registration workshops at corresponding EPCC campus. Page 113 of 137 11/21/2003 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Measure 362 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 High School Senior Conduct early enrollment Early Enrollment registration for high school Registration Initiative seniors. 363 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 363 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 364 364 Standard Strategies The successful pilot results for early registration could bring at least two thousand (2,000) additional students for enrollment. -Initiate enrollment process for "early" registration of high school seniors. -Coordinate with high schools for web registration. -Process necessary paperwork for registration. -Coordinate meeting with high school counselors for early enrollment registration. -Conduct early registration workshops on site OR -Conduct early registration workshops at corresponding EPCC campus. International Student Actively recruit seniors at Visit and hold recruitment activities Recruitment Initiative "Preparatorias" located in Juarez, in Juarez "preparatorias" (high Mexico. schools) and Educational Fairs. Visit at least twenty (20) high schools in Juarez, Mexico and participate in two (2) Educational Fairs. -Contact high schools in Juarez, Mexico. -Coordinate visits to the high schools. -Conduct presentations to seniors. -Participate in educational fairs. 8.1 International Student Actively recruit seniors at Visit and hold recruitment activities Recruitment Initiative "Preparatorias" located in Juarez, in Juarez "preparatorias" (high Mexico. schools) and Educational Fairs. Visit at least twenty (20) high schools in Juarez, Mexico and participate in two (2) Educational Fairs. -Contact high schools in Juarez, Mexico. -Coordinate visits to the high schools. -Conduct presentations to seniors. -Participate in educational fairs. 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 Mall Recruitment Fairs Expand annual EPCC "Mall Recruitment Fairs". Increase participation/recruiting contacts at "Mall Recruitment Fairs." At least two (2) Mall Recruitment events during fiscal year. -Negotiate fee waiver for EPCC participation. -Include admission application booth section. -Contact EPCC departments for participation. -Create EPCC banners advertising programs. 11000-67001 Recruitment & School 2.1 Mall Recruitment Expand annual EPCC "Mall Increase participation/recruiting At least two (2) Mall -Negotiate fee waiver for EPCC 11/21/2003 Page 114 of 137 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Pilot at least two (2) school districts within the twelve regional districts. Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Relations Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 22 Objective Fairs Recruitment Fairs". Measure contacts at "Mall Recruitment Fairs." Standard Recruitment events during fiscal year. Strategies participation. -Include admission application booth section. -Contact EPCC departments for participation. -Create EPCC banners advertising programs. 365 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 8.1 Media Recruitment Outreach Increase FREE media coverage of Have once a month TV, newspaper, or To reach 100% of local EPCC services and programs of radio coverage. newspaper (El Paso Times). study within the El Paso Community i.e., ongoing Dual Credit Program. -Contact individual media personnel for coverage. -Feature "real time" students at EPCC. -Shadow Dual Credit students at respective high schools. -Exposure of Dual Credit throughout the regional high schools. 365 11000-67001 Recruitment & School Relations 2.1 Media Recruitment Outreach Increase FREE media coverage of Have once a month TV, newspaper, or To reach 100% of local EPCC services and programs of radio coverage. newspaper (El Paso Times). study within the El Paso Community i.e., ongoing Dual Credit Program. -Contact individual media personnel for coverage. -Feature "real time" students at EPCC. -Shadow Dual Credit students at respective high schools. -Exposure of Dual Credit throughout the regional high schools. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 115 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Registrar Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 12 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies 338 11000-62000 Registrar 8.1 WEB Payment WEB Payment. Long lines Complete use of WEB Payment for all nonfinancial aid students by Fall, 2005. Publicizing the convenience of paying on the WEB. 338 11000-62000 Registrar 2.1 WEB Payment WEB Payment. Long lines Complete use of WEB Payment for all nonfinancial aid students by Fall, 2005. Publicizing the convenience of paying on the WEB. 338 11000-62000 Registrar 7.1 WEB Payment WEB Payment. Long lines Complete use of WEB Payment for all nonfinancial aid students by Fall, 2005. Publicizing the convenience of paying on the WEB. 339 11000-62000 Registrar 7.1 Record Verification Record Verification. 30% complete, August 31, 2003. 75% completed by August Daily count completed. 31, 2004. 339 11000-62000 Registrar 8.1 Record Verification Record Verification. 30% complete, August 31, 2003. 75% completed by August Daily count completed. 31, 2004. 339 11000-62000 Registrar Other Record Verification Record Verification. 30% complete, August 31, 2003. 75% completed by August Daily count completed. 31, 2004. 340 11000-62000 Registrar 1.1 Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff. 0% now. 75% training in customer service and telephone etiquette by 2004. 100% by 2005. Send staff to customer service training sessions. 340 11000-62000 Registrar 7.1 Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff. 0% now. 75% training in customer service and telephone etiquette by 2004. 100% by 2005. Send staff to customer service training sessions. 340 11000-62000 Registrar 8.1 Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff Customer Service Training for Registrar's Office Staff. 0% now. 75% training in customer service and telephone etiquette by 2004. 100% by 2005. Send staff to customer service training sessions. 