For College Procedure Committees INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) November 19, 2014 Members present: Michelle Conklin; Ken Gorski; Anthony Catalano; Steve Smith; Dr. William Serrata; Claudia Del Hierro; Felix Hinojosa; Peter Felix; Raul Lerma; Linda Gonzalez Hensgen Members absent: Norma Urias; Rocio Fierro Meeting started at 3:35 p.m. with introductions of those present. Committee Chairperson Raul Lerma, went over the charge of the committee. Athletic Director Felix Hinojosa reported on the status and highlights of EPCC teams: Baseball Softball Cross Country Other updates included: Financial updates (see attached) The Athletic Academic Banquet for 2014-2015 will be held on May 7th 2015. Old business discussed included balance on Baseball and Softball fields. There will be an update on the balances at spring meeting New business discussed included possibility of any new sports in the future; using our championships such as in Cross Country in our recruiting strategy. Possible dates for spring meeting will be sent out Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1 Attachment Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday November 19, 2014 3:30 p.m. Valle Verde Students Services Building E-100 AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Introductions Ill. Athletic Director's Report -- Mr. Felix Hinojosa Fall Spent Spring Commitments A. Baseball $37,252.32 $40,873 B. Softball $31,357.75 $27,716 C. Cross Country $35,418.07 D. Fundraising FY14-15 BB-$10,015.00 E. Use of funds from tuition increase: There was no tuition increase for the Fall2014 semester IV. Old Business V. New Business Calendar: Next Meeting VI. Calendar: Next Meeting VII. Adjournment $17,456 SB-$4,087 .51 Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 2 May 11, 2015 Members present: Steve Smith; Claudia Del Hierro; Felix Hinojosa; Raul Lerma; Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen; Fernando Flores for Josette Shaughnessy; Bill Clark; Norma Urias Other updates included: Fundraising: Raffle raised $1,860. Winner to be announced at June Board meeting. Members absent: Ken Gorski; Michelle Conklin; Dr. William Serrata; Rocio Fierro; Kayla Pallares; David Colemero The Athletic Academic Banquet for 2014-2015 was held on May 7th 2015 Changes allowing more international and perhaps older athletes to compete was discussed Meeting started at 3:35 p.m. with introductions of those present. Welcomed Mr. Bill Clark as new committee member. Minutes from 11/19/2014 meeting were reviewed and passed with one minor change. Mr. Fernando Flores gave a financial update on athletics (see attachments 1) An update on the balance of the softball field was also discussed with different payoff dates, (See attachment 2) There was discussion of Pepsi only providing $75,000 this year compared to $100,000 last year Possible shortfall. Mr. Hinojosa presented a revised Academic Responsibilities and Guidelines form to be completed by all athletes on Certified Roster. The revised form is clarifying some student’s responsibilities as well as definition of academic progress to allow athletic participation. Some suggestions were made. Revised form will be sent to committee via email for final approval. Possible dates for meeting will be sent out. Tentatively in November Mr. Hinojosa moved to adjourn at 3:31 p.m., Mr. Clark seconded. Athletic Director Felix Hinojosa reported on the status and highlights of EPCC teams: Baseball - Current freeze pending hiring of new coach Softball Cross Country Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3 Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 4 Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 5 Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 6 Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 7 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 “The committee did not meet during the 2013-2014 academic year.” Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 April 2, 2013 The April 2, 2013 meeting of the El Paso Community College Intercollegiate Athletics Committee meeting was called to order at 2:07 p.m. The following committee members were present: Josette Shaughnessy Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen Felix Hinojosa Louis Hernandez Dr. Albert Burnham Raul Lerma Lisa Elliott Bill Clarke Connie Gonzalez AVP, Budget and Financial VP, Student Services Director of Athletics EPCC Staff Member at Large Instructor Director of Financial Aid Instructor Instructor SGA President Members Absent: Alejandro Acuna and Michelle Garcia. Each member of the committee introduced themselves and selected a new Chair Person and Co-Chair. Dr. Albert Burnham was selected as the new Chair Person and Mr. Raul Lerma was selected as the Co-Chair. Ms. Lisa Elliott would like for GPA’s to be a little higher. Ms. Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen mentioned that it is different for the baseball and softball GPA’s vs. Cross Country. Baseball and Softball have a better chance receiving a scholarship to continue playing at the next level. Cross Country has to get higher grades so that they can receive an academic scholarship. Mr. Raul Lerma asked if the students are getting help and if we have and advising center. It was stated that students utilized our tutoring centers and the advising comes from Mr. Lolo Mercado who is the Athletic Counselor. Ms. Lisa Elliott asked if there were different students who participate in ½ Marathon and Cross Country. It was stated that students who run Cross Country will participate in running the ½ Marathon. Josette Shaughnessy provided a report on the financial status of Athletics by revenue and expenditures as of March 31, 2013. Athletic Department will need to pay the Auxiliary Services within 15 years. The Auxiliary Services lent out 1.5 million dollars to the Athletic Department for the remodeling of the Softball Field. The minutes for the April 28, 2011 meeting were approved. New Business: Felix Hinojosa provided a report on the Athletic Department by sport. There were mentions of each sports President’s list and Dean’s list participants. Felix spoke about each sports GPA’s and Graduation Projection. Dr. Burham asked why each sport has different GPA and why aren’t they following the same GPA. It was stated that each coach selects their GPA for their sport. Ms. Connie Gonzalez mention that if these students are on scholarship shouldn’t they are be under the same GPA. It was stated that to be on scholarship you need a 2.0 GPA. The standards that the Athletic Sports have set are higher than what the NJCAA follows. Athletic Department has a brand new softball field. They will be having a grand opening for the field on April 19, 2013. A question was asked if the EPCC Tejanos were going to play the Diablos like they use to in the past. It was stated that there had been no talk about that. Ms. Lisa Elliott asked if there is an Athletic Fitness Center. It was stated that there wasn’t. The meeting was adjourned at 3:13 p.m. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 9 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 “The committee did not meet during the 2011-2012 academic year.” Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 10 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 April 28, 2011 The April 28, 2011 meeting of the El Paso Community College Intercollegiate Athletics Committee meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. by committee chair, Josette Shaughnessy. Josette Shaughnessy provided a report on the financial status of athletics by revenue and expenditures as of March 31, 2011. She stated that the loan balance for the Baseball field turf was paid back to the auxiliary fund in August 2010. The following committee members were present: Laurence Sears asked about the surplus in the athletic budget. It was stated that the surplus remaining within the athletic budget in a roll-over account, rolls over from year to year and is available for funding projects. Josette Shaughnessy Felix Hinojosa Jessica Klein Albert Burnham Laurence Sears Adriana Nevarez Kristoffer Koerper Elizabeth Beltran AVP, Budget & Financial Services Director of Athletics Instructor Instructor Instructor SGA President Student-Athlete Student-Athlete Each member of the committee introduced themselves. Felix Hinojosa provided a report on the athletic department by program. There was discussion about possible new programs (rifle and soccer). Funding and facilities would have to be considered. (Note: Rifle is not a recognized sport by the NJCAA). Improvements to the baseball and softball field with two stages remaining: Old business: Discussion was held about the improvements made at the baseball and softball fields including the drainage for flood control and the handicap access. New business: Adriana Nevarez asked about getting the students more involved. This concerned information about the games, advertisement with TV, radio and newspaper, mass media, etc., across the district. Kristoffer Koerper stated that he did a mass media and advertising project for one of his classes and that he would provide a copy to the Athletics’ office. Josette asked if another meeting was necessary before the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Hinojosa stated that he would contact Ms. Shaughnessy if a meeting was needed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. bleachers and press box lights Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 October 28, 2009 The committee meeting was called to order by Josette Shaughnessy at 2:44 pm on October, 28, 2009. expenditures, actual expenditures, revenue surplus, and ending fund balance (8/31/09). Members present: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Richard Gay, Mr. Ken Gorski, Ms. Susan Silva, and Mr. Louie Hernandez. Non-Members Present: Mr. Felix Hinojosa, Director of Athletics and Dana Eisenga, recorder. She also presented the budget for 2009-10 with the actual expenditures for September 2009. Members absent: Mr. Laurence Sears, Mr. Peter Felix III, Mr. John Swisher, and Ms. Michelle Tejeda. Old Business: Mr. Ken Gorski asked about the lighting and bleacher project for the baseball and softball fields. Ms. Susan Silva asked if the increased per diem was in effect. Minutes were not approved for the January 14, 2009 meeting. The minutes for the December3, 2008 and January 14, 2009 meetings will be sent by e-mail to each member for their review and approval. Athletic Director Update Felix Hinojosa, Director of Athletes gave an update on baseball, softball and cross country, pertaining to their roster size and schedule of games and meets for the fall semester. Mr. Hinojosa will provide an update for the lighting and bleacher project at the next meeting in March. The increased per diem was implemented by the Athletic Department for the 2009-10 