INSTITUTIONAL AND COMMUNITY PLANNING 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Total No. of Plans (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 382 No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Associate Vice President, Employee Relations Plan No. 11 Budget Acct 11000-11107 Priority 1 Area Assoc Vice President Employee Relat EPCC Goal Plan Name Implementa tion of the revised Grievance Procedure and tracking system Objective Measure To refine the processing of grievances, implement a tracking system, and incorporate non-binding, peer mediation as an alternative method of grievance resolution. The Employee Relations Department will coordinate the activities. Standard More efficient method The timely processing, for the monitoring and tracking and resolution of grievances, with the Employee resolution of grievances. Relations Department taking the lead role. Baseline Strategies Complete revision of Grievance procedure with Staff and Faculty committees. Review and finalization of procedure. Mediation training. DCP training. Implementation of Grievance procedure, tracking system, and mediation. Employee orientation sessions. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 1 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area 320 11000-32200 2 Grants Management 321 11000-32200 3 Grants Management EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Grants Develop a comprehensive Managemen EPCC external funding t Planned priority plan. Growth. A priority plan for the development of external funding will be established. Grant awards received An external funding by EPCC in 2005-2006 priorities plan (to be will be more in line with developed). an established external funding priorities plan which is consistent with the College's mission and vision for current and future development; and which plan is approved by the President and the Vice Presidents (awards are presently too opportunistic, rather than as a result of planning). Grants Managemen t Planned Growth Increase in the number of offices/disciplines involved in grant development and funding. The number of EPCC offices/disciplines receiving external funding support will have increased by 15% by August 31, 2006. Increase the number of EPCC offices, staff, and faculty across all disciplines and services who are involved in the grants process, and significantly increase their capabilities to locate appropriate funding sources OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies -Based on identification of funding needs priorities established by the College President, Vice-Presidents, and Deans, by December 31, 2005, the Office of Grants Management will develop an "EPCC External Funding Priorities Plan" for approval of the President and the Vice Presidents; which plan will then be used to better focus efforts to identify and apply for external funding. -Upon approval of the plan, the Office of Grants Management will focus its efforts according to the priorities established within the plan. -The Office of Grants Management will submit to the President and Administrative Team members quarterly reports describing the degree to which efforts and results have achieved the plan's goals during the reporting period (year-to-date). Using the Grants -The Office of Grants Management Management will conduct a database, the minimum of two intensive number and identity grantsmanship courses (1 to 2 of offices/disciplines full days) for EPCC faculty involved in the and staff: which courses will grants process cover funding sources, during 2004-2005 application/proposal Page 2 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard and acquire grant funding. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Baseline will be ascertained, and will form the baseline to ascertain the extent of increased involvement. 1/25/2007 Strategies development (needs, objectives, methodologies, budget development, and evaluation systems), general grant standards (EPCC, OMB, state, and local), management of grant programs (personnel, accounting, facilities, and property management), and reporting. -The Office of Grants Management will refine its funding search and grants alert system to: a) reach a greater number of faculty and staff, b) acquire greater input from EPCC faculty and staff on areas of funding needs, and c) focus funding searches and application efforts on identified EPCC priorities. -The Office of Grants Management will research and develop a grant-specific "fact book" that will include current general and specific data and information that can be readily used by EPCC staff and faculty in development of grants (needs statements, goals and objectives, methodologies selections, and baselines for grant evaluation components. -To make the grants process generally more visible, the Office of Grants Management Page 3 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies will publish a quarterly newspaper that will cover EPCC grant activities (awards, renewals, notable accomplishments, etc.) potential funding opportunities, and information useful to staff and faculty involved in the grant process (internal management procedures and changes, training and workshop agenda and schedules, and other matters of interest.) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 4 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 188 11000-33010 1 Director Instl & Comm 7.1 Plng Benchmarki ng for Planning and Effectivenes s. Under the direction of the Vice President for Research and Development, implement benchmarking process based on national and Kansas Community College benchmarking models. Identification of key EPCC benchmarking data, completion of comparison reports, and evidence of data submission based on benchmarking data utilized in College operational planning. 189 11000-33010 2 Director Instl & Comm 7.1 Plng Electronic Access to Planning Data Increase accessibility of EPCC planning data and documentation via electronic access for budget heads. Planning materials and data accessible to all budget heads continuously via electronic access, with the ability for budget heads to manage their data on an ongoing basis. 190 11000-33010 3 Director Instl & Comm 7.1 Plng Planning Materials Update to Support Benchmarki ng and Process Revisions. Revise, prepare and distribute planning rationale, procedure and materials to support and strengthen District-wide planning process. Preparation of revised procedure, planning guides, and informational "white papers" outlining importance/practices of strategic and operational planning for College budget heads and decision-makers. 190 11000-33010 3 Director Instl & Comm 7.2 Plng Planning Materials Update to Support Benchmarki Revise, prepare and distribute planning rationale, procedure and materials to support and strengthen District-wide planning process. Preparation of revised procedure, planning guides, and informational "white papers" outlining importance/practices of OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Benchmarking standards will be identified and established in 20052006 fiscal year, and implemented in 20062007 fiscal year planning. Baseline Strategies None current. Baseline to be established after implementation. Hold sessions with each Vice Presidential area, and work with Associate Vice Presidents and Instructional Deans on process implementation. Revise planning procedure, guidelines, and develop materials to facilitate implementation of benchmarking process. Reports currently All budget heads to Work with Information accessible via EPCC Technology area and have access to Area website. Effectiveness Plans, Institutional Effectiveness Assessments, and Director to ensure that budget Program Review Plans heads and their designees can for current and prior access their plans fiscal years, as well as electronically, input and print ongoing reports manage information more and manage their own effectively, and print reports data. on an ongoing basis. Current procedure All budget heads Develop revised planning reporting to each Vice and planning guide procedure to include in place-revisions Presidential area and benchmarking process; instructional decision- necessary. Prepare revised planning makers will be provided guide and informational with revised materials "white papers" to inform and information college community about sessions regarding the strategic planning process, materials. operational planning, program review process, and other planning/institutional effectiveness practices. Current procedure All budget heads Develop revised planning reporting to each Vice and planning guide procedure to include in place-revisions Presidential area and benchmarking process; instructional decision- necessary. Prepare revised planning makers will be provided guide and informational 1/25/2007 Page 5 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. 191 Budget Acct 11000-33010 Priority 4 Area EPCC Goal Director Instl & Comm 7.1 Plng Plan Name Objective Measure ng and Process Revisions. strategic and operational planning for College budget heads and decision-makers. Community Continue community Planning planning initiatives with key relevance to EPCC institutional mission. Number of community planning activities during 2005-2006 fiscal year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies "white papers" to inform college community about strategic planning process, operational planning, program review process, and other planning/institutional effectiveness practices. Currently, 4-5 large Work with each Vice At least two major community planning Presidential area and budget community-focused projects undertaken head to identify their key planning activities. each fiscal year; in initiatives during fiscal year; Special emphasis on 2005-2006, insure strategic planning assist in their efforts when process and community that communityappropriate, and encourage based planning input into EPCC's involvement of budget heads supports the strategic goals will and their community-based conceptual emphasized. partners to give input into framework and EPCC's strategic plan goals. development of the Facilitate, staff, and compile strategic plan, in results of community-based addition to meetings. providing support to college areas undertaking strategic planning processes. with revised materials and information sessions regarding the materials. 1/25/2007 Page 6 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Director, Institutional Effectiveness Plan No. 194 Budget Acct 11000-34000 Priority 1 Area Director Institutionl Effectiveness EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Administrat Administrative Review Report Publication of the Report ive Review OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Completion of the Report by May 1, 2006 1/25/2007 Baseline An Administrative Review Report has never been created. Strategies In consultation with the President and Cabinet, determine the units to be addressed and select performance indicators which profile administrative units and which can be addressed through planning. Possible indicators: Operating within budget, Meeting planning objectives, Following College procedures, Percentage of employees attending training activities, Percentage of employees meeting expectations. Page 7 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 350 11000-31001 1 Faculty Evaluation 7.2 On-Line Survey Process Development of an effective process for administering surveys on the WEB. Successful administration, data retrieval and data analysis of the Faculty Evaluation instrument for online classes. Pilot the administration of another survey instrument on line. Successful retrieval and analysis of 100% of online Faculty Evaluations data. Provide Faculty Evaluation reports to the faculty and deans during the last week of class for each semester. Successfully complete a pilot administration of another survey instrument on line. Current software is problematical because of lack of training of our personnel and lack of technical support. 351 11000-31001 2 Faculty Evaluation 1.6 Student Survey Procedure Implementation of a procedure for administration of the Student Survey including dissemination of the results to the College community and to state and federal agencies. Credit and continuing education student participation in the survey each semester. Results of the survey available in time to meet state deadlines and College needs. At least 70 % of all credit and continuing education students complete the Student Survey each semester. Data must be provided to the Institutional Research Office by November 1 Fall semester, April 1 Spring semester and July1 Summer semester. In October of each year a Student Profile report for the previous academic year must be Currently there is no written procedure for administering the Student Survey. Credit students participate at a much higher rate than continuing education students. Some questions on the survey need revision and additional questions are needed. The College community does not receive the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies Research software packages available and choose the package that will best meet our needs, assuring adequate technical support. Provide training to Faculty Evaluations personnel. With the support of other EPCC offices, develop a strategy for administering the on-line Faculty Evaluations that will assure maximum student participation. Prepare Faculty Evaluation reports for the individual faculty members and summary reports for the deans. Develop a procedure for administering surveys on line. Test the effectiveness of the procedure by piloting the administration of another survey on line. Review current process and develop a written procedure for administering the survey in credit and continuing education classes. Meet with the appropriate administrators to emphasize the importance of the Student Survey and to provide direction for effective survey administration. Revise the survey to maximize usefulness of the data. Develop a Student Profile report for the College community and College WEB site. Page 8 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard disseminated to the College community via the College WEB site. 352 11000-34002 1 Institutional Research 7.1 353 11000-34002 3 Institutional Research 7.2 354 11000-34002 2 Institutional Research 8.4 Organizatio nal Plan for Institutional Research and Faculty Evaluations More effective operation and personnel utilization for Institutional Research and Faculty Evaluations. Written Organizational Plan completed by September 30, 2005. Plan approved by October15, 2005. Plan implemented by November 1, 2005. Baseline Strategies results of the survey and does not understand the survey's importance. Current organizational structure may put an unequal workload on personnel. Some functions may not be appropriately placed within Institutional Research and Faculty Evaluations. Review all functions performed by Faculty Evaluations and Institutional Research. Determine the time and personnel requirements for each function. Develop criteria to determine where functions should be housed. Develop an Organizational Plan. Review the plan. Implement the plan. Transfer EPCC does not Development of a process for Fully implemented process for Written procedure Meet with appropriate UTEP Student receiving data from UTEP personnel and contact receiving transfer information completed by October 1, currently receive Data data from UTEP and THECB for students who from UTEP and THECB 2005. Procedure appropriate THECB personnel Exchange transfer from EPCC to UTEP. about former EPCC students. reviewed by November about students by phone and e-mail to plan with UTEP transferring from 30, 2005. Procedure process for obtaining transfer and Texas implemented by January EPCC to UTEP. data. Complete all paperwork Higher Transfer data 31, 2006. required to assure student Education currently received confidentiality. Develop a Coordinatin from THECB does written procedure. Complete g Board not fully meet procedure review and receive (THECB) College needs. necessary approvals. Implement procedure. Community Administration of a Surveys of Survey administration, data Survey instrument Review past instruments from Survey analysis and preparation of a completed and reviewed community training EPCC and other institutions. Community Survey to preInstrument selected members of the El needs have been report of survey findings. by October 15, 2005. Receive feedback from EPCC and Process Paso community. administered in the administrators and other key Implementation plan past but results have personnel. Develop and completed by October been somewhat 31, 2005, including a review instrument. Determine inconclusive and list with telephone the audience for the survey. numbers and addresses have not always Develop a list of individuals, been utilized to of individuals to be businesses and organizations improve class surveyed. Survey to be surveyed including offering at EPCC. administered, data telephone numbers and OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Implementation of a written Organizational Plan. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 9 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard analyzed and report prepared by Jan 31, 2005. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies addresses. Develop a written procedure for administering the survey. Administer the survey, analyze the data, and prepare final report. Distribute the report in hard copy and on the EPCC WEB site. Page 10 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 17 Research and Development No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Vice President, Research and Development Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 185 11000-12004 1 Vice President Research & Development 7.2 Benchmarki Integrate the Kansas and ng National Community College Benchmark Projects into the college's planning process. Complete accurate and timely data submission, prepare comparison reports, demonstrate data when used in planning process. FY 2006-07 will Planning integration serve as the baseline will occur during the year. 2006-07 cycle beginning October 2005. 186 11000-12004 2 Vice President Research & Development 7.1 Strategic Planning A plan will be developed, approved and distributed. Approved Plan with budget considerations. 187 11000-12004 4 Vice President Research & Development 5.3 184 11000-32002 3 SACS Self Study 1.1 Community Review and change as Support appropriate Community Survey, and prepare for implementation. Achieving Fully support and report on the Dream the college's progress on Student Success via Gateway course completion, graduation and transfer. Survey instrument will be reviewed and revised, and a plan will be made to implement it. Reports on the Student Success will be prepared and distributed and presentations will be given for information purposes. Review and revision by October 15, 2005, Plan approved by October 31, 2005 Want to see Area Effectiveness Plans addressing Student Success Indicators. Prepare a Plan for the updating of the college's Strategic Plan. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 N/A Strategies IR office will submit data files, Planning office will revise planning procedure and guide, Effectiveness office will assist Planning office with workshops and information sessions on the integration. The Planning Office will form either a focus group or the president will create a Strategic Planning Committee. Planning and Effectiveness Offices will facilitate workshops, and information sessions throughout the year. Work with Carol, Ron, Cabinet and others as needed to review, revise and plan. Current graduation The IR Office will be rates of 6.67% must involved throughout this be improved; process. Transfer rates must be improved (17%), Course completions for Gateway courses must be improved. Page 11 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Associate Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 6.1 259 11000-12005 260 11000-41001 355 11000-41003 Customized Training 5.1 262 11000-42402 Workforce Literacy 5.1 AVP Workforce Life Lrng&Tech Ed 1 Con Op Ctr PTAC Match Plan Name Objective No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Measure Standard Baseline Partnerships Continue to provide quality with services and satisfaction to Business Business and Industry. and Industry. Monthly reports will be generated and provided to monitor service to local businesses and companies. 1) Continue working with the Chamber to support the BRAC Program. 2) Increase efforts in working with Business Services Center (Upper Rio Grande at Work) to serve more local companies in providing training for new and incumbent workers. Procuremen Increase active client base by t Technical targeting Veteran/Service Assistance Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses. Assistance provided Veteran/Service Disabled Veteran owned businesses increased. New Grants Create two (2) grant funding and proposals. Contracts Negotiate eight (8) private training contracts. Workforce Conduct a survey to detect Developme the needs of the Workforce nt and Development and Lifelong Lifelong Learning instructors and Learning present professional Professional development workshops that address the identified needs. Developme nt Quantity and specifics stated in objectives. Two (2) new funded programs. Eight (8) private training programs. Two (2) private training contracts. Implementation of professional development workshops by August 2005. Minimum of two presentations. The effectiveness of the workshops will determine future professional development workshops. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 2004-05 have been appointed and serving on the following committees: Chamber of Commerce Committee, Business Development Executive Committee, Armed Forces Committee, Upper Rio Grande: E Executive Committee. 100% increase in clients 0.05% of active clients are Service that are Disabled Veteran Veteran/Services owned business Disabled Veteran concerns. Owned Businesses by the end of the Program year December 31, 2006. Continue to serve in community projects and actively pursue other funding sources for EPCC. 1/25/2007 Strategies Continue meetings with El Paso Chamber of Commerce and continue dialogue with Upper Rio Grande at Work and Texas Workforce Commission. Establish an internal process for tracking all recipients receiving service from workforce grants. Increase outreach and recruiting activity by attending Veteran oriented conferences, business fairs, procurement fairs and conferences, and providing training events targeting Veteran owned businesses. Create two (2) proposals. Promote effectiveness of private programs. -Develop survey -Apply survey -Identify workshop presenters -Present workshops -Evaluate workshops Page 12 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Associate Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. 262 262 263 Budget Acct 11000-42402 11000-42402 Priority Area Workforce Literacy Workforce Literacy EPCC Goal 8.1 7.1 5.1 Plan Name Workforce Developme nt and Lifelong Learning Professional Developme nt Workforce Developme nt and Lifelong Learning Professional Developme nt Effective Instructiona l Strategies for Workplace Literacy Instructors Objective Measure Standard ESL Vocational Literacy Baseline Strategies Conduct a survey to detect the needs of the Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning instructors and present professional development workshops that address the identified needs. Implementation of professional development workshops by August 2005. Minimum of two presentations. The effectiveness of the workshops will determine future professional development workshops. -Develop survey -Apply survey -Identify workshop presenters -Present workshops -Evaluate workshops Conduct a survey to detect the needs of the Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning instructors and present professional development workshops that address the identified needs. Implementation of professional development workshops by August 2005. Minimum of two presentations. The effectiveness of the workshops will determine future professional development workshops. -Develop survey -Apply survey -Identify workshop presenters -Present workshops -Evaluate workshops Conduct at least one The number of instructors will At least one site visit classroom observation of determine the number of site per instructor. every instructor in Workplace visits completed. Literacy for the purpose of designing professional development workshops in collaboration with the Far West Project Great Center. 7.1 Effective 263 Conduct at least one The number of instructors will At least one site visit 11000-42471 ESL Vocational Instructiona classroom observation of determine the number of site per instructor. Literacy l Strategies every instructor in Workplace visits completed. for Literacy for the purpose of Workplace designing professional Literacy development workshops in Instructors collaboration with the Far West Project Great Center. 261 11000-43201 1 Center for Business To fund new grant position to The objective will be met The first year we should 5.2 SBDC Services based on the amount of grant see at least fifty-percent Cooperative support program operations funding acquired and the (50%) improvement in Agreement and expansion of SBDC services. New positions positions hired for the program development Program-1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 11000-42471 No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Minimum of one per -Obtain instructional goals year. -Observe classroom instruction -Provide feedback to instructor -Provide findings to the Far West Project Great Center -Plan and develop workshops -Conduct workshops Minimum of one per -Obtain instructional goals year. -Observe classroom instruction -Provide feedback to instructor -Provide findings to the Far West Project Great Center -Plan and develop workshops -Conduct workshops An Assistant Director of Currently, the Operations will be added fullprogram lacks specialized services time to the SBDC in international trade organization to supervise Page 13 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Associate Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Reorganizat ion and New Positions Objective Measure include: Assistant Director of Operations $45,000; International Trade Specialist $38,500; Program Development Coordinator $34,500; and Business Technician $19,980. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT program year. NO NEW FUNDS ARE BEING REQUESTED OF THE INSTITUTIONAL ACCOUNT 11000-43201 FOR FY 2006. rptIEPlan0506 No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Standard activities and administrative operations by August 31, 2006. A 100% increase in the provision of International Trade assistance will be reached by year-end (no services are to be provided in FY2005). 1/25/2007 Baseline and technology related areas. Oversight of program operations and compliances require administrative support to ensure timely correction of issues that arise in case management and become compliant in areas that are currently weak. Counseling and technical services in international trade are non-existent due to having a trade specialist (with the expertise required) to provide services in this area of business development. Strategies daily administrative activities and compliance issues. An International Trade Specialist will be hired to provide counseling, technical, and outreach services to export/import clients, and will assist with the development of an International Trade Training Program. A Program Development Coordinator will be hired fulltime to assist with the development of the Small Business Management Institute Training Program initiatives and provide coordination to training program activities of the SBDC and the SBDC Regional Office. A Business Technician position will also be hired to assist the Program Development Coordinator with clerical and technical support. Page 14 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. 336 337 Budget Acct 11000-42403 11000-42403 Priority 1 2 Area ATC VV ATC VV EPCC Goal 2.1 5.1 Plan Name Increase ATC Enrollment No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Increase student enrollment in Student Enrollment Numbers Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Programs Create a certificate in Robotics Implementation of program Technology Robotics Technology program with ulitmate goal of Program creating degree program Standard Increase overall enrollment by 10% in FY 2005-2006 At least 15 students enrolled in program by Spring 2006 Baseline Current enrollment figures for FY '04'05 are as follows: 2,033 Total student Enrollment; Credit student enrollment of 1017, Non-credit student enrollment of 600, Contract and Customized training enrollment of 182, and Appreticeship enrollment of 234 students N/A-- New Program Strategies Form Enrollment Management Committees per discipline comprised of industry, faculty, high school faculty, and university faculty; Implement dual credit with local high schools; Market programs aggressively personally through presentations, community outreach, and via media. Hire part-time curriculum developer Partner with high schools and universities to develop program Develop dual credit agreements Market Program to Prospective students via partners and media 338 11000-42403 3 ATC VV 5.1 Diesel Mechanic Program Expansion Institutionalize Diesel Mechanic Program Recruit and hire qualified faculty Develop and Implement Number of sections offered in Increase program by at Currently ('04-'05) least 3 sections per 10 sections are Industry partnership to share Diesel Mechanic Program semester, with goal of offered per year. All facility costs 10 student per section; are grant-funded 3-year goal of 15 Utilize NATEF Certified sections offered per year. materials and curriculum Hire a full-time coordinator OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 15 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies for the program, (convert existing position to full-time with an additional 10 hours per week, plus benefits) Implement dual-credit in program for high school students 339 11000-42403 4 ATC VV 5.1 Precision Machining Evaluate current Precision Machining curriculum and add curriculum to address current industry needs Implementation of new certificates and industry buyin to current curriculum At least 15 students enrolled in both programs by Spring '06 N/A Market program agressively personally through community outreach and via media Re-evaluate current curriculum and create: 1. Certificate in Moldmaking/Rol Repair, and 2. Certificate in Tool and Die Create an internal committee composed of part-time faculty to coordinate all activites and forward recommendations to Director Create an external advisory committee composed of industry experts to advise in curriculum and marketing matters Develop Dual-Credit partnerships with high high schools Market parograms to prospective students via partners OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 16 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. 