341 11000-62000 Registrar 2.1 WEB Add/Drop Implementation of Add/Drop on WEB. Long lines. Complete use of WEB for all students by Fall, 2004. Bring 5.6 module up for Add/Drop. 341 11000-62000 Registrar 8.1 WEB Add/Drop Implementation of Add/Drop on WEB. Long lines. Complete use of WEB for all students by Fall, 2004. Bring 5.6 module up for Add/Drop. 341 11000-62000 Registrar 7.1 WEB Add/Drop Implementation of Add/Drop on Long lines. Complete use of WEB for Bring 5.6 module up for OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 116 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Registrar Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 12 Plan Title Objective Measure WEB. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard all students by Fall, 2004. rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Strategies Add/Drop. Page 117 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Vice President, Student Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 337 11000-12003 VP Student Services Other Provide Training to Student Services Employees Provide training to Student Services employees on customer service. Number of employees who receive training. All Student Services Work with the Human Resource employees receive training Development Department on in on customer service on a house training. yearly basis. 352 11000-64001 Center for Students with Disabilities 7.1 To standardized services to disabled students. 1. Provide equal accessibility to adaptive equipment and services at each CSD office. 2. Have personnel available at CSD labs. 3. Acquire space for CSD labs. 4. Develop an interoffice policy and procedure manual. -Purchase 6 computers, adaptive equipment and software. -Hire 5 additional Lab Aides. -Acquire 2 additional lab spaces. -Complete 1 interoffice policy and procedure manual and distribute to 5 CSD offices. Evaluate present equipment inventory and purchase computers, software. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. 353 24313-73251 CSD 2.1 CSD Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Hire Lab Aides Request for additional space at TM, RG Meet with CSD staff to receive input on present intake, service providing system, etc. and write a review manual. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. 353 24313-73251 CSD 6.1 Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 118 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Vice President, Student Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. 353 24313-73251 CSD 1.1 Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. 354 24313-73251 CSD 1.1 Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD, students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. 354 24313-73251 CSD 6.1 Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD, students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 119 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Student Services Vice President, Student Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. 354 24313-73251 CSD 2.1 Center for Students with Disabilities To increase the number of students with disabilities going into technical/vocational programs. Percent of CSD, students with technical/vocational degree codes registered through the department. Increase by 5% from previous three-year average. Counselor review student career goals during advisement and based upon discussion, make degree plan changes. Students completing GED tutoring program will review technical/vocational programs with counselor and Director. Presentations at CSD to students and staff by technical/vocational educational instructors. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 120 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Associate Vice President, Workforce Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 367 22608-73217 Helen of Troy 2.1 Training to Helen of Troy To deliver 39,982 hours of training to Helen of Troy, at a cost of $179,000 in a 12 month period. This training is designed to raise the salary level of those individuals trained. Number of people trained and receiving salary increases at the completion of the grant. Expect to train 492 employees with the 179,000 in tuition based on the base line. Cooperation between, Helen of Troy, EPCC contract instructors and customized training coordinators. 394 11000-43000 AVP Workforce Development 8.1 One Stop Training Center Create a One Stop Training Center for the Apprenticeship Training Program. The opening of the Apprenticeship Training Center at the Viscount Location. -To begin classes within a year to have complete build-out in 5 years -To house a minimum of 60% of the apprenticeship programs at Viscount. Continued collaboration between the Apprenticeship trainers, Johnny Kilgore, Business & Industry and EPCC. 395 11000-43000 AVP Workforce Development 2.1 Correctional Facilities Training Develop a training program at the Compared to recidivism rates Avalon Correctional Facility and established at other Windom the Sanchez prison that partners Educational sites in the state. with the Windom School District to deliver specialized training to inmates with GED or High School diplomas. Recidivism rate below The existing training program 20%, 90 days after release. and the number of contact hours per day to accomplish the training delivered during the course of study have established the standard. Supported by the Youthful offender program. 396 11000-41003 Customized Training 2.1 Alternate Funding Sources Develop alternate funding sources outside the Skills Development and Self Sufficiency state funds. Sources that can be used to provide training to specialized populations. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan The new number of funding sources identified as compared to previous year. Any new funding sources. 