fiscal year. Each member of the sports team that travels now receives the $30.00 per diem. The new fire technology facility between baseball and softball has exterior rest rooms for the athletes and spectators; also it provides drinking water and a concession stand, which has already been used by the Financial Aid Department. New Business: The golf tournament set for November 6 at Vista Hills CC, has 25 teams with 13 hole sponsors. Recommended dates for the Spring 2010 Bowling Tournament are March 12 or April 30. Athletic Financial Report Josette Shaughnessy, AVP for Budget and Financial Services, presented the athletic financial report. This covered the following areas for 2008-09 fiscal year: beginning fund balance (9/1/08), budgeted revenue, actual revenue, budgeted Mr. Hinojosa and Ms. Lockhart, Director, Center for Students with Disabilities, looked at the ADA accessibility to the ATC Fire Technology facility and access to the baseball and softball fields. She will be preparing a report of her findings. Her concern is that there is no paved access to the baseball and softball fields from the Fire Technology facility and that the sidewalk hand railings may be too close together to allow access. The next meeting is scheduled for 2:30 pm on March 9, 2010. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 12 March 9, 2010 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. John Swisher, Ms. Michelle Tejada, Mr. Andres Gabaldon, Mr. Louis Hernandez and Ms. Susan Silva. C. New Business • Bowling tournament is scheduled for April 1, 2010. Tournament will need to be rescheduled for a later date (May 21, 2010 @ 1:00 p.m. at Bowl El Paso). MEMBERS ABSENT (Excused): Mr. Peter Felix III, Mr. Ken Goski and Mr. Laurence Sears • Proceeds for the golf and bowling tournaments are used for qualifying student-athletes who attend summer sessions. The committee meeting was called to order by Josette Shaughnessy at 2:35 p.m. on March 9, 2010. • Athletic Offices hope to relocate to the Fire tech facility in the future. Minutes were approved for the December 3, 2008; January 14, 2009; and October 28, 2009 Athletic Advisory Committee Meetings. • Baseball and Softball have access to the locker rooms and restrooms in the fire tech facility. • Athletics is hoping to host the November 2011 Half Marathon National Championships. • Projects for the baseball and softball field are still in the design phase. Bleachers will have to be redesigned due to a smaller area in the baseball field. • A concern was raised about safety on the soccer field. NON-MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Felix Hinojosa and Ms. Claudia Del Hierro. A. Athletic Director Report • Baseball and Softball have new coaches: Adam Gawason, Head Baseball Coach and Kathryn Gutierrez, Head Softball Coach. • Baseball, Softball and Cross Country are recruiting for the 2010-2011 season. Cross Country team is in their off season, but are doing community service work and helping out with summer track. • B. • All Athletic Budgets are on track. • Baseball and Softball fields may be rented with fees paid to the Athletic Department. High schools have rented both fields for tournaments. • Assistant coaches may hold summer camps on the baseball or softball field. D. Old Business • A concern was raised about the operation of concession stands at the College and the procedures. The concession stand located by the baseball and softball field is operated by Financial Aid. Financial Aid is in compliance with the food handler cards and permits required. • Ms. Silva would like more marketing for the baseball and softball games. • Fire tech sidewalk is still not ADA compliant. People in wheel chairs are not able to have access to baseball and softball fields. Financial Report • Josette Shaughnessy, AVP for Budget and Financial Services, presented the athletic financial report. • Athletics still has owes apx $320,000 on the loan for the baseball turf. Athletics needs to try to pay at least $100,000 back to Auxiliary Services by the end of this fiscal year. Meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m. • Next meeting will be either Tuesday, August 17 or Thursday, August 19 (August 19, 2010 @ 2:30 p.m.) Ms. Shaughnessy informed the student-athletes how the Athletic Program is funded. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 13 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 December 3, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Adrian De La Rosa, Ms. Giovana Nuanes, Ms. Darcy Traffansted, Ms. Melissa Whitman, Mr. Lawrence Sears and Ms. Susan Silva. NON-MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Felix Hinojosa, Ms. Arvis Jones and Ms. Claudia Del Hierro. Mr. De La Rosa asked if any sanctions had been filed against the baseball team. No sanctions were filed against the team; Dr. Campos reemphasized the Athletic Department needs to make sure that the program will stay in compliance. Ms. Shaughnessy said she received phone calls regarding the issues against the baseball team and stated that the Athletic Advisory Committee is not here to oversee the Athletic Department. The committee’s charge is to make recommendations to improve the program. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Peter Felix and Mr. Ken Gorski (Excused because of “dead week”) Meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. Minutes of 4/21/08 were approved at 1:15 p.m. I. Athletic Program Status Dr. Campos informed the Athletic Advisory Committee that last year they became aware of some concerns in the Athletic Department. One of the situations had to do with the baseball fund-raising. Weekly meetings are being held to ensure all fundraising is on the right track. The other situation was having an ineligible student suited out in uniform and traveling with the team. Although the athlete did not play during any games while ineligible, it was emphasized by Dr. Campos that we need to follow all the rules. When the situation arose the administration contacted the NJCAA regarding this issue and NJCAA office confirmed that EPCC had violated the rule. A series of documents were sent to the NJCAA. There is another deadline in February 2009 at which time a report must be submitted. EPCC is committed to continue the athletic program; therefore, we must make sure that we follow all the NJCAA guidelines. Mr. Sears asked about the baseball coached and when his last day was. He inquired if the team made the play offs, would the coach would be coaching the team. Dr. Campos informed the committee that May is the last month for the baseball coach. If the team makes the play-offs, they will extend his time so that the coach can coach his team. II. Athletic Director Report A. Baseball Baseball is in the off season. The team is getting ready to start their spring season and fundraising activities. B. Softball Softball is in the off season and getting ready for the spring season. They, too, are starting fundraising activities. C. Cross Country Cross Country went to the Cross Country Nationals and repeated conference champs. Two runners were named “All Americans” and two were named “Coaches All Americans.” Cross Country also went to the Half Marathon where the men finished in 4th place and the women finished in 2nd. They had one returnee from last year. There were two athletes that received an “All American” and one athlete received the “Coaches All American.” D. Fund-raising Update The Golf Tournament was held this October at Painted Dunes. This has been the best year so far. The money from the Golf and Bowling Tournaments are used for summer scholarships. Scholarships are given based on the students’ GPA. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 14 E. the Athletic Department will need additional funds to continue the scholarships that currently are offered. Budget Update Felix Hinojosa informed the committee members that currently the Athletic Budget is on track. Since it is based on enrollment, if enrollment goes down, the budget will need to be modified accordingly. III. Financial Report Ms. Shaughnessy provided the budget report for the Athletic Programs which is funded by student fees. The Athletic department receives $3 for every student enrolled and $1 per credit hour per semester. If the $1 per credit hour is raised by $.50 the Athletic Department will receive approximately $250,000 more. All baseball and softball fundraising is used to offset the budget when they have over spent in a certain area. The Auxiliary Fund loaned the Baseball Program $386,000 to help cover the cost of the baseball turf. This loan must be repaid to the Auxiliary Fund. The Auxiliary Budget is not like other budgets. It is funded by revenue from food services, vending machines, and the bookstore. IV. V. Considering the impact of a tuition increase on the Athletic Budget, the Athletic Department should make a recommendation (with justification) to the Tuition & Fees Committee and the Student Government Association that they evaluate the merits of the proposed increase in fees for athletics. When Felix Hinojosa presents the recommendation, he must explain why the increase is needed. The recommendation for increase must be made by January 2009 in order to have enough time to go through the approval channels to meet the March printing deadline for the fall class schedules. New Business Mr. De La Rosa inquired about facilities out in the baseball and softball fields. Dr. Campos told the committee that the fire technology facility is being constructed between the baseball and softball facilities; the new facility will have restrooms and water fountains that both baseball and softball could use. Ms. Traffansted encouraged the student reps to start promoting athletics more to gain additional support from EPCC students. Mr. Sears said that the athletes, not coaches, should go the Faculty Development meetings to talk with faculty about their schedules. The student reps agreed that this is something that they should do. Mr. Sears, Ms. Shaughnessy, and Mr. Hinojosa will be talk with their respective deans to make the arrangements for these athletes to talk during faculty development meetings. Ms. Silva wants to see if the athletes can go into the classrooms and visit with the students about their games. Mr. De La Rosa asked about the role of the cheerleaders. Ms. Jones informed him that the cheerleaders are to promote the games and community events. Mr. De La Rosa said that if they do get people out on the fields, they will need some shades. Dr. Campos asked if SGA would be able to provide this. The student reps will discuss this with their coaches and get a quote on the shades. Funding of 2009/10 When enrollment at the College goes up, the total amount of student fees increases. If the student enrollment goes down, the revenue from fees for the Athletic Budget decreases. This is why the Athletic