INSTITUTIONAL AND COMMUNITY PLANNING 2006-2007 AREA EFFECTIVENESS PLAN ASSESSMENT NOTE: This report assesses plans written during the 2006-2007 academic year. Executive Assistant to the President Associate Vice President, Budget and Financial Services Plan No. 21 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-73000 Assoc Vice Pres Budget & Finan Serv Plan Name Objective To create Web AVP Web Page Page for the AVP of Budget & Financial Services with a link to the AVP's different areas of responsibilities. Measure The AVP Web Page is available for review by the Public at Large. Standard The public at large has access to important financial information. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline There is no Web Page for the AVP. Currently working on Web Page for the CAFR. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date The AVP for Budget & Financial Services will contact the Web Administrator for assistance in creating a web page for the AVP. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 1 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 4 11000-14001 AVP Marketing Marketing Promote the EPCC information technology advances as part of the "Did You Know" campaign as well as the best place to start and as the best place to continue. Increase Year-to-year Continuous. community enrollment awareness of comparison. information technology progress such as wireless computers, the Orion project, the 3D, distance education, etc. Create ads and commercials directly related to telling the public about programs and services they might not have known about. 5 11000-14001 AVP Marketing Marketing Promote the college campuses by each location for possible facility expansion. Increase community awareness of EPCC growth in enrollment and the continuing efforts to provide access and opportunities to all students. Highlight EPCC growth through all means of media advertising. 6 11000-14001 AVP Marketing Marketing Promote early college high school and dual credit among area high schools. Increase Year-to-year Ongoing. awareness in enrollment the Socorro comparison. area about earning a college degree while in high school and dual credit. Target marketing at different sides of town and neighborhoods. 7 11000-14001 AVP Marketing Marketing Prepare for the expansion of the ASC Conference Center in terms of staffing and budgeting. Provide accessibility of ASC facility to the community. Create an ASC Conference Coordinator position. Enrollment statistics and year-toyear comparison. Community evaluation. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Continuous. Ongoing. rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 2 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Associate Vice President. Marketing and External Affairs Plan No. 8 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-14001 AVP Marketing Plan Name Objective Marketing Promote the college on the local, state and national level. Measure Standard Research, Enchancing write, publish the college and edit image. literature for internal and external use locally and nationally for media and marketing. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Ongoing. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Create a writer position. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 3 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Comptroller Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name 9 11000-73206 Accountin g Services Refine Accountin g Services Web page 10 11000-73200 Comptroll er Monitor Performan ce of New Collection Standard Objective Measure In fiscal year 2005/2006 initial web sites are to be created. Since this was the first year web sites were created for Accounting Services, it is expected that some items will be excluded and that some items included should be excluded. Feedback, review and updating are expected to be ongoing to bring the web sites up to a professional level for such a large area as Accounting Services. When comparing the 05 Accounting Services web pages to the fiscal 06 web pages, the latter will present a much more comprehensive informational web page. The web pages will reflect the major informationa l needs of each of the Accounting Services areas of responsibiliti es. Collection agency performance is consistent with the terms of the request for proposal that was used to select the most capable collection agency. Collection rate is at or higher than previous collection agency contracted by the college. Monitor performance of collection agency(s) selected in late 2005/2006 to Agency(s) assure performance standard is being met. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Current web page is meeting minimal information needs of customers. Considerable work needs to be done placing PDF forms in the web pages. Coordination between supervisors and Associate Comptrollers needs to occur to identify current weak points in the web pages. Then the Administrative Assistant needs to prepare forms missing from the web pages into PDF format to attach to web pages. Then coordination with IT to enhance web sites needs to occur. A couple of forms were either added or updated during this period offering more availability of current information to users of Payroll and District Cashier information. In addition a very useful link was added to Payroll's site linking employees to the site which provides their leave information. Also, a link to completing the IRS W-4 as added for employees. We would still like to add the General Accounting New Account Request form. Information is made readily available to customers and employees. In Progress Current collection rate offered is 25% and XXX of placements. Reports from new collection agency will be reviewed monthly to monitor performance and adherence to agreed upon contract conditions. Collection rate is at a rate 100% better than the previous year and the collection cost per placement is also at a lower rate (19%) for first placements. The over $400,000 dollars in collections has reduced the amount of the accounts receivables due the College. Met rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 8 /31/2008 Page 4 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Budget Plan No. 11 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-73100 Director Budget Plan Name Roll Budget into Finance by 9-0106. Objective Measure Put the budget Complete by into finance at 9/1/06 the beginning of the fiscal year. Standard Improve customer service. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Improve the Accomplished goal. rolling of the budget from Personnel to the Budget module. rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results There were no NSF's (non-sufficient funds) if the department had a budget. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Page 5 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Foundation and Diversity Plan No. 2 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-11103 Foundatio n Plan Name Campaign 4, Support from National Donors & EPCC Donors Objective To continue to increase donor base from EPCC, local, state, or national level Measure Identification of extended donor base and the number of potential donors at the end of the year. Standard Identificatio n& solicitation of potential donors within the college & in the El Paso Community. Baseline Currently have a 2 year database of potential and completed donors that have given for scholarships. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Identification of internal and external resources and listing of potential grants. Identification of projects where EPCC employees or organizations participate. Continue to develop literature or marketing materials for donors. 3 11000-52500 Director Diversity Programs Diversity Programs - Heritage Awarenes s & Other diversity Activities To provide at least one major cultural activity at multi-campus sites, to the EPCC family and to the El Paso community, promoting the importance of diversity. Identify the number of attendees. To identify the number of participants through an evaluation process. Currently offering one type of activity at multicampus sites. Develop marketing of event to all campuses through fliers, internal technological methods. Continue the use of evaluation forms that will be completed by participants. Continue to seek outside community members to join ongoing & giving for diversity events. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 6 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 12 11000-52149 Director, Human Resource Developm ent "Advance d Connectio ns" Facilitate, three, 6 hours sessions of "Advanced Connections," to professional and classified staff for a total of 75 employees. Upon department request or 75 employees. 75 employees by or before August 2007. 75 employees. 1. Develop a 97 employees Improved Customer training completed 6 hours of Service. schedule. training. 2. Announce the sessions via email 3. Schedule some training sessions upon department request 4. Coordinate with media and conference room availability to conduct sessions. 5. Facilitate sessions. Met 13 11000-52149 Director, Human Resource Developm ent Annual Staff Retreat Provide the leadership and guidance to develop, plan, and organize a staff retreat for approximately 60 professional and classified staff employees. Feed back from facilitators and participants. 90 percent postiive feedback from participants. 90 percent postive feedback from previous year's retreat. 1. Select the 90 percent positive Improved employee required feedback from morale. number of Program participants. replacement facilitators. 2. . Meet with facilitators to develop a preliminary plan. 3.. Coordination and collaboration with staff retreat facilitation team. 4. Meet with facilitation team to develop interactive program. 5. Meet with facilitation team to select 50 Met OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Expected Completion Date Page 7 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Human Resources Development Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date participants. 6. Conduct offsite training for facilitation team on program to be presented at retreat. 7. Meet with retreat participants to orient and answer questions. 8. Kick off retreat at offsite location. 9. Prepare outcomes report. Upon department request or 75 employees. 14 11000-52149 Director, Human Resource Developm ent "Insight Personalit y Assessme nt" FacilitateThree , three and one half hour sessions of "Insight Personality Assessment" to professional and classified staff. 15 11000-52149 Director, Human Resource Developm ent "Work Teams and the Wizard of Oz' Facilitate three, 75 employees. 3 hour sessions of "Work Teams and the Wizard of Oz" for professional and classified staff. Seventy five Not offered employees before. by or before August 2007. 1. Develop the 90 employees Improved teamwork training completed 6 hours of among employees. schedlue. 2. training. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with media and conference room avialability. 4. Facilitate sessions. 75 employees by or before August 2007. 1. Develop a N/A training schedue. 2. Announce the sessions via email. 3. Coordinate with media and coference room availability. 4. Facilitate sessions. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 75 employees. rptAssessmentReport0607 N/A Met Not Met 8 /31/2009 Page 8 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, International Education Plan No. 19 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-42801 Internatio nal Programs Plan Name Internatio nal Education Program Objective To develop three Power Point presentations measuring the impact and success of Cooperative Association of States for Scholarships (CASS) Cycle participants beginning with the Fall 2005 Cycle and including Spring 2006 and Fall 2006 Cycles. Measure Effectiveness of product itself as evidenced by the impact on program officials and the audience. Standard Baseline Will be set None by the powerpoint presentations and their effectiveness . OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Interview / survey program officials as to the effectiveness of the presentations. Our CASS Fall 2006 training program had 18 international students enrolled. The CASS Spring 2007 training program also had 18 international students enrolled. The total number of students for the 2006-2007 fiscal year was 36. Objectives were met and the department was again invited to participate by submitting a grant proposal for the following year. rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Page 9 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Personnel Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 16 11000-74005 PCAC Evaluate 20% Job Reclassifi of the current District fullcation time nonfaculty jobs to ensure proper classification and accurate job description. 20% of the District fulltime, nonfaculty jobs have been evaluated. 20% of all full-time District jobs have been evaluated and 80% have not been evaluated. 0% of jobs have been evaluated for the last 2 fiscal years. Funding will be provided by labor budget of department where reclassified job exists. 17 11000-74000 Personnel Sevices Archive Personnel Records of separated employees Archive Personnel Records to micro-fiche for permanent storage No paper Personnel Record of separated employees remains in the files. 100% of Personnel Records of current separated employees are microfiched 0% of Personnel Records of current separated employees are microfiched Contract private company to micro-fiche Personnel Record of separated employees as they separate. An estimated 50 boxes of records will be generated each year. The cost of the average record will be $6 to $8 each. The estimated number of records is 625 per year. 18 11000-74000 Personnel Sevices Manager, Risk Exposure Reduce Worker's Compensation cost through comprehensive risk management by the Manager, Risk Exposure Qualified, experienced risk manager employed and a reduction of employee injuries causes a reduction in Worker's Compensation costs. Work injuries are reduced year over year. Fewer work injuries and Worker's Compensatio n claims. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 10 of 160 Executive Assistant to the President Director, Purchasing Plan No. 20 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-77000 Director, Purchasin g Plan Name Post Competiti ve Solicitatio ns on Purchasin g Webpage Objective Measure Increase efficiency of the competitive solicitation process by providing vendors and the community web based competitive solicitation information. Competitive solicitation material will become part of the Purchasing webpage with a section labeled "Current Bids" Standard the ability of vendors and the community to download bid information from Purchasing webpage. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Currently no solicitation information is provided on the Web. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Provide key purchasing personnel software training and develop a plan of action to implement it as soon as possible. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 11 of 160 Information Technology Associate Vice President, Instructional Resources and Technology Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 258 11000-52100 Assoc Vice President Instr Resources & Technolog y AVP, Instructio nal Resources & Technolog y Promote increased utilization of technological capabilities to faculty, staff, and students. Increase number of training sessions for faculty, staff, and students; and assist with instructional design. Regular training planning sessions; review and modify training calendar on a regular basis. 259 11000-52100 Assoc Vice President Instr Resources & Technolog y AVP, Instructio nal Resources & Technolog y Develop standards for online courses in coordination with Distance Education Office and Technology Resource Center. Train and support faculty in the development and implementatio n on online course standards. Develop standards for publication. 260 11000-52101 Academic Academic Increase hours of operation to Computin accommodate g Services student demand. Computin g Services Provide Hire district-wide appropriate administrative level staff. support to all ACS labs; increase level of faculty and student support at all ACS labs. Baseline Develop regular training calendar; repeat training sessions. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Increase training of Luminis, WebCT, Webinars, Outlook, etc.; promote the production of instructional videos. In Progress Establish Focus Program will be groups with reorganized. faculty to develop standards. Identify best practices in other instruction. Hire 7 parttime ACS Lab Assistants. Objective's Status District-wide Staff schedules were Increase of students ACS Lab adjusted. served. Manager will assist with planning and supervision of ACS labs; additional parttime Lab Assistants will ensure for increased support to faculty and students. Expected Completion Date 8 /31/2008 Not Met Met Projected costs = $43,000 261 11000-52115 Instructio nal Media Services Instructio nal Media Services To provide increased media services Districtwide to meet Provide District-wide support to IMS Centers. Hire appropriate level staff. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Hire 12 additional part-time Media District-wide IMS Manager will assist with planning and rptAssessmentReport0607 Staff schedules were Increase of faculty, adjusted. staff, and students served. Met Page 12 of 160 Information Technology Associate Vice President, Instructional Resources and Technology Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard faculty, students, and district needs. Baseline Clerks. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date supervision of IMS Centers; additional parttime Media Clerks will ensure for increased support to faculty and students. Projected costs = $56,000 265 11000-75405 Library Tech Services Info Tech Library Technical Services/I T Purchase a printer system to replace the existing printer. The new printer will allow EPCC to accommodate digital library services for students. Service appears uninterrupted from the student's point of view. Planning the Service is replacement adequate. of an old printer is more prudent than awaiting failure which would leave students without service while a replacement is purchased and installed. Equipment swap will be scheduled after a date is agreed upon by staff from all campuses. Utmost consideration will be given to minimize disruption of students' learning process. 269 11000-51005 Technolog y Resource Center Technolog y Resource Center The Technology Resource Center will operate two centers, one at VV and the second at RG. This is in an effort to increase technology training to faculty and Training to faculty and staff will increase by 20% and 11 online modules will be developed. Develop a catalog of web-based training modules and tutorials. 1. TRC staff will continue to assess training needs and develop online tutorials, webbased training in various areas; 2. TRC is also developing online tutorials for use by OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Extensive online module development occurred in year 200405 in areas such as WebCT training, Flash, PowerPoint rptAssessmentReport0607 In Progress 8 /31/2008 Page 13 of 160 Information Technology Associate Vice President, Instructional Resources and Technology Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard staff. Combined training methods will be utilized such as on-demand, web-based training opportunities that will allow the user to select training modules and training will be delivered 24x7. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline and the use of HorizonLive webinars. Training in Respondus also was available. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Academic Computing Services student open labs for the District; 3. Assist with the training of faculty teaching online courses; 4. Increase the use of STS students in the training and development of online modules; 5. Continue to support or purchase the necessary training software. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 14 of 160 Information Technology Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 270 11000-52136 Cablecast Increase of Leased TV Programs Increase the number of leased programs by 7 new series by the end of 2007. Conduct a study to identify outdated programs. Complete study and request funds to purchase needed programmin g. Current programs have shown poor playback and broadcast quality due to age and content. New programs will provide updated and current information. Request funds to accomplish the objective. Implement outdated program replacement. 271 11000-52146 Center for Instr Telecomm unications Increase in-house productio ns Increase inhouse productions for the weekly television programming-increase of three programs by the end of 2007. The objective will be met with the completion of one pilot program per series and a production calendar for each of the three series. Complete the pilot programs and production calendar to be ready for full production by the end of 2007. Make needed modification s to be prepared for full production. Request funds to complete the objective. The estimated cost for each of the three series is $1,000.00. The additional funds needed should cover talent cost and production expenditures. 272 11000-52146 Center for Instr Telecomm unications Promote new TV studio facility and services Promote new studio facility and services making them available to the College-district and El Paso Community as a whole. A series of tours, open house activities, and broadcast and electronic announcement s. Collaborate with the Marketing Department to accomplish promotional goal. Plan five or more tours during the year and two open houses for the Collegedistrict's community. Work handin-hand with the Office of Recruitment, Faculty Development , and Marketing. Request funds to accomplish the objective. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 15 of 160 Information Technology Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 273 11000-52146 Center for Instr Telecomm unications EPIC TV Collaborti ve Membersh ip Participati on Increase Increase the EPIC Cable Collaborative membership participation on scheduled productions. Schedule two programs in the new television studio by the end of 2007. Present project to the Cable Collaborative group for approval. Completion of two programs as a Collaborativ e venture. Broadcast two EPIC TV Collaborativ e programs. Provide the EPIC TV Collaborative group the opportunity to broadcast two television programs. 274 11000-52146 Center for Instr Telecomm unications Fully Tranined Staff in Digital Equipmen t Have the CIT staff fully trained in the new digital equipment by the end of 2007. Once the new digital equipment is installed at the new TV studio, a study to determine training needs will take place for the design of a digital equipment training plan. The production staff will be crosstrained to increase and improve their digital equipment operation knowledge. The production staff will be sent out-oftown for training, as needed. The digital equipment plan will identify the staff members' strengths and weaknesses. Each one of the producers will have a specialized area and conduct his own training. Request funds to accomplish objective. Funds requested should cover training cost and training travel. 275 11000-52136 Cablecast Transfer of Video Tape To transfer the library of video tapes to Blue In order to The broadcast conversion programs over of tapes will Each program transferred Request funds in order to accomplish the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 16 of 160 Information Technology Director, Center for Instructional Telecommunications Plan No. 276 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-52146 Center for Instr Telecomm unications Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Library to Disc Blue Ray Technology. Disc Technolog y digital equipment, they first need to be transferred from video tape format to Blue Ray format. This will be an ongoing process until a total of 6,000 video titles are converted. In addition, future programs coming to us from various vendors, in video tape format, will also need to be transferred. require a new parttime staff person to have the project completed by the end of 2008. In addition, funds are also needed for the purchase of Blue Ray audiovisual digital materials. will be labeled and libraried, ready for use. objective. Requested funds should cover materials and part-time salary. Continue Student Volunteer/ Intern Program Work with the instructional departments requesting assigned students to the new facility. Provide a planned student program, based on the students' need, without disrupting the production staff operations. Have an ongoing program for student volunteers/in terns. Provide an equiped student work-station to facilitate their learning and instructional process. Request funds to provide appreciation events and materials. To continue student volunteer/intern program in conjunction with the College's Televison Production and Mass Communications Department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 17 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. 281 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-52113 Distance Education Plan Name Distance Education Program Review Objective Conduct Distance Education program evaluation. Measure Provide effective Distance Education processes and support services to students and faculty. Standard Improve students and faculty support services, technology delivery and instructional delivery. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results 1. Conduct support services planning and implementation with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology. 2. Conduct faculty orientation and information sessions. 3. Coordinate online training with the Technology Resource Center. 3. Provide technical support once a course is identified for online development. 4. Work with the Curriculum office to support online course development. 5. Pre-census date follow-up to students who have not logged in encouraging students to get started. 6. Midsemester followup with students to identify 1. Regularly scheduled information: planning and objective(s) setting meetings. 2. Conducted faculty orientation and information sessions. 3. Online training coordinated with the Technology Resource Center. 4. Provided technical support for courses identified for online development. 5. Supported online course development with the Curriculum Office. 6. Desired result not obtained. Unable to complete in the timeframe available and student contact information not available or current. 7. Students are using the WebCT Help Desk and the DE Office for support. 8. Conducted oncampus voluntary orientation each semester for students enrolled in online classes. 9. Not conducted. This orientation is not needed. High school students are 1. Continue weekly meetings. 2. Continue Faculty Development week meetings. 3. Continue coordination. 4. Continue support. 5. Continue support. 6. Withdrawn. 7. Withdrawn. 8. Continue orientations. 9. Withdrawn. 10. Continue updates. 11. Continue to develop online tutorials. 12. Withdrawn. 13. Revise evaluation survey and pilot in 20072008. 14. Evaluation survey is being revised. 15. Withdrawn. rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Page 18 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results concerns or problems they are having. 7. On-campus voluntary orientation for students enrolled in online classes. 8. On-campus orientation for dual credit high school students enrolled in online classes. 9. Revise the "Getting Started" instructions for online students. 10. Create "How To" online tutorials for online students. 