11/21/2003 Work through the Workforce Development Board and the Colleges office of Grant Management. Page 121 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 391 11000-42403 ATC 7.1 Advanced Technology Center Coordinator ATC Coordinator -Currently, we track our graduates for a 6-month period, or as a provider contract stipulates. The current method fragmented with the results not providing enough information to gage strategic planning. -ATC Coordinator manage program activities, including job placement, student recruitment, develop & facilities advisory committee meetings. -Manage day to day challenges with faculty, staff, and students relating to all courses offered at the ATC. -Secures all supplies, equipment & materials. -Coordinate course offerings for all programs. -Hire Substitutes and Part-time staff. -Assist with the process of ATC ISO 9001-2000 Certification. -Develop 5-yr/10-yr. strategic plan for the ATC including goal of becoming a "National Center of Excellence" via National Science Foundation Grants. -Increased number of grants pursued and awarded. -Directly impact on increasing student enrollment and enhancement of College's image. -National recognition for ISO Certification. -Regional recognition for being a Premier Advanced Technology Center. -Becoming ISO 9001 2000 Certification. -Review current programs implement new strategies and procedures. -Bring real-world technology to the classroom by recruiting additional experts (folks who have 10+ years in experience and/or considered an expert by industry standards) to teach parttime and/or facilitate seminars/workshops. -Create and implement computerized system to track students using the following values: students enrolled, students who complete programs/courses, students from business/industry partners, students who drop courses/programs, 5 year period, various reporting devices. 392 11000-42403 ATC 2.1 Advancing the Advanced Technology Center Advanced Technology Center Marketing Campaign. Currently, ATC has 6 technical brochures each one has different program focus. Update our current brochures to include the following: -Associates Program in 4 disciplines and Continuing Education in 6 disciplines. -Testimonial statements from partners: IE: ex-students, industry partners, UTEP professors, ex-UTEP students; -Increase in number of industry partners. -Increase activity with ISD partners. -Increase number of partners that tour ATC facility. -Create a Task Team to include personnel from all 6 programs, partners (UTEP/NMSU), ex & current students, other EPCC personnel (i.e. Marketing Dept.) and High School personnel to oversee ATC Marketing Campaign; -Decide on market target audience and type of marketing materials to be produced; OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 122 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Objective Measure Standard 393 11000-42403 ATC 7.1 Advanced Technology Center Achieve International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001-2000 Certification. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan -Implement the identified activities (under strategies) and track progress to schedule, -Reduce costs and liabilities, -Be more efficient and profitable, -Increase customer satisfaction, -Increase market share, -Improve communications and morale in the ATC, -Increase confidence of students and faculty within the learning system. Strategies -Gather testimonial statements from partners; -Quotes from vendors; -Use contacts with local economic development partners (i.e. Chambers, City) to review and critic brochures before publication. -Highlight recent professional accomplishments for faculty in all 6 disciplines; -Highlight that the ATC is Nationally Recognized as being a "Certified Rockwell Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Training Facility" as of 1/2003; -Highlight Industry Advisory Committees & Partners; -Highlight articulation programs with UTEP & Independent School Districts; -Highlight Professional Memberships (i.e. NCATC, SME, PMA). -Clear goal for internal quality development (motivation). -National recognition for being ISO Certified. -Establish a management system that provides confidence in the conformance of a recognized requirement. 11/21/2003 The following activities will need to be completed for certification: All ATC committee members completed 12 hours of professional development "Understanding ISO Eight Quality Management System Standards". -Recruit 12 representatives to serve as Audit and Documentation Committee members. -Documentation Specialist - 2 people maximum. -Committee members complete additional professional development hours relating to specific committee. Draft & complete 2 required manuals for ISO Certification: -Quality Manual - Plan of action for response to quality system. -Quality Management Systems lesson plans, course catalog, etc. Page 123 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Business Programs & Services Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 399 11000-42601 N/C Business Programs Services 7.1 Business Programs and Services Make 35 hour office clerk position into a full-time position due to increase in workload after having the Office Technology department delegated to my area in June, 2002. Increase of 5 hours per week to clerk's 40 hour full-time clerk position. position. 400 11000-42204 CE-Office Technology 2.1 Office Technology Program Market the Office Technology Program so that we can increase enrollments. 5% increase in number of student attending 2003/2004. Increase in number of -Mail out flyers. students by end of Summer -Market program via radio and 2004. TV and advertising in El Paso, Inc. 401 12195-73243 CE Computer Programs 1.1 Computer Programs Improve/replace computers and software in Office Technology Program. Purchase 13 computers and upgrade software. 13 new computers installed -VP approval with appropriate software. -Purchase of computers -Installation of computers and software 402 12195-73243 CE Computer Programs 5.1 Computer Programs Continue to implement technology upgrades in classrooms 106 ATC and 150ATM. Purchase new removal hard drives for 36 machines upgraded. 36 machines. 403 12170-73243 Customs Brokers/Purchase 7.1 Customs Brokers Monitor and update Customs Brokers offerings based on Emergency Federal Laws. Check all materials, update where necessary. Seek input on changing laws within the Federal System. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan All materials updated to reflect current Federal Laws. 11/21/2003 -Seek VP approval. -Extra work for part-time clerk. -Identify most cost effective hard drives. -Obtain VP approval. -Purchase hard drives. -Seek input from Customs Brokers instructors. -Seek information from U.S. Customs Department relating to new rules and regulations. Page 124 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Health Plan No. 368 Budget Acct No Area 11000-42313 CE EMT EPCC Goal 2.1 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Plan Title CE EMT No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Objective Measure With the shortage of healthcare Increase enrollment in CE/EMT workers, hospitals are turning to courses. EPCC for much of their training. Currently, EPCC provides all CPR, ACLS, and PALS training for Las Palmas Medical Center. Thomason has also turned over all ACLS and PALS training to EPCC, and other hospitals are following suite. In addition to the WBAMC contract, they have requested CPR and ACLS training courses because their educators have been deployed. In order to meet the increased demand for courses, additional monies are needed to hire parttime faculty and provide American Heart Association training materials. Standard Strategies Enrollment will increase by 10 percent. 1. Identify qualified faculty 2. Advertise classes 3. Ensure there is sufficient enrollment to cover cost of instruction 4. Offer classes 100% renewal of all accredited programs. 1. Identify qualified faculty 2. Prepare files 3. Review curriculum Increase enrollment by 20 percent in OSHA and Fitness by August 2004. -Find qualified faculty -Advertise classes -Ensure there is sufficient enrollment to cover cost of instruction -Offer classes All reasonable requests met. -Hire qualified faculty -Advertise classes -Ensure there is sufficient Increase number of sections and enrollment in CE/EMT courses. 369 11000-42301 CE-Health 7.1 CE/Health Maintain current accreditation standards for nursing assistant, message therapy, and medication aide courses. 370 12153-73243 Workshops/Conf. Misc.. 2.1 CE/Workshops & Conferences With the realignment of Increase 2003-2004 enrollment in continuing education courses this OSHA and Fitness by 20 percent as year, CE/Health inherited OSHA compared to 2002-2003 enrollment. and Fitness courses. No additional funds were allocated to support these offerings. Accreditation standards monitored while preparing for site visits. Increase enrollment in OSHA and Fitness course offerings. 371 12164-73243 CE Nursing 8.1 CE/Nursing Maintain level of course offerings Ensure the community requests are to meet the needs of the health met with sufficient course offerings. care community. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 125 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Health Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Plan Title Objective Measure Standard Strategies enrollment to cover cost of instruction -Offer classes 372 12114-73243 Continuing Education/Message Therapy 2.1 Massage Therapy With the opening of the new Two additional 300-hour massage Health Sciences Building at the therapy courses will be offered. Rio Grande campus, Massage Therapy will finally have a classroom. In order to meet the demand for the 300 hour stateapproved course, two additional courses will be offered each year. A total of four 300-hour massage therapy classes will be offered by summer, 2004. -Identify qualified faculty -Advertise classes -Ensure that revenue covers courses costs -Offer classes Increase enrollment in massage therapy courses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 126 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Personal Enrichment Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal 381 5.1 11000-42203 Material Handling/Warehouse Ops 382 12168-73243 Enrichment Seminars 2.1 Plan Title Restructuring Material Handling/Warehouse Operations No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure To restructure the MH/WO (Material Handling Warehouse Operations) to more fit the needs of the workforce in business and industry. Enrichment Seminars To develop a budget that reflects all the training that is being offered in this area. Standard Strategies The development of an evening section will increase enrollment and meet the needs of business and industry. To increase enrollment by an additional 20 students per semester. -Classes will be developed for an evening section. -A marketing plan will be developed by the instructor. -An assessment will be developed to determine the need for this course. -Identify an institution to work on student loans. A new budget will be developed to meet the increase in enrollment for CEU training. The budget will increase by 50 percent. -Enrollment History will be reviewed for 2 years. -A revised budget will be submitted. -Revenue projection will be compiled for justification. New HVAC certificate program will increase enrollment in this area by approximately 30 students per semester. -A certificate course plan will be developed by the faculty. -A marketing plan will be developed by the faculty. -An Advisory Committee will be set up. This is a (self-supporting) budget account. 383 11000-42202 CE-Technology Programs 5.1 384 11000-42102 CE-Personal Enrichment 2.1 Courses that Relate to Environmental Preservation To develop new courses that relate to environmental preservation. The development of these new courses New course additions will increase enrollment in the will meet the demand from the C/E Personal Enrichment community and increase enrollment. area by approximately 60 students. 1. Course will be developed in: -Irrigation -Landscaping -Gardening 2. Courses will be developed with expert advise from Texas A&M extension program. 385 11000-42111 Young People's College 2.1 Young People's College To develop and offer more Science related courses to the children of the community. The development of these new courses Increase enrollment for CE will meet the demand from the Young People's College community and increase enrollment. area by an additional 60 students. 1. Courses to be offered: Science Fair Project Workshop/Red Rover Program. 2. Consult with educators in the field of Science and Technology. 