340 Budget Acct 11000-42403 Priority 5 Area ATC VV EPCC Goal 5.1 Plan Name Welding Curriculum Revisions No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Evaluate current Welding Implementation of new curriculum and add certificates with associated curriculum to address current credit value industry needs Standard Baseline N/A- New At least 15 students enrolled in both prgrams Certificate Program by Spring 2006 Strategies Recruit and hire qualified faculty Re-evaluate current current curriculkum and create: 1. Certificates in specific welding techniques as specified by Welding committee to Director Create an internal committee composed of part-time faculty to coordinate all activities and forward recommendations to Director Create an external advisory committtee composed of industry experts to advise in curriculum and marketing matters Develop Dual-Credit partnerships with local high schools Market programs to prospective students via partners 341 11000-42403 6 ATC VV 5.1 Transfer of Electronics Program from Trans Mountain campus to ATC Re-evaluate current Tranfer of electronics labs to curriculum and renew courses ATC as needed OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Transfer of labs to be completed and courses offered by Spring 2006 1/25/2007 Current labs/program at Trans Mt. campus; new implementation at ATC be create baseline in 20052006 academic years Recruit qualified faculty Create internal committee composed of part-time faculty to coordinate all activities and forward recommendations to Director Hire a full-time lab assistant Page 17 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies to assist in transferring of equipment to ATC Create a secrue location to house electronic equipment Re-evaluate curriculum with advisory council and renew courses as needed Develop Dual-Credit partnerships with local high schools Market programs to prospective students via partners Recruit and hire qualified faculty OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 18 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Director, CE Business Programs and Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 283 11000-42204 1 CE Office Technology 2.1 284 11000-42601 1 N/C Business Programs 7.1 285 12170-73243 1 CE Custom Brokers 286 12195-S12195 1 7.1 CE Computer Programs 6.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Increase Enrollment for Office Technology Program Market the Office 3% increase in students Technology Program to new attending 2005/2006 markets in order to increase enrollment. Flyers will come out of Office Tech fee money Upgrade Position Make 35 hour Office Clerk Increase of 5 hours per week position into a full-time Clerk to clerk position. III position. Due to increase in workload from Office Technology Program and a 16% increase in Real Estate student enrollment. Marketing Customs Broker Program Advertise and market (1) Compile a mailing list for Customs Broker Program in Custom Broker order to attract more students. program. (2) Develop flyer to use as a marketing tool. Update all computers in Purchase new removable Room 106, ATC/VV and harddrives and upgrade purchase new hardware where software. necessary. Update Computer Classroom, ATC 106 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Standard Baseline Increase in number of students by end of Summer 2006. Approximately 260 students annually. All computers updated and new harddrives in place. Computers in Room 106, ATC/VV are 5 years old and need upgrading. Strategies Market Office Technology to Ft. Bliss. Meet with Ms. Jackson at the Ft. Bliss Education Office and Ms. Taylor at U.S. Sgt. Majors Academy, Biggs Army Airfield. New troops at Ft. Bliss will help us with this project. 40 hours full-time Clerk 35 hours current (1) Seek AVP approval (was work week for clerk. given 2 years in a row, III position. however due to hiring freeze was unable to go forward). (2) Extra work for part-time clerk. (3) Clerk III - Grade C $19,354 ( $12,154 in budget plus $7,200 from 1100042401-61600 already transferred by AVP). Mailing list completed Standard CE (1) Seek input from Custom Schedule and and in use. Flyer Broker Instructors, (2) developed and mailed to existing mailing list Develop flyer with assistance for all CE students. from Publications Office. potential students. 1/25/2007 (1) AVP Approval, (2) Purchase hard drives and software, (3) Computers upgraded, (4) Upgrade/harddrives are being purchased with tech fee money and account money PLEASE NOTE: TOTAL BUDGET FOR THIS ACCOUNT IS INCORRECT. CORRECT TOTAL IS $90,508 Page 19 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Director, CE Health Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 264 11000-42301 1 CE Health 7.1 265 11000-42313 1 CE EMT 2.1 266 12114-S12114 1 Massage Therapy 2.1 267 12153-S12153 1 Workshop/Conferences 2.1 268 12164-S12164 1 CE Nursing 2.1 Plan Name No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Measure Standard Baseline Accreditatio Maintain current n accreditation standards for nursing assistant, massage therapy, and medication courses. EMT Increase number of sections and enrollment in CE/EMT courses. Accreditation standards implemented and monitored before site visits. 100% renewal of all accredited programs. Full accreditation. Student enrollment. Enrollment will increase 2003-2004 = 1,665 5%. Increase course offerings to meet the continuing education needs of massage therapists. Increase student enrollment. Offer three new massage CE courses. Three new classes should be offered by August 2006. Current Increase enrollment by August 2006. Current Massage Workshop Nursing Objective Increase 2005-2006 enrollment by 5% over 20032004 enrollment. Increase course offerings and Increase 2005-2006 enrollment. enrollment by 5% over 20032004. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Increase course offering Current by August 2006. 1/25/2007 Strategies Hire qualified faculty. Prepare files. Review curriculum. Increase budget to cover faculty salaries and instructional supplies. Advertise classes. Identify need. Find qualified faculty. Advertise classes. Identify needs, Find qualified faculty. Advertise classes. Identify community needs. Hire qualified faculty. Advertise classes. Page 20 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Director, CE Personal Enrichment Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Standard Baseline 277 11000-42102 1 CE Personal Enrichment 2.1 Increase Enrollment To include more on-line course offerings in the enrichment area. Enrollment has increased 50% Six new on-line courses will be introduced in the in the established on-line Personal Enrichment courses. Personal Enrichment area. Currently we are offering 12 classes on-line with Education to Go. They do not all make, I have put an evaluation system in process, to identify which ones are in demand. 278 11000-42111 1 Young Peoples College 5.2 Additional Resources To request the manager's position be upgraded from part-time to full-time status. Making the manager's position full-time will assist the department in being able to serve the demand for Children's College courses. At the present time, the department only participates in one community event. 279 11000-42202 1 CE Industry Training 5.1 Workforce Training 280 12168-S12168 1 Enrichment Seminars 5.1 Workforce Training EPCC Young People's College will be able to participate in several of the community and college events, and offer more courses. To offer the Licensed The addition of this The course has been Electrician Renewal course developed and we have been class will support our that has been mandated by approved by the state for us to local electricial the state. community and increase be a provider. enrollment in this area. Continue to assist industry in Our industry training efforts The department will their training needs. enhance our community offer four new industry partnership, and the courses. enrollment in these areas generates revenues for our programs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies 1. The department is going to work with Project Sail a league of innovation initiative in offering two enrichment courses. 2. The department is going to add six more classes through Education to Go, our on-line vendor. 3. The department will work with Education to Go marketing plan to increase enrollment. 1. Marketing plan will be developed. 2. The Department will participate in two more community events. Summer 2005 will 1. Work in conjunction with be the first semester the apprenticeship program to to offer these courses. recruit students. 2. Work in conjunction with the local union to recruit students. During the 20041. Continue to attend credit 2005 year the vocational advisory department assisted committees for new course 10 partnerships in development. 2. Continue to training their staff. attend Chamber of Commerce meetings. 3. Add two more industry partners for skills training. Page 21 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Building TradesFinish Carpentry Program Standard 269 11000-42201 1 La Tuna 6.1 270 11000-42501 1 Security & Special Officers 6.1 271 11000-42501 2 Security & Special Officers 6.1 Expansion of Indoor Shooting Range Design and build additional Increase area training through Increased student facilities to include expansion additional resources. enrollment year-round. of the indoor shooting range. 274 11000-42502 1 Defensive Driving 2.1 Defensive Driving Enrollment Increase student enrollment by 5% per course, per semester. 272 11000-42511 1 Driver's Education 7.1 Driver Education Instructors Recruit additional (qualified) Increase the number of classroom instructors. classroom instructors within the Program. 273 12107-S12107 1 Truck Driving 7.1 Truck Reassessment of current Driving program. Reassessme nt Develop a Building TradesFinish Carpentry Program for La Tuna Federal Correctional Facility. This program has been requested by La Tuna Federal Institute. Professional Develop a Professional Emergency Emergency Response Driving Response Program. Driving Program OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Baseline Develop new program in operation for 2005-2006. Program does not New program in operation for 2005-2006. currently exist. Develop an Emergency Response Driving Program to serve the needs of local Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS personnel. Design and construct a This facility does not driving pad that may be currently exist. used for professional emergency driving. Increase student Compare the number of enrollment by 5% per students enrolled in the program during previous years. course, per semester. Cost/benefit analysis of existing program. rptIEPlan0506 Hire four part-time classroom instructors which will allow for program expansion. Realign expenditures based upon need. 1/25/2007 Strategies Program Development: (1) Needs assessment, (2) Development of objectives, (3) Budget development, (4) Implementation Program Development: (1) Needs Assessment, (2) Development of Objectives, (3) Budget Development, (4) Cost/Benefit Analysis, (5) Implementation This department is Program Development: (1) unable to keep up Needs Assessment, (2) with the demand for Development of Objectives, range time by area (3) Budget Development, (4) law enforcement Implementation agencies. The current average Use of local media number of students opportunities. Referrals from per course is 10. municipal courts. Projected Costs: Improvements attainable within the current budget. The program Newspaper employment currently has only advertisements. Referrals of three classroom qualified instructors. instructors, limiting the current effectiveness of the program. Program is showing Cost/benefit analysis over the a deficit at the last three years. Assess present time. current marketing strategies. Determine new markets. Studies to be conducted within current budget. Page 22 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 275 12110-S12110 1 Motorcycle Rider 5.1 Motorcycle Rider Course Instructors Recruit two additional qualified instructors. Increase the number of qualified instructors within the program. Hire two part-time instructors which will allow for program expansion. 276 12198-S12198 1 Law Enforcement In- 7.1 EPCC billing process Improve the current billing process between EPCC and U.S. Customs. Review the current billing process and seek opportunities to streamline the billing process. The currrent billing process is prone to errors and a source of continued dissatisfaction. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline The current program only has two qualified instructors thus limiting the effectiveness of the program. The current billing process does not fit the U.S. CUSTOMS allocation process. Strategies Newspaper employment advertisements. Referrals for qualified instructors. Projected Costs: Unkown, based upon the number of actual hires and workload. Stakeholder meetings to offer input to the process to resolve past and furture problems. Projected Costs: There are no anticipated costs to the current budget. Page 23 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 287 11000-42701 1 Senior Adult Program 8.4 Program Facility Expansion Project Obtain a facility or building within the College district to house the Senior Adult Program, staff, faculty, students and volunteers to support the educational classes and encourage student and community involvement in our programs. The Senior Adult Program staff, faculty, students and volunteers will move to an adequate facility that will promote the services, goals and mission of the program. 288 11000-42701 2 Senior Adult Program 7.2 Senior Adult Program Visions 5Year Plan Develop a review and needs assessment of the operations and services of the Senior Adult Program using the VISIONS for Successful Aging 2004 Strategic Plan to increase program effectiveness in serving the older adult population. The VISIONS for Successful Aging 2004 Report will be submitted to the VP of Student Services to address the issues and recommendations presented. Leverage our services and program offerings for seniors to increase their well-being and quality of life by establishing new partnerships with the community Aging Network and other service agencies. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 rptIEPlan0506 Baseline The Senior Adult Program has lost office operational space over the past four years, 8 people are sharing our small two room office area and high traffic of students, faculty and community volunteers assisting with the program. The current office is not conducive to quality production, no adequate workstations and it is not a student friendly environment, no place to sit for appointments. There is no advisory Increase community council at this time, support and program effectiveness in serving nor an adequate office facility that seniors by 100%. will allow for growth Increased community and implementation partnerships will of the Senior Adult generate additional Program Visions workshops, seminars, Plan. direct services and information for seniors after the assessment and college commitment is approved. Community partnerships, seniors involvement in the programs, activities, classes and seminars will increase by 50% six months after the program is operational in the expanded facility. 1/25/2007 Strategies Meet with the college administration to continue to research the feasibility of remodeling the building at the corner of Hunter/Phoenix for the Senior Adult Program. Recruit volunteers and develop a Volunteer Training Program to support the operations, activities and programs initiated in the new facility. Establish an active Senior Advisory Council with representation of senior citizens, aging network agencies, students and community volunteers to continue the efforts and realize the goals, objectives and mission of the Senior Adult Program's vision for the next five years. Meet with community partners i.e. agencies, senior leaders, faculty, and community volunteers to determine their commitment and contribution Page 24 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. 289 Budget Acct 11000-42701 Priority 3 Area Senior Adult Program EPCC Goal 4.2 Plan Name Increase Grants and Contracts Funding for Elderly Programs and Services Objective Measure Increase grant and contracts funding to support education and support services for elderly in the community. Write and secure at least one or more grants or contracts that will increase services for seniors in the community. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 New programs and services will be provided to seniors through external funding resources. rptIEPlan0506 Standard Submit and acquire least one or more grants for senior citizens by August 2006. Find and provide adequate office space to house the grants staff. 1/25/2007 Baseline We currently have a Health and Wellness contact with the Housing Authority City of El Paso (HACEP) for older adults and housing residents. Strategies to the program's vision. Hire a full-time employee to coordinate the Senior Adult Program Activities and work closely with the Grants Management Office, and meet with the Aging Network of community agency partners on grant writing and acquisition of additional funding. Page 25 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Workforce Development Plan No. 281 282 Budget Acct 11000-43101 Priority 1 12103-S12103 1 Area Workforce Development Workforce Development EPCC Goal 1.1 1.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Constructio To identify, assess, analyze n Manager and implement Alternative Program Method(s) of Construction that will assist in meeting the needs of our community. Constructio To identify, assess, analyze n Manager and implement Alternative Program Method(s) of Construction that will assist in meeting the needs of our community. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Standard The Best Alternative Construction Method will be determined. An Alternative Construction Method that is practical can expedite participant training, delivery time, and increase quantity of houses that can potentially be delivered to sponsor(s). The Best Alternative Construction Method will be determined. An Alternative Construction Method that is practical can expedite participant training, delivery time, and increase quantity of houses that can potentially be delivered to sponsor(s). rptIEPlan0506 -Alternative Construction Method will be in place -Curriculum will be developed -Classes will be in place (to implement the best Alternative Construction Method in addition to instruction already taking place) -Instructor will be hired Baseline Currently, the traditional method of construction (wood framing) is being used. An Alternative Construction Method can assist not only in a quicker turn around period of delivery but also in the quantity of homes per year that can be built and the amount of students that can be trained/placed in jobs. Strategies Alternative Construction Method(s) will be identified and explored by WFD Interim AVP, Director, and other staff/faculty as appropriate. The best Alternative Construction Method will be selected be Director and appropriate staff. Director will work with curriculum developer to finalize curriculum. Director will hire instructor to teach the Alternative Construction Method. Director will create and implement a schedule of classes. Currently, the -Alternative Alternative Construction traditional method of Method(s) will be identified Construction Method construction (wood and explored by WFD Interim will be in place framing) is being -Curriculum will be AVP, Director, and other used. An developed staff/faculty as appropriate. -Classes will be in place Alternative (to implement the best Construction The best Alternative Method can assist Alternative Construction Method will be Construction Method in not only in a quicker selected Director and turn around period addition to instruction appropriate staff. of delivery but also already taking place) -Instructor will be hired in the quantity of Director will work with homes per year that curriculum developer to can be built and the finalize curriculum. amount of students that can be Director will hire instructor to 1/25/2007 Page 26 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Workforce Development Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Objective Measure Standard Baseline trained/placed in jobs. Strategies teach the Alternative Construction Method. Director will create and implement a schedule of classes. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 27 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 322 11000-13001 1 Dean Am Language, BSK, Comm & Arts 5.1 322 11000-13001 1 Dean Am Language, BSK, Comm & Arts 3.2 68 11000-55170 10 Mass Communication VV 69 11000-55190 10 Foreign Language VV 7.1 70 11000-55190 10 Foreign Language VV 5.1 71 11000-55195 10 Drama VV 7.1 Plan Name Improve class fill rates and revenue sufficiency. Increase class fill rate and revenue sufficiency. Sections taught by full-time faculty. Class fill rate. Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Using Faculty Development's attendance sheets for Fall and Spring. Completion date August One workshop per semester. 31, 2006. Attend one faculty development workshop per semester. Using Faculty Development's attendance sheets for Fall and Spring. Completion date August One workshop per semester. 31, 2006. Attend one faculty development workshop per semester. Number of independent study sections is decreased. Standard to be met is 80%. Baseline is 21%. Find alternative means for students to complete the field of study. 1) Promote the option that Enrollment will increase. EPCC students have to complete fourteen hours of foreign language requirement for bachelors degree at UTEP in the Liberal Arts at EPCC where classes are smaller, instruction is better and cheaper than at UTEP. 2) Promote with students the idea that they will be more successful in their careers if they are bilingual in English and Spanish. Increase the number of fullFunds are approved to hire time faculty in Foreign one full time instructor. Language by one. Standard is 80%. Baseline is 43%. Develop and distribute a brochure sharing these objectives with EPCC students. Standard is 60%. Baseline is 42%. Request one full time instructor position for Valle Verde campus. 1) Recruit drama students in Increased enrollment. high schools and at EPCC. 2) To lower the optima on Acting classes. Standard is 80% Baseline is 55% 1) To develop dual credit offerings in the high schools. Develop and distribute a brochure in high schools and EPCC. Request that the optima be lowered following To ensure that staff attend a minimum of two professional development workshops throughout the year. To ensure that staff attend a minimum of two professional development workshops throughout the year. To decrease the number of independent study sections. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 28 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 72 11000-55195 10 Drama VV 5.1 Sections taught by full-time faculty. 73 11000-55200 10 Music VV 7.1 Class fill rate. 74 11000-55200 10 Music VV 7.1 Sections taught by full-time faculty. 67 11000-55265 10 Speech VV 5.1 Full-time faculty expansion. 75 11000-55422 10 Media Production VV 7.1 Class fill rate and revenue sufficiency. Objective Measure Increase the number of sections taught in Drama. Currently, the percent taught by full-time faculty is 58% and the standard is 60%. This objective is very close to being met. We need to increase the number of sections so that we can justify the need for an additional fulltime instructor. Lower the optima for music field of study sections to reflect reality. Increase the number of sections taught in Drama. Currently, the percent taught by full-time faculty is 55% and the standard is 60%. This objective is very close to being met. We need to increase the number of sections so that we can justify the need for an additional fulltime instructor. For Fall 2005, three additional Speech instructors district-wide will be hired. Depending on the availability of funds, as many as two more instructors may be hired. Increase enrollment. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline An additional instructor is approved for Drama. Standard is 60%. Baseline is 58%. Class fill rate will be increased. Standard is 80%. Baseline is 66%. An additional instructor is approved for Drama. Standard is 60%. Baseline is 55%. Strategies EPCC procedures. To develop dual credit offerings in the high schools. Develop and distribute a brochure in high schools and EPCC. Request that the optima be lowered following EPCC procedures. Request lower optima following established college procedure. To develop dual credit offerings in the high schools. Develop and distribute a brochure in high schools and EPCC. Request that the optima be lowered following EPCC procedures. The increase of full-time Spring 2006. Speech instructor will positively impact the percent of sections taught by full-time faculty. 40% To hire additional faculty. Enrollment will increase and Standard is 80%. the class fill rate and revenue sufficiency targets will be met. Baseline is 48%. Promote the program with high school students already engaged in coursework that qualifys for articulated credit and work to convert rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 29 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Americana Language Program, Basic Skills, Communications, & Performing Arts Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies articulated courses to dual credit courses working with the Upper Rio Grande College Tech Prep Youth Consortium. To develop and distribute a brochure promoting the program, utilizing their database to connect directly with high school students and their parents. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 30 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Retention Rate Improve Student retention rate. 324 11000-13003 1 Dean Arts Arch Math&Sci VV 7.2 153 11000-55180 1 Art VV 2.2 155 11000-55325 1 Architecture VV 2.1 156 11000-55335 1 Chemistry VV 2.2 323 11000-55350 1 Physics VV 2.1 154 11000-55365 1 Advertising and Graphics Design 2.1 Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Student retention rate in Student retention Division faculty will be asked division disciplines will rate for division is to develop and share effective approximately 70%. student retention strategies increase by 5%. with one another and to implement these strategies during the 2005-2006 academic year. Upgrade There is an Upgrade of equipment in More efficient and Purchase additional Kilns, New Kiln, Ceramic Wheels, equipment Ceramics, Printmaking, and insufficient number Ceramic Wheels, and Litho and Litho Stones will be used functional studio of Kilns, Ceramic Sculpture classes. Stones for use in the Art during 2005-2006. Wheels, and Litho Studios Stones that are currently available in the Art Studios. Increase Student enrollment Video that describes EPCC Increase student enrollment in Enrollment in Architecture Student enrollment in Student Architecture classes. Architecture classes will for Architecture Architecture program will be will be tallied for the 2005Enrollment during 2004-2005 increase by 15%. distributed to area high 2006 academic year. was 164 students. schools to promote program; Also, the Architecture discipline will develop a WebSite to provide information to the public about the Architecture program. Upgrade Current Lab Oven is Purchase Econotherm Lab Upgrade of equipment in More efficient and Purchase new Econotherm Equipment Chemistry Lab. not available for functional Chemistry Oven to be used in Chemistry Lab Oven. classroom and lab Lab. Lab. instruction. Instructors and students All Videos currently New videos in Physics will be New Videos Update Video Library for Purchase new videos to be Physics classes owned by the used for instruction in Physics will have access to purchased current videos that Physics discipline classes. address issues in are old and outdated. Physics. Increase Student enrollment Video that describes EPCC Increase student enrollment in Student enrollment in Student enrollment in Student for Advertising Advertising Graphics Classes. Advertising Graphics will be Advertising Graphics Advertising Graphics program Enrollment tallied for the 2005-2006 classes will increase by Graphics during will be sent to counselors in 2004-2005 was 200 area high schools to promote Academic year. 15%. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Student retention rate in division disciplines will be tallied for the 2005-2006 academic year. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 31 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. 157 Budget Acct 11000-55430 Priority 1 Area EPCC Goal Kinesiology VV 2.1 Plan Name Increase Student Enrollment Objective Measure Standard Increase student enrollment in Student enrollment in Student enrollment in the Kinesiology Discipline. Kinesiology will be tallied for Kinesiology will the 2005-2006 Academic year. increase by 15%. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline students. Student enrollment in Kinesiology classes during 20042005 was 890 students. Strategies program. Implement an agressive recruiting/marketing plan to include: Flyers, brochures, newspaper articles, and other printed materials. Page 32 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Arts, Basic Skills, Communication and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct 172 11000-13005 171 11000-55306 Priority Area Dean Arts BSk Comm&Soc Science TM 1 Economics TM EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Reduce the supply budget by History supply budget will go $2000 $500 and reallocate it to TM- from $1500 to $2000 History discipline's supply budget shortage. Full time case load, provide new teach equipment in classroom OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline $1500 Strategies During the budget process money will be transferred from one org to another. Reserve base line data, still awaiting VP research requests submitted last Spring - 04 Page 33 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. 37 Budget Acct 11000-13007 Priority 1 Area EPCC Goal Dn Art BSk Comm Soc 5.1 Sci&Occ Ed RG Plan Name Staff Developme nt Workshops Objective Measure Increase the number of staff development workshops attended by Division Staff. Standard Increase the number of workshops attended by staff from one. Number of Workshops increases from 3 to 4. Baseline Number attended now = 3 43 11000-51009 1 Tenure Committe 7.1 Tenure Committee Activities Operate this budget within the funds allocated. Budget stays the same. Maintain status quo status quo 44 11000-52120 1 Special Projects English 7.1 Chyrasalis Activities Operate this budget within the funds allocated. Budget stays the same. Maintain status quo status quo 45 11000-55187 1 English RG Developme ntal Course Alignment and Instructiona l Improveme nt To align BASK 0303 and ENGL 0310 to provide a smoother transition between those courses; to improve methods of delivery; and to increase pass rates Improve access rate (percentage of students after census date who pass with a C or better) BASK 0303 increase pass rate by 7%; ENGL 0310 increase pass rate 7% BASK 0303 Unknown (BASK not yet in English Discipline); ENGL 0310 75% 1.1 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies Allow staff time during the work day to attend workshops. Schedule additional workstudies to assist offices when staff attend workshops. Some staff attends workshops in Fall, some in Spring and some in Summer. Projected Costs: No cost for in-house workshops Operate within funds limit. Projected Costs: No cost Operate within funds limit. Projected Costs: No cost Examine BASK 0303 and ENGL 0310 syllabi and make changes to reduce gap between the courses. Choose text books in line with revised syllabi. Train faculty and select the most student oriented and pedagogically prepared instructors to teach Page 34 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 46 11000-55192 1 Foreign Language RG 1.1 Successful completion of BASK 0306 41 11000-55276 1 ESAL Speech RG 1.1 ESAL 0306 Guidelines for teaching ESAL All ESAL 0306 students will Instructor's 0306; standardizing receive assignments and take Guidelines assignments and exams. exams based on an ESAL 0306 Instructor's guideline manual. 42 11000-55287 1 38 11000-55292 1 Philosophy RG 2.1 History RG 7.1 Discipline Enrollment Increase Successful completion of BASK Math course. Standard Percentage of passing students. 70% Sections taught by Full-Time Increased enrollment in each Faculty of the semesters during the next two fiscal years. Unkown By Spring, 2005, 100% Currently, no assignment or exam of ESAL 0306 guidelines exist. instructors will give assignments and exams based on the guidelines. 60% Percent of Fall and Spring Percent of Fall and Spring 60 Sections taught by Full-Time Sections taught by Full-Time 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Sections Taught by Baseline 35 53 Strategies the classes. - Promote the use of related labs and tutors. - evaluate the placement test cutoffs for accuracy of placing students in correct level. - district wide workshop to brainstorm strategies for success during faculty development week. The full-time instructors of ESAL will create guidelines for ESAL 0306. The guidelines will include the types of exams and assignments that should be given in level 6 to get the students ready for the next level of classes. The guidelines will be distributed through the faculty coordinators and at Faculty Development workshops. Project Costs: Minimal -copying costs Review and revision. Projected Costs: NA Track the percent of sections taught by full-time faculty Page 35 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Full-Time Faculty 39 11000-55292 1 History RG 7.1 40 11000-55426 . Travel Counselor RG 2.1 Objective Measure Standard Baseline for last three years. for last three years. CLASS Percent of classes 75% full FILL RATE (optimum fill rate) on census date (excluding C.E. students). Based on number of students in each section for last three years (Fall, Spring, and Summer) on census date. Brochure Develop brochure for Developme promotion of the Travel & nt Tourism Program. Percent of classes 75% full (optimum fill rate) on census date (excluding C.E. students). Based on number of students in each section for last three years (Fall, Spring, and Summer) on census date. Increase enrollment in each of the semesters during the next 2 fiscal years. 80 79 Increase all courses to maximum capacity of 12. None Strategies and report failures to meet the standards to appropriate Deans. Monitor course fill-rates and identify ways and means to achieve the desired fill rates to maximize use of resources. Work with appropriate persons involved in scheduling classes. Work with EPISD Upper Rio Grande Tech Prep Youth Consortium to develop and market the Travel & Tourism program to the high. Attend new faculty Expo to market program to new parttime & full-time instructors. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 36 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 12 Associate Dean for Nursing Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 160 11000-V55005 1 Vocational Nursing RG 6.1 Revenue Determine the decrease in the Sufficiency number of academic course offerings other than nursing that would occur at EPCC if the nursing program was not at EPCC. Demonstrate that lost classes equal lost revenue. Develop a plan with Institutional Research. Develop and implement a plan with Specialized Admissions to capture all students that declare nursing as a major. 161 11000-V55005 2 Vocational Nursing RG 1.1 Enrollment Trends Investigate the number of academic courses that would be lost (to include lost revenue) due to the nonavailability of nursing program: Develop a plan to capture and maintain all students that declare nursing as a major. Maintain current enrollment Develop a plan with the and increase enrollment college that addresses according to BNE guidelines. classroom availability for nursing courses that will allow for maximum enrollment, and that is related to faculty availability. Adhere to BNE guidelines for number of students per faculty ratio in lecture lab and clinical in new student numbers. 162 11000-V55005 3 Vocational Nursing RG 2.1 Class Fill Rate Improve the academic year enrollment in ADN nursing. Adhere to BNE guidelines: Clinical one (1) instructor to ten (10) students; generic students administered to program; classroom and faculty availability. 163 11000-V55005 4 Vocational Nursing RG 8.1 Enrollment in nursing courses for academic year, by semester will increase and maintain as compared to prior academic year by semesters, also looking at optimum numbers placed in class fill rates. Committee Student participation in Students participate in at least Health Fairs community based health fairs. 1 health fair per school year. Identify and discuss classroom scheduling with the Scheduling Department, Dr. Brown and Dr. Mitchell. Develop and implement a plan for nursing classes to accommodate students adequately on a continuing basis. Increase RETAIN sessions with students. Increase faculty mentoring as appropriate. 164 11000-V55005 5 Vocational Nursing RG 7.1 Student Licensure Certificatio n Utilize results from ERI total testing program. 165 11000-V55005 6 Vocational Nursing RG 7.1 Course Syllabus Improve RETAIN sessions offered to students, develop a method of assisting courses, improve the low indicators from the ERI exam given to each class each semester. All courses actually taught in Maintain course syllabi for all the nursing curriculum will nursing course currently Improve the licensure pass rate on NCLEX for first time takers. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Yes, participation occurred. All courses in the EPCC catalog for nursing will 1/25/2007 Students to be given an assignment whereby marks are based on participation. Each course to receive copies of student scores for ERI and faculty will work with their team to improve weak areas identified in each course by ERI. Identify sillabi that need to be developed in nursing. Page 37 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 12 Associate Dean for Nursing Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 166 11000-V55005 1 Vocational Nursing RG 1.1 167 11000-V55005 2 Vocational Nursing RG 7.1 168 11000-V55005 3 Vocational Nursing RG 1.1 168 11000-V55005 3 Vocational Nursing RG 2.1 169 11000-V55005 4 Vocational Nursing RG 1.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Revision have current syllabus. Increase Retention in Nursing Classes Class fill rate less than 75% in more than 20% of scheduled classes for each of 3 previous years. Standard taught in the nursing have syllabi. program. Identify what syllabi still need to be written and have faculty compensated or volunteer to write noncompleted syllabus. 75% fill rate on census Classes 75% fill in census date in 80% of classes. date, based on number of students in each section for last 3 years. Baseline Strategies Optimum class levels set at 20 students per NURA starting class X 2 dates per year. Although there have not been enough applicants to start a January NURA class, one has started in Spring 2004. Nursing tutors are provided on site to help increase retention in continuing classes. Failing students are cancelled and referred to PASS, RP and all RETAIN classes. Increase Formula instituted ty Spring 2004 NURA class Insufficient revenue to Yes, revenue received Revenue must be larger than Revenue to support the VN Nursing Institutional initiated strategies are revenue spent for past 3 years. must be larger than Support Effectiveness Program for each of 3 revenue spent. impacted to increase student Vocational previous years. Committee. retention. Revenue sufficient Nursing formula to be reviewed with Program Institutional Effectiveness Committee faculty. Student ratio must be low due to licensing registration. Student 70% Student satisfaction with the Percent of satisfaction based 80% of students state Date reviewed over last 2 Satisfaction program over last 3 years less on Fall and Spring percent of they are successful with years does not support this in the than 80% students satisfied with labs labs and technology. finding. Nursing and technology over last 3 Program years. Student 70% Student satisfaction with the Percent of satisfaction based 80% of students state Date reviewed over last 2 Satisfaction program over last 3 years less on Fall and Spring percent of they are successful with years does not support this in the than 80% students satisfied with labs labs and technology. finding. Nursing and technology over last 3 Program years. Revision of Course syllabus revised Syllabi revised and recorded Yes, current syllabi on Current syllabus have been OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 38 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 12 Associate Dean for Nursing Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Syllabus 170 11000-V55005 5 Vocational Nursing RG 7.1 Advisory Committee Members in Nursing Objective Measure within the last 3 years based on number of course syllabi in the program and the revision date of each syllabus. Percentage of nursing committee members meets community needs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline in the Curriculum Department record at Curriculum for previous 3 years. Department. Survey the advisory committee and ask if the program is meeting community needs for the previous 3 years. rptIEPlan0506 85% of respondents state program meets community needs 1/25/2007 Strategies submitted for the courses that are currently taught. 76% Committee to be reminded on importance of returning the 2 surveys. Page 39 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Library Technical Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 183 11000-52144 1 Library Tech service 6.1 183 11000-52144 1 Library Tech service 7.1 Plan Name Electronic Access to Periodical Database in College Library Electronic Access to Periodical Database in College Library Objective Measure Purchase and implement software to provide access for our students to electronic periodicals in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). Purchase and implement software to provide access for our students to electronic periodicals in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline Strategies Software is implemented and operational. Students will be able to access periodicals and our databases in campus and remotely. Students don't have electronic access to our periodicals collection. 1. Purchase software 2. Implement software 3. Write and disseminate info for use Software is implemented and operational. Students will be able to access periodicals and our databases in campus and remotely. Students don't have electronic access to our periodicals collection. 1. Purchase software 2. Implement software 3. Write and disseminate info for use rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 40 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 47 11000-13004 1 Dean Occupational Education VV 2.1 48 11000-13011 1 VV Faculty Travel Occ 1.3 Ed 48 11000-13011 1 VV Faculty Travel Occ 1.1 Ed 48 11000-13011 1 VV Faculty Travel Occ 5.1 Ed 49 11000-41009 3 Fire Recruit Training 7.1 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 8.5 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Occupation Start Dual Credit Occupatinal Number of dual credit al Dual Courses at the local High offerings. Credit Schools Faculty Travel Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. rptIEPlan0506 Strategies Current Baseline ins A. Establish meeting with 0% coordinators and key ISD personnel that will teach the dual credit courses. B. Facilitate credentialing of Dual Credit faculty. Currently not have A. 2 of 3 or 66% by Solicite faculty travel request. May 2006 B. 1of 1 or traveled from this budget. 100% by May 2006 5 Dual credit classes and / or subjects by May 2006. Send Education faculty and a A. Number of Education librarian to training faculty attending Education conference. conference. B. One librarian attending at least one national conference. Faculty Send Education faculty and a A. Number of Education Travel librarian to training faculty attending Education conference. conference. B. One librarian attending at least one national conference. Faculty Send Education faculty and a A. Number of Education faculty attending Education Travel librarian to training conference. B. One librarian conference. attending at least one national conference. Obtain facilities to qualify for Recognized as a Sole Facilities State Certification training for Fire Certified training agency. Technology agency without the dependency of El Paso Fire Department. To include storage building and classroom space. Expansion of library Instruction room Baseline Currently not have A. 2 of 3 or 66% by May 2006 B. 1of 1 or traveled from this budget. 100% by May 2006 Solicite faculty travel request. A. 2 of 3 or 66% by Currently not have May 2006 B. 1of 1 or traveled from this 100% by May 2006 budget. Solicite faculty travel request. Texas Commission Fire The Fire Technology Protection Standards for program is recognized as a Training Facilities. training agency based on equipment and facilities provided by the El Paso Fire Department. Classroom seats Library will have a approximately 30 classroom that students and houses comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people 16 computer and houses a minimum workstations. of 40 computer workstations. 1. Design facilities/locate a site to comply with commission standards. 2. Proposal bids and construction of facilities/props. 3. Site visit by the TX Commission on Fire Protection to certify facilities. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 1/25/2007 Page 41 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 6.1 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 8.1 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 1.6 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 1.5 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 1.1 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 8.3 Expansion of library Increased space in classroom to seat additional students New expanded classroom is being used for library OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall Page 42 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Instruction room and house additional computer workstations. instruction. New expanded classroom is being used for library instruction. Standard Baseline Strategies comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. Library will have a classroom that comfortably seats a minimum of 42 people and houses a minimum of 40 computer workstations. The VV library website will add 10 extra handouts to our website by December 2005 students and houses 16 computer workstations. between C-310 and C-311 Classroom seats approximately 30 students and houses 16 computer workstations. Expand classroom (C311) by knocking out the wall between C-310 and C-311 The VV Library currently has 35 handouts on our website Create handouts and make these available through our website. Increased number of handouts Additional handouts will be will be available through our available online. website. The VV library website will add 10 extra handouts to our website by December 2005 The VV Library currently has 35 handouts on our website Create handouts and make these available through our website. Increased number of handouts Additional handouts will be will be available through our available online. website. The VV library website will add 10 extra handouts to our website by December 2005 The VV Library currently has 35 handouts on our website Create handouts and make these available through our website. Increased number of handouts Additional handouts will be will be available through our available online. website. The VV library website will add 10 extra handouts to our website by December 2005 The VV Library currently has 35 handouts on our website Create handouts and make these available through our website. 51 11000-52123 1 Library VV 5.3 Expansion of library Instruction room Increased space in classroom to seat additional students and house additional computer workstations. 52 11000-52123 4 Library VV 1.1 Increased number of handouts Additional handouts will be will be available through our available online. website. 52 11000-52123 4 Library VV 1.5 52 11000-52123 4 Library VV 1.6 52 11000-52123 4 Library VV 1.2 Digitization of additional handout for the VV library website. Digitization of additional handout for the VV library website. Digitization of additional handout for the VV library website. Digitization of additional handout for OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 43 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name the VV library website. Digitization of additional handout for the VV library website. Increase fill rate of ACNT classes Computer Table Upgrade 52 11000-52123 4 Library VV 1.4 53 11000-55210 1 Accounting VV 2.1 54 11000-55215 1 Computer Info Sys VV 8.3 54 11000-55215 1 Computer Info Sys VV 7.1 Computer Table Upgrade 54 11000-55215 1 Computer Info Sys VV 8.5 Computer Table Upgrade 55 11000-55235 1 Management VV 4.2 Partnership Objective Measure Increased number of handouts Additional handouts will be will be available through our available online. website. Standard The VV library website will add 10 extra handouts to our website by December 2005 Increase fill rate in ACNT Reports on fill rates by course Increase by 3% points classes from 65% (Fall 04) to prefix and campus. 68%. Baseline The VV Library currently has 35 handouts on our website Strategies Create handouts and make these available through our website. Currently fill rate is 65.31% Schedule low enrollment classes once a year. Offer less sections of multiple sections if fill rate is less than equal. Replace computer tables in Purchase and installation of 100% table replacement Current tables do not Purchase and installation of allow for textbooks tables following rooms A1515, tables. or note taking. CPU A1711, A1724 boxes are located on top of desks and should be below to free desk space Replace computer tables in Purchase and installation of 100% table replacement Current tables do not Purchase and installation of allow for textbooks tables following rooms A1515, tables. or note taking. CPU A1711, A1724 boxes are located on top of desks and should be below to free desk space Replace computer tables in Purchase and installation of 100% table replacement Current tables do not Purchase and installation of allow for textbooks tables following rooms A1515, tables. or note taking. CPU A1711, A1724 boxes are located on top of desks and should be below to free desk space Strong interest by Partner with 1-3 El Paso area Number of students 4 enrolled Number of committed A. Demand Draft companies the El Paso Electric interested. B. Demand Draft businesses and offer courses in Business Management partnerships. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 44 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 11000-55246 1 Office Information System VV 8.4 On site training Establish on business site training with outside organizations in Microsoft office Word, Excel Powerpoint, Access with MOS Certification Emphasis. 57 11000-55370 1 Automotive Technology 8.1 Purchase State of the Art Lift will Scissors Lift provide appropriate lifting technology to meet current industry requirements. 57 11000-55370 1 Automotive Technology 3.1 Purchase State of the Art Lift will Scissors Lift provide appropriate lifting technology to meet current industry requirements. 57 11000-55370 1 Automotive Technology 1.6 State of the Art Lift will Purchase Scissors Lift provide appropriate lifting technology to meet current industry requirements. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline courses. on site. 56 Standard Company recruitment process began Fall 2004 and continued Spring 2005. To be determined by On site training Number of students completed Spring 2006 number enrolled. successfully completing courses will measure objective and possible ongoing. IE number completions number enrolled. Students will be able to obtain Students will be able to Newer vehicles require different current employable skills. operate lift and safely service modern vehicles. lifting procedures that is currently possible with our existing lift systems. Students will be able to obtain Students will be able to Newer vehicles require different operate lift and safely current employable skills. service modern vehicles. lifting procedures that is currently possible with our existing lift systems. Students will be able to obtain Students will be able to Newer vehicles operate lift and safely require different current employable skills. service modern vehicles. lifting procedures that is currently possible with our existing lift systems. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies goals of companies of their expectations C. Demand Draft courses D. Continued follow up. Recruitment by recruiter (Chip Taberski): Training schedule NOTE: THE PROGRAM'S NAME HAS CHANGED TO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY I WAS NOT ABLE TO CHANGE THE NAME ON TOP. The objective can be attained by purchasing the Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the Lift. Page 45 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority EPCC Goal 11000-55370 Automotive Technology 4.1 Plan Name Objective Purchase State of the Art Lift will Scissors Lift provide appropriate lifting technology to meet current industry requirements. Measure Standard Baseline Students will be able to obtain Students will be able to Newer vehicles require different operate lift and safely current employable skills. service modern vehicles. lifting procedures that is currently possible with our existing lift systems. 58 Replacement lift will enhance Students will be able to Students will be able to Current lift is 11000-55370 2 Automotive Technology 1.6 Purchase replacement student learning due to approximately 20 complete projects in less time operate lift and safely 2 post lift. improved efficiency and Lab and meet more learning years old and often service a variety of hangs up while safety. objectives during the course. vehicles. students are using it, requiring special attention to safely lower vehicle. 58 Replacement lift will enhance Students will be able to Students will be able to Current lift is 11000-55370 2 Automotive Technology 8.1 Purchase replacement student learning due to approximately 20 complete projects in less time operate lift and safely 2 post lift. improved efficiency and Lab and meet more learning years old and often service a variety of hangs up while safety. objectives during the course. vehicles. students are using it, requiring special attention to safely lower vehicle. 11000-55370 2 Automotive Technology 4.1 Purchase Students will be able to Current lift is 58 Replacement lift will enhance Students will be able to complete projects in less time operate lift and safely replacement student learning due to approximately 20 service a variety of 2 post lift. improved efficiency and Lab and meet more learning years old and often objectives during the course. vehicles. hangs up while safety. students are using it, requiring special attention to safely lower vehicle. 58 Replacement lift will enhance Students will be able to Students will be able to Current lift is 11000-55370 2 Automotive Technology 3.1 Purchase replacement student learning due to approximately 20 complete projects in less time operate lift and safely 2 post lift. improved efficiency and Lab and meet more learning years old and often service a variety of safety. hangs up while objectives during the course. vehicles. students are using it, requiring special attention to safely lower vehicle. 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 57 1 Area Strategies The objective can be attained by purchasing the Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the replacement Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the replacement Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the replacement Lift. The objective can be attained by purchasing the replacement Lift. Page 46 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 59 11000-55375 1 Child Development VV 2.1 60 11000-55380 1 Criminal Justice VV 1.3 61 11000-55390 1 Draft & Design VV 1.1 50 11000-55405 2 Fire Technology VV 7.1 62 11000-55417 1 Social Work Program 1.1 63 11000-55421 1 Legal Assistant VV 1.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 3% by Summer 2007 Most recent three year average. Improve and fully implement student mentoring system, i.e., faculty for each Child Development major. 80% we cannot add new section during the day because we look credentialed instructors. This current year we have approximately 105 students taking drafting classes with approximately 30 being drafting majors. 1. Hire full time tenure track instructor to fill day classes. 2. Recruit more credentialed adjunct faculty for pool. Improve retention graduation and completion rates. Hiring full time faculty Increase graduation rate by 3% from the previous three year average. Number of students graduating from the Child Development Program. Hire adjunct or full time instructors credentialed to teach transfer Criminal Justice courses during the day. 100% When all day classes have credentialed faculty and a pool exists to cover expansion of sections as needs increase. Drafting Department Student Recruitment Plan. Increase student enrollment in To increase student An increase over the the Drafting and Design base by the end of enrollment in each regular Technology program over the semester and summer session. spring 2006. next two years. Strategies A. Target specific high schools for recruitment presentations. B. Get local industry directly involved with our recruitment efforts. C. Continue to advise students internally within the department. Fire Continuation of providing Degree awarded and the The current viability 1. Moniter the programs 2. To improve the viability Technology quality education and indicators 71% and Develop specific strategies. completion of indicators in classroom fill the Quality certification for the Fire Tech rate and quality indicators in certification. Increase 3. Evaluate progress 4. indicators 84%. A.A.S. degrees. Continue marketing the completions of the Associates in percentage the viability and quality program. of Applied Science in Fire indicators. Science and Administration and Firefighter degree. Improve Increase graduation rate by Number of students 5% increase by Summer Most recent three Improve and fully implement retention year average. 5% from the previous three graduation from the Social 2007 student mentoring system, graduation year average. Work Program. i.e., faculty mentor for each and Social Work major. completion rates Improve Increase number of students Number of students Increase graduation by Most recent 3 yr. Improve high school, private Retention, graduation from the Paralegal graduation from the Paralegal 5% from the previous average. sector recruitment of students Graduation, Program. three year average. and improve mentoring Program and system. Completion OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 47 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 41 Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies s rates. 