
For College Procedure Committees  


MINUTES FOR 2013-2014

(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)

April 14, 2014

Members Present: Lourdes Arnal de Pratts, Jan Eveler,

Dana Eisenga, Jaime Farias, Fernie Flores, Connie Gonzales,

Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Maria Guerrero, Felix Hinojosa,

Maria Luisa Huante, Robin Kitchen, Gertrud Konings-Dudin,

Raul Lerma, Kathy Lopez, Aaron Montes, Isle Moya, Jose

Pacheco-Lucero, and Laura Tellez

Members Absent : Ray Casillas, Lisa McNiel, and Josette


Chair, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, called the meeting to order at

2:04 p.m.


Approval of the minutes :

Motion to approve: Raul Lerma

Seconded: Jaime Fierro

Minutes approved after modifications to members absent section.

II. Secretary Jose Pacheco agreed to take minutes for today’s (4-14-2014) session. Connie

Gonzalez has agreed to be the Notetaker for future sessions in 2014.

III. Recommendation to increase the General Use Fee

(GUF) — Fernando Flores, Comptroller

Fernando Flores began by giving an outline for his presentation: Topics to be covered include explaining the Purpose of the GUF (background and historical implications, the “Why?” for its use, and recommendations by administration to consider.

Purpose of GUF: Primarily to retire debt related to bonds. 1) Not a part of the institutional budget

(resides in the debt retirement fund). 2) Can be used for construction and renovation (6 million raised currently).

Current fee at EPCC: $10 GUF per credit hour and

$76 tuition rate = total of $86 per credit hour.

Background : In 1995 EPCC raised the General Use

Fee by $2, in 1996 by $1, and in 1997 by $1 and essentially to the current fee of $10. Additionally, in the mid 90s the college sold a considerable amount

IV. of bonds. A financial advisor has been utilized to structure the debt retirement with the use of the


Current Debt: the college owes approx. 54million in bonds in the following breakdown:

2001: approx. 650 thousand

2007: 53.4 million to be paid by 2025 (last bond issuance)

The Why?

: District-wide master plan (EPCC hired a company to review/evaluate all campuses and recommend changes for each campus in terms of needs for district/students, as well as aid in the planning of the construction of the new Ft. Bliss campus). The Smith Group will evaluate and put a dollar amount on the needs of the college ultimately.

Fernando Flores stated that today’s recommendation will likely change in the future depending on the evaluation of the financial advisor. A conservative estimate of the total revenue needed across all campuses: $100 million.

Additionally, there will be partnerships that will lease to utilize the Ft. Bliss campus (UTEP, Troy,

Webster, and Park), and a portion of the money gained will be utilized to pay towards the price of construction.

Administrative Recommendation: increase our debt capacity.

$3 increase or $13 per credit hour effective Fall


$2 increase or $15 per credit hour effective Fall


$1 increase or $16 per credit hour effective Fall


Recommendation to increase Resident and Non-

Resident tuition —Felix Hinojosa

Felix Hinojosa presented the proposal to increase tuition by $1 per scheduled credit hour in support of the Athletics Program.


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Background : EPCC Athletics includes a variety of sports: Baseball, Softball, Cross Country (men’s and women’s), and cheerleading to name a few. A total of 68 scholarships are currently given out in accordance with NJCAA Division I requirements.

Funding for the Athletics Program including scholarships comes from the following two fees: a

$3.00 per student fee and $1.50 per credit hour fee.

Proposed increase: an additional $1.00 increase --

Athletics will receive .50 and the other .50 would be used to support the College budget. Based on current enrollment= $280,000 for .50.

Justification : Proposal to expand the current facility to serve as a treatment and rehabilitation and educational center. The idea is to have clinical education and sport medicine with the goal of creating a S.M.A.R.T center. The use is geared for more than just sports as a multidisciplinary facility is proposed.

