For College Procedure Committees INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 17, 2014 Valle Verde, B240 C. Members Present: Elizabeth Acosta, Luis Gabaldon, Dr. Christopher Kazanjian, Ricardo Lopez de Lara, Dean Gail Meagher, Dr. Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Janine Rudnick, Gale Kristin, Manuel Torres, Susan TruebloodSilva, Naomi Waissman V. I. Meeting called to order at 3 p.m. -- Blayne Primozich called the meeting to order II. Approval of minutes - minutes informally approved III. Introduction History of Start Right and Instructional Strategies Committee – Blayne A. General Discussion A. New Hire Expo this Fall 2014. New hirers did not receive a flash drive with general information. The flash drives are from VP Smith’s office. Feedback will be provided. Each new and continuing member introduced themselves IV. Instructional Strategies Committee Achievements- In May 1, 2014 minutes – The recent Alignment Summit at ASC and the development of a Faculty Warehouse via Lib Guide are recent achievements B. Possible Orientations for different groups of faculty 1. 3 to 4 committees 1. Entering Student – focus on increasing student contact with the college (ex: commercials, registration, admissions, etc…) 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. B. Instructional Strategies – focus on teaching, technology for student success. 4. Retention and early intervention before 30 h 5. Transition – completion after 30 h Steering Committees – Recommendation go to the Steering Committee which serves as a clearinghouse and sets priorities that are forwarded to the Leadership Team and then on to the Cabinet. Shift in approach to submitting many recommendations to submitting 1 or 2 fully developed recommendation to a steering committee 6. 7. Nursing School developed an orientation via a workshop to cover basic information. Positive feedback including from tenured faculty. Teachers for effective teaching group. They are preparing a video to be posted on the warehouse. For accreditation, show that all new faculty receive a similar orientation for documentation. Contact Dr. Linda Brown for orientation module used for Title V grant. When faculty transitions from contract to faculty, this group is overlooked and does not receive an orientation. For example, Banner training. Orientation workshops should be mandatory. Schedule during Faculty development, and regulate a day for new hirers. We need to find out who is scheduling workshops for new hirers. They also included benefits. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1 8. VI. 2. 3. 4. We will contact Celeste and Linda Brown about New Faculty Orientations. 5. Goals A. 6. Goal is to populate the online warehouse. Without advertisement the Warehouse is the 7th most watched EPCC Library Research Guide site. 1300 visits. People are using mobile devices. It takes 4 steps from EPCC home page; Current students, library, library research guides, and then faculty warehouse. B. Start Right Meeting on Oct. 20. 2 hours in approximate length C. Oct and Nov meetings will be set for Instructional Strategies F. 4. G. D. Suggestions- Cross training 2. Continue to compile survey results for Oct. 20. Discuss start points and implementation. 2. 3. 4. VII. Forward ideas through emails. Request more ideas. Focus on EPCC. Collect existing materials from different EPCC departments Warehouse is flexible with regard to uploaded materials. Kristin is in charge of populating the warehouse. Send materials to her. Kristin will summarize ideas 1. Proceed with suggestions from the Alignment Summit – There was a summit (refer to minutes). Prior to the summit surveys were collected from various departments, and compiled data presented. Developmental and credit course instructors were present. 1. Ideas from committee – Kristin 1. 2. 3. Our focus is on instructors to improve so that students succeed. Campus information Ice breakers Promote home grown information and videos. Tape faculty development workshops. Tape paid speakers. Insert into contracts that speakers will be paid. Requests to email her for questions before Oct. 20 Meetings will be scheduled at RG There is no review process for uploaded materials – Will need to develop one Examples: Need of an organizational chart, updated with current persons, budgets, scheduling available rooms at each campus Adjournment –4:10 p.m. Minutes Submitted by: Naomi Waissman E. Faculty warehouse includes; . 1. Texas bill Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 2 November 21, 2014 Rio Grande Campus Library Members Present: Elizabeth Acosta, Dean Dr. Eileen Conklin, Luis Gabaldon, Michael Gonzalez, Dr. Christopher Kazanjian, Maria Lopez, Dean Gail Meagher, Blayne Primozich, Gale Kristin Sanchez, Charles Simien, Naomi Waissman, Margarita Gonzalez C. V. Develop Action Plan Faculty Warehouse – under library resource guides A. Assign Topics 1. I. II. Meeting called to order at 2:30 p.m. – Kristin Sanchez called the meeting to order 2. Approval of minutes -- minutes approved unanimously III. Charge of the Instructional Strategies Committee – Develop recommendations that facilitate instruction to promote student success and retention IV. Alignment – align students coming from developmental education into credit courses, and find the gaps for preparedness. Surveys were given to faculty in different disciplines. A summit was held and faculty from credit and developmental courses discussed results of the survey. A. B. B. Missing - specific roles that pertain to faculty at EPCC One page to connect students to a program (funding) Departments to get information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Distance – Naomi Waissman Career Center – Christian Kazanjian Library – Kristin Sanchez Testing – Luis Gabaldon Tutoring – Margarita Gonzalez Honors – Naomi Waissman Service Learning – Naomi Waissman CSD – Maria Lopez Grants – Charles Simien Counseling – Gail Meagher Summit results are distributed to all at meeting today C. Universal Course Design -- Blayne distributed info Reviewed and Discussed Categorized Results D. Civitas Data -- Blayne distributed information E. Gates Foundation Segmentation Study -Blayne shared some of the results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Single Sign on Technology Student Preparation Reading Math Education 1300 Non-credit ESL Credit ESL Cross Training Resources: Labs and tutoring VI. Next Meeting: February 2015 (Date to be announced) VII. Adjourn Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 3 February 25, 2015 Rio Grande Campus Library b. Members Present: Elizabeth Acosta, Luis Gabaldon, Dr. Christopher Kazanjian, Maria Lopez, Dr. Sandra Padilla, Blayne Primozich, Janine Rudnick, Gale Kristin Sanchez, Charles Simien c. 3. Meeting called to order at 3:40 p.m. -- Kristin Sanchez called the meeting to order Inform faculty about these resources. a. I. Approval of minutes -- minutes approved unanimously II. Alignment of the Curriculum the next step b. A. Discussed the need to hold a Faculty Development Workshop in the Fall 1. Invite participants from the alignment summit to attend 2. Document any changes that have occurred because of these initiatives III. 2. Committee members have been sending resources to Kristin. She has updated the Warehouse with these additional sources. Communication students have been helping to create videos for adjunct faculty -Contact faculty regarding these videos Importance of Cross training 1. Instructors can help their students with what they will be expected to know. Incorporate any developments into the Student Learning Outcomes - Measure the retention and success rate. Faculty Warehouse A. B. Elizabeth Acosta will look at You Tube Channels Khan Academy is another good tool. Blackboard has a Resources area which includes “Reading for Science” – promote to the faculty B. Naomi Waissman may have developmental videos – contact her regarding these videos. Internet has numerous tools a. Janine Rudnick will look at Reading tools IV. Next Meeting: Late Spring V. Adjourn: 4:30 p.m. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 4 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE 2013-2014 MINUTES November 15, 2013 Rio Grande, E100E Attendees: Dr. Eileen Conklin, Michelle Conklin, Michael Coulehan, Gloria Estrada, Luis Gabaldon, Maria Lopez, Blayne Primozich, William Robnett, G. Kristin Sanchez, Martha E. Sanchez, Manuel Torres, Dr. Naomi Waissman November. Topics will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting. IV. Members Absent: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Margarita Gonzalez, Gail Meagher, Lucia Rodriguez, Terry Sealing, Susan Trueblood-Silva, Joel Villademoros This group presents Faculty Development Workshops on effective teaching strategies as well to assist new Instructors with transitioning into the community college environment. At this point the group has not filmed workshops that can be used as a module for faculty to view through the EPCC website. Discussion of the possibility of Educators for Effective Teaching to be videotaped during the 2014 Faculty Development Week Workshops, given that the presenters and participants agree to being taped. Mr. Fernandez will email the Committee on topics that the Educators for Effective Teaching have been working on that might be able to be used as a module. Call Meeting to Order: G. Kristin Sanchez called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. I. Welcome Introduction of committee members II. Update on the Instructional Strategies Standing Committee Charge G. Kristin explained the committee charge: “To make recommendations that will facilitate instruction which promotes student retention and student success.” III. V. Committee members will work on identifying topics that can be part of the Faculty Warehouse. Committee members were asked to email at least five topics to G. Kristin Sanchez before the end of Update on Developmental Educational Summit IRB approval has been given regarding the survey instrument. The survey will need to be given to several disciplines and then set a time for the developmental and credit disciplines to meet to discuss the outcomes. Communication needs to take place with the developmental education faculty regarding what they can do to help students be “ready” for credit classes. The survey questions need to be narrowed and disciplines identified to give the survey in Spring 2014. Update on the Faculty Warehouse The Faculty Warehouse would help Instructors transition into the classroom as a “one stop shop.” The EPCC Faculty Development Office Website would house and maintain the modules. Modules should be EPCC-based so that modules relate to EPCC faculty. Possibly ask “in-house” for modules that might already exist (ex. Curriculum Office, SLO’s). Modules will not be mandatory for EPCC faculty however, as an incentive, completion of modules can be placed on Workshop Transcript and/or Certificates given to those who complete modules. Update on Educators for Effective Teaching: Nicholas Fernandez (guest) VI. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 3:57 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Michelle Conklin, November 6, 2013 . Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 5 February 27, 2014 Rio Grande, E100E B. Members Present: Dr. Eileen Conklin, Michelle Conklin, Luis Gabaldon, Margarita Gonzalez, Maria Lopez, Gail Meagher, Blayne Primozich, Lucia Rodriguez, Janine Rudnick, G. Kristin Sanchez, Maria E. Sanchez, Susan Trueblood-Silva, Dr. Naomi Waissman G. Kristin Sanchez will compile the results from the alignment survey and results will be discussed on March 28, 2014 at the Developmental Education Summit. Committee members are encouraged to attend the Summit. Members Absent: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Michael Coulehan, Gloria Estrada, William Robnett, Terry Sealing, Manuel Torres IV. I. Faculty Warehouse A. Call Meeting to Order: Approval of Minutes Approved III. Topics G. Kristin Sanchez discussed the topic/categories that were suggested by committee members to be housed in the Faculty Warehouse which has been developed as an EPCC Lib Guide. If committee members want to add topics to the list they can e-mail G. Kristin Sanchez. G. Kristin Sanchez called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm II. Developmental Education Summit Alignment B. A. Videos Survey Videos can be inserted through the EPCC Lib Guide. Suggestions for videos were taping on-going Faculty Development Workshops, Teachership Academy and Webinars. Committee Members suggested that all “paid speakers” brought in to speak at a College event and/or workshop should be videotaped. An alignment survey was conducted for the History, Government and Biology disciplines. Another survey will be distributed among the English, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Nursing, Accounting and Math. G. Kristin Sanchez gave a brief overview of an alignment survey created through EPCC Lib Guides. Committee members gave input on possible question/qualifiers on the Alignment survey. G. Kristin Sanchez will make revisions to the alignment survey and then the survey will be submitted to the IRB. Once the alignment survey is approved, the survey will be sent to faculty. G. Kristin Sanchez will receive the results via email. V. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Minutes Submitted by: Michelle Conklin, February 28, 2014 Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 6 May 1, 2014 Rio Grande, E100E Members Present: Michelle Conklin, Michael Coulehan, Gloria Estrada, Gale Meagher, Blayne Primozich, William Robnett, Janine Rudnick, G. Kristin Sanchez, Martha Sanchez, Manuel Torres, Dr. Naomi Waissman IV. G. Kristin Sanchez has developed a Lib Guide based on the suggestions that the Instructional Strategies Committee have given/discussed this past academic year. There are still some areas that can be added and/or enhanced in the future. One thing to keep in mind is that not all faculty will have access to media on their office computers. It was suggested that outside presenters to be videotaped and then put on the Faculty Warehouse for faculty to view and receive Faculty Development credit for viewing the presentation(s). It was also suggested that EPCC faculty be informed about the Faculty Warehouse during Faculty Development Week. Members Absent: Angelina Arellanes-Nunez, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Luis Gabaldon, Margarita Gonzalez, Maria Lopez, Lucia Rodriguez, Terry Sealing, Susan Trueblood-Silva I. Call Meeting to Order: G. Kristin Sanchez called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. II. Faculty Warehouse Approval of Minutes V. Elections Approved III. By consensus, Dr. Naomi Waissman will be Secretary and G. Kristin Sanchez will be Chair beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year. Alignment Summit Survey Results: .The Alignment Summit Power Point will be sent to faculty. A total of 32 participants, 4 campuses’ and 11 disciplines were represented at the Alignment Summit. Mr. Primozich will summarize the comments made by the participants during the Alignment Summit. Suggestions included: Reviewing content of EDUC 1300 course and more importantly looking to see if students could be required to take EDUC 1300 their first semester at EPCC, having one email address, having one Learning Management System, and following-up from Alignment Summit to faculty that attended. These ideas for the Alignment Summit will try to be implemented Fall 2014. VI. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Minutes Submitted by: Michelle Conklin Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 7 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE 2012-2013 MINUTES October 18, 2012 Rio Grande, A121 working when during regular Faculty Development Workshops. Attendees; Gloria Estrada, Angelina Arellanes Nunez, Michael Coulehan, Naomi Waissman, Manny Torres, Michelle Conklin, Christina Sharp, and Jan Lockhart 3. I. II. Welcome and Introduction – The meeting began at 3:10 p.m. Members introduced themselves Assessment Measures: Quick Re-cap of Last Year’s Activities – Christie Sharp developed a summary table of recommendations that was distributed to all. The recommendations had also been sent to members to “vote” on the top two. The purpose of the meeting was to develop assessment measures for the two that were selected. The Faculty Training Module Recommendation received the most votes; there was a tie between the JStor Database Recommendation and the Developmental Education/Credit Summit. Members voted unanimously for the Developmental Education/Credit Summit. 1. The Task Force should develop a “presurvey” to identify needs and prioritize those needs that are identified. 2. Track number of views or “hits” to the videos 3. The Task Force should develop a Postsurvey gauging qualitative information (and quantitative) information about the videos 4. The Task Force should develop a continuous survey to identify needs and to prioritize those needs for future videos. 5. A self-test should be developed for each video (similar to the one used for “Sexual Harassment Workshops”) so that faculty viewing the videos can receive faculty development credit. III. Assessment Plan for Faculty Training Modules: The two recommendations that were selected were the Faculty Training Modules and the Developmental Ed/Credit Summit. A. Faculty Training Module – This entails developing video segments focusing on new faculty training with topics such as how to develop syllabi, how to set up a lab, how to develop effective time management techniques, how to handle discipline problems, etc. Two faculty modules were recommended for completion per each long semester (Fall and Spring). 1. 2. The Committee recommended that a Task Force be created to develop the Faculty Training Modules. This would include (1) developing surveys; (2) developing scripts; (3) recruiting faculty “actors”; (4) reviewing assessment modules and revising process as necessary. The Training Modules would be videotaped and posted online to make them accessible to adjunct faculty who may be The Modules should be available to all faculty. B. Dev. Ed./Credit Summit: The plan for this recommendation is to have a meeting to share the results of the Instructional Strategies Alignment Task Force. The Task Force surveyed the History, Government, and Biology Disciplines to find “gaps” between the skills set students have and the skills set they need to succeed in reading intensive courses. Discussion will follow to identify strategies to help close these “gaps.” Assessment Measures: 1. At least three strategies per discipline (History, Government, Biology, and Dev. Ed) should be developed at the summit that can be implemented within the academic year. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8 2. Each discipline should develop their measurements for success, i.e., percentage of retention increase, number of instructors implementing strategies, number of strategies implemented, etc. 3. The disciplines and Dev. Ed should meet again after the strategies have been implemented to share information. 4. IV. The Summit Participants should have the opportunity to develop additional strategies and to recommend the next three credit disciplines that should be involved in this “alignment” process. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 9 February 19, 2013 Rio Grande, A121 Members Present: Dr. Eileen Conklin, Michelle Conklin, Gloria Estrada, Luis Gabaldon, Gail Meagher, William Robnett, Gale Kristin Sanchez, and Naomi Waissman o Members Absent: Michael Coulehan, Margarita Gonzalez, Janet Lockhart, Angelina Nunez, Lucia Rodriguez, Martha Sanchez, Terry Sealing, Cristina Sharp, Susan Silva, Manuel Torres, and Joel Villademoros Need a “bridge” for development education students to advance to regular classes. Funding for the summit will be available, but it has been recommended that the committee survey more disciplines prior. Call Meeting to Order: Gap Example: Students have trouble writing answers on short answer and essay tests. Gloria Estrada called the meeting to order at 3:12. o Disciplines already surveyed include: Biology, Government, and History. I. Welcome II. Update on Recommended Proposals “Statway” was mentioned The Instructional Strategies Committee has been asked to begin working on the implementation of the top two recommended proposals submitted to leadership. The top two proposals include creating Faculty Training Modules and having a Developmental Education Summit. Need to start a workgroup to begin working on this recommendation. A. Would need to adjust the survey for the different disciplines for example to include charts, lab manuals, etc. as needed Faculty Training Modules B. o III. Members of the committee are asked to choose the workgroup they would like to help with: Faculty Training Modules or the Developmental Education Summit. Each recommendation needs to be broken down into workable tasks. The framework needs to be completed by Fall 2013. A committee is currently writing a minigrant to begin working on creating some faculty training modules. Michelle Conklin and G. Kristin Sanchez volunteered to work on the Faculty Training Modules. Bill Robnett and Naomi Waissman volunteered to work on the Developmental Education Summit. Developmental Education Summit Workgroup Assignments Need to start a workgroup to begin working on the modules. This would include training, breaking up the tasks, identifying the subject matter to be presented, working with IT to determine the technology needed, writing scripts, etc. The summit would bring together faculty from the disciplines that were surveyed along with the developmental education faculty to address the gaps identified in student’s skills. o o Gap Example: Vocabulary. Some students are eligible to enroll in Government, but their vocabulary level is too low. Gap Example: Students cannot read a chart in a math class. Luis Gabaldon will assist with either workgroup. Gloria Estrada will e-mail the committee members not in attendance and ask them to select a workgroup on which they will serve. IV. Election of new Chair and Secretary Members of the committee are asked to nominate someone for the positions of President and Secretary for the upcoming year. We can do this online. Just send the nominations to Gloria Estrada. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 10 V. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Minutes submitted by: G. Kristin Sanchez February 25, 2013 *** Minutes approved via e-mail 2/25/13 to 3/4/13 Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE 2011-2012 MINUTES September 21, 2011 Valle Verde C201 Members Present: Blayne Primovich, Naomi Waissman, G. Kristin Sanchez, Jan Lockhart, Bill Robnett, Steve Smith, Sue Selk, Lucia Rodriguez, Cristina Sharp, Enayatallah Kalantarian and Gloria Estrada Members Absent: Myshie Pagel, Susan Silva, Michael Coulehan, Martha Sanchez, Barbara Baird and Ernie Soto It is requested that this team make follow-up recommendations. o Provide the names of team members interested in implementation. Faculty Warehouse: Dedicated space that is digital/online that will provide “best practices” instructional tools for faculty. Call Meeting to Order: Gloria Estrada called the meeting to order at 3:30. Discussed that it would be beneficial to include the counselor’s Student Success workshops online as one of the tools in the warehouse. Welcome and Introductions: Faculty Mentoring: All members present introduced themselves. Charge for Standing Committee: The charge for the standing committee is to continue to make recommendations for each team area, but not to begin implementation. If standing committee members would like to continue with the implementation phase, they need to indicate that on the recommendation form. Recommendations were sent back to the Instructional Strategies committee for refinement. Alignment: The alignment team was charged with testing their model one more time with two disciplines or with writing/reading and another discipline (History and Government have already been tested against writing skills) Update on Steering Committee: Discussion: The recommendations from last year are currently under review. The Steering Committee has requested that the Instructional Strategies Committee continue to make recommendations in each of the team areas. o o o There is a form to be filled out by each team. If anyone is interested in the implementation phase for their team, include your name on the form. An administrator will contact you. Update on Standing Committee Recommendations: o This needs to be reviewed to address needs of students who are not computer literate or have different learning styles. Subcommittees: Alignment: Tasked with looking at common skills through different disciplines. Piloted: What writing skills needed in government and history? Steering committee states that we need one more test and then it will be completed. The recommendations from last year included: Learning Emporium: A learning emporium was recommended for writing and reading. In reference to emporiums, discussed that there is currently an unbalanced number of emporiums offered over the traditional face-to-face setting. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 12 Learning Communities: Ways at enhancing existing learning communities. Need to recruit students and get faculty involved. Clarify the role of the 3rd year peer review committee so that they can be more involved in mentoring. Need to ensure that adjunct faculty are also included. Continuing Education for Faculty (Faculty Warehouse): Recommendations include part time professional leave for faculty that was approved Incentives to go to conferences (Example: if you are teaching something new or would like to publish) Please select one of the teams and e-mail Gloria Estrada with your choice. Please e-mail her by next week. She will then send out a list of team members so that the teams can meet prior to the October meeting. Future Meetings and Locations: Universal Course Design: Design a course that would include all students – all students will be accommodated. People learn differently, so it will include hard copy and online options and a variety of teaching techniques. Core team from this committee was formed. Gave a faculty development presentation. They recommended it be implemented as this is occurring nationwide. ADA rules are involved for compliance. Any activities we plan to do, we must be able to assess it. Gates DEI money available to bring in an expert for a workshop. Should be approved Learning Emporium: Writing/Reading Emporium Irma Camacho is piloting a program in face to face courses. She will visit our committee to give us an update. It was decided that the meetings will be held at one centralized location. It was decided that the meetings will be held at the Rio Grande campus in either the library conference room or Queen Anne building conference room. Other Business: Next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 11th, at 3:30 p.m. in the Rio Grande Library Conference Room (E100E). Teams need to meet prior to the meeting on October 11th. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. G. Kristin Sanchez Secretary, Instructional Strategies Committee More research needs to be done on writing/reading emporiums Faculty Mentoring: This recommendation has been merged with Continuing Education for Faculty. Recommend that mentoring does not wait until 3rd year of tenure; it should begin in the first year. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 13 October 11, 2011 Rio Grande Library Conference Room Members Present: Michael Coulehan, Blayne Primozich, Naomi Waissman, G. Kristin Sanchez, Bill Robnett, Sue Selk, Lucia Rodriguez, Cristina Sharp, Enayatallah Kalantarian, Susan Silva and Gloria Estrada Members Absent: Myshie Pagel, Jan Lockhart, Steve Smith, Martha Sanchez, and Ernie Soto Update from Teams Learning Communities Coordinator position will be vacant. o Will need administrative support to continue. o Counselor enhancement is going forward. Recommended that learning communities be added to CCSSE survey. Review and Approval of Minutes Gloria Estrada called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Minutes were approved with corrections to member’s names. o Capturable data will be gained by added two or three learning communities to the survey. Alignment Team Update on Steering Committee: Next choice to survey will be Science Learning Emporium Task force is looking for space for writing and reading emporiums. o Discussed whether the math emporium could be used for the learning emporiums as well. Availability will need to be determined. o Discussed Computers on Wheels (COWs) Research component was not addressed. o Need to conduct research on other types of learning emporiums. o The Developmental Education Committee for English is currently doing some preliminary research on Learning Emporiums [update that came to us after our meeting. No model for learning emporiums. No learning emporium team is needed from this committee – the recommendations have already been sent forth. o Members wishing to serve on task force can give name to Gloria Estrada and she will forward the names to Dennis Brown who is naming Task Force Members. Faculty Warehouse o Permission obtained o Survey will be online Received and compiled data from History Will discuss the instrument and how it should be improved with the History Department in January 2012. Create an overview of each discipline o Enable developmental courses to help students be successful in regular courses o Instrument to show how the students flow from developmental to regular courses. Continuing Education Conference Incentives for faculty if they teach something new or would like to publish. Permission was granted for Part Time Faculty to take leave for a class. Faculty Mentoring Mentor faculty all the way through tenure o Create teams of tenured faculty to visit with tenure track faculty and check on their progress o Discussed beginning peer review process during first year. Recommendations have been received. o This is complete unless task force suggests more research. Members wishing to serve on task force submit names to Gloria Estrada. Adjunct faculty could be mentored as well Needed to provide a place for faculty to turn to for assistance. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 14 Webpage needs to be created to store resources/information Learning Committee team is currently on hold. o Teaching materials Assignment advice/ presentations/classroom management/ pacing Learning Emporium team can come up with implementation ideas and submit it to the task force or committee members can ask to be on the task force. Teachership Academy would be a good resource Instructional Strategies Committee will meet again in February 2012. Required workshops Other Business: o General Pedagogy Syllabus Building Continuing Education would like to revisit purchasing the JSTOR database collection. o Subject Specific Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:27 pm. Universal Course Design Syllabus format/design Future Meetings and Locations: Universal Course Design and Continuing Education/Faculty Mentoring teams will continue to meet and come up with recommendations. G. Kristin Sanchez Secretary/ Instructional Strategies Committee Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 15 February 8, 2012 Rio Grande Library Room E100E Members Present: Blayne Primozich, G. Kristin Sanchez, Jan Lockhart, Bill Robnett, Michael Coulehan, Susan Silva, Cristina Sharp, Myshie Pagel, and Gloria Estrada new faculty could then be required to attend or view one or two of the modules or workshops under each category. Some of the modules or workshops can be required and the others can be chosen depending on the instructor’s need. Members Absent: Martha Sanchez, Ernie Soto, Naomi Waissman, Steve Smith, Sue Selk, Lucia Rodriguez, and Enayatallah Kalantarian Monetary offerings (possibly from mini-grants) for faculty members developing modules and workshops was discussed. Call Meeting to Order: Start Right Committee approved the recommendation for forwarding to the Steering Committee. Gloria Estrada called the meeting to order at 3:30. Update on Standing Committee Recommendations: Faculty Mentoring Team The Faculty Mentoring Team met and came up with the following recommendations: Training Modules and Workshops This committee discussed the importance of helping new faculty (full-time and adjunct) adjust to teaching. New teachers do not always know the “basics” of teaching or classroom management. The committee recommends that face-to-face workshops and online modules be created and offered to faculty for instructional and class management supports. The online component is important to ensure that adjunct faculty have an opportunity to attend. Additionally, it was discussed that all faculty members could also benefit from the workshops and modules to help them keep up with new technology and teaching strategies. Developmental Ed/Credit Summit This committee discussed holding a summit between the Developmental Education and Credit instructors. At this summit we will share the results of the Alignment Surveys from the Instructional Strategies Alignment Team to discuss gaps identified, possible curriculum changes, etc… Alignment Survey test groups were from the high failure rate courses (Government, History, and Biology). It is the intention then that other disciplines will develop their own as well. An additional issue that needs to be considered includes: financial aid changes (cannot repeat as many courses because financial aid only covers 12 semesters). The goal is to get curriculum changes in disciplines to help address the gaps in students’ skills set that were identified in the Alignment surveys. Start Right Committee approved the recommendation for forwarding to the Steering Committee. JSTOR The role of the Teachership Academy was considered. It was discussed that the modules and workshops would be able to provide detailed strategies and supplemental instructional material that is not possible in the Teachership Academy due to time constraints. Suggested topics for workshops include enforcing a texting policy, teaching strategies, class management, pacing in a minimester, syllabus construction, pedagogical, as well as discipline specific topics (ex: setting up a lab), counselor workshops on strategies for teaching learning disabled and students with disabilities, and CSD workshops. Faculty member, Stacy Mayo, had worked on a similar project in the past. It is possible that the modules she created are still in place, so that these could be utilized as well. It was discussed that the modules and workshops could be grouped into categories such as: syllabus, text, administrative duties(grades, leave requests), policies, and procedures. The This committee discussed establishing a professional library for faculty continuing education. JSTOR is an online database containing scholarly articles. It was discussed that credit could be granted to faculty for accessing the scholarly articles/research. It was mentioned that all databases should be included for the granting of credit due to the fact that some databases are geared towards specific disciplines. It was discussed as to why this database is not already part of the databases owned and it was explained that the library’s needed additional funding to purchase and sustain a new database. Start Right Committee approved the recommendation for forwarding to the Steering Committee. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 16 find out what other like institutions are doing. Looking at dual education and credit and also solely credit learning communities. Would like to offer morning, afternoon, and evening. Alignment Team The Biology department is finishing their survey. Universal Course Design Team Future Meeting and Location: Team will have 2 recommendations to come forward. The next committee meeting will be held after Spring Break. Steering Committee: The recommendations from the teams will go forward to the steering committee and we will receive reports and updates from previous recommendations. G. Kristin Sanchez Secretary/ Instructional Strategies Committee February 15, 2012 Other Business: Task force for counselor enhanced learning communities has been formed. Have 6 or 7 committee members. Tasked to Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 17 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE 2010-2011 MINUTES September 8, 2010 Valle Verde C201 I. Sue Selk welcomed all returning members and Christina Sharp as the new leader of the Start Right Initiative. II. Minutes from spring 2010 were approved via email in May 2010. III. IV. Sue Selk will stay on as the chair this academic year, however the committee needs to elect a chair-elect to service in 2010/11 and then as chair in 2011/12. Susan Silva will continue as secretary. Enayat Kalantarian and Gloria Estrada expressed interest in this position. Clarification as to terms of service to the committee needs to be made and so this item was tabled until the October meeting. Silva to address this issue. We would like to invite Daryl to the committee meeting in October to understand the limitations (if any) of Banner. C. Mentoring – There has been a new committee set up and charged with this particular item. Its duty on this committee is under question. D. Continuing Education for Faculty – Joel Villdemoros reported that the Professional Development had changed the procedure for short-term leave. It is now possible for faculty to receive a reduced course load and take a class at the university. Proposals for a series of workshops to be offered to staff and faculty could come from this start right committee. Such courses could be presented in 5 or six workshops throughout the semester or academic year (i.e. using technology in the classroom) with the payoff being that the faculty are sent then to a conference to present and represent EPCC. E. Universal Design met and decided to ramp up the efforts by showcasing the work already done by the faculty at a meeting next month. Faculty are to bring examples of what they have done since the workshop presentation in the spring 2010. Team Reports A. Alignment – Blayne Primozich reported that a survey had been completed by some of the fulltime Government faculty and that data was being compiled. The committee should have data and a model this academic year for other disciplines to follow. B. Learning Communities – A summit is being proposed along with DEDP grant enhancement to the current LC program. Any expansion needs to be proceeded by supportive infrastructure that facilitate student enrollment rather than block it. A meeting with Daryl Hendry is proposed