64 11000-55424 1 Sign Language Interpreter 4.1 65 11000-55424 1 Sign Language Interpreter 3.1 66 11000-55435 1 Education VV 1.1 El Paso Regional Day School Program Outreach Course. NW Campus Enrollment Expansion Improve retention graduation and completion rates 1 section of SLNG 1391 offered offsite. Section has 50% or 12 student 1 section offered by Fall 0 2005. enrollment. Offer introductory ASL courses ie SLNG 1404, 1405 SLNG 1215, 1211 Each section has 50% or 12 student enrollment 4 sections offered by Spring 2006 0 Increase graduation rate by 3% from the previous three year average. Number of students graduating from the AAEducation program. 3% Most recent threeyear average. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 NOTE: THE PROGRAM'S NAME HAS CHANGED TO PARALEGAL PROGRAM. I WAS NOT ABLE TO CHANGE IT ON THE TOP. 1. Schedule course for Fall 2005. 2. Recruit faculty. 3. Generate Syllabus 4. Order textbooks. 1. Schedule course for Spring 2006 2. Recruit faculty 3. Generate syllabi. 4. Order textbooks. Improve and fully implement student faculty mentoring system ie, faculty for each Education major. Page 48 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 343 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 6.1 344 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 6.1 345 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 6.1 346 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 1.1 ESL Faculty Tutoring 347 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 5.1 Hire New Faculty 348 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences 349 11000-13002 Dean ESL, Reading & Social Sciences Measure Work with Publishers in order for interested faculty to develop on-line testing to intergrate internet and textbook usage. Urge the purchase of more media laptop carts. Outside Speakers 2.1 Objective Urge the paid completion of classroom wiring for classrooms most used by Social Science instructors One full-time faculty member from each campus will be give 3hrs released-time to tutor all ESL students during the semester. The assignment would rotate if that is the wish of faculty on each campus. This would focus on the writing component. Hire more full-time faculty to bring course/faculty rattio claser to QI of 65%. Receive funding to invite (and reimburse) speakers to visit EPCC and give talks and offer workshops related to the field of Psychology or methods of teaching to enhance the discipline. Recruitment Compare enrollment befroe and after project. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline Strategies Examining and analyzing what technology is now available at EPCC. Urge administrative and fact grant work for funding possiblities. Examing and analyzing what technology is now available at EPCC. Examing and analyzing what technology is now available at EPCC. Urge administrative and faculty grant work for funding possiblities. Urge administrative and faculty grant work for funding possibilities. We should see an increase in the passrate of our writing students, so they would be able to enter regular courses more quickly. Fever student would have to repeat the writing components. Since our classes have over the recommended number of students, there is not enough time to give each student extra help they need. One full-time trained ESL faculty member would be assinged to tutor those ESL students who are having difficulty with their writing and who need the extra help. Current FT position (7) compared to next year At least 1 new FT faculty member. 7 members Advestise position and hire Simply compare the number of guests during academic years. Invite and reimburse speakers. Hire two recruiters specifically for ESL and also allow ESL Professors to do interviews. Increased enrollment after one year. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Find funding with EPCC offers and, or external sources to help alley the costs of inviting and hosting guest speakers. Select guests and invite them. Publish the topic and speaker with location to inivte many EPCC members to attend. Methods of recruitment: radio and TV talk shows, presentations to schools, PTAs, etc. Page 49 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 1.1 Plan Name Addditional library materials for RG Library Objective Measure Standard 92 11000-52125 1 Library RG 76 11000-55002 2 Dietetic Technology RG 2.1 Class fill rate Increase the per cent of classes which are 75% fall on census date. 77 11000-55002 2 Dietetic Technology RG 2.1 Revenue Sufficiency 78 11000-55002 2 Dietetic Technology RG 1.1 Number of Graduates For each 3 previous years the program credit hours times the average fall tuition plus State reimbursement is greater than program budget plus overhead cost. Increase the number of graduates within the last 3 years to 15 or more 79 11000-55002 2 Dietetic Technology RG 1.2 80 11000-55002 1 Dietetic Technology RG 1.1 Sections taught by Full-time Faculty Graduate Purchase approximately 6,235 new items for the library with an average price of 37.73 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT By the end of FY 20092010 we would like to provide at least 10 books/student. This would mean that an additional 27,102 items would need to purchased in the next five budget periods. Increase the number of sections taught by full time faculty Increase graduate rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Fall 2004, the RG Library owned 20,368 items. With 4,747 students in fall of 2004 we were able to provide only 4.8 items per student Strategies Buy new materials for the library with additonal funds. Using a 5 year plan assuming enrollment of 4,747 at the Fall 2004 level, we would need additional funds to purchase an adequate number of materials in all instructional fields to support instruction. Material prices increase at least 4% each year.Libraries also "lose" an average of 4% of the collection to loss, damage or because materials are outdated annually. 1. Continue strategies developed to increase enrollment. 2. Develop on line course work Continue strategies identical for increasing enrollment 1) Continue strategies for increasing enrollment. 2) Evaluate the curriculum to find a point for an exit certificate. Evaluate team taught course assignments 1)Stress to graduates the Page 50 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Satisfaction satisfaction Baseline 81 11000-55002 1 Dietetic Technology RG 1.2 Advisory Committee Mtg. Schedule a Advisory Committee meeting each year. 82 11000-55002 1 Dietetic Technology RG 1.1 Student Registration Results Improve the per cent of graduates passing the registration examination 111 11000-55115 1 Health Prof. & Related 8.1 Sciences Advisory Committee The attendance records of previous advisory committee meetings Annual meetings to be held with attendance of 50% or more of members participating 112 11000-55115 1 Health Prof. & Related 2.1 Sciences Enrollment in HPRS courses to the standard The master class schedules are used to follow the enrollment statistics that would be used to evaluate the enrollment increases. Class fill rate of 80% by Program review indicates class fill 2007. rate less than 80% currently OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Meeting have been canceled or not scheduled for 2 years. Strategies importance of them completing the graduate survey. 2) Develop a supplemental graduate survey. 1) Update the Advisory Committee member list to seek more active members. 2) Elect a community member as chair of the committee. 3) Schedule meetings early in the semester in order to follow up pressing issues. 1) Re-evaluate the program. 2) Improve enrollment and graduation rates. 3) Develop a review course for the registration examination. 1. Invite new members to participate on the advisory committee along with current and past members who have continued their committed efforts. 2. Poll members for days and times that are most convenient. 3. Offer a meal or other type of refreshments. 1) Promote courses through counselors, 2) Includes HPRS courses in degree plan for Health Occ. Programs as support courses. 3) Offer HPRS courses in online or enhanced classroom formats for better availability. 4) Increase the HPRS courses for use as continuing education opportunities. 5) Implement dual-credit and articulation Page 51 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 150 11000-55118 1 Radiation Therapy RG 1.1 Hire full Reduce cost of hiring parttime faculty time faculty 151 11000-55118 2 Radiation Therapy RG 7.1 Maintain full accreditation of program 152 11000-55118 3 Radiation Therapy RG 7.1 143 11000-55125 1 Dental Assisting RG 2.1 Achieve initial JRCERT accreditatio ns of the Radiation Therapy Program Provide instuctions and students with state of the art instructiona l equipment. Class fill rate 144 11000-55125 1 Dental Assisting RG 2.1 Enrollment trends. Standard Baseline Meet the accreditation Will not meet standards for no. of Full- minimum standards time faculty for RADT for faculty numbers for instruction Achieve full New program accreditation applying for initial accreditation Strategies processes where appropriate. Advertise to secure a qualified RADT instructor (budget) Complete self study conduct site visit: Projected costs: $5500.00 accreditation fee Faculty evaluation and student outcomes. Provide efficient teaching instructions Provide efficient teaching instructions To allow faculty and students to utilize state of the art technology for class presentations 75% on census date Anticipate recruitment none to be ongoing, however will enhance activities during the Spring and Summer Seat count is increasing or is level on census date. This standard was met, however the report was marked incorrectly under met/not met. Faculty will explore possible curriculum changes, increase recruitment activities. And increase articulation agreements with area ISD health science programs. Class size is dependent on the accreditation standards, the advisory committee and employment availability in area Faculty increase recruitment activities, increase articulation agreements with area ISD health science OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 none Page 52 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 145 11000-55125 1 Dental Assisting RG 7.1 Revenue sufficiency Program will seek oustide grants, recruitment activities to increase enrollment 119 11000-55130 1 Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2.1 Improve of program criteria review: cost per student Met program review criteria: cost per student 120 11000-55130 1 Diagnostic Medical Sonography 7.1 Sections taught by full-time faculty Sections taught by full time faculty Not met 121 11000-55130 1 Diagnostic Medical Sonography 7.1 Initiate post secondary articulation agreements as appropriate DMSO program has current transfer guides for NMUS and UTEP for academic courses written program In progress OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Strategies programs. Faculty increase recruitment activities, increase articulation agreements with area ISD health science programs and seek outside grant sources to support program In progress Formula: credit hrs x Increase the optimal number average tuition (fall) per of accepted students into the credit hour + state program from 5 to 8 per year. reimbursement is Develop an AAS degree for greater than 33% of the DMSO doubling the number program budget. ( Met ) of students in the program per year from 8 to 18.50% increase in Instructional supplies budget needed for additional supplies and expenses. 60% of sections will be 40% of sections 1. Request funding and taught by FT faculty approval of position. 2. Hire a taught by FT faculty based on 9/03 full time faculty for DMSO program review program. report 1. Development of There is written 1. Follow up on graduate new AAS degree for surveys to monitor number of evidence of attempted diagnostic medical students continuing to higher or revised articulation within the last 3 years. sonography. 2. the education. 2. Attempt to DMSO courses with written agreements with in the program do universities that are program not articulate with specific transfer quotes. higher education, however most of the general education courses do based on current UTEP and NMSU transferability guides. 1/25/2007 Page 53 of 128 No response rptIEPlan0506 Baseline none Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 122 11000-55130 1 Diagnostic Medical Sonography 7.1 Improve student licensure/ce rtification pass rate for the most recent year. Met 80% of 90% of a standard that is voluntary for the student to sit for licensure/certification 123 11000-55130 1 Diagnostic Medical Sonography 1.2 Revenue sufficiency Cost per student 83 11000-55135 1 Medical Assisting 2.1 Class fill rate 84 11000-55135 1 Medical Assisting 2.1 Revenue sufficiency 85 11000-55135 2 Medical Assisting 8.1 86 11000-55135 1 Medical Assisting 8.1 Advisory committee DACUM OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In progress rptIEPlan0506 Standard The licensure/certification is voluntary not mandated by national or state. Baseline Strategies 80% pass rate for EPCC students on a national licensure that has a national pass rate of 60%. Voluntary 1. Encourage students to sit the national licensure ASAP even though it is voluntary 2. Counsel students on how to find monies to pay for licensure fee ($200) per exam minimum fo two required for licensure. A. Request if employer will assist with licensure fees as part of recruit benefits. B. Check to see if employer has continuing education fund that can be used for licensure fees 2003 program Formula: credit hrs x Already increased the optimal average tuition (fall) per review criteria unmet number of accepted students credit hour + state into the program from 5 to 8 reimbursement is per year. Developed an AAS greater than 33% of the degree for DMSO doubling program budget the number of the students in the program per year from 8 to 18 Increase enrollment participate in health fairs when possible involve current students in advertising The only thing we can do is maximize enrollment which we are trying to do. Pass out survey at last meeting of the year. DACUM and AAMA told us to remove DACUM stds and use (focus) on AAMA stds. Add DACUM after reaccrediation. 1/25/2007 Page 54 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 87 11000-55140 1 Pharmacy Technology NWC 2.1 1) Increase class-fill rate. 2) revenue sufficiency standard Before and after comparison: whether something is one, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): Increase enrollment is Spring and Fall semesters Expected future status at a specified time. Spring 2005 we expect to see a 50% file rate for new coming students. 88 11000-55140 1 Pharmacy Technology NWC 1.2 Student satisfaction Develop and coordinate an effective system to increase student satisfaction with the program Expected future status at a specified time: 80% satisfaction 89 11000-55141 1 Dental Hygiene 7.1 Revenue sufficiency Program will seek outside grants, recruitment activities enrollment No response none 146 11000-55141 1 Dental Hygiene Student success Percent of students employed/transferred/enter military with 1 year of graduation based on the number of grades for the program No responses none 1 Medical Laboratory Technolog Student To increase enrollment into satisfication the Medical Lab Tech program rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 90 11000-55142 2.1 Maximum enrollment (12 students) in Fall 2004 1/25/2007 Current class fill rate for first semester students (introductory courses) is 44% at the first day of classes ( 11 students), with only 81% retention (9 students) in midmester. Fill rate for second semester courses (professional core courses) is 38% (7 students) no data- no data Strategies * Active participation in school career days* introducing program using Powerpoint presentations to interested high school students and their counselors* implement curriculum changes to enable program to compete with outside tech prep agencies, while keeping high quality standards * focusing on articulations and Dual Credits. Purchasing up-to-date user friendly and industry used software, purchasing laboratory supply and equipment, recruiting well trained laboratory assistants. Faculty increase recruitment activities, increase articulation agreements with area ISD health science programs and seek outside grant sources to support program When state report arrives program coordinator will attempt to contact all not accounted for in Texas. A number of students are in the New Mexico and surrounding areas. Advertising program on EPCC channel, making & distributing new program Page 55 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 140 11000-55142 1 Medical Laboratory Technolog 2.1 Increase enrollment Number of students enrolled in program 141 11000-55142 1 Medical Laboratory Technolog 2.1 Increase number of graduates Number of students graduating from program 142 11000-55142 1 Medical Laboratory Technolog 7.1 To meet viablity indicatorrevenue Cost per student OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies pamphlets, creating and posting a web page on EPCC web site, visiting biology classrooms at area High Schools, working closely with Phlebotomy program, participating in the community events such as Health Fairs and Career Days. Working to articulate at least one MLT course. none Maximum enrollment Increase recruitment efforts (12 students) in Fall by : Advertising program on 2004 or 80% of EPCC channel, making & optimum distributing new program pamphlets, creating and posting a web page on EPCC web site, visiting biology classes at Magnet High School, working closely with Phlebotomy program At least 80% of enrolled Increase recruitment efforts students and graduate by : Advertising program on within 2 years of entry EPCC channel, making & into MLAB courses distributing new program pamphlets, creating and posting a web page on EPCC web site, visiting biology classes at Magnet High School, working closely with Phlebotomy program. Provide tutoring sessions for students struggling with program curricula. Meets program standard 2004 program Increase recruitment efforts review report by : Advertising program on indicates standard is EPCC channel, making & unmet distributing new program 1/25/2007 Page 56 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline sufficiency of program standards 147 11000-55143 1 Health Information Technology 2.1 Viability indicators Revenue Sufficiency Yes No 148 11000-55143 2 Health Information Technology 1.1 Class fill rate Percent of classes 75 percent. 80% percent full (optimum fill rate) on census date Yes No OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies pamphlets, creating and posting a web page on EPCC web site, visiting biology classes at Magnet High School, working closely with Phlebotomy program Host additional Orientation Sessions throughtout the academic year (including current students and successful program graduates) for potential students. Provide curriculum materials to all facilities with Health Information departments/employees. Utilize the new recruitment materials from the American Health Information Management Association. Develop story boards to assist with fairs/activities. Host additional Orientation Sessions throughtout the academic year (including current students and successful program graduates) for potential students. Provide curriculum materials to all facilities with Health Information departments/employees. Utilize the new recruitment materials from the American Health Information Management Association. Develop story boards to assist with fairs/activities. Page 57 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area 149 11000-55143 1 Health Information Technology 91 11000-55144 1 99 11000-55144 1 EPCC Goal 1.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Quality indicators, Sections taught by full-time faculty Percent of sections taught by FT faculty for last 3 years. 60% percent Opthamalic Technology 2.1 Class fill rate Increase OPTS enrollment, so that it meets 50% fill rate. Optimum class size was Even though the graduation rate has changed to 15 a few met THECB MIN. years ago upon the suggestion of the VP of instruction. As a result, many of the OPTS classes are at below the recommended 50% fill rate. Opthamalic Technology 2.1 Insufficient Low OPTS Class enrollment student enrollment resulting in total revenue sufficiency as OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 40 % percent Average less than 5 As mandated by the state to increase by Fall per student 2005 1/25/2007 Strategies Hire a full-time lab assistant. Continue to promote Health Information Technology and related areas. Develop story boards to assist with recruitment fairs/activities. Ask Advisory Committee and current students for input/ideas for this project. Many present EPCC students inquire about entry into the progam during the start of the Spring semesters. Will add (offer) two entry-level courses during the Spring 2005 in order to attract more students. Will attempt to work with Tech-prep in order to establish entry level dualcredit program with local ISDs. May be necessary to add cost of instructor at the ISD school. Will continue to work with state opticianry organizations in order to promote licensing or registry requirements for opticians in the state. Higher mandates will make the OPTS more attractive. Will continue to work with local community volunteers in the community forum held 04/20/2004. Committees to be established and ideas promulgated during school year 2004/2005. $300.00 for food/beverages. Page 58 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name mandated by the state Graduate not satisfied with program. Objective Measure 100 11000-55144 1 Opthamalic Technology 1.1 124 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 5.1 Academic faculty members are qualified by education & experience Full-time faculty will upgrade their knowledge of curricular content in areas that they teach, or will teach, by attending a minimum of one CEU course funded by EPCC and approved by TPTA for CEU'S. 125 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 2.1 Increase enrollment Class fill rates will increase from baseline measures. Low survey return, precentage from granduates. Need 90% or better. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard All graduates to complete and return to EPCC post graduate survey form. Baseline Strategies Less than 60 % returned survey's OPOTS program coordinator to make sure that graduates return completed surveys. More information will be obtained regarding OPTS mailings of those forms. Faculty attend Evidence of academic Attendance of FT faculty, at CEU's to maintain faculty competence in EPCC funded, state, local or licensure, but not an area of the national workshops, approved necessarily to curriculum includes by TPTA, that addresses the address weakness in specific area of need of the advanced degree or teaching in their continuing education faculty. Attend National courses that enhance the assigned areas Clinical Coordinator meeting including clinical academic faculty to remain current on member's academic or education. Clinical standards of academic clinical clinical expertise as well coordinator has not education. Attendance state as clinical experience in attended a national PTA (academic and clinical ) conference for the area of teaching educators meeting. clinical coordinators responsibility. 2. in 4 years. TXHECH requires syllable be updated every 3 years. 44% due to low 80% 1. Increase advertising and enrollment at marketing efforts to get the admissions. work out PT is a viable program for science majors. 2. Actively recruit high school students into a PTA1 409 dual credit class. 3. Hire an additional FT faculty member to improve continuity of curriculum. 4. Increase section offerings of lab courses to accommodate increased program enrollment. 5. Continue 1/25/2007 Page 59 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 126 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 7.1 Success of graduates 127 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 7.1 Curriculum evaluation 128 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 1.1 Objective Measure 90% of students employed/transfer/entry military win 1 year of graduation 1) Revise the course objectives on the CED data base for revised courses: Professional issues, functional, applied physical principles. 2) Complete the curricular evaluation of each courses objectives with CAPTE curricular criteria inorder to begin the writing of the Self Study which is due by end of Spring 2006. Expand the 1) Initate the "women's services of health clinic" PT services the PT through the EPCC Border clinic Health clinic. 2) Conduct within the joint incontinence clinic with Rio Grande sonography, teaching Border pregnancy and post-partum OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies participation in UTEP' "Expanding your horizons program for 8th graders". 6. Offer PTH 1409 as a dual credit program with high schools. 7. Offer PTHA 1409 every semester. 8. Explore the option of a new course which can be substituted for PTHA 1409, which can be offered to all non-admitted students. Projected cost: $50,000 Faculty salary and $2000 advertising. 80% 90% implemented for Track where students are 2005-2006 report employed for 4 years after they graduate, especially if living in another state or country Only one of 17 CAPTE 4.1.5 2 hours of Faculty release curriculum: the program courses has been time/week/full time faculty evaluated against the member, to complete the has a formal, CPTE criteria, using program audit on CED documented plan for review and revision of the database. (all database. couses have had the curriculum. their objectives entered into the database.) 1) Appointment based PT services will be offered to students, faculty, staff, and physical/therapist referrals. 2) APT must conduct a patient 1/25/2007 Currently grant funding is approved for a PT to assist in this endeavor, whoever, advertising thus far has no provided a qualified Develop maketing tools to inform the potential client. Place advertisement in local paper. Coordinate with sonography program faculty and mail flyers to physicians. Page 60 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name health Clinic such that it can be used by the PTA students as a viable clinical Objective Measure women Kegil exercises using ultrasound bio feedback. 3) Hire a parr-timer who can supervise and conduct evaluations for the clinic, as well as teach within the program 129 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 8.1 Employer Graduate survey, employer satisfaction survey and advisory will meet to committee survey. exceed state requirement s. 130 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 1.1 Student licensure Improve mean cohort pass score on national licensing exam. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard evaluation prior to implementing PT interventions (TX Practice ACT, Chapter 322.1). 3) CAPTE3.3.3.1. Clinical education includes integrated experiences and full-time terminal experiences. 85% percent of students will be employed/transfer/enter military within 1 yr. of graduation. CAPTE 4.1.7: the core faculty regularly assesses the performance of graduation and make appropriate revision in the curriculum. Baseline Strategies applicant. Faculty, students and staff continue to request or walk in on a regular basis inquire about PT services for the past several years. 100% employer satisfaction. 1. Revise questions on alumni survey, 2. Increase enrolled class size, 3. Retain currently enrolled students, 4. Print/purchase additional/new brochures which market the profession on PT/PTA, 5. Participate in more area recruiting activities, health fairs, job fairs, 6. Improve pass rate score average on licensing exam on graduating cohort. Projected Cost: 100 mailing, 2000 brochures, 500 in-town travel. Graduating class of Hire a new full-time faculty 80% of mastery on skills check off sheets. 2004 (75%, first member. Continue to offer 90% first time pass rate time pass rate, still retention activities which lead on state licensing exam waiting for one more to successful graduation of grad to take the (by TXHECB). 80% the students from this exam. 69 % for 03 program. Retain additional FIRST TIME PASS grads as reported by part-time faculty for retain RATE ON STATE 04-05 program LICENSING EXAM activities, mentoring, teaching review report. (capte CRITERIA). in lab and clinical skills Capte CRITERIA 1.4.3. check-offs. Continue with STUDENT data collection and statistical RETENTION, 80% analysis of entrance and PASS SCORE ON THE exiting student data 1/25/2007 Page 61 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline MOCK LICENSING EXAM IN CAPSTONE CLASS. 131 11000-55145 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 7.1 Purchase instructiona l materials/su pplies/equip ment which support the needs of faculty instructing in the classroom Purchase of 6 new wheelchairs, 4 new Iontophoresis units, with electodes, 5 new electrical stim-combo units, 2 new paraphen units, 4 new portalbe NMS units and Purchase of 4 new TENS units. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 The program will be adequately funded by the institution so that there is adequate quality and quantity of instructional supplies and equipment CAPTE criteria 2.4 and 2.8. 