V. Discussion

Questions from Committee to Fernando Flores:

Clarification was asked about the prior tuition fee increases and a comparison to UTEP and the Dona

Ana Community College. Further clarification was also sought about the Smith Group and the Financial

Advisor group and their specific jobs. Questions were also posed about the schedule of events for the coming months.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

Presentation to:

Student Government Association (SGA)—April meeting

Student forums—April 28, 29, & 30 (Josette

Shaughnessy will attend)

Committee will reconvene to vote on May 1, 2014

If approved, Tuition and General Use Fee increase proposal will be presented at the May 21 Board meeting.

Questions from committee for Felix Hinojosa:

Clarification was requested for funding of the cheerleading program. Additionally, explanation was requested to the use of the potential funding towards the new facility. Further clarification of the

.50 breakdown was also requested. Some discussion was on the reason for a $1 increase, while only .50 was going to Athletics? Answer: the other .50 will be going to the general fund for the college.

Comments were stated on the receptiveness of students towards such an increase in tuition. The committee proposed that during the presentation to

SGA as well as in the student forums, details on exactly how the money will be spent, will go a long way with the student body. The idea is that once students understand that the entire student body will benefit from this new Athletic facility and not just the athletes, this increase will probably be better received/justified.

VI. New Chair Elect

Lourdes Arnal de Pratts recommended Raul Lerma as the new Chair Elect. Seconded by Kathy Lopez.

Raul Lerma, Director of Financial Aid, was voted unanimously as the new Chair Elect.

VII. Next meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2014 at 1 p.m. Room: TBA

Lourdes Arnal de Pratts motioned to adjourn the meeting. Raul Lerma seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 3:19 p.m.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



MINUTES FOR 2012-2013

March 3, 2013

Members Present: Ms. Jan Eveler, Dr. Jaime Farias, Ms.

Connie Gonzales, Ms. Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Ms. Maria

Huante, Dr. Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Mr. Raul Lerma, Ms.

Darlina Nazario, Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero, Ms. Josette

Shaughnessy (Mr. Fernie Flores; Ms. Sandy McHale), Ms.

Allison Nawman, Ms. Claudia Rios, Mr. Jamie Fierro, Mr.

Joshua Carter, Ms. Lillian Woon, Ms. Arvis Jones

Members Absent : Mr. Ray Casillas, Mr. Dana Eisenga, Ms.

Maria Guerrero, and Ms. Kathy Lopez

I. Welcome and Call to Order: Dean Eveler welcomed all attendees and called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

II. Approval Minutes were distributed. Approval was postponed until the next meeting.

III. Student Forum/SGA Updates

Ms. Josette Shaughnessy presented a synopsis of

Student Feedback from her campus visits throughout the week. Ms. Shaughnessy also provided the committee a written synopsis in a handout. Main concerns and issues that emerged from the various forums were discussed as well as the overall student attitude in understanding the need for a tuition increase. The feeling attained was that students understood the need for the increase but wanted to see “a return on investment” in facilities, new hires, and more classes.

The Forums were held on April 26 at the Valle

Verde and Mission del Paso campuses, on April 29 at the Transmountain campus, and on April 30 at the

Northwest and Rio Grande campuses.

IV. Discussion of Proposal of Tuition and Fees

Increase for 2013-2014

Joshua Carter (SGA) questioned the 7% increase and stated that with all the needs of the college, is it sufficient? Perhaps a 10% increase would be more appropriate. A subsequent discussion led to the question: “should we consider a tuition increase every 2 years”? This was countered by the statement that marginal increases may be a easier to prepare on the student and the parent.

A $5 increase would net 2 million dollars (1.2 to funding the short fall….the remainder to restore some frozen positions, equipment, etc.)

The idea is to have a reasonable increase to the student and to have some revenue into the budget.

The President committed to keep a reasonable rate, but has stressed: “increase the enrollment!”

How do we handle dual credit? Current numbers show that 50% of the students return to EPCC and

87% successful. A dual credit study currently underway. Online students and other face to face/hybrid classes have costs and the college must look into being able to generate revenue somehow.

Recommendation: a nominal fee charged to these students.