for Sue Selk and Susan Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 18 October 8, 2010 Transmountain C201 Members: Maria del Socorro Arteaga, Barbara Baird, Gloria Estrada, Roselia Galindo, Jan Lockhart, Myshie Pagel (VV), Blayne Primozich, Sue Selk (Chair), Cristina Sharp, Susan Silva, Joel Villademoros, Enayat Kalantarian, Luis Retana, Oscar Velasquez, Alberto Villegas. Sue Selk welcomed all members October minutes approved with addition of members present and correction to Cristie Sharp’s title (Coordinator, not Leader). Steering Committee Report – Sue Selk reported that the recommendations and discoveries that were made by our committee have been put into a chart by Cristie Sharp. At the November meeting we will see that chart and have some follow up about what is happening with the recommendations. Recommendations can come from: Student Success Core Team, DE Council, or any of our committees on Start Right. The recommendations may appeal to DEI Grant money if it is related to Developmental Education. The teams need to continue to make recommendations. Gloria is due to rotate off the committee, however she will be re-appointed so that she may serve as Chair-Elect. Learning Emporiums are something that this committee can research and make recommendations about. A draft of the team lists was passed out and correction were made. Sue will modify and send out to all. Alignment Committee – Blayne brought the results of the Government discipline survey (copy attached). Subcommittee might meet to notice commonalities and discuss further with the Government discipline. Need to have common questions model for other disciplines. Learning Communities – a presentation was made to show the process of registration and the outcome of the meeting with Daryl Hendry. Right now nothing can be done about the process of registration. UTEP may have ideas. Learning Communities needs to look into running an article in the school newspaper and developing an insert for advertising in the paper which is published every two weeks. Continuing Education for Faculty – Maricopa has had a virtual faculty development that may be explored. Perhaps we can develop a “warehouse” of ideas on line. Mentoring – Staff and Faculty – There are volunteers to mentor faculty, but no faculty to be mentored. The buy in was discussed. Perhaps there can be a banquet or other such offering for those participating. Universal Design – Will begin sharing ideas for presentation of material to students, assignments, syllabi adaptions and other notions to include this theory in all aspects of courses. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 19 November 3, 2010 Northwest Campus mentor or mentee. Many institutions have an entire department devoted to mentoring. Members Present: Roselia Galindo, Enayat Kalantarian, Jan Lockhart, , Myshie Pagel, Blayne Primozich, , Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Joel Villademoros, Lucia Rodriguez, Cristina Sharp, Oscar Velasquez, Alberto Villegas • EPCC has no-mentoring program. • Stacy Mayo has tried to get a mentoring program going. I. Meeting called to order 3:30 II. October minutes approved with corrections III. Steering committee report from Sue Selk • Perhaps mentoring could be tied to the Tenure Process. A. Recommendations • B. Alignment - The committee didn't meeting October, but has the results of the Government response. Committee is due to meeting to discuss surveying the History discipline with the same model questions and then progressing in the New Year with editing or modifying the survey questions as deemed needed. IV. Team Reports A. Alignment - as stated in III.b. B. Learning Communities: Recommendation needs to be made to streamline the registration process. Daryl Hendry shared with Sue Selk and Susan Silva during their meeting last month that the Banner system is being updated and so then perhaps the system for registering for a Learning Community can be modified to eliminate the "error" message of the "co-requisite" and replaced with a "pop-up" YOU HAVE REGISTERED FOR ONE-HALF OF A LEARNING COMMUNITY. YOU MUST REGISTER FOR ITS PARTNER CLASS AS WELL. C. Mentoring: • Teachership Academy is still going on and that may be seen as a "mentoring" program of sorts. • For Faculty/Staff/Administrator mentoring there are 40 Volunteers. • Research into other institutions found that most like institutions have a mentoring program with pay or incentive to be a Could bring back the Master Teacher program with groups of colleagues in your classroom to watch you several times a semester and then report out at meetings involving only the participant. Program should include adjunct, lecturers, tenuretrack instructors and tenured instructors. There should be an incentive. • Perhaps also mentoring could include in its tenure-track progress an annual review from peers. In this way any concerns could be headed off long before the 3rd year review. • The Mini-Grants from Professional Development could apply to different groups of instructors wishing to start a profession mentor/review group every semester. Different groups would reapply for the grant every semester. • As a college we also need to begin a "warehouse of best practices" accessible through the EPCC website. Lesson plans, guidance, advice. • JStore data of professional academic journals could be used for Reading Group materials. Could be used for a trial period for free. UTEP has JStore and we have a partnership with UTEP. Perhaps we could use the University's account. Next meeting first Wednesday in February 2011. SubCommittees were invited to meeting separate from the whole committee during the interim. Adjourn 5:05 p.m. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 20 February 16, 2011 Valle Verde Campus recommendations. TractDat may be the place to collect those recommendations. The SACS report will include those recommendations if it is tracked on TractDat. We are shifting IE Committee to Strategic Planning in areas other than Program Review. Members Present: Enayat Kalantarian, Cristina Sharp, Myshie Pagel, Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Barbara Baird, Roselia Galindo, Oscar Velasquez, Blayne Primozich I. Meeting called to order 3:30 II. November minutes approved with correction (Gloria and Oscar) III. The next Steering Committee will meet in March and Sue will report back to us at that time. We need to recommend that we survey the faculty to ask if they would like to reinstitute a Faculty Mentoring. Faculty should be surveyed at the Faculty Retreat. Maybe it could be handled through Faculty Development instead from this committee. As a committee perhaps we could start considering letting go of some of our charges, maybe in the form of recommendation. Should the people who generate the ideas also be on the "task force?" Place on the agenda of the Steering Committee what is the "job" of the individual committees? Recommendations only IV. D. Team Reports A. Alignment -- The History discipline has been given the survey. When we receive those surveys back, we will categorize and rank those answers. Blayne is trying to create a flow chart. Shirley Gilbert would like to see anything the committee has come up with or worked on. Susan will email Albert Burnham to request that the History discipline continue to turn those into Blayne or another committee member. B. Learning Communities -- Planning a visit from Skagit Valley's Maureen Pettit with potential dates in March to meet with faculty, data people, administration, DE Council, counselors, registration. Administration dinner. C. Faculty/Staff Mentoring – Joel needs support to restart a faculty/faculty mentoring system. We are unclear whether we are to recommend the survey (attached) or whether we actually try to do the survey. Blayne