Budget varies from year to year. Dr. Campos informed the committee that the Athletic Budget is really tight and Athletics must make it work. It is imperative to carefully budget for tuition increase that affect the scholarship budget and salaries. Due to these increased costs, the Athletic Department needs a fee increase and assistance from the community to help support the Athletic Program for the coming year. The community can help the Athletic Department with funds to manage the program or the fields. It was noted that softball received lumber and the manpower to put up the wooden fence from the community. A fee increase will help with increases in salaries and tuition. While tuition remained the same over the past two years, the Athletic Department had sufficient funds for scholarships. With tuition increasing, Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 15 January 14, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Adrian De La Rosa, Ms. Giovana Nuanes, Ms. Darcy Traffansted, Ms. Melissa Whitman, Mr. Lawrence Sears, Mr. Peter Felix III and Mr. Ken Gorski. Non-members present: Mr. Felix Hinojosa and Ms. Claudia Del Hierro. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Susan Silva Meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. Minutes were not approved. Members will look through the minutes and approve them at a later time. I. Athletic Director Update Bowling tournament will be held April 9, 2009. Baseball 1st game will be January 30 at EPCC. Softball 1st game will be January 30 in Yuma, AZ. Cross Country will be doing the Susan Komen 5K race. II. Athletic Fee Proposal Felix Hinojosa passed out the proposed budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year and explained the budget to all committee members. Mr. Hinojosa is proposing that the student fee be increased from the $1 per credit hour to $1.50 per credit hour. Mr. Hinojosa stated the increase is necessary; with the tuition increase the Athletic Department will not have sufficient funds to cover the scholarships that the department gives out to student-athletes. The Athletic Committee must ensure that the Athletic program, funded by the EPCC students, really is self supporting. only $24,000 for two athletic trainers and three student-athlete trainers. If, for any reason, Border Therapy decided not to provide the services next year, it would cost the EPCC Athletic Department about $45,000 to get a trainer. Dr. Campos mentioned that the Athletic Department recruits student-athletes and tries to get them to graduate with an Associate Degree within two years. Then the students move on to attend school and play sports at four-year universities. Mr. Hinojosa mentioned that the EPCC Class Schedule gives the total tuition and how much help students can get for books. The total amount that a student may receive for books is $350; many books cost over $100. Mr. Hinojosa also stated there is a need to have a separate account within the Athletic Budget to cover any regional tournaments for which the teams qualify. Ms. Traffansted inquired about travel by the teams. Baseball and softball teams travel by charter bus, the cross country team travels in 15-passenger vans and then flies to the Cross Country Nationals and ½ Marathon Championship. Ms. Traffansted asked about the amount received by athletes for meals. Ms. Nuanes told her that they received $15 per day. Ms. Traffansted had a problem with that, she said, because all other departments in the college are getting $30 per day and flying rather than driving. Ms. Traffansted wanted to know why the Athletic Department was giving them so little to the students. Mr. Hinojosa informed her that there was not enough money in the Athletic budget to give them the $30 per day. Darcy Traffansted said she disagreed with the $.50 increase for Athletics in addition to the 5% tuition increase. Ms. Shaughnessy informed Ms. Traffansted that the $.50 per credit hour increase for Athletics needs to be considered separate from the other tuition increase. Ms. Traffansted understands the tuition has not been increased in three years, but feels that it is too much for the students all at one time. Ms. Shaughnessy informed the committee that this meeting was to present the increase and to see if they supported the increase. Ms. Traffansted asked Ms. Nuanes how this is affecting the student-athletes. Ms. Nuanes informed her that they are okay with it; they have learned how to budget themselves. Ms. Traffansted said that after hearing how these students travel by bus and only have $15 per day for meals, that she had changed her mind and now agrees to the proposed tuition increase and increase for Athletics. Ms. Traffansted said if the increase was approved she would like for the athletes to receive at least $20 to $25 per day for meals. Ms. Traffansted feels that these students are representing EPCC and they need financial the support. Mr. Hinojosa explained another consideration for this proposal involves arrangements for a trainer. Border Therapy Services currently charges EPCC Ms. Shaughnessy said that we have had a slight increase in enrollment which should help the Athletic Department; she also suggested the Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 16 Athletic Department could ask for help from the community. Dr. Campos indicated that Athletics has gotten help from the community. The softball fence was donated, as well as all the