Ms. Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen: Dr. Serrata is committed to address many of these funding issues.

The discussion of a “more strategic planning” in reviewing the budget will be had.

NSF charge recommended to $35. It appears that there has only been an increase for $10 in that last seven years. Ms. Josette Shaughnessy stated that it has been $25 for several years. The catalog states we will be charging the current prevailing rate. The committee was informed that JP Morgan Chase sets the prevailing rate.

Mr. Raul Lerma: We need to reevaluate the 3-peat

Fee. A discussion followed of increases the fee or have an incremental increase fee.

Discussion on 27 hour rule (max # for non-college credit hours) for developmental classes. Currently there are no fees assessed. Should there be a consequence once you go past it?

Final thoughts: We have to be able to be in a better position as to not to continue going back to the students. No recommendation currently for a tax increase but may happen eventually.


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Motion by Item:

Increase Tuition Rate:

Mr. Joshua Carter motions to change from 7 to 10% with the understanding that the committee may need to discuss an increase again. Justification: the increase would allow for a better return for the student and the institution. Ms. Allison Nawman

2nd, vote 10-0, motion passed

Note: Dr. Pacheco (the designated Notetaker and

Voting Member) had to leave at 4 p.m. and consequently was not present for remainder of the bullet items V-VI. Vice President Linda Gonzalez-

Hensgen took over recording the minutes.

Increase Three-Peat Fee:

Ms. Connie Gonzales made an amendment to

Motion to increase proposed Three-Peat Fee to change it to $70 for 2nd repeat and $90 for 3rd repeat (1 st repeat free) starting Spring 2014 contingent upon resolution of any possible programming issues. Mr. Jaime Fierro 2nd vote 9 – 1 (one member left prior to vote), motion passed

Increase NSF Check Charge:

Proposal for increase to NSF check charges was not voted on as the amount will be increased to reflect the prevailing rate.

Increase Emergency Loan Payment Fee:

Mr. Joshua Carter motion to increase Emergency

Loan Late Payment Fee from $20 to $25. Mr. Jaime

Fierro 2nd, Vote 9 – 1 (one member left prior to vote), motion passed

Increase Installment Plan Late Payment Fee:

Ms. Connie Gonzales motion to increase installment plan late payment fee from $20 to $25 effective Fall

2014. Mr. Joshua Carter 2nd, Vote 9 – 1 (one member left prior to vote), motion passed

Increase Administrative

Withdrawal/Reinstatement Fee:

Ms. Claudia Rios motion to increase Administrative

Withdrawal/Reinstatement Fee from $15 to $25.

Ms. Maria Huante 2nd, Vote 9 – 1 (one member left prior to vote), motion passed

VI. Next Meeting Date: Ms. Shaughnessy discussed the possibility of the committee meeting more than just at the request of

Administration. There are other issues that she would like to see discussion on and consequently, the committee may meet again in


Meeting adjourned 4:30 p.m.

Additional Note: The proposed Tuition and Fees increase is on the agenda for the May Board of Trustees meeting. All

Committee members have been invited to attend the Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2013, at the ASC

Board room at 5:00 p.m.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.




MINUTES FOR 2011-2012

March 28, 2012

Members Present: Raul Lerma, Andrew Auckland, Erika

Gamboa, Jessica Klein, Kathy Lopez, Alexander Guzman,

Josette Shaughnessy, Darcy Traffansted, Joyce Ritchey,

Connie Gonzalez, Darlina Nazario

Members Absent: Jerome Fulton , Jaime Farias, Linda


Guests in attendance: Lillian Woon, Fernie Flores

Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Joyce Ritchey.

Agenda Item #1: Each member and guest introduced themselves.

Agenda Item #2: Joyce Ritchey read the charge to the committee.

Agenda Item #3: Joyce opened up the floor to seek nominations for Chair of the committee as well as

Secretary. Darcy Traffansted nominated herself as chair, was seconded by Andrew Auckland and motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item #4: Joyce then opened the floor to seek nominations for Secretary. Darcy nominated Jessica

Klein, was seconded by Andrew Auckland and motion passed.

