NORTHWEST IMPROVEMENT TEAM For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 9, 2014 Valle Verde, Room B150 Any project requiring interaction from another department at the college, such as IT or Physical Plant, to implement must be submitted to them for quotes that are included in the proposal. Members Present: Lorely Ambriz, Mary Ervin, Rebecca Escamilla, Melissa Esmacher, Daniel Gutierrez, Elvia GuzmanJarnagin, Rudy Hernandez, Ivan Iñiguez, Veronica Miramontes, Jose Pacheco, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Dr. Lydia Tena, Della Truman I. Meeting called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Dr. Ron Stroud II. Campus\Site Improvement Teams Fifteenth Annual Orientation at VV, Cafeteria Annex A. Welcome remarks by Dr. Ron Stroud B. QEP introduction by TM Biology Instructor Gertrude Konings-Dudin Your supervisor or Campus Dean needs to be aware of these proposed projects before you submit them. Supervisors must sign your proposal. Recommend the top three proposals for the campus wide committee. Visit the Planning Office web site for more information, contact Dr. Gross (extension 2122) or her assistant Sandra Mejia (extension 2109). Planning Office is in room C 411 VV campus. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS OCTOBER 1 Requested that faculty with student learning projects contact her. She is running a test of a student participation tracking system this semester and needs students to track. C. Final approval will come from the District Wide Campus Improvement Committee Campus and Site Improvement Plan Process explanation by Dr. Dolores Gross: Funding available for campus/site improvement projects. Maximum dollar amount of $5,000.00 per campus/site: to be administered by the EPCC Planning Office. Examples - Small pieces of equipment for faculty or staff; new chalkboard software, reprinting a wall or repair. If there is a need for construction support, you also need to include physical plant; supplies, small furniture, signage, testing carrels, water fountain to refill water bottles, etc. software only if price includes annual maintenance. Should demonstrate a need and planned improvement. This is a competitive process that hasn't been done in 10 years; is an open process to any faculty or staff. At the end of the year an evaluation and review process of the funded projects will take place documenting the usefulness of the project in achieving its goals and improving campus conditions. III. Northwest Campus Meeting - Valle Verde B150. 4:00 P.M. IV. Welcome and Approval of Minutes: Previous Minutes were tabled until next campus meeting October 14, 2014 V. Old Business: None VI. New Business A. Past chair, Veronica Miramontes welcoming remarks and introduction of new Chair, Rebecca Escamilla Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 1 B. Election of Co-Chair: Veronica Miramontes nominated Gerry Perez for Co-Chair; committee voted unanimously for Gerry C. Election of 3rd CIT Officer-Secretary Mary Ervin, Jose Pacheco, and Lorely Ambriz were nominated for Secretary; Secret vote to elect secretary and back-up secretaries; Mary Ervin, elected Secretary; first back up is Jose Pacheco and second back up is Lorely Ambriz; the role of first back up is to take the place of secretary in case Mary cannot make the meetings, the role of second back up is to take the place of secretary in case neither Mary or Jose can make the meetings D. Schedule for each individual tutor – days and times; Reading and Writing Labs; Centralized listing of Faculty office location and hours (Miramontes) VII. Motion to ask Dr. Tena to send campus wide announcement for all Faculty and Staff to submit Campus Improvement Proposals Discussion of ideas and potential proposals; projects should focus on our students; some of the items will require a quote; committee agrees to submit proposals to supervisors by September 26th E. Suggestions from committee (Responsible Person) 1. Campus wide benches by the testing and bookstore areas (Silva/Perez) 12. Large interchangeable letters signage for faculty roster central place (Hernandez/Miramontes) 13. Additional office space for counseling – not at this time. Suggestions from faculty and staff and students will also be encouraged and considered. Other Business A. Follow up on the assembly of the Butterfly Garden Shed B. Initiate process to select Employee of the Month (EOM), everything has to be submitted by October 14th. C. Need for an identification for the EOM to be displayed on the dashboard. D. Until next employee of the month is selected 1. Mary Ervin gets EOM parking space for Tuesdays and Thursdays 2. Gerry Perez gets EOM parking space Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If EOM is not using their designated parking space, they need to designate someone else to utilize the space. 2. Campus shading - around the sculpture, around the library and outside the cafeteria (Hernandez/Ambriz) 3. Community garden enhancement (Pacheco/Escamilla) VIII. Next Meeting: October 14, 2014 at NW Rm. M5 at 3:00 P.M. 4. Hummingbird garden (Pacheco) IX. Adjournment: Manfred moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dub; meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. 5. Adjunct faculty supplies (Ervin) 6. Testing center door (Miramontes) 7. C building smart rooms are not fully equipped - if we can get LCD Projectors (Pacheco) 8. Equipment for student activities - a new grill (Silva/Perez) 9. Digital camera for campus events (Pacheco/Guzman) 10. Tongs to catch snakes - snake wrangler tools (Pacheco) 11. Uniform signage for hours of operation: Student Support Services – Tutoring Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 2 October 14, 2014 NW, Room M5 Members Present: Lorely Ambriz, Mary Ervin, Rebecca Escamilla, Melissa Esmacher, Ana Guerrero, Daniel Gutierrez, Rudy Hernandez, Ivan Iñiguez, Enayat Kalantarian, Veronica Miramontes, Jose Pacheco, Gerry Perez, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Isadora Stowe, Dr. Lydia Tena, Della Truman Month Celebrations; approximately $600 remaining. I. Meeting called to order at 3:10 P.M. by Chair Rebecca Escamilla II. Welcome and Approval of Minutes This funding is separate from the Site Improvement Plan budget of $5000; there is a possibility of funding multiple projects per campus up to $5,000. A. B. Gerry Perez mentioned resource fair expenses so far included copies ($1.50) and food (burritos & coffee $65). Rudy Hernandez expressed his concern about someone else dictating / selecting the final proposal, instead of the campus team prioritizing; why don't we get to vote on our own projects. Rebecca Escamilla introduced the new Officers as not all of the committee members were in attendance when the elections were held in September. Gerry Perez, Co-Chair; Mary Ervin, Secretary with Jose Pacheco and Lorely Ambriz as back up secretaries. Introductions of all members were done since the committee had grown to include many more new members. It was suggested to move the committee meetings to a larger room to accommodate the larger committee size. C. Gerry Perez gave an update on the resource fair; will be held 9:00am - 12:00pm on October 15th; thirteen campus offices and an Army recruiter will be participating; door prizes will be awarded to students by a drawing based on their attendance at various resources; table labels and flyers have already been printed; Campus Life is funding coffee and burritos; Gerry will forward a list of door prize contributors to Mary Ervin. Approval of Minutes The minutes from May 2014 were corrected; Jose Pacheco motioned to approve the minutes with corrections, Melissa Esmacher seconded; the May 2014 minutes were approved. In addition, a vendor fair will be held Oct. 29th The minutes from Sept. 2014 were corrected; Rudy Hernandez motioned to approve the minutes with corrections, Della Truman seconded; the Sept. 2014 minutes were approved. III. D. Chair Report from District Meeting Rebecca Escamilla gave highlights on the district Improvement Team meeting held in Sept.; main discussion was about the new Site Improvement Plan Proposal guidelines and NW Improvement Team ideas for proposals. It was mentioned that Melissa Esmacher needed to be added to the roster; Dr. Tena will send an email to Ron Stroud IV. New Business A. B. Update on NW Improvement Team budget The President has yet to approve the Improvement Team’s $975 budget for this year; spending so far included the Employee of the Month Celebration for Veronica Miramontes, award plaque $53 with $397.58 pending for the remaining Employee of the Employee of the Month The Employee of the Month for September was Veronica Miramontes; celebration for Veronica had a very large turn out and photos of the celebration were forwarded to all committee members. Old Business A. NW Campus Resource Fair Update Selection of Campus Improvement Teams’ Recommended Site Improvement Plans There was confusion as to whether each campus could select only one project or could allocate the funding for multiple projects that would total no more than $5,000; the members felt that each campus should be able to govern where the funding went; Rebecca Escamilla explained that the process has been organized to allow the district teams to make the final Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 3 selection in order to prevent any appearance of favoritism in the selection of projects at a campus. C. Each Campus Team needs an elected Financial Officer: Elvia Guzman-Jarnagin was nominated by Veronica Miramontes and seconded by Gerry Perez; Elvia was elected by acclimation. Committee members who sponsored various potential projects explained their proposals: Rudy Hernandez: Signage in the lobby of the main building that will direct students to support services and instructor’s offices throughout the entire campus. Providing students with a centralized location for this information should improve their experiences and ability to navigate the campus. Mary Ervin, Gerry Perez, and Veronica Miramontes: Providing additional seating for students by purchasing 10 benches in total, 3 for the C building, 3 for the library and 4 for the main building. The benches are made of recycled plastic bags and can be bolted in place. This will allow students to sit in places around campus and develop a connection with their classmates and instructors. Lorely Ambriz: Library Bench Proposal for additional seating and trash cans to enhance the Hummingbird garden. The committee voted to select which project would be ranked as first, second, third, and alternate selection; the additional seating proposal was selected as first, signage second, the Community Garden third, and the Library proposal for the Hummingbird Garden the alternate. B. D. V. Jose Pacheco and Rebecca Escamilla: The Community Garden is a multiphase, long term goal for this campus. The plans have been developed by students who will also maintain the garden. The proposed location for the garden is along the sidewalk from the bus stop to the cafeteria. Physical Plant will work with the students and Biology department in establishing the final location and irrigation system for the garden. The garden aligns with the QEP and integrates many disciplines including art and biology and is open to others. Phase I would include the building of planting beds and planting fruit trees that are adapted to this region. Ultimately the goal is to be able to provide fruits and vegetables to the school cafeteria and local food banks. Mosquitos in the C Building: Mosquito issues present in the C building and library - Rebecca Escamilla will contact physical plant Election of Financial Officer Testing Center Situations: Veronica Miramontes reported that the issues had been resolved. Other Business A. Dub reported that the bathrooms across from the Computer Lab have had pictures go missing and are being left in a messy condition; Della inquired about air freshener request, Veronica reported that janitorial services had said that potential allergic reactions to the fresheners meant that they could not be placed in the bathrooms. B. The corner sink near faculty offices in the main building is being clogged with food again (this is making the sinks in the bathrooms clog too); a sign reminding people to not place food or coffee grounds in the sink will be placed next to the sink and a new screen for the drain will be bought if needed. C. Mary reported that some of the electric switch plates are lacking covers and pose a shock hazard; this will be referred to Physical Plant. D. Gerry reported that the Faculty and Staff parking signs are fading due to sun exposure; students are using this as an excuse to park in these spaces; also concerned about the use of the main entrance cross walk to park, drop off, or pick up students; blocking the crosswalk and driving in it pose hazards to students and others; it was suggested that we designate a drop off site that would be less congested and safer; a temporary site along side of the library was suggested; the traffic circle was suggested as a permanent drop off zone once sidewalks were provided; we will need a no stopping and standing sign, and a sign to designate the appropriate site. Dr. Tena mentioned that it is one of the recommendations within the master plan to use the round-about as a permanent drop off point VI. Next Meeting: November 11, 2014 at 3:00 P.M., location to be determined, possibly M48 VII. Adjournment: Manfred Silva moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dub Satterfield; meeting adjourned at 4:23 P.M. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 4 November 11, 2014 NW, Room M48 Members Present: Lorely Ambriz, Rebecca Escamilla, Melissa Esmacher, Ana Guerrero, Daniel Gutierrez, Rudy Hernandez, Ivan Iñiguez, Enayat Kalantarian, Veronica Miramontes, Jose Pacheco, Gerry Perez, Dub Satterfield, Isadora Stowe, Dr. Lydia Tena, Della Truman A&M Agrilife Extension on help to design and establish the Desert Gardens. I. Meeting called to order at 3:05 P.M. by Chair Rebecca Escamilla II. Welcome and Approval of Minutes Dr. Escamilla informed the team that the district team meeting was extremely positive. Everyone at the district made a considered effort to fund all proposals submitted. Dr. Escamilla proceeded to inform the committee of some of the approved proposals for the other campus sites. Several campuses shared some of their money to help other campuses get their proposals funded. NW campus was second in the amount received (TM was awarded the most). It was mentioned that continued funding of proposals will likely be perennial. A. Rebecca Escamilla introduced the new Officers as not all of the committee members were in attendance B. Approval of Minutes Dr. Tena requested a name change to NW Chihuahuan Desert Garden. All committee members were in favor of the change. The minutes from October 2014 were corrected; Rudy Hernandez motioned to approve the minutes with corrections, seconded by Gerry Perez; the October 2014 minutes were approved. III. Rudy Hernandez asked for clarification of why we didn’t get to choose how the full $5000 could be spent, instead of going through committee voting. Rebecca Escamilla informed that the meeting was so positive, she did not want to ask at that time. Chair will ask at next district meeting. Old Business A. Announcement of Funded Proposals Rebecca Escamilla informed the committee that 3 out of the 4 proposals were approved for funding. Veronica Miramontes and Gerry Perez proposal for campus benches for student seating—funded for half the amount, $2500 instead of $5000 B. Update on College Improvement Team Meeting of October 28, 2014 Chair, Rebecca Escamilla updated the committee on the district meeting. C. Update on Northwest IT budget Gerry Perez utilized $1.50 for copies made through ISC Rudy Hernandez’s signage proposal—funded for full amount $602.50 is the remaining balance. Jose Pacheco’s and Rebecca Escamilla’s Garden proposal: funded $1400.00 with stipulation: only a Chihuahuan Desert Garden can be established, instead of a Community Garden. Deal struck with Facilities stating that they would fund the additional $2500 for seating/benches if only Desert Garden established. Dr. Tena asked for a clarification of the difference between a Desert Garden vs. a Community Garden. Dr. Escamilla informed the team that the difference was with the type of plants. Dr. Escamilla and Dr. Pacheco also met with Denise Rodriguez from the Texas Gerry Perez informed committee that the next 3 cakes for EOM from Coldstone Creamery have already been paid for. D. Update on Northwest Campus Resource Fair Gerry Perez said fair had a great turn out. Several donations from Northwest faculty and staff were given for the fair. Other offices donated items; Veronica Miramontes informed committee that an updated list is needed for those individuals that provided donations. Gerry agreed to provide a list. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 5 E. B. Faculty and Staff Parking Signage and Student Drop Off Zone Veronica Miramontes discusses issues with a particular student coming into the cafeteria after hours through a side door that appears to be broken. Dr. Tena asked if the side door to the cafeteria had been fixed and was informed, not to date. Dr. Tena will submit a work order request. Dr. Tena wants anyone from the team or from the campus to call the Dean’s office to report any similar issues in the future so they can be forwarded to facilities immediately. Rebecca Escamilla was not able to get further information as the district meeting spent the entire session funding proposals and no other business was discussed. Dr. Tena stated that this will be addressed during the master plan and that it may be more appropriate to wait until then. Gerry Perez also mentioned that although directories will be addressed during the Master Plan, it may take a few years before we see any new signage, so until then we could address with facilities. F. Veronica Miramontes informed that the cleaning crew has continuously found a young lady sleeping in the building. Police were contacted and escorted the young lady home (she is a current NW student). The student keeps entering the door and it must be fixed. Employee of the Month for November C. Congratulations to Rudy Hernandez. He has already been given the parking pass. November 18th at 11:30 is possible celebration date. A confirmation E-mail will be sent out. IV. Possible Long term NW Campus Adoption Project—Rio Grande Rebecca Escamilla discussed that EPCC adopted a small stretch of the Rio Grande as part of the Adopt a River program. It is in Canutillo, very close to the NW campus. Naomi Waissman, Director of the Service Learning Department, asked Rebecca Escamilla if the Biology Department will house the Adopt a River program. Rebecca Escamilla asked the team if the NW campus would be interested in adopting the Rio Grande (campus wide adoption). Dr. Tena asked what “adopting” meant. Rebecca Escamilla explained that it is similar to our campus clean ups. Veronica Miramontes informed the team of the exact location of the stretch of river: approximately a 2 mile stretch. Two dates for the river clean up were suggested: Make a Difference Day and Earth Day. Saturdays would be the preferred days. Rebecca Escamilla and Veronica Miramontes participated in last semester’s event which was 9-11:30, so a couple of hours. Many ECHS students and service learning students participated at that event. The team voted unanimously to participate in the Adopt a River program for this stretch of the Rio Grande. AWCC Garage Sale The annual AWCC garage sale will be held this Saturday at 5:30am. Money will be raised for scholarships for EPCC students. Garage sale will be at Patricia Islas’ home, Current President of the AWCC. New Business A. Broken Side Door in Cafeteria Rebecca Escamilla asked the team to bring any items they wish to donate. D. V. Free Stainless Steel Water Bottles will be given Tuesday, November 18th, 10-12pm by Mayra Cordero. Each person needs to bring 5 plastic bags or 5 plastic bottles and students will be given stainless steel water bottles in return to be used to refill at new water filter station in the main building. Other Business A. Gerry Perez discusses that parking lot further down is still very dark. Dr. Tena informed team it has been already called in. Dr. Tena informed team that the college may not be able to keep all lights on (not cost effective). Faculty and staff are encouraged to park closer. B. Gerry Perez is still planning Thanksgiving Day luncheon and only two Faculty have notified their participation to date. It will be held Nov. 20th from 11-2pm in Dean’s Office lobby. Della Truman volunteered to be server. Gerry Perez informed team that monetary donations will also be accepted. C. Daniel Gutierrez reported that chairs in room M45 are run down and some are missing and would like it to be addressed. Dr. Tena will submit the work request from her office. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 6 D. E. F. Veronica Miramontes will do the Secret Santa for Canutillo Elementary. Veronica will meet with Dr. Tena to finalize details. Pre-K will be supported as it is a bigger population. Veronica would like to bus the students here to allow the whole campus to participate. Enayat Kalantarian reported that markers are needed for the white board in the C-building. Dr. Tena informed the team that you may drop by the Dean’s office to get new ones. G. VI. Rudy Hernandez informed about the upcoming Psychology Fair in front of the main doors 8-1 pm next Wednesday, November 19, 2014. Ask your students to attend for extra credit. Next Meeting will be Tuesday, February 10, 2015 from 3-5pm in M48. Adjournment: Melissa Esmacher moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ivan Iniguez; meeting adjourned at 4pm. Rudy Hernandez reported that Pepsi machine near new faculty offices in main building has broken down frequently and is very noisy. Dr. Tena will try to see if it can be moved to a new location. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 7 February 10, 2015 NW, Room M48 in the process. Results of the process and selection of projects had been disseminated via email after the November meeting. Dr. Gross announced that more money was available for select campus projects as CSD decided to fund the disability tables for those campuses. Members Present: Lorely Ambriz, Rebecca Escamilla, Mary Ervin, Melissa Esmacher, Elvia Guzman-Jarnagin, Rudy Hernandez, Ivan Iñiguez, Enayat Kalantarian, Isadora Stowe, Della Truman I. Meeting called to order at 3:03 P.M. by Chair Rebecca Escamilla II. Welcome and Approval of Minutes A. Rebecca Escamilla welcomed the members and declared the meeting to be an informational session. B. Rebecca Escamilla addressed yesterday’s emails asking whether today’s meeting would be rescheduled or continue; the decision was made to keep the meeting due to the last minute nature of trying to reschedule; also we will not be meeting in March due to the meeting date being during Spring Break C. 2. B. C. Update on Northwest IT budget Elvia reports: Gerry Perez utilized funds for copies and was reimbursed for the purchase of candy for the Psychology Fair; $563.60 is the remaining balance. D. III. Update on Proposal Selection Process Proposal submission and selection will remain the same for next year; Rebecca Escamilla asks the committee to encourage faculty and staff to submit proposals for next year and to push for a large set of suggestions from different individuals and groups on campus. Approval of Minutes The minutes from November 2014 were sent through email and no committee members wrote to make corrections; Elvia GuzmanJarnagin explained that the $1.50 Budget Item for Gerry Perez was for copies that had been made for the Northwest Campus Resource Fair; Rudy Hernandez motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Della; the November 2014 minutes were approved by unanimous vote. January 27 meeting: Campuses which had originally allocated some of their funding for the purchase of tables, were able to reallocate that funding once the Center for Students with Disabilities decided to fund those tables in the classroom. The funds were reallocated to earlier proposals that had been submitted in the original process. Update on Broken Side Door Old Business A. Update on College Improvement Team meetings on November 25, 2014 and January 27, 2015 1. November 25 meeting: Rebecca Escamilla informed about the response to Rudy’s question on why the campuses are not allowed to select the proposals, why does it need to go through the current selection processRebecca explained that the system of checks and balances used to select which proposals to fund rather than allowing the individual Campus Improvement Committee to decide funding were designed to insure that all ideas were reviewed and avoid any appearance of cronyism or pet projects Elvia mentions new information from Campus Police; the door is repaired. E. Clean Restrooms by Computer Lab Mary Ervin said faculty were still complaining about the cleanliness of the restrooms next to the computer lab; apparently someone is making quite the mess; Mary asked if we could get more frequent restroom checks and cleanings; Elvia will check. F. Rio Grande Clean-Up Saturday April 18 Rebecca Escamilla explained the our campus has adopted a portion of the Rio Grande River and will partner with Student Service Learning in a river bank clean up on April 18 from 9:00 A.M. until 11:30 A.M. (Rebecca will get Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 8 confirmation on times). The project is also part of the Tejano Passport Program. NWC IC team will fund flyers to announce the project. The rest of the equipment, water, and snacks will be funded by Student Service Learning. Students, faculty, staff and their family members are all welcome and encouraged to participate in this project. G. Employee of the Month for February Congratulations to John Enriquez, Chemistry Professor. February 10th at 11:30 a.m. is celebration date. IV. through proper channels to receive an inventory tag; Elvia Guzman-Jarnagin volunteered to oversee this process. D. Science Cafes March 27 and April 24 Rebecca Escamilla announces the Science Cafes that Northwest Campus will be hosting this semester; she mentions that other campuses have had Science Cafes, but this is the first time we will be having them at Northwest Campus. 1. March 27 Science Café is the Urban Agriculture event likely from 12-2 pm (confirmation on times will be announced); we will have guest speakers and information tables for various types of gardening occurring in the city; we are collaborating with instructors from Transmountain campus who will have students help with the event as well. Rebecca Escamilla asked Lorely Ambriz if it would be okay to use the library for the event and she said yes; it will be perfect since the Hummingbird Reading Garden is there; Rebecca Escamilla will advertise the event not just to faculty, staff, and students, but also the general public. This Science Cafe has just been approved to be part of the Tejano Passport Program via Dr. Andi Quiroz and Dr. Gertrude Konings. 2. April 24 Science Café is the Science Expo likely from 12-2 pm (confirmation of times will be announced); Rebecca Escamilla wants students to present posters or oral presentation of science projects being conducted, science issues like health and disease, and environmental projects; she wants it to be interdisciplinary as well; she asks the committee members to encourage their students to attend the event, maybe even offer extra credit; Melissa Esmacher asks if her students could participate and allow them to present the history of science and scientists, Rebecca Escamilla loves the idea; she asks others faculty to participate in this manner as well; Rebecca would also like to offer awards for the best poster presentation and the best oral presentation. Dr. Kalantarian asks if we will need judges, and Rebecca said yes, so we could have faculty volunteers for this. Rebecca Escamilla also mentions that she will send an email to the District Wide coordinator for Biology to New Business A. Use of Approved Vendors for the funded proposals Rebecca Escamilla mentions that at the last Campus Improvement Meeting, Dr. Gross highly encouraged the use of approved vendors when filling orders for items funded though the project proposals; it is a much easier process. In addition, Dr. Gross mentions that not all orders for the selected proposals have gone through and she is waiting for them. Rebecca Escamilla asked the funded proposal writers if they are aware of the steps they need to go through to begin ordering their items. Rudy said yes, and Mary needs to speak with Veronica and Gerry about the benches. B. Sustainability of Proposed Projects Rebecca Escamilla discusses a topic addressed at the Campus Improvement Team Meeting; committee members asked who is responsible for the long term care and funding of some of the more long-term projects that were approved- Dr. Gross said that she assumed that the writers of the proposal knew they would be in charge of caring for their projects. Rebecca Escamilla asks the committee to keep sustainability of projects in mind when writing proposals. Discussion of who was responsible for the sustainability of the funded projects was resolved with the original applicant for the project being responsible for the ongoing maintenance of each project. C. Campus Police Wheelchairs Mary Ervin mentions that Northwest Campus Police requested that a wheelchair be made available on campus for emergency situations. Rudy Hernandez offered to donate one. It was also suggested that a blood pressure monitor be available on campus and that someone could donate one. The donations will have to go Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 9 announce it to all Biology faculty; Volunteer faculty judges will develop a rubric and evaluate the presentations; Prizes will be awarded; The competition is open to physical and social sciences; in addition to this event, we will also have the Campus Clean Up hosted by Mayra Cordero on the same day between 9-11 am so our event will piggy back off the other; Rebecca Escamilla asked Lorely Ambriz if it would be okay to use the library for this event as well and she said yes; this Science Cafe has just been approved to be part of the Tejano Passport Program via Dr. Andi Quiroz and Dr. Gertrude Konings. V. B. VI. Rebecca Escamilla announces the AWCC Summer Scholarship Program will award six $500 scholarships to female students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher that are taking six credit hours of course work in the Summer 2015 sessions. Applications will open on March first; deadline is April 1, 2015. Rebecca will hang fliers to announce the scholarship. Next Meeting will be Tuesday, April 14, 2015 from 35 p.m. in M48. Adjournment: Rudy Hernandez moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Melissa Esmacher; meeting adjourned at 3:37 p.m. Other Business A. Mary Ervin wants to know if they will cover the large hole that is currently present outside and Elvia said yes. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 10 April 14, 2015 NW, Room M48 C. Members Present: Rebecca Escamilla, Melissa Esmacher, Ana Guerrero, Daniel Gutierrez, Ivan Iñiguez, Enayat Kalantarian, Veronica Miramontes, Jose Pacheco, William Satterfield, Isadora Stowe, Della Truman Rebecca Escamilla gave an update of the event. The theme was Urban Agriculture. It was a success with over 200 students, faculty, and staff attending the event. Guest speakers were given gifts funded from the office of the VP. Pizza was funded by the office of the President. Members Absent: Lorely Ambriz; Mary Ervin; Elvia Guzman-Jarnagin; Rudy Hernandez; Gerard Perez; Manfred Silva; Tracy Speaker; Kharisma James; Carlos Ramirez; Dr. Lydia Tena Veronica Miramontes stated it would be nice to have a photographer. Does the Dean’s office have an available camera? Another suggestion was to record the talks, and streaming the events as well in the cafeteria. Guest: Mayra Cordero I. II. III. Meeting called to Order Chair Rebecca Escamilla called meeting to order at 3:08 P.M. Rebecca informed committee that Guest Mayra Cordero will be presenting first due to scheduling conflict (see New Business). D. Veronica Miramontes followed up on who could be given EOM—answer: anyone on campus could receive this recognition (per conversation with Ron Stroud). Old Business Update on College Improvement Team meeting on Apr. 1, 2015 and Update of Funded Projects Chair Rebecca Escamilla updated committee on CIT account-was funded. Purchase requisition submission is June 1st. The benches requested are too wide and conflict with ADA compliance. If we keep the benches, then the benches must be placed outside. Veronica Miramontes and Gerry Perez are working with Dolores Gross to finalize the purchase of the benches. The directory has yet to be purchased as it has not been ordered through an approved vendor. Rudy Hernandez will follow up. Northwest Desert Garden is pending as well as it requires help from facilities to get a water line (Rebecca Escamilla and Jose Pacheco will work with Raul Lerma tomorrow [Apr. 14, 2015] on placement of the water line). B. IV. New Business A. Student Union at Northwest Campus—tabled B. SGA Involvement—tabled C. Rio Grande River Clean-Up Saturday Apr. 18Reminder—Anyone can participate. This year it is a Tejano Passport event. Next year, it will solely be sponsored by the Northwest campus and Service Learning. D. Science Cafe Apr. 24—Theme: Planting the Seeds of Science from 12-2 P.M. at NW Library. The goal is to give any science student the ability to present their semester long projects in a conference-like event. There will be collaboration with Biology Faculty and History Faculty as well. There will be mix of oral and poster presentations. Rebecca Escamilla asked the committee to help promote the event to have a great turn out. Pizza will also be provided through the Service Learning Department. E. Presentation by Mayra Cordero Update on Northwest IT budget Elvia Guzman provided a breakdown of the budget. We currently have $293.65 left in the budget. Employee of the Month for March and April March—Crystal Flores; April—Belinda Alvarez—Celebration on Apr. 21, 2015 Approval of Minutes Motion to approve February minutes by Isadora Stowe, and seconded by Melissa Esmacher. Minutes approved with minor amendments. A. Update on Science Café held Mar. 27 Mayra Cordero informed the committee that ink and toner cartridges are gathered from time to time and can be given free. Mayra Cordero encouraged the committee to invite her to give Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 11 guest lectures in their classes. Mayra Cordero informed the committee about the Electronic recycling event on Apr. 24, 2015 from 10 A.M.-12 P.M. for Earth Day (provided a flyer). Veronica Miramontes asked if the electronics have to be working: answer—No. Mayra gave a mini lecture on the risks of using plastics (endocrine disruptors) as well as how to categorize plastics (what the numbers mean and examples). V. Other Business Ana Guerrero: Commented on Resource Fair held 9 A.M.-1 P.M. on Apr. 1st- Very few students showed up. The event lasted 4 hours but with little turn out. Veronica Miramontes and Ana Guerrero asked if the committee could help with promoting this event. Daniel Gutierrez suggested doing the Resource Fair earlier in the semester to try to gain more attendance. Ana Guerrero: water fountain in the main building has been replaced with new refillable water station, but the wall has not been painted (it has been months). Electrical outlets as well in Main Bldg. have not been replaced. Rebecca Escamilla will follow up with Elvia Guzman. M45 and M56 has broken chairs; Rebecca Escamilla will follow up. C building outdoor lights are broken; Rebecca Escamilla will do a work request. Suggest more lighting in the back of the library, especially at the steps that face the C Building; it can get dark. Ana Guerrero mentions that following up is the key; suggests that perhaps we should have a dedicated person who can make the follow up phone calls. Isadora Stowe announcement: Apr. 21st at 2:30 P.M. there will be a presentation on “Time” with an Interdisciplinary panel in Multipurpose Room in Library. Also Apr. 27th in the Multipurpose Room in Library we will have a Guest Speaker: Katya Reka. VI. Next Meeting – TBA VII. Call for Adjournment Motion to Adjourn by Ivan Iniguez; Seconded by Enayat Kalantarian. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M. M61 ladder has been left; Rebecca Escamilla will follow up. Z:/NWIMPRTEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 12 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 May 13, 2014 Members Present: Mary Ervin, Rebecca Escamilla, Daniel Gutierrez, Veronica Miramontes, Jose Pacheco, Gerry Perez, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Dr. Lydia Tena, Della Truman I. Meeting called to order: Meeting called to order at 3:07 p.m. II. Approval of minutes from April meeting IV. Old Business A. President of Student Government will meet with Veronica Miramontes to see where to put them. They are still in the process of purchasing said bike racks. B. III. A. Mary Ervin moved minutes be approved B. Second by Veronica Miramontes C. Minutes approved as written Report from DIE A. 1. Spoke on the Master Plan 2. Said would encourage Deans to appoint 15 members per campus to Master Plan Committee – mixture of Faculty, Staff, and Students 4. 5. C. Tables for students 1. President said he is willing to purchase these for NWC (8-9 tables). We need to send him measurements as to the sizes desired. 2. Dr. Tena will forward a website to Veronica Miramontes on the tables desired which Veronica will share with the President of Student Government. 3. Dr. Tena stated that she has seen tables of the type desired at ASC near Personnel that would fit. Meeting with the President 3. B. Bike racks Ft. Bliss Campus groundbreaking will be soon. Staff that open Ft. Bliss will be those who request to go. Will not just move people. Will check with Board to see if more funds will be approved for projects at each campus Will look into our charge and will present charge at June 10, 2014 meeting. Dr. Gutierrez- would like to know what happened to the past proposals we submitted. What was actually done? Dr. Pacheco – increase in faculty parking and recycling are two things we have accomplished Mr. Silva suggested we come up with a list of what the NWC IE has accomplished. V. C. Earth Day: Great success. Dr. Escamilla had eco-buckets to paint and to use in the butterfly garden for S-STEM students to grow plants in. D. Developmental Education Fair: Also a great success. Two staff helped to encourage students to visit the Fair and were in the hallways directing people to same. New Business A. Employee of the Month: Dr. Pacheco was selected as the Employee of the Month B. IE Funds: Balance is at $865 1. This does not reflect recent charges against balance by Veronica Miramontes and Dr. Pacheco 2. Mr. Silva asked that Veronica send out an email asking the members of the committee for ideas on what to spend the remaining funds Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 13 3. VI. VII. VIII. Dr. Tena stated that any purchase order needs to be placed by June 16, 2014 Other Business A. Dr. Pacheco stated that the flags are in bad shape. Would like to ask the police department to buy new flags. B. Della Truman asked about requested air fresheners, however, Veronica answered that there has been no answer as of yet. Mr. Silva asked the Chair if she could find out for next time and Veronica agreed to do so. Next Meeting A. Next meeting will not be until September 23, 2014 B. The following meeting, the day will change and we will be meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. That meeting will be held Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Call for Adjournment A. Mr. Silva moved meeting be adjourned B. Second by Mary Ervin C. Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 14 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 October 30, 2012 committee. Further action tabled until next meeting. Members Present: Michelle R. Conklin, Mary K. Ervin, Daniel M. Gutierrez, Veronica Miramontes, Gerard Perez, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Hilda S. Taylor C. I. Meeting called to order at 3:08 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes A. Minutes unanimously approved for 4-24-12 meeting. B. Minutes unanimously approved for 9-25-12 meeting Dr. Stroud visited the campus during the last blood drive on 10-17-12. Dr. Stroud requested to see the ashtrays that were purchased before the end of the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year. Gerry Perez showed him the ashtrays. Dr. Hilda Taylor stated that she has not received reimbursement yet for the money spent on said ashtrays. D. III. New ashtrays – Dr. Stroud’s visit. Rattlesnake Protocol Old Business A. 1. 2. B. Dr. Pacheco is in charge of relocating any rattlesnakes found on campus. The last snake (a Western Diamondback) found was at the Early College High School and was relocated by Dr. Pacheco to the Valle Verde Biology Department. Any further sightings are to be reported to the Police Department and Dr. Pacheco (who will take care of the situation). Update on 10-9-12 District IE Meeting Each site IE team has $975 available for the fiscal year. Each site team needs to elect a Financial Officer. Mr. Silva moves we wait and place this item on the November agenda. Mr. Satterfield seconds. Motion passes and this will be discussed at the next meeting. Mr. Silva states we need to talk about Committee members who are not attending the IE meetings. This is also tabled until the next meeting by unanimous consent, however, it is agreed that the Secretary will email, reminding members to attend the meetings and a reminder of future meetings will be sent the day before all future meetings. IV. New Business A. Approval of Budget -- See Section III.A above B. QEP -- NWC QEP Day was very successful and deemed helpful by all attending. C. Bookstore Issues 1. Coordinators need to check with the ECHS to submit book orders. ECHS students can only buy books at the EPCC Bookstore so the bookstore needs to make sure enough books, and the correct books, are ordered or else ECHS students will be behind in EPCC classes. 2. It was suggested that the bookstore needs to post outside the bookstore as to what books are sold out and/or what books are required by which professor. Currently students wait in long lines only to find out their books are Employee of the Month NWC will form a small committee of 2-3 members to review EOM nominations and select the winner. Nominations will go to the Chair of said committee who will then submit them to the other members of this committee. We will ask the Dean’s office to email the nomination forms to all staff who will then email completed forms to the Chair of said Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 15 unavailable at that time. A board outside the bookstore could be updated as needed during the day and help avoid this problem. 