VALLE VERDE IMPROVEMENT TEAM For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 9, 2014 VV, Room B240 Members Present: Claude Mathis, Lorena Chavez, Dr. Jaime Farias, Susana Rodarte, Dr. Olga Valerio, Nancy Gamez, Kathleen Bombach, Laila Rajabi, William Kraften, David Rivera, Peter Phung, Deborah Knapp, Esperanza Gomez, Sonia Cardoza, Grace Erivez, Mary Fabela, Laura Gonzalez, Adrian Acuna, Daniel Vasquez. V. Members Absent: Margie Moreno, Erick Garcia, Roy Tuberville, Tonie Badillo, Francisco Carrasco, Pilar Lalia, Richard Bahena, Sue Pratt, Kerry Ann Gardner, Rick Torres, Dagoberto Perez, Paul Covey, Maria Ruiz, Steve Escajeda, Ida Davila, Norma Hinojos, Armando Gamez, Juanita Hunter, Carolina Rojas, Armando Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Saul Candelas, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen. Agenda Items: I. Call to order: Nancy Gamez called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: No minutes to approve, first Standing Committee meeting for 2014-2015. III. Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Serrata has not released or allocated funds at this time. IV. New Business: A. Old Business: A. Last year’s projects were under budget by $100.00 but weren’t approved because the vendor was not an approved EPCC vendor. Last year’s project was the installing of charging stations, but was not approved because the vendor was not an EPCC approved vendor. Approved vendor was too expensive. The unauthorized vendor price was $ 550.00 and the EPCC vendor starting price was $ 750.00. B. Claude Mathis will follow up on the EPCC signs. They need to be checked for proper grammar/spelling. Smoking signs need to be put up at every exit and they need to include guidelines/ordinances. VI. Next Meeting: October 14th in room C-428. VII. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Lorena Chavez to adjourn and it was seconded by David Rivera. Meeting adjourned at 4:51 p.m. Minutes submitted by Grace Erivez Election of Officers: Co-Chair: David Rivera Third Representative: Lorena Chavez Treasurer: Dan Vasquez Secretary: Grace Erivez B. $5,000 Campus/Site Improvement Plan proposals: The end of September is the deadline to submit the projects for the committee vote. Forms will e-mailed. Make sure that your supervisor have approved your ideas/projects. E-mail your forms to Nancy so that she can complete the forms. Dr. Gross office will get VP signature. Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 1 October 14, 2014 Members Present: Adrian Acuna, Kathleen A. Bombach, Francisco Carrasco, Lorena Chavez, Grace Erivez, Mary Fabela, Jaime Farias, Erick Garcia, Kerry Gardner, Pilar Gimbel, Esperanza Gomez, Deborah Knapp, William Kraften, Claude Mathis, Laila Rajabi, David Rivera, Susana Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, Olga L. Valerio, Dan Vasquez completion and date submitted of each proposal. Committee reviews each proposal. 1. Accessible Classroom Tables for CSD: The proposal is requesting a table in every classroom that would accommodate wheelchair constrained, pregnant and overweight students. Tables would be adjustable by the student. The committee discusses the need for each classroom to be in ADA compliance. The institution will be held accountable for noncompliance so it is suggested that CDS contacts the VP as these chairs should have a place in mandatory budget rather than Campus Improvement. 2. Atomic Clocks for some main high volume areas and for several classrooms: Clocks are $22-33 and are set to keep synchronized time. Battery life is about 1 year. 3. Classroom Door Locks: These were proposed as a security means for instructors to have the ability to protect the students under unsafe circumstances. Claude Mathis will follow up with the Police Department to see if this request can be met outside the Improvement Plan Budget. 4. Advance and Enhancement through Technology project: Proposal was sent after October 10. 5. Flags at the Americana building: Committee agrees that it is a good plan; proposal included photographs. Proposal was not signed by Rick Lobato in time. Note: Committee agrees that if the proposal was incomplete beyond control of the interested party, we should still consider it. 6. Furniture for Student Waiting Area: Susana will speak to Rick because this request is already slated to be funded by Physical Plant. Review of Campus/ Site Improvement Proposals 7. Library Technical Services: Not proposed in time. Committee agrees to take into consideration the needs of each department as well as the 8. Mac Workstation for Music Department: Does not require IT Members Absent: Tonie Badillo, Richard Bahena, Saul Candelas, Sonia Cardoza, Ida Davila, Steve Escajeda, Armando Gamez, Armando Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Laura Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Norma Hinojosa, Juanita Hunter, Margarita Moreno, Peter Nguyen Phung, Susan Pratt, Carolina Rojas, Rick Torres, Roy Tuberville I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Nancy Gamez, Chair, at 3:05 p.m. II. Minutes from September 9, 2014: Minutes will be emailed to the committee and the committee will evaluate and revise accordingly. III. Information: District Wide IE meeting was cancelled so we will await a report that follows Thursday, October 30, 2014. After this meeting, we will discuss the approval of submitted proposals for Campus/Site Improvement Plans. IV. Committee Elections: A. V. Chair for Hospitality Committee: Volunteers will welcome students for the first 2 days of the incoming semester. Susana Rodarte recommends that an email should be sent out for faculty volunteer. Claude Mathis mentions that it is not a difficult task to coordinate. He nominates Steve Escajeda from a lottery of member names. Dr. Jaime Farias seconds the nomination. B. Social Events Coordinator: This position will be in charge of organizing events for faculty and staff social. Adrian Acuna was nominated by Erick Garcia. Adrian accepts the position. C. Facilities Team: Claude Mathis and Kerry Gardner. New Business: A. Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 2 2. approval. It is a stand-alone system for digital editing. 9. 10. Pastels on Walls of Instructional Area: good candidate for campus improvement. 11. Remodeling of Lab A1114: the request falls out of budget due to bathroom plumbing adjustments. 12. B. New Computers for Recruitment Staff: Requesting 5 new computers. The current systems are recycled. This proposal has previously been rejected by IT and the department would like an efficient system. Nancy Gamez motions to approve and David Rivera seconds. VI. Old Business: Claude Mathis will inquire about smoking regulation signage that needs to be put up. VII. Adjournment: Grace Erivez calls to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 p.m. and Lorena Chavez seconds the motion. Respectfully submitted by Laila Rajabi, Secretary Water Fountain Osmosis: Physical plant already has the filters; filters are replaced 1/year. Installment is needed. Voting on Campus/ Site Improvement Proposals Committee votes by show of hands and Nancy gathers the numbers. 1. Votes 10 Final Rank 2 Atomic Clocks Flags for Americana Village 10 4 19 1 Mac Workstations Recruitment Computers 7 Pastels on Walls Water Fountain Osmosis 7 Project CSD Tables 5 13 3 Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 3 November 11, 2014 VV, C428 C. Members present: Kathleen Bombach, Sonia Cardoza, Francisco Carrasco, Mary Fabela, Armando Gamez, Kerry Gardner, Armando Gomez, Nancy Gamez, Laura Gonzalez, Deborah Knapp, Claude Mathis, Peter N. Phung, Laila Rajabi, Angie Ruiz, Roy Tuberville, Daniel Vasquez IV. Members Absent: Adrian Acuna (transferred to TM), Tonie Badillo, Richard Bahena, Saul Candelas, Lorena Chavez, Ida Davila, Grace Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Jamie Farias, Erick Garcia, Pilar Gimbel, Esperanza Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Norma Hinojos, Juanita Hunter, William Kraften, Margarita Moreno, Susan Pratt, David Rivera, Susana Rodarte, Carolina Rojas, Rick Torres Other: A. The old Student Service building is being remodeled so there will be trailers available to temporarily house faculty and staff. B. It was suggested that we use end-of term budget towards small campus projects. The committee will suggest ideas and will quote projects and find out if projects are with approved college vendors. C. It was noted that March meeting falls during Spring Break week so the committee votes to change the date of the meeting. Roy motions to move the date and Deborah seconds. Agenda Items: I. Call to order: Nancy Gamez called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: Corrections were made to September and October Minutes and a motion was made to approve; Armando seconds the motion. III. V. Next Meeting: Next meeting falls on “Dead Week,” so Committee chooses to reconvene after winter break. VI. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Angie Ruiz to adjourn the meeting and Armando Gomez seconds. Meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m. New Business: A. Election of Officers: Co-Chair: David Rivera Third Representative: Lorena Chavez Treasurer: Dan Vasquez Secretary: Grace Erivez steps down; Laila Rajabi volunteers; Nancy puts into motion and Daniel Vasquez seconds; all approve Hospitality Budget: Committee has $975 for Spring, Fall and Employee of the Semester Events. Note: we are no longer doing employee of the month. Respectfully Submitted by Secretary, Laila Rajabi Social Events Coordinator: Adrian Acuna was transferred to TM campus so we need a new coordinator. Roy Tuberville and Daniel Vasquez volunteer to coordinate together. Armando Gomez seconds the nomination; all agree. B. $ 5,000 Campus/Site Improvement Plan proposals: The accepted proposals were: Americana Village International Flags; 16 accessible tables for CSD; Reverse Osmosis water fountains in Student Services. Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 4 February 20, 2015 VV, Room B240 additional table in the A building near the gym area. Members Present: Kathleen Bombach, Sonia Cardoza, Francisco Carrasco, Steve Escajeda, Kerry, Gardner, Pilar Gimbel, Deborah Knapp, Claude Mathis, Laila Rajabi, David Rivera Members Absent: Tonie Badillo, Richard Bahena, Saul Candelas, Lorena Chavez, Ida Davila, Grace Erivez, Mary Fabela, Jamie Farias, Erick Garcia, Armando Gomez, Esperanza Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Laura Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Norma Hinojos, Juanita Hunter, William Kraften, Margarita Moreno, Peter Nguyen Phung, Susan Pratt, Susana Rodarte, Carolina Rojas, Angie Ruiz, Rick Torres, Roy Tuberville, Olga Valerio, Dan Vasquez V. Agenda Items: I. Call to order: Nancy Gamez called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: Corrections were made to November 2014 Minutes and Kathleen Bombach motioned to approve; Deborah Knapp seconds the motion. III. Employee of the Month/Quarter: Angie Ruiz was not present to report. Deborah reports that it was a good turnout. C. Social Event: Roy Tuberville and Dan Vasquez not present to report. D. Treasurer: Dan Vasquez not present to report. New Business A. Nancy has stated that we now have $3,023.00. The committee discusses using $2,000.00 for a charging station. Rio Grande has been approved for one so VV can “piggyback” on their order. Kathleen motions to consider the proposal and Claude seconds the motion. Committee votes and 10/10 agree. B. David and Claude discuss asking Student Government if they would like to join in and add $1,000.000 to our $1,023.00 for an additional charging station. Claude motions to ask SG, Deborah seconds the motion. None are opposed. David will attend the next meeting to submit the request. C. Kathleen suggests that we look for a giant common-space clock. David will also ask SG about their interest in purchasing a common-space clock. D. Kathleen will talk to faculty about generating a proposal for more library-supported databases so the students have access to more reliable sources. E. Pedestrian crosswalks near Americana Village need to be repainted. F. Steve asks that the committee consider purchasing new signage for Hospitality. He suggests a larger (10x10) more permanent structure that costs about $125.00. G. Claude suggests that we also purchase personalized table cloths. “EPCC Showing you the Way,” was suggested. He will check with marketing to report back on the cost. H. We have 1 more spring “Employee of the Semester,” event that we need to budget for. Report from District-wide IE Meeting A. Flags at the Americana Village and Water Fountain Osmosis Installation have been approved. Kathleen suggests that we ask Rick Lobato about the plumbing situation in Student Services. An osmosis filter may not be the answer to providing clean drinking water in that building. IV. B. B. Dr. Serrata has offered to pay for the Accessible Classroom tables for CSD which negates $1,970.00 from the original proposal. C. Atomic Clocks were not recommended by the cabinet because at NW campus, the signals have not been coming through and the clocks are not functioning correctly. However, it was brought to attention that VV has the infrastructure to hardwire classroom clocks. Claude will look into this because we need a solution of synchronicity in classrooms. Committee Elections A. Hospitality: Steve Escajeda reports that everything went well. He suggests an Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 5 I. B-building halls had tiles with flood damage in the entry areas that need to repair. J. Are we buying enough cleaning? We need to look into the cleaning system to make sure that areas are being properly maintained. We also need laminated cards with directory numbers that are easily accessible. K. Physical Plant will be moving out Summer 2015 and the building will be turned into faculty services. We may need to have storage built into this area. L. Signage to the A-building automotive-area restroom should be put in to reduce traffic in the other bathrooms. M. A-building may need to be color coded. VI. Next Meeting: Next meeting falls during spring break. Committee agrees to meet Tuesday March 17, 2015 in Room B240 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. VII. Call for Adjournment: Francisco motions to adjourn and David seconds the motion. Respectfully Submitted by Secretary, Laila Rajabi Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 6 April 14, 2015 Members Present: Tonie Badillo, Kathleen A. Bombach, Sonia Cardoza, Francisco Carrasco, Lorena Chavez, Steve Escajeda, Mary Fabela, Jaime Farias, Nancy Gamez, Esperanza Gomez, Laura Gonzalez, Claude Mathis, Laila Rajabi V. New Business A. Paperwork for the Americana Village flags has been submitted for processing. B. Committee discusses what to do with the remaining $3,226.67 from the Campus/Site Improvement fund. Members Absent: Richard Bahena, Saul Candelas, Ida Davila, Grace Erivez, Erick Garcia, Kerry Gardner, Pilar Gimbel, Armando Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Norma Hinojos, Juanita Hunter, Deborah Knapp, William Kraften, Margarita Moreno, Peter Nguyen Phung, Susan Pratt, David Rivera, Susana Rodarte, Carolina Rojas, Angie Ruiz, Rick Torres, Roy Tuberville, Olga Valerio, Dan Vasquez 1. Possible locations include the cafeteria, student services building, the area between counseling and recruitment and the area outside near the office of Jaime Farias (A1400). Agenda Items: I. Call to order: Nancy Gamez called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: Corrections were made to February 2015 Minutes and Mary Fabela motioned to approve; Laura Gonzalez seconds the motion. III. Report from District-wide IE Meeting: Physical Plant will pay for the reverse osmosis fountains which leaves the committee with $3,226.67 from the Campus/Site Improvement fund. 2. C. IV. Kathleen motions to use the additional funds on more charging stations. Lorena seconds the motion and all members are in favor. Kathleen suggests that we purchase a clock for the cafeteria. Claude will ask if hardwiring is available. The committee discusses the $745.83 budget and pending expenses. 1. A cake (~$25.00) and plaque (~$50.00) for the Employee of the semester event. 2. After the Employee of the Semester expenses, the committee agrees that the remaining balance should be used for 8 Hospitality signs and some table cloths. Budget should be spent. 3. All committee members approve that the fiscal budget should be used on the expenses stated above. Committee Elections A. Hospitality: Steve Escajeda Follow up on proposal for more durable pop-up signs. Quote for 10 signs = $800.00 $80.00 per sign, no shipping costs will be added and the company will allow for 2 types of design with no extra cost. Committee will return to this proposal under “New Business.” B. Employee of the Month/Quarter: Angie Ruiz was not present to report. C. Social Event: Roy Tuberville and Dan Vasquez not present to report. D. Treasurer: Dan Vasquez was not present to report but it was mentioned that the committee has $745.83 in the fiscal budget. D. Discussion on IT improvement: 1. IT has extra money for more projector paint that will be used to finish room B240. The paint is useful because you can write on it but there tends to be a “hot spot” that is reflective. Special solutions and fiber cloths are needed to clean it and will be placed in a permanent caddy in the room. 2. Tonie suggests that we have a Demo projector installed into B240 to test out new technology that will be added to some of the classrooms. This will allow people to come and look at the Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 7 demo without interrupting classes. If we like the demo, it will already be installed where we are in need of a permanent projector. VI. VII. Call for Adjournment: Jaime Farias motions to adjourn at 3:50 p.m. and Lorena seconds. Next Meeting Today was the last meeting of the Spring 2015 semester. In the meantime, committee will conduct business via email. Respectfully Submitted by Secretary, Laila Rajabi Z:/VVMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 8 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) Minutes for the 2013-2014 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 9 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 September 25, 2012 I. Call to order by Fariba Ansari, chair of the Valle Verde IE team. II. Selection of officers for the 2012-2013 year. The chair, Fariba Ansari, opened the floor for nominations for the position of co-chair. Daniel Vasquez and Kathleen Bombach were nominated. After the two candidates left the room, the remaining committee members discussed the nominations and voted. Daniel Vasquez received the majority of votes and members present decided to ask Kathleen Bombach to serve as secretary. After Daniel and Kathleen re-entered the room, both accepted their selection as cochair and secretary respectively. III. Review of meeting schedule Ron Stroud, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, was asked to review the meeting schedule, which he did. IV. Adjournment Fariba Ansari, chair, adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 10 October 30, 2012 Present: Fariba Ansari, Richard Bahena, Lorena Chavez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Pilar Gimbel, Laura Gonzalez, Juanita Hunter, Carolina Rojas and Roy Tuberville Absent: Toni Badillo, Kathleen Bombach, Saul Candelas, Paul Covey, Samuel DelToro, Grace Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Jaime Farias, Lucy Flores, Nancy Gamez, Christopher Garcia, Armando Gomez, Esperanza Gomez, Irma Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Michael Guzman, Maria Martinez, Pascual Martinez, Claude Mathis, Margie Moreno, Sue Pratt, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Maria Ruiz, Terry Sealing, Daniel Vasquez and Charles Williams. Suggestions for improvements to be put on the next I.E. meeting agenda That every chair of every I.E. committee meet monthly with the EPCC Cabinet members. Improve physical access to V.V. Campus facilities for people with disabilities. Get a change machine for student use; perhaps place in the cafeteria. Machine should dispense both coins and bills and be able to give change for up to a $20.00 bill. The VV Library no longer is allowed to keep a change box. Students who wish to purchase a print card must use a single dollar bill to purchase the card. They often do not have the correct change. Get temporary or permanent benches for student use during registration or late registration. Students often have to stand for hours at a time. Also, maybe the V.V. I.E. Hospitality Committee can purchase beverages and snacks such as bottles of water and popcorn for students who are on line. Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting was informal. Errors to be corrected in minutes of Sept. 25, 2012: Replace “Ben Vasquez” with “Daniel Vasquez.” Replace “After Ben” with “After Daniel.” Dr. Ansari will fill in the names of those present and absent. Officers and Chairs informal updates Next Meeting: November 27, 2012 (not Nov. 29). B-240, 3 – 5 p.m. Treasurer: Position is currently open Hospitality: Chair not present Special Activities & Events: Chair not present Employee of the Month: Position is currently open Facilities & Safety: Chair not present Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 11 November 27, 2012 Present: Fariba Ansari, Nancy Gamez, Carolina Rojas, Roy Tuberville, Tony Badillo, Kathleen Bombach, Charles Williams, Kerry Ann Gardner, Esperanza Gomez, and Irma Gonzalez. Absent: Saul Candelas, Paul Covey, Samuel Del Toro, Grace Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Lucy Flores, Esperanza Gomez, Laura Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Michael Guzman, Maria Martinez, Pascual Martinez, Claude Mathis, Margie Moreno, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Maria Ruiz, Richard Bahena, Terry Sealing, and Lorena Chavez. Absent with Notification: Jaime Farias, Pilar Gimbel, Armando Gomez, Lorena Chavez, Chris Garcia, Daniel Vasquez, Juanita Hunter, Sue Pratt. 3. The members present briefly discussed improving physical access to V.V. Campus facilities for people with disabilities, but decided that the item should be placed on the next agenda when the person who brought up concerns could be present to explain. 4. The members present discussed a change machine for student use so that student could get change for their library expenses. Nancy Gamez informed the members present that the College may be implementing a reloadable card system for students. If so, this will eliminate the need for a change machine. 5. The members discussed improved seating for students waiting for various services such as registration where lines are very long. Because the Hospitality chair was absent, the idea of providing inexpensive snacks for students waiting in long lines will be discussed at the next meeting. 6. The members present discussed three items that the district-wide IE committee has requested that each campus IE committee discuss and provide input on: Friendly reminder: Please email the chair or secretary if you must be absent. Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting was informal. Officers and Chairs informal updates Treasurer: Position is currently open Hospitality: Chair not present, but has expressed the desire to continue to serve. (Chris Garcia) Special Activities & Events: Chair not present, but has expressed the desire to continue to serve. (Ozcar Robles) Employee of the Month: Position is currently open Facilities & Safety: Chair not present. a. The chair, Fariba Ansari, updated the members present on the funds available for the campus IE team. The current allocation is $1,000. Dr. Ansari also informed the committee that the subject of additional funds in order to implement improvements through the IE process was discussed with President Serrata at the last district-wide IE meeting in November. Dr. Serrata was not employed at EPCC in time to provide input into this year’s budget, but he will keep this issue in mind. Work on identifying spaces that could be used for student study areas. The members present agreed that this was an important issue. VV faces problems because the campus was not built for the number of students who attend. Other colleges and universities plan for student study space in their campus design, but the need has not been revisited as buildings and students have been added to Valle Verde. The library, which is the location most schools use to provide student study facilities, is inadequate to meet present need. It was suggested that VV needs to plan for a new library, perhaps after looking at other colleges to see their facilities. In the interim, the committee can identify existing space and furniture, including that which may become available after some students services departments move into their new building. b. The sense of the members present was that we will pursue a regular (possibly monthly) meeting between our chair and the College cabinet in order to improve communication and follow up. The chair will then update the members at the monthly committee meetings. This item will be taken to district-wide IE for discussion. Begin updating signage plans in case funding for new signage becomes available in the spring. The committee members all support this review and urge that signage needs be addressed by the College. The members present have been urging the implementation of adequate signage for at least several years, and all agreed it needs to be a College priority. c. Inform the teams that there will be one volunteer from the I.E. Committee needed to serve on a space utilization committee. The members present agreed that Kathleen Bombach The following items were discussed at the meeting. Without a quorum, no votes were taken. 1. 2. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 12 Mathis to see if the remaining appointment in his area can be filled. One member, Samuel Del Toro, is no longer employed with the College, and another, Pascual Martinez, may have moved to a different campus. Dr. Ansari will contact Ron Stroud for assistance with these six possible vacancies. be recommended for this committee or task force. 7. 8. New committee members inquired about committee rules on quorum and attendance at meetings. The previous chair, Roy Tuberville, stated that the committee has a rule that one third of members present constitutes a quorum and that after three absences without valid reasons, a member may be removed. The committee members present agreed that these rules be strictly enforced. The members present discussed the current four vacancies on the committee roster. Dr. Ansari will follow up with Arvis Jones to see if those positions can be filled. Kathleen Bombach will contact Claude 9. Members are urged to forward items for the next agenda to the chair or secretary. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 5 p.m. Next Meeting: January 29, 2013 B-240, 3 – 5 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 13 January 29, 2013 Members Present: Sue N. Pratt, Jaime Farias, Carolina Rojas, Juanita Hunter, Esperanza Gomez, Chris Garcia, Terry Sealing, Charles Williams, Nancy Gamez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Kathleen Bombach, Fariba Ansari b. V. Members absent with notification: Call to order The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm by consensus of members present as the chair had not yet arrived. By acclamation, Sue Pratt agreed to lead the meeting until the chair arrived. Members present introduced themselves. The chair, Fariba Ansari, arrived at 3:20 pm and assumed leadership of the committee. II. Notes from previous meeting The notes for the previous meeting were not with this meeting’s agenda. They will be emailed to committee members. III. Nancy Gamez explained how the new Tejano Alert Emergency Notification System works, and recommended that everyone sign up with two different email accounts. Sue Pratt recommended that instructors leave their phones on during class, even if they make students turn their off, in order to receive Tejano Alert messages. Attendance at IE In response to a question, Dean Jaime Farias addressed the issue of whether the committee ought to notify supervisors when employees do not attend IE meetings, or contact the chair about their absence. Jaime discussed the role of IE in shared governance, and that participation in IE is considered a job duty for the employees who have been appointed by the College president to participate in IE. Dean Farias gave an update on the move of some student services departments into the new building. The moves will occur in phases, starting in April, as furniture arrives and space is vacated. As for the existing building, some departments remaining in the older building may need additional space, new and existing full time faculty will need to be accommodated, and other needs may present themselves. The facilities allocation committee will assess each phase to ensure an orderly process. Limitations on funds available will also play a role in the moves, as remodeling may be needed. The original architects for the building have been retained for any physical changes to the existing structure. In welcome news, he stated that the physical plant department is looking at ways to expand the small bathrooms in the older buildings to accommodate the past growth of the College. Several members present stated that they had not received notifications for meetings, and it was decided that the email list would be checked for typos or new email addresses. Then chronically absent members would be contacted to remind them they are members of the IE committee and are required to attend. Finally, recalcitrant nonattenders would be reported to their supervisors if all other methods of getting them to meetings failed. Dean Farias also stated he would be willing to serve as administrative liaison for the committee. The representative from the IE office will discuss it with Dr. Stroud. IV. Subcommittee reports a. Hospitality: The Hospitality chair, xxx, reported that the spring tables went well. He will give the receipt for the expenses to Dr. Stroud. In previous semesters, those who volunteered to man the tables were acknowledged in writing for their effort. New Business Committee members discussed multiple issues that relate to safety and security, such as the lack of inside locks on classroom doors, lack of awareness of College prevention efforts for violence on campus, desire for more visible police patrols in the campus buildings, lack of enforcement of faculty/staff parking restrictions during the first week of school, delivery trucks blocking handicapped parking spaces in front of buildings, and lack of notification and enforcement of smoking restrictions. Members also discuss implementing a more sophisticated alarm system to notify students, faculty, and staff as to when we should evacuate the buildings or remain in a (locked and barricaded) classroom, and the need for all clear alarms. The members present decided to ask the new chief of EPCC police to meet with us for an open discussion of these issues. Members absent: I. Treasurer’s report: Dr. Ansari announced that xxxx had volunteered to serve as the committee treasurer. VI. Adjournment Sue Pratt moved to adjourn the meeting and Charles xxx seconded the motion. The chair then adjourned the meeting. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 14 February 26, 2013 Members Present: Fariba Ansari (Chair), Daniel R. Vasquez (Vice Chair), Kathleen Bombach Secretary), Ozcar Robles, Terry Sealing, Laura Gonzalez, Margie Moreno, Carolina Rojas, Esperanza Gomez, Charles Williams, Jaime D. Farias, Pilar Gimbel, Tonie Badillo, Susana Rodarte, Lorena Chavez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Dr. Ron Stroud (guest); Chief Jose Ramirez (guest). students must always be protected, but the department will document the behavior, send reports to the dean for action if needed, and make a criminal arrest if warranted. Chief Ramirez will pursue the question of door locks on classrooms. He had been informed by an architect that classroom door locks were not allowed under the City of El Paso building code, but committee members informed him that all lab classrooms have locks already that allow faculty to lock the door from the inside. The Chief informed the committee that the College already has security cameras in the parking lots and in the building. Committee members voiced skepticism because few cameras were visible. The Chief said there were cameras that were not visible to the observer. The Police Department is working to upgrade the cameras, using parking permit fees. Chief Ramirez was unable to tell the committee how many cameras were placed at Valle Verde, whether in the buildings, grounds, or parking lots. In response to committee member concerns about the perceived lack of enforcement of the smoking restrictions, student parking in faculty/staff spots, and the perception by staff, faculty, and students that officers were not visible in the buildings, the Chief stated that officers were usually responding to incidents and problems in the parking lots. He also stated that the department had seven officer vacancies at this time, and that several newly hired officers had quit recently. In response to committee member questioning as to why the officers had resigned so soon after being hired, he stated they had left for better paying law enforcement jobs. The chief informed the committee that the College was creating a Behavior Intervention Team, co-chaired by Robert Pandy and Debra Knapp, both from the counseling department. This committee would address issues requiring behavioral intervention. In the meantime, faculty and staff could refer troubled students to either the counseling Absent (with notification): Sue Pratt (ill), Nancy Gamez, Mari (Angie) Ruiz, Carla Cardoza, Dagoberto Perez, Roy Tuberville, Armando Gomez I. Call to order II. Approval of minutes Terry Sealing moved to approve the minutes with correction; Dan Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously. II. Old business Proposal to do away with quorum requirement After brief discussion, Fariba Ansari moved that six attendees be made a quorum; Terry Sealing seconded. Motion approved unanimously. III. New business A. Information meeting with EPCC Police Chief Jose Ramirez Police chief Jose Ramirez provided the following information in response to questions from committee members: Chief Ramirez does not know if individual instructors are responsible for student safety should a security situation arise, but surmises that since our students are adults, instructors are not responsible. The Police Department will offer a workshop on classroom discipline. His presentation, called “Run, Hide, and Fight,” provides information on how to handle a security emergency on campus that goes beyond the advice in the title. The Chief encourages everyone to watch the presentation online. It is linked on the College website. Faculty and staff should report strange behaviors to the EPCC Police Department. The due process rights of Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 15 Susana Rodarte informed the meeting that several years ago the campus deans had met and decided that the campus dean would be the designated IE team liaison. A new campus dean is designated every two years; Jaime Farias is the new campus dean starting for the 2012-2013 year. Susana had not been attending the meetings because she was no longer the liaison. Dr. Ron Stroud took note of the change and will take appropriate action. The VV deans will also discuss any changes in procedures needed at their next meeting. department or to the Center for Students with Disabilities. B. Members of the committee pointed out that some of the Valle Verde parking designated for handicapped students was located in the last parking aisle at the northeast corner of the campus, near Americana Village. This distance from building entryways was difficult to navigate for students with disabilities. Chief Ramirez informed the committee that Rick Lobato of the building maintenance department was responsible for designating campus parking. IV. Adjournment Designation of campus dean as IE team Liaison Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 16 March 26, 2013 Members Present: Lorena Chavez, Laura Gonzalez, Ida Davila, Charles Williams, Carolina Rojas, Juanita Hunter, Sonia Cardoza, Nancy Gamez, Roy Tuberville, Chris Garcia, Terry Sealing, Richard Bahena, Francisco L. Carrasco, Claude Mathis, Esperanza Gomez, Fariba Ansari, Pilar Gimbel, Jaime Farias, Kathleen Bombach issue, and may be making a recommendation to the administration. The committee discussed letting SGA take the initiative and following up with a letter of support. Roy Tuberville moved that VV IE support SGA’s initiative with a letter of support; Nancy Gamez seconded the motion. The committee unanimously voted yes. Absent with notification: Tonie Badillo, Dagoberto Perez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Sue Pratt, Margie Moreno I. b. Welcome and approval of minutes Chairperson Fariba Ansari opened the meeting. The minutes for the February meeting were approved with a note that Dr. Ansari was delayed in arriving at the meeting because she was meeting with her dean. Terry Sealing moved to approve the minutes; Ben seconded the approval. Members present voted unanimously to approve the minutes with the note added. II. Report from District-wide IE Campus signage: The signage plans for each campus need to be updated for inclusion in the district-wide signage plan that will go to Dr. Serrata for consideration. The committee also discussed keeping records of maintenance requests to document needs in order to build a case for additional funding for VV maintenance needs. Employee of the Month: VV did not identify employees of the month (EOM) for any months during fall and spring this academic year. The subcommittee lacks a chair (Armando Gomez was chair last year). The committee members present discussed various options for Employee of the Month, such as starting it again in fall 2013, forming a new subcommittee, concerns about the judging process, making the judging process more democratic, giving the EOM a parking space for the month, awarding a pen to the EOM, providing a recognition cake and/or celebration for each employee selected, and so forth. Lorena Chavez moved that we restart the EOM process for the next academic year; Claude Mathis seconded the motion. The motion was then amended to include new ideas for the selection process and recognition of the EOM. The motion carried unanimously. Angie Ruiz volunteered to chair the subcommittee. The subcommittee’s first task is to review the district policy and make recommendations to the committee as a whole on an improved selection process and make suggestions on recognitions or awards for the EOM. III. Old business a. Smoking issues: The committee discussed implementation of the district smoking procedure. Kathleen Bombach informed the committee that SGA is also working on this Faculty parking: Issues relating to parking were discussed, with the need for more accessible handicapped parking spaces a priority. Pilar Gimble moved to request additional and accessible handicapped parking spaces from the maintenance department. Roy Tuberville seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. In further discussion, the committee decided to invite Rick Lobato, director of facilities, to come to a future meeting to talk about the plans his department has for Valle Verde campus. This would allow the committee members to recommend additional and more accessible handicapped parking and learn about current and upcoming maintenance and construction projects at VV. IV. c. Van issue: It appears as though the vans have been repaired. Fariba reminded everyone of her near disaster with a group of students scheduled to visit NMSU for a physics project. She checked on the vans that morning and discovered that both were out of commission. No one had notified her so she could make alternate arrangements ahead of time. Same day arrangements to rent a van were successfully made and student services picked up the cost, but it did represent a failure of communication. Claude Mathis suggested that it was an issue for student services to resolve, not IE. All present agreed that internal communication is a priority so that the College runs smoothly and students are served. d. Study spaces for students: Kathleen Bombach, Lorena Chavez, and Terry Sealing agreed to survey the campus to locate possible designated study spaces for students. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. Moved by Claude Mathis; seconded by Jaime Farias. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 17 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 October 25, 2011 Attendees: All committee members I. Call to order II. Minutes for August 30, 2011 had already been submitted to District IE III. Treasurer’s Report: Current available balance is $975.00 A. IV. New Business Mr. Jimenez, Chair has completed his term as Chair but he will continue as a committee member. Roy Tuberville will serve as Chair, Dr. Fariba Ansari, will serve as Co-Chair, and Angie Ruiz will serve as Secretary. A. Recommendations for EPCC Cost Saving Measures: Sub-Committee Reports. 1. • • Hospitality: Amaya, Carlos, Chair present • Requested more monies ($120.00) and approved • 2. Special Activities & Events: Robles, Ozcar, Chair - not present 3. Employee of the Month: Armando Gomez, Chair- present B. Welcomed new members 4. Facilities & Safety: Rodarte, Susana, Chair - present 4 day work week (see attachment) Staff Scholarships: cover only if no other assistance Thanksgiving: close the whole week instead of just Thursday & Friday (savings on utilities) GPS: put a GPS system on all EPCC vehicles Susan Rodarte: Address all concerns to Norma Chavez or e-mail Roy Tuberville. The walk through will continue on a monthly basis with facility service members: Ruben Chavez, Octavio Gonzalez, Rick Lobato, Roy Tuberville, Ramon, Jimenez and Dean, Susan Rodarte. Next Meeting: November 29, 2011 (B-240, 3 p.m.) A brief overview of the continuing efforts to clean up the VV Campus was provided. V. Call for Adjournment. Patrick made the motion to adjourn and second was made by Ramon Jimenez Angie Ruiz, Secretary. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 18 November 29, 2011 2. Members Present: Carlos Amaya, Maria A. Badillo, Carla Cardoza, Jaime D. Farias, Lucina E. Flores, Nancy Gamez, Martha I. Garcia, Kerry A. Gardner, Michael Guzman, William S. Harmon, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Pascual A. Martinez, Charles B. Miller, Patrick L. Pynes, Ozcar Robles, Maria A. Ruiz, Rosa M. Saldana, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vazquez, Elaviano Willars, Charles W. William Will plan something before Spring 2012 Members Absent: Ansari Fariba, Nathan R. Atkins, Saul C. Candelas, Corral-Nava Nita, Graciela S. Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Roselia Galindo, Christopher K. Garcia, Armando O. Gomez, Consuelo E. Gonzales, Linda Gonzalez, Margarita Gonzalez, Claude M. Mathis, Isaac A. Montes, Margarita I. Moreno, Guadalupe D. Nieto, Graciela Rico, Susan Rodarte 3. Employee of the Month: Armando Gomez, Chair - not present 4. Facilities & Safety: Rodarte, Susana, Chair not present Old Business: 1. 2. 3. Members Absent Notice: Linda Gonzalez, Nita CorralNava, Margarita I. Moreno, Roselia Galindo 4. I. II. VI. Treasurer’s Report: No School Colors Filing cabinets, carpet, upholstery are to be cleaned by the cleaning crew under Window frames for the new Student Union need painting (Pascual Martinez from Physical plant will take care of it) Missing clocks, clocks still an hour behind, or not working Mail boxes still need to be worked on (Combination locks) Next Meeting: December 27, 2011 (B-240, 3 to p.m.) Did not meet Approval of Minutes: Ramon Jimenez made the motion to approve the minutes for October 25, 2011, Dr. Amaya second the motion. The motion was approved for the October minutes. III. 5. Call to order The meeting was call to order at 3:05 p.m. by Roy Tuberville Special Activities & Events: Robles, Ozcar, Chair - present VII. Call for Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The motion was made by Ramon Jimenez to adjourn and it was second by Patrick Pynes Hospitality $120 per semester for $240 for year No other request IV. Officer’s Report: Angie Ruiz, Secretary Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Hospitality: Amaya, Carlos, Chair - present No report until next year Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 19 January 31, 2012 Members Present: Carlos Amaya, , Carla Cardoza, Jaime D. Farias, Lucina E. Flores, Nancy Gamez, Martha I. Garcia, Kerry A. Gardner, Roselia Galindo, Armando O. Gomez, William S. Harmon, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Guadalupe Nieto, Ozcar Robles, Susan Rodarte, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vazquez, Elaviano Willars, and Charles W. William The pizza social is planned for some time before Spring Break. 3. There was some discussion on ways to encourage more nominations for Employee of the Month. Armando mentioned that he had only received four nominations for the past three months. Armando suggested that maybe the supervisors and deans could nominate people from their areas. Dr. Carlos Amaya stated that everyone should have the opportunity to nominate someone and not limit the nominations to just supervisor’s recommendations. Ramon Jimenez suggested to keep the nomination process open to everyone for Employees of the Month and to encourage nominations from supervisors. Members Absent: Ansari Fariba, Nathan R. Atkins, Maria A. Badillo, Saul C. Candelas, Corral-Nava Nita, Graciela S. Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Michael Guzman, Christopher K. Garcia, Pascual A. Martinez, Charles B. Miller, Consuelo E. Gonzales, Claude M. Mathis, Isaac A. Montes, Margarita I. Moreno, Guadalupe Nieto , Graciela Rico, Rosa M. Saldana, Members Absent Notice: Patrick Pynes, Linda Gonzales, Margarita Gonzalez, Maria A. Ruiz I. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. by Roy Tuberville II. Armando was also open to suggestions on how to make the recognition more appealing. Some suggestions were gift certificates for lunch or dinner for two at Thirteen09 or Dash N Dine restaurant at ASC, massages, nail and haircuts services, etc. Roy Tuberville used the Leadership Academy as an example of some of the recognition gifts that they give to their participants. He was going to ask Dr. Stroud if the committee is allowed to give gift certificates as recognition gifts for Employee of the Month. Approval of Minutes: Dr. Amaya made the motion to approve the minutes for November 29, 2011, Ramon Jimenez seconded the motion. The November minutes were approved as presented. III. Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Amaya reported for Charles Miller, who was not present. The balance in account should be $789.75. Hospitality spent $121.25 on candy this semester. IV. Officer’s Report: 4. 2. Facilities & Safety: Rodarte, Susana, Chair Thanked all those that volunteered. The Hospitality tables were a great success. A special thanks to Janice DeWitt, from the RAP program and Ramon Jimenez from Counseling. Janice manned the table on the first floor “A” building from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. both days and Ramon manned the table every evening. Ms. Rodarte handed out a Physical Plant Report that Rick Lobato submitted to cabinet on construction projects throughout the District. Dr. Carlos Amaya mentioned that the community garden will be relocated on the west side of the campus near the tennis courts. He would like to see more people participate with the community garden. Nancy Gamez reported that the wiring is finished for the America Village. She is just waiting for some work to be finished at the Math Emporium so that the wiring and audio visual can be complete. Special Activities & Events: Ozcar Robles, Chair Dr. Farias announced that Steve Smith is the interim Vice President of Instruction. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Employee of the Month: Armando Gomez, Chair Hospitality: Carlos Amaya, Chair The committee is planning a pizza, sodas and ice cream event again like last year. Last year the committee spent approximately $175 and plan on spending the same amount this year. Old Business: Only the Window frames for the new Student Union were painted. There was no other old business Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 20 discussed. No other old business has been done at this time. Roy asked the committee members to call Norma #2280 to report work order. It should be mentioned that the work order is form an IE member so that she can log it in. Please copy Roy with the work order so that he can follow up on the work order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No School Colors Filing cabinets, carpet, upholstery are to be cleaned by the cleaning crew Window frames for the new Student Union need painting (Pascual Martinez from Physical plant will take care of it) Missing clocks, clocks still an hour behind, or not working Mail boxes still need to be worked on (Combination locks) VI. Next Meeting: February 28, 2012, (B-240, 3 to p.m.) VII. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Ramon Jimenez to adjourn and it was seconded by Nancy Gamez Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Martha Garcia Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 21 February 28, 2012 Members Present: Carlos Amaya, Ansari Fariba, Maria A. Badillo, Nita Corral-Nava, Lucina E. Flores, Nancy Gamez, Christopher K., Garcia, Martha I. Garcia, Kerry A. Gardner, Armando O. Gomez, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Guadalupe Nieto, Maria A. Ruiz, Rosa M. Saldana, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vazquez, Christopher K., Garcia volunteered to be the new Chair. 2. Special Activities & Events: Ozcar Robles, Chair Roy Tuberville reported for Ozcar Robles, that last year’s Pizza Social took place the first week of May. For this year, Ozcar thinks having it on the second week of April is more suitable. Suggestions are more than welcome. Members Absent: Nathan R. Atkins, Saul C. Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Graciela S. Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Consuelo E, Gonzales, Michael Guzman, Williams S. Harmon, Pascual A. Martinez, Claude M. Mathis, Isaac A. Montes, Margarita I. Moreno, Graciela Rico, Elaviano Willars. Members Absent Notice: Jamie D. Farias, Roselia Galindo, Linda Gonzales, Margarita Gonzalez, Patrick Pynes, Ozar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Charles Williams. 3. Employee of the Month: Armando Gomez, Chair There is nothing to report other that we are preparing for next celebration I. Call to order: 4. Facilities & Safety: Rodarte, Susana, Chair The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Roy Tuberville II. Approval of Minutes: Ramon Jimenez made the motion to approve the minutes for January 31, 2012; Dr. Carlos Amaya seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with the correction that Guadalupe Nieto attended that meeting. III. Discussion about the facilities tours not happening. Roy Tuberville reported that it was because of the construction for the new building. The tours would start up again in April. Treasurer’s Report: Roy Tuberville reported for Charles Miller, that the minutes from 01-31-2012 reported $789.75. As of today, that balance has been adjusted to $790.34. He is unaware of the cause of the 59 cent discrepancy. All receipts from the Hospitality tables have been accounted for, and he has not received additional requests for funds. Once we deduct the $120.00 stipend for Fall 2012 Hospitality, our remaining balance will be $670.34. Typical funding for the Faculty/Staff Appreciation event is approximately $300.00 (usually for ice cream, soda and pizza). Perhaps we could up the amount a bit and purchase small tokens for staff and faculty (e.g., EPCC, pins, pens, etc..) Otherwise, minus the traditional gift for the exiting chair, we will have a balance of about $300.00 to spend in August. IV. Officer’s Report: A. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Hospitality: Carlos Amaya, Chair There is nothing to report other than the request for a new chair for next year. Old Business Roy Tuberville will discuss the Employee of the month with District IE New Business: • Ramon Jimenez, shared that he was selling tickets for $20.00. Tickets are for a concert at the Chamizal Theater. This fundraiser is for Cancer Awareness. • Ramon Jimenez, would like to make a request to the District IE to consider some space for campus base orientations and a counseling center space to conduct personal counseling for students. • Nita Corral- Nava, recommended the placement of a Blocker in front of the SSC building in front of the Welcome Center and in building A to keep the wind, dirt and the cold from the entrance. Something similar to the one at the ATC. • Roy Tuberville reported that the Student Services VP and the Athletics department are working together on funding the following: 1. Tennis Courts will be refurbished and that bleachers would be added. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 22 2. 3. • VI. Soccer field would be redone and a walking track and bleachers would be added. Garden would be relocated behind the gym Roy Tuberville, requested that we get staff to get involved with the Classified Staff Association and the Professional Staff Association. VII. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Ramon Jimenez to adjourn and it was seconded by Armando O. Gomez Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Maria .A Ruiz, Secretary Next Meeting: March 27, 2012 (B-240, 3 to p.m.) Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 23 March 27, 2012 Members Present: Nita Corral-Nava, Kerry A. Gardner, Armando O. Gomez, Margarita Gonzalez, Williams S. Harmon, Ramon Jimenez, Claude M. Mathis, Charles B. Miller, Guadalupe Nieto, Patrick Pynes, Susana Rodarte, Maria A. Ruiz, Angeles Vazquez, Elaviano Willars, Charles Williams, Gonzalez Octavio, Ozcar Robles, Roy Tuberville Members Absent: Saul C. Candelas, Rosa M. Saldana, Graciela S. Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Consuelo E, Gonzales, Michael Guzman, Pascual A. Martinez, Isaac A. Montes, Graciela Rico, Martha I. Garcia, Linda Gonzalez Members Absent Notice: Nathan R. Atkins, Leticia L. Jacobo, Maria A. Badillo, Jamie D. Farias, Lucina E. Flores, Carla Cardoza, Nancy Gamez, Margarita I. Moreno, Ansari Fariba, Roselia Galindo, , Christopher K. Garcia, Martha I. Garcia Carlos Amaya I. II. Armando also suggested that we could make the employee of the month more attractive by having all campuses celebrate it together. The committee discussed and decided that the staff would like to stay in their own campus so that their co- workers could join in the celebration. c. Committee discussed that the Employee of the month should be consistent no gift cards, no cash value. Also if there could be a raffle for all those nominated for employee of the month. d. Facilities & Safety: Susan Rodarte, Chair No report from cabinet, however, happy to report that the clock issues have been resolved. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Roy Tuberville b. V. Old Business VI. New Business: Approval of Minutes: Committee discussions: Ramon Jimenez made the motion to approve the minutes for February 28, 2012; Armando Gomez second the motion. Minutes for February 28, 2012 were approved. III. 1. “Smoke-Free Campus 2. Graffiti Patrol Treasurer’s Report: a. Ramon reported that a gang put graffiti sign on the wood of the stairs at the SSC. Armando suggested replacing the doors with see through glass. b. The motion was made by Patrick Pynes and it was second by Nita Corral- Nava to make Ramon Jimenez the Graffiti Patrol. All Graffiti cleanup request send to Ramon Jimenez The balance remains the same $790.34 and the excess cash may be used for the social celebration, such as for the disco and for the hospitality. IV. Officer’s Report: Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Hospitality: Carlos Amaya, Chair 2. Special Activities & Events: Ozcar Robles, Chair 3. Reported that the Staff, Faculty Appreciation would be on be April 12, 2012, from 11:30 1:30. Working on banners and need some volunteers to assist on that day. 3. Roy informed the committee that the parking lot was grandfathered and if we change the parking spaces then we would have to meet the new codes and it would be more expensive. Employee of the Month: Armando O. Gomez, Chair 4. a. Reported that there were some problems with the server not able to advertise the employee of the month. Nita Corral-Nava questioned if there was going to be a walkway from the new Enrollment building to the old Student Services building. Charlie Miller requested to serve on the committee again Roy informed Charles to please sent Dr. Stroud his request. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 24 5. 6. Committee requested for: c. All the parking lot lights are done and the timing should be correct now If Roy would inform the District IE that the Student Services building needs to be improved. d. The plumbing is a major health risk and most important it is disintegrating. Different chemicals are used trying to help the smell but it is just for patching up. He stated not to pour Clorox in the drains because it is illegal. e. Major problem is that we have 30 year old cast pipes, and that VV was not made for the enrollment that we have now. f. Rick Lobato is aware and he and his staff are doing what they can to help the problem. The main issue is money. g. There are 60 staff to cover the entire District and that includes grounds. Roy shared that there was 140, 000 allotment that the District IE used for repairs in the past. The District IE Chair will bring it up to the President and see if it would be possible to have it reinstated. This would help with all the repairs. Roy informed the committee that the Fort Bliss Campus was approved and that there will be some hiring. The Fort Bliss campus would be next to biggest VA Hospital/ Facility. 7. Octavio Gonzalez from Physical Plant informed the committee: a. b. Request for repairs could be on with a quick click on line and that it was a simple process. He will bring power point on our next meeting. However, we could still call Norma at 831-2280 to request repairs. Sprinklers will start working and they will have to repair some of them. However, it will take some time because they are short staffed. VII. Next Meeting: April 17, 2012 VII. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Armando Gomez to adjourn and it was seconded by Margarita Gonzalez. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Maria .A Ruiz, Secretary Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 25 April 24, 2012 • Members Present: Carlos Amaya, Nita Corral-Nava, Nancy Gamez, Christopher K. Garcia, Martha I. Garcia, Kerry A. Gardner, Margarita Gonzalez, Ramon Jimenez, Claude M. Mathis, Charles B. Miller, Patrick L. Pynes, Susana Rodarte, Maria A. Ruiz, Rosa M. Saldana, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vazquez, Elaviano Willars, Charles, W. William • • Members Absent: Ansari, Fariba, Saul C. Candelas, Carl Cardoza, Graciela S. Erivez, Steve Escajeda, Lucina E. Flores, Roselia Galindo, Consuelo E. Gonzalez, Octavio Gonzalez, Michael Guzman, Isaac A. Montes 3. Members Absent Notice: Jaime Farias, William S. Harmon, Margarita I. Moreno, Guadalupe D. Nieto, Ozcar Robles, Leticia L. Jacobo, Linda Gonzalez, Maria A. Badillo, Armando O. Gomez I. 4. III. Approval of Minutes: V. Old Business Charles Miller again informed the committee that safety and health should be a priority. Treasurer’s Report: • • IV. Facilities & Safety: Dean Susan Rodarte, Chair Susan Rodarte, Dean informed the committee that she and others did the walk through with Mr. Lobato to identify the problems around the campus and hoping that these issues could be addressed. However, that money is very limited and not all projects / issues will be taken care of. Call to order: Martha I Garcia made the motion to approve the minutes for March 27, 2012. Charles W. Williams second the motion. Minutes for March 27, 2012 were approved with some corrections. Employee of the Month: Armando O. Gomez, Chair No report The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Roy Tuberville II. Also two lab assistants from the American Language assisted Special thanks to Leticia Jacobo for always willing to cooperate and make the coordination of this event pleasurable. Cost for the food was $325.62. There is still an amount for cups, napkins, spoons, tablecloths, and other. Leticia Jacobo will give us this amount when she returns. • The problem with the pigeons making nest around the vents in the B building is not healthy. • The windows still have not been cleaned and it has been for the last 3 years. Balance is $445.03 $120.00 will be used for the hospitality. Officer’s Report: Sub-Committee Reports. 