Agenda Item #5: Josette Shaughnessy made a presentation informing the committee of possible proposals that will be coming to the committee to review as a means of compensating for lost revenue in the coming budget year. Ms. Shaughnessy provided an overview of the budget, challenges for the coming year, and possible strategies for the new budget. Threefold ideas for consideration include: Increase three-peat fee, impose a Distance Ed Fee, and Impose tiered tuition for vocational courses.

It was requested that the committee move on the issue within the month, therefore the next meeting is scheduled for April

23 rd at the ASC at 3:00 p.m.

It was requested that Ms. Shaughnessy also present to SGA and both Darcy and Connie agreed. That meeting is scheduled for April 4 th at 3:00 p.m.

Ms. Shaughnessy will be forwarding a copy of the

PowerPoint presentation to all Tuition and Fees committee members so that everyone can review them prior to the April

23 rd meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by Kathy Lopez and seconded by Andrew Aukland, at 4:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Jessica Klein


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



April 30, 2012

Members Present: Raul Lerma, Andrew Auckland, Erika

Gamboa, Jessica Klein, Kathy Lopez, Alexander Guzman,

Josette Shaughnessy, Darcy Traffansted, Joyce Ritchey,

Connie Gonzales, Darlina Nazario, Jerome Fulton, Jaime

Farias, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Demetre Flores

Members Absent: None

Guests in attendance: Lillian Woon, Fernie Flores

Meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. by Darcy


Agenda Item #1: Motion to approve minutes – Andrew


Seconded by Darlina Nazario

Motion passed with correction to Connie Gonzales’ name.

Agenda Item #2: Josette Shaughnessy reviewed 2012 budget challenges, budget reduction strategies, and recommendations.

Addressed questions raised by SGA and provided tuition and fees table of other Texas colleges for comparison. o Discussion about whether non-resident students can afford 50% increase

It was mentioned that by comparison, nonresident students begin paying the inexpensive tuition and fee amount at EPCC but later, (after transferring to UTEP or NMSU) pay the much larger tuition and fee amount at that university.

 Ms. Shaughnessy addressed a question raised by

SGA as to providing information comparing

EPCC to other colleges in Texas in addition to

UTEP and NMSU. She provided a table with tuition comparisons. o Discussion about distance education fees as each class is identified

Joyce Ritchey mentioned that the classes need to be better clarified and advertised allowing students to clearly understand the type of course they are enrolling in and the justification for any fees. For example, there are differences in completely online courses, hybrid courses, and enhanced courses. These differences need to be clearly noted and addressed.

To clarify, the committee discussed the differences among the three courses so as to enable committee members to make an informed vote on the issue.

Agenda Item #3: Recommendations from the committee are as follows : o Implement a distance education fee of $40 dollars per course for all ONLINE and


 Motion made by Andrew Auckland

 Second made by Erika Gamboa

 Motion Passed.

 Decision to discuss a fee for ENHANCED courses will be taken up in Fall 2012. o Increase the three-peat fee from $42 dollars per semester credit hour to $45 dollars per semester credit hour.

 Motion made by Connie Gonzales

Second by Raul Lerma

 Motion Passed. o Increase lab fees from $12 dollars per semester credit hour to $20 dollars per semester credit hour.

Motion made by Connie Gonzales

 Second by Demetre Flores

 Motion Passed. o Increase resident tuition by 6%.

Motion made by Andrew Auckland

 Second by Connie Gonzales

 Motion Passed. o Increase non-resident tuition by 50%.

Motion made by Connie Gonzales

 Second by Andrew Auckland

Motion to amend made by Demetre Flores

Second by Alex Guzman

Amendment failed

 Motion to increase non-resident tuition passed with a 50% vote.

A suggestion was made that in light of recent lab fee increases, the fees should be reviewed every 3 years to avoid shortfalls in budgeting for equipment needed for lab courses.