1/25/2007 We currently have: 6 TENS units which are in fair to good working conidition, 2 NMS units in good condition, 2 parrafin units which are more then 7 years old, 1 new and 3 more that are 5 years old estim units: We currently have one Iontophoreses unit, which is several years old. We have no elevating single person treatment Strategies collaboration with Institutional Research department. Each student will demonstrate 80% mastery of specific clinical skills prior to enrollment in clinical course. Increase attendance of students in mentoring sessions who have been counseled at midterm for risk of failing course. Continue to offer mentoring in courses which have a laboratory component, by part-time faculty. Hire an additonal fulltime faculty member to imporve the continuity of curriculum flow from one semester to the next. Project Cost: 50,000.00 for a PT credentialed faculty member. Purchase a laptop (DVD/RW/CDRW) and a projector. Projected Cost: Ten units $400/per x 4= 1600, Portable NMS units 800.00 x 4 =3,200., Paraffin units-250.00 x 4 = 1,000. Combo e-stim units $5000 x 4 = 20,000. Iontophories units 1000 x 4 = 4000.00, Single person electric treatment tables 2500 x 4 = 10,000. Digital inclinometers 350 x 5 = 1,750. Digital hand held dynamometer 1100 x 5 = 4400. Wheel chairs 1100 x 6 = 6600. Traction head motor Page 62 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 132 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 8.1 Employer satisfaction An "employer satisfaction survey" with a question indicating program needed. 133 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 8.1 Completed updated articulation agreement plan with Midwestern University 134 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 8.1 Update articulation agreement with midwestern university to include new degree plan Employer satisfaction survey to be Survey developed, distributed completed and tallied OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Survey is completed during last advisory committee meeting of the school year (Summer 2005) Process for updated articulation agreement was initiated. Survey is complete during last advisory committee meeting of the school year 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies tables, with hinged head section, no equipment to objectify muscle strength or digitally objectify range of motion for the spine. All of our wheelchirs are more than 8 years old, along two are less than 10 years old and 4 were used when we purchased them 1999. We currently have only two 20+ year traction heads. We need 6 to teach adequately. No program specific employer survey indicating program need. system 3000 x 4 = 12,000. none Submit request to midwestern university to update articulation agreement. Develop question for program specific survey to indicate program need. No program specific Deflop survey and distribute employer survey at at advisory committee advisory meetings meetings. Page 63 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 135 11000-55146 136 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 8.1 137 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 7.1 Radiologic Technology Plan Name distributed at advisory meetings to ensure survey completion. Participate with Dr. Paula Mitchell in creating a separate Health Occupation budget account to remove accreditatio n costs Modify existing classroom for exhibits to display historic artifacts relating to the field Convert existing student records and all future student records into permanent digitized format. Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies (Summer 2005) Budget plan in place that moves program accreditation costs from program budget to separate Health Occupations account. Accreditation costs no longer part of Program budget. Accreditation costs are part of Program budget Work with Dr. Paula Mitchell to initiate plan. Functional class/lab suite not met with integral display cabinets. Fully functional radiographic classroom & lab with display area within 6 months of approval Non-dedicated classroom without direct access to radiographic lab: no display area. 1) Submission of plan for approval. 2) Demolition & construction (installation of door), repaint, new carpet, new blinds, electrical wiring and fabrication of display cabinet. Digitize student records completed Improve access to records and safeguard record location & document integrity (less prone to physical damage) All records are in on- Purchase computer with digitized format and peripherals & convert files are subject to into digital format misplacement or damage/destruction. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT not met rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 64 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 138 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 5.1 139 11000-55146 1 Radiologic Technology 6.1 113 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 2.1 114 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 2.1 115 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 2.1 Plan Name Incorporate new content module (picture archiving & communicat ion system PACS into existing course framework Purchase additional x-ray unit to replace obsolete, dysfunction al unit Class fill rate Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Module will be incorported in existing course RADR 2333 by end of Spring 2004 Existing course has PURCHASE of reference only cursory material AV to enhance explanation of PACS subject in place & operational within 4 months of approval marginally functional unit that is not compatible with laboratory learning objectives. upon approval submit Purchase requistion and initiate bid process Increase percent of classes to 75% full (optimum fill rate on census date). Class fill rate will increase to 75% none Enrollment trend Seat count is increasing or is level Seat count will increase not met to 12 or more students Revenue sufficiency of program Meet program review criteria In order to compete with a local proprietary school, that offers an 11 month program, curriculum changes are to be implemented for Fall 2005 so that students may graduate in one year with a certificate of completion. The AAS degree is still in place. Curriculum changes were implemented to allow students to exit after one year with a certificate of completion Curriculum changes were implemented to allow students to exit after one year with a certificate of Page 65 of 128 Improve student knowledge of PACS to meet technical community expectations for entry-level radiographers. fully functional x-ray unit in lab OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT not met rptIEPlan0506 Credit hours x average tuition (Fall) per credit hour + state reimbursement is 1/25/2007 not met Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline greater than 33% of the program budget 116 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 2.1 Student satifaction Meet program review critera Satisfaction with facilities none 117 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 1.1 Graduate satisfaction Meet program review criteria Graduate satisfaction with program none 118 11000-55147 1 Surgical Technology 1.1 Advisory committee satisfaction Meet program review criteria All advisory committee members respond to college surveys none 97 11000-55148 1 Respiratory Techology 2.1 To increase Number of students enrolled enrollment in program 18 into the Respiratory Care program Maximum enrolment (24 students) no data 98 11000-55148 103 11000-55150 Class fill rate 80% up n/a Respiratory Techology 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 2.1 Link ESOL (5-6 level) to CHA program for increased enrollment to EPCC STUDENT POPULATION. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies completion in order to compete with a proprietary school. Program has a new suite in the Health bldg. with two new OR labs a dedicated classroom and faculty offices. It contains updated equipment and furniture. Program faculty require program evaluations upon completion of the program Advisory members will be contacted to ensure that they have answered and returned surveys. Develop & distributing new program pamphlets. Update EPCC counselors by onsite presentations regarding program. Participate in community events such as Health Fairs and Career Day. Administer surveys prior to commencement of the advisory committee meeting. Meetings are held at least annually . 1. Work TDH grandfathering phase more closely. 2. Monitor class size on a semester basis. 3. Get EPCC extension for fill-rate requirements until grandfathering phase ends. 4. New program needs more promotion/advertisement by Page 66 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 104 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 7.1 Student success of students employed within 1 yr. of graduation. 105 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 7.1 Graduate Students, faculty/program Satisfaction feedback through class/curriculum evaluation was excellent. Many local health agencies promoted and required the course work not by TDH. TDH will close grandfathering phase in the 1st graduation class - 8 ( 7 employed). 2nd Graduation class- 10 students ( 7 employed). 3rd graduation class - 12 ( 10 employed). 4th graduation class - 17 students -(11 employed) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Increase percentage by 5% Baseline 75% employed Within 1 year there will none be a 10% improved satisfaction. 1/25/2007 Strategies EPCC to accomplish 80%. 5. Work closely with Dean each semester on TDH status. 6. Work with Advisory Committee on compliance to their recommendation for smaller classes to avoid community saturation. 7. Work with ESOL Director & counselors. Offer CHA as an educational development initiative as per Dr. Rhodes. 1. Assist students with job interview skills. 2. Assist with English and computer skills. 3. Inform students by bulletin of job availability. 4. Inform students about Govt. program cut backs to prepare for alternative employment/additional course work until opportunities are available in their area. 5. Keep students informed about state requirements on continuing education for more employment opportunities. 6. Prepare students for multiple career option for related jobs through it's Dept of labor. 1. Inform community of the benefits of attending EPCC CHA program through student and community network. 2. Educate the colonial members as to the importance of higher education and employment Page 67 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure near future and students will enroll in EPCC certificate program. Students were unhappy with EPCC registration pitfalls every semester. Dr. Rhodes implemented a smoother registration process thus alleviated the problems. The CHA program was implemented in 2000 because of community demand and has shown growth especially before the state's action. Student surveys are positive Using practicum site evaluations for prospective employer satisfaction. 106 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 7.1 Employer satisfaction 107 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 7.1 Program need 108 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 7.1 Community Offers ESOL students a benefit "stepping stone" to higher education. ESOL students utilize CHW program as a transition to higher level warning- CHW prepares student for Health or Human service OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies opportunities. 3. Assist students with Financial Aid and registration. none none 1. Send employer survey once a year. 2. Have advisory committee members fill out survey at the meetings held twice a year. CHW- utilized in ESOL Individuals can be 1. Promote the EPCC certified through the program as a stepping stone developmental state without Epic's to higher education. 2. Educational initiative. training. Increased personal development opportunities. 3. EPCC graduates a benefit for area agencies because of intense training. 4. Work closely with ESOL & COUNSELORS. 5. EPCC developmental education initiative participation. Students have none 1) Promote EPCC program. 2) intense training in Show benefits of EPCC community health training and increasing skills. skills 3) Enroll ESOL students in CHW when English skills do not meet higher education 1/25/2007 Page 68 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 109 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 2.1 Increase Assure that the CHA program employment total enrollment increase yearly. Total enrollment for each class will increase Exceed previous enrollment 110 11000-55150 1 Community Health Advocacy/Promotore 2.1 To increase Assure that the CHA program enrollment total enrollment increase yearly. Exceed previous enrollment 101 11000-55347 1 Math RG 6.1 Classroom accessible computers Pilot pogram implemented in at least two sections of Math 1314 by the end of academic year 20042005. A specific assessment tool made available by the Mathematics Association of America (MAA). We are currently administering this instrument as a guide to the individual student on their preparation for College Algebra. Scores on test correlate to the degree of success student's experience. 2.2 Classroom A specific assessment tool 101 11000-55347 1 Math RG accessible made available by the computers Mathematics Association of America (MAA). We are currently administering this instrument as a guide to the individual student on their preparation for College Algebra. Scores on test correlate to the degree of rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Pilot pogram implemented in at least two sections of Math 1314 by the end of academic year 20042005. 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies levels. Spend more time at local agencies and clinics promoting CHA program. 2) Send flyers out to prospective students. 3. CHW advisory committee input is to decrease class size- 12 per year, and 15 max. none Spend more time at local agencies and clinics promotong CHA program. 2. Send flyers out to prospective students. Work with CHA advisory committee recommendations to reduce class size. Data from previous Develop plan for furniture, semester experience equipment, staffing and of several instructors schedule for servcies for who have taught implementation 2005-2006. College Algebra and Purchase software license and used the MAA tool. supplies to implement Accelerated Math-Super Kit" on a computer with printer that can be taken into classrooms. none Data from previous semester experience of several instructors who have taught College Algebra and used the MAA tool. Develop plan for furniture, equipment, staffing and schedule for servcies for implementation 2005-2006. Purchase software license and supplies to implement Accelerated Math-Super Kit" on a computer with printer that can be taken into classrooms. Page 69 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority EPCC Goal Math RG 1.1 12216-S12216 1 Health Occupations 1.1 12216-S12216 1 Health Occupations 8.1 102 11000-55347 93 93 1 Area Plan Name Objective Measure success student's experience. Classroom Specialized room assigned for Instructiona Math lab l Support system for Math courses To promote minority students into Nursing and Allied Health, especially men 1) Create a focus group from prospective nursing and allied health students, community members, and health facilities to assess the needs for a male labor workforce, identify barriers and design interventions to meet the goal of increasing male workforce in nursing. 2) Kick off or make a campaign of marketing and exposure of nursing and allied health for the community and workforce in general. 3) Visit all schools to pomote male nursing and allied health positions. 4) Provide a list of pros and cons (if they exist) for this goal To promote 1) Create a focus group from minority prospective nursing and allied students health students, community into members, and health facilities Nursing to assess the needs for a male and Allied labor workforce, identify Health, barriers and design especially interventions to meet the goal men of increasing male workforce in nursing. 2) Kick off or OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies Math lab is staffed and has a schedule comparable to other campuses No lab exist at RG Through these activities, exposure to nursing and allied health to male students is achieved. The ratio of males to 1) Invitation to form the focus females students is groups. 2) Marketing absolutely materials and hiring recruiters. unidentifiable, there is 6 females to one male in almost each health program: therefore there is a need to increase the male rate to almost Purchase software license, and supplies to implement Accellerated Math super kit, on a computer with printer that can be taken into classrooms. $4000.00 using existing computer and printer and $6000.00 or otherwise. Through these activities, The ratio of males to 1) Invitation to form the focus exposure to nursing and females students is groups. 2) Marketing absolutely allied health to male materials and hiring recruiters. unidentifiable, there students is achieved. is 6 females to one male in almost each health program: therefore there is a need to increase the male rate to almost 1% per a year. 1/25/2007 Page 70 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 93 12216-S12216 1 Health Occupations 2.1 94 12216-S12216 1 Health Occupations 5.1 Plan Name Objective Measure make a campaign of marketing and exposure of nursing and allied health for the community and workforce in general. 3) Visit all schools to pomote male nursing and allied health positions. 4) Provide a list of pros and cons (if they exist) for this goal To promote 1) Create a focus group from minority prospective nursing and allied students health students, community into members, and health facilities Nursing to assess the needs for a male and Allied labor workforce, identify Health, barriers and design especially interventions to meet the goal men of increasing male workforce in nursing. 2) Kick off or make a campaign of marketing and exposure of nursing and allied health for the community and workforce in general. 3) Visit all schools to pomote male nursing and allied health positions. 4) Provide a list of pros and cons (if they exist) for this goal To recruit Attendance at HCOP summer 50 middle camp school students into an HCOP summer camp. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies 1% per a year. Through these activities, exposure to nursing and allied health to male students is achieved. The ratio of males to 1) Invitation to form the focus females students is groups. 2) Marketing absolutely materials and hiring recruiters. unidentifiable, there is 6 females to one male in almost each health program: therefore there is a need to increase the male rate to almost 1% per a year. 50 students accept admission with a 90% or higher completion rate. Summer camp does not exist at present. 1/25/2007 1) Through brochures, flyers, posters, folders, meetings with counselors and networking. Health programs at EPCC are marketed. 2) 50 students are given an 8-week seminar in English, Math, Med Term, Science and field trips to receive stipends and college preparation. 3) 50 Page 71 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 95 12216-S12216 1 Health Occupations 2.1 To identify Percent of HCOP students and enroll a entering health programs at minimum EPCC. of 70% of HCOP students in the 2 year health occupations programs. 96 12216-S12216 Health Occupations 1.1 To improve Graduation and transfer rates the by demographic status graduation and transfer OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies middle school students will receive stipends. Recruitment is through high school presentation on paper ads, TV, videos, health fairs, career fairs, and HCOP application. 70% of HCOP students HCOP admission 1) Recruitment is through enroll at EPCC in health and graduation rates H.S. presentation, paper ads, for 2005-2006 programs for 2005-06 TB ads, videos, health fairs, career fairs, and fill in the HCOP applications. 2) Through statistics, the rate of minorities in health professions is low, hence, HCOP is promoting the health care professions to attract minorities. 3) Through brochures, flyers, posters, folders, meetings with counselors and networking, health programs at EPCC are marketed. 4) HCOP sends out special forms to teachers to check on the progess of HCOP students who need tutoring when asked to come in for free tutoring. 5) 50 students are given an 8-week seminar in English, Math, Med Term, Science and field trips to receive stipends and college preparation. Graduation and 5% increase in Through statistics, the rate of transfer rates for graduation: 1% minorities in health increase in transfer rate. 2005-2006 professions is low, hence, HCOP is promoting the health care professions to attract 1/25/2007 Page 72 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 80 Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Strategies minorites. 2) HCOP sends out special forms to teachers to check on the progress of HCOP students who need tutoring when asked to come in for free tutoring. 3) Every year, in May , prospective students are given financial aid seminars, and helped to fill out scholarships at the HCOP office. rates of disadvantag ed students from the college's health occupations programs OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 73 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Instructional Programs: Mission Del Paso Plan No. Budget Acct Priority EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 8.1 Black Road Efficient and safe exit out of Mission del Paso Campus. When the road is finished. A completed road. 11000-55334 Biology MDP 1.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student lab Systems and electocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. 174 11000-55334 Biology MDP 6.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student lab Systems and electocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 174 11000-55334 Biology MDP 7.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student lab Systems and electocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 175 11000-55338 1.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 Page 74 of 128 11000-13010 174 Improvement of the To work with adequate Buying microscopes, technology in the Science number of microscopes spectrophotometer, Biopac department. This updated and spectrophotometer Student Lab Systems and laboratory equipment would electrocardiograph. for our students. To 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Chemistry MDP Initial stages have began, final stages needed to complete project. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Strategies Dean Instructional Programs MdP 173 1 Area City of Socorro, County of El Paso, TXDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organization and Property Owners. 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Instructional Programs: Mission Del Paso Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure help to better fulfill Area Mission. Standard Baseline Strategies replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. facilitate interaction 2-Spectophotometer and improve $880.00 $1,760.00 learning. Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 175 11000-55338 Chemistry MDP 6.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the Science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student Lab Systems and electrocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 175 11000-55338 Chemistry MDP 7.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the Science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student Lab Systems and electrocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 176 11000-55344 Geology - MDP 7.1 Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the Science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student Lab Systems and electrocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 176 11000-55344 Geology - MDP 6.1 Improveme nt Plan For dynamic labs: New instructional Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 Page 75 of 128 Improvement of the Buying microscopes, To work with adequate technology in the Science spectrophotometer, Biopac number of microscopes 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 10 Instructional Programs: Mission Del Paso Plan No. 176 Budget Acct 11000-55344 Priority Area Geology - MDP EPCC Goal 1.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Strategies Baseline Science Lab MDP department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Student Lab Systems and electrocardiograph. and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. Improveme nt Plan Science Lab MDP Improvement of the technology in the Science department. This updated laboratory equipment would help to better fulfill Area Mission. Buying microscopes, spectrophotometer, Biopac Student Lab Systems and electrocardiograph. To work with adequate number of microscopes and spectrophotometer for our students. To replace old equipment and increase technical capability. Presently our equipments are obsolete. For dynamic labs: New instructional techniques require this equipment to facilitate interaction and improve learning. 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 Total $17,795.00 5-microscopes $1,360.00 $6,800.00 1-Biopac Student Lab $8,000.00 2-Spectophotometer $880.00 $1,760.00 Electrocardiograph $1,235.00 Total OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 $17,795.00 Page 76 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 158 11000-55222 3 Court & Conference Reporting NWC 3.1 Computers in Classroom 158 11000-55222 3 Court & Conference Reporting NWC 2.1 Computers in Classroom 159 11000-55263 Reading NWC 1.1 Improve pass rates for BASK 0323 students. Objective Measure Court Reporting Department is need of four additional computers for the classroom. There is currently seating for 14 computers, which prohibits 4 additional students from registering for CRTR 1404 (Machine Shorthand.) These computers will increase enrollment. Court Reporting Department is need of four additional computers for the classroom. There is currently seating for 14 computers, which prohibits 4 additional students from registering for CRTR 1404 (Machine Shorthand.) These computers will increase enrollment. Greater pass rates for BASK 0323 students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline Strategies Enrollment figures will show Increase by 40%. that registration has been at its optimal level for the last couple of years. On-going technological advances. Purchase 4 additional computers. Currently have 10 compaq 7500 in classroom with the full monitor. Enrollment figures will show Increase by 40%. that registration has been at its optimal level for the last couple of years. On-going technological advances. Purchase 4 additional computers. Currently have 10 compaq 7500 in classroom with the full monitor. In a two year period, check numbers by comparing semesterly pass rates. rptIEPlan0506 Increase pass rates from On-going Continuous Project previous years. 1/25/2007 Examine and evaluate current syllabus and post assessment instruments. Page 77 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 342 11000-13006 1 Dean Math Occ Ed & Science 7.1 182 11000-13012 1 Faculty Travel Math 5.1 177 11000-52124 1 Library TM 8.1 180 11000-55346 1 Math TM 1.1 181 11000-55346 2 Math TM 5.1 178 11000-55400 1 Fashion Technology TM 6.1 Plan Name Electronics Program Closure Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies - Students in process - Track students through - Program losing comletion money - Track and modify course offerings as needed - Relocate affected faculty - Transfer unneeded program equipment Faculty Increase the number of At least three (3) faculty Two (2). This year - two (2) faculty Encourage faculty to attend Travel faculty attending professional attended professional training will attend professional training. training conferences. training conferences. conferences. TM Library To weed worn, outdated, TM Library has only (1.) Use computer program to The TM Library collection is Withdraw 3% of develop tables with the Weeding weeded 1% of the superceded, or obsolete at 39,000 and by withdrawing collection STANDARD number of books older than collection the past library material from the TM 3% of the collection the net LIBRARY 10 years and determine two years. Library. loss will be 1170. PERCENTAGE. whether to withdraw. (2.) Recommendations. Select areas for a more concentrated weeding process, i.e. medical, technical. (3.) Determine whether to reorder, withdraw books by Library of Congress categories using current book budget. Connect all computers in TM Currently there is no lab Students will be able to No web connection Make looking at the tutorials Web Connection Lab to the Web. (so no tutorial) available for Math2412 part connection - would like to see access free math tutorials that come with available in Math in TM Lab of the student's lab grade. if Math1314 and Math2412 the textbook. Lab. lab scores improve -- more students pass. Instructor Help developmental math Expect more students to Current pass rate is Will have textbook authors Look at pass rates in Knowledge instructors do their job more developmental math courses. succeed, hence have low. give workshop. Expansion effectively. fewer students repeating courses. Fashion We currently have Upgrade software and (1.) Identify money to After implementation students Students will be more hardware to be able to offer purchase a scanner. (2.) Get will be trained on state-of-the- job ready after learning no C.A.D. for Garment Design. students the experience and Fashion Studio Plus installed art apparel industry software. this software. We already teach knowledge of industry and working on 5 computers. C.A.D. Pattern computer aided design (3.) Instructors get trained on Complete the Program closure of the Electronics Program. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1) All students successfully completed by Fall 05 2) Budget expenditure reduced to 0 1/25/2007 Page 78 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 192 Instruction No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 11000-55420 1 Interior Design TM 1.1 Interior To provide the latest Design Lab technology for students as they will require these skills to become successful and knowledgeable professionals. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Making. packages. 