11. Revise the information letter sent to students at the beginning of each semester. 12. Conduct an end-of-term student program survey to assess the effectiveness of support provided by the Distance Education Office. 13. Assess survey results with the computer literate and are able to login and get started without assistance. Assistance is provided as requested. 10. "Getting Started" instructions for online students were revised. 11. Tutorials not completed. 12. Information for students has been moved to the Distance Education Web site and is updated regularly. 13. Assessment not conducted. 14.Assessment not conducted. 15. Retention and grade outcomes are assessed by EPCC Deans. rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 19 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology to identify areas of improvement. 14. Review retention and grade outcomes with Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology, Deans and faculty to identify areas of improvement for Distance Education program support. 282 11000-52113 Distance Education Develop Online Degree Program Fully develop online degree programs. Work with Deans to select degree programs for online delivery. Degree programs are selected; courses are developed and available for online delivery. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Work with the Degree programs not No results. Associate Vice identified. President of Instructional Resources and Technology and the Deans to identify programs for online delivery. Prioritize program development. Prioritize courses for development. Recruit faculty to develop and teach online courses. rptAssessmentReport0607 Not Met Page 20 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Select timelines for course development. Coordinate faculty training with the Technology Resource Center. Coordinate with the Deans, Curriculum office, and Technology Resource Center for course development. Coordinate addition of online programs/course s to the credit class schedule with the Registrar's office. Advertise online degree programs. Notify SACS and THECB of substantive change prior to courses being offered to students. 283 11000-52113 Distance Education Virtual College of Texas DE Program ReviewSupport Processes Conduct Virtual College of Texas Distance Education program review in the area of instructional support Provide effective VCT instructional support processes. Improve VCT instructional support processes. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Conduct instructional support processes planning, review and implementation with the rptAssessmentReport0607 Moratorium on VCT course enrollments pending SACS review of VCT. SACS review complete. VCT courses are available to EPCC students 2007/2008. In Progress 8 /31/2008 Page 21 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard processes. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology. Assess VCT instructional support processes and identify processes for improvement based on feedback from, the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology, Deans, Discipline Coordinators and faculty: VCT support processes. The VCT course request process. The VCT advising process. VCT course approval and faculty credential process. The VCT course creation and enrollment processes. VCT student notification rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 22 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date procedure. Conduct an overall assessment of VCT instructional support processess with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology to identify areas for improvement. 284 11000-52113 Distance Education Virtual College of Texas DE Program Review Support Services Conduct Virtual College of Texas Distance Education program review in the area of support services. Provide effective Distance Education support services to VCT students. Improve VCT student support services. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Conduct support services planning and implementation with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology. On-campus voluntary orientation for students enrolled in VCT classes. Revise the "Getting Started" instructions for VCT students. Create "How To" online tutorials for VCT students. Revise the information rptAssessmentReport0607 Moratorium on VCT course enrollments for 2007/2007 pending SACS review of VCT. SACS review complete. VCT courses are available to EPCC students 2007/2008. In Progress 8 /31/2008 Page 23 of 160 Information Technology Director, Instructional Support Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date letter sent to VCT students at the beginning of each sememster. Conduct an endof-term student program survey to assess the effectiveness of support provided by the DE office. Assess survey results with th Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology to identify areas of improvement. Review retention and grade outcomes with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology, Deans and faculty to identify areas of improvement for Distance Education program support. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 24 of 160 Information Technology Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Plan No. 251 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Plan Name Disaster Recovery Objective Centralized Back-up to include: Disaster Recovery Remote Site SAN (storage Area Network) Technology. Measure EPCC off-site hardware and software secondry solution for minimal downtime during a disaster. Standard Establish remote locations with redundant capabilities. Back-ups and administrativ The data of all e job Alpha servers submission and can be Administrative easily servers will scheduled. reside in one repository Recovery of area. data, in case of a disaster will be simplified. Baseline Strategies Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date I.T. Research with various vendors in order to design best solution for EPCC. I.T. will coordinate and evaluate, though Mock Tests. Site for disaster will need to be established and configured to meet equipment and software will be purchased and installed. 252 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Help Desk Help Desk Software Accommodati on for district in the Help Desk Area. Establish advance technology within the Help Desk. Purchase software and implement. 253 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Automate d Software for Classroom Software for automating the assignment of classrooms, meeting rooms throughout the Assignme district. nts Provide the necessary functionality to eliminate the manual process of assigning semester classrooms, labs and meeting room. Network and automate the process of room assignments. Purchase software and implement. 254 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Enterprise Utilities and software for Schedular automating and for simplifying Provide the necessary functionality to eliminate Manage delivery of application output and Purchase software and implement. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 25 of 160 Information Technology Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Banner Objective banner application process. Measure Standard helps coordinate the processing of applications. The application will place the college's credit catalog and credit schedules on current and prospective student's PC desktop. Synchronize d web application for publishing and viewing offline on a local computer. Purchase software and implement. ASC computer operations will house server. Research Hardware and Software. 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Multiview Software to electronically distribute EPCC schedules and catalogs. 256 11000-75005 Hardware Maintena nce & Supplies Streaming Streaming video The video server will Video server. reside in one central location and will provide streaming video on demand. Streaming video accessibility via EPCC Network. ORION client sites will also have access 11000-75400 Informatio Training n Technolog y Systems Strategies the manual processing associated with job submissions. 255 257 Baseline Training IT Staff Establish a training program that will enhance technology adaptability to state of the arts hardware and software. Vendor and institutional developed training. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Test hardware, software and bandwidth usage. Implement and configure for EPCC and ORION use. Set-up training classes: ORACLE PL/SQL rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 26 of 160 Information Technology Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Technology Officer Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Train staff for back-up coverage. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 27 of 160 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Improve information availability, display and ease reading periodical reviews in the architecture studio. Provide project hangers suspended from the existing lay-in ceiling grid near perimeter of the studio walls. Provide new bookcases to display the periodical archive in the studio as well as 2 years of current periodicals, in addition to new architectural product manuals being supplied by national vendors. 76 11000-55325 Architectu re VV Provide Periodical Reviews in ARCH Studio. 77 11000-55345 Math VV Additiona To increase the l Fullnumber of FT time Math Faculty. Faculty. 78 11000-55180 Art VV Ventilatio To improve the n for Art ventilation Studio. system in ART Studio (A-1318). Standard Increased student usage of available samples and printed materials for improved design solutions of their projects. Provide new dust-less on board and video presentations by replacing existing chalk board with drywrite boards. Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Currently 45 periodicals are archived on some desktops with no area to lay-out and utilize. There are not enough bookcases to accommodat e samples and catalogs. Existing chalkboards, spread chalk dusty into the classroom and into projectors. Purchase 20 lineal feet of new 4 high stackable bookcases to accommodate magazines, samples and manufacturer catalogs. The design of the bookcases should be a similar styling utilized in architectural studios and to accommodate student sit down reading. Purchase new dry-write boards, 16 l.f. Additional 13 FT Math Math instructors instructor will are needed. be hired. Currently, there are only 12 FT Math instructors. Request will be New full-time math submitted to instructor was hired. hire a new instructor. Replace or strengthen ventilation, for safety of students and faculty using the lab. Ventilation has never been adequate for the type of materials used for some of the courses taught in Install better, stronger, safer ventilation. Students will have a safer working environment. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results New full-time instructor was assigned a full-time teaching schedule. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met In Progress 12/31/2008 Page 28 of 160 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Lab A1318. 79 11000-55365 Advertisin g and Graphics Design Ventilatio n for ARTC Studio. To improve the ventilation system in the ARTC Studio (A-1524). Install an electrical exhaust fan, approximately 18" x 24" above the exit door in lab A1524. 80 11000-55350 Physics VV New Videos and equipment for Physics Lab. To improve the videos and equipment that is used in the Physics Lab. Purchase 8 Implementati Currently new on of a more there are no Oscilloscopes. interactive working methodology oscilloscopes in Physics for student courses, laboratories, resulting in and there the ability to are no meet the videos to learning support the needs for Hewitt text. the more visual learners. 81 11000-55330 Biology VV Replace old equipment in Biology Lab. Replace broken and worn out microscopes, models, torsos, skeletons, skulls, and bones in Biology Laboratories. Increase the number of microscopes, models, torsos, skeletons, skulls, and bones that students can work with the laboratory Students will be protected from hazardous paint fumes during airbrush operation. Students will have access to state of the art microscopes, models, torsos, skeletons, skulls and bones to OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Currently, there is not adequate ventilation in the lab. Outside door can not be used as proper ventilation during cold weather days or used as a primary means of ventilation. Cut out and install a proper exhaust fan above the lab door which will draw out paint fumes. New ventilation system was installed in the ARTC studio during 2006-2007. Purchase of 8 new oscilloscopes. New videos have Videos are now been purchased by being used by the the Physic Physics Discipline. Disicpline at the VV Campus; however, there were not sufficient funds to purchase the oscilloscopes. Met The majority of these equipment items were purchased during Spring 2007. Met Purchase 10 Currently, approximatel state of the art y 50% of all microscopes, microscopes, three human skulls, two fetal models, skulls, two torsos, disarticulated skeletons, skeletons, two skulls, and human bones are skeletons, two old broken large human and need to rptAssessmentReport0607 Airbrush classes are now being offered utilizing the new ventilation system. These equipment items are now being utilized in the biology lab classes at the Valle Verde Campus. Met Page 29 of 160 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. 82 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-55330 Biology VV Plan Name New Software and Laptops Objective Improve the educational quality and instructional delivery of BIOL 1409 and 2402 laboratories. Measure Standard Baseline Strategies setting conducting hands on laboratory exercises and experiments. work with in be replaced. the laboratory setting for the 20062007 academic year. torsos, two heart models, two kidney models, two reproductive human models, two nephron models, and two lung models for hands on laboratory work to improve the educational quality of BIOL 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 2401, 2420, and 2402. Increase the number of laboratory stations that students can perform hands-on laboratory experiments. Students will have access to state of the art laptops and software in the laboratory setting. Students will work in groups of four at each laboratory table. Each laboratory table will have one laptop with the appropriate software to conduct physiological Purchase the following to upgrade BIOL 2402, 1409, 2401, and microbiology laboratories. Laptops Dell E1705 - 8 ($1049.00) OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Currently, laboratory equipment for BIOL 2402 and 1409 is very limited or nonexistent. Approximate ly 90% of the existing equipment is outdated. Assessment Results Lack of sufficient funds to purchase laptops and software. Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Withdrawn Computer Software for Laboratories: 9 each of the following: NetBiosSys Physiology Labs NetBioSys ECG SimBioSys AGB SimBioSys PFT SimBioSys Clinics rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 30 of 160 Instruction Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date experiments. The laptops will be very useful not only in BIOL 2402 and 1409, but also for students research projects, and in other biology courses. 83 11000-55340 Geology VV Additiona l Equipmen t in Geology Lab 84 11000-55335 Chemistry VV Improving To upgrade the facilities in Chemistry room A2728. Laborator y To provide additional lab material to facilitate student learning. Purchase more geological maps, plus mineral and rock samples. Geology labs will have sufficient materials to conduct labs. Currently there is a need for additional Geology lab materials. Funds will be requested to purchase new lab materials. New maps, rocks, & minerals were purchased by the Geology Disipline. These items are now being used for instruction in geology classes at VV. Met To install laboratory hood in A2728. (Research Room) Students who are conducting research should work in the research room rather than the prep room. Currently, there is no hood in Room A2728 Request will be Hood has been made to installed in research purchase hood room. and to install it in A2728. Students are now able to conduct research in research room. Met OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 31 of 160 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communication and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 85 11000-55181 Art TM Art Studio To create studio art classes at the Transmountain campus to go into effect for 2007-2008 year. There are no studio classes at the Transmountain campus. There will be two studio classes offered for each Fall/Spring semester. 0 A new art instructor for Transmountain be hired for 2006-2007. This new instructor will develop a plan for the type of studio class to be offered and will include the offering in the fall and spring schedules. 86 11000-13005 Dean Arts Comm & Soc Science TM Profession al Developm ent To attend at least two professional development sessions for the academic assistant, the administrative assistant, and for myself during the 20062007 year. Each year the office personnel attend at least two workshops or other types of professional development to enhance or increase skill levels. To continue to require at least two workshops for each person in the office. None are required. Share workshop opportunities and make sure each one of us signs up for them. 87 11000-55306 Economic s TM Principles of Microeco nomics To create an ITV offering in ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics . There is no course offering of this nature at this time. To offer ECON 2302 as an ITV in the Fall and Spring course schedules. No offering. Carlos Aguilar will develop and teach ECON 2302 as an ITV class beginning Fall, 2006. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 32 of 160 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 22 11000-55272 ESOL RG Career Career Counselin Counseling for g - ESOL ESOL students Students 90% of Level 90% VI ESOL students will attend onehour orientation given by EPCC Career Counseling Center. New The Faculty Completed Coordinator will work with RG Counselors to set up orientation meetings for the students' career options. Counselors met with all RG-ESL classes. Met 23 11000-55272 ESOL RG Career Academic Counselin Counseling for g - ESOL ESOL students Students 90% of ESOL 90% students in all levels will receive academic counseling and orientation for the upcoming semester. New The Faculty Completed Coordinator will work with RG Counselors to set up appointments for the students' future coursework and for better communication between students and counselors. Counselors met with all RG ESL classes. Met 24 11000-55276 ESAL Speech RG Student Success Percent of 90% ESAL 0306 students who attend Title V workshops on the Accuplacer The faculty coodinator will work with Title V staff and ESAL adjunct faculty to set up and publicize workshops for students in Level 6 ESAL classes 95% of Level VI students have attended workshops regarding Prep (the name has changed) and the Accuplacer. Students have more knowledge of the Accuplacer and its practice test. Met 25 11000-55437 Education RG Adjunct Adjunct Resources resources Increase resources provided to EDUC Faculty for use in their The faculty coordinator will purchase, from the EDUC budget, videotapes and Resources for EDUC faculty have been purchased for their use. The items include videotapes, books, and hands-on Faculty are using these items in class preparation and in classroom activities. Met Student Success 15 items videotapes, books, or magazine articles OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Expected Completion Date Page 33 of 160 Instruction Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occupational Education and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard classes and preparation. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date books to use in resources for the classroom classroom use. and for preparation. A list of available resources will be sent to all RG EDUC and TECA Faculty. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 34 of 160 Instruction Director, Library Technical Services Plan No. 130 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-52144 Library Technical Service Plan Name Objective To facilitate the Area Effectiven process to centralize the ess Plan library system at EPCC Measure centralized processes will be operational by fall 2006 Standard 100% of identified processes will be completed OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies 1. budgets will be collapsed by the September 2006 2. a districtwide web page will be operational by October 2006 3. operational manual of district-wide library procedures will be 50% completed by the end of may 2007 rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results 1. partially metdatabase purchase procedures are operational 2. not met, head librarians unable to reach consensus. Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Not Met Page 35 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results We are providing all field of study courses as well as all transfer courses with a rubric of CRIJ each semester during the day with a few class not at the 100% level. We now have three full time instructors on board so most of theseclasses are now taught by a full time instructor. We are attempting to increase student interest to add more sections which would require the hiring of a new full time instructor. 26 11000-55380 Criminal Justice VV Criminal Justice Provide enough transfer and academic courses during the day to meet the demand for the criminal justice discipline. Compare full time faculty available to teach transfer course during the day when the student need is the greatest to the classes needed to fill this need. When we have enough sections available for the courses available during the day without causing averages in the classroom or denying student registration in the needed class. Currently all of our field of study classes are full with most carrying. Hire additional full time faculty so that our discipline can teach more transfer and academic courses that are transferrable to university and give the student more incentive to continue with their education that most criminal justice agencies are requiring. 27 11000-55421 Legal Assistant VV Paralegal Program Approval by American Bar Associatio n Program approval by the American Bar Association by 2009 Obtain Approval of the Paralegal Program by the American Bar Association Acquisition of new law form books casebooks, for the law collection Increase the collection by 40% within the next 3 yrs. Purchasing of TX form books, federal reporter 2nd series, TX litigation guide, TX court charges, TX practice guide: personal Injury, TX Evidence Guide to Depositions. 28 11000-55210 Accountin g VV Improve Class Fill Rate Measurement Goal is to Increase reported increase this percentage of to 56%. classes 75% full. yearly with Program Review Report. Currently 51% of all Accounting courses at VV are 75% filled as of the census date. Offer less classes. Certain advanced classes to be offered only once a year. 29 11000-55370 Automoti Conversio To convert the ve n Steam Steam Cleaning Technolog Cleaning garage into a Currently the enrollment By increasing the lab space we will be able to Increase the laboratory space To increase the enrollment OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Currently, 66% of all classes are 75% full. Goals was to increase to 56% from 51%. SUCCESS!! Page 36 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area y Plan Name Garage Objective functional lab/classroom space. Automotive classroom and laboratory space has increased in demand due to record student enrollment in this area. Automotive facilities are shared with continuing education entities that offer numerous automotive related courses throughout the year. These classes are offered not only by the college but also Chrysler Corporation, AC Delco and some local companies. As a result of this situation, dedicated classroom and lab space available has become very limited and in some instances not available. Remodeling of this facility would enhance Measure available for the automotive students. Standard by 3-5%. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline are at least 10% over the baseline. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date serve other automotive related areas. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 37 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date our ability to provide some lab or classroom space when none is available. 30 11000-55370 Automoti Classroom Classroom A1702 has a ve A1702 high ceiling and Technolog the acustic y qualities are less than desirable. This space is used as a classroom and lab. Consequently, the high ceiling does not lent itself to a good lecture environment. We are therefore proposing the lowering of the ceiling area directly above the classroom space only. This facility is used by the regular To facilitate a better teaching environment by providing a friendly acustic environment. We would be able to offer more classes in this facility since at the present time it is limited to the acustic problems. The usage would increase 20%. We would be able to increase the enrollment by 5% To lower the present ceiling by 5 ft and providing better lighting. 31 11000-55375 Child Developm ent VV Minutes of Advisory Committee meetings will reflect the meeting of planned goals and objectives curriculum 100% Continue to meet with Advisory committee twice during each academic year. 100% Currently meet with Advisory Committee 2 times during each academic year. 1. Meet twice a year with advisory committee to review curriculum and make sure to review curriculum and Child Developm ent Program Quality Assurance Plan Maintain relationship with community in our field. Elicit and apply requests suggestions and needs of prospective OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 38 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure employers in the early care community in order to maintain a program that is current updated and meeting community trends and needs. office records will reflect curriculum revisions. Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date make sure needs of community are being met. 2. Revise curriculum as needed to ensure students are meeting educational objectives required to gain employment in the field. 32 11000-55417 Social Work Social Work Area Effectiven ess Plan 20062007 Increase student retention and graduation rate for the social work program Number of Social Work students graduating. Number of Social Work majors at EPCC. Increase the number of students graduating from Social Work Program by 5%. Increase the number of Social Work majors at EPCC by 5%. Previous 3 year average of students graduating from Social Work. Previous 3 year average of number of Social Work majoring at EPCC. Fully implement student mentoring systems, i.e., assign full time faculty mentor to each student in the Social Work program. Actively recruit high school students in their junior and senior years of high school and employees of social service agencies without college degrees. 33 11000-55387 Fire Fire Technolog Technolog y y Academy IFSAC Accreditat ion To continue to provide a high quality discipline, that responds to the needs of the student, community, and the area fire A. Submit a self study to IFSAC. B. Attend a mandatory information meeting. C. Plan for the site evaluation. Completion of the site evaluation and a determinatio n by the IFSAC evaluation team of Meeting criteria of the site evaluation. Attend the informational IFSAC meeting and prepare the discipline for the evaluation required components. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 The number of graduates for the Social Work Program was 124 in the 2007/08 Report compared to a threeyear average for the 2003/04, 2004/05, and 2005/06 academic years of 100 graduates. This represents a percentage increase of 24.0%. The Social Work Program will continue with recruitment and retention efforts in order to continue to increase student enrollment and retain students, thereby leading to an increase in the number of graduates. Met Page 39 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure departments by seeking discipline specific accreditation through the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC). Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date recommenda tion of site accreditation at the gen 34 11000-55387 Fire Fire Technolog Technolog y y Academy Identify and measure the discipline educational outcomes within the institutional missions which enable the students to function within the fire service areas and industry. Track students that participate in fire department abilities and entry exams and measure success. Feedback from the Fire Technology Academy advisory board on previous student outcomes. Evaluation survey sent to those departments that allow the students to participate in hiring process for the firefighters. 35 11000-55387 Fire Fire Technolog Technolog y y Academy Provide access to further learning opportunities in continued education to assist the volunteer and area firefighter in professional development. Student and area departments satisfaction with continued education delivery. Texas Quality Commission program on Fire Protection curriculum WECM National Fire Protection Agency criteria. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Students seeking a career in the Fire Service. Development of the evaluation instrument. Cost of mailing e-mailings. Development and presentation of courses that may interest students and area fire department. Market and visit with departments to determine what are their concerns for rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 40 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date education. Hold career fairs, presentations and schools visit to promote the discipline continued education. 36 11000-55424 Sign Language To provide one SLNG Northwest pilot course Campus using video teleconferencing technology to NW Campus for Fall, 2006. SLNG 1317 Introduction to the Deaf Community is offered. 37 11000-55235 Managem ent & Business VV Strengthe n partnershi p within the communit y. Identify organizations within the community who may be interested in offering courses on site. 38 11000-55235 Managem ent & Business VV Srengthen program by collaborati ng efforts with other existing programs. Evaluate course offerings in Business and Professional Administrative Assistant and IT. Evaluate course offerings and revise course when needed. Complete of one course with 8 students enrolled. No classes are being offered via conferencing . Offer a pilot class at Northwest Campus. Number of Increase organizations partnership who agree to by 2% partner with us. Increase participation by 2-3 additional organizations . Continue to support staff to recruit organizations by paying salary with possibility of new position being created. Number of students who need to enhance their skills in Microsoft Office applications. There is no baseline since this may be the first time in integrating programs. Increase enrollment by 2% in courses identified by faculty discipline. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Evaluate course offerings in Business and Professional Administrative assistant and IT by discipline. Evaluate course offerings and revise course when needed. If needed revise present curriculum for associates and/or certificate of completion. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 41 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. 39 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-55235 Managem ent & Business VV Plan Name Objective Placement of students in field of employme nt for internship positions. Evaluate students while in the work experience course. Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Ensure that each employer complete evaluation for studentsFollow up with Job Placement meet with employer at least once during the semester. Will be completed by instructor teaching the course. Evaluation forms will need to be printed if forms are not provided by Job Placement. Number of students enrolled in the Cooperative Education (BMGT 2382) course. Increase the number of employers participating in the internship program by 2%. Determine number of students of outside organizations Obtain American Association of Bar approval of program. 40 11000-55421 Legal Assistant VV American Bar Assoc. requireme nts for Paralegal Program Approval Increase the law library collection to meet the requirements set out by the American Bar Association for approval of the Paralegal program at EPCC. Determine and improve any deficiency in the Paralegal program. Work on the application for Paralegal program approval by the American Bar Association. 41 11000-55370 Automoti New ve Equipmen Technolog t y To Obtain state of the art automotive diagnostic equipment. Automotive technology is computer driven The teach the classes with up to date equipment. To give excellent training to our students OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT participation in the coop program. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date To complete the application for the American Bar Association Program approval By purchasing new equipment, students will be able to practice on newer rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 42 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date and yearly innovation in different computerized areas require numerous tools and diagnostic equipment. The Automotive industry requires technician proficiency in the use of both tools and new diagnostic equipment. By providing training with state of the art equipment and tool the College is not only able to meet this goal but it also sucessfully competes with proprietary schools by providing schools by providing quality training. Carl Perkins funding has been instrumental in helping the college meet these goals. 42 11000-52110 CISCO Systems Upgrade to emulate In process of obtaining and installing a net Students will Student will demonstrate pursue a their skills by certification OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Currently students only have Obtain server, Net lab was installed. Reviewing progress router and made by students in network remote relation to new lab. rptAssessmentReport0607 Met Page 43 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies industry standards lab which allows students to remote log into a net work system to do basis advance configurations and trouble shoot remote networks. being able to as a CCNA remotely log or CCNP. on to the network and perform the required configurations and have the network challenged to prove fantinality. the ability to log in to routine and switch in a walk in lab setting. access equipment. Install server and lab pods. Get permission for IT to bring net lab on line an net security standard requirements of EPCC Bring advance students on line to use net lab time logs resvarions(logon ) and storage requirements. Current courses use different sites to publish websites (outside of the control of the instructor. For example, some instructors use the TRIPOD website for web publishing. Acquire monies to purchase hardware/sorftw are. Submit paperwork for licensing issues. Meet with IT personnel for approval of server to be added to College network. Set up training sessions for faculty. Select a full-time ITSC administrator and backup. No workshops have been held, Offer workshops during Professional 43 11000-55215 Informatio n Technolog y Systems VV Enhance Web Programm ing Courses Purchase a server to be used as a host for web pages in our Web Programming courses. Acquire licensing to host websites. Add server to College network. Train faculty (FT/PT) in use of server for Web Programming Courses. Assign server administrator. Instructors use new server in Web Programming Course and potentially other courses. 44 11000-55246 Profession al Office Computer Technolog Celebrate Profesiona l Administr Celebrate Professional Administrative Assistants Week Increase Number of students, attendance. faculty, administrators, There is no current standard. The courses are taught in a variety of ways across colleges. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Server has been Not applicable. purchased and Project is currently received. We are in progress. working with IT to acquire connectivity throughout the IT classrooms. This needs to be done between semesters. Objective's Status In Progress Expected Completion Date 8 /31/2008 Page 44 of 160 Instruction Education and Occupational Programs Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area y VV Plan Name Objective ative Assistants Week Measure Standard Baseline Strategies and community members who attend workshop. therefore no baseline. Administrative Assistants Week. Identify speaker. Write mini grant to pay stipend for speakers. Advertise in the El Paso Times and Radio. Evaluate workshops etc. Increase parthership by 2-3 organizations Continue to support staff to recruit organizations by paying salary with possibility of new position being created. Increase the Increase number of number of employers organizations participating by 2%. in the internship program by 2%. Ensure that each employer complete evaluation for student. Follow up with Job Placement. Meet with employer at least once during the semester. Will be completed by instructor teaching the course. Evaluation forms will need to be printed if forms are not provided by Job Placement. 45 11000-55246 Profession al Office Computer Technolog y VV Stengthen partnershi p within the communit y Identify organizations within the commuinty who may be interested in offering courses on site Number of Increase organizations partnership who agree to by 2%. partner with us. 46 11000-55246 Profession al Office Computer Technolog y VV Placement of students in field of internship positions Evaluate students while in the work experience course. Number of students enrolled in the Cooperative Education (POFT 2380) course. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 45 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 88 11000-55270 ESL VV Recuitme nt Hire two recruiters specifically for ESL and also allow ESL Professors to do interviews. Compare enrollments before and after project. Increased enrollment after one year. 89 11000-55270 ESL VV ESL Faculty Tutoring One full-time faculty member from each campus will be given 3hrs. released-time to tutor all ESL students during the semester. The assignment would rotate if that is the wish of faculty on each campus. This would focus on the writing component. We should see an increase in the passrate of our writing students, so they would be able to enter regular courses more quickly. Fewer students would have to repeat the writing components. 90 11000-55290 History VV Maps Sets Institutional Effectiveness Purchase three sets of maps for classrooms. History sections being taught in more classrooms make this necessary. 91 11000-55290 History VV Technolog Institutional y in the Effectiveness Classroom Complete installation of permanent audio/visual facilities in several classrooms. Easy access to the equipment will make facilitate instruction. 92 11000-55290 History VV Request Institutional for a New Effectiveness Spring 2006 classess 95% Will continue requesting a OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Methods of recruitment: radio and TV talk shows, presentations to schools, PTAs, etc. Since our classes have over the recommende d number of students, there is not enough time to give each student extra help they need. One full-time training ESL faculty member would be assigned to tutor those ESL students who are having difficulty with their writing and who need the extra help. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 46 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard full on census date. >50% of HIST 1301/1302 sections taught by adjuncts. FT Faculty Member Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date new full-time faculty position. Will attempt to find instructors for Distance Education classes. >growth in Distance Education, especially Dual Credit classes will necessitate more instructors. 93 11000-55280 Psycholog y VV Full-time Add FT Tenure Enhancem Track faculty ent member to discipline. QI would increase, come closer to QI wanted at EPCC (65%). Current QI of 41.8% well below I sought by EPCC and has been for years. (Granted QI is 51.7% if lecturer position is included). Offer full-time tenure track position and fund it. 94 11000-55280 Psycholog y VV Service Learning (SL) Increase visibility and incorporation of Service Learning Program into PSYC Curriculum. Student participation in Service Learning would increase. Increased number of student contracts for Service Learning in discipline. In class announcements of presentations by faculty or Service Learning Staff Annoucements on office doors or other print media. 95 11000-55280 Psycholog y VV Student Club To think about and identify Strategies would be If interest or viability is OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Communicate with FT & PT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 47 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Measure Standard Strategies strategies to resurrect Psychology students organization. identified and a plan of action could be implemented. present, create a team to redevelop club. Faculty at campus. Objective Baseline Strategies 96 11000-55280 Psycholog y VV Convert two Course Conversio current courses for on-line n delivery. Faculty working to convert PSYC 2317 and 2312 to online instruction during the Summer & Fall 2006 (Dr. Julie Penley2312 and Mr. Eugenio Galindro2317) PSYC 2317 & 2312 would be available as on-line courses by Spring 07. Dr. Julie Penley completed WEB CT Training; both faculty members to develop internet existing course materials and/or resources. 97 11000-55300 Sociology VV Attract, develop and retain a quality workforce Provide current and varied media resouces for use by adjunct faculty. The purchase and/or use of new electronics resources. An addition of five new recourses to be catalogued in media center and/or library. Coordinate with Sociology faculty campuswide in review, selection, and purchase of resources. Projected costs $300 per year 98 11000-55300 Sociology VV Attract, develop and retain a quality workforce Provide professional resources for adjunct faculty. The purchase of syllabi sets available through the American Sociological Association. The purchase of two syllabi sets. One for Introductory Sociology and the second for Families, Teaching About: A Collection of Essays, Coordinate with the Sociology faculty campuswide in distribution and use of the syllabi sets. Projected costs $120 per year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 48 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Syllabi, Projects: A Collection of Essays Syllabi Projects and Assignments , Websites, and Bibiographic s. 99 11000-55300 Sociology VV Attract, develop and retain workforce Provide professional resources for adjunct faculty. The purchase of teaching techniques available through the American Sociological Association. The purchase of teaching techniques for 1. Discussion in the College Classroom; 2 Innovative Techniques for Teaching Sociological Concepts; and 3 Voices from the Classroom Interviews with ThirtySix Sociologists About Teaching. Coordinate with Sociology faculty campuswide in distribution and use of the syllabi sets. Projected costs $120.00 per year. 100 11000-55300 Sociology VV Improve Increase Retention, alternatives for course selection Graduatio by students. n and Completio n Rates The development of an on-line section of SOCI 1306, Social Problems. Addition of one on-line section for the Fall 2007 semester. Coordinate with Derrick Starr, Adjunct Faculty, and Barry Sample, Curriculum Coordinator at OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 49 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date the Curriuculum Office. 101 11000-55295 Governme nt - VV FT Faculty Ratio Increase number of Full-time Faculty to reach at least a 50% ratio of fulltime to parttime faculty. GOVT discipline at VV averages 70 classes in Fall and 72 in Spring. Fill rate is at 93.5% in the Spring and 94.5% in the Fall. GOVT at VV has 4 FT Faculty and 21 PT Faculty. Fall: FTF to PTF ratio: 28% to 72% Spring FTF to PTF ratio: 27.7% to 71.3% Increasing FTF by 2 improves Fall FTF to PTF ratio: 43% to 57%; and Spring FTF to PTF ratio: 42% to 58%. Fund new GOVT full-time positions to meet growing demand of classes and fulltime to parttime ratios. 102 11000-55295 Governme nt - VV Increase class availabilit y for Midstage and Late Registerin g Students One new online classes to alleviate overflow of inclass capacities. GOVT inclass fill percentages are at nearly 95%. Due to shortages in classroom space on campus, online classes must be increased. 2-part plan: Increase Student Preparedn ess for Sophomor e level GOVT Minimize drops rates in GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306. Drop rates are overall 25 to 30% per semester. Requiring the prerequisites of Reading 0309 instead of concurrent 103 11000-55295 Governme nt - VV OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Encourage current and new FTF and PTF to receive on-line training and 2. Open new online classes for Fall and Spring semesters. Work with Curriculum Office to change college schedule to reelect prerequisite rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 50 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Classes Standard Baseline Strategies attendance of 0309 will improve student preparedness . instead of concurrent for Reading 0309. 104 11000-55295 Governme nt - VV Textbook Control cost of Affordabil new textbooks for GOVT 2305 ity and 2306. Currently cost of new Texts to students cost from $75 to $100 per book. Books must be changed every two years to keep up with governmental and political changes. Discipline is focusing on smaller publishing houses with at least same quality texts as larger companies. Discipline can also insist cost and quality are not mutually exclusive. Expect publishers to provide written agreements to cost and edition availability during adoption period. Negotiating with publishers to provide reasonable coat to EPCC bookstore so that 33% Barnes and Noble markup will not make books unaffordable to students. 105 11000-55260 Reading VV VV Reading Lab Compare to class test and grades and students increase computer use. We will compare previous grade from class lecture tests/grades. Students will work on computer tutorials that contain Reading activities related to classroom methods. 106 11000-55260 Reading VV VV To obtain more Reading Full-time Classroom Faculty. The number of existing faculty vs the number of students and sections offered each The tutorials are selected by Reading Faculty they come from textbooks used in the To improve student use of technology in Reading Lab. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 51 of 160 Instruction ESL, Reading and Social Sciences Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure semester. Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date classroom as reinforcemen t. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 52 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. 47 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Plan Name Objective Increase Increase enrollmen enrollment and students t declaring their major as PTA Measure Standard Class fill rates By 80%. will increase from baseline measures. Baseline 80% due to low enrollment at admissions. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 1. Increase advertising and marketing efforts to get the word out that PT is a viable program for science majors 2. Actively recruit high school students into PTAP-1409 dual credit class 3. Hire an additional FT faculty member to improve continuity of curriculum 4. Increase section offerings of lab courses to accommodate increased program enrollment 5. Continue participation in UTEP's expanding your horizons program for 8th graders 6.Offer PTHA 1409 as a dual credit program with high OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 53 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date schools 7. Offer PTHA 1409 every semester 8. Explore the option of a new course which can be substituted for PTHA 1409, which can be offered to all non-admitted students 9. Hire parttime staff to assist with a variety of recruitment and marketing activities, specific to P.T. 48 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Academic faculty members to be qualified Academic faculty members are qualified by education and experience to fulfill the assigned responsibilities 1. FT faculty will upgrade their knowledge of curricular content in areas that they teach, or will teach, by attending a minimum of one CEU course funded by EPCC and approved by TPTA for CEU's. 1. capte 2.2.2 Evidence of academic faculty competence in an area of the curriculum includes advanced degree or continuing education courses that enchance the academic OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Faculty attend CEU's to maintain licensure, but not necessarily to address weakness in teaching in their assigned areas including clinical education. Attendance of FT faculty, at EPCC funded, state, local or national workshops, Approved by TPTA, THAT ADDRESSES THE SPECIFIC AREA OF NEED OF THE FACULY FOR INSTRUCTION. Clinical rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 54 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date TPTA/ APTA faculty member's academic or clinical expertise, as well coordinator has not attended a national conference for clinical coordinators 2. TXHECH in 4 years. requires syllabi be updated every 3 year. 49 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Curriculu Curriculum evaluation m evaluation 1. Revise the course objectives on the CED data base for revised courses: Professional Issues, Functional anatomy, Applied Physical Principles 1. CAPTE 4.1.5 curriculum: the program has formal, documented plan for review and revision of the curriculum. 1. Only 3 or 17 course has been evaluated against the CPTE criteria, using the data base. (all courses have had their objectives entered into the data base) 1. 2 hours of Faculty release time/week/full time faculty member, to complete the program audit on CED database. Current teaching area is inadequate to support 16 enrolled students and Hire parttime staff personal to assist with Banner entry, ordering and Equipment Projected Costs: 2. Review CED database and course sylabi based on CAPTE recommendati ons after 11/06 site visit 50 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Expand instructor space and purchase instructio nal materials/ Expand instructor space and purchase instructional materials/supplie s/equipment which support Offer a second section of lab classes to accommodate more than 12 enrolled students, due OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2. Need parttime staff person to assist with database entry TENS units $400.00/ per x 4 = $1600.00 Portable NMS rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 55 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective supplies/e the needs of the faculty quip instructing in the classroom and increased enrollment to 16 students. Measure to lack of equipment Purchase 4 new electric single person treatment tables to be used for a variety of teaching experiences. Standard Baseline the necessary equipment which 15 large and bulky such as stairs, ex equipment & low mats. retrieval of data information. 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Student licensure Student licensure pass rate to be greater than 90% for 1st time test takes Improve mean cohort pass score on national licensing exam 80% of mastery on skills check off sheets Graduating class 2005 (100% first time pass rate) 90% first time pass Program rate on state Review licensing Report exam (est by TXHECB) Mechanisms are in place for the coordination of efforts of all people and dept's directly OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date units $800.00 x 4 = $3200.00 Paraffin units $250/per x 4 = $1000.00 Combo e-stim units $5000/per x4= $20,000.00 Iontophoreis units $1000/per x 4= $4,000.00 Single person electric treatment tables $2500/per 4 = $10,000 Traction head motor system $3000/per x 2 = $6000.00 Find additional, permanente teaching space (lab classroom) close to PTHA 151. 51 Strategies Retain additonal parttime faculty for RETAIN activities (mentoring) teaching in lab classes and clinical skills check-offs. Hire a new full time faculty member to improve coordination between courses and their content and to teach in the on- rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 56 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard involved in the program CAPTE 1.2.4 The institution provider for sufficient program faculty resources to accomplish the mission and goals of the program CAPTE 2.2.1 Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date campus clinic courses Continue to offer Retention activities which lead to successful graduation of the students from this program Continue with data collection and statistical analysis of entrance and exiting student data in collaboration with Institutional Research department. Each student will demonstrate 80% mastery of specific clinical skills prior to enrollment in a clinical course Increase attendance of the students in mentoring sessions who been counseled at midterm for risk of falling course. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 57 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Continue to offer mentoring in courses which have a laboratory component, by part-time faculty. Hire an additional fulltime faculty member to improve the continuity of curriculum flow from one semester to the next 52 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Expand the services of the PT clinic Expand the services of the PT clinic within the Rio Grande Border Health Clinic such that it can be used by the PTA students as a viable clinical experience alternative. 1. Initate the "Women's Health clinic" PT services through the EPCC Border Health clinic 2. Conduct a joint incontinence clinic with sono graphy, teaching pregnancy and post partum women Kegil exercises using ultrasound bio feedback. 3. Hire a part- 1. Appointment based PT services will be offered to students, facutly, staff and physical/ther apist referrals Faculty, students and staff continue to request or walked in on a regular basis inquiring about PT services for the past 2. APT must several years. conduct a patient evaluation prior to implementin g PT Interventions (TX Practice ACT, OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Develop maketing tools to inform the potential client. Place advertisement in local paper Coordinate with Sonography program faculty Mail flyers to physicians Hire a 3rd facility person (fulltime) who is a P.T. Hire a part-time Administrative Assistant to assist PT scheduling and rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 58 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure time PT who can supervise and conduct evaluations for the clinic , as well as teach within the program. Standard Baseline Chapter 322.1) 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Employer Employer satisfactio satisfaction will n meet or exceed state requirements. Graduate survey Employer Survey Advisory committee survey OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Copying and mailing: $500.00 Salary for grand funded faculty: $45,000.00 (grant funded) $18,000.00 and fringe benefits for the Admin. Assistant 85% percent 100% of students, employer will be satisfaction. employed/tra nsfer/enter military within 1 year of graduation CAPTE 4.1.7: The core faculty regularly assesses the performance of graduates and make appropriate revision the curriculum. Assessment Results coordination and equipment purchases. 