Kathy Lopez suggested providing specific definitions to clarify distance education fee concerns.

Motion to adjourn made by Connie Gonzales

Seconded by Andrew Auckland

Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Jessica Klein


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



May 4, 2012

Members Present: Raul Lerma, Andrew Auckland, Erika

Gamboa, Jessica Klein, Kathy Lopez, Darcy Traffansted,

Joyce Ritchey, Connie Gonzales, Darlina Nazario, Jerome

Fulton, Jaime Farias, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Leon Vox

Members Absent: Josette Shaughnessy

Guests in attendance: Lillian Woon, Fernie Flores,

Alexander Guzman

Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Darcy


Agenda Item #1: Motion to approve minutes – Andrew


Seconded by Connie Gonzales

Motion passed.

Agenda Item #2: Darcy opened the meeting by addressing the rationale for the meeting by presenting tax rate information as illustrated by a handout with a table of rates for the city of El Paso. According to the table,

Darcy calculated the median price of the house and worked in that calculation as it would break down according to what tax payers are responsible for. o The meeting was to clarify developments since the committee met with recommendations for the tuition fees increase. o Based on the handout from Darcy, SGA has gone to

Dr. Roberts with proposed modified increases. o The increase will, for the most part, remain as is with revisions to the resident and non-resident tuition rates.

 Resident tuition rates will increase to 9% per semester credit hour.

 Non-resident tuition rates will increase to 25% per semester credit hour.

 Connie mentioned that in sending an email with proposed revisions to Josette it was originally supposed to be a 9% and 30% tuition amount but instead sent the 9% and 25% tuition amounts.

Agenda Item #3: Discussion over the proposed amounts began with comments by Linda. o In discussing the tuition amounts, Linda mentioned that it was important to look at the dollar amounts instead of percentages because by focusing on the amount of the increase, it can be misleading. o Darcy questioned why 50% and Fernie clarified by offering some history of tuition rates from previous committees. He mentioned that it was important to know that EPCC originally cut tuition rates for nonresidents in an attempt to attract more of them, however, the rates have not gone up to where they were prior to the drastic cuts. o Darcy mentioned that it is important to mention the state of the economy and the impact on students. o Linda mentioned that while that was important,

EPCC is now finding themselves in a situation where they are trying to play catch up from decisions made in the tuition cuts as a recruitment tool for non-residents. o Fernie noted that while the information Connie previously sent was an incorrect amount, the abstract that is already on the agenda for the Board is listed as 9% and 25% tuition amounts for residents and non-residents. o Also noted is that when SGA went to discuss amounts with Dr. Roberts, he supported the 9% and

25% amounts. o The reason for convening the committee today is informative in nature. It is to ensure that the work of the committee is appreciated and helpful in making difficult decisions that affect so many students. o Linda mentioned that the work of the committee is definitely important and that is particularly why it is important to have meetings that are POSTED so as to garner as much participation as needed so those wanting a voice, can in fact have one.

 Darcy went on to mention that part of the reason for the meeting was informative but did not include the tuition increase of 50% and SGA felt it should have been mentioned at their meeting. o Jerome commented on the handout Darcy presented by noting that by looking at the table, the match can be flawed because not all El Pasoans pay the same tax rate. o Linda suggested that if possible, Fernie add a piece to the Board agenda that the recommendation of the committee was originally 6% and 50%. This should be added for the Board to have knowledge of the committee’s recommendations.

Motion to adjourn made by Connie Gonzales

Seconded by Darlina Nazario

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Jessica Klein


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MINUTES FOR 2010-2011

November 8, 2010

ASC, B445

I. Welcome and Introductions:

Meeting started at 3:35 p.m. Everyone on the committee and guest introduced themselves. Those present were Jessica Klein, Dr. Albert Burnham,

Richard Bahena, Adriana Nevarez, Isaac Ceniceros,

Gilbert Gonzalez, Darcy Traffansted, Robin

Kitchen, Andrew Auckland, Ines Lopez, Erika

Gamboa, Dr. Jaime Farias, Joyce Ritchey, Josette


Dean Joyce Ritchey informed us that our charge was: To review, and vote to recommend, if appropriate, proposals related to establishing tuition and fees.