will pitch to the IT Committee to pay for the access price for academic journals. V. Blayne suggestions: What happens to all the recommendations? In a 3 year cycle - a unit administrator must address those Continuing Education for Faculty – One of the BLC presenter advised Sue to go the Honolulu site. We could create our own. Sharepoint could be used as a webpage. Myshie will do some research to find a more user-friendly format than Sharepoint. Gloria might have a solution with what they use with the dual credit supplemental reader. Blackboard might be an available venue. We might be able to set up a "dummy" page for the recommendation. "Warehouse." E. Universal Course Design - F. Learning Emporiums – Recommendations: Institution should explore Learning Emporium in areas other than Math, in a variety of different delivery methods. There are other models: Buffet, FlexMode. Disciplines need to become informed. Need a clarification from Dr. Brown about whether he expects to see recommendations Other Business: Sue will send the template for the recommendation form and the members of our smaller committees All committees will bring a draft of recommendations from their areas. Next meeting April 6, 2011 3:30 p.m. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 21 April 6, 2011 Valle Verde Campus Members Present: Enayat Kalantarian, Cristina Sharp, Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Oscar Velasquez, Blayne Primozich, & Alberto Villegas stakeholder. Under Resources: give examples of incentives: conference participation. Learning Community: recommendations should include an English class pairing instead of EDUC 1300 since the counselor who would work with the LC would teach several of the EDUC 1300 subjects. Also that would include another discipline and perhaps be appealing to DEI money. Meeting called to order 3:33 Minutes postponed for quorum Sue began the meeting by telling us that our recommendation can be going to places other than the Core Team. The other teams of the Start Right Committee have asterisks that relate to DEI grant and therefore, must be done. There is not a prioritizing of recommendations Alignment: 1-3 is what the committee has done. 4-8 is the process after the survey. The instrument might be transferred to some other committee to continue the work. The Content instructors should probably be given the objectives for the DE courses prior to the meeting that should be held between DE instructors and content instructors. Began discussion with Recommendations: Electronic Warehouse – contact stakeholders before submitting Learning Emporiums: Using space that is already designated for Math Emporium. can provide information and guidance to other disciplines on emporium model. Mentoring: State that it will be done, not explored; faculty including pre and post tenured and adjunct. Could become part of the Warehouse electronic accessible. Add IT to the Meeting adjured at 5:05 Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 22 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES COMMITTEE 2009-2010 MINUTES February 3, 2010 Little Temple, RG Members Present: Blanca Campa, Yvette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Gloria Estrada, Angela Fortaleza, Roselia Galindo, Eugenio Galindro, Enayat Kalantarian, Jan Lockhart, Alexis Medina, Myshie Pagel, Blayne Primozich, Lucia Rodriguez, Martha Sanchez, Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Steve Smith, Oscar Velasquez, Joel Villademoros, and Alberto Villegas Meeting called to order at 3:30 Welcome: Susan Silva secretary November Minutes were approved with correction to Eugenio’s first name, and with spelling correction of the word ACCUPLACER Steering Committee Report from Sue Selk: Steering Committee is to meet after this committee. Recommendation was sent to have Universal Design person brought in from Boston and present a workshop and at Teachership Academy. Key note speaker from the General Session will be meeting with Shirley Gilbert to help with an EPCC survey. Clarification of Alignment as a priority for the Strategies Committee. Team Reports: Universal Design: Jan Lockhart reported that Project Shift is a project this summer where Jan and a faculty member would be trained in Denver and then implement UD in classes as part of a 2 year program. Jan is looking for a faculty member volunteer. Faculty-Staff Administration Mentoring Program: Committee met via email. There is a program at Valle Verde that was developed and implemented by Sandra LujanGutierrez of Early Alert. Clarification of the charge for this subcommittee is needed. Learning Communities: There was a workshop hosted by Myshie Pagel, Rose Galindo, Blanca Campa and Susan Silva during January 2010 Faculty Development week in which Learning Communities were defined and discussed. The workshop had very limited attendances. Several faculty members of current LC attend the workshop and a few new to LCs. A discussion of promotion and problems for LC followed where several suggestions were made regarding the registration using one CRN, advertising and advising students using a web page, workshops, kiosks advertisements, posters, and New Student Orientation. Instructors are paid a stipend for developing, delivering and assessing a Learning Communities for only 2 semesters, even though the work for LCs is on going very semester they are offered. Some deans have not been wholly supportive of LCs. Counselors are helping quite a bit at the Valle Verde to boost enrollment. Learning Emporiums: Information was passed around about how the Math Discipline researched and implemented Math Emporiums with the help of through the Nation Center for Academic Transformation. Emporiums exist on all campuses. The challenges continue to be space. TM is using the cafeteria until space is available (projected by Fall 2010). Funded by Gate Foundation grant. Other disciplines can contact NCAT for help and information. Meeting adjourned 5:03 Continuing Education and Graduate Course: Did not meet. Alignment: Agreed to meet Feb 16th to begin a design (preparation and plan for a model between Government and Reading) Committee will be requesting data of 10 courses with the lowest passing rate and highest enrollment. Steve Smith suggested calling Dr. Kay to request data that was presented at a discussion about the 3Peat rule. Sue Selk will call Lucy for advice on what the larger Alignment Committee will expect. Next Meeting March 3, 2010 at Northwest Campus Respectfully submitted by S. Silva Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 23 March 3, 2010 NW, M48 Members Present: Blanca Campa, , Michael Coulehan, Roselia Galindo, Enayat Kalantarian, Jan Lockhart, Myshie Pagel, Blayne Primozich, Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Steve Smith, Joel Villademoros, and Tracy Von Maluski Members absent: Yvette Chuca, Gloria Estrada, Angela Fortaleza, Alexis Medina, Eugenio Galindro, Lucia Rodriguez, Martha Sanchez, Oscar Velasquez, Alberto Villegas, Barbara Yancy-Tooks considered an additional prep. Develop a focus group, develop a survey, recommend training, marketing, budget needs to be expanded. AtD has several Community Colleges that have made it mandatory for all freshmen take a LC they would have data. Release day to collaborate. MRDC Research – Kingston. Compensation is only one aspect to be considered. Support District-wide – Consistent Institutional Support. Another consideration - Baltimore has a cap of 20 students– those students are more likely to stay and complete their degrees or field of study and therefore, the college makes more money from those students. Meeting called to order at 3:30 Faculty Staff Admin Mentoring Program Welcome: Sue Selk February minutes were approved with correction to National Steering Committee