3. Work in conjunction with a representative from LEGO and NASA. 4. Courses would be marketed throughout the community. Heating Ventilation To develop a course training plan The development of these new courses and Air Conditioning for HVAC (Heating Ventilation will meet the demand from the and Air Conditioning). Workforce community and increase enrollment. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 127 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 373 12198-73243 Law Enforcement Academy-In Service 2.1 Law Enforcement In- Increase student enrollment by Service Firearms 10% per semester. Compare the number of enrolled students at the beginning of each semester. Increase enrollment by 10% each semester. A recruitment improvement plan that will include: -Use of local media opportunities -Partnerships with local law enforcement agencies -Recruitment opportunities at local public events 374 11000-42501 Security/Sp Officer 2.1 Basic Peace Officer Program Increase student enrollment by 5% per class to a maximum class of 30 students per class. Compare the number of students beginning Phase I of each starting class. Increase each class enrollment by 5% until 30 students are enrolled in Phase I of each new class. This goal is to be reached by the end of FY 2004. A recruitment improvement plan that will include: -Use of local media opportunities -Partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. -Recruitment opportunities at local public events 375 11000-42501 Security/Sp Officer 6.1 Basic Peace Officer Program Develop a Professional Emergency Response Driving Program. Develop an Emergency Response Driving Program to serve the needs of local Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS personnel. Design and construct a driving pad that may be used for Professional Emergency Driving. Develop partnership agreements with local emergency response agencies to assist in the development of the driving pad. 376 11000-42501 Security/Sp Officer 1.1 Basic Peace Officer Program Improve passing rates for the State Licensing Examination. Compare rates for each graduating class and assess instructional performance (3 times per year). Increase the passing rate for the state examination to 80% by the end of FY 2004. Instructional improvement plan that will include: -Continuous revision of examinations to bring in line with course objectives -Organizing class study groups -Availability of instructors as study group leaders -Continuous assessment of student's knowledge and mastery of the course objectives 378 11000-42201 La Tuna 6.1 Building Trades - La Tuna FCI Develop a "Building Trades" Program for La Tuna Federal Correctional Facility. Develop new program. New program in operation for 2003-2004. Program Development: -Needs assessment -Development of objectives -Budget development -Implementation 379 12206-73243 Concealed Handgun 2 2.1 Concealed Handgun Increase student enrollment by 10% course, per semester. Compare the number of enrolled students beginning course, each semester. Increase enrollment by 10% per course, each semester. A recruitment improvement plan that will include: -Use of local media opportunities -Partnerships with local law OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 128 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Objective Measure Standard Strategies enforcement agencies -Recruitment opportunities at local public events 380 12107-73243 Truck Driving 2.1 Truck Driving Expansion To expand our Truck Driving Would increase enrollment by at least Program to all areas of El Paso, to 25%. provide convenient locations to better serve our student population on the West side and Northeast side of El Paso. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Within a year the Truck Driving Program would double it's capacity in enrollment, revenues, and contact hours. 11/21/2003 Truck Driving has 2 options: Option 1: We would start a new classroom and training activities at NW Campus. Option 2: We would register students at NW Campus and bus the students to MdP Campus everyday. Page 129 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Center for Small Business Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 388 11000-43201 Small Business Center Other CBS Programs Structure at least three (3) Number of WECM courses taught training events under CBS under CBS departments. Programs that qualify for State Reimbursement through WECM. Increase to three (3) training events/year that qualify for State reimbursement. 389 11000-43201 Small Business Center 8.1 Project Impact Reviews by SBDC Business Specialists To have at least fifty (50) Fifty (50) completed Project Impact completed Project Impact Reviews (PIR's) for Fiscal year Reviews by SBDC Business (October 1 - September 30). Specialists that reflect client satisfaction and result in $8.0 million in economic investment (loans obtained and equity investments in businesses) for the community. Increase by 100% over last Business Specialists need to year's accomplishments. focus on assisting clients on follow-up basis that will result in tangible outcomes and produce increased economic investment in El Paso County. 389 11000-43201 Small Business Center Other Project Impact Reviews by SBDC Business Specialists To have at least fifty (50) Fifty (50) completed Project Impact completed Project Impact Reviews (PIR's) for Fiscal year Reviews by SBDC Business (October 1 - September 30). Specialists that reflect client satisfaction and result in $8.0 million in economic investment (loans obtained and equity investments in businesses) for the community. Increase by 100% over last Business Specialists need to year's accomplishments. focus on assisting clients on follow-up basis that will result in tangible outcomes and produce increased economic investment in El Paso County. 390 11000-41001 Contract Oper Ctr PTAC Matching 8.1 Contract To assist existing small Opportunities Center businesses penetrate the government contracting market and obtain $6.0 million in new awards this Fiscal Year. Obtain $6.0 million in new government contract awards this Fiscal Year. Increase by 50% over prior Increase the effectiveness of year's performance. Procurement Specialists by focusing on those small business clients that are in a position to bid for new government contracts. More professional development training needed. 