TRANSMOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENT TEAM For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2015-2016 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 15, 2015 Members in attendance: Ann Barto,Vanessa Bretado, Vanessa Camacho, Xiomara Chianelli, Zaira Crisafulli, Kathleen Devaney, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Robin Kitchen, Rebecca McDaniel, Hyung Lae Park B. Members not in attendance: Socorro Arteaga, Jan Eveler, Blanca Garcia, Christy Garza, Javier Guerra, David Leslie, Terri Mann, Alfredo Salas, Irma Sanchez, Alma Valadez, Rick Webb I. Campus/Site Improvements 1. Proposals have been streamlined from last year 2. Think of proposals 3. Designate people to help promote through word of mouth to gather proposals along with sending emails 4. Potential Proposals Call to order Charging stations in the library if they don’t already have one Mayra Cordero for another osmosis fountain Additional lighting in parking lots Benches in hallways for students Another bicycle rack Pencil Sharpeners in classrooms The meeting was called to order by Vanessa Camacho, committee chair, at 4:00 pm. II. Election of New officers Vanessa opened up by asking for nominations for officer positions for this year. After some discussion, the following officer positions were voted on and filled: III. C. Chair-elect- Xiomara Chianelli 3rd Representative-Robin Kitchen Secretary-Vanessa Bretado-Monroy Treasurer-Hyung Lae Park EOM 1. Vanessa Camacho will locate the nomination box 2. Committee will help with the EOM celebration (setup and cleanup) Old Business V. Open Floor Update on 2014-2015 Campus /Site Improvements IV. Plexi-glass for signage is the only thing pending from last year which is pretty much ready just needs to be installed and will be found at all main entrances Vanessa Camacho will send and electronic version of the proposal document along with proposal ideas discussed at today’s meeting VI. New Business A. Next meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 3 p.m. in Room 1123. Budget VII. $975 has been allocated for the committee’s ongoing activities such as EOM Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. $5,000 has been allocated for Campus/Site improvements Z:/TMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 1 October 13, 2015 Members in attendance: Socorro Arteaga, Ann Barto,Vanessa Bretado, Vanessa Camacho, Xiomara Chianelli, Zaira Crisafulli, Kathleen Devaney, Blanca Garcia, Javier Guerra, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Robin Kitchen, LT. David Leslie, Rebecca McDaniel, Hyung Lae Park, Alfredo Salas, Alma Valadez 3. Blackout blinds were also proposed for classrooms but there was no vendor found, Vanesa recommended to call Dr. Gross’s office or purchasing to help out with the details. Members not in attendance: Jan Eveler, Christy Garza, Terri Mann, Irma Sanchez, Rick Webb 4. Dolores Gross x2122 for those of you who might have missed it. 5. Student government will be using a survey at their next meeting for suggestions on proposals as to what they would like improved at TM and will be provided before the next IT meeting. 6. Due date for proposals is November 3 in Dr. Gross’s office. 7. Reminder-supervisor signature is needed on proposals and can be submitted early to Dr. Gross’s office for her to review. 8. The committee approves proposals November 10. 9. Ideas of some proposals were more plants, benches and cleaning fabric chairs. 10. Proposal for extension of cement, which Vanessa Camacho will be submitting, for the two tables that were purchased last year to be placed in butterfly garden, will be submitted to see if the college will take care of it or if the campus improvement budget will. 11. Keep in mind the college may assume responsibility for some proposals, suggestion was made to submit any or all proposals. 12. Vanessa will be inquiring with Dr. Stroud if the campus improvement budget can be used for TMECHS. I. Call to order II. The meeting was called to order by Vanessa Camacho at 3:00 p.m. Dr. Blanca Garcia was introduced to the committee. Approval of Minutes Approved through email per Dr. Stroud. III. Old Business Approve EOM September nomination IV. Perla Ramos was nominated for the Employee of the Month for September. New Business A. B. Approved EOM for October 1. Laura Molina was nominated for Employee of the Month for October. 2. A question was asked if students can nominate faculty and staff for EOM. Vanessa Camacho will be inquiring. Campus Site Improvement Proposal Reminders, Timeline, & Ideas 1. 2. Committee agreed to send out reminders through both emails and flyers No code for bike racks was found and vendors are not on the approved list for purchasing the bike racks, Vanessa recommended to go ahead and submit anyway and if approved we will work with Dr. Gross for any necessary changes. C. Campus Cleanup 1. Will take place Thursday, November 19 from 10-12. Z:/TMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 2 2. 3. D. Mayra is collecting old textbooks to recycle, as well as office supplies and electronics. V. Open Floor Campus Maps Encourage students to participate. Presentation by TM Police 1. There will be three active shooter presentations held at TM campus-Oct. 15 @1:30, Oct 21@ 10 and Oct 27@4:30. 2. Lt. Leslie went over gun laws that will be passed for concealed carry on college campuses on August 1, 2017. 3. Dr. Garcia wants to know how this concealed carry will impact us due to having ECHS students on our campus classrooms. 4. TM Police is requesting a new office. 5. Dean Eveler would like the support of the Campus Improvement Committee that the Police need more space, IT committee voted that it will support the idea pending discussions with language lab. VI. Campus maps are up and committee voted on adding smaller extra maps by entrance walls, the “you are here” icon will also be added to the big maps as well as the smaller laminated maps before printing. Belia will be emailing the smaller version of maps to everyone for individual distribution. The EOM plaque is here which Alma took care of. Police allocation proposal will be re-visited next meeting and Reading and Language lab will be joining us, as well as Dean Eveler will be attending to hear her input. Next meeting The next meeting will be held on November 10, 2015 at 3 p.m. in Room 1124. VII. Adjournment Z:/TMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 3 TRANSMOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENT TEAM For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) Minutes for the 2014-2015 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/TMIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 4 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 September 24, 2013 Members Present: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Socorro Arteaga, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Jeffrey Coles, Zaira Crisafulli, , Christy Garza, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Lisa Miller, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Irma Sanchez, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Dean Rick Webb see if a removable sign can be made and used here at TM. III. New Business A. Members Absent: Debra Farrelly, Cecilia Olan, Officer Michael Guzman, Principal Diane Jones, Dean Jan Eveler It was brought up by Dean Webb that the Student Government Association (SGA) wants to restore the paracourse / fitness trail that runs around our campus. The restoration would cost approximately $22,000. He and Dean Eveler are working with the Rotary Club on this. There may be people from Rotary who are willing to donate for the restoration of the paracourse. Call to order by Gabriel Camacho at 4:00 p.m. I. Election of New Officers Gabriel opened up by asking for nominations for officer positions for this year. After some discussion, the following officer positions were voted on and filled: II. Chair-elect – Christy Garza 3rd Representative – Blayne Primozich Secretary – Melinda Camarillo Treasurer – Zaira Crisafulli B. Signage There is a new procedure for signage that the committee needs to look into. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 @ 3 p.m. at TM. Room location TBA. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Old Business A. Paracourse Employee of the Month 1. A reading of the nominations took place. Voting took place for an EOM for September and October. Submitted by Melinda Camarillo, Secretary. September EOM – Berenice Jauregi October EOM – Debbie Foster 2. Alma will continue to take pictures of the EOMs and advertise for more nominations. 3. A discussion took place on possibly moving the location of the EOM reserved parking spot. A temporary, removable sign would be nice so that each EOM could place the sign in their desired parking lot location. Gabriel will call the Physical Plant to Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 5 October 29, 2013 1. Members Present: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Socorro Arteaga, Vanessa Bretado, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Jeffrey Coles, Zaira Crisafulli, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Irma Sanchez, Alma Valadez, Dean Jan Eveler, Dean Rick Webb TM IE had previously discussed setting up a memory wall, but anything put up on walls needs to be approved by marketing. Members Absent: Debra Farrelly, Christy Garza, Sandra Padilla, Alberto Villegas, Officer Michael Guzman, Principal Dianne Jones Alma has stake signs that were already made to honor retired and deceased faculty. Gabe will talk with Alberto about where to put these signs since it was initially Alberto’s project. It was suggested that marketing be contacted before putting up these stake signs. Guests Present: Crystal Bustillos, TM Adjunct Senator; Vincent Vielma, TM Student Senator and SGA representative Call to order by Gabriel Camacho at 3:05 p.m. Approval of minutes: Grace Haddox moved to accept the minutes from September 24, 2013 meeting with minor corrections. Motion passed. I. Paracourse – presentation from SGA representative Vincent Vielma It will cost an estimated $22,000 to refurbish the trail and equipment. SGA has been asked to contribute $3,000 to $5,000 for this project. SGA would like others to donate supplies and labor as well. Several instructors are willing to help with this project or have their students work on the paracourse. The Military Club is interested in doing labor for the trail. Deans mentioned that no labor can be done on the paracourse from outside of the college. The idea of having local businesses sponsor stations and recognizing them at the station somehow was suggested. The Rotary Club has adopted this project along with Jobe Materials. They have asked the National Rotary for funding. B. Signage – report by Blayne Primozich A list of signage needs was already made for TM in 2008. A walk through of the campus will be scheduled in order to update this list. The signage subcommittee will work further on this. II. B. Employee of the Month 1. There were 3 nominees for this month. After voting and discussion, EOM went to Ben Chavez. 2. Because it is difficult to coordinate delivery and planting of trees with EOM celebration, EOM celebration will be held at the end of the semester, but tree planting will be done as soon as trees are received. Old Business A. New Business A. District IE – report by Gabriel Camacho, Christy Garza, and Blayne Primozich Proposal by Debbie Tomicelli to honor retired Faculty and Staff C. Campus Cleanup – report by Gabriel Camacho and Gertrud Konings-Dudin A campus cleanup will be held on Nov. 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mayra Cordero from recycling will be present. Pizza and goodies will be handed out to students who participate. All are encouraged to spread the word and invite students! D. Adjunct offices and other issues – by Crystal Bustillos, Adjunct Senator 1. Adjunct instructors would like to improve the security in their shared office, especially because the placement of the computers means that their backs are always to the door. The computers cannot be moved because of the wiring. A swipe card reader cannot be put on the door because of the window next to it and it would be too difficult to keep track of keys for that office. A mirror could possibly be put up so instructors can see who enters/exits the room. Gabe Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 6 will research the cost of a mirror for this office. 2. E. Crystal wanted clarification on which division they could contact for certain issues. Deans explained that while certain things had to be separate, some events are joint efforts by both deans. Renewing Subcommittees A discussion took place on whether or not the committee should renew the subcommittees that were in place last year. Blayne Primozich made a motion to do away with the Conservation of Energy Subcommittee. Motion passed. Blayne Primozich made a motion to keep the EOM, Signage, and Beautification Subcommittees. Motion passed. Alma Valadez made a motion to add the Hospitality Subcommittee. Motion passed. B. Smoke Free Areas SGA representative inquired about the designation of smoke-free areas at TM. Nothing other than signs indicating not to smoke within 15 feet from doors have been posted. It was suggested that we get feedback from the TM community about their thoughts and ideas on the smoke-free areas. Committee will ask Campus Police how they plan to enforce compliance with any smoke-free areas. Signage committee can begin by mapping out the 15 feet from the door. Motion to adjourn made by Blayne Primozich at 4:35 p.m. Motion passed. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 @ 3 p.m., TM Room 1124. Submitted by Melinda Camarillo, Secretary. It was suggested that each subcommittee write an end of the year report so that the new members can more easily pick up where the last group left off. III. Other Business A. Student web registration room Registrar needs to meet with the deans to discuss if the student web registration room will be built. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 7 November 26, 2013 Members Present: Socorro Arteaga, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Christy Garza, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Lisa Miller, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Officer Dagoberto Perez, Dean Jan Eveler account, but they will be there soon. All expenses made for TM IE should be reimbursed when funds arrive. B. Employee of the Month 1. Members Absent: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Vanessa Bretado, Jeffrey Coles, Zaira Crisafulli, Debra Farrelly, Cecilia Olan, Irma Sanchez, Dean Rick Webb, Principal Dianne Jones The EOM celebration is set for Friday, December 6 from 9am – 11am. Attendees will meet in the Dean’s Conference Room then walk out to the trees to honor each EOM. Snacks will be purchased based on the amount of funds that will be available in the account. Call to order by Gabriel Camacho at 3:07 p.m. Approval of minutes: David Henry moved to accept the minutes from October 29, 2013 meeting with minor corrections. Motion passed. I. 2. Old Business A. 3. A campus walk through took place last week to update signage needs. A new draft of the signage needs was made and passed out. It was brought up that signage is an important aspect of campus beautification and of building safety. Members feel that this request should be taken to Dr. Serrata’s attention, and that must go through the District IE Chair. II. C. Pledge to stop use of plastic bottles Mayra Cordero gave a presentation to District IE members concerning the use of plastic bottles. District IE members pledged to stop using plastic bottles and wants us to do the same. Mayra may be invited to another one of our meetings to discuss this with us. Blayne volunteered to talk to the management at Subway and Tazas on campus about allowing customers to use their own mugs/cups when buying drinks. 