3. CAPTE Clinical education incles integrated 4. Hire a PT experiences lab and full time supervision/ad terminal ministrative experiences. assistant to help with clinic. 53 Strategies Revise questions on alumni survey 2. Increase enrolled class size 3. Retain currently enrolled students 4. Print/purchase additional/new brochures which market the profession on PT/PTA 5. Participate in more area recruiting activities, health fairs, job fairs 6. Improve pass rate score average on licensing exam on graduating rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 59 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date cohort Cost: $500 for mailing, $2000 brochures, $500 in-town travel 54 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Track indicators Track indicators of success of graduates of success of graduates 90% of students employed/tran sfer/entry military within 1 year of graduation 90% 80% (implemente d for 20052006 report Track were students are employed for 4 years after they graduate, especially if living in another state or country. Hire part-time staff to follow up with graduates Cost: $18,000 with fringe benefits 55 11000-55145 Physical Therapy Assistant Increase Increase enrollmen enrollment t Class fill rates 80% will increase from baseline measures OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 44% due to low enrollment at admission 1.Increase advertising and marketing efforts to get the word out that PT is a viable program for science majors 2. Actively recruit high school students into a PTAT 1409 dual credit class. 3. Hire an additional FT faculty member to improve rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 60 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date continuity of curriculum 4.Increase section offerings of lab courses to accommodate increased program enrollment 5. Continue participating in UTEP expanding your horizons program for 8th graders 6.Offer PTHA 1409 as a dual credit program with high schools 7.Offer PTHA 1409 every semester 8. Offer PTHA1409 through Continuing Education Cost: $50,000 for facutly salary $ 2,000 for advertising 56 11000-55130 Diagnosti c Medical Sonograp hy Hire fulltime faculty Hire an additional fulltime for DMSO faculty member on tenure track Hire a fulltime faculty by 2008. There is only one fulltime for the DMSO Program OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Requesting funding and approval of Position Recruit applicants with min. of 3 years Requesting funding for a full-time faculty. Recruit with 3years of experience. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 61 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date experience ARDMS in all fields that they teach 57 58 11000-55130 Diagnosti c Medical Sonograp hy Expand instructio n space (lab) 11000-55147 Surgical Class fill Technolog rate y Need more space for the additional work station for students to scan and purchase a new ultrasound machine w/ color doppler and sonoCT. Purchase new ultra sound machine and increase laboratory space. Back log of 6 weeks of patients that would like to have a sonography. DMSO should have 3 workstations for students to scan and improve their skills. But, only have two workstations. Purchase an ultrasound machine by year 2007 Participate in Health Careers Orientation Sessions. Distribute program pamphlets Participate in Career Day at local schools Check with Marketing about advertise In order to compete with a local propriety school, that offers 11 month programs. Curriculum changes are to be implemented for 2006-07. Update EPCC counselors , Nursing about program specifics 59 11000-55147 Surgical Enrollmen Enrollment Technolog t trend trends y Seat count is increasing or is level. 60 11000-55147 Surgical Improve Technolog revenue y Improve revenue sufficiency of program Meet program Credit hours review criteria. xx average tuition (Fall). 61 11000-55147 Surgical Improve Technolog student Improve student Meet program Satisfaction review criteria. with satisfaction Seat count Not met. will increase to 12 or more students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT No information. Move to a larger location, out growing existing space now Curriculum changes were implemented to allow students to exit after one year with a certificate of completion. Program has a new suite in the rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 62 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area y Plan Name Objective Measure satisfactio n Standard Baseline facilities. Strategies Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Health Bldg. with two new OR labs a dedicated classroom and faculty offices. It contains updated equipment and furniture. 62 11000-55147 Surgical Improve Improve Technolog advisory advisory y committee committee satisfaction satisfactio program n response. Meet program All advisory review criteria. committee members respond to college surveys. No information. Advisory members will be contacted to ensure that they have answered and returned surveys. 63 11000-55146 Radiologi c Technolog y Include on Programspecific "employer Include on Programspecific "employer satisfaction survey" a satisfactio question n survey" indication program need and distribute at advisory meeting. An employer satisfaction survey with a question indicating program need. Survey is completed during last advisory committee meeting of the school year (summer 2006). No program specific employer survey indicating program need. Develop question for Program Specific survey to indicate program need. 64 11000-55146 Radiologi c Technolog y Update articulatio n agreement Update articulation agreement with Midwestern University to include new degree plan. Complete, updated articulation agreement plan with Midwestern University. Process for updated articulation agreement was initiated. Outdated agreement with Midwestern University. Submit request to Midwestern University to update articulation agreement. 65 11000-55146 Radiologi c Technolog y Modify existing classroom A002 to physically Modify existing classroom A002 to physically connect with and join A003 Functional class/lab suite with integral display cabinets. Fully functional radiographic classroom and lab with Nondedicated classroom without direct access 1. Submission of plan approval. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results 2. Demolition and a rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 63 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective connect to form an integrated class/lab suite. This suite will house exhibits to display historic & significant artifacts relating to the field of radiologic technology. Measure Standard Baseline Strategies display area with 6 months of approval. to radiographic lab; no display area. construction (installation of door) repaint , new carpet, new blinds, electricl wiring and fabrication of display cabinet. 66 11000-55146 Radiologi c Technolog y Convert existing student record Convert existing student records and all future student records into permanent digitized format. Digitize student records completed. Improve access to records and safeguard record location and document intergrity (less prone to physical damage). All records are in nondigitized format and are subject to misplacemen t or damage/destr uction. Purchase computer with peripherals and convert files into digital format (requires CD writer and scanner/printer. 67 11000-55146 Radiologi c Technolog y Incorporat e new content module Incorporate new content module picture archiving and communication system PACS into existing course framework. Improve student knowledge of PACS to meet technical community expectations for entry level radiographers. Module will be incorporated n existing course RADR 2333. Exisitng course has only cursory explanation of PACS. PURCHASE OF REFERENCE MATERIAL/ AV TO ENHANCE SUBJECT 68 11000-55146 Radiologi Purchase c additional Technolog x-ray unit y Purchase additional x-ray unit to replace obsolete, dysfunctional unit. Fully functional xray unit lab. In place and operational within 4 months of approval. Marginally functional unit that is jnot compatible with laboratory learning objectives. Upon approval submit Purchase Requisition and initiate bid process. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 64 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. 69 70 Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name 11000-55142 Medical Increase Laborator enrollmen y t Technolog 11000-55142 Medical Laborator y Technolog Increase number of graduates Objective Increase enrollment into the MLT program. Measure Standard Number of students enrolled in program. Maximum enrollment (12 students) or 80% of optimum. Serve students enrolled. At least 80% of enrolled students. Graduate within 2 years of entry into MLAB courses. 40% of enrolled students graduated. Increase number Number of students of graduates. graduating from program. Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Increase recruitment efforts by: advertising program on EPCC channel Making and distributing new program pamphlets creating and posting a web page EPCC web site visiting biology classes at Magnet High Schools working closely with Phlebotomy program Increasing enrollment into the program as well as providing tutoring sessions will increase the number of graduates. Increase recruitment efforts by: adverising program on EPCC channel making & distributing new OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 65 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date program pamphlets creating and posting a web page on EPCC web site visiting biology classes at magnet high schools working closely with phlebotomy program Provide tutoring sessions for students struggling with program curricula. 71 11000-55142 Medical To meet Laborator viability y indicator Technolog revenue sufficienc y Revenue sufficiency of program review standards. Cost per student. Meets program review standard. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Program review report indicates standard enrollment. Same strategy indicated to increase enrollment advertising program on EPCC channel making & distributing new program pamphlets creating and posting a EPCC web site visiting biology classes at Magnet High School working closely with Phlebotomy rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 66 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date program 72 11000-55347 Math RG Equip a Equip a classroom classroom accessible accessible computer with a computer printer, a mark w/printer sense scanner, a laser printer and software that generate individually tailored problem sets for students of College Algebra and Precalculus. A specific assessment tool made available by the Mathematic Association of America (MAA). Currently administering this instrument as a guide to the individual student on ther preparation for college algebra. Scores on test correlate with the degree of success t=student's experience. One measure will be completion rate of those initially registered. Another will be the proportion of those scoring the at risk range on the MAA assessment that succeed. Pilot program implemented in at least two sections of the Math 1314 by the end of academic year 200607. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Data from previous semester experience of several instructors who have taught College Algebra and used the MAA tool. Plan for furniture, equipment and STAFFING and schedule for services for implementation in 2006-07. Purchase software license and supplies to implement Accelerated Math-Super Kit" on a computer with printer that can be taken into classrooms. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 67 of 160 Instruction Health Occupations, Math and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 73 11000-55347 Math RG Part-time faculty Hire part-time We started to 65% faculty to teach assign full remedial classes. time faculty to teach some of the remedial classes to increase the level of instruction. 74 11000-55150 Communi ty Health Advocacy /Promotor e Class fill rate Class fill rate. 75 11000-55150 Communi ty Health Advocacy /Promotor e Student Success Student success % of students employed within 1 year of graduation OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline 59% Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Need to increase the number of fulltime faculty to teach the course. We requested openings for math full time positions. Hire part-time faculty with at least MS in Math to teach remedial classes. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 68 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Mission Del Paso Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 107 11000-55344 Geology MDP Increase Course Offerings Increase course offerings to meet student demand. Number of students completing Geology class. 70% of students enrolled in Geology class will complete the course. Fill rates in class have increased. My impressions are that 70% completed the class. 108 11000-55269 Speech MDP Increase Course Offerings Increase course offerings to meet student demand Number of students completing Speech class. 70% of students enrolled in Speech class will complete the course. Fill rates in class have increased. My impressions are that 70% completed the class. 109 11000-55384 Criminal Justice MDP Increase Course Offerings Increase course offerings to meet student demand Number of students completing Criminal Justice class. 70% of students enrolled in Criminal Justice class will complete the course. Fill rates in class have increased. My impressions are that 70% completed the class. 110 11000-55189 English MDP Increase Course Offerings Increase course offerings to meet student demands Number of students completing English class. 70% of students enrolled in English classes will complete the course. Fill rates in class have increased. My impressions are that 70% completed the class. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 69 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. 122 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Court Reporting Departme nt 123 11000-55293 History NW History Development of Departme World History nt on line for the Fall 2006 Semester. Offer Measure Use enrollment figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 20062007 and compare those figures to the previous years. Standard Baseline Increase by 5% from previous year's enrollment. On-going Continuous Program. Train at least one new faculty member to teach on line OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date The discipline will boost the marketing and recruitment efforts of the Court Reporting Program. The discipline will work to improve student recruitment efforts at career fairs, local high schools, EPCC, UTEP, and the El Paso Workforce Commission. The discipline is working on completing an updated webpage featuring Court Reporting Program. Court Reporting Program is featured on Occupational Calendar for July, 2006. Court Reporting Program will be featured on a local commercial for EPCC Instructors will be identified to go through EPCC on line course rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 70 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure new options for students at an open time environment. history courses. Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date development training. 124 11000-55800 Borderlan ds Borderlan ds Departme nt To maintain production of Borderlands & print "The Best of Borderlands 1" issue. Completion, printing, & insertion of issue in El Paso Times To add 4 pages of print from 16 to 20 & add 2 to 4 pages of color Increase of 25% of 2006 ($2,500) plus increase to salary, travel, photo, & supplies of $2,000. 125 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Court Reporting Departme nt Continue to increase enrollment in this discipline. Use enrollment figures for this discipline from the State Reports for FY 20062007 and compare those figures to the previous years. Increase by 5% from previous year's enrollment. The discipline will boost the marketing and recruitment efforts of the Court Reporting Program. The discipline will work to improve student recruitment efforts at career fairs, local high schools, EPCC, UTEP, and the El Paso Workforce Commission. The discipline is working on completing an updated webpage featuring Court Reporting Program. Court Reporting Program is featured on Occupational OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 71 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Calendar for July, 2006. Court Reporting Program will be featured on a local commercial for EPCC. 126 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Class Fill Rate Court Reporting Departme nt Percent of 80% classes 75% full (optimum fill rate) on census date (excluding C.E. students), based on no. of students in each section for last 3 years (Fall, Spring, and Summer) on census date. Enrollment has been steadily increasing every semester. We'll continue to monitor enrollment and growth rates each semester. Discipline will boost marketing and/or recruitment efforts to increase enrollment and maintain current students. 127 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Court Revenue Reporting Sufficiency Departme nt For each of Yes the 3 previous years (Fall, Spring, Summer) program credit hours x average fall tuition per credit hour + state reimbursement (dollar reimbursement per contact hour by The Court Reporting Program will continue seeking monies from Carl Perkins in order to purchase the equipment that is essential to the instruction of court reporting. An account, Machine Rental Fee Use, will OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 72 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard program x total contact hours per program x current reimbursement percentage rate) is greater than or equal to program budget + overhead costs (33% of entire program budget). Excludes grant and external funding. When multiple programs are under the same Budget, the same data shall be applied to all the programs. Faculty salaries are included in expenses. (Cred. Tran. & Cred. Occ. Nursing, Criminal Justice, Edu/Child Deve., and Computer Science/Comp. Inf. Systems share the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date also be used to purchase office supplies as needed. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 73 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Standard Measure Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date same results Respectively). 128 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Student Success Court Reporting Departme nt Percent of 90% students employed/ transfer/ enter military w/in 1 year of grad. Based on the no. of graduates for each program for the last 3 years and the number of graduates who are employed, have transferred to another institution or have entered the military within oneyear of graduation. Discipline will monitor employment vacancies and will ensure that students are aware of vacancies. Court Reporting Instructor is well-connected with the local job market. All students who have graduated from EPCC's Court Reporting Program have immediately been placed in jobs. 129 11000-55222 Court & Conferenc e Reporting NWC Court No. of Graduates Reporting Departme nt No. of graduates within the 3year period (Fall, Spring, Summer), based on no. of graduates for each program. Students will be advised to attain their Associate of Applied Science and/or Legal Stenographer/ Scopist Certificates. Students will be offered higher speeds during mock examinations in order to improve 15 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 74 of 160 Instruction Instructional Programs: Northwest Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date graduation rates and/or ensure passing of CSR exam for certification. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 75 of 160 Instruction Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure 111 11000-13006 Dean, Math Occ Ed & Science Faculty Hiring Recruit and hire quality faculty in Education. This will support the Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) and allow TM to offer a full range of Education courses. Did we hire? 112 11000-13012 TM Faculty Travel Math Faculty training Provide training opportunities for division faculty. 113 11000-55428 Cosmetol ogy Marketing Develop marketing materials to attract students and clients to the Cosmetology facility 114 11000-55443 Aviation Faculty Technolog Hiring y 115 11000-55443 Aviation Facility Technolog Remodeli y ng Standard 1 new faculty member Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 0 faculty currently on staff. Recruit and hire. Faculty member was Continued growth of recruited and hired. the AAT program. TM is now offering a full slate of AAT courses. Met Fund travel 3 faculty for at least 3 faculty members to attend training or other professional development activities. 0 faculty Assist faculty to identify appropriate training opportunities. Provide administrative assistance to arrange travel. Objective was exceeded. 5 faculty were provided opportunities for faculty development in other cities. Many others were afforded local training. Met Have items Yes been developed and disseminated? No Work with faculty and students to develop effective, professional marketing materials. Marketing items are Continue developed and in use. dissemination of materials. Hire faculty to develop and implement program. Faculty hired? Yes No Recruit and interview faculty. Plan withdrawnprogram will not be offered. Plan withdrawnprogram will not be offered. Withdrawn Remodel space at the ATC to house this new program Has space been remodeled? No Implement Plan withdrawnexisting plan to program will not be install garage offered. door, provide instructor space Plan withdrawnprogram will not be offered. Withdrawn Yes OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Will continue to provide these opportunities to faculty as resources allow. Expected Completion Date Met Page 76 of 160 Instruction Math, Occupational Education and Science Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date and remove plastics equipment from current location. Increase TM offerings in the area of Education to support the new Associate of Arts in Teaching. 116 11000-55436 Education TM AAT Support 117 11000-55336 Chemistry TM Chemistry Construct new Lab Chemistry Lab Facility at TM. 118 11000-55414 Culinary Arts TM Culinary Arts Facility at ASC Number of AAT degree specific courses offered. Increase by 100% over two years. Current number is approximatel y 5 classes per semester. Was lab constructed? Yes No Implement Lab is fully existing plans in constructed and room 1500 to implemented. construct a Chemistry lab. Yes No Work with facilities and the Culinary Arts staff to develop a workable facilities layout for the ASC. Have plans Develop facilities layout been developed? for Culinary Arts at the ASC. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Already Met. rptAssessmentReport0607 Refine schedule to determine optimal offerings in this area. Met Lab will provide advanced research opportunities for students and faculty. Met Plans are developed Construction will and approved. move forward Awaiting the start of shortly. construction. Met Page 77 of 160 President Associate Vice President, Employee Relations Plan No. 1 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-11107 Assoc Vice President, Employee Relat Plan Name Employee Training to Utilize New Compone nts of Procedure 0 Objective Provide information and asistance to employees in the processing of grievances, the option of nonbinding peer mediation as an alternative method of grievance resolution, and the Employee Relations Department based grievance tracking system. The Employee Relations Department will coordinate and conduct districtwide training sessions. Measure Employee inquiry and usage of the procedure to resolve grievances internally. Standard Documentati on of the process and resolution to ensure the accomplishm ent of the agreement. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 1. Complete training of new Grievance Appeal Committee members. 2. District-wide training sessions for all levels of employees. 3. Full implementation of tracking and monitoring system. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 78 of 160 Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. 278 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-32200 Grants Managem ent Plan Name Grants Managem ent to establish an EPCC External Funding Plan Objective Develop a comprehensive EPCC priority external funding plan structured upon College's Strategic Goals, Mission and Vision statements. Measure Priority external funding plan established. Standard Grant proposals and awards will be in line with the established external fund plan which is consistent with the College's strategic plan, mission and vision for current and future development . Plan to be approved by President and Vice Presidents. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Based on identification of funding needs priorities established by the College President, Vice Presidents and Deans, by December31, 2006. The Office of Grants Management will develop an "EPCC External Funding Priorities Plan" for approval of President and the Vice Presidents; plan will then be used to focus efforts to identify and aply for external funding. Upon approval of the plan, the Office of Grants Management will focus its efforts according to the priorities established within the plan. The Office of Grants Management will submit to the President and rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 79 of 160 Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Administrative team members' quarterly reports describing the degree to which effort and results have achieved the plan's goals during the reporting period (year-to-date). 279 11000-32200 Grants Managem ent Increase External Funding for EPCC Increase the number of EPCC offices, staff, and faculty across all disciplines and services that are involved in development of grants process, and significantly increase their capabilities to locate appropriate funding sources and acquire grant funding. Increase the number of offices/discipli nes involved in grant development and funding. The number of EPCC offices/disci plines receiving external funding support will increase by 15% by August 31, 206. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Management will conduct a minimum of two intensive grantsmanship courses (1 to 2 full days) for EPCC faculty and staff. Courses will cover funding sources, application/prop osal development (needs, objectives, methodologies, budget development, and evaluation systems), general grant standards (EPCC, OMB, state and local), management of grant programs (personnel, accouting, facilities, and rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 80 of 160 Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date property management), and reporting. The Office of Grants Management will refine its funding search and grants alert system to: a) reach a greater number of faculty and staff, b) acquire greater input from EPCC faculty and staff on areas of funding needs, and c) focus funding searches and application efforts on identified EPCC priorities established within the Strategic Goals of the College. To make the grants processes generally more visible, the Office of Grants Management will publish a quarterly newspaper that will cover EPCC grant activities, (awards, renewals, OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 81 of 160 Research and Development Director, Grants Management Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date notable accomplishment, etc.) potential funding opportunities and information useful to staff and faculty involved in the grant process. 