Dr. Albert Burnham volunteered to be the Chair of the Committee. Isaac Ceniceros nominated Darcy

Traffansted as Secretary, second by Gilbert

Gonzalez. Motion Passes on both.

IV. Presentations

Josette Shaughnessy brought forth a presentation for a tuition increase. EPCC’s budget is $112 million dollars; the presentation breaks down revenues by source, expenditures by function. Josette

Shaughnessy also explained for the biennium of how the state appropriates the amount that is given to the college. The state is projected a deficit budget is $18 billion. The state has already cut the budget by 5% for the past year

5% for the current year and 10% for the next biennium. With the state cutting the budget

EPCC needs to find other ways to cover the revenue that will be lost by the budget cuts.

See attached electronic copy of presentation.

Tabled to the next meeting scheduled

December 01, 2010.

B. Nursing and Allied Health Testing Fees

Dr. Paula Mitchell and Gail Meagher brought forth the cost of the testing fees for the

Nursing and Allied Health Programs. They stated that the programs have covered the costs of the test that the students have to take.

Darcy Traffansted asked Linda Gonzalez

Hensgen if these costs can be covered by

Financial Aid or Grants. Linda replied that as long as these fees are part of the tuition for these classes then the cost will be covered.

Dr. Paula Mitchell also said that it is unusual that any college covers these cost. With

EPCC covering these costs it has cut into the

Nursing and Allied Health’s budget.

Erika Gamboa motioned to approve that the students pay for the standardized testing fees for the Nursing program and Allied Health by the fall semester of 2011preferrably the summer semester of 2011. Second by

Andrew Auckland. Motion caries 12 to 1.

V. Other:

Discussion on when our next meeting would be. It was suggested to have it December 1, 2011 at 3:30 in the same room if possible.

VI. Adjourned:

Meeting Adjourned at 4:55 p.m.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.


December 1, 2010

ASC, A400

I. Call to Order:

Meeting started at 4:30 p.m.

Student Unions, Legacy Projects. The presentation is broken down to show of the cost to build the Student Union at VV. See

Attached Copy of electronic copy of presentation.

Those present: Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, AVP, Ms.

Joyce Ritchey, Dean, Ms. Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen,

IVP, Mr. Andrew Auckland, Instructor, Ms. Jessica

Klein, Instructor, Dr. Albert Burnham, Instructor,

Dr. Jaime Farias, Dean, Ms. Ines Lopez,

Coordinator, Ms. Lillian Woon, Assistant

Comptroller, Mr. Gilbert Gonzalez, SGA, Ms. Robin

Kitchen, SGA, Ms. Adriana Neverez, SGA, Ms.

Darcy Traffansted SGA. Quorum Met

Those absent: Ms. Erika Gamboa, Academic

Assistant, Mr. Arturo Vasquez, Tuition Supervisor,

Mr. Richard Bahena, Instructor, Mr. Isaac

Ceniceros, SGA

III. Presentation:

A. Proposal from Arvis Jones to increase the student activity fee from $5.00 per semester to $5.00 plus $1.00 per credit hour.

Ms. Arvis Jones Director of Student

Leadership and Campus life presented a presentation which showed that the student activity fees have not been changed since

1995. Since this time we have grown and the fees we currently receive will not cover future costs. She explained that the budget from student activity fees covers the following:

Campus Life, Intramural Sports, Student

Government, 5 part time positions, clubs organizations, Leadership EPCC, the future

Josette Shaughnessy brought forth a presentation for a tuition increase. The state projected a deficit budget of 28 Billion over the previous biennium to be released in

January 2011. Proposed budget cut by an additional 3%. The new proposal for the tuition increase includes the amount that Ms.