2. Campus Cleanup – report by Gabriel Camacho and Gertrud Konings-Dudin The campus cleanup was very successful. Over 150 people volunteered and collected lots of trash and recyclables. There will be a write up in the Tejano Tribune about this event. Two more cleanups are scheduled for the spring semester – one before and one after Spring Break. District IE – report by Gabriel Camacho, Christy Garza, and Blayne Primozich 1. Tree Locations – report by Gertrud Konings-Dudin Gertrud showed the location of the trees planted on campus. Ideally, the trees should be planted near walkways to shade the walkways. Location of water lines will take precedence over where trees are planted, but locations near walkways will be considered first. New Business A. December EOM Maria Aguirre with GCA Janitorial Services. Signage – report by Gabriel Camacho, Blayne Primozich, and Alberto Villegas David Henry made a motion to forward the amended list of signage needs to District IE. Motion Passed. Celebration D. New Cactus Hill – report by Gertrud Konings-Dudin Gertrud got some new cacti donated. The Cactus and Rock Club and the Native Plant Society went to Jobe Quarry and rescued some cacti for the Cactus Hill that they maintain. Motion to adjourn made by Gertrud Konings-Dudin at 3:50 p.m. Motion passed. IE Account Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 @ 3 p.m. Our TM IE funds for this year have not yet been deposited into our Submitted by Melinda Camarillo, Secretary. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8 January 28, 2014 4. Members Present: Socorro Arteaga, Vanessa Bretado, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Zaira Crisafulli, Christy Garza, Grace Haddox, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Alma Valadez, Officer Dagoberto Perez, After reviewing the nominees, the committee voted for German Renteria as EOM for January and Yolanda Silva as EOM for February. Members not in attendance: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Jeffrey Coles, Debra Farrelly, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Sandra Padilla, Irma Sanchez, Alberto Villegas, Dean Jan Eveler, Dean Rick Webb, Principal Dianne Jones I. B. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho at 3:05 p.m. II. District IE Report – by Gabe, Christy, and Blayne 1. There was no District IE meeting held this month. 2. The Signage Reports will be posted on the College IE website. The District IE Chair should be asking Dr. Serrata what will become of these reports. Approval of Minutes C. Grace Haddox moved to accept the minutes from the November 26, 2013 meeting with minor corrections. Motion passed. III. Vote for New EOM Last semester Crystal Bustillos (TM Adjunct Senator) asked for a mirror to be placed in the Adjuncts’ Office for security purposes. Crystal looked into mirrors and found some ranging in price from $15 – $150. Old Business A. Adjunct Office Mirror Employee of the Month 1. The committee discussed the celebration and suggested ways in which it could be improved for next time. One suggestion was to have someone serve the food in order to limit the amount of food that people can take. Another suggestion was to schedule the celebration for just one hour that cuts into 2 class periods. 2. Celebration Planning After the account is balanced from the last celebration, the committee can start planning the celebration for the end of this semester based on the available funds. 3. Melinda Camarillo made a motion to ask Dean Eveler’s Department to pay for the mirror and have TM IE pitch in for some of the cost if needed. Motion passed. December Celebration Tree Planting It was suggested that the committee start buying smaller trees in order to stay within the budget. IV. New Business A. Possible Relocation of Designated Smoking Areas – report by Officer Perez There have been some complaints that students are too loud when they gather outside of Room 1700 and Room 1801 to smoke. Some instructors want to move this smoking area, but it was brought up that the noise is more of an issue than their smoking. Officer Perez informed the committee that anyone can ask these individuals to keep it down or to move if they are smoking too close to the building. If instructors do not want to tell these students to keep it down or move, they can ask the campus police to do so. The students can be referred to the dean’s office or to student support services, but they cannot be sited for this yet. Also, e-smoking is allowed in the building for now, but instructors can tell students not to do this in their classes because it is a distraction or put a policy against it in their syllabi. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 9 B. 2. English Exit Exam Regarding Security Concerns – report by English Faculty IE members There are some security concerns that should be addressed at this campus: more security cameras need to be put up around campus, especially in the hallways more lighting is needed outside; the bulbs need to be replaced as soon as they go out. V. Lisa advertised an art contest and wants committee members to help spread the word and put up posters around campus advertising the event. Next meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 3 p.m. in Room 1123. VI. Adjournment Alma Valadez moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 p.m. These safety issues need to be taken to District IE and addressed there before our committee can do anything about them. C. Trash Can Art – report by Lisa Miller 1. Some of Lisa’s art students decorated trash cans. This was part of the campus’ beautification effort. The trash cans will be put up around campus in a couple of weeks. There will be pictures and a write up in the faculty newsletter. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 10 February 25, 2014 B. Members Present: Dean Jan Eveler, Angelina ArellanesNunez, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Zaira Crisafulli, Christy Garza, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Lisa Miller, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Alma Valadez, Officer Dagoberto Perez, Members not in attendance: Dean Rick Webb (in for Dean Webb was Dean Jan Eveler), Socorro Arteaga, Vanessa Bretado, Jeffrey Coles, Debra Farrelly, Cecilia Olan, Irma Sanchez, Alberto Villegas (in for Mr. Villegas was Teresa Garay), Principal Dianne Jones I. C. Our campus will be getting 2 more bike racks. 2. Earth Day will be held in April and Gabe and Gertrud might do a clean-up on our campus to coincide with it. 3. President Serrata should be meeting with District IE to hear their concerns. District IE is hoping he will start meeting with them on a regular basis. Approval of Minutes D. Employee of the Month 1. Celebration Planning The EOM Celebration should take place at the end of the semester. A date will be set at the next meeting. The committee needs to budget for the celebration and the trees. The last celebration cost about $270. Anyone who contributed to it should go to the Dean’s Office to get reimbursed. 2. 3. IV. New Business A. Sustainability Project A water fountain made for filling up water bottles was donated to the Valle Verde campus and this fountain gets used a great deal. These fountains help eliminate the use of plastic bottles and plastic bottle waste. It is hoped that each campus will soon have one of these fountains. Tree Planting Gertrud mentioned that a good time to plant trees is in April, so once again the trees may be planted before the celebration takes place. She will ask grounds keeping if the side of campus near the Early College High School (by bus stop) is a good place to plant the trees. It will depend on the irrigation lines. College Smoking Regulations Gabe passed out a copy of the updated “College Smoking Regulations.” Electronic and vapor cigarettes are now included in the definition for smoking devices, so use of these devices are only allowed in designated areas. Old Business A. Adjuncts’ Office Mirror Dean Eveler’s office will pay for the mirror that will be put up in the adjuncts’ office. Gabe will get her the description of the mirror that has been chosen. Blayne Primozich moved to accept the minutes from the January 28, 2014 meeting. Motion passed. III. 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho at 3:05pm. II. District IE Report – by Gabe, Christy, and Blayne B. TM Budget – report by Treasurer Zaira Crisafulli Zaira reported that we have $409.37 in our account. We need to budget for the end of semester EOM celebration and the trees. Reimbursements will be handled through Dean Eveler’s office. Vote for New EOM The EOM for this month will be Vanessa Bretado, TM Counselor. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11 V. VI. Other A. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 3 p.m. in Room 1123. English Student Essays on Campus Security – report by David Henry Students had to write about the security on campus and a large number of them mentioned that this campus needs more security cameras. Many students wrote about their fears of being on campus at times and how security cameras would help ease their fears a bit. Next meeting VII. Adjournment Angelina Arellanes-Nunez moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m. David Henry moved that IE initiates a push to boost security on our campus, specifically for cameras, surveillance, and monitors inside and outside of campus for now. Motion passed. This issue will be brought up at District IE to discuss the next steps that need to take place in order to increase our campus security. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 12 March 25, 2014 Members Present: Dean Jan Eveler, Dean Rick Webb, Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Socorro Arteaga, Vanessa Bretado, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Christy Garza, Grace Haddox, David Henry, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Cecilia Olan, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Salas, Irma Sanchez, Alberto Villegas, Officer Dagoberto Perez B. District IE Report – by Gabe, Christy, and Blayne 1. President Serrata and his administration are aware of the security issues at the various campuses and they are looking into solutions, including possibly receiving grant money to fix these issues. The SGA president has also voiced his concern about these issues. The more that people discuss these issues, the more likely that we will see results. Members not in attendance: Jeffrey Coles, Zaira Crisafulli, Debra Farrelly, Lisa Miller, Alma Valadez, Principal Dianne Jones I. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho at 3:00 p.m. II. 2. Old Business A. Employee of the Month 1. IV. B. After a review of the nominees, the committee voted for Amber Olmeda, student assistant for CSD, as EOM. News regarding discussion with VP Candelas – report by Jeff Coles Mr. Candelas would like an update from Jeff on signage and landscaping done or needing to be done here at TM. He would like a prioritized list of the tasks that still need to be completed on our campus. The committee should always keep an updated record of the tasks that need to be completed on our campus so that each new committee can carry on where the last one left off. Tree Planting Vote for New EOM Construction / Architecture Update – Report by Deans Eveler and Webb Architects have come by to see the campus and make plans to re-do certain areas that will accommodate the disciplines of Art and Science, and construct a new writing center. Once a preliminary plan is in place, they will bring them to an IE meeting for discussion and review. The number one priority here at TM, however, is to repair the roof. Because of a smaller budget, shrubs may have to be planted this semester instead of trees. The type of shrubs purchased will depend on price. The estimated date to buy the shrubs is April 14, and they should be planted soon after they are purchased. 3. New Business A. Celebration Planning EOM plaques were ordered and the money came from the IE account, so there are less funds than previously anticipated. Because of this, the committee has less money to spend on the celebration. Christy suggested having a lunch celebration this semester and serving nachos. IE members can donate other dips and chips as well. The tentative date for the celebration was set for Friday, May 9th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2. Smoking on Campus Some college groups would like to ban smoking on all EPCC campuses. Dr. Serrata is in favor of first administering a survey to determine how students and faculty feel about this issue. Approval of Minutes Blayne Primozich moved to accept the minutes from the February 25, 2014 meeting. Motion passed. III. Security Issues V. Next meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 3 p.m. in Room 1123. VI. Adjournment Angelina Arellanes-Nunez moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 13 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 September 25, 2012 Present: Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Mike Coulehan, Kathleen Devaney, Christina Garza, David Henry, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Diana Orrantia, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Rick Webb, Kelli Wood Possible nominations for November are Pat Barrientos and Paul Zavala II. EOM celebration for Fall 2012 A tree planting event will be scheduled Call to Order by Gertrud Konings: 4:05 p.m. III. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor corrections/additions. Gabriel Camacho was nominated and chosen. Congrats Gabriel! District-wide IE representative still to be determined Old Business: I. Secretary position, campus walkthrough and summer online discussions Alma Valadez officially took over as Chair of TMIE. Congrats Alma! Diana Orrantia will serve as Secretary again with assistance from Gabriel Camacho once she leaves by 4:30 p.m. to attend EPCC Continuing Ed class at 5:30 p.m.. Gertrud Konings was accompanied by Joyce Ritchey and Alberto Villegas on campus walkthrough. Things seemed to be looking good! II. Reviving the rain water collection initiative This topic initiated the idea, suggested by Gabriel Camacho, to have subcommittees created within TM-IE to carry out the different projects and follow up on them. This suggestion was agreed to; lists were created for fellow members to sign up. The lists created were as follows: EOM, Beautification (outside), Beautification (inside), Campus Cleanup, Signage, Rainwater, and Energy Conservation/Cost Effectiveness Open Floor: Alberto will look into finding out how much money would be required for marquis’ at the campus. David Henry suggested we have plaques for employees who have retired or passed away. Kelly Wood would like to see a better process for EOM implemented (perhaps have more suggestion boxes around campus?) Cost-saving recommendations-on-going Alma will send out emails at the beginning of every month asking for nominations for EOM. Promote previous ideas of water conservation and solar panels as cost saving recommendations. Alma will bring up to District IE the idea of putting EOM on the running banner of the EPCC webpage. -List has been sent. Meeting adjourned: 5 p.m. (to the best of my knowledge) Next meeting: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 3 p.m. Room 1123 New Business: I. IV. Campus repair and beautification progress report Sculpture Garden project update-funding for this project has been unfortunately revoked. TM-IE will need to come up with a “plan B” if it is to be continued. Lisa Miller volunteered to speak with Dr. Serrata on this matter. III. New Chair-Elect and District-wide IE representative EOM Charles Yakubovsky (Yak) was selected as the September EOM Luis Juarez was selected as the October EOM Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 14 October 30, 2012 Present: Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Gabriel Camacho, Zaira Crisafulli, Jan Eveler, Christina Garza (Karina Porras sub), David Henry, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Diana Orrantia, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Kelli Wood Call to Order by Alma Valadez: 3:05 p.m. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor corrections/additions. Old Business: I. IE team budget for $975 for TM-IE Committee 2012-2013 activities approved II. EOM: -Lisa Miller and Naomi Waissman are working with Christy Ponce to investigate alternative approaches to funding the sculpture garden at TM. II. David Henry’s suggestion for honorary wall for TM employees that retire or die -Motion was made to have Exterior/Interior Signage Committee look at options and have 3 ideas ready for next IE meeting. -Diana Orrantia, Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, and Sandra Padilla take volunteered to take pictures of tiles and plaques that they saw displayed for this very purpose at other facilities to bring back and share with the committee for ideas. Open Floor: -The EOM subcommittee will be in charge of pulling names that area ineligible and then present remainder of nominees’ names to the IE Committee to vote for EOM each time. III. The committee began discussion of possibly creating a book of the history of faculty, staff, and campus at TM to be housed in the library for future generations. Individual sub-committees met at 4 p.m. to do their assigned work once main TM IE meeting agenda was fulfilled. District-wide IE: Meeting adjourned: 5 p.m. (to the best of my knowledge) -Blayne Primozich will be the TM representative at district-wide IE. Thanks to Blayne! Next meeting: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 3 p.m. Room 1213 -Concerns that were brought up at the district-wide IE meeting included those which are familiar to TM IE: signage and broken furniture -Dr. Serrata will let the campus IE’s know what the assignment or goal for the year 2012-2013 will be. Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary New Business: I. Sub-committees: -Each sub-committee should endeavor to meet individually prior to IE meeting each month -Exterior/Interior Signage Committee-found scrolling signs priced at $210 and 4 ½ inches in height and 12 inches long at Office Depot -EOM Committee- Sylvia Lira was selected for the month of November 2012 -Beautification Committee-Lisa Miller approached Rick Lobato about restoring benches one at a time and Rick in turn will approach Pascual. Lisa also suggested we look at updating the physical fitness area. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 15 November 27, 2012 Present: Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Zaira Crisafulli, Jan Eveler, Christina Garza, David Henry, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Diana Orrantia, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Rick Webb, Kelli Wood Call to Order by Alma Valadez: 3:04 p.m. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor corrections/additions. Old Business: -Lisa Miller on re-arrangement of trash cans/recycling bins: Lisa has received “ok” from Mayra Cordero to repaint trash cans inside and around campus. This will be done via a student project for Lisa’s painting class. Materials for this would be under $100. Paint needs to be oil-based at $15/quart. Also, being looked into, is getting rid of some trashcans or redistributing them to other campuses in need. -Mayra Cordero on Recycling Program: Mayra suggested it would be a good idea to have the recycling bins next to the trash cans. Mayra is in agreement on removing some of the trash cans from campus and redistributing them to other campuses. She also suggested Beautification Committee print out map of TM and circle spots where trashcans need to be placed and then contact her or Raul Lucero. Sub-Committees: -Exterior/Interior Signage: Kelli Wood reported that next semester, Spring 2013, the committee will have a list of recommendations for this area. -Beautification: Will be printing out map of TM and sending to Mayra Cordero or Raul Lucero with circled spots of where trashcans need to be placed. -Conservation of Energy: Sandra Padilla reported that it is better for us to turn off lights even if some rooms do turn off on their own when no one is in there. Suggestion was made that committee create a flyer to remind folks about upcoming holidays to conserve energy wherever they can. Gertrud Konings reminded everyone of the rain water collection effort IE had once considered. She suggested we continue with this endeavor in the coming months and come up with suggestions. -EOM: The EOM’s for December and January respectively, are Patricia Barrientos and Eliodoro (Lolo) Mercado. Kelli Wood moved we “celebrate” EOM’s 3 times out of the year in December, May and September. The upcoming celebration would then take place Tuesday, December 11th from 12-2 p.m.. Motion was approved. Other Business: -Tree Planting: The motion was made to purchase additional trees and it was approved. The check for payment for this should come from college. Alma will contact Ron Stroud about purchasing. Diana Orrantia suggested we thank Jeff Coles formally for shopping for trees and donation to the college. Alma will look into a plaque for him to present to him at a future EOM celebration. -Blaine Primozich proposed nominating a treasurer to keep track of expenses that TM IE incurs for EOM, etc. Diana nominated Melinda Camarillo and Melinda accepted nomination. TM IE moved to approve nomination and motion was approved. District IE: Meeting adjourned: 4:52 p.m. -Signage: Dr. Serrata discussed lack of signage at the campuses at this meeting and is in agreement there is not enough. -College History: Using tiles to commemorate those employees that retire or pass on, was suggested here at TM. Lisa will research feasibility of this. TM IE will continue to look for other ideas on this subject. -Study Areas: Dr. Serrata would like to see more study areas on each campus for students. At TM, we will look at tweaking those we do have to better accommodate our students here. Next meeting: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 3 p.m. Room 1213 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 16 January 29, 2013 Present: Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Zaira Crisafulli, David Henry, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Diana Orrantia, Karina Porras (for Christy Garza), Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas colored paper to show off how different colors on the wall might look before any permanent color is committed to. -Conservation of Energy: Nothing reported at this time. Other Business: Call to Order by Alma Valadez: 3:00 p.m. None Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor corrections/additions. Meeting adjourned: 4:15 p.m. Old Business: -Tree planting/EOM celebration: EOM tree planting ceremony was a success. Alma will be creating a slideshow of pictures of the event. She will look into posting it on the EPCC website under IE as well as send to Belia to post in an email. -Purchasing of Trees: Trees will continue to be purchased in advance. If cost of trees is kept under $100 each time, it doesn’t have to go under purchasing. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 3 p.m. Room 1215 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary District IE: -Signage: Blayne met with the President and he agreed to work on the signage proposal and check on monies left after budget allotments -Study Areas: Each campus is to designate study areas -Smoke free campuses: Student Government at TM is trying to create a smoke-free campus. They will be researching policies on this at the other campuses prior to proceeding. -Crisis center: The suggestion was made to create crisis centers at each of the campuses with support services. -College History: President loved the idea and would like IE to start work on ideas for this such as interviewing and recording history from faculty, staff, administration, etcetera and report back to District IE. Alma will contact Linda Brown from Leadership Academy in reference to the group that had already worked on a similar project within Leadership Academy to try and combine efforts. Sub-Committees: -Exterior/Interior Signage: Kelli Wood sent out a list of recommendations for this area. -EOM: The EOM’s for February is Bruce De La Paz from Tutoring Services -Beautification: Wall for employee of the month will be worked on by Lisa’s students. The wall be wrapped with Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 17 February 26, 2013 Present: Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Zaira Crisafulli, Jan Eveler, Christy Garza, David Henry, Robin Kitchen, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Diana Orrantia, Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Rick Webb, Kelli Wood 2. Classroom doors/locks-Ideas on this issue have been submitted and forwarded 3. Budget Funding-Blaine Primozich has spoken with Dr. Serrata and approached him about a budget being set and awarded to District IE. Hopefully, some of that would then be used to fund projects at the campus level for smaller projects. 4. HistorAlma Valadez checked with Leadership and it seems as though the project they had been working on, had not been approved. Blaine spoke with Dr. Serrata on this matter and the formation of a district-wide committee to take on this task, was discussed as a viable possibility. Call to Order by Alma Valadez: 3:00 p.m. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved. Old Business: -Signage for tutoring areas/other areas: Dr. Serrata is on board with the need for signage and has each campus working on their own area proposals. New Business: -Rick Lobato-allocation of space: 1. Space left vacated by HVAC-original plan involved hiring an outside professional to help with space allocation. Currently, the discussion is focused on moving Chemistry in there as well as using some of the space for offices. 2. The vacated Culinary Arts space is being looked at to fulfill the Art Dept. needs. 3. Future Student Union-space nearest the bookstore is being considered, but suggestions are encouraged. Rick suggested bringing the schematics for the Union to the next meeting to further discuss options. Concerns such as pedestrian traffic, rain, etc. in regards to the building of the Student Union, were discussed and will be taken under consideration. -Campus Walk: Gertrud Konings walked did a walk-through with Raul to identify future places for the EOM Tree Planting Celebrations. The area around the Science building was approved. February/March would be ideal for planting. Gertrud will get together with Raul and Jeff to decide how many trees to purchase as well as discuss different types of trees that could be planted. Suggestions by TM IE included Cottonwood, Desert Willow, and Palo Verde. -Admissions/Registrars’ Space: This recommendation never made it to Daryle Hendry’s office; therefore Alma will have him resend the proposal to TM IE to re-initiate the process. -Subcommittees 4. David Henry asked whether there would be space allocated for a Writing Center. With all the changes mentioned above, there may be room left over for this among other space needs in other departments. At this time, we will have to wait and see what is left, fulfilling first the needs above. 1. EOM: Jeff Coles was selected for the month of March. Christina Garza and Alma Valadez have been doing a wonderful job of moving the EOM box around campus. Participation in EOM selection has increased due to this proactive change in the nomination process. 2. Exterior/Interior Signage: see mention in Old Business section of minutes 3. Beautification: nothing to report at this time 4. Conservation of Energy: nothing to report at this time -District IE -Other Business: None 1. Meeting adjourned: 4:45 p.m. Designated Smoking Areas-campuses are not yet in agreement on issue of creating smoke-free campuses; however, we do need to designate areas for smoking to meet the current needs. Also, trash/ashtray cans were moved around at TM Campus to see if new format works better in helping deter smoke from being too close to buildings as well as promote cigarette butts being deposited in the ashtrays as opposed to the ground. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 3 p.m. Room 1215 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) 11/13/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 18 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 November 29, 2011 pending availability (Steve will check on this). Coffee and donuts will be provided. Gertrud will email committee for volunteers on getting the food setting up the room for the celebration. Call to Order: 3:03pm Present: Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Cecilia (need last name), Kathleen Devaney, Debbie Farrelly, Christina Garza, Celina Gomez, David Henry, Luis Juarez, Robin Kitchen, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Lisa Miller, Diana Orrantia, Blaine Primozich (guest), Steve Smith, Alma D. Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Kelli Wood B. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor changes. EOM celebration1) there is money in the budget for brunches and/or a tree planted in honor of the EOM. 2) the suggestion was made to either change the way the EOM is selected or consider bringing the program to a halt altogether. Should the committee decide to pursue the second suggestion, the committee would need to approach District-wide IE on this issue. Old Business: A. Concrete Slabs- while Steve followed up on this issue, he has not heard back yet on it B. Sculpture Garden-swills are being considered for use; pine trees will remain; grass is a watering issue, which is still being discussed C. Tazos Cafe-Valle Verde construction is almost finished; TM construction will follow therefore soon D. Addition to Repair List-sink is broken in new bathroom in the science wing but these types of issues should be reported to Steve's office immediately when noticed E. Roaches and Pesticides- pesticides may not be the solution to the roach problem; we will wait on Yak for further information on this after his findings F. Cost-saving Recommendations: 1) 2) consider inviting Dr. Carol Kay of Research to an IE meeting in 2012 to discuss possibly of having the Demographics Survey put online ask Faculty Evaluation Committee to review a different format of delivery for the Faculty Evaluation New Business: A. EOM for December is Zaira Crisafulli. The EOM will be honored with a breakfast at the main conference room on the Friday before finals, C. Room 1510-waiting on the architect to bring a design to the IE committee for discussion D. District-wide IE1) Ron Stroud has requested a list of cost-saving recommendations from each campus IE committee 2) The suggestion to restructure the scope of what IE is responsible for was made; a lot of good suggestions are brought forth and approved by the IE Committee, but then they seem to fall through the cracks and not find approval or funding further up on the administrative ladder. Ron Stroud suggested that the committee should try to have something in writing for revised charges of the IE, in order to present it to administration. David Henry volunteered to write up a draft of suggestions to send out to the chair and the IE with the request that all IE Committee members add to those suggestions via e-mail. An attempt has been made before to get IE site teams to speak face to face with administration but the procedures always seem to come to a halt. At this point there seems to be no procedure in the books that would give the IE the authority to get things done or that shows follow-up on any projects district-wide. A way needs to be found where IE recommendations can be followed up. 3) Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 19 4) IE meeting time-there seems currently nothing in writing that requires a meeting every last Tuesday of the month. The suggestion was made to consider approaching limiting future meetings to those that are productive and necessary. Open Floor: A. Gabriel Camacho will be the 3rd representative from TM IE at the District-wide IE Committee meetings. B. We need a liaison between this TM committee and maintenance. If anyone is considering volunteering, please contact Gertrud. Meeting adjourned: 4:45pm Next meeting: TBA Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 20 January 31, 2012 Call to Order by Gertrud Konings: 3:02 p.m. C. District-wide IE As the third person on the District-wide IE Blayne Primozich was officially confirmed, since he is now a member of the TM IE Team. Gabe Camacho had already asked Blayne to take his place in the districtwide IE as third representative of TM. Present: Gabriel Camacho, Melinda Camarillo, Mike Coulehan, Kathleen Devaney, Christina Garza, Celina Gomez, David Henry, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Diana Orrantia, Blayne Primozich Joyce Ritchey, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Kelli Wood, Gertrud Konings. New Business: Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor changes. A. Daryle Hendry was not able to attend this month’s TM IE meeting and therefore his presentation on setting up a web-room was postponed. B. EOM -- The selection of an EOM will continue to be a part of IE duties. The IE committee agreed to place, in the future, an obvious drop box at the ISC to encourage suggestions from all faculty and staff on EOM candidates. Old Business: A. Campus repair and beautification progress report Trees -- There have been complaints about more trees removed recently on the campus. There was concern that some of those trees were actually still alive. Facilities did report them as dead, and the facilities newsletter states that new trees will be planted; but no date was mentioned. Suggestion was made to have EOM celebration at the semester Division Meetings which would allow many more people to participate in the event. The nomination letter would be read at the meeting to honor the EOM as well as given to the EOM on a card as a memento. Vending machines -- The machines were moved from their location near Subway to the classroom halls, where they obstruct access. It is already planned to remove them from there to another more appropriate location. Suggestion was also made to plant trees in honor of the EOMs on Earth Day. Gertrud will look into the feasibility of the above two suggestions and report back to the committee either via e-mail or at the next TM IE meeting. Tazos Café -- Construction is now under way; however, there is no signage telling faculty, staff, and student body what the construction is. Sculpture Garden -- Progress is being made, albeit slow, on finding donations for the Sculpture Garden from within the community. Lisa Miller will provide more details on this at the next IE meeting. At some point in the near future, private donations can be made to this project via the EPCC Foundation website. B. EOM for the month of January is Lisa Miller and EOM for the month of February is Stephanie Martinez. Congratulations to both winners! C. Cost-saving recommendations District-wide IE has requested that each campus IE continue to solicit cost-saving recommendations. The question came up as to how we all can enforce the recommendations that are made and approved. Suggestions made included: involving interior design students in creating a project for display and campus life adding a cost-saving tip of the month on their flier. New recommendations this month include installing light sensors throughout campus to turn lights off when a room/area is not occupied and to remove the informational kiosk in the mall area as it truly is not being utilized by students. Draft of Changes to EOM charge -- Changes that TM IE would like to see implemented to the charges that IE currently has, were reviewed. Thanks to David Henry for volunteering his time to help create this draft. Changes would need to be pursued institutionally starting at District IE and then onto President and Cabinet. Motion was made to submit the draft of changes to IE district-wide for consideration. Motion was approved. D. Conference Room List -- A list of conference rooms available were sent to Dr. Ron Stroud. Additions to this list include both the Math Emporium Lab and the Credit Math Lab. Gertrud will forward these to Dr. Ron Stroud. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 21 Open Floor: Joyce Ritchey reported on the state of previous HVAC facility at TM. She will be meeting with Rick Torres to get the architect to speak with the departmental areas that will be affected by any changes to receive input on how best to proceed. Meeting adjourned: 5 p.m. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 3 p.m., Room 1123 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 22 February 28, 2012 Call to Order by Gertrud Konings: 3:00 p.m. Rick has promised to do a walk-through of the campus himself to address this issue. Present: Linda Brown(visitor), Melinda Camarillo, Mike Coulehan, Kathleen Devaney, Debbie Farrelly Christina Garza, David Henry, Daryle Hendry(guest), Carlos Humphreys(visitor), Rick Lobato(guest), Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Diana Orrantia, Blayne Primozich, Alfredo Rodriguez(visitor), Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Pascual Martinez, Jay Bryant. Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with no changes. 3) Old Business: A. B. The design is complete and has been sent out to Mr. Foster who is in charge of donations for this project. If the material is 100% donated, the work on this project will begin immediately. At this point, the project is pending on how fast these donations are made. 4) 2) Not all the permits necessary are yet in place, since we do not know everything that is required yet for this project. 5) The commitment from the college to this project is an issue. This project is an additional effort without additional manpower. C. The EPCC Physical Plant informed us of the proper procedure when requesting maintenance work (includes heating problems). During normal business hours (8am-5 p.m., Monday-Friday) call (915) 8312280. Any other time (nights, weekends, holidays, breaks) call EPCC Police at (915) 831-2200. The police will contact Physical Plant. Trees already on campus are not being watered enough. IE members were asked to give Gertrud a list of trees that seem to fit that description to be sent to Rick. The suggestion was made to stop spraying so much herbicide on the TM campus. Vending machines Signage Tazos Café Work is in progress. Lisa Miller talked about artwork donated or lent to this project. Each one will be dealt with as it is received, in order to involve the artist and their suggestions on how to best display the artwork. Trees Rick asked for IE to contact Josette Shaughnessy and find out status on this item. Campus repair and beautification progress report 1) Rick was in agreement with new trees being planted on behalf of EOM. The machines have not been moved. Jay is working to move them out of the hall. This issue right now is to have the machines moved to a place where the circuit breakers can handle them. Jay will send an email to Rick to help move the process along with Pepsi. Sculpture Garden -visit of Rick Lobato, Director of Physical Plant to the IE-meeting Cost-saving recommendations This will continue to be on-going. Some of the lights, due to the age of some of the campuses, need to be on because of security issues. Lights in the parking lot are currently on due to a district-wide initiative. Here at TM, there are some underground lines that were cut so the lights are currently on so Rick’s area knows which ones need to be worked on (the ones that are off). The goal is to get all the lights working in the parking lot so that it is safe in the evening. Recommendations this month: Mayra Cordero sent information to Gertrud that the Physical Plant has acquired some light switch decals to help remind people to turn off the lights as they leave a room. D. District-wide IE Visit of the college president Dr. Roberts to the IE meeting: He was open to changes and asked that we submit those to District-wide IE for review; this includes changes to the way EOM is handled. These Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 23 changes would then be discussed and either approved or disapproved; campus IE’s would then be contacted as to resolution. E. B. Conference Room List: This list will be emailed out by Gertrud. EOM-The selection of an EOM will continue to be a part of IE duties. There is currently no one nominated for March. Lisa will be placing suggestion box in the ISC this coming week. New Business: C. A. Security Cameras Daryle Hendry There is a need for a dedicated computer lab for students so they have access to on-line services. There are a lot of students who do not have this type of access outside of the college. The students would be working on applications for financial aid, admissions, graduation, transcript request, meningitis vaccination form. The suggestion was made to create space for this lab over by the TM forum in the common space leading out of the campus. The funding for this project would need to be found. An ideal space would be for 15 stations with a glass wall to surround this area. Albert Villegas asked Daryle for a simple flyer to be created and given to TM library staff to help assist students with processes such as registration, for example. The suggestion was made to look around campus and identify areas that would need security cameras. Open Floor: N/A Meeting adjourned: 5 p.m. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 29, 2012 at 3 p.m., Room 1123 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 24 March 27, 2012 were ready to be submitted, the IE members requested a written feedback from the directors in the form of a similar question/answer chart as the one we submitted. This would help improve the collaborative effort towards effectiveness and give the IE members the feeling that their recommendations were taken seriously. Call to Order by Gertrud Konings: 3:00 p.m. Present: Gabriel Camacho, Jeff Coles, Mike Coulehan, Kathleen Devaney, Christina Garza, David Henry, Gertrud Konings, Lisa Miller, Cecilia Olan, Diana Orrantia, Blayne Primozich, Joyce Ritchey, Alma Valadez, Alberto Villegas, Kelli Wood Changes to IE duties-what should be the concrete charge? Secretary’s Report: Minutes were approved with minor corrections/additions. The members of the District IE agreed also that concrete charges should be developed for the campus IEs, which would describe the special niches of IE duties. Old Business: A. B. C. Rick Lobato’ s visit New Business: Campus repair/beautification progress report A. Gertrud asked for more charges to be forwarded to her. EOM Priority list set-up-Gertrud suggested we continue to follow up on the priorities we set up at TM, the first and most pressing are: placing the concrete slabs under the tables and planting new trees to replace the ones that were cut down. Rick promised to check off what has been accomplished from the Campus-Walk List of last fall, so it can be updated. April selection was Steven Lemos from the Instructional Services Center Cost-saving recommendations EOM celebration for Spring 2012: The following date and time is being considered: April 20th at 9 a.m., which is the Friday before Earth Day Design of reminder notes -- who will contact Campus Life to include reminders on their stall fliers? Alma Valadez volunteered to follow up on this. (No we did not discuss this during the last meeting.) Recommendations this month: None D. The TM-IE members would like to keep the “Beautification” charge, since it is important for everybody at the campus that it is an inviting and pleasant place. Therefore we will continue pushing these issues, following the priority list of David Henry. This would include that Pascual Martinez become a steady member of the IE. Joyce Ritchey said that this should not be a problem. Rick visited with the TM IE Committee at the February meeting where concerns were voiced on the state of the campus grounds, especially about the tree stumps left after cutting down the trees. Gertrud inspected in the weeks after the areas to make sure that they were cleared properly. At this time, irrigation has not been implemented in these areas, which would have been ideal since these areas have been currently dug up. Pascual Martinez will meet with Gertrud on Thursday to decide where to plant the new trees on behalf of the last four EOM’s, so that new drip irrigation can be placed into these spots. District-wide IE Gertrud reported on the last District-wide IE meeting, where a meaningful charge of the IE was again at the forefront. Since the recommendations of the IE members to the different division directors EOM handling of tree planting: Gertrud will discuss with Pascual as to how this will happen. Gertrud will also ask about whether the concrete slabs will be in place prior to the planting. B. Web-Room follow-up The TM IE committee looked at the area formerly considered for the Web-Room and decided it would be better to locate it at the entrance of the Deans’ offices right past the main entrance to the TM Campus. It was requested that only glass walls should be installed, in order to retain the present view of the Mall area. It was highlighted again that the Web-Room will be staffed by Daryle Hendry, as he suggested during his presentation last month. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 25 C. Room 1510 presentations were cancelled. This room is not up for adoption but rather is already assigned to certain areas that will make the decisions about its actual use. D. Access to EPCC website from outside using cellphones Gertrud reported that there have been student complaints that they cannot access the college website with their cellphones. It was suggested that they check their phone carrier for possible connection issues. Open Floor: Kelli Wood made the suggestion that all created documents be saved “in-house” to be able to track all recommendations made by the TM IE, as well as their progress. Blayne Primozich commented that those documents already do exist on the IE webpage and that any changes made need to go through Dr. Stroud first. Gertrud will request at the next district-wide IE meeting that TM be assigned its own personal IE web-page. Meeting adjourned: 4:45 p.m. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 3 p.m., Room 1123 Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Secretary Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 26 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 October 26, 2010 I. Call to Order 3:00 p.m. II. Old Business G. III. A. Jeff Coles recited Franklin Delano Roosevelt B. Items this committee has done 1. Landscaping and Trees & Exterior Shaded Areas 2. More Campus Life -- more participation and retention 3. Picnic tables being used however needs to be more shade 4. Restrooms have been worked on 5. Day Care Parking -- work order has been placed but need to follow up 6. Wild Life for campus -- green campus shades on west side for summer and heat for winter brought up by Kelli Wood C. Signage has been going back for a long time - we need to keep that up. Mrs. Prospero class came up with a plan D. There is no official procedure regarding on committee, Kelli Wood -- Better Record keeping -- do we need a recorder that goes to the President to show what we have done to keep a master plan so that we can go back and check. David Moody has the master plan and he will get a copy to Yak. Dean Smith -more work has been done in the past year than that has been done in a long time. Feedback on what has been done E. Kelly Wood and Jeff Coles -- we need to be more efficient on the matter F. Need to concentrate on the little things and hopefully the small things will come IV. V. Rick Lobato -- Yak and Darcy -- talked about Day Care area where it floods and has not been taken care of. New Business A. District Wide -- we have to use Pepsi for all functions B. We cannot give employee of the month gift cards any longer we can give them an actual present. Yak made a parking pass that can be handed to each EOM when it is their turn. C. Gertrud -- Plant club did a cleanup of campus for two days -- as soon as wind starts the trash is everywhere. The trash cans blow around no one closes the lids on the dumpster -- Yak would like to see if the dumpster can be moved. D. Devanney -- Green Committee already had a guest speaker see attached hand out regarding Rainwater Harvesting. Dr. Kniffen can come here November 18th if we want him. E. VV is starting a community garden -- do we want to do something like that here? F. Ms. Devanney motions to look for a place to rain harvesting. Jeff Coles seconds. Motion carried. A committee was formed consisting of Yak, Jeff, Diane and Ms. Devanney Open Floor A. SGA Darcy Traffansted books for Africa collection and operation smile B. Mrs. Prospero -- are we still working on the signage? Dean Smith to talk to District IE to allocate monies. Main Question -- How much is the cost? C. Diane Oration wants to raise money by selling bricks, tiles (art color) to help pay for signage. D. Dean Smith updated on construction Adjournment Darcy moves, Diana seconds 4:05 p.m. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 27 November 30, 2010 5. Meeting Called to Order 3:04 p.m. I. Approval of Minutes for 10-30-2010 A. Correct Spelling of ‘Devanney” to “Devaney” B. Remove New Business “F” C. Correct Spelling of Diana “Oration” to “Orrantia” D. Ms. Devaney motions for approval. Ms. Traffansted seconds. Motion passes. D. II. III. Old Business A. 2. B. C. Dean Smith suggests researching cost and drafting a proposal Bus Stop: Yak will continue to follow up on this issue New Business A. SGA: Ms. Traffansted updated about recent events and will be the contact person for Relay for Life. B. Student brought up concern about walk-way from the new building. Yak and Dean Smith will see it after the meeting. C. EOM Obtaining similar trash cans as TMECHS Who’s going to pay? 1. 1. Two nominations. Discussion about voting each month or voting for the entire semester. Yak will review manual. 2. Ms. Traffansted nominates Pat Rodriguez for January EOM. Mr. Coulehan seconds. 9 Aye, 0 Nay, 7 Abstain -- Motion Passes. Yak and Jay will research and oversee Cement Pads proposal submitted. Total $12,480.00 1. Who is going to pay? Perhaps facilities? Committee needs to find out. 2. Suggestion to adjust “Quantity- 2080” on proposal. Dean Smith recommended for proposals to be drafted and submitted to Rick Lobato to inform him about the community and sculpture garden. IV. Open Floor V. Adjournment 4:11 p.m. - Motion by Ms. Devaney, Second by Ms. Traffansted. Rain Harvest presentation 1. Ms. Konings and committee walked campus and took photos of drainage system and created a map identifying drain locations, problem areas and proposed community gardens. 2. Suggestion to alleviate water collection areas by using the water to serve proposed community/walled gardens. 3. Ms. Waissman and Ms. Miller are proposing a ‘Sustainable Sculpture Garden” which will feature student designs. Suggested area for Sculpture Garden will be between parking lot “A” and parking lot “C”. 4. Ms. Traffansted volunteered to be on Community Garden Committee. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 28 January 25, 2011 Meeting Called to Order 3:00 p.m. I. 3. Nominees for February EOM: Raina Crook, Dr. Maria Alvarez, Jessie Salas and Bertha Zabiate. Discussion about nominees. 4. Ms. Orrantia motions to vote on nominees. Mr. Lyons seconds. Raina Crook voted February EOM. Approval of Minutes for 11-30-2010 Ms. Traffansted motions. Motion passes. II. Old Business A. Cement Pads G. Yak will obtain more information and follow up with Ms. Traffansted B. III. E. Community Garden 1. Proposal is needed to present to Rick Lobato 2. Mr. Lyons suggested to partner up with stores (i.e. Lowes and/or McCoy’s) and volunteered to approach companies 2. Ms. Traffansted calls previous motion. Mr. Lyons seconds. Motion Passes. IV. City Representative Carl Robinson is on a city wide committee to address this hazard. 2. Ms. Diana Jones, Principal for the TM Early College High School is also attempting to make it a school zone. 3. A new apartment complex will be going up across the street and a stop light will be set up. New Business EOM-Already previously discussed. Bus Stop 1. V. F. We are not allowed to give Gift Cards, discussion to use money to buy party trays and have a small gathering instead of gift cards. Sculpture Garden Naomi will create a proposal for next meeting. D. 1. Rain Harvest Ms. Konings shared Rain Harvest presentation at a District Wide meeting C. EOM Celebration Open Floor A. Ms. Traffansted announced SGA will be going to Austin to speak with representatives about budget cuts. MADD Walk April 7th $10 per person. American Cancer Society Walk moved May 25th-26th at VV and information on Relay for Life. B. Brown Bag Lunch Speaker -- Dr. Tweedy February 18th in the Deans Conference Room. C. Campus Life February events: Chinese New Year February 2nd, Valentines Kiss Off February 14th and Black History Month Art Contest all of February. Adjournment 4:27. Motion by Mr. Coles. Second by Ms. Devaney. EOM 1. Need to promote EOM. Ms. Traffansted stated that emails use to be sent out to all TM employees for nominations. 2. Ms. Traffansted motions to have one (1) EOM per month and to have emails sent out to promote TM EOM. Ms. Garza seconds. Motion passes. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 29 February 22, 2011 1. Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. Approval of minutes: Mike Coulehan motion to approve Gertrud Konings seconded the motion. 3. Old Business Sculpture Garden Lisa Miller and Naomi Wassman showed presentation on ideas for the sculpture garden that students can work on. Mission of the Sculpture Garden is to recover the Life for Biology and Art to see an Actual finis product. George Lyon to organize all departments to come together as one to show esthetics to the campus, keeping in mind the animals and the wind we have on campus. Jeff Coles moves that IE supports and shows encouragement. Kelly Woods seconds the motion. 4. New Business EOM Celebration (Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., and Feb.) Yak spoke with Dean Smith, and we are going to give the EOM’s the 6 Gift cards. EOM celebration will be Feb. 28 from 12:30 to 1:30 SGA bulletin board. Mike Coulehan motioned to approve SGA to put up the bulletin board by their office. Second by George Lyon motion carries. 5. Open Floor Linda Brown mentioned that the furniture needs to be cleaned and the walls need to be painted, colored rocks for landscape. These are things that really need to be done around Campus. 6. Adjournment: 4:36 Community Garden Gertrud and Kathleen no proposal on this as of yet, suggestion were made that maybe we could get someone to start a SOC if there was not one as of yet. Mike is going to see if he can get someone to be the advisor. Darcy will check to see if we already have one. Jeff Coles moves that IE supports and shows encouragement. George seconds the motion. Native Plant Club Gertrud Native plant club raised enough moneis to buy stands to describe the plants. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 30 March 29, 2011 the Month. (There was some debate as to whether Dr. Alvarez had received the award during the last two years, and if it is found that she has, the committee voted Sylvia Dominguez, Career Services Specialist, Employee of the Month for April.) Call to order: 3:04 p.m. Members Present: Luis Juarez, Kelli Wood, Celina Gomez, Alma D. Valadez, Gertrud Konings-Dudin, George Lyon, Mike Coulehan, David Henry, Gabriel Camacho, Darcy Traffanstead, Christy Garza, Robin Kitchen. IV. I. Open Floor Approval of Minutes A. Last meeting’s minutes were approved with changes noted during today’s meeting. II. Old Business A. B. Cement Pads: The proposed cement pads for picnic tables are scheduled to be put in soon. III. Gabriel Camacho will work to investigate who is responsible for this care, and find out what their schedules and plans are. Anyone interested in helping out should contact him. Rain Harvest: Currently there is no money to pursue the project. Participants are investigating possibilities to connect the project with the proposed sculpture and community gardens. Additionally, grants are being researched to help underwrite the project. Gabriel Camacho suggested that we notify the College grant office that we are looking for grants related to these issues so that they can help us with the research on those. C. Sculpture Garden: No new news. D. Community Garden: Mike Coulehan has met with Daes Campbell, a master gardener, who has agreed to co-sponsor the Student Garden Club. They will meet others interested in the project then contact Arvis Jones who will send out an email to students. E. Native Plant Club: Gertrud Konings-Dudin is working on financing a display. The display sign is ordered and will soon be installed as discussed at a previous meeting. David Henry noted that since the freeze none of the plants around campus seem to have been watered. While some of them may have been lost to the freeze, many will come back with proper care. No consistent care is evident. B. V. Student Government Association is holding a Rally for Education on March 30, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. to inform students about the state cuts to higher education and repercussions of those cuts. All are invited to attend and instructors are encouraged to urge students to attend. Adjournment: 3:35 New Business A. TAZAS: There is some debate about whether or not the IE team is deciding on where the kiosk should be placed or simply whether or not there should be one at TM. Kelli Wood will contact Steve Smith to find out what decision the committee should be considering. B. EOM: Members elected Dr. Maria Alvarez, Biology Instructor as the April Employee of Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 31 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 October 28, 2008 Administrative Services Center Board Room I. Opening of Meeting II. Absent but emailed: Christina Sharp, Kelli Wood Meeting was called to order at 3:05 Old Business Present: David Moody, Manuel Torres, Lolo Mercado, Maria Prospero, Charla Strosser, John Swisher, Thomas McIlwan, David Henry, Gabriel Camacho, Joyce Ritchey, Jay Bryant, Melissa Whitman, Beatriz Cuartas, Terri Mann, Patty Ortega Approval of Minutes III. IV. V. Chinaberry Tree planted October 29th. Given over to Yak. Committee members are welcome to shovel symbolic dirt tomorrow. They are planning on adding a bench every year and a half from now on. Located near door leading toward Early College High School (near Yak’s garden). o Irrigation work order is going through. o Almost a third through with planning. Should we submit that without rushing to finish? It would give the committee a sense of accomplishment and success. Areas 1 and 2 are completed except for some finalization around the main entrance. o Texas ATM extension service and master gardeners have volunteered services. New Business The United Way has decided to focus on a few main areas (Impact Areas) o Motion to approve the minutes: Lolo Mercado Second: Beatriz Cuartas United Way Presentation -- The United Way has made some changes. Previously, the state employees’ campaign allowed faculty and staff to designate where donations were assigned. EPCC has not become a local campaign -- focuses on keeping donations in El Paso. 47 agencies in community, served approximately 50% of El Paso last year (400, 000 people served). Last year, the United Way raised 6 million dollars. Most donations came from employee campaigns. The United Way doesn’t fund agencies; it funds programs within agencies. Beautification -- Jeff- shared progress and success of the beautification project. Helping children succeed -- holding agencies and caregivers to a higher standard Financial Stability -- a root cause of other problems (domestic violence, etc), over 45,000 El Pasoans did not take advantage of their earned income tax credit, getting bank accounts, etc. Building Strong Families Donations are a tax deductible contribution. The United Way maintains a 13% administrative cost. Turn in white and pink copies to David M. You can list a multiple number of agencies (even those located outside El Paso), and they will honor those donations. Website o See email from Dr. Stroud. Mike Biegler has volunteered to set up websites for individual campuses o David will meet with him to discuss potential and function of the website Early College Representation o Administrative Liaison wants all campuses with Early College High Schools to consider having representation from the Early Colleges (perhaps the principal.) o Right now communication happens through Dean Smith, Kathleen Kelly, and Diane Jones o Motion: Jeff -- David will extend an invitation to the Early College High School o Second: Lolo o Passed: unanimously Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 32 EOM for November David will send a complete list of people nominated in the last two years. VI. o August-Nominated: Melissa Whitman Passed o September-Nominated: Rosie Pulido Passed o October-Nominated: Chef Webb Passed o November-Nominated: Ray White Passed o December-Nominated: Cecy Montoya Passed o January – Nominated: Juliette Valender Passed Motion: Terri Mann -- moved to have the celebration November 25th Second: John Swisher Open Floor David M. requests that members print copies of the minutes and agenda (as well as any handouts) for the meetings Terri M. asked to be put on the agenda for next month regarding plaque or tree or some kind of honor for deceased faculty members. Consider trees instead as a way of coinciding with the beautification project. We need to work on improvements in gym equipment if Early College High School students will be using it. VII. Close of Meeting Motion to adjourn: Melissa Second: Beatriz Next meeting to be November 25, 2008 in RM 1213 at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Charla Strosser Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 33 November 25, 2008 TM, Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. III. Present: David Moody, Cecilia Montoya for Christina Garza, Thomas McIlwan, David Henry, Gabriel Camacho, Charla Strosser, Alberto Villegas, Manny Torres, Melissa Whitman, John Swisher, Kelli Wood, Jeff Coles, Terri Mann, Patty Ortega, Lolo Mercado, Irma Sanchez Meeting was called to order at 3:02 Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the minutes: Kelli Wood Second: John Swisher Beautification - Jeff o There are a few problems with the site maps, which impedes presentations and understanding o The district-wide committee has requested Dr. Stroud speak with the physical plant o Jeff has talked with Handicapped Services to make sure all beautification is ADA compliant VI. There are no formal procedures or policies for memorials. The IE committee decided we don’t need to create one because it institutionalizes something that should be special. o There is also a concern about funding and a budget for these memorials if they become an institutionalized mandate rather than something that can be addressed on a case by case basis. o Motion: After sharing that the SGA has approved funding for Gerald Terrian’s plaque, the Transmountain IE committee approves the plaque being placed in the commons area. o Motion: Charla o Second: Beatriz o Irma asked for a $50 donation. Most funding comes from the campus deans. o Motion: After checking the funds, we agree to donate $50 to the Christmas Party o Motion: Beatriz o Second: Terri Charge for beautification extended o Trying to locate 2006 reports o Committee has charged Dr. Stroud with finding missing committee reports We should know more about additional parking at RG by the next meeting Open Forum Faculty Memorials – Terri o The Christmas Party will be held on the 17th of December Report from District-wide IE Old Business IV. V. o Student Government wants to know if we could use the televisions in the commons areas to announce problems o The equipment may not be working. Lolo will check with Jenny Giron. o We could have them put the channel on EPCC-TV o We already have Tejano Alert, which is supposed to address the issue – although there is a concern about limited cell phone access on campus A request for a Treasurer’s report Is there a better procedure for purchasing that doesn’t require employees to use their own money and wait for reimbursement? VII. Close of Meeting Motion to adjourn: Beatriz Second: Kelli New Business Respectfully submitted by Charla Strosser Christmas Party Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 34 January 29, 2009 TM, Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. Present: David Moody, Christina Garza, Thomas McIlwan, Ed Silva for David Henry, Gabriel Camacho, Charla Strosser, Melissa Whitman, Kelli Wood, Terri Mann, Lolo Mercado, Steve Smith, Joyce Ritchey, Yvonne Castillo, Joanne Peeples, Beatriz Cuartas, Christina Sharp Meeting was called to order at 3:05 Most are outdated or not in correct proportion. David has taken this concern to the District-wide committee. o Dr. Stroud is following through with the Physical Plant. o We may also want to consider signage to help students better navigate the campus. o Perhaps we can divide campus up into sections (e.g. Section A, Section B, Section C, etc) o Be sure to consider the Early College in these plans. o Previous IE committees have done some of this work in the past. David Moody will follow up. o Volunteers: Lolo Mercado, Christy Sharp, Yvonne Castillo or Diana from the Early College High School , Melissa Whitman, and a representative from the police department. Approval of Minutes Motion: Terri Mann Second: Lolo Mercado Passed III. o Old Business Beautification – Jeff Coles o Jeff was unable to attend because of a doctor’s appointment. He sent to and updated the committee on the beautification project progress. See handout. o The work order for beautification was sent in October. There have been changes in the Physical Plant. There are new hires for grounds maintenance and Director, also their supervisor, Tim Nugent, is retiring. o New Business Math Emporium – Steve Smith o There will be a revised math lab built with grant money. There will be a Math Emporium in the future. o Math labs are a required component for some math classes. The current math lab holds 9 students at a time. We need a math lab that will accommodate 35 students. o Last year some faculty members got together and wrote a grant including funding for a new math lab, renovation of a chemistry lab, and further renovations at NW. Partly this was done to assist STEM students from the Early College High School. The grant was written with a proviso to change the location as needed. o Since that time, we received the grant. Construction consultants have only approved the patio space, not any of the other sites. o Dean Smith proposes that a small committee from IE look at all sites and make a recommendation for the best possible space for all concerned. o Volunteers: Terri Mann, David Henry, SGA representative, Thomas McIlwan, Joanne Peoples, and David Henry Christmas Party Funding – David Moody o Current Balance: $514.09 o New EOM plaque: $100 o Celebration: $360.92 o We may be able to donate monies in the future to Christmas celebrations. Dean Smith isn’t sure we should since most faculty members are gone at that point, and it doesn’t include everyone. It doesn’t contribute to Institutional Effectiveness. We will revisit this on a case by case basis in the future. o Gathering spaces have been chosen. Student government has made 10 tables and benches available. Kelli Wood will finalize the project. IV. Funds are renewed every September 1st. Our balance does not roll over. Site Maps – David Moody Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 35 o There was a project going on that no one was notified about near the forum, including added irrigation o David Moody, Jeff Coles, and Steve Smith will meet with head landscaper to discuss plans. If you have concerns about these issues, contact one of these members so it can be discussed at the meeting next Tuesday. Irrigation – David Moody o Employee of the Month for January: Juliet Vallender, ESOL lab assistant We will email nominations for February and vote online. VII. Close of Meeting Motion to adjourn: Lolo Mercado Second: Melissa Whitman Addressed in Jeff Coles’ report In order not to pay taxes, we have gone to the ASC to sign out a tax free card, make copies of receipts, and take copies of everything to give it back to Laura Garcia to be sent a reimbursement check o Steve Smith and David Moody will work on alternatives o You can also pay tax if it is hospitality related, although we aren’t sure if IE falls under that heading. o Ideally, we are looking for a vendor who will give us an estimate ahead of time. Cici’s Pizza will not do this. We will look into vendors who will. We will also be looking into getting a card at each campus. Respectfully submitted by Charla Strosser Report from District-wide IE VI. Volunteers to look into this problem: Kelli Wood and Charla Strosser More Efficient EOM Payment – David Moody o V. o Construction and Landscaping Projects – Steve Smith EOM Procedures: o There are different forms from different sites that don’t match the procedure. Because this is inconsistent, we have been asked to consider this issue. Do we want separate forms, or would we like a standardized form? o We would like a form that can be emailed and is electronically accessible. o Procedure doesn’t specify a form, only the criteria. Beautification Reports: o Reports have been found. Thanks to Terri Mann. o Dr. Rhodes and all current site chairs have copies of the reports. Open Forum Can we get Wireless Boosters for portables? Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 36 February 24, 2009 TM, Room 1213 I. II. III. proposal in 2004 with the exception of new Early College High School signage. Opening of Meeting Present: David Moody, Jeff Coles, Christy Garza, Patty Ortega, Maria Prospero, Alberto Villegas, Thomas McIlwan, David Henry, Joyce Ritchey, Terri Mann, Kelli Wood, Charla Strosser, John Swisher, Maria Alvarez, Christina Sharp, Gabriel Camacho Absent but called: Beatriz Chaslus-Cuartas Meeting was called to order at 3:02 Approval of Minutes o Site Maps – David Moody o The team will contact Rick Lobato (Physical Plant director) about starting the project Rick Lobato will meet with individual site committees. The person in charge of maps and graphs at the physical plant is no longer with them and hasn’t been replaced, but when he is this project will be continued. Motion to approve the minutes: John Swisher Beautification and Landscaping – Jeff Coles, David Moody Second: Kelli Wood o Kelli, John, and Darcy are continuing to work on people friendly spaces. o The SGA has donated 10 tables to each campus. o We would like to get umbrellas to go with some of them. We should prioritize how many umbrellas and what kind. Old Business Math Emporium Resolution o The issue has been resolved. The new Math Emporium will be built at the end of the hallway by Room 1124, pending architect approval. o The Physical Plant seems to think that the problems with the area are surmountable and the plaza/patio area previously discussed is probably not large enough anyway. o Congratulations to all who worked on this project Wireless Internet Booster – Charla Strosser and Kelli Wood o Fiberglass: long lasting, $300-400 Cloth: 2-3 years, $50 and up We received word from Marco Fernandez that he has checked into connectivity. He is recommending the huts be wired and is waiting on information from the physical plant. o There was also a mention of connectivity problems and slow wireless internet in the computer labs. o We discussed having someone investigate connectivity problems and look for dead zones across campus. Jenny Giron is supposed to be investigating this issue already. Signage Team – Christy Sharp o The team did a walk around campus and reached the conclusion that our needs now are the same as our needs when we made a o Rick Lobato has been contacted about making some of the sights wheelchair friendly. The project will probably happen over the summer o Where does the funding come from? o Jeff and David have spoken to Ricardo Torres, grounds person who did the landscaping by the dean’s offices, and he is willing to integrate our suggestions in future projects. o We are resubmitting the work order for irrigation if it can’t be found. o Gertrude volunteered cactuses and student volunteers once we have finalized the areas. o Jeff is submitting a work order to replace the pines outside the administration offices and to add irrigation and additional plantings by the bridge. o He is also submitting work orders to finish the projects in Yak’s area. EOM for February o Motion to nominate Socorro Reyes for February and Rafael Ramirez for March by Terri Mann Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 37 IV. Second: John Swisher o Approved New Business V. o Maria Prospero would like to move forward on indoor beautification. Her students have some ideas and would like to present them to the committee in the future. o Motion to welcome student presentations in the future. o Second: David Henry There is not handicap access at the double doors by the library and bookstore. Until we can get this access, we need to add signage for students with disabilities. After the remodeling in the counseling and registrar areas, will there be enough exits? Do we need to talk to the fire marshal? Report from District-wide IE Still pursuing beautification There is no signage plan in place. We will resubmit work orders. EOM Procedures – the committee seems split on if we should have a standardized form or continue as before. Each campus is supposed to revote for a final decision next month. o o o VI. Kelli – Motion to continue as before Second: David Henry Approved Close of Meeting Motion to adjourn: John Swisher Second: Charla Strosser Respectfully submitted by Charla Strosser Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 38 April 2, 2009 TM, Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. III. Meeting was called to order at 3:05 Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the minutes: Kelli Wood Second: Lolo Mercado Look into joint funding between the Physical Plant and Police department, since both departments see signage as an important project. o We should also look into the cost for plant signage. It was suggested that funding for this project come from another source, like a student club. Door Openers o On three portables and one outside door, the handicapped buttons do not work. o We are waiting on a report on status. o The portable buttons were rewired last year, but they still are not working. o We will continue working on them. Rick Lobato, Physical Plant Director Challenges: Not enough money, not enough people He is working on the budget, collecting data to get more funding from both the state and the community. IV. Present: David Moody, Christina Sharp, Michael Lagunas, Manny Torres, Charla Strosser, Lolo Mercado, Jay Bryant, Gabriel Camacho, Maria Prospero, David Henry, Joyce Ritchey, Christy Garza, Kelli Wood, Thomas McIlwan, Patty Ortega, Jeff Coles, Gertrude Koenigs, Rick Lobato, Beatriz Cuartas o V. He encourages questions and communication. He can’t fix problems if he doesn’t know they exist. Old Business Irrigation o We need to have sprinklers on year round. o The Physical plant is making adjustments to the bubblers to cover larger areas. They were originally set for younger, smaller plants. o They are also working toward installing drip systems. New Business Is anyone looking into restroom restorations, especially in terms of sinks that waste water? There are some problems with outdoor lighting. Jay Bryant said we are waiting on parts. The date for the Spring EOM celebration will be: April 30th at 11:30 am We need to be sure that all EOM recipients are informed during the month they are awarded. The current projects are coming along nicely and look great. o Long term, Mr. Lobato would like to get an architect to meet with the committee to map out long range plans. Signage o Mr. Lobato informed the committee that signage is an issue at all campuses. o We have lost some key personnel, but they are working on it. Motion: Charla Strosser o 2nd: Beatriz Cuartas April EOM Winner: Charla Strosser May EOM Winner: Belia Ramirez Landscaping o o o VI. Both motions passed Open Floor Close of Meeting: 4:10 Motion to adjourn: Kelli Wood Second: Charla Strosser Respectfully submitted by Charla Strosser Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 39 April 28, 2009 Meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. Space needs committee: Steve wants a space needs committee developed. Volunteers include: Joyce, Steve, Albert, Terri, Christi, David Henry, and John. Charla Strosser presided. Call to approve amended minutes. Add Terri Mann and Melissa Whitman, absent but e-mailed. Dr. Rhodes stated that beautification reports need to be given to District I.E. Beatriz Cuartas moved to approve corrected minutes. Seconded by Terry Mann District I.E. charge: the charge of the District I.E is to add beautification and improvement to campus I.E. teams. EOM volunteers: Charla requested more volunteers. Beatriz, Gabriel Camacho, and Christine volunteered also. John Swisher reported that a bid for picnic tables was presented. Also for replacing T.V.’s Open discussion Current projects approved: Kelli Wood asked to change internet portable to say “Connectivity”. Kelli Wood suggested we take old signage and beautification reports and unify them. Develop a TM I.E. notebook of combined reports. Joyce welcomed Rosa Arroyo as a new member of the TM I.E. She will replace Irma Sanchez. TM I.E. will meet again in June and July. Beatriz moved to have TM I.E. archived. David Henry complimented the minutes as being easy to read in “bullet point format”. Lolo seconded. Approved unanimously. Steve requested committee to service the Giant Flag. Tabled by John Swisher until more clear guidelines on responsibilities given. Beatriz motioned to adjourn at 3:35 p.m. seconded by Kelli Wood. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 40 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 September 25, 2007 Administrative Services Center I. Opening of Meeting II. III. Present: Fred Vogt, Christy Garza, Terri Garay, Maria Alvarez, Melissa Whitman, Steve Smith, William Sulak, John Summerford III, Lolo Mercado, Patty R. Ortega, Joyce Ritchey, David Moody, Christina Sharp, Debbi Farrelly, Jeffrey Coles, Thomas McIlwan Absent but Called: David Henry The meeting was called to order at 3:30 (after the orientation) Old Business Minutes for August were approved with modifications Banners: Joyce Ritchey volunteered to bring samples to the next meeting Beautification Plan: We want to be active and own the plan New Construction: We want to be ready when the architect meets with us A. Come to October’s meeting with priorities B. What we want: classroom, offices, science labs, bathrooms, … A. Steve Smith to ask David Mena for School Zone due to the Early High School B. Fred to talk to Jay about maintenance of flashing lights C. Fred to talk to Stella Williams about speed bumps D. It was also discussed if we wanted to rename our streets as we replace the signs A discussion was held if students could nominate faculty and staff for Employee of the month: A. Fred to discuss this with the District I.E. Team B. It was also suggested that SGA should institute Instructor of the Month, Quarter, … Televisions in the mall area: A. IV. William Sulak volunteered to look deeper into their status. Employee of the Month: Bea Quiroz was selected EOM for October Open Floor We discussed the possibility of having a coffee bar in the mall or library area New Business A. Introductions Elections: A. Lolo Mercado was selected as chair-elect B. William Moody was selected as our third representative Close Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 Mural for the arcade: A. Thomas McIlwan volunteered to look into this project 1. V. Fred to look into this theme, honors project, or service learning Safety and street signs: Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 41 October 30, 2007 TM, Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. 3. Present: David Henry, William Sulak, Terri Mann, Kelli Wood, Debbi Farrelly, Christy Garza, Thomas McIlwan, David Moody, Cristina Sharp, Jay Bryant, Steve Smith, Melissa Whitman, Irma Sanchez, Maria Alvarez, Jeff Coles, Fred Vogt The Meeting was called to order at 3:05 Minutes for September were approved IV. 1. IE Web Site 2 Jeffery Coles, Deas Campbell, and Gertrude Konings-Dudin Landscape Initiative Sub-committee was recruited: Jeff Coles, Kelli Wood, Tom McIlwan, Carlos Humphreys, Deas Campbell, and Bea Cartas The plan must reflect our microenvironment Mobilize the local cactus rescue group and gardening clubs Assign plots for service projects Conversation spaces William is still working this issues to make the television serviceable for emergencies New Business Special Presentation 1. 3. It was decided to recruit an honors student for this task Flyer SWAT Team 4. III. Televisions in the Mall Area Members were instructed by Steve Smith to remove all unofficial flyers SGA A Faculty Member of the Year procedure is being implemented Development and placement of a Student Union was discussed Member were asked to collect gifts for Toys for Tots EOM party Old and Ongoing Business 1. Mural for the Arcade 2. Tom discussed several options and limitations due to air vents Possibility of painting the mural as part of a class in mural painting Mural could change every five years to reflect the community and current events 5. School Zone issues are being worked out for the Early High School Speed humps are planned – waiting for funding New signs are on order: We discussed having a street naming contest November 20, 2007 was selected as the date Set-up at 11:30; party starts at 12:00 Mellissa volunteered to get soda Fred is working on pizza, cake, and other details EOM for November Safety and Street Signs V. Thania Ruiz was selected as EOM The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 42 January 29, 2008 TM Room 1213 I. II. campus to use the computers end up in the library, where computers are designated for research and do not have the same programs as the computers in the lab, because of the difference in open hours. Terri G. will give Lolo all the background information and he will contact Jenny Giron. Opening of Meeting Present: Jeff Coles, Debbi Farrelly, Terri Garay, Christy Garza, David Henry, Terri Mann, Tom McIlwain, Lolo Mercado, David Moody, Patty Ortega, Dean Joyce Ritchey, Irma Sanchez Christina Sharp, Dean Steve Smith, SGA Representative William Sulak, Officer E. Thomas 3rd, SGA Representative Darcy Traffansted, Kelli Wood Absent, but emailed: Melissa Whitman The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm. Old Business and Ongoing Business: Minutes for 11/29/07 approved with minor corrections. Campus Beautification: o Survey: Terri M. passed around copies of the Beautification Survey results compiled in 2007. She will meet with Jay and the Deans to determine which items have been taken care of and will report at the February meeting. o Flora: Jeff passed around maps of the campus and the surrounding property. He and the committee have been investigating landscaping costs and concerns and have determined there is a lot to consider, such as: the high price of native trees, planting seasons, thoughtfully located green spaces and gathering spaces. III. Banners: Joyce did not receive the samples she requested, so she will plan to bring them to the February meeting. Faculty/Staff Talent Show: idea was withdraw because of lack of interest. New Business The committee would like more input from all employees and students. Kelli will work on creating mock spaces in Photoshop to help everyone visualize the possibilities. College-wide EOM procedure: The committee voted to approve our procedures at the November meeting. Please refer to those minutes for more details. Lolo will make sure a nomination form is sent to all faculty and staff via email. Getting Computer Lab and Library Hours in sync: On the weekends, students coming to o Chair: Lolo Mercado o Chair Elect: David Moody o Secretary: Patty Ortega elected unanimously and with the understanding she will only be able to serve for the next 6 months. Early College High School: o Steve reported that the location has been chosen, the curriculum is in place and the principal has been hired. o The groundbreaking is scheduled for March 6, 2008. o High school classes should begin in the fall. Employee of the Month: There were no nominations at this time. o Lolo will walk around the campus with Jeff to see what ideas the committee has and offer more suggestions. Everyone is welcome to participate. IE Committee Positions: IV. Lolo will email and ask for nominations to be submitted in the next week and we will vote on February EOM via email if we get any nominations. We will have one EOM celebration for all EOMs from December through April. The celebration will be Tuesday, April 29, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Assignments will be made at a later date. Open Floor Terri G. asked about the Portable Coffee Counter. Steve reported that the Culinary Arts Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 43 Program is investigating using their current space for Pastry Chef training and may plan to sell pastries. It was noted that the EPCC contract with Subway prohibits competition, and this includes selling coffee, but student groups can sell food in a different location for fundraisers. Patty asked if anyone was interested in recycling. This issue will be placed on the February IE Team agenda. Patty will look into the Valle Verde Campus recycling program and will find out how much it costs to have recycling picked up. Tom spoke to Jackie Mitchell concerning the Mural Project proposes last semester. A mural could be done by the Painting II class. This item will also be placed on the February IE Team agenda. Tom will let us know about costs, etc. in February. Terry G. asked if it would be possible to email the IE Team minutes to all TM employees. This issue will be placed on the February IE Team agenda. Will announced Candidate Awareness Forums scheduled for February 12 and 13, from 6-9 pm, in the TM Forum. Darcy announced SGA is circulating a petition for a Student Union at every campus. They are hoping to get the space where Culinary Arts is now, should it become available. Darcy also announced the Phi Theta Kappa Trash Cleanup. Two service projects are scheduled: one on March 1 and the other on March 29. Both will begin at noon with a potluck lunch. All faculty and staff are invited to participate. Phi Theta Kappa will be asking teachers to give extra credit or service learning credit to participating students. V. Next Meeting: February 26, 2008, 3 pm, room 1213 VI. Close Meeting Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 3:45 pm. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 44 February 26, 2008 TM Room 1213 I. II. but added that requests can be made to Albert and they will try to accommodate. Opening of Meeting Present: Dean Joyce Ritchey, Dean Steve Smith, Lolo Mercado, David Henry, Debbie Farrelly, SGA Representative William Sulak, Christina Garza, Jeff Coles, Cristina Sharp, David Moody, Irma Sanchez, Melissa Whitman, Thomas IcIlwain, Kelli Wood, SGA Representative Darcy Traffansted, SGA Representative Michael Faison, Carlos Humphreys, and Patty R. Ortega Absent, but email: Terri Mann Meeting was called to order at 3:04 pm. Banners o Approval of the Minutes o III. Motion to approve minutes from Jan. 29, 2008: Debbie Second: Kelly Motion passed unanimously o Old Business o o o Jeff shared that the committee met on 2/19/08. Working guidelines were created and eight separate, related tasks were defined. He highlighted things we can do right now such as small friendly spaces and small green spaces. He recommends starting with flag pole area because this was the first thing visitors see. He proposed a timeline. David M. passed around the Beautification report, for Terri Mann, to see what good things were happening around the campus. Jeff added that purchasing landscaping was not enough and a commitment would be needed to maintain the landscaping. Joyce recommended that we submit in writing (include specific information) to Dean Steve so that he can relay information to the appropriate department. Early College High School o Campus Beautification Progress Report IV. CF & Associates o o Library and Computer Lab Hours o o The computer lab is currently open M-F 6am-10pm and Saturday 8am-2pm. At one point, they conducted a survey for use on Sundays, opened it up, but it was used minimally. Jenny Giron said they open longer during finals to accommodate students during this peak time. Debbie inquired for Dr. Linda Brown about the possibility of opening the library during power pack courses. Carlos said security defined the 12pm-4pm schedule for Sundays Groundbreaking ceremony is at 10:30am on Mar. 6th. Lolo recommended that we try to attend. New Business o Joyce got some quotes for different banner sizes and determined that the IE fund could not cover this, but recommended using the opening of the Early High School as a funding resource. Joyce will forward information to Lolo and he will try to get assistance. She recommended academia logos such as majors for the banners. Kelly recommended adding a quote to each major if they are big enough. Debbie recommended that they hang down in the common area to help muffle the noise. o CF & Associates will be visiting TM on Mar. 5 from 1:30pm-3pm. We need as many IE members to attend as possible. Joyce requests that we send our concerns, along with proposal on how to correct it, to her and Steve so that they can compile it and show them our needs. She suggests that we ask our colleagues for recommendations on areas of concerns. Please send by Mar. 3, 2008. She added that the Student Services area needs to be addressed. Lolo mentioned that the new Admissions set-up does not work. Darcy mentioned that when events are held in the mall area, instructors might rightfully complain, but was concerned about holding them in the student service area. Joyce said that this was the best spot and has not heard any complaints about having events in this area. Recycling Program o Patty shared that after consulting with Valle Verde SGA, Campus Life, and a Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 45 o o EOM o V. VV IE Team member, a recycling program does not currently exist at VV. She was informed that a member from the VV IE Team plans to address Dr. Rhodes about recycling. Cristina S. shared that recycling was also brought up at the Faculty Senate meeting and they are looking into a Juarez company. She will update us at our next meeting. Open Floor Irma congratulated Joyce on her new grandchild. Mural o o o Tom passed out some examples of a Codex style that a student suggested for a mural. He will email some pictures of this style used on a Chicano art piece. The mural could be moved from campus to campus before it is set here. It will take two semesters to complete. David H. asked if we were going with a Chicano motif. Jeff mentioned that the Library already had a Chicano mural. David recommended an academic motif. Tom recommends that it addresses the social aspect of the community. Kelly added that a multicultural aspect does not have to be incorporated all the time. Tom mentioned that this is a proposal from a student at VV and that we are only looking at the Codex style. Debbie asked why we will be footing the bill if this will travel campus to campus. SGA might be able to fund it. Lolo shared concern from Dr. Linda Brown about the use of flyers around the campus. He suggested each of us being responsible for what is tacked up on an assigned wall. Lolo wants to send campus email announcing that anything posted outside of bulletin boards needs to be approved first. Sometimes flyers are left up after the event has passed. SGA o o Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, English instructor, was unanimously voted for our Employee of the Month. VI. SGA would like the new building to be environmentally friendly. Phi Theta Kappa will be cleaning up on Saturday, Mar. 1 and invites anyone to help out. Jeff proposes that we show off a unique style and maybe incorporate interior design. Maria from interior design will be on the committee next year. It was suggested to invite her as a guest at one of our meetings this year to hear her professional opinion. Next meeting will be Thursday, April 3rd at 3:00 since we will be on Spring Break the last Tuesday in March. Close of Meeting Motion to Dismiss: Darcy Second: Debbie Meeting adjourned at 3:55. Respectfully submitted by Patty R. Ortega William said SGA will be meeting with Arvis Jones about creating Student Unions. Some people are only considering VV but he thinks we have room for one here in TM (maybe where culinary currently is). SGA would like more exercise equipment. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 46 Thursday, April 3, 2008 TM Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. Present: David Henry, David Moody, Kelli Wood, Jeff Coles, Thomas McIlwan, Patty R. Ortega, Melissa Whitman, Cristina Sharp, Terri Garay, Christy Garza, Irma Sanchez Absent but emailed: Lolo Mercado, Terri Mann, Michael Faison, William Sulak, and Darcy Traffansted Meeting was called to order at 3:10. Motion to approve minutes as amended: David H. Second: Melissa Motion passed unanimously. Old Business IV. Open Floor Approval of Minutes III. V. Beautification - Jeff passed out a copy of an email from David Mena (Physical Plant) and gave a quick synopsis. Jeff recommended that we walk through the campus to make suggestions. VI. David H. described the First Year Experience committee he participates in. He asked for recommendations of disseminating information to students at TM from the committee. Some suggestions were to post in every classroom, bathroom stalls, New Student Orientation packets as a bookmark, or emailing it every semester. Irma reminded everyone that next Thursday, April 10 is last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”. Close of Meeting Motion to Dismiss: Terri G. Second: Cristina S. Meeting adjourned at 3:32. Respectfully submitted by Patty R. Ortega New Business EOM for March - Irma Sanchez was voted for our Employee of the Month for March. EOM for April - Heather Oliva was voted for our Employee of the Month for April. EOM Celebration Date - The committee decided to celebrate on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. Set-up is at 11:30 am. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 47 May 6, 2008 TM Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. III. Open Floor EOM o Meeting was called to order at 3:03 pm. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes from April 3, 2008: Kelli Second: Terri M. o o Old Business IV. V. Present: Lolo Mercado, Christy Garza, Irma Sanchez, David Moody, Dean Joyce Ritchey, Terri Mann, David Henry, Jeff Coles, Terri Garay, Thomas McIlwan, Kelli Wood, Cristina Sharp, and Patty Ortega Beautification – Jeff shared that there is already a landscaping plan, but sprinkler system needs to be addressed in order to start. He emphasized that more canopy is needed and shared examples around campus of what the trees would look like. Everyone agreed that a work order should be submitted to fix the sprinkler system. New Business 2007-2008 Standing Committee Chair’s Year End Report – Lolo provided a copy and shared what was sent to Dr. Ron Stroud. He requested member input. Joyce added that the committee is waiting for promised signage and classroom furniture. VI. Summer EOMs – Irma inquired about EOM selection for May. The committee decided to meet over the summer months although summer meetings are not mandatory. The employees of the month for May and June will be determined at the June meeting. EOM candidate compilation - David H. proposed that employees nominated for EOM that do not win for a particular month be kept for consideration the following months. All agreed. EOM celebration - Lolo recapitulated the spring celebration and will inquire about a celebration in August depending on funding, possibly just cake and not pizza. Irma reminded faculty about submitting grades. Close of Meeting Motion to adjourn: Terri M. Second: Jeff Next meeting: June 24, 2008. Respectfully submitted by Patty Ortega. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 48 June 24, 2008 TM Room 1213 I. Opening of Meeting II. IV. Present: Lolo Mercado, Kelli Wood, Cristina Sharp, Jay Bryant, Terri Garay, Irma Sanchez, Christy Garza, and Patty Ortega Meeting was called to order at 3:12 p,m. Approval of Minutes III. o o o Motion to approve the minutes: Kelli Second: Cristina S. V. Old Business Beautification: Lolo will submit work order for sprinkler system. Jay said there is currently a drip system for watering the trees. Lolo will check with Jeff which entrance needs a sprinkler system. End of Year Report: Lolo reminded the committee what was sent to Ron Stroud. He will check with Joyce on monies for academic banners. New Business District I.E. Team meeting with Dr. Rhodes: Lolo informed the committee that Dr. Rhodes is scheduled to be present at the District I.E. team meeting in July and asked if anything needed to be mentioned for TM. Patty recommended that we inquire about district-wide recycling. VI. May: Dr. Kathleen Devaney June: David Henry July: Sandra Holden EOM celebration: Lolo determined that there is money for an EOM celebration for August. Since students finish summer school Aug. 1st, the committee agreed that the EOM celebration will be on Tuesday, July 29, at 11:00 am. Open Floor Terri G. commented that it is too dark when walking outside of the campus and others agreed. There needs to be more lighting outside by the entrances and parking lots. Terri also inquired about the Improvement Plan Request form. Cristina S. inquired on what has been approved for the landscaping plan. Jay informed the committee on some of the items that have been approved from the meeting with CF & Associates. Close of Meeting Motion to Adjourn: Terri G. Second: Christy G. EOM celebration will take the place of the July meeting. Respectfully submitted by Patty R. Ortega EOM : The committee unanimously voted for the following Employees of the Month. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 49 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 May 29, 2007 TM, Room 1213 I. II. Opening of Meeting Present: Jay Bryant, Christy Garza, Terri Mann, Dean Joyce Ritchey, Christina Sharp, Fred Vogt The meeting was called to order at 3:06 pm. Old Business III. Minutes for 4/24/07 approved with addition of Christina Sharp to the roll. IV. A motion was made and seconded not to host Donuts and Coffee for Fall because our budget has been spent. Unanimously approved. The Smart Station in Room 1540 shakes. Dean Ritchey will inquire about this. Sprucing up the appearance of Transmountain: o District Wide IE Concerns Open Floor There was discussion of having student volunteers helping give directions during the first week of classes. If the committee moves forward with this idea, we agreed the effort needs to be organized and consistent. There was also discussion of possibly providing EPCC t-shirts. Darcy noted that the SGA President Office is at Transmountain for the coming academic year. Donuts and Coffee for the Fall Semester: Jumpy/Jerky Smart Stations: Employee of the Month: Minutes are sent to all IE Committee members on all campuses for review. Fred will take forward the following concerns: Signage, Status of Beautification Plan/Landscaping, and Patio Furniture. Designated Parking Update: Jay has spoken with Cilyn about placing patio furniture in the outside space near Yak’s office. We need to ask the Districtwide IE to make a recommendation to include this. We will have one EOM celebration for June, July and August on July 31, from 2-3 pm, in the small conference room. Fred will take care of the cake. Furniture Update: We still do not have our signs installed. Jay spoke with Cilyn Meyers, who indicated they are waiting for the Police Department to approve the installation from their budget. Dean Ritchey noted that the TM IE Committee voted on this issue a year ago. Fred will ask about it at the college-wide IE meeting. o A motion was made and seconded to vote for EOMs at each meeting during the summer. Unanimously approved. Dean Ritchey turned in the order for the new furniture. We are waiting for a response from purchasing. Student Government has chosen placement for the winners of the photo contest and will be getting those photos hung soon. The June EOM is Jay Bryant. Smart Stations in classrooms: Dean Ritchey reported that she spoke with Dr. Farias and he informed her there was faculty input regarding placement and installation of stations. She will ask about the ADA compliance. New and Ongoing Business o V. Close of Meeting Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 3:55 pm. The committee is wondering what happened to our landscape plan. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 50 June 26, 2007 TM, Room 1213 I. II. Debby Aguilera in an attempt to recruit work study students to maintain the site. Opening of Meeting Present: Jay Bryant, Steve Smith, Fred Vogt, Christina Garza, Henry Gutierrez, Lolo Villalobos, and Charles Yakubovsky. The new scholarships for Fall 2007 were discussed. Absent but called: Christina Sharp. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm. Lolo reported that bushes were obstructing traffic flow on Campus. Jay Bryant volunteered to cut/remove the foliage. Old Business: Suzi Holcomb was selected as EOM. The minutes for May 29, 2007 to be approved at July 31 meeting. Planned the party to honor the EOMs for June and July on July 31, 2007. Sprucing-up the campus with banners will be discussed at the September meeting when more members will be present. Designated parking stalls: Steve Smith will discuss the issue with Tim Nugent. Fred Vogt will get: napkins, bowls, plates, forks, spoons, cake, and ice cream. Steve Smith will take care of soda. IV. Open Floor None Update: Tim Nugent told Steve Smith that the project will be completed before the start of the Fall semester. V. Close of meeting The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 3:45 III. New Business: Next Meeting: July 31, 2007, 3-5 pm, room 1213. TM IE Team Website: Fred Vogt will be discussing the topic with Debbi Farrelly and Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 51 July 31, 2007 TM, Room 1213 I. II. maintain the web site. Fred will talk with Debbi Farrelly and Debby Aguilar about getting help with this. Opening of Meeting Present: Jay Bryant, Christy Garza, Terri Mann, Dean Joyce Ritchey, Irma Sanchez, Christina Sharp, Fred Vogt The meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm. Old Business: Minutes for 5/29/07 approved. Minutes for 6/26/07 approved. Shaking Smart Cart in Room 1540 has been repaired. Sprucing up the campus: We will wait until we have our new committee in the Fall and make some decisions about posting banners, prioritizing repairs, etc. III. Beautification Plan: The committee is wondering about the status of our Beautification Survey and wondering if landscaping is part of our mission. Fred will inquire at the next District-wide IE meeting. IE Survey: The survey results will be available soon. Furniture Update: Joyce has sent our requests forward, but nothing has been ordered yet. The chair-desk combo we originally looked at will not accommodate our larger students, so we are getting separate chairs and desks. The classroom chairs will be blue. The committee questioned whether or not our recent budget cuts would affect this, but Joyce explained that the furniture is paid for from a different budget. Designated Parking: Signs should be installed before the Fall Semester begins. Traffic Obstructions: Jay and Mario have cut back the bushes blocking the view of traffic on campus. IE Web Site: The template is set up for each campus to submit items to the web site. The site has a link to the President’s page. We are encouraged by the District-wide IE to submit minutes, photos, Employees of the Month and other campus activities. Christina volunteered to take pictures to give to whoever volunteers to Employee of the Month: Fred thanked Joyce for making the July Employee of the Month Party a success. New Business: Letter to the Editor: A letter to the editor was sent to the El Paso Times concerning the campus. Steve has sent pictures to Ted Nugent and Dennis Brown of various items in need of repair or replacement, such as signage, tennis courts, landscaping, etc. Jay noted the new equipment for the exercise course was ordered before the letter appeared in the paper. Pay Increase: No one knows anything yet Treasurer: Christina reported that several IE Committees from other campuses are electing Treasurers. The committee agreed our campus does not need a Treasurer. Vacancies: When the new roster is posted for fall, Fred will access the need to fill any vacancies on our committee and work to get more people excited and involved in the TM IE. Employee of the Month: August Employee of the Month is Frances Moreno. Other Employee of the Month concerns: Irma suggested using EPCC resources for appreciation gifts. For example, give a gift certificate from the Cosmetology Program or a Dinner from the Culinary Arts Program. Other suggestions included making the celebration for faculty and staff only and giving a special parking “permit” to display in the employee’s car. IV. Open Floor Irma announced the Spring Schedule has been delivered. Irma and Chris cleaned up some of the planters on campus. Joyce reported there are plans to have the plants removed and seating created for students. Thanks to Irma and Chris! Jay informed the committee that repairs to the fashion technology rooms are scheduled for the Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 52 break in December. In the next couple of weeks there will be some painting and replacement of water fountains. The committee will put the idea for an Early Spring Clean-up and hot dog cookout on the agenda. V. There is a potluck for Yak on August 9 to thank him for his hard work on the grass and flowers outside the entry near his office. Close of meeting Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 4:10 pm. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 53 August 28, 2007 TM, Room 1213 I. II. SGA is trying to add Student Unions to each campus Steve Smith thanked Jay Bryant for his hard work The Deans know about the broken exercise equipment and will replace them as funds allow (expect one new item each year) Absent But Called: Joyce Ritchey and Terri Mann More tables in the mall area The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm. Selected Yolanda Puente as EOM Opening of Meeting Present: Cristy Garza, David Henry, John H. Summerford III, Jay Bryant, Charles Yakubovsky, Patty Ortega (for Lolo Mercado) Christina Sharp, Steve Smith, Debra Farrelly, Terry Garay, Jay Bryant, Steve Smith, Patricia Rodriguez, and Fred Vogt. Old Business: IV. The minutes for July 31, 2007 were approved. Can students nominate staff and faculty for EOM? Sprucing-up the campus with banners will be discussed at the September meeting when more members will be present. Campus cleaning day in April V. III. Open Floor Close of meeting New Business: Steve Smith briefed the committee on possible locations for the Early High School. PAR signs will be removed or fixed. We need to start thinking about our priorities for campus improvements The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 4:00 Next Meeting: September 25, 2007 at 3:00 at the ASC Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 54 TRANSMOUNTAIN IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 Minutes for the 2005-2006 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/TM IE TEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/13/15 55