280 24601-C24601 Carl Perkins Administr ationGeneral Carl Perkins Administr ationGeneral Emphasize communicative relationships with Carl Perkins Budget Heads to insure Carl Perkins Program budgets are on track with spending and within guidelines directed by THECB. In years' past communicatio n and relationships with Carl Perkins Budget Heads were not as involved in discussing Budget Program status. In the last three years, this has been approached and tackled. This is a continuing effort. Improvement of relationships is around 20% from 04-05 fiscal year. Reinforceme nt of relationships and communicati on with Carl Perkins Budget Heads and respective Program Assistants, and also with other EPCC agents involved in the processes for maintaining these budgets. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Re-create Carl Perkins Program Review Committee to evaluate and learn more about programs. Open lines between budget heads and other College departments. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 82 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. 134 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-33010 Director Instl & Comm Plng Plan Name Planning Capacity Improvem ent Objective Increase the capacity of the Planning Office to perform increased internal College planning sessions, planning data support, and work on planning projects with external EPCC partners via the addition of a Planning Specialist to the Planning Office staff. Measure Addition of Planning Specialist to Planning Office staff. Standard 1 full-time position of Planning Specialist. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline No current position. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Recruit, train and facilitate development of professional staff person to assist in planning office projects to include: Writing/synopsis of planning activities and documents to include: focus group analysis, executive summaries, basic data analysis and reports and graphics, research on relevant topics. -Assist in the routine preparation of planning office reports for budget heads and cabinet that provide data and information tools for decisionmaking. -Assist with meetings and planning sessions under the supervision of the Director. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 83 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 135 11000-33010 Director Instl & Comm Plng Support College areas in Planning Initiatives Provide quality, professional, and timely assistance to College areas in planning programs, projects and revisions as needed throughout the College district. Number of sessions facilitated with College areas to further develop programs, improve performance, or fine-tune operations. Minimum of four sessions during fiscal year with other College areas to assist in their planning and program/proj ect development . At least three major projects per year are held currently to assist College areas. -Assist College areas as identified by need or their contact w/Planning Office in their planning and development of strategies, program development, or internal and external initiatives. -Work with appropriate budget heads and College area personnel to facilitate sessions and meetings to accomplish objectives. -Provide supporting materials, session staff and outcomes reports. 136 11000-33010 Director Instl & Comm Plng Strategic Plan Update Facilitate Process and Plan Revisions/Major Updates to EPCC Strategic Plan under the direction of the Vice President of Research and Development and the Cabinet. Completion and publication of Strategic Plan update. Completion and adoption by Cabinet and Board of Trustees no later than mid-year 2007. Strategic Plan currently in place, with revisions due. -Work with Vice President and Cabinet to implement strategic planning process, identify and engage appropriate internal and external stakeholder OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 84 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date participants, develop process, timelines, and resulting identification of District-wide long term goals, and measures, as appropriate. Spearhead and oversee construction of Oracle database for Area Effectiveness Plans, Carl Perkins Plans, and Assessments for annual Districtwide planning and assessment. 137 11000-33010 Director Instl & Comm Plng Operation al Planning Database Conversio n 138 11000-33010 Director Partnershi Strengthen Database developed, piloted, and implemented. 100% of district-wide operational planning and assessment conducted with a common server-based program. Current planning conducted utilizing MS ACCESS, with individual databases being sent to budget heads. Integration of individual databases takes place in Planning Office without ability of budget heads to view each other's planning or reports until compiled by Planning and placed on web or via hard copies. Continue work with IT, Research Director, Institutional Effectiveness Director, and end-users to develop database that captures planning data and is able to track ongoing projects between multiple years. Number of At least two Number Work with OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 85 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional and Community Planning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Instl & Comm Plng Plan Name ps/Comm unity Planning Support Objective partnerships with EPCC community partners via planning projects and support linking College with community resources. Measure partnership initiatives facilitated or supported by Planning Office. Standard Baseline initiatives varies by during fiscal fiscal yearyear. at least one major initiative conducted with external partners and community each year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date community partners such as Upper Rio Grande Workforce Development Board and other community partners to support planning and link with EPCC programs and services. Provide professional support and guidance that results in increased community involvement with college, professional linkages, and multi-agency collaboration. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 86 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional Effectiveness Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 143 11000-34000 Director, Institution l Effectiven ess Argos Training Ensure the ability of the Institutional Effectiveness Office to create Argos reports based data residing in the College's mainframe computer once the Research and Development planning and Program Review databases have been imported into the mainframe. This ability will facilitate the dissemination of data-based IE reports by Internet. IE Office personnel are able to create Argos reports using data generated by the mainframe computer. The ability to write reports will be developed by August 1, 2007. The IE Office cannot create reports on data within the Oracle environment. The IE staff will It was determined take whatever that the College did courses are not yet offer Argos available in the classes. use of Argos, and the IE Office will seek to create such courses if they are not available. Withdrawn 144 11000-34000 Director, Institution l Effectiven ess Online Standing Committe e Applicatio n Form Ensure that College employees can apply online to serve on College committees. The current Standing Committee Solicitation Form is available on the College's web site, and Argos reports indicate the names of those applying for committee service. The online form will be available on February 1, 2007. Employees must now complete paper forms. The IE Office will work with the Information Technology Division to place the Standing Committee Solicitation Form on the College's web site. Argos reports indicating the names of applicants and Withdrawn OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 It was determined that an insufficient number of College offices possessed the necessary software to use an online form which required the receiver to forward the form to another office for approval. Expected Completion Date Page 87 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional Effectiveness Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date the names of the committees on which they wish to serve will be generated as the IE staff masters Argos. 145 11000-34000 Director, Institution l Effectiven ess Redesign of the Institution al Effectiven ess Web Site Ensure that the Institutional Effectiveness web site allows quick, logical access to as many IE products as possible. The IE staff has the ability to design, manage and update the IE web site to increase access to IE products. The IE Web site will direct users to current, non-Argos reports by February 2007. Argos and other products will be added as necessary. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The current IE web site directs users to only the standing committee rosters and to the College's policies and procedures. The IE staff will take whatever courses may be available to learn web page design. rptAssessmentReport0607 The IE Office staff received the appropriate training and redesigned the site, which now directs visitors to multiple College data and documents. The IE Office will further amplify its web site's coverage of College initiatives. Met Page 88 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 139 11000-31001 Faculty Evaluatio n Implemen Development of t On-Line a reliable process for Survey administering surveys on the WEB. Successful administration, data retrieval and data analysis of the Faculty Evaluation instrument for on-line classes and classes with computers available to each student in the classroom. Successful retrieval of 100% of surveys administered on the WEB. Provide Faculty Evaluation reports to faculty and deans during the last week of class for each semester. Each semester most of the completed on-line Faculty Evaluation forms are lost due to technical problems. Work with Information Technology to solve problems that prevent retrieval of many of the completed online Faculty Evalualtion forms. 140 11000-34002 Institution al Research Intitutiona l Research Report Developm ent Informative reports produced on time. A report produced for each major study conducted by Institutional Research, including the Fact Book and Planning Data Profiles. Staff do not have time to produce all reports that would be useful and some reports are late. Hire a technical writer to prepare all necessary reports. This person would work closely with all Research and Development personnel. 141 11000-34002 Institution Developm Design and Design and Plan and Institutional Hire an Production of timely and informative reports of research activities conducted by the Institutional Reseach Department including the Fact Book, Achieving the Dream reports, Planning Data Profiles, Web reports and reports on the surveys conducted by El Paso Community College. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 89 of 160 Research and Development Director, Institutional Research Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area al Research 142 11000-34002 Institution al Research Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies ent of a "Culture of Evidence" conduct all research studies required to provide the "Culture of Evidence" necessary to determine if El Paso Community College is providing the best possible instruction and services to our community and to improve instruction and services at EPCC. Conduct all research and provide all data required by UTEP and area high schools necessary to their planning efforts to improve instruction and services. complete all needed research projects. complete all research studies on time. Provide all necessary data to EPCC personnel, UTEP and area high schools. Research is constantly under pressure to complete the studies needed by the College community, UTEP and area high schools, and has little time to plan and implement new studies. Assistant Director of Institutional Research and an additional Manager of Institutional Research to plan and develop new research studies. These new personnel would work closely with existing Institutional Research personnel, the EPCC community, UTEP and area high schools to assure that all necessary data is available to make important decisions about instruction and services at the institutions involved. Achieving the Dream Project Provide all data needed for the Achieving the Deam Project Create an insitutionally funded position to provide all requested data and reports. Increase the insitutional funding of the current Manager of Insitutional Research by twenty percent each year. Currently forty percent of the Manager of Institutional Research position is funded institutionall y. Increase the percentage of insitutional funding for the Manager of Institutional Research by twenty percent for this budget cycle. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 90 of 160 Research and Development Vice President, Research and Development Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results 131 11000-12004 Vice President Research & Develop Strategic Planning Facilitate the preparation of an update for the College's Strategic Plan. Plan for preplanning completed Preplan must be written and approved. Encourage and not done support Planning Office to develop preplan. not done 132 11000-12004 Vice President Research & Develop Achieving the Dream Data Support Support data need efforts, develop SAS programming standards and reports as needed by ATD. A full implementatio n of the SAS package is expected by the end of this year. Programmin g and report generation to be completed. Staff must continue to train. Working with all in the ATD project develop indicators and reports in SAS. Hire one additional data manager Full implemenation has not been possible, training is continuing and successful. Training has led to the creation of data cubes and reports which have helped the project. 133 11000-12004 Vice President Research & Develop Strengthe ning and Building Research Capacity Master Planning Master Plan the operation of document in place. the Research Office function. Completed Plan Ask planning office to facilitate the department's planning activity. Support office function by hiring an Assistant Director. not done not done OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Not Met Met Not Met Page 91 of 160 Student Services Coordinator, Property Control Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results 287 11000-72003 ISC VV PartTime Pool Allocation To provide Instructional Service Center access to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. classes To meet faculty demands on Instructional Service Center of 6:00 a.m. classes Provide adequate services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses Requesting allocation of funds to cover 19 hours a week to provide Instructional Service Center to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses. One Part-Time technician @ 9.12/hr/52 weeks/$9,011.00 Budget appropriation requested for FY 2008-09 to successfully attain planned objective. 288 11000-72003 ISC VV Master Mailing Data List To increase efficiency and effectiveness of ISC's master mailing data list Complete Master Mailing Data List by the 2nd week of every semester. Provide availability of Master Data Base Mail listing. To coordinate efforts with Research and Development, Personnel Services, Deans, Departmental heads, and district-wide ISC's and Distributional Services. Master Mailing Data List has been attained and maintained as planned objective. 289 11000-72005 ISC RG PartTime Pool Allocation To provide instructional Service Center access to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. classes To meet faculty demands on Instructional Service Center of 6:00 a.m. courses Provide adequate support services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses Requesting allocation of funds to cover 19 hours a week to provide Instructional Service Center to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses. One Part-Time technician @ 9.12/hr/52week/ 9,011/00 Budget appropriation requested for FY 2008-09 to successfully complete planned objective. 290 11000-72005 ISC RG Equipmen Enhance ISC Requesting Successfully Acquisition of Provide OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Objective's Status In Progress Master Data List is shared with Support Services Areas and other Departmental areas. 8 /31/2009 Met In Progress Scanning services Expected Completion Date 8 /31/2009 Met Page 92 of 160 Student Services Coordinator, Property Control Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results services by t Pool Allocation acquiring a document scanner document scanner will increase productivity and affordability efficiency, accuracy, speed and costeffectiveness in word processing job requests equipment pool completion of allocation to planned objective. acquire one document scanner to meet the needs of faculty and staff. 1 ea. Ricoh IS200e Colar Flarbed Imange ScannerHorizontal San Size: 8.5 in, Vertical Scan Size 14 in. Interface 10/100 Base - T USB 3.0 @ $1,800.00 291 11000-72004 ISC TM PartTime Pool Allocation To provide Instructional Service Center access to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. classes To meet faculty demands on Instructional Service Center of 6:00 a.m. classes Provide adequate services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. classes Requesting allocation of funds to cover 19 hours a week to provide Instructional Service Center to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses. One Part-Time Technician @ 9.12/hr/52weeks $9,011.00 Budget appropriation requested for FY 2008-09 to successfully attained planned objective. 292 11000-72004 ISC TM PDP Fastback Binder To provide binding services to faculty and staff and meet productivity demands. Process inhouse binding services at a significantly To meet faculty and staff demands on binding services. Provide a state of the art binding services to faculty and staff at significantly cost-cutting prices, affordable, Procure Equipment funding allocation to obtain a PDPFasback Binding machine to provide faculty and staff Successfully completion of planned objective. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date are now available for Faculty and Staff. In Progress High quality-Low cost binding services for faculty and staff at the main campuses. 8 /31/2009 Met Page 93 of 160 Student Services Coordinator, Property Control Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure cost effective efficiency. 293 11000-72006 ISC NWC PartTime Pool Allocation To provide Instructional Service Center access to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses To meet faculty demands on Instructional Services Center support services of 6:00 a.m. courses Standard Baseline Strategies efficient and professionall y processed in house. binding services at significantly reduced prices. Cost effective measure to process binding services inhouse rather than outsourcing it at greater prices. A professionally and cost effective avenue to reduce college faculty and staff binding services. 1 ea Model 15X Binding Machine $4,675.00 1 ea. Model P21 Printer $1,895.00 1 ea Model P31 Powis Print Spine Printer $2,970 Provide adequate support services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses Requesting parttime pool allocation funds to cover 19 hours a week to provide Instructional Support Center coverage to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses. One Part-Time OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Budget appropriation requested for FY 2008-09 to successfully complete planned objective. Use of Results Objective's Status In Progress Expected Completion Date 8 /31/2009 Page 94 of 160 Student Services Coordinator, Property Control Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date technician @ 9.12 hr/52/week $9.011.00 294 11000-72007 ISC MDP PartTime Pool Allocation To provide Instructional Service Center access to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses To meet faculty demands on Instructional Services Center support services of 6:00 a.m. courses Provide adequate support services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. courses Requesting parttime pool allocation funds to cover 19 hours a week to provide Instructional Service Center support services to faculty teaching 6:00 a.m. coruses. One Part-Time technician @ 9.12hr/52/week $9,011.00 Budget appropriation requested for FY 2008-09 to successfully complete planned objective. 295 11000-72001 Mail Services Master Mailing Data List To increase efficiency and effectiveness of Master Mail Data List to ensure accurate delivery of incoming postal correspondence. Complete Master Mailing Data List by 2nd week of every semester. Utilization of updated master data list for sorting incoming corresponden ce To coordinate efforts with Research and Development, Personnel Services, Departmental Heads, and District ISC's. Completed 296 11000-72002 Coordinat or Property Control Warehous e Inventory Software Obtain and Develop an Inventory data software to track and record incoming and outgoing of surplus property for transfer and public sale purposes. Develop, obtain and record warehouse physical inventory of data based software. Physical inventory report generation. Develop plan of action, deadlines, and procurement of financial resources to develop a physical warehouse tracking inventory database. Budget appropriation is being submitted again for FY 200809 to continue the planning and the implementation of Inventory Tracking Software. 297 11000-72010 Coordinat Forklift Certification of Certification Comply Survey support Successfully OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 In Progress Database available and share with other departmental areas. Met In Progress Complete 8 /31/2009 8 /31/2009 Met Page 95 of 160 Student Services Coordinator, Property Control Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area or Shipping & Receiving Plan Name Objective Certificati Support Services on employees with basic forklift certification Measure Standard of support with safety services and OSHA employee regulations empower them to utilize forklift equipment OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results services completed planned employee objective. population and determine number of personnel required to utilize forklift equipment. Cost-effective measure directed to certified inhouse employee in forklift utilization. rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date certification of all Support Services Employees; enhancing safety levels and complying with OSHA requirements. Page 96 of 160 Student Services Counselor at Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 146 11000-65001 Counselor VV District Wide Transfer To provide transfer information and services districtwide to faculty and students. Number of transfer students contacts will increase by 3% over last academic year. Number of transfer students contacts will be 3% above base line 4,766 transfer students contacts for last academic year. The Transfer Center will contact instructors to inform them of services provided at the center thru organized transfer fairs. The Transfer Center will advertise their services through the college newspaper, fliers, banners, classroom presentations, and community presentations. These services will be provided district-wide. 147 11000-65001 Counselor VV Counselin g DistrictWide New Student Orientatio n Extend New Student Orientation services to include on-line orientations. Number of students served by the on-line New Student Orientation will be no less than 5% of student participating on New Student Orientation over last academic year. Number of students served by the on-line New Student Orientation will be no less than 370 students. Currently we do not have New Student Orientation on-line. Base line = 0 Upon of completing of entry or re-entry of the college, students will be given an opportunity for on-line or in person New Student Orientation. Promotion of the on-line New Student Orientation will be handle by Marketing Department. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 97 of 160 Student Services Counselor at Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 148 11000-65001 Counselor VV Develop a Counselin g Website Develop a counseling services Website that contains pertinent counseling services. Development of counseling Web-site online by Spring 2007 149 24607-C24607 Career Guidance VV DistrictWide Career Assessme nt and Exploratio n Services To provide quality assessment and exploration services to students . One district-wide career fair will be planned and conducted. * A minimum None of 15 in-class presentations will be made district-wide to Development Education and EDUC 1300 classes each semester. The creation and utilization of counseling Web-site will be accessible by Spring 2007. * Promote and provide a minimum of 10 district student contacts with area professionals on career information and employment. Baseline Strategies No current counseling web-site exists. Committee composed of district-wide counselors/advis ors will develop the counseling web-site. None * Increase student retention by creating awarenes of Career Center services to include interest assessment, career exploration and college planning. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date * Improve student educational planning through use and purchased software and internet services of positive and productive career exploration services. * Provide career center staff development activities for use of the updated Discover OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 98 of 160 Student Services Counselor at Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Program. * Student retention will be improved by increasing student awareness of career decisionmaking as foundation of educational planning. 150 24606-C24606 Career Guidance RG DistrictWide Career Assessme nt and Exploratio n Services To provide quality assessment and exploration services to students. One district-wide career fair will be planned and conducted. * A minimum None of 15 in-class presentations will be made district-wide to Development Education and EDUC 1300 classes each semester. *Promote and provide a minimum of 10 student contacts with area professionals on career information and employment. None *Increase student retention by creating awarness of Career Center Services to include interest assessment, career exploration and college planning. *Improve student educational planning through the use and purchased software and internet resources of positive and productive career exploration services. *Provide career center staff OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 99 of 160 Student Services Counselor at Counseling Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date development activities for use of the updated Discover Program. * Student retention will be improved by increasing student awareness of career decisionmaking as a foundation of educational planning. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 100 of 160 Student Services Director, CE Health Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard 228 12153-S12153 Workshop /Conferen ces Cosmetol ogy Offer new Number of At least continuing courses offered three education santition courses to meet courses licensure should be requirements for offered in cosmetologists 2006-2207 229 11000-42301 CE Health Accreditat ion for Phleboto my Apply for accreditation with the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences. 