report: Clarification was made at the steering committee meeting in February that recommendations need to be brought forward. Alignment is our * assignment. Alignment: Rose will be going to the NADE Alignment workshop and then will bring back that information to the Alignment committee. No one outside of our team is looking at the link between DE and Credit courses. Government and Reading will develop 2 or 3 questions to be submitted to Gov’t instructors about students' abilities. The Alignment committee is instructed to start a process, report to Shirley, and develop the model to align curricula between DE courses and credit courses. Defining alignment is using data from the Content courses back to the DE course to see what skills or abilities students need in order be successful in the content classes. (i.e. – how to read and evaluate a website) Learning Emporium Models: Progress report – Space continues to be an issue. Michael Coulehan is developing a sped up READ 0109 class for student who place at the upper end of the development Reading scale of the ACCUPLACER. They will be assessed for weakness and put on a computer program plan to remediate. Learning Emporiums differ from hybrid course because the primary instructor is the computer system. We are definitely interested in pursuing LE. The diagnostic component is key. First Year Experience in Canada where they discussed Student Peer Mentoring - paid Universal Course Design: project. There must be training to be a mentor, so maybe it works better at a 4 year institution. Universal Design – requested Kirsten Behling will be coming to EPCC. She has data, but is just finishing their 1st year. April 22nd in PM and 23rd in the AM - she’ll be here to present a 3 hour workshops at the auditorium at ASC on Universal Course Design. Keri Moe and Janine will work to advertise. She will teach us how to develop teams so that when we walk into room and see things that are not compliant we can bring recommendation forward. Goal: To make our institution a UCD institution. Chairs in our classroom for heavier students is one example. Continuing Education & Graduate Courses: Look at data of instructors that have high retention and success. Look what they are doing that is right. Common Elements? Faculty may be approached and asked why they are so successful or why students are successful in their classes Faculty Development has a short and long term leave. Short term: not for a few weeks, it should be one course or two; release to take a graduate course or semester long training. The PD budget reimbursement is perhaps misunderstood by faculty. Recommend the definition of short term leave be disseminated. Could this account for a Learning Community leave; Mini Grant are also available. Meeting adjourn 5:00 p.m. Learning Communities: On-line concerns. Alternative Learning Communities as Joel suggested in February. UTEP pays every time $500, 4 course preparations –LC should be Next meeting April 7, 2010. Place to be announced. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 24 April 7, 2010 Valle Verde B170 Members Present: Blanca Campa, Michael Coulehan, Roselia Galindo, Enayat Kalantarian, Jan Lockhart, Myshie Pagel, Blayne Primozich, Sue Selk, Susan Silva, Barbara Yancy-Tooks Joel Villademoros, and Tracy Von Maluski Members absent: Yvette Chuca, Gloria Estrada, Angela Fortaleza, Alexis Medina, Eugenio Galindro, Lucia Rodriguez, Martha Sanchez, Oscar Velasquez, Alberto Villegas, Steve Smith that the full-time Govt instructors provide. This questionnaire will be sent to the adjunct instructors also. Focus is on the model with common themes for content courses. Still need data of the highest failure rate credit courses. Learning Community: How can we evaluate? Tracy's suggestion is to measure only semester to semester. Myshie suggestion is that we grow the program, measure that and track students to 30 hours. Universal Course Design: Need attendance at the Kirsten Behling workshop on April 22, 2010 and April 23, 2010. Need to modify the evaluation to be more comprehensive for that particular workshop. Meeting called to order: 3:30 p.m. Approval of March minutes Last Official meeting of the semester Steering Committee Report: Sue Selk reported that the Steer Committee met. Cynthia Ferrell was here this week from - Texas Association of Community Colleges. Contextualization – integrating content courses – Instructors are given lesson plans that help. UTEP has contextualization lessons. Anything with developmental intentions should be sent to Shirley Gilbert. Houston CC is the only other college that has an Alignment. Having conversation with other college that are doing the same things. There have actually been two Steering Committee meetings NSO. We sent in our LC NSO recommendation to Arvis Timetable: Fall 2011 Resources Required: adequate advertisement and marketing budget for LC with New First Year Students, LC Program, Academic Advisors, Tracy has been contacted. The changes will be made and the form will be sent to all committee member for approval. Dissemination of information within the 3 Start Right committees to share information and not overlap work. Tracy asked who would be interested in attending an information meeting. Myshie suggested a fall 2010 meeting as an annual update during Faculty Development week. Blayne reminded us that we might want to have liaisons between committees. Tracy volunteered to be that liaison since he is going to all the committee meetings. Alignment: Blayne Primovich reported that the committee met and will develop a model for all other developmental disciplines to use for alignment to credit course disciplines. Government to Reading and English is what the subcommittee is working on now. They have developed questions for the Government instructors to answer and then the DE disciplines involved will work with the information Professional Development Committee: The way the short term leave policy was misinterpreted, the faculty is not utilizing it fully now. Perhaps re-interpret the "short-term" leave. So then taking a graduate course or attending a two week seminar could be interpreted as short-term leave. Perhaps there is a topic or course available at NMSU and UTEP that staff development could facilitate offering for Staff Development week by offering it to EPCC professors. Faculty Staff Administration Mentoring Program: Who is the chair – Oscar researched the student mentoring program. Have student government participant and conduct NSOs. This ties into students Ambassador program. It is a concern of some programs that they are so small that they couldn't possibly be mentors to all the students in their program. In those programs, they could use peer mentors instead of Ambassadors. They must be paid or compensated somehow. Most of the universities have a paid program and have a separate department. We need that to be our recommendations. Lucia, Martha, Yvette and Oscar. Maybe the committee can meet in the summer and make recommendations. Leadership for next year: Chair and chair-elect structure for next year was suggested. Sue would be willing to stay chair next year, but feels we should have a chair-elect to take over in 2011. Tracy reminded people they are serving 1, 2, and 3 years. The leadership has stated that the Start Right committees are too big and we need to decide who's on and off. Should the 1 year members simply rotate off? We need representatives from certain areas. Jan CERP is approved as a standing committee. These are the people who will come into your classroom for counseling after a crisis. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Z:/INSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIESCOMMITTEE MINUTES(COMBINED) 10/8/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 25