Arvis Jones Director of Student Leadership and Campus life has proposed. Tuition rate increase would be resident tuition rate by

$7.50 per credit hour to 67.00 per SCH effective Summer 2011. Increase non-resident tuition by $11.50 per credit hour to $94.00 per SCH effective Summer 2011. See revised electronic copy of presentation.

There was discussion on ways to cut cost by the Administration.

Adriana Nevarez– moves to accept the proposed tuition increase as presented by

Josette Shaughnessy, Seconded by Gilbert

Gonzalez. Motion carries 8-2

IV. Adjourned:

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. by Dr. Albert

Burnham with no objections.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



MINUTES FOR 2009-2010

September 23, 2009

Present: Albert D. Burnham, Tammie P. Campos, Janet L.

Eveler, Jamie D. Farias, Antonio Juarez, Inez Lopez, Joyce

A. Ritchey, Yumi Shin, John Swisher, Rebecca M. Villa,

Lillian Woon

President John Swisher called meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. Dr. Burnham asks who processes the loans. Mr. Flores said that the Bursar Office processes the installment loans and

Financial Aid handles the emergency loans. Mr. Flores presented a power point presentation and a hard copy of his proposed increases for installment loans, processing fees, and late registration fees to the committee. credit hours. First time students cannot apply. Veterans can receive full tuition for installment and emergency loans.

Yumi asked about the most late-register term. Ms. Woon said the fall semester with 25% of the students’ registering late.

Mr. Flores comments that the installment plan has a good collection rate. In addition, two different collection agencies can help collect outstanding loans. In the future, the installment loan process will be online. This will better serve our students.

Installment loans began in 1997 and included a $5.00 processing; students were required to pay 50% down and a

$10.00 late if it was not paid on time. The remaining balance could be paid in two payments. Dr. Campos asked two questions, 1) does the 50% down payment cover cost and 2) is there any education program that will inform students about their commitments. Mr. Flores responded yes and that students are informed through catalog and promissory notes that they must read and sign. He informed us that when students do not pay their loans their records are placed on hold until they make the payment. Secretary Yumi asked if the $10.00 late fees compounding daily. Mr. Flores said no, it is a flat $10.00

After much discussion about the increase in fees, Mrs. Woon made the motion to increase the loan-processing fees, installment loans, and late-registration fee motions were made and seconded to increase fees. Motion carries.

Mr. Swisher concludes that testing services should come to have presentation by next month. Mrs. Villa makes the motion to adjourn this meeting. Mr. Farias seconded it. The meeting adjourns at 4:41 p.m.

Emergency loans begin in 1995 and students were required to have a good credit history, a 2.0 GPA, and have completed 12


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



MINUTES FOR 2008-2009

The committee did not meet during the 2008-2009 academic year.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



MINUTES FOR 2007-2008

The committee did not meet during the 2007-2008 academic year.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.



MINUTES FOR 2006-2007

April 26, 2007

Meeting was called to order and those in attendance were asked to introduce themselves.

Members Present: Dr. Albert Burnham, Jan Eveler, Juan

Garcia, Arvis Jones, Sandra Lujan-Gutierrez, Mark Norbeck,

Santiago Rodriguez, Josette Shaughnessy, Becky Villa,

Students Present: Pan Chudabala, Sergio Limas, William

Sulak, John G. Summerford III

Purpose for calling the meeting was discussed and Josette

Shaughnessy gave a presentation of a proposed extra charge for students who take a course for a third time. The presentation included background for the recommendation, a survey of other

Texas Community Colleges and a chart describing how the

Recommended Rate was determined.

There were good questions and discussion with all present, including student representation.

Albert Burnham made a motion to “Set an extra tuition charge of $40 per semester credit hour for students classified as threepeaters for courses that are eligible for state reimbursement effective Spring 2008.”

Becky Villa second the motion.

Members present voted unanimously to approve motion.

John G. Summerford agreed to attend the Board Meeting in the event the Board of Trustees had any questions regarding the student perspective.

Meeting was adjourned.


EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