1. No report, however, Christopher K. Garcia will take over the Hospitality in the Fall and Carlos Amaya will help him in the transition. 2. He will try to use the form and attach pictures for both issues. Hospitality: Carlos Amaya, Chair Special Activities & Events: Ozcar Robles, Chair Roy reported for Ozcar about the Ice Cream Social • • • 40 pizzas were ordered Pizza, ice cream, root beer floats and drinks were served Would like to thank Armando Gomez for his support by sending two of his very helpful co-workers. VI. New Business: Roy provided the copy of the Response and Outcomes forms to be used for our request. He also informed the committee to take pictures and to attach them to the form. This would create paper trail of the requests. Roy informed the committee the following about the New Student Services Building: • Some cement was poured on Saturday • On Thursday the other half of the cement will be poured Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 26 • Parking lot will remain the same and there will not be a side walk that goes through the parking lot. VII. Committee’s discussion: Charles Miller shared his concern that we still need the Deans to continue giving $100 dollars. Deans informed committee that they will continue to give the $100.00. Roy also informed the staff of the following about the Fort Bliss Campus: • The reinstatement of the 140, 000 allotment that was used for repairs will have to be addressed to the new president. Ramon Jimenez made the motion to use a small amount for a gift to be given to exiting chairs and Margarita Gonzalez second the motion. • Private investors will provide 60 million dollars for the Fort Bliss Campus • EPCC put aside 14 million dollars for Fort Bliss Campus and EPCC will only need to use 5 million of the 14 million. Monies left over will used for repairing the other campuses especially the VV Campus. Ramon motion not to meet in May, June, July and it was second by Dean Claude Mathis. Roy Tuberville informed the committee that the Hospitality committee will meet on July 3, 2012. • Boeing and the Department of Defense along with others will be leasing spaces in the new campus and those monies will be used for the facility • It will take approximately 2 years for the Campus to be build • We will be next to the biggest VA hospital Roy also informed the committee about the Stanton building and the Train station: • • • Carlos Amaya shared that there is a beautiful Cactus garden between Building A and the Gym. However, the water faucet does not work and they have to borrow a water hose form Physical Plant. Carlos Amaya hopes that the faucet gets fixed. The Stanton building will be functional in 2013 A 6 million dollar grant issued to EPCC and Texas Tec for the train station where the Agriculture program will be housed. A park will be in front of the train station Roy recommended that the president meet with all IE Committees VIII. Next Meeting: August 28, 2012 IX. Call for Adjournment: The motion was made by Charles Miller adjourn and it was seconded by Martha Garcia. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Maria .A Ruiz, Secretary Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 27 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 September 28, 2010 ASC Board Room Attendees: Carlos Amaya, Paul Covey, Nancy Gamez, Martha Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Armando Gomez, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Steve Harmon, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Claude Mathis, Pascual A. Martinez, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, Bobby Ortega, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Susana Rodarte, Oscar Robles, Roy Tuberville, Rosa M. Saldana, Angeles Vazquez, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars I. First meeting of 2010-2011 II. New Chairperson Ramon Jimenez, Secretary Maria E. Lopez and Charlie Miller, Treasurer continuation from 2009-2010. Voted for Co-chairperson nominees-Ray Tuberville and Patrick Pynes. Mr. Tuberville was nominated. A. Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality - Chairperson Carlos Amaya. 2. Special Activities and Events -- No Chairperson will vote next month 3. Employee of the Month -- Chairperson Armando Gomez 4. B. Facilities & Safety -- Chairperson Susana Rodarte Other business 1. Ms. Rodarte reported she is replacing Dr. Jaime Farias as VV Campus Dean. 2. Police Department -- developed Crime Stoppers to stop graffiti. 3. VV IE meeting will be held every 2 months instead of once a month. Mr. Jimenez reported he had clarified it with Dr. Ron Stroud. C. Next meeting will be Oct. 26, 2010 in room B240. D. Meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 28 October 26, 2010 VV, Room B-240 Attendees: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Paul Covey, Kerry Ann Gardner, Armando Gomez, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Steve Harmon, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Claude Mathis, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, , Lupe Nieto, Bobby Ortega, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Susana Rodarte, Ozcar Robles, John Swisher, Roy Tuberville, Rosa M. Saldana, Vazquez, Angeles, Wang, Huili, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Dr. Jaime Farias, Gracie RicoFlores, Lucy Flores, Nancy Gamez, Martha Garcia, Armando Gomez, Margarita Gonzalez, William Harmon, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Pascual A. Martinez, Evelyn Mecinas, Margie Moreno, Moses Megliorino, Adriana Nevarez, Angie Ruiz Elaviano Willars, Martha Garcia, Roselia Galindo, Gracie Rico-Flores, Nita Corral-Nava, Steve Escajeda 2. Members: Grace Erivez, Nancy Gamez, Leticia Jacobo, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral-Nava, John Swisher 3. Absent (provided notice): Galindo, Roselia I. Mr. Frank Lujan, Chairperson 2009-2010, was presented an EPCC T-shirt, cup and gift card for Barnes and Nobles to thank him for his work in the Committee. Mr. Lujan made a United Way presentation requesting the Committee to make employee donations to the organization. II. Minutes were reviewed, corrected and approved. A correction was made on page 1: spelling of Elaviano Willars. Mr. Jimenez requested for the Committee to review the minutes before the IE meetings so the Committee can expedite the correction and approval of the minutes. III. Treasure report: The Committee budget is $975 according to a report from Dr. Stroud. Have not confirmed that the money is in the account. IV. Old Business A. Special Activities and Events -- Have not met. Elected Ozcar Robles as Chairperson. Employee of the Month -- Chairperson Armando Gomez. Will select an employee each month and will have the celebration every three months for the three employees selected. This will be coordinated with Campus Dean Susan Rodarte’s office. The event will take place 1 week before the IE (every three months). The next event, will take place November 11 in the morning at the Student Services Bldg. An email will be sent out to remind the Committee. In case two individuals receive equal number of votes it is the Chairperson’s duty to break the tie. The Committee is not allowed to purchase gift cards from the budget to give to any EOM. A list of the EOM needs to be emailed to Dr. Ron Stroud on a monthly basis. A question was asked if there can be three categories in the EOM: Classified, Professional and Faculty. Will be discussed at the IE District meeting. Members: Armando Gomez, Roy Tuberville, Elaviano Willars, Margie Moreno Sub-Committee Reports -- Updated members 4. 1. Hospitality - Chairperson Dr. Carlos Amaya reported they bought signs and vests (for volunteers). They will ask the Deans for donations to purchase office supplies and IE Committee to purchase candy. Will contact Arvis Jones, Director of Campus Life, to have students from the Student Embassy help during registration. Facilities & Safety -- Chairperson Susana Rodarte. It was reported that the week before Olga Thurman, Manager Academic Resources, reported to Mr. Lobato’s office a strange smell in the Tutoring Lab. The problem has been taken care of. A Committee member was assigned a building to report things needing to be fixed. Members: Dr. Carlos Amaya, William Steven Harmon, Patrick Pynes, Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 29 B. Bldg.-A Bldg. Susana Rodarte, Bldg. B-Graciela Rico, C-Kerry Ann Gardner, American Village -- Claude Mathis and Margarita C. Gonzalez, Student Services Bldg.? 5. Mr. Jimenez reported Dr. Stroud clarified that the President recommends that the IE Committee meet once a month so the Committee will meet once a month. Members: Jaime Farias, Kerry Ann Gardner, Lucy Flores, Martha Garcia, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Claude Mathis, Nita Corral-Nava, Bobby Ortega, Graciela Rico, Susana Rodarte, Rosa Saldana, Huili Wang. 6. Submit any agenda items you want to address to Mr. Jimenez before the meetings. 7. The Committee was informed about the President’s Going Healthy initiative. Dr. Amaya informed the Committee about the garden in Bldg A. They are growing vegetables. Stacy Mayo is in charge of that project. 8. There is still an on-going concern regarding the cleaning of the campus by the contracted cleaning company. The cleaning crew informs staff they are not given enough supplies and the company claimed, in one of past meetings, that they are given sufficient supplies. It was commented that the College is not keeping up with the student growth. Other business 1. Informed the Committee about the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey. 2. Discussed Beautification Plans. They need to be kept up continuously. 3. Mr. Tuberville informed the Committee that the 1st week of November there will be a display of military photos in the Annex at VV. If you have any photos you want displayed contact Elsa Lopez extension 3196. 4. C. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Graffiti. A concerned was voiced regarding the award money given to individuals who report graffiti activity. Does Campus Life have enough to give to everyone who submits a report? The Committee was asked to think of other positive ways to stop individuals doing graffiti. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 30 November 30, 2010 VV, Room B-240 individual chose. The campus could have some healthy vendors but not eliminate others existing vendors. Student Campus Life is conducting a survey dealing with this issue. So far the students have selected the food that is currently available. The Committee requested to have a copy of the results. Another option dealing with this initiative can be awareness on healthy eating. Attendees: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Nancy Gamez, Marta Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Steve Harmon, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Pascual A. Martinez, Charlie Miller, Adriana Nevarez, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Susana Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, John Swisher, Roy Tuberville, Vazquez Angeles, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars, Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Dr. Jaime Farias, Armando Gomez, Lucy Flores, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Claude Mathis, Evelyn Mecinas, Lupe Nieto, Nita Corral Nava, Bobby Ortega, Ozcar Robles, Rosa M. Saldana, Huili Wang Absent (provided notice): Rosalia Galindo, Leticia L. Jacobo, Margarita Moreno I. Call to Order. II. Approval of Minutes October 26, 2010 Minutes -- Corrections on attendees/absentees and completed list with all 2010-2011 IE Committee members. Correction on IV. Old Business A. 1. the word Ambassador III. Treasurer’s Report -- no report IV. Other Business A. Saul Candelas reported that the I.E. Committees were designed to fully develop each campus and to report to the president. Stated that he felt the committees have not reached full potential and that the I.E. Committees needed a new focus to participate with short/long term strategic planning. The District planning director will address the next District I.E. meeting to assess where we are at and what we need. Stated our main goal is to improve our lives and the life’s of our students. (Best practices) and to improve the well-being of the College. The Committee was not clear on what Mr. Candelas is requesting. Should the Committee develop a strategic plan? They feel that there are things such as the plumbing and drainage issues that need to be addressed first since. These issues are a health hazardous. The Committee needs to be directed. B. Discussion was held on the healthy eating initiative. Committee commented it is an C. Guadalupe Vargas was not present. Mr. Pascual Martinez who is from Physical Plant was there to comment on the following concerns: 1. Ongoing concern regarding the cleaning of the campus by the contracting company. (College is not being kept up with the student growth). The cleaning crew informs staff they are not given enough supplies and the company claimed, in one of past meetings, that they are given sufficient supplies. –Not discussed 2. Flooding in the SSC building (sand bags is not the solution) -- Working on this already 3. Directory sign between Building “B” and “C” is old and falling apart. Needs to be replaced with new sign and new and accurate information. –Working on this already 4. Replace deface mirror in bathrooms. -Working on this already 5. Faculty Mailboxes (combination mailboxes do not always open with the combination). -- Not discussed 6. Have changing tables put in the bathrooms. -- Might be able to install one in the Student Services Bldg. The lack of funds will only allow for one. 7. Complaints about people smoking too close to the B building. (No smoking sign). -- Not discussed Mr. Pascual stated that most of these requests need a work order in order to be addressed. It was commented that the campus is not able to keep up with the student growth, the size of the pipes need to be changed but it may not Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 31 be an option since they run all the way to Hawkins street. The Physical Plant workers are not allowed to fix things without a work order. The Committee asked Mr. Pascual to ask the workers to assist the IE Committee by having them report things they see that need attention. V. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. 2. Employee of the Month -- Armando Gomez, (Chair) -- No report 4. Facilities & Safe Susana Rodarte (Chair) -- Jeanne Foskett, Instructor, is working with Dr. Rhodes, Arvis Jones, Director of Student Campus Life, and Rick Lobato, Director of Physical Plant, on a project. Mr. Mosley a retired EPCC Instructor, has donated 3 sculptures. They will be placed in the court yard next to the tunnel. Dr. Rhodes wants to hold a ceremony when the sculptures are placed. Old Business. A. 3. Hospitality Amaya, Carlos (Chair) -- are scheduled to meet after this IE meeting. Are in need of volunteers to watch the information tables in the beginning of the Spring 11 semester. VI. Next meeting will be January 25, 2011 (B240 3 to 5 p.m.) Special Activities & Events -- Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- No report VII. Meeting adjourned Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 32 January 25, 2011 VV, Room B-240 H. Attendees: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Lucy Flores, Roselia Galindo, Marta Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Armando Gomez absent (sent a representative), Margarita C. Gonzalez, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, Lupe Nieto, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Ozcar Robles, Angie Ruiz, Rosa M. Saldana, Vazquez Angeles, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Dr. Jaime Farias, Claude Mathis, Pascual A. Martinez, Evelyn Mecinas, Margie Moreno, Adriana Nevarez, Bobby Ortega, John Swisher, Huili Wang V. The A-bldg. (atrium) area that is being used for storage of lawn equipment and soil is very messy. Students walk by this mess every single day and it really doesn’t look good. Will request to use the Green House to store this equipment and to be used as a garden for the Service Learning Agency. Old Business. A. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Absent (provided notice): Nancy Gamez, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Steve Harmon, Susana Rodarte, Roy Tuberville I. Call to Order. II. Approval of November 30, 2010 Minutes III. Treasurer’s Report -- Question posted: what is the process for requesting funds for supplies before an IE meeting? One possible solution is to e-mail the request to all the IE Committee members requesting their vote. IV. Amaya, Carlos (Chair) -- Hospitality tables were a success. Pat Pines, Martha Garcia and Graciela Rico assisted. The VPs donated candy and office supplies. The Dean’s offices donated $100. 2. 3. Ongoing concern regarding the cleaning of the campus by the contracting company. (College is not being kept up with the student growth). The cleaning crew informs staff they are not given enough supplies and the company claimed, in one of past meetings, that they are given sufficient supplies. B. Flooding in the SSC building (sand bags is not the solution). C. Directory sign between Building “B” and “C” is old and falling apart. Needs to be replaced with new sign and new and accurate information. Replace defaced mirror in bathrooms. E. Faculty Mailboxes (combination mailboxes do not always open with the combination). F. Have changing tables put in the bathrooms. G. Complaints about people smoking too close to the B building. (No smoking sign). Employee of the Month Armando Gomez, (Chair) -Representative reported employees of the month. November -- Grace Vaughn, December -- Ruben Ochotorena. The nominations for January are open until January 31. The name of the person selected will be announced before the next meeting. 4. Facilities & Safety Susana Rodarte (Chair) -- none VI. D. Special Activities & Events. Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- The pizza event for the staff and faculty will be at the end of spring semester. The committee is in the process of selecting a date. Chair’s report A. Hospitality. New Business: A motion to approve $120 for candy for the Hospitality sub-Committee for the year was approved. The Recruiting office reported they had donuts, coffee and popcorn for 2 days at the beginning of the semester to welcome students at the Welcome Area. The staff used their personal time to clean the area. The students were very receptive. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 33 Discussed the new direction the President wants the IE Committee to take regarding future plans matching to the College goals. Still in the works. Will let IE Committee members (who have not attended any meetings) know that they need to attend each meeting because they were appointed by the President. All work orders regarding repairs need to be emailed to Rick Lobato and a copy sent to the Deans through the IE Chairperson. VII. Call for Adjournment. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 34 March 29, 2011 VV, Room B-240 Attendees: Lucy Flores, Nancy Gamez, Marta Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Pascual A. Martinez, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Ozcar Robles, Angie Ruiz, Roy Tuberville, Vazquez Angeles, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Roselia Galindo, Armando Gomez, Steve Harmon, Evelyn Mecinas, Margie Moreno, Adriana Nevarez, Bobby Ortega, Susana Rodarte, John Swisher, Huili Wang Absent (provided notice): Dr. Carlos Amaya, Dr. Jaime Farias, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Claude Mathis, Margarita Moreno, Lupe Nieto, Rosa M. Saldana, I. Guest Dolores Gross -- informed the committee upcoming SACS visit for accreditation. Major sections are how to plan, assess outcomes and improvements. The District IE members will be reviewing 50 to 60 EPCC department area plans and giving suggestions. All IE Committees will meet on April 26, 2011 at the VV cafeteria Annex. All members must attend. More information will be emailed. The Chairperson will notify all members who are not attending IE meetings that they are required to attend. II. Call to order III. Minutes for January 25, 2011 were reviewed and approved. IV. Treasurer’s Report -- The Special Events Committee has not made a formal request for money for this year’s activity. V. Officer’s report A. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. Hospitality. Amaya, Carlos (Chair) Not present. 2. Special Activities & Events. Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- reported that the committee is working on combining activities with Campus Life. No date nor activity have been planned. Hopefully, it will take place before Easter. Might have pizza and ice cream floats. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 35 3. Employee of the Month F. Armando Gomez, (Chair) -- not present. Needs to provide Employee of the Month nominee to Dr. Ron Stroud on a monthly basis. 4. Mr. Martinez will serve as the liaison, requests will be sent to him and he will write up the work order since the committee has no account number. The requests will be voiced in the IE meetings to be recorded then sent to Mr. Martinez. Facilities & Safety Susana Rodarte (Chair) -- not present. Member reported no meetings have been held. VI. Complaints about people smoking too close to the B building. No smoking sign. (Comment from the committee ash trays are too close to the doors, they need to be moved further away). Old Business -- Mr. Pascual A.Martinez reported on the following: Recruitment provided Mr. Martinez a list of requests: A. Flooding in the SSC building (Work-inprogress). B. Directory sign between Building “B” and “C” is old and falling apart. Needs to be replaced with new sign and new and accurate information. (Working on it) There are spider webs and spiders in the main entrance to the Student Services Bldg. need to be cleaned. The stairs and main entrance need to be painted. C. The elevator carpet needs to be replaced it smells. The lamp in the elevator is broken and molded needs to be replaced. Replace defaced mirror in bathrooms. (Attained quote on replacing 27 men’s/women’s mirrors at $185 each total $5,000, no further action) D. Faculty Mailboxes (Met with locksmith, the locks are old but still be open by manipulating them, no further action). E. Have changing tables put in the bathrooms. (Attained quote $195 for plastic and $1,300 for metal ones. The Committee recommended 4 in the Student Services Building, 2 in the cafeteria annex, a total of 6) Other requests: Hand sanitizer containers are empty since before Christmas. 2nd floor of B Bldg. windows need to be cleaned. Next Meeting: April 26, 2011 (B-240, 3 to 5 p.m.) after meeting at the cafeteria annex. VII. Call for Adjournment. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 36 April 26, 2011 VV, Cafeteria Annex Attendees: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Carla Cardoza, Dr. Jaime Farias, Lucy Flores, Nancy Gamez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Armando Gomez, Steve Harmon, Leticia L. Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Pascual A. Martinez, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, Lupe Nieto, Bobby Ortega, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, Rosa M. Saldana , Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Susana Rodarte (Chair) -- no report. Will meet only if necessary. V. Old Business -- Mr. Pascual A.Martinez reported on the following: A. Directory sign between Building “B” and “C” is old and falling apart. Needs to be replaced with new sign and new and accurate information. (Redesigns are done for updates) B. Faculty Mailboxes (May need to purchase new locks) C. Have changing tables put in the bathrooms. (The Committee recommended 4 in the Student Services Building, 2 in the cafeteria annex, a total of 6 requisitions have been submitted) D. Complaints about people smoking too close to the B building. No smoking sign. (Have not looked into it yet) Absent: Saul Candelas, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Roselia Galindo, Marta Garcia, Claude Mathis, Evelyn Mecinas, Adriana Nevarez, John Swisher, Huili Wang Absent (provided notice): Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Margarita Moreno, Roy Tuberville, Angeles Vasquez I. Call to order II. Minutes for March 29, 2011 were reviewed and approved. III. Treasurer’s Report -- No requests for funds. IV. Officer’s report A. Recruitment provided Mr. Martinez a list of requests: Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality. There are spider webs and spiders in the main entrance to the Student Services Bldg. need to be cleaned (Mr. Martinez checked areas and did not find anything) Amaya, Carlos (Chair) will be preparing for Fall 11. Expense for summer semesters 2011 is $120. Reported student ambassadors did a good job helping. 2. The stairs and main entrance need to be painted. (Mr. Martinez and Angie Ruiz will check out) Special Activities & Events. The elevator carpet needs to be replaced it smells. (Mr. Martinez and Angie Ruiz will check out) Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- Planning pizza and root beer floats event for May 5, 2011, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at VV cafeteria annex. 3. Employee of the Month Armando Gomez, (Chair) -Expressed concerned that ASC has not submitted an application for EOM. VV submitted 12 nominations, asking for volunteers to review online votes. Maria E. Lopez (Assistant Director, CSD), Lorenza Mendoza (Accounts Receivable Clerk), and Sylvia Gonzalez (Program Assistant Distance Learning) are EOM for February, March and April. 4. The lamp in the elevator is broken and molded needs to be replaced. (Mr. Martinez and Angie Ruiz will check out) Hand sanitizer containers are empty since before Christmas. (Mr. Martinez will check out) Other requests: Entrance from into A Bldg. from Student Services Bldg. (west) is slippery and full of debris from the winds. Can a barrier be placed? (Mr. Martinez and Angie Ruiz will check out) VI. Next Meeting: May 31, 2011 (B-240, 3 to 5 p.m.) after meeting at the cafeteria annex. VII. Call for Adjournment. Facilities & Safety Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 37 June 28, 2011 VV, Room B-240 Attendees: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Lucy Flores, Roselia Galindo, Marta Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Pascual A. Martinez, Claude Mathis, Nita Corral Nava, Lupe Nieto, Patrick Pynes, Graciela Rico, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, Angeles Vasquez A. Directory sign between Building “B” and “C” is old and falling apart. Needs to be replaced with new sign and new and accurate information. (Is waiting for Mr. Lobato’s approval) Absent: Saul Candelas, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Dr. Jaime Farias, Evelyn Mecinas, Adriana Nevarez, Bobby Ortega, Rosa M. Saldana, John Swisher, Huili Wang B. Faculty Mailboxes (nothing new to report) C. Have changing tables put in the bathrooms. (Has placed 2 changing tables is bldg. C. Have 2 left asked for suggestions. Nita Corral Nava will show Mr. Martinez other areas to place them) D. Complaints about people smoking too close to the B building. No smoking sign. (Moved the ash trays away from the building) Absent (provided notice): Carla Cardoza, Nancy Gamez, Armando Gomez, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Steve Harmon, Leticia L. Jacobo, Charlie Miller, Margarita Moreno, Roy Tuberville, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Recruitment provided Mr. Martinez a list of requests: Call to order I. Treasurer’s Report -- Not present. II. Officer’s report A. There are spider webs and spiders in the main entrance to the Student Services Bldg. need to be cleaned (Has been completed) Sub-Committee Reports. 1. The stairs and main entrance need to be painted. (Has been completed) Hospitality. The elevator carpet needs to be replaced it smells. (Has been completed with some plastic type material) Amaya, Carlos (Chair) -- Asked for $140 for tables 2. Special Activities & Events. The lamp in the elevator is broken and molded needs to be replaced. (No report) Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- Pizza activity a success held May 3, 2011. About 150 individuals participated. Bought 35 pizzas. 3. Hand sanitizer containers are empty since before Christmas. (Mr. Martinez was not able to locate them. Committee members recommended it be a joint effort that Physical Plant check periodically and staff report when they notice empty containers) Employee of the Month Armando Gomez, (Chair) -- Not present. Mr. Jimenez reported Mr. Gomez has been active with EOM. Employees have already been selected but Mr. Jimenez did not have the names. 4. Other requests: Entrance from into A Bldg. from Student Services Bldg. (west) is slippery and full of debris from the winds. Can a barrier be placed? (Mr. Martinez reported too expensive to build barrier. Mr. Jimenez will address it at the District meeting to recommend it be taken into consideration with drawing plans for renovations of Student Services Bldg.) Facilities & Safety Susana Rodarte (Chair) -- Not present III. Next Meeting: July 26, 2011 (B-240, 3 to 5 p.m.) pending. Old Business -- Mr. Pascual A.Martinez reported on the following: IV. Call for Adjournment. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 38 August 30, 2011 VV, Room B-240 Attendees: Dr. Jaime Farias, Lucy Flores, Roselia Galindo, Nancy Gamez, Marta Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Margarita C. Gonzalez, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Charlie Miller, Nita Corral Nava, Lupe Nieto, Patrick Pynes, Angeles Vasquez, Charles Williams, Elaviano Willars Consuelo Gonzales (SGA) Co-Chair. Maria E. Lopez, Secretary, has completed her term as Secretary and as a committee member. Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Paul Covey, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Armando Gomez, Linda Gonzalez Hensgen, Steve Harmon, Claude Mathis, Evelyn Mecinas, Margarita Moreno, Adriana Nevarez, Bobby Ortega, Graciela Rico, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, John Swisher, Huili Wang It was commented that Dr. Ernie Roberts’ future idea for the IE Committees is for the committees to focus on cost effective savings and continue with the same goals it presently has. Mr. Jimenez passed out certificates of appreciation to several committee members. The Americana Village has been approved for wired internet. It currently has wireless and it is very difficult for instructors to access internet. The work on this will start in the near future. Absent (provided notice): Dr. Carlos Amaya, Leticia L. Jacobo, Pascual A. Martinez, Rosa M. Saldana, Roy Tuberville, I. Call to order II. Minutes for June 28, 2011 were reviewed and approved with one correction: Ms. Susana Rodarte was not present. III. Treasurer’s Report -- there is $270.84 left in the budget, which will be used to purchase water and snacks for future events and to purchase a gift for Mr. Ramon Jimenez, Chair. IV. Officer’s report A. There are some rotting portions in some of the buildings in the Americana Village that need to be addressed. Some of the women’s restroom stalls’ locks are broken. There are no food vendors in that area of the campus. Students do not have time to go the C building to purchase lunch because for most of them lunch time is just 30 minutes. It was suggested to contact Juan Flores, Director of Auxiliary Services, or Ruben Gallardo, Director of Purchasing, for the possibility of having a food vendor in that area. No food will be allowed in the new Student Union Lounge. Sub-Committee Reports. 1. There will be a reception for the artist who donated the three sculptures in area between the A building and the gym. Susana Rodarte was active in having the sculptures donated. Hospitality Amaya, Carlos (Chair) -- Not present 2. It was reported that students for NWC have started a petition regarding the removal of dead bushes. These bushes serve as homes to rabbits and the concern is where these rabbits will move. The students are suggesting that the bushes be replaced slowly in phases and replaced by new ones. This issue will be taken to the District IE. Since the College adopted the Echo system this would be in sync with it. Special Activities & Events. Robles, Ozcar (Chair) -- Not present 3. Employee of the Month Armando Gomez, (Chair) -- Not present 4 V. Facilities & Safety Clocks around the campus continue to be set at different times. Susana Rodarte, Chair -- Not present A big THANK YOU to Mr. Jimenez from the committee for his hard work. New Business Next Meeting: To be announced. Mr. Jimenez, Chair has completed his term as Chair but he will continue as a committee member. Roy Tuberville will serve as Chair and Patrick Pynes as VI. Call for Adjournment. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 39 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 September 29, 2009 ASC Board Room I. Meeting was called to order at 3:45. II. Introduction: Mr. Frank Lujan, Committee Chair. III. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the May, June and July meetings were presented and approved. IV. The next order of business was to select a Chair Elect and secretary. Mr. Lujan mentioned that the I.E. Committee was also comprised of various subcommittees. Also, Claire Buisson Rodriguez stated that she would like to continue to participate in the E.O.M. celebration. Ms. Rodriguez is the photographer that takes the pictures at the EOM celebration and displays the pictures on the campus TV system and TV station. Please notify her of these events. Mr. Lujan also mentioned that last year, the president gave each I.E. team $975 to spend as needed. This money was used for the Employee of the Month celebration, along with the Special Activities and Hospitality committees. Mr. Lujan stated that the president was very supportive of the I.E. teams and that we could probably expect some funding again this year. The dollar amount at this time is unknown. V. New Business – Mr. Lujan mentioned that the Chair, the Chair Elect and Secretary needed to attend the District I.E. meetings which are held every second Tuesday of the month at ASC. Nominations for positions: Co-Chair- Mr. Ramon Jimenez Secretary – Maria E. Lopez Hospitality committee is responsible for setting up the welcome/information tables at beginning of each semester in the various buildings at VV. Susan Silva was last year’s chair of this sub-committee. Treasurer – Hospitality – Carlos Amaya Special Activities committee is responsible for the annual campus activity. Last year’s activity was a pizza party. Lily Medrano from Student Services was the chair for this sub-committee. Employee of the Month is responsible for sending out the call for nominations, selecting the E.O.M. and setting up the celebration table in front of the campus dean’s office. Special Activities – Michelle Ruiz Employee of the Month – Roy Tupperville VI. Next VV I.E. meeting: Tuesday October 27th in B240. VII. Meeting adjourned 4:20. Facilities Committee is chaired by the Campus Dean. The facilities meetings are held every last Monday of the month, the day before the campus I.E. meeting. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 40 October 27, 2009 VV, Room B-240 I. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. II. Minutes from September were presented and approved. III. Mr. Frank Lujan, Committee Chair, introduced new members and asked everybody in which committee they would like to be in. 1. 2. 3. 4. There were a lot of ideas brought up during the meeting like having students write suggestions on what they think is needed to beautify the campuses. Saul Candelas said that on the teacher evaluations, on the back there place for the students to write in their complaints, concerns and issues. Mr. Lujan asked who is in charge of the bulletin boards around the College. Michelle Ruiz is one of them from Campus Life. It was suggested that notices posted around the campus should be removed frequently. Campus Life, faculty, anybody (if you see that the notice expired), pulled them out and dispose of them accordingly. Take initiative. Mr. Lujan said we need to be the voice and be heard to get these things done. Hospitality Special Activities & Events Employee of the Month Facilities & Safety Charlie Miller is new Treasurer Mr. Miller asked if there is a budget and Mr. Lujan said there is one for $975.00. Any expenses come out of this fund. For any monies spent for any activity, you may get reimbursed by e-mailing Mr. Miller giving him the following information: Tammie Campos said that there are funds available for fixing for the students for disabilities if need be. Mr. Lujan said that we need to move our campuses on the right direction. He is open to suggestions, issues that need to be addressed in order to keep campuses clean. Amount, reason, date of event and a copy of the receipt If amount is $50 or less, reimbursement is done through petty cash. If amount is over $50, a check request needs to be done. Treasurer expects to see receipts for end of year financial report. For closing, this will make his life a little bit easier. Remember that the College does not reimburse for tax because we are tax exempt. If you do not want to pay for the tax, you need to get a “tax exempt” form from the cashiers department to take to the store where items are being purchased. That is if that business will accept the form. Beautification project continues for this year. The blue book tells you what has been done and what not. There are a lot of issues concerning bathroom maintenance, gums on the floors, dirty windows, cement settlement etc. Mr. Lujan urged everyone to report these issues but to remember that there are priorities mainly when it comes to health and safety. Things may not get fixed because of priority one year (because of the budget) but they will get done the following year. Mr. Lujan will invite Mr. Lobato to the next meeting to obtain some answers to these issues. If you e-mail your concerns/issues to Mr. Lujan, he will try to send and resent them to Mr. Lobato at least one a month to remind him. IV. Mr. Tuberville asked if there were any volunteers for the different committees. Mr. Lujan said that the Employee of the Month committee needs to get going. The forms need to be revised to make the selection easier. Need to abide by the policy. Need to be put on electronic form on web page. Mr. Lujan urged everybody to participate on the EOM celebrations in front of Dr. Farias office. It was brought up to attach some monetary gift. Recipients always get a gift card from Barnes and Noble for $25.00 but someone said it could be something else like a gift card from the mall. There were several ideas brought out so Mr. Lujan said the committee should decide what to do when the EOM Committee meets. The money for this activity comes out of Dr. Farias account. Everyone in attendance volunteered for the different committees. Mr. Lujan will send an e-mail to everybody with the list of the committees and their volunteers. Mr. Lujan believes in having fun and told everyone not to be afraid to volunteer. He also said that he will try to keep meetings under an hour. He will send agenda ahead of time so that everyone has time to send in any ideas or concerns to add to it. He will set up something for next meeting like pumpkins pie, etc. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 41 For next meeting, Mr. Lujan will have a nice sign-in sheet and said he will be more attentive. He also said that in the District-wide IE meeting held 2 weeks ago, he was out but the Secretary and Vice President were there. They need to come up with en election representative to work with Dr. Rhodes. V. Next Meeting: November 24, 2009, 3-5 p.m., Valle Verde Campus, Building B, Room 240. VI. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. On a closing note, Mr. Lujan told everyone that there are a lot of things happening out there and not to be afraid to ask or say something. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 42 November 24, 2009 VV, Room B-240 I. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. II. The minutes were presented and approved. III. Mr. Frank Lujan, Committee Chair, proceeded to report on old business concerning sub-committee reports. A. B. He also commented that the elevator has not been cleaned for a while. Perhaps our IE committee could invite the people from facilities to talk about the problem, specifically Mr. Lobato, Director of Maintenance. With respect to lighting, the issue has been discussed. While the lighting in the parking lots is pretty good, lighting in exit areas is not so. He contacted Carlos from the Hospitality subCommittee. Mr. Lujan has sent emails to contact B-Bldg people and is expecting more emails. The Employee of the Month sub-committee -a new application has been designed so that when received as email, it will be simple to fill out. The committee will review the applications and select accordingly. Application forms are out for October and November. Mr. Lujan urged committee members to call Norma if lighting was not working as it is happening in the walkway since light don’t come on until 8:00 p.m. E. Mr. Tuberville, Chair of the Employee of the Month Committee, will not be able to fulfill his responsibilities as chair of this committee and has nominated Mr. Gomez to take his place. Mr. Lujan formally presented the nomination and members of this committee voted unanimously to accept Mr. Gomez’ nomination and appointment as Chairperson of this committee. C. Nothing on Special Events D. Facilities and Safety -- Lighting structures in the A-Bldg. not lighting in the mornings. The light on the exit signs of exit doors is not on. It is probably on a timer, which needs to be reset. The B-building is okay. F. The bathrooms in the A-Bldg. are getting flooded. He has talked to Maintenance to get it straightened out. Dr. Farias commented about a study concerning replacement issue, the findings of which were compiled, but he doesn’t know where the study is. It did not include furniture and equipment. Mr. Lujan urged committee members to try to keep the spirit of service alive by going out and responding proactively to the needs of our Valle Verde community. He then proceeded to thank Ms. Jacobo for taking minutes for the October meeting. G. IE committee reports from the various campuses. Dr. Farias commented on the concern about equipment in B-Building. He also mentioned replacing an extension at the end of the hallway. Upon money being available, there would be a replacement. An additional comment was made concerning the need to replace the Student Lounge furniture. There was a question about leaving the policy for leaving chairs for students who are incapacitated in some way to sit outside of the instructor’s office. The chair is placed, but it is removed again. Dr. Farias stated that furniture should not be placed in the middle of the hallways. It should not be a permanent fixture. 1. Rio Grande Campus is having problems with the elevators and surveillance cameras that are disappearing. 2. Transmountain Campus has had problems of miscommunication concerning the landscaping jobs, which were executed, though proper channels were not used to carry out the project. 3. ASC had an Employee of the Month function. They have many fundraising activities for their employees, i.e., raffles. They have set up their Christmas Tree with cards of all the employees. As they take a card, the card reads the person to whom the gift should be given. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 43 H. 4. Mission has parking and drainage issues. They need more faculty parking. 5. Northwest is updating the Library and Cafeteria. The project is already underway. the office. One member stated that it is easy for her to control her area in this matter, but she cannot control what happens in other offices. Mr. Lujan suggested calling the maintenance office and asking for more sticky paper to be put in areas where the mice are seen more often. New Business: 1. There was a previous suggestion to have an oversight program or a Master Plan to avoid miscommunication problems. 2. Young kids are using faculty/staff designated parking. Mr. Lujan stated that more than 5000 parking permits had been issued for 2008-2009. Some, though very few, faculty had as many as five decals. 30% of Faculty and Staff had been issued two decals per person. More often, in second place, faculty or staff were issued two decals per person. In addition, all vendors, Janitorial Services staff, maintenance, cafeteria employees, bookstore employees are allowed to have a parking decal. Students can have a staff decal if they are part-time employees at the College. However, we have many part-time faculty working early morning, evening, and weekend schedules. Therefore, it is difficult to control who parks in faculty/staff parking areas. This topic was discussed at the District meeting. 3. 4. Janitorial services received phone calls about the fact that some areas are not being cleaned as well as they should be. The comment was that the staff in janitorial services received a cut in the number of work hours. They seem to be concentrating heavily on one area or another. The question is why are the hours being cut? Is it the College? Can we make a list of what we would like to be done? Carpet cleaning, as Mr. Lujan stated, is done by request. We can all request that type of service though janitors will not clean the desktop. Another problem is the mice infestation in Bldg A. The sticky paper for getting rid of the mice is not a good solution. Dr. Farias mentioned that there is an exterminator contract. Mr. Lujan said that the sticky paper was the only solution available. The suggestion for preventing this situation is to abide by the College policy not to keep food in 5. Angie Kiery (not sure about this last name), Office of Recruitment, reported that the elevator and stairwell near that office need upkeep. Mr. Lujan asked for all these problems to be reported to maintenance stating exactly the problem, area, and building where it is located. Mention was made of a previous suggestion to establish a procedure for reporting these situations anonymously. 6. One of the instructors in our committee reported that the results of a study by his students demonstrated an improved student involvement. Students were taking responsibility for their own participation in the upkeep of their learning environment. However, students were appalled at the unhealthy conditions of the bathrooms and the excessive smoking outside of the building since smokers leave all the cigarette butts on the ground. The other situation he reported was the tutoring services at Valle Verde. Students have to wait as long as an hour to get help or the help they get is not that helpful. All of this is due to the cut down on tutor hours. Is it possible to talk to Olga Thurman regarding this matter? 7. The Parking lot on the Southwest area of the campus has a lot of congestion due to cars stopping at curbside to drop off or pick up students. Also drivers do not respect the direction of the flow of traffic. Police Officer Megliorino, who was present at the meeting, said he would report the situation to the Campus Police so that Police officers would patrol the area. Unfortunately, according to the educational code, drivers are allowed to take 5 minutes for drop off or pick-up. The next question was whether or not there could be a designated drop-off zone? Mr. Lujan thought it would be appropriate to investigate the situation by collecting hard data so that we could get a better idea of where that drop-off zone could be set up. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 44 8. 9. The next question was about preventing loud music to be played while classes are going on. Officer Megliorino stated that loud music was in violation, and Officers gave many citations to people playing loud music in campus. The suggestion was to display signs announcing that no loud music is allowed. However, Mr. Lujan said this was not a viable solution because that would allow for all types of signs to be posted. The solution must be more realistic. Mr. Lujan then suggested that we should send all reports to him by email and he would compile them to send them to Mr. Lobato or Mr. Chavez so that either one could be prepared to answer them when we invite either person to join us in one of our meetings. We could also invite each of the service departments to join us in our monthly meetings as needed to answer any questions about any situations needing improvement. 10. Angie Keiry made an announcement on behalf of the Price Center on Montana, which takes in former foster children 18 years or older. These young people are given food and are provided help to go to school in the way of learning activities and scholarship grants. Her office is collecting gifts for these teenagers. If anyone wishes to help out with a gift, the gift should be at her office by December 8th. The people at the Price Center will have a party on December 11th. Twenty-four former foster children who are now adults are involved in this project. 11. The date for our next meeting is January 26, 2010 at 3:00 p.m., in Room B240, B-Bldg. 12. Mr. Lujan brought pumpkin pies for all committee members to enjoy and wished us all a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Mention was made of the improvement that the Media Center is undertaking to provide better service with media carts, thus doing away with TV carts. 13. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 45 January 26, 2010 VV, Room B-240 I. The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. II. Minutes from November were presented and approved. III. Mr. Rick Lobato, was scheduled to meet with the Committee was not able to attend. IV. Old business: A. TM -- The old Culinary Arts area has been converted to a temporary Biology Lab. There has been quite a bit of landscape work. An agreement was made with Rick Lobato, Director of Physical Plant, not to touch or plant anything without informing IE and his department. 3. ASC -- The new chairperson would like to reduce the monthly activities. The employees are being overloaded by these events so the reduction will result in higher work productivity. 4. MDP -- The back driveway (leading to Eastlake Rd.) will have speed bumps when done. There is a water issue in the front grass area. There is a dip where the water accumulates when it rains which is partly due to the water sprinklers turning on when it rains. This issue will be looked at so the water sprinklers do not turn on when it rains. The water issue is also because of the pipe work was done incorrectly. The pipes will be redone this summer. The cafeteria and bookstore will be remodeled. The cafeteria will be built separately outside the courtyard. 5. NWC -- The high school kids using the skate boards on EPCC campus is a concern. Will meet with the high school principal to discuss the issue. The students cannot be denied access to the campus grounds. The high schools can confiscate but EPCC is not allowed to do this. This is also a safety concern. Sub-Committee Reports 1. 2. B. 2. Hospitality -- Welcome tables for students went well. All the Campus Deans and staff contributed. Will email Dr. Denise Brown to thank him for his support. Special Activities and Events -- The Chairperson is leaving in mid March. Asked for a replacement. The faculty and staff have 1 event a year. The Chairperson, proposed to combine this event with a Mardi Gras event with Campus Life. Event will involve a parade beginning at 11 am to 1 p.m. with a cook-out in the court yard. The deadline to be included is Jan. 29, 2010. A proposal will be submitted via email to the IE Committee for approval. The event will take place February 16, 2010 at VV. 3. Employee of the Month -- Application on line is not ready. Dr. Stroud inquired about it. This event is important to Dr. Rhodes. It needs to continue even if the form is not complete, use old form for nominations. 4. Facilities & Safety -- nothing to report C. New Business District-wide IE Report -- two meeting were held one in December and January. 1. Pat Pines was not able to attend the meeting. 1. 2. The restrooms at VV Bldg. A are not handicapped accessible. The stales or doors are not wide enough. A form from Accessibility Committee needs to be submitted to the Campus Police. 3. The Hospitality Committee is requesting the purchase of new banners for the hospitality tables. A proposal will be submitted to purchase 8 new ones. RG -- Reported the problem of homeless roaming the campus continues. The building across the street (old Kahn’s Bakery) has been purchased. Will move out of the LULAC building because it will be renovated and move back in with the renovation is completed. The lot next to the library will be used as handicapped parking. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 46 4. 5. 6. The directory signs in the buildings are being ordered by Mr. Lobato. In the mean time temporary framed signs will used to assist students to find classrooms. Jaime Farias will be contacted to discuss appropriate armless chairs for Sign Language Interpreters to use when interpreting in classrooms. Be aware of the Physical Plants news letter. It is being sent via email and is also available on the web. It contains the names of two contacts who address any housekeeping or maintenance issues. It was reported that problems have been addressed quicker since this these two staff have been assigned as contacts. V. 7. An EPCC Alert Website to inform staff and students about criminal activities was explored. 8. 5 podiums have been purchased for classroom use (one for each campus). It is accessible for disabled individuals. A demo is in VV C202 for viewing. 9. The new Student Union area construction (under bldg. A & C) should begin sometime this year. 10. The construction for the new Student Services bldg. is not known. 11. Plans to attain funding to cover the stage area outside the Americana Village are being researched. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 47 February 23, 2010 VV, Room B-240 to have GCA provide them. Restroom cleaning ladies are split to clean several restrooms. It was reported that cleaning ladies are not given sufficient cleaning supplies. GCA does not have storage space to store extra supplies. Mr. Gonzalez reported they have purchased 140 vacuum cleaners for EPCC use. Soap containers are at times empty. There a not enough handicapped stalls. The handicapped stalls meet the minimal requirement. Mr. Lobato will meet with GCA management to cleaning related issues. Mr. Lobato will email Mr. Lujan (IE Committee Chairperson) the Task Levels of Cleanliness required from GCA. Building A restrooms have automatic door openers, the second floor restroom will also have these openers installed. There has been some miscommunication regarding the cleaning of the restrooms at ATC. There are two sets of restrooms, outside and inside. Apparently the outside restrooms are being cleaned instead of the inside ones. Attendees: Carlos Amaya, Carla Cardoza, Lucy Flores, Nancy Gamez, Martha Garcia, Kerry Ann Gardner, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, William Harmon, Leticia Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Frank Lujan, Claude Mathis, Margie Moreno, Lupe Nieto, Patrick Paynes, Gracie Rico, Michelle Ruiz, Angeles Vazquez, Huili Wong, Elviano, Willars Absent: Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Nita Corral-Nava, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Jaime Farias, Roselia Galindo, Armando Gomez, Margarita Gonzalez, Moses Megliorino, Brenda Mesa, Charlie Miller, Bobby Ortega, Ozcar Robles, Susanna Rodarte, Angie Ruiz, Rosa Saldana, John Swisher Absent (called): Roy Tuberville I. The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. II. Minutes from January were presented and approved. III. Rick Labato, Director of Physical Plant; Rick Torres, Construction Engineer; Javier Cisneros, Building Hardware Specialist; Octavio Gonzalez, GCA (cleaning company contracted by EPCC for cleaning) A. Issues discussed: 1. 2. Lighting -- front exterior lights for the VV campus are being tested. Interior lighting will be redone at all campuses. A similar project for the parking lot lighting is in the process of being arranged. Exterior lighting will cost between $300,000 and $500,000 (funding is currently not available). If there is any other areas of concern please call ext. 2280. Besides adding more lighting the lighting will be replaced with more energy efficient lighting. Restrooms -- restroom in bldg. A, west side upstairs smells. Will investigate. Bldg. A has odor problems due to poor ventilation in the semi industrial area. Women’s restrooms’ stalls in the Americana Village do not lock. Locks have been already replaced but some are pending. Not all restrooms are wheelchair accessible, an assessment will be done. Currently EPCC is purchasing restroom towels may change to have GCA (cleaning company contract by EPCC to clean) may change IV. 3. Elevators -- Student Services’ elevators smell bad. Will see if carpet can be removed and replaced with carpet. Bldg. A elevator needs adjusting. 4. Stairs -- will have the steps in Bldg. A will be worked on during Spring break or in between semesters. 5. Feedback of work orders -- committee recommended having a system set up to continuously provide feedback on work orders. 6. Student Services bldg.’s second floor is very cold and 2126 A too hot. The system is hard to adjust from cold to hot and vice versa. 7. Parking -- needed closer to the automotive shop for cars that are being worked on. There could be a safety issue. Old business: A. Sub-Committee Reports Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 48 1. 2. 3. Hospitality -- Would like to purchase Banners @ $85. The committee has not spent any money for this is a possibility. No Employee of the Month submissions have been received. It was recommended that a moveable sign for a parking space for the Employee of the Month was discussed. pushbuttons on restroom doors, temperature control (who to call), keep all campus clocks with the same time. V. Special Activities and Events -- Tried to incorporate the Spring Fling with Mardi Gras but was not able to. Facilities & Safety -- Discussed restroom cleanliness, restroom wheelchair accessibility in restrooms, VI. Other business A. Safety -- Re-establishing Crime web page to post names, individuals, trespassers and other related things. B. Motion to discuss the remaining agenda issues next meeting was proposed and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 49 March 30, 2010 VV, Room B-240 supervisors of the Employee of the Month with sufficient time so they can make arrangements to have the employee and he/she to attend. The celebration is held in front of Dr. Farias’ office A1413/1412. All the committee is encouraged to attend. Attendees: Carlos Amaya, Richard Chavez, Kerry Ann Gardner, Roselia Galindo, Leticia Jacobo, Ramon Jimenez, Maria E. Lopez, Frank Lujan, Charlie Miller, Bobby Ortega, Patrick Paynes, Gracie Rico, Ozcar Robles, Susanna Rodarte, Michelle Ruiz, Rosa Saldana, Roy Tuberville , Angeles Vazquez, Huili Wong, Elviano, Willars Absent: Saul Candelas, Carla Cardoza, Nita Corral-Nava, Grace Erivez, Steven Escajeda, Jaime Farias, Lucy Flores, Armando Gomez, Margarita Gonzalez, William Harmon, Claude Mathis, Margie Moreno, Moses Megliorino, Brenda Mesa, Lupe Nieto, Angie Ruiz, John Swisher 5. Treasurer -- $85 for Banners for the Hospitality Committee, need 8 banners. It was suggested to ask the Campus Deans for the money or have a fundraiser to raise funds to purchase banners or other things. 