179 Standard (1.) Accommodated 12 computer stations, where 6 existed, to meet student enrollment. (2.) Accommodated large screen projector to replace portable to allow a more efficient lecture presentation. rptIEPlan0506 software. (4.) Instructors add software training to course competencies. Seating and tables to (1.) Monitor usage of (1.) Replacement of 3 accommodate 12 computers. (2.) equipment. (2.) Monitor students. Currently usage of lab and attendance. Replacement of house 9 new furniture to (3.) Procure 3 more accommodate safety and computers and three computers thru grants. (4.) old (a total of ergonomics. Review the safety issues twelve). regarding the furniture and forward to the Dean for his review. 1/25/2007 Page 79 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 222 11000-72000 1 AVP Auxiliary Services 2.2 Food Services 246 11000-72001 1 Mail Services 6.1 Equipment 245 11000-72002 1 Coordinator Property Control 7.1 FT Inventory Clerk 251 11000-72003 2 ISC VV 7.1 Billing System 244 11000-72004 2 ISC TM 7.1 Equipment 247 11000-72005 1 ISC RG 7.1 Equipment Objective Measure Expansion of food services facilities at Northwest and Mission del Paso campuses to accommodate present and future growth. Upgrade old Toshiba Tecra 8000 (7 years old). Expand food services for students, faculty and staff to include the expansion of cafeteria area. Standard Baseline Strategies Acquire funding sources Present food services Funding approved and with a completion date area too small for renovation completed. present and future of January 2007. enrollment growth. Current equipment is outdated. Obtain funding; submit requisition, purchase equipment, monitor prompt delivery and installation of new equipment. Funding for a FT Inventory Funding of this position PT pool resources , Functional identification of The department has Clerk, Grade C will ensure continuance external funding and critical work demands to functionally identified a transferred funds are maintain workforce to face of a quality, timely critical resource need for an directed to cover for operational challenges. compliant quality additional FT employee. service department with departmental work Submit Personnel demands. cost effectiveness Requisition, announce job responsiveness in the opening, interview applicants Finance and Auxiliary and hire a FTE. area. Implement system to upgrade Expedite and make the billing Provide new technology Complete monthly It is in the process of billing on a timely the ISC billing process. for state of the art developing a program for the process more efficient and basis. billing process. billing process. Acquire accurate. equipment necessary for upgraded billing process. Try all FTE and PTE on new program. Implement new billing process. Current equipment Surveys of production reports, Replacement of old Purchase of Fastback Binder Production increase is slow and obsolete. billing and supply reports. equipment. & HP Scanjet 8290 for from 70% to 90%. professional binding, and Evaluation of fiscal year of quality scanning., increased responsibility. Replacement of old binding Provide efficiency and Current binder is 5 Itdentify purchase; initiate Replace old binder (5 years machine, acquiring a PC and old) and the purchase of PC faster turn around times years old. Presently purchase order, monitor document scanner. on all binding requests. billing is processed delivery and installation of and scanner. manually taking 3-4 equipment. Staff training and Speed up billing and days each month. provide efficiency, development. accuracy, and speed up Yearly average of OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Replace current Toshiba Tecra. 100% replacement of equipment. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 80 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard word processing job requests. 243 11000-72006 1 ISC NWC 7.1 FT ISC Technician Acquire a FTE position for the Northwest Campus ISC 242 11000-72007 1 ISC MDP 7.1 FT ISC Technician Acquire a FTE position for the Mission del Paso ISC. 248 11000-72010 2 Coordinator Shipping & Receiving 7.1 Pallet Tuck 223 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 224 11000-76000 2 Director Physical Plant 8.1 225 11000-76000 2 Director Physical Plant 8.1 Keep up with the work demand at MdP ISC. At this time the MdP ISC work demands have increased by approximately 50% and the level of staff has not kept up with the increase. Upgrade manual pallet jack to Replace old manual pallet a motorized pallet tuck. jack. Vehicle Maintenance of all college Maintenanc vehicles to include major e repair/services excluding gasoline. Work To consolidate the work order Order system and preventative System maintenance systems to provide better, more efficient service to all college personnel. Tools and Equipment At this time the work demand has increase due to the increase in enrollment. To purchase tools and equipment for the Physical OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The approval of a Physical Plant Vehicle budget to maintain all college vehicles. Hire FTE at NWC to meet work demands 11,285 pages is produced/typed with a scanner. NWC is currently operating out of a part-time pool resources. Strategies Identify the work demands. Submit Personnel Requsition. Announce position opening, interview applicants and hire a FT ISC Technician. Identify the work demands. Submit Personnel Action Request. Announce position opening. Interview applicants. Hire FTE. Hire FTE for MdP ISC to meet work demands. The MdP ISC is currently operating out of the Part-time pool resources. 100% replacement of equipment. Current equipment Obtain funding, submit is operated manually. requisition, purchase equipment, monitor delivery and ensure prompt delivery. Installation new equipment. No budget line item Budget approval to establish a exist to cover vehicle Vehicle Maintenance maintenance. Automotive budget. Operational resolution of college vehicles. 100% transition. -Purchase and installation of software. Physical Plant currently uses an out-dated system of tracking all work orders. The purchase of this software will enhance operation of the Physical Plant and insure a more efficient operation. College personnel will be able to place and track work orders on-line. Purchase new tools and On going process during equipment. Physical Plant the year. rptIEPlan0506 Baseline 1/25/2007 Manual system where college personnel currently have to call in their work orders. Purchase and install the necessary software. Train all Physical Plant employees on the use of the software. Provide instructions for college personnel on how to input and track their work orders. Old, outdated tools and equipment Purchase new tools and equipment. Create a tool and Page 81 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Replacemen Plant employees t Measure Standard Baseline Strategies and/or personal tools. equipment inventory with a tracking system. Assign tools and equipment to appropriate personnel. 228 Upgrade the Fire To meet current fire Obtaining funding from 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Fire Unexpended Plant Funds and Suppression Suppressions at VV and R G code requirement. the replacement of outdated Systems at fire suppression system to VV & RG meet current safety code. Currently RG 229 Upgrading elevators to meet Funding and completion of Completion of Obtaining funding from 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 RG Elevator state code and install lifts upgrading elevators by elevators have been Unexpended Plant Funds and upgrading elevators and Upgrade & when wheel chairs are not given a delay September 2005 and upgrade elevators and install replace lifts at RG. Lifts exception of motorized. completion of lifts by lifts to meet state code. Replacemen September 1, 2005 January 2006. t by the Fire Marshall. As today, the 249 To have more 1) Do inventory of tooling Faster and more qualitative 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Mechanical To assure the manpower Systems/Uti required to guarantee to manpower to satisfy all existing personnel is per employee. 2) Identify response to maintenance lities responding only quality and effectiveness of tools that do not belong to the requirements made by faculty, maintenance Manpower Mechanical Systems and corrective college. 3) Identify tools staff and students, as well as a requirements DW. maintenance calls Utilities operations. required to do the job. 4) more effective preventative for not having Purchase required tooling; to maintenance to avoid enough time to replace theirs and to replenish recurrent corrective calls from dedicate to the required one. 5) end users (faculty, staff and preventative Document all tooling assigned students). maintenance to every employee. activities which in the long run will minimize the continuous maintenance calls from faculty, staff and students. 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Equipment To replenish all employees Employees will address the 250 To have all employees Today, many 1. Identify activities to be maintenance issues more with all required tooling for with all required tools to employees are performed by temporary efficiently and timely manner perform efficiently. working with tools employees. 2. Identify the them to be able to complete and will not have to borrow that belong to them time required and frequency their tasks efficiently and a tools from other employees to and not the college. at which the activities will be timely manner. complete their tasks. Most of the tools executed. 3. Allocate those 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 Page 82 of 128 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT employees are currently using old, outdated tools and equipment or their own personnel tools. Completion by January Funding and completion of upgrading of fire suppression 2006. systems at VV and RG. Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 252 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 8.1 Personnel 253 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 IT Power Supply Objective Measure Standard Baseline that employees need have been lost, wore out or too old. Therefore, new tooling is required. Today, the existing To optimized to utilization of More time of specialized To have temporary skilled personnel: the extisting skilled employees perfoming workers in activities which electricians, campus employees. activities such as: required skilled labor. cleaning of mechanical techs, HVAC techs rooms, replacing burnt is being used to lamps, adjusting clocks. clean water tanks, mechanical rooms, changing burnt lamps or adjusting clocks, keeping them from executing more skilled activities like developing preventative maintenance programs, undertaking design work requests, or improving existing system or process in their areas of competency. To assure power supply to the IT server will have temporary Guaranteed temporary Presently, there is an UPS, temporary IT server in the event of power supply to IT power supply until public power system, which power outage from public utilities serve is reestablished. server in the event of has not been utilities. power outage from public utilities company. maintained since its installation in the ASC building 3 years due to specialized labor to do so for it is necessary to OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies resources in the specified areas of needs. 4. Monitor their performance and productivity. 1. Identify acitivities to be performed by temporary employees. 2. Identify the time required and frequency at which the activities will be executed. 3. Allocate those resources in the specified areas of needs. 4. Monitor their performance and productivity. 1. To hire a company to do an initial maintenance to bring up the UPS to normal operating conditions. 2. To identify the maintenance needs for the existing UPS. 3. To prepare a bidding package specifying scope of maintenance work. 4. To invite qualify service providers to bid on the UPS Page 83 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline outsource its maintenance. 254 11000-76000 1 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Ice Making System 255 11000-76000 2 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Air To provide a more Conditionin comfortable classroom and g office environmnets to achieve occupant's best performance. 256 11000-76000 2 Director Physical Plant 7.1 Parking Lot To maintain the EPCC image More visible facilities of Lighting of having well maintained EPCC campuses. and safe campuses by assuring continuously well lit parking lots. Increase reliability of ice making system to guarantee Loan Star project objectives. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT To have water pumps Increase water tank capacity to be able to install an existing installed in the new backup pump to assure water water tank. supply to ice making chiller, and guarantee achievement of LOAN STAR project objectives More comfortable work environments for staff, faculty and student body resulting in less work requests to adjust room temperatures. rptIEPlan0506 Currently there is only one pump to supply water to the chillers, a second pump is required but can not be installed because the existing tank is too small to hold both pumps. Curently the air distribution systems are not providing the air in the temperature and volumes required to maintain comfortable working areas as a result of the continuous modification undertaken in those areas, such as, rooms A241, A 240, D 109, E100-107. Currently, there have Continuously well lit been a lot of issues parking lots through regarding lighting in outsourcing their maintenance. This will parking lots. This reflect the image of well has required calls to maintained institution. outside which will address the issue To have new air conditioning distribution systems for more comfortable environments. 1/25/2007 Strategies maintenance. 5. Monitor provider performance. 6. Establish periodical meetings with provider to evaluate the service. 1. Obtain funding from unexpended plant funds. 2. Detailing all specifications for new tank. 3. Assessing integration of new tank and pump to the existing system. 4. Outsourcing contruction of tanks. 5. Monitoring construction. 6. Starting up the system with the new size tank and backup pump. 1. Obtain funding from unexpended plant funds. 2. Detailing all specifications for the new air distribution arrangements. 3. Assessing integration of new air distribution. 4. Installing new equipment. 5. Monitoring construction. 6. Starting up the system with new air distribution arrangements. 1. Obtain funding from unexpended plant funds. 2. To develop a set of specifications that will require a periodical inspection of all parking lots DW and replacement of lights. 3. To Page 84 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline when it is available and not when we needed. 239 11000-76002 1 Facilities Construction 7.1 Equipment Replacement of old equipment. Purchase of HP Design Jet 800 printer (42-inch model) and LYNX Vinyl cutter. 240 11000-76002 1 Facilities Construction 8.1 Personnel Hiring of a Construction Worker. Employing a new construction worker would raise efficiency, thereby ensuring quality and effectiveness of operations. 241 11000-76002 2 Facilities Construction 7.1 226 11000-76003 1 Operation & Maintenance 7.1 258 11000-76003 1 Operation & Maintenance 8.1 Constructio This would create and n Facilities maintain an enhanced Shop environment for various tades to achieve success. Facilities To reorganize and rename Services Facilities Services. The Physical Plant has two separate units: Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. Maintenanc Hiring of two (2) e Workers Maintenance I workers. (2) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT On site improvement would consist of a metal building on a concrete base. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. For the last years the college has expanded its needs for Special Events set-ups, moving of furniture, equipment and Property rptIEPlan0506 Current printer (7 years old) is constantly breaking down and cutter is 12 years old, parts are obsolete and very hard to locate. 3 months after approval. Facilities constructions receives and processes approximately 80 new minor work orders each month. This would expand Obtain funding and purchase metal building the college's technological by October 2005. capbility. Completion by January Currently operating under two separate 2006. accounts (Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance). Strategies implement a bidding process to bring different providers for this service. 4. Monitor provider performance. 4. Established periodical meetings with provider to evaluate the service. Purchasing of printer and cutter. Obtaining funding for a construction worker. Purchase of metal building. Combine 11000-76003 (personnel salaries) and 11000-76006 (personnel salaries) under one account titled Facilities Services, 11000-76003. This account will only indicate personnel salaries. 3 months after approval. The functions by the Obtain funding for two Maintenance Maintenance Workers I. Workers (Special Events) have double and with EPCC 1/25/2007 Page 85 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Control work orders. 227 11000-76006 1 Ground Maintenance 7.1 Facilities Services To reorganize and rename Facilities Services. The Physical Plant has two separate units: Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. Approval by the Board of Trustees and Administration. Completion by January 2006. 230 11000-76007 2 Operating Grounds 7.1 By installing city lines to the Farah and EPCC. Completion by August 2006. 231 11000-76007 1 Operating Grounds 7.1 ASC Water Removing the water tank Tank system and having city lines installed to the Farah and EPCC, we will be free of liability. Door Replacement of doors and Replacemen automatic doors at VV ts 233 11000-76007 2 Operating Grounds 8.1 234 11000-76007 2 Operating Grounds 7.1 232 11000-76008 1 Physical Plant 7.1 Replacing hollow metal doors which are heavy especially to student with special needs. Replace automatic door in Bldg. A, has had excessive repairs. Grounds Replacement of old equipment Purchasing of new equipment Equipment for Grounds to re-place old equipment or purchase additional equipment that is much needed. Vehicle Replacing Welder's vehicle. Purchase F-350 Truck to carry Replacemen welder's equipment. t Electricity To increase the electricity OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Additional square footage for rptIEPlan0506 Completion by July 2006. Completion by December 2005. Baseline continuing to grow, there is a need to hire two Maintenance Workers. Currently operating under two separate accounts (Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance). Combine 11000-76003 (personnel salaries) and 11000-76006 (personnel salaries) under one account titled Facilities Services, 11000-76003. The account 11000-76006 will be eliminated once the personnel salaries are transferred into 11000-76003. By installing city Obtain funding from lines will free EPCC Unexpended Plant Funds for of any liabilities. the removing of water tank system and installing city lines. Replace doors. Obtaining funding from Unexpended Plant Funds and replace doors and automatic doors which are consistently breaking down or very heavy. Outdated and old equipment. Too small to carry welding machine, acetylene torch and all needed equipment. Need to increase budget Compared to last Purchase larger vehicle for carrying equipment, current vehicle is too small. 1/25/2007 Strategies Obtaining funding from the Unexpended Plant Fund and replace old equipment with new equipment. Obtain funding from the Vehicle Replacement fund. Energy efficiency. Upgrade Page 86 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 37 Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure utility bills. budget by $48,710. 235 11000-76009 1 Physical Plant 7.1 Gas 236 11000-76010 1 Physical Plant 7.1 237 32003-73246 1 Auxiliary Services 1.1 Student Athletes 238 32003-73246 1 Auxiliary Services 1.1 Student Athletes 257 32003-73246 1 Auxiliary Services 1.1 Recruitment Recruit quality, studentathletes and assure that a minimum of 70% of our student-athletes come from the El Paso County Community College District (local area as defined by EPCC). To decrease gas budget by $89,182. Water/Sewa To increase the Water/Sewage ge budget by $40,472. With regards to studentathletes, maintain higher academic standards than that required by the NJCCA. Achieve a minimum of 75% placement of student-athletes into four (4) year academic institution upon their departure or graduation from EPCC. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Readjusted to meet current and future needs. Additional square footage for utility bills. At the end of each semester GPA's of athletes will be evaluated to determined these figures. At the end of our studentathletes' eligibility period rosters of each sport will be evaluated to determine the percentages. due to additional square fiscal year's bills. footage and possible rate increases. Compared to last Decrease in budget. fiscal year's bill. Need to increase budget Compared to last due to additional square year's bills. footage and possible rate increases. Database created to 85% success rate evaluate athletes according to EPCC's GPA's per year. Athletic Scholarship Policy. Placement of student 75% placement of athletes to previous student-athletes into year. four (4) institutions. 70% local (as defined Opening day of Rosters of each sport will be evaluted to by EPCC) studentdetermine local verses out-of- athletes state percentages. rptIEPlan0506 Baseline 1/25/2007 Strategies equipment to maximize energy efficiency throughout the district. Gas efficiency. Water efficiency. Upgrade equipment to maximize water efficiency throughout the district. To monitor student-athletes in the Fall and Spring and enforce the Athlete Scholarship Policy. 1. Coaches and Athletic Dept. staff will continue to stress, implement and place as our top priority, continued eligibility and placement of our student-athletes. 2. Coaches and staff will meet with student-athlete monthly. 3. Offer them computer services at the Athletic Office. Recruitment of local AVP will insure that EPCC students VS out of coaches are recruiting and state. signing local student athletes. Page 87 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Coordinator, Counseling at VV and RG Plan No. Budget Acct 196 11000-63002 197 11000-63002 198 11000-65000 199 11000-65001 EPCC Goal Plan Name Transfer Center 1.1 Transfer students Transfer Center 2.2 1 Counseling 7.1 1 Counselor VV Priority 1 Area 5.1 Counselor Coordinator Job Description, Position Description, and College Procedure Professional Staff Developme nt Training Objective Measure To advise students on all information that they require to transfer to a college or university of their choice. No less than 60% of students that complete an Associate of Arts Degree will actually transfer to a University. To complete all EPCC objectives for the Title V Transfer Center Grant in cooperation with UTEP. Review of objectives and tasks accomplished to determine completion. Define the Counselor Coordinator Job, Position Descriptions in accordance with college procedure and district needs. Development of a formal Job Description; Position Description and College Procedures submitted to the appropriate college entities. Standard 80% of students completing a Transfer Center evaluation document will report satisfaction with the service. Baseline Strategies A minimum of 2,000 students per academic year will receive service at the Transfer Center. The Transfer Center will contact instructors to inform them of services provided at the center. The Transfer Center will advertise their services through the college newspaper, fliers, and banners. The Counseling department will refer students who need services provided by the Transfer Center. 80% of students The College had an A. Specific objectives will be getting assistance at identified for each year of the informal Transfer the EPCC Transfer grant. B. Meetings will be Program that has Center will transfer held with college and become formalized. to a University. Little data had been university staff to review collected in the past. So tasks accomplished and 100% change is determine effectiveness. expected. No current job or Utilization of College Reviewing existing job college procedure Procedures already description and procedures reflecting the current pertinent to counseling faculty established for final Counselor approval of these and coordinator positions. Coordinator position Rewrite these documents in documents by Spring has been formally 2006. accordance to college policies adopted by the and division needs. college. Provide Bi-Annual Staff Number of professional No less than two staff Development training District- development development activities Wide. Encourage offered to staff by activities/training sessions Professional Staff will be held for all counseling Spring 2006. Development activities staff per academic year. outside the college environment. 5.1 Counseling Determine full time 200 11000-65005 1 Counseling MDP a. Review of final summary Number of Counselors Faculty to Counseling Faculty to report from Counseling Model retained or hired in Academic Academic Advisor staffing Committee to VP Student proportion to number of 1/25/2007 rptIEPlan0506 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 (two) professional development sessions for Counseling Faculty and Academic Advisors. 0 (zero) for Support Staff. 28 FT Counseling Faculty; 8 FT Academic Advisor Solicit bi-annual input from counseling staff as to professional development activities needed DistrictWide. A. Research "Best Practices" among other colleges/universities. B. Page 88 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 5 Coordinator, Counseling at VV and RG Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Advisor Ratio Objective Measure ratio as identified by student and departmental needs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Services and President. B. Define and contrast Counseling Faculty with Academic Advisor staffing ratio District-Wide. rptIEPlan0506 Standard Academic Advisors retained or hired District-Wide by Spring 2006. 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Review differences of job descriptions and responsibilities between Counseling faculty and Academic Advisors to determine service effectiveness for our student population. Page 89 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Director, Admissions Plan No. 210 Budget Acct 11000-67000 Priority 1 Area Admissions EPCC Goal 5.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Conversion Convert funding for one of funding. externally-funded admissions assistant position to institutional funding. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT One externally funded fulltime temporary position exist in admissions for an Admissions Assistant. rptIEPlan0506 Standard Conversion of funding from Carl Perkins to institution. 1/25/2007 Baseline Position is temporary. Strategies Request funding cite change to ensure continued support if admissions requirements to support expected continued growth in enrollment against the continuing threat of loss of external funding. Institutional funding will stabilize this position. Page 90 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Center for Students with Disabilities Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 219 11000-64001 1 Center for Students w/ Disab 8.4 Center for Students with Disabilities Expand communication with the community and schools. 220 11000-64001 2 Center for Students w/ Disab 1.1 Center for Students with Disabilities 2. To improve services to disabled students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline 1. Participate on at least 2 outside community agency's boards. 1. 2 contacts with outside agencies. Strategies 1. Contact a minimum of 5 outside agencies to assess appropriateness of CSD 2. Flyer in the stage involvement. of developments. 2. Attend Region XIX 2. Develop a flyer about CSD 2. Distribute flyers to at least 10 high school transition meetings and for high schools. transition counselors for provide flyers. graduating seniors. 1. Meet, design and forward 1. Developmental Instructor 1. One module that will 1. 0 baseline website information to and the Director will complete be a segment on the new 2. 0 baseline faculty orientation Faculty Development Office a module on CSD for website. orientation for "New 3. 0 baseline 2. CSD will identify and Faculty" website training. 2. 2 facutly members collaborate 2 faculty members will implement teaching 4. 0 baseline to develop teaching strategies 2. Develop "universal" strategies. for their course. teaching strategies in their 5. Meet 1 1/2 hours class. twice a week 3. Have 25% of CSD 3. Hold a 1 hour once a week students participate in session on accelerated 3. Introduce a special study the study skills learning strategies for one skills component to the component the first semester. tutoring sessions for 1st semester. semester freshmen to 4. Establish a committee to participate. 4. Complete an create an evaluation process. assessment instrument Recruit committee members 4. Establish a skills by Fall 2005. that are currently working the assessment process for field. interpreters Spring 2006. 5. Have 10 students complete a 14 week 5. Meet 1 1/2 hours twice a 5. Continue a 1 1/2 twice a class. week and teach techniques to week Accelerated Learning accelerate their learning class for interested students. 1. To have counselors serve as board members in community agencies to expand relationships. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 91 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Director, Co-op Education & Job Placement Plan No. 221 Budget Acct 11000-64002 Priority 1 Area EPCC Goal Coop Education & Job Placement 8.1 Plan Name Coop Ed/Job Placement Community Expansion Objective Measure Expand the Coop Education & Job Placement role in the community by outreaching more employers and becoming involved in workforce development areas. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Coop Education & Job Placement office will actively assist all areas of the college (such as workforce development) place traditional and non-traditional students that benefit from the institutions education and vocational training objectives by job placements (obtained employments) throughout the community. rptIEPlan0506 Through active grants targeted from Summer Youth and Work Experience, a greater employer database has been expanded to create effective partnership with private and public sector employers. 1/25/2007 Baseline At time of writing, employer database was minimal. Now through these grants, May - August 2004 and present (June August, 2005) a greater database and connection to employers districtwide has been established. This broadens the impact of this department and its role and function with the college and the community. Strategies Through attached and obtained grants to target Work Experience and Summer Youth, part-time, temporary staff was hired to collect and interface with local area employers to help serve the traditional and nontraditional students at the college. Page 92 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Financial Aid Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 205 11000-66000 1 Financial Aid Office 7.1 Document Imaging Implement imaging of incoming documents at all financial aid offices at branch campuses resulting in quicker response time for applications and reduction of copying costs. Imaging stations at all branch campuses, documents scanned at time of receipt and immediately transmitted to VV for review and action. 10% decrease in copier costs at branch offices and reduction of application processing time by 2-5 days. 205 11000-66000 1 Financial Aid Office 2.2 Document Imaging Implement imaging of incoming documents at all financial aid offices at branch campuses resulting in quicker response time for applications and reduction of copying costs. Imaging stations at all branch campuses, documents scanned at time of receipt and immediately transmitted to VV for review and action. 10% decrease in copier costs at branch offices and reduction of application processing time by 2-5 days. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Documents submitted are currently being submitted , copied, transmittal forms manually completed and documents mailed or hand delivered to VV. Documents submitted are currently being submitted , copied, transmittal forms manually completed and documents mailed or hand delivered to VV. Strategies Buy 5 imaging stations and train staff at branch campuses on imaging and indexing processes. Buy 5 imaging stations and train staff at branch campuses on imaging and indexing processes. Page 93 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Director, Police Department Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 206 11000-61001 8 Police Department 8.3 Speed Hump Project 208 11000-61001 9 Police Department 8.3 207 11000-72008 6 Coordinator Safety Office 7.1 209 11000-72008 5 Coordinator Safety Office 7.1 Additional StaffingNW and MDP Increase number of Fire Wardens by 5%. Distribute Employee Safety Enhanceme nt Brochures Objective Measure Add ten speed humps as 10 new speed humps. indicated. Six at Transmountain; Two at Northwest, and Two at Valle Verde. Add four additional officers Four new officers. to staffing table: Two to NW and Two to MDP. Currently, there are approximately 100 trained fire wardens district-wide. We want to increase by 5%. 105 Fire Wardens. Print and Distribute 500 Print and Distribute 500 brochures that will enhance Brochures. awareness of employee injuryprevention. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard Baseline Strategies 100% 0 100% 0 5% 100 Fire Wardens Advertise the need for new fire wardens by email and word of mouth throughout the district. 100% 0 Brochures to be distributed in all safety workshops and can be included in payroll disbursements. 1/25/2007 Objective will be met by locating appropriate/effective sites at each listed campus and then building the new speed humps. Adding four new officers to the Police Department staffing table. Page 94 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 325 Budget Acct 11000-67001 Priority 1 Area Recruitment & School Relations EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Expand Expand Dual Credit Programs Dual Credit to each and every one of the regional high schools eith emphasis on rural underserved areas. Standard Implement program at all EPISD high schools to include Franklin HS and all rural schools to include Tornillo and Sierra Blanca. 100% full implementation of dual credit at all rural high schools in the region. Baseline Strategies 1) Negociate Interlocal agreement with regional school superintendents. 2) Contact and set-up meetings with administrators @ schools. 3) Conduct Dual Credit workshop for administrators and interested teachers. 4) Conduct individual classroom presentations to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 5) Conduct student/parent application orientation workshops. 6) Coordinate on-site Testing & Distance Education equipment inspections. 7) Coordinate on-site Testing and advising sessions. 8) Complete enrollment and registration process. 9) Coordinate on-site New OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 95 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 326 Budget Acct 11000-67001 Priority 2 Area Recruitment & School Relations EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure High Conduct early enrollment School registration for high school Senior seniors. Early Enrollment Registration Initiative Pilot at least two (2) school districts within the twelve regional districts. Standard The successful pilot results for early registration could bring at least two thousand (2,000) additional students for enrollment. Baseline Strategies Student Orientation sessions. 1) Initiate enrollment process for "early" registration of high school seniors. 2) Coordinate with high schools for web registration. 3) Process necessary paperwork for registration. 4) Coordiante meeting with high school counselors for early enrollment registration. 5) Conduct early registration workshops on-site OR 327 11000-67001 3 Recruitment & School Relations High School Graduating Senior Workshops Expansion of graduating "Senior Day @ EPCC" workshops. Introduce at least 1,000 high school seniors to a full-day event at EPCC. At least have one school from each of the twelve regional districts participate. 6) Conduct early registration workshops at corresponding EPCC campus. 1) Coordinate graduating high school senior visit to respective EPCC campuses. 2) Conduct tours of EPCC campuses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 96 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 3) Coordiante informative presentations of programs and services offered by EPCC. 4) Expose high school seniors to the many facets of EPCC. 5) Conduct admissions application workshops. 6) Schedule for Testing. 328 11000-67001 4 Recruitment & School Relations EPCC High Establish EPCC in-inservice School days with school districts and Administrat invite for trainning. or/Teacher In-Service Coordinate invitational inservice workshops for high school administrators and staff. One school from each of the twelve regional districts will participate. 7) Conduct Financial Aid Workshops. 1) Approach high school administration before Inservice schedules are finalized. 2) Coordinate a mutually productive day for both institutions. 3) Coordinate EPCC presentations @ workshops. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 97 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 4) Conduct presentations. 5) Conduct campus tours. 329 11000-67001 5 Recruitment & School Relations Dual Credit Standardize Dual Credit Web forms to include information Access/Man on Web for easy access. ual All dual credit Initiate and maintain dual credit forms on web to include information, i.e., requirements, forms and Dual Credit manual. manual to be put on web. 6) Demonstrate to high school teachers why EPCC is "The Best Place to Start." 1) Composition of High School contact Dual Credit manual. 2) Coordination of EPCC areas participating in Dual Credit for manual input. 3) Formatting of Dual Credit Forms to include standardizing. 330 11000-67001 6 Recruitment & School Relations ESL Evening Outreach Initiative Conduct retention/recruitment presentations to all ESL evening programs to provide information available on Student Services that otherwise may be lacking. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Will coordinate/execute presentations to at least twenty of the ESL classes. rptIEPlan0506 Will Present at half of all ESL classes. Presentations will be scheduled at one half of ESL classes at each of EPCC campuses. 1/25/2007 4) Making Dual Credit accessible through EPCC Web. 1) Meet with Dean on structuring of presentations. 2) Contact Instructional Coordinators to schedule classroom presentations. Page 98 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 3) Prepare "ESL Evening Outreach" packets. 331 11000-67001 7 Recruitment & School Relations Media Increase FREE media To reach 100% of local Have once a monthTV, Recruitment coverage of EPCC services newspaper, or radio coverage. newspaper (El Paso Outreach and programs of study within Times). the EL pAso Community i.e., ongoing Dual Credit Program. 4) Strategize delivery at each of the EPCC campuses. 1) Contact individual media personnel for coverage. 2) Feature "real time" students at EPCC. 3) Shadow Dual Credit students at respective high schools. 332 11000-67001 8 Recruitment & School Relations Mall Expand annual EPCC "Mall Recruitment Recruitment Fairs." Fairs At least two (2) Mall Increase Recruitment events participation/recruiting contacts at "Mall Recruitment during the fiscal year. Fairs." 4) Exposure of Dual Credit throughout the regional high schools. 1) Negotiate fee waiver for EPCC participation. 2) Include admission application booth section. 3) Contact EPCC departments for participation. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 99 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 333 Budget Acct 11000-67001 Priority 9 Area Recruitment & School Relations EPCC Goal Plan Name Customize Recruitment Packets of EPCC Programs/M ajors Objective Measure Establish a comprehensive Production of program/major profile of customized specific recruitment packets. recruitment packets for EPCC programs/majors through handouts. Standard Compile at least 10% or thirteen (13) EPCC program/major specific packets. Baseline Strategies 4) Create EPCC banners advertising programs. 1) Obtain degree information from counseling. 2) Specify program information on each discipline. 3) Update information on yearly basis to correlate with catalog. 4) Obtain respective Dean approval field of study. 334 11000-67001 10 Recruitment & School Relations EPCC Enhance DVD library of Recruitment current EPCC programs. DVD Library Project Production of DVDs for recruitment presentations. Minimum of ten (10) DVDs featuring EPCC programs and resources. 5) Place information on web. 1) Contact high school administrators for permission to approach student body. 2) Obtain clearence to utilize "Channel One" mode of delivery in each classroom to feature EPCC resources in general, Dual Credit Program and specific programs of study. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 100 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 11 Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 335 Budget Acct Priority 11000-67001 11 Area Recruitment & School Relations EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Internationa Actively recruit seniors at l Student "preparatorias" located in Recruitment Juarez, Mexico. Initiative Standard Visit and hold recruitment activities in Juarez "preparatorias" (high schools) and Education Fairs. Visit at least twenty (20) high schools in Juarez, Mexico and participate in two (2) Educational Fairs. Baseline Strategies 3) Coordinate with EPCC programs deans for approval of three minute dvd program presentations. 1) Contact high schools in Juarez, Mexico. 2) Coordinate visits to the high schools. 3) Conduct presentations to seniors. 4) Participate in educational fairs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 101 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Student Leadership and Activities Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 211 11000-52400 1 Director Student Leadership 8.1 Student Increase Student Services and Completion of at least 50% of Completion date May Leadership Intramural Sports 2006. established strategies. & Campus Programming. Life Enrichment Plan n/a 211 11000-52400 1 Director Student Leadership 3.1 Student Increase Student Services and Completion of at least 50% of Completion date May Leadership Intramural Sports 2006. established strategies. & Campus Programming. Life Enrichment Plan n/a 212 11000-52400 2 Director Student Leadership 8.3 SGA Provide Structure and Enrichment Leadership Opportunities for Plan SGA students. n/a OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Completion of at least 50% of Completion date May 2006. established strategies. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies Evaluate leadership activities among staff; Increase multicultural events and programming at each campus; Increase intramural sports activities for students and staff; Create yearly master calendar; Evaluate forms utilized within student leadership, campus life and intramural sports programs; Increase multicultural awareness among staff; Have a volunteer fair once a year. Evaluate leadership activities among staff; Increase multicultural events and programming at each campus; Increase intramural sports activities for students and staff; Create yearly master calendar; Evaluate forms utilized within student leadership, campus life and intramural sports programs; Increase multicultural awareness among staff; Have a volunteer fair once a year. Evaluate student leadership activities and opportunities; Evaluate the SGA elections process; Evaluate SOC process; Create a leadership academy for SGA students; Have a student club fair, fall and spring for interested students; Have a vendor fair during the fall and spring Page 102 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Student Leadership and Activities Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 213 11000-52400 4 Director Student Leadership 2.2 214 11000-52400 5 Director Student Leadership 2.3 215 11000-52400 3 Director Student Leadership 1.1 Plan Name Student Leadership & Campus Life Enhanceme nt Plan 2 Student Leadership & Campus Life Enhanceme nt Plan 3 Go Center Objective Measure Improve Internal Operations and Training Opportunities for Student Leadership and Campus Life Staff. Standard Completion of at least 50% of Completion date August n/a 2006. established strategies. Improved Student Leadership Completion of at least 50% of Completion date August n/a and Campus Life Website 2006. established strategies. and Improve Appearance of Campus Life Offices. Creation of GO Center. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Number of high school students entering EPCC through the efforts of the GO Center. rptIEPlan0506 Completion date August n/a 2006. 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies semesters; Evaluate forms utilized within SGA; Involve students on college committees; Increase multicultural awareness. Increase professional development opportunities for staff; Develop training for staff to perform their jobs more efficiently; Establish reporting data bases. Coordinate with IT to develop and enhance departmental website; Replace outdated equipment; Improve physical appearance of Student Leadership Offices. Recruitment of 20 active students; Development of GO Center Club. Page 103 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Director, Testing Services Plan No. 216 Budget Acct 11000-63001 Priority 1 Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Testing Services 2.2 CLEP Testing Objective Measure Increase awareness of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests as a method by which EPCC students/community members can obtain college credit by exam. Standard Whether or not the number of individuals taking CLEP tests has increased over last year's numbers. Increase the number of CLEP Tests administered at EPCC by 10% over the 2003 04 academic year. Baseline In the 2003-04 academic year we administered 258 CLEP Tests. 218 11000-63003 11000-63005 2 3 Alt. Testing / Accuplacer GED Testing 2.2 2.2 NSO Scheduling (This is phase 2 of the 200405 plan to automate test and NSO scheduling processes. Automate the scheduling process for New Student Orientation so that NSO counselors district wide are able to view/monitor NSO schedules. Testing staff schedule the NSO appointments as students finish taking their college placement test. Off Site Use technology (i.e. laptop GED Test computer) to faciliate the Registration registration of potential GED candidates at off campus locations. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Publicize EPCC credit by exam policies for CLEP tests through various means (i.e. TS web pages, informational brochures). 2. Solicit invitations to EPCC classes (such as Mastering Academic Excellence courses) and provide information to students about CLEP and EPCC credit by exam policies. Individuals can save time and tuition dollars by completing CLEP tests to earn college credit. 217 Strategies 1. Whether or not counselors can view the NSO schedules to see if sessions are filled to capacity. This will assist them in planning for staff/supplies for each NSO session. Counselors will be able to view fill status and print their own NSO rosters. 2. Whether or not counselors can view and print their own NSO rosters and will not have to wait for testing staff to do this for them. Whether or not we are able to register GED candidates at off campus locations and easily incorporate new registrations with the main GED records rptIEPlan0506 All off campus registrations will be completed using a laptop computer. 1/25/2007 Currently NSO counselors are not able to view/print NSO schedules and must contact testing staff to perform this task for them. 3. Provide CLEP testing support to meet the needs of community members (not just EPCC students) and military personnel. 1. Modify existing scheduling system to incorporate a "view only" access for NSO counselors to view their NSO schedules. 2. Coordinate with IT to provide "view only" access to the scheduling system for designated NSO counselors. 3. Train NSO counselors on how to access the NSO scheduling system. Currently all off 1. Purchase a laptop campus registrations computer using existing are done manually budget funding. and this information must be processed 2. Make necessary Page 104 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Director, Testing Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard database used in the GED Testing Center. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Baseline again manually into our GED Testing Center database. 1/25/2007 Strategies technology enhancements using in house expertise to insure that we can transfer off campus registration information to our GED Testing Center database. Page 105 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 4 Registrar Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 201 11000-62000 1 Registrar 2.2 Overtime Budget 202 11000-62000 2 Registrar 6.1 CAPP 203 11000-62000 3 Registrar 6.1 "What If" screen 204 11000-62000 4 Registrar 2.2 Position request to Hire Clerk II. Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Adopt overtime needed for completion of projects within the Registrar's area. Activate CAPP process for counseling to expedite advising. Activate "What If" for students to use to see their degree information. Completion of projects in a timely basis within budget. $20,000 $3,720 of overtime budget. Development of sufficient overtime budget. 100% automatic. 100% 100% manual Train counselors and advisors on procedure using CAPP. Complete activation. 100% Provide directions to students to be able to use the "What If" screen. Need position to assist Graduation and Scheduling Departments. Position filled. Students will be able to access their course history through the WEB to see what their degree status is. Position filled. 100% Hire individual to assist Graduation and Scheduling personnel. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 106 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 77 Student Services No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Vice President, Student Services Plan No. 195 Budget Acct 11000-12003 Priority 1 Area EPCC Goal Vice President Student 6.1 Services Plan Name Objective Measure Reorganizat Reorganization of Student ion of Services upon the hiring of Student the Dean of Students Services OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Hiring of the Dean of Students; was the reorganization structure completed. rptIEPlan0506 Standard Dean of Students is expected to be hired by Fall 2005. 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Position is currently National recruitment, review vacant. of application pool to determine viability of moving forward with the selection process. Page 107 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Associate Vice President, Instructional Resources and Technology Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure 299 11000-51005 1 Technology Resource Center 6.1 Technology The Technology Resource Resource Center will operate two Center Centers, one at VV and the second at RG. This is in an effort to increase technology training to faculty and staff. Combined training methods will be utilized such as ondemand, web-based training opportunities that will allow the user to select training modules and training will be delivered 24x7. 297 11000-52100 1 AVP, Instructional Resources and Technology 6.1 298 11000-52101 1 Academic Computer Services 6.1 AVP, Instructiona l Resources and Technology Academic Computing Services Standard Training to faculty and staff will increase by 20% and 11 online modules will be developed. Promote increased utilization Increase number of training of technological capabilities sessions for faculty, staff, and to faculty, staff, and students. students; and assist with instructional design. Hire 7 part-time ACS Lab Assistants OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Provide district-wide administrative support to all ACS labs; increase level of faculty and student support at all ACS labs. rptIEPlan0506 Baseline Develop a catalog of web-based training modules and tutorials. Extensive online module development occurred in year 2004-05 in areas such as WebCT training, Flash, Powerpoint and the use of HorizonLive webinars. Training in Respondus also was available. Regular training planning sessions; review and modify training calendar on a regular basis. Hire appropriate level staff. Develop regular training calendar; repeat training sessions. 1/25/2007 Strategies 1. TRC staff will continue to assess training needs and develop online tutorials, webbased training in various areas; 2. TRC is also developing online tutorials for use by Academic Computing Services student open labs for the District; 3. Assist with the training of faculty teaching online courses; 4. Increase the use of STS students in the training and development of online modules; 5. Continue to support or purchase the necessary training software. Increase training of Campus Pipeline, WebCT, Webinars, etc.; promote the production of instructional videos. 7 part-time ACS Lab District-wide ACS Lab Assistants. Manager will assist with planning and supervision of ACS Labs; additional parttime lab assistants will ensure for increased support to faculty and students. Page 108 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 309 11000-52115 1 Instructional media 6.1 IMS Improveme nt Plan 315 11000-52115 1 Instructional media 8.1 Lecture Forum 310 11000-52136 1 Cablecast 7.1 Cablecast Improveme nt Plan 312 11000-52136 1 Cablecast 7.1 CIT Improveme nt Plan Objective Measure Standard To provide media services An increase in requests met District-wide to meet faculty, will be reflected, vs. a students, and district needs. decrease (to a minimal figure,) of requests or services not met. There will be an increase of equipment usage, as a result of new technology, available for District-wide faculty, staff, and classroom instruction. Media services Districtwide will be provided in a timely manner and at the location requested. Media equipment demanded by faculty, for direct classroom instruction, will be available District-wide. Baseline Strategies Lack of funds prevents the acquisition of equipment demanded by faculty and staff Districtwide. Lack of staff hinders services demanded by the institution. Request funds to cover existing part-time staff not funded in the current budget. Hire eight additional parttime staff people to provide services during evening and early morning hours. Repair or replace District-wide media equipment which is over five years old. Purchase state of the art equipment demanded by faculty for classroom instruction. The present chairs Request that the chairs and Inform the Facilities The Facilities Department will Remodel facilities to and equipment are equipment at the Lecture bring them up to Department about the need to be informed for future over 20-years old Forum be replaced. standards with digital remodel. The Facilities planning. and are showing equipment and to Department will need to wear and tear. redesign sitting area. provide cost. Lack of funds to To utilize the current To provide full Request for funds to: Hire a Hire qualified full-time staff replace or purchase qualified traffic/scheduling traffic/scheduling area into a to manage services . traffic/scheduling additional complete services office, services, which will full-time staff person. Request funding needed to programming and responsible for scheduling, include: program Evaluate current television acquire addional programs equipment, as well programs. Acquire additional dubbing, research, and the research, acquiring of and equipment. acquisition of television supplies and equipment, as, lack of funds to and updated programs. provide year-round Provide funding for part-time programs for a full capacity dubbing, distribution, services for full-time staff to operate year-round. TV channel--EPIC cable and supervising of and part-time staff. channel 14. master control staff. The shortage of full- Provide funds for overtime To bring services in tune with Additional part-time and full- In-house productions time and part-time the growth of the Collegetime staff are needed to will increase to meet required to complete projects. district by hiring additional continue services and high demand --will have staff impedes the Provide funds for supplies effectiveness and staff. Increasing overtime and efficiently respond to the compatible and a newer vehicle, replacing supply funds, and replacing needs and demands of the duplication/distribution efficiency of the the old production van, to department's the old van. College-district. The with the use of new better serve the video services in all areas. production needs of the additional funds for supplies technology. The lack of overtime College-district. and equipment are needed to and supplies provide the department with obstructs the materials and means distribution efforts. required to offer services OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 109 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard required by the Collegedistrict. Radio production experience will be noticed through the radio programs recorded on CDs. Students will be able to work and gain experience through the use of state of the art equipment currently used throughout the radio industry. 311 11000-52146 1 Center for Instr Communication 8.1 Create New Budget for KCCR Radio To provide radio, on-the-air, and broadcast production experience to students enrolled at the Collegedistrict. 313 11000-52146 1 Center for Instr Communication 6.1 TV Studio Relocation To comply with FCC The transition into digital mandate to replace all analog format will require funds for equipment into digital format. the purchase of equipment and for staff training. The TV studio equipment requires digital format replacement to comply with FCC mandate. 314 11000-52146 1 Center for Instr Communication 6.1 ASC Conference Center To provide a permanent video Quotes and information will projection system at the ASC be provided for consideration. boardroom as well as at the ASC Conference Center. The plan is to provide a video projection system by the end of the 2005 summer. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Students will acquire hands on experience on both, on-the-air as well as through broadcast production. The Students will be able to gain experience as onthe-air hosts (DJs.) 1/25/2007 Baseline The lack of production or broadcast equipment hinders production experience. The lack of funds rules out the purchase of new equipment and supplies. The current television equipment is in analog format. Currently, no permanent video projection system is in place. The IMS and CIT staff and others, have to install video projection equipment on a needed and requested basis. Strategies Provide funds for supplies used to operate KCCR. Replace current and outdated broadcast equipment with state of the art broadcast and production equipment. Provide funds to continue the employment of two part-time staff people who support the radio station operation. 2005-2006 IT Committee fiscal year funds will be requested, based on Digital Conversion Plan. The plan was established during the 2004-2005 fiscal year. By January 2006, the CIT will be relocated to the new facilities at the ASC. I will work with the architect firm to design the new facilities. And I, will research the digital equipment for purchase recommendations. Provide the need and associated costs for consideration. Projected amount at about $40,000. Page 110 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area 316 11000-52146 1 Center for Instr Communication 317 11000-52146 2 Center for Instr Communication EPCC Goal Plan Name 6.1 Revenue Budget (Media Services) Objective Measure To provide services by maintaining revenues in the budget. Standard State of the art equipment will increase services. The awareness of the services available will increase the demand of requested services. TV Series To produce three video series Three video series will be Productions devoted to inform the produced from various areas to Promote community about the throughout the College. the College College's staff, operation, and services. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Will continue to increase revenues in this budget due to services provided. Baseline Strategies Lack of services will decrease the amount of funds in the budget. Provide services District-wide in the area of material duplications. Provide services in the area or media production. Currently, no Projected completion Focus group will be created to date is Spring 2006 with programs are in address the need. A producer a pilot program of each existence, providing and crew will be assigned to College information video record and edit the before completion. to the community. programs. Objectives will be developed for the video series. The CIT budget will cover the cost of materials and supplies for this project. 1/25/2007 Page 111 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area 300 11000-52112 1 Instuctional Support Services 302 11000-52113 1 303 11000-52113 1 EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard ISS Improve communications Communica between ISS staff and tion Plan supported staff members to increase effectiveness of the support provided to Distance Education programs. Meetings were held as planned and scheduled. Weekly Staff Meeting, Bi-Annual Program Planning Meeting, Annual Budget Planning Meeting Distance Education On 1.1 Line DE Student Increase student and faculty and Faculty support services to ensure Support effective support services Services Increase student and faculty support services to ensure effective support services. Improved completion and student outcomes. Distance Education On 5.1 Line Distance Education Fill vacant staff position. Staff position filled. Hire a Distance Education (DE) Technical Coordinator. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Staff meetings are held once a month. Planning meetings are held once a semester. Budget meeting was held once this year. (1) Coordinate departmental activities and schedules with staff members to allow for staff participation. (2) Prepare and provide materials in advance so staff may be better prepared to participate in meetings. Completion rates (1) Pre-census date follow-up will be provided with students who have not when received from logged in encouraging the Institutional students to get started. (2) Research Office Mid-semester follow-up with after the Spring students to identify concerns 2005 semester is or problems they are having. closed. (3) On-site voluntary orientation for students enrolled in online classes. (4) On-site voluntary orientation for dual credit students enrolled in online classes as requested. (5) Revise the "Getting Started" instructions for online students. (6) Create "How To" online tutorials for online students. (7) Revise the information letter sent to students at the beginning of each semester. (8) Conduct an end-of-term student program survey to assess the effectiveness of support provided by the Distance Education office. (9) Add a monthly training activity to faculty meetings. DE Technical (1) Advertise, interview and Coordinator position hire a Distance Education Page 112 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Technical Coordinator Position Baseline is vacant. 304 11000-52113 1 Distance Education On 5.1 Line Distance Education Program Assistant Position 305 11000-52113 1 Distance Education On 5.1 Line Clerk II Hire a Clerk II to provide Position for clerical support to Distance Hire a Distance Education Program Assistant. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Create and fill a new staff position. Staff position filled Distance Education Program Assistant position does not exist at this time. Create and fill a new staff position. Staff position filled. Clerk II position in Distance Education rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies Technical Coordinator. The Technical Coordinator is responsible for the planning, design, and daily support for the Distance Education Network (DEN) under the supervision of the Director, Instructional Support Services. (2) The position can be funded by moving 19,685 from the AVP, Instructional Resources and Technology Classified Staff FT Pool and $12,123 from the Distance Education/Online Supplies Pool to create the full time Distance Education Technical Coordinator position. (1) Advertise, interview and hire a Distance Education Program Assistant. The Program Assistant will provide additional program support needed due to increased student enrollment, the number of faculty teaching distance education courses, and the expansion of Distance Education programs. (2) The position can be funded by moving $22,904 from the Distance Education/Online Supplies Pool to create the full time Program Assistant position. (1) Advertise, interview and hire a Clerk II. The Clerk II Page 113 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Distance Education Education Programs. Measure Standard 306 11000-52113 1 Distance Education On Line Program Assistant for DE Holographic Program Position Hire a part time Program Assistant to support the Distance Education Holographic Program. Create and fill a new staff position. Staff position filled. 307 11000-52113 1 Distance Education On 5.1 Line Lab Assistant for DE Holographic Program Position Hire a part time Lab Assistant Create and fill a new staff to support the Distance position. Education Holographic Program. Staff position filled. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies does not exist at this will provide clerical support to students, faculty and the time. Distance Education staff. Distance Education currently consists of seven programs: Dual Credit, Instructional Television, Video Conferencing, Online, the Virtual college of Texas (VCT) Program, the ORION Project, and Project SAIL. Distance Education supports 80 faculty and 7,500 student enrollments annually. (2) The position can be funded by moving $8,006 from the Instructional Support Services Classified Staff PT Pool and $8,890 from the Distance Education/Online Supplies Pool to create the full time Clerk II position. Program Assistant Advertise, interview and hire for the DE a Distance Education Holographic Program Assistant to provide Program position support to the new does not exist at this Holographic program. The time. Program Assistant will recruit, train and provide ongoing faculty support to the new Holographic program. Lab Assistant for the Advertise, interview and hire DE Holographic a Distance Education Lab Program position Assistant to provide support does not exist at this to the new Holographic time. program. The Lab Assistant will work with the Program Assistant to recruit, train and Page 114 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 9 Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 308 11000-52113 1 Distance Education On 7.1 Line 301 11000-52135 1 Instructional TV 2.1 Plan Name Virtual College of Texas (VCT) Program Funding Increase ITV Student Enrollment Objective Measure Receive funding to reimburse faculty contact hours to Virtual College of Texas (VCT) providers of distance education courses for EPCC students. Increase student enrollment in Distance Education Instructional Television (ITV) classes. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Secure funding to reimburse faculty contact hours to provider colleges. Standard Funding received. Increased student enrollment 5% increase in enrollment from in Distance Education Instructional Television (ITV) previous semester. classes. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies provide ongoing faculty support to the new Holographic program. Funding provided by Funding will allow more Distance students to enroll in distance Education/Online education courses not Supplies Pool. available at EPCC. Spring 2005: 471 student enrollments (1) Advertise and promote: student newspaper, handouts and posters, promotional events for students and faculty, community and high school visits. (2) Recruit faculty, train faculty, develop classes, and schedule classes. (3) Four ITV classes have been added to the Summer 2005 schedule. (4) Promote increased Dual Credit student enrollment in ITV classes. Page 115 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 290 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery Remote Site. SAN (Storage Area Network) Technology EPCC off-site hardware and software secondary solution for minimal downtime during a disaster. The data of all Alpha servers and Administrative servers will reside in one repository area. 291 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Software for automating the assignment of classrooms, meeting rooms throughout the district. Network and automate Provide the necessary functionality to eliminate the the process of room assignments. manual process of assigning semester classrooms, labs and meeting rooms. 292 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Automated Software for Classroom Assignment s Enterprise Schedular for Banner Utilities and software for automating and simplifying banner application process. Provide the necessary functionality to eliminate the manual processing associated with job submission. 293 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Help Desk Help Desk Software Accommodation for district in Establish advanced technology within the the Help Desk Area. Help Desk. 294 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Power UPS for Intermediat e & Main Distribution Facilities Incorporating UPS Systems to each individual IDFs and MDFs to prevent downtime due to power failure in the main line. UPS will also provide protection for brownouts and spikes. The district currently does not count with UPS system in every distribution facility where networking equipment is located without any power protection. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Establish remote locations with redundant capabilities. Back-ups and administrative job submission can be easily scheduled. Recovery of data, in case of disaster will be simplified. Manage delivery of application output and help coordinate the processing of applications. Networking equipment protected by UPS systems will warranty power protection and uninterruptible power supply to these systems which in turn will provide uninterruptible network services and will be better protected 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies EPCC is vendor dependent on hardware and software replacement. Each server and Alpha server at EPCC is currently backed-up individually. 1) IT Research with various vendors in order to design best solution for EPCC 2) IT will coordinate and evaluate, through Mock Tests 3) Site for disaster will need to be established and configured to meet equipment needs 4) Required equipment and software will be purchased and installed Manual assignments Purchase software, implement done at the various and training. campuses througout the district. Schedular will remove a heavy workload from each end user throughout the district. Manual process will be automated. EPCC is vendor dependent on hardware and software equipment. Purchase software and implement Pruchase software and implement. A plan of action will be in place to systematically install batch at UPS systems in specific communication closets according to a predetermined schedule. Page 116 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 29 Information Technology No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 8 Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 294 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 7.1 295 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 296 11000-75005 1 Information Technology 6.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Standard against connected IOS & hardware failure due to power problems. Power UPS Incorporating UPS Systems to The district currently does not Networking equipment for each individual IDFs and protected by UPS count with UPS system in Intermediat MDFs to prevent downtime systems will warranty every distribution facility e & Main due to power failure in the where networking equipment power protection and Distribution main line. UPS will also is located without any power uninterruptible power Facilities provide protection for supply to these systems protection. brownouts and spikes. which in turn will provide uninterruptible network services and will be better protected against connected IOS & hardware failure due to power problems. Top of To provide Gigabit Once uplinks from IDF Currently end users are Stack connectivity between connecting at 100 Mbps to the to MDFs upgrade to Switches to communication closets (IDF access switches and the gigabit speeds the Provide to MDF). To support higher uplinks from IDFs to the main problem of Gigabit throughout and avoid bottlenecking will be distribution facilities are the Uplinks bottlenecks. substantially minimized. same speed (100 Mbps) from IDF to proposing a potential MDF bottleneck. Upgrade of College District Phone System Upgrade of Avaya Difinity G3 phone system OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Allow for system growth and new technology benefits. rptIEPlan0506 Baseline Strategies A plan of action will be in place to systematically install batch at UPS systems in specific communication closets according to a predetermined schedule. Given the current budgets Networking count on, packs of 5 to 10 switches will be purchased, configured and deployed to district locations accordingly to a predetermined schedule. Quanity: 60 Estimated Cost: $7,000 per unit. New platform will allow Current G3 platform Purchase software/hardware has reached end-of- and implement. for converged application integration. life-cycle. VV campus has reached Increase trunking trunking capacity. capacity for future growth. 1/25/2007 Page 117 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Associate Vice President, Budget and Financial Services Plan No. 36 Budget Acct 11000-73000 Priority 1 Area AVP Budget & Financial Services EPCC Goal 8.1 Plan Name CAFR online. Objective Measure Place Comprehensive Annual The CAFR is available for Financial Report (CAFR) on review by the public at large. College Web Page. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Standard The public at large is informed of the College financial position thru the CAFR. 1/25/2007 Baseline CAFR is currently available to selected recipients or upon request by interested parties of the office of the AVP of Budget & Financial Services. Strategies The AVP for Budget & Financial Services will contact the Web administrator for the assistance in placing the CAFR report in the appropriate area of the College Web Page. Page 118 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Associate Vice President, Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name 14 11000-14001 1 AVP Marketing 8.1 Marketing 15 11000-14001 2 AVP Marketing 2.1 Marketing 16 11000-14001 2 AVP Marketing 2.1 17 11000-14001 2 AVP Marketing 2.1 18 11000-51010 1 Publications 8.1 Objective Measure Promote the college as the fastest growing community college in the nation. Standard Enrollment statistics Increase community awareness of EPCC growth in and year-to-year enrollment and its continuing comparison. efforts to provide access and opportunities to all students. Promote the college as the Increase community best place to start for transfer awareness of EPCC as being and associate degrees. the best option to start college in terms of affordability and career choices. Marketing Promote dual credit among Increase awareness of the area high schools. opportunity to earn up to 24 credit hours while still attending high school. Increase awareness of EPCC Marketing Promote the college as the as the best place to continue best place to continue. for continuing education and workforce development. Publications To become the central point Will compare last year's of printing (will allow us to Budget printing versus new year's 2005-2006 make sure publication printing using the commodity standards are followed and report and our printing logs. provide the District with competitive pricing). Enrollment statistics and year-to-year comparison. Baseline Continuous. Continuous. Year-to-year enrollment Ongoing. comparison. Enrollment statistics. Strategies Highlight EPCC growth through all means of media advertising and publications including radio, TV, billboard, cinema, newspaper, magazines and newsletters internally and externally. Create ads and commercials directly related to what makes EPCC the best place to start. Target marketing at different sides of town and neighborhoods. Create campaign proposals for departments on an individual basis and as requested. Increase in printing, Continue to build client base Would like to capture but still need to 70-85% of in-house by making personal contact with the rest of printing create more with departments, workshops, awareness of the being completed inand networking. dept. house, i.e., ISC's, deparmental copiers. Record-keeping of orders and cross-referencing with Purchasing on any other printing being requested by the College. Ongoing. Continue working with committees to ensure effective printed materials. Working with Purchasing for better bid/contract options. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 119 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 7 Associate Vice President, Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 19 11000-51012 1 Publications Outsourcing 7.1 Publications To help track commodities, invoices and reimbursements. Outsourcing Budget 2005-2006 This account is set up for printing Pos, supplies associated with printing and applied charges only. It was put into place to more effectively account for expenditures. To track 100% of the expenditures associated with printing costs as outsourced by the Publications department. 20 11000-62002 1 Catalogs & Schedules 7.1 Publications To help track expenditures for - Catalogs the catalog and schedules. & Schedules Budget 2005-2006 This account is set up for printing Pos associated with the production and distribution of schedules and catalogs. To track 100% of the expenditures associated with printing costs associated with printing the catalog, schedules and distribution of CE schedules by the Publications department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Keep staff updated with new techniques and software; keep equipment/software updated. Have this account in Cross-reference expenditure place; has been report with PO's and banner useful in tracking information. commodities and invoices. Regularly provide Purchasing with a commodity report that is cross-referenced with their figures. This account has Cross-reference expenditure been useful in report with PO's and banner tracking invoices information. and printing costs. Page 120 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Comptroller Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal 21 11000-73200 1 Comptroller 7.1 22 11000-73206 1 Accounting Services 7.1 Plan Name Objective Measure Bank Beginning September 1, Services 2005, EPCC will have a new Refinement depository contract in place. Closely monitor service fees, arrangements with the bank to assure a smooth transition to the new depository contract. Accounting Establish a web page for the Services Accounting Services area to Web page begin referencing commonly used forms, reference college procedures, and instructions for accessing Accounting Services commonly asked information. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Baseline Strategies Current depository College is billed according to Bank and College new depository contract terms operating according to contract expires on new depository contract. August 31, 2005. and conditions, and information is flowing smoothly. Continuously review bank invoices and information to compare to expectations as detailed in contract. There is a currently no Accounting Services web page. Contact IT and submit a request for the web site and present a preliminary list of items to be included. Web page has been created. rptIEPlan0506 The web page is accessible. 1/25/2007 Page 121 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Budget Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area 23 11000-73100 1 Implementation of Position Control Module 24 11000-73100 2 Implementation of Position Control Module EPCC Goal Plan Name 5.2 Hire fulltime employee Objective Measure Standard Hire a full-time employee to Full-time employee is hired help prepare various budget and trained. and expenditure reports and provide research and analysis. Supply To provide better customer additional service. information on the budget web site OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT After the employee completes the initial training and hands-on experience, we anticipate a faster turnaround in generating various laborintensive reports and budget processes during fiscal year 2005-06. Customer will use the web site Improve customer service. instead of contacting the Budget Office. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Strategies Due to increase in workload. Interview qualified candidates and provide proper training. To increase customer service. To provide information and forms for the Budget Office on the web site. Page 122 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 2 Director, Foundation and Diversity Plan No. 12 13 Budget Acct 11000-11103 11000-52500 Priority 1 1 Area Foundation Director Diversity Programs EPCC Goal 1.1 8.1 Plan Name Campaign 3, Support for National Donors Diversity Programs Heritage Awareness Objective Measure Increase donor base from a local to a state or national level. Identification of extended donor base and the number of potential donors at the end of the year. To provide at least one major Identify the number of cultural activity to the EPCC attendees. family and to the El Paso community, promoting the importance of diversity in at least 2 campuses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard rptIEPlan0506 Baseline Currently have a 2 Identification of potential donors outside year data base of the El Paso Community. potential and completed donors that have given for scholarships. To identify the number of participants through an evaluation process. Strategies Identification of outside resources and listing of potential grants. Continue to develop literature or marketing materials for donors. Currently offer Develop marketing of event to activity only at Valle all campuses through fliers, Verde. internal technological methods. Continue the use of evaluation forms that will be completed by participants. 1/25/2007 Page 123 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 356 11000-52149 1 Director Human Resource Development "Student Facilitate 16, two hour Confidentia sessions for approximately lity Rights" 800 employees on "Student Confidentiality Rights". 90 percent of employees Not offered before. Sixteen, 2 hour sessions for approximately 800 employees. to be completed by or before March 1, 2006. 357 11000-52149 2 8.3 Director Human Resource Development Not offered for external training. 11000-52149 4 Director Human Resource Development Record 100 percent of the data submitted by department heads, supervisors and employees. Upon departmental request or 40 employees. 100 percent of the data submitted by or before March 1, 2006. 358 Employee Training Tracking System Advanced Connections 40 employees by or before March 1, 2006. 40 employees. 359 11000-52149 5 Director Human Resource Development "Appreciati Facilitate two "Appreciative ve Inquiry" Inquiry," sessions to obtain certification. 40 employees. 40 employees by or before July 31, 2005. Not offered before. 360 11000-52149 6 Director Human Resource Development "Work teams and The Wizard of Oz" Facilitate six, 3 hour sessions 120 employees. of "Work teams and The Wizard of Oz to professional and classified staff. 120 employees by or before March 1, 2006. Never been offered before. 361 11000-52149 6 Director Human Resource Development 06 Staff Retreat Provide the leadership and guidance to develop, plan, and organize an annual staff retreat for approximately 60 professional and classified staff employees. 90 percent positive feedback from participants. Track internal and external training for all professional and classified staff. Facilitate three, 6 hour sessions of "Advanced Connections," to professional and classified staff. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Feed back from facilitators. rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Strategies 1. Develop a training date schedule. 2. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with media and conference room availability. 4. Facilitate sessions. Notify department heads, supervisors and employees to submit internal and external training attended. 1. Develop a training date schedule. 2. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with media and conference room availability. 4. Facilitate sessions. 1. Develop a training date schedule. 2. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with media and conferece room availability. 4. Facilitate sessions. 1. Develop a training date schedule. 2. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with medai and conference room availability. 4. Facilitate sessions. 1. Meet with facilitators August 2005 to develop a preliminary plan. 2. Coordination and collaboration with staff retreat facilitation team to develop interactive program. 4. Meet with facilitation team to select 50 participants. 5. Conduct Page 124 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 6 Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies offsite training for facilitation team on program to be presented at retreat. 6. Meet with staff retreat participants to orient and answer questions. 7. Kick off retreat at offsite location. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Page 125 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Director, International Education Plan No. 34 Budget Acct 11000-42801 Priority 1 Area International Program EPCC Goal 1.4 Plan Name Objective Measure Programs To develop and implement with programs with Mexican Mexican Agency/Institution. Agency/Inst itution OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard Courses available to Mexican students on/or off-campus. rptIEPlan0506 Will be set by number of courses available to Mexican Institutes/Students. 1/25/2007 Baseline Development of courses that can be offer to Mexican Institutes/Students. Strategies Increase marketing with funding source. Page 126 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 3 Director, Personnel Services Plan No. Budget Acct Priority Area EPCC Goal Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 31 11000-74000 1 Personnel Services 7.2 Archive Personnel Records Copy Back-log of paper files of separated employees to micro-fiche and destroy paper documents. Back-log of paper personnel records have been copied to micro-fiche, copies have been review for completeness and paper records destroyed. 32 11000-74000 1 Personnel Services 7.2 Automate Personnel Records Files System Convert Personnel Records filing to a Computerized accountability system. Personnel Files will be converted from manual accountability to computerized tracking and retrieval. 33 11000-74000 1 Personnel Services 7.2 Web based paper-less employment application Convert 95% of submitted applications for employment to Web based paperless applications. Only 5% of applications are received in paper form OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptIEPlan0506 Baseline 143 boxes of Personnel records plus 8 file drawers of paper records (approx 317,700 documents) will remain in paper form. All Personnel Files will 3000 -4000 manual records requiring be converted to manual computerized folder recognition and tracking. accountability, storage and retrieval. 100% of separated employee records in storage are completed and destroyed. 95% of applications received are via a Web based electronic application. 1/25/2007 Strategies Contract micro-fiche service to prepare paper records and film documents. Purchase of Kardex Lektriver automated filing system and contract service to convert current Personnel Records to computer recognition storage and retrieval. All application Purchase a service to materials are construct a Web based submitted in paper electronic application that form requiring will transfer required data to manual handling and our Enterprise Application data entry into our Tracking System (EATS). Enterprise Application Tracking System (EATS) Page 127 of 128 Institutional and Community Planning 2005-2006 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLAN No. of Plans per Executive Area (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 25 Executive Assistant to the President No. of Plans per Budget Head (Duplicated if addressing 2 or more Goals): 1 Director, Purchasing Plan No. 35 Budget Acct 11000-77000 Priority 1 Area Director Purchasing EPCC Goal 7.1 Plan Name Increase Efficiency in Competitive Objective Measure All logistical and clerical steps of the competitive solicitation processes will be handled by the position of bid specialist Solicitation Processes OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Standard On going throughout Tracking of bid calendar ensuring bids are processed in the fiscal year a timely fashion. Conduct periodic audits of bid files utilizing bid check list, to ensure required documentation is properly maintained rptIEPlan0506 1/25/2007 Baseline Currently the bid functions are done by four different areas Strategies Hire & train a bid specialist to meet all logistical and clerical requirements of the competitive solicitation process Page 128 of 128