230 11000-42313 CE EMT New AHA Rules 231 12114-S12114 Massage Therapy Massage Growth Baseline Strategies Currently there are no continuing education cosmetology courses offered Apply for providership with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. Cost is $250. Submit courses for approval. Approval Completion granted with of no conditions. application and site visit. The program is currently not accredited by any national organizations . Do self-study. Apply for accreditation. Cost is approximately $1,300. Implement new American Heart Association Guides in CPR, ACLS, and PALS courses Faculty will receive training 100% of faculty are up-to-date on current guidelines In-service courses will be provided to all current instructors. Increase enrollment New courses 5% increase offered to in student meet National enrollment Certification requirements 292 students enrolled in massage courses in 2004-2005 New courses will be developed and offered. 100% of faculty teaching CPR, ACLS, or PALS courses will receive an update on the new AHA guidelines OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 101 of 160 Student Services Director, Center for Students with Disabilities Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure 177 11000-64001 Center for Students w/ Disab Update CSD Center TMI Labs. for Students with Disabilitie s Purchase furniture to replace old tables and chairs for student/staff use. 178 11000-64001 Center for Students w/ Disab Center for Students with Disabilitie s Establish new community contacts with Ft. Bliss. 179 11000-64001 Center for Students w/ Disab Center for Students with Disabilitie s 180 11000-64001 Center for Students w/ Disab 181 11000-64001 Center for Standard Replace all tables and chairs in the 5 CSD TMI Labs. Baseline Strategies Old furniture Will request funds from the IT Committee and/or other EPCC resources. Schedule Will make 4 presentations presentations to distribute a year. information to 647th Medical Holding Company, Family Services, and Ft. Bliss Welcome Center. Currently making 2 presentations a year. Increase the number of presentations to military and their families. To promote more awareness on disability issues. Develop activity for National Disability Month (NDM) Participate in one function a year in the month of October. To recognize NDM 0 Meet with the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services (Blind Division) and with EPCC , Salute to the Arts Committee and participate in the planning of the event. Center for Students with Disabilitie s To provide debriefing/couns eling services to students and staff of the college for a critical incident. Re-establish a Critical Response Team for the College. Provided as needed in a critical situation. 0 CSD Director and Counselors will be trained on Critical Incidents Stress Management (CISM). Center for To reach the Sign Language To participate To with Texas participate 0 Meet with TSID and EPRID to OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 102 of 160 Student Services Director, Center for Students with Disabilities Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Students w/ Disab 182 11000-64001 Center for Students w/ Disab Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Students Interpreters in the Community with Disabilitie s Society of in 1 state Interpreters conference. for the Deaf (TSID) and with the El Paso Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (EPRID) in planning for their annual conference in El Paso in March 2006. provide information and share ideas. Center for Students with Disabilitie s Provide Will train 20 Ongoing training to CSD staff. CSD staff on Smart Board, Eye Communicator , and specialized software. Assistive Technology Specialist will design instruction booklets and conduct trainings to CSD staff individually or in a group. Training CSD staff on updated adaptive equipment to be used by in tutoring sessions and by students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 103 of 160 Student Services Director, Co-op Education & Job Placement Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 208 11000-64002 Coop Education & Job Placement Outreach Local Communi ty Strengthen community awareness regarding Cooperative Education and Job Placement functions at EPCC. Coordination with the take place with Chief Executive Officer of the local Workforce Development Board to ensure that EPCC is known as a partner for economic development with cooperative education (internships) and job placement for the collegeage population. Staff will involve itself in more communitysponsored activities and visit Workforce Centers to provide information on this departments function within the community. At present, there is no influence or information regarding any of EPCC role as a major player in helping to shape tomorrow's workforce in the El Paso community. Enhance and strengthen partnership ties with local Workforce Development Board, its operators and Workforce Centers through involvement, information sharing, and partnerships with local employers, Chamber of Commerce, etc. 209 11000-64002 Coop Education Upgrade Office Through potential grant Through potential In 2004 and 2005, this As expected, this department OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 104 of 160 Student Services Director, Co-op Education & Job Placement Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area & Job Placement Plan Name Objective Equipmen funding (outside sources), this t department will upgrade needed office equipment to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of staff health, safety and production. Measure Standard grants targeted at Summer Youth Employment and Training initiative, sponsored by local area Workforce Development Boards, this department will attempt to seek and be awarded those grant monies to perform specific duties within the community. department has participated and receive additional grant funding through outside sources (local area Workforce Development Boards) to operate the Summer Youth Employment grant. Request for Proposals (RFPs) are expected to be presented in March, 2006 for the upcoming year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date will bid, seek and anticipate an award of the Summer Youth Employment grant contract to provide quality summer, temporary employment to over 400 local area youth in the El Paso Community. Some expenses may be derived from existing institutional budgets, however, the majority will be derived from outside fiscal resources. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 105 of 160 Student Services Director, Financial Aid Services Plan No. 158 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-66000 Student Financial Aid Plan Name Objective Document To complete Imaging imaging project for receipt of all incoming documents to district Financial Aid Offices resulting in quicker response time for applications and reduction of copying costs. Measure Imaging stations at remaining campuses (RG and NW), All documents scanned at time of submission and elctronically transmitted to VV for review and action. Standard 10% decrease in copier costs at branch offices and reduction of application processing time by 2-5 days. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Documents submitted are currently being submitted, copied and manually delivered to VV for further processing. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Purchase of 2 imaging stations and train staff at branch campuses on imaging and indexing processes. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 106 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name 183 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant 184 11000-72009 Hazardous Disposal Waste of Disposal Hazardous Waste 185 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Work Order System Objective Measure Standard To consolidate the work order system and preventative maintenance system to provide better, more efficient service to all college personnel. Purchase and 100% installation of transition. software. Physical Plant currently uses an out-dated system of tracking all work orders. The purchase of this software will enhance operation of the Physical Plant and insure a more efficient operation. College personnel will be able to place and track work orders on-line. The Physical Plant department is responsible for contacting a vendor to pick up all medical waste materials. Contacting This is an licensed on-going vendors for process. pick up of medical waste materials. Fire Upgrade the fire Detection suppression at & VV and RG. Suppressi on Systems at VV and RG Replace outdated fire panels, and install new fire panels where none exist. Additionally, install and/or Completon by May 2007. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Manual system where college personnel currently have to call in their work orders. Strategies Assessment Results Purchase and install the necessary software. Train all Physical Plant employees on the use of the software. Provide instructions for college personnel on how to input and track their work orders. Obtain funding, Medical waste submit materials picked up requisitions, by vendor. monitor prompt pick up and disposal of medical waste materials. To meet current fire code requirement. Use of Results Obtaining Fire panel at RG was funding from replaced due to it Unexpended burning out. Plant Funds and the replacement of outdated fire detection and suppression system to meet rptAssessmentReport0607 Objective's Status In Progress Waste materials disposed of by vendor. Expected Completion Date 12/31/2008 Met In Progress 12/31/2008 Page 107 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline replace sprinkler heards and fire detection devices. To purchase tools and equipment for the Physical Plant employees. 186 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Tools and Equipmen t Replacem ent 187 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Personnel To optimize & utilize the existing skilled employees. (Ongoing process) Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date current safety code. Purchase new tools and equipment. Physical Plant employees are currently using old, outdated tools and equipment or their own personal tools. On going process during the year. Old, outdated tools and equipment and/or personal tools. Purchase new Tool/equipment tools and were purchased. equipment. Create tool and equipment inventory with a tracking system. Assign tools and equipment to appropriate personnel. Ongoing process in completion tools/equipment. Met More time of specialized workers in activities which required skilled labor. To have temporary employees performing activities such as: cleaning of mechancial rooms, replacing burnt lamps, adjusting clocks. Today, the existing skilled personnel: electricians, campus techs, HVAC techs are being used to clean water tanks, mechancial rooms, changing burnt lamps or adjusting clocks, keeping them from executing more skilled activities like developing 1. Identify Mechanical sytems activities to be have never being performed by better, and all temporary campuses are 100% employees. 2. lighted both inside Identify the and outside. time required and frequency at which the activities will be executed. 3. Allocate those resources in the specified areas of need. 4. Monitor their performance and productivity. Students/faculty survey indicate a much better learning and teaching environment. Met OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 108 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date preventative maintenance programs, undertaking design work requests, or improving existing system or process in their areas of competency. Increase reliability of ice making system to guarantee Loan Star project objectives. (In progess) 188 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Ice Making System 189 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Air To provide a Condition more ing comfortable classroom and office environments to achieve occupant's best performance at RG, TM and ASC B Bldg. Increase water tank capacity to be able to install an existing backup pump to assure water supply to ice making chiller, and guarantee achievement of Loan Star project objectives. Installation of water pumps in the new water tank. Currently there is only one pump to supply water to the chillers, a second pump is required but can not be installed because the existing tank was too small to hold both pumps. 1. Assessing VV Campus has an integration of ice making plant. new tank and pump to the existing system. 2. Outsourced construction of tanks. 3. Monitor construction. 4. Starting up the system with the new size and backup pump. More comfortable work environments for staff, faculty and student body resulting in less work requests to adjust room temperatures. To have new air conditioning distribution systems for more comfortable environment s. Currently the air distribution systems are not providing the air in the temperature and volumes required to maintain comfortable 1. Obtain funding from unexpended plant funds. 2. Detailing all specifications for the new air distribution arrangements. 3. Assessing integration of new air OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Savings and air conditioning increase comfort. Met In Progress 12/31/2008 Page 109 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective In Progess - To maintain the EPCC image of having well maintained and safe campuses by assuring continuously well lit parking lots. 190 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Parking Lot Lighting 191 11000-76002 Facilities Constructi on Equipmen Replacement of t old equipment. Measure Standard More visible facilities of EPCC campuses. Continuously well lit parking lots throught outsourcing their maintenance. This will reflect the image of well maintained institution. Purchase of HP Design Jet 800 printer (42-inch model) and Current printer (8+ years) is constantly breaking OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results working areas. distribution. 4. Installing new equipment. 5. Monitoring construction. 6. Starting up the system with new air distribution. There has been somes issues regarding lighting in parking lots. 1. Obtain funding from unexpended plant funds. 2. To develop a set of specifications that will require a periodical inspection of all parking lots DW and replacement of lights. 3. To implement a bidding process to bring different providers for this service. 4. Monitor provider performance. 5. Establish periodical meetings with provider to evaluate the service. Better night time security for faculty, students, staff and visitors. Purchase of printer and cutter. Printer was not purchased until 2007-08. The cutter will be purchased sometime in the rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Ongoing process. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Not Met Page 110 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure LYNX vinyl cutter. Standard Baseline Strategies down and cutter is 12 years, parts are obsolete and very hard to locate. Assessment Results 11000-76002 Facilities Constructi on Personnel Hiring of two new construction workers. Employing of two construction workers would raise efficiency, thereby ensuring quality and effectiveness of operations. Facilities Construction is currently involved in house construction of new offices/depar tments or renovation of existing offices; receives and processes approximatel y 80 new order works each month. Obtaining Two construction funding for two workers approved. construction workers 193 11000-76003 Operation & Maintena nce Facilities Services Approval by Completion the Board of by January Trustees and 2007 Administration Currently operating under two accounts (Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance ) Combine 1100076003 (personnel salaries) and 11000-76006 (personnel salaries) under one account titled Facilities Services. This account will only indicate personnel salaries. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Objective's Status Expected Completion Date future when funding is available. 192 In Progress - to reorganize and rename Facilities Services. The Physical Plant has two separate units: Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance. This hs not been proven effective or efficient for the department. Use of Results rptAssessmentReport0607 PRs have been submitted for advertising and new personnel could be hired by the end of April 2008. Both Operation & One less budget to Maintenance and monitor. Ground Maintenance personnel combined into one budget. In Progress 5 /30/2008 Met Page 111 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 194 11000-76002 Facilities Constructi on Overtime To support with on-going in house construction/ren ovations projects, requires for personnel to work after 5 pm or work on weekends. Functional identification of critical work demands to maintain workforce to face operational challenges. Submit interoffice form for overtime for supervisor's approval. Obtaing funding for overtime salaries. Not Met 195 11000-76003 Operation & Maintena nce Overtime To support on going activities at Administrative Service Centers, movers at times are required to work before 8 am, after 5pm and at times on weekends. Functional identification of critical work demands to maintain workforce to face operational challenges. Submit interoffice form for overtime for supervisor's approval. Obtain additional funding for overtime salaries. Not Met 196 11000-76006 Ground Maintena nce Facilities Services In Progress - to reorganize and rename Facilities Services. The Physical Plant has two separate units: Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance. This has not been proven effective or efficient for the department. Approval by Completion the Board of by January Trustees and 2007 Administration . 197 11000-76005 Custodial Custodial With the on going construction of Expand janitorial services for Funding will ensure continuance OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Operating under two separate accounts (Operation & Maintenance and Ground Maintenance ). Combine personnel salaries of 11000-76003 and 1100076006, into one (11000-76003) and titled as Facilities Services. Ground One less budget to Maintenance monitor. personnel salaries transferred to Operation & Maintenance budget and title remained as Operation & Maintenance. Obtain Funding was additional provided for the funding for increase to the rptAssessmentReport0607 Janitorial services was provided to the new areas. Expected Completion Date Met Met Page 112 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status new department/offic es or renovation of existing offices (i.e. KCOS TV Station, etc.), this will require additional janitorial services by current contractor. students, faculty and staff in the expansion of facilities. In Progress removing the water tank system and having city lines installed to the Farah and EPCC, we will be free of liability. By installing Completion city lines to by August the Farah and 2007. EPCC By installing city lines will free EPCC of any liabilities Obtain funding from Unexpended Plant Funds for the removing of water tank system and installing city lines. Not Met Replace doors. Obtain funding from Unexpended Plant Funds and replace doors and automatic doors which are consistently breaking down. In Progress of quality and timely service. 198 11000-76007 Operating Grounds ASC Water Tank 199 11000-76007 Operating Grounds Door Replacement of Replacem doors and ent automatic doors at VV. Replacing hollow metal doors which are heavy especially to student with special needs. Replace automatic door in Bldg A, which has had excessive repairs. 200 11000-76007 Operating Grounds Ground Replacement of Equipmen old equipment. ts Purchasing of On going new process. equipment for Grounds, to replace old equipment or Completion by December 2006. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT janitorial services. Outdated and old equipment. Expected Completion Date janitorial contract. Obtain funding Replaced a number from the of equipment for unexpended Grounds. plant fund and replace old equipment. rptAssessmentReport0607 Ongoing progress. 5 /31/2008 Met Page 113 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date purchase additional equipment that is needed. 201 11000-76008 Electricity Electricity Increase the electricity budget by $100,000. Additional Need to Compared square footage increase to last fiscal for utility bills. budget due year's bill. to additional square footage and possible rate increases. Upgrade equipment to maximize energy efficiency throughout the district. Funding transferred from Water/Sewage budget. Met 202 11000-76009 Gas Gas To increase gas budget by $44,000. Readjust to meet current and future needs. Gas efficiency. Budget increased by $44,000 transferred from Water/Sewage budget. Met 203 11000-76010 Water/Se wage Water/Se wage Decrease water/sewage budget by $144,000. Readjusted to Decrease in meet current budget. and future needs. Compared to last year's bills. Water efficiency. 204 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Workstud Hiring of a workstudy to y assist office personnel. Hire a Hire 1 workstudy to month after assist office approval. personnel and managers. The functions would be to deliver mail, make copies and filing. Obtaining funding for one workstudy Not Met 205 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant Advertise and Personnel Hiring of a fulltime Clerk II hire 2 months after approval. to assist Administrative Associate. Presently there are two PT Clerk II positions (currently one is vacant), the other PT position hours has been Allocate funding for this position from another Physical Plant (salary) budget. Not Met Increase in Compared budget due to last fiscal to additional year's bills. footage and possible rate increases. The hirig of a Clerk II will assist the Administrati ve Associate with the processing of department's invoices in a timely OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Met Page 114 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline manner. increased. By this increase, the primary duties have been the processing of invoices and doing follow ups with AP or Purchasing. The existing Uuninterrupt ed Power Supply (UPS) has not been maintained since its installation. 206 11000-76000 Director Physical Plant IT Power Supply To assure power supply to the IT server in the event of electrical power outrage. IT server will have temporary electrical power supply until public service is reestablished. Guaranteed temporary electrical power supply to IT server. 207 11000-76012 Automoti ve Sleet Maintena nce Fleet Maintena nce Increase present budget due to increase of college vehicles maintenance. By the performance of college vehicle. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 1. Hire a company to do an initial maintenance to bring up the UPS to normal operating conditions. 2. Identify the maintenance needs for the UPS. 3. Prepare a bidding package specifying scope of maintenance work. 4. Monitor provider performance. 5. Evaluate maintenance service. Not Met On going process. Obtain additional funding in order to continue with the maintenance Not Met OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Expected Completion Date Page 115 of 160 Student Services Director, Physical Plant Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date of vehicles. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 116 of 160 Student Services Director, Police Department Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 159 11000-61001 Police Departme nt EPCC Police Crisis Interventi on Training Plan Increased and enhanced performance. Provide mandatory 40 hour Crisis Intervention Training for all EPCC Police Officer II positions. Determine the difference between the Baseline and Standard. Total number of Officer II positions on our Department will receive training. 0 (No CIT Training at this time). Bring in certified trainer to conduct 40 hour training class that will be mandatory for all Officer II positions. 160 L31001-31001 Vehicle Registrati on Meet Customer Service Demand Districtwide Provide adequate customer service hours for vehicle registration and ticket processing to meet demand, and to minimize the use of police officers for clerical service work. Calculate hours worked by parttimers. Calculate time spent by Officers filling in for Vehicle Registration Clerks. Customer service will be provided to meet the normal operational hours M & TH 8-6; TWF 8-5 Districtwide; minimize clerical errors from police officers filling in. Anticipate part-timers working 35 hours a week to accomplish this goal. Customer service is provided as best as possible with 19hours a week personnel. Often times customers are having to make special arrangement for service. In addition, officers are filling in during gaps, (if they are available), allowing for clerical errors causing confusion and problems with customers. Increase existing parttimers hours by 16 to meet 35 hours a week each worker thus extending customer service hours District-wide. Total estimated new money necessary would be $55,000 for both salaries and benefits. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 117 of 160 Student Services Director, Police Department Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 161 11000-61001 Police Departme nt Parking Enforcem ent Pilot Program Augment existing staffing of the EPCC Police Department by adding parttime, non-sworn parking enforcers. Employment of at least two parking enforcers for both the Fall, 2006 and Spring, 2007 Semesters. Employ two part-time parking enforcers for a two semester (Fall 2006 and Spring 2007) pilot program. There are currently no non-sworn, part-time parking enforcers employed by the EPCC Police Department. Develop qualifications and job specifications for at least two parking enforcers on a part-time basis (no more that 20 hours per week each). Hire and train the individuals. Enforcers will augment current police staffing and will be responsible for enforcing parking regulations within the College District. 162 11000-72008 Safety Office Safety Manual Bring the 2002 safety manual to current changes and functions of the safety office. Weekly review of update materials Increase the nine sections to ten. 2002 safety manual has nine sections all in need of review and or additons/dele tions. The updated manual will contain 10 sections. Review each of the nine sections, make the appropriate change. Meet with safety staff each week to assure the established deadlines are met. 163 11000-72008 Safety Office Campus Safety Awarenes s To increase the campus community safety awareness throughout the After action report from the safety assistant. Provide six awareness presentations /displays throughout the district. At present there is no bi-monthly awareness program in place. A safety display and presentation will be provided every two months. A week will be set OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 118 of 160 Student Services Director, Police Department Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard district. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date aside to go to each EPCC campus, to include ASC, and provide this service. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 119 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 151 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations Plan Name Expand Dual Credit Objective Measure Expand Dual Credit Programs to each and every one of the regional high schools either emphasis on rural underserved areas; private and charatered schools. Implement program at all EPISD high schools to include Austin HS and all rural schools i.e. Tornillo and Sierra. Blanca. Standard 100% full implementati on of dual credit at all rural high schools in the region. Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 1) Negotiate Interlocal agreement with regional school superintendents. 2) Contact and set-up meetings with administrators @ schools. 3) Conduct Dual Credit workshop for administrators and interested teachers. 4) Conduct individual classroom presentations to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 5) Conduct student/parent application orientatinon workshops. 6) Coordinate on-site Testing & Distance Education equipment inspections. 7) Coordinate on-site Testing & advising OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 120 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date sessions. 8) Complete enrollment and registration process. 9) Coordinate on-site New Student Orientation sessions. 152 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations High School Senior Early Enrollmen t Registrati on Initiative Conduct early enrollment registration for high school seniors. Pilot at least two (2) school districts within the twelve regional districts. The successful pilot results for early registration could bring at least two thousand (2,000) additional students for enrollment. 1) Initiate enrollment process for "early" registration of high school seniors. 2) Coordinate with high schools for web registration. 3) Process necessary paperwork for registration. 4) Coordinate meeting with high school counselors for early enrollment registration. 5) Conduct early registration workshops on site OR OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 121 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 6) Conduct early registration workshops at corresponding EPCC campus. 153 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations High School Graduatin g Senior Workshop s Expansion of graduating "Senior Day @ EPCC" workshops. Introduce at least 1,000 high school seniors to a full-day event at EPCC. At least have one school from each of the twelve regional districts participate. 1) Coordinate graduating high school senior visit to respective EPCC campuses. 2) Conduct tours of EPCC campuses. 3) Coordinate informative presentations of programs and services offered by EPCC. 4) Expose high school seniors to the many facets of EPCC. 5) Conduct admissions application workshops. 6) Schedule for Testing. 7) Conduct Financial Aid Workshops. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 122 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. 154 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations Plan Name EPCC High School Administr ator/Teach er InService Objective Establish EPCC in-inservice days with school districts and invite for training. Measure Coordinate invitational inservice workshops for high school administrators and staff. Standard One school form each of the twelve regional districts will participate. Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 1) Approach high school administration before Inservice schedules are finalized. 2) Coordinate a mutually productive day for both institutions. 3) Coordinate EPCC presentations @ workshops. 4) Conduct presentations. 5) Conduct campus tours. 6) Demonstrate to high school teachers why EPCC is "The Best Place to Start." 155 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations ESL Evening Outreach Initiative Conduct retention/recruit ment presentations to all ESL evening programs to provide information available on Student Services that otherwise may Will coordinate/exe cute presentations to at least twenty of the ESL classes. Will Present at half of all ESL classes. Presentations will be scheduled at one half of ESL classes at each of EPCC campuses. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1) Meeet with Dean on structuring of presentations. 2) Contact Instructional Coordinators to schedule classroom presentations. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 123 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard be lacking. Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 3) Prepare "ESL Evening Outreach" packets. 4) Strategize delivery at each of the EPCC campuses. 156 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations Expand annual Mall Recruitme EPCC "Mall Recruitment nt Fairs Fairs." Increase participation/r ecruiting contacts at "Mall Recruitment Fairs." At least two (2) Mall Recruitment events during the fiscal year. 1) Negotiate fee waiver for EPCC participation. 2) Include admission application booth section. 3) Contact EPCC departments for participation. 4) Create EPCC banners adverstising programs. 157 11000-67001 Recruitme nt & School Relations Internatio nal Student Recruitme nt Initiative Actively recruit seniors at "preparatorias" located in Juarez, Mexico. Visit and hold recruitment activities in Juarez "preparatorias" (high schools) and Education Fairs. Visit at least twenty (20) high schools in Juarez, Mexico and participate in two (2) Educational Fairs. 1) Contact high schools in Juarez, Mexico. 2) Coordinate visits to the high schools. 3) Conduct presentations to seniors. 4) Participate in educational OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 124 of 160 Student Services Director, Recruitment and School Relations Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date fairs. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 125 of 160 Student Services Director, Student Leadership and Activities Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 164 11000-52400 Director Student Leadershi p& Campus Life Fulltime Campus Life Represent ative (MDP) Fulltime Part-time to None campus life full-time status representative at MDP 165 11000-52400 Director Student Leadershi p& Campus Life Improve Internal Operation s Continue to improve the internal operations & tng of SLCL staff. Establish recurring reports. 166 16001-B16001 Student Governme nt Associatio n Advanced Development of Advanced Leadershi Leadership p EPCC EPCC Registration None of ten students from the first Leadership EPCC Course. None Encourage students who complete the first Leadership EPCC course to continue on with the second part. 167 16001-B16001 Student Governme nt Associatio n Developm ent of a Distinguis hed Lecture Series Presentation of guest speaker None None Work with the president of SGA, College, and speakers bureau to determine the speaker. 168 16001-B16001 Student Governme nt Associatio n Leadershi Continue with p EPCC the second class of Leadership EPCC in the fall of 06 Increased number and retention of students in the class. 15% in number of students in the program % of students completing spring 06 class after attrition. Recruitment through faculty and college wide publicity. Bring 1st Speaker on campus in the Spring of 07 Reporting databases and increase opportunities for professional development. None Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Allocate funds to cover 1 fte Each None employee to understand their budgets and actively attend one professional development activity each semester. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment Results Enrollment in professional development courses, attendance in workshops, budget and activity reports. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 126 of 160 Student Services Director, Student Leadership and Activities Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 169 16001-B16001 Student Governme nt Associatio n Improvem ent of student handbook Increased the usage of appearance of student handbook. Survey/questio None nnaire presented to students. None 170 16001-B16001 Student Governme nt Associatio n Increased activities & programm ing Continued increase in activities and programs presented by the Student Government Association Increase in number of activities, assistance with community volunteering, and members within SGA 5% increase in number of activities, community volunteering and active SGA members % above current number of active members (15) 171 16130-B16130 Campus Life Increased activities and programm ing Increased multicultural, scholarship and recreational activities. 5% increase of activities to include community involvement 5% increase above activities listed by the end of summer 06 172 16131-B16131 Intramural Sports Increased Increased activity recreational and activities programm ing 5% increase in intramural sports activity. Collaboration with MDP & NW to increase intramural activity at each one of those campus 5% increase above activities listed by the end of summer of 06 173 11000-52400 Director Student Leadershi p& Campus Life Developm Continue the ent of development of Website the SLCL website which contains pertinent information for Fully developed website by summer 06 Usage and Continued maintenance update. of website OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Number of request made by students and faculty for distribution in the classroom. Increase by adding activities each semester in conjunction with students and faculty. Increase by one activity each semester at VV. Create activity at MDP & NW in collaboration with campus deans. None Departmental input of information rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 127 of 160 Student Services Director, Student Leadership and Activities Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date all departments within SLCL. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 128 of 160 Student Services Director, Testing Services Plan No. 174 175 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-63003 Alt. Testing / Accuplace r 11000-63001 Testing Services Plan Name Placement Test Reports for Students Credit by Exam Campus Informatio n Briefings Objective Measure Provide students (testing at EPCC campus testing centers) with a copy of their ACCUPLACER test scores as they leave the test center instead of making them wait until they see a counselor/adviso r to obtain their scores. Wether or not students are provided a copy of their ACCUPLACE R placement test scores after they complete their test. Provide a minimum of three (3) campus based orientation sessions about credit by exam Whether or not orientations were conducted and how many attended each Standard Students will receive their test score report before they leave the test center. That a minimum of three orientations are conducted at one of the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies Currently students are not provided a copy of their test scores after they finish the test. This is due to a long standing institutional policy of making the scores available only through the counselor/ad visors who would assist the student in understandin g what their scores mean. 1. Consult with lead Counselors/Advi sors on benefits of providing immediate scores to students. Currently there are no such orientations (about credit by exam options) 1. Solicit input from counselor coordinators/sup ervisors on the best time/date to offer orientations at Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 2. Obtain approval through Student Services leadership to change policy to allow us to provide immediate scores to students. 3. Plan (in normal departmental budgeting) for the purchase of five printers (one per campus) to be used for this project. This includes budgeting for additional paper and toner for printers. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 129 of 160 Student Services Director, Testing Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure options orientation. available at EPCC. This will better inform counselors/advis ors, faculty, and student services staff who are in key positions to share information to our students of credit by exam options available to them to shorten their path to earning a college degree. Standard five EPCC campuses. Baseline being held to inform counselors/a dvisors. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date their campus. 2. Reserve appropriate meeting areas and audio visual equipment necessary to make a positive information orientation. 3. Publicize information sessions district wide so that maximum attendance is possible. 4. Obtain the latest information (about CLEP/DSST/Pro ficiency Tests) available to incorporate into orientation sessions. 176 11000-63005 GED Testing Automate d GED Transcript s to EPCC Admissio ns Electronically deliver GED transcripts to the EPCC Admissions Office. Whether or not the EPCC GED Testing Center can electronically deliver official GED test transcripts to the EPCC Admissions Office. GED test transcripts will be electronically transmitted to the Admissions Office. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Currently official EPCC GED test transcripts (used for admissions and financial aid purposes) are handcarried to the 1. Consult with the Director of Admissions to insure that the office will accept electronically delivered GED test transcripts and if so, who will be the official recipient of the rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 130 of 160 Student Services Director, Testing Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Admissions Office at the Valle Verde campus. This is to increase the security of the transcript and reduce the possibility of tampering with the official document. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date transcripts. 2. Modify the existing GED transcript format to electronically authenticate it. 3. Develop additional software (using in house talent/expertise) that will automatically deliver the official transcript immediately. This will reduce the wait time of the student to obtain the document necessary to facilitate their admissions process and/or application for financial aid. 4. Test the process to insure accuracy and receipt of transcript in the Admissions Office. 5. Implement the process! OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 131 of 160 Student Services Vice President, Student Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results 285 11000-12003 Vice President, Student Services Assist with the Dean of Student's transition of six Transition areas from under the Vice President of Student Services to the Dean of Students. Complete transition within a six month time frame. Have a six student services departments report directly to the Dean of Students. Currently all of the student services departments report directly to the Vice President of Student Services. Meet with Dean Completed the on a bi-weekly transfer of six areas basis. from Vice President of Student Services to the Dean of Students within six months. Counseling was moved to Instruction and Testing Services was brought over to the Dean of Students from the Vice President of Student Services. 286 11000-12003 Vice President, Student Services Allocating Allocate funds Funds for finalizing budgets for the Dean of Student's office. Have a completed budget formed for the new dean within a two months time frame. Create a budget for the new Dean of Students. No budget is currently in place for the new Dean of Students. Allocate funds for the office of the Dean of Students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Dean of Students meets regularly with the six reporting areas. Created a budget for Dean of Students the Dean of Students has a budget. within the two month time frame. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Met Met Page 132 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Coordinator, Contract Opportunities Center Plan No. 227 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-41001 Con Op Ctr PTAC Match Plan Name Objective Provide Contract Opertuniti Procurement es Center Technical Assistance to a greater number of clients seeking to conduct business with government entities. Measure Standard Goals Set 80 % of have been met goals have or exceeded. been met. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Provide Procurement Technical Assistance to 400 clients Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Continue to reachout to the business community through seminars, conferences, workshops and partnerships with other Small Business Advocates rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 133 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. 221 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-42403 ATC VV Plan Name Increase student count in Welding Program Objective Reevaluate current facility capacity and scheduling practices to maximize enrollment and facility use: Measure Creation of new sections in day, afternoon, and evening to complement current schedule. Standard At least 15 new students enrolled in program by Spring '07. Baseline Currently there are 37 students enrolled in this program. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results 1. Create an internal committee composed of part-time faculty and front office staff to coordinate scheduling, budget and physical space limitations and help in the creation of a strategic plan for growth and forward recommendation s to Director. This plan was created by the previous director, and was not implemented. The current Director has evaluated the program and has developed new measures and strategies. There are however some related strategies that were listed and will be modified and incorporated into the current plans. The number of students listed for each class in not possible to meet due to the equipment limitations and student safety issues. Enrollment is an ongoing process for the welding department. 2. Create an external advisory committee composed of industry experts to advise in curriculum and marketing matters. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Not Met 3. Market programs to perspective students via partners 4. Recruit Qualified Faculty 222 11000-42403 ATC VV Robotics Create a Manufact simulated uring Cell automated Creation of the Robotic controlled At least 15 new students OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT N/A - New program 1. Create an internal committee rptAssessmentReport0607 This plan was created by the previous director. Not Met Page 134 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective manufacturing cell for use by our Advanced Technology Industrial Manufacturing Technology Robotics and Automation degree seeking students. Measure Standard Baseline manufacturing enrolled in cell at the ATC program by Spring '07 Strategies composed of part-time faculty to coordinate the assessment of equipment, physical layout and logistics for this new initiative and forward recommendation s to Director. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date No action has been taken on this plan. It is recommended that this program be canceled until more research is done. 2. Work with AVP of Workforce to secure funding for the initial investment. 3. Purchase needed equipment and acquire the qualified personnel to install equipment. 4. Market programs to perspective students via partners 5. Recruit Qualified Faculty. 223 11000-42403 ATC VV Certify to meet American Welding Properly prepare facility to be designated as "AWS Test Granted Testing Site designation to EPCC and the Specific technique testing of at least 5 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT N/A - New Certificate Program 1. Create an internal committee composed of rptAssessmentReport0607 This plan was created by the previous director. No action has been Not Met Page 135 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Standards' Site" (AWS) Test Site Criteria Measure ATC Standard Baseline students by Spring '07 Strategies part-time faculty to coordinate all necessary physical changes to the facility that is required by AWS and forward recommendation s to Director. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date taken on this plan, due to the cost of equipment and restructuring that was needed to implement the plan. It is recommended that this program be canceled until more research is done. 2. Create an external advisory committee composed of industry experts to advise in direction of physical layout. 3. Develop strong partnerships with local business and industry for guidance and future use of testing site. 4. Market programs to perspective students via partners. 5. Recruit Qualified Faculty. 224 11000-42403 ATC VV Mechatro Analyze the The creation At least 15 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT N/A - New 1. Create an rptAssessmentReport0607 This plan was Not Met Page 136 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name nics Program Objective possibilities of creating a Mechatronics program for EPCC and the ATC. Measure of a one-year credit certificate in Mechatronics. Standard new students enrolled in program by Fall '07 Baseline Program Strategies internal committee composed of part-time faculty to assess the viability of this new program and forward recommendation s to Director. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date created by the previous director. No action has been taken on this plan. It is recommended that this plan be canceled until more research has been done. 2. Work with Albuquerque TVI Community College to share a National Science Foundation grant to fund the creation of this new program. 3. Create an external committee to assess viability of program and job possibilities. 4. Market programs to perspective students via partners. 5. Recruit Qualified Faculty. 225 11000-42403 ATC VV Medical Continue the Equipmen grant-funded The creation of a one-year At least 15 new OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT N/A - New Program. 1. Create an internal rptAssessmentReport0607 This plan was created by the Withdrawn Page 137 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name t Repair (MER) Program Objective MER program and assess its merits for the creation of a One-Year program under Advanced Technology Industrial Manufacturing Technology AAS degree. Measure credit certificate in Medical Equipment Repair. Standard Baseline students enrolled in program by Fall '07. Strategies committee composed of part-time faculty to assess the viability of this new program and forward recommendation s to Director. 2. Continue working with external committee to assess viability of program and job perspective. Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date previous director. Per an advisory meeting is was found that the program was not practical due to the fact that there were no jobs students finishing the program. I was recommended that this program be canceled. 3. Market programs to perspective students via partners. 4. Recruit Qualified Faculty. 226 11000-42403 ATC VV MicroElectro Mechanic al Systems (MEMS) Program Analyze the possibilities of creating a Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) program for EPCC and the ATC. The creation a one-year credit certificate in Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS). At least 15 new students enrolled in program by Fall' 07. N/A - New Program. 1. Create an internal committee composed of part-time faculty to assess the viability of this new program and forward recommendation s to Director. This plan was created by the previous director. No action has been taken on this plan. It is recommended that this plan be canceled until more research has to be done. Not Met 2. Work with TexMEMS OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 138 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Advanced Technology Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date cluster and the National Science Foundation grant to possibly fund the creation of this new program. 3. Create an external committee to assess viability of program and job possibilities. 4. Market programs to perspective students via partners. 5. Recruit Qualified Faculty. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 139 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Business Programs and Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 243 11000-42204 CE Office Technolog y Update offerings in Office Technolog y Program Monitor and update Office Technology offerings based on new technology and incoming potential students from Fort Bliss. Check all materials. Update where necessary. Offer additional courses to reflect changing technology. Materials updated. Some additional courses offered. On-going process. New objective for 2006/07. Seek input from Advisory Committee for Office Technology and from the Education Office at Fort Bliss. We have edited and called the Office Technology courses. Some have been deleted and new ones have been added. We have had an increase in enrollment. Results are used to attract more students to the Office Technology Program. Met 244 11000-42601 N/C Business Programs ConCurrent classes Work with credit divisions in an effort to offer more concurrent courses in the Business/Manag ement area. Check which academic courses lend themselves to con-current offerings. More concurrent courses offered in the Spring and Fall schedules We are currently working with academic deans/coordi nators and will continue to do so. Work with academic Deans/Coordinat ors and the Advisory Committes to get input on the best use courses that can be offered. We have offered a variety of concurrent classes. We are still working with various Deans and Coordinators and will be offering more courses in future years. Results can be used to assess which classes lend themselves to concurrent activity. Met 245 12170-73243 Customs Brokers/R eal Estate Update Real Estate Courses Offer more Real Estate courses based on the steadily growing market. Check all materials and update where necessary. Offer additional courses to reflect more hours required by the Texas Real Estate Commission. All materials updated. More courses offered. On-going. The Texas Real Estate Commission has added more requirements for salesperson licensure and we are working with this. Seek input from Materials updated. real estate New materials added. instructors. Hire several more instructors to keep up with current enrollment. Students have all the required courses offered that are needed for licensure. Met 246 12195-73243 CE Computer Programs Upgrade Position Make 35 hour per week lab assistant position into a FT position due to number of classrooms (labs) and Increase of 5 hours per week to Lab Assistant position 40 hours full-time Lab Assistant position. Working to get the position upgraded to F/T status. Seek Associate Vice-President and VicePresident approval. Having a full-time lab technician will improve the maintenance of the computer rooms and labs at both Valle Verde and Transmountain. In Progress OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 The position was approved and then was frozen wen we had the hiring freeze. It has now been reapproved and is being processed. Expected Completion Date 6 /30/2008 Page 140 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Business Programs and Services Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date students served. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 141 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Personal Enrichment Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status 232 11000-42102 CE Personal Enrichme nt Enrichme To develop nt Courses short courses in the self improvement and Enrichment area. Five new courses will be added to the schedule which are requested by the community. The courses On going planned in program self development improvement will be included in Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 schedule. Due to community demand this should increase enrollment. Two new courses in consumer education, two courses in self improvement and one course in liesure activity will be added to the 2006-2007 CE schedule. Five online teacher Increase in education courses, enrollment by 1%. two writing courses, and three home and garden courses were added to the schedule. Met 233 11000-42202 CE Industry Training Marketing To increase awareness in the Business and Industry community on what we offer in short term training for their employees. Using different marketing techniques should increase enrollment by 3%. The new On going marketing program techniques development will be implemented in the 20062007 academic year. 1. Update mailing list 2. Meet with Business and Industry Associations 3. Continue working with Chamber of Commerce 4. Attend state meetings A new mailing list for business and industry was obtained from the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce. Increase in enrollment by 4%. Met 235 11000-42111 Young Peoples College Reading and Fundamen tal Courses We will revise five of the fundamental and academic courses. The courses will be included in the 20062007 CE schedule. 1. Consult with educators and librarians in the area 2. Research what is new and popular among youth 3. Partnering with the city library to offer children enrolled in EPCC classes a We revised 5 of the Increase in fundamental and enrollment by 2%. academic courses and it was included in 2006-2007 schedule. Partnering with the cities libraries was not successful. Met To obtain new method of delivery to enhance and promote reading to our youth. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT On going program development rptAssessmentReport0607 Expected Completion Date Page 142 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Personal Enrichment Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date library card OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 143 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Increase the number of student contact hours. 216 12198-S12198 Law Enforcem ent InService Firearms Law Enforcem ent InService Firearms 217 11000-42201 La Tuna Adult Develop a new Vocationa Auto-Body l Training Repair Program for FY 20062007 Measure Compare the total number of student contact hours with the previous Fiscal Year. Standard Baseline Increase the annual number of student contact hours by 10%. New Program New for 2006 Program for 2007 2006-2007 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results The 2004 2005 FY number of student contact hours. Invite more public use of the Law Enforcement Academy Range on evenings and weekends. The Range will be open and available most evenings and both Saturdays and Sundays. Cater to organized groups to include Police Explorers, Boys and Girls Clubs, Boy Scouts, 4H Clubs and NRA organizations. Take advantage of local advertisement and recruitment opportunities. The efforts of the last fiscal year resulted in a .29% decrease from the previous fiscal year. However, only a few of the strategies were incorporated during the fiscal year due to other demands on the same facility. This plan will be part of the next objective for this area (08-09). New Program; this program does not exist at this time. Program Development - Needs Assessment - Development of Objectives - Budget Development (Coordinated with La Tune Federal Prison) - Instructor Selection Implementation The host organization, La Tuna Federal Correctional Facility, was unable to commit the necessary support funds for this project. Therefore, the project has been put on hold until funding becomes avaiable and part of the operating budget for La Tuna. This project will remain on hold until external funding becomes available. rptAssessmentReport0607 Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Not Met Withdrawn Page 144 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results This plan will be part of the next objective for this area (08-09). 218 11000-42501 Security & Special Officers Security and Special Officers Training Increase student enrollment. Compare the total number of student enrollments with the previous Fiscal Year. Increase student enrollments by 10% FY 2005 2006 student enrollments. Organize an advisory board made up of local Security Company owners and managers to help identify local training needs. Take advantage of local advertisement and recruitment opportunities. The efforts of the last fiscal year resulted in a 1.27% increase. However, the primary strategy of forming an advisory board was not utilized. 219 11000-42502 Defensive Driving Defensive Increase student Driving enrollment. Compare the total number of student enrollments with the previous Fiscal Year. Increase student enrollment by 10% FY 2005 2006 student enrollment. Introduce a new Spanish language program for Defensive Driving. Take advantage of local advertisement and recruitment opportunities. The Defensive This objective will Driving program be part of the 08-09 experienced a area planning. decrease of over 250% from the previous year. This was due to an EPCC Grant for Defensive Driving training of EPCC employees the previous year. Therefore the projections were skewed by virtue of the grant that was in place. 220 11000-42511 Driver's Education Driver's Increase student Education enrollment. Compare the total number of student enrollments with the previous Fiscal Year Increase student enrollments by 20% FY 2005 2006 student enrollments. Reorganize staff and hire a fulltime instructor. Add four parttime drivers to staffing. Add a Adult Driver's Education component. Take advantage Student enrollment for this plan increased by 25.05%. The 20% objective was met and exceeded. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 This objective will continue at a level of 10% for the 08-09 fiscal year. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Not Met Not Met Met Page 145 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, CE Safety and Security Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date of local advertisement and recruitment opportunities. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 146 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. 247 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program Plan Name Objective Program Develop a Developm Senior Adult Program plan ent Plan that will support the recommendation s and goals of the 2004 Visions for Successful Aging Report. Identify services, communication and marketing program, incorporate Baby Boomers, lifelong health and wellness initiatives, program growth and development, creative, and cultural programs. A strong volunteer program and encouraging seniors to achieve and maintain the best physical, mental and spiritual health, stay socially engaged, address financial and legal matters while providing opportunities Measure Standard An evaluation process will be developed to monitor goal progress, measure successful milestones for addressing each goal and determining the level of success reached and the reasons why some goals may remain unmet. A significant makeover of our program activities, classes, and services will be dependent on the facilities planning, the development , of a strong volunteer training program, and prioritizing the Vision for Successful Aging goals. Goals will be identified, strategies for accomplishin g the goal will be outlined and the areas of critical need will drive the standard. An increase of 10% in our courses taught by volunteers OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline The Senior Adult Program current mission and structure of our programs will be the baseline and will be expanded to complemente d by the Texas Vision of supporting seniors choices for their wellbeing, hope, dignity, respect and independenc e. We currently serve 2,400 students through our classes 3,000 through our activities and events, and thousands more through our television program "Mature Living." The Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Determine areas that the college and other community agencies and organizations can partner to accomplish a common goal as we make a difference in the seniors lives. Delineate each goal and identify the community partner that best fits and can best contribute to realizing the goal. An Senior Adult Program Annual Report of accomplishment s will be published and distributed to the community. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 147 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure for workforce participation, life-long learning, volunteering, recreation, housing, services and support for independent living, transportation, healthcare promotion, community support for caregivers, awareness of personal safety from abuse, neglect and exploitation. 248 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program Develop a progressiv e public relations SAP plan geared for Baby Boomers Promote and publicize the programs and services of the Senior Adult Program using the Visions Strategic Marketing recommendation s from the 2004 planning session to include TV, Newsprint, and Radio as well as using other media opportunities. The objective will be met as we document each time the Senior Adult Program reaches a milestone in the media promotional plan. An assessment of the current media exposure in 2005 will be completed and documented to use as a basis for measuring Standard Baseline and programs coordinated by students and volunteers. outreach efforts will increase these figures by 10%. Review the documented measure of success in all publicity, advertising, and promotions for the SAP Program in 2005-06 will determine a starting point and will increase by 10% FY 2006-07. At this time the program is receiving excellent coverage and in the coming year we will increase this present level by increasing program articles, write-ups, poster distribution, media interviews and other outreach OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Develop a media outreach appreciation event to invite media representatives to explain our Senior Adult Program, introduce our faculty and students and to request their assistance throughout the year. Identify the media resources and their representatives, to be invited to rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 148 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard success of positive exposure in the community. 249 11000-42701 Senior Adult Program Program Facility Expansion Project Continue to search and obtain a student friendly facility or building within the College district for the Senior Adult Program staff, faculty, students and volunteers and create an environment that supports our educational program and encourages student and community involvement in our programs and the College. The Senior Adult Program staff, faculty, students and volunteers will move to an adequate facility that will promote the mission and goals of the program. Our program activities, classes and workshops will grow by 50% with increased community involvement of senior citizens, college students and professionals in aging. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Strategies promotions to increase student enrollment and exposure to the community the event i.e., El Paso Times Bernadette Self, Southwest Senior- Mia Cortez, El Paso Ink, El Paso Scene, El Diario, KTEP Senior Junction Radio Show, EPCC Mature Living, KTSM, KDBC, KVIA, KINT morning shows and news coverage, and EPCC Marketing Department. At this time we are operating with minimal workstations and space to accommodat e the volunteers that are interested in assisting and working with our program. Continue to request assistance from the AVP of CE and Workforce Development to accomplish this goal. Meet with other college administration in search for an appropriate space that meets our needs for the Senior Adult Program within the district. Request a reevaluation and consideration to remodel the Hunter/Phoenix building for our rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 149 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date program. Inquire if the EPCC CE Construction Management students and the DLC Job Corps students and their instructors can be involved in the remodeling of the facility. 250 81069-G81069 SAP Love Conferenc e Propose an Internatio nal Conferenc e for Profession als in the Aging Field Present a plan for the El Paso and Cd. Juarez Aging Network to sponsor and organize a regional Annual Bilingual Conference for Professionals in Aging to provide CEU's and the materials and tools required for success in the serving the aging community. This would be an extension of the Seniors Love Conference that has been held each year for the past 11 years. Identify if there are any other Bilingual Conferences on Aging currently being provided and distribute a survey to determine the interest level of organizations that will be interested in sponsoring and organizing a Regional Conference on Aging. A report will be developed with the findings as a measure of completion of the first phase If there are no regional border conferences for professional in aging being provided, then a new standard will be established here in El P aso and Cd. Juarez with a 100% effectiveness rating. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Border Region Conference on Aging will be the first of its kind to be provided in educating and sharing information to professionals in aging on both sides of the border. rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 150 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Senior Adult Program Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date of the proposal. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 151 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Small Business Development Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Objective Measure To secure external funding for the continuance of the SBDC program to support the College Mission in economic development. Receive funding Award from the SouthWest Texas Border SBDC Network of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Level Funding: Grant and College matching funds. Grant funding $364,043; College funding $219,618. Plan and submit grant program proposal for FY2006-07; submit College Budget and matchng requirement; no new College money anticipated. Secured external program funding for FY2006-07 in the amount of $313,970 and College funding of $189,640. This funding allowed the program to continue supporting the College Mission on Economic Development by providing services to small busness and propsective enterepreneurs under cooperative agreement with the U. S. Small Business Administration and The South West Texas Border Small Business Development Center Network of The University of Texas at San Antonio.. Met 10/26/2006 Increase customers served. 15% 2,406 customers Meet with program staff to review existing marketing strategy and past performance; and then conduct sessions in strategic planning and SWOT analysis for the development of a progressive program marketing plan for implementation. Conducted a SWOT analysis of the program with SBDC staff for the development of plan to successfully guide the marketing efforts of the program. SWOT analysis assist in our local and regional strategic planning and meeting SWTB SBDC Network Regional planning requirements and EPCC program planning. The strategy developed allowed the program to serve 2,811 customers, exceeding the projection of 2,406 customers by 405 customers or +16.8% for the year. Met 1 /5 /2007 237 11000-43201 Center for Business Services Small Business Developm ent Center Program Grant 238 11000-43201 Center for Business Services Marketing To increase the marketing Plan performance of the SBDC program. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 152 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Small Business Development Center Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline 239 11000-43201 Center for Business Services Program Develop and Developm provide new program ent services. Offer and provide program services in manufacturing, contracting, and international trade. 240 11000-43201 Center for Business Services Program Advisory Team Hold Program Minutes of Quarterly Advisory the meetings. meeting Team schedule. meetings. Develop Program Advisory Team. Provide services to 780 new clients and trainees OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 780 new clients and trainees. Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Conduct community awareness of program services and outreach activities; intake and provide services to new clients and trainees. No new funds required. Developed and Provided services in implemented specialty areas that specialized services were not offered including before. The manufacturing, speciality areas innovation continue to target development, the middle market of contracting and customers. Training international trade. programs are in Provided services to process of a total of 263 development so that customers in 2006- they can be offered 2007. Annual to this market. performance was under the progjection of 780 customers by 517 or 66.3%. This was due to staff turnover and training programs not offered in specialty areas. Program development continues in the speciality areas. In Progress 9 /30/2007 Appoint and involve selective members of the community and from business and industry to serve on the Program Advisory Team to provide direction and support for the development of the SBDC Program. Focus Groups on Needs Assessment in International Trade and Smnall Businesss Needs were conducted in 2007 lieu of a establishing an Addvisory Committee. An advisory committee for the program is still under consideration and will be pursued in 2008-2009. In Progress 12/5 /2007 rptAssessmentReport0607 The focus groups allowed the program to compile information on the needs of business and industry. The assessment has allowed the program to redirect and/or develop future services and training based on the needs identified and findings. Page 153 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Workforce Development Plan No. 241 Budget Acct No. Area 11000-43101 Workforc e Developm ent Plan Name New Course Design Objective To design new entry-level Automotive courses for the populations we serve. Measure Curriculum is developed; courses of study are done; WIA certification of program is completed. Standard Implement one -two classes within the 2006-2007 year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Baseline Does not exist, this would be the first year as a new program. Strategies 1. Research the occupational area to be developed. 2. Work with curriculum developer and expert/instructor to develop framework 3. Form a Communitybased Advisory Committee of experts in Automotive to finalize and validate curriculum 4. Set hours and tuition 5. Get new course approval 6. Submit to Upper Rio Grande Workforce Development Board for certification 7. Identify Classroom/site at which to hold classes. Contact Car dealerships and automotive service companies to see if we can have on-site instruction 8. Market course rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results We submitted a federal grant proposal through DOL in order to defray costs of course design, development and implementation; however, the grant award is still pending. Upon confirmation of this information, and if we do not receive the grant, WFD will embark upon the course development making fiscal adjustments accordingly. Use of Results Objective's Status In Progress Expected Completion Date 1 /26/2009 Page 154 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Workforce Development Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results The Customer Service curriculum has been developed and certified under the TPCS system. One class was held. However, because of the stipulations on eligibility for the targeted population (Food Stamp E & T and not Food Stamp recipient in general), there were problems in getting more students in these particular classes. We will continue to offer these classes to the community at large and any agency that wishes to sponsor participants. Objective's Status Expected Completion Date 9. Hire Instructor(s) 10. Conduct one- two classes within the 0607 year. 11. Work with the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation to ensure national standards are met. 242 11000-43101 Workforc e Developm ent New Course Design To design new entry-level Customer Service courses for the populations we serve. Curriculum is developed; courses of study are done; WIA certification of program is completed Implement one - two classes within the 2006-2007 year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Does not exist; this would be the first year as a new program. 1. Research occupationl area to be developed. 2. Work with curriculum developer and expert/instructor in field to develop framework. 3. Form a communitybased Advisory Committee of experts in Customer Service & Retail to finalize and validate curriculum. 4. Set hours and tuition. 5. Get new course approval. 6. Submit to Upper Rio Grande rptAssessmentReport0607 Met The Institute for Customer Service Excellence is established and 3,000 sq. ft. were allotted to house it in Building B of the Administrative Services Center. Page 155 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Director, Workforce Development Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Workforce Development Board for certification. 7. Identify classroom/site at which to hold classes. Contact malls and companies that have shown interest for input on externships. 8. Market course. 9. Hire Instructor(s) 10. Conduct one-two classes within the 0607 year. 11. Work with entities in the community and the URGWFD Board to set up the Workforce Development Skills and Services Training Center for customer service and retail training. 12. Involve the National Retail Federation Foundation with the technical assistance for setting up the center. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 156 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Interim Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 210 11000-12005 VP Workforc e Life Lrng&Tec h Ed Partnershi p with Business & Industry Continue to participate with Chambers of Commerce, REDCO to attract business and industry to the City of El Paso. Document the meetings held with Chambers, REDCO, business and industry to accomplish the goal. Continue to seek funding and provide and training for these businesses and industry. Meetings are called by the respective agencies. Write grants and submit for approval to the appropriate funding agencies. 211 11000-12005 VP Workforc e Life Lrng&Tec h Ed Provide Leadershi p& Guidance to all Workforc e Developm ent Departme nts Plan meetings with Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning departments to share and provide appropriate information regarding our progress. Discuss ways to improve our departments and offer new courses in our Division. Increase our enrollment courses and services to our community. Schedule a minimum of one quarterly meeting for all departments Directors/Coor dinators. Meet with appropriate Directors/Coor dinators as needed regarding their respective departments to discuss their classes, services, enrollments, etc. Provide all appropriate information to the Directors/Co ordinators to ensure compliance with EPCC policies/proc edures. Provide guidance in meeting deadlines and assist them in providing new strategies for their departments. Meetings being held at least 3 times per semester. Schedule and monitor all department actions and approve or disapprove all initiated requests. 212 11000-12005 VP Workforc e Life Lrng&Tec h Ed Increase partnershi ps with communit y agencies Continue to establish more partnerships with community leaders to provide a skilled workforce to this community. Submit MOU's and grants to accomplish the goal. Sign MOU's and grants with new partners. Responsive to RFP's generated by each agency Participate with local and regional agencies to accomplish the establishment of MOU's and Grants. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Page 157 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Interim Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies 213 11000-12005 VP Workforc e Life Lrng&Tec h Ed Facilitate certifying credit programs for the TPCS System Continue to certify all credit programs for funding under the TPCS System and continue to assist the low income community and the college instructional programs. Enroll, 100% monitor and maintenance report to the of all files. local Workforce Board all the activity of the participants Presently monitoring all of the credit & non-credit TPCS programs Continue to train staff to assist in the monitoring. 214 11000-12005 VP Workforc e Life Lrng&Tec h Ed Seek funds for Workforc e Developm ent Building Write and submit a plan to build a state of the art Workforce Development Building that will house all departments that report to the AVP of Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Submission of 100% grant completion of writing the grant No building available for Workforce Development Division Coordinate with the various departments to get feedback on the building costs, funding, etc. Intent is to build without seeking funds from the institution. Seeking a grant. 215 11000-41003 Customize Customize 1.Continue delivery of two d Training d Training Skills Development Plan Training Programs. 2. Develop two Skills Development funding Proposals. 3. Develop one DOL funding Proposal. 4. Number of Skills Development Training Programs delivered. Number of funding Proposals developed. Number of Private Contracts implemented. One Skills Development funded Training Program. Two Skills Development Funding Proposals developed. Five Private Contracts implemented . Collaboration and Coordination withTWC, URGWDB, REDCO, EPCC Resource Development, and eligible El Paso County Businesses Contract Hours generated. Dollar amounts of funding received. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Assessment Results Delivered one (1) SDF Program. Developed two (2) SDF proposals. Delivered two (2 ) private contracts. Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Input for next years plan. Page 158 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Interim Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date Deliver Private Customized Training Programs per agreed Contracts. 277 11000-42402 Workforc e Literacy Learning Communi ties: Faculty and Students Enhance the instructional quality, effectiveness, and knowledge base of adult pedagogy for instructors working in the Literacy Programs/HACE P Project. Faculty and students in the HACEP Project will demonstrate their ability to plan, utilize, and evaluate specific community building strategies through: classroom observations, qualitative evaluations, and quantitative evaluations. 85% of the participants will complete the prescribed orientation, comply with Instructor Agreement, and attend the monthly meetings. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The number of participants who meet the standard will establish the baseline. Conduct a twoday required Instructor Orientation to access current knowledge of strategies for building learning communities and set program priorities. Program monthly instructor community meetings (FebruaryMay). Utilize and build on HACEP ESL curriculum. Team teaching and shared teaching within instructor group. Workshops and follow-up on Cooperative Learning and Project-based learning strategies. Selfand Peer evaluations among rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 159 of 160 Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Interim Vice President, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning Plan No. Budget Acct No. Area Plan Name Objective Measure Standard Baseline Strategies Assessment Results Use of Results Objective's Status Expected Completion Date instructors and students. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptAssessmentReport0607 Page 160 of 160