6. Michelle Ruiz reported there are left over sodas, napkins, cups and spoons from the Pizza/Ice Cream event. Frank Lujan will make arrangements to picks these items up and store them in his area for future use. 7. Richard Chavez announced that any janitorial/cleaning issues be reported to Norma, at the Physical Plant office. He also reported there is not a shortage of cleaning supplies. Absent (called): Nancy Gamez, Martha Garcia, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen I. The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. II. Minutes from February were presented and approved. III. Old business: A. Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality -- Would like to purchase banners. 2. Special Activities and Events -reported on their Pizza/Ice Cream event for EPCC staff. They bought 120 pizzas and 4 flavors of ice cream. This was not enough food for staff. The cost of the event was $347.72. Michelle is leaving and Charlie Miller with take over the position of chairperson. 3. 4. Facilities & Safety -- Meeting of 3/29/10 was canceled. There was a concern regarding who to call for room temperature control after the College offices close. The Police Department was contacted and they did not know what to do or who to contact. According to Richard Chavez, Physical Plant, the Police Department Dispatcher should have a list with phone numbers of who to contact in different situations. If this procedure is not working staff need to contact Mr. Richard Lobato and inform him. Employee of the Month (representative not present) met and selected 3 individuals for Employee of the Month. The committee needs to inform the B. District-wide IE report 1. RG -- having problems with planters being used as ashtrays, handicapped parking (College has not been resolved street handicapped parking issues with the city), parking next to the library will be handicapped parking, staff from the EPCC LULAC building will move to the building (old Kahn’s Bakery recently purchased by the College) next to it while LULAC building in being renovated. 2. TM -- Very vocal on trying to control landscape initiatives. Their IE Committee, Campus Dean, and Mr. Lobato developed a procedure to work together regarding landscaping and incorporate them in future plans. Richard Chavez recommended to Mr. Lobato (not present) to ask all the IE Committees to submit fund requests for their beautification projects. 3. VV -- Beautification Plan will be reevaluated to see what has been done, what needs to be done and what is Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 50 pending. The Committee will physically inspect the VV Campus: B Bldg. -- Charlie Miller Student Services Bldg. -- Ramon Jimenez Landscaping -- Carlos Amaya A Bldg. -- Roselia Galindo, Susana Rodarte, Bobby Ortega Gym Bldg. -- need a volunteer C Bldg. -- Kerry Ann Gardner Lighting around campus -- Frank Lujan Maintenance Bldg. -- Richard Chavez Daycare Bldg -- Roy Tuberville, Ramon Jimenez Americana Bldgs. -- Ozcar Robles ATC Bldg./Baseball field -- Frank Lujan 4. ASC -- Doing a number of fundraisers/having activities each month 5. Mission del Paso -- Will be having more handicapped parking, there are speed bump and beautification issues. Mr. Chavez reported Mr. Lobato has assigned a staff from Physical Plant to all IE Committees. IV. V. 6. NWC -- Resolved skateboard issue with the help of the high school principal. Expanding patio. 7. VV -- Plan to expand new building next to the Student Services building. Maybe 4 stories high. Other business A. Armando Gomez will meet with Dr. Rhodes regarding having him meet with the Employee of the Month each month. B. Mr. Charles Miller, Director of Papagayo, presented a proposal to the committee regarding painting a mural on the wall across A116/117 offices. The mural will be painted by art students in two phases. It was Mary Scotts’ idea and Claude Mathis proposed to have it presented to the committee. There is no cost from the committee. Dr. Farias has already approved it. It was approved by the IE Committee. Next step is to request to have it approved by Dr. Dennis Brown, Dr. Ernie Roberts, and Dr. Richard Rhodes. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 51 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 September 30, 2008 ASC Board Room I. Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie AragonCampos, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Nita Corral Nava, Jessica Diaz, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Maria Lopez, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Bobby Ortega, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Darcy Traffansted, Raymundo Vilca, Huili Wang. 2. Special Activities – Lily Medrano and Mary Lou Gambee talked about the Spring Fling. They will also continue as co-chairs for the 2008-09 academic year. 3. Facilities and Safety – Claude Mathis gave details of the subcommittee’s charge. Jaime Farias will be the subcommittee chair for the 2008-09 academic year. 4. Employee of the Month – Rick Falvo explained that the subcommittee seeks nominations of employees who exemplify the College’s mission and vision. A subcommittee chair will be selected at a later date. Members absent with notification: Jaime Farias. Members absent: Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Javier Cisneros, Rudy Esselborn, Steve Harmon, Sahyly Martinez, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Paul Pearson, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Irene Sierra, Russell Smith. II. Rick Falvo welcomed the new and returning members. III. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the July meeting were presented and approved with changes. IV. Old Business: Rick and Georgia gave an update on Georgia’s meeting with President Rhodes: A. a portion of the furniture for the classrooms and labs has been purchased B. the architects are refining the list of essential and emergency repairs to all sites and will present their findings to the president and the Board of Trustees in October. C. V. Rick thanked last year’s treasurer and secretary for their service to the committee B. C. 1. Secretary – Georgia Sinclair was nominated and elected. 2. Treasurer – Richard Stevens was nominated and elected. 3. Employee of the Month – chair will be selected at a later date. 4. Chair-Elect – Frank Lujan was nominated and elected. Rick asked that anyone who cannot attend a meeting contact one of the Committee officers to let them know. VI. Rick asked each current subcommittee chair to give a short explanation of their charge and sent around sign-up sheets for members to volunteer for the committee of their choice. Other Business: Rick volunteered to continue to update the VV IE web page. He also asked those returning members who had not received their mugs to contact him. VII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on October 28, 2008 in A-1130. 1. VIII. Meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Subcommittee chairs were to meet with their new members. New Business: A. Nominations and Elections Hospitality report – Susan Silva spoke about the hospitality tables and thanked the deans for their financial support. Susan will continue as subcommittee chair for the 2008-09 academic year. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on October 2, 2008. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/24/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 52 October 28, 2008 VV, Room A-1130 I. Call to Order: 3:06 p.m. Members Present: Tammie Campos, Saul Candelas, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Nita Corral-Nava, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Rick Falvo, Jaime Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Maria Lopez, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Emma Gomez (SGA), Misty Rey (SGA), Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lily Medrano, Bobby Ortega, Geri Rajski, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Helen Wang IV. Team Photos: Fernie Garcia took photos of the IE Team Members who were present as well as group photos of each Team Committee and the Officers. V. Old Business: A. Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality: None 2. Special Activities and Events: None 3. Employee of the Month: Met twice and selected 3 employees (FT Staff – Guadalupe Alvarado; Full-Time Faculty – Jose Maldonado; Part-Time - Maria Vasquez). The celebration will be held at 3:00 p.m. November 11, in the lobby outside Dr. Jaime Farias’ office. Members Absent without notification: Richard Chavez, Javier Cisneros, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Paul Pearson, Irene Sierra, Richard Stevens, Darcy Traffansted (SGA), Raymundo Vilca, Susana Rodarte, Russell Smith. 4. Facilities and Safety Committee – No meeting held in October. The one item on the agenda will be held over until the November meeting. Members Absent with notification: Martina Arriaga. II. Approval of September 2008 Minutes: Minutes were presented and approved. III. Guest Speaker: Guadalupe Arellano, El Paso County United Way B. District IE Report A. Discussed the history of El Paso County United Way and solicited donations from IE Team members. EPCC is now having employees donate to the El Paso County United Way because funds are spent locally to help community members in need. 1. United Way spoke to the District IE Committee. 2. Officers elected (District Chair-David Moody, TM; Co-Chair-Georgia Sinclair, VV; Secretary; Gerard Perez, NW). 3. Only VV and ASC have a web page but other sites wish to build one. VV and ASC web pages were used as examples. Rick Falvo explained how easy it is to create a webpage and encouraged other sites to do so. 4. Other IE Team chairs include: ASC– Bonnie Prieto; MdP–Joshua Villalobos; NW – Lucretia Thomas; RG–Ruben Villalobos; TM–David Moody; VV–Rick Falvo. B. The current emphasis of El Paso United Way is to 1. Help Children Succeed 2. Help Families Obtain and/or Maintain Financial Stability 3. Help People to Build and Keep Strong Families C. United Way offers a Miracle Program for students who may earn money to help pay for school and other volunteer programs that may be used as a Student Learning Module. For information on these programs call Veronica Harkness at 533-2434. D. Over 450,000 individuals were served by United Way last year. VI. New Business: 2008-2009 VV IE Charge A. Rick Falvo conveyed concerns that various projects are proposed, but progress status is unknown. Rick proposed that the Valle Verde IE team focus much of its energies on continuing with projects originally proposed, and maintain persistence with seeing them reach completion. B. There are a variety of projects being addressed, which include: Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 53 1. Converting the current A Building bathrooms across from Auto Technology from male to female and female to male. 2. The completion of the part-time faculty office. Deans are currently providing supplies and other needed items. 3. Recycling: the Valle Verde IE team plans to look into recycling for the site. Rick will contact Valarie Joosten of El Paso Environmental Services to ask for her input. He will also ask Tim Nugent about reasons for Valle Verde not having a current recycling program for plastics and ink cartridges. One possible reason is that no one has bid on a recycling contract since the last contractor retired. C. Items suggested in prior months, but whose status is unknown include: 1. Signage within buildings (classrooms and administrative facilities) 2. Remodeling of the Cafeteria Annex to give presentations more quality, make it more user friendly, and enable more privacy for events 3. Campus repairs to plumbing, sewage, roofing, etc. 4. Campus beautification plans (Rick Falvo will check with Ken Gorski to see his plans for beautifying the northeast entrance of the gymnasium). D. Rick will write a letter to Dr. Rhodes, requesting status updates on uncompleted projects. This will be submitted through the Chair of the District-wide IE committee. VII. Next Meeting: November 25, 3-5 p.m. (Building A, Room 1130) VIII. Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Georgia Sinclair, Secretary 10/29/2008 Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 54 November 25, 2008 VV, Room A-1130 I. Call to Order: 3:05 p.m. d. Members Present: Rudy Esselborn, Rick Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Frank Lujan, Gail Mallinson, Lilli Medrano, Sahyly Martinez, Bobby Ortega, Geri Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Richard Stevens One phase of the beautification of the campus is complete -- new plants and landscaping. e. The Fort Bliss Campus has to have one final signature, and then building will begin. B. Other Members Absent with notification: Tammie Campos, Nita Corral-Nava, Jessica Diaz, Norma Hinojos, Maria Lopez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Susan Silva II. Approval of September 2008 Minutes: Minutes were presented and approved with changes. III. Old Business: 1. VV IE Chair, Rick Falvo, sent a letter to Dr. Rhodes through David Moody, District IE Chair asking for updates on current project. a. One thing Dr. Rhodes pointed out was that IE Teams should first check with their Campus Dean and Tim Nugent on the projects. If no satisfaction is found there, then take it to Dr. Rhodes. b. The IE Teams may not be a part of the Search Committee for the Vice President of Student Services position. A. Subcommittee Reports 1. 2. Hospitality: Monday, December 1, VV employees will receive an email message asking for volunteers. Susan will also ask campus administrators to help fund the hospitality tables. She will also contact all members of the subcommittee for planning, etc. Special Activities and Events: There will be a planning meeting next Friday, December 5th. 3. Employee of the Month: The celebration was very good. The subcommittee will meet December 4, 3-4 p.m. to select the November Employee(s) of the Month. 4. Facilities and Safety Committee: a. b. c. The subcommittee met November 20. Money was approved for wiring in computer classroom A2314. The Dean’s will press for more money this year. The large bank of stairs between the SSC and the C building need extensive repairs. A study is being made to determine how extensive the repairs must be. The Accessibility Committee will vote to approve replacement of the stairs, but if this is not passed, someone will speak with Rick Torres to see what can be done. New metal tables have been placed in front of the gym. IV. New Business A. District IE Report 1. Mr. Tim Nugent is retiring in January, 2009. 2. Selection of the Employee of the Month by IE Team subcommittees must follow the same format District-wide. Subcommittee members should read the procedure which describes the process. 3. Teams should try to find new solutions to beautification and other projects. New and prior projects may be suggested, but keep costs in mind and be patient, because the College is short of workers. 4. Campus maps are not current and need to be updated. 5. Sites brought out the following: a. MDP: Trash, rubbish, and weeds along the roadside are a problem. They are hoping to put in more handicapped parking. b. NW: Surveillance cameras will be placed in the cafeteria area. Math and chemistry lab improvements are funded. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 55 c. RG: Signage is needed. Faculty would like to have a parking area, as they and students must vie for parking throughout. The campus is going through renovations. The Health Services Building is sinking; there is an investigation underway to see why. A luncheon is planned. d. TM: They are fixing the irrigation, and planning rest areas and trees. This will prevent or lower rain water runoff and flooding. e. VV: Hope to put photos of all Employees of the Month on the main webpage. 2. Stairwells: Sahyly Martinez and Georgia Sinclair b. Parking lots: Geri Rajski and Richard Stevens c. Cleaning and Maintenance: Rick Falvo and Lilli Medrano d. Bathrooms: Rudy Esselborn and Helen Wong e. Landscaping: Robin Russell and Mary Lou Gambee f. Elevators: Bobby Ortega and Susana Rodarte The remaining items will be investigated next month. 5. Cafeteria Annex renovations. Nothing known concerning the Cafeteria Annex 6. Furniture. Suggested we contact Dr. Brown on this item 7. Recycling. Checking with the City. Students have started their own recycling project. Arvis Jones suggested that Student Life continue to be the contact with the recyclers. She will get bins for the 1st floor of the A building. 1. Team members present will go through the Beautification Report and set priorities. Two-member teams will go through a section and choose those items they feel most important. Emphasis will be placed upon safety and health first. Findings will be presented at January’s meeting. a. Signage. Nothing known concerning signage. D. Other: B. Beautification AY 2008-2009 1. 4. Next to the ATC complex are three portables with six classrooms each that are used by Fire Technology. Students clean out some classrooms for training purposes, but housekeeping is not cleaning any classrooms or taking out the trash in any consistent basis. Sometimes the trash is not emptied for days. This will be looked into. 2. Most audio visual equipment that is distributed by the ISC is falling apart and does not work consistently. The unreliability of the equipment causes problems in the classroom and hinders instructor’s teaching and student learning. ISC needs adequate funding to maintain quality and to purchase new equipment when necessary. A survey will be sent to faculty to see if the problem requires immediate action. 3. Students are still hoping and working toward getting a Student Union Building built at VV and other sites. V. Next Meeting: January 27, 2009; 3-5 p.m. (Building A, Room 1130) VI. Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m. C. Update from Tim Nugent and Cilyn Meyers 1. Sewage: Drainage sewers in gym are fixed. Over Winter break, repairs will be made to Building A pipes , and plans are in hand for sewage between the A Building and the gym 2. The bathroom conversions in Building A are expected to be funded at the next Board meeting. $62,000 dollars will be up for approval. 3. Roofing repairs have been underway throughout the year. Buildings A, B and C roofs are replaced. ASC roofing is a first priority as they are the worst Georgia Sinclair, Secretary 11/26/2008 Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 56 January 27, 2009 I. ASC restrooms which are designed to meet handicap standards Sub-committees reported the following: A. Hospitality sub-committee: there were few volunteers, IE team needs to encourage IE members to assist. B. Special Activities & Events sub-committee: looking at changing food for the Spring Fling to pizza. E. Landscaping -- Campus needs more landscaping F. Elevators -- Elevator in Building A will be completed by mid-February. IV. C. Employee of the Month sub-committee: November’s Employees of the Month were Alma Valadez and Guadalupe Rodriquez. Future assignments for continuing updates on Beautification Reports were made, and will be discussed next time by the following: A. Color on Campus -- Ray Vilca and Stacy Mayo B. Smoking -- Richard Stevens and Rick Falvo D. Facilities & Safety sub-committee: will meet with new physical plant director Richard Lobato, to determine what projects are pending and what need to be done. A2314 updates should be completed by January 30, 2009. Stairs between Building A and Student Services Center are to be repaired. C. Furniture -- Frank Lujan and Barbara Hicks D. Signage -- Richard Stevens and Frank Lujan E. Miscellaneous -- Stacy Mayo and Rick Falvo V. Surveys are being distributed, regarding the audio/visual media equipment: II. New Business: Valle Verde concluded it is happy with current EOM procedures. III. Updates on the Beautification Reports continued, with the following areas discussed: A. Ms. Gamez agreed to start the log again at the IMS to keep track of how often equipment is used and must be replaced. A. Stairwells -- stairs are uneven, broken steps need safety drips and walls need to be painted to be kept clean and lit. B. A suggestion was made to include Smart Classroom problems. B. Parking lot -- Several potholes throughout campus. Rain runoff is an issue in front of Gym and between Building A and B by Automotive Technology. There is a need for additional faculty and staff parking spaces. All ground markings (wording, stripes, arrows) need to be repainted. C. There was a question as to what the information from the survey will be used for. D. It was suggested that the survey results be shown to the instructional VP. C. Cleaning & Maintenance -- Bird droppings need to be cleaned and dry gum removed. Vertical blinds need to be replaced, vending machines need to be checked and cleaned, bulletin boards need to be cleaned, clocks need to be replaced. People leave coffee mugs, furniture, and binders in outside office areas. D. Bathrooms -- There is graffiti in SSC bathrooms (mostly the men’s bathroom). Although there are additional waste baskets next to bathrooms, not all bathrooms have it. Some bathrooms have hot water and some do not. Odor elimination devices should be installed. Suggestions include: getting better toilet paper that does not feel like plastic, making restrooms look like those at ASC, replacing all dispensers so that paper towels do not rip, adding shelves on all restrooms to hold paper towels, and configuring bathrooms like Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 57 February 24, 2009 VV, Room A-1130 Meeting was called to order at 3:04 p.m. with the following members present: Martina Arriaga, Tammie Campos, Richard Chavez, Jessica Diaz, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Maria Lopez, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly, Stacy Mayo, Bobby Ortega, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Helen Wang, Ozcar Robles, Maria Lopez Mitchell and Mary Scott (Art faculty) are planning community service project which involves students creating a community garden on the VV campus. New Business Members absent without notification: Javier Cisneros, Steve Harmon, Claude Mathis, Gloria Miller, Irene Sierra, Darcy Traffansted, Susana Rodarte Daryle Hendry asked the IE Team to allow one of two Admissions/Registrar’s IE Team membership seats be given to Financial Aid at the end of the current members’ terms. The Admissions and Registrar’s offices have been combined into one, and Daryle Hendrick asks that one member represent the department. The motion was made and passed unanimously. Rick Falvo (Chair) will write a memo to Dr. Stroud so that the membership list for Valle Verde may be changed. Guest: Daryle Hendry District IE Report – Rick Falvo: Members absent with Notification: Saul Candelas, Nita Corral-Nava, Rudy Esselborn, Jaime Farias, Arvis Jones, Geri Rajski, Russell Smith, Raymundo Vilca Approval of Minutes: Minutes were presented and approved as corrected. Committee Reports A. B. Hospitality – Susan Silva reported that this will be her last year as a member of the VV IE Team and hopes someone will step up as Chair in the Fall. The Committee will meet the Tuesday after Spring Break to discuss a strategy for this Fall. Volunteers will be needed from the IE Team, as well as from VV faculty and staff. Special Activities – The Committee is considering catering from Cicis, Dominos, or Little Caesars Pizza. The event is planned for the last Thursday of April. As before, notices will be sent out and attendance will require an RSVP. Drinks and pizza will be served. C. Employee of the Month – The celebration was held last Tuesday. D. Facilities and Safety – Jessica Diaz reported that no meeting was held, but that the VV deans met with Mr. Lobato, the Facilities Director. The new computer room: Chalk boards are being replaced with marker boards. Anyone may have access through their deans. Security is being set for who may open the room and turn on computers. The room will be open the beginning of Summer I. Dr. Ortega plans to meet with Mr. Lobato concerning issues of which Mr. Lobato may be unaware. David Moody (IE Chair) shelved the EOM discussion until next month because other Teams had not reviewed the Procedure. Later, it was decided by the Committee members that a suggestion would be made that the nomination form be deleted from the Employee of the Month Procedure. Blayne Primovich reported that the MdP rooms lock at 9:30 p.m. and classes don’t end until 9:40 p.m. Faculty want to delay locking until later. He will talk to the Police Chief to see if the timer can be reset. One site wished to use IE Team funds to give a gift certificate to employees who volunteer at special functions. After discussion it was decided to not use IE Team funds but to allow members to fund a gift out of their own pockets, or to not do it at all. Mr. Lobato wants to deal with Life/Safety issues at VV first. David Moody and Dr. Stroud will add sentences to the IE Appointment and Application forms to indicate supervisors should allow/support member attendance/services at meetings and other necessary activities Projects – Rick Falvo Beautification on Campus Color will be covered next month. Smoking – Only some ALP portables have No Smoking signs. Area personnel wish to designate a Smoking area. A Building – No sign at sliding doors. Want a designated smoking area. Gym – Smokers congregate in doorways – no sign. Old Business Robin Russell – The survey concerning the equipment available for use in classrooms is being analyzed by Institutional Research staff. She also mentioned that Jackie C Building -- Signs up, students and employees move ashtrays to doors where they congregate. Want a fixed smoking area for each floor. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 58 B-Building ashtrays are within 15 foot no-smoking zones. Do not have sand/pebbles in ashtrays. (2) Make sure all classrooms have pencil sharpeners. Clean pencil sharpeners regularly SSC – has no dedicated area for smokers. Ashtrays are within 15-foot no smoking area. Students would like a structured/Sheltered area for smoking. (3) Room B245 – make sure wall was repaired and painted Suggestions: (1) VV should be a non-smoking campus, or (2) there should be designated smoking shelters with fixed seating and ashtrays throughout the campus, and (3) police should enforce the 15-foot no smoking policy. (5) Weight room is too small, needs to be expanded Furniture – (8) Put a mural on Building A SSC – Need to upgrade chairs and tables on top level. The furniture is worn. (9) Use TV monitors throughout campus as Tejano Alert System broadcasts Tutoring Offices (RAP /PASS) -- There is not enough space to provide necessary services. Need new furniture as well. Dr. Ortega will talk with Dr. Brown concerning furniture funds that were allocated last year. (10) Add railings where necessary Signage (4) More healthy food and snacks (6) Enclose A Building tunnel (7) Remove garden by SSC and put in seating (11) Add and improve lighting where necessary (12) ALP – add a drinks/snack kiosk to area on north end (13) ALP – stucco structures to match the ECH portables We have (1) professionally made signs, (2) handicapped signs for elevators. We need (1) better signage pointing to campus buildings (2) All buildings clearly lettered on every side (3) better maps and protruding signage inside classroom buildings, especially Building A. (4) Need a sign n C building for the Students with Disabilities Center (5) AML portables need better signage ATC – Frank Lujan will check the ATC for needs Next meeting will be held March 24, 2009 in room A1130. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Improvements/Repairs (1) Replace all clocks Georgia Sinclair, Secretary, on March 24, 2009. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 59 March 24, 2009 VV, Room A-1130 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Carmen Castillo-Attar, Richard Chavez, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Maria Lopez, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Stacy Mayo, Lily Medrano, Ozcar Robles, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Helen Wang 3. Dr. Rhodes reported that the Fort Bliss Traffic Impact Study is complete and the project is moving forward. 4. The application for membership to College-wide committees as well as the memo advising employees that they have been accepted to serve will contain a sentence that explains members will be expected to serve at other committee functions as well as attended scheduled meetings. Dr. Rhodes also wishes to have supervisors give more support to members of committees so they may serve as needed. 5. Campus Reports Members absent with notification: Norma Hinojos, Claude Mathis, Gerri Rajski, Russell Smith. Members absent without notification: Martina Arriaga, Tammie Campos, Saul Candelas, Nita Corral-Nava, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Jaime Farias, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gloria Miller, Bobby Ortega, Irene Sierra, Darcy Traffansted, Raymundo Vilca. a. ASC: There was a Valentines Social. The Committee set-up two charities for the ASC to support, Candle Lighters and Ronald McDonald House. b. MDP: The Team will purchase 4 tents with their funds. The rest will go to the Employee of the Month recognitions/celebrations. c. NW: The Team designed their own EOM form. They are Working on bring recycling back to the campus. A Celebration will be held the NW’s 15 years as an EPCC campus. d. RG: The RG Team is planning a campus wide BBQ. They are also looking at ways to improve campus safety. Employees at RG are delighted that they now have designated Faculty/Staff parking. e. TM: TM is working on hard-wiring the internet to portable classrooms, as wireless reception is not consistent. Landscaping work is progressing. They wish to install more electronic door openers for the handicapped. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the February meeting were presented and approved with changes. Committee Reports A. B. C. D. Hospitality: The Committee met today and created a list of duties it takes to set-up tables. Because Susan is leaving the IE Team in August, volunteers will perform these duties until a new Chair is elected. Susan will ask Deans for funds to support the welcome tables next Fall and if possible this Summer. She asked for members who will still be serving in the Fall to volunteer to be Chair of the Hospitality Committee, and/or to volunteer to man the tables in Fall and if necessary this Summer. Special Activities: There was not meeting this month, but the Committee is ready to go full-force to prepare for the Spring Fling, which is planned for the last Thursday in April. Employee of the Month: Another notice asking for March nominees was sent. February and March Employees of the Month will be selected this month. The last celebration for this year will be for April and May EOMs. Facilities and Safety: The Committee will meet March 30th. Other: Rick Falvo has updated the IE web page and asks that members review the changes District IE report 1. Rick Lobato will meet with the IE Team to discuss campus needs. 2. The EOM Procedure will not be modified. Beautification on Campus (Color) The painting behind the art sculpture in the cafeteria is completed. The repainting requested for classrooms was checked, and many still need to be refurbished and repainted. The walls and floors in the A building need to be changed to make the building brighter. IMS Survey There were 45 respondents, 38 (84%) of whom use the internet regularly. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 60 According to findings, 12 instruction and/or work hours per week, or 192 per semester, were lost because of equipment problems. The main problems are: 1. Media carts (73%) 2. Equipment in Smart Classrooms (40%) 3. VHS and TV (30%) 4. Overhead Projectors (25%) The most cited suggestion: hard wire all classrooms with internet connections The IE Team passed the motion that the results of the survey be taken to the District IE with the suggestion that other Teams conduct their won surveys. If they desire they may use the VV IMS survey as a model. Other Business: It was recommended and moved that EPCC should be a leader as a green campus. Going green may very well result in an economic pay-off in the long run. In support of this a suggestion was made to explore the possibility of forming a Green Campus Standing Committee. The Team was informed that there is a process that must be undergone in order to form a new College committee. Georgia will talk to Dr. Ron Stroud to find out what to do. The suggestion was passed that the idea goes forward to the District IE. Georgia Sinclair, VV IE Team Secretary is retiring on May 31, 2009. Susan Silva will be acting secretary in June, and Gail Mallinson will be acting secretary in July. The next VV IE meeting will be on April 28, 2009; 3-5 p.m. in room A-1130 Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Georgia Sinclair, Secretary, April 28, 2009. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 61 April 28, 2009 VV, Room A-1130 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Tammie Campos, Richard Chavez, Nita Corral-Nava, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Maria Lopez, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Lily Medrano, Ozcar Robles, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens. Members absent with Notification: Jessica Diaz, Stacy Mayo, Geri Rajski, Robin Russell, Russell Smith. Members absent without notification: Richard Chavez, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Teresa Macias, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Gloria Miller, Bobby Ortega, Irene Sierra, Darcy Traffansted, Raymundo Vilca. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the February meeting were presented and approved with changes. The District IE Chair spoke with Dr. Rhodes concerning Constitution Day to see if he wishes to coordinate a College wide celebration. Dr. Rhodes stated that individual sites could choose what to do. Even if just one site does celebrate, that will be okay. Site reports did not have any important items to share. Greening of EPCC It was suggested and passed that the plan to convert EPCC to a Green Campus should go through the District IE. Rick Falvo prepared a PowerPoint presentation to show the necessity of having a standing committee to lead the Green Campus Initiative. The presentation showed items that need investigation and/or steps that can lead to conservation and the greening of the College. Rick is hoping to take the suggestions to the District IE committee in June 2009. Next VV IE meeting: May 26, 2009; 3-5 p.m. in room A1130. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Committee Reports Georgia Sinclair, Secretary, April 28, 2009. A. Hospitality: Susan Silva was notified by each academic dean that she may order $50 worth of supplies through their administrative assistant. The money will be used to buy welcome goodies and frames for classroom/direction signage. About 20 signs should be enough to start. Student Government will print the signs. It was suggested that thumb tacks and 2-sided tape be used to put the signs on the walls flush with the ceiling. If necessary, Susan would like the VV IE Team to pay to put up the signs. She will bring the exact cost to the June 2009 meeting. This was moved and seconded. Summer hospitality tables will be setup on June 1st. Fall tables will be set-up on August 21 and 22. Volunteers are needed for both Summer and Fall. B. Special Activities: The Special Events VV Campus Pizza Party will be held May 7th. Invitations will go out April 29th. C. Employee of the Month: The EOM celebration will be this Thursday, April 30th, The EOMs are Imelda Elizalde, Roselia Galindo, and Carlotta Campuzano. D. Facilities and Safety: Did not meet. However, Dr. Farias did meet with Mr. Lobato, who wishes to come to an IE Team meeting to discuss priorities and processes. District IE report Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 62 May 26, 2009 VV, Room B-240 I. B. Meeting was called to order at 3:14 p.m. Rick proposed sending a memo (Attachment A) to the District IE to form a District-wide Green Campus Initiative Committee to set standards for all campuses. It was decided to include suggesting that the new Ft. Bliss campus be a green campus. This is a working draft, and a revised memo will be presented at the June 2009 IE meeting. Members present: Tammie Campos, Angie Ruiz (for Nita Corral-Nava), Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Lily Medrano, Bobby Ortega, Ozcar Robles, Susana Rodarte, Georgia Sinclair, Members absent with Notification: Carmen Castillo-Attar, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Susan Silva, Russell Smith. C. Members absent without notification: Martina Arriaga, Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Mary Lou Gambee, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Maria Lopez, Sahyly Martinez, Gloria Miller, Geraldine Rajski, Robin Russell, Richard Stevens, Darcy Traffansted, Raymundo Vilca, Helen Wang. III. IV. New Business Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the April meeting were presented and approved with changes. B. Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality: Committee is in process of getting volunteers for hospitality tables for June 1. 2. Special Activities: Pizza party was a success. Lily Medrano arranged for luncheon for the IE meeting. 3. Employee of the Month: Committee has received recommendations and will have meeting to select EOM. 4. Facilities and Safety: Deans and Rick Lobato assessed areas of the campus that need to be repaired. Potholes will be repaired; amphitheater needs seating, and SSC will have an added area by fall. The portables at the Early College High School will have stucco applied. Lily mentioned that the SSC needs student seating indoors. The SGA met with Dr. Rhodes to propose remodeling the tunnel area into a Student Union using SGA funds. District IE report Campus beautification is the renewed charge for the year. Rio Grande will celebrate Constitution Day. Committee Reports A. Beautification Report Rick will go over original IE beautification plan to see what has/hasn’t been done. A. II. Green Campus Initiative VV End of Year Chair Report Rick presented end of year report (Attachment B). Chair for 2009-10 will have continuity to continue initiatives. C. IE Membership Paul Covey, principal of Early College High School, will be new member for 2009-10. IE agreed to include a member from the Office of Diversity Programs next year. D. Other Sidewalks need to be checked for loose and raised slabs as these have been safety concerns. V. Next VV IE meeting: June 30, 2009 in B-240 from 3-5 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Gail Mallinson, Secretary for the day, May 26, 2009. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 63 June 30, 2009 Members Present: Richard Falvo, Martina Arriaga, Rudy Esselborn, Susan Silva, Bobby Ortega, Dr. Tammie Campos, Maria E. Lopez, and Robin Russell 2. Special Events – no report 3. Employee of the Month – no report Members Absent with Notification: Carmen CastilloAttar, Javier Cisneros, Jessica Diaz, Jaime Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Sahyly Martinez, Lilia Medrano, Ozcar Robles, Richard Stevens, Nita Corral Nava 4. Facilities & Safety – no report I. B. Dr. Falvo presented a document that discusses the proposed Green Committee. This proposal will have to be reviewed by a quorum of the IE team. One suggestion was made for correction: the word be should be inserted under Rationale under the paragraph starting with SECOND following the word always. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Susan Silva, secretary of the day II. May 2009 minutes could not be approved because there was not a quorum present. III. Old Business IV. A. Hospitality – Susan Silva report that the Summer I tables had been a great success with supplies donated from the deans and vice president. More volunteers are always needed. New Business Richard Falvo gave a brief summary of the District report. Sub Committee Reports 1. Green Campus Committee Proposal V. Next meeting is August 25, 2009. VI Meeting adjourned 3:40 p.m. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 64 July 28, 2009 VV, Room B-240 I. 4. Meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m. Members present: Carmen Attar, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Maria Lopez, Frank Lujan, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, and Richard Stevens. Members absent with Notification: Martina Arriaga, Tammie Campos, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Sahyly Martinez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Jessica Diaz, Geri Rajski, Russell Smith. Members absent without notification: Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Gloria Miller, Darcy Traffansted, Raymundo Vilca, Richard Chavez, Nita Corral-Nava, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Lou Gambee, Teresa Macias, Lily Medrano, Ozcar Robles, Stacy Mayo, Bobby Ortega. II. III. IV. Approval of Minutes: There was no quorum, so the minutes from the June meeting will be presented at September’s meeting. B. Green Campus Initiative: The proposal is ready to go to Dr. Rhodes. C. Beautification Report: Rick will give the report to Dr. Stroud the first week of August. New Business A. District IE report: Rick presented the VV Green Campus Initiative to the District IE. The beautification plans are being finalized to present to Dr. Rhodes. B. VV End of Year Chair Report Rick presented end of year report (attached). Chair for 2009-10 will have continuity to continue initiatives. Committee Reports A. Sub-Committee Reports 1. Hospitality: Susan Silva will coordinate Fall 2009 hospitality tables. 2. Special Activities: No report. 3. Employee of the Month: No EOM for June or July. Facilities and Safety: Steps outside SSC are being worked on. It was suggested to look at the janitorial contract and to suggest changes for next year. C. V. Other: Discussion of what to do with IE funds remaining in the account. Next VV IE meeting: September 29, 2009 at ASC Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Gail Mallinson, Secretary for the day, July 28, 2009. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 65 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 September 25, 2007 ASC Board Room Members Present: Tammie Campos, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jamie Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Frank Lujan, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Tim Nugent, Saul Candelas, Bobby Ortega, Graciano Ramirez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Raymundo Vilca, Nita Corral-Nava, Nidal Freitekh Members Absent: Steve Harmon, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Gloria Miller, Luiz Perez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, Geraldine Rajski, Russell Smith, Richard Stevens, Alma Valadez I. Call to Order and approval with corrections of July 2007 minutes. II. Susan Silva agreed to be secretary of the day. III. Sub Committees chairpersons were asked to explain a bit of the duties and meeting dates for each subcommittee so that members could sign up for at least one sub-committee that they wanted to serve on. A. B. Hospitality - Susan Silva chairperson: Hospitality has no set meeting dates. It is the charge of this committee to plan the staffing of hospitality tables at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. The volunteers working at these tables greet and direct student the first few days to the semesters. Special Activities - no chairperson currently. This sub-committee plans and hosts one activity a semester for faculty and staff. A Spring Fling was held last spring. C. Employee of the Month - no chairperson currently. This sub-committee currently meets the second Wednesday of every month to review nominees and select for EOM in 4 categories. The sub-committee is plans the celebrations, which are currently held the third Wednesday of every month. D. Facilities - Claude Mathis chairperson. This subcommittee discusses the physical aspects of the campus such as furniture, cleanliness, and space IV. V. for staff and faculty. They meet the last Monday of every month. Old Business A. District Report from Georgia is that the College is trying to recuperate some of the funds lost by the Governor's veto. B. The Students Services Center needs cleaning and improvements New Business Chair-Elect - Dr. Richard Falvo was nominated and elected Secretary - Gail Mallinson was asked and agreed Treasurer - Frank Lujan volunteered Russell Smith needs a temporary replacement on the IE team for this semester. Bobby Ortega agreed to take care of that. Notice of Attendance Requirements - members are expected to come to meetings every month that a meeting is called. Members are expected to call if they have an excuse to be absent. Three unexcused absences and procedures will be followed. VI. After adjournment sub-committees were meeting to elect chairpersons or discuss monthly issues. Adjournment at approximately 4:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva, Secretary of the Day Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 66 October 30, 2007 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie Aragon-Campos, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Pan Chudabala, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Nancy Muniz (for Nita Corral-Nava), Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Raymundo Vilca. Members Absent: Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Luiz Perez, Irene Sierra, Alma Valadez. Members Absent with Notification: Russell Smith Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the September meeting were presented and accepted with corrections. Motion carried. Committee Reports: A. Hospitality report was given by Susan Silva, committee chair. No meetings are planned; however, the committee will set up hospitality tables for students in January 2008. B. Special Activities: co-chairs elected unanimously are Lilia Medrano and Mary Lou Gambee. C. Employee of the Month report was presented by Reta Cook, committee chair. The September employees selected were Christopher Garcia and Norma Hinojos. The October EOM is Jessabel Sanchez. The November selections are Hilda Mendoza and Lucy Flores. Reta reported that nominations for employees who were not selected will be returned to the supervisor for recommendation for the “Shooting Star” award. D. Facilities report was presented by Claude Mathis, committee chair who reported that Financial Aid and Counseling Departments will negotiate for the best usage of space in the SSC. Arvis Jones reported on the need for a Student Union at all campuses. Claude stated that a large portable will be set up for the Fire Technology program. A master plan should be developed for the Early College High School at VV. There were no updates on the office moves; however, the bathrooms in the A Building will be remodeled, and the SSC will be re-roofed. Georgia Sinclair discussed a letter to President Rhodes that was forwarded to her by Saul Candelas with a memo suggesting IE participate in the Salvation Army canned food drive and help serve meals at the Opportunity Center over the holidays. The motion to participate was accepted unanimously; the co-chairs of the Special Activities committee will work with Georgia to coordinate signup sheets. District IE Report: VV IE has $1000 budgeted with $975 available for our use as $25 was deducted for plaques of appreciation used in September’s introduction meeting. Georgia announced that the College has received its funding of $6,000,000; constituency groups plan to ask the Board of Trustees for additional pay raises. It was reported that community colleges can tap into the State’s Innovation Fund. District IE also discussed EOM nominations, specifically, should students nominate faculty? VV IE will keep its procedure of EOM nominations and selections as it is now. Geology Lab Books: There were not enough books in the bookstore at the beginning of Fall 2007 classes; however, the problem was that the publisher shipped books with a missing chapter, and the books were recalled. This should not be a problem in the future. Absence Policy: It was decided that Georgia will contact Ron Stroud about members who miss more than 3 meetings without notification. Should they be replaced? Should faculty, who are considered adjunct in the summer, be expected to attend summer IE meetings? After much lively discussion, the motion to not require faculty who are on a 9month teaching contract to attend in the summer was made and passed, having two nay votes. New Business: Rick Falvo created a link for the VV IE committee on the College’s web page. He asked for full attendance at the November 27th meeting so Fernie Garcia can take photos for the web site and the committee links. Pan Chudabala stressed the need for student union buildings and asked for the committee’s support. Discussion continued on the possibility of having corporate sponsors to help finance construction. A motion was put forward to the effect that the VV IE supports building a student union at this campus. Motion was approved unanimously. There being no old business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 p.m.. Respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary Discussions: Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 67 November 27, 2007 Meeting was called to order at 3:04 p.m. with the following members present: Carmen Castillo-Attar, Richard Chavez, Pan Chudabala, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Nidal Freitekh, Mary Lou Gambee, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Raymundo Vilca. D. Members absent: Martina Arriaga, Saul Candelas, Nita Corral-Nava, Steve Harmon, Lilia Medrano, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Luiz Perez, Susana Rodarte, Russell Smith, Alma Valadez. Discussions: Members absent with notification: Tammie AragonCampos, Rudy Esselborn, Arvis Jones, Sahyly Martinez, Stacy Mayo. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the October meeting were presented and approved. Motion carried. Prior to the start of the committee reports, Fernie Garcia, EPCC photographer, took pictures of the IE team and committee members for the web page. Facilities report was presented by Claude Mathis, chair. The November meeting was canceled; however, Claude had met with David Mena and staff to discuss the handling of on-going problems, such as the state of the restrooms in the A building. Claude also met with EPCC Police Officers to discuss recent thefts of computers and personal property. The College is considering different steps to insure the safety of property in labs, offices, and classrooms. Georgia reported that in her meeting with the president, Dr. Richard Rhodes said the architects working on the plans for new construction should have a student union in those plans. There will be a meeting in January with the IE chairs, deans, and architects, and Georgia will arrange for an SGA representative to attend. Georgia also reported that she will contact the Salvation Army and discuss the College’s sponsoring a canned food drive. Richard Stevens reported that the faucets in the restrooms in the SSC need to have aerators so the water doesn’t splash. Richard Chavez said he would take care of the problem. New Business: Committee Reports: A. Hospitality report was presented by Susan Silva, chair. The committee will have hospitality tables in the classroom buildings for the start of the spring semester classes. Georgia announced that Liz Ryan and Nancy Tharp are coordinating a Safety Corps at each campus. There was a discussion about disseminating safety information, especially the need for students and staff to call the EPCC Police Department first in case of emergency. B. Special Activities reported that the committee will begin meeting in January. C. Employee of the Month report was presented by Reta Cook, chair. The December selections are: Edna Castaneda-full-time staff, Joe Prieto-part-time staff, and Teresita Munguia-part-time faculty. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. on December 4, 2004. A concern was raised about the loud music in the cafeteria. Claude will take care of the problem. He also told the SGA representatives that there will be DJ’s working in the College’s radio station by next semester. The IE will not meet in December; the next meeting is scheduled for January 29, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.. Respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on November 28, 2007. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 68 January 29, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Richard Chavez, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens. Members absent: Saul Candelas, Pan Chudabala, Javier Cisneros, Nita Corral-Nava, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Gloria Miller, Luiz Perez, Irene Sierra, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca. Members absent with notification: Tammie AragonCampos, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Ken Gorski, Tim Nugent, Susan Silva, Russell Smith. Guest: John Burch representing Student Government Association. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the November meeting were presented and approved. Committee Reports A. Hospitality report was presented by Georgia Sinclair for Susan Silva, chair. Committee received money for January hospitality tables, but the request for volunteers was not received by all employees via email. Susan will have a committee meeting at the end of the semester to talk about alternative contact methods for volunteers for Fall 2008. B. Special Activities report was presented by Lilia Medrano, co-chair. The Spring Fling will be at the end of April in the outdoor stage area. Lilia asked for, and received, IE member volunteers to assist with preparations. C. Employee of the Month report was presented by Reta Cook, chair. The January selection is Elizabeth Ontiveros-full-time staff; the February selection is Paula Chavez, full-time staff. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. on February 5, 2008 outside of Bobby Ortega’s office. D. Facilities report was presented by Claude Mathis, chair. He reported that a new part-time faculty cluster office on the second floor of the A Building is being developed. The committee is looking for funding for furniture and computer stations. committee will request student input on locations for tents and furniture. The committee proposed an art gallery to display student art work in a protected area. Arvis Jones said that SGA funds legacy projects and would consider an art gallery. She also told the IE committee that the remodeling of the VV cafeteria was the first SGA legacy project; the second was the photo series at TM. John Burch, representing SGA, reported that the association will petition as many students as possible for support for a student union at each campus. The association hopes to have 13,000 signatures to present to the IE Committee. Discussions District IE report: Georgia reported that the District IE Committee discussed the need for a more permanent funding arrangement for bus service to MdP. Arvis Jones said that the SGA, in conjunction with Socorro and Clint, currently funds the bus service, and they will decide later this year whether to continue the funding. Jenny Giron is checking the status of the televisions on all campuses. Old and New Business: None Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on January 31, 2008. There are funds to purchase tables and chairs for outdoor spaces, but the committee will ask Physical Plant to fund tents for those areas before purchasing furniture. The Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 69 February 26, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie Aragon Campos, Martina Arriaga, Richard Chavez, Nita Corral Nava, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Nidal Freitekh, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Tim Nugent, Bobby Ortega, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, and Richard Stevens. Members absent: Saul Candelas, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Pan Chudabala, Javier Cisneros, Nita Corral-Nava, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Sahyly Martinez, Gloria Miller, Luiz Perez, Geraldine Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca. Members absent with notification: Reta Cook, Mary Lou Gambee, Frank Lujan, Lilia Medrano, Irene Sierra, Russell Smith. Guests: John Burch and Emma Gomez representing Student Government Association. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the January meeting were presented and approved with changes. Safety Tip: Georgia advised everyone to use smoke detectors at home and at work. Committee Reports A. Hospitality report was presented by Susan Silva, chair. There was no meeting in January. Meetings will be scheduled toward the end of the Spring semester. B. Special Activities – no report. C. Employee of the Month report was presented by Martina Arriaga. The March selection is Gabriel Gaytan, Media Producer at ASC. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. on March 4, 2008 outside of Bobby Ortega’s office. D. Facilities and Safety report was presented by Claude Mathis, chair. There was no meeting in February. However, there will be meetings with the architects at all campuses in March. E. Treasurer’s report was presented by Georgia Sinclair for Frank Lujan. The committee spent approximately $200 for plaques, certificates, and frames, cakes, and supplies. Anyone who has receipts for items purchased should send them to Frank Lujan for reimbursement. March meeting will be scheduled. At that meeting, she plans to discuss the Mission del Paso bus funding, classroom and lab furniture, student unions at all campuses, and funding for the part-time faculty cluster office at VV. Ron Stroud has rescheduled the meetings with the architects, and Georgia will send out a revised schedule to all members. Old Business: Rick Falvo mentioned that some classrooms in the A building are missing chalk. Richard Chavez said he would have Israel Banuelos take care of the problem. John Burch and Rick Falvo talked about the graffiti on the entrance to the A building in the tunnel area and on the second floor next to ISC. Richard Chavez said he would take care of the problem. John Burch and Arvis Jones said that SGA will continue to collect signatures in support of student unions at all campuses. SGA also plans to meet with the architects to discuss student needs at all campuses. New Business: Tammie Campos said that Tim Nugent will be at all meetings with the architects. There was some confusion about the IE teams’ having to prepare a list of recommendations and priorities for the architects. Tim Nugent explained CFA will prioritize those areas in need of critical repair. The College has requested a 5, 10, and 15 year master plan from CFA. There will be $29 million available for repairs/renovations for all campuses, and each campus will get a proportional amount. CFA will take all input and give each campus a priority list of what needs to be done. The Cabinet will then review the proposals and send the recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Tim also talked about the Ft. Bliss Campus. Since the Department of the Army cannot do an environmental impact study for civilian entities, EPCC hired a company to do a traffic, biological, and environmental study. Congressman Reyes is monitoring the progress of the new campus through his Congressional Committee. Tim said we should have an answer from the Department of the Army within 6-8 months, and the campus could open by 2010. Tim also talked about the probable need for classroom wings at all campuses; there are no rooms available between the hours of 7am-12 noon at any campus. The College is in good shape financially and may issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $150-200 million soon. EPCC has a cap on the tax it can levy, and we are close to the maximum of 15 cents per $100 valuation. The next VV IE meeting will be on March 18, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on March 3, 2008. Discussions District IE report: Georgia reported that the District IE presidents did not have a meeting with Dr. Rhodes yet; a Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 70 March 18, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Lilia Medrano, Bobby Ortega, Paul Pearson, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair Members absent with notification: Tammie AragonCampos, Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Nita Corral-Nava, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Jaime Farias, Nidal Freiteikh, Ken Gorski, Steve Harmon, Barbara Hicks, Arvis Jones, Sahyly Martinez, Stacy Mayo, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Luiz Perez, Geraldine Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Irene Sierra, Russell Smith, Richard Stevens, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the February meeting were presented and approved. Safety Tip: Rick’s safety tip was to scuff the soles of new shoes with sandpaper to keep from slipping. Rick Falvo showed the new VV IE web site and discussed links to be added. Discussions District IE report: Georgia reported that in her meeting with Dr. Rhodes he said there is not enough ridership to fund the MdP bus routes. He also said the transfer of the land for the new road at MdP is almost completed. The Department of Defense has the environmental plans for the Ft. Bliss Campus. If approved, construction can begin in 2009. If DOD disagrees with the plan, El Paso’s congressional representatives will send the Ft. Bliss Campus request to Congress. Dr. Rhodes also said that EPCC is trying to buy Farmer’s Dairy to use the land for the proposed Performing Arts Center. There are also proposals to add two early college high schools- one in Fabens and the other at the RG Campus. Old Business: None New Business: None Committee Reports A. Hospitality report was presented by Susan Silva, chair. The committee will meet after Spring Break and come up with ways to get volunteers for the hospitality tables. B. Special Activities report was presented by Lilia Medrano and Mary Lou Gambee, co-chairs. The Spring Fling planning is on schedule. C. Employee of the Month – no report D. Facilities and Safety report was presented by Claude Mathis, chair. After discussion, it was agreed to tell Tim Nugent that the committee recommends converting the men’s room/shower area across from the Auto Tech lab into a women’s restroom. This will alleviate the shortage of women’s restrooms in the A building. The next VV IE meeting will be on April 29, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on April 2, 2008. Georgia then welcomed Paul Pearson, principal of the Early College High School at VV, who told the committee of the need for a pathway between the ECHS portables and the campus. Claude proposed that the committee send this recommendation to Tim; the motion passed. Claude gave an update on the part-time faculty cluster office in A 2130. Georgia informed the deans present that they had to put requests in their area plans for computers, furniture, and lockers for the office area. Claude said there will be a new computer classroom in A 2314 by fall. The computers have been purchased, and there is an estimate for furniture. E. Treasurer’s report was presented by Frank Lujan, Treasurer. There is $738.80 in the VV IE Team account. Anyone who has receipts for items purchased should send them to Frank for reimbursement. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 71 April 29, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie Aragon Campos, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Nita Corral Nava, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Steve Harmon, Barbara Hicks, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Stacy Mayo, Bobby Ortega, Paul Pearson, Robin Russell, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Raymundo Vilca Members absent: Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Pan Chudabala, Javier Cisneros, Nidal Freitekh, Claude Mathis, Gloria Miller, Luiz Perez, Geraldine Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Irene Sierra, Alma Valadez Members absent with notification: Reta Cook, Jaime Farias, Ken Gorski, Lilia Medrano, Tim Nugent, Susan Silva, Russell Smith Guest: Mary Scott Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the March meeting were presented and approved. Committee Reports: A. B. Hospitality report was presented by Rick Falvo. Committee met on April 23, 2008, and hospitality tables will be in all buildings for the Summer II semester. The committee asked for and received volunteers for August 25 and 26, 2008. There will be maps and hallway signs in place by August. Special Activities was presented by Mary Lou Gambee. The Spring Fling had fewer than 250 attendees; it was suggested that the committee plan for 200 attendees next year. C. Employee of the Month report was presented by Martina Arriaga. The April selection was Lucia Garcia. The May selections are Amada Marquez, interpreter with the Center for Students with Disabilities and Susan Silva, full-time faculty. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. on May 6, 2008 outside of Bobby Ortega’s office. D. Facilities and Safety- no report. E. Treasurer’s report was presented by Frank Lujan. The Spring Fling cost $279, and there is $413 remaining in the account. Anyone who has receipts for items purchased should send them to Frank for reimbursement. Claude will present the redesign of the A building restroom renovations along with the cost. Martina said that the renovation will be a priority. New Business: There was a discussion about the need for classrooms to be swept and cleaned on a regular basis. Guest Mary Scott explained that the ceramics room was dirty when students returned from spring break. She called the Physical Plant, and they responded to the problem. It was mentioned that there is not enough janitorial staff on the weekends to clean the restrooms. Georgia will pass this information to Dr. Rhodes. The problem is with the contract; the janitors are only doing what they are instructed to do, which is not sufficient. Georgia explained the potential safety issue of her work area where there is only one working exit. Frank Lujan said the CF and Associates looked at all safety concerns and should have this in their report. Rick thanked Arvis Jones for SGA funding for the Borderland Speech Challenge. Sahyly mentioned that student concerts outside the A Building are too loud, and the noise travels into the library. Arvis will look into this. Nita Corral-Nava talked about excess furniture outside the Recruitment Office in the SSC. CF & Associates saw this and will include it in their report. The next VV IE meeting will be on May 27, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on May 8, 2008. Discussions: Rick Falvo showed the IE web page which includes links to all committees and IE meeting minutes. District IE report: Georgia reported that the District IE chairs did not have a meeting with Dr. Rhodes. Tim and Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 72 May 27, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie Aragon-Campos, Martina Arriaga, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Arvis Jones, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Bobby Ortega, Richard Stevens, Raymundo Vilca. Members absent with notification: Carmen Castillo-Attar, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Mary Lou Gambee, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Teresa Macias, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Tim Nugent, Georgia Sinclair. Members absent: Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Nita Corral-Nava, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Sahyly Martinez, Gloria Miller, Paul Pearson, Luis Perez, Geraldine Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Irene Sierra, Susan Silva, Alma Valadez. Discussions District IE report: no report. Old Business: Bobby mentioned that Melvin Partridge is interested in attending the IE meetings to give updates on the maintenance issues. Jessica said that the source of the leaks carrying odors into her office area were found and will be taken care of. She also mentioned that Maintenance brought in traps to catch the rats in her area and that the trash was being picked up on a regular basis. New Business: None The next VV IE meeting will be on June 24, 2008. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the April meeting were presented and approved with changes. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on May 28, 2008. Committee Reports A. Hospitality report was presented by Rick Falvo. All plans are progressing for the fall semester. Bobby asked whether the hospitality tables will be needed in the future since EPCC now has information kiosks. B. Special Activities – no report. C. Employee of the Month – Martina Arriaga reported for Reta Cook. There is no EOM for June; there will be two selections in July. D. Facilities and Safety report was presented by Claude Mathis, chair. The committee’s recommendation to convert the men’s room/shower area across from the Auto Tech lab into a women’s restroom is on track. There is no news on how the money to upgrade the VV Campus is to be spent. The committee is meeting with the Physical Plant regularly. The SGA has approved the locations for the picnic tables, tents, and benches. Claude mentioned that the basketball court will be paved and have a gazebo, but the Facilities Committee and SGA did not have input on this. The deans will ask for $9000 to furnish the part-time faculty office in the A building. E. Treasurer – no report. Rick Falvo showed the VV IE web site and the links that were added. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 73 June 24, 2008 Meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. with the following members present: Martina Arriaga, Nita Corral Nava, Rudy Esselborn, Mary Lou Gambee, Barbara Hicks, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Claude Mathis, Lilia Medrano, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Raymundo Vilca. Members absent: Richard Chavez, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Sahyly Martinez, Stacy Mayo, Gloria Miller, Bobby Ortega, Luiz Perez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, Alma Valadez. Members absent with notification: Tammie AragonCampos, Saul Candelas, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Javier Cisneros, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Richard Falvo, Jaime Farias, Ken Gorski, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Tim Nugent, Paul Pearson, Geraldine Rajski, Robin Russell, Russell Smith. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the May meeting were presented and approved. i. Frank Lujan pointed out that there is no hot water in the ATC Building #2. Students and faculty both need hot water, especially the Fire Technology students and faculty. Old Business – none New Business A. Rick Falvo asked the Chair to distribute a memo discussing what to do with any funds left in the IE Team account. i. Susan Silva will receive $115 for hospitality tables for Fall . ii. EOM Committee will receive $35 for cakes iii. There will be funds for a party for the IE team with the remaining money. The next VV IE meeting will be on July 29, 2008. Safety Note: Take care for children when backing out of a driveway and while driving on city streets. Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.. Committee Reports A. Hospitality – no report B. Special Activities – no report C. Employee of the Month – June EOM’s: Vickie Aguilar, Registration Clerk, FT employee and Desiree Aguilar, Registration Clerk, PT employee Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on July 3, 2008. July EOM’s: Jenette Fasolino, Processing Clerk, FT employee and Margaret Saavedra, Testing Services, PT employee. D. Facilities and Safety- Claude Mathis reported that the committee is meeting with Melvin Partridge on a monthly basis to discuss maintenance problems. The carpet in B 240 will be shampooed. Officer Reports A. Treasurer’s report was presented by Frank Lujan. There is $391.39 in the account as of June 24, 2008, and the money must be spent prior to the end of the fiscal year. Susan Silva will need about $100 for hospitality, and the EOM Committee will need $35 for cakes. B. Chair report was presented by Georgia Sinclair. The District IE will meet with Dr. Rhodes on July 8, 2008. Send any items to share with the president to Georgia. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 74 July 29, 2008 VV, B-240 I. Meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. with the following members present: Tammie AragonCampos, Reta Cook, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Norma Hinojos, Frank Lujan, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens. IV. A. Treasurer’s report: Frank said there is $156.32 in the IE account. Anyone who has receipts for items purchased should send them to Frank for reimbursement. B. Vice Chair’s report: Rick reminded everyone of the need for volunteers for the hospitality tables for Fall. He also requested anyone who is interested in serving an officer for the 200809 year to contact him. Members absent with notification: Nita CorralNava, Jessica Diaz, Jaime Farias, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Susan Silva, Russell Smith. Members absent: Martina Arriaga, Saul Candelas, Carmen Castillo-Attar, Richard Chavez, Javier Cisneros, Nidal Freitekh, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Sahyly Martinez, Gloria Miller, Tim Nugent, Bobby Ortega, Paul Pearson, Luiz Perez, Geraldine Rajski, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Irene Sierra, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca. C. District IE report: Georgia reported about the meeting the District IE team had with Dr. Rhodes. Team members from all campuses and ASC discussed specific problems about their locations. V. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the June meeting were presented and approved. II. Safety Tip: Georgia reminded everyone to drive safely in the rain. III. Committee Reports A. Hospitality report – Rick said that Susan Silva has sent requests to all IE members to volunteer for the hospitality tables. Celebration A. Rick presented coffee mugs to those members in attendance, as thanks for having served on the committees. B. Georgia and Rick had cake and soft drinks in appreciation for the team’s efforts. VI. Old Business: None VII. New Business: Richard Stevens asked that the IE team have someone look into the water leak in A2320. Georgia said she would bring it up with Dr. Rhodes. VIII. Next Meeting: The next VV IE meeting will be on September 30, 2008. IX. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.. B. Special Activities – no report. C. Employee of the Month – Reta Cook announced that the EOM selections for August are: Gene Brown, FT and Frances Nicholson, PT. The ceremony will be on Tuesday, August 5 at 3 p.m. Team Officers’ Reports D. Facilities and Safety – no report. Minutes respectfully submitted by Gail Mallinson, Secretary, on July 30, 2008. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 75 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 September 26, 2006 Members Present: Uwe Agness, Yolanda Aguilar, Dr. Tammie Aragon Campos, Martina Arriaga, Jose Arteaga, Carmen Attar, Olaya Cazares, Rita Cook, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Dr. Jaime Farias, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Ken Gorski, Steve Harmon, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Dr. Gene Müller, Bobby Ortega, Graciano Ramirez, Robin Russell, Irene Sierra, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Russell Smith, Raymundo Vilca, Charles Williams Discussion: Posed questions: Should membership be open to anyone who wants to be on the team? Comments paraphrased: The meeting was called to order by the chairperson, Glenda Hill at around 3:30. Membership should be limited because certain groups would be under or over-represented otherwise. I. Membership should be limited in light of the size of the team. Voting membership should be limited to the Charter, but all EPCC Valle Verde employees may attend meetings. Introductions The chairperson asked everyone at the tables to introduce themselves to the group. Members of the team introduced themselves from their seats. There was also a statement made about the 3absences policy and a clarification was made that if a members absence are excused (due to illness or legitimate other commitment) they are not considered part of the three and you're out rule. II. New Business A. Nominations and Election of Chair-elect The chairperson asked for nominations for this position from the group. Stacy Mayo and Claude Mathis were both nominated, but both declined the nomination. Georgia Sinclair was nominated and accepted the nomination. There were no other nominations; therefore, Georgia Sinclair was elected by acclamation as Chair-elect. B. Nomination and Election of secretary, third representative of the Valle Verde I.E. team to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. The chairperson asked for nomination. Susan Silva nominated herself. There were no other nominations; therefore, Susan Silva was elected by acclamation as secretary. C. A discussion was called for by the chairperson about membership and participation on the VV I.E. team. Explanation: Valle Verde's team representation has been different from other campuses. Over the summer, the roster was aligned to the Charter, and some members of the I.E. team were notified that they were no longer part of the team. Overall consensus: Voting membership should be limited to the Charter. III. Old Business: Subcommittees: Members of the team need to sign up for one of the three subcommittees. A. Facilities: Will be led by Mr. Claude Mathis. (extension 2857). The building and its furnishings and needs are the concern of this subcommittee. They were responsible for the new furniture that was recently installed. Meetings are the Monday before VV I.E. meetings. B. Employee of the Month: presently Uwe Agness and Georgia Sinclair (extension 2618) are the only members of this subcommittee. The choosing of 3 employees of the month, the awards, and ceremony for employees of the month are the duties of this committee. Meetings are a week before the VV I.E. meeting. C. Hospitality: led by Yolanda Aguilar (extension 2608). This committee has 20-25 members currently. They are responsible for welcoming Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 76 students and new faculty to our campus. Meetings are held as needed. Membership on any subcommittee is open every year. Please call one of the extensions above to volunteer for your choice. Meeting was adjourned at around 4:10 Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva, secretary Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 77 October 31, 2006 chosen or the frequency of awardees. This would continue to be monthly. Members Present: Uwe Agness, Dr. Aragon Campos, Martina Arriaga, Jose Arteaga, Carmen Attar, Olaya Cazares, Richard Chavez, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, Dr. Jaime Farias, Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Steve Harmon, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Norma Hinojos, Arvis Jones, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilia Medrano, Dr. Gene Müller, Tim Nugent, Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Russell Smith, Richard Stevens, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca, Charles Williams C. Claude Mathis reported that the Facilities subcommittee met Oct 30th. The fountains between A and C buildings base floor were discussed. Richard Chavez was consulted and the pumps for these fountains are not commercial quality and therefore the pumps did not last and are not functioning. Ken Gorsky and Mr. Chavez will be looking into correcting this situation. Landscaping outside the gym area was discussed and again Ken Gorsky and Mr. Chavez will be investigating the prospects. Concerns were raised about the automotive area and Dr. Jaime Farias has taken care of this. Tim Nugent was asked about paving the parking lot. A concern about the bathrooms was raised. Inquiries into awnings above the furniture were made, and the money for such is not available. A visual of areas which have been designated by the team for receiving awnings was provided. Absence, but called: Yolanda Aguilar, Chris Oatley I. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson, Glenda Hill, at 3:00. September meeting minutes were reviewed. With the correction of "elected by acclamation" to 2B, the minutes were approved. II. A. Damian Tovar, Student Government President, presented a report complete with visual aids on the redecorating of the cafeteria. Colors and furniture design were presented. Claude Mathis raised the point of the piece of art on the bookstore side wall needing to be preserved and more aesthetically displayed. The wall needs colors that will "bring out" this piece of art. Georgina Sinclair concurred. Mr. Tovar stated that this point had been raised and will be explored. D. Yolanda Aguilar is the chairperson for the Hospitality sub-committee. Due to her absence, Glenda Hill reported on the importance of this sub-committee. This committee, which needs members, welcomes students the first week of classes every semester. If all parties of the IE team would participate in "manning" the welcoming table, no one person would have to stay longer than 15 to 30 minutes. B. Student Leadership was scheduled to speak about recycling, but did not appear. III. A. Susan Silva reported to the team that there were members that have already signed up for a subcommittee (Employee of the Month, Hospitality, and Facilities). Those names were read. Chairpersons of the sub-committees were given a master list of names to date. There are several members that have not committed to a subcommittee yet. Charles Williams asked if subcommittee membership continued from the previous year. Since the team had no roll sheets from the previous year's sub-committees, a member’s commitment to a sub-committee needed to be restated. B. Georgia Sinclair reported that Teresa Macias and Lydia Jacobs were chosen as October and November 2006 Employee of the Month. The ceremony would be held November 15 outside of Bobby Ortega's office at 3:00 and all members of the IE Team were requested to be present. Georgia also reported that the sub-committee is discussing changes in the ceremony and frequency of the celebrations, not in the number of people IV. Glenda Hill reported on the IE Committee. Miguel Contreras - chairperson, Georgia Sinclair – co-chair, Susan Silva - secretary. An increase of the allocations for all IE teams will be discussed by the chairperson with Dr. Rhodes, and the results will be reported to the VV IE team at the November meeting. The amount of any increase may be only to cover the cost of the appreciation plaques given to the IE committee chairperson and chairs of each campus at the first IE Team meeting each year. This cost was born by the Research and Development Division budget in previous years; and Mr. Candelas, the R&D Vice President and Dr. Stroud, Director, Institutional Effectiveness, suggested that the IE moneys allotted by Dr. Rhodes cover this cost from this year on. V. Olga Thurman is no longer a member of the VV IE team and requests that the team take over the duties of cleaning the VV bulletin boards. It was suggested that the team obtain a list of bulletin boards and ask for volunteers to clean them the last Friday of every month. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 78 VI. Bobby Ortega suggested that the EOM sub-committee add an Employee of the Year, Employee of the Semester, or metamorphose EOM into what we want and need to keep morale high. Smoking on campus and the placements of ashtrays was discussed. The College policy is that smoking is permitted in designated areas 15 feet from the building. A suggestion to weld ash cans to the ground was made in order to ensure smokers are unable to move them and smoke in designated areas only. Georgia Sinclair brought back the metamorphosis of Employee of the Month. She compared VV to other sites which often hold site-wide celebrations for all employees. Bobby Ortega made a suggestion which Claude Mathis turned into a motion to create a new sub-committee here at VV, a Special Activity subcommittee. The suggestion was made to have a "once-a-semester celebration" covered dish on the week before finals. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous "aye" vote. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00. Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva, secretary Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 79 November 28, 2006 Members Present: Martina Arriaga, Olaya Cazares, Richard Chavez, Rudy Esselborn, Dr. Jaime Farias, Richard Falvo, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Arvis Jones, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilli Medrano, Chris Oatley, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Charles Williams. Absent, but called: Dr. Campos Aragon, Reta Cook, Mary Lou Gambee, Tim Nugent, Raymundo Vilca. I. Called to order at 3:05 A. October minutes approved with corrections. II. A. Charles Williams has agreed to chair the new Special Activities sub-committee. Volunteers to be members to the new committee are being recruited and the sub-committee will begin planning in the New Year. B. Employee of the month did not meet before the team meeting. Georgia Sinclair reported that there had been a site conflict and the subcommittee planned to meet after the IE team meeting. C. Claude Mathis stated that the Facilities subcommittee met November 27. He reported that the fountains between the A and C buildings will be turned on during the Spring 2007 semester. Landscaping was under way in front of the A building and gym. Mr. Gorski was conducting an informal survey to ascertain the wishes of the people entering the A building. The parking concern created by the Automotive Repair garage would be corrected. The purchase of eight Awning/shades has been approved and sites have been chosen. They will be eight foot high and Teal colored. Classroom furniture is now a consideration of the facilities subcommittee. The sub-committee would like to hear faculty preferences for classroom configuration. Arvis Jones reported that pool tables and games on the first floor of the C building and in the passageway under the A building would enhance student life and College atmosphere. D. Hospitality committee did not meet. III. A. Glenda Hill gave the District IE meeting report. Smoking on every campus was discussed. Deans must designate smoking areas and the police will enforce the ordinance. It was agreed that providing a nice comfortable area for smokers away from building entrances would be the best solution. Claude Mathis stated that smoking areas would be discussed at the next Facilities sub-committee meeting. It was reported that Dr. Rhodes is considering Miguel Contreras’ request to increase all IE team budgets to $1,000 each. B. Beautification is the charge given each I.E. team by the president. Glenda Hill showed the VV I.E. Team report compiled last year concerning requested campus improvements. A survey soliciting suggestions was sent out by hand and through email to all VV employees. VV deans also hosted a town hall meeting. Big and small ideas were welcome. It is thought that this report may be used to list the beautification needs for VV. There can also be a new survey distributed through email. It must be distributed and compiled quickly. The suggestion was also made to have another town hall meeting early in the Spring term and thereby give VV a comprehensive project to give Dr. Rhodes. Ken Gorski has a student related project of counting the number of people who enter through every door at VV A request should be made concerning student views on the campus's beautification needs. Arvis Jones suggested a student survey. Dean Rodarte has requested remodeling suggestions. Signage could be a facet of campus beautification. A suggestion was made that the graphic design department could make temporary signs. V. Steve Harmon requested volunteers to take over the cleaning of the bulletin boards. Please send your names in to him along with the bulletin board(s) you will be cleaning the last Friday of every month. VI. Susan Silva passed around a flyer requesting that College disciplines promote their classes by coming to the ESL completion ceremony on December 8, 2006 at ASC. Claude Mathis requested that the flyer be forwarded to him electronically. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 80 January 30, 2007 Members present: Dr. Campos Aragon, Reta Cook, Mary Lou Gambee, Martina Arriaga, Olaya Cazares, Richard Chavez, Rudy Esselborn, Richard Falvo, Ken Gorski, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilli Medrano, Chris Oatley, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Charles Williams Absent, but called: Tim Nugent, Raymundo Vilca, Yolanda Aguilar, Dr. Jaime Farias, Arvis Jones, Robin Russell I. Called to order at 3:05 A. November 2006 minutes reviewed and approved, as the final item. II. Sub-committee Reports A. Special Activities - Charles Williams announced that he had volunteers to work on the sub-committee that were not on the Valle Verde IE team. Irene Sierra, Graciano Ramirez, Teresa Macias, Lilia Medrano, and Susan Silva then volunteered to be on this subcommittee. Charles asked the IE team what sort of activities should be planned. After some discussion and suggestions, a SPRING FLING and CHRISTMAS PARTY were accepted as the two occasions for which to plan. Claude Mathis, Susana Rodarte, and Bobby Ortega agreed they may be able to donate funds to help with a Christmas party. The Spring Fling would perhaps be a late afternoon staff/faculty covered dish or BBQ on a Friday after Spring Break. Charlie will call a meeting of the subcommittee and get started planning. B. Employee of the Month - Georgia Sinclair reported that Debbie Toynes was chosen EOM for December 2006. Leo Wallace and Pat Hernandez were named Employees of the Month for January 2007. The celebration was held for all three on January 24, 2007 at 3:00 on the second floor of the A building. The Barnes and Nobles gift card was not able to be given due computer problems. The frames done by Irene Sierra were beautiful. C. Facilities - Claude Mathis reported that the subcommittee held its meeting on January 29, 2007. Tim Nugget attended this meeting and provided information about a variety of topics. The cafeteria annex remodeling has been approved and funded and Mr. Nugget was not sure why it had not yet started. There is a possibility of a Performing Art center being built here at VV with 1000 seat auditorium. There may be an additional instructional wing at each campus. There are plans for a new campus to be built on Fort Bliss and provide service to both military and civilian students. There will likely be a bond proposed in 2 years. The College is waiting so as to give the school districts a chance to propose their own bonds. Mr. Mathis also discussed trying to obtain crosswalk flashing lights at the exit on Phoenix Street. A repaving project will be considered for approval by the board of trustees. Olga Thurman wrote a letter asking for measures to be taken to combat flooding here at VV. Stacy Mayo brought up that previously there was to be texture painting on the cement at entrances to help with the potential slip and fall problems on the tile floors during wet weather. Mr. Bobby Ortega announced that there will be an Ysleta Early College High School here at VV in Fall 2007. It will start with 100 Freshmen, however the exact classroom locations are not yet determined. In July the campus will take deliver on portable classrooms from Hanks High School. Plans are being made to move most non-instructional services to ASC by 2008. The fountains between the A building and the cafeteria are functional. A fourth portable for Fire Technology to house showers and bathrooms has been delivered. Fire Technology should be moving to MdP in two years. There is also a re-lamping project that will begin in the near future here on campus to replace current lighting of D12 with D8 bulbs. This will save energy. D. Hospitality - Yolanda Aguilar could not attend, but sends her appreciation for all the volunteers who worked the welcome tables the first few days of the semester. III. Old Business A. The President has agreed to increase the IE budget to $1,000 per campus. B. Charge for 2006-07 Beautification reports are due to the president on February 28, 2007. Glenda sent out an email and placed forms in mailboxes requesting suggestion for the campus. There has been a good response so far. She is compiling the responses and will have the report ready for the IE team to look at the day before it is due, February 27, 2007, at our next meeting. All should solicit response from students as well. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 81 The subcommittee will look at the Beautification Project including expanding the planting of desert landscaping. A temporary LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE was formed by Georgia Sinclair, Ken Gorski, Claude Mathis, Richard Chavez, Bobby Ortega, Jessica Diaz, Rudy Esselborn, and Glenda Hill to use exact maps and propose landscaping all over the campus. C. Smoking signs are not available yet at VV. The deans need to designate smoking areas. Signs need to be made or ordered. Deans are meeting on January 31, 2007. This will be on their agenda. hold as strong a meaning in the future and could suffer vandalism. Instead a suggestion to make a donation to the scholarship fund in the name of an honoree was thought to be a better idea. B. Instructors need to begin considering what furniture they would like in classroom. There may be a "Furniture Fair" that will be held where instructors can go and look at furniture that is being considered. Instructors should keep in mind that classrooms still need to accommodate the same student capacity as now. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:05 Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva IV. New Business - Additional President's charges A. District IE Report - Memoriam Plaques were discussed and voted against. The plaques would not Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 82 February 27, 2007 follow up on the cleaning of these areas. The stapling of notices outside of classrooms should cease due to the fact that the walls will become marred and unattractive. Members present: Jose Arteaga, Dr. Tammie Campos, Martina Arriaga, Olaya Cazares, Richard Chavez, Reta Cook, Jessica Diaz, Mary Lou Gambee, Richard Falvo, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Norma Hinojos, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Lilli Medrano, Dr. Gene Müller, Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Russell Smith, Richard Stevens, Alma Valadez, Charles Williams. The sub-committee may want to consider having corkboards installed outside of classroom. The cleaning of the bulletin board needs to be kept up with also. The sub-committee developed a restroom checklist. Members will check the restrooms and advise the necessary supervisors. Absent, but called: Uwe Agness, Carmen Attar, Saul Candelas, Yolanda Aguilar, Rudy Esselborn, Dr. Jaime Farias, Ken Gorski , Ernie Gutierrez, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Gloria Miller, Vivian Nava, Tim Nugent, Chris Oatley, Luis Perez, Graciano Ramirez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, William Sulak, Raymundo Vilca I. There is a need for several offices and space to accommodate current programs and staff. - Dual Credit, and police department, etc. Many noninstructional offices are scheduled to move to the ASC by Fall 2008. This may open up space for instructional offices. Call to Order $31.7 million is now available to the College through a restructuring of the College's debt. It is not known how this money will be distributed, but some will go for a new wing at VV. The minutes for the January meeting were approved as amended II. Committee Reports For personnel looking to take over vacated space, Mr. Mathis suggested interested parties put together proposals and present them to the Facilities sub-committee. A. Special Activities - Charles Williams reported there was a meeting of the subcommittee. There was an exchange of ideas about the "Spring Fling" a barbeque on April 13, 2007 from 12-5 p.m.. The menu will be hotdogs, sodas, individual service bags of chips and a treat. The sub-committee will be contacting the music department for entertainment. The committee is requesting that the department heads solicit their employees for a "head count" of people who will be participating. This will enable the sub-committee to request pricing and donation of products. Charlie will send an email to department heads. B. EOM - Georgia Sinclair reported that Mary Scott, Rachel Ortega and Hector Arriola were chosen EOM and the celebration was a success. It was held outside Bobby Ortega's office on February 22, 2007 at 3:00. Bobby Ortega asked why the celebration’s time and day was changed. Georgia explained that in previous years the celebration felt hurried and that by moving to a separate day the sub-committee felt that the celebration could be given the time it needed. C. Facilities - Claude Mathis reported that the committee met. The board approved $186,000 for the repaving of the parking lot. The project is should take one month and commence during Spring Break. It has come to the sub-committee's attention that the sidewalks and other areas are dirty and infested with bird droppings. Mr. Chavez will There is a "Furniture Fair" being held March 9, 2007 at ASC. Interested parties should go and look at what vendors are displaying. This will allow faculty to have a better idea of what suggestions they can make concerning the refitting of classrooms and tutoring labs. D. Hospitality - Yolanda Aguilar was unable to attend the meeting. There is no report available. III. District Report - Glenda Hill reported A. 1. The IE team does have $964. 2. The question came up of how to organize the furniture needs project. Bobby Ortega stated that he was asking his faculty for input via email. The suggested was made that this could be a topic of discussion during the trip the deans were taking to Santa Fe on the following day. 3. Members were asked to look at the current procedure for EOM. Any suggestions for improvements are to be emailed to Georgia Sinclair who is part of a District subcommittee. This sub-Committee will compile all the suggestions from anyone in the District Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 83 and will present them at the next IEC meeting. B. The Beautification project report was finished, and the booklet compiled by Glenda was passed around the team. Mr. Ken Gorki's students prepared a visual rendering of some of the beautification suggestions they heard from students in their survey. These too will go to Miguel Contreras for the president to see. IV. New Business - Renewal of contracts for food services. The question was posed whether students are satisfied with the food service available. A few members answered that overall student are satisfied with Subway and the cafeteria, but students would like V. more variety. Couldn't the College bring in more restaurants like Burger King, Pizza Huts, etc? Most restaurant chains cannot afford the "shut down" time when students are not at the College. Other Business - Increase in faculty parking. Many suggestions were made including expanding the current faculty and staff parking to the rows closest to the gym side parking. Charles Williams moved that the campus discontinue faculty/staff parking privileges to the work/study employees of the College. The motion was seconded by Dr. Rick Falvo. The motion was passed by unanimous vote. Effective March 1, 2007 faculty/staff parking is not granted to work/study employees anymore. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:35 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Susan Silva, secretary Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 84 March 27, 2007 Members present: Jose Arteaga, Dr. Tammie Campos, Olaya Cazares, Reta Cook, Rudy Esselborn, Dr. Jaime Farias, Ken Gordki, Barbara Hicks, Glenda Hill, Norma Hinojos, Teresa Macias, Gail Mallinson, Sahyly Martinez, Claude Mathias, Lilia Medrano, Dr. Gene Müller, Chris Oatley, Bobby Ortega, Geraldine Rajski, Graciano Ramirez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Georgia Sinclair, Richard Stevens, Charles Williams Absent: Uwe Agness, Yolanda Aguilar, Martina Arriaga, Carmen Attar, Saul Candelas, Richard Chavez, Dr. Richard Falvo, Mary Lou Gambee, Ernie Gutierrez, Steve Harmon, Arvis Jones, Stacy Mayo, Gloria Miller, Vivian Nava, Tim Nugent, Luis Perez, Susana Rodarte, Irene Sierra, Russell Smith, William Sulak, Alma Valadez, Raymundo Vilca I. Call to order February minutes approved with corrections II. Special Guest A. Juan Flores – The Subway contract will be renewed for another 2 years. If the team wishes to invite competition after contract, IE will have to made renovation to the current cafeteria facilities. A market assessment has been done before by other potential businesses, and those businesses decided that it would not be a profitable spot for them to operate, due to the limited facilities and closure time between semesters. Buster’s is a sub-contractor of the cafeteria from Subway. B. Ed Howell could not attend the meeting, but did provide a chair and desk set for viewing. III. Sub-committee reports A. Special Activities - Charles Williams reported that many staff supervisors have reported back to him with attendance to the April 13, 2007 Spring Fling, but no deans had responded. Many members stated that they had sent their names into their deans and believed that the deans were passing the information on to Charles. All in all the Spring Fling will probably be attended by 300 faculty, staff, and administrators. The subcommittee is working on securing refreshments for that number of people. Soft drinks, hot dogs, chips and ice cream are the menu. Individually wrapped servicing was thought to be best. Professor Leon Blevins has volunteered to dance. It will be held in the village area. Bobby Ortega will look into getting a volleyball net set up. B. Employee of the Month - Georgia Sinclair forwarded EOM information and are here now added: April Employees of the Month: Joy Myers - Anthropology/Geology Part-Time Faculty The celebration for these two people will be April 11, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. outside Bobby Ortega's office. Cake and soft drinks will be served. C. Facilities - Dean Claude Mathis reported that the repaving of the parking lot has begun and should be completed in a month. The fountains are fixed and ready to be in operation. The checking of the restrooms on campus is on-going by Ken Gorski, and Mr. Chavez. With the new monies, they will be making suggestions for improvement to these facilities based on their report. A traffic light or signs are needed for Phoenix and North Loop, but there is no money for such. Since we are beginning the new College High School, since we have "Kids College" and there are children who participate in the Americana Village, we may be able to appeal to the city for money to have the signs and traffic lights installed. There are confusing signs currently installed driving from campus onto Hunter. The chief will be presented with a suggestion that drivers not be permitted to turn left from the right lane, as they are now. Deans will meet on March 28, 2007 to come up with a plan to have a faculty-driven decision made about furniture for the classrooms and labs. There are plans for new lighting in the outside stairways. The ASC - B building renovation was supposed to start on March 1, 2007, but has been postponed. There is a pre-construction meeting on March 28, 2007 and construction should begin on April 2nd. The project is due to be completed in 180 days. D. Hospitality - No report IV. Old Business District Report - Georgia Sinclair - Our Beautification plan was presented to the president. The Employee of the Month procedure were amended so that an employee can only be nominated once every 24 months and only the names of the EOM will be submitted to the IE office. The furniture fair and plans for purchases need to be done through your dean. V. New Business Work/studies are not issued staff parking permits currently. There is confusion as to what the verification process is for a person requesting a staff parking decal and how many decals are allotted for each employee. VI. Other Business Bulletin Boards - Ellie Medrano reported that some areas of the College had a volunteer to help clean off the board once a month. Meeting adjourned approximately 4:00 Respectfully submitted by Susan Silva, secretary Eva Dominguez - Registrar's Assistant Full-Time staff Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 85 VALLE VERDE IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 September 27, 2005 ASC Auditorium Members Present: Dr. John Lencyk, Chris Oatley, Olga Thurman, Manny Velez, Bill Fowler, Gail Mallinson, Mary Scott, Keith Townsend, Stacy Mayo, Dr. Gene Müller, Aggie Becker, Lolo Mercado, Claude Mathis, Dr. Jaime Farias, Uwe Agness, Alma Lopez, Glenda Hill, Daryle Hendry, Georgia Sinclair, Jenny Giron, Dr. Ann Lemke, Ivette Chuca, Bobby Ortega, Olaya Cazares, Ken Gorski, Charles Williams, Martha Garcia, Alma Loya, Jose Arteaga and Jon Nelson. Jenny Giron also proposed moving the Technical Resource area located in C420 to the second floor C Bldg (offices 201203). The move would make it possible to offer training in the evenings. The department would be more accessible to staff and faculty. Members Absent: Teresa Nevarez, Susana Rodarte, Yolanda Aguilar, Luis Chaparro, Richard Chavez, Luis Perez, and Margaret Rodriguez, The Cafeteria Annex space needs to be modified to improve its usage. Discussion followed on the possibility of moveable/removable walls. This will be discussed at the next meeting. It was moved by Keith and seconded by Jenny to accept the committee’s report. The motion passed. Part-time faculty could use the (C420) area and then B161 could be available. Dr. Lencyk, VVIE Chair, called meeting to order. Hospitality Committee: First order of business was to accept nominations for the positions of Chair-Elect and Secretary. Georgia Sinclair, Teresa Nevarez, and Stacy Mayo were nominated for ChairElect. Teresa Nevarez received the majority vote. Pending her acceptance she will be Chair-Elect. Alma Loya was nominated for Secretary. Alma received the majority vote. She accepted the position of Secretary. Dr. Rhodes’ charge for 2005-2006 Academic year is for the committees’ recommendations on facility improvements both for new and remodeled facilities. Dr. Lencyk emphasized the importance of input and participation from all members. Attendance is crucial. Please let Dr. Lencyk know if you are going to be absent. Accomplishments for the past year were noted. Charles Williams reported that the hospitality tables had once again been a success. Students appreciated the directions, pencils, pens, candies, cookies and water. Participation from more staff and faculty would really be appreciated. It was moved by Keith and seconded by Mary Scott to accept the committee’s report. The motion passed. Employee of the Month Committee: Alma reported on the activities of the EOM committee. The EOM celebration is held right before the IE Committee meeting in front of the Campus Dean’s office. Everyone was welcome to come. Also there was a request for nominations for outstanding full-time staff, full-time faculty and part-time at large. It was moved by Keith and seconded by Mary Scott to accept the committee’s report. The motion passed. Committee Reports New Business Facilities Committee: Bobby Ortega reported on proposals submitted at the Facilities Meeting on September 26th. The proposal from Keith Townsend and Hector Serrano is for the 4th floor space in the C Bldg. That department under Danny Matta will be moving to ASC. They propose to move theatre and forensics into that area. They would get a small performance space, lab space for forensic rehearsals and offices for both Keith and Hector. This would release two double offices presently occupied by them in the A Building. Their committee fully supported this proposal. Jose from the physical plant reported that the chillers had arrived and were being installed. There will be some areas that might be affected, and may be warmer in the mornings. John commented that due to Jose’s foresight regarding the traffic/parking area affected with this project that there were no accidents or problems. Mary Scott reminded Bobby Ortega of a report they had already compiled last year on facility improvements. Bobby was asked to have a copy for the members at next month’s meeting. Other items already discussed, such as new furniture for the lobby areas was also included in that report. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 86 Jon Nelson commented on the quality of the new paper towels being provided in the rest rooms. They are extremely thin, tear easily and you end up using a lot of them. They are packed in tight in the pa per dispensers making it difficult to just get one or two. Dr. Lencyk stated that we would have Israel come to the next meeting to discuss. Dr. Müller commented on the noisy coolers in classroom A2127. Jose responded that as soon as the new chillers were in place it would take care of the problem. Old Business Dr. Lencyk will email the sub-committees listing to all VV IE members. All members should be participating in at least one subcommittee. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 motioned by Gail Mallison. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 87 October 25, 2005 Valle Verde B-240 Members Present: Dr. John Lencyk, Chris Oatley, Olga Thurman, Manny Velez, Gail Mallinson, Mary Scott, Keith Townsend, Yolanda Aguilar, Stacy Mayo, Aggie Becker, Lolo Mercado, Uwe Agness, Richard Chavez, Glenda Hill, Georgia Sinclair, Ivette Chuca, Bobby Ortega, Olaya Cazares, Margaret Rodriguez, Charles Williams, Martha Garcia, Alma Loya, Jose Arteaga and Susana Rodarte. Members Absent: Jon Nelson, AlmaValadez, Luis Chaparro, Dr. Jaime Farias, Luis Perez, Daryle Hendry, Ivette Chuca, Ken Gorski, Dr. Ann Lemke, Claude Mathis, Dr. Gene Müller, Tim Nugent and Saul Candelas. Dr. Lencyk reported on Dr. Rhodes’ facility charge for the IE teams. Dr. Lencyk noted that he and Glenda Hill would develop a form so that all recommendations could be captured. It was his understanding that all projects, both renovations and new construction, were subject to the facilities charge. He also requested that once the form was developed all requests be forwarded to Glenda Hill. The list will be continually reviewed by the VV IE team throughout the year. Hospitality Committee: Keith moved and Gail seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Yolanda Aguilar was selected chair of the Hospitality Committee. Yolanda stated that she will schedule a meeting in November. Attendance of committee members is very important since we will be discussing the Hospitality Tables for January 17th and 18th. The Deans were asked about their donations of $100 for hospitality table supplies (giveaways). Bobby Ortega and Susana Rodarte agreed to continue the donation. Election of Chair Elect: District-Wide IE Committee: First order of business was to re-open nominations for the position of Chair-Elect. Keith Townsend and Glenda Hill were nominated for Chair-Elect. Glenda Hill received the majority vote. She accepted the position of Chair-Elect. Dr. Lencyk reported that Lourdes Garcia was selected Chair of DWIE. Dr. Lencyk was selected Chair-Elect. There were no nominations for Secretary. Dr. Stroud reported that the blood drives that had been held in the fall had supplied the needs for all the El Paso and New Mexico region. An Employee of the Month procedure had been distributed for recommendations from each campus. Damian, Student Representative, suggested more lighting under the A Bldg. Dr. Lencyk walked through to check lighting and he reported that there were sufficient lights for student usage. Dr. Lencyk, VVIE Chair, called meeting to order at 3 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Committee Reports Employee of the Month Committee: Teresa reported on the employees of the month celebration. Miguel Banda, FT staff, Police Department and Stephanie McTague, PT staff, Testing Center were selected as the November employees of the month. There was a question on how Lomaland staff was going to be merged in the EOM celebration. Olaya will check with AVP Yolanda Ahner on how they want to handle employee of the month nominations for employees at Lomaland. Committee Information: The Facilities committee meets the Monday before the IE meeting. The EOM committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The Hospitality Committee meetings will be scheduled as needed. Old Business Facilities Committee: There was no update on the signage project. Bobby Ortega reported that a sub-committee has been selected to make recommendations on the cafeteria annex improvements. The sub-committee members are: Leon Blevins, Susana Rodarte, Hector Serrano, Keith Townsend, Georgia Sinclair and Mary Scott. The requests for the 4th floor area (previously Media) for Theatre Arts and Forensics and the Technology Resources department move to the 2nd floor (both in the C Bldg.) have been forwarded to Cabinet. Also under old business, it was requested that Richard Chavez report on the status of the following items: 1. 2. 3. status of fountains between Bldg. A & Bldg. C time-frame for renovating/painting the tower continuing discussion of sidewalks on Phoenix New Business 1. There are concerns with the sharpeners in Bldg. A. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 88 2. 3. There was concern with the fading parking lot lanes – Mr. Chavez said that Mr. Mena was working on getting them surfaced. There is a need for lights above the signage on Hunter. The right lane can turn left which can cause accidents when the drivers on the left lane cannot see the signage that allows the turn. 4. Mary Scott suggested pizza and cake for EOM celebrations. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 motioned by Teresa Nevarez. Minutes respectfully submitted by Alma Loya, Secretary. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 89 January 31, 2006 Valle Verde B-240 Members Present: Uwe Agness, Yolanda Aguilar, Jose Arteaga, Aggie Becker, Olaya Cazares, Dr. Jaime Farias, Martha Garcia, Ken Gorski, Glenda Hill, Dr. Ann Lemke, Dr. John Lencyk, Alma Loya, Gail Mallinson, Claude Mathis, Stacy Mayo, Teresa Nevarez, Chris Oatley, Bobby Ortega, Susana Rodarte, Mary C. Scott, Georgia Sinclair, Olga Thurman, Charles Williams, Ricardo Villescas, SGA and Jessica Gomez, SGA. Members Absent: Luis Chaparro, Richard Chavez, Saul Candelas, Ivette Chuca, Daryle Hendry, Lolo Mercado, Dr. Gene Müller, Jon Nelson, Tim Nugent, Luis Perez, Keith Townsend, Alma D. Valadez and Manuel Velez. Dr. Lencyk, VVIE Chair, called meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes was made by Aggie Becker and seconded by Chris Oatley. Motion carried. Committee Reports Employee of the Month Committee: Teresa reported that the following employees received the Employee of the Month certificate: Ana Resendez, Full-time staff, Faculty Development Office; Jesus Aguilar, Full-time Math Instructor and Enid Cordova, Part-time staff, ISC department. There are concerns with: acoustics in the hall where the celebration is held, the traffic, noise levels, most employees attending the celebration can not hear what is being said and the “coldness” of the area and the event. Several suggestions included having chairs brought in to create a more formal sitting area, allowing recipients of the award to speak and use a microphone while making the presentation. There were concerns on making the celebration too loud and disturbing the classrooms that are nearby. The EOM committee was asked to discuss at their next meeting and bring in recommendations to the next IE. After some discussion, it was suggested that the EOM cakes be purchased with the VVIE budget. Cakes were previously charged to the Deans’ accounts. Also discussed was the money needed by the Hospitality Committee for a campus activity in April, Community College Month. The Deans have agreed to complement the VVIE budget for such activity. The budget balance as of January 12, 2006 is $629.57. The expenditures in November of $36.43 included the cost of the cake and sodas. The October expenditure of $26.95 was for the cake only. The October cake was purchased by Bobby Ortega’s account. Bobby reported that on Wednesday, March 8 at 8 a.m. in the Auditorium at ASC, the Purchasing Dept. will have five furniture vendors’ displays. Ms. Cilyn Myers from the Physical Plant provided this information at their Facilities meeting. The furniture will include lounge, classroom, lab and library furniture. All Deans have been invited to attend to identify priorities for their respective areas. Furniture priorities will be forwarded to Mr. Mena through the President’s Office. The furniture will be purchased in phases with VV getting first priority. Bobby announced that there would be a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 2:30 in the cafeteria annex. The Valle Verde Deans set this meeting to receive feedback from all employees and students on Valle Verde facility needs and wants. It was suggested that a copy of the Facility Charge Form be included in the next El Conquistador. The Deans will also be emailing the IE Facilities Charge Form to all their staff and faculty. All responses will be included in the 2006 IE Charge Report requested by Dr. Rhodes. Items to be included: long-range planning, project lists for bonds, unified learning centers, classrooms and faculty office space. Ken reported on his research on tools for pigeon control. Ken stated that bird spikes by Nixalite which come in strips could be attached to the ledges of buildings. This would be the most effective way to handle pigeons. The IE committee approved the request and Bobby will be forwarding the information to Mr. Mena for his handling. Hospitality Committee: Yolanda thanked all the staff and faculty that volunteered on January 17th and 18th. The hospitality tables were once again a great success. Yolanda compiled a list of all the volunteers and sent it around to make sure she had not forgotten anyone. She will be providing this information to Dr. Brown. Yolanda also thanked all the Valle Verde Deans, Yolanda Ahner, Tim Nugent and Saul Candelas for their contributions to purchase the student giveaways. District-Wide IE Committee: Dr. Lencyk reported on the Student Gathering Survey. Valle Verde needs include: improving environment, sitting areas and study areas. Dr. Stroud reported at the DWIE that EPCC continues to be the largest blood donor in the county. Also reported was the success of Dual Credit and SECC donations for 2005. Other Business Facilities Committee: Status of column and logo paint? Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 90 Contractors cleaning schedule? Lack of response on facility status questions New Business The Valle Verde Institutional Effectiveness Campus Charter was distributed to the members. There was a concern expressed about College vehicles that are parked in staff parking spaces. It was noted that the van # 32 actually belongs to the ISC. The van is used for their distribution of mail and paper to the Mission del Paso Campus. It was suggested that the van be given an assigned parking space. Dr. Lencyk will be sending out a formal invitation to David Mena to attend the next IE meeting. We will not have an IE meeting in February, since the Town Hall meeting scheduled by the VV Deans will be held on that date. Teresa motioned that Mr. Mena be invited to our March 28th meeting. The motion was seconded by Olga. Motion carried. Monthly Reminder: Bulletin Boards need to be cleaned on the last Friday of the month. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:15. Motion by Stacy and seconded by Martha. Motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by Alma Loya, Secretary. Dr. Lencyk questioned the status of the fountains. They are still not working and they are now being used as a play area by students. Trash is also being thrown into the fountains. Z:/VV IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/24/15 91