3. D. The bookstore is not getting book orders correct. Book orders were turned in months ahead of time and when the bookstore opened, the wrong books were ordered. A better system with order confirmations would be better than the current system. NWC IE team asked that this be brought up at the District IE. Vending Machine in front of Math Lab The candy machine in front of the Math Lab is creating problems. Students are noisy when purchasing items and when things get stuck, they are banging on the machine and disrupting the students in the Math Lab. Additionally, when the gentleman shows up to refill the machine, he blocks the door to the Math Lab with his cart and boxes of supplies. The personnel in the Math Lab are asking that the machine be moved to another location. Gerry Perez stated he has spoken to the Dean’s office about this problem and that the Dean’s office will look into moving the machine. E. V. Other Business A. Mr. Satterfield brought up a request to make NWC a smoke-free zone. Discussion on this issue was tabled until the next meeting. B. It was brought up that the benches in front of the Main building are in need of repair. Some are missing slats; others are loose or missing screws. We would like maintenance to fix them but are unclear as to who requests this and who pays. C. Mr. Silva brought up a request for more staff parking. Faculty who arrive later in the mornings are unable to find staff parking or even regular close parking. It was requested that the IE Committee look into adding more staff spaces. VI. Next meeting will be November 27, 2012 in M-5. VII. Mr. Silva moved that meeting be adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Mr. Satterfield seconded and meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. IT issues at NWC Currently NWC only has a part-time IT person. Previously we had a full time person. Current IT hours of availability are not convenient to staff or labs and often the IT person is not here but either off duty or pulled to another campus. IT issues are not being addressed in a timely manner. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 16 November 27, 2012 The President also stated that the construction of Fort Bliss moves forward, there will be a committee formed for building allocation needs/requests. The President would like a member from each IE Team to join a space allocation committee for this purpose. Gerry Perez was chosen to be this person for the NW IE Team. Members Present: Michelle Conklin, Dr. Daniel M Gutierrez, Dr. Jose A. Pacheco-Lucero, Gerard Perez, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena, Veronica Miramontes I. Meeting called to order at 3:12 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes with changes. D. Dub Satterfield moved minutes be approved with changes. Michelle Conklin seconded. Minutes approved by voice vote. Formation of Employee of the Month Subcommittee Tabled until next meeting III. Old Business E. A. Dr. Pacheco-Lucero brought our concerns about the bookstore to the District IE team. The current process for buying books was explained. The bookstore manager form VV will be asked to attend a future meeting to explore this further. Some people who are coming to the meetings are not official. Dr. Tena stated that, like Mission, NW IE accepts anyone who wishes to attend as we have a smaller campus. Currently we have vacancies for members representing the Police Department, the early College High School, and Student Government. F. Election of Financial Officer G. Financial Officer duties were added to the Secretary’s duties. C. Continued IT issues at NW The Dean’s office sent an email re: IT issues stating our needs at NWC were not met by a part-time IT Tech. This was a formal request so the need is documented. This is still a concern, however. Robert Aguilar stated he could attend the meetings in place or Carlos Ramirez and represent the ECHS. B. Bookstore Issues Revisited Confirmation of NW IE Team Members Moving the current smoker’s gathering place was discussed. It was agreed that Gerry Perez would check the places where smokers congregate and see about moving the ashtrays. The smoke-free proposal will be presented to the District IE Team. Update on District IE meeting on November 13, 2012 The President attended the last District IE meeting and was asked for our charge. The President stated that at his last college, the IE teams reviewed programs, however, he stated he did not wish to define our role at this time. H. Parking Past NWC IE Chair Nader Rassaei worked on the parking proposal. The area across from the current faculty parking was designated as the area for more faculty parking. Also, the committee was informed that the police will ticket vehicles illegally parked in faculty/staff areas only during the first two weeks of the semesters. This will be done district wide. Beautification plans were discussed and the idea that IE perform program reviews was also discussed but tabled. The President stressed that he wanted to see past work done by the IE completed i.e. beautification. The President was informed that individual IE teams used to have a large budget and was asked if that would be possible again. He responded that current budgets did not allow for that but perhaps in the future that could be reinstated. Proposal of NW as a smoke-free zone IV. New Business A. Off Hours Facility Issues Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 17 A Police Officer was observed at 5:30pm mopping up a spill in the hallway. What do we do when there are emergencies such as this after hours? F. It was requested that the main automatic door to the M building be made truly automatic – no button to push. G. The door to the Math Emporium needs cleaning. Please call the Dean’s office when situations like this arise. H. The candy vending machine outside the Math Lab is presenting an obstacle to the Math Lab. Loud patrons and blocking of the door are two such problems. Persons involved are advised to call the Dean’s office when there are problems. I. The Distance Ed. Room, M-95, is now a regular classroom. There are not many video classes any more. Intro to Engineering classes are some that Ms. Juliano is working on hosting here at NWC. J. C-202 is being taking offline to become faculty offices. K. A College Master Plan is being developed. Campus Deans may serve on this committee. Dr. Tena stated we are to call 831-2200 which is the Valle Verde Police Department number. B. Introduction to “Dropbox” Dr. Pacheco-Lucero proposed that the NWC IE start using Dropbox to read/review Agendas. Minutes, etc. Changes can be made to documents as the need arises. Dr. Pacheco-Lucero will send us each an invitation to join DropBox. V. Other Business A. There is a need for quiet study areas on campus. We were asked to investigate and then report back to the DIE. Our problem is that ADA requires a 6-foot clearance in the hallways and our hallways are not conducive to chairs or benches for studying. Dr. Tena suggested open study hours be posted for the Reading Lab and Dub Satterfield suggested using 66B when not in use. VI. The next NWC IE meeting will be January 29, 2013 from 3-5 p.m. VII. Call for Adjournment Dub Satterfield moved the meeting adjourn at 4:56 p.m. Issue will be discussed again at next meeting. Michelle Conklin seconded. B. Need to look at the signage plan in case funding becomes available. Will need to talk to Nader Rassaei for the old plans. C. Part of the QEP was that we are losing the early history of EPCC as those who were present at the start are retiring and/or passing. The District would like us to identify people who were there and get an oral and/or written history of the College. People who were here at the start include Jim Lambrinos and Rami Martinez. Dub Satterfield, Veronica Miramontes, and Manfred Silva were here at the start of NWC. D. There are no lights outside when people leave at 6 or 7 p.m, or when people arrive at 5-5:30 a.m. E. The wooden benches outside are in bad shape. Some need slats replaced and they all need to be re-stained. Meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 18 January 29, 2013 This is still an issue. There are Blackboard issues that are not yet resolved. Debbie Luna has been making changes in the computer lab, but Blackboard exam part is still not working correctly. Any issues with Blackboard need to be emailed to Debbie Luna and Elvia Guzman in the Dean’s office and they will keep track of the problems to present to IT. Members Present: Robert Aguilar, Michelle Conklin, Mary Ervin, Daniel Gutierrez, Veronica Miramontes, Jose PachecoLucero, Gerard Perez, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Hilda Taylor I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm. F. II. Previous plan by Nader Rassaei was found and will be implemented. Area for additional staff parking is located across from current Staff/Faculty parking and will add 22 more spaces. Manfred Silva moved minutes be approved as written. Second by Mary Ervin. Minutes approved as written by voice vote. III. Update on Faculty Parking Approval of Minutes Old Business G. A. Update on Outside Lights Recognition of new NW IE Team members Dean Tena has taken care of this problem. Robert Aguilar of the ECHS was welcomed as a new member to the NWC IE Team. Steve Scott of Campus Life was also asked to join the NWC IE Team. A letter will be written to Arvis Jones, his Director, asking that Mr. Scott be allowed to become a part of the NW IE Team. B. H. Chair will resend the link to Dropbox for those not using it. Will contain all agendas and minutes, as well as, sign-in sheets and rosters. Some problems using Dropbox were reported, but will be fixed. Update on District IE Meeting IV. Smoke Free Campus -- This idea was well received by the DIE. SGA is also looking into it. 65 campuses in the UT system are currently smoke free. Current policy for EPCC is 15 feet from entrances and common walkways. This can be a signage issue. Each campus will designate areas for smoking as see fit. Each IE team needs to vote on this. Unanimous support for this idea at DIE. C. New Business A. Formation of EOM Subcommittee It was suggested that the information table get a tablecloth with the college logo to make said table more official. Gerry will check to see how much a tablecloth with the logo will cost. B. Career Center Closure Bookstore Revisited Some progress in this area. However, night students cannot buy books on the weekend as the bookstore is closed. It was open on one Saturday with very limited hours, but this needs to be advertised and more than one Saturday needs to be available. E. Standing Budget for Information Table Gerry Perez, who runs the information table at the beginning of each semester, is requesting a standing budget of $50 to buy candies and pens/pencils each semester. Motion presented by Manfred Silva to approve budget request. Second by Dub Satterfield. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Hilda Taylor, Veronica Miramontes, and Gerry Perez will form the Employee of the Month Subcommittee. We will have an EOM by the February Meeting. D. Dropbox Continued IT issues at NWC The Career Center has been closed since the beginning of December 2012. At first, it was because the gentleman running the Center was sick, but there has been no one to replace him and we are already at the end of January. Also, some Professors have a Career Center visit as part of class requirements. The issue has been brought to the attention of the Dean’s office, who sent an email expressing concern and a Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 19 request for information as to when the Center will be reopened. It is requested that the NW IE Team also send an email expressing our concern. Approved by voice vote. V. VI. Other Business A. Dr. Ernie Roberts has stated that the State of Texas has a surplus and thus there will be more funds available for Community Colleges in Texas. We will need to compete for the funds, however. B. Daniel Gutierrez stated that last year there was a big problem with students from the ECHS but this year, their behavior is much improved and they are more engaged in classes and better behaved. Call for adjournment Manfred Silva moved we adjourn meeting at 3:53 pm. Second by Mary Ervin. Approved by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 20 February 26, 2013 7. Members Present: Robert Aguilar, Michelle Conklin, Mary Ervin, Daniel Gutierrez, Veronica Miramontes, Jose PachecoLucero, Gerard Perez, Dub Satterfield, Steve Scott, Manfred Silva, Hilda Taylor, Dr. Lydia Tena I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 3:09 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes Manfred Silva moved that minutes from January meeting be approved. Second by Mary Ervin. Approved by voice vote. III. Old Business. A. B. DIE 1. 2. Signage -- District IE has asked we come up with a plan for signage by the end of the year. Plans will be submitted to DIE. Budget -- District-wide, IE teams are asking for a budget of 5000-6000. This would be used for special projects proposed by the site IE teams. 3. Smoke-free College -- This idea has not yet been presented to the President. SGA is doing research on how other colleges in Texas are handling smoke/tobacco free ideas. For now, NWC can designate smoking areas. 4. Faculty parking Enforcement -- Police will be giving warnings for the first week, and then will issue citations for those not in compliance. 5. History Committee -- This committee is not yet formed. Site IEs are supposed to recommend individuals to be interviewed. If interested in becoming part of this committee, please inform site Chair who will forward names to DIE. NMSU is videotaping interviews which might be a good idea for here. C. New NWC IE Team member NWC IE welcomes Steve Scott from Campus Life as our newest IE Team member. D. Designation of New Smoking Areas Signs are needed first to designate a smoking area. We will try to make it as attractive as possible with benches, ashtrays, and signs designating said area. After signage is in place, the police are then able to enforce said area. Mary Ervin will investigate the program Las Cruces is using to get free benches made out of recycled plastic to see if we qualify. We need to analyze the C building to see where a designated smoking area could be located. Career Center Update No one has received a reply to any questions about the return of the Career Center. If we do hear back, please relay any info to the Dean. She will be contacting Carla Cardoza to ask them to release the office if they do not plan to re-open it soon. F. Space Utilization Committee -- Gerry Perez’ name was forwarded to the DIE as NWC IEs representative for this committee. Dr. Tena is on the Ft. Bliss Instructional Committee which is recommending programs to be available at Ft. Bliss. Employee of the Month EOM for March is Kimberly McBroom E. 6. Active Shooter -- Debbie Luna has asked that the current active shooter presentation by the Chief be made more site specific. Northwest is a campus with many windows and the response here would be different than at any other campus. The Dean’s office will check to see if the glass in our campus is breakable to aid in escape or not. Debbie Luna is creating a Safety Taskforce to look at the NWC and check for shortcomings/strengths and come up with a plan in case of an active shooter. Chief will be at the NWC Division Meeting to be held April 29, 2013 from 3-4 p.m. and we hope to be able to ask him site specific questions. Tablecloth for Information Table Gerry Perez presented two bids he had received from vendors for the table cloth. NW IE voted unanimously to purchase from Apparel Arts for $223. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 21 G. Main Building Front Door IV. Hilda Taylor states that the C Building has had intermittent access to the internet for the past three weeks. Perhaps there is a problem with the wireless internet. Dean asks that people call 6440 and report the problem. This is an ongoing problem that has been brought up to several different NWC IE Teams. A related item is that the doors to the C building fling open when it is windy. NWIE will revive this issue and Chair will bring it up at DIE. V. H. Other Business Outside Benches Mary Ervin will check into the program Las Cruces is involved in to get free benches made from recycled plastic. It was suggested that perhaps students could do the repairs needed on the current benches as a service learning project during the clean-up day. Chair will check with Arvis Jones to see if the is possible. I. New Business Kim McBroom once again brings up the issue of the crosswalks not being respected. It was also mentioned that some of the police officers are talking on their cells while driving. We need to model the behavior we wish to see. VI. Next Meeting – March 26, 2013 VII. Call for Adjournment Drop Box Chair will send an invitation to join Drop Box to Steve Scott, our new member. We will revisit this at our next meeting. Dub Satterfield moved that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Manfred Silva. Meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 22 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 September 30, 2011 Members Present: Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Dub Satterfield, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez, Dr. Jose Pacheco, and Manfred Silva. Call to Order: IE Meeting was conducted at the ASC Boardroom. Meeting called to order approximately at 4 p.m. I. OLD BUSINESS No previous issues were discussed during this meeting II. NEW BUSINESS A. Selection of Officers B. Selection of Employee of the Month for October C. Elvia Guzman was voted the Employee of the Month of October 2011 Addition and Removal of IE members III. Chair – Dr. Hilda S. Taylor Chair Elect – Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero Secretary – Jesse A. Ramirez Jim Lambrinos requested to be removed from the IE Northwest Committee MEETING ADJOURNED The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 23 October 25, 2011 during the winter months may present a problem to reptiles such as desert snakes and lizards which do go deep in the ground during the winter season. MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle R. Conklin, Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero, Gerard Perez, Jessie Ramirez, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Dr. Lydia Tena, Monica Wong. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Carlos Ramirez, Manfred Silva, Lucretia Thomas I. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair of the IE Committee, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Gerry and seconded by Dub to approve the August and September meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously. III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Physical Plant Update - Dead bushes around the main Building: Dr. Lydia Tena reported that the physical plant has planned to cut back the dead bushes around the three buildings just as soon as time and resources are available. According to Mr. Richard Lobato, removal of dead bushes around the buildings is a priority since they present a potential fire hazard; however, there is no set date to remove them. B. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Financial Officer - Last year the Chair Elect served as the financial officer for the Northwest IE committee. Therefore, it was suggested that Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero, the current Chair Elect for this year continue with this charge. B. Cost-Saving Measures - Dr. Roberts requested that all of the IE district wide committees discuss cost-saving measures at our meetings and make recommendations. Dub Satterfield, Jesse Ramirez, and Gerry Perez, pointed out that the faculty had already put forth and submitted to the Faculty Senate the Northwest campus IE ideas last spring 2011. It was agreed that we would inquire from Dr. Stroud how we could retrieve that information so we can resubmit and comply with Dr. Robert’s request. Cost-Saving Ideas: 1. Dr. Taylor suggested that all the computers and electrical office equipment be turned off on Fridays so we could cut down the electricity bill. This idea is also being considered by the Green Committee as a measure to cut down on utility expenditures. 2. Monica Wong suggested that we could cut down the cost of printing if the college looked at what other institutions have done to set up efficient costreduction printer systems that could cut down the cost of paper and toner and unnecessary waste of paper. Dr. Tena and Monica Wong suggested that maybe the college could come up with a standard system throughout the college where students could print anywhere. 3. Dr. Hilda Taylor inquired about mail duplication. EPCC is supposed to be going GREEN and hard copies are still been sent via intercampus mail even though the same information has already been sent via intercampus email. Cotton Tail Rabbits at the Northwest Campus: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor reported that she had contacted the CHIHUAHUAN DESERT WILDLIFE RESCUE IN EL PASO and according to Debbie Lofton the best time to remove the dead vegetation outside the main building would be during the months of November through December when there are no baby cottontail rabbits. Cottontail rabbits in the Chihuahuan Desert breed twice a year. They have their first litter during the months of March to April and the second litter during the first two weeks of August. She was also informed that cottontail rabbits do not dig deep in the ground nest burrows instead they dig a slight depression in the ground in areas where there is dense grass or other vegetation that conceals their nest. In the Chihuahuan Desert, cottontail rabbits may dig a depression maybe only a couple of inches from the ground and not deep burrows like domestic rabbits do. Therefore, the removal of the dead bushes wouldn’t hurt in the cottontail rabbits. However removal of roots Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 24 4. Dr. Jose Pacheco, suggested that Northwest as well as the rest of the campuses could cut down on water cost if the plants that died last winter were replaced with endemic Chihuahuan Desert plants. Desert vegetation requires less water and thus would result in water cost reduction. 5. In order to save paper, Gerry Perez suggested the use of clickers and Dr. Pacheco suggested on-line quizzes. The use of clickers provides instant tally for all, students and instructors and would reduce the cost of paper. 6. 7. 8. Dr. Pacheco also suggested that EPCC could cut down on costs, if we allowed students to buy their own Scantrons instead of EPCC absorbing the cost. Gerry Perez suggested we could do classroom evaluations on-line rather than on paper. Dr. Tena explained that unfortunately on-line evaluations do not provide robust evaluations because only a few students take time to fill them out. Dub Satterfield suggested we send emails campus wide, asking for suggestions as to how to cut down costs. Dr. Tena suggested announcing it in the newspaper and possibly setting up suggestion boxes. Location of the suggestion boxes was also discussed and it was agreed that they could be set up along the hallway, in the ACS lab and in the front area of the main building. Dr. Taylor also suggested sending emails to all faculty and staff. V. Membership - Dub Satterfield pointed out that since Peggy Gustafson and Jim Lambrinos the Northwest IE Committee were not members of the committee there were two vacant slots. In order to fill these vacant slots, it was agreed that Dr. Taylor would send formal letters to invite the following people to serve as the IE Committee at Northwest: Mrs. Ivette Savina, Principal for the Northwest Early College High School, Police Officers, Mr. Robert Aguilar, NECHS Liaison, and Mr. Raul Hernandez, Student Government. Dr. Tena explained that the IE Committees at Mission del Paso and at Northwest are basically open to anyone interested in serving unlike other campuses. VI. CAMPUS SIGNAGE – Gerry Perez and Dub Satterfield would look into getting a building location map to be placed in each building. VII. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH – The committee reviewed the nominees for employee of the month, voted, and nominated Maria Luisa Cereceres as the employee of the month of November 2011. VIII. Motion to adjourn at 4:38 p.m. by Monica Wong and seconded by Gerry Perez. Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 25 November 22, 2011 Members Present: Dr. Lydia Tena, Mary Ervin, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez, Manfred Silva, Michelle Conklin, Dub Satterfield, Jose Grajeda, Daniel Gutierrez, Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero C. As part of the cost-savings discussion, many members brought up the issue of duplication of effort. For example, the Faculty Senate had already submitted district-wide proposals and no one was sure what had been done with that list. Mary Ervin agreed to look into it. Additionally, Dr. Tena mentioned the Taskforce on Printing, the Green Committee and other groups that have been involved in cost savings initiatives and that we should look to them for some recommendations. D. Campus signage was brought-up and suggestions were made to have more prominent signage in smoking areas to ensure the proper disposal of cigarette butts. Additionally, it was agreed we needed more building/campus maps/signs so that students can more easily find classrooms. Members Absent: Jesus A. Ramirez and Monica Wong I. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair of the IE Committee, called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes for October, 2011 read and approved III. OLD BUSINESS: A. The chair-elect for this academic year, Dr. Jose Pacheco, will also serve as Financial Officer for the NWC IE Team. B. COST SAVINGS: This issue was discussed at the last District IE meeting and there were many questions as to what is expected of the team at this point. There was low turnout at the last district meeting, but some teams did submit cost-savings suggestions while other did not. Dr. Tena wanted clarification on whether the last district cost-savings exercise was just a brainstorm or was it a formal request for the IE teams to take action. The group interpretation was that this was a formal request that Dr. Stroud wanted to receive ASAP. The committee proposed numerous ideas as follows: IV. 1. Sending out an e-mail to solicit cost savings ideas campus-wide 2. Creating a suggestion box for cost savings ideas 3. Cutting back on copies (no duplication of e-mails; placing bulletin board announcements; cutting down on campus newspaper circulation (see Joe Old on this issue); cutting down on printing costs) 4. Energy savings from turning off electronic equipment; light sensors for classrooms and hallways or have Fog lights on for after- hours lighting. 5. Having virtual office hours (however, Dr. Tena warned that some of these workload issues are tied to contract obligations). NEW BUSINESS: A. Dr. Tena gave us a Cabinet update and informed us that the bushes at NWC will be cut down in January to prevent a fire hazard and for campus protection. The bushes will be trimmed but not dug-up and this will not affect the bunnies. It was recommended that from now on we should only have native plants at the campuses to save money. B. It was mentioned that we have two new members on the IE Team: Mary Ervin and Jose Grajeda. C. Dr. Pacheco informed us of how he had to remove a snake from the campus and relocate it to the arroyo out back. It brought up the issue of how we should handle such occurrences. We don’t have the proper equipment to handle snakes and calling animal control would take too long. A suggestion was made that we should acquire needed equipment and have one or more campus employees receive training from professionals on how to handle capturing and moving a snake. V. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: Michelle Conklin was selected as EOM for January, 2012 VI. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Submitted: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 26 January 31, 2012 Members Present: Dr. Lydia Tena, Mary Ervin, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Manfred Silva, Michelle Conklin, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Dr. Jose PachecoLucero, Jesus A. Ramirez, Monica Wong F. Dub Satterfield shared the concern from a handicapped student in regards to the availability of handicap parking spaces in the parking lot. He requested that the Northwest Police Department, if at all possible, make sure the Handicap parking lot spaces are not being used by individuals who are not handicapped. Request was made to have the Physical Plant review the number of Handicap parking lot spaces at the Northwest campus since the campus has an additional 5,000 square ft. building (Library addition). G. Monica Wong announced that the addition to the library was almost completed and soon would be fully functional. Monica also announced that Dr. Jose Pacheco-Lucero would be directly involved in the design and development of the Humming Bird and Butterfly Garden in the new section of the library. H. The process to select the Employee of the Month was discussed and an employee of the month was not selected for the month of January 2012. The committee will revisit this issue at the February 2012 NW IE Team meeting. Members Absent: Gerry Perez, Carlos A. Ramirez, Veronica Miramontes I. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair of the IE Committee, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes for November, 2011 read and approved III. OLD BUSINESS: A. According to Dr. Lydia Tena the removal of dead vegetation around the main building was completed the first week of January 2012 and the removal of stumps will take place within the next two months. B. The Chief of Police at EPCC will be contacted regarding the importance of acquiring the proper equipment and training for capturing and removing snakes from the Northwest campus grounds. C. Hilda S. Taylor shared with the IE Team the events that transpired during the meeting on January 2012. The overall feeling during the meeting was one of discontent and frustration as expressed by the members during the meeting. According to Blythe Gunn, Kimberly Golucke and other committee members, the procedure that appears in the EPCC website was completely different to the procedure that they had worked on during the summer 2011 and submitted to the cabinet for consideration. The committee made a motion to request the presence of Dr. Ernst Roberts and Mr. Saul Candelas at the meeting in February 2012. IV. D. E. The members of the Northwest Campus IE Team strongly recommend that the District IE Committee provide a clear description of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee CHARGE. Request was made by Dr. Daniel Gutierrez to have the Physical Plant check on the need to place additional School Zone Lights/Signs at the South Desert Blvd and Isela Rubalcaba intersection. NEW BUSINESS: A. Employee of the Month selection process B. Update – District IE Committee Meeting on February 14, 2012 C. Suggestion Box – NW IE Team D. Update of MAPS within Main Building, Library, Classroom Building E. Police Officer – Member of the NW – IE Team F. Update on training and equipment to trap and release rattle snakes. V. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: EOM for selection for the month February, 2012 VI. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Submitted: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 27 April 24, 2012 membership. Previous minutes were approved. Members Present: Mary Erwin, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Manfred Silva, Dr. Jose Pacheco Dub Satterfield, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Monica Wong. B. Mary and Veronica have been appointed as full voting members of the I.E. Committee. C. Dr. Taylor discussed funding for the I.E. committees and identified V.P. Josette Shaughnessy as overseeing those allocations. Monica mentioned that when I.E. committee first started out, monies were available only for the first two years. Today, most monies go to salaries and there are very few resources left after expenses. Also, safety is a priority over any other kinds of requests. Members asked the question, if we have no budget, then how are we going to build a new campus. D. Dr. Taylor mentioned that the trimmed bushes at NWC are now growing back. She learned at district that Facilities will not allow students and staff to get involved in landscaping. Our study on landscaping received letters from experts that said we don’t have the proper landscaping. One positive was that we don’t have to worry about rabbits inhabiting the NWC. E. We also discussed that there are no security measures to handle snakes. If we are to address this situation, we need people to be trained in handling them. Monica suggested that the police need to be trained in this area. Dr. Pacheco was suggested to look into this matter. F. Dr. Taylor will find out if we can use the unused funds set aside for EOM for another purpose. G. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Members Absent: Gerry Perez, Carlos Ramirez, Michelle Conlkin, Monica Miramontes, Lucrecia Thomas, Dr. Tena I. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Hilda S. Taylor, Chair of the IE Committee, call the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes for February 2012 were read and approved. III. OLD BUSINESS: A. B. IV. Dr. Taylor informed us that the college is becoming more concerned about what is being posted on college websites, including Borderlands, so there may be some restrictions in the works to control this. The committee was presented with two EOM nomination forms and a vote was cast to adopt the “lined” version of the form. An additional “rubric” form will be used as well to evaluate and justify a nominee’s accomplishments so that it can lend credibility to the process and avert the perception that it is a popularity contest. The team will select a subcommittee in the Fall to implement the changes to the program. C. The most recent analysis of our parking situation at NWC suggests we are in compliance. D. Mary Ervin brought up issues with the distance learning courses and it appears we need to improve the links we have for students to support surveys, evaluations and other qualitative efforts required by the college. Michelle encountered these issues in her evaluation, when she was requested to have these in place. NEW BUSINESS: A. Since only a few members were in attendance we discussed what exactly constituted a quorum for the IE Team. Some members were in agreement that a quorum can be set by the Team itself, so a motion was made by Mary Ervin and seconded by Dub Satterfield to set the quorum at 50% or more of the Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 28 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 September 28, 2010 D. Members Present: Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Manfred Silva, Dr. Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, and Jesse Ramirez DR. TENA Dr. Tena II. ADJOURNMENT Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. Mr. Manfred Silva moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Ms. Lucretia Thomas. I. Meeting Adjourned at 4:45 p.m. NEW BUSINESS: A. NEWLY ELECTED AND/OR APPOINTED OFFICERS Dr. Daniel Gutierrez is the new Chair Dr. Hilda Taylor is pending as the new Chair Elect and Financial Officer Jesse Ramirez is the new Secretary (appointed) B. Respectfully submitted, Lucretia Thomas EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Dr. Kalantarian, Geology and Math Instructor, is the Employee of the Month for October. Volunteers that will help with this celebration will be Dr. Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas and Jesse Ramirez. C. DR. STROUD 1. The NW IE Committee had some questions and/or concerns and Dr. Stroud graciously addressed our questions. Dr. Stroud advised us that we can no longer give gift cards to the Employee of the Month recipients as was done previously. We can purchase gifts, i.e., plaques or mugs in recognition of their hard work. 2. Some IE members had questions regarding members who do not participate regularly and wanted it explained how they can go about replacing current members for lack of participation. Dr. Stroud referred us to the sheet which has the Rules of the Committee. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 29 October 26, 2010 Members Present: Dr. Lydia Tena, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Lucretia Thomas, Nadar Rassaei, Manfred Silva, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez, Peggy Gustafson, Jim Lambrinos, Officer Pete Mendoza, Gilbert Gonzalez be required on how to handle these incidents. Chair Gutierrez agreed to take this up with the district committee. 2. Monica Wong reported that the Visitors parking privileges are being abused and that is impacting visitors to the NW Library. She asked if this was a District-wide problem and the consensus seemed to be that it was. Officer Mendoza agreed to keep a closer eye on the situation and ideas to place signage with time limits were suggested. 3. Monica also mentioned that certain lights were out in the parking lot and this might compromise security or cause an accident down the road. Office Mendoza will inventory lights and Chair Gutierrez agreed to forward these issues to Rick Lobato at district IE. 4. Dr. Tena gave the go-ahead to buy cakes and trophies for EOM’s for this academic year. We agreed on the “Rising Star” trophy made by Champion Awards. 5. Issues were forwarded by Dub Satterfield on the general uncleanliness of the main entryway, bathrooms and of the poor performance of the new paper dispensers. Gerry Perez mentioned that it had been a long time since a steam cleaning had been done on campus. All of these issues will be forwarded to district. 6. Chair Gutierrez requested assistance from other members of the IE committee on certain tasks and that an e-mail will detail what areas we need help with. 7. Monica Wong is still looking to get some windows fixed and carpet replaced in the library. Some of these jobs would likely require budget approval from administration. We agreed to look at the beautification reports to see if they were already on the list and if they can be addressed during Mr. Lobato’s future walk through of our campus. 8. For EOM accessories, Gerry suggested that maybe we can get one banner for display at the celebrations and one to give away. Campus Life has informed us that they will charge us for balloons and other accessories from now on. Gerry will meet with Campus Life and discuss where and how they can help us with the EOM program. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Minutes read and tabled for editing I. OLD BUSINESS District IE: 1. Dr. Stroud provided a background on how there were no other committees that handled facilities issues, so the charge was given to the IE. 2. Dr. Stroud mentioned that active membership on divisional committees is to be defined and implemented internally by committee consensus. 3. Budget for IE activities is $975 for the academic year 4. Dr. Stroud mentioned that the district has a contract for Pepsi products, so when we sponsor an event using EPCC funds, we should be using Pepsi products. Gerry asked if this applied to water for the information tables and we assume it does. II. NEW BUSINESS Issues, Requests, and discussion 1. Dub Satterfield brought forth reports that people may be tampering with other employee’s computers during off hours. This is a serious concern which could place employees’ at great risk so Officer Mendoza was asked if this was considered a criminal matter and reported as such. The officer explained that these kinds of incidents are handled by administrative reports rather than criminal events, so a record is maintained in case some issue arises with the primary user of a computer. Nevertheless, discussion continued regarding how serious this kind of activity is and inquiries were made as to whether district is taking this issue seriously enough or as to whether a new procedure may Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 30 III. 9. Dr. Hilda Taylor was selected EOM for November. 10. Dr. Tena announced that we were waiting for the return of our software to get our electronic marquee back on-line. 11. Conchita’s grand opening is slated for Nov. 15, 2010. 12. Dr. Taylor announced that the Chem/Biology Labs are progressing very nicely. There was a problem with broken chairs, but a meeting was slated to discuss those issues. Monica Wong discussed the need to contact the Chemistry discipline in order to acquire needed student resources for library. Dr. Taylor responded that she would help to provide needed assistance to develop the Biology and Chemistry holdings in library. 13. Manfred Silva mentioned that he heard the college many have to cutback budgets by 10% and inquired how this might affect staffing and workforce. Dr. Tena responded that, to date, no directive had been issued to freeze faculty levels. Adjournment Manfred Silva motioned for adjournment and Monica Wong seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 31 November 30, 2010 review the Beautification reports to see if any maintenance requests already appear there so that we can be prepared for when Rick Lobato makes a walk-through at Northwest Campus. In addition, we will provide a laundry list of pending maintenance items to Physical Plant at the next District meeting. Members Present: Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Monica Wong, Lucretia Thomas, Nadar Rassaei, Gilbert Gonzalez Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. October minutes read and tabled for editing. I. OLD BUSINESS 3. Chair Gutierrez informed members he would send-out a notice to all who might want to accompany Mr. Lobato and his staff on his campus walkthrough when we confirm a hard date for that event. 4. Chair Gutierrez mentioned that he is working with Debbie Luna to update NWC website. Updated information will be provided and a group picture needs to be scheduled as part of the process. 5. The committee selected Dr. Sandra Perez, Biology Instructor, as January Employee of the Month. District IE: 1. 2. II. Dr. Gutierrez provided a summary of the District IE proceedings. Topics included a status on the Healthy Foods Initiative and how the District committee decided that instead of making specific contractual conditions be met by vendors on providing healthy foods, we would instead sponsor a generic campaign to promote and make healthy choices. It was thought that this could be done with the support of the health sciences in the District. Gilbert Gonzalez, Student Gov’t representative, mentioned a recently completed survey that polled students regarding their assessment of food services at EPCC, their preferences, and what ideas they might have for improving those services. The survey will be used to offer more options and better choices to the students. III. Adjournment A motion was made and meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. It was reported we are still having issues with the lights in Section C in the parking lot. NEW BUSINESS Issues, Requests, and discussion 1. Dr. Gutierrez also mentioned that the District IE was undergoing a fundamental change from a reactive, task-oriented charge to one that places more emphasis on integrating the committee into the strategic planning process in the District. Some veteran members on NWC committee commented that when the IE committees’ were first formed, there was more consensus building amongst the groups and decisions and priorities were better established after a process of wide participation occurred. Most members felt that the committee’s effectiveness and authority had diminished greatly and it was much harder to get things accomplished. Chair Gutierrez offered to take concerns to District level. 2. Members reported various and sundry issues of maintenance or cleanliness that still need to be addressed. Chair Gutierrez proposed that we Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 32 January 25, 2011 Members Present: Gilbert Gonzalez, Lucretia Thomas, Manfred Silva, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Peggy Gustafson, Jesse Ramirez, Daniel Gutierrez, 3. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. Minutes for Oct., 2010 read and approved; Minutes for Nov., 2010, tabled for editing I. C. FACILITIES ISSUES: OLD BUSINESS: A. DISTRICT IE and Pending Issues: 1. Dr. Gutierrez informed committee that the District IE is undergoing serious change at the District level that is not business as usual. Instead of handling routine items and serving as a repository for tasks and projects occurring at the various campuses, a new charge is being considered to incorporate and integrate the District committee into the area of supporting strategic planning for the College. While the committee has been working and assessing these new functions, some of routine items/tasks have been lost in the shuffle. Chair Gutierrez asked that everyone be patient while the District committee considers the changes and assesses the overall impact. II. 2. B. Dr. Gutierrez updated the committee on Dub Satterfield’s concerns regarding computer tampering. The District suggested we consider adding more secure areas on the campus protected by card keys and to have a presentation by Richard Buller, to help employees use good practices to protect their computer accounts. No other action was suggested by the committee on this matter. The “Rising Star” trophies have been ordered and engravings are pending. They should be ready in a week or two. 2. The committee discussed getting the EOM display back up on the main hallway and some thoughts on how to give it more visibility. Peggy suggested that Robert Aguilar collaborate with Jesse Ramirez on creative ideas on how to set-up and improve upon previous displays. 1. Lighting in “Section C” of parking lot still have not been resolved. 2. Manfred Silva mentioned a broken piston on doors in Bldg. C and an imbalance of air pressure that could cause an injury. 3. Peggy Gustafson mentioned clogged traps around campus causing foul odors in several bathroom areas. 4. Gerry Perez wrote-in two facilities issues for resolution: On cold winter days, the offices near main entrance are very cold; also, the crosswalk in front of main building is uneven and could pose a danger. 5. Daniel Gutierrez informed the group that Rick Lobato’s walkthroughs will begin in April, but we don’t know what month will apply to NWC. NEW BUSINESS: A. Monica Wong gave us an update on library extension. After bids and required approvals, the actual construction may not be complete until Spring, 2012. With budget cuts, Monica was concerned about the quality of furniture for new areas and as to how they would be funded. Gilbert Gonzalez mentioned that tuition was scheduled to go up in Summer. B. It was mentioned that a petition for education was going around campus to ask the Texas legislature not to cut education funding. Ideas to support this effort were to set-up a table and ask for volunteers to get signatures. Peggy Gustafson offered to ask for volunteers and request a table for this effort. Monica Wong was concerned that cuts in library databases will end up hurting students. C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: PENDING ISSUES 1. Debbie Luna is helping update our webpage, but it will require a group photo which I hope to set-up for March meeting. Chair Gutierrez will set-up an appointment with official District photographer because the photo must be formatted properly. Robert Aguilar is the Employee of the Month for February, 2011. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 33 February 22, 2011 Members Present: Dr. Lydia Tena, Gilbert Gonzalez, Lucretia Thomas, Jim Lambrinos, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez, Manfred Silva, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Peggy Gustafson, Jesse Ramirez, Daniel Gutierrez B. PENDING ISSUES 1. Gerry Perez is still interested in providing a fruit basket for the tutoring dept. at NWC for their excellent support of the Information Table at the start of the Spring semester. 2. This semester’s blood drive was announced. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. Minutes for Jan., 2011 read and approved I. C. OLD BUSINESS: A. Because the District committee has had its hands full revising the IE charge, normal maintenance issues have been become backlogged, so we discussed ways to try to handle the most pressing issues at our campus and decided on the bottom-up approach. We will work closely with the technician at Northwest and discuss our facilities items with him directly. Dr. Tena’s office will work closely with Dr. Gutierrez and the committee to submit whatever documents or work orders are required to keep things moving smoothly. DISTRICT IE and Pending Issues: 1. Chair Gutierrez handed out a draft of the new charge and language anticipated for the District IE Committee in an effort to elicit feedback from the NW team members. Many concerns were expressed by members in that people were not clear on what this committee would do, how it would operate, and how the membership would be established. Many questions were asked surrounding the committee such as: Will there be comp time? Was there a list of the areas the committee would evaluate? How will this committee interact with the teams at the division level? Who will take care of the current duties such as facilities issues? After much discussion and a realization that we do not have all of the answers yet for the new direction, a motion was made to create a new committee and instead name it for the new functions it would be doing (something like program review or a committee on area effectiveness plans for non-instructional areas). Most members felt like it was turning into two separate committees. FACILITIES ISSUES II. NEW BUSINESS: A. Announcement was made by Gilbert Gonzalez, SGA representative on the planned rally at NWC to oppose education cuts by the Texas State Legislature. B. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: 1. Announcement was made to support and attend the EOM celebration on 2/23/11. 2. Juan Barley was selected as EOM for March, 2011. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 2. Dr. Tena provided an explanation of “strategic planning” as it is currently done where areas get reviewed and measureable goals and objectives are set so that reviews can assess whether targets or milestones were “completed” or whether actions needed to be taken for “improvements.” Some members were unsure of how non-instructional areas would be divided up for evaluative reviews. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 34 March 29, 2011 Meeting Summary EOM: We selected Julieta Cristina Lopez as Northwest Campus EOM for April, 2011. ISSUES: This month’s meeting was only informational. Chair Gutierrez updated those present on the continuing revisions to the charge of the District IE committee. Ideas were presented on what the advantages or disadvantages would be of going to a department revolving system for selecting EOM’s to ensure that the program achieved broad representation. Because only a few committee members were present, no action was taken, and discussion on it tabled until the next divisional meeting. Chair Gutierrez reported that Jesse Ramirez has done an excellent job in setting-up the Employee of the Month display in the main hallway of the main building. He encouraged all present to take some time to view it. FACILITIES: We discussed our new bottom-up approach to reporting and resolving facilities issues across the campus. A list was submitted to Manny, our Northwest Technician, and he recommended that we submit work orders for those requests. Chair Gutierrez will follow-up with that action. Respectfully submitted, Daniel Gutierrez, NWC IE Chair Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 35 August 30, 2011 Members Present: Dr. Lydia Tena, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Dub Satterfield, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez, Dr. Jose Pacheco them informed on the plans. Dr. Taylor agreed to consult with the experts in her network and update Dr. Tena on her findings. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Dr. Jose Pacheco was introduced to the group as the newest member of the NWC IE Team. I. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Gutierrez reminded everyone of the District IE meeting set for Sept. 27, 2011. District IE: Daniel Gutierrez reported that the organization, charge and membership of the IE Committee is still in limbo. The latest revision held the committee would have two functions. The first would be the traditional role of identifying things that could improve the campus, and the second role would involve evaluating area effectiveness plans in non-instructional areas. The membership structure and appointments on the new IE committee is not yet resolved. II. Dr. Tena mentioned that a recognition dinner would be held at NWC on Sept. 22 for those students who successfully accomplished accelerated learning at the Early College High School. 19 students who graduated this summer will be feted at the event. Danny Martinez was selected as September EOM. Dub Satterfield motioned to adjourn and Gerry Perez seconded. NEW BUSINESS The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Unofficially, officers for the Northwest IE Team for the 2011-12 Academic year will be: Dr. Hilda Taylor-Chair Dr. Jose Pacheco, Vice Chair Jesse Ramirez-Secretary Dr. Tena’s Report: Dr. Tena reported that a student petition was circulating at the college regarding a perception that the NWC was going to remove shrubs and plants damaged by the freeze without regard for the wildlife that co-inhabits the campus. Students may have thought that the digging equipment being stored out by the loading bay was going to be used to indiscriminately dig out the burrows and shelters of rabbits often seen scampering around campus. To be sure no actions were in work, Dr. Tena said she had checked with Rick Labato of Facilities and she found out there were no plans to dig or move anything at this time looking three months forward. Dr. Tena wanted to quell these rumors and asked for suggestions on how we might best handle the situation. Members suggested that through an e-mail or in the newspaper, we publicize the fact that there are no plans to proceed with any actions that might harm the wildlife. Suggestions were also made to consult with the Chihuahuan Desert Society on how we might handle the relocation of wildlife when the time comes to implement upgrades to the campus. One factor to consider would be the rabbits’ cycle of reproduction. Another suggestion was made about involving students in this project so that they could be a part of the solution while at the same time keeping Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 36 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 September 29, 2009 Members Present: David Trimball, Daniel Gutierrez, Lucretia Thomas, Manfred Silva, Gerry Perez, Nader Rassei, Hilda S. Taylor, Luis Juarez, Jim Lambrinos, Dub Satterfield, Jesse Ramirez, Enayat Kalatarian IV. I. V. Call to order A. II. Employee of the Month A. Other Business A. Meeting called to order at 3:53 pm. Election of Officers A. New Officers: Chair: Lucretia Thomas Co-Chair: Daniel Guttierez Secretary: Gerry Perez III. DIE Report A. Employee of the Month for September is Allyson Laroche, CSD Student Assistant I (tutor) Gerry brought up concerns of some staff that campus is not looking as clean as previously. Mentioned gum on sidewalks and trash in grassy areas. Mr. Silva suggested talking to Ms. Gustafson about ECHS students about picking up after themselves and not allowing skateboards on campus. Also suggested vending machines not sell gum. Mr. Trimball suggested campaign to get students to clean up after themselves. Mr. Silva moved IE Committee Chair speak with Ms. Gustafson about same. Second by Jesse Ramierez. Passed by voice vote. Charge for this year: VI. 1. 2. Meeting Adjourned Beautification: Work on this is done for some things, still pending for others. A. Mr. Silva moved we end meeting at 4:45 pm. Second by Mr. Trimball. Passed by voice vote. Green Committee: Members to represent NWC are: B. Meeting adjourned at 4:46pm. a. Dr. Enayat Kalatarian b. Dr. Hilda Taylor Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 37 October 27, 2009 Members present: Lucretia Thomas, Daniel Gutierrez, Luis Juarez, Enayat Kalantarian, Manfred Silva, Gerry Perez, Hilda Taylor, Jesse Ramirez, Dub Satterfield, Nader Rassaei, Monica Wong, Peggy Gustafson I. a. Is there a dress code for the ECHS students? Concerns raised about wearing of pajamas to classes. Ms. Gustafson will encourage that everyone dress appropriately. b. Students need to pick up after themselves. Lots of trash now on campus. c. Some students are very loud during class time and tests. Have been asked to be quiet, etc. Also, some students are being very physical with each other (kissing, touching, lap sitting) Call to order Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes Nader moved minutes be accepted with correction of spelling of Ms. Gustafson’s name and 4445 changed to 445. Officer Juarez second. Passed by voice vote. III. 2. Old Business A. District Report – 1. Election of officers for DIE as follows: Olga Tavarez -- Chair Erika Gamboa -- Co-Chair Gerry Perez -- Secretary 2. Rick Lobato will be at the November 13, 2009 meeting. Will start landscaping and signage. Trying to get beautification plan going. Will start a procedure form. SGA has ordered umbrellas for our picnic tables. Dub asked who will set them up and take them down? D. Ms. Gustafson asked that the campus police be called when students are creating disturbances. Then the police can give the names to Ms. Gustafson and she can either deal with it herself or call the parents. Ms. Gustafson can be reached on her cell at 261-8705. End of day is best time to call and if she is out, students can be taken to the office and she will address it at a later time. Dr. Kalantarian’s appointment to NWCIE Awaiting appointment letter from President. IV. New Business A. Appointment of Financial Officer – Tabled until next meeting. Nader asked if we can request more. Would like to request 10 more umbrellas. B. Pharmacy Technology Program – 1. 3. B. The President wants to take a random Employee of the Month to lunch. Therefore, we need to inform Dr. Stroud as to who are new EOMs. Pharmacy Technology will be moved to the Rio Grande campus. a. The Dean would like a task force set up to decide what to do with the area that will be vacated. b. Task Force members: Gerry Perez, Jesse Ramirez, Luis Juarez c. Some ideas: IE Roster -Dr. Stroud wants to make sure roster is current. C. NECHS – 1. Concerns raised to Ms. Gustafson about some ECHS students. Shared area with storage and training area for staff Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 38 Shared area for math and Physics 2. Faculty car wash on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 to raise money for student scholarships: $5 per car, $6 for trucks and vans. 3. The library has 2 new E book readers. If we find e-books and want to download them and it costs money, inform Monica. E book readers can perhaps be used for textbooks. ($250 each) Computer room C. D. Employee of the Month 1. Dub Satterfield is EOM for November. Celebration will be second Wednesday in November. 2. Volunteers needed to help with the EOM celebration. Gerry Perez, Lucretia Thomas, Monica Wong, and Jesse Ramirez volunteer to help. Other Business 1. V. Adjournment Nader moved we adjourn at 4:20 p.m. Second by Monica Wong. Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Officer Juarez put in a work order to have the lines in the parking lot repainted. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 39 January 26, 2010 to the student handbook. Can say skateboards are off limits. Members present: Lucretia Thomas, David Trimble, Luis Juarez, Daniel Gutierrez, Gerry Perez, Manfred Silva, Peggy Gustafson, Monica Wong, Nader Rassaei, Jesse Ramirez, Jim Lambrinos, Hilda S. Taylor I. NWC IE team all agrees to allow Ms. Gustafson to handle the problem. Voted on by IE team and passed by voice vote. Call to order IV. New Business Meeting called to order at 3:05pm a. II. Approval of Minutes III. Old Business a. Currently, the page comes up empty. Lucretia will check on this. b District IE Report c. Employee of the Month EOM is Patricia Ortiz of Court Reporting He will be at the next DIE meeting. He will give status of the campus beautification reports at that time. Celebration will be Wednesday of the second week of February at 12:30 pm. Dr. Rhodes V. Dr. Rhodes will speak about the new Fort Bliss campus to the DIE in March or April. He expressed thanks for our service to the college. Also stated enrollment is up. Currently at highest level it has ever been. c. NW IE group picture Becky Ortega will be taking our group picture before the next IE meeting in February. Rick Lobato spoke at the District IE meeting. He was asked about the renovations to Conchita’s area – he replied it is in the works. Construction should start in May. b. NW IE Webpage Other Business a. Skateboard Policy This issue was brought up to the DIE. Dr. Stroud stated if we wish to change policy, we need to work with Dr. Tena. It then goes to Dr. Brown and then the President. Officer Juarez brought a policy that is sued at other colleges for distribution to NWCIE team members. Also asked if money can be found to buy items for giveaways at the information table at the beginning of each semester. Lucretia will ask the Dean about this. VI. Announcements a. 100 kindergarteners will be coming to the library for Dr. Seuss’ birthday in February. Will have small groups for a tour. Will also have balloons, puppets and magic. b. The library applied for grants for tech and family literacy. Avance is requesting this as well. c. Court Reporting will have an open House in February. Ms. Gustafson - the High School has designated areas for skateboards. When the H.S. students are up here at the college, skateboards are not permitted. Mr. Silva stated that there have been no problems since the last meeting. Ms. Gustafson stated a policy can be established. Sometimes it is better if offenders think they can be cited. Some students are bringing bicycles instead of skateboards. HS would prefer the skateboards to the bicycles. Policy will be added Gerry Perez brought up the need to stress to the high school students that they need to bring their receipt to the first days of class as it tells where classes are located. Many HS students are coming to the information table and asking where classes are located by subject and not room. VII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:05 pm. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 40 March 30, 2010 subdivision instead of coming through the College. This is a safety issue. Lighting in the parking lot – Chair will ask Dr. Rhodes about same. It is going on 5 or 6 weeks since Police Department has let Physical Plant know that lights are out in the parking lot. Chair will send Dean an email about this. Members present: Manfred Silva, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Daniel Gutierrez, Dub Satterfield, Hilda Taylor, Jesse Ramirez, Dr. Nader Rassaei, Luis Juarez, Gerry Perez I. Call to order Meeting called to order at 3:11 p.m. IV. II. Old Business Approval of minutes a. NWC IE Webpage Minutes approved with corrections. To find same, search for IE, then look for NWC. We are the fourth down the list. So moved by Dr. Rassaei. Second by Dr. Gutierrez. Passes by voice vote. b. III. EOM celebration Old Business – DIE report EOM pictures are updated. DIE meeting held Tuesday, March 9, 2010. a. Mr. Rick Lobato For the celebration itself, Chair would like to include a banner and balloons, which will be given to the celebrant. Dean Tena asked if Mr. Lobato could come to the NWC IE meeting today, but he is at TM’s meeting. He may come next month. We may change meeting day. Chair will ask Dr. Tena if thinks is necessary. It was suggested that we have a generic banner made and then will add a banner made here with the EOM’s name. V. b. New Business Beautification Report a. Chair met with Rick Lobato and was told the status of everything. Everything is a go. Now, will meet with Dr. Tena and make out work tickets for projects. Dr. Kalatarian is now officially a NWC IE member. b. c. EOM Beautification Committee Celebration will be Wednesday, April 7, 2010 in M-5. Lucy Luevano is EOM for April. Chair would like to set up a sub-committee to meet with Dr. Tena to review beautification plans. Sub-committee will consist of the following members: Lucretia Thomas, Officer Luis Juarez, Dr. Hilda Taylor, Gerry Perez Volunteers for the celebration are Jesse Ramirez and Dr. Taylor. VI. Other Business a. DIE also has a subcommittee for Beautification. They will meet once a month. d. Dr. Kalatarian There are not enough staff parking spaces. People who arrive later in the morning are unable to find parking. Students have twice as many spaces as staff. More are needed. Dr. Rhodes Dr. Rhodes will be at the next District IE meeting. All members of campus IE committees are invited to attend next DIE meeting. Headstart – will be a joint program with the College. Should build a road to the Parking spaces b. Handicapped parking Staff who arrive later in the morning are unable to find handicapped spots close to building. Are being forced to park in lower parking lot and then walk to M building. Would like to Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 41 park in visitor parking when necessary and then move when more handicapped spots become available. Alternative is for them to call the Police and have them go pick up employee and drive them to building and then do dame when time to leave. Officer Juarez says they can use visitor parking until we see if can get more handicapped spots. VII. VIII. Announcements a. There are still handouts on the new phones available for any who need them. b. Jesse Ramirez asks: what will happen to Dr. Rassaei’s program space after he moves to RG? Will probably be a shared space between ASC and TRC, also storage for media. Will meet on this. Adjournment a. Dr. Gutierrez moves and Dr. Nader Rassaei seconds that meeting be adjourned. b. Meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 42 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 September 29, 2008 I. II. III. Election of officers for 2008-2009 A. Nader Rassei – Chair B. Lucretia Thomas – Co-Chair C. Gerry Perez – Secretary/Treasurer B. We decided to set up a central location to keep paper copies of IE minutes in the Dean’s office. Dub thanked IE for support in resource fair. C. Marquee Sign donated to NWC, the bottom part is ours. Call the Dean’s office with information to be displayed. Looking for community college events not private ones. The top part is privately owned. D. EOM- Discussion of process Selection of Officers in the future A. Dean suggested IE Team vote on system for appointing/electing officers. B. Discussion held with decision made to continue with current system of last year’s officers moving up into new position. Next year, system will change. Lucretia Thomas will move into Chair’s position. Other officers will be nominated and a vote will be held. After that, all positions will be nominated and then vote will be held. New Business A. Laura Gaither-EOM for October IV. Adjournment A. Moved to adjourn made by Dub Satterfield B. Second by Manfred Silva C. Passed by unanimous vote D. Meeting adjourned at 4:25pm Need copies of past minutes from NWC IE team meetings for posting to the web. We will request to link our webpage to minutes or DIE. NWC web page needs to add NWC IE and also our minutes to page (NWCIE). Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 43 October 28, 2008 Members present: Gerry Perez, Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Dub Satterfield, Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Manfred Silva, Darcy Traffansted, Monica Wong, Lydia Tena, Lucretia Thomas Dean – mutual representation probably. Specify person on campus not just district. VOTE – pass unanimously Guests: Deborah A. Zuloaga – United Way Request from Deans’ office to Dr. Rhodes then to Early College H.S. Meeting called to order: 3:07 pm D.I.E.: I. United Way Presentation David Moody – Chair Guest Speaker: Georgia Sinclair – Co-Chair United Way Presentation, Charitable Campaign Presentation. Gerry Perez – Secretary Idea: College goes with United Way to see contributions stay in El Paso. Three areas of concentration 1. Help children succeed 2. Build Strong Families 3. Increase Financial Stability Handed out brochures and donation forms. 533-1039 – Americorps, call to volunteer Can give to any specific charity listed on donation form OR can give to general fund which funds the above 3 areas of concentration. Alternative Spring Break – Emily Martinez contact person Admin Fee – 13% II. Approval of minutes Manfred Silva Motioned, Dub Satterfield Second. Accepted by unanimous consent III. Other Business – Lambrinos - cafeteria Maybe need a stove and expansion. Expansion Approved – still in works. Rick Torres says it’s on list and hopefully will happen soon – expand to patio section, then also will have outside area. New Stove requested will have it added to request and also increased security for cafeteria How can we buy stove if not ours? We stipulate we maintain area. Funded by college not IE. IE is merely supporting it. Web Page – We should start one? – Maybe create committee? Templates established, and then send info to I.T. They will create for us. Not exactly template but will create as we desire. Gerry moved to create committee. Darcy Traffansted (SGA President) Second. Other Business Discussion – Monica: why need the committee? VV -- Make IE website. I.T. accepted job. Need to give them information, they will accept website. Mike Biegler Answer- Committee will gather info for web page. Dean asked if it will have minutes on both websites. It will be on both. ASC asked if IE money can be used for community. Answer was No. Dr. Stroud. VP’s and supervisor can be asked to come here if need questions answered. Suggested we invite Principal to join IE. Tim so Motioned. Dub Satterfield Second. Question asked: Bring in Principal as voting member? Are they part of us really? Answer: yes. Will invite Principal only or one faculty member- flexible with responsibilities. Web Page is for NWC Manfred moved to approve. Passed by unanimous consent. Nader Rassaei and Lucretia - Members. Ruth Vise EOM for November IE person will orient people Not let EOM person cut cake Start five minutes early to get people here. Make sure people greet/congratulate winner. Nader: IE members list – two people listed on our committee that are not here anymore. Officer San Roman – Need to replace Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 44 Will designate San Roman’s place as Officer of Campus police Dept. NECHS rep also needed. Becky: Gift certificates. WalMart is hard go maybe can get elsewhere. Gerry: suggests we check how much of a card they actually get. Will check into this. Darcy: SGA would like to bring in a pool table or air hockey table. Lucretia seconded. Vote: agree 7, nay 2, abstain 1. Manfred moves on postponing deciding on gift cards until next meeting. Daniel: M45 maybe could have marker board on left. Too cluttered in there now. Department of Education Grant divided between TM & us. $780,000 to enhance math lab and chemistry lab. 10 new tables for outside. Money will be used to move math lab to warehouse and to grow science classes. Trying to pressure higher ups to create a student union. Manfred moved to adjourn Please look at furniture for C bldg. Dub seconds Also need shade for students. Adjourn by acclamation at 4:50 pm. Timothy makes a motion to vote on whether to move pool & air hockey table to alcove area. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 45 November 25, 2008 Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Passed by acclamation I. Dean requests make sure to present certificate and card at celebration. Need to make sure people congratulate EOM. Minutes reviewed and approved A. EOM- should we all be the same? We decided to postpone B. President is requesting another copy of beautification report- signage, toilet seat covers, and blinds. Will follow up with Lourdes to see if she has a report. EOM is Maria Gleason. III. A. Kitchen renovation- Rick Torres showed plans. Will send a copy to share- will secure area. Once the vending machines have been moved, then the area will be closed off with a wall. Will redo same set-up- new equipment will be able to be secured. C. Will also go over previous minutes & what Lourdes and Tim have to see what we have. Gerry will do so also. Coke machines will be moved to where bulletin boards are now. Will enclose all of patio. Will also include podium area and AV connections- meeting space. Will also add more outside patio space. Will make sure we have food service during renovation. D. Parking discussed- RG not enough handicap spots. Dean asked if need to revisit staff parking. Manfred says new back area might be good for new staff parking. Dean says perhaps need task force to say where and how many. Nader asked about enrollment. Dean says we are only campus with increase bringing more staff and faculty to campus. Dub heard do not need parking stickers for new parking lot. Dean says no. must have sticker to park on campus. Later students will need stickers. HS staff do not have to pay but have a sticker. No designated parking. Dub asks can we add door. We will see. IV. Other Business Davenport elementary Christmas project Veronica Miramontes helps Perhaps IE can help Monica asks how? Becky and Jeanette are doing it. 2 classes -- Davenport Kindergarten and 1st grade- 92 kids Nader asked what will group do. No cake or cupcakes- granola bars Dean says count spots and suggest/designate whereManfred, Lucretia and Nader will be on committee. Need IE to give- Dec. 17- 9am Kindergarten/ 11am 1st grade Minutes- Manfred moved, Lucretia second, minutes approved by acclamation II. Updates Web pageA. Nader asked what we should have. Picture of EOM (will leave it up to EOM if want picture posted), IE minutes, link to special events, link to announcements (picture of IE team?) Lulu suggested name and email for IE team. Can start work on it now. B. Sent email to Dr. Stroud about replacing number and adding EHS person- no answer yet. George Duenos is new officer rep. C. Bookstore certificates worth full face value Manfred moved that we start buying gift certificates from bookstore. EOM can choose gift certificate of their choice. Gerry second Need vehicles to transport Also check with Dean’s office to make sure gift tags are taken Jesse question- what happened with furniture for SGA? No answer yet. Lucretia says 2 students passed state boards and got jobs. 1 more qualified to pass. Monica says Mr. and Mrs. Santa in library- December 6th at 1pm Trying to get City park and recreation and Canutillo SD to submit HUD grant for 600k to see if we can build a cultural info center next to library. Try to add adult programming, financial advice (foreclosure and buying) Manfred moves adjourn 4:20pm Lucretia seconds Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 46 January 27, 2009 B. Members Present: Gerry Perez, Timothy Quezada, Luis Juarez, Daniel Gutierrez, Dub Satterfield, Lucretia Thomas, Nader Rassai, Jesse Ramirez, Manfred Silva I. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. II. Minutes approved by acclimation III. A. 1. Beautification report: Timothy Quezada has the Beautification report. He will turn it in to Nader. 2. Renovation to Building B at ASC has been approved. 3. Lone Star has $5 million for energy efficiency projects 4. The College is now doing a traffic impact survey for the new Fort Bliss Campus 5. IV. The Nursing Program has a conceptual agreement with Texas Tech. There will be a legal, financial and curriculum alignment and square footage will be allocated for use by the EPCC Nursing Program at Texas Tech Medical School. 6. Fabens Early College High School will serve Fabens, San Elizario and Clint. Later, it will be an EPCC campus, open in September of 2009. 7. Sexual Harassment posters were distributed to each campus. Nader will speak to the Dean about where they can be posted. 8. Dr. Stroud distributed binders to District IE members with policies, etc. 9. SGA President Darcy Traffensted said they are looking for space for a Student Union on campus. 10. V. 1. Web Page. Nader and Lucretia will maintain the NWC web page. There will be training with Mike Biegler. 2. We will have a group picture taken of the NWC IE members to be posted on the web page. C. We will invite the principal from the NWC Early College High School to join the NWC IE. We are waiting to hear if she would like to be a member. A. Timothy Quezada found the old Beautification report. Will follow up and see what was done and what is urgent to be done. Nader suggested we form a Beautification Team. Voted and passed unanimously. Team will be: Nader, Timothy, Lucretia. B. Gerry brought up that the patio around behind the cafeteria is dirt --papers, trash, plates. Suggested signs, more trash cans and the recycling program to remind people to clean up after themselves. Will discuss it with Dean’s office. C. Kim McBroom brought up that it will soon be the 15th anniversary of NWC. Gerry moved we have a cookout for students and staff. Seconded by Manfred Silva. Voted and passed unanimously. Will decide on a date at the next NWC IE meeting. D. Cafeteria will be expanded. Old patio will become part of the new cafeteria and a new patio will be built. E. Parking. Hope to add more visitor spaces. Everything else is ok. F. Employee of the Month for February is Lucretia Thomas. Dub moved we adjourn at 3:58pm. Seconded by Timothy. Voted and passed unanimously. There was a student survey given that asked about the challenges for EPCC. Some of the items mentioned were Financial Aid, Counseling, and parking. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 47 February 24, 2009 I. Meeting called to order 3:04 p.m. II. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Dub Satterfield moved to approve, second by Lucretia Thomas. Minutes approved by voice vote with no corrections. III. Guest Speaker – Rick Lobato – Director of Physical Plant. A. B. C. place by May 2009. Will try to advertise it in College paper. D. IV. Cafeteria renovation – Should go to Board for approval during May/June 2009. Should be finished by mid to late 2010. Includes new kitchen design (oven/stove, ice maker, patio area with deck) 1. Cost is unknown at present. Do have an estimate 2. If have suggestions/ideas, draw in on plan here at Dean’s office, preferably in red. Now is time to make suggestions before plan is finalized. Early College High School (ECHS) is hoping for covers/shelter areas for students there. Also hoping for covered walkways or pavilions, trashcans, and benches. Recycling program is in the works for EPCC. A student is doing the leg work (looking for haulers/vendors). Will probably go with same program as the City. Hope to have program in V. Working on signage with the Deans of each campus. Directional signage just needs a work ticket through Dean’s office. External funds not needed for this. New Business A. Employee of the Month (EOM) – District IE wants all campuses to be uniform. Chair submitted a form for EOM nominations for NWIE approval. We all approve. Form is easy to email and collect. Lucretia Thomas is currently responsible for making sure EOM’s picture is put on EPCC TV and in the frames in the hallway of NWC. B. NWIE viewed NWIE webpage. Suggested that email links be added to individual member’s names. C. Fifteenth anniversary celebration. Suggested date is April 8, 2009 from 11am-1pm. Gerry Perez will coordinate this. D. EOM for March is Sally Avila Meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m. So moved by Jim Lambrinos. Second by Dub Satterfield. Passed unanimously. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 48 March 24, 2009 I. B. Call to Order Discussed in III, letter A, number 5. Meeting called to order at 3:08pm II. C. Approval of Minutes Monica Wong moved minutes be accepted with corrections. Second by Jesse Ramirez. Minutes approved by voice vote. III. Health Fair at NWC Smart classroom for C building 1. Have 4 smart classrooms designated for C building – C201, C209, C211, and C229. There are 4 such classrooms in A building – M48, M45, M57, and M62. Three more are pending in the A building – M51, M49, and M56. 2. Media needs to give workshops in using the smart classrooms. 3. Dean’s office will check into inviting Nancy Gamez to division meeting in the fall to do training in same. Old Business A. DIE Report 1. Employee of the Month procedure will be followed as written. 2. Request for supervisor support for IE activities/meetings will be added to appointment letters from President. 3. IE charge – will continue with beautification and will follow-up to see what was done. 4. 5. B. Security – doors at night are locked early and it is hard to get back in the building. This is true especially at RG and MdP. V. 15 year anniversary Beautification report follow-up 1. Postponed for next meeting. 2. Question: Is there any money allocated for landscaping? New or replacement plants? Other Business Library qualifies for $600,000 in HUD money. Need to provide community programming. So, now we need adult programs . Are thinking about small business programming. Patty Shanaberger (RG) told DIE that if campuses want a health fair, we need to let her know and come up with a date. Wednesdays are the best days and can start from 10am and go to 1pm. Target date is April 22. Gerry is in charge. Money has been requested from Student Government but no answer as of yet. C. D. VI. Announcements A. Library submitted 5 grant proposals. One was rejected. May incorporate two programs to serve the Early College High School: (1) College newspaper supplement in the summer and (2) movie making. B. Traffic is still a concern, as is the lack of a bridge between EPCC and the High School. Will meet with Rick Lobato to discuss these and see what he says. Adjournment Monica Wong moved we adjourn meeting. Second by Jessie Ramirez. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Will go over list and number items in order of priority and will submit to Dr. Stroud. IV. New Business A. Employee of the Month EOM – Officer Luis Juarez Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 49 April 28, 2009 August – Monica C. Wong – Librarian NWC Members Present: Gerard Perez, Monica Wong, Luis Juarez, Dub Satterfield, Manfred Silva, Daniel Gutierrez, Jesse Ramirez, Lucretia Thomas, Nader Rassaei, Jim Lambrinos B. Smart classrooms for C Building – will be set –up this summer I. Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m. C. Other Business - II. Minutes from previous meeting reviewed. Lucretia Thomas moved that minutes be accepted as written. Second by Daniel Gutierrez. Minutes approved unanimously by voice vote. III. Old Business 1. V. A. Announcements – District IE report A. 1. B. VI. Adjournment – Manfred Silva moved we adjourn at 4:17pm. Second by Dub Satterfield. Meeting adjourned at 4:18pm. Deferred to next meeting. Health Fair at NWC from Nursing Department. 1. IV. Gerry - Celebration was held on April 16, 2009. We served 400 hamburgers and 400 hotdogs to students, staff and faculty. All departments pulled together to help with the cooking and serving. Dr. Tena’s office provided $150 towards the purchasing of the items served and NWC IE provided the remaining $150. It was a great success. Monica Wong – Library will be having their usual summer program for children and youth in the area. However, it will not be as extensive as originally planned due to budget constraints. There will be 4 new programs, 3 for the Early College High School. There will be a book reading club, toddler (3-5 year olds) and master tech and literacy program, a new program – cooking for teens to hopefully be held at Canutillo High School in June only, and toy making. Beautification report follow-up 1. D. Beautification report - July, need the report on this for our campus. Need to have what is done, what is pending. Nader will prepare the report. Currently, a few things have been done. 15 years of NW campus Celebration 1. C. Discussed whether or not to meet during the summer. Moved by Gerry Perez that we only meet if need to. Seconded by Deb Satterfield. Voted and passed unanimously. Will not meet during the summer unless needed. Will be held 4-29-09 from 8:30am to 1:30 pm. Dr. Tena’s office and Campus Life will provide food for the participants. It will be held in the main hallway. New Business A. Employee of the month – 1. Voted on Employee of the Month for the following months: May – Patricia Acosta – Workstudy for the Library June – Arturo Elenes – Maintenance Worker II July – Kimberly McBroom – Campus Cashier Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 50 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 September 25, 2007 ASC Board Room Members present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Monica Wong, Ingrid Cardena, Manfred Silva and Jesse Ramirez contact the safety security person or fire warden to look into this issue. B. CONCERT FOR CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:25 p.m. Minutes read. Motion made by Mr. Silva to change the language on New Business (A)1 “Substitution of Committee Members, “ should read as follows: “We request and will ask Dr. Tena to recommend appointing Dr. Daniel Gutierrez to the NW IE committee.” Minutes approved with the amended changes. II. OLD BUSINESS: A. IE TEAM WEB PAGES IT will put items on webpage for committee members. Minutes of meetings, members’ names, calendar of events, place of contact and pictures of campus or Employee of the Month are examples of items that can be posted on individual IE web pages. B. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Wong still has students from Canutillo High School in the library during their school hours. Dr. Quezada will re-emphasize to Canutillo High to keep students out of the library or will re-emphasize to school officials to make the announcement over the loud speaker reminding students not to be on our campus or library during school hours. III. NEW BUSINESS: A. FIRE ALARM Ms. Wong expressed concerns about the fire alarm installed in the library being too loud. Ms. Wong also has concerns that a lawsuit may be filed because of the fire alarm being too loud. Dr. Quezada will speak to Dr. Tena regarding this issue. Ms. Wong wants to know if the fire alarm’s noise level is within the requirements and if the alarm’s noise level can be adjusted. Mr. Rassaei will Ms. Wong stated there will be a concert for Canutillo High School. Midwest topnotch musicians will perform and answer questions. Ms. Wong wants us to encourage students to attend. C. EPCC NEWSFLASH -- DELL COMPUTERS Mr. Ramirez reminded IE members that EPCC, Dell and FirstLight Credit Union have joined forces to offer students, faculty and staff purchasing opportunities with flexible financing when you purchase Dell products, i.e., printers and computers, at discounted prices. Students can visit the EPCC Financial Aid Office to get more details. D. COMPUTER LAB -- LAPTOP CHECK-OUTS Mr. Ramirez also reminded IE members that student laptop computers can be checked out from the computer lab for three hours, overnight, 24 hours or over the weekend. A valid ID and/or license and a current tuition receipt must be shown. A contract must be filled out every time a laptop computer is checked out. E. OFFICE 2003 AND OFFICE 2007 Ms. Wong stated the library is still operating under Office 2003 and has placed a work order requesting the installation of Office 2007 because of the students coming into the library and requesting Office 2007. Ms. Cardena, who is a member on the IT committee, will look into this issue. The library is in dire need of updating their computers to Office 2007. F. CONSTITUTION DAY Mr. Silva stated that Constitution Day went well at the library. It was held in September and was a success. G. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 51 Dr. Timothy Quezada from the Education Department is the Employee of the Month for October. Congratulations, Tim! The celebration for Dr. Quezada will take place in Room M-05 on Wednesday, October 1 at 12:00 p.m. IV. Dr. Quezada moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Wong. Meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 52 October 30, 2007 NW Room M-5 are federally funded? Can students nominate an Employee of the Month? Some members felt since students can’t be nominated why should they be allowed to vote? Some members also felt it should be open to anyone who works for the college, i.e., the food handler at the NW campus, who is selfemployed, has been the Employee of the Month. Also, it should be noted that since the voters are anonymous, how can we ever keep track of who’s voting? How many times can one be elected as Employee of the Month? Is there a correct process and/or rule for this? Dr. Quezada will address these issues with the District IE. Members present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Dub Satterfield, Ingrid Cardena, Jesse Ramirez and Manfred Silva I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:11 p.m. Minutes read and approved II. OLD BUSINESS: A. IE TEAM WEB PAGE C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH The web age is presently being worked on. Helen Bell from the library is the Employee of the Month for November. Congratulations, Helen! B. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Dr. Quezada went to Canutillo High School to address the issue of their students being at the NW library during school hours, but the Principal was not available. Dr. Quezada will follow up on this issue. D. EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 1. Dr. Quezada announced the groundbreaking ceremony for the Early College High School will be held on November 5th at 10:00 a.m. by the Classroom Building. Building of the Early College High School will start next month. 2. Mr. Satterfield and other NW IE team members stated they would like to have more information on the Early College High School. C. FIRE ALARM Mr. Rassaei spoke with Jesus Ortiz (maintenance) and the fire marshal and they agreed the decibel for the fire alarm was normal. The fire alarm is not too loud. Ms. Cardena expressed deep concerns about the fire alarm being too loud so Mr. Rassaei will look into this matter again to determine whether the decibel (volume) is in fact too loud. Some areas of concern include the following: a) D. DISTRICT IE REPORT Dr. Quezada notified the NW IE Team that we must appoint a financial officer to manage the $1000 allotted for the year. III. NEW BUSINESS: b) Mr. Satterfield thought it would be a great idea to establish a series of meetings for the faculty and staff at the NW campus on how the Early College High School will function and how it will affect us. A. FINANCIAL OFFICER Dr. Timothy Quezada was appointed financial officer to manage the NW IE Team’s finances. Mr. Silva made the motion and Ms. Thomas seconded the motion. B. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH NOMINATION PROCEDURE Questions are being raised as to who should nominate employees. Should students or work studies be allowed to nominate an Employee of the Month, or should it be limited to faculty and staff only? Can work studies be nominated since they Where will the students eat lunch and how will it affect our campus? Will the Early College High School students take classes simultaneously with our students and will they have access to our labs and eating facility? Dr. Quezada addressed all of these issues at length. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Thomas announced that Truena Teasley, a student enrolled in the Court Reporting Program, attained her state certification as a Certified Shorthand Reporter in the State of Texas. The overall pass rate in the State of Texas was only 10%. Congratulations to Ms. Teasley for being one of a very few that accomplished this goal. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 53 V. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Silva moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rassaei. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 54 November 27, 2007 ASC Board Room Members present: Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Armando San Roman, Daniel Gutierrez, Ingrid Cárdenas, Manfred Silva and Jesse Ramirez, Gerard Perez, Willard Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena. I. C. CHRISTMAS PROJECTS Dr. Tena stated that with Christmas approaching quickly we should plan for the “Angel project”, or “giving tree project” that NW campus did last year. Dr. Quezada explained that we do not have enough time however Christmas toy drive, cans food drive for Salvation Army will be done. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. III. Minutes read Motion made by Mr. Perez to approve the minutes and seconded by Mr. Silva. Motion passed and minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: A. UPGRADING CAMPUS 1. Dr. Tena announced that we will be getting a new building and asked for suggestion on changes that we can make to optimize use of our facilities. She pointed out projects such as: moving Math lab to chemistry which will help to grow Chemistry and Biology Departments, Or Remodeling Gym to math lab 2. Early College High school Issues: Dr. Quezada presented the report from District IE Committee meeting. II. OLD BUSINESS: A. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FORMS Mr. Silva made a motion to change the Nomination form for EOM to include the name of the nominator, Mr. Satterfield seconded, motion passed. Officer San Roman asked about: Parking issue, and camera coverage. Dr. Tena stated that additional parking will be added adjacent to our parking lot. Officer San Roman emphasized that the new mall has added additional traffic hindrance which should be looked at. Objection to EOM procedure was made by Mr. Perez that students should be allowed to nominate. Mr. Perez said he will look at the procedure more in details. Dr. Quezada said he will follow up with Dr. Stroud. Dr. Quezada also clarified that procedure says that students will not be considered for nominations, nor will they be allowed to vote. B. SPRING SEMESTER Dr. Quezada suggested having a welcome table for spring semester for new and returning students first two days of the semester. It was suggested that work studies from Tutoring lab, CSD, SGA, student life, and math lab should be able to help during the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 P.M. attending welcome tables. Tables will offer maps, water, candy and pencils. Dr. Tena offered that Dean’s office will pay for maps, pens/pencils. Dr. Quezada announced that SGA will be starting selecting faculty of the month. Mr. Perez suggested ISC should place a copy of the blank nomination forms in employees’ mail boxes. B. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT Beautification will be pushed back and an evaluation by an external firm will be made to see what is feasible and viable. Dr. Tena pointed out some of identified beautification project including need for Shaded area outside the library, kiosk, water fountain, and fitness trail. C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH EOM: Mr. Gerard Perez from Center for Students with Disabilities. IV. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Quezada moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Satterfield. Meeting adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 55 January 29, 2008 NW Room M-5 Members present: Gerry Perez, Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Armando San Roman, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena, Ingrid Cardena and Dr. Daniel Gutierrez waiters’ luncheon, i.e., bake sale, to show our support for this function. III. OLD BUSINESS: A. SPRING WELCOME TABLE I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m. Minutes read and approved with the following revision: Dr. Tena had a question as to whether Mr. Silva was actually referring to dual credit hours and the Early College High School instead of Mr. Silva suggesting revising the formula for coordinators’ hours. Dr. Quezada will ask Mr. Silva and get clarification on this issue. II. NEW BUSINESS: A. DISTRICT I.E. REPORT 1. 2. The December 11 hearing was short. The January meeting was cancelled because of spring faculty workshops. Architects will meet with individual IE Chairs for the Beautification Project and Master Plans for Buildings-this did not happen this month. Dr. Quezada will get more information on the status of the Beautification Project and when architects will come to individual campuses. Furniture will be discussed at the February IE meeting. More funds are needed and Ms. Sinclair will meet with Dr. Rhodes regarding this issue. 3. There were concerns mentioned about the overabundance of El Tejano Newspaper at individual campuses. It was suggested that each campus should be sent less newspapers and/or the unused newspapers should be recycled. 4. Emergency training. One person will conduct training at each campus. Fire wardens will be done away with. Dr. Quezada will get more information on the emergency training and emergency response person. B. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE WAITERS LUNCHEON ON APRIL 30 Dr. Quezada suggested it would be a good idea to have fundraising activities for the administrative Dr. Quezada wanted to give special thanks to Mary Miller, from the Career Center, and Gerry Perez, from the Center for Students with Disabilities, for their help in supplying water, snacks and providing assistance to the students. B. CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE Dr. Quezada also wanted to give special thanks to Becky Ortega and Jeanette Dominguez, Dr. Tena’s administrative assistants, for their help in making the Christmas Toy Drive possible in such little time. Dr. Tena said that there was participation from the district level, as well as our campus, in making sure all children’s needs were met. Thank you all. C. EMPLOYE OF THE MONTH POLICY 1. Mr. Rassaei typed out a new form. Special thanks to Mr. Rassaei. Mr. Rassaei typed out the new form using the policy elements verbatim. 2. Mr. Perez raised the issue of whether students can nominate an EOM. He is not sure on our policy and would like some clarity on this issue. Also, he stressed the importance of our voting on whether students should or should not be allowed to vote for the EOM. 3. Mr. Satterfield stated that various employees at the NW campus felt that the EOM was a popularity contest. Mr. Satterfield suggested that the policy needs to be addressed with employees via email and the procedure of nominating the EOM should be explained. Mr. Satterfield also suggested putting the nomination forms in employees’ mailboxes. 4. Dr. Tena wanted to make sure that EOM pictures are still being posted at the NW campus and she also had concerns about district IE getting the names of our EOMs so they can be properly recognized, i.e, college commercial. Dr. Tena said it would also be a good idea to include perks employees receive when EOM, i.e., celebration with a cake, gift card and lunch with Dr. Rhodes. Dr. Tena and IE members agreed that the nominations should be judged on substance Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 56 sections of the campus and will compile information on individual needs, i.e., labs, faculty offices, classrooms, traditional classrooms. It would be best to get a general idea of what should be included in the new building purchased with bond money and what we would like done in the warehouse but remember to keep campus needs in mind. It should be noted that it was approved that the dining area be expanded into the patio area in the future. over quantity and individual voting results should be confidential. NW IE team members voted and it was passed by majority that students will be allowed to vote for the EOM. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH There was no employee of the month nomination forms filled out so NW IE members decided to orally nominate individuals. After voting and reaching a tie, it was decided that Ms. Terry Zarate from the library would be the EOM for February and Ms. Lourdes Ambriz from the ESL Lab would be the EOM for March. Congratulations to both ladies for their hard work and dedication. Dr. Tena went in depth into future plans for future buildings at the NW Campus. V. Ms. Monica Wong announced that the library is in dire need of a remotely monitored camera system because equipment and books that are on reserve have been missing. The library has lost about $5000 worth of equipment and Ms. Wong is asking for a new security camera system that would cost about $8000. Dr. Tena suggested that Ms. Wong go through the proper channels, Mr. Nugent and/or Dr. Brown and Dr. Tena, regarding this issue. B. ACTIVITIES AND IDEAS FOR CAMARADERIE Ms. Cardena asked what activities can be done to get the camaraderie up at the NW campus. What activities can we do to enhance staff morale? C. IDEAS AND PLANNING FOR NEW BUILDINGS Dr. Tena suggested IE members get together and have set plans and outlines regarding our wants and needs for new buildings at the NW campus. Individual IE members were assigned certain ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Perez moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Wong. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 57 February 26, 2008 NW Room M-5 Members present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Monica Wong, Daniel Gutierrez, Ingrid Cardena, Manfred Silva, Gerard Perez, Jesse Ramirez I. III. NEW BUSINESS: 1. It was announced that promotional items are available for EOM from marketing and they will be picked up and distributed. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. 2. Minutes read and approved with the following revisions in section III. C. 5: NW IE team members voted and it was passed by majority that students will be allowed to nominate for EOM. II. Mrs. Wong announced that we will have Drummers on Thursday in the library and we can ask them to come on the day of event so we can have a joint IE/SGA cultural event. District IE Report: District IE Report was presented by Dr. Quezada. 2. CF & Associates’ scheduled meeting with NW IE team was discussed, and Dr. Quezada emphasized importance of involving all the employees and gathering the suggestion and asked that all suggestions can be emailed to him so he can assemble in a report for March 5th meeting. 3. IV. Smart classrooms Blackboard (we can’t find markers) Better security system Access to internet More classrooms so we can offer more courses (we lose students to other campuses because we don’t offer some classes. Silent/low noise Heating/cooling system Labs, offices classrooms administrative offices cafeteria and student Union also were among suggestions. Emergency training and response person in campus must be identified. Employee of the Month EOM was selected last month and it was confirmed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Mr. Silva announced that Mrs. Susan Silva Coordinated participation in a science fair at Kohlberg Elementary school. 78 students and three faculties from NWC were participated. Participated faculties were Dr. Timothy Quezada, Mr. Manfred Silva and Mr. Nader Rassaei. 2. Mr. Ramirez announced that Office 2007 professional is available for $6:00 for faculty, staff and available for $62 for students. 3. Mrs. Wong announced that Davenport elementary of Canutillo lost their funding for a science teacher so NWC library sponsored a science fair workshop for 120 students and we will have more family science programs in the summer. Some of the Suggestions included: 3. Campus organizational events Dr. Quezada suggested a cook out for early April which coincides with return of Dr. Tena and Mr. Ramirez suggested coordination with SGA. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Promotional items for IE distribution V. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Silva moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Perez. Meeting was adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 58 March 18, 2008 NW Room M-5 waking thru arroyo between Canutillo high school and NWC Members present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Ingrid Cardena, Manfred Silva, Gerard Perez, Jesse Ramirez I. 2. Mr. Gerard Perez volunteered to serve as Emergency training and response person in NW campus. 3. Spring fling and welcome back party for Dr. Tena was set for Friday April 18th and it will be with coordination and cooperation with SGA, Campus life and IE team to involve more students. Deadline was set for SGA and campus life for their plans for April 11th. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Minutes read and approved with the following revisions in section IV.2: Mr. Ramirez announced that Office 2007 professional is available for $6:00 for faculty, staff and available for $62 for students. II. IE will allocate budget for meat buns and condiments and will invite jazz band and drummers. OLD BUSINESS: District IE Report: 4. 1. District IE Report was presented by Dr. Quezada. Dr. Quezada expressed his appreciations for attending to March 5th CF & Associates’ meeting and explained misunderstanding of IE team about CF & Associates’ role in master plan versus renovating existing buildings. Mrs. Wong voiced her concern that after four years of submitting furniture request, she had to utilize part of her book budget to purchase needed furniture for NWC library. III. It was announced that promotional bags for EOM were obtained from marketing. NEW BUSINESS: Employee of the Month: Hugo Rodarte from Media services was elected as EOM for April 2008. IV. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Mr. Satterfield suggested that we should send a memo to Mr. Tim Nugent to follow-up with exploring options on building a bridge/building a fence or at list installing signs to warn/caution Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 59 April 29, 2008 NW Room M-5 Members present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Dub Satterfield, Ingrid Cardena, Jorge Duenes, Jesse Ramirez and Dr. Daniel Gutierrez I. C. EARLY HIGH SCHOOL CALL TO ORDER: 1. The land is cleared and campus will be ready in August. 2. Dr. Quezada wants to invite the Early College High School Principal to be on the NW IE Committee. All IE members are in favor and Dr. Quezada will speak to Dr. Tena regarding this issue. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Minutes read and approved-Motion by Mr. Satterfield, Seconded by Ms. Thomas II. D. FALL 2008 WELCOME BACK/INFORMATION TABLE OLD BUSINESS: Dr. Quezada will purchase items for this event. Spring Fling and Welcome Back Party Dr. Quezada appreciates all the help and support from IE members for organizing the cookout for Dr. Lydia Tena’s Welcome Back Party. It was a huge success! Welcome back, Dr. Tena! E. OTHER BUSINESS IE Members will vote for the next officer positions to be effective for the Fall of 2008 to be held at the next District IE Meeting in August. (ASC) Dr. Quezada stated he would like to have a Spring Fling Celebration every semester. III. F. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH 1. NEW BUSINESS: Three employees were selected by members of the IE Committee: A. DISTRICT I.E. REPORT 1. The April 8 meeting was very short. Updates were given from all the individual campuses regarding their activities and/or happenings. 2. There was no new business to discuss. Ms. Julie Ortiz, who works as a part-time writing tutor, was elected EOM for the month of May. Congratulations, Ms. Ortiz! 2. Mr. Jesse Ramirez, from the Computer Lab, was elected EOM for the month of June. Congratulations, Mr. Ramirez! 3. Ms. Karina Porras, testing services clerk, was elected EOM for the month of July. Congratulations, Ms. Porras! 4. Ms. Mary Miller, from the Career Center, was elected EOM for the month of August. Congratulations, Ms. Miller! B. IE BUDGET 1. 2. Dr. Quezada suggested purchasing cakes, gift cards and welcome back items and/or snacks with the money that is left over in the IE Budget. Mr. Satterfield moved to approve the motion and Mr. Rassaei seconded the motion. Quezada provided us with the following information: IV. Ms. Thomas, Court Reporting Instructor, stated that her program might receive congressional funding, $600,000, due to Congressman Silvestre Reyes submitting an appropriations request to help train court reporters to become broadcast captioners for the hearing impaired (The Americans with Disabilities Act.) The IE budget has spent the following monies: $1000 budget$235 Spring Fling Table $135 Fall Table $371 Employee of the Month Celebrations $740.08 has been spent and leaves us with a balance of $250 for the summer budget. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 60 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 September 26, 2006 ASC Board Room Ms. Cardena was thankful for the two-way traffic sign in front of the main building. Members Present: Jim Lambrinos, Ingrid Cardena, Nader Rassaei, Monica Wong, Manfred Silva, Dub Satterfield, Gerard Perez, Lucretia Thomas, Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez, Jesse Ramirez and Timothy Quezada C. STAFF PARKING: Dr. Tena-Perez commented that more staff parking is being worked on. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m. I. Newly-Elected Officers: D. STUDENT SURVEYS: Gerry Perez will serve as Chair for the NW I.E. Committee. Timothy Quezada will serve as Co-Chair for the NW I.E. Committee. Nader Rassaei will serve as Secretary of the NW I.E. Committee. II. Mr. Satterfield asked about the results of the student surveys and Mr. Perez commented he would follow up on the results. E. NORTHWEST LIBRARY: Mr. Satterfield and Mr. Lambrinos suggested since Laura Bush would be in El Paso, could she possibly make an appearance at the NW library? Ms. Wong will look into the possibility of a visit. OLD BUSINESS: A. CAMPUS FURNITURE: 1. Motion by Mr. Silva to re-request diaper changing tables in the men’s and women’s library restrooms. Motion amended by Mr. Lambrinos to include metal shelves in all men’s and women’s restrooms in the C Building. Motion Seconded by Mr. Silva and Ms. Cardenas 2. Dry Erase Markers were requested for Cbuilding by Ms. Cardena and Mr. Lambrinos 3. Ms. Wong requested shades and/or a canopy for library use. 4. Mr. Rassaei requested space for file cabinetsDr. Tena-Perez suggested that the part-timer’s offices could be used for storage and STS students could scan documents. 5. Ms. Wong commented that the library was approved by IT for 30 units of wireless laptops. 6. Dr. Tena-Perez urged members to submit furniture requests. III. NEW BUSINESS: Employee of the Month: An employee of the month needs to be nominated and selected for the month of October. IV. JUDGE EDWARD MARQUEZ: Mr. Silva informed us that Judge Edward Marquez passed away and he requested if a plant and/or card could be sent to his wife, Mary, because of his involvement with the College. Motion by Mr. Silva, Seconded by Ms. Cardena. Motion passed. Dr. TenaPerez said the money would be available from the Dean’s fund. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Silva announced that the Political Science Department would have Senator Elliot Shapleigh speaking about school funding on Friday, October 13, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., VV campus. Please encourage students to attend. B. TRAFFIC FLOW AND STREET SIGNS: Meeting Adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 61 October 31, 2006 NW Room M-5 Members Present: Timothy Quezada, Jim Lambrinos, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Gerard Perez, Monica Wong, Ingrid Cardena, Armando San Roman, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez C. Dr. Perez will email Lieutenant Williams on possibility of receiving more staff parking. D. I. REQUEST FOR FACULTY RESOURCES: CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Lambrinos requested that since the Math lab in the C Building is underutilized and computers are available, could it be possible to corner off a portion of the room for faculty resources? Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Minutes read and approved II. STAFF PARKING: OLD BUSINESS: III. A. NEW BUSINESS: DISTRICT IE: A. 1. B. The newly-elected Chair for the District I.E. is Miguel A. Contreras and the new Secretary is Susan Silva. 2. Dr. Stroud shall be informed of the NW Employee of the Month. 3. Blood drives will continue. Encourage students to donate blood. 4. Mr. Perez will review the smoking procedures and regulations to determine whether 10 or 15feet yellow signs will be posted outside entrances to buildings. Mr. Perez asked if a court reporting student could record the minutes of IE meetings, as requested by Ms. Thomas and Mr. Rassaei. The request was approved unanimously. B. Mr. Perez will ask maintenance about adding shelves in men’s restrooms. 2. Diaper changing tables in the men’s and women’s restrooms have been requested. 3. Ms. Wong’s request for shades and/or canopy for library use is pending. 4. TIVO for library use? Mr. Rassaei will look into this issue. VISITOR’S PASS FOR LIBRARY: Ms. Wong asked about the possibility of implementing a visitor’s pass for community users using the library. Also, the fire alarm in the library is too loud. Could the alarm possibly be adjusted? IE Committee for NW Campus could research this possibility and give us information on it. Javier Cisneros is the person to speak with. CAMPUS FURNITURE 1. RECORDING OF MINUTES: C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: Lisa Juliano is the Employee of the Month for November. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 62 January 30, 2007 NW Room M-5 Members Present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Lucretia Thomas, Manfred Silva, Dub Satterfield, Nader Rassaei, Jim Lambrinos, Armando San Roman, Jesse Ramirez, Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez, Joseph Hobdy (SGA) Senator I. B. REQUEST FOR FACULTY RESOURCES: A decision as to this request will be on hold. A revenue bond passed and one additional building will be added to the NW campus. Maybe a faculty resource center could be included in the new building. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Dr. Quezada, Seconded by Mr. Silva II. C. CAMPUS FURNITURE: Dr. Perez will send out an email regarding adding metal shelves in men’s restrooms. OLD BUSINESS: III. NEW BUSINESS: A. DISTRICT I.E.: 1. 2. 3. A. Mr. Lambrinos made the motion and Mr. Silva seconded the motion, and all IE members agreed that a new gas stove and larger ice machine be purchased through facilities for our cafeteria. The newly-elected chair for the District IE is Miguel Contreras. Each campus was approved for monies for improvements. Dr. Rhodes needs a report for suggestions and/or requests by February 28 for the “Beautification Program.” Dr. Quezada will confirm whether $600 or $1000 was allotted for the program. Dr. Quezada and Mr. Satterfield are the subcommittee members for this program. Mr. Rassaei and Ms. Thomas are the subcommittee members for IE furniture requests. This is not a wish list but items that are mandatory because of damage. Prioritize items and only classroom and lab furniture is to be requested. Dr. Perez requested that all classrooms be installed with Atomic Clocks and that the clocks be purchased from this fund. This project should be completed before the end of the semester. There’s a newly-proposed employee of the month nomination form. Dr. Quezada will ask District IE members for clarification as to who can vote and/or be nominated, ie, work-studies, tutors or students. NW IE members requested removal of the logo of the Vice President located at the bottom of the page and some members felt the form was too lengthy. B. Joseph Hobdy commented that the ATM machine is always out of order. IE members suggested posting a sign on the ATM machine with a phone number to call when this occurs. C. Manfred Silva is the Employee of the Month for February. Congratulations, Manfred! It was also suggested that this celebration be enhanced. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Dr. Perez wanted to thank Dr. Quezada and Mr. Gerry Perez for working during the winter break and making an inventory of college furniture that needed replacing. It was time consuming and their hard work was to be commended. B. Mr. Silva announced that Kholberg Elementary School would be having their Science Fair Presentations on Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. Judges will be needed to evaluate the projects. C. Mr. Silva also announced the Runaway Shelter needs donations of old cartridges. Toiletry donations would also be appreciated. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 63 February 27, 2007 Northwest C. Four of our faculty, Nader Rassaei, Timothy Quezada, Manfred Silva, and Lucretia Thomas and 81 students of Manfred Silva attended Science Fair at Olga Kohlberg Elementary School. Good PR for EPCC. Members Present: Gerard Perez, Dub Satterfield, Monica Wong, Jim Lambrinos, Manfred Silva, Ingrid Cardenas, Armando San Roman, Jesse Ramirez I. CALL TO ORDER: D. Waiter’s Luncheon will be on 4/26/07. A. Chair called meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. E. Three math teachers volunteered to tutor at Canutillo High School for TAKS: Lisa Juliano and Carmen Carlton from Northwest Campus and Diana Orrantia at Transmountain Campus. B. Dub Satterfield moved minutes to be accepted. Seconded by Manfred Silva. Minutes approved as written. II. F. CSD tutors from EPCC received a national award. OLD BUSINESS A. A review of the Beautification Report including canopies for library was presented by Chair. G. CSD Tutoring Program was nationally recognized. IV. A. Canutillo High School wants us to pay to use their facilities for summer programs. We need to revisit our agreement, even though their students are using our library facility and services. B. Gerard Perez reported on follow-up with Rick Chavez on entrance signage to distinguish between EPCC and the Canutillo High School. C. District IE meeting report was presented by chair. B. We need to have more social interaction/collaboration between CISD and EPCC (administrative grants) D. Shelves in restrooms for student’s books, also baby changing tables are needed. E. Conchita’s need for a gas grill emphasized. F. Ideas on spending appropriated budget may include: BBQ, IE Appreciation Party at the end of the academic year, $25 Gift Certificates. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW BUSINESS C. Ana Hernandez, Librarian, was selected Employee of the Month for March. V. ADJOURNMENT Monica Wong moved to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Jim Lambrinos. Voted and passed. Meeting adjourned. A. Library provides services for Hearing Impaired patrons in room L07 with video-interpreting equipments and line installed. B. Library provides access for Starlink Trainings. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 64 March 27, 2007 NW Room M-5 Members Present: Dr. Timothy Quezada, Ingrid Cardena, Nader Rassaei, Monica Wong, Manfred Silva, Dub Satterfield, Gerard Perez, Lucretia Thomas, Jesse Ramirez and Armando San Roman I. B. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES Officer San Roman mentioned that the handicapped spaces are filling in too quickly. We need to allocate the handicapped parking spaces from Cbuilding to accommodate easier access to the library. We need to accommodate more students by creating new spaces. Any suggestions? This situation will have to be closely monitored. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Quezada moved for minutes to be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Satterfield. The minutes were approved as written. II. C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: The employee of the month for April is Juanita Maese from the Financial Aid Department. Congratulations! OLD BUSINESS: A. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL Canutillo High School wants to charge us for the use of rooms and/or equipment yet they come here and we never charge them fees for the use of our facilities. Gerard Perez needs to speak to Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez regarding this issue. IV. A. WAITER’S LUNCHEON Dr. Quezada reminded IE members to please support the waiter’s luncheon and Dr. Tena-Perez by attending and/or purchasing tickets for this important fundraiser. B. CONCHITA’S AREA 1. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS Conchita is expecting to receive an ice machine soon. B. LONGEVITY GRADIENT Mr. Silva asked if after two years’ of employment, a monthly stipend or a lump sum be preferred as an extra bonus for encouraging faculty to stay. IE members unanimously agreed on the monthly stipend. Some items have been missing in this area and there is a locking device that will be needed. Gerard Perez will also speak to Dr. Lydia TenaPerez regarding this issue. C. ATOMIC CLOCKS C. END OF SEMESTER COOK OUT The IE Committee strongly acknowledges that the purchase of atomic clocks should be the responsibility of facilities and not the individual campus or IE teams. III. The IE committee will host a cook out at the end of the semester to reward all IE members for their hard work and commitment. Mr. Perez will coordinate this function. NEW BUSINESS: V. A. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER: DR. MARIO RUJA The IE Committee unanimously agreed it wasn’t necessary to bring in this motivational speaker. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Quezada moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Cardena. Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 65 April 24, 2007 NW Library Ms. Wong commented there are forms to be filled out which are then submitted to the dean’s office with a waiver of fee. Members Present: Gerry Perez, Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Armando San Roman, Monica Wong, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez, Ingrid Cardena and Jesse Ramirez 2. I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:15 p.m. Minutes read and approved-Motion by Mr. Rassaei, Seconded by Mr. Satterfield II. Ms. Wong was wondering if another walkway could be built from Canutillo High School to EPCC. Dr. Tena-Perez commented that it would be too costly. Ms. Wong thought maybe the principal could make the announcement to students to use the sidewalks because of the dangers of crossing thorough the rocks. NEW BUSINESS: C. CONCHITA’S AREA A. DISTRICT I.E. REPORT 1. III. A locking device is being looked at for equipment in this area. Dr. Tena-Perez recommended a Design Work Request for this area to be done through the facilities funding. Dr. Rabab Fares expressed concern over the recent bad publicity the marketing department had received. She distributed pamphlets and other brochures demonstrating how much work the marketing department has recently done. 2. The “Beautification Program” was accepted by Dr. Rhodes. 3. District IE wants to have web pages giving information on IE activities and/or events. NW IE team decided to temporarily have our own webpage and/or link that will be maintained by the Dean’s Office through the IE Chair. Ms. Wong will speak with Laura Lee about possibly maintaining the webpage and/or link for Fall of 2007. D. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES Mr. San Roman stated there are a number of spaces that need to be in front of the buildings. Additional spaces will be added with the new parking lot that will be built. E. ATOMIC CLOCKS Atomic clocks are being purchased. The library has to inform the dean’s office how many clocks need to be purchased for their department. III. NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH A. DIAPER CHANGING TABLES Margarita Avila from the Court Reporting Department is the Employee of the Month for May. Congratulations, Margie! Ms. Wong pleaded for the Library to at least purchase one diaper changing table. Dr. Tena-Perez requested Ms. Wong to submit the purchase price for one diaper changing table as soon as possible. IV. Mr. Satterfield wanted to include in next month’s agenda the Early High School being funded by the Gates Foundation. B. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL 1. Dr. Tena-Perez mentioned that there is a new principal and new superintendent. If we go through the Dean’s office, we won’t be charged for use of facility and/or equipment. There is an agreement with the dean’s office. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Satterfield moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rassaei. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 66 June 7, 2007 NW Room M-5 Members Present: Gerry Perez, Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Armando San Roman, Jim Lambrinos, Dub Satterfield, Dr. Lydia Tena-Perez, Jesse Ramirez and Joseph Hobdy (Student Government) I. III. A. LETTER FOR JESUS ORTIZ Mr. Perez was approached by Mr. Ortiz and was wondering if the NW IE team could write a letter in support of Mr. Ortiz’s services performed for the NW IE team, i.e., moving signs in the parking lot. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:06 p.m. Minutes read and approved. Motion made by Mr. Perez and seconded by Mr. Hobdy. II. NEW BUSINESS: B. NW-NECHS The Gates Foundation halted the funding for the NW Early College High School, but the Texas Community Foundation will contribute $400,000 to support four years of high school. NECHS will start Fall of 2008. OLD BUSINESS: A. DIAPER CHANGING TABLES Dr. Tena-Perez was going to confirm whether a request and/or purchase order for a diaper changing table was completed. C. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Isabel Melendez is the Employee of the Month for June and July. Congratulations, Isabel! B. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL No funding is available for another walkway to be built from Canutillo High School to EPCC as Ms. Wong had suggested. D. STUDENT GOVERNMENT 1. Mr. Satterfield and Mr. Hobdy may team up for the Resource Fair sponsored by the Counseling Department. 2. Mr. Hobdy stated the Student Government office is in need of an atomic clock. 3. Mr. Hobdy was wondering about a future daycare facility at NW campus; Dr. Tena-Perez said there was no possibility of having one in the future. 4. Dr. Tena-Perez thought maybe the Student Government office could help out with welcoming students, distributing water to students and/or helping lost students during the first week of classes; Mr. Hobdy agreed it was a good idea. C. CONCHITA’S AREA The purchase of a new stove is still pending and it will come from the Physical Plant. The contact persons are David Mena and/or Rick Torres. Repairs needed for the refrigerator are still pending. D. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES The NW handicapped parking spaces have been repainted. E. ATOMIC CLOCKS Dr. Tena-Perez will contact Dr. Brown to find out whether atomic clocks will be purchased from the Instructional Department or from the Physical Plant. Mr. Lambrinos suggested the clocks should be placed in front of the instructor and not facing the students; Dr. Tena-Perez agreed. IV. Mr. Hobdy announced that Student Government would be having a “Welcome/Get Together Party” at the NW campus on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. F. SHELVES FOR RESTROOMS A Design Work Request should be requested. G. IE AFFAIRS Mr. Lambrinos expressed deep concerns about the bureaucratic manner in which some affairs are handled through the IE committee. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Satterfield moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lambrinos. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 67 August 30, 2007 NW Room M-5 Members Present: Gerry Perez, Dr. Timothy Quezada, Nader Rassaei, Lucretia Thomas, Monica Wong, Becky Ortega, Ingrid Cardena, Manfred Silva and Dub Satterfield D. CONCHITA’S AREA I. E. STAFF PARKING SPACES All repairs and purchases for this area have been completed. CALL TO ORDER: Some IE members felt more staff parking spaces are needed. Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. Minutes read and approved. Motion made by Mr. Silva and seconded by Mr. Rassaei. F. ATOMIC CLOCKS II. OLD BUSINESS: The purchase of the clocks is still pending in Dr. Brown’s Office. A. DISTRICT IE REPORT 1. The District IE team did not meet this month. 2. Ms. Wong expressed concerns about the redundancy of having a campus IE website and/or link concerning NW IE activities and/or events. Ms. Wong strongly feels it is not necessary to post NW IE activities and/or events. Ms. Wong feels the NW campus website and/or link already has enough information on the web and any other information might be redundant and confusing to the students. Ms. Thomas informed Ms. Wong that Dr. Stroud wants the minutes of the meetings posted on a separate NW IE website and/or link as well as other events that occur, i.e., Employee of the Month. Dr. Quezada will look into the issue involving the IE website at the district level and will inform the NW IE team of his findings, i.e., whether we should have a separate NW IE website from the NW campus and what information shall be contained on it. It was also discussed and agreed by Ms. Ortega that the Dean’s Office would maintain our website and/or link through the IE chair. B. DIAPER CHANGING TABLES G. SHELVES FOR RESTROOMS The installation of the shelves has been completed. III. NEW BUSINESS: A. SUBSTITUTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Perez informed the NW IE team that Mr. Jim Lambrinos is incapable of fulfilling his responsibilities as a member of the NW IE team because of scheduling conflicts. We request and will ask Dr. Tena to recommend appointing Dr. Daniel Gutierrez to the NW IE committee. Mr. Perez moved to pass the motion. Mr. Rassaei seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Wong expressed concerns about students from Canutillo High School being in the library during school hours. Ms. Wong does not have enough staff to screen whether the students are from Canutillo. It was suggested that an announcement be made over the loud speaker reminding students not to be on our campus or library during school hours. Ms. Ortega will convey this message to Dr. Tena. Diaper changing tables have been installed. C. CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL Some NW IE members felt the issue of adding a walkway from Canutillo High School to EPCC is still needed. Dr. Quezada recommended putting a fence around the ditch area to keep children from walking through the dangerous area. C. NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICERS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2007 Dr. Timothy Quezada will serve as Chair for the NW IE Committee. Nader Rassaei will serve as CoChair for the NW IE Committee. Lucretia Thomas will serve as Secretary for the NW IE Committee. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 68 D. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Nader Rassaei from the Pharmacology Department is the Employee of the Month for September. Congratulations, Nader! The celebration for Mr. Rassaei will take place in Room M-05 on Wednesday, September 5 at 12:00 p.m. IV. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Silva moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Satterfield. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 69 NORTHWEST IE TEAM MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 Minutes for the 2005-2006 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/NW IETEAM MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 70