man-power to put it up. Dr. Campos told the committee members that it would be best to support the tuition proposal because it would allow some flexibility for the Athletic Department. Mr. Goski suggested the possibility of an increase of $.25 in the fall and $.25 in the spring could be considered. Discussion was held and it was decided to support the $.50 increase in the fall. meet the printing deadline for the schedules by the end of February. Ms. Traffansted requested a presentation be given to the Student Government Association regarding the proposed increase. Ms. Shaughnessy would like for our student-athletes to be a part of this presentation. The presentation will be take place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 3:30 p.m., Valle Verde Campus, room C-428 to enable all the student government senators, as well as some club members, to attend. All council voted and unanimously agreed to propose the $.50 tuition increase for Athletics. Ms. Shaughnessy will be presenting the proposed increase to the Tuition and Fees Committee and discussing it with Cabinet. Action must be taken to Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 17 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 October 3, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Daniel Gonzalez, Mr. Ken Gorski, Ms. Gabriela Ramos, Mr. John Summerford. Non-members Mr. Felix Hinojosa, Mr. Dana Eisenga and Ms. Claudia Del Hierro E. Building was donated for the Training room, which is located by the Baseball and Softball Field. They also got a building donated for the study hall, which will be utilized by our Athletic Sports. They have also donated 5 to 6 treatment tables, weights, and dumbbells. Ms. Shaughnessy stated that any donations should be on the board agenda for recognition. She also stated that the building needs to be recorded with Property Control and has asked for the Athletics Department to call Juan Flores to get the proper paperwork. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Yvette Chuca and Mr. Bob Cook A. Meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. Minutes were approved at 1:15 p.m. Athletic Director Report F. B. C. G. H. Old Business Missing class for games is always excused. Athletic Department has informed the faculty about the procedure for student-athlete missing classes. Ms. Josette Shaughnessy said they can go to the Districtwide meetings so that they can talk about the Procedure. Dr. Campos stated that this was a great idea. Cross Country Cross Country will be hosting the Regional Tournament at Three Hills Park. There will be about 60 runners attending this race that will be held on October 27. The start time will be at 9:00 a.m. The defending national championship is South Plains College. D. Financial Report Golf Fundraising account is off by $1,000. The total field cost for the turf was $921,700. $500,000 came from the Athletic Fund and $421,700 was funded from Auxiliary Fund. We need to repay this account. Athletics had $16,000 in the budget but this is not enough to pay every year. The fall revenue looks very good. Softball Softball will be putting a wooden fence. They will also be including flagstone seating, and lightning. Our softball player Megan Pumphrey had a GPA of 3.6 or better and received a Distinguish All-American. Samantha Padilla received All-Conference. Golf/Bowling Accounts Ten scholarships were given out this summer for the 2007 semester from this account. Baseball Baseball field has been built. They are in the process of building stadium bleachers and have baseball lights. First year team was Oscar Sigala and Daniel Gonzalez. Daniel received an honorable mention. Training Room Mr. Gorski had 18 architect students do a design for the Athletic Club house and training room between the baseball and softball field. Additional Update There will be a survey regarding the basketball that will be done with Ms. Arvis Jones. How much will it cost? How will the study body feel about bringing Basketball, since it is funded by student fees? The earliest time to add Basketball would be for the 20092010 school year. I. New Business Ms. Josette Shaughnessy was appointed as the Chair Person and Mr. Ken Gorski was appointed Co-Chair for the Athletic Advisory Committee. There will be a Fall Festival on October 31. Ms. Shaughnessy suggested that our athletes participate in the Miracle League and be part of the Angels. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 18 April 21, 2008 that he was not aware that this survey was coming up until he received it in his mailbox. Faculty was upset about this survey since they had not been notified and didn’t know why the Athletic Department wanted to bring in basketball. Dr. Campos stated that the recommendation came from Willie Cager who went directly to the board. Mr. Huerta asked the SGA President to put out a survey. This had nothing to do with Athletics. Mr. Gorski said that some students asked about soccer since we have a soccer field and not a basketball complex. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Daniel Gonzalez, Mr. Jose Maldonado, Mr. Ken Gorski, Ms. Hazel Silva, Ms. Yvette Chuca, Mr. Peter Felix and Mr. John Burch. Non-members present: Mr. Felix Hinojosa and Ms. Claudia Del Hierro MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Gabriela Ramos I. Meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. II. Minutes were approved at 1:15 p.m. III. Introductions: Peter Felix, owner of Viva Environmental, was introduced as the new community representative. IV. E. Training Room Update Due to our high winds, there was some damage to the training room. Ms. Shaughnessy asked if the Athletic Department had contacted Juan Flores to make sure the training room had been added to district property for insurance purposes. Mr. Hinojosa stated that he had contacted Juan Flores and Mr. Flores had said that he had contacted Mr. Nugent. They are currently waiting on a letter so that they can get it to the board for the approval. Board approval then would allow them to get these two buildings insured. Athletic Director Report A. Baseball Baseball team will possibly make it to the Regional Playoffs. They are still waiting for phases II and III to begin. They now have two cottages; one for a study hall and the other one for athletic trainers. B. Softball Mr. Hinojosa asked about increasing the $1.00 per credit hour to raise money for athletics. Ms. Shaughnessy said that before we can have an increase, it first needs to go to the Tuition and Fees Committee. The Athletic Fee is part of tuition. Once the committee is convened, Dr. Campos or Mr. Hinojosa should go to the Tuition and Fees committee to explain why the Athletic Department needs the increase. Softball will not make it to the play-offs. They will be ending their season next week. Coaches and players will be evaluated for the coming season. Softball has all their wood for the wooden fence that will be built in the Softball Complex. They are currently waiting on man power for this project. Currently, we are 4th or 5th in line before our fence gets built. C. Cross Country Daniel Gonzalez asked when restrooms and water fountains would be installed at the baseball and softball field. Dr. Campos said that water fountains should have been out there a year ago. John Burch said that SGA could possibly find some money to help with the restrooms and water fountains. Then Dr. Campos asked about shades being placed in the Baseball and Softball Field. SGA could come in to help with the shades for the field. Cross Country will be recruiting locally for the Fall 2008 Cross Country/½ Marathon season. They will be hosting a college meet that will benefit the high school and college community. Coach Hinojosa is coordinating with Clint Independent School District to host this event late October. D. Status on Basketball Update A survey was made asking students if they would accept an increase in tuition to have Basketball added. The results of the survey were 52% - no and 48% - yes. As of right now students are not willing to fund such project. Mr. Gorski stated that he didn’t have one positive response for this survey. He also said V. Financial Report Ms. Shaughnessy passed out the Athletic Department budget report. She talked about the loan that the Athletic Budget borrowed from the Auxiliary Fund to pay for the Baseball Turf. One way that the Athletic Department can pay for this is Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 19 to recommend to the president a tuition increase. An increase presentation should be made to SGA. For background purposes, Dr. Campos asked if students were told about the athletic fee they currently pay prior to the fee implementation? She also asked if it was presented as a temporary or permanent fee. She was informed that students were given a survey to assess whether or not they would accept the increase. The students supported the athletic fee increase on a permanent basis. John Burch would like a presentation on the proposed athletic fee increase to show how this increase will affect the students. Mr. Gorski asked if the funding for the turf included the bleachers and lights. Ms. Shaughnessy and Dr. Campos stated that bleachers and lights were not included; .those two items could not happen until there is additional funding. Mr. Hinojosa said Mr. Nugent is working on phase II and phase III. Difficulties with the Athletic Budget were discussed. At the current repayment rate, it will take 10 years to pay off the loan for the turf. The loan must be repaid before bleachers and lights can be purchased. The importance of finding a way to pay off the loan for the turf as soon as possible was stressed. John Birch asked to see if our teams have spoken to community reps to see if they can help with funding. VI. Felix was asked to explain at faculty development to faculty how the Athletic Department functions. This way they know about the role of the athlete and the role of the instructor are. Hazel Silva recommended that Felix contact Carina Ramirez so that Felix Hinojosa can address the Faculty Senate. They also suggested that a flyer be given to the division offices. VII. New Business Yvette Chuca asked why the Athletic Department had changed their colors. Mr. Hinojosa said no color was changed. He stated that the school colors were black/white. The only thing that they did was to add orange as an accent color. It is very hard to get teal on the uniforms, plus it is very expensive. Ms. Chuca said that the way the Tejano Tribune presented the color change made it seem that they had changed the school colors. VIII. Next Meeting The next meeting will be scheduled the second week of September. IX. Adjournment: 2:38 p.m. Old Business Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 20 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 January 11, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Tammie Campos, Ms. Josette Shaughnessy, Mr. Jose Maldonado, Ms. Ivette Chuca, Mr. Ken Gorski, Mr. Bob Cook, Mr. Anthony Martinez, and Ms. Gabriel Ramos. Non-members present Mr. Felix Hinojosa, Mr. Shannon Hunt, Ms. Amanda Gamboa and Mr. Dana Eisenga. ABSENT: Ms. Hazel Silva and Mr. Damian Tovar B. Scholarships – Dana Eisenga gave an update on the 2.25 GPA that each scholarship student must maintain. Members of the committee support the minimum 2.25 GPA. Information was given about the funds raised from the golf and bowling tournaments. C. Faculty development – The athletic department would prepare a faculty development class for the Fall 2007 semester. FINANCIAL REPORT: Josette Shaughnessy clarified the $3.00 per student and the $1.00 per credit hour student fee. NEW BUSINESS: A. Field project – Mr. Bob Cook received an update on the field improvements, turf, bleachers, clubhouse and lights. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 21 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 February 20, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Josette Shaughnessy, Jose Maldonado, Ivette Chuca, Manuel Velez, Joshua Cordova, Jennifer Contreras, Felix Hinojosa and Dana Eisenga (exofficio) D. ABSENT: Hazel Silva, Damian Tovar, Bob Cook WELCOME: Committee chair, Felix Hinojosa, welcome the committee members. FINANCIAL REPORT: Josette Shaughnessy gave an overview of the Department of Athletics budget. She stated that with the current $1.00 per hour fee that the athletics is within the budget establish by the EPCCCD. Other discussion involved the explaining of the budget and its components. The scholarship would be awarded to second-year student-athletes who can graduate after the summer semester. The student-athlete must have an overall athletic GPA of 3.00 or better; and the maximum award would not exceed nine hours. Those being eligible would be determined by the athletic office and the athletic counselor. The scholarship award would be submitted to the Financial Aid office or disbursement. ELIGIBILTY REPORT: Dana Eisenga gave an overview of the athletic eligibility and provided the eligibility forms for the 2005-2006 cross country, half marathon, and baseball and softball programs. NEW BUSINESS: A. Class attendance – The committee was informed of the District policy on authorized absences from class due to college sponsored activities. There are occasions when an instructor doesn’t know about this policy. It was recommended that this is a topic that could be discussion during Faculty Development. Also mention was the fact that this could be send via email to all instructors, except for part-time instructors. B. Student Athletic Academic Reports – The committee was informed that this was recommended by SACS. The reports were going out three times a semester, but now two times a semester. Reason was that the first report usually in the first part of September and February had very little response and was too early in the semester. The three faculty representatives were asked to convey the important of this report. The Athletic Department coaching staff deems these has very important and have on occasion suspended a student-athlete for poor academic performance. C. Lights and canopy for the baseball and softball fields. This was a topic of discussion submitted by the President of the Student Government Association. After discussion of the topic, Ms. Shaughnessy indicated that lights have been approved, but she would get back on this. The disbursement of the scholarship monies raised by the golf tournament and upcoming bowling tournament. At present there have been no scholarship awards from this account. Mr. Eisenga explains the rules established by the NJCAA pertaining to athletic scholarships, which he verified by telephone with the NJCAA for accuracy. After discussion, the committee has recommended that these funds to use to awarded athletic scholarships for the Summer Semester, IAW NJCAA guidelines. The recommendation is as follows: E. The EPCCCD web page. Discussion on this topic stated that 9 of 11 schools in the WJCAC have “Athletes” on their home page. The only schools that didn’t were Western Texas College and El Paso CC. The athlete department receives inquires on how to find the athletic site on the EPCC web page. It is easier for a potential student-athlete to find the athletics web site when the link is located on the “Home Page”. The committee has recommended that EPCC establish a link for athletics on its home page. OTHER BUSINESS: The discussion of GPA requirements for the award of athletic scholarship. EPCC established a policy that all studentathletes who receive an athletic scholarship must maintain an overall GPA of 2.00 or better per each full time semester in intervals of 12 hours per semester. This was established when the NJCAA had an eligibility GPA of 1.75. Starting with the 2005-2006 academic year, the NJCAA approved an increased to the eligibility GPA to 2.00. It was discussed by the committee to increase the athletic GPA to 2.25 for the award and maintaining the award for an athletic scholarship. The committee has recommended that the athletic policy be changed for the award of an athletic scholarship to 2.25. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. Z:/INTERCOLLEGATHLETICS MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/9/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 22