390 11000-41001 Contract Oper Ctr PTAC Matching Other Contract To assist existing small Opportunities Center businesses penetrate the government contracting market and obtain $6.0 million in new awards this Fiscal Year. Obtain $6.0 million in new government contract awards this Fiscal Year. Increase by 50% over prior Increase the effectiveness of year's performance. Procurement Specialists by focusing on those small business clients that are in a position to bid for new government contracts. More professional development training needed. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Attend WECM workshops and develop process by which CBS programs fit into the WECM. Page 130 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 404 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 8.1 Senior Adult Program - Improve Office and Marketing Operations Develop an Operations Manual and How to Project Guide for each of the Senior Adult Programs, Grants, Projects and Events. 1. Senior Adult Program A. S.A.P. Office Operations B. Caregiver Education Grant C. Elderhostel Program D. Mature Living TV Show E. Seniors Love Conference F. Seniors Arts Festival G. Seniors Kermes ATW Grant H. Homenaje a la Mujer Awards I. Posada Navidena Christmas Show J. Travel Learn Each staff member responsible for the project or area will submit the draft Guide Book to the Director for review and approval. Every two months a Guide will be completed approved by the Director and submitted to the Vice President of Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning. We will enhance the image of the college as we collaborate with community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships to make these services and events possible. Each month a staff meeting will be scheduled to discuss the progress of each area on the development of the manual or guide. A part-time Clerk III and a PT Faculty on a non-instructional assignment will be responsible to gather information and materials from the Senior Adult Program. Director, Administrative Assistant, Grant Program and Project Coordinators and compile the Senior Adult Program Operations Manual or Project Guide Books. 404 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 7.1 Senior Adult Program - Improve Office and Marketing Operations Develop an Operations Manual and How to Project Guide for each of the Senior Adult Programs, Grants, Projects and Events. 1. Senior Adult Program A. S.A.P. Office Operations B. Caregiver Education Grant C. Elderhostel Program D. Mature Living TV Show E. Seniors Love Conference F. Seniors Arts Festival G. Seniors Kermes ATW Grant H. Homenaje a la Mujer Awards I. Posada Navidena Christmas Show J. Travel Learn Each staff member responsible for the project or area will submit the draft Guide Book to the Director for review and approval. Every two months a Guide will be completed approved by the Director and submitted to the Vice President of Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning. We will enhance the image of the college as we collaborate with community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships to make these services and events possible. Each month a staff meeting will be scheduled to discuss the progress of each area on the development of the manual or guide. A part-time Clerk III and a PT Faculty on a non-instructional assignment will be responsible to gather information and materials from the Senior Adult Program. Director, Administrative Assistant, Grant Program and Project Coordinators and compile the Senior Adult Program Operations Manual or Project Guide Books. 405 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 2.1 Senior Adult Program Instructional Improvement Develop an Instructional A Computer Workbook will be Computer Course Workbook for developed each semester starting with each of the following computer Introduction to Computers. The courses designed to each older workbook will be tested, with input adult students. from the students and improvements 1. Senior Adult Program will be made each semester. rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Currently, each Computer Instructor is using his/her own Computer Book and Instructor Manual. This is the first attempt to standardize the class 11/21/2003 A PT Faculty on a noninstructional assignment is assigned to develop the curriculum and workbooks. Page 131 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Plan Title Objective A. B. C. D. No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 Measure Introduction to Computers Introduction to Windows Surfing the Internet Microsoft Office Standard Strategies curriculum design specifically for older adults. 405 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 1.1 Senior Adult Program Instructional Improvement Develop an Instructional Computer Course Workbook for each of the following computer courses designed to each older adult students. 1. Senior Adult Program A. Introduction to Computers B. Introduction to Windows C. Surfing the Internet D. Microsoft Office A Computer Workbook will be developed each semester starting with Introduction to Computers. The workbook will be tested, with input from the students and improvements will be made each semester. Currently, each Computer Instructor is using his/her own Computer Book and Instructor Manual. This is the first attempt to standardize the class curriculum design specifically for older adults. A PT Faculty on a noninstructional assignment is assigned to develop the curriculum and workbooks. 406 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 1.1 Senior Adult Program - Seniors Institute for Lifelong Learning This long-term objective involves researching and exploring the feasibility of establishing a Third Age Institute to provide a onestop facility for seniors to take educational classes, establish a Wisdom Think Tank for successful aging and provide volunteer opportunities and for job training and placement. Schedule quarterly meetings to collaborate with and develop support from community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships for establishing a Seniors Institute. Assess progress of commitments in an annual report. Hold at least three meeting per year and recruit four firm commitments from businesses, other educational institutions and individuals in the community. 1. Present the vision to local leaders, business, volunteers, and potential contributors at the meetings. 2. Research and identify potential of the project. 3. Compile information on similar institutes or projects. 4. Identify the pros and cons of the project and make a decision to pursue further or end the project. 5. Develop a report of findings. 406 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 8.1 Senior Adult Program - Seniors Institute for Lifelong Learning This long-term objective involves researching and exploring the feasibility of establishing a Third Age Institute to provide a onestop facility for seniors to take educational classes, establish a Wisdom Think Tank for successful aging and provide volunteer opportunities and for job training and placement. Schedule quarterly meetings to collaborate with and develop support from community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships for establishing a Seniors Institute. Assess progress of commitments in an annual report. Hold at least three meeting per year and recruit four firm commitments from businesses, other educational institutions and individuals in the community. 1. Present the vision to local leaders, business, volunteers, and potential contributors at the meetings. 2. Research and identify potential of the project. 3. Compile information on similar institutes or projects. 4. Identify the pros and cons of the project and make a decision to pursue further or end the project. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 132 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Objective Measure Standard Strategies 5. Develop a report of findings. 406 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 5.1 Senior Adult Program - Seniors Institute for Lifelong Learning This long-term objective involves researching and exploring the feasibility of establishing a Third Age Institute to provide a onestop facility for seniors to take educational classes, establish a Wisdom Think Tank for successful aging and provide volunteer opportunities and for job training and placement. Schedule quarterly meetings to collaborate with and develop support from community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships for establishing a Seniors Institute. Assess progress of commitments in an annual report. Hold at least three meeting per year and recruit four firm commitments from businesses, other educational institutions and individuals in the community. 1. Present the vision to local leaders, business, volunteers, and potential contributors at the meetings. 2. Research and identify potential of the project. 3. Compile information on similar institutes or projects. 4. Identify the pros and cons of the project and make a decision to pursue further or end the project. 5. Develop a report of findings. 406 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program 2.1 Senior Adult Program - Seniors Institute for Lifelong Learning This long-term objective involves researching and exploring the feasibility of establishing a Third Age Institute to provide a onestop facility for seniors to take educational classes, establish a Wisdom Think Tank for successful aging and provide volunteer opportunities and for job training and placement. Schedule quarterly meetings to collaborate with and develop support from community organizations, agencies through networking and partnerships for establishing a Seniors Institute. Assess progress of commitments in an annual report. Hold at least three meeting per year and recruit four firm commitments from businesses, other educational institutions and individuals in the community. 1. Present the vision to local leaders, business, volunteers, and potential contributors at the meetings. 2. Research and identify potential of the project. 3. Compile information on similar institutes or projects. 4. Identify the pros and cons of the project and make a decision to pursue further or end the project. 5. Develop a report of findings. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 133 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Workforce Development Plan No. 397 Budget Acct No Area 11000-43101 Workforce Development EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Title WFD No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Objective Measure Standard To train all WFD staff in the new All support staff will be Compliance with TAA and TWC Electronic contract Master Enrollment knowledgeable and able to generate processing to fulfill the Master electronic contracts as of March, 2003. Agreement guidelines. Enrollment Agreement between EPCC and TWC/TAA. Strategies MEA will be signed by TWC and Dr. Richard Rhodes. Director will establish an email address to be shared by all EPCC departments that work with TWC/TAA students. Director will bring together local TWC staff, other appropriate department staff and WFD staff to discuss particulars of system. Director and WFD staff will monitor electronic contract processing to ensure compliance and timely processing of students for WFD training. Director and WFD staff will assist in monitoring other departments such as CE, ATC and others to ensure that each area handles its own contracts. 398 12103-73243 Workforce Development 7.1 WFD To train all WFD staff in the new All support staff will be Compliance with TAA and TWC Electronic contract Master Enrollment knowledgeable and able to generate processing to fulfill the Master electronic contracts as of March, 2003. Agreement guidelines. Enrollment Agreement between EPCC and TWC/TAA. MEA will be signed by TWC and Dr. Richard Rhodes. Director will establish an email address to be shared by all EPCC departments that work with TWC/TAA students. Director will bring together local TWC staff, other appropriate department staff and WFD staff to discuss particulars of system. Director and WFD staff will monitor electronic contract processing to ensure compliance OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 134 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Workforce Development Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Objective Measure Standard Strategies and timely processing of students for WFD training. Director and WFD staff will assist in monitoring other departments such as CE, ATC and others to ensure that each area handles its own contracts. 407 11000-43101 Workforce Development 7.1 CTC/WFD To equip Career Training Center computer labs with upgraded hardware and software for vocational training offerings. Upgrade will meet college All lab computers will be upgraded and fully operational by Spring, 2004. standards and requirements as well as individual vocational training offerings standards. Director will work with instructors, lab assistants and Interim Associate Vice President to determine specific upgrades needed. Director will work with purchasing, and other departments as appropriate to obtain estimates, bids, and other vendor information for budget projections. 408 12103-73243 Workforce Development 7.1 CTC/WFD To equip Career Training Center computer labs with upgraded hardware and software for vocational training offerings. Upgrade will meet college All lab computers will be upgraded and fully operational by Spring, 2004. standards and requirements as well as individual vocational training offerings standards. Director will work with instructors, lab assistants and Interim Associate Vice President to determine specific upgrades needed. Director will work with purchasing, and other departments as appropriate to obtain estimates, bids, and other vendor information for budget projections. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan 11/21/2003 Page 135 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Measure Standard 366 11000-12005 VP Workforce Dev & Lifelong Learning 7.1 Expenses in the Workforce Development Division Reduce operational expenses in the Workforce and Lifelong Learning Division. Reduce budget expenses by 10%. Measure 2003-04 expenditures to 2002-03 expenditures. Savings of 10% in the 2003-04 budget expenditures. Reduce expenses such as equipment, supplies, personnel, travel, etc. 386 11000-42471 Center for Technology and Worker Learning 1.1 Center for Technology and Worker Learning Establish a Center for Technology and Worker Learning that will provide a number of workplace related classes to assist incumbent workers improve their skills to become more competitive (e.g. Technology, English for Specific Purposes, Leadership, Study Skills, Spanish Literacy, etc.) The effectiveness of the proposed Center will be measured by the number of students enrolled and their completion rates. 75% of the students complete their prescribed course of study. That standard will be revised after the first year of operation. -Perform a needs assessment with employers and workers to determine/confirm classes to be offered at the Center -Develop marketing materials based on findings -Hire a coordinator -Market the Center 386 11000-42471 Center for Technology and Worker Learning 5.1 Center for Technology and Worker Learning Establish a Center for Technology and Worker Learning that will provide a number of workplace related classes to assist incumbent workers improve their skills to become more competitive (e.g. Technology, English for Specific Purposes, Leadership, Study Skills, Spanish Literacy, etc.) The effectiveness of the proposed Center will be measured by the number of students enrolled and their completion rates. 75% of the students complete their prescribed course of study. That standard will be revised after the first year of operation. -Perform a needs assessment with employers and workers to determine/confirm classes to be offered at the Center -Develop marketing materials based on findings -Hire a coordinator -Market the Center 386 11000-42471 Center for Technology and Worker Learning 2.1 Center for Technology and Worker Learning Establish a Center for Technology and Worker Learning that will provide a number of workplace related classes to assist incumbent workers improve their skills to become more competitive (e.g. Technology, English for Specific Purposes, Leadership, Study Skills, Spanish Literacy, etc.) The effectiveness of the proposed Center will be measured by the number of students enrolled and their completion rates. 75% of the students complete their prescribed course of study. That standard will be revised after the first year of operation. -Perform a needs assessment with employers and workers to determine/confirm classes to be offered at the Center -Develop marketing materials based on findings -Hire a coordinator -Market the Center 387 11000-42471 Center for Technology and Worker Learning 7.1 Quality Instruction for Motivation, Education, and Training (MET) Area Monitor instructional activities Number of site visits per year. and perform classroom observations at least three times per year to ensure that instructional goals are being met rpt0304IEPlan OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Minimum of three -Obtain instructional goals. classroom observations per -Observe classroom instruction. year. -Provide feedback to instructors. -Follow-up on recommendations. 11/21/2003 Page 136 of 137 Institutional and Community Planning 2003-2004 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No Area EPCC Goal Plan Title Objective No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 52 No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Measure Standard Strategies for the MET program. 387 11000-42471 Center for Technology and Worker Learning 5.1 Quality Instruction for Motivation, Education, and Training (MET) Monitor instructional activities and perform classroom observations at least three times per year to ensure that instructional goals are being met for the MET program. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rpt0304IEPlan Number of site visits per year. Minimum of three -Obtain instructional goals. classroom observations per -Observe classroom instruction. year. -Provide feedback to instructors. -Follow-